#new orleans witch
asphodel-flowers · 6 months
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rocks 🪨 ✨
so going clockwise from the top right. the ones on the right, Mom got me off temu as part of my birthday present months ago. the ones on the left, I got last night along with the key. and then there's dice I got forever ago to the left of that, and my blue bag of runes in the background.
can't remember what the red is. green looks like jade, purple is amethyst, brown I assume is tiger's eye, and two small smooth pieces of quartz. it's missing lapis lazuli that threw itself down the drain the first night I shadowed a tour at the shop/ company I'm gonna be working with.
the rest on the left I got last night at a local witchy store. well, they appear to have expanded here to New Orleans but got their start in Salem? I went into Omens but apparently they're the sister store to Hex: Old World Witchery. (old world they say, but have voodoo stuff on their shops, smh. xP)
there's a hunk of quartz there at the bottom that's the clearest, and to the left of it is opalite. the black is supposedly jet and the purple with green specks is grape agate?
both the brown one, and the clear one with orange, were in the bin that said aragonite
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the bright green with the swirls is malachite and the green with white is apparently tree agate
some more pictures from different angles. the picture with the black background is from last night right after I'd gotten them because that's my skirt, lol
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so according to the labels in the shop I got them from:
opalite: to work on self-love, improve mood, & attract business
jet: for divination & "to invoke the Great Goddess"
grape agate: prophetic dreams, visions, & intense meditation
aragonite: to draw upon the energies of "the Earth Goddess"
tree agate: to restore energy, relax, & connect deeply with nature
malachite: for love, balance, guarding children, & protection
Idk how I feel about those descriptions but they definitely jumped out at/ called to me, and for similar feelings to what the description said even if the descriptions didn't feel or seem quite completely the most accurate.
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frost-queen · 2 months
Tear the world apart (Reader X Elijah Mikaelson)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @alex--awesome--22, @ellie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve , @queen-of-books , @glimmering-darling-dolly , @denkisclown , @wildieflower , @meyocoko , @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl , @m-rae23 , 
@harleyquinnswifeyfrfr  , @swampything07, @melsunshine , @panhoeofmanyfandoms , @venomsvl , @the-uncoordinated-house-cat , @rosecentury , @imagines-by-her, @evilcr0ne , @vviolynn , @niktwazny303 , @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 , @markive-m
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You could already smell the blood, coming from a mile. The scent mixed with the forests fragrance. That damp mossy smell after the rain hat hit in a morning glow. Your senses kicked in, turning your eyes yellow. Leaving the cabin, you started running. No human could keep up as you rushed through the bayou. The earth squishy underneath your feet. Last night was a heavy rain fall in the bayou. Sending the river banks higher than normal. You and your pack had taken shelter for the night. Eye colour a bright yellow.
The scenery flashed by as you covered your grounds quick. The smell of blood becoming more vivid. The forest reeking of it. Already slowing a bit down, you knew you were getting closer. A flock of crowd made you snap your head back up to the sky. They were circling above your head. Cawing loud. Seeing one dive down. It made you widen your eyes, jumping over a mossy log to get closer to the blood smell.
Stepping deeper into the swamp, you were overwhelmed by the smell. There came a clearing as your eyes widened. Growing larger with the shock. A repulsion came over you, almost making you want to throw up. It was hard to swallow it down seeing the massacred pile of human. A few flies already buzzing around them. Amongst the pile, you recognized a face that wasn’t so heavily covered in blood. – “Ben!” – you screamed out, running over to the pile.
It was then that you recognized more of them. Your pack. Slaughtered. You shoved a body off Ben, wanting to check on your alpha. You were a small pack of wolves. Mostly existing of wolves no one else wanted to take. Those who found refuge with Ben in the bayou. You couldn’t control your tears as you wiped the blood of his face. Wanting him to be clean. Mud mixing with blood as it stained your clothing and limbs.
It was then that your eyes fell on the two puncture holes in his neck. Your hands clenched into fists, catching some mud with it. Letting your head fall back, you screamed your lungs out. Sending the flock of crows above your head fleeing. Every fibre in your body trembled with the intensity of your scream till your body fell forwards from exhaustion. You hadn’t heard them going out. Not remembering much from last night.
Like lambs they were slaughtered and there was only one who could’ve done this. Vampires. Your sworn enemies. Wiping the back of your hand against your cheek, you left an unwanted bloody mud smudge. Getting up, you backed away from the bodies. Knowing what you had to do. You snapped a branch, pointing the sharpy end at the sun. Lowering your hand, you set out on your war path. Hungry for some vampires. Specially those originals.
The looks the locals gave you, didn’t bother you. Not even their pulled up noses from the smell. You kept walking with one goal only. The Mikaelsons house clear in your vision. You didn’t care who was at home as someone was going to pay for this. Letting the wooden spike twirl in your hand, you weren’t afraid of them. At this point you weren’t afraid of anything. Savages they were. Rebekah smelled it first, pulling her nose up. – “What is that ghastly smell?” – she asked moving her hand in front of her nose. – “It smells like a swamp.” – she added as Klaus laughed loud.
“Is that you? You pig?” – she accused him. Klaus held his hands up. – “Do not look at me.” – he said, suddenly jumping up when someone entered their family home. – “Mikaelsons!” – you shouted loud. Rebekah quirking her eyebrow up at you. Clearly having found the source of smell. Klaus rushed over to you, stopping you before you could enter more. – “Out!” – he ordered with a glare.
You rose the wooden spike at him, your eyes flashing yellow. – “Make me.” – you replied firm. – “You seem a bit lost Wolfie?” – Kol appeared behind Klaus, crossing his arms. You bared your teeth at him making Kol snap his mouth teasingly at you to mimic a bite. – “What do you want?” – Klaus called out. – “I want your head on a pike!” – you made clear moving the spike closer to his throat. – “Get in line for that.” – Kol answered behind Klaus. Klaus curled up a smirk, finding you very bold to threaten him like that. – “Brothers, let’s be civil.” – Elijah Mikaelson came down the stairs, already taking out a handkerchief for you.
Needing to out your anger, you threw the spike at him. It hit him in the shoulder making him grunt. He slowly pulled it out making it clatter to the ground. In a matter of a second he was at your side. Having grabbed you as your back hit the wall making you gasp loud. He was already showing you his fangs out of spite. – “Why are you here?” – he asked looking at you with those darkened eyes. – “To kill you!” – you replied receiving a hard push back against the wall.
“You killed my pack!” – you made clear. – “You blood suckers slaughtered my pack last night and you are going to pay for it!” – you shouted pushing Elijah off you. He stumbled backwards a bit shocked by your accusations. Panting loud, you watched as the four Mikaelsons came nearer. – “Y/n?” – Hayley’s voice broke the tension as she appeared between Klaus and Kol.
“What… what happened?” – she asked worried. – “Did you set them up to it?” – you called out to her, taking a step as Elijah reached his hand out to keep you at a distance from her. – “To what?” – Hayley replied confused. – “They slaughtered my pack!” – you screamed out. – “Last night at the swamp. Massacred them after they sucked them dry!”
Hayley gasped loud in shock. – “I… I have no pack…” – you hated yourself for getting emotional, but seeing their mangled up bodies in your mind, made you want to cry your eyes out. Hayley rushed over to you as Klaus tried to hold her back. Elijah noticed her, grabbing her by the arm quickly before she could reach you. – “Typical wolves to blame any murder on us.” – Elijah said with disgust. – “I saw the puncture holes!” -  you let out, pointing at your neck with two fingers. – “Wiped your own memories for that?” – you mocked. – “We didn’t kill your pack.” – Rebekah said loud making you puff loud.
“Liar!” – you yelled, wanting to have something to throw at them. – “All you ever do is kill… my family… you killed my family…” – your voice fading out a bit. Staring heartbroken down at the ground. – “Mark my words Mikaelsons. I’ll have your heads.” – you threatened taking your leave as you knew you were outnumbered now. Elijah scoffed loud, slowly letting go of Hayley. Hayley stared questionable at her friends. – “What?” – Klaus asked. – “Did you? Did you kill Y/n’s pack?” – she asked. -  “Why should I be bothered with a nameless pack?” – Klaus said back with a devious smirk.
Elijah gasped loud seeing his sister’s neck broken. He rushed over to her, seeing the rip marks at her shirt. Three tears going from her stomach to her back. It made Elijah worry, making him lift her shirt up to see the damage. Three scratches of nails crossed into her skin. It made Elijah only think of one person who could’ve done this. He waited till his sister woke up and the scratch marks disappeared as they seemed to be of no harm.
As soon as Kol could watch their sister, Elijah set off on a path of war. He reached the swamps quickly. The smell of blood clear on his senses. He first went to the cabins knowing you’d be there. Except you weren’t there. Listening, he heard shovelling. He fled over to the sound. The first thing he did was cover up his nose at the smell from the blood that has been cooking under the glory sun for a day now. Looking around, he saw several dug out pits. In one of them sand flew up.
Elijah made his way over to the pit, looking down in it. There he saw you shovelling. Face dirty with sand. As the sun got blocked from you, casting a shadow over your face, you looked up. Coming face to face with Elijah. – “What do you want!” – you called out. Elijah jumped into the pit, grabbing you by the arms. He then jumped out, slamming your back against the ground as he sat on top of you. – “I know you hurt my sister!” – he spitted out with anger. Eyes already darkening at you. – “What?” – you replied confused.
“You said you’d have our heads, so you must feel glorious for hurting my sister.” – Elijah set more pressure on your shoulders, pushing them firmer onto the ground. – “I have been here all day and night!” – you shouted at him, trying to get him off. – “Shovelling graves to bury my pack, the pack you killed!” – you made clear, pushing him off you. Elijah fell backwards as you got up. – “Have a look around idiot! You really think I dug all those graves in five minutes?” – you yelled making him take another look. There were indeed a number of graves already dug. – “I didn’t hurt your sister.” – you told him annoyed. – “And I didn’t kill your pack!” – Elijah answered equally bothered.
You dropped the shovel, walking up to the bodies you had separated form each other. Having laid them carefully beside each other with a sheet over them. You pulled one of the sheets back, pointing down. Elijah neared seeing the puncture wounds as well. – “I did not kill them.” – Elijah reminded you once more. – “Then who did? Fairies?” – you replied sarcastically. Elijah knelt down to the body, moving his two fingers at the same length of the puncture holes.
“They are too close together for bite marks.” – he informed you. – “Bull! You are just calling things to deflect your murders.” – you told him as Elijah pulled himself back up. He pulled out a handkerchief, offering it to you. – “I do not.” – he responded. You puffed loud, pushing his hand away. – “I don’t need your tissues.” – you made clear. Elijah offered it again. – “You have dirt on your face.” – he informed you. Bothered you took the handkerchief from him, wiping it across your face. – “Oh look you are capable of having a clean face.” – he teased as you shoved him aside.
You pressed the handkerchief against his chest walking back to the shovel. – “Now if you’ll excuse me. I have more graves to dig.” – you jumped back into the pile to shovel more. Elijah looked briefly at the heavens before taking off his jacket. He rolled his sleeves up, grabbing another shovel to help you. You blinked surprised when you saw him jump down the hole with you to shovel. He didn’t say a word, just shovelling. He even helped you lay the bodies down to bury.
After a proper burial, you returned to your cabin as Elijah followed. You threw a clean shirt and vest at him to change in. Elijah went to the bathroom to clean up as you washed yourself a bit at the sink. Putting on clean clothing that didn’t were stained with dirt and sand. Elijah returned as you were sitting down. – “I find it very strange.” – he started, arms crossed. You flashed your gaze up to him. – “How the puncture holes clearly tried to resemble teeth, but they were too close together for that.” – he went on.
“Are you saying you didn’t kill them?” – you joked out. Elijah looked down at you. – “Yes.” – he let you know. You got up coming to face him. – “And I didn’t hurt your sister.” – you told him making him roll his eyes at you. – “Do you see that!” – you pointed out some scratch marks on the farthest wall. – “Did the scratches look remotely like that?” – you asked loud. Elijah stared at the marks, as they were nothing alike. He started thinking. Pacing around the room.
“If we didn’t do this… then someone must have gone through a great length to put us up against each other.” – Elijah explained thoughtfully. – “We are each other’s enemies.” – you stated sitting back down. – “Yes and what common enemy do we have?” – Elijah asked gesturing at you. It made you widen your eyes. – “Witches.” – Elijah spoke as it all made sense now. – “The question is why would they do this?”
You pulled your shoulders up, feeling a bit tired from shovelling day and night. – “Tired Wolfie?” – Elijah teased. – “Bite me.” – you responded snappy. Elijah was about to leave as you got up, holding him back by his arm. – “I want to kill them. Do not take this hunt from me.” – you told him. – “Afraid I wouldn’t share furry?” – Elijah responded with a chuckle. – “Watch it sucker before I actually rip your chest open.” – you threatened back.
You let go of his arm, taking a step back. Elijah looked up to the ceiling, knowing what kind of night it would be. – “It’s a full moon tonight.” – he said. – “I’ll be fine!” – you told him picking your dirty cloths. – “Without your pack?” – he asked concerned. It made you furrow your brows a bit. – “I’ve been on my own before.” – you answered walking past him to the laundry basket. Dropping the clothing in it. – “Go home.” – you told him leaving out the door to go collect some fire wood.
You were surprised to see Elijah had stayed despite you telling him to leave. – “I thought I told you to leave.” – you said dropping the firewood before the stove. – “You shouldn’t be on your own.” – he responded. – “I don’t need your babysitting.” – you snapped annoyed at him. Elijah walked up to you, kneeling beside you to help you out. – “I could bite your head off.” – you warned him. Elijah chuckled loud. – “I’d like to see you try.” – he responded. – “You should’ve told me, I would’ve dug another grave just for you.” – you teased flashing a smile at him.
The two of you sat down, waiting for the moon to come. You felt it was close, getting up. Elijah got up as well with a worried expression. – “Stay inside!” – you ordered him, heading for the door. He took a step closer to you, making you make your warning even clearer. – “I said stay!” – with a glare, you wanted him to listen. – “Woof.” – Elijah answered bursting in laughter as you didn’t find it funny at all. You left the cabin, taking your distance from it. Moving more towards the riverbanks. The first crack of your bones, made you scream loud, sinking to the ground. A second and third crack dislocated your arms.
Screaming loud in terror, your eyes flashed yellow. Elijah rushed outside, coming to your aid. – “Y/n.” – he said with worry. – “Leave!” – you cried out to him, panting from the pain. Another crack in your back made you scream in agony. Teeth bared as you pushed Elijah back. Elijah fell back, staring with wide eyes as you transformed into a wolf. He held a protective hand in front of him as you snarled at him. Teeth bared as you slowly approached him. – “Y/n…” – Elijah said gently not sure if you would hear him. He kept moving his head back as you neared.
Seeing the wild in your eyes. He gulped soft thinking you were truly going to bite his head off. Your nose neared his hand, sniffing his smell. Growling loud, your body purred with vibration. Then your mouth closed, your eyes seemingly softening up to him. Elijah’s eyes stood wide as you licked his hand. Lowering his hand, he saw the gentle change in you. You seemingly seemed to bow your head at him. Elijah exhaled loud as you brushed past him, running into the wilderness. Elijah returned to the cabin, waiting on the porch for your return. He staid up all night, waiting for the early morning glory. From between the trees, you returned.
Panting loud as your paws tripled back to the cabin. Exhausted you laid yourself down in front of the porch, changing with the morning sun back into yourself. Elijah undid his vest, laying it over your naked body. You pulled his vest closer around him as he picked you up. Carrying you back inside. He laid you on your bed, placing a blanket over you. Returning to the living room, he waited for you to return.
You had woken up and got dressed. Shyly you presented yourself to Elijah. – “I still have my head.” – he chuckled out. It made you chuckle back. Elijah approached you, placing a hand on your arm. – “How are you feeling?” – he asked. – “Like hell.” – you told him with a faint smile. You caught yourself staring at him, tearing your gaze away from him. – “You… you should go home… I’m out of the clearing so… no… no need to babysit me anymore.”
Elijah looked pitiful at you. Missing your gaze as he wanted to hold it a bit longer. – “You are still not fine Y/n.” – he said reaching out to you. – “Elijah.” – you responded moving his hand away from you. – “We… we are enemies.” – you reminded him. – “We don’t need to be…” – he responded. – “Let’s… let’s just find those witches.” – you answered as Elijah took a step back. – “Of course.” – he said.
 “You are dead!” – you called out, eyes flashing a bright twinkling yellow. Elijah bared his teeth beside you, his eyes darkening. The witches in front of you screaming loud. You started running for one of them. Elijah reached one of the witches in seconds, snapping their neck before she would utter a word. Her lifeless body dropped to the ground, making some of her sisters scream in tears at the loss of their sister.
You jumped on a witch, wrapping your legs around her as you dug your teeth into her neck. Ripping a piece of her flesh off. She screamed loud, sinking to the ground as you went down with her. Elijah was fighting off a witch as another one focused on you. Hand out as she said some magic. A deafening sound made you press your hands against your ears in terror. Crying loud at the immense pain she was causing you. Elijah grunted loud, rushing over to the witch. He broke her hand making her scream in pain. He then bared his teeth at her neck, biting through her neck.
“Y/n!” – Elijah rushed over to you, kneeling. – “Are you alright?” – he asked, holding his hands against your cheeks. You noticed a witch behind him with a dagger. Ready to throw it as you shoved Elijah aside, rolling over with him. The dagger flew above your heads, clattering to the ground.
Pushing yourself off Elijah, you ran up to her, punching her across the face. She stumbled back as another one wanted to approach you from the back. Elijah grabbed them firm by their clothing, tossing them back against a wall. Not one needed to lay a finger on you. Kicking the witch in her stomach, she stumbled back.
Elijah came standing behind her, breaking her neck as you heard the crack. Her body dropped before you to the ground. Elijah and you panting loud as you stared at each other. Elijah rushed up to you, grabbing a hold of you as he pressed his lips to yours. You kissed him back, feeling the world melt around you.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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classydior · 1 year
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American Horror Story : COVEN!
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spoiledbratblog · 19 days
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Francine Prose - Marie Laveau - Berkley - 1978
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lowcountry-gothic · 1 year
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The ​Brevard-Wisdom-Rice House at 1239 First Street, New Orleans, LA. The inspiration for the Mayfair house in The Witching Hour.
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 year
Franken/Kyle Spencer NSFW A-Z
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A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex)
•Kyle loves taking care of you, he thinks it's his job
•No matter what or how much you do he will hold you tight, borderline too tight just trying to keep you close and make sure you're alright
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
•Kyle doesn't have a favorite body part of his, he actually has quite a few issues with the body he lives in, considering most of it isn't his
•Kyle loves every single inch of you, he adores holding your hands, lives for kissing your lips and would kill just to squeeze your ass one last time before death
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically... I'm a disgusting person)
•Kyle loves finishing on you, he's practically hard wired (even post death) as a frat boy not to finish inside of you, even if he loves that too
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
•He tries to hide how much he wants to throw you around
•Kyle has had problems with his strength and he's afraid to hurt you, however he wants more than anything to pin you down and have his way with you
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
•As a frat boy he had enough experience, though he also had quite a bit of trauma
•He has to relearn quite a lot and while he knows what he's doing he has to relearn how to be gentle, slow, careful, or whatever you need from him, though he's entirely worth it
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
•Kyles favorite position is missionary, he wants to see your face and gage your reactions, he loves knowing that he's making you feel as good as he does, it makes him feel accomplished, that he's done his job taking care of you
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
•Once he gets comfortable with you he can have moments of goofy, borderline childishness when trying to make you laugh or smile
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
•He's trimmed but he doesn't do anything more than that
•The hair on his head however is messy and adorable at all times
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect...)
•It takes him a while to get romance, he wasn't bad at it before he died but relearning that took a bit of time for him
•Once he gets the hang of it, he thrives at giving you the romantic nights and making you feel special
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
•Loves It
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
•Anal-is a big one that Kyle begs to try for a while before you give in
•Switch-Kyle loves being in charge with you but he also enjoys it when you take control and tell him what to do
L = Location (Favorite places to do the deed)
•Kyle prefers a bed, your bed
•He doesn't like others looking at you so being anywhere but your room doesn't happen a lot at all
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
•Kyle almost seems like a teenager discovering sex for the first time every day
•He doesn't need motivation, he's always ready and waiting for you
N = NO (Something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
•Anything that causes you pain
•Kyle already has trouble when it comes to hurting people and animals, his strength is a major issue and hurting you is something he's terrified of doing so please don't ask him to
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
•Kyle loves hearing the sounds you make when he goes down on you, it may be his favorite thing in the world
•If you allowed him to he would do it for hours and never stop for air, listening to your whimpers and squeals, holding down your twitching hips
•God he loves the taste of your pussy
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
•He was very fast at first, feeling the need to rut into you frantically until you slowed him
•He actually quite enjoys slow, passionate sex, watching the expressions on your face change is fascinating to him learning what movements make you scrunch up your nose adorably or make you moan like an overzealous porn star
•Fast, slow, rough, sensual, whatever you need that day is what Kyle will give you, he wants to please you however you need, he has a need to make you happy after everything you’ve done to take care of him…and he loves your pussy with a passion
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
•All the time
•Sometimes living in a school for witches you only have 5 minutes here and there and Kyle is determined to always make the most of them
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
•He enjoys trying new things with you and he'll try just about anything you want
•You only ever risked doing it anywhere but your room once though, Kyle hates the idea of people seeing your body
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last...)
•He has a crazy amount of stamina
•Kyle can last for several hours before he even needs a break let alone has to call it quits
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
•He's not a huge fan of toys but he'll give them a try if you want him to
•He likes your vibrator, placing it against your clit while he fucks you gives you both an ungodly amount of pleasure
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
•Every once in a while Kyle will tease you but he's more of a dive straight into it sort of guy
•His foreplay was abysmal in the beginning but he got much better at it knowing how happy it made you
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
•Kyle is definitely a grunter
•He's not usually all that loud but if he gets lost in the moment he can really get there
W = Wild Card (Get a random Headcanon for the character of your choice)
•Kyle surprised you with how snuggly he is, especially with how angry and growly he is all the time
•He loves resting his head on your belly and wrapping his arms around you, curling up and loving the feel of you playing with his hair
•Your personal Frankenstein is adorable
X = X-Ray (Let's see what's going on in those pants, picture or words)
•6 1/2 inches
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
•Kyle has a high sex drive, he's always desperate for you and you don't make it easy on him
•Every time you wear those cute shorts that can’t even be called pants he's so hard it hurts and so needy for you
Z = ZZZ (... how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
•It's rare that he falls asleep before you considering his stamina however when he does you enjoy just watching him for a bit
•Usually you fall asleep before him and Kyle is quick to snuggle you against his chest and nuzzle his face into your hair
•He takes these kinds of moments to thank whatever deity exists in the world for letting him come back and experience true happiness with you
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kitwalker02 · 10 months
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Robichaux's!!! I'll put more pictures soon but we've seen quite a few locations as well as actually ate at the restaurant, Atchaflaya, where Fiona and Madison had brunch.
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kasagia · 2 years
Our little game pt. 2
~Part 1~ ~Part 3~ ~Part 4~ ~Part 5~
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x witch! reader Summary: After the engagement party, you, Katherine, Freya, and Rebekah start to organize a grand fairytale wedding for family members only. Which means you'll be staying at Mikaelson's house a little longer than you initially assumed. But everyone is delighted with your presence. Especially little Hope and her dad, who loves to watch you play with his little princess. Kol is teasing him that he's using the baby charm to get to your cold, iced heart because he isn't hot enough. Kol nearly gets stabbed. But Elijah comes and rescues his youngest brother. After all, someone has to perform the marriage ceremony. You also meet "The Hybrid's Therapist" and makes a huge, life-changing discovery. Word count: 6,3k+
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Three days. That's how long it took the original family to get me acquainted with everything that happened in those missing years. They found a new member of the family, killed their parents (and crazy aunt) again, and ruled New Orleans just like "in the old, good times." That was too much information to get in that short time. Especially since I was drunk for half of it. Bekah and Kit-kat made the decision to get to know me and Freya by attending parties every night. It was fun at first. But when the hangover came to me the morning after, it wasn't funny anymore. At least I made a new friend.
"Earth to Y/N!" someone screamed at me and pushed, making me fall from the kitchen chair. I groaned in pain, rubbing my sore butt.
"Kol Mikaelson. Do you wish to die on this awful morning?"
"It's 11am." he replied, annoyed. The 10th-century maniac always started his day with the crowing of the hens. I was unworthy (or too lazy) to participate in this mystery of the rising sun.
"I told you. Morning."
"I'm sorry, but I, unlike others, have a real problem on my hands, and I don't have time to deal with your bitter, hangover attitude."
"I apologize for your grace. What is so important that you have to hurt people this morning? You broke one of Klaus' paintings or finally stole his precious daggers?"
"That's better." I gave him a stern look. "Relax, darling. I was joking."
"Not appreciated."
"God. I don't know why my brother likes you."
"Hey! Elijah is my friend; of course he likes me." I replied offended.
"Not these ones. And not in a platonic way." my amused, kind smile faded at his suggestion.
"You know what? I'm too hungry to… what did you say? Deal with your attitude?" I said with a mean smirk on my way out of the kitchen.
"No! Wait a second!" he used his vampire speed to stand before me. "I'll make you breakfast. Just help me."
"What will you cook?" I asked, crossing my arms.
"Scrambled eggs?"
"I want waffles."
"Uhm. With cherry jam, whipped cream, and strawberries."
"You're going to be fat."
"And very happy. You don't want me to be happy?" I gave him my best puppy eyes.
"Alright, alright. Three waffles then." he agreed, heading to the cooker.
"Six." I corrected him, sitting down at the kitchen island across from him to watch him cook my food.
"Seriously?" he gave me an incredulous look.
"I told you. I'm hungry."
"My God, watch over your future husband."
"And his bank account." Kol burst out laughing as he started cooking my breakfast. "So? What can I help you?"
"It worked. I have a real date with Davina."
"Congratulations." I nodded as I poured myself a glass of orange juice.
"Thank you. But now, as she said yes, I have to make this day unforgetable and amazing."
"I'm starting to worry about you. Are you feeling fine? How many fingers do you see?" I asked, showing him two fingers in front of his face. He snorted, pushing my hand away.
"This is very funny, but I need your help."
"Why me? I mean, you have two older sisters and two older brothers who have probably been in many more relationships than me. They know how to flirt better than me." I inquired, feeling uncomfortable about assisting a 1,000-year-old vampire in picking up a girl when the number of my ex-boyfriends was limited to only one.
"Oh, you'd be surprised…" he says, looking at me with a little smile. "Maybe they have some... romantic experience, but they are over a thousand years old. And Davina is from these times, like you. You know what I'm trying to say?"
"Usually? No. But let's say this time I understand that you called your sibling pensioners. So, tell me something about your girl. I need to know her likes."
*After some time*
"I think that's all." he handed me my food, looking at me expectantly.
"Well... I think you shouldn't take her on your first date to any fancy restaurant, cinema, or theater."
"Then what?"
"You're a good cook. Make her something and go boating on the river at night. You know stars and constellations, tell her about them after dinner. But don't make yourself a genius, women usually don't like this."
"Do you think that's enough?"
"You can scatter rose petals on the deck and decorate it with lights. But definitely don't take the poor girl to Paris, or you'll overwhelm her. Save something special for significant dates, like big anniversaries or something."
"You sure?"
"Trust me, women like it when a man makes an effort. She'll be delighted if you do everything yourself. A pampered vampire prince flying around town to fulfill her every little whim and do something special for her? She will love it."
"Vampire prince?"
"Please... like your family doesn't act like royalty."
"Does that mean I'm the king, love?" Klaus came to the kitchen with a little girl in his arms. God. This man looked too hot while he was holding a child.
"Absolutely not. But this sweetheart in your arms is a true princess. Yes, Hope?" I asked, giggling, when she started laughing after I tickled her. I was so fascinated by the sweet child that I didn't notice the look a holding her hybrid was giving me.
"If I remember correctly, this is not your babysitting week. Have you been stealing her from Hayley for three days because you missed her, or do you have another reason, brother?" Kol asked, snapping me out of my trance. This child could easily charm people around her.
"Did you steal her?" I asked indignantly.
"I am her father, love." he replied, looking at me offended.
"What's your point?"
"I can't steal my own child."
"Well, since you don't get along too well with her mother, I believe you can. Did he steal you, angel?" I asked her as she started to grab my hair in her little hand, forcing Klaus to lower himself to my level so the little princess wouldn't fall out of his arms.
"No, I don't. Hayley knows where she is. You two don't have to worry." I gave him a chair so he could sit next to me and not have to do gymnastics with the little troublemaker he held.
He sat her on his lap so she had better access to my bracelets, which turned out to be her next interest. I giggled as I watched her mumble over the pendant of a silver witch flying on a broomstick towards a diamond moon. A birthday present from her father. Talking about the hybrid, he also probably appreciated the selection of my jewelry.
"May you be more like your mother, sweetheart. It would have saved her a lot of nerves." I said to her, taking the pendant away just as it was about to go to her mouth. She screamed something in her language and grabbed my finger instead, trying to drop it with her gums.
"She must have been teething." I thought, not even noticing the gentle, lovely gaze the hybrid was giving me while holding the baby.
"She has the look of the devil in her eyes. That's all me, love." I shifted my gaze to the girl's father.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night."
"I think we already talked about nights and beds. Did you reconsider my invitation?" he asked, smiling and leaning closer to me.
"Don't talk to me like that with a little baby in your arms. It may be traumatizing for her. Just like for me." I replied, pretending to tremble with disgust.
Kol's snort reminded both of us of his presence.
"I told you, Nik. The baby trick doesn't work on her when your baby is cuter than you. You have to find another way into her cold heart."
"Don't you have a girl to chase?" I asked, shooting him a stern look. Did each of them have to be joking about our improbable romance?
"Actually, I do Y/N." Kol came over to us, kissed Hope on the cheek, and did the same to me. Klaus's quiet growl didn't go unnoticed. "Bye darling!"
"Stop calling me like that, you're a taken man!" I shouted after him. "Idiot. What?" I asked the hybrid, who was staring at me with a strange, unfamiliar look in his eyes.
"H e did you breakfast?" he asked with a cold, impassive tone, trying to cover his emotion.
"Yeah. He wanted help, so I made him do something useful in return."
"Oh, I see. Were that cheek kiss and "taken man" talk also part of your generous help." his resentment became more audible in his voice with each passing second. He was angry. But why the fuck?
"What's wrong with you? Kol and I are friends if you expect me to act like we don't..."
"Are you two just friends?" he immediately cut me off, not caring to hear what I was about to say.
"No. We're secretly married, and I'm expecting his child. I'm madly in love with him." I said sarcastically as I was about to leave the kitchen. I didn't like the direction this conversation was going.
"Y/N." Mikaelson's firm tone of voice and the use of my name instead of his usual "love" told me he wasn't joking or playing a game after all.
I turned and took a step closer to him, so our chests met. Hope's legs were hitting me a little as she waved them around, muttering something under her breath. His eyes were all on mine. Unwanted shivers ran through me.
"Kol fell for your town witch, Davina. I helped him plan a fantastic date. That's all. Don't misinterpret our actions. That's how we talk to each other. But even if we were something more, it wouldn't be your business. I'm not your toy that you can appropriate."
"I've never said you are. Don't misinterpret my actions."
"Are you using my own words against me?"
"I don't know, love. Did I?"
He gave me a challenging look, occasionally lowering his gaze to my lips. I stood there, never thinking about how close we were until his nose brushed mine. I couldn't give him the satisfaction of backing out. He'd never kiss me anyway, would he? We did a lot of stuff, true, but a real kiss was something neither of us could do as part of our "game." At least that's how I explained my suppressed desire to be close to him.
"NIKLAUS!" Elijah's yell immediately pulled us apart. I cleared my throat, reaching out to take the little one from him.
"I'll take her to the park. Maybe we even go to the playground, what do you think, Hope? Do you want to swing with auntie Y/N?"
"I'll try my best to come to you two as fast as I can." he said, and gave me his child.
He took a moment to look at both of us, and before he left, he kissed Hope on the head. Little bastard had to give me a "goodbye kiss" in the exact same place as Kol did. And just to be clear, I wasn't blushing.
Blood just suddenly ran into my face and made me red like a tomato. Just it. It had nothing to do with a kiss from the original.
"I hope you had a good reason to call for me, because I was that close to finally making this little, stubborn witch kiss me."
Klaus ran into a library to meet his elder brother. It appeared that he wasn't alone. Kol was right behind Elijah, proudly smiling at him. That little bastard tricked him.
"What's going on here?"
"Kol told me about your..."
"Using our niece to flirt with Y/N. How do you plead from that?" Kol chimed in on his older brother's words.
"I'm not going to talk with you about my relationship with Y/N."
"Which, by the way, doesn't exist at all." the blond man moved towards his younger brother, but the oldest Mikaelson's hand on his shoulder stopped him.
"Behave yourselves. Both of you."
"I'm sorry, brother, but as you can see, he's the one who has consistently sabotaged my plans for Y/N. Make him behave himself." he pointed an accusing finger at Kol.
"I'm trying to save you from making the great mistake of your life. As much as I love Y/N, she doesn't fit our lifestyle. If you started to date her, you'd put her in the middle of our enemies, old, crazy witches who want to kill us, or even worse, your ex-girlfriends. You'll ruin her, and she deserves something more than our family drama."
"And you, Elijah? Do you share his opinion?"
"It doesn't matter. We just... want you to reconsider your plans before it's too late."
"Yeah. Let's take Hayley as an example. She didn't end up well after a night with you. Or... both of you." Kol stopped as he saw his brothers' angry look. "Alright, that was the wrong example, but you know what I mean. She's just a human with superpowers. She wouldn't put up with all the pain that comes with being a Mikaelson."
"Yes? Then what would you say about Davina? Is she strong enough? How is she different from Y/N?"
"She was born here. From the beginning, she grew up among witches. Y/N has known our world for only 4 years. That's a short time even for a mortal."
"When exactly did you become the voice of reason in our family? I thought it was Elijah's responsibility."
"Well, someone has to, as long as he's enchanted by Petrova's charm. By the way, you're no better than him."
The hybrid was about to throw a dagger at the brazen original, but his phone rang. He gave his brother his most terrifying look and went out of the room, taking the call.
"Oh my god, I miraculously escaped this. I'm never playing bad cop in your plan again, Petrova!"
"Do you think it will really work?" Elijah asked, completely ignoring his brother's nervous outburst.
"Of course, honey. We all know that he hated when someone tried to control him or give him an order. He'll run straight to her and admit his feelings right after he deals with the new vampire group. Let's hope Y/N finally tells him how she really feels about him." Katerina stepped out of the shadows, embracing her fiancé before kissing him on the cheek (to Kol's groan of disgust).
"How did you know where he went?"
"I could convince Rebekah to turn some vampires against Klaus and Marcel to keep them busy for the rest of the afternoon. Which will give me enough time to implement plan B."
"Which is?"
"What kind of matchmaker would I be if I told you before anything really happened? Trust me, they will be officially together on the day of our wedding at the latest." she said, then kissed the smiling original passionately, not caring that they had company in the room.
"Ugh! That's too much, even for me. Get a room or something before another innocent soul sees that. Before I go. Are we still on for tonight?"
"Yes. Me and Rebekah will help you with this date, but we are not cooking. Only decorate."
"Thanks. Play nice and use protection!" he shouted as he left, causing his brother to blush. Katerina laughed, kissing the vampire's rosy cheek.
"Wanna help me set up your stupid brother with Y/N?" she inquired, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. 
"Why exactly are you helping him? I thought you hated him?"
"Well, besides wanting to score points in your eyes and be able to point it out to him every chance I get, I think it would be nice to have Y/N with us permanently. She's a good friend."
"It's nice to see that you're starting to think not only about yourself but also about others around you." he replied, wrapping his arms around her waist.
"Well, if you come upstairs with me, I can show you how much I think about others… pleasure."
"Are we alone?"
"Mhmm..." the original picked her up in bridal style, causing the younger vampire to laugh as he carried her up the stairs.
Damon called me for the fourth time that day. I have been successful at ignoring him and playing with Hope. At least until Katherine didn't join us and took my phone to hang him up.
"What does he want? I thought your group fell apart?" she asked, putting my phone back in my pocket.
"Well... let's say we are on a break." I said, trying to get my hair out of Hope's grip to set the girl on the swing.
"Do they know where you are?"
"No. Actually, I only wrote to Bonnie to say that I'm safe and she doesn't have to worry about me."
Now that I think about it, none of them took an interest in my fate. Only Bonnie. On the other hand, it didn't bother me at all. I already had people who cared about me.
Damon called again, causing Kat to grimace in annoyance.
"Please, can I pick up your phone and tell him to fu..."
"Katherine! There're children here!" I cut her off before the curse reached Hope's ears. Klaus would kill me if his daughter's first words were "fuck".
"Atherine!" I froze in place, stopping swinging the girl. Now, I think he'd rather hear that her first word was curse than Katherine.
"Ha ha. You should see your face!" the woman laughed as she continued swinging Hope.
"But... how... when... What?" I mumbled, still in shock.
"Please, I taught her my name a long time ago. That's how I won Kol's collection of wine." I felt a stone fall from my heart. I was safe. "But this is the first time she told it in front of someone other than me and Kol, so... I don't think that Klaus knew." a mischievous smirk grew on her face. Well, I guess I'll be dead after all.
"No. Absolutely not. It'll break his heart if he hears that's her first word." I stopped the swing and crouched down to be at Hope's height. "C'mon Hope. Say daddy."
"Y/N... continue like that, and Klaus would rather listen to you calling him daddy than his own child." Katherine began to tease, making my face flush uninvitedly. If I was screwed anyway, why did she have to kick me down?
"Stop it. It's a serious situation. I took her for a walk, what should I do when we return and she starts calling your name?!"
"Well, if you try to use this daddy line on him..."
"Katherine!" I stood up and yelled at the laughing vampire.
"Atherine!" she cried, waving her arms happily.
"No sweetheart. Dad. Daddy. Dada. Dad." I knelt in front of the baby once again, practically begging her to help me in my unfair battle with amused Katherine.
"That's not how you teach a child."
"And how should I know that? I'm 20 with no siblings. Hope is the first child I care for. Thinking about that, I'm surprised that Klaus even gave her to me."
"From the first seconds of her life, this little one has had a 24-hour survival school. One afternoon with an inexperienced aunt wouldn't kill her." She stopped seeing how upset I was. She took my arm and made me look into her eyes. "Hey. Do not panic. Nothing happened. I will teach her, and Klaus will never know. You don't have to worry."
"Are you sure?" I asked, looking at her unconvincingly.
"I did it once. I can do it again. In the meantime, you can go pick up alcohol for the wedding from the bar across the street."
"Did you order alcohol from the bar? Doesn't your fiancé happen to have an age-old collection of all sorts of liquors?"
"Yes, but it is not an inexhaustible well. Kol insisted that we have to start restocking our supplies this year, and for every bottle we take, he makes us add new ones. It's not my fault that moron likes a special recipe that they only make at this particular bar."
"The Mikaelsons and their picky palates." I mumbled under my breath, kissing Hope's head before leaving her alone with aunt Katherine.
I breathed a sigh of relief as I left the playground. If Klaus finds his daughter with Katherine, at least she'll be to blame for the little girl shouting her name in fascination.
Or he'll have a heart attack. Maybe it's better to warn him.
Hello half-wolfie. I just want to let you know that the little princess is with Her Majesty. Don't get mad when you see them two - I have to go and take care of the wedding (which you're not helping me with at all, Mr. Best Man). I'm getting alcohol and rings, so you're responsible for flowers and food. Good luck! :)
Mr. Big Ego: I hope you know what you're doing. Also, if flowers and food aren't a woman's thing to do?
I'll turn a blind eye to this horrible sexist discrimination just because you're probably miles away and my magic won't reach you. Back to the topic. You're an artist, and you have a pretty good sense of style, so I believe you'll do just fine. Besides, you're quite handsome. Use your charm on the women, and they'll do the job for you.
Mr. Big Ego: Thanks for the advice, I'm just trying to use it in case you hadn't noticed. ;)
My God, are you getting senile blindness? I wrote that you're "quite handsome," not "incredible hot." You've got to find a desperate woman, so go and do your job, because I'm not going to do shitwork for you, LOVE. :-*
Mr. Big Ego: I'd rather read how you call me that under other circumstances... :-/
Take what they give you.
Mr. Big Ego: We both know I can get a lot more out of you. Like those tempting, little moans a couple days ago...
Don't you happen to have something urgent to do, your grace?
Mr. Big Ego: Nothing is more important than you (and Hope). Until we meet again, my love. <3
"Boyfriend?" woman's voice brought me back to earth. I looked around, realizing I was under the bar and blocking the entrance. I was annoyed that I couldn't stop smiling since I began writing to the hybrid.
"He wishes." I replied as I put my phone away and entered the bar.
I headed straight for the bar, hoping to settle this as soon as possible and get back to my girls. I loved Katherine, but the desire to spite Klaus might outweigh her good-natured offer. I wanted to make sure she didn't teach Hope anything terrible (like "Kol," for example).
Fortunately, the bar wasn't that crowded, so I was able to get to the barmaid without any problems.
"Hi, I'm Y/N. My friend ordered some of your drinks for her wedding. I promised her I would get them. It should be booked for Petrova or Mikaelson."
"Oh yes. I know. I am Cami. It's nice to finally meet you. After all the stories I've heard about you, I feel like we've known each other for a long time."
"Klaus' psychotherapist? I thought it was at least a full-time job." the blonde giggled.
"Let's say he's making progress."
"Which doesn't explain how you know me. Is Klaus talking about me all the time, again and again? I must be the real bane of his existence."
"Actually, he's very fond of you."
"Fond of me? In what universe?"
"Wanna have a drink?"
My first thought was to say no, but the barmaid poured me a drink before I could decline her offer.
Maybe one drink won't hurt me.
"Have you never been in love?" Cami asked after serving me another tequila.
In those few hours (and probably 2 bottles used to make me a drink) the blonde went back to the topic of Klaus's untrue feelings for me. Forcing me, in a way, to talk about my love conquests. I was sure that they were not as diverse and interesting as hybrids.
"I was. Long time ago. We did all these stupid, cheesy things together. Stargazing in the forest on top of his car, swimming in the lake at night, dancing in the rain. He was my date at prom. We even won the king and queen contest. But the point is that my personal experience tells me that loving him wasn't worth it at all."
"And why is that?"
"Because my boyfriend—the man I'd been dating since we were ten years old—broke up with me via fucking SMS on my 18th birthday."
"Yes. Oh. And please don't give me any therapist speech about that: "He was the problem, not me." I got over him a long time ago." I said, taking a sip of my drink to avoid her sympathetic gaze.
"Then why don't you want to give a chance to someone new?" I mean, it's been proven that a new relationship and crush can aid in the healing of broken hearts."
"Well, I'm assuming you can't heal something that doesn't exist anymore. Also I don't need any new love in my life; I have my friends, and they are giving me enough of it."
"For now, but what will happen if one day you would like to have your own family? A person who'll choose you above everything else in their life?"
"Please, don't even tell me that Klaus fits into this "ideal" husband-to-be for me." the woman sighed, rubbing her forehead. I smiled victoriously, knowing that I had won over Klaus' therapist and that Katherine's little ruse had failed.
"To be honest, I shouldn't do that, but desperate times and all of that." the blonde took out a small dictaphone from her pocket and played a recording after a few clicks. "A week before Elijah and Katherine's engagement party."
"All right. Let's talk about something else. How do you feel about your brother getting married to Katherine?"
"Stupid question. Of course I'm happy for him. Even if his partner leaves much to be desired."
"Well, I've heard something different."
"And what exactly?"
"That you're grumpier than usual and growl at every poor soul around you. There are also many stories in the city about you. You've gone mad because you're secretly in love with Katherine, and that's why you don't want them to get married. But my personal favorite is that you tried to steal the ring from Elijah and sell it on Amazon."
"I admit I was more… moody in the passing days, but all is well now. I'm really happy for them. Very."
"Are you sure your mood swings have nothing to do with Y/N?"
"Come on. We need to finally talk about her. It's the perfect time."
"You're not going to let this topic go, are you?"
"Not as long as she is an important person in your life. Rebekah told me she had an impact on you. You tried to be a better man for her! I thought only Hope had that power over you."
"Do not say that. She'd be overjoyed to learn she has any power over me."
"Would it be wrong if she listened to how important she is to you?"
"Y/N and I are… complicated. We actually never say nice things to each other. I don't even know why Rebekah told you about her."
"Your sister said you loved her. You still do. Even after a year without receiving a single call, text, or email from her. I also saw her portraits in your art room. And pencil sketches. Maybe even some sculptures…"
"I see what you're saying, but it's not my fault she's… unimaginably, incredibly beautiful. I'm just admiring her charm. As an artist, it's my duty to try to capture the depths of her eyes. Or her sweet smile when she is laughing at stupid little things she admires. That's true. I have many pictures of her, because despite my tireless efforts, I have not succeeded in presenting her beauty in a proper way. There are no paints that match the color of her eyes and hair, not even talking about her probably soft, delicate skin. No canvas big enough for her portrait will ever make me forget her or stop imagining her every time I close my eyes. She is always in my darkest nightmares or in my sweetest dreams. Every single day, she steals my thoughts, so that sometimes I find myself thinking that she is here, chasing me around my own city to make me want her more than I already do. I'm disgusted at how easily I succumbed to the magic of her charm. And the worst part is that she didn't even have to use her power to make me enchanted with herself. It looks like she has to mess with me even when she isn't around."
"I think it's enough." she said, pausing. I stared at the recorder for a good few minutes, analyzing what I had just heard. "I'll leave you with that for a while and see if Steve has already sent you crates of alcohol. Take your time."
I took a sip of my tequila. It's impossible for him to have feelings for me, right? He has a child, a city to rule, and I… I'm only 20. I don't have so much on my mind, and I wouldn't find myself in a life like his. It's something else to spend here a month than… half of my life. And even if I wanted to be with him (assuming we really love each other), I would have to become a vampire.
As if my life wasn't already complicated enough without knowing the hybrid's supposed feelings for me.
At least it can't get any worse.
"Y/N? Is that you?" Fuck. I take that back.
"Tom." I said after I turned to the place where his voice had come from. My worst fears came true.
"It's you."
"Yeah. It's me." I replied, not sharing his delight and amazement. Meeting my ex was the last thing I wanted to do after hearing Camille's recording. As if I didn't have a mess in my head anyway.
"It's good to see you."
"You don't have to lie." I replied, turning back to the bar. Not trusting his words even a little bit.
"I'm not. To be honest I… I missed you."
"What?" I asked, eyeing him properly for almost two years.
He has changed. His dark hair, which was always combed and slicked back, was tousled in all directions, adding charm and feistiness to him. He had a slight stubble on his face, and judging by the obvious fatigue on his face, life had not been kind to him either.
"Can we go somewhere private and... you know, talk?" he asked tentatively, trying to grab my hand, but I pulled away from him.
"I'm sorry, but you're like, two bloody years late. We have nothing to talk about." I got up, intending to leave the bar as soon as it was possible, so I could free myself from him. What happened in the past should remain in the past. There was no point in re-entering the same river.
"Y/N! Wait a second, please! I know I screwed up then, but please, let me at least tell you why I had to do what I've done."
"The thing is... I don't care about it, Thomas. You abandoned me in the darkest, most difficult period of my life, when I desperately needed someone to care for me, without so much as a blink of your eye. You didn't have to explain this then, so I don't want to listen to it right now."
"I did it for your safety!"
"My safety?! Please spare me that pathetic excuse. You had two years to come up with something really good, and you went with: "I did it for your safety."
"Two years ago I turned to vampire, Y/N. Ripper to be precise."
"What? But who turned you? Damon?" I asked in shock, not believing that my sweet, darling Thomas could ever turn into one of them.
"I had an accident that was quite dangerous. I was on the edge of life, so they gave me vampire blood in the hospital to help me heal, but… it didn't go right. I woke up hours ago with that uncontrollable hunger. I could only think about human blood. I was too scared to get close to you or anyone else. Damon helped me get out of town, he sent me here so I could learn how to control myself."
"He didn't tell me anything. Not even a little word. And he had known all along when he saw me crying on his brother's shoulder." if I was angry at Damon before, I am mad as hell at him now. This son of a bitch didn't deserve any help from me.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I tought it'd be easier for you to forget about me if I... broke your heart."
"Do not flatter yourself. It takes so much more to break it. You weren't even close enough."
"I should know. You've always been the strongest person I've ever met."
"Don't act like you still care about me." I growled, moving backward with each step he took towards me, until I hit the wall behind me.
"Y/N. I have no idea what you've been through these two years, but all I know is that when I was gone, all I could find myself thinking about—all I could remind myself of my old life—was you and our time together. I've never stopped loving you, Y/N. I don't think I could ever do. But I had to leave. Otherwise, I could hurt you. Only here could I learn to control myself and my primal hunger for blood. The mere fact that somehow, from all places in the world, you found yourself here proves that we are meant for each other."
"Stop it. You can't just show up after a year and tell me all of this as if nothing happened. You left me. You break up with me by fucking SMS. Did you even know how it hurt me? You, of all people, promised me that we... we would last forever. And I believed you. I don't think I could ever trust you again."
"I know, honey. I know I fucked up, but all I can do right now is prove to you that I would never, ever leave you and hurt you like this again. Just give us one more chance."
"And what if I have someone? What if I've already found the one man who would never even consider hurting me? Who would rather tear the world apart than see me in pain?" I asked, staring hard into his eyes.
"Do you truly have that someone, honey?" he replied, rubbing a tear from my cheek with his thumb that had unknowingly flown from my eye.
"I... I..." I really would. But I don't know if I'll ever be able to tell him what I really want.
Before I could answer him, the dark-haired man came closer to me and connected our lips in a tender, longing kiss. I shivered as, for no reason, I felt watched.
What was truly terrifying to me was that I didn't feel anything but guilty. But I shouldn't be... right? I was a free, single woman.
Then why did I feel like I was doing something wrong? Why didn't I have any butterflies around my first love? Why all I could think about was how much better Klaus' lips would be on mine?
"Please, don't give up on us." he said, resting his brow on mine.
"Tommy I... I..." Why didn't I feel anything?
"Y/N? Are you okay?" I was almost glad to hear Camille's confused, worried voice. She must have noticed my red eyes from crying and possibly my makeup smudged by tears.
"Yes. Thomas was leaving, right?"
"Here. If you changed your mind." he slipped a piece of paper into my hand and kissed my forehead before obediently leaving the bar.
"Who was that guy? Does he hurt you? Should I call…"
"No! There's no need. Tom would never hurt me. Not deliberately." I cut her off before she could say HIS name. I didn't need another dose of confusion in my head.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I will come home. I think that's enough excitement for one day."
"Okay. I'll call you tomorrow. Just to check if everything is fine."
"There's no need." I responded, unaccustomed to the other's concern about me.
"You know I'm a good friend too. Not just a pseudo-therapist for a bloodthirsty millennial vampire." I smiled involuntarily, feeling some of my overwhelming emotion disappear after her little joke.
"I'll remember that for next time."
"Bye Y/N! It was nice to finally meet you." I waved to her as I crossed the exit from the bar.
As I turned to head towards the mansion, I noticed someone hiding in the darkness and staring at the bar's window. Someone who was as broken as I never imagined he could be. 
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Shit. He saw us. But why did I care?
And then, when our eyes met, I knew that my decision about me and Thomas would be much harder than I had previously thought. And it was at this point in our game that Klaus and I had to finally define who we had to be to each other. It would be the hardest choice of my life.
A terrible (but true) thought crossed my mind.
I'm a freaking Elena Gilbert.
Hi everyone! I just wanted to thank you for every heart and follow; I really appreciate it. <3 For anyone who is interested, this "story" will have like 5 or 6 parts in total.
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cantva190 · 1 month
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Representation of Haitian Voodoo in comics. Integrating its rich mythology and its deities. Art by: vodou.renaissance
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vanalex · 7 months
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thesesixseeds · 2 years
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2:55 AM 3/16/23 St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 New Orleans
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saintsir4n · 1 year
“You’re so pretty,” Adrienne held Klaus’ face in her hands, watching as he struggled to hold back a smile. “So pretty, you know that right?” A blush kissed his cheeks, “you’re blushing, my god,” she couldn’t hold back her giggle as he tried pull away from her, “you’re blushing, that’s so—“
“Don’t say it Adrienne,” he mumbled.
He sighed and turned away but that didn’t stop the smile creeping on his face from appearing.
I got bored.
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countrymusiclover · 2 months
59 - The Most Reckless Plan Ever Imagined
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Part 60
Family is More than Blood
@melvia-ito @vavafaure1994 @kmc1989 @tallrock35
“I’m surprised you aren’t dying to talk with your daughter or more so yell at her for what she did by not telling her son about you and Klaus.” My brother saw me standing out by the lake view they had outside their cabin.
Keeping my back to him I crossed my arms over my chest with a huff. “I’ll talk with her later. I’m here to talk with you first unless you’d rather go back to magical sparring against one another.”
“It still baffles me that you’ve come to help me after all these years. What on earth could have changed your mind over these five years?” Jacob asked me with anger clear in his tone.
“Maybe it is still true that I care for my twin brother. That I want you in my life, you and your family. The Mikaelson’s and Lane’s together like we used to be when it was all of us against Marcel, or Aurora or even the Hollow.”
My brother sighed in some relief. “I take comfort in knowing there’s no more threats to me and my girls while we live out here in what your husband calls the degrading forest.”
“I know Hayley’s pack is fiercely loyal to you. But we are as well, brother?”
Jacob asked me, leaning his back against a tree nearby. “It doesn’t seem like it sometimes with the Mikaelson’s.”
“If you want a fight I’ll give you a fight!” Spinning around on my feet I clutched my hands into fists at my sides, raising my right hand and launching him into a different tree. “Ascendo phasmatos motus!”
Jacob growled showing me his fangs vamping me down onto my back, choking me by the throat. I gasped underneath his grip until I moved my knee and kicked him in between his legs. “You know that’s wrong -“ He moaned in pain rolling over into a fetal position allowing time to get to my feet.
“You never said the fight had to be fair. Otun adnarvet estnavit atim.” Waving my hand in front of him he vamped up to his feet smacking directly into the barrier spell I’d just done.
He chuckled holding the bridge of his nose snapping his fingers undoing the spell. “Merabas hic libatal. If we’re going to fight for real, stop using the baby spells on me.”
“Why should I? I get entertainment from watching you smack into barrier spells and trees.” I chuckled with my hands on my hips.
Jacob shot his hands up blasting electric blasts at me where I barely barrel rolled under them. “Lecutio maxima.”
“Phasmatos motus incendiamos!” Remaining down on one knee I raised my hands blasting him with a ball of fire into the nearest tree where I heard some of his bones break just a bit.
My twin brother held his head for a minute making me think I had bested him and he was done fighting yet he raised his wrist snapping his fingers a second time. “Crescere arbor.”
“Dissulta!” Closing my eyes the vines that he had wrapped my entire body suddenly busted into a million little pieces. Vamping up to him I lifted him up in the air by his throat, siphoning his power knowing it should knock him out instantly. “Magia tollux de terras.”
He winced underneath the red glow of my right hand where he closed his eyes dropping his hands to his sides but caught me off guard pressing his hand directly against my heart. “Corum spiritus prohibera. Sorry to burst your ego Rae Rae. Like I said, I've been practicing.” I gasped clutching my chest collapsing down onto the dirt ground feeling a burning agony inside of my heart.
“I never thought you’d stoop low enough to try and kill your own sister, Jacob!” Jacob suddenly got thrown against by someone causing the end of the horrible spell he was performing on me.
Coughing out his name I held myself up on my left elbow blinking through some painful tears that had formed in my eyes. “Klaus.”
“Get the hell off me.” My brother raised his hand upward.
My lover grabbed his head in agony releasing my brother until he stopped his spell then he pushed him against another tree with a hand wrapped around his throat. “I can snap your neck like a twig in case you’ve forgotten without blinking and walk away. I’d suggest you be nicer to your sister before I contemplate skinning you alive!”
“Klaus, it’s not worth it. If he wants my help with having another baby he’ll have to be nicer to me otherwise we’ll leave him and Hayley to simply watch Andrea grow up and have no more children.” Pushing myself to my feet I dusted my hands off on my jeans, crossing my arms over my chest.
Jacob gulped after my husband released his death grip off from around his neck allowing him to speak to me. “I thought you said you only are fertile because of some black magic. If that’s the case, how are you going to help me without using it?”
“I’m going to have to use black magic, you’re right. Except what you don’t know is that I have a much better handle on a certain part of myself compared to the last time you saw me.”
Klaus steps towards me whispering in disbelief. “Rae, you can’t mean what I think you mean.”
“I do, Nik. But it wouldn’t be just me, I'd need Dark Josie and the remaining members of our family in the prison world.”
My brother tilted his head to the side. “So you wouldn’t need our children to be involved to do a massive spell like that?”
“Unfortunately I would need our daughters and Lizzie to create a boundary spell just to be on the safe side if our dark sides were to become too powerful and try to escape on Josie and myself. With that in mind are you still sure you want another baby so badly, brother?” Raising a brow at my twin brother I challenged his desires.
My brother stepped around my husband brushing messy hair behind his ear. “I wanna have another baby or at least be able to have the opportunity to try for one.”
“Okay then. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to see my daughter and talk about the information she refused to tell me.” I began stomping around him until Nik called my attention.
“What’s happened to Alina?”
Slightly turning my body to face him I sighed heavily, dropping my shoulders. “Nothing bad has happened to our daughter, don't worry. But she didn’t tell Xavier about us at all. Plus she had another baby and didn’t tell us.”
“I’m going to have a chat with our daughter and her werewolf husband!” Klaus revealed his fangs and werewolf golden eyes before vamping off in the distance of the cabin up on the hill.
Jacob nervously asked me. “Raelyn, is he going to kill Jackson?”
“You’re lucky he didn’t kill you.” I vamped away from him and up onto the wooden porch. Leaning my back against the wooden feeling my phone vibrates inside my back pocket. Drawing my phone out it was a text from Missy so I opened the text message reading it out loud to myself. “Hey Mom, can me, Ethan and the gang spend the weekend at the Gilbert house? - Hmm at least the whole merging of humans and the supernatural has been going good for these last five years.”
I certainly had my girls and Lizzie to thank for the success.
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luvrlola · 3 months
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smoke and mirrors
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lowcountry-gothic · 1 year
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The ​Brevard-Wisdom-Rice House at 1239 First Street in the Garden District of New Orleans, LA. The inspiration for the Mayfair house in Anne Rice’s The Witching Hour.
Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
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