#newbie vampire
badass-at-fandoming · 11 months
I've been around Vampire: the Masquerade tumblr fandom long enough to observe a distinct, hilarious trend of VtM fandom experience. The fan experience usually goes something like this:
oooo, vampires! Yay! So much lore!
this lore is contradictory on purpose and terribly racist & misogynistic not on purpose. Wtf. Someone (me?) should fix it
An Indiana Jones insert is a Bride of Dracula
We know Indy's dick size
This lore is very silly and I'm going to take what I want and trash the rest. The dick size lore can stay.
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simmeternal · 11 months
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tip: don't piss off the head vampire in your town.
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The idea that it’s an ‘honour’ to be turned by an old and powerful vampire eg Nandor and the idea that if your sire dies you do seem directly correlated. Like it’s an honour to be turned by an old vampire because it provides you with a degree of protection against slayers taking out your sire. It certainly seems like the older a vampire gets, the stronger they become in terms of vampire ability. And does a stronger sire make a stronger vampire? So many questions.
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thirddagger · 4 months
Happy First Mention of Quincy Morris in Dracula Day !!!
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doli-nemae · 10 months
So, have you missed our coterie?
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kittychicha · 7 months
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You just won't stop ruining my life, will you?
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silverity · 18 days
Gabrielle in the Interview with the Vampire books is one of my favourite female characters.
Born and raised in 1700s France, as a noblewoman her life is restricted to marriage and motherhood. She ends up in a marriage she was never truly satisfied by, and she was never really maternal enough to take to motherhood. She is described as somewhat cold and emotionally closed-off. But she does love her children, particularly Lestat who reminds her of herself (a son she lives through), and so for them she tries to provide what they need of their mother. We see her grow old, weary, and sick from the effects of multiple childbirths, and get the sense she hasn't truly lived a life of her choosing.
Before she can die from sickness Lestat turns her into a vampire, essentially a supernatural reversal of his own birth where instead of his mother bringing him to life he brings her into the living dead. This frees her of all the bounds of human society. We first see her as a vampire having changed into men's clothing, having refused the option of a new dress. Later she is described as always dressing like an explorer. Whereas Lestat still enjoys human society and entertainment as a vampire, Gabrielle does not, preferring to adventure off all across the world into the wilderness alone and survive from the sun by slumbering in the dirt. She returns only to maintain some connection to Lestat.
"Come with me, Lestat," she said. "By day I sleep in the sand. By night I am on the wing as if I could truly fly. I need no name. I leave no footprints. I want to go down to the very tip of Africa. I will be a goddess to those I slay."
I thought this was an incredible portrayal of an oppressed female character gaining, for the first time in her life, autonomy, individuality and ultimately freedom. The freedom to explore is something women have fantasised and written about throughout history and literature. It just so completely resonated with me that this woman would care nothing for luxury or status, even though she was born wealthy, because in her mortal life this was inseparable from her oppression as a woman. That, yes, she would prefer to completely abstain from society, a society that holds nothing for her since she would be restricted to the roles forced onto her as a woman. That she would feel so much contempt for man-made civilisation that at times she even advocates its destruction:
She shrugged.
"When the world of man collapses in ruin, beauty will take over. The trees shall grow again where there were streets; the flowers will again cover the meadow that is now a dank field of hovels. That shall be the purpose of the Satanic master, to see the wild grass and the dense forest cover up all trace of the once great cities until nothing remains."
"And why call all this Satanic?" I asked. "Why not call it chaos? That is all it would be."
"Because," she said, "that is what men would call it. They invented Satan, didn't they? Satanic is merely the name they give to the behavior of those who would disrupt the orderly way in which men want to live."
I write all of this because I see people now in this modern era of "gender identities" class Gabrielle as "trans masc", a person with a "masculine gender identity". I find that so abhorrently regressive to our understanding of the experiences of women throughout history, and contrary to Anne Rice's own written words on the page. Women throughout every era of history have always defied and resisted their dehumanisation. To class one resisting their sexual dehumanisation as "internally male" only reinforces it, only reinforces that any expression of humanity must make a person in some way male, that women possess no humanity. Interestingly, this was quite often the attitude of the Church. Women who earned sainthood through great heroic feats were classed as "spiritually men". Good job to everyone for reinventing the patriarchal wheel.
But honestly I truly have no idea how people can read Gabrielle's story, with passages like the above, and conclude she must have a "masculine gender identity". Her story to me is so quintessentially a story of womanhood. You can't understand it any other way. She does not "transition into a man". She transitions from a woman confined to a woman now free. Even more so, a woman now truly empowered, possessing great supernatural powers, such that she compares herself in her own words to a Goddess. She has, like many women throughout history, desired the freedom, humanity and agency afforded to men, not manhood itself. The wearing of men's clothing during a time only men were free beings expresses this, not some internal "masculine gender expression" people in the present like to believe in. Instead of "masculinity" her clothing is an expression of her humanity and her newfound freedom.
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sam-reid · 1 month
peeking into iwtv twt for a second (and immediately seeing really really stupid takes about s3) was a mistake
this is exactly why i try to ignore discourse, block and mute people liberally, and avoid fandom tumblr tags. the stupidity can't get you if you curate everything well enough lmao
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ca-suffit · 7 months
All the antiblack fandom PSA loving fans don't know what to do when they can't personally attack someone, I'm laughing. I've lurked a long time and watched how they move. I was quietly blocked by most of these fans within a day of existing publicly and being loud about this fandom's antiblackness. It's never been about wanting to discuss characters, themes, stories. It's been screencaps when they can [poorly] manipulate personal information about other fans to pretend they're the victim. It's been the stupidly public PSAs about nothing except trying to control the narrative. When a stranger shows up and hits hard from the start, everyone panics and runs because their only "power" is gone. I know how you retaliate and I blocked it ahead of time. This is what you get for thinking Anne Rice's basic white womaning was genius behavior rofl. You can't even cover your own ass to not leave a trail of receipts 😂 Your egos are so big you never think about your own vulnerability, only the ways you believe you're superior. Lol enjoy the well deserved downfall, dummies.
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c-cloudyy · 11 months
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Eduin & Amis
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calipsan · 11 months
Cher wrote a version of this song for Interview with the Vampire ‘94:
At the time she was being considered for the role of Louis who would be a woman dressing as a man to own her own plantation.
Imagine a life without death or disease
The kind of power to bring a rich man to his knees
I offer you this
But it comes with a price
A moments pain for such a trifle sacrifice
I can show you worlds no human eyes have seen
I can show you worlds beyond all reasoning
Surrender to me now
And we'll be lovers for all time
Angels and sublime
We'll be lovers forever
We'll live just like gods
Reaching every desire
We'll savor ecstasy with every kiss of fire
I offer you more
Than mere words can express
And many mortals who have drained their souls for less
With one gesture I can set your spirit free
With one gesture you'll be mine eternally
Surrender to me now
And we'll be lovers for all time
Angels and sublime
We'll be lovers forever
Surrender to me now
And we'll be lovers for all time
Angels and sublime
We'll be lovers forever
Surrender to me now
Surrender to me now
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Sean Astin signed a vampire Bob pop for Claire, Joy and John at Collective Con. All three of them got big hugs from Sean! Elijah Wood in the background!
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hostess-of-horror · 11 months
Lord Phan doesn't reside in the castle alone. He has servants - ghostly walkers, depleters, peek-a-boos, even some lone wolves. They don't have much to do besides keep the castle in shape and keep away intruders.
So they're actually thrilled when Woodrow moves in. They have someone to attend to. It's a real "Be Our Guest" situation!
Only, they learn to keep away from his chambers in the early hours of the sunrise. Actually, they keep away from that entire wing of the castle.
...Their Lord is a very noisy feeder, and inevitably his passionate actions lead his prey to be the same... and with their supernaturally sharp hearing, the servants are easily aware of everything if they're too close. They don't need to hear the worshipful exultations of pleasure from their boss. It's kind of embarrassing.
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This is literally what came to mind when I received this ask lmao.
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iusedtohavesixtoes · 1 year
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morticrows · 2 years
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New vampire guy on the block. He’s a vtm oc and I currently have. No use for him! But I love him anyway <3
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brat-str33t · 3 months
Hello, welcome to my page where we can talk about fashion, music, nerdy shit, anime and most importantly. Vampires. A little about me, I’m a minor for anyone wondering. With that knowledge I am now revealing my age, just know I am underage. I am a high schooler for anyone wondering.
I am new to tumblr but also been my dream to be here since 2013. When I was a little smoll kiddo, because of my big emo brother. But I love rock and metal music, my favorite bands are Tokio hotel, I am a proud loyal Bill girl. Kittie, Paramore, My chemical romance, Korn, system of adown, and Hearts & hand grenades. Though I do love Millionaires who is more scene pop music than rock.
I also love emo and scene style, 90s mall goth, with a little trashy and mcbling as well.
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