#new hopes danganronpa au
pocketdv2ultimate · 4 months
How would they be guilherme and sofia in adult version?
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Her pets under her cape:
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For this ask meme
Two different asks and I'm pretty sure separate anons, I hope this will suffice. Two more in the inbox -!
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spittyfishy · 8 months
For remnant Maki: What do you think of Junko's sister, Mukuro?
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lol they have beef
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t-bird510 · 2 months
Warriors of Hope Swap AU - My take on the concept.
So basically I thought of a great idea for a WOH AU, But instead of characters personality’s or backstories are swapped…It’s the characters ages in a sense.
Basically the basic concept is that the Warriors of Hope members from the canon Danganronpa series are teenagers and the High schoolers like Class 78 and Class 77 and other Teenagers are the age of the Warriors of hope during The games events.
Though in this cause the Children version of Class 78 and other classes would probably have more messed up backstories or something due to the lore of Danganronpa and the role the WOH did in the Original game.
Also, for my concept I can see some of the members Either being hesitant on doing their tasks or rebelling against them and stuff like that.
Like Sakura or Mondo for example…
Or Other characters that could appear from other Fangans for this AU concept.
I can see Junko staying the same age from the OG games due to the lore and stuff like that.
But yeah! This was made for fun so what the heck!!!
Also feel free to make your own take on this concept and stuff like that.
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wackpedion · 1 year
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A HPA!Kokichi doodle I did once out of boredom, I actually have like some headcanons around HPA/Nondespair v3 I might post one day
I was playing around with references to his DICE uniform, like with the emblem or the belts, but I decided that yknow these two are seperate so no need to merge them. (I did keep the scarf tho and added some clips to the blazer)
Looking at this now tho, I made the uniform so baggy/big on him lmaoo
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shuxichi · 1 year
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Hiiii guess who ran another ds in @hopes-archives!!!! This time it was themed around Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Time/Darkness/Sky, and I cohosted with my beloved @nbmakoto!! I made a whole discord bot for everyone's muses to have their own Pokemon and everything...
Everyone look at tadpole btw. (design inspiration here) He's a little shinx and riolu fusion and I love him so bad I tried to hack him into an actual copy (he just looks like a shinx but its ok.......)
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chirpos-pencil · 1 year
Imagine if Makoto is somehow sent back in time to the day he's supposed to recieve the letter from Hope's Peak Academy.
He is standing in front of the gates of his former highschool. He's in the body of his younger self.
The world around him looks fine and normal, nothing unusual - just like it did before the Tragedy.
But all the memories of what he had gone through are fresh in his mind. Monokuma, the Killing Games, Ultimate Despair, his friends, the Future Foundation - everything!
So, he takes the usual path and runs back home, quickly. The letter! It must be at his doorstep now!
He knocks frantically on the door, and Komaru opens it. He asks her if he has recieved any letter from Hope's Peak, and she shakes her head.
His parents come and ask him if everything's alright.
Makoto looks at them, his eyes welling up. They're alive! He runs and hugs them. His mother and father look at each other, wondering why their son is behaving so strangely. Nevertheless, they hug him back.
"Oh, the winner of that draw is announced!" Komaru says, looking at her phone.
"What draw?" asks her mother.
"The lucky draw conducted by Hope's Peak Academy."
And, Makoto feels a chill go down his back.
"It's some girl," Komaru says, showing them the photo of the winner. "Wow, she's so lucky."
Makoto trembles as he stares at the photo of a highschool girl, the proclaimed Ultimate Lucky Student of Class 78.
No, it was . . . It was supposed to be him.
It was supposed to be him!
His family asks him repeatedly what's wrong, but what can Makoto tell them? Whatever he says, they won't believe him at all.
"Are you sad that you didn't win?" asks his mother. "It's okay, you can try again next year."
He drops to his knees, completely dazed.
Instead of him, that girl will go to Hope's Peak Academy. Instead of him, that girl will meet his friends. His very friends with whom he endured hell together and made it through together. His very friends who stuck with him, despite it all, again and again.
And now, his friends are never going to know of his existence.
And he's never going to see them again.
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shieldmonokuma · 9 months
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Day 1.
I remember the sensation of falling as I slid the nerve gear over my head, as though my restless mind was trying but unable to fully escape. I could feel sparks run down my arms as I waited in anticipation for the black screen to turn to the game menu, and then finally, a new world. 
Finally I can have a piece of the life I’ve always wanted. To think that I might not have bought the prerelease if it wasn’t for her. In fact, I almost stopped myself from joining right there, due to the bitter feeling in the back of my throat, the lightheadedness that I felt as I looked at the package. Still, I took a deep breath and started.
It’s just my nerves. I’ve never had this chance before, and I can’t afford to hesitate now.
I looked at the menu as it booted up. It scanned me and told me to enter my personal information, everything that it couldn’t gather by itself anyway. It displayed my in-game avatar-an image that I couldn’t even distinguish from myself-and allowed me to edit it from there. I tentatively entered the settings, then finally joined the game.
As the screen loaded in, I saw her waiting for me at the spawn point.
“Ah, hi Izuru!” ChiakiX3, as I had known her online at least, called out.
“I’m glad to see you again too,” I laughed a little. Was it due to my amazement, or just the awkwardness of meeting an online mutual in well, almost real life? It really was surreal. She was a girl who looked to be about my age. It wouldn’t have surprised me to see her walking through the halls of my highschool. It was almost eerie, how closely she seemed to match up with her online persona. She had a calm face, framed by taupe bangs and roughly shoulder-length hair. She wore the same uniform that all players were given, but had chosen to make her tunic a shade of dusty pink that matched her eyes.
To be honest, I felt like a poser recalling the effortlessly cool persona that I could keep up online. Like my attitude, I had only slightly altered my avatar in game, giving it a slightly longer hairstyle. My classmates would definitely call me an e-boy if it was like that in reality.
I choked back the sub-par remarks and unnecessary compliments that came to mind. “Would you like to try fighting something?”
She pressed a finger to her chin, and looked towards the horizon “Well, I actually signed in early. I’ve already learned the base fighting mechanics…” She paused and looked back towards me, the prior excitement returning to her voice, “I’d gladly show you the ropes though.”
“If you’d like to, then of course I’d be up for that.”
“Good. We just need to head to the plains then.”
I watched the scenery go by. An old fashioned village you might expect to see in a tourist town, plains with grass just slightly too green to be real. Finally, we found ourselves in a meadow surrounded by giant rats and wild boar. This was clearly meant to function as the tutorial. I unsheathed the dual short-swords I had selected in the startup menu. She already had her long sword in hand and was gazing at our opponents, apparently lost in thought.
“Okay, so you should start out by getting an idea of how fast your opponent moves, and their movement patterns. These ones are slow enough that you should be able to build momentum and focus on offence, but later on, there will be enemies that pose more of a threat. To perform a power attack you need to hit the opponent as hard as you can. I’d recommend running towards them before attacking to accomplish that, like this.”
      She ran to a boar and sliced it across the side, so calmly she made it seem effortless. I tried to focus on copying those movements exactly. I ran forward, readied my swords and…
“Your technique is quite impressive,"
An unfamiliar voice caught me off guard. I missed, and the boar stayed up to charge me. Damn it! I took five damage (a quarter of my hit points) and slashed wildly, hitting the boar near its eye. 
I felt a dull kind of pain in my leg, where the boar had hit me, but I reasoned that it was probably nothing. I looked around myself In attempt to find the source of that interruption. Chiaki was standing next to him. Another teenager? Probably a highschool student, but possibly just starting college. He was tall, with white hair that took on a slightly reddish hue at the tips. His silver eyes were hidden in shadow and he seemed to look past me as he watched my approach.
Looking back at Chiaki, he asked in a tone that emanated reverence, "You're the one with that five minute speed run of Monokuma Pizzeria, right? The one that blew up online?"
"Who are you?" I asked, trying not to sound annoyed with the newcomer.
"I forgot to introduce myself, didn't I? Not that it matters, but my name is Nagito. You just have to linger on my avatar if you happen to forget. As to why I'm here, I simply admire talent."
Nagito_the_ultimate_stepping_stone_for_hope… I think I've seen weirder… probably on Reddit, at least.
"I'm Chiaki Nanami, but it seems you already know that." 
"I'm Izuru."
"Since we've been introduced, would you mind teaching someone as worthless as me?" Said Nagito. Now I honestly couldn't tell if this dead-eyed stranger was messing with us or not.
“I was already training Izuru, so I don't mind."
"Sure," I agreed in the most polite tone I could muster, then sighed and resumed practice, killing several more enemies while Chiaki coached Nagito. By the time we decided to stop training, it was late evening, about an hour after I had first logged in.
“We could try searching the town," Chiaki suggested, "I mean, since we have some items we could sell now."
"I was actually thinking about heating up dinner, but I guess I could stay for a little longer."
"It would be an honour to continue playing together." Nagito insisted as he stared directly into my eyes with that strange, placid smile on his face, “I mean, not that I’d want you to put your evening on hold for us.”
I wasn't sure if I should laugh or not, "Well, when you put it that way!” I moved to a more comfortable distance and continued, “It’s really not like I have anything better to do."
Wordlessly, we walked back through the fields until we reached town. The main street was full of other players; talking, breathing, living. I was still a bit stunned by the sheer number of people here on release. We walked into the store following Chiaki, but unfortunately this excursion would come to an untimely end.
Suddenly, the sky changed to a bright crimson. The announcement blared "ALL PLAYERS MUST MEET AT SPAWN IN 5 MINUTES."
Is this some sort of entrance ceremony?
      "It's probably to thank the people here on launch." Nagito said, casually brushing his hair out of his eyes.
      "...Yeah, that sounds right." I agreed as we started walking towards the entrance. "Still, this seems a little excessive."
      He shrugged, and spread his arms as if to gesture at the world in general, “Couldn’t you say the same for all of this?”
      "4 MINUTES…"
      There were thousands of people gathered around the spawn point. Everyone looked uncertain. The incoherent buzz of their whispers only added to the tense atmosphere. My friends, or at least, my current company, had gone silent. We waited there like students about to hear their exam results, or kids about to open gifts. 3 minutes, 2 minutes, 1, finally it appeared. A towering, cloaked figure whose face was hidden except for a single, glowing red eye.
It spoke in a grating, nasal tone, too much like machinery to assuredly be called a voice, "I hate to be this cliche about it, but this game is designed for a higher purpose than just your entertainment. In fact, it would be completely accurate to say that this game will become your life."
The ghoul paused to let those words sink in, or perhaps, to relish in the audience's disbelief at what was to come next.
"You may have noticed that the exit button is curiously absent. That is not a flaw but a feature of this experience. I want you to live out your action hero dreams, so that was a must. There have to be stakes afterall, so your health and your avatar's health are one and the same. If you want to escape, though, I was generous enough to provide an escape route: just complete all one hundred floors, or… there is always the easier way, …isn't there? To keep it short and sweet, I hope you’re grateful for the wonderful opportunity I’m granting you. Fare-well.”
I froze. Those words were now burned into my memory. They were a dream, a killer’s speech in some movie. Nothing like that could happen to someone like me, a completely average, boring nobody-
"Are you okay?" A familiar voice said to me. I blinked. Something about the world around me had changed. We no longer even appeared to be the perfect avatars of ourselves we had created, but flesh and blood, …and yet he seemed unchanged.
He smiled with relief, "Ah, you're conscious. That's good. You stood there for a while without moving."
"What I heard back there… did you hear it too?"
“Yes, it appears that we’re stuck here.” His eyes shifted downwards, but his voice remained level, “I already checked, the no exit part is accurate at least.”
It is true then. It wasn't just in my head. Then there's no denying it. Still, I tried my best to fight that deranged conclusion. "This could be a publicity stunt, right?"
My companions looked doubtful.
“Even if that is the case, wouldn't it be better to stay here for the time being, in case the safezone rules hold true?” Chiaki asked.
“...You know there's only one way to test that hypothesis, right?” Chiaki and I looked straight at him, he raised his hands defensively in response, “I mean, you can hit me if that gives you peace of mind.”
I sighed, “No, I don't think that'll be necessary. We’ll figure it out sooner or later anyway.”
“At least we still have each other.” Chiaki pointed out, eyes still fixed on the point where that thing had stood. “That must count for something.”
The silence that followed said everything. I wanted to muster a smile, to tell her that I believed we’d be okay… but this was the beginning of a deadly game, we didn’t even know what we were in for yet. That was just the beginning of our new lives, our new reality.
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millidew · 3 months
WAKES UP IN A COLD SWEAT. kaemugi utenanthy/rgu au. junko akio. monokuma chuu-chuu. it’s all coming together
#kaede in the boys uniforms#teehee the weird but nice girl in big round glasses needs to be saved… guess she’s the one who has to do it!#wydm she’s helping to manipulate everything. she’s innocent#killing your prince gf#THEY CAN ESCAPE THE NARRATIVE. TOGETHER. THE NARRATIVE TSUMUGI HELPED WRITE#BUT IS ALSO A VICTIM OF#leaving the fake revolving world/killing games for the new real world…#kiibo…what to do with him… what if instead of chuu-chuu tsumugi had a little robot#I guess if I wanted I could keep jin as headmaster of hopes peak which is already a fucked up school#and then mukuro could be mikage. and junko could be that their guy who anthy impersonates. so tsumugi can impersonate junko again :)#mukuro would be a pretty good rose bride if junko is akio :|#in a more general au I’d probably put mukuro in anthy’s place instead of tsumugi LMAO#and then tsumugi could be mikage or something . ooh or wakaba#kirumi juri…?#I mean kirumi would make for a good anthy too#angie shiori… idk. yuri forever#I don’t know who ruka is he doesn’t matter#shuichi as miki. obviously.#kaito would be one of the duelists. idk who maki and ouma could be and still stay true to their characters…#I could see maki as a black rose duelist#gonta as a duelist too (wanted to be a gentleman/prince)#(maybe a black rose duelist who takes kirumi’s sword?)#monokuma theatre as shadow girls baby!#oh maybe ouma is like. one man shadow theatre. because he’s usually so story-stealing/reality breaking#I think peko and fuyuhiko’s entire thing deserves to be here somewhere tbh#my post#danganronpa#revolutionary girl utena#kaemugi
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nno-user · 1 year
Guys I swear my hand just slipped and suddenly I drew my Dangy OC with Kokichi it was an accident.
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check out @technosaurus76 and i's danganronpa AU fanfic series-
it's got ocs as teachers but we do our best to make it that it's not all about them-
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pocketdv2ultimate · 2 months
Pocket, qual é idades de todas suas fanchilds? E quem é mais velho e mais novo da turma?
(Pocket, how old are all your fanchilds? And who is oldest and youngest in the class?)
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Legally required to ask for Kokichi for the ask game
[For this ask game]
gosh ur so right anon. I am so sorry this got readmore levels of out-of-hand full spoilers for NDRV3 and also rated C for Current Hyperfixation.
favorite thing about them
Counter-intuitive, but I know my past self (including the era when V3 came out) would have hated Kokichi for the same reasons I like him now. Mainly:
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I really did go into V3 expecting to loathe Kokichi as a nuisance at best; I’d been spoiled on Ch. 4  before getting into DR because I thought ‘my aim sucks I won’t play it anyway’  and, loving bees and assorted bugs as I do, I figured Gonta would be my favorite. And I mean, he’s up there, but this little shit. How dare he be an engaging character.
Unsure where I said it previously, but Kokichi seems like the kind of guy who would run a How to Beat [X Movie] channel out of earnest (admit so or not) love for the thought experiment of it all, which isn’t just relatable, but a very interesting Type of Guy to have in your killing game scenario. The one constantly pushing the boundaries, but not quite meta-level aware they’re in a video game; genre-savvy and trying to Actually Accomplish Something Constructive. He also goes about it in such a way that launches a couple malatovs at every bridge he has, which, having been anxious and overly rejection-sensitive in high school, is fucking wild to me. You are going about this in the worst way you could, on purpose, and that is fascinating. Mentally I am putting him in a microscope slide because What Is Your Deal
Plus, the way he constantly has some kind of front up to a point where Saihara can’t decide who he really is by the end of Ch. 5… hmm chameleon complex? I find it quite simple, really. Unclear to me if they meant to make him Like This but doubling down on constant over-performance of social signals because communicating frustrates you and it lets you feel some small degree of control in your life is (in my experience at least) very autistic of him and as a result hearing the whole V3 cast consider him entirely indecipherable down to the bitter end… oof ouch real anxieties? 
least favorite thing about them
A) Some of the iconography they chose for his talent. Which I’m pretty sure they pretty much ditched outside promos? So B) Some of his art in the wake of Ch. 4 is… wonky, but not in a way that looks fully deliberate? It undercuts the drama for me a bit. I think Kokichi seems much more menacing when he drops pretenses entirely and just goes blank instead of trying Very Hard to act out a particular emotion (like he does pretty much all the time). Instead of the demon face, something more like this?
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favorite line
I blame this for getting "The more that you suffer, the more I enjoy it" stuck in my head, plus the combo of "Now you'll never, ever forget me for the rest of your life! [...] I stole your heart, so now I'm satisfied." The two surface Kokichis asdfghjkl
Looking for quotes though it came to my attention that in Chapter 2 he says "[...] I wanna win this killing game! So I'm not gonna run from it, I'm gonna crush it! That'll be waaaay less boring, don'tcha think?"  kicking screaming they knew exactly what they were doing
shipping and handling
tbh I less ‘ship’ and more ‘please make them interact with one another’, so grains of salt I suppose!
Kokichi + Miu. Gotta find who in the amalgamate server said ‘in any other circumstance they’d be besties’ because they are Correct.
This is a self report but like fuck it we ball Kokichi ♢/♠ Kaito
If you know the intricacies of what that means you may be entitled to—
Pretty much this vine
I guess I'm a little squicked thinking of Kokichi/Gonta in a romantic sense? See at least in TAPP they've still got a Lot to talk about before comfortably calling one another 'friend' instead of 'working on it'
random headcanon
Ah a lot of these are already sprinkled in TAPP so what’s one y’all haven’t heard before,,
He started painting his nails during the game initially to interrogate (RE: get-to-know) Rantaro, and kept doing it to discourage himself from biting his nails and cuticles all the time. There's only like one sprite where he does it, but I think it could be a nervous tick
TAPP!DICE may not be real but the tea party policy absolutely is
I've drawn him in skirts doing outfit memes, but I think for him it's less concrete than feeling like dressing femme sometimes and more that, post-game and organization-less, he has no idea who he's supposed to be anymore and is throwing pretty much everything at the wall in many facets of his life. Including but not limited to saying 'screw uniforms' and seeing how long it takes him to get in trouble with HPA for wearing different clothes every day. After long enough unchallenged he starts getting his classmates to do it too. Considering... their entire circumstances in TAPP, they get away with a lot more than the other classes 
unpopular opinion
Is it unpopular to say that some of the info from Kokichi’s FTEs should have been in the main plot? The knife game scene, besides being my favorite, seriously clues the player into what he’s like beyond the artifice without having to posthumously dump that exposition in his room, and that a lot of players confused by him are likely to miss out on characterization that would clarify things Irks Me.
song i associate with them
Oh, only one song? Too bad, 'cuz I Can’t Decide - Scissor Sisters
My other cop-out is 'Cause I’m a Liar - Mcki Robyns-P, which I’m working on a cover for in Synth V
Other than that? I haven’t built up nearly enough song-based associations with the DR cast yet somehow, but I’ll throw in Queen of Nothing - The Crane Wives which is less a Kokichi vibe than “I’m writing TAPP!Kokichi in the wake of Chapter 5” vibes. Isn’t this what you wanted? Time sure feels like it’s running out. Finish what you started, Queen of Nothing, wearing such a heavy crown.
I don’t know if this is in the spirit of the prompt but the thought did occur to me that a Trial 5 animatic to I’m Alive from Next to Normal would slap really really hard actually.
I need more peppy songs in my life, is what I’m gathering.
favorite picture of them
Let’s split it like this:
Favorite from the game? Probably this one
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The face of a man asking “what are you gonna do, shoot me?” promptly before getting shot.
Sprite? This one
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Is it genuine curiosity? Is he mocking me? Some mysterious third thing? Yes.
and a fanart that lives in my brain rent-free (the-everlasting-ash). Linking instead of reposting bc please support the original artist. There are many, many wonderful pieces of fanart out there, but this one carved a niche in my brain and stayed there (it is the cover image for DR art on my phone on account of Stunning).
Also for the uninitiated on TAPP- [Talent Acquisition Pilot Program AU Masterpost]
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the-backwards-eel · 2 years
In a non despair au yukizome and munakata adopt kirumi thank you
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wackpedion · 1 year
Nondespair/HPA Headcanon
So in DR3 they're building a second HPA location, which is eventually turned into FF headquarters, right? Well my headcanon is that the second location is the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles and where the V3 cast goes
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throwaway-yandere · 1 year
FLAWLESS (Yandere!Various Genshin/Reader)
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A/n: This is a complete interactive fic w/ CGs! There’s an HP system and 4 possible endings (yandere!Scaramouche, Alhaitham, Kaveh, and Kazuha). This is my final fanfic and I really put my best effort into drawing and writing this. Have fun!!! Your choices matter so read the evidences properly and try not to get a bad ending hahaha. (Pls answer this poll after and feel free to send me memes about who you got hAHHAHA)
Unreliable Synopsis: (Danganronpa!Genshin AU) If this is your last dance as an idol, then you do not want it. No. You’ll make the real criminal sing instead.
CW: yandere themes, blood, murders (well duh ansy–), and brief mentions of suicide.
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Kazuha frowned. "For (L/n) (Y/n), this whole ordeal must seem like a flawless crime."
"They don't know the murder weapon, the suspects— no nothing." Kaveh sighed.
Alhaitham interjected. "Indeed, but the real questions will begin in a moment."
Words punctured the air in nameless accusations. Each time people enter this room, only distrust looms acting both as a safety blanket and suffocating plastic. You stared at the people left. One, two, three, four, five... You clenched your fist, and all those fingers pointed back at you. 
The sixth. 
There are only six survivors left.
"Say, (L/n) (Y/n)." Your Akademiyan companions stared at you as Kunikuzushi’s smirk could practically be heard in his voice. "Where were you at the time of the murder?"
You gulped.
The Teyvat Akademiya. Home only to the most renowned student of their craft. The faculty carefully picks out select groups of students to be their new freshmen- and it can only be counted by hand how many had declined such a generous offer. It was a government state university, but it was also a golden ticket to knowing people from high places.  
Each student was known for contributing something in their fields of interest. In fact, both your adoptive siblings were alumni of this prestigious school. Your brother Aether was a famous "adventurer" (as he loved to call himself instead of an artifact-obsessed archeologist) whereas your sister Lumine was a remarkable swordswoman with a straight-edged track record. Even your older friends, Dainsleif, and a certain glasses-wearing individual you had forgotten the name of were graduates and now boast incredible resumes befitting of an Akademiyan. Each alumnus you've met wasn't someone any person with a head on their shoulders would dare disrespect. 
But that was not the reason for your schoolmates’ evident intimidation.
“Allow them a moment to process,” Alhaitham scoffed. “The Body Discovery Announcement was approximately 2 hours ago. It’s challenging for individuals from the entertainment industry such as them to comprehend complicated matters in a few seconds.”
“I would’ve fainted at your rare attempt at empathy if it wasn't obviously pointed,” Kaveh scoffed before turning to you with a soft stare. “(Y/n), don’t listen to these two, I’m sure we can find out if you’re innocent or not later.”
You gave a short nod of assent.
Tragically, murders had become the norm for college students like yourself. No one has flinched at Kaveh’s grim mention of a suspect lurking by and none had the insanity to deny what had occurred.
It began when you first woke up in one of the Akademiya's classrooms. You stirred awake on a desk near Shikanoin Heizou, the "Detective Prince". He was a famous figure, so you instantly believed him when he said you were both hauled into this location against your will. You were enthused by his infectious desire to uncover whatever was behind the “kidnapping” you found yourselves in. He told you not to worry, that despite the barred windows and inaccessible exits, you'd both "probably" find a way out.  As you both wandered around the area, you found fourteen other students (some familiar faces, some not as much). For a brief moment of hope, everyone thought escape was possible. 
That was until a certain cold-eyed puppet entered the scene.
A heartless puppet you’re sure was waiting for everyone just under that elevator.
“Is… Is this everyone?” You asked like a mouse, frightened as your eyes darted for any hints of twinned cyan hair. Nothing about your recent behavior had gone unnoticed.
Senior Faruzan is missing…
Yoimiya frowned, grabbing your hand for comfort. “(Y/n)…”
Kunikuzushi scoffed. “Enough of this dumb ohhh boohoo exhibit. Let’s go.”
The most mysterious of the bunch left for the stairs immediately, punching the button on the elevator to its ground floor. Yoimiya huffed, muttering complaints about Kuni’s behavior while the three other men followed her silently. No one took the stairs two at a time and walked at a snail’s pace. A clear indication that no one wanted this to occur. 
And just like in the previous cases, Kazuha’s eyes were on you the entire time but spoke nothing of this behavior.
The elevator door opened. You looked at the camera above it. If the Shogun's words are to be trusted, then the outside world is watching your every move like reality TV.
If that's the case, might as well give them a show.
Kunikuzushi stepped aside, royally ushering everyone— and specifically YOU— in.
“Idols first.”
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Everyone entered the trial room. If the mood from earlier was tense, it is worse now that you’re inside. Stepping into the cold room makes the situation all the more real.
There is an execution waiting to happen, but without a hint if it’ll be “us” or “them”. Every bright person inside the room here had previously partaken in 4 of these court sessions by force. Since no one can exit the premises nor contact the outside world, the only key out was to kill and avoid getting caught. 5 people had attempted to commit murder, and considering how you’re still breathing, none of the “blackened” had succeeded in getting their way.
How… How did it come to this? 
You enrolled in the Akademiya in hopes that you'd also find the subtle clues as to why Aether went missing, this wasn't in your plan.
Getting roped into this killing “game” was on no one’s to-do list. You received an invitation to enroll in the Akademiya because of your stark idol career, although your siblings being famous alumni may have greatly increased your chances of receiving that privilege. You would’ve thrown that paper into the fire if you knew you’d get dizzy upon arriving in the Akademiya and will wake up in such a heartbreaking dilemma. Hearing from a grapevine, you discovered that Kaveh was invited for his architectural drafts, Kazuha for his poems and a bit of swordsmanship in his repertoire, Yoimiya for her firework shows, and Kunikuzushi?… You don’t know. But you are wholly aware as to why Alhaitham is here as your senior— you were there when he opened his letter after all.
The “mascot” is yet to make her entrance. So, as “obedient” students, you’ve uncomfortably shuffled to the places you were meant to stand. Bile rose inside your throat as you looked at the last five students excluding yourself circling the room— with Faruzan’s crossed-out portrait to your right while Kamisato Ayaka’s on your left. It would appear that most of the dead students were on your side and the closest breathing person next to you was Kunikuzushi, who was two photographs away.
Alhaitham, Amber, Tighnari, Ajax, Albedo, Kamisato Ayaka, You, Faruzan, Xiao, "Kunikuzushi", Kaveh, Cyno, Yoimiya, Layla, Yunjin, Kaedehara Kazuha, and Shikanoin Heizou.
The deceased faces had been crossed out in bright violet paint, a nauseatingly unsubtle reminder that only six remained. Yet, the one that was meant to sit towering above was missing.
“… Where’s The Shogun?” Kazuha asked.
“Ah, so you do have a voice. And here I was about to call you a cricket. I thought our poet lost his words, considering how the previous trial ended,” Kunikuzushi mocked, rolling his eyes. “Just wait and see.”
You sighed, hoping it was quiet enough for Kuni not to have heard it. 
The last trial broke everyone’s spirits and sense of camaraderie the most. Before trials, the puppet gives everyone an incentive to kill. In the Ayaka-Heizou murder case, each student was given a videotape that raised more questions than answers. Yours was a clip of Lumine, your fellow theater actors, and idol mates congratulating you for your enrollment before it cuts off to a scene of your home burned to cinders. As for Ayaka, hers was a short-lived message of her older brother asking her to come visit the clan for Thoma’s upcoming birthday— before it cuts to a gruesome scene of her brother fatally wounded on their living room floor. 
“Find out what happens once you graduate!”... and then the tape ends.
Whoever was the mastermind behind this killing, you had to admit, they were an expert in psychological torture. And unfortunately for everyone, Ayaka was a smart individual— killing the most trustworthy student, Heizou, to cover her tracks better. She put up quite the fight in manipulating everyone to think that you and Kaveh were possible culprits.
You even got into an argument with the calmest person around. Kazuha was “convinced” that Ayaka was right, which led to you two entering an incredibly heated argument that left him depressed with his rejected apology. You were on "good terms" with him before, that being he would always offer to cook food and accompany you often. 
… Perhaps that was a good thing. Discreetly, you thought he strangely knew you to a degree that makes you far from comfortable. It still bugs you how he knew you all too well and yet you know nothing about him other than his aspirations: traditional Inazuman poetry writing with a bit of karuta on the side.
Maybe he used to be a big fan of yours? Even so, the foundation of your music, choreography, and persona was weaved through a tapestry of feel-good lies. And yet, he was wise enough to speak your true thoughts before you even hesitated to voice them in your cheery idol tone. 
But that’s not the issue right now. 
The issue on your plate was that you had no evidence to prove your innocence except for the list of school rules on your E-Handbook because you were convinced someone will kill you during the investigation.
You laughed to yourself bitterly. Might as well review those rules now.
You opened the E-Handbook.
As per “school rules”, there are regulations to be had in a murder game, but none stick to you as these three. Rule #10 and #7: A class trial will commence after three or more students have discovered a corpse, and a Body Discovery Announcement will play as soon as it occurs. However, a trial will be held if and only if every survivor is present; failure to do so will result in class “expulsion.” 
And the last rule that never left your mind was Rule #8: If the guilty party is exposed during the class trial, they alone will be executed.
By the end of Trial #4, she did not receive a proper execution. Ayaka was compelled to restore her honor and raised her sword to…
… You couldn’t hate her for it. Even though you were close friends with Heizou, you couldn’t hate any of your fellow students. They all had family, hopes, and visions for the future. Each one here was "a fledgling barely out of the nest." You couldn’t deny that you would’ve done the same.
"Since the Shogun isn't here yet, let's get a headstart," Kaveh gripped the court fence, eyeing everyone with a nervous stare and stiff posture. "What's your alibis?"
Nobody raised their voice initially. You cast a pitying glance toward Kaveh. When it comes to your closest friendships, he comes in second only to Heizou. As someone who had seen the horrors of the media which is essentially a mirror of the world's social issues, Kaveh's one of the few decent individuals left on the planet, in your opinion. In moments of quiet, you, Kaveh, and Faruzan used to chat together, with Heizou periodically interrupting to share his findings regarding everyone's entrapment.
Considering how Kaveh is your last true friend left, you volunteered yourself.
"I never left my room," you spoke audibly depressed, no longer caring that you appeared un-idol-like. "And I refused entry as well. I heard a couple of angry knocks at 9:37 p.m., but I didn't open my door for anyone."
You looked at Kazuha, hurt and accusingly.
You'd never forget how Kazuha called you a murderer. That intense argument made up 30% of Heizou's class trial. He lost his composure and called you a "dishonorable monster". The whole back-and-forth was very much unlike him. After the trial, neither of you talked– and you never left your room unless it was to get something to eat without anyone in sight.
If he was the one who killed Faruzan because he can’t get to you, then you’ll…
"9:37 eh? You got a watch now?" Kunikuzushi pointed at your wrist.
You snapped out of your aggression and nodded, which made him break out in a fit of laughter. 
"HAHAHA!!!" Kunikuzushi grinned, wide. "Learned your lesson, huh?!"
You scoffed, but your ego was humbled and your heart sank at his harsh words. 
Everyone in the room nearly lost their lives because of your time-blindness. It's precisely what made Kazuha suspicious of your motives. You were always unsure of the time, hence, you didn't have the most watertight alibi compared to Ayaka. Before you entered your room to lock yourself, Alhaitham blocked the door with his shoe and handed you his spare wristwatch. He was the last person you saw before your self-isolation.
"Good," Alhaitham said. "And you, Kunikuzushi?"
"Are we going to ignore that angry knocking thing?" Kaveh rightfully asked.
"Let's complete the first task first," Alhaitham answered. "Let's follow the circle; it's (Y/n), then Kunikuzushi, Kaveh, Yoimiya, Kazuha, then I."
"Conveniently putting yourself last," Kunikuzushi snarled. "But whatever. I was napping in my dorm. Woke up when I heard footsteps outside and decided to investigate. The discovery alarm rang off when I entered the nurse's office the second time."
Kaveh fell silent, his face pale.
"I… never went to m dorm that night"
"Oh?" You and Yoimiya curiously said in unison.
"I-I was with Alhaitham, patrolling!!!" Kaveh defended; his arms in the air. "I swear on my life, I was with him! We're probably the footsteps Kuni heard."
He spoke as if it was a good thing with his mouth, but he was whispering that it wasn’t with his eyes.
"Can't be certain," Kunikuzushi threw in a quick grumble and snapped his fingers. “But I think that's probably the case.”
"That makes sense. I mean, if Kuni was telling the truth then that just means there's more chance it's just those two hopping around. Oh, and I was actually on the second floor at the time. I was in the recreational room cause I wanted to get tokens for the cute little Shogun Stall.'' If Kuni’s side comment lasted a month, then Yoimiya's would be a year– but her good cheer is just what everyone needed to alleviate the tension.
"I wasn't in my dorm room either," Kazuha said. "I was in the cafeteria. I couldn't sleep so I decided to fry fish."
"True, I think. When I checked the cafeteria a knife was missing from the shelf."
"We’ll keep your fact-checking in mind, Miss Naganohara." 
No soul was sure if Alhaitham was being genuine about it except for you. And the answer was yes, he was being warily appreciative. Admittedly, you don’t know any of these people before this killing game started, except for one person…
Alhaitham looked away, conscious of how you looked at him.
In all fairness, Alhaitham was closer to Lumine than you and Aether, and he wasn’t your favorite neighbor either. As a kid, he was the type who would leave in the middle of hide-and-seek simply because the ordeal wasn’t “stimulating” to his developing intellect. He had a habit of causing uncomfortable situations just to “observe” your reactions with an emotionless stare. Alhaitham had once given you a sumeru rose with a startling grasshopper to see how you would behave, and the worst part is that everyone knows he did these without malice. His grandmother had to force a sorry out of him for your tears to dry. “He probably has a crush on you, you know how boys are,” was the excuse the old lady tried, but your twin siblings were quick to shut that thought down. You and he were simply oil and water, nothing more, nothing less.
But there were times you two got along. When you aired out loud sentiments regarding how stuffy his room must be, you snatched the book he was reading and dashed up the nearest tree. Despite his grumbling reservations, he was thankful that you taught him how to climb that afternoon. That was the first you saw him smile wider than usual and offered to narrate the book you stole: The Little Prince. 
However, that version of Alhaitham you’ve come to love remains awol amidst this killing game.
"As for my whereabouts: Kaveh is correct. He and I were patrolling just the first floor and exchanging conversation. Neither of us could sleep. We started at 9:15 and ended abruptly at 11:05, when we, along with Kunikuzushi, found–"
"The body." Kunikuzushi finished.
"Yes," Alhaitham said.
Kunikuzushi smirked. From your perspective, the worst part about this was not Kunikuzushi’s inappropriate smugness, but the look in his eyes that mirrored what Heizou used to have— what your good friend used to be. The light in his eyes, his more forward demeanor, the way he crossed his arms and snapped his fingers– it was as if he was copying him. 
Mocking him.
You hate Kunikuzushi. You detest just how much you don’t know why he’s in the Akademiya or anything else about him other than his first name. You loathe how he had made it his job to be the antagonist of every damn class trial. You hate how he looks at you as though you’re beneath him. You despise how much he is willing to withhold vital information till the very end.
Kunikuzushi is like a commedia dell’arte stock character. A Scaramouche. An unreliable servant. You can’t trust a man who said he was moved by your acting in all your filmography only to act like he wants nothing more than to crush your spirits once lives were at stake.
After listening to everyone’s alibis, your intuition screamed from something deep within a place you had begun to trust after experiencing these trials:
Out of six survivors, FOUR of them are hiding something.
“Is everyone present?”
Before you could speak up, a low and refined woman’s voice stole everyone’s attention. All turned to gaze at the long synthetic-haired lady with a katana by her side. She returned the stares with an unfathomable coldness as she strutted to her throne, the silk of her grand kimono touching the floor. 
There she is. The lone audience and judge. The puppet: the Almighty Raiden Shogun. Undoubtedly made of metal and not flesh. Xiao had learned that firsthand when he sacrificed his life in an honorable duel against the captor— but seeking freedom by force was of no use when she herself is capable of the murders she wished to witness.
“Very well. We shall begin.”
“W-Wait, hold up, ma'am!”
The last vaguely extroverted cheerleader raised her hand; her bravery to interrupt the Shogun was acknowledged.
“... Can I share my E-Handbook data with (Y/n)?” She asked, high-pitched.
The medical and criminological technology of this era eluded everyone. Trapped inside the Akademiya with no phones or any signal to the outside world, each student only has their E-Handbook to rely on. It contains information the owner investigated regarding murders and records testimonies made by their peers. A handbook is only “handy” for both people who were hoping to survive and those who were hoping to twist the facts. 
And that offer is exactly what you need.
“You see– they didn’t leave their room during the investigation period– probably worried that the killer might be after them next and they kinda turned into a hikikomori for the past few days. I’m kinda worried they wouldn’t be able to defend themselves on this trial so… So, uh… Pretty please?” The blonde girl smiled nervously.
The Raiden Shogun stared, calculating.
“I shall allow it.”
“Thank you so much!” Yoimiya tapped her E-Handbook as fast as she could, more eager than you were in watching the loading screen fill up.
You smiled at Yoimiya but it came out crooked and jaded. She didn’t complain that you weren’t at your top form today, but she did send you a loud “Do your best!” in her native tongue.
The Shogun walked to the throne and took her seat.
“Now then, let the class trial begin.”
Out like a bolt of lightning, the doors behind you were completely shut with metal bars in her flick of a wrist. In her twisted form of justice, she hammered the circular surface with her gavel.
“Court is now in session.”
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