#new tokyo legacy
fragmentofmemories · 27 days
I'm adding another drpg to my to do list woo. Also this is actually a really old post.
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Unhinged, unedited thoughts about Operation Babel (PC port btw) because I'm too lazy to make up a coherent post. But also I want to talk about its mechanics (i like 'em and there's a ton of 'em).
Emphasis on unedited...
-Game features two modes for character creation. Basic and Classic Mode.
Basic Mode lets you choose from 45 portraits made by different artists (each one with 5 color options). Some portraits are neat, others not so much. Don't like fanservice much tbh...
Classic Mode instead is a full on character generator, letting you choose the character's facial features, hair color, voice and so on. They may look weird at first but they grow on you. The equipment given to Classic Mode characters is actually reflected in their design, which is an amazing detail. (I picked this mode though this is purely a cosmetic choice, and you don't lose anything by picking one over the other. wish i could say the same for other games...).
-The music in this game omg-
-"Blood Codes" are the classes in this game. They are based on mythical heroes (again by different artists), which are then assigned to each character.
-There's 20 codes in total, 2 of them each representing a specific role (Warrior, Mage, Thief and so on) and giving both skills and a small stat boost. Unlike other DRPGs, though, there is no reclassing. Rather, you can swap between codes while maintaining their level. However, you cannot transfer learned skills from one code to the other.
-Oh hey item crafting/upgrading is here. It's as fun as a mechanic as it's been in other DRPGs, so nothing new to say here.
-Permadeath is more forgiving, as any money a character has is brought back to the headquarters (town), and you don't have to bring any backup team to where the original died. Instead you can simply pay at the clinic for a rescue squad to bring them back, although it has a chance of failure.
-As always, though, you can just reset if this all feels too intimidating.
-Saving while in dungeons is still possible, but at a cost. You need an item which is both limited and costly, and it's consumable meaning you can only use it once before it breaks.
-Enemy reinforcements. Exactly as it sounds; Once you finish an encounter you may immediately be put in another fight. Very SMT1~
-...Wait this is the sequel why am I playing this one first--
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Kaiju Week in Review (January 7-13, 2024)
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Hard to talk about the Monarch: Legacy of Monsters finale without spoilers, so if you haven't watched it yet, skip ahead to the next item. No flashbacks this time (time dilation aside), just our surviving heroes finally all on the same page to solve a seemingly impossible problem. The momentous reunion between Lee and Keiko got the space it deserved, although I was a touch disappointed that the obvious budding romance between Cate and May got shortchanged. And of course we finally got our first kaiju fight of the series, with Godzilla dispatching the Ion Dragon in a quick but ferocious battle. Fun to see this version of the character take on a low-stakes, low-power challenger for a change. I am routinely frustrated by TV seasons ending on cliffhangers (some of which are then never resolved), but they managed to conclude this season's storyline while setting up the next one, should they have the chance to tell it. Good to have some payoff to the Apex episode earlier in the series. I'm wondering if the series is planning to pivot to Kong now. Since Godzilla: King of the Monsters still hasn't happened yet, the Big G still can't make any public appearances without breaking continuity, which is quite the writing complication.
@bog-o-bones has blessed us with an excellent feature-length video essay on the history of the kaiju genre. Even for a walking encyclopedia like me, it was fun to have it all laid out so cleanly—the way the three genre pillars of Godzilla, Gamera, and Ultraman rise and fall in popularity, never entirely in sync and consequently keeping us steadily entertained over the decades. So many narratives about the genre in print are decades out of date and/or act like barely anything past the sixties was worth making. This one's up-to-the-minute and gives the seismic influence of films like Cloverfield and Pacific Rim their due. I have my quibbles (last-minute re-records accidentally omitted GAMERA -Rebirth-; the original Mothra deserved more attention), but I acknowledge the amount of works covered here is staggering and every fan would tell this story a little bit differently. Highly recommended.
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IDW's biggest Godzilla comic ever is coming in May, a one-shot anthology called Godzilla: 70th Anniversary. It'll have nine stories over 100 pages, with the writers including Joëlle Jones, Michael W. Conrad, Matt Frank, James Stokoe, Adam Gorham, and Dan DiDio. (Some of these folks will presumably be illustrating their comics as well.) The solicitation doesn't offer many plot hints, given that scope: "From the American Old West to modern Tokyo and beyond, this collection features stories of the King of the Monsters fighting with its allies like Mothra, against old enemies like the terrible Mechagodzilla, and reshaping the lives of all who fall in its path!" I'm surprised they're not waiting until November—hopefully it doesn't get delayed into November.
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Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire will now release in the U.S. two weeks early—March 29. It's taking the place of Bong Joon-ho's Mickey 17, which is now undated. I can hardly complain about being able to see it earlier, though the move comes with some risk, as it's now opening the week after Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire.
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SRS Cinema has opened preorders for their Yuzo the Biggest Battle in Tokyo Blu-ray. Or is it Yuzo: The Biggest Battle on Tokyo? That's what the product page says, but on the cover the title's unchanged. Oh, SRS. Anyway, bonus features are scant: just trailers and something called "A Brief Introduction To Ishii Yoshikazu."
Here's the teaser trailer for Volcanodon, a short film from Taiwan's Creator Union of Tokusatsu. They're aiming to have it uploaded to YouTube sometime this year, and I'll happily watch it. Obviously low-budget, but it's well-shot and it's nice to see a kaiju movie outside of Japan go all-in on practical effects.
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teamatsumu · 8 months
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kinktober 2023 -> day 14
age difference - ukai keishin x reader
word count: 2,406
kinktober masterlist
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The bell above the door dinged as you entered Sakanoshita Mart, your ears immediately being filled with the soft retail music that has always played in the store. Your nose twitched with the smell of cigarette smoke, an old familiarity to the scent that you had come to associate with a certain man. Said man was sitting behind the counter, feet pulled up and crossed on the desk before him, ruffling through what looked like a sports magazine, and the same old cigarette dangling lazily from his lips. 
He briefly glanced up as the door chimed, before looking down at the magazine again. Seconds later his head shot up again, eyes wide this time, staring at you with his mouth dropping open, using a hand to pluck away the stick between his lips before it fell to the ground.
“Hi.” You smiled, still standing just inside the door, suddenly feeling shy after seeing his reaction. You had told yourself over and over that you would be confident when you met him again, that you would finally answer his sarcastic quips instead of just giggling silently at them like you used to. You weren’t the same as you were back in high school. And you needed to show him that.
Your little crush on Ukai Keishin was an age old story, starting from your third year in high school. You had been managing Kurasuno’s volleyball club when Takeda sensei brought Coach Ukai in, announcing that he would be taking the role his grandfather once held. You had sucked in a breath as you gazed at the man, taking in his casual orange hoodie and sweatpants, hair pulled back with a headband and the laziest little eye roll you had ever seen. 
You were enamored. 
That had been the start of your little schoolgirl crush, spending most of your time during practice staring at the man while he barked orders at the team. You had barely interacted that year, apart from volleyball related matters you needed answers to. You were unbelievably shy, and equally quiet. It had never bothered you, considering that you were surrounded by people who were larger than life and more than happy to take over the room. The year had been spent daydreaming about the Coach and taking in every little detail about him that you could.
That was three years ago. 
Miyagi had not changed upon your return from college. It was no Tokyo, of course, where you had spent the last three years, the city that changed you as a person, but there was still that quiet charm to Miyagi that Tokyo just couldn’t emulate, a deep understanding of nature that you had missed during college.
That, and Tokyo could never quite replicate the man who had periodically haunted your dreams since you graduated high school.
You thought of him every now and then, maybe once a week you would wonder what he was up to. You knew from old friends like Daichi that he was still coaching for Karasuno, and the thought made you happy. He had found purpose with your team and he had carried on that legacy. 
You wondered if the new managers thought of him like you did in your day. You wouldn’t be surprised. 
You watched him now as he pulled his legs off the counter and sat up straight, watched as he traced his eyes down your figure. It made your breath hitch, and you tried not to smirk.
You hadn’t just gained confidence in the last three years. Tokyo had been really good for your body too. And you knew what this sundress made you look like. There was a reason you had put it on today.
“Hi.” Ukai finally breathed in reply, after what seemed like an eternity. You smiled and stepped closer to the counter, hands meeting the surface softly when you reached him. You watched him squash the cigarette into an ashtray and throw the magazine next to it carelessly, giving you his full attention. 
“Didn’t know you were back in Miyagi.” He began, smiling up at you as he leaned against his arms on the counter. 
You shrugged. “There’s no place like home.”
You immediately cringed at your reply. Ugh, so corny. This is not how you wanted things to go today. You were supposed to act sexy and alluring. To pull him in. 
He chuckled a bit, resting his chin on the palm of his hand. His eyes never left you, only occasionally dipping down to look at your chest. You could tell he was trying to be subtle, but Ukai Keishin didn’t have one subtle bone in his body. The thought made you laugh internally. 
“How’re you doing?” He asked.
“Good! I’m good. You?” 
“Oh, good.”
You visibly did flinch this time, and Keishin snickered before standing up. You blinked in surprise when he leaned over the counter, closer to you.
“Why are you here, Y/N?” 
He had never called you by your first name before. You stared at him and how close he was. Merely ten inches or so away. And you couldn’t find your voice to answer his question.
“We’ve never been close.” He continued. “In fact, we barely spoke. You being here now, wearing,” a pause as his eyes skimmed over your figure, “that. There’s a reason for it. Tell me.”
Your heart was beating a mile a minute, nearly shivering when his eyes lingered on your deep neckline. Your face felt hot.
“I think,” you breathed. “I think it’s pretty obvious. Don’t you?”
He hummed before leaning back again, popping the little tension filled bubble you had created. You let out a breath, watching as he rounded the counter. You stayed rock still, ears perking up when you heard a little click, realizing it was the door being locked. Your nerves buzzed with excitement. Was this really happening?
You nearly jumped when his hand skimmed your side, fingers splaying out over the material of your dress. His breath brushed the shell of your ear, and your eyelids fluttered.
“I won’t do anything unless you say so.”
His voice was so low, so gruff, you bit your lip to keep from moaning. You could feel yourself getting wet at the proximity, wanting nothing more than to be closer to him. So you pushed back, your ass brushing his crotch. You sighed when you felt how hard he was, and the thought of it turned you on even more.
Keishin hissed at the contact, hands grabbing your hips tight to hold you in place.
“Don’t make me repeat myself.”
Oh fuck. You flushed. You had missed that, truly. You had missed him being authoritative and imposing, ordering around a whole team to do as he wished. 
“Ukai-san. Please.” You felt your face burn. “Want you.”
“Want me where?”
You whined, making him chuckle before he finally let your bodies come in contact. His front pressed to your back firmly, until you felt every shift of his muscles. His hands that were previously on your hips began to wander, stopping just below your breasts. His hot breath skimmed over the skin of your neck until goosebumps arose, and you pushed back against him again, this time harder.
“You naughty girl.” He breathed, teeth grazing over your skin before he bit down slightly. You leaned your head the other way to give him more access. “You came here just for this, didn’t you? You wanted to sleep with your old volleyball coach?”
At this point you were desperately grinding back on him, his lips mapping your neck like he was starved for you. 
“I don’t see you hesitating.” You replied, loving the push and pull of your bodies, loving how his hips chased after you when you pulled away from him even slightly. 
“You think I can resist this?” His hand traveled under the hem of your skirt, brushing your bare thigh. He traced the skin up, up, up until his fingers skimmed the edge of your panties. He dipped a fingertip into the fabric, feeling how soft you were, how warm you were. And wet. You were so wet for him.
“Fuck.” He groaned, pushing your panties aside just enough to slide a finger through your slit. The pad grazed your clit and you moaned loud, eyes closing in relief.
“You think I didn’t notice how much you stared?” He continued. “I knew. Way back then, I knew. See, I thought it was just a little crush. But here you are, three years later, all grown up and spreading your legs for me. Dirty girl. You’ve been wanting me all this time?”
You cried out when he chose that moment to sink a finger inside you, up to the knuckle, curling it immediately to rub your walls. You squirmed in his hold, but he was strong, strong enough to hold you in place and maintain the pace he had set inside you at the same time. 
“You’re so tight, baby.” He grunted out, another finger joining the first one. “You done this before?”
“I’m not a virgin!” You bit out, trying to keep your legs from shaking. 
Keishin laughed at that. “Sorry, sweets. Did I offend you?”
You wanted to say yes. Wanted to tell him you weren’t some goody-two shoes that he probably always thought you were. You wanted him to know that you wanted this. That you craved it. That the thought of sleeping with someone so much older, someone who had been a (sort of) teacher to you, was such a turn on that it made you drip right down his fingers and across his palm. 
The next second, all sensations left you. His fingers and his back disappeared, leaving you cold and empty. Your hands gripped the counter tightly as you watched him round it again, settling lazily into the chair and watching you with half-lidded eyes. You blinked at him in shock.
“You want it bad, right?” He started. “Came all the way here for it. Well, come take it.” 
He leaned back, spreading his legs. Your eyes fell to the massive bulge in his pants as he lit another cigarette, taking a long drag from it. 
You didn’t have to be told twice.
You shakily stumbled to where he was, wasting no time in bunching up your dress and swinging a leg over him to straddle his hips. His smirk was sleazy and so sexy, fumbling with the strings on his sweats to pull them down just enough that his cock sprang out, hard as anything and drooling at the tip. You licked your lips. 
You threw your head back and moaned in satisfaction when you finally sunk down on him, feeling him hit every spot right as he carved into you. He was bigger than any you’d ever had before. It felt heavenly, and as you watched him moan, eyes trained resolutely on you and cigarette still hanging from his lips, you felt like every dirty, wet dream you had ever had about the man was nothing compared to this. 
You rolled your hips, testing the waters with him. His jaw ticked and you knew he was clenching his teeth, hand running over your bare thigh. You reached up to pull the straps of your dress down, lowering the neck until your breasts popped out. 
“Oh, Jesus.” Keishin breathed, hand immediately reaching for one and squeezing. You started bouncing on his cock in earnest, loving the drag of him against your walls, but unable to go as deep as you would like, as deep as you knew he could go, unable to scratch that itch deep in your core. You whined.
“Ukai-san,” you bit your lip and gave him a pleading look. He stared at you for a few seconds before grinning, picking you up by the waist and pulling you off him. You stood on shaky legs, letting him manhandle you, turning you around and bending you over the counter, sliding back in immediately afterward like he couldn’t stand to be out of you for even one more second.
You nearly choked as he set a brutal pace, hands immediately scrambling to find purchase, anything to hold on to as he pounded into you. You let out a long, broken moan when he reached deep, deep inside you, toes curling from the sheer satisfaction of it. God, this was leagues above the dirty fantasies you had cooked in your head. Bent over this counter with your coach’s dick inside you. And he was so good, taking only a few thrusts to figure out the perfect angle to make you scream and clench around him, vision bursting with stars at the sensations coursing through your body. 
Fingers carded through your hair at the back of your head, pulling hard until you were arching off the counter and making contact with Keishin’s body, his other hand reaching up to pinch your nipple hard. You yelped. 
“Look at you,” he moaned, voice lower than you had ever heard it before. “Can’t stop screaming. Slut. Any of your college boys fuck you like this?”
You shook your head as much as his grip would allow, clenching harder around him at his words. You were being entirely honest. In your limited sexual experience, no one had come close to making you feel like this. Whether it was the raw anticipation of it, or if Keishin was really that good, you were already nearing your end. And it had barely been two minutes since he started.
He chuckled, sinking his teeth into your neck. Your eyes rolled up at the feeling. The knot in your stomach was getting tighter and tighter. 
“You needed me to make you feel good, huh?” He groaned into your neck. “Little princess wasn’t satisfied. Needed a man to show you how good a cock can feel.”
You screamed as your muscles seized and the knot snapped, your orgasm washing over you in waves. Keishin fucked you through it, cock driving into you at an unforgiving pace. Your breaths were broken and struggling, trying not to completely fall apart as your vision clouded with tears.
Keishin pulled out of you abruptly, turning you around and setting you on the counter. One look at your flushed, sweaty face had him humming in approval, hooking his hands under your knees to pull your legs apart.
“I’m not done with you yet.”
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@bxbyyyjocelyn @thisbicc @lazuliquartz @dreamayy @kuroosluthoe @true-form-hoe @akumakitsune21 @cham0mil3-and-h0n3y @samisfunky @universal-s1ut @msbyomimi @dohwaesu @leothesquishy @n0tmykays @tsukiran @reyofsunshinelol @bleach-your-panties @galaneiaeris @leyra-giovanni @erenspersonalwh0re @peachesncats @soapsoftheworld @iwannabecamiloshovel @vintagevict0ria @smithieandy @moonlit-mizukage @snazzyturtles
A/N: For those whose tags arent working, im sorry! I tried and for some reason, your names wont show up in the mentions :( another way of being notified is to turn on my blog notifs for @teamatsumufics . I only reblog my fics there so it serves almost like being in a taglist!
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narumi-gens · 10 months
Traditional Values
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yakuza!Kita Shinsuke x f!Reader
summary: You’ve never known a yakuza to be boring. But what else could they mean when they say that Kita Shinsuke, the head of the most powerful yakuza group in Kansai, is traditional? 
warnings: 18+, smut, yakuza au, arranged marriage, inherent sexism and misogyny, smoking, mentioned drug and alcohol use, violence (sorry to the oc in this fic lol), blood, spit, oral (f receiving & mentioned m receiving), mild exhibitionism, orgasm control, possessive!kita, hinted yandere-ish behavior, implied dom!kita, fingers crossed he's not too out of character 🤞🏽, reader is a spoiled little yakuza princess, idk if reader is all that likable but I like her and that's all that matters
notes: I feel like I'm starting to specialize in chaos characters bc while Kita is not one in this fic, the reader certainly is. but a different kind of chaos.
words: 5.9k
minors, ageless, and blank blogs do not interact
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The one word you hear over and over again when people talk about Kita Shinsuke, the head of the Inarizaki, the largest and most powerful yakuza group in Kansai, is traditional. 
Despite his current position, he comes from a long line of traditional rice farmers. Once he took power over the Inarizaki, he put in place a stricter, more traditional code of conduct that all members were expected to adhere to. Instead of partying away his nights in Kobe’s clubs and brothels, he spends his evenings in a traditional house in the Hyogo countryside. 
And he has traditional family values, with traditional expectations of what he wants in a wife. 
But you know that traditional really just means boring. 
Unfortunately, a traditional and boring life seems like all you're destined for because your father, the head of Kanto's largest yakuza syndicate, the Fukurodani, has decided to seal an alliance with the Inarizaki through marriage.
Specifically, your marriage to Kita. 
After all, you're a woman and a woman can't lead the yakuza. Your only value comes from how useful you can be as a tool to build alliances and cement power. You had at least just hoped that your father would have chosen someone more exciting for you to spend the rest of your life with.
While he would never stomach seeing you at the head of the organization, he could easily have married you off to his right-hand man and hand-picked heir, the Fukurodani's young and wild wakagashira, Bokuto Koutarou. After all, nothing would ensure an eventual smooth succession better than a marriage to his only child. 
And even if he decided you were more useful as a means of building his power rather than ensuring his legacy, there were still other options. 
There were plenty of crazy yakuza out there who would have kept your interest piqued if only your father had chosen to further consolidate his power in Tokyo or to look for an alliance up north rather than out west. 
But your father has made his choice and Kita has agreed and you have no say in the matter. It's not long before the young yakuza kumicho, along with his most trusted men in the Inarizaki, arrives in Tokyo to negotiate the finer details in person. 
And when you finally meet him at dinner with your parents, you can't say that you're impressed. 
He's polite. He's soft-spoken. He's respectful. He's so. utterly. boring.
As you sit next to him in a private room at one of Tokyo's finest restaurants, listening to him as he genially answers your mother's questions about his own upbringing and tells her about his close relationship with his grandmother, all you can think is, 'what a waste.'
Regardless of how handsome he is and how much his men seem to respect him and how powerful his position is, he's missing that wildness inherent to every true yakuza. 
By the time the plates are cleared and the manager of the restaurant is falling over himself to thank your father for his patronage, you’ve made your assessment of your new fiancé.
Kita is dull. 
It’s all you can think as he cordially thanks your father at the end of the evening. 
‘You’re so boring.’
It’s all you can think as he humbly accepts your mother’s compliments and adoration.
‘You’re so boring.’
It’s all you can think as he politely bids you goodnight with a bow, telling you softly how nice it was to meet you.
‘You’re so boring.’
You have to bite back the urge to say the words aloud, directly to his face, just to see what he would do. Would he drop his courteous smile? Would he clench his fists? Would he slap you?
‘You’re so boring.’
He would probably just look slightly taken aback before doing his best to laugh off any offense. 
“It was nice to meet you too, Kita-san,” you finally reply, your tone suggesting anything but. You feel the disapproval rolling off of your parents in waves and can already hear the lecture that awaits you once you’re alone with them. 
Your father will chastise you for the disrespect that you’ve shown to a new ally, and by extension him. He’ll sternly remind you that this is your duty as his daughter. If he’s really feeling irritable then he’ll light up a cigarette and grumble about how he’s spoiled you for too long and hopes that Kita has a firm hand.
Your mother, however, will almost certainly turn so shrill in her anger that you’ll want to cover your ears. She’ll berate you for insulting your husband-to-be. She’ll scold you for your clear disinterest and boredom through every course of dinner. She’ll then blame your father for being too lenient with you over the years, to which your father will respond by simply taking a long drag of his cigarette.
But in the present, Kita simply gives you a polite smile in return and the chorus continues in your head.
‘You’re so boring.’
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Just because you’re now technically engaged doesn’t mean that you need to change how you live your life. If anything, you need to savor all the fun you can before you’re shipped off to Hyogo to spend the rest of your days popping out kids and taking care of some big, empty, country house with a man who’s less interesting than the rice his family grows. 
It’s not even an hour after you get home from dinner before you’re leaving once again. Only this time, you’re wearing something far more revealing and decisively less conservative than the formal kimono that your mother forced you into for your meeting with Kita — something meant to appeal to his traditional taste. 
Your current outfit is one that’s perfectly suited to the high-end clubs of Roppongi. Not that it really matters considering you’re tucked away in a private VIP room, away from the large crowds and deafening music and prying eyes. 
Normally, you would be surrounded by a group of your friends. But after being confronted with the man that you’ve been sentenced to marry and seeing the unending boredom in your near future, you've recognized that it also applies to your sex life. 
You’ve only spent a couple of hours with Kita, but it was more than enough to know that he probably prefers fucking in missionary with the lights off. The only orgasms that you can expect as a married woman will probably come from your vibrator — unless he decides that a vibrator isn’t traditional enough, in which case you’ll have to rely on your fingers exclusively. 
So, instead of the VIP room being filled with your friends, it’s just you and the man whose face is buried between your thighs, Ito Tatsuya. While your feelings towards Tatsuya tend to lie closer to ambivalence than anything else, his skilled tongue is more than enough to make up for it. 
With the way his lips are wrapped around your clit, it’s easy to ignore how he acts tougher than he truly is. He talks a big game but has refrained from acting on all of his talk and joining a yakuza group. Ultimately it works in your favor as no yakuza would dare lay a finger on the beloved daughter of the Fukurodani’s feared kumicho, knowing that doing so would bring the wrath of the entire criminal organization down on their heads. 
Tatsuya is the closest that you’ll get as he’s only tangentially affiliated with one of the few other powerful yakuza groups in Tokyo, the Nekoma organization. Although their power will never come close to the strength of the Fukurodani, your father has a good relationship with their kumicho, Nekomata Yasufumi. The two yakuza groups have had a strong alliance for decades. 
Likewise, Bokuto has his own sense of camaraderie and friendship with Nekomata’s wakagashira, Kuroo Tetsuro, whom you’ve had the pleasure of meeting on multiple occasions as you run in the same circles. Unfortunately, it’s never turned into anything more, despite your best efforts. 
Kuroo Tetsuro. That’s a man. That’s a real yakuza. 
If your luck was better and if relations with the Nekoma group were worse, you probably would have been married off to him rather than the snoozefest that you’ve ended up with. 
It’s easy to slip into the fantasy that it’s Kuroo whose grip feels scorching on your thigh, whose fingers are pumping in and out of your dripping cunt, whose tongue is lapping at your needy clit. The image in your head pushes you closer to the edge as your hips buck in time with his fingers. 
But just as you can see your orgasm within reach, your attention is yanked away from your pleasure when the door to the VIP room opens with a BANG! as it’s kicked in. You protest with a whine as Tatsuya lifts his head from between your thighs, pure murder written across his face at having been disturbed. 
Unaffected by the interruption, you use your grip on his hair to try and tug him back to his original task, but it’s of no use. He’s already removing his arm from around your thigh to reach back and pull out the gun that’s been tucked in the waistband of his pants. 
You're momentarily impressed that he would flaunt the country’s severe firearm restrictions. Although the effect is lost a few moments later when he sits up only to freeze, his features going slack.
When you finally turn your head to see who’s behind the disruption, you frown unhappily.
“Kita-san,” you greet with an irritated sigh. And even you know that you’ll never get Tatsuya’s mouth back on your pussy at this point and you release your hold on his hair with a resigned huff. 
Tatsuya scrambles to remove himself entirely from between your legs, carelessly dropping his gun onto the low table before the couch that you’re sprawled out across. He lifts his hands to show that they’re now empty and he’s not a threat, as if anyone would ever believe he was one.
You wonder if his panic stems from knowing exactly who it is that’s found you both in such a compromising position or if it’s solely due to how intimidating Kita and the two men on either side of him look. 
For as boring as he is, you’ll give him credit. The sight of him standing in the doorway, the black jacket of the same suit he wore to dinner draped across broad shoulders, his arms crossed casually over his chest, his expression giving nothing away, is impressive. Even if he didn’t have two of his underlings with him — one with grey hair and one with dark hair, both of them wearing similar looks of apathy — it would be more than enough to put the average person on edge.
However, you’ve spent your whole life surrounded by dangerous men, with dangerous men at your beck and call. 
So, as Tatsuya begins to babble, making excuses and insisting that he doesn’t want any trouble, you simply roll your eyes and push down your skirt just enough so that your pussy is no longer on display. But even in the low light of the VIP room, the insides of your thighs — and how they shine with the evidence of your rapidly-cooling arousal — are clearly visible. 
“Suna,” Kita says, his gaze fixed on you. The dark-haired man needs no further instruction before he’s moving past his oyabun towards Tatsuya. 
He easily grabs the cowering man from the couch by the front of his shirt and roughly shoves him to his knees on the floor, keeping him in place with one hand fisted tightly in his hair, just as yours had been only a few minutes earlier. 
Kita slips his jacket from his shoulders and in doing so, you catch a glimpse of the blood-red lining on the inside. He passes it to the man still at his side, who carefully folds it over his arm in a way that won’t leave any creases. He then methodically begins to unbutton and roll up the sleeves of his crisp white shirt, exposing his forearms and the large swaths of tattooed skin that extend almost to his wrists.
Part of you is surprised. Kita seems too dull to have even the smallest tattoo, let alone full tattooed sleeves. But another part of you knows how much significance tattoos have historically held to the yakuza and he’s nothing if not traditional. Your thighs unconsciously squeeze together as you imagine how far they spread over the rest of his body. 
The action doesn’t seem to escape his notice because he raises an eyebrow at you but makes no further comment before he turns to Tatsuya, who continues to plead for mercy. 
Kita doesn’t raise his voice. He doesn’t put any force behind the single word. Other than ensuring his sleeves are snugly held in place just below his elbows, he doesn’t even move. But there’s a danger to him that Tatsuya is quick to pick up on and his blubbering comes to an immediate halt. 
He fearfully waits for the silver-haired yakuza to go on and when he does, it’s probably not in the way he was expecting. Because rather than explaining who he is or why he’s there — which Tatsuya has probably figured out on his own by this point — Kita places a hand on the back of the kneeling man’s head. The other man, Suna, releases Tatsuya altogether, wordlessly deferring to his oyabun and taking a step back to give his boss space. 
The tension in the room is thick as Kita looks down at the trembling man on his knees, his face still as blank as it’s been since his sudden arrival. It snaps in an instant when he sharply yanks Tatsuya’s head down and his nose meets Kita’s raised knee with a sickening crunch! that would leave a less seasoned group of onlookers feeling queasy. 
As it stands, both Suna and the other Inarizaki man appear to be amused, entertained even. You get the sense that displays of this nature from the yakuza boss aren’t common. 
But as you see the blood pouring from Tatsuya’s nose and hear his howling and watch as your fiancé’s fist repeatedly makes contact with the man’s face, you feel none of that same amusement. You also don’t feel afraid or disgusted or concerned.
You’ve long grown desensitized to the violence associated with the yakuza. If anything, you can feel the boredom setting in once again. 
You reach out to the table in front of you for the ashtray where your cigarette rests, having set it down when Tatsuya buried his face in your pussy. However, as soon as you pick it up, a long column of ash falls from the end and you realize with a pout that it’s already burned down to the filter. 
The little noise of irritation you let out can’t be heard over Tatsuya’s pained cries or the brutal sound of fist meeting flesh again and again. You pull a new cigarette from the open pack on the table and perch it between your lips before grabbing your cheap lighter. 
Once it’s lit, you take a deep, contented inhale of smoke before exhaling a large cloud that sits atop the room before dispersing. You glance back to Kita and Tatsuya to find that the scene looks exactly the same as when you looked away — except for Tatsuya’s face is completely bloodied and already swelling, and he seems on the verge of passing out. 
“Really, Kita-san?” you finally ask with a yawn as you roll onto your side, your head pillowed by your bicep. 
He pauses, his fist raised mid-air, and looks over at you, his eyes roving over your lackadaisical sprawl across the couch. He wordlessly releases the front of Tatsuya’s shirt from his grasp, who then drops to the floor in a bloody mess. 
Suna immediately steps in to harshly kick the man over onto his stomach and places a heavy, threatening foot right on his spine. Not that it matters considering Tatsuya seems to be in and out of consciousness by this point. 
But your attention isn’t on Tatsuya; it’s on Kita as he approaches you, his pace unhurried. You’re slightly impressed that he’s barely out of breath from the beating he just delivered. He picks up the discarded gun from the table and in one smooth motion, pulls back the slide to look at the chamber before releasing the magazine to check it as well. 
“It’s empty,” he notes before tossing it to the man holding his jacket, who easily catches it and claims it for his own. A loud bubble of laughter escapes you at Tatsuya’s expense, finding it hilarious that the only marginally cool thing that you’ve ever seen him do was all for show. 
You slip your cigarette to rest between your smiling lips as your gaze flits between the other Inarizaki men and find that they too appear to think it’s funny. Suna even presses his foot harder into Tatsuya’s back with a smirk that only grows wider when he receives a groan in response. 
However, the yakuza boss doesn’t seem to share the humor that you and his men are feeling. He grabs the edge of the table and lifts it up just enough to tilt it and send everything on top of it to the floor with a dull crash. You frown at the waste of a barely touched bottle of champagne, a top-shelf bottle of whiskey, and Tatsuya’s small, unopened bag of cocaine.
Kita pays none of the mess any mind as he takes a seat on the edge of the table’s now cleared surface, directly in front of you. With you still laid out on the couch, you’re eye level with his knees. 
You look up at him and raise a challenging eyebrow, daring him to make his next move, daring him to keep you interested. You’re sorely disappointed when the first thing that he does is tug down your skirt to protect your modesty, something you find truly pointless considering the three men walked in on you in the middle of having your pussy eaten. 
The sensation of the backs of his fingers running along the skin of your thigh as he pulls on the fabric sends a small shiver down your spine and reminds you that you were interrupted before you could cum. You shift your leg to expose your inner thigh to him in a tempting invitation for him to finish what Tatsuya started, but he simply ignores your provocation and gives your skirt one final tug to ensure it’s in place. 
With a displeased roll of your eyes, you take another deep drag of your cigarette. But before you’ve finished, Kita plucks it from your lips and holds it aloft. He ignores your cry of protest as he waits half a moment for Suna to take it from him. You sit up in an effort to try and grab it back, but Kita’s fingers suddenly grip your chin hard enough that you think you’ll still feel them tomorrow.
He’s grasping you with the same hand that he used to pummel Tatsuya and you can feel how his fingers are warm and sticky with the man’s blood. It only takes a quick glance down to see that his knuckles are drenched in it.
With his hold keeping you in place, you’re unable to see what Suna does with your cigarette. However, you soon hear Tatsuya let out a low moan of pain and you have an idea. 
“That’s a filthy habit,” he says. His tone is rather benign but you’re certain that you’re being scolded. “I won’t have ya keepin’ it up as my wife.”
You let out an unattractive snort and hope your expression conveys just how unimpressed you are.
“They’re my lungs. If I wanna turn them black, that’s my right.” If he didn’t have your chin held so firmly, you would probably have stuck out your tongue and pulled down on your lower eyelid to taunt him.
“Yer rights extend only to the ones that I allow ya to have,” he comments and from any other man, there would be a threatening weight to his words. Kita, however, speaks them so casually that it sounds like he’s making nothing more than an absent observation of an indisputable fact.
You can only pout in return and he releases his grip to give your cheek a gentle, condescending pat. He then lifts his unbloodied hand out at his side with his palm facing up.
The Inarizaki man with the grey hair is quick to come forward, his hand slipping inside the jacket that he’s still carrying to pull out something from the inner pocket and place it into Kita’s patiently waiting palm. He then returns to his previous spot near the door, ensuring that there’s a respectful distance between himself and Kita and you once more. 
The small, carefully polished wooden box that he’s been given piques your interest. When he opens the lid, your eyes widen at the ring sitting inside of it. It’s elegant and beautiful — a traditional round diamond set atop a thin, pavé diamond band. It manages to avoid being ostentatious while still leaving no doubt about its expensive price tag, and therefore the status of the man who gave it to you. 
For such a boring man, he apparently has good taste. 
Your left hand moves on its own as you lift it for him expectantly. There’s the briefest flash of amusement in his eyes — the first real emotion that you’ve seen from him. But he wordlessly takes the ring from the box and slips it onto your third finger. 
The first instinct you have as soon as you feel the cool metal on your skin is to bring it to your face so that you can examine your new engagement ring more closely. But he grabs your hand so suddenly to keep it in place that it startles you. 
You raise your gaze to see that his own is glued to the ring that you’re now wearing. His thumb gently sweeps across the band and the gesture is a sharp contrast to how tightly his fingers are clasped around yours.
“See this?” He nods towards the ring, as if there were anything else that he could be referring to. “It’s not just a beautiful ring on yer pretty finger. It's a symbol of our commitment — yer commitment to me.” 
It’s slight, barely even noticeable, but there’s an edge to his tone that’s been missing all night. You can suddenly imagine how it is this young, unassuming man with his calm and collected temperament worked his way to the top of the most powerful yakuza syndicate in Japan.
He takes a long moment to pause thoughtfully and it seems so natural that you wonder if this is a common occurrence when he speaks. You suppose you’ll have the rest of your life to figure it out.
“I have a lot of respect for yer father,” he breaks the silence, confusing you with the direction that he’s chosen to take your conversation. “He’s built one of the most sophisticated operations in the country. He’s a smart man who’s surrounded himself with people he can trust, who would take a bullet or a prison sentence for him without question. I won’t hesitate to say that he’s earned his reputation.”
He sounds sincere, but you still have no idea where he’s going with this. If this were anyone else, in any other situation, you would ask if he was more interested in marrying your father than interested in marrying you. You have enough self-awareness to know that doing so with Kita wouldn’t go well — but only just.
“He’s a man of honor and I don’t mean to insult him.” He pauses again, this one shorter than the previous one. However, something about it feels heavier and when he finally looks back up at you, his eyes are much colder.
“The Fukurodani may be the most powerful syndicate in Kanto, but when it comes down to it, no one can match the power and numbers of the Inarizaki,” he states. 
Maybe it’s the matter-of-fact way he says it, maybe it’s how composed his expression is despite the events of that evening, but you’re suddenly incredibly aware of how his grip on your fingers has slowly tightened over the last few minutes, almost bordering on painful.
“I already own everythin’ from Kansai to Kyushu. If I wanted Tokyo, I could come and take it.” You believe him. While your father won’t let you in on his operations, you’re far from clueless about the politics of the criminal underworld, including who has power and how much. 
And Kita is right. The Fukurodani are the most powerful group in Kanto, one of the most powerful groups in all of Japan — second only to the Inarizaki. If a war broke out between the two over control of the country’s capital, it would be a hard and bloody conflict but the Inarizaki would undoubtedly be the victors. 
This marriage benefits your father more than it does Kita. 
“Maybe one day I will. The alliance doesn’t really matter,” he tells you. But while he looks slightly pensive as he speaks, the corners of your lips begin to slowly turn upwards. 
“Then what is it you want, Kiiiiitaaa-saaaan?” you ask, playfully stretching out his family name — what will soon be your family name. 
The coldness in his demeanor seems to melt, although not into anything that could ever be considered close to warm. If you had to describe it, you would probably call it patronizing.
“Y’know they call ya Tokyo’s yakuza princess?” he replies and your smirk widens. It takes some effort with how tight his grip is, but you manage to wiggle your fingers just loose enough to intertwine them with his.
“Do they?” you ask innocently, as if you haven’t proudly worn the title over the years. You look at him knowingly through your lashes. “Even in the Hyogo countryside?”
“Even in the Hyogo countryside,” he answers mildly, briefly humoring you and you reward him with a pleased grin. 
“Oh really?” you muse, bringing your joined hands up to your lips to lightly skim them along his bloody and torn knuckles. 
His tolerance seems to have hit its limit because he quickly yanks his hand from yours to grab your jaw, his fingers digging into your cheeks so roughly that you give a small wince. His hand is large enough that it covers your mouth almost entirely. 
If anyone else were in your position, they would most likely be trembling in fear. You can only smile into his palm, the mischief mirrored in your eyes.
Kita doesn’t come across as a man who often — if ever — gives into temptation. But although his patience with you has grown thin, he seems willing to allow himself just one small indulgence.
His hand shifts so that he can slowly run his thumb across your lips, leaving behind a sticky smear of blood in its wake. As his touch reaches your cupid’s bow, you slightly part your lips to press a soft kiss to the pad of his thumb before opening your mouth and catching it between your teeth.
You use just enough pressure so that he can’t simply slip it free. The metallic tang of blood is strong on your tongue as you brush it teasingly against the tip, your gaze meeting his coyly. You close your lips around his thumb and give it a light suck that would have a lesser man on his knees, begging for you to let him between your thighs. 
Kita reacts with a thoughtful hum and nothing else, not even the most minute muscle twitch.
“Tokyo’s spoiled little yakuza princess whose father lets her get away with whatever she wants,” he remarks, entirely unbothered even as you continue to suckle on his thumb while he speaks. “I won’t be anywhere near as lenient with ya. And I won’t have ya makin’ a fool outta me just because we’re not married yet.”
Although the danger is there, completely unmistakable, his voice lacks the menacing tone that should accompany his words. Instead, they’re low and soft, caressing your ears like a lover’s would, luring you in seductively. 
Impulse control has never been something that you’ve practiced; it’s never been something that you’ve needed to practice. In an act of utter shamelessness, you take his free hand, the one casually hanging from his knee, and place it high on your bare thigh. 
When you try to slide it further under the hem of your skirt, which has already begun to ride up since he tugged it down, you find that his hand is immovable. His fingers dig into the fat of your thigh, sinking into your soft skin with the weight of both his grip and his possessiveness. 
“Yer mine now,” he tells you, his voice still gentle and entirely at odds with his burning touch and the taste of blood in your mouth. “I don’t need to wait for paperwork or a ceremony to make it official.”
His heavy gaze drops down to look pointedly at how you’re thighs are squeezing together, even as he keeps one of them firmly in place. He then slowly drags it back up to meet yours, leaving a scorching trail in its wake. 
“I’m not just gonna give ya whatever it is ya ask for.” The words are a threat, even if he speaks them like a promise. “If ya want somethin’ from me, yer gonna have to earn it.”
Right now, there’s only one thing that you want from him and it's at the forefront of your mind.
“But I didn’t get to cum,” you whine around his thumb, your pitiful complaint slightly muffled. 
Osamu and Suna’s matching looks of disbelief go unnoticed by you and Kita, neither man ever having imagined that someone would dare to say something so brazen to their fearsome oyabun. 
There’s a flash in Kita’s eyes and the corner of his mouth twitches upwards for a fraction of a second. Both happen so quickly that you only notice because he has your rapt attention and it slowly dawns on you. 
He likes it. He likes your audacity. He likes your impertinence. He likes how you sound like the spoiled brat that you are. He likes that he has Tokyo’s spoiled little yakuza princess squeezing his hand between her thighs and sucking on his thumb as she pathetically pleads with him to make her cum. 
His thumb is slick with your saliva as he slips it from your mouth despite your efforts to keep it where it is by trying to sink your teeth deeper into it. He leaves a quickly-cooling trail of spit on your skin as he readjusts his hold on your jaw, once again digging his fingers into the hollows of your cheeks. The action only exaggerates the pout that you’re already giving him. 
“And ya won’t again ‘til we’re married. I don’t care if it’s with someone else. I don’t care if it’s with yerself. The next time ya do will be on our wedding night.” He pauses, letting the silence hang over the room so that the impact of his next words is truly felt. “If yer good.”
You let out a displeased noise in protest but it goes ignored as he uses his grasp on your jaw to move your head a bit to the side so that you’re looking over his shoulder and directly at the grey-haired Inarizaki man behind him.
“This is Osamu. He’s gonna be stayin’ in Tokyo for a bit.” He gives you a single wave in acknowledgment from where he stands. “Yer father’s already agreed to it.”
The implication is clear: Osamu is to be Kita’s eyes and ears in Tokyo. If you act in any way that’s unbefitting of your new status as the woman set to marry the Inarizaki’s kumicho, he’ll certainly know. 
“You’ll be seein’ a lot of him,” he tells you as he returns your focus back to him. He then leans forward, closing the gap between you to tenderly press a light kiss to your forehead, his lips moving against your skin with his next words. “So, be good for me.”
He sits back and meets your gaze expectantly and it’s clear that he wants your assurance that you’ll do as told. You give a childish roll of your eyes and his grip tightens in warning.
“I’ll be good,” you reply, the words feeling foreign on your tongue but they seem to appease him. 
However, his eyes soon land on your lips and then narrow. It’s a small movement, but the temperature of the room seems to drop with it. His next question is spoken as softly as everything else he’s said that night, but there’s a new kind of gravity to it, one that promises danger should he receive an answer that he doesn’t like. 
“Did ya use yer mouth on him?” 
It’s clear that Tatsuya’s life depends on your response. Luckily for him, there’s only one answer that you can give. 
“I don’t suck cock,” you say and it’s only because Kita is grasping so tightly onto your jaw that you don’t physically turn your nose up at the suggestion of you getting on your knees. 
But then something unexpected happens. The calm and carefully controlled expression on Kita’s face softens into something finally approaching fondness, a faint smile forming on the straight line of his lips. 
“You will for me,” he promises and you raise a challenging eyebrow, even as your own grin begins to grow.  
“I will?” you ask playfully and he nods.
“You will if ya wanna be good,” he’s kind enough to remind you and there’s a strange fluttering in your stomach that you’ve never experienced before. 
“Yes, Shin-kun,” you smile, and despite barely having had any of the champagne that’s now spilled across the floor, you feel drunk.  
You hardly wait for Kita to order his men to leave with a firm but impassive, “out,” before sliding from the couch and sinking to the floor between his parted legs. Your knees already ache from the unfamiliar sensation of resting against such a hard surface. 
The weight of his hand on the back of your neck burns as you rub your cheek against the expensive fabric of the slacks covering his muscled thigh. As you reach for the buckle of his belt, you look up at him to find him watching you ravenously. 
It absently occurs to you that throughout the entire evening, you never once heard him raise his voice. Even when he was brutally assaulting Tatsuya, he never seemed angry or bothered. No matter the situation, he remained unfazed.
But as you slide a hand inside of his pants to grip his half-hard cock through the soft material of his boxers, you can see it. Underneath his composed visage and mild temperament, burning bright in his shining and hungry eyes, is a dangerous flame — one that threatens to consume you and every inch of Tokyo in a devastating and all-consuming blaze. 
Maybe Kita Shinsuke isn’t as boring as you thought.
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frogs-in3-hills · 3 months
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my piece for missing years: @7yeargapzine, which just opened leftover sales! this is one of my favorite projects i've worked on and i couldn't be more amazed with how the zine turned out, so please consider checking it out!
[ID: A digital illustration depicting Vera Misham from Ace Attorney, sitting in a chair with her knees up and her back turned to the viewer. She works at a desk filled half with art supplies and half with machinery. A thin desk lamp looms over head, along with four static-filled screens, all of which illuminate where she sits like a spotlight. The edges of the light are textured like fingerprints. Strewn across the floor is a vast collage of maps and newspaper clippings relating to the events of the seven year gap and the dark age of the law. In the background, two of Kristoph's hand-shaped bottles of nail polish hang in front of a map clipping, with the lines of the roads segmenting the collage like cracked glass. 13 of the various newspaper clippings, from left to right, are as follows. 1) "State v. Blackquill Results in Yet Another Prosecutor's Arrest. Protestors Claim The Dark Age of the Law Has Arrived." 2) "Wrongfully Accused: An Exclusive Interview With Max Galactica." Beside the headline is a photo of Max dressed in a white sweater and crying. 3) "Execution - Date After." 4) "Turnabout Terror Disbarred After Shocking Revelation in the Courtroom." Beside the headline is an obscured photo of Phoenix pointing and objecting. 5) "Gramarye Troupe." The rest of the headline is obscured. Under it is an illustration of someone wearing a pink magician's hat and cloak, a question mark over their face. 6) "Forgery - Unprecedented." 7) "Opinion: The Three Day Trial System Has Failed Our Country." 8) "Los Tokyo Residents Face Unrest as Guity - Rate - 99%." 9) "A New Turnabout Terror on the Rise? Kristoph Gavin Sweeps Courtroom - Legal." 10) "Did the Dark Age of the Law Really Begin With Phoenix Wright's Disbarment?" 11) "A Candid Retrospective on Demon Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth's Messy Legacy." 12) "Public Trust - Japanifornia Courts." 13) "Impossible Turnabout Captivates Courtroom: Evidence Real or Fake?" End ID.]
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jpopstreaming · 7 months
HEATH, beloved bassist of X JAPAN, has passed away at 55
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The music world has been struck with somber news as it came to light that HEATH, the bassist for the legendary rock band X JAPAN, has passed away. At 55 years old, his death was unexpected and has left fans and fellow musicians in a state of mourning. The tragic revelation surfaced through investigative efforts by the publication "Women Seven."
X JAPAN's leader, YOSHIKI, conveyed his grief through social media on November 3, accompanied by a photograph in mourning attire. His sudden return to Japan, canceling all scheduled commitments, including an 'Award of Honor' ceremony in the United States, was an emergency driven by this unforeseen bereavement. His journey led him to a certain facility in Shinjuku, Tokyo, where he faced HEATH in silence, bidding a final, wordless farewell.
Close acquaintances of HEATH unveiled that he had been battling ill health since the beginning of the year. A medical consultation revealed cancer, which was unfortunately found at an advanced stage. By late October, only a short time after the discovery, HEATH had succumbed to the illness. The rapid progression of his cancer left no time to inform even his bandmates of his condition or the ensuing battle.
Despite various issues that led to X JAPAN's inactivity since 2018, including internal strife among members, it was HEATH, as sources close to him recount, who held onto the hope of reuniting the band until his very last moments.
The upcoming issue of "Women Seven," releasing on Thursday, November 9, will delve deeper into HEATH's role as an irreplaceable figure within X JAPAN, his relationship with the members, the current estrangement between YOSHIKI and Toshl, and what the future holds for X JAPAN in the wake of HEATH's absence.
HEATH's departure is not just the loss of a band member but the fading of a dream for many loyal fans who had hoped to see X JAPAN together once more. His legacy will undoubtedly continue to resonate through the music of X JAPAN and the hearts of those who supported them throughout the years.
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eyeodyssey · 10 months
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Photos from the Tokyo Grand Guignol stage play Galatia Teito Monogatari, based loosely on the Teito Monogatari serial of epic dark sci fi occult horror books. Despite sharing its basis with a greatly influential series which spawned several films (the first Teito Monogatari adaption even featuring special effects designed by H.R. Giger) and a set of animated horror films, Galatia remains the most obscure of the Tokyo Grand Guignol’s productions. Very sparse information of its contents exist online. On one specific page I found a month back, a (very poorly translated) English synopsis describes the play as being a story about a machine that destroys a major city in Japan. It’s unclear if the machine they’re referring to is in reference to a humanoid robot or a more generalized weapon. It’s said that in the play, Kyusaku Shimada appears as a mad scientist who creates the oxygen destroyer from Godzilla (1954). In a description of the ending, the finale depicts a scenario where the character Yasunori Katō (a demon that manifests itself as an imperial army First Lieutenant) welcomes one of the characters to what he refers to as the “new imperial city”. He reveals to the character a supernatural landscape where various children’s toys and dolls across the stage come to life and move around on their own, all to the sounds of marching drums and claps of thunder. All images were digitized by yours truly, with the sources being volume 28 of Yaso magazine and the Suehiro Maruo-focused magazine Only You, which features a digest version of Galatia’s screenplay. Of course, with the screenplay (or at least a condensed version of it) in my possession, I plan to translate it to English some way or another down the line. This adaption would help start off Shimada’s professional acting career, with Shimada having his first major cinematic role as Yasunori Katō in the film Tokyo: The Last Megalopolis. As mentioned though, Shimada doesn’t act as Katō in the Tokyo Grand Guignol version. That role was instead designated to Yaguruma Kennosuke, who would later appear as Raizou in the original performances of Lychee Hikari Club.
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Yaguruma Kennosuke as Raizou in Lychee's December 1985 performance, apprehending the Marquis de Maruo (performed by Suehiro Maruo) when he enters the Hikari Club's hideout. Kennosuke is on the right side of Maruo, with Hiroyuki Tsunekawa (Zera) standing aside Kennosuke with his bag of lychee fruits. As a side note, you've gotta appreciate how despite then being well into a Maruo-flavored era of underground culture, there are still the occasional callbacks to Terayama's legacy, hence the clock that Katō is seen holding in the first photo.
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tailschannel · 6 months
Sonic to get "several new mobile titles" in the future, according to SEGA management meeting document
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The Sonic the Hedgehog series is expected to receive "several new titles" for mobile platforms, SEGA's parent company confirmed in a management meeting early Wednesday.
Apple and Google were both named as "key players" in the mobile sector for SEGA, as the publisher detailed an encompassing transmedia scheme for the blue blur, which will include licencing and collaborations with other third-party properties.
"Several new" mobile games under development
With an established presence thanks to the likes of free apps like Sonic Dash and Sonic Forces Speed Battle, the franchise looks set to dive in the world of mobile gaming, as part of SEGA's future plans.
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The publisher did not rule out exclusivity clauses with subscription-based mobile gaming services. In recent days, the publisher signed a contract with Apple to produce Sonic Dream Team, and Netflix announced a mobile port of Sonic Mania Plus for their game subscription service.
No word of a specific timeframe for the aforementioned mobile games, currently in development.
Future Sonic mobile games to adopt Rovio's Beacon toolkit
As part of the mobile expansion, the upcoming slate is expected to adopt "Beacon", an internal development and marketing toolkit powered by machine learning, frequently utilized by Rovio, the Finnish studio behind Angry Birds that SEGA acquired over the summer.
The studio described Beacon as a platform to "build games and get games to market, models to profitably grow and monetize the game and live operations tools to maximize our players’ fun."
The toolkit has been criticized in a number of fan-run Angry Birds forums for incentivizing revenue at the expense of gameplay quality.
SEGA did not disclose if the Beacon platform will extend beyond the present suite of HARDlight mobile games.
More details on SEGA's resurrection of classic hits
SEGA also unveiled these new images and descriptions for the five new games announced at The Game Awards, described as a "power surge" to re-electrify their classic hits, like Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio.
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Crazy Taxi: Innovative & Fresh Style Driving Action! Cheerful feeling of freedom and fusion of nature and city. Peel out the new stage of Crazy City!
Jet Set Radio: "Counter-Culture" - Tokyo Street Open World! Experience the "rebellion" movement that feels free in a suffocating society. Make friends, increase your fans, and create a movement!
Shinobi: Slay the enemies in the silence of the moment. Run through the world of Shinobi, full of monsters and ninja actions. Grab Oberozuki, the legendary sword and slay evil once more. Your clan and the world are counting on you.
Golden Axe: Warriors arise to subdue the demons! Defeat your enemies with a variety of attacks with swords and magic! The legendary story about the battle axe, Golden Axe is about to begin!
Streets of Rage Revolution: Beloved side-scrolling beat 'em up action series! Take control of one of the ex-officers and make the city a place where people no longer have to walk the "Streets of Rage."
The announcement coincided with SEGA's plans to strengthen their flagship video game brands like Persona and Like a Dragon, and to expand with legacy properties.
(Edit 2:00 pm ET - post updated with new details)
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chargoeson · 8 months
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My First Writeblr- An Introduction
I’ve used tumblr on and off for over ten years but wanted a blank slate now in time for NaNoWriMo 2023 and all the future writing projects I’m devoting myself to. Also highly inspired by all the cool writing blogs I’ve discovered so far since restarting this account <3
About Me:
My name is Char or Charlotte (she/her), I’m 24 and live in the Pacific Northwest in the US
I write literary fiction now, but have kept up various personal essay projects and poetry over the years primarily through my private newsletter!
I have a Bachelor’s degree in English Language and Lit with a soft spot for the Gothic and Romantic eras.
Nothing published yet, but since I am finally out of school I am entering a new phase of creative freedom that feels very encouraging.
Fun extras: I’m a virgo sun, pisces moon (yes, it does hurt), my cat’s name is Brad, I am also a fiber artist, musician, home renovator, perfume enthusiast, and chronic illness advocate.
My WIPs:
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Project Amgydala (tentative title: Ballad of a Blue Whale) Novella- Literary Fiction/Surrealism Status- Draft 1 complete at around 33,000 words 2024 Goal- First revision/draft 2 Synopsis- Maren Hara, a recent graduate, moves back in with her father and turns completely inward. She removes herself from the life she created throughout university and begins walking from sunset to sunrise, looking for something she cannot put her finger on. This leads her to Devereaux's Salvation, a jazz bar seemingly from another era, whose eager manager and illusive owner begin to crack through Maren's walls and bring her back into humanity.
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Project Corvidae (tentative title: I Want to Build a Home with You) Undetermined- Literary Fiction/Light Mystery/Horror Status- Plotting and beginning first draft 2024 Goal- Complete outlines and give draft 1 my best shot Synopsis- In the wake of the death of her family matriarch, portrait painter and former performance art prodigy Leonie Richards finds herself on the receiving end of her grandmothers vast literary legacy and her eclectic, spirit filled home. Alongside her uncle, the art store clerk, and a host of portrait clients she begins to unlock the secrets of the final years of her grandmother's life.
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Mind Over Matter- this is actually backstory for Leonie from Project Corvidae and seeks to shed light on her past performance art pieces and the relationship between her and her grandmother. Light body horror, unsettling women, the works. One of These Nights- a slice of life, Murakami-inspired piece of an American expat living in Tokyo trying to ground herself within a new language. Digs into themes of friendship and social anxiety. Lots of fun music cameos. a green pea moon- my FAVORITE. My little baby. A surrealist romp through the dream world and how it relates to the joy and fear of being queer and letting yourself be loved. Near and dear to my heart.
taglist: @annlillyjose @coffeeandcalligraphy @subtlefires @belovedviolence @onomatopiya
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creeativesimmer · 1 month
Pretty Guardians Legacy Challenge
A Sailor Moon inspired legacy challenge for the Sims 4
I have always enjoyed playing Legacy Challenges and wanted to one day attempt to make my own. While I am certain there are Sailor Moon Legacy challenges out there, I couldn't find one that suited my fancy, so I decided to create my own updated version. I'm also trying to utilize as many packs/gameplay that I don't usually use. So here goes.
~~This will soon be undergoing playtesting once I finish my Not-so-berry challenge, so any feedback is welcome and some changes may be in order~~
Basic Rules:
Money cheats can be used, but I wouldn't recommend using it extensively since that's half the fun. But who am I to tell you how you'd like to play
Mods and CC are okay to use. Feel free to make the heirs look as similar or as different than their counterpart.
You may live wherever you please unless something is specified in the rules of a generation.
All heirs must have a human lifespan unless otherwise stated. Heirs can be either male or female. Just because you're a Pretty Guardian, doesn't mean you have to be a girl. c:
You may have as many children and you'd like unless otherwise stated. Marriage and Live-in Partners are optional, unless otherwise stated in the challenge.
Every generation is supposed to complete both the career and aspiration of the heir unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Would recommend keeping the lifespan on normal, but you may play on whatever lifespan or custom lifespan if you so desire.
Feel free to accept any additional self discoveries, just don't switch personalities unless otherwise stated.
Please take advantage of the Reward traits and potions to help you through each generation
Have fun. I personally like challenges, so I'm adding some additional requirements for each generation for a challenge mode. Feel free to adjust the rules to suit your own playstyle better and complete as much or as little of the generation as you please.
Generation 1: Pluto
Optional Colors: Black, Red, Maroon
You are the Keeper of Time and this legacy. The timeline has shifted, and the Moon Kingdom is in danger. You and your companion have been allowed to leave your post in order to correct it. This world is different that what you are familiar with. It isn't the Moon Kingdom, nor is it Tokyo. But you do learn there is a place that teaches you the things you need to know, and you find yourself enrolled in school. You must compile this knowledge to develop a new Door of Space and Time to guard for all of eternity from this new world. But not everything is doom and gloom. When you're not trying to fix the world, you find yourself relaxing by playing chess and making things to wear.
Optional: Start off or Become a Vampire, the goal is to eventually become immortal (You may also cheat this if you prefer to remain human) Optional: Have a feline companion who also gains immortality (with the power of many, many age down treats) and lives with each generation to provide them with the wisdom and knowledge. Traits: Gloomy, Genius, Vegetarian? Aspirations: Academic, (Optional) Good Vampire Career: Scientist Skills: Logic, Knitting or Gemology, (Optional) Veterinarian 
Complete Academic aspiration and get a degree in Physics
Max Scientist Career along with Logic and either Gemology or Knitting Skills
Create and Upgrade the Door of Space and Time (aka the Wormhole Generator) and place on home lot.
Travel to the Moon Kingdom (Sixam) at least once.
Must adopt at least one child
Heir must be human or have human lifespan (can be adopted sim)
Challenge mode:
(Optional) In order to achieve immortality: Become a Vampire and complete the Good Vampire Aspiration
(Optional) Create all the serums in the scientist career
(Optional) In order to achieve immortality for your feline companion, master the Veterinarian skill and create the Age Down Treats. (Purchasing them is also okay, especially in later generations)
(Optional) Have a garden where you grow most of your food source and death flowers
(Optional) Gift at least 3 knitted items or jewelry to friends or family
(Optional) Complete both Knitting and Gemology skills
(Optional) Use the gemology skill to make you immortal
(Optional) Complete the crystal and geodes collection
Generation 2: Saturn
Optional Colors: Purple, Maroon, White
Your guardian was always locked up in a lab seeking answers to life's greatest questions. While they still loved and cared for you, their ultimate focus was on their own goals and mission, leaving you alone with your thoughts. The voices in your head make it hard to be alone, so you spend most of your time reading. When you finally meet someone new, you become close friends. But one day when you have a maniac episode where you completely black out, you ruin the only friendship you had. And to save your friend and anyone else from your unstable personality, you become a shut-in with just you and your books. You dream of traveling, but never trust yourself to leave. So you travel through books and fantasy, writing about the adventures you'll never take.
Traits: Erratic, Loner, Paranoid Aspiration: Best-Selling Author Career: Freelance Writer Skills: Writing, Selvadoran Culture, Vampire Lore, + 1 skill of your choice
Complete Best-Selling Author aspiration and write Book of Life for Gen one.
Max Writing, Selvadoran Culture (will likely need to attend classes to sit on to gain the initial skill), Vampire Lore, & 1 skill of your choosing (preferably one that you wouldn't ever use like herbalism, rock climbing, skiing, etc.) that you must master via skill book only.
Only make your money from Royalties and/or Freelance Work.
Make a BFF and and eventually loose your BFF status due to the decline of your friendship
Never leave your lot (unless for a rabbithole event or absolutely necessary)
Complete the Postcard collection.
Challenge Mode:
(Optional: As a child) Become best friends with the first child (or younger) sim that you meet. Can be a Non-blood related sibling, if you're having trouble.
(Optional Mod) Be homeschooled
(Optional: As a teen) Have a falling out with your friend that goes from BFF into the red.
(Optional: After falling out) Never leave your lot (unless for a rabbithole event or absolutely necessary)
(Optional: As a YA) If you decide to move out, you must stay in the same neighborhood as you grew up. Alternative: Stay in your family's home or Turn your family home into a residential rental and stay there.
(Optional: As an adult) You settle the voices in your head. Should you desire, you may replace the erratic trait with a trait of your choosing (as an adult) or via self-discovery prompt (at any point as a YA or older)
(Optional) After accepting your new self, rekindle your friendship with your former childhood BFF.
Generation 3: Uranus
Optional Colors: Navy & Yellow
Your guardian was a complete shut-in. Always talking about adventures, but refusing to leave home. You're tired of being surrounded by all these books about action and adventure, you want to live and experience it. You develop a need for speed. And since there's no cars in this world, you want learn how to ride. Your guardian begrudgingly allows you to have a horse, but only because they thought it was one of those "I wanna a pony" stages. Turns out, you're pretty decent of a rider, so much so that you can build a living off of it. As soon as you're old enough, you move out of your parent's home and set off on your own adventure. With your career, you have the flexibility to work when you want and travel the rest of the time. While you enjoy riding horses, you're not really about the farm/ranch life. You gain a little fame from work and your adventuring, so you find yourself having to disguise yourself when going out, but it doesn't slow your adventures in the slightest.
Traits: Adventurous, Active, Horse LoverAspiration: Championship Rider Career: None - Make your money competing in horse riding competitions (Alternatively, you can join the Athlete career) Skills: Fitness, Horse Riding, 1 Extreme sport skill (skiing, rock climbing, snowboarding)
Max out skills: Fitness, Horse Riding, 1 Extreme sport skill (skiing, rock climbing, snowboarding)
Finish the Championship Rider Aspiration.
Have at least 2-star fame
Travel more than you work. (ie. compete in competitions 3 days of the week and then vacation 4)
Meet your partner/spouse when traveling
Challenge Mode:
(Optional) Live in at least two additional worlds outside of the one you grew up in. Start in Chestnut Ridge and then move somewhere else.
(Optional) Reach 5-star celebrity and wear disguises when going out. (alternatively create an additional look in CAS for your disguise)
(Optional) Climb Mt. Komorebi
(Optional) Complete 2 of the following additional aspirations: Extreme Sports Enthusiast, Jungle Explorer, Body Builder
(Optional) Gain the Adrenaline Seeker and/or Frequent Traveler Lifestyle.
(Optional) Complete the Omniscan Treasures collection
(Optional) Vacation in Sulani at least once with your children.
(Optional) Marry someone of the same gender.
Generation 4: Neptune
Optional Colors: Sea green & Navy
You spent a lot of your childhood traveling. While it was enjoyable traveling the world, it was the beach that managed to capture your heart. You heard the ocean's call and you answered with your own. You develop a passion for music and the ocean that you move to Sulani live out your dream to become the siren of the sea.
Traits: Child of the Island, Music Lover, Perfectionist Career: Entertainer - Musician Aspiration: Musical Genius Skills: Violin, Singing, Painting
Master skills for Violin, Painting, & Singing
Max out the Musician Branch of the Entertainer Career.
Complete the Musical Genius Aspiration
Live in Sulani
Summon and Befriend an Island Elemental
Have your heir with another partner before meeting your spouse.
Become a mermaid
Challenge Mode:
(Optional) Become a mermaid after maxing the singing skill
(Optional) Complete the Beach Life Aspiration
(Optional) Have a child with an Island Elemental
(Optional) Befriend a mermaid
(Optional) Seduce a local and marry them after becoming a mermaid.
(Optional) Paint pictures of the Ocean and decorate your house with them.
(Optional) Heir should ideally be human, but if you want to keep playing with mermaids, feel free
(Optional) Complete the Buried Treasure and Seashell collection.
(Optional) Clean up the islands and see the turtle hatching at least once.
Generation 5: Mercury
Optional Colors: Blue & Light Blue
You grew up listening to your guardian's voice singing into the night. It made you wonder what all was out there. So you took to the books to study what you could. You were a nerd in all senses, with your nose always stuck in a book. You had an absentee parent, so it made you admire your guardian that much more being able to raise you solo and still dedicate so much to their career and passions. It motivated you enough that you wanted to become a doctor, but along the way in your studies you discovered your love of technology.
Traits: Bookworm, Ambitious, Generous Career: Doctor Aspiration: Nerd Brain Skills: Logic, Programming, Handiness
Max out the Doctor career
Get all A's in school
Complete the Nerd Brain Aspiration
Max Logic, Handiness, & Programming Skills
Challenge Mode
(Optional) Gain the Workaholic and Techie Lifestyle
(Optional) Complete Whiz Kid aspiration as a child.
(Optional) Graduate early if you can.
(Optional) Get a degree in Computer Science before joining the Doctor career at entry level.
(Optional) Join the Bot Savants in Uni.
(Optional) Max out either Rocket Science or Robotics Skill
(Optional) Build a rocket and give it all the upgrades/ Build a servo and all the bots.
(Optional) Complete the Space Prints, Aliens, & Space Rocks Collection
Generation 6: Venus
Optional Colors: Orange & Blue
You grew up surrounded by all the latest technology. But you could care less about the robots and rocket ships, your obsession came in the form of video games and computers. Though despite your knowledge on computers, you were too good for school. You usually would stay up too late at night gaming that you would get caught sleeping in school more than you did actually studying. While you present yourself as lazy in appearance and in nature, you still try to maintain your figure. Because when you aren't gaming, you're fawning over potential interests at the arcade or at school. You seem to cycle through relationships, never maintaining a solid relationship for long. Despite some accidental or unplanned pregnancies, you are determined to be provide a good life for your children, even if it takes a bit of discipline.
Traits: Geek, Romantic, Non-Committal Career: Video Game Streamer, Tech Guru Aspiration: Computer Whiz Skills: Fitness, Video Gaming, Parenting
Must finish the Computer Whiz aspiration
You are a slacker in school so you never get over a C.
Get a part time job as a Video Game Streamer and maintain it at least until your first child is born.
Join the Tech Guru career after quitting the Streamer career. (You don't need to max this out)
Marry at least two different sims
Never have more than one pregnancy with the same partner.
Create a video game based off your alter ego.
Challenge Mode
(Optional) Drop out or get expelled from school. Get your GED before turning into an adult.
(Optional) Finish the Serial Romantic Aspiration
(Optional) Maintain the Streamer Career until you've reached your adult birthday.
(Optional) Max out the Tech Guru Career (eSport Branch)
(Optional) Win the Ultimate Gaming Test and Hackathon at Geekcon at least once.
(Optional) Have a least 3 pregnancies.
(Optional) Always use the highest level of discipline with your children whenever they misbehave. But also encourage them whenever they do something good.
(Optional) Gain either the Supportive or Strict family dynamic with most of your children, but Strict Family dynamic with your heir.
(Optional) Finish the My Sims and Voidcritter Collections.
Generation 7: Mars
Optional Colors: Red & Purple
You grew up listening to the sounds of your guardian yelling at the tv late into the night as they worked to achieve the highest score. Not to mention the revolving door of men and women that would stay over, some of which stuck around long enough to label themselves as step-parent. Even though you still aimed to make your parents proud, you swore you'd never become them. A failed attempt to set you up with another politician to 'assist' your career was the final straw for you. You cut ties with your parents and seek to better yourself. On your path of self discovery, you learn that you are a vessel of power. You diverge from your current path to follow the unknown, learning more about yourself then you ever imagined discovering. You never wanted children, but somehow you ended up with one. You manage but not without a little help.
Traits: Hot-headed, Self-Assured, Proper (Hates Children) Career: Politician, Freelance - Paranormal Investigator Aspiration: Inner Peace, Spellcraft & Sorcery Skills: Charisma, Wellness, & Medium
Complete the Inner Peace Aspiration.
Master Charisma, Wellness & Medium Skills
Join the Politician Career and stick with it until you reach adulthood or both of your parents pass away.
Go on 2 dates with a co-worker, and realize that this wasn't how you wanted to get ahead.
Never marry.
Have only one child(/pregnancy)
'Discover' your inner power by becoming a spellcaster (may also be born as one, you just never use any powers until finishing the Inner Peace aspiration)
Summon Bonehilda and befriend her
Challenge Mode:
(Optional) Have a good relationship with your grandparent if your grandparents are still alive.
(Optional) Complete the Inner Peace Aspiration before leaving your politician career.
(Optional) Complete the Spellcraft & Sorcery Aspiration.
(Optional) Move into a haunted house after starting Paranormal Investigator.
(Optional) Live in a technology free home (no tvs, no computers, etc.)
(Optional) Complete at least one of each level gigs within the freelance career.
(Optional) Befriend Guidry.
(Optional) Collect a Sugar Skull from every lot that you encounter a tombstone on.
(Optional) Gain the Hates Children personality trait
(Optional) Purchase the Brave reward trait.
Generation 8: Jupiter
Optional Colors: Green & Pink
You had an odd childhood, growing up surround by spirits both good and evil. You spent more time in the care of a living skeleton than you did with your own guardian. Your other parent is no where to be seen. You learned to fend for yourself rather early on. You found comfort and enjoyment in cooking. Your perfect soulmate is someone who is kind and loyal and enjoys to eat your cooking. And after meeting that perfect mate, you are determined to give your children the best upbringing you could possibly give them.
Traits: Foodie, Loyal, Loves the Outdoors Career: Either Chef or Gardening (Floral arranging) careers, eventually own a retail shop Aspiration: Soulmate Skills: Baking, Gardening, & Floral Arranging
Complete the Soulmate Aspiration
Choose between either the Chef or Floral Designer Career
Master Baking, Cooking, Gardening, and Floral Arranging skills.
Buy and own a retail shop to sell your floral arrangements and cakes.
Marry someone with either the Loyal or Glutton traits
Have at least two children.
Challenge Mode:
(Optional) Complete the Appliance Wiz, Master Chef, and/or Freelance Botanist Aspiration.
(Optional) Live on a lot with Simple Living and you grow most of your food and flowers for your arrangements
(Optional) Complete the Gardening and Magic Bean Collections.
(Optional) Master the Gourmet Cooking Skill as well.
(Optional) Take family photos regularly and hang them all over the house.
Generation 9: Moon
Optional Colors: Blue & Red
You had the perfect upbringing. With parents who loved and cared for you. Even so, you're still a little scatterbrained and quite the klutz. You have a strong justice for your friends, and will stand up for them in any situation. Your grades suffered in school cause you were out late fighting the forces of evil. You secretly fight for justice, but your family is none the wiser and only thinks you're an innocent teacher.
Traits: Childish, Clumsy, Good Career: Secret Agent (Diamond Agent)/Detective or Education Aspiration: Friend of the World Skills: Research and Debate, Charisma, Cooking
Complete Friend of the World Aspiration.
Master either the Secret Agent (Diamond Agent Branch)/Detective or Education Career.
Have 4 Good friends/BFFs that you meet in high school.
Spend several evenings as a teen out on the town with your 4 close friends or partner.
Have two romantic interests, but one of them starts out with your friendship in the negative.
Befriend and eventually marry the romantic interest you disliked initially.
Challenge Mode:
(Optional) Achieve mediocre grades in school. Never do homework or study for exams.
(Optional) Confront anyone who is mean to you, your friends, or partner. Fighting is an option too
(Optional) You fight justice in secret, but everyone just thinks your a simple teacher. Master the Detective or Secret Agent (DA), then quit to join the Education career.
(Optional) Also master the Education career.
(Optional) Complete the Super Parent Aspiration
(Optional) Have your spouse maintain a better relationship with your heir then with you. (doesn't have to be much)
(Optional) Accept the Jealous personality trait if prompted.
(Optional) Make at least 3 enemies with sims who wrong your friends or family, but later mend your relationships with them.
(Optional) Complete the Holiday Cracker Plushie, Marbles, & Frog Collections
Generation 10: Chibi Moon
Optional Colors: Pink & Red/Pink & Black
You loved and adored your parents growing up, especially one more so than the other. You were sweet and innocent for your favorite parent, and little mischievous with the other. But you still were on good terms with both parents. You enjoy drawing pictures as a child and gifting them to your parent. As a teen, you start to be jealous of the attention your guardian seeks from your other parent. You start to be a little rebellious. You become friends with an unlikely individual who sends you down a dark path as a young adult.
Traits: Self-absorbed, Evil, Goofball Career: Criminal Aspiration: Public Enemy, Werewolf Initiate Skills: Mischief, Painting
As a child complete the Artistic Prodigy aspiration
As a teen, meet and befriend a werewolf.
Follow a path of evil as a young adult and master the Criminal Career.
Complete the Public Enemy Aspiration.
Become a werewolf either towards the end of your teenhood or at the beginning of your YA-hood.
Complete the Werewolf Initiate Aspiration
After completing the above, feel free to accept any personality swaps away from your negative traits.
After completing the above, feel free to change Careers to a career of your choice.
After completing the above, change your aspiration to Strangerville Mystery.
Challenge Mode
(Optional) Befriend a rabbit in your youth.
(Optional) Join Drama Club as a Child/Teen
(Optional) Age up with positive character values.
(Optional) Complete one of the following additional werewolf aspirations: Lone Wolf, Wildfang Renegade, or Emissary of the Collective
(Optional) Complete the Cure Seeker Aspiration.
(Optional) Complete the Strangerville Mystery and repel the forces of evil.
(Bonus) Recruit Pluto in your battle against the Mother.
If you do plan to play this legacy, please share your adventures using #prettyguardianslegacy
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sanchoyoscribbles · 9 months
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Mira Aoyama is a completely ordinary 15 year old girl- and she hates it. Her mother was the incredible Mew Ichigo, and she's yearning to live up to her legacy and become a magical girl too. When an alien named Persimmon crash lands at Cafe Mew Mew and tells of a coming invasion, she might just get her wish: at a price, of course.
Just one year until the end of the world. And it's up to a magical girl otaku with a limited amount of transformations, an alien who's terrible at using her powers, and an untested, possibly buggy first-edition robotic mew mew to save it. Can this dysfunctional trio save the world?
A Tokyo Mew Mew next-gen fancomic story! Based on Tokyo Mew Mew, taking bits from the original anime, manga, a la mode manga, video game and new anime, with themes of family, friendship, environmentalism, and girls kissing. Rated T for mild violence and mature themes.
[Follow @tokyomiracle for notifications when it goes live, updates, or for any news about delays!]
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Kaiju Week in Review (November 26-December 2, 2023)
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I wasn't over the moon when Toho announced that Takashi Yamazaki's Blockbuster Monster Movie was in fact the next Godzilla film. I had seen a few of his works—none bad, but none spectacular either. Well, I've set my sights on watching the rest in the new year, because Godzilla Minus One is an unqualified masterpiece. A tagline from the original Godzilla, King of the Monsters! comes to mind (as it often does when you're me): "Mightiest melodrama of them all!" A lot of the post-Showa films suffer from an abundance of characters who just spout exposition and look at monitors; here, almost everyone in the small cast gets at least one close encounter with Godzilla, and the monster's backstory is conveyed with extreme efficiency. This tale of a war veteran trying to rebuild his life in the ruins of Tokyo, stumbling into a family, finding fulfillment in blowing up leftover mines, and haunted by what he perceives as his cowardice in combat, would have been plenty compelling without Godzilla.
Since it does have Godzilla, it's high on my list of the best movies of the year, and I only need one viewing to call it one of the best installments in the almost-70-year-old series. Yamazaki patiently waited some 15 years after Always: Sunset on Third Street 2 for his shot at a Godzilla feature. You certainly get the sense, watching one of the most brutal, pissed-off incarnations of the monster ever to grace the screen, that he spent every day of it in preparation. Watch it often while it's still in theaters, and watch it big.
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Godzilla Minus One will gross about $10 million in its U.S. opening "weekend", a third-place finish that beat expectations. For context, Godzilla 2000, the last Toho Godzilla film to receive a wide release here, made about $10 million during its entire theatrical run here. Ticket prices were cheaper then, of course, and Minus One was helped along further by almost half of attendees going to premium-format screenings. Conversely, it had to overcome Americans' subtitle phobia, and the first weekend of December is usually a slow one. I was pessimistic at the outset, but now I expect larger theaters to carry the film into the new year, especially with near-universal raves from critics and audiences.
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Yes, a third section for Godzilla Minus One; it's well-deserved, I promise. MyKaiju is risking life and limb by hosting an English translation of the film's novelization, written by Takashi Yamazaki himself. It appears to be at least partially machine-translated, but the Japanese text is included for comparison. Haven't read it yet, as I want to see the film a second time first, but quite a breakthrough given how mysterious this sort of thing usually is.
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Monarch: Legacy of Monsters could never hope to compare with the opening of a stellar new Godzilla film; unfortunately, I also thought this week's episode was the weakest so far. It's bookended by Frost-Vark action, but the rest just drags. All's forgiven if the teacher and the hacker smooch though.
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Toho and Legendary used to let each other's live-action Godzilla movies breathe; now the U.S. opening weekend of one is coinciding with the opening marketing push of the other. IGN released a trio of pics from Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, showing Kong with his axe; Dr. Andrews, Jia, and Trapper (Dan Stevens's character) in uniform; and Godzilla "evolving into a powerful new form." The same article included an interview with director Adam Wingard. Naturally, he didn't give away much... besides the return of Doug.
Earlier in the week, Legendary put out a trio of posters featuring Godzilla, Kong, and the film's antagonist, now christened Skar King. The taglines ("Unite" for our heroes, "Bow to Your King" for SK) sound like kaiju campaign slogans. Makes me wonder if, like Godzilla vs. Megalon before it, the movie will improbably capitalize on the presidential election next year. To steal a joke from Titanollante: Godzilla/Kong unity ticket? They'd have my vote.
Godzilla's new form, meanwhile, has already been spoiled by a T-shirt on Legendary's own site and some dire-looking Playmates figures. It makes sense that Wingard would want to have his own spin on the character after keeping the design from Godzilla: King of the Monsters for Godzilla vs. Kong. Hard to cast judgment without seeing the real design in full, but there's one particular detail I really like.
The film also has a booth at CCXP in Brazil, with a panel later today, so I think a trailer is incoming (the main reason I hammered out this whole post so quickly).
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I missed this one last week: Tsuburaya announced an anime project called Ultraman: DARKNESS HEELS. The DARKNESS HEELS branding has been around for a while, spotlighting prominent evil Ultras—and, of course, Jugglus Juggler. No details on the anime yet, but if the Juggleman's there, so am I.
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The big toy reveal this weekend was Super7's ULTIMATES! MaiGoji figure. Previous Godzilla figures from this line haven't lived up to the official photos, but hope springs eternal. It's $85 (much less than the MonsterArts); preorders started Friday. Other highlights: a Super7 ReAction figure of the original Godzilla's skeleton, which comes with a little Oxygen Destroyer, and a plush Mothra from Surreal Entertainment that can flip to imago form to a neck pillow-shaped larva.
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yevasxvoid · 5 months
Clouds Hidden Beneath The Sun - [Yuta Okkotsu x Reader]
Chapter 2: I had doubts about many things, and I wanted to solve you first
January 2018
“The last thing I remember is my father bringing me here, and failing to run away. He mentioned a terrorist attack, and didn’t disclose where my mother was..I think he killed her,” Y/n used the handkerchief Gojo had given her to wipe some of the blood from her hands. “And I’m not sure if all this blood is mine. There are no open wounds on my body, but everywhere hurts.”
“Your father murdered a few higher ups in cold blood, and your mother went missing. They are both suspected to have co-operated with Suguru in the terrorist attack on Kyoto and Tokyo.” Gojo wasn’t unnerved in the slightest. Y/n could not decide if it was irritating or reassuring. “Oh, and it’s been a week since you went missing.”
“So, will I be executed?”
“What makes you think that?” He asked.
“Answer me.”
“Geez, you’re so pushy.” He sighed, “No.”
“I’m not an idiot. I know there’s consequences.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong, why should there be consequences for you?”
Y/n gave up, and turned on the radio to drown out the silence in the car. They were driving toward Tokyo. Most of the things in her house must have already been confiscated. There was nothing there for her to miss, anyway. 
The dorms at Tokyo Jujutsu High weren’t very different from Kyoto. Y/n found her dorm room with ease, and waited until late night. No students would be around.
The first thing she did was take off her dirty clothes, and put them in a bag to burn later. She scoured every inch of her body until her skin turned red. Filthy water went down the drain. This much dirt and blood had never been caked onto her body before. It took a while to wash out and comb the knots from her hair. 
She dried off her body, and looked closely in the mirror. What she disregarded earlier, as dirt, was actually a scar. It was a hideous array of lines that resembled wild vines around her neck. She grimaced, and checked the rest of her body for anything else. There was nothing. 
Y/n’s body could barely move. Her body ached, but dread filled her thinking of what her mind would conjure when her eyelids shut. She put her phone to charge and left her dorm with the clothes she intended to burn. She took a tour across the school grounds until she arrived at a clearing on the outskirts of the school. She threw the bag into the snow, and reached into her pocket for a lighter. She sat on the untouched snow, and watched as it burned. 
From this hill, she overlooked most of the High School grounds. It wasn’t until then that Y/n understood how pissed she was. Her father, who had pushed her so hard to be a Jujutsu Sorcerer. Who pressured her to upkeep the family legacy every second she breathed, went and ruined everything on his own. 
Her mother had gone missing, and Y/n was unsure if that meant she also deserted. And there was the question of what had happened to her in the last week, and why she remembers nothing. Y/n’s head hurt as she considered all the responsibilities she now had. 
She took a deep breath, and laid down in the snow to stare up at the sky. She took off her gloves, and relished in the sting of the frost against her bare fingers. First, she’d try to understand her father, Mr. Fujino.
“Class, we have a new student!” Gojo announced as they entered the room. 
“I’m Y/n Fujino, it is nice to meet you all.” 
“I’m Panda, that’s Inumaki Toge.”
“Cod roe.”
“I already know Toge, we’re practically besties!” Y/n grinned.
“But this is my first time meeting a Mutated Cursed Corpse, can I touch you?”
“Wow, you feel like a real Panda!” She ran her hands across his fur, “You are principal Yaga’s creation, so I shouldn’t be surprised.”
“Long time no see, I hope you haven’t been slacking.” Maki smirked.
“You sound confident, maybe you’ll actually beat me next time we spar.” There was a moment of tension in the air before both girls chuckled, “I missed you, Maki-roll!” They embraced each other briefly.
There was one more person for her to greet. “I remember you, Okkotsu, right?” 
“It’s nice to meet you again, Y/n.” Okkotsu smiled brightly. 
He noticed her staring at his uniform. She felt her cheeks burn, “You don’t stick out like a sore thumb anymore.”
“Yeah.” Neither of them knew what to say next. They just stared at each other, until Gojo cleared his throat.
“Fish flakes.”
“Awkward.” Panda whispered.
“You’’ll commence training as usual, but I have other matters to attend to.”
“Doesn’t make much of a difference,” Maki said. Panda hummed in agreement.
“You haven’t been able to beat Maki, have you?” Y/n mused as Okkotsu stood up from the ground after taking another loss.
“No, she’s insanely talented.” 
“That is true,” she took his wooden sword, “I’ll take the opportunity to show off, then.”
“Don’t get so confident Y/n. ” Maki rubbed salt into his wounds.
Inumaki and Panda stopped what they were doing to watch with Yuta. 
“It’s been a while since I used a sword, far too simple for my taste.” She got into an offensive stance. Maki did the same. For a moment, they both waited to see who would attack first. 
Y/n started out strong with a feint, and follow up attack. Maki blocked it, and countered with her staff. Okkotsu was surprised his eyes managed to keep up with their altercation. Y/n’s form was amazing, you could tell she had years of experience behind her—so did Maki, but there was a certain grace to her movements. She was able to block things that weren’t even in her line of sight. The amount of power behind a single flick of her wrist—every movement was deliberate, while her strikes held precision and accuracy. 
Okkotsu knew Y/n could hit harder and faster than this if she used her energy, he had been the recipient of those attacks. In a competition for just raw strength, the two sorcerers fought on equal footing. Their expressions were extremely focused as their blades clashed against each other, but there were smiles on both their lips.
One mistake from either side would mark a clear victory. Okkotsu felt himself shrinking as he realized the capability gap between the two girls and himself. He was pulled out of his thoughts as Y/n and Maki tumbled to the ground. Although Maki was on top of Y/n, her back was pressed to her due Y/n’s blade at her throat and legs restricting her. They both panted heavily before laughter spilled from their lips.
“You’ve gotten much stronger, Maki-bae!” Y/n grinned, “I barely kept up with you.”
“You have as well,” Maki grinned, “but I’ll definitely win next time.” 
“Now I see how Okkotsu lost to Y/n.” Panda said.
Y/n had to avoid doing anything that raised eyebrows. She was being monitored throughout the day. There was not a moment when a pair of hidden eyes were not on her. The first week at Tokyo was used to gain a closer understanding of the layout. She usually asked Toge to show her around, guising it as the rekindling of a childhood friendship—which wasn’t entirely wrong. Still, they could only spend so much time together without it being suspicious. 
Half way into the second week, Gojo spoke with her after training, “I compromised with the higher ups. You’ll be doing missions again but always with a partner.”
“What are you hiding from me?”
“Nothing you need to know about,” He teased.
“It’s serious enough for me to have a buddy system, apparently.”
“Don’t worry your little head about it,” He patted her head. “Yuta’s your partner for today, teach him a thing or two, will ya?”
“Isn’t that your job?!” Y/n exclaimed, but Gojo already started to walk away.
“I’ll go find Okkotsu!” 
Darkness veiled the town as night descended. Missions have become more daunting after dispelling Rika. There was no longer an immovable force protecting him from any signs of danger, so he was often paired with Y/n. Okkotsu could barely see two feet in front of him and was reluctant to stray too far away from Y/n. He was more compelled to hold onto her but he would want to have some shred of dignity if he made it out of this situation alive. 
There’s a grade 1 spirit in a village past the outskirts of Tokyo, essentially the countryside so the higher ups believe you two can dispel it. If anything unexpected happens, run—or give me a call….actually just do both but don’t die.” Gojo had warned them.
Gojo hasn’t confronted her about sneaking out at night, and it unnerved Y/n. She was even more surprised when he started giving her missions again. It seems that she lost her solo mission privileges, though. She was always paired up with a classmate, usually Okkotsu. She didn’t mind. Besides, The monsters in Tokyo were often on the same skill level as Kyoto.
The village was about the size of a shopping mall. Except, the houses were dilapidated and filthy, windows had been broken and the glass scattered on the poorly paved pathway, crunching beneath their feet. That and their breathing was the only thing that could be heard, the village was completely silent and not even the wind howled.  
“No signs of life….there aren’t even any animals,” Y/n stopped in her tracks.
“There aren’t any residuals either,” Okkotsu added.
“Stay close to me and on guard. Worst comes to worst I’ll use my domain expansion,” Y/n said as she began walking. Okkotsu matched her pace so they were almost shoulder to shoulder. He's been partnered with her long enough to remember the program—stay close to her but not enough so that you get comfortable.
“There’s footprints now…something’s been here recently,” Okkotsu said.
“Do you see that too?” Y/n gestured ahead of them and Okkotsu hummed in approval, seeing the faint light ahead. 
As they continued walking, the fog became thinner and the houses were in slightly better condition, with all windows and doors intact. Okkotsu swiftly unsheathed his sword in response to catching movement in the corner of his eyes. Y/n stopped in her tracks too and her attention snapped to the object of his attention. A black cat scurried across their path and Okkotsu’s expression softened as a low chuckle escaped Y/n. 
“Being scared doesn’t justify slaughtering a defenseless animal,” Y/n was visibly amused as she continued walking.
“Black cats crossing your path is bad luck anyways,” Okkotsu mumbled, “sorry, I hate this atmosphere.”
“I’m no Rika, but you won’t be dying in my company. I assure you.”
“I know, I just dislike being dead weight,” Okkotsu said.
“Is that how you feel about being partnered with me?” Y/n smirked, “It’s not everyday I get a tall male jujutsu sorcerer clinging to me like a lost puppy. I couldn’t imagine a better moral support.”
“Is that how you feel about being partnered with me?” Okkotsu rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.
“Yeah, for the most part.” She affirmed, “....I know sorcery has been frustrating for you recently but this is just your opportunity to experiment with your cursed technique. You’ll be a special grade again in no time.”
“What makes you say that?” He asked.
“Intuition,” Y/n paused, “It might feel you’re back at square one right now but anyone who’s been observing you can tell….I’ve been spending too much time with eccentrics. I’m not a mentor or anything of the sort so I’m not in the position to be giving advice.”
“Neither is Gojo-sensei, really.” Y/n’s lips tugged upwards at that. He felt almost prideful that Y/n smiled at his joke.
“I’m also just a student trying to cultivate their Jujutsu sorcery. I’m not half as strong as Gojo yet, how could my opinion carry more weight than anyone else's?”
‘I admire you,’ Okkotsu’s face burned red at the thoughts that were on the tip of his tongue, “I admire your ambitions and personality. You’re one of the coolest people I know. I mean, have you seen yourself? Almost everything you do is breathtaking.”
“Oh,” there was a slight waiver to her voice, Okkotsu assumed she was trying not to laugh at him. He nervously glanced at her to see a flustered expression on her face, ‘that’s new.’
He regretted his words immensely, wishing he stuck with the simple three words instead of digging a deeper hole for himself. ‘Great. Now she’s uncomfortable.’ Okkotsu dropped the topic, choosing not to embarrass the both of them any further, “I see someone.”
“You sure it’s not another feline…” Y/n raised her lantern as she saw the figure standing on the front porch. It was an old woman, shaking and tightly gripping a stained blanket.
“My child…please, help me find my child.” She wailed.
Y/n and Okkotsu shared a glance before approaching. The woman’s eyes were shadowed by her hair as she stared down at the cloth between her hands.
“Miss, what happened?” Okkotsu spoke.
“My child…don’t ask.” She dropped the blanket abruptly before slowly looking up.
Y/n’s expression hardened as she raised the lantern higher, to view the lady’s face. Or rather, the two mutilated holes where her eyes should be and a smooth surface, as if her nose and mouth were never present. Okkotsu and Y/n visibly cringed and gripped their weapons tightly.
“DON’T ASK!” she said louder, liquid began to leak out of her eyes.
“Step back, don’t let anything touch you.” Y/n whispered.
“DONT ASK! DONT ASK! DONT ASK!” She shrieked, digging her fingers into her scalp that bled profusely.
Y/n’s eyes darted around their surroundings, preparing for any surprise attacks until the woman finally quieted and dropped to the ground. An atrocious smell filled their noses before the figure’s flesh and bone melted. 
“Was that a human?” Okkotsu asked.
“....I think so,” Y/n continued walking, “this could be the work of a curse user. I’ll contact Gojo before we lose the signal.” 
“Hello?” he answered immediately.
“Gojo-sensei, this could be the work of a curse user rather than…” She began, but the call instantly went to static and cut off, “Someone interfered with the call, this should be expected. At Least he knows something’s up.”
“So it wants to make sure we’re trapped….” Okkotsu sighed heavily.
“I don’t have any plans moving forward. If something goes wrong, you should run. At Least one of us will make it out alive.”
“You used a lot of words to call me a coward,” Okkotsu began walking this time.
Y/n wanted to tease, but she found it difficult to do so when someone else’s life was her responsibility, “I didn’t mean it like that.”
They walked in silence, and the words she spoke weighed heavily on her. These were the things Jujutsu Sorcerers were expected to face. Even if they were both terrified, telling the other to run away would only add insult to injury. 
“Sorcerers never die without regrets,” She said. “I should’ve known better than telling you to run earlier.”
“I wouldn’t forgive myself if I let you die here.”
“I know,” She shot him an apologetic expression, “This person’s cursed energy is extremely familiar and I need to know why. Do you feel it?” 
“No, not at all.” He paused, and Y/n noticed the slight trembling of his hand—he was still shaken up from that strange encounter. “What happens if we end up having to kill real people?” Okkotsu spoke.
“Either we kill them or something more gruesome does. It’s all about perspective, really. Isn’t the curse user we're looking for a human being? Nobody of importance gave us the right to kill him, so does one, two or five more people really make a difference?’ That’s what I’ve been telling myself.”
“Do you believe that?” 
Silence hung over the both of them for the better as they got closer to the light source. Inaudible whispers and the cackling of fire could be heard when they arrived in front of a large, stone manor. Okkotsu knew that the Jujutsu world was already corrupt—I mean, they were willing to execute a 16 year old boy without a second thought. Okkotsu didn’t mind it at the time, but most people would consider that ethically wrong. He realized, when fear is at play, it’s difficult to be concerned about moral high ground.
“That thing earlier wasn't human because of the strange patterns in her cursed energy. The way it began moving was too rapid, as if it was tearing through the very fiber of her being. It’s not much to go off of but until we are sure….”
“Let’s just worry about understanding the situation first,” Okkotsu reassured, “I know you’re trying your best. If we’re equals like you implied earlier, then trust me rather than comfort me.”
In the distance, they could see a group of figures huddled together. They all held small lamps, and it illuminated their faces when they turned to survey the two sorcerers. 
“Hello, are you visitors?” A man dressed in rags asked.
“Are you people, the residents?” Okkotsu asked.
“Yes, what business do you outsiders have here?” 
“We were wandering, and got lost. Do you have any idea where we are?” Y/n’s brows furrowed in distress, “Me, and my friend need to return home before our parents realize we’re gone.”
They all took multiple steps back, and huddled back together to whisper among themselves. Yuta and Y/n shared a glance with each other–they had both seen it. Their inverted feet—a trait of mutated corpses. Okkotsu unsheathed his sword, and began to cut them down before Y/n did. She started to follow suit, but the ground beneath her feet sank. 
Y/n arose in a new area. She was inside an old, small shrine. A chill went down her spine. Her eyes closely scanned her surroundings. The only source of light was the moonlight which shone through the massive hole in the ceiling. She felt an arm wrap around her face, but it was different. She grabbed the hand, and it vanished between her fingers. Her palm opened again to reveal a Wisteria flower. She dragged her finger against her blade to create a shallow cut, and licked it.
“Domain Expansion: Hysteria.” The facade before her eyes cracked, and she turned to the perpetrator. “You thought that would work on me?”
The perpetrator was a woman with a slim face, and short black hair, but those dark empty eyes were painstakingly familiar. This woman was tall, withered and bony. The similarities to her father were eerie.
“Is that how you greet your aunt?” She grinned, “I just wanted to test you, that's all.” 
“My parents never mentioned you.” 
“I figured they wouldn't tell you about me, your mother always hated me.” She took a step forward, “Call me Mina.”
“Is that related to your decision to become a curse user?” Y/n took another step forward, refusing to show weakness to a supposed relative. “This town was ruined by you, wasn’t it?”
“Non-curse users will do anything to spite their enemies, I won’t carry their blame.” Her mouth twitched, “Your mother also avoided that reality, but my father finally accepted it. I’d hate to see you continue down this pointless path”
Y/n didn’t want to hear anymore. Her blades materialized in her hand, and she appeared behind the curse user. She made two long lacerations on her back, and followed up with a kick. A loud crack sounded when Mina stumbled forward. 
“Never speak of my parents,” Y/n lunged forward to skewer her, but Mina disintegrated and appeared on the other side of the room. She threw her head back, and a grating noise echoed throughout the room. Her bones were repairing themselves, Y/n realized. 
“Stop trying to end this quickly, it’s our first meeting after so many years.” Her face twitched, “I want to enjoy it.”
Y/n heard Okkotsu’s footsteps in the distance, but her eyes focused on the strange curse user before her. Her heart beat was loud in her ears, and hands drenched in sweat. Y/n was scared, and could not afford to let this woman escape. The familiar energy sensed earlier, stemmed from this woman. Even if she lied about being her aunt, there was an undeniable connection between this woman and her family.
‘And earlier…she put me inside an illusion.’ Y/n scoffed, “I’ll admit that you’re powerful.”
“I’m your blood, of course I am.” She laughed, “It seems you're inclined to listen now.”
“Are you okay?” Y/n glanced at Okkotsu.
He hummed, “Are you?” She hummed.
“I guess mourning isn’t enough to stop you from finding a boy toy.” 
“My mother isn’t confirmed to be dead.”
She tilted her head to the side, “Is that so?”
“Are you the one responsible for their disappearance?” 
“You really don’t remember?” 
“Remember what?” Y/n’s patience was running thin.
“Y/n, you killed your parents.”
“Don’t listen to her, she’s just trying to waste time.” Yuta interrupted.
He was right. Even if this woman was related to her father, her goal right now was to finish this mission. Y/n and Yuta glanced at each other before starting their coordinated assault. They worked together smoothly, covering each other's blind spots and maneuvering around each other to back Mina into a corner. Occasionally, one of them would feint, and give the other a chance to land a heavy blow. But, no matter how much damage they dealt, the woman just regenerated. 
“I’m sorry lovebirds, but I’m going to put an end to this fight quickly.” She grinned again. Her eyes trained on Yuta, and the floor beneath him sank. Y/n tried to grab him, but his form passed through her hand.
Y/n frantically cut her arm again. This time, the cut was frantic and deeper than intended. She smeared the blood against her lips as the woman cackled. 
“Domain Expansion!” Y/n countered.
In an instant, splotches of various shades of gray, blue and black exploded before her eyes. Time was suspended. In the distance, she saw Yuta entering a window of emptiness, similar to the one she felt on the last day she saw her father. In less than a second, she grabbed Yuta and banished him from this space. They couldn’t both escape, the emptiness demanded something. Demanded her—and the scar on her throat burned as it consumed her. 
Y/n woke up in a dark room. The only light source were the torches hung onto the four corners of the dirty stone walls. Her hands were bound behind her back, and in the dark, a figure stood.
“Father, why are you doing this?” Her throat was raw.
He held an iron rod in his hand that glowed red as he approached Fayvia. 
“I’ve spent my whole life protecting powerless humans, but why? I married another sorcerer, and even had a child. Most of my days are spent repetitively slaying these curses because it’s more interesting than the world those defenseless fools built for themselves.” 
He came into the light that shone down onto her. She felt disgusted. His eyes were not normal. His pupils morphed into something ugly, like an entanglement of vines. When he blinked, a similar pattern was carved into his eyelids. She didn’t register that the iron rod in his hand was a branding pipe until she yanked her head backwards, and pressed it flush against her neck. She choked on her scream, and tears spilled from her eyelids.
“With you, Y/n. I can put an end to it all.” Was the last thing she heard before losing consciousness.
She opened her eyes again. This time, it was her mother gently caressing her face. “Y/n, wake up.” Y/n was too terrified to say anything in response. The sting of her new scar was still present.
Her mother had cut her bonds away, “I don’t have much time left. Your father is trying to put a curse inside you. He is angry because I won’t let him.”
Her mother’s voice had a tremble of fear to it, and Y/n noticed the blood that soaked her clothes. “Mom-”
“Listen to me,” She held Y/n’s face again. “You will have to fight. Fight against your father, and the abomination he wants to put inside you, okay?”
Y/n nodded. She felt saddened, but couldn’t bring herself to cry. Not even when her mother went limp before her. Her attention was averted to the sound of hasty footsteps. She stood up, and saw her father entering back into the room. There were two pathways, and Y/n quickly got up, and ran in the opposite direction.
“Y/n!” Her father screamed, chasing behind her. The hallways twisted and turned like a labyrinth. There was no clear exit, but Y/n knew to keep moving—Her father would not catch her. This man had 3 times the fight experience–she had no chance in a head on fight.
As her fear grew, the pain in her body was consumed by something. Not by her own energy, but something akin to a parasite. Something that shouldn’t be there. She felt numb, and weak. She glanced behind her, but had to quickly drop to the ground, and avoid her father’s cursed technique. If it touched her, she’d be done for. 
She caught up to her, and landed a kick in her stomach. Y/n flew into the stone wall. Her father grabbed her by the throat, and smashed her into the wall—for good measure. “After everything I’ve done for you, you refuse to return this one favor for me!”
He screamed at her. Y/n flinched. She was afraid to look her father in the eye, but there was nowhere for her to run. The scar on her neck started to burn again, and her father stumbled backwards. She slid onto the floor, blinded by a sheet of white. 
Y/n woke up in a dark room. The only light source were the torches hung onto the four corners of the dirty stone walls. Her hands were bound behind her back, and in the dark, a figure stood. The moment replayed over and over again. Everytime, her mother would go limp, Y/n would run, and her father would eventually catch her. She wanted to give up the chase, and just let him catch her before even trying.
Y/n’s body was heavy as Okkotsu laid her on the ground, her head in his lap. Her skin was simmering, it felt as though his skin would be burnt if he held her longer. As her eyes slowly blinked open, Okkotsu saw the distressed expression on his face clearly. The girl was looking straight at him, but she could see nothing except hues of gold, brown, black and blue. 
“Feel so weak….Yuta’s safe,” she croaked out.
“Y/n please, don’t give up now.” He frantically unbuttoned her jacket and mentally apologized to her, ‘If the burning begins from the core, then things should stop if I heal it fast enough…’
The idea was half-baked but it was the only thing that made sense at the moment. His hands pressed firmly onto Y/n’s abdomen and he focused on his own cursed energy. Half-baked was an understatement, Okkotsu had never performed a reversed-cursed technique after the day he freed Rika. Y/n’s body temperature was now dropping drastically and he couldn’t resist closing his eyes as dread entered his veins. 
‘It’s too soon,’ Okkotsu’s heart almost stopped in his chest as his hands began to glow and tears blurred his vision, “I can’t let you go,”
Okkotsu continued to steadily pour his cursed energy into her. The advice she gave him rang in his ears, ‘A reversed curse technique isn’t like pouring rubbing alcohol on a wound. It’s extremely different when you’re trying to heal a person compared to quickly destroying a curse. When healing major wounds….it’s almost like an exchange for me. It’s not just pouring your energy into them. You have to absorb some of their negative energy into yours and recycle it before it goes back into their body, that’s the simplest way I can put it.  Of course, if you have too much negative energy yourself then one of the parties involved can die on the spot.’ 
In truth, Okkotsu had always considered Y/n to be dangerous. He saw her on a pedestal out of his reach. In the moment where he desperately tried to keep Y/n’s vitals stable, he finally saw her—another teenage sorcerer dealing with the consequences of the adults around her. He felt a deeper pull from the flow of cursed energy and he allowed it to tug. 
“Specialized reverse cursed technique,” He said.
While his cursed energy flowed through both their bodies like cold water. It brought a familiar feeling to him, the emptiness he felt for five years while being haunted by Rika. This was almost enough to disrupt his system entirely, but that wasn’t the energy he was looking for. His eyes shut tightly again as he focused. It felt like acid pouring into his veins as his energy enveloped it. It dissolved rather quickly, surprising Okkotsu enough to open his eyes and see Gojo-sensei standing a few feet away from them.
Gojo smirked, “she’s waking up.”
Y/n stirred slightly before opening her eyes and exhaling deeply. Her head still rested in Okkotsu’s lap when he smiled at her with a tear stained face. The words that she had intended to say died on her tongue and dissipated from her mind as she looked at him.
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douevenbleachbro · 2 months
I was excited for Rukia week as I always am, but the brain is dry and shriveled after the IR Big Bang, so this is all I could write for my Queen.
Rukia week 2024 Day 2: ❆ Fashion Brand
Title: By Desing (WIP) Rated T
“You are the spitting image of your sister! Hisana would be proud!”
Rukia gave them a small smile, bowing her head. She was the perfect picture of gratefulness and humility. She wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for her late sister's legacy, after all. 
Except it had been Rukia the one that was obsessed with design and fashion and photography. It had been her stealing her mother's magazines and cutting out the beautiful models for her super secret scrapbook. She had been the one to take photography classes and sewing classes and beat out that pretentious Ishida Uryuu for the top spot at Tokyo International School of Design (a rivalry that eventually blossomed into a partnership when she started walking his Fashion Week shows).
But Hisana was the one with the looks. The soft eyes and small lips, long legs, and beatific smile made for the perfect model. It was like the sun chased her. Everyone just naturally wanted to be around her. She hated it though. She hated having her picture taken and being the center of attention in that way. Unfortunately, a few bad financial decisions and subsequent death of their parents at the hands of a drunk driver, left the sisters in ruins and forced them to find jobs wherever they could get them. So Rukia took the pictures whilst Hisana modeled, until an agency got a hold of her and made her into a star. Hisana’s stardom was bright but ephemeral. The president of the agency, Byakuya Kuchiki, fell for her head over heels and gave her his name after less than a year of dating. Their wedding was elegant and grand. Rukia designed Hisana’s dress and cleaned it in silence when Hisana coughed blood onto it. Six months later Hisana died, taking the sun with her. 
Whatever veil that covered Rukia seemed to have lifted after Hisana’s passing. Everyone had eyes for her as they desperately tried to get back some of Hisana Kuchiki’s magic. But Rukia had none of that. She was not warm and calm like the ocean waters during the rising sun. She was cold and tempestuous like the water during a full moon. Her eyes were dark and hard, her voice too deep. The designers and photographers would overlook Rukia searching for Hisana where they could, and she allowed it. A part of her still yearned for the childhood dreams of high-fashion and runways, so she took the gigs and walked the shows as Hisana’s little sister. She even took Byakuya’s last name as his sister in his life-long quest to give Hisana everything she ever asked for. Now she walked as Rukia Kuchiki, Hisana’s shadow.
During the height of Fashion Week in Paris, Rukia had once again caught the attention of the fashion world as she walked Uryuu Ishida’s show once more. This time he had brought on a new photographer – an up and coming prodigy named Ichigo Kurosaki. Dark eyes and bright hair, his leather wearing, cigarette smoking bad boy reputation preceded him. He was quick with his camera, capturing the perfect moment in an instant. Apparently he and Uryuu went to school together, which he brought up as he introduced Ichigo to Rukia. She couldn’t help but bristle under his intense stare. His eyes moved with her, following her every step. It would’ve bothered her a lot more if she wasn’t so used to being stared at. Although he didn’t just stare. He observed her. His eyes were on her whenever they were close, making the hairs on her nape stand. He rarely smiled but was never mean or cold. He maneuvered her like priceless marble, like glass. When she modeled for him, he barely even directed her. She would just stand before him and the flashes would go off, his smoky whisky eyes following her. Ichigo’s large hands cupped her chin gently, moving her face slightly from side to side, studying her profile. His fingers moved her hair away from her face, fingertips ghosting the length of her neck. If he wasn’t so close she would’ve gasped, instead she swallowed, trying to keep as steady as possible as Ichigo worked. Finally turning to look directly into her already dilated eyes, Ichigo grinned.
“I’d hate to lose those eyes behind hair.”
Heat blanketed her face, rendering her speechless until he returned to his initial position and continued taking pictures. Rukia took a deep, calming breath and smiled, her voice taking the saccharine note it usually did during these things. 
“Of course. I do have my sister's eyes after all.”
“You look nothing like your sister,” Ichigo scoffed, not a note of humor in his tone. Rukia felt the blood rush from her face, leaving her cold and shaking. What did he mean by that? Everyone said she looked like her sister, that’s why she was always getting booked. Did he see something wrong with her? Could he see what others didn’t - that she was indeed not her sister - not as soft, not as bright, not as beautiful. Was that why he looked at her like that? The boning of her dress constricted her lungs, the lights were suddenly too bright. Her breath was coming up ragged and harsh, making her feel lightheaded. A warm hand grabbed onto her elbow, grounding her. Ichigo was in front of her again, this time his eyes filled with concern. He directed everyone to take five and to dim the lights, then guided her away from prying eyes into her dressing room. Once inside, Rukia immediately loosened her dress, allowing air to fill her lungs freely. Ichigo pressed a cold bottle of water into her hand, startling her to his presence. She was very used to getting dressed in the open and in public places, but today modesty decided to show its face. She gathered the front of her dress to her chest.
“Are you okay?” Ichigo asked softly, his voice low. Chugging the water, Rukia nodded, gasping at the feeling of the cool water refreshing her heated body. She wasn’t sure how long they stood there with only the sound of her breathing filling the room. Her head was swimming with thoughts, all negative, about her past and her sister and all the things that could’ve been and weren’t. Hot tears threatened to spill over, but she fought them back, unwilling to allow this man to see her cry. But there he stood, not taking his eyes off of her, apparent worry radiating out of him and not a drip of annoyance or judgment. That alone almost made her break. 
After what felt like hours (it had been more like 5 minutes. The crew decided to take their lunch break), Ichigo shifted, moving closer. His hands hovered close, as if they wanted desperately to touch her. 
“Rukia,” the sound of her name in his voice gave her goosebumps and brought her out of her thoughts. She took a steading breath.
“I’m sorry I don’t look like her,” she whispered, her voice hoarse. Ichigo frowned.
“What a dumb thing to apologize for,” he replied, head tilted. The frown was still there, now accompanied by a small grin. Now Rukia was frowning.
“I don’t understand.”
“What is there to understand? I don’t think you look like your sister, is all. I mean, yeah she was beautiful but you…you’re…”
Weaker? Shorter? Colder?
“Huh?” Was all she could muster, too taken aback by his response, “What do you mean?”
Sighing, Ichigo got closer, taking her chin in his hands. Rukia didn’t think her eyes could get any wider as he moved her face slowly from side to side, studying her profile just like earlier.
“Your profile is much stronger. You have rounder cheeks which makes you look more youthful. Your lips are fuller,” his eyes dropped to her lips, which she couldn’t help making into a pout. The look in his eyes was making her nervous, “and your eyes.”
“Everyone says we have the same eyes,” she muttered. Ichigo scoffed.
“Everyone is stupid. Anyone with working eyes can tell they’re very different. I like yours better,” he grinned at her again, making her blush. She blew air out her mouth in frustration. 
“Do you always say what’s on your mind?”
“Yes. Do you want to know what I’m thinking right now?” He tilted her head closer, the distance between them shorter. Rukia shook her head.
“Show me.”
Without hesitation, Ichigo closed the gap between them with a searing kiss, leaving her breathless. Her heart had never felt this light and for the first time, she saw herself, her true self, in the eyes of the man who loved her for her and her alone.
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navarresimp · 2 months
I'm a big fan of your SMT 4 Apocalypse art... not gonna lie I've become a fan of Asahi/Toki because of it. You have any headcanons to share for the pair?
First of all I’m so glad to hear that you like my art and that the tosahi proaganda is spreading like a virus.
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Second of all! Absolutely! I like to think they’re absolutely an introvert/extrovert kinda couple. Toki is very unsure in social situations (as hinted at by some dialogue in the game), mainly due to her sheltered upbringing in the Ring of Gaia and almost no contact to kids her age. She is however very street smart and knows her business in combat. Asahi is like the complete opposite, being raised in a bar and constantly being around other people and having a mainly intact family, she is quite open to other people and knows her way around making new friends and sussing other people out, but holds herself back in combat.
Toki is super clingy when it comes to her girlfriend, often standing wordlessly next to her and even glaring at anyone (often not even intentionally) who interacts with her. Whenever she catches anyone being rude to Asahi while she’s working, Toki will throw them out. During the start of their relationship she often wore Asahis clothes until she later bought her own drip(leaving the Ring of Gaia she basically had to leave her belongings there). Toki loves listening to Asahi ramble no matter what (often about bar stuff and hunter quests). If creepypastas are a thing in Tokyo in 2038, you know Tokis knee deep in that slenderman lore, she has some serious wierdgirl vibes.
Asahi admires Tokis strength and perseverance. She’s a big fan of PDA, worrying about it being too much for her girlfriend sometimes, Toki assures her doesn’t bother her. Asahi loves doing Tokis hair and makeup, often styling it in new and creative ways. Asahi often indulges in creative and sometimes childish things, which Toki doesn’t really care for much, but she just likes spending time with her. Asahi doesn’t like to admit this, but above everything else, the kinshicho hunter association is her top priority. She will do anything to keep her dads legacy going. If she has to work overtime she does cancel dates, which does sometimes cause conflict between the two of them.
Their favorite date spot is the fairy forest, where they go on walks and just enjoy the peace and quiet admitst the battlefield that is Tokyo. Asahi sometimes sneaks leftovers from the Kinshicho hunter association so they can Picknick at the lake deep in the forest (Asahi keeps forgetting the shadow riddle required to get there, but toki got it memorized since day one).
I hope this is enough headaches for now! This started off as more of a crackship back then but honestly they would work so good as a couple! ALSO THEY ARE LITERALLY RED AND BLUE! THE SHIP COLORS EVER
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jpopstreaming · 7 months
MUCC to release 'Timeless': A 25-Year Musical Legacy Compilation
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MUCC, a trailblazer in the Japanese music scene, is set to captivate fans with the release of their new album "Timeless" on December 28th. This eagerly anticipated album is a culmination of their profound musical journey, featuring an eclectic mix of 12 tracks. These include six songs from the exclusive singles of their album replication tour, "MUCC 25th Anniversary TOUR 'Timeless'", four re-recorded versions selected from the albums performed during the tour, a track from their split single with deadman, and their latest song "Timeless". Among these, one of the venue-limited singles has been remixed, adding a fresh dimension to the album.
To add to the excitement, MUCC has announced a series of in-store events titled "MUCC's Gift-Giving Party from Santa!" in six locations throughout December. In a delightful twist, band members will don Santa Claus costumes, engaging with fans through personalized signed goods, hand-written Christmas cards, handshake sessions, and photo opportunities. These interactions promise to create an intimate and memorable experience for their devoted followers.
The celebrations don’t stop there. Coinciding with the album release is the launch of the "25th Anniversary Special Edition MUCC FUKYU", an anniversary book commemorating MUCC's 25 years of musical legacy. The book, set to be released on December 28th, features content from the music magazine "Ongaku to Hito" and its special issue "PHY", along with recent interviews with the band members. Furthermore, a video collection titled "MUCC Live Chronicle 5 25TH ANNIVERSARY Upper Volume" will be released on February 14, 2024. This exclusive collection, available only to official fan club members through pre-order starting December 1st, includes six selected live performances from the first half of their 25th-anniversary year.
The "Timeless" album is a treasure trove for fans and music enthusiasts alike, featuring tracks that showcase MUCC's evolving sound and artistic depth. From the haunting melodies of "Siren" and "99" to the dynamic "G.G. -Timeless Ver.-" and the reflective "Libra -Timeless Ver.-", each song tells a story, woven into the fabric of MUCC's rich musical history. The album also includes the poignant "Shi no Ubugoe" and the contemplative "Yo -yo-", culminating in the introspective title track "Timeless" and the innovative "Sora -ku- (JaQwa Remix)".
Fans can also look forward to the unique in-store events, starting on December 2nd in Tokyo, with subsequent events in Miyagi, Aichi, and Osaka, where individual band members will participate. These events not only bring the music to life but also strengthen the bond between MUCC and their fans, celebrating the band's enduring presence in the music world.
In conclusion, "Timeless" is not just an album; it's a celebration of MUCC's artistic journey, a testament to their enduring appeal, and a gift to fans who have walked this path with them. It encapsulates the essence of MUCC - a band that continues to evolve, inspire, and connect with hearts across the globe.
G.G. -Timeless Ver.-
under the moonlight
Libra -Timeless Ver.-
Sō -so-
Gerbera -Timeless Ver.-
Shi no Ubugoe
Yō -yo-
Rojiura Boku to Kimi e -Timeless Ver.-
Sora -ku- (JaQwa Remix)
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