#new holders
sizzleissues · 1 year
First contact (Origins)
(Twenty years after the miraculous were retired, a new bad guy is back in town. Some one has to stop him)
(2876 words)
The car ride was a little tenser than Emma would have liked on her birthday. A girl only turned sixteen once, she deserved her familys’ full attention and for her mom not to be whisper-shouting at her dad about accepting a call.
“It’s been sixteen years since we talked properly and twenty one years since I’ve seen her! She can’t just show up again.”
“They're all back in Paris. They want to make up for lost time.” Her dad tried to soothe. Her mom, Marinette, the scariest spoon of sugar in Paris, shook her head furiously.
“She didn’t even try to talk to me after the accident.”
“Mari, please. Just give her a shot.”
Marinette’s hand flexed over the accept call button on the car's dashboard for a moment before she pressed yes, making her voice light and cheery as the caller gasped on the other end.
“Hey! You answered. I mean of course you answered, how are you?” She was speaking french, fluently and with a fast joy but there was new hesitancy from years of dormancy. Emma couldn’t believe she was hearing the voice that had only ever existed on a voicemail she was not to tell mom about. 
“Hi, Alya. I’m doing well. You’ve landed, how is it?”
“Oh yeah, yeah. Nothing’s changed. We’re just waiting for a taxi.”
“We have space. We could swing by on our way to the roller rink.” Her dad said, earning a glare from her mom. Adrien ignored it and continued. “It won’t be a problem.”
“Really?” Alya asked.
“Yeah, really?” Marinette said.
“Yup. Look I see you know.” Emma saw his smile in the rear view mirror, that mischievous glint to his eyes as he definitely planned their route to pass by. When it came to her mom’s old friends, he was always scheming to get them to talk. Outside, a little apart from the other families waiting at the taxi bay, Alya, Nino and their kid stood waiting. 
It was a little annoying that her birthday had been hijacked by the dramatic return of the Lahiffe family. At least she might learn why it was so dramatic. All she knew was they left at nineteen, going back to Alya’s family and things were great for five years until her mom suffered an accident and lost parts of her memory. Then she refused to explain why this meant they could no longer talk. Or even what the accident was. 
The car pulled in and her dad got out to greet them. He motioned to Emma to move into the back of the family car and make room for the Lahiffes. Marinette took a minute to sort out the scowl on her face, smoothing down her shirt as the families’ luggage was loaded into the back. The door beside Emma opened and the Lahiffes’s very pretty daughter stared at her. Her appearance was expectedly messy from an eight hour flight, hair escaping her top knot and her baby curls no longer so neatly gelled down. She wore chunky black glasses and a mathlete team sweater that was a size or two too big. Her fingers slipped out the long sleeves to give her a little wave and smile that had her heart stuttering. 
“Hi.” She choked out. “I’m Emma.”
“Florence, or Flo. And I can speak French.” Her accent was adorable, French sounding as natural as English on her tongue. Emma smiled instead of answering, not trusting her voice wouldn’t break again. Her flustered blunder had been mistakenly read as hesitant English, which she spoke fluently with her cousins in England nearly every second day. 
“I’ll just move into the back.” Emma unstrapped herself and twisted around to pull the seat down. The three seats at the back were a little trickier to access and she tried to move as effortlessly as possible, already conscious of Flo’s eyes on her back. She slid in and Flo climbed in after, pulling the seat in front of them back up so her parents could get in next. 
The door shut and the immediate silence was awkward. For the four people in front, it was the first time being in the same country, let alone the same room, in twenty years. 
Emma tapped on her thighs, waiting for someone to break the quiet. When no one did she took it upon herself. 
“So this is mighty awkward.”
“Emma!” Her mom chided.
“You are not allowed to be awkward on my birthday.” Emma continued. 
“It's your birthday?” Alya asked, turning around to face her. “I’m so sorry, are we interrupting?”
“Well, yeah. But I don’t mind.”
“How old are you?” Flo asked. Emma paused for a moment to congratulate herself on successfully starting a conversation between the adults about boring adult stuff.
“Just turned 16. So older than you.”
“How do you know that?”
“I-.” Right, knowing that seems stalkerish. Which she wasn’t! “I follow your instagram. You celebrated your fifteenth like six months ago. Which I only remember because you went to a Kitty Section show and I always wanted to go-. I’m going to shut up now.”
Flo giggled, her cheeks shaped like apples, dimpled at either side of a wide smile. Emma wanted to burn the image of her smile in her brain. 
“No, it's fine. I also follow your insta, you’re like an award winning roller derby player?”
Emma blushed, burying her face in her hands. “Oh, god. Please don’t tell me you saw the pictures.”
“What's wrong with them?”
“My face is smashed in for one.”
“But you’re so proud of yourself in them. And the reels of you skating!- They’re mesmerizing.” Emma could believe she was watching them right then by how her eyes glowed.
“Oh god stop. You’re being too nice. You’re the impressive one. A genius and an athlete. Haven’t you literally run like five marathons?”
“I wouldn’t say I’m a genius. If it isn’t math I’m completely lost.” She laughed, her turn to go shy and hide her face. “I haven’t run in a while either. Moving has made it difficult, ya know.”
Emma didn’t really know. She’d lived in Paris her entire life and was slightly jealous of those who lived elsewhere. Paris was haunted nowadays even if the adults all seemed determined to show just how much the city had progressed. The summer she’d spent in London had been so strange because that shadow of the miraculous was absent. She wondered if Flo felt it, she knew Alya and Nino did now they were back. Her dad dealt with it by engaging in nostalgia. Weirdly, her mom was the only adult she knew who didn’t bear the weight of the miraculous.
“I’m sure you’ll get back into it.”
They dropped off the Lahiffes and made it to the roller rink just ten minutes after her party was supposed to start. A new record, all things considered. 
She couldn’t say she had a lot of friends to come to her party, cursing herself for not asking Flo to join when she had the chance. The Couffaine cousins, Clover and Léon, were friends since childhood and she’d been pretty much unsuccessful at making friends in school apart from Jules who came as a package deal on her first day. They’d walked up to her on their first day, said ‘hi’ and then refused to leave her side since.
She’d chosen a rink with an 80s theme, the lights refusing to be anything other than neon and the decor a navy that let the brightly coloured skates and disco rink be like a beacon at the centre. Jules had suggested going all out in retro wear, and they were immediately visible in their neon green leotard and black leggings, fuzzy pink sweatbands around their wrists and ankles. They’d fluffed up their short hair to impossible heights, making them look like a maniac dance instructor who’d escaped the 80s with a vengeance. 
They ran up to her, arms flailing at their sides until they met in the middle and hugged her with a consistently surprising level of strength.
“Dude, new record.” Jules said, breaking the hug to fist bump her. “Clo, owes me a euro.”
“I told you to stop betting on me.”
“You make it easy. You are too predictable.” They took her hand and led her away from her parents. “Loving the outfit. Clover refused to wear something cool as usual.”
Emma smirked, seeing the cousins hanging by the rink. Clover wore her usual black hoodie and shorts combo and Léon shone in a teal flared jumpsuit. Emma wore a loose fitting white t-shirt and a matching pink sports bra and leggings. Her hair was done up in an asymmetric pony tail and frizzed to a ridiculous volume.
“So you are all insane then.” Clover said as they joined them. 
“You’re just boring Clo.” Jules teased. Clover rolled her eyes, walking away from them. “Where are you going?”
“To get roller skates? Your clinginess is frankly ridiculous.” Clover kept walking as Jules caught up to her. 
“So.” Léon started, the quietest of the friend group. “Bets that they’re together by summer’s end.”
Emma slapped him away, watching as her two friends walked side by side, arms just brushing. “Stop it with the betting. And they won’t get together until the last day of collegé because they both are too stubborn,” she added.
“That’ll be hellish for us, won’t it?”
Clover returned without Jules, shrugging when they asked where they were. “They got a phone call.”
Léon accepted that but Emma sensed something a little more in it. Clover looked a little nervous about it but it could also be the fact they were going skating. They got their skates on (Emma’s were her own while the others rented) and got out onto the rink just in time for disco hour. The music pumped through speakers at all ends of the room and the rink was flooded with people trying their best to dance while skating. She caught a glimpse of her parents struggling hand in hand to skate down the full length. Others organised a conga line which quickly collapsed when a stray kid rammed into it.
She kept beside Clover, waiting for Jules to come back before she left her alone. Léon was already out in the centre, thrusting and twirling for all to see.
“I’m worried about Jules. They aren’t back yet.”
“They said not to wait on them. Go skate, I’ll be fine.”
Emma let go of her and Clover wobbled in a definitely not fine way but forced a smile, shooing her away. It was difficult getting into it at first, her thoughts still on Jules but soon she was weaving through the crowd toward Léon. They linked up and danced along, showing off the moves they’d been practising all summer.
She’d nearly forgotten completely about Jules when the music came to a deafening stop and the crowd collectively turned their heads in the same direction, whispering confusion spreading quickly. Emma looked to Léon who shrugged and helped her push through the crowd toward where they looked. Someone clapped at the end of a dark corridor at the back of the rink where the bathrooms were. From the corner of her eye she saw her dad freeze up, more terrified than anyone around him.
From the darkness, an eight foot tall figure emerged. Their head was a disco ball, glittering sinisterly as it stepped into the neon light. They spoke with no mouth, pointing a disco ball topped sceptre at the crowd.
“Why have you stopped dancing?! This is a party, is it not?”
“Akuma!” Someone screamed in the crowd and the person turned their eyeless face toward the voice.
“Who was that?”
People scattered, knocking into Emma and Léon as they tried to get as far away from the akuma and the person who was scared enough to scream. At the other side, her dad dragged her mom away, whispering something desperately into her ear. The person who’d screamed, wailed now, blubbering about a family, a woman around forty who probably lived through the days of Hawkmoth.  
“Don’t cry! I only want everyone to have fun.” The akuma said, stepping over the barrier and approaching until it loomed over the woman. 
Emma had seen the news coverage of akuma attacks, she’s heard all about the old heroes and read comics retelling their adventures. But never, never, had she imagined the paralysing fear in her bones as they watched this woman scream and beg and the akuma reach down with a spindly limb to touch her forehead. As a kid she always thought she’d do something if akumas ever returned. Seeing it for real, she felt ready to melt to the floor, her knees turning to mush under her. 
Léon fared no better, pale as paper with tears streaming down his face. The whole lot of them were cowards.
From nowhere, a roller skate hit the akuma squarely on the forehead. It bounced off and fell down with a thump. The akuma lifted its hand from the woman to stare in the direction it came from.
Another hit its shoulder.
“Everyone! Evacuate!” A thunderous voice cried from behind a crowd. Just like that, people were moving, shoving and pushing to get away. The akuma had all but forgotten about the woman and instead searched for the person assaulting it with roller skates.
Léon tugged at her hand but Emma stayed rooted, almost as curious as the akuma to who was the brave soul standing up to it. 
Another shoe hit its hip and it screeched.
Emma saw him before the akuma did. Her dad, Adrien Dupain-Cheng, one last roller skate clutched in his outstretched hand and the fiercest expression she’d ever seen on his face. He launched it at the akuma and then bolted away.
Emma skated after him. The akuma wielded its sceptre and sent a blast of light in his direction. She changed course, getting the akuma’s attention on her.
“You suck!” She shouted. The akuma screamed, turning its sceptre toward her. Years of roller skating made her nimble, dodging each blast and drawing it away from her dad.
She reached the barrier, hopping over it and sinking down. Her dad happened to run by, more skates in his arms. He paled at the sight of her.
“You need to evacuate.” He took her hand and dragged her away from the rink, down the same corridor the akuma had emerged from.
“It was about to hit you with its beam. I had to save you.”
“I don’t matter. You need to be safe.” They stopped at the women’s bathrooms and he pushed her inside. Emma tried to protest but the look on his face shocked her to silence. He looked furious for the first time in her life.
“How are you going to stop it?”
He paused for a nearly imperceptible moment. “I- That doesn’t matter. I’ll keep it at bay until the authorities arrive.”
“They don’t know what to do-.” She was cut off as he closed the door on her. She banged her hand against it, screaming at him to come back. The door wouldn’t budge, barricaded by something.
She whipped around, kicking a stall door with a frustrated cry. Had he not seen her out there? They could have done it together, like how they used to pretend when she was younger. 
Something black caught in the corner of her eye, a little box placed by the sink. She picked it up, noting the red sigil on the front and the worn nature of the box. With nothing better to do now, she opened it, jumping back and slipping on her skates when a ball of dark energy escaped it.
She hit the ground, thudding against the stall door. The ball of darkness looked down at her with green eyes.
“Rude.” It said, “I’m a kwami. I thought you were like a big fan of mine.”
Emma’s mouth jaw dropped open. “A kwami? As in the thing that grants miraculous holders their powers!”
“Uh, yeah. And that ring that’s now lying on the ground, is my miraculous. Or yours now.”
“Mine? Wait, for real?”
The kwami stared at her for a moment. He looked a little disappointed. Emma ignored him, picking up the black box again from where it had fallen. She winced as she moved, the pain from falling finally hitting her. A black ring with a green paw print sat in the red cushion. 
“This.” She began. She couldn’t believe what was happening. Something she’d only imagined in her wildest dreams “This is the cat miraculous. Why me?”
“Nepotism.” The kwami answered plainly. Then he froze. “I mean, destiny. I always get those words confused.”
“So that’s really an akuma out there?”
“Yup. And you’d better go deal with it before Tikki’s holder gets the head start. All you gotta say is Plagg, claws out.”
Emma slid the ring on, gasping as it changed to be a silver spiral around her finger. She felt it in her soul, a space being filled she didn’t know was empty. The power of destruction cool on her skin.
“Plagg, claws out.”
I might write the part 2, you guys gotta like it though first. This is a part of my futures AU, which I’ll go tag properly now so you can find the other stuff related to it. Any fic I’ll post for this will be mostly out of order, just random key events or explorations of character’s as I see them now. Emma, Adrien centric but the love square is still there.
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froggydraws · 4 months
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Ballad of the fox
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lucabyte · 6 months
Hmmm just gonna spit this headcanon out in text post form since A. I don't think I could exposit it well enough in image form and B. It's not actually textually/thematically substantiated and I don't like actually staking my stuff on just vibes alone*
But anyway. I'd say it's pretty evident that all the islanders forgot their names, right? King obviously. Because why the hell else would he do that, but also Siffrin No Middle Names No Last Name.
They're 'pretty sure' they've 'always' been 'Just Siffrin' 'as long as they can remember'. It's a pretty cruel twist of the knife to say that they don't even get to keep their birth name as a memento, which is why I'm saying as such.
My utterly unsubstantiated claim is I think it'd be cute to say that Sisyphus *is* the name Siffrin initially picked, assuming the myth of King Sisyphus is recontextualised as idk, just a play or something in the setting. But I like the idea of Siffrin going 'oh shit 🫵 he's just like me fr' at a tortured fictional character long before the irony kicks in.
As for how Sisyphus -> Siffrin. I think that chronic mumbler and emotional doormat Sif just did not correct people who misheard the name during their time travelling, and went through enough places with incompatible phonologies (pronounceable sounds in the language) without ever really writing it down that it just got kinda. Changed until it was unrecognisable, and Siffrin just went with it until the earlier pronunciations slipped out of their swiss-cheese brain. And they just kinda don't remember any of that.
Also, something something the horrid realisation that Siffrin also named themselves after a King. Just not as blatantly.
*(though I think there's something here about Siffrin, a guy from a belief system that seems to thoroughly disincentivise autonomy and self-motivated choice continuously having their hand forced to make changes/choices they don't want but have no choice but to... It's not solid enough to really back this up tbh, but it informs it.)
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daftpatience · 5 months
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can u believe im adding 2 more photocard holders with the preorder happening on the 10th of this month (may 2024)???? i can because i doing it
my dunmeshi charms and digit clips are also going back up then!!
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wardingshout · 9 months
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Family for day 6 of SpeSilverWeek! Edition uuh found biological and crime I guess...
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tizzymcwizzy · 1 year
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ive been reading a lot of manga recently,, can you tell dbdhjdgm
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treasuregamble · 7 months
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Ceramic Chopstick Holders
find more transparent treasures with @treasuregamble or request your own here!
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loktauri · 1 month
Animatic wip for my Courier and his relationships...
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illya-roma · 1 year
Jasmine Al'Ghul has her time divided into simple quarters.
Make sure Danyal Al'Ghul is well taken care of with the Fenton family ( no wonder anyone who bullies Danny or his friends end up missing [in this au]).
Teach and care for Damain Al'Ghul inside the league.
Train into becoming a better shadow and right hand for the next heir.
Complete missions for Ra Al'Ghul himself.
Fortunately, Taila has decided it would be for best for Jasmine to continue caring for Danyal as Damian goes to live with his father while she deals with the leagues problems and search for her missing father.
That means Jasmine will not be spending time with Damian during his ( sister time) six months. And he will realise that after she doesn't come after 8 months to his father's family/house.
Unfortunately for everyone, Damian refuses to live without his beloved elder sister, and will do anything to take her back.
Now, do Damian and Danny hate each other for taking up sister time or do they love each other?
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domifucker · 7 months
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houstondoyoucopy · 13 days
wouldn’t it be so funny if kepler was the one who held the record in time:bombs that teller was trying so hard to beat, and it was just one of his many side quests
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honeydropsstuff · 7 months
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@justastarholder / @justaduckarts
So, I drew something for your fanfic heheh/silly me, you probably could tell that, I mean, I don't try to get involved, I do secretly though, your imagination draws me like it's magic.
I’m really falling in love with your fanfic, it’s stunning! I’m so addicted to your imagination.
Absolutely incredible, really, thank you! Your fanfic is breathtaking. I love it!"
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plural-userboxes · 3 months
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ADHD Holder flag!!
"An ADHD holder is a type of symptom holder that holds traits/symptoms attributed to ADHD. Examples of these traits may be stims, hyperactivity, hyperfocus, restlessness, inattentiveness, drowsiness, etc."-Pluralpedia
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Hyperactivity Holder flag!!
"A Hyperactivity Holder is a ADHD Holder that specifically holds the hyperactive traits/symptom that stem from ADHD!!"
requested by: @justalexisfine
Even though we do not like anti-endos they can still use this flag if they would like!/gen
requests are open
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ID help: @julietianboy
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daftpatience · 5 months
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today is 🌻🍊🌞
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misuutira · 8 months
“The curse had fallen upon her shoulders, one that she had taken willingly at the time. But her regrets increased with time, much like the threads she added to the tapestries she wove.” ― D.A. Henneman, Web Of Lies: A Goddesses In Love Novella
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I have zero clue if anyone's done this concept before for an Akumatized!Marinette, but I think a Spider-themed Akuma based around the Greco-Roman myth of Arachne (Arachnette?) just works too well not to try and sketch out myself. Especially in the wake of the Season 5 finale, where she a.) was forced to weave an elaborate web of lies about her confrontation with Gabriel, the Wish, and his death, and b.) was unable to stop Monarch from accessing the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous to make the Ultimate Wish--the mission she's had since the very beginning of the series. I can only imagine how miserable girly's feeling in the aftermath and the potential Imposter Syndrome that comes with her involvement in all of it.
So, an Akumanette who believes her Akumatization to be divine retribution for thinking that she could have ever been strong or special enough to embody the traits of the gods? It seems rather fitting here imo. :)
The design is a bit busy, I'll admit, but I was having way too much fun trying out brushes that I don't normally use. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out all things considered!
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familyagrestefanblog · 10 months
I've tried so many times making whole in depth posts about this, but I never get it done properly. So I'll just keep it very brief for now:
Marinette giving out every miraculous at the end of S5, so making a team of 16 additional miraculous holders now as full time heros she says she wants to help coming into their own as their leader and guardian, is the most hilarious dark red sign I've ever seen in this show
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Marinette can barely handle Chat Noir being an individual with his own pov, actual emotions she has to acknowledge in her leadership, agency that isn't just catering to her and having human rights attached to his body (at least that she got better at in s5, although it's questionable how much that was influenced by her literally having no other choice in s5 but to treat him better. I guess s6 will put that into perspective)
and in s5 both Chat and Alya were two halves of ONE PARTNER bc Chat had to accept that he isn't allowed to exist as civilian in Ladybug's leadership, all while both Alya and Chat had to basically take care of her as their main job.
What makes Marinette THINK she can handle 16 new miraculous holders who act as individuals with existing LIVES, and not just being her chosen power vessels who can't act on their own?
Just the thought of it honestly makes me laugh because nothing in Canon implies Marinette's leadership can actually handle heros doing their own thing as individuals. She will have a meltdown when any of them act on their own as heros of Paris in any greater way.
Imagine Vesperia being put on spot by being near a robbery and her using her venom on a civilian person (the robber) and then Cerise has the police go up against her and Ladybug as the team leader for abuse of power?
Imagine Pigella using her powers on people who are having a personal fight and then her getting in trouble because she revealed the private wish of someone to everyone around them.
Imagine Kim and Max training alone by Ladybug's order, and Max making portals so Kim can improve his time to get certain objects from different places, and that resulting in people being pissed at the heros breaking and entering their private homes and taking their stuff however they please as "training"
Look, I don't wanna be mean but I give her a god damn WEEK before she starts giving teammates (100% Kim for example) Chat Noir's rag doll treatment and starting to yell and get angry again bc they're doing something she personally doesn't like at an inconvenient time, or something she gets in trouble for as their leader.
Before this the temp heros has the luxury of only having been ask to do exactly what Ladybug said as her minions and power vessels, but now that they are individuals?
Good gosh, it's gonna be a disaster. Cerise is gonna have the time of her life using the team and city again her lol
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