#very simplified
rowlfthedog · 11 months
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Sweetums for @garthim-brooks and Dolores Trumpetgirl Muppetshow for @animatedc9000 ! She's teaching him to play :o)
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iusedtohavesixtoes · 9 months
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i-am-terrowin · 4 months
I just wrote the little red riding hood story from neverafter in german as a homework assignment.
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swedenis-h · 4 months
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Aww… anyway! (X)
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heybiji · 19 days
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live-from-flaturn · 1 year
American Television after 5 years of pushing for queer representation: I hope you wanted unnecessary drama, angst with a maybe resolution, and three unfulfilling seasons of questionably written flirtation. And that all comes before anything is half-confirmed with a singular lukewarm kissing scene between two conventionally attractive, white bisexual women!
Thai Television .3 seconds after they figured out queer content is marketable: Did you want something kinky, soft, or stupid? Did you want cat ears? We’ve got cat ears! We’ve got safe/sane/consensual OR off-the-charts bad etiquette BDSM. We’ve got college students out the ass! As long as they’re an engineer or architect, choose your flavor. Do you want an age gap or classmates? Something for adults? Teens? Everyone was childhood besties, how about that??? This is a short order restaurant and I will flip you some gays like they’re hotcakes, just tell me what you want.
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mumblesplash · 4 months
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he's not even that light impulse is just really strong
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collophora · 3 months
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Batcher best girl
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old-desert · 5 months
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Trying to remember how to Clip Studio Paint again
featuring: Loop
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maxbruiser · 4 months
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this isn’t suppposed to be anatomically accurate, female and male pelvises have subtle differences, but these should do for drawing skeleton monsters :)
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lnmei · 5 months
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Flat shape composition homework for Katherine Lam Compositions and Concept Creation for Illustration class! A comparison of these before and after instructor feedback and revisions below :^]
Before vs After:
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Also my in class assignments for week 1, the task was to compose these horizontal screenshots into square 2-tone comps
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despazito · 11 months
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what if pokemon chimerism
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ghostlycleric · 5 days
Figuring out whos endgame is disturbingly easy when you think of it like this:
El “he’s my first boyfriend” Hopper
Will “we could just play dnd and nintendo for the rest of our lives” Byers
Will says that twice, once during a fight, and a second time after their second fight. Will has never imagined a life without Mike. Even at their worst. At milkvans worst, El was happily hanging out with Max and talking about boys.
I wonder who could possibly be endgame…
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mkzmerryfriend · 2 months
Backslide is really feeling like “fuck I feel myself getting more and more depressed, I don’t want to be depressed again, what if it gets as bad as it was that one time? I can’t pull myself out of that again, I don’t think I’m strong enough to go through it again. I wish someone else would notice and help, but I don’t want to be a burden and ask for help, because I don’t even really know how I need help. I don’t know. All I know is this can’t keep happening. Fuck.”
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aalghul · 1 month
Thinking about Jason's outward expression of emotions. He tends to only get angry as a response to perceived injustice (the same way Bruce, Dick and most of the others do). But unlike some other characters, Jason rarely every gets wound up in it, nor does he get angry even when he sees injustice if the situation doesn't call for it. Some characters get angry first and then manage their response to whatever's more appropriate, but my interpretation has always been than Jason doesn't need to because he doesn't often begin with the rage. It's not a default, instinctual response for him in most situations. It seems to be that he becomes angry when there is a perpetrator (and specifically, of a crime that hurt people with less power than the perpetrator has, in some way) towards whom he can direct that righteous anger (righteous as in the cause is his drive for justice. I'm not discussing the rightfulness right now). Can he hurt the man who was about to hurt a woman enough that he doesn't dare to try imposing his power over another woman again? Can he do something, anything to stop a serial rapist who has already caused the suicide of at least one woman? But he doesn't possess the sort of blinding anger that could become a driving motivator for his actions outside of someone in front of him to punish. He doesn't need the anger (mostly because he will instead fixate on the crime without rage to fuel him).
The notable exception to this being his behaviour preceding his death (which is explicitly referred to as atypical for Jason by both Bruce and Alfred. The whole reason he's forced to take a break from Robin is because that anger is so unusual for Jason that Bruce and Alfred are worried about Jason's mental wellbeing).
We see in Lost Days that Jason’s default state has become (to the concern of Talia and Ra’s) seemingly unfeeling, and he shows signs of a persistent flat affect throughout Lost Days, with exceptions for when he sees injustice (which is responsive, as compared to the aloofness he uses as a constant state of defence -> see: his and Talia’s conversation after he killed for the first time, Talia being glad that his sense of empathy and justice were able to overcome his general coldness). Jason's aloofness was entirely a conscious defence, but at times he was consciously exercising it (his reaction to Tim in front of Talia vs alone).
We see him cry for himself a few times, which tends to be how Jason first reacts to what hurts him deeply. Then there's his cold hatred for Bruce, which can be taken as anger in the face of heartbreak and perceived betrayal. But that anger never goes very far: Jason couldn't even make himself blow up the batmobile. In the end, it's Jason's belief that he hates Bruce and must make demands of Bruce to force him to redeem himself in Jason's esteem that fuels him. Because Jason wants Bruce to redeem himself, even if it's unlikely that he will.
All throughout Lost Days and UTRH, Jason uses teasing/biting humour in a very Robin manner to direct attention to whatever he pleases, whether that be pulling attention away from vulnerabilities or drawing attention to distortions of the truth. This habit returns to Jason strongly around times when he breaks out of his apathetic state (when he’s killing people who hurt others, pretty much), but the undertones of coldness and derision even with that humour don’t leave. We can see in this habit especially how Jason's become a distortion of who he was as Robin. He's still witty and he still teases people and you can hear the humour in his voice. But now he's using that wit to say cruel things to Batman, deceiving him constantly, and his voice no longer has a youthful kindness to it.
One of the most Helena-esque character traits that Jason’s picked up (in fanon and reboot canon) is anger as an initial defence and reaction, actually. It’s nearly the opposite of Jason’s pre-flashpoint defensive state but is essential to Helena’s. It’s actually not surprising that this happened (even ignoring reboot kicking Jason’s character into a closet and superimposing much of Helena onto him) because of how DC pushed “angry” as Jason’s defining trait, and how fans have believed it for so long. It seems almost natural for a misconception this severe to happen, even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because every action of Jason’s is misconstrued as proof for an angry temperament.
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spicyboelives · 11 days
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These are some of sketches Ill always like!- mainly cus they where more like clothing studies and I wanted (still do!) to get better at the folds and drapery of cloth.
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