#news vietnam
sayruq · 5 months
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palestinegenocide · 7 months
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Norman R. Morrison was an American anti-war activist. On November 2, 1965, Morrison doused himself in kerosene and set himself on fire below the office of Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara at the Pentagon to protest United States involvement in the Vietnam War, leading to his death. 
 On February 25, 2024, Aaron Bushnell, a 25-year-old serviceman of the United States Air Force, died after setting himself on fire outside the front gate of the Embassy of Israel in Washington. Bushnell said that he was protesting against "what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers" and declared that he "will no longer be complicit in genocide", after which he doused himself with a flammable liquid and set himself on fire
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lotusinjadewell · 8 months
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Illustrations of Vietnamese food. Credit to Le Rin.
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crimenewsvn · 1 year
Australia needs to raise the issue of human rights violations during the visit to Vietnam
Governor-General David Hurley needs to place a high priority on human rights in the program
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Australian Governor-General David Hurley will visit Hanoi this week to celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Australia and Vietnam .
Mr. Hurley should raise serious human rights concerns in public and private meetings with the Vietnamese leadership. One essential thing he needed to do was discuss the situation of more than 160 people being detained for peacefully exercising their basic rights.
Mr. Hurley should call on the Vietnamese government to release all political prisoners, and make a special request for the immediate and unconditional release of 73-year-old Australian citizen Chau Van Kham . along with famous activists such as Tran Huynh Duy Thuc, Tran Anh Kim, Le Thanh Tung, Hoang Duc Binh, Le Dinh Luong, Pham Doan Trang, Pham Chi Dung, Nguyen Tuong Thuy and Can Thi Theu .
Mr. Hurley also needs to call on the Vietnamese government to end restrictions on freedom of movement for human rights defenders and activists. Last year, Human Rights Watch released a detailed report, “ Lock us up at home ,” detailing the many ways the Vietnamese government routinely violates these freedoms.
The Vietnamese government also suppresses religious activities, infringing upon the freedom of religion and belief of independent religious organizations that refuse to follow the government's line. Mr. Hurley should call on the government to allow religious organizations to freely conduct their religious activities without government interference.
By coincidence, Mr. Hurley's visit could be seen as a high-level launch towards the 18th Australia-Vietnam Human Rights Dialogue at the end of April. Human Rights Watch has repeatedly called on the Australian government to use the dialogue to pressure the need for clear, concrete and verifiable indicators to make progress in areas. and impose sanctions on bilateral relations if such violations remain unresolved.
However, it is essential to raise human rights issues in all meetings with the Vietnamese government, not just within the regularly scheduled dialogues .
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mysharona1987 · 4 months
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um, this isn’t the great defense he thinks it is.
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auspicious-goblin · 3 months
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yoshida akimi really knew what the girls wanted in the 80s & 90s huh
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yellodisney · 6 months
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peachdalooza · 2 years
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saw a cute viet edit of Heavy and i couldn’t help myself to draw him in áo dài!
i think people should draw their favorite characters in their cultures more actually!
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destielmemenews · 2 months
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"On March 16, 1968, Calley led American soldiers of the Charlie Company on a mission to confront a crack outfit of Vietcong enemies. Instead, over several hours, the soldiers killed 504 unresisting civilians, mostly women, children and elderly men, in My Lai and a neighboring community."
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drsonnet · 7 months
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It's 2024, not 1963.. Do you remember?
RIP Thích Quảng Đức 1963.
RIP Aaron Bushnell 2024
Thích Quảng Đức - Wikipedia
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On 29 April 1993, Graham Bamford doused himself with gasoline and set himself on fire in front the British House of Commons in London. Bamford did it in the hope of drawing attention to the atrocities committed during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, particularly the Ahmici massacre.
Britanac koji se prije 27 godina živ zapalio zbog rata u BiH – Index.ba
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RIP Aaron Bushnell.. His last words (Free #Palestine)
RIP Aaron Bushnell.. He decided to be a free man and not to be complicit in #GazaGenocide.. His last words were (Free #Palestine).
“I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I’m about to engage in an extreme act of protest, but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it’s not extreme at all…Free Palestine.”
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"I don't need guns, I need fire extinguishers!" an EMT screams at police pointing their guns at a man who self-immolated in protest of a US-supported genocide. What an encapsulation of America, 2024.
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sayruq · 5 months
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legions-top-dog · 11 days
Helicopters fly over the Mojave towards the remaining NCR outposts. Sirens sound across the Mojave as the echoes of artillery and the roar of tanks disrupts the tranquil environment.
Dozens of freshly trained Legion paratroopers jump out over the outskirts of towns and cities while the Boomers' B29, part of 4 groups of three bombers each drop airbombs and mininukes on hastily made NCR reinforcements streaming out of their bases.
And the Divide finally erupts into flames, Ulysses' worst nightmare, as 5 lances of fire ascend into the sky and travel towards the NCR- two headed to Colorado and Dayglow, two others towards the Capital Wastes- Washington DC and Boston respectively. And one headed to Zion.
The Dam, a bastion of artillery fires dozens of shells an hour at Boulder City. The Pershing II with a new nuclear warhead sits at the heavily defended HELIOS ONE complex as new troops, tanks, artillery pieces and squads of men arrive by helicopter or truck.
Squads of NCR infantry are crippled by hidden landmines.
Hundreds of people suspected of engaging in debauchery, crime and or immorality are dragged out into the streets of the Strip, corralled into trucks and shot in fields.
A single Eagles B-52 looses a single megaton-class nuclear gravity bomb above the REPCONN plant.
Vulpes watches from the Sherman as the Mojave is dragged into the depths of war.
(Feel free to RP in this thread. It's here for a reason.)
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lotusinjadewell · 7 months
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Lunar New Year atmosphere in Huế, Vietnam. Credit to Dong Ho Vy & Kelvin Long.
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oldnewyork · 4 months
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“Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Manhattan, April 15, 1967, by Builder Levy”
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"One of the many benefits of solar power is the speed and scale at which it can be deployed. But, despite this, some states still manage to exceed expectations. Viet Nam is one such place. In 2010, the South East Asian country was ranked 196th in the world according to its solar energy capacity. By 2021, Viet Nam had climbed to ninth in the global rankings, jumping above both Spain and France, an astonishing ascendancy.
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In 2018, Vietnamese solar generation was close to zero TWh, but in 2022, solar accounted for 11 percent (14 TWh) of electricity demand from January to June. The rapid growth of solar throughout Viet Nam is estimated to have saved the nation $1.7 billion in potential fossil fuel costs – and this is without factoring in the human, social and environmental harms created through burning fossil fuels.
Viet Nam’s ability to rapidly scale up solar generation over the last decade is down to a combination of factors, including supportive government intervention, a positive policy environment and international collaboration. Targeted investment in key infrastructure was essential, and worked alongside a growing demand for cheap, secure, and clean energy from Vietnamese citizens and businesses. The foundations have been set for Viet Nam to continue its rapid growth in solar, climbing further up the global rankings.
Lessons for rapid transition: How did they do it?
A generous policy mix including tax breaks and a bold feed-in tariff to enable the scaling up of solar generation and bring in new actors.
Investing in transmission and distribution to ensure that the added solar capacity can meet rising energy demand. 
Sky-high demand from citizens and businesses driven by concerns over air quality and the availability of affordable household solar systems for clean, reliable and cheap electricity."
-via Rapid Transition Alliance, January 25, 2023
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balladofsallyrose · 9 months
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Phil Ochs performing 'Talking Vietnam Blues' (c. 1964)
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