#ngl this one almost got me folks. but i finished it!!!!!
mangk0 · 1 year
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A Son's Path
Closeups below the cut :3
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elegyofthemoon · 4 months
dragging my ass kicking and screaming to come back here to fulfill a goal hi
had one of my last sessions of my teachings for this rotation, which honestly is kinda nice? being able to count down that it's almost over. my clinical director isnt gonna be here for the remaining weeks and he already got news that i was gonna take a leave of absence so i didnt have to explain myself which was 👍🏻
2 small assignments, 2 large assessments left then i can say goodbye to all this
also started saying goodbye to some folks and giving a heads up that im leaving which is honestly kinda fun ngl. theres a sort of freedom of saying 'im done!!! ive had enough!!!! bye!!!'. my friend/neighbor kinda gave me pouty eyes over it but 😅 sorry pal. i only feel sorry that im leaving him with a kinda crap crowd since our mutual friend was leaving in march as well
hrmm i just finished coloring something which was pretty soothing but im gonna try to work on some other stuff. need to keep my mind busy
(EDIT OKAY YOU DIDNT DIE THANK YOU) update: finished one coloring and then finished ANOTHER wip drawing so im bout to color that
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chumpovodir · 1 year
uggghhhhhh covid finally got my stupid ass and its not so bad so far except that i cant seem to fall asleep at all and i got my first anxiety attack yesterday. so that was super cool and fun :^)
ive been binge-watching and finished the netflix castlevania show so i'm just gonna ramble about that for a bit to keep my mind off things.
first off i gotta say i LOVE what they did with the characterization since. yknow. the castlevania game protags are usually very very boring and one-note (at least the ones i've played. yes, my standards are that low). eng voices are good too, delivery can feel a little ehhh with some of the characters but as far as casting choice goes they hit it outta the park imo.
but woof they rly did my man hector dirty!!! which is a shame because he's one of the very few non-belmont protags and i get it they're mashing 2 different, direct prequel-sequel game timelines into a single continuity WHILE introducing original plot threads they cant ALSO make the dude beat on dracs ass after the trio does it the first time. i want to say i wish we at least got to see a duel between him and trevor like in Curse of Darkness, when he gets his ass handed to him the first time, but with everything that goes down in s3 dude would feel like even more of a punching bag. just feels a little unfair that as a protag character maining his own game he pretty much got reduced to fanservice AFTER they set him up with a bacsktory and motivation that goes past the canon-typical revenge story, while isaac got a whole character overhaul and well-thought out, complete story arc. like i wish they at least let him properly betray drac on his own terms rather than be goaded into it, i get they were trying show him as being easy to manipulate (but why tho....) or carmilla being especially manipulative. and then s3 happened and that was just a....weirdly porny mess tbh.
i know the general consensus is that the show would've been just fine if they capped it at s2, and i tend to agree but it leaves so much unsaid. idk if it would've been any better to make s3-s4 a straight adaptation of Curse of Darkness and shift the focus entirely to isaac and hector since s1-s2 was almost a straight adaptation of the prior game. i think this was definitely a case in a show where they couldve benefitted from a timeskip to make it work, while still accommodating isaacs story arc. like it wouldve also helped s4 feeling rushed af wrt the resurrection of dracula thread if it had a whole nother season to build up to it, and since that thread was straight lifted from CoD anyway.
like. i really did love the mystery-horror vibes of the lindenfeld arc but having it wedged in between the frankly unnecessary styria arc and whatever the fuck was going on with alucard was hard to get through ngl
also folks say the dialogue is cringy but i thought it was fine...? like yeah sure they started getting a little too liberal with the f-bombs towards the end but i think the dialogue that actually mattered was interesting and had alot of personality behind it, and it was fun seeing the characters play off each other.
and im saying all this perfectly aware of all the shit that went down with the show creator, which is why i waited a good whole 3 years after the fact to watch it so please dont come at me for that
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carmensbroom · 3 years
I've once again had 6 hours to process everything I saw in season 4 so I'm just gonna say my thoughts on it (hold onto your fedoras again folks)
first off, WE FOUND OUT GRAY'S LAST NAME?? I was so shocked and happy at the same time I love how everyone asked for player's real name and we ended up with gray's surname for some reason shsjsj. NOBODY ASKED FOR THAT BUT THEY DELIVERED ANYWAY
ALSO GRAHAM IS AN ORPHAN?? my precious boy *throws mommy's boy headcanon out the window*
the second episode really had me shipping carmivy they're so cute we got a girl's trip and I'm all for it
I think I may now be a dash haber stan but let's not make a big thing of it
also ivy eating the chocolate in the middle of a mission deserves an honorable mention because of her cute little tongue (I'm weird okay djsjsjs)
zack trying to bond with shadowsan and him having none of it was delightful
that fucking robot god damn bellum really thought of everything didn't she every time I thought it was gone it made a come back I literally said out loud "carmen is so fucked"
yall have no idea how relieved I was when I found out that photo of julia was her and her (presumably) mother and NOT a boyfriend sjsjsjs
catch me making a headcanon that julia has a single mom because her father disowned her for coming out as gay based on that picture alone 😭
carmen getting all worried when julia wasn't answering her phone was the blessed gay content I signed up for PLEASE THEY CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER SO MUCH
never thought I'd say this but I loved devineaux this season he was funny, he improved his treatment towards julia (I don't recall him officially apologising I must have missed something djsjsjs)
the only thing I didn't like was it kinda seemed like they were trying to hint that chase and jules were into each other and I didn't really vibe with that
all that shit with dr bellum and the crown for cleo really had me thinking cleobellum was gonna be canon what a clown I am (seriously tho the way she lost it when the crown got stolen GIVE IT BACK IT BELONGS TO HER WIFE)
look all I'm saying is: tigress new outfit in the egypt episode was hot
I wish julia and gray could have met there's so much friendship potential there 😭
ngl I nearly teared up when player finally met carmen in person
I mentioned this in another post but when julia was like "don't you remember me? I'm your girlfriend friend, jules" I NEARLY FUCKING CRIED THEY WERE GETTING KINDA CLOSE AND THEN CARMEN GOT MIND WIPED
kinda shocked that paper star was hardly here I don't stan her so it didn't bother me much but still it was just strange they didn't use her this season
when shadowsan whipped out the last doll and carmen had all those flashbacks to when she was at vile I nearly started crying AGAIN
gray really confused me towards the end he kept switching sides every five minutes for the whole season I wasn't sure whether to trust him half the time dhshsjs
the way she's always been against hurting people/taking lives and then she ended up hurting all the people she loves (she nearly killed zack for god sake) really hit me hard
gray's ending was... kinda weird I understood the parallel of him not wanting to complicate carmen's life like she said about him in season 2 but it was still kinda strange that they didn't have one more conversation or get any closure
I'm obviously kinda upset that carulia wasn't canon they had so much potential imo and the show isn't about romance anyway BUT I'm happy with the content we got and THEY FLIRTED SO MUCH THEY'RE CANON IN MY HEART
kinda annoyed that carmen just straight up left zack and ivy she really just left a note and said YEET
ivy's voice crack when she read the note got me all choked up
ngl I'm still not entirely sure how it ended I had to rewatch it a few times to understand what they were trying to imply sjsjsj
would have loved to know carmen's given name but at the same time she's literally THE carmen sandiego that's who she is, it would be silly to go by a name that she doesn't connect with just because her parents gave her it
her mom being a regular citizen was kinda bittersweet I mean a plot twist would have been good but at the same time it would make the story even more complicated
*dreams of a spinoff movie where we get better closure on everything*
I know carmen didn't want revenge but I feel like chief got let off with killing her father way too quickly if I'm honest sjsjsj
I feel so bad for laughing when julia got knocked out the way the cloth fell on her head sent me but when the pole hit her head I was like "OKAY I TAKE IT BACK THIS ISN'T FUNNY ANYMORE"
was not expecting julia to physically fight anyone I mean she's always been so calm and collected and then this season she was like fuck it might as well hit a few people before we finish forever
wishing carmen and jules could have hugged or had a scene together where they talked about stockholm but I won't complain it wouldn't have really made sense anyway considering they were cool with each other at the university
so glad the trailer was misleading about the coach brunt situation I really didn't want her to get a last minute redemption
another honorable mention: cleo snapping at julia "DON'T YOU DARE IMPLY THAT I AM COMMON" sent me djdjs she was just stood there like "I am but a humble history lesbian leave me be"
I think that's everything I'll probably add to it later if I think of anything or I might make a part 2 djsjsjs (I've been writing this for almost an hour now 😭)
overall I enjoyed it from start to finish. I haven't really cried about it ending yet I'm still processing everything but I'll probably have a little sob when it finally hits me djsjsjs
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faithalenora · 2 years
Happy Birthday @btsqualityy
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(I know it’s a bit late but it’s here!)
I have absolutely no words to describe how much you mean to me. You were my first author here and my first friend. And I still can’t believe you answer half of the shit I send in. 🤣 It has been a wild ride of 4 years, almost 5, and I am so thankful that I got to meet you and that I get to call you my friend! 
You are such an incredible human being. You are sassy, sarcastic, funny, loving, caring, and everything else. Sincerely, I feel like I’ve watched you grow and progress. And I know there is still so much for you to accomplish. I know this year, much like last, has not been easy but every day you’ve proven how resilient and strong you are. Now that you are 23, I wish you all the best as always and I hope our friendship can keep growing. Love you boo! 
And, as a token of my appreciation for how amazing and wonderful you are, I’ve decided to showcase my top 10 favs of your work. These are in no particular order but know that I love each and every one of your works, these are just the ones that have a special place in my heart. Plus, you deserve an INMENSE SHOUTOUT FOR YOUR AMAZING, FANTASTIC AND DIVERSE WORKS!! Especially the recent one BOTDF that is sure to be another hit! 
I also know that putting your work out there isn’t easy which is why I want to just remind you of how incredibly talented you are and to never give up. One day I hope to see your work on the shelfs and I’ll be the first one to say that I’ve been supporting since day one. Without further ado, ladies, gentes, nonbinary folks, here is my list of the top 10 @btsqualityy​ stories, oneshots, series, etc. 
(Again these are in no particular order) 
Lacuna  (Kim Seokjin x reader) One-shot
I gotta start with a classic. This is one of those oneshots were you can’t help but come back to it. The emotions? The dialogue? The plot? Everything is just insanely written in a way that you just can’t help but read it over and over again and never get bored of it. 
Tinges  (Taehyung x Yoongi x reader) Series
ANOTHER CLASSIC! I know we don’t talk about her so much, but man is Tinges the bomb. I freaking loved it from finish to end. Soulmate au? Got it. Social media au? Got it. Min Yoongi and Kim Taehyung being absolute idiots over each other and you? Got it as well.  It’s so cute and original and I’m a sucker for throuples ngl. So if you have not read this, GO AND READ IT PLEASE!! 
Assuage  (Yoongi x reader) Series
Those who know me know I absolutely love ABO. It has always been one of my favorite tropes. When Assuage came out, it’s like my worlds collided. My favorite author AND my favorite trope? Every girl’s dream come true. Not to mention MIN YOONGI. I loved it so much I sometimes still think about it before going to bed at night. Not many people talk about her, and it should be changed. Assuage stans RISE WITH ME!! 
All I ask  (Namjoon x reader) One-shot
This one is another hidden gem. It’s the perfect amount of sexual tension, and romance and smut and suffering. Ugh. I love it so much. I remember clearly every emotion I felt from it and I’ll always remember. Seriously, if you haven’t read this go do it! You will not regret it at all. (Plus is Namjoon smut, who doesn’t wanna read that?
Amour Vincit Omnia (Taehyung x reader) Series
Now I know I said these had no particular order, which still stands, but if I had to pick my all time favorite, this one probably takes the prize. AVO is just out of this world. Like there are no words to describe how amazing it is. Not to mention the protagonist is a badass black woman named Akira who is just wife material. (Tae knows how to picks his ladies) From start to finish you are just hooked and you just can’t stop from reading it over and over again. Definitely my favorite and if you have not read this one, which excuse you why haven’t you, PLEASE DO SO!! And share it because the community needs to know about this masterpiece. 
Fools Rush In  (Jungkook x reader) Series
This is just... THE ABSOLUTE BOMB. Like, Jungkook? Babies? Tennis? Drama? SIGN ME UP! I was in such an emotional roller coaster from start to finish I didn’t even know where I was or who I was. Honestly it was so well written and it’s so realistic you just can’t help but somewhat relate to the reader. So another masterpiece of series you should definitely read! 
Scripted (Namjoon x reader; Jimin x reader) Series 
This one... THIS ONE BREAKS MY HEART BUT I LOVED IT SO DAMN MUCH. Oof. There. I got that off my chest. Scripted is a mess. I was angry, sad, happy, upset, all of the above at once. This one is really an emotional rollercoaster. Like seriously get some tissues and some boxing gloves cause you are gonna need them. BUT, it is so so so good. Go give it a read at your own discretion tho. It is W I L D. 
Dance Like We’re Making Love  (Hoseok x reader) One-shot
Slay. That it is. That is my description... Kidding! This one is so so good. Smut is present so proceed with caution but the dance descriptions? Writing is hard but writing dance scenes? Even harder. Yet, of course, Shay manages to make it seem so easy. The words just flow so nicely and you really do feel like you are there dancing with them. Honestly super amazing writing in this one! 
Heaven Sent  (Seokjin x reader) Series
This one hits different. It really does. It does deal with death and grief but in such a way that it makes you feel like everything will be okay. It’s a comfort fic and I feel drawn to it in those days where I miss my grandpa or I just feel down. Reading this one tells you that even if you have bad days, even if bad things happen, you’ll be okay. So please, if you feel comfortable with these themes, you should definitely give it a read. 
Wedding Series   OT7 Series
Lastly, although this is kind of a cliche, the wedding series holds a special place in my heart. Through this series I found this blog. Through this series I meet Shay. Through this series I once again fell in love with writing and reading and just being myself. This series is special because it sparked that seed in me to continue writing even if it was for myself. I looked forwards to the new updates every time I opened Tumblr. And every time I got out of school, the first thing I did was look and see if the wedding series was updated. Even if it wasn’t I would just reread everything over and over again till I memorized it. So, this series is and will forever be in my heart.  
(Honorable mentions Baby Series, Toddler Series and everything in between) 
Although I mentioned these 10, I absolutely love all of your works Shay. I truly do and I continue to support and cheer you one because you have a talent most people would kill for. So, keep going love because you are doing amazing. Once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! And I hope I get to celebrate many more with you. Love you! 
(Sorry for any errors. I’m running on 5 hours of sleep.)
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gar-trek · 3 years
As per tradition, here is my thoughts on TNG season three (I just realized I finished a whole season in like 10 days wtf) 
Well, as you may have guessed that shit was like crack cocaine to me. For comparison, it took me almost 2 months to finish season 2. But season 3... oh man that shit just hit different 😳Finally, finally they have started hitting their stride. I feel like a big problem in season 2 was they had a lot of episodes that had completely unrelated A and B plots. I didn’t really like this because it would sometimes feel awkward jumping around plots in the same episode. I felt like the episodes in this season were a lot more cohesive. Everything just flowed together really nicely and kept me really engaged. Also they are a lot better at keeping characters consistent and likable... I don’t hate Picard anymore, friendship regain with Picard. They stopped writing him as an asshole and made his motivations more clear. Also, I am now in love with Riker, just am. Okay, here are some more specific thoughts on episodes: 
Ones that were meh: 
Manage a Troi: Idk why but Lwaxana Troi episodes just haven’t hit since her first appearance. Like I say her episode in season 1 was one of the best, but then her season 2 episode was soooo bad. This one was a little better but it was just a little boring and awkward. AND PLEASE! what is the nature of Riker and Troi’s relationship ??? are the exs? are they casually dating??  do they just bone every now and then? I’m so confused cuz like I thought they just had a crush on each other but didn’t wanna pursue a relationship, but then in this episode its just understood they are going to go to Betazoid and fuck. WHAT IS GOING ON!!! 
Sins of the Father: I didn’t really like Worf’s brother or the fact they introduced a secret brother. Star Trek, that trope is so tired now. Stop with the secret sibling bullshit. Also I get it’s different for Klingons but I didn’t like that Worf was okay answering for things his biological dad did when he has two adopted parents who love him very much. Also, I have no idea what happened at the end of this episode. Was anyone else confused or was it just because I may or may not have been under the influence of legal substances? I was confused the whole episode. 
My favs!!: 
The Ensigns of Command: I loooovvveeee episodes were they test Data and he struggles a bit but of course ends up saving the day!!! Very good with tension all throughout and like even the plot on the enterprise was interesting. Also... Data got a little kissy :3 
The Enemy: Centurion Bochra!!! CENTURION BOCHRA!!!! Who the fuck doesn’t love a redemption arc for an unhinged boy? I’d say its the backbone of this fucking website. ALSO!! a fucking GEORDI CENTRIC episode ???? we get to see my best friend Geordi save the day and work hard and use his kindness and good attitude and determination and smarts to do it?? I LOVE GEORDI!!!! also i just love Romulans, I think they are my fav evil race (Ferengi very close second) 
Offspring: Let me tell you guys, I NEVER EVER cry and media ever, I don’t even cry at ANYTHING!! but.... certain scenes here... may have got me a little choked up... ngl. This episode was so funny but also so heart wrenching, that’s all I’ll say. 
Hollow Pursuits: I don’t know, I just really like that they gave us a character centric episode that wasn’t one of the main cast. It was just a super interesting story. The whole time you are kinda tore between routing for Barclay and feeling like he’s a massive creep. Also, it shows the main cast an imperfect and not always accepting, as even the captain is a little mean to Barclay at one point and Riker kinda turns into a Chad bully. Idk it was an episode I would never expect from this show but very much enjoyed. 
The Most Toys: yes Three out of five of my favorite episodes were Data centric ones, fucking sue me. I’m a basic Data loving bitch I will fully admit to that. I have a lot to say about this episode and what I wish they would have done different, but i think I’m going to post about that separately. But anyway, when Data went against his own will and sat in the chair to save that women's life... that shit got to me. I think about that scene daily 
Okay, that’s all for now folks!! feel free to debate me in the comments and what not 
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red-i-mean-blue · 4 years
A:TLA romantic ships part 1
yes, no one asked for my opinions, yes I will give them anyway, yes because I have decided making a bunch of meaningless decisions and arguing for them will improve my mental state, yes I watched the show all in one very sleep deprived go and i’m not interested in rewatching it so yes I have absolutely no sources, yes this is a really long grammatical nightmare because I don’ t know how to be succinct and i use way more words than necessary at any opportunity because if my point doesn’ t come across exactly like i intend it will greatly upset me, no I have not yet watched Korra or read the comics because i’m tired now let’s do this.
includes Kataang, Zutara, Jetkara, Jinko, Maiko, Sukka, Taang, Tokka, Toko Ty Lokka, Tyzula, Yukka bc these were on the Avatar wiki ship list, part two will go into gay ships more
from 0 I despise people who ship this immediately to 10 I will read absolutely anything with this, I love it and could draw it for hours on how much I think the relationship would be good and how happy it makes me
Kataang (looks like a comic book sound effect so plus points)
very clearly built up over the series
cute kid crushes also ngl did not know katara was 14 and not older 12 or 13 so didn’t care about age when watching
now I know she’s 14 and he’s 12 it’s a little weird but still
haters say katara was just the avatar’s trophy girl, as if aang didnt kiss the ground she walked on and wouldnt stop telling anyone how amazing she is. Katara was the first face he saw from the new world and they immediately became friends. she was so excited to meet another bender, he clearly is trying to impress her and it is working, he listens to her about bending and offers to take her to the other side of the world to master water, TELL ME at this moment she is not ride or die and she doesn’t even know he’s the avatar, he lets her feel like a kid again, which is a feeling she’s forgotten after years of being a mother to sokka and the children. he literally sweeps her off her feet to save her from the fire nations ship i-. rewatched boy in the iceberg and hoo boy had canon not messed it up, this ship could have been legendary
hard to imagine older them working out what with the whole last airbender, preserve air nomad culture, let’s travel the world bc nomadic lifestyle, what’s marriage i’m a monk without biological family values vs last southern waterbender, preserve southern water tribe culture, I believe in the power of family and am ridiculously dedicated to my tribe,  let me go home to my father and tribe shtick, but I don’t care for after the show finishes much except for following the gang fix the world so I don’t really care about the marriage issue
canon was good until that Mess in season 3, WHY did he kiss her after that speech, wish they talked that out properly, wish he learned letting go of her to open the 7th chakra was the only right decision, wish the ending was a little more vague in ships and just left things open but yk whatever
that finale kiss was sweet, they hugged foremost as friends, no blushing, and then got the fuzzies, that moment standing alone? a+ but without any talking about what happened on ember island, a little unsatisfying
overall, fine ship, not my favourite nor do I actively ship it, but I see a kataang moment, i’m like, sweet so I give it a 6
Zutara (apparently fans are zutarians which looks like an alien race, plus points)
latter half of the show had quite a lot of Zutara potential, but idk about Zutara actual
katara was so ready to drop his ass, no way at the start
there is only one dynamic between them in which I can see Zutara working and that is as in the Stalking Zuko by emletish series where katara is so distrusting over zuko she takes to stalking him to make sure he isn’t doing anything to hurt Aang or about to betray them (her) again but he is just such a sweet dork who keeps trying to apologise to her even while she’s apologising to him for being a bitch that she can’t help but start to trust him, i’m a third into the third book in the series not stalking firelord zuko and I am thriving and tbh this is the only situation where I accept zutara, read the series I love it
age gap is weird, I know it’s the same difference between kataang but they made a point of zuko being older in the show also he’s so much taller and I don’t like 16 year old boys with 14 year old girlfriends in real life and so would katara because jet
katara has a bad experience with bad boy sword weilders (jet) but I guess you could see it as the start of her type idk
they are both the moms of the Gaang. sokka is the fun dad.
there is a parallel between their families, with the leader of their people dad, mom who left the picture when they were young, an older brother who is not a prodigy at/can’ t bend their respective element so they become proficient at swords instead, prodigy at bending younger sister with a violent streak. this is why I see zutara as potentially a really close friendship, almost siblings, but not a romance because to me katara is a little too like azula for comfort...
tbh I think a lot of folk shipped it because ooh fire boy and water girl (not the game) that’ s perfect, and bam army of zutarians
overall, kind of weird but ok and good grounds for humour so I give it a 4
Jetkara (bad ship name, why would you like this, minus points)
Jet is bad. yes Katara really liked him, yes he was definitely her first kiss and she would definitely consider him her first boyfriend but they would not define it because it’s easier to manipulate someone when it’s unclear what your relationship is and Jet is bad, with his weird fricking eyebrows and not even real swords those hook swords
Not wasting my time, 2
Jinko (cool name, reminds me of Hong Jinkyung, plus points) 
short but so sweet. not the first thing people remember from watching the tales of ba sing se (brb going to rewatch and cry) but really cute, so here’s a running commentary
his first thought was she knew they were fire nation rather than a pretty girl sat in a teashop giving him looks because she had a crush omg
that honest surprise when his uncle suggested she liked her and then she walked up and asked him on a date, adorable
anyone who looked at that god-awful hairstyle and still thought he looked cute has it bad also aww that hair ruffle and the little grab onto his arm
he’s pushing his food around and she’s trying out ice breaker questions and recieving one word responses he has no idea what he’s doing
“she is not my GIRLFRIEND” he’s not over Mai, clearly but he still is trying his best to be a good date even if he’s terrible at making conversation
anyone who sat through that date and the bad lying and the stilted conversation and still thought he was cute has it bad 
he is So Bad At Lying he just told the truth very vaguely and then bam travelling circus
jin so knows the two are fire nation, the whole date she just politely ignores the clear lies and doesn’t react to the obvious firebending, what an icon we love jin
honestly I was really expecting the show to reveal that jin knew he was a firebender if not from the start then from the lights but eh I guess she can keep a secret, good for her
that being said I can’t see anything more happening but this date but omg imagine fire lord zuko coming back to visit and they become friends I-
overwhelming support for pre-date jin flirting to an oblivious zuko and the date Jinko, 8
Maiko (name would be a good name for a cat idk why)
childhood sweethearts before the banishment i think
she crushed because he saved her hair from getting burnt by tackling her into a fountain? adorable
I love mai she’s so funny but I think not the best match for zuko? he has a lot of trauma to get over and she doesn’t seem like the let all your feelings out and let’s talk about it until you feel better kind of person.  it was deeply ingrained in her to keep all of her feelings and emotions strongly hidden because she got what she wanted from her politician parents so long as she was quiet, well-mannered, and perfectly behaved according to avatar wiki so I get why she’s that way, until I was 11 I was that way too all the time, I understand freezing your face so you don’t look afraid or upset or angry and risk annoying adults, but I don’t think that that would fit zuko with his social ineptness
they literally broke up twice but are just assumed back together? she just surprised him and said they were back together and I think he forgot she existed
the deadpan firelady and the fire lord would be hilarious together tho she got the ruthlessness he lacks
post coronation I can see it happening, 6 but under Kataang
Sukka (terrible name lmao)
the cutest, sokka very excitedly says “Suki!! :DDD” every time he sees her
she didn’t give him the time of day until HE changed, incredible
just the best canon ship, the two nonbenders in the Gaang but very clearly shown to be important key members.
suki is sneaky and badass, rivalling zuko for position on the team as the sneaky badass one (they tie and bond over being sneaky and badass)
sokka is a great dad, he is the dad of the Gaang and he clearly loves suki and suki loves him back
sokka ships are ELITE, 9
Taang (a delicious orange drink mix that reminds me of home, nostalgia)
foreshadowing from the swamp where someone aang loved in the future really made me think taang was endgame yk
opposite elements ideology that I guess is what zutarians like also leaves everyone in the gang dating a Gaang member if zutara happens
actually the same age but not much else going for it
best friends, 4 but under Zutara
Tokka (great name of a small pet fight me)
sokka ships are elite, childhood crush turned adult strong friendship
I really like seeing the rough, tough, greatest earthbender in  the world have a crush, adorable
sokka is a great friend and his and toph’s canon relationship is so sweet, I wouldn’t change it
toph was fully going to give sokka a kiss on the cheek for saving her life i’m melting
age difference is too weird for a romance he’s like 16 or 17 by the end I think and she’s 12
best friends, 10 as a relationship in the show, 2, but in their 20s after the show... 4 but under Taang
Toko (very forgettable name but both characters have 4 letters so I guess it’s hard to come up with something memorable but every time I read it as Toph because same shape ish so minus points for being annoying)
even weirder age gap than Tokka 
not many moments that could be considered romantic? 
toph first accepted zuko despite him burning her feet, how she sees, which was big and they resolved problems between them quickly
toph clinging to his arm and asking for a life changing field trip caused him to blush, but I see that as him being like oh someone wants to spend time with me?? she’s hugging me??? what is this 
convenient ship for kataangers because the Gaang could be paired off as Kataang, Sukka, Toko
her crush on sokka seemed to go away or calm down when he showed up and she punched him and teased him a lot, her way of bonding
similar strict teaching styles and bonding over secret identities as Blue Spirit and Blind Bandit and parental issues and being the children of important families who made them run away to enjoy not having anything to do with politics and being nobility with impaired vision who have never stepped into a kitchen in their lives and being used to servants and then being on the run
I really see them as siblings with her helping him relax from his duties as fire lord because you already know this boy’s sense of honour is going to make him work tirelessly to fix the world and him helping her relax from the whole i’m not a fragile, weak little blind girl, i’m the greatest earthbender in the world shtick and reminding her she can be both a blind 12 year old girl and the most powerful earthbender in the world, she can accept help without being weak or lesser than anyone, people want to help because they care not that they pity you
best friends 10, relationship in show 1, after show 3
Ty Lokka (I don’t like this name looks like a place but can think of nothing better)
yeah I guess ty lee’s obvious flirting is grounds for a ship but in every interaction he’s involved with someone else and doesn’t seem to like her as a person
do they even interact while on the same side?
friendly aquaintances at best, don’ t understand, 2 but above Jetkara
Tyzula (don’t like this name, like a mineral water?)
canon I don’t care it is canonically a possessive relationship
azula’s only genuine apology goes to ty lee after hurting her feelings
Azula clearly loves ty lee, her betrayal sends her mad
after a lot of therapy for azula and apologies, maybe a healthy relationship could form after the show, 8 above Jinko
Yukka (looks like a childish insult, surely someone could have thought of a better name)
Sokka’s love for Yue stays with him for the rest of his life, she was the first person to die in front of him and he sees the moon as her facing the earth
love this forbidden lovers content, sokka ships stay elite
Sokka and Yue spend as much time together as possible with secret midnight dates flirting (“you wanna do an...activity together?”)  Sokka’s reaction to Yue’s engagement shows that he wants to have a serious relationship with her, and also he thinks Hahn is a bad person for Yue, which he is. 
Yue dying devastated him and he never falls out of love with Yue. her last words “[she] will always be with him” are true. swamp visions show Yue as one of the most important people in his life like a season or so after he last saw her. he wouldn’t kiss suki in front of the moon, and cries when Yue appears on stage, ignoring Suki. he talks about the moon as if it is directly Princess Yue in that cactus juice scene.
she died in his arms oh my god don’t look i crying, he feels personally responsible and guilty
yue was great even though she was the indigenous or black girl with light hair and eyes character and I wish she could have helped aang in the spirit world 
despite her arranged engagement she clearly really likes sokka even though she knows nothing can happen, 9
Kataang, Zutara, Jetkara, Jinko, Maiko, Sukka, Taang, Tokka, Toko, Ty Lokka, Tyzula, Yukka
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colossalsummer · 4 years
Why Warriors Cats Will Live Forever
Growing up, my sisters were both gigantic fans of the Warrior Cats book series. Like, at one point we had a cat named Graystripe, if that means anything to you.
Recently we were talking about how much insane success those cat books enjoyed. ALMOST TWENTY YEARS after the first book came out (2003), the people who love it are still some of the busiest creators on the internet with their fanimations and their fics and their hopefully-very-wholesome roleplay servers. This series is a monolith. 
So my question is this: Erin Hunter, what have you done?? Where the heck did this rock-solid staying power come from?
@thunderyonder​ suggested a lot of Warriors’ success has to do with how much the storyworld embraces C U S T O M I Z A T I O N. Reading these books, it’s hard not to make a catsona. There are simple, fun systems built right into the storyworld that practically guide you through it. It invites readers not just to finish the book, but to stick around for imaginative play. It’s honestly genius.
And yeah, yeah, Warriors has plot and drama and whatever as well. I’m not very equipped to talk about that because I only finished the first book when Redwall got its claws in me and dragged me into the shadows. My sisters and I focused on breaking down the different mechanisms in the series that make it really easy to create an OC. An OC that will embed itself in your psyche and occasionally remind you to wonder why they haven’t made a Warrior Cats movie yet.
So here’s our breakdown of What Went Right with Warrior Cats’ worldbuilding.
CLANS. Tons of YA stories have a mechanic similar to this. Think the Harry Potter Sorting Hat or Avatar: The Last Airbender’s four nations. It’s kind of a baby’s first Myer’s-Briggs. It’s exciting to belong to some kind of group, and there’s a very short, very straight line between introducing the concept of clans and prompting a reader to go “What clan would I be in?” It shouldn’t surprise you that even when those books were pretty young, there was a generator on the Warrior Cats official website that would sort you into a clan.
NAMES. There’s a naming system where you get to pick some kind of defining word and plug it into a suffix. And then your cat’s name changes as your rank up, so you don’t just get to choose your name--you get to choose your name MULTIPLE TIMES. If you have no clue what I’m talking about or you haven’t heard the McElroy bit about this, you should. It’s a great example of how nutty this can get. Did I mention the official Warrior Cats website also had a name generator?
DIVERSITY. There are so many different kinds of cats out there. They come in a crazy variety of shapes and colors, and it’s hard not to scroll through Google images and go “Sayyy that cat looks like me.” NGL my sisters and I did this for like an hour while we were talking and picked out cats for each other. I’ve never finished a marathon but I think finding a cat face that looks like your face is as much if not more rewarding.
ROLES. Ranks and jobs in cat society make said cats extra customizable. There’s deputy cats and apprentice cats and medicine cat cats... All kinds of kitties in their little kitty cities.
I guess the moral of this story is that fantasy worlds that make it easy and exciting to generate OCs and self-insert characters tend to crank out a fanbase of hyper-industrious artists and writers, because people get personally invested in the material. As a writer, pinpointing that gave me hardcore expanding brain meme. The good folks at HarperCollins got this down to a science, and it might be worth trying to master.
On an unrelated note, if anybody wants to show me their Warriors OC, I’d sure like to see it. 
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seijch · 4 years
send me selfship questions!!
for @raevaioli because i wrote too much the first time and didnt have space to answer everything else 🧍🏻‍♂️
(there’s a lot of shit under the cut NDJKDKS be Warned)
1. where was your first date?
well, youve already heard about the first date that we realized was indeed A Date with futakuchi, but my first Proper Date with him would have to be somewhere like an arcade where we can have fun but still talk?? personally movie (theater) dates aren’t good first dates bc you Have to stay silent until the movie is over?? what’s the APPEAL...
there’s a shared exhale of relief as the large stuffed pokemon gets dropped by the crane into the pickup zone. “i can’t believe you pulled that off,” i tell him.
“you know, just for that, i’m keeping it.”
“you don’t even like pokemon! what happened to ‘this one’s for you, baby?’” i ask, voice dropping an octave to imitate him.
“i never said that, first of all. second of all,” he continues, grip tightening on the rowlet, “i won it. so it’s mine.”
“you fucking suck.”
(he says all this, yet when he drops me off, he insists i take the rowlet with me and name it after him. i graciously oblige, dubbing it coochie jr.)
when it comes to kuroo, he probably Says it’s some kind of unplanned affair but it ends with him unloading a picnic basket as we watch the sun set bc he’s a SAP... hate that fool 😔
“you’ve got good taste in music,” i tell him as the next song on his playlist begins. he’s definitely planning something, but i don’t say anything as his driving becomes less aimless.
“oh, i know,” he grins. “good enough for you to ask me for recommendations, i’d say.”
i’m crossing my arms before his sentence gets to finish. “listen,” i start, “you can’t tell me it didn’t work. we’re together now, aren’t we?” he doesn’t choose to grace that with a response.
before we know it, kuroo’s parked the car. “we’re here.”
“here? at the park? what are you gonna do, hold my hand while we watch the sunset?” i tease, getting out of the car. he doesn’t respond. “tetsu?”
“you really think you know me, don’t you?” he appears from the other side, picnic basket in hand and a resigned smile on his face. “what do you suggest we do now that my surprise has been torn to shreds, hm?”
“i mean...can we still eat? i’m kinda hungry.” i point to the basket. (i’m clearly deflecting ,, i was Not expecting kuroo the simp to jump out so early and my heart Cannot Take It)
2. who normally plans the dates?
between me and futakuchi i’m going to say none of us! we don’t really go on Dates dates, it’s just Us Hanging Out !! with kuroo, at first it’s him tbh but after we get comfortable everything becomes a date... idk tbh i’m not the type to sweat that kind of thing 🕺🏻 i do like to Go Out and do things w my s/o no matter who they are but a date doesn’t always have to be going out nor does it have to be a Special going out yk??
3. what kind of dates would you two mostly go on? do you have a “date spot?”
i mentioned this in my answer for 24, but w kuchi we have this ritual of going out to eat every friday and after we get together that doesn’t change!!! if we’re feeling extra lazy we might order takeout but we always always spend our friday nights together... it’s def smth we look forward to even Before we start dating (and it’s smth we both wonder Why we anticipate before we get tgt)
in terms of a date spot? we have our favorite places (like the ramen joint i mentioned in 24) but other than that maybe a few other restaurants and that’s kinda it! our other dates are the occasional study date but i cannot study when he’s around,, just looking at his face pisses me off 😃 nah but we can’t focus on school together + we’d get heated over a meaningless argument and get kicked out NDNSJSJ
when we get domestic w each other (like in uni or beyond) kuroo and i have all our dates at the grocery store... idk abt you but the INTIMACY of buying groceries w someone you love is so [clenches fist] yk?? but before and sometimes after that point rlly it’s like Things To See and Things To Do whenever kuroo puts himself in charge of planning it bc he knows we both like to be engaged and have fun!! (i alr said it but our date spot is the grocery store <3)
4. what kind of date do you think the both of you would enjoy the most? why?
that’s a very good question... i mentioned it alr but kuroo and i vibe heavy w things that are engaging and give us things to talk about while we keep busy,, like maybe an amusement park or smth w all the rides (we’re definitely spinning the shit out of the teacups) mostly bc i think he likes being kept on his toes and i do too! i think we’d challenge each other to do better by setting an example for the other to follow just in general,, also ngl places w a lot of ppl are good too so we can peoplewatch,, the two of us are the type to read people with a glance and when we need downtime we’d sit down somewhere and just kinda . 👁👁 yk
“i might barf,” i announce, gait crooked from the dizzying ride.
“no, you won’t,” kuroo replies, allowing me to drape myself over him though he’s not walking straight either. “didn’t you hear? vomitting is banned in this country and thirteen others.”
“a shame. anyway, let’s go on the pirate ship ride next.”
(we sit at the outer edge. it’s not a good time for the folks in the two seats in front of us. we wipe our vomit—mostly my vomit—from the corners of our mouths and apologize profusely.)
when it comes to kuchi, i think he’d like smth where we would end up competing against each other! i mentioned this when i answered question 50, but kenji and i are almost TOO competitive over stupid shit so smth like laser tag (where everyone is like ... why don’t you want to work together aren’t you DATING) would be SO fucking fun
“it’s not too late to surrender,” he simpers, my body sandwiched between his and the wall. my gun’s been knocked out of my hand—that’s gotta be against the fucking rules—and part of me feels like i’m on a real battlefield, as fleeting the thought is. “some battles, you just can’t win.” he punctuates this statement with a sage nod, leaning so close his breath fans against my face. “so, what’ll it be?”
i close the gap, pressing my lips against his and relishing in the strangled groan that comes from the back of his throat as he reciprocates, free hand moving to the nape of my neck. the hand holding the gun drops. that’s all the opening i need.
i let him deepen the kiss, take his bottom lip between my teeth and gently tug as my hands reach for his gun while his brain is still between his legs.
aim. fire.
i’m the last one standing, and the lights turn on around us. “it’s always good to have goals,” i tell him, granting him a consolation peck to the lips. “but i suggest making them more realistic next time.”
9. what do you think your first impression of them would be?
now THIS is a question i knew the answer to going in bc my best friend (honestly she doesn’t get paid enough ,, or at all ,, for all the shit she has to put up w from me NDNSKSK) had to hear all abt my elaborate fantasies regarding these two but!!
my first impression of kuroo is 1) 😳😳 and more importantly, 2) I Want To Know What He’s About... bc he’s not the kind of person i’d get the full picture of w just one look and maybe a few words spoken? he’d pique my interest a LOT (and this is smth he shares w tsukishima, tho i don’t see myself in a long lasting relationship w him like i do w kuroo and kuchi!) and i’d end up worming my way into his life whether he likes it or not until i find out :-)
unlike kuroo i see kenji and go Wow. What An Asshole. ok no i don’t NDNSJSN i probably think he’s cute first THEN go what an asshole and there’s definitely a long period of time where we’re genuinely getting on each other’s nerves before it goes into the romantic relationship-adjacent dynamic you see in my answer to 24!
10. what do you think their first impression of you would be?
kuroo’s definitely curious. i don’t imagine him being unable to see thru me from the start but i prove myself to be Good Conversation so he’s fine (and ends up being more than fine) with me bothering him as much as i do. kenji probably sees me the way i think most people see me at first? very soft and sweet ,, and then he tries to rile me up, tries to test the waters and pretty quickly finds out that right under the nice girl is someone that won’t hesitate to mirror the shit he tries to dish out.
(again) 24. would you confess first or would they? how would it have gone?
i saw you said in the tags you wanted to see the kuroo one so here it is 🤝 i had all my fun writing kenji’s so this one is shorter than that but!!!
NDNSNSN anyway !!! with kuroo it’s kinda 50/50 bc i’m not shy when it comes to my feelings but at the same time i like to have the lowest chances possible for failure when it comes to things like this... but i simp SO heavy for him so lbr it’ll prob be me just bc i literally Cannot pretend that my intentions are platonic anymore and he’s not gonna do it first (later i find out he was trying to see how long he could go before one of us mentioned the elephant in the room)
(5:38 PM) me: anyway for the weekly song rec
(5:38 PM) me: khalid ft. john mayer - outta my head
(5:39 PM) me: specifically 1:16-1:25 :-)
the messages have sent before i can think twice or even consult anyone about it. there’s a beat of silence. then two. then three. i throw my phone down onto the bed as it bounces off the mattress and onto the carpet.
what the fuck!!!!!! bitch why did you do that!!!!!!!
there’s no taking it back now. he reads it ten minutes after it sends (not like anyone’s checking, that would be preposterous). the picture i took of him mid-sneeze two months ago lights up the screen, a facetime call from shithead 👺 bringing me to yet another crossroads. do i answer it and face the music (literally), or do i pretend to have been busy and act as though i didn’t just confess to one of my best friends through text and with music, of all things?
i pick up the call.
“i liked the song,” he says as soon as the call opens, “though i can’t help but wonder if there was a hidden meaning to it.”
“and if i told you there was?”
“well,” he replies, sounding a little out of breath (where is he?), “i’d tell you to open your door because i’m outside.”
true enough, when i race downstairs and open the door, he’s waiting for me. “and if i told you that was my way of asking you to be my boyfriend?”
“well, i think i’d want to ask if i could kiss you. assuming, of course, it was alright to do something like that so soon-“
he doesn’t finish his sentence. his lips are a little bit chapped, but pleasant nonetheless, and i tuck the newfound fact away in my file of things i know about kuroo tetsurou.
(for reference, the song lyrics for the part i mention are can you feel the tension / you’ve got my attention / i know we’re just friends but / i’d rather be together instead)
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ongsasun · 4 years
I was tagged by @michrocosmos, thank u catherine! i filled this out last night but then fell asleep right after 😅
1. What do you prefer to be called by people?
My name! Ayesha (pronounced EYE-sha) seems to have a million nickname opportunities (just ask my family 🙄), but I’m also picky abt who can call me what (it makes sense in my head ok, i can't just associate u with someone ELSE's designated nickname!) so just Ayesha pls
2. When is your birthday?
August 7th!
3. Where do you live?
east coast, U-S-of-A
4. Three things you are doing right now?
Uhhh well I'm laying down bc it's late rn, I'm also contemplating what to watch because decent sleep schedule?? we don't know Her! and then of course i'm stressing about next semester (bc of COVID and other issues) in the back of my mind at all times 🙃
5. Four fandoms that have piqued your interest right now?
The Untamed (one day I will finish this show.. One Day) and tbh from what I’ve seen Richie Rich looks interesting. My Engineer is good but on hiatus rn. Lastly i’ve been waiting for Love, Victor to come out and it's finally here! I watched the 1st ep live on twitter earlier. the acting seems a little eh but imma still watch tho lol (EDIT: i rewatched ep 1 and... if he doesn't get with andrew or felix what's the point)
6. How’s the pandemic treating you?
tbh it’s been... pretty rough. Like from March until maybe 2-ish weeks ago it hit really hard where I am. every day a couple thousand new cases, easily. I personally haven’t lost anyone Alhamdulillah but I know people who have. Anyway yeah it's been getting better recently & everyone is taking that plus the weather as a green light to go back to normal. like tf, this ain't over!!
7. A song you can’t stop listening to right now?
Tala - Ace Banzuelo ever since that RamKing edit weeeeeeks ago (still waiting on a lyric translations vid 😔), After Hours- The Weeknd, and an old Punjabi folk song. i know, my brain doesn’t make sense to me either.
8. Recommend a movie!
Ok so i REALLY don’t care how dumb this sounds, the disney movie Hercules is my absolute FAVORITE movie and i love it so much. it's probably a mix of childhood nostalgia, love for the blatant SASS, & the gorgeous art style. older disney movies are so visually pleasing! i could talk about them forever. i actually watched The Princess & the Frog earlier today & man... the love & care behind the animation/ design of that movie 😭. soso pretty to look at.
9. How old are you?
23, almost 24
10. School, university, occupation, other?
college got me all the way Fucked Up
11. Do you prefer hot or cold?
Is this weather-wise? I'm a summer baby so i would rather be too hot than freezing cold. drink-wise i prefer cold
12. Name one fact others may not know about you!
Ummm it's kinda random but i was thinking abt it earlier today, so here goes. my grandmothers both have the same exact name! Noor Begum :) It’s so cute when they call each other up, "Noor Begum" this, "Noor Begum" that. it's like all these years later they still get a kick out of addressing someone else with their own name lmao
13. Are you shy?
I mean..... I think there’s a certain level of friendship u gotta reach to Unlock The Dumbass, ya feel me? In general it's not too too high bc i'm a clown at heart but it differs depending on the situation & how we met (online, in person, etc).
(OMG the voice challenge going around a little while ago?? I had to record mine like 5 times at least 🤦🏽‍♀️ take from that what you will.)
14. Do you have any preferred pronouns?
She/her *insert joke about how I prefer to go by HRH*
15. Any pet peeves?
🤔 ngl I have some obsessive compulsive tendencies so a lot does bug me, but for pet peeves I'd say knuckle-cracking & snapping fingers to get someone's attention
16. What’s your favourite ‘dere’ type?
LMAO this would’ve been a good question for 5 years-ago Ayesha
17. Rate your life 1-10. 1 is crappy & 10 is best it could be
idek how to rate my whole life, that's too hard. but, as of recent, life is....... it could be better. I’m usually not one to open up that much but like.... I’m feelin pretty fuckin low. feels like i've been in & out of a panic attack the past 5 days. so uh yeah, love that for me (EDIT: day 6 wasn't so bad! we're gettin there)
18. What’s your main blog?
LMAO no thanks, i can't be held accountable for anything on there pre-2016. not like for racist reasons but for "i've been on tumblr so long it's basically a timeline of all the cringey fandoms i've been in/ a testimony to how DEEP in them i was" type reasons 😓
19. List your side blogs and what they’re used for.
see above (just know there’s definitely a couple. i’ve been on this hell site too long y’all, i got bored along the way)
20. Is there anything you think people need to know about you before becoming friends with you?
She a dumbass (also self-deprecating af lmao could u tell) but hey, She loyal!!
tagging: @babbyglitz @nerd-squash @tinewatleo @svt-district 💗
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wetalkinboutbooks · 5 years
Dread Nation by Justina Ireland
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Summary: Jane McKeene was born two days before the dead began to walk the battlefields of Gettysburg and Chancellorsville—derailing the War Between the States and changing America forever. In this new nation, safety for all depends on the work of a few, and laws like the Native and Negro Reeducation Act require certain children attend combat schools to learn to put down the dead. But there are also opportunities—and Jane is studying to become an Attendant, trained in both weaponry and etiquette to protect the well-to-do. It’s a chance for a better life for Negro girls like Jane. After all, not even being the daughter of a wealthy white Southern woman could save her from society’s expectations.
But that’s not a life Jane wants. Almost finished with her education at Miss Preston’s School of Combat in Baltimore, Jane is set on returning to her Kentucky home and doesn’t pay much mind to the politics of the eastern cities, with their talk of returning America to the glory of its days before the dead rose. But when families around Baltimore County begin to go missing, Jane is caught in the middle of a conspiracy, one that finds her in a desperate fight for her life against some powerful enemies. And the restless dead, it would seem, are the least of her problems. (Taken from Goodreads)
Our Ratings:  
 → Geena:  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
 → Kae: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Overall: This is one of the first suggestions we got and HOO BOY IT WAS A GOOD ONE. The perfect mix of action, comedy, murder, and beating up racists.... exactly what we need in a book. 
~Spoiler-full discussion below~ 
The Good:
→ Jane
Geena: I don’t think I’ve read a book where the protagonist just has so much raw power like… at the risk of sounding like I’m from 2012.. But like… my mind was totally blown. We meet Jane during a training exercise at Miss Preston’s zombie slaughtering school where we learn about all the nasty details that lead to the school’s creation. SO ESSENTIALLY, following the civil war (which ended prematurely bc u kno…. zombies) slavery is “abolished” and instead the whites decided it’d be better to set up schools to train black and native people to kill zombies for them 🙄 AND that’s where we meet Jane, in the middle of a training exercise. We also learn that she’s the daughter of one of the more wealthy white women in the area which was very scandalous given the u kno.. R a c i s m… and that even her mother’s status couldn’t keep her from being sent to the school. Jane also recounts moments from her childhood such as almost being killed when she was born… and she does it so nonchalantly that I fucking died dude. 
Kae: Nobody: …..
Jane: Yeah my momma tried to drown me. She doesn’t think I remember but I do… ANYWAY. 
Geena: LMAOOOOOOO YEA I FUCKING LOST IT LIKE DO YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN LIKE SHE IS SO RAW… BUT YEA, also Justina Ireland does this cool thing where she has excerpts from the letters Jane sends her mother which outline events that are VERY different from what actually happens in the chapter, and fuck I loved that sm. Jane is I think one of the girls that can read at the school and she’s got a liking for the science behind the biology of zombies but she gets in trouble cONSTANTLY because she’s too cool for Miss Preston’s school… ok jk no she gets into trouble because she always manages to piss off that one racist ass bitch, Miss Anderson. In the first few chapters we learn that Jane is smart, strong, and a total babe even though she doesn’t think so :(. 
I loved how Jane was written to be slightly hot-headed but not like bullheaded, like she would get angry real quick but she’d know when to act on her urges to beat the shit out of people. And I guess this stems from her childhood like…. SHE MURDERS HER DAD IN COLD BLOOD BC HE TRIED TO CHOKE THE LIFE OUTTA HER and also to preserve her mom’s secret which was that she was a white-passing black woman. And bc her dad was a racist white man Jane knew that wouldn’t bode well for anyone…. She did all this when she was like eight so like…. WILD (It’s what he deserved tho) but yea ever since then Jane’s been playing the game like a pro. She’s a pro zombie slayer that doesn’t take shit from ANYONE even when it lands her in trouble, and she cares a lot for the people around her even though she might pretend that she’s only out to get back to her mom. AND I LOVE HER for everything she does, but FUCK SHE WENT THROUGH SO MUCH SHIT IN THIS BOOK THAT IT HURT TO READ. ALSO WE FIND OUT THAT SHE’S BI…. WE STAN A BISEXUAL BADASS
→ Katherine
Kae:  Geena summed up, Jane very well! Jane is smart (and could read so her teachers were pissed), strong, and just an all around badass. I really love her. She deserves the world. 
Well, moving on to Katherine. Katherine is another student at Miss. Prestons school and she and Jane don’t get along well. Kate, as Jane calls her, which Katherine HATES, because she likes to be called by her full name. She is white passing with very light skin and blue eyes. She has blonde, loose curly hair and is described as absolutely gorgeous. Jane is a little jealous of her and hates admitting it. But she’s like “She’s gorgeous, it is what it is… But she’s from Virgina so ugh.” Katherine is right up to par with Jane’s zombie slaying skills and is the top of her class. Katherine is dainty, bougie, and a total rule follower. She’s into fashion and trying to find a good job protecting white folks from zombies when she graduates Miss. Prestons. She thinks of Jane as a little unruly and wild. But she tries her damndest to be respectful to Jane, even if they can’t stand each other.  
So, moving forward a bit. Kate is kind of nosey so she’s always catching Jane doing some shit she isn’t supposed to be doing… like having books smuggled to her by a boy named Red Jack. She also overhears Jane and Jack discussing how his sister went missing and he needs help to find her. So, she self invites and tags along later that night. In the mean time,  Jane and Kate have a lecture they need to attend to. When they get there, they realize that there is going to be a demonstration of proof that a “Shambler Cure” actually works. Shamblers are zombies. So this professor has a cage of three zombies and has some poor, black man risk himself and get bit. He has supposedly already been injected with the cure. Jane was like “this shit fake… He boutta die.” And Jane tries to interrupt, but she is quickly hushed. The antidote or cure or whatever DOESN’T work and the dude turns into a zombie. Jane shoots him down, then the other zombies get loose and now everyone is in a panic. Jane and Katherine take them down and save the day. A few weeks later, that are invited to the mayors house to “protect” it. (They really were only asked just so they could show up and be seen…) Someone turns into a Shambler, Jane takes them down, then that’s settled. So now they’ve saved the day TWICE. 
Red Jack has somehow SNUCK IN to the damn mayors house, so him and Jane do some snooping. They get caught. Then by default, Katherine gets in trouble. Well, Katherine gets in trouble because she is too pretty and none of the white women want her around because they think their husbands or whoever will start to be like👀  and the women get jealous. Katherine was out of a job before it even started because she’s just too damn gorgeous. So Kate, Jane, and Red Jack get sent off to the WILD WILD WEST BAYBEEE. But it actually sucks.  Let’s talk about Red Jack before we get into that though.
Geena: NGL KATE’S THE TYPE OF GIRL I WOULD’VE ABSOLUTELY HATED TOO IF I WAS JANE BUT!!!!! I love how we get to see the friendship develop between the two as they both learn about each other’s past and that maybe they CAN be friends. Also, Kate is ace and wants to travel the world which I RESPECT… but oh yea I was gonna say Jane and Kate are the true enemies to best friends trope. ALSO HER BACKSTORY IS SAD BRUH LIKE everyone looking down on her bc she’s from virginia smh……… okay but seriously the fact that Kate was constantly trying so hard to compensate for the fact that she came from a brothel that she became Miss Perfect (OR AT LEAST that’s what we learn from Jane’s perspective and as @zemenipearls pointed out Jane isn’t a reliable narrator so Kate’s backstory is kinda shady at this point but that’s what we think it is) 
→ Red Jack 
Kae: Let’s talk about Red Jack! Jackson Keats, aka Red Jack is Jane's ex boyfriend. He got the name “Red Jack” because he’s a redbone. He’s described with light brown skin and blue eyes. He also has a gold tooth and short curly hair with hints of auburn. He’s smart and can scheme his ass off and is known for taking big risks.  He also smuggles Jane books when she ask and send letters out to her mother for her. It’s also noted that he cannot read. He deals in dirty business, mostly scamming people out of money. But the kid has to make a living! I like him. Jack has a little sister named Lilly who is white passing. So he sent her with a nice white family who would let her blend in with them so she could avoid being sent off to a school like Miss. Prestons. Jack and Jane, despite them being exes, are decent friends I think. Jane hates to admit it, but she still likes Jack (even though he gets on her nerves). 
At a certain point, Jack’s little sister, along with the family she is staying with, completely disappear. Their house in still in tact, but they aren’t there. He’s worried because his sister would’ve sent word if she knew they were leaving. But he hadn’t heard a thing from her, and went to Jane. So Jane, Jack, and Kate end up at the Spencers’ house to look for clues. They can’t find anything, but they DO overhear Miss. Anderson and two other men say that they needed to clean the house out and remove all of their belongings. 
Later, when we get to the mayor’s dinner party that was previously mentioned, Jack and Jane run into each other and go snooping around the governor's office. There, Miss. Anderson is waiting for them and they are CAUGHT. She drags them to the Mayor’s basement where he is ready to send them off to a town called, Summerland, that is way out west. It’s a town where he is trying to uphold white supremecy and slavery.There, he will make sure that anyone who is black, is treated as if they are still slaves.  A man named Mr. Redfern, a Native man, escorts them out West. They are given dulled down weapons to protect the town from Shamblers, and well, this is just no good. When Jack and the crew arrive in Summerland, he punches the shit out of Redfern and tries to make a run for it. He is then tackled, jailed, and that’s the last we see of him… for a while. 
Geena: holy shit Kae litcherally outlined everything about Red Jack PERFECTLY. He’s how you would say a rascal… a cute rascal (Jane would agree). 
Kae: Lmao Jane’s got taste. I gotta give her that. BAD BOYZ are my thing lowkey
Geena: oKAY but SEE RED JACK IS A BAD BOI WITH A GOOD HEART. I mean yeh he and Jane had a “messy breakup” but they were still friends and he smuggled out letters for her mom and brought her books, and she helped him around with his ~business~ however shady it was. But I also liked how he was an idiot, I mean in the sense that UNLIKE JANE who knows how to control her anger and use it in the future, Jack just pops off like how Kae mentioned him decking Mr. Redfern. Jane thought about it but also thought ahead and realized she wouldn’t get far doing that. Red Jack tho… Boy thought he could outrun like 3 grown men 😭 AND WHEN THE READER AND JANE WERE LED TO BELIEVE THAT HE’D DIED?? BRO??? I WAS LIKE…. HOW U GONNA MAKE THIS CHARACTER A CHARMING LIL SHIT AND THEN KILL HIM ALMOST RIGHT AWAY…. BUT then when he came back I WAS THROWN.
Time to project BUT I love characters like Red Jack you know they’re shady and like to play everything off as a joke but when they get serious… they get serious. And I wonder what role he’s going to play in the second book, because all he cares about in his life is his family aka Lily right… Would he accompany Kate and Jane to save her momma when it would mean leaving Lily with people he probably can’t fully trust? Also, how did Jane and Red Jack even meet? I think it’d be cool to see where he came from, and what happened to the rest of his family and that’s another reason why I can’t wait till book 2!  
The Bad:
→ Miss. Preston and Miss Anderson
Geena: Man, we don’t even meet Miss Preston that long in the book like she has a few scenes here and there but god she is the fucking worst! Who runs a school and houses young black women and gives them a refined education with training with specialized weapons.. Only to ship them to a town where slavery is making a comeback??  And pretending like you care about them?? Disgusting… We all assume that Miss Preston is innocent and is busy running her school until the dinner that Kae has mentioned above where we find out that she’s in cahoots with the Mayor and has been supplying him girls from her school for as long as he has needed them… how “white allies” be sometimes… I really hope… from the bottom of my heart that she was devoured by a shambler bc it’s the only fate that she deserves you know… And then we have the hoe ass Miss Anderson who didn’t even try to hide her contempt of Jane and doted on Katherine → This we realize later into the book is solely because of how white-passing Katherine was and because Miss Anderson is a big ol’ racist who uses slurs like it’s nobody's business. 
Now, I realize that Ireland was trying to outline the different types of racists you come across in life. There’s those that pretend to be your friend and support you up front but behind your back they won’t hesitate to fuck you over (aka Miss Preston), like Miss Preston does help out Jane initially when she’s unfairly tested by Miss Anderson, but Preston also is the one to support sending Jane to Summerland so like….. and also we have your standard brand of racist aka Miss Anderson that doesn’t even try to hide how antiblack and dehumanizing she is because she straight up doesn’t care and knows that Jane or anybody else can do shit about it. 
→ Mr. Redfern
Kae: Okay, so now we’ve got Mr. Redfern. Mr. Redfern is a tall,  handsome, Native American man who is always scowling at Jane. He doesn’t like her and she isn’t sure why… That is, until our girl asks him. He thinks she is wasting her talents when she sneaks out and kills shamblers in the night. 
Kae: THIS IS WHAT I GET FOR BEING A SPEED READER. I BE MISSIN’ SHIT. Whew. Okay, so as you can see, we’ve just come to a sudden realization! Mr. Redfern is a sneaky son of a gun. 
But uhh, he mentions that he was taken from his tribe and sent off to one of the “Indian Shambler Schools” where he was given a new identity, etc. This is also basically what happened to Native Children back in those days, in order to erase their heritage and their entire selves. This was how they forced people to assimilate. They were sent to Indian Industrial Schools. 
Mr. Redfern is in cahoots with the Mayor (by force) and is the one to basically help kidnap Jackson, Jane, and Katherine. He stuffs them on a train for a week and at the end of their trip, they are out west. We don’t see him again after this. But later, we find out that he made Jackson a deal and sent him to a town not too far from Summerland to do “business”. Thus, when Jack returns to Summerland to steal ammunition for said town, he runs into Jane and Katherine and tells them Red Jack helped him out. 
Geena: Yess Mr. Redfern, the man we thought would be an ally but turned out to be the opposite. Once again this mimics history I suppose because there were instances of indigenous people aiding the whites when it came to slavery and I suppose Ireland was trying to write that but she also makes it writes that while he is helping them he doesn’t seem too proud of it. But the matter of the fact is, he’s still helping enforce the white man’s rules. Though I do hope with the turn of the second book Mr. Redfern leaves that shit behind and decides to fully switch sides, aka let the whites to their own dirty work and help the people with a real cause.
ALSO, I keep talking about the second book but I really hope we meet more indigenous characters that aren’t Mr. Redfern you know, but those that aren’t under the thumb of a white person :( ALTHOUGH, I love how Ireland has the excerpt at the end where it mentions the residential schools in-depth and she encourages readers to research more of it which leads me to believe that we’ll be hearing more of them coming the next book as well. 
Kae: Just one more small part. I was like, completely convinced that those looks Redfern were shooting at Jane was because he thought she was cute. That is until Jane was like “alright, he CLEARLY doesn’t like me” and I was like oh… I totally misread those signals and I’m an idiot. BUT WHATEVER IT’s FINE. I do, however, think he will turn around. I don’t think he’s like, inherently bad. He’s just forced to do bad shit. Everyone is trying to survive in this world and I’m NOT giving him an excuse, but like, I get it. Ya feel me?
Geena: oKAY BUT KAE I TOO THOUGHT HE WAS INTO HER SO THAT MAKES US BOTH BOOBOO THE FOOL. AND YEA, it comes down to survival in a world where you’re not even considered human BUT that doesn’t excuse any actions. 
Kae: .jpg “we irritating” meme 
Geena: Is it even our review if we don’t have at least one (1) meme reference
The Ugly:  
→ Every single white person (minus Mr. Gideon) 
Geena: So I really enjoyed this book but Justina Ireland didn’t pull any punches when it came down to the true and dark details of the time period she was writing. She captures the essence of white folks, even during an apocalypse they find the time to push their white supremacy and tread on the backs of the black and indigenous people. I was grinding my teeth for a majority of the book, the way people would talk down to all the black characters and simply refer to them as though they weren’t human.
Mayor Carr, the Sheriff, and the Priest are the faces of white supremacy that think it’s in their destiny to put down bipoc and use them as slaves (though they won’t call it that) and fuck dude… Mayor Carr is like Miss Preston, pretends to be an ally and is using the people he pretends to support as fodder for his white supremacist wasteland. Even Jane mentions that he’s no better than other white men but people pretend he’s the best politician they have.
The Sheriff doesn’t even disguise his racism, he’s your typical ‘slavery wasn’t that bad’ assfuck and the way he treats Katherine bc he has an ugly crush on her thinking she’s white is disgusting bc you know if he knew that she’s simply white-passing he’d probably murder her in cold blood… and when he finds out, the exact thing Jane was afraid would happen to her mother almost happens to Katherine (she almost dies at the hand of the Sheriff’s fugly ass)....and fuck Katherine handled it so well even though she was very much uncomfortable the whole time. And the way Jane murdered him?? With no remorse… I fucking loved that, IDK if Justina Ireland was trying to go for a Jane is unhinged vibe (bc that’s how Katherine reacted to it) but I was like fuck yea girl shoot him a few times more for good measure.
The Priest is the biggest shit of them all like I cannot even begin to…… Every time I think of his wrinkly ass my blood pressure rises three levels because holy fuck. He preaches that he’s a holy man and that he’s only carrying out the orders of God and so on, and it’s DIGOSTENG the way he uses the bible as a weapon to put down the black and indigenous folk around Summerland. He blames them for how they look and says it’s their duty to “serve their white superiors” as redemption so that they may get a place in heaven 🙄🙄🙄🙄 This reminds me of what Kae had mentioned before about the story of Nate Turner who knew how to read so the plantation owners would make him read a fucked-up version of the bible to the others and like….. White people really took a faith founded by a brown man and turned it into a weapon for their white supremacy it’s disgusting. But what was really sad was that there are still people to this day like the Priest that have pretty hefty roles in churches and so on… spewing their racist rhetoric and god I can’t even fucking deal, every time he and Jane interacted I just wanted her to snap his neck in half and call it a day…. Like what was his old ass gonna do? Fart? 
Kae: Sweet! So Geena pretty much covered everything. The Sheriff is a whole ass bitch and he has a bunch of lackeys doing his dirty work while he parades around Summerland and berates anyone who is of colour. Basically, he has black people shipped out to the West so they can sacrifice themselves to defend Summerlands inhabitants with faulty weaponry and experiments. When Jane brings up that she needs better weapons so she can do her job, she’s slapped for it and told to deal with it. The black people and everyone else who is considered of low status, are treated horribly. They’re all shoved in a hot attic with thin, dirty blankets to sleep on the floor. They are locked in their rooms at night and forbidden to leave until it is time for them to work again. They all also barely have enough to eat, so essentially, they are starving. Jane and her new companions are overworked, underfed, and are only able to bathe once a week. It’s truly barbaric. The Sheriff wants to make sure they know they are “below” white people and were only created to serve them. It’s disgusting and I wanted to kill the man myself. It was infuriating reading how horrible they were treated and all of the slurs they were called. Slurs I forgot even existed. 
The Sheriff catches Jane one night after she had snuck out, and beats her in front of the whole town. He ties her to a pole, strips her shirt off, and whips her. I actually had to skip that part because I couldn’t bare to read it. It was too much and I just couldn’t do it. I’ve seen enough of it. Jane, even though she is inches away from death, is saved by Katherine speaking out against it. Since the Sheriff has a crush on her, he stops, and allows Jane to join her in the safe part of Summerland to be her servant. I usually don’t like reading books about my people being so poorly treated, but Jane shot his ass point blank when she had the opportunity and I reveled in that. I love to see us fight back! 
As for the Priest, he is the Sheriff’s father so he helps influence the bullshit that goes on in town. It is also heavily implied that underestimating the Priest is not the best decision. He apparently beat someone to death so that’s fuckin wild, considering how much of an old racist fuck he is. ANYWAY, he gives sermons every night on how “the Negro” was meant to serve and how they are to “stay in their place” and I cringed through the whole thing. It was horrible. Almost no one in the town likes the Sheriff or the Priest. The whore’s, the “slaves”, and Mr. Gideon (the Mayor's son), were all forced to be in Summerland and they hate it and the two bastards in charge. This drives them to conduct a plan to kill them both so they can escape. The plan was to have Katherine pretend to be white, have the Sherif fall in love with her, then Jane takes him out of the picture. But things didn’t go as planned so it took a few extra steps of danger BUT they made it and scarcely avoided a big zombie horde, and made it out. 
Geena: OH YEA MR. GIDEON….. He’s supposed to be this scientist guy with a limp which we find out he does on purpose, and he KNOWS that Katherine is white-passing but he doesn’t say shit bc unlike the rest of the white men there he isn’t racist and he’s trying to figure out a way out of the town… Also, this man-made an electricity grid run off of zombies and that was so fucking funny to me for no reason other than it reminded me of a scene from a sitcom when Jane walked in on the contraption. ALSO, JANE MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE A THING FOR MR. GIDEON AND IT MAY OR MAY NOT BE RECIPROCATED? LIKE It’s funny reading Jane’s attraction to him like “he’s nerdy lookin… but in a cute way” but am I here for it?? Undecided...
Kae: So in conclusion, this book was really good. I enjoyed reading this AU of a zombfied civil war. It was interesting to see how things played out. I thought the world-building was pretty cool and I like how the South was called “The lost states” because they’d been lost to zombies. They also LOST THE WAR LMAOOO BITCHASSES. Anywaaaaay, I think Jane is such a strong, beautifully written character. She’s hotheaded, but she isn’t impulsive. She’s brave and she knows when to strike. She is smart, cunning, and a joy to be around. If she were real, I’d absolutely be her friend. She’s my kind of person. She keeps it real and I like that. Katherine is kind of complex and I can’t wait to find out more about her. She hides behind this proper, boujie demeanor, but I think a lot of it is a facade. I like how though Katherine is white-passing, she NEVER forgets or dismisses that she is black. She knows who she is and she hated pretending to be white. As for Jackson! He's impulsive, suave motherfucker and I hope we see more of him too! I think he’s going to have a bigger role to play in the next book and I’m ready to see what it’ll be. I can’t wait to find out what is in store for these characters because they are all beautifully written and their friendships are puuuure baybeeee.
Geena: GIRL YOU SUMMED UP ALL THE CHARACTERS REALLY WELL!!! You got everything that I loved about Jane, she’d be my idol irl… and Katherine is a really complex character and I’m excited to see how her story unfolds in the next book. SPEAKING OF WHICH…. THE COVER FOR THAT DROPPED AND O MY GOD…….. KATE AND JANE LOOK LIKE ABSOLUTE BABES and I cAN’T WAIT TO SEE THEM FUCK SHIT UP!
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solaraesthetic · 5 years
Happy Hallmark Love Day everyone! Finally we are back with another update for the Arcana and may I take this time to thank the devs for telling us beforehand which endings we received! I believe there is one more book after Judgement to cover the World, if not two to cover the Fool.
Now, let’s begin!
I will be covering the Upright Endings for Asra, Nadia, and Julian. If you would like me to do a review for the Reverse Endings, please leave a comment or feel free to message me!
Julian’s Route (Upright):
Two local idiots confess their love at the worst possible time, more @ 11
No we are not finished sir excuse you we were having a moment
Family Feud just got a lot more interesting
Fuck you devil I’M your daddy now
Scout you sly dog-guardian-thing!
“Why are we here?” “In general?” ME TOO PORTIA
Mazelinka knows what’s up
Take trouble and make it double*
Mazelinka vs Lucio 2k19
The image of Lucio force-feeding Julian a plague beetle makes me very uncomfortable*
I got my bod back babey!!
Lucio looks weird without the red in his eyes ngl
Asra’s Route (Upright):
~*Unique Magic for the win Bitches*~
Blood cults and compliments
Wine=blood Jesus parallel? Ft Muriel not too keen on drinking my blood
*sets video to 1.5 speed*
Fuck I hate crowds
Hell yeah illusionary disappearance
Lmao everyone is now just r o a s t i n g the devil
Peace and love, fuckers!
Under literally any other circumstances I would be happy to be surrounded by all of these people but damn I just want the devil gone
Aaaaaaand everything’s on fire again
Nadia’s Route (Upright):
Everyone is surprised that Nadia isn’t gonna kill Lucio (even Lucio)
Valerius and the Hierophant are best wine friends don't try to convince me otherwise
Natiqa and Portia? Fuckin superb
Namar and Nasrin are fUCKING BEAUTIFUL
“Are you here about the worm” no sorry I’m looking for a different giant creature
Namar is so fucking pure wth
She’s cute when she doesn’t realize she’s my whole world*
Valdemar is old as fuck
Human Vlastomil looks almost disturbingly greasy
It’s never a good party until something catches on fire
“Let’s bond” OH OK
Daarude is best turtle boy*
Alright folks...that’s it for tonight. Happy Day, y’all!
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Journey into the MCU IX
Avengers: Infinity War
RIGHT. So yesterday I watched Infinity War. Fuck me. So I’ll start by announcing that I cried 12 times during the film. Might as well have cried solidly for the last half an hour. WTF this film gave me so many emotions. After it finished I screamed for a good ten minutes and then just sat. Just sat. Sat and thought for about 20 minutes after that. I could not BELIEVE WHAT THE ACTUAL SHIT I HAD JUST WATCHED!!!! I was still on the verge of tears three hours later just thinking about it mate. There were good times as well though! I mean, nothing too happy happened during it but there were loads of funny lines and excellent fight scenes! Throughout every fight scene, or even partial fight scene, I was yelling ‘get shit on! get rekt! bye bitch!’ and that is no joke; you wouldn’t have wanted to be in the same house as me.
Ok so let’s actually get into this. In the first couple of minutes they think it’s a good idea to hit me with Heimdall’s death (but he saves the fucking day by opening the bifrost what a legend) AND THEN about 10 minutes in THEY ACTUALLY KILLED OFF LOKI. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. HE’S NOT COMING BACK THIS TIME, RIGHT? Seriously how could they do this to me. I don’t understand. But I love that my boy just straight up tries to kill Thanos. Then Thanos blows that shit up so now not just the physical Asgard is gone BUT ACTUAL ASGARD IS GONE. DESTROYED. EVERYONE DIES!!!!! And I mean, you know Thor’s not gonna be dead but that’s just worst because then when he gets picked up by the guardians you can feel his hurt and pain. It’s so bloody sad. He’s lost everyone. Wtf. On the plus side, I do really like Thor’s interaction with the guardians and I think it’s a nice way to start bringing everyone together.
So then I feel really bad for Pepper when Tony’s off doing god knows what, especially when she calls him when he’s on the doughnut (lol). OH OH HAPPY THING!!! I love the Stark/Strange tension it’s too good. Two arrogant arses (because let’s be real, neither of them lose that trait however ‘good’ they’ve become) just make a perfect scene together. I also live for all of Tony’s remarks in these scenes - squidward lmao and when Bruce ‘embarrasses him in front of the wizards’ AHHHHH too good! Side note: Bruce in this film is great as well! OMG WHEN STRANGE WINKS AT TONY!!! HAHAHAHA I was wheezing Tony’s reaction is everything!!!!! Omg and when Strange sacrifices the stone to save Tony. AH fuck no I can’t deal with that shit!!!
Every spider kid/iron dad interaction was perfection. The pop culture references. I can’t. On the doughnut when Tony’s like ‘yeh but the kid’s seen more films than you’ ahhhhh too funny. I think Peter grew up a little but still always looks for that guidance and advice from Tony which is so lovely to see. OMG THE LOOK TONY GAVE STRANGE WHEN HE SAID HE’D LET BOTH OF THEM DIE TO PROTECT THE STONE BECAUSE THAT IS HIS SON!!!!! And at the end when I was in my continuous flood of tears and Pete’s like ‘I don’t feel too good Mr Stark’ - Tony really does care about this kid n tries to keep him safe at all costs.
I love the look into Vision/Wanda’s life - I didn’t think that would make me as upset as it did. Scarlet witch actually has to kill Vision. Whomst the fuck decided on that shit show I here you cry?! That was too much. Especially since there are not one but TWO OCCASIONS where she thinks she’ll have to do it. Fuck right off mate.
Okay okay so Steve’s entrance was iconic - I was like ‘wait when’s Steve coming’ cause we were quite a way in when he joins and then boom he’s there to save the day. Steve’s really starting to grow on me. I still think he’s too much of a hero sometimes but he’s learning and developing and I love Chris Evans too much. Not gonna lie, sad he didn’t have his shield for the entire film. I mean I get it but. Shield.
So also Peter Quill was actually gonna kill Gamora when she asked and that was too fucking much. How do expect me to deal with that shit?! I’m also kinda pissed that Gamora’s dead because I really like her but it was a brave choice lol. It’s weird because I actually felt sorry for Thanos when he had to kill her and I really didn’t want to but the whole scene was just so well acted. He thinks what he’s doing is for the good of the universe, so there’s no more suffering or whatever so I get that it must’ve been difficult for him you know? Lol I just love seeing the big purple gherkin on screen. OHHHHH while I’m here can we talk about the fact that Vormir is where Red Skull ended up?! OH MY GOD!!! I was so shook.
Back to Thor and now I wanna chat about him holding open the gateway thing for the star to start up the furnace. He knows he could very well die. This man is so lost of all hope that he really doesn’t care. He’s lost everything so nothing matters anymore. Idk it just got me man. Also when Groot breaks off his arm and makes a handle :’)
I loved the massive fight scene in Wakanda! When Bruce is running about and tripping up like a numpty before they reach the boundary and Okoye just looks at him like ‘who the fuck invited this fool?’ I love. Shuri was working her magic again! And omg when Thor turns up like ‘HEEEY BITCHES DID YOU MISS ME?!’ I also love. Nat and Cap’s fighting was excellent as was Black Panther’s! Yeh just loved this sequence. Oh and it gave me shivers when he knew he had to open the boundary to stop the morons from going round the back ahhhhh! They knew they were gonna have to have a right battle. Oh I almost forgot! BUCKY! And I love when Steve and Bucky meet in this film and it’s just so friendly and ahhhhhh! But also when Bucky’s fighting, why did he just have a gun? I mean come on, he’s a highly skilled assassin no? He should’ve been fighting like Nat, Steve and Okoye.
Right. So I have heard about the Thanos snap but I’m ngl to you, I didn’t know what it was. I did not think he would actually snap his fingers and BYE THAT’S IT FOLKS! I don’t know what I thought was gonna happen, but it was certainly not that lmao.
Okay so overall I absolutely loved this film. I loved the way everyone sort of came together but it was still significantly cut up into portions with various ‘teams’. I like the fact that Bruce is with Thor and then Tony and then Steve; it sandwiches everyone together nicely. I love the risidual tension of Civil War but Tony knows he should call Steve because otherwise the entire universe is in danger lol. And Tony still has the original phone!!!!! We stan. The only thing I was genuinely disappointed about was the lack of Steve/Tony scenes because I wanted even more tension you know? So there’d better be something going on in endgame otherwise I’ve got a bone to pick with the people over at Marvel Studios.
No but seriously, loved the film! I loved seeing where all the memes have come from as well lmao. Any insights are always welcome but no spoilers for future films please ehehehe :)
P.S. Now I have to wait till Captain Marvel and Endgame are released on dvd UGHHHHH!!!
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faearies · 5 years
ya book moments that made me cry
i’m really in my feels right now y’all so i’m just going to type random moments of ya books that made me cry (very spoilerly
so i just finished reading 99 days (which is what got me in my feels) and i didn’t actually cry but i got teary-eyed
this book was so good
sometimes i just enjoy a trashy ya, sue me
part of me wanted her to end up with gabe, part of me wanted her to end up with patrick, and part of me wanted her to just start anew
but in a twisted way, i kind of did want her and patrick to have sex, it would have made everything even more juicier
anyway, this got me in my feels so i started re-reading other fave ya books
the selection series: um the one is just a big cry fest?
the scene with maxon and america in the rain? helped invent romance?
the letters he wrote her?
but tbh the moment i cried when i first read them was when he actually breaks it off toward the end, with like 20 pages left and i actually thought they weren’t going to end up together and i was devastated
and then the battle scene with the whole “break my heart” quote??? also pure poetry
damn maxon and america was a really good ship
so obviously the scenes where tris dies??? remember how almost no one saw that coming? like ???? i think i find out the spoiler ahead of time and couldn’t even read allegiant for months and then finally read it and still cried, even though i knew what was coming
the hunger games
tbh, i get teary eyed just thinking about peeta and katniss and all they went through and how much he loved her??? like my rational brain knows the relationship is not healthy and is problematic, but they were my first OTP that i shipped HARD and i just???? they’re so tragic
um, not technically the book, but i cried seeing the bread scene happened in the movies
definitely cried at the end of catching fire
definitely also cried a bunch of times during mockingjay
like when peeta tried to strangle her? definitely tears and screaming
when katniss killed coin and tried to kill herself and peeta held her back and it was like “let me go” and then “i can’t” WATERWORKS
tbh idk how my mockingjay copy was not soaked in tears
the uglies series
one of the first times i genuinely got really upset with a book (this was like 7th grade) was when zane died
it was just so unfair and tragic???
i literally threw the book across the room and my mom had to come check on me
tally staying a special???
also in pretties when she tells david to get his ugly face out of there. i don’t even like david that much but it was such a powerful scene
the maze runner
when teresa dies???? “i only ever cared for...”
i will maintain until my grave that she wanted to say “you” to thomas, you can’t talk me out of it, bye
lol i was so mad when within like 5 pages thomas just yeeted off to paradise and was like “hey brenda”
i’m still mad
tbh they’re one of the most tragic ya couples, just because...the different sides...the dying...the friendship...the betrayal
the raven cycle
basically when gansey died (the second time), i was a MESS
also when adam was wigging out and no one wanted to hurt him
harry potter
just because i can’t go through a list like this without mentioning harry potter
i was basically in tears the whole 7th book
the underland chronicles
i read these when i was super young, but i still remember crying when gregor and luxa were parted forever??
and ripred and gregor??
and when the cockaroaches DIED for boots????
i also sobbed reading the end in the asoue books
especially when kit died
also with all of the mentions of beatrice
ngl, i cried a little when the darkling died in the grisha trilogy
okay, now i’m in my feels even more, so i’m just going to rant about some moments that bring out the FEELS even if they didn’t make me cry
the folk of the air series
the jurdan kiss in the first book is one of the most iconic first kisses ever 
also i know jurdan is very very unhealthy, but my irrational shipper brain seems not to care
basically the last 30 pages of the wicked king just had me in my feels
I WAS SO FUCKING MAD AT CARDAN THOUGH (jude better almost murder him in queen of nothing)
okay but also, the last scene in the cruel prince is just ???? so powerful???? and alluring??? i can’t explain it
the crown’s game
 i just finished this book a few days ago and i HAVE ALL THE FEELS ABOUT NIKOLAI AND VIKA
the ending scene where “i love you” and then he tries to sacrifice himself???
i was very disappointed in the crown’s fate though, not gonna lie
anyway, i just needed to get these feels all out haha
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drpepperphd · 6 years
OH MAN WHAT A GOOD YEAR FOR MUSIC ! ! ! ! ! AND GAMES ! ! ! ! ! ! yknow what ! ! ! this was just a good year ! ! ! fuck what u all say ! ! ! anyways heres the list and under the cut ill talk about the album and have some Honourable Mentions ! LETS GO ! !
10: A Crow Looked At Me by Mount Eerie
9: Concrete Desert by The Bug vs. Earth
8: Time Away by Casey Lalonde
7: Savage Sinusoid by Igorrr
6: Outer Edges Remixes by Noisia
5: Someone Elses Story by CXDR
4: It Happens Too Briefly To Know by Jr. Adelberg
3: Romaplasm by Baths
2: World Eater by Blanck Mass
1: II by Phuture Doom
wow ! ! okay so lets talk about feelings bitch
A Crow Looked At Me; so like fuck thats a sad album huh ? its straight up just grieving But With Guitar. im a massive fan of mount eerie and like literally everything phil elverum ever does, so its unsurprising this made the cut in the end, but this is one of those albums where once its over youre just left there, probably crying, just like “well shit now what to do i do with my life”
Concrete Desert; years back the bug and earth did a 2 song split that to this day i still absolutely adore, so as soon as i heard they were making a full length album together, i kinda flipped my shit ! ! and it lived up to all my expectations, and then some ! the album perfectly captures both the gritty and noisy and cold and empty sounds that both the bug and earth make separately, and just mashes it into this beautiful and dark album
Time Away; so idk if anyone knows but i am a HUGE casey lalonde fan, their music has meant a lot to me and helped me through a lot, so its only fitting they drop an album this year and its beautiful as hell ! ! from start to finish, time away took me through a bunch of feelings, all relevant to this year, doing what casey lalonde does best and making an incredibly enjoyable and comfy album yet again
Savage Sinusoid; i mean shit igorrr sure as hell exists huh ! ! suddenly savage sinusoid is released and its god damn chaotic as hell, and really focuses more on the... lets say Guttural side of igorrrs music. i mean all good albums should start with a dude screaming his lungs out honestly
Outer Edges Remixes; so the first time i listened to the outer edges remixes i was in public, but that did not stop me from boppin my head and all that shit cause literally every song on this album goes the fuck OFF ! ! ! like i honestly cant say anything else its just incredible remixes of older noisia songs with their incredible style of their album Outer Edges
Someone Elses Story; oh my goodness here onwards things are probably gonna get lengthy and emotional ! ! so i absolutely Love every piece of music avery releases, her music has comforted and helped me for years, and i still remember the first time i heard her music with the album Lost No Longer, which to this day continues to be my Comfort Album. now this album carries that weight twofold, as this album is about the past 3 years for avery, which coincidentally is for how long her music has been helping me. now ngl, i definitely cried listening to this album, every song just hit a different part of me, and you can feel each emotion that shes experience over the past 3 years in just 9 songs. a beautiful way to wrap up her alias as cxdr, and come out publicly under the name avery, and i cant wait to see where her music goes next.
It Happens Too Briefly To Know; i honestly did not expect to come to love this album as much as i do now ! on the surface its good indie rock, not anything new but not too familiar either, playing with the genre with interesting changes in the pace of songs. changing the pace during songs more often than not. it felt simple enough, but slowly over time i just kept coming back to this album, listening to it over and over again, and ive really come to appreciate every minute detail of this album, not to mention the feeling of youth it seems to so expertly capture
Romaplasm; oh my god, oh my GOD. alright so i really love baths, and this is undeniably his best release yet, it nearly placed second on this list, but i think world eater just BARELY tops it, for entirely different reasons though. hearing such openly gay songs from a big artist is... incredibly refreshing to say the least, even if they can be incredibly depressing, with lyrics such as “queer in a way thats failed me”. this album goes on such an incredible journey through everything baths does so well, starting to bright and happy and reaching an incredibly depressing song only 2 songs later, which jumps right into an incredibly uplifting and headstrong track, basically continuing in weird patterns like this but somehow flowing really well, until it does what i loved about his album obsidian. what i loved about obsidian is how it progressively got darker and grittier, to the point where the final track had some distortion in it. this takes it to an entirely different level, by going in an entirely different way. this is done in the last 3 tracks, so from wilt to coitus the album grows softer, almost like its dying (not a hard conclusion to reach with such track names) to a point in coitus where it even fizzles out for lack of a better word. and as coitus ends, in comes broadback, an oddly happy sounding song, especially in contrast to the last few tracks. the lyrics on the other hand, definitely not so happy, but vaguely hopeful. then baths does something that he hasnt done in his music before. he screams. and he just screams “dont want you to die” over and over until the end of the song. words cannot explain what this album does to me, but good god it sure as shit does it
World Eater; with each release blanck mass has done, hes gotten progressively more Intense. his first album was just an ambient album, his second release was grittier, it actually had beats, and now theres world eater. when rhesus negative kicked in on my first time listening to world eater, i fucking lost it. its such an angry and intense and fast song, and it goes the fuck off. the album goes in and out of angry songs and softer songs, in such an entrancing way that even the worst track on the album is still amazing and something id just listen to on its own. id like to mention literally every track on the album and talk about it but that would just take up way too much time, but i do want to just say the rat and silent treatment are fucking incredible songs that are like nothing ive ever heard and everything about this album just fucking RULES
II; ever since this album dropped in march, it has been my album of the year, nothing swaying that opinion any other way. i god damn love phuture doom, and the whole arg and everything about the lead up to this album was god damn amazing, and when it was all finally uncovered and we all listened to it for the first time, it blew our fucking minds. II takes what everyone loved about phuture dooms first album and ramps it up to 10, making the darkest and angriest and grittiest black acid cult shit imaginable. one song after the other, each proceeding to just impress and enthrall me more and more, and then you get the 4 minute ambient (and frankly kinda scary) ending, and honestly i needed to lay down after hearing II for the first time. the story and mystery of phuture doom deepens further, and quite frankly i worship  my new overlord Entity0, whatever the fuck that even is
honourable mentions time ! ! ! !
Death Peak by Clark; wow ! new clark album ! fuck its cool as hell ! god damn ive listened to this album too much ! !
Humanz by Gorillaz; yeah so what if you dont think its their best album ! its still a damn good album !
Rainbow Mirror by Prurient; hey what the fuck new prurient ? Oh Hey Its Three Hours Long. combines his work under vatican shadow and prurient really well ! ! ! !
The Journey Man by Goldie; what the fuck goldie released a new album and its actually GOOD ? ? ? oh it goes for 2 hours huh. Fuckin Okay Mate
Evolution Of The Universe by Medium; my god what a fucking intense and angry dnb album good shit
WELL I GUESS THATS ALL FOLKS ! ! ! ! ! ! ! yeehaw and have a Happy New Cheers
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forthesakeofpride · 7 years
Kubo’s New Interview
>Out the gate I'm surprised to hear that Kubo is actually married, and he lives in Roppongi hills which is basically Beverly Hills Japan.
>(His voice is also not what I thought it'd be.)
>(The radio announcers are surprised that at 40 he's able to afford living there.)
>He actually walked to the studio to do this interview since he lives so close. And he's been living there for 10 years, (lol they're applauding for him.)
>His wife is a big fan of the show and wanted to come but couldn't make it, poor lady. (She's 37 by the way.)
>They're talking about Rukia's bangs and how cute looking they are. (Ngl, those are her best features.)>Kubo grew up in Hiroshima -- specifically Fuchu-cho.
>Kubo got his start in mangaka-ing when during his third year in high school he entered a contest after telling his teacher he wanted to be a mangaka. He didn't end up winning despite getting to the final round, but someone in Shueisha contacted him to be his editor.
>He comments this was before summer vacation of his third year in high school and the radio hosts are surprised he was contacted like that.
>He wanted to be a mangaka since elementary school but didn't actually draw much of anything till high school. lol, while you'd *think* he'd be apprehensive to take it since he was a student at the time, that wasn't the reason. It was more like Kubo has a very concrete vision of what he wants to do and therefore doesn't want people to boss him around.
>He has actually been considering going to school for design before going down the path of drawing manga.
>His folks neither encouraged him to do it or said not to, apparently. I've heard stories about how some parents of mangaka were vehemently against it, but his seemed pretty laid back. They apparently didn't even know he *wanted* to draw manga, lol.
>But yeah his favorites as a kid were Gegege Kitarou, and he discovered jump in elementary school where he enjoyed Saint Seiya.
>His first editor was pretty chill, and didn't ask him to change too much, and even when he did, if Kubo didn't want to change it he didn't.
>The interviewers comment that they heard a lot of stories about mangaka clashing with the editors but Kubo refutes this with his 1st. At the same time he doesn't remember much since there wasn't anything of note that happened at the time.
>He implies he became a mangaka because a lot of that work is done on one's own. He's the type of person who would rather work on his own, though he did enjoy working with his assistants. But he'd keep the time that they work together short.
>He also was one to eat on his own --up until he got married anyway. They ask if he was the type to eat out at chain food places or at home, and he answers at home, lol. Dude really likes his "me" time.
>Kubo debuted in a special issue of shounen jump, where the ranking preferred veteran artists over newbies. This was back in 1996. Veterans would take the top spots while they'd rank newbies after that. 
>Wow, so apparently this issue was the one where Oda debuted with Romance Dawn, in 3rd while Kubo was 4th with his oneshot.
>Not sure if he's joking or actually throwing shade, but after debuting below Oda, he says he started to dislike him, lol.
>After this, he was "lucky" (his words) to not have to work very hard for three years -- he just did oneshots during that time. Kubo was more or less forced to do oneshots although he really didn't want to -- and they brought folks in to help him with them.
>I guess as a sign of rebellion, he'd turn them in just baaaaaarelly before the deadlines, lol. So they'd call him down to Tokyo, put him in a room with assistants and essentially make sure in the week before release he'd finish. But because these assistants were typically older than him, he found it difficult to work with them. Combine that with his preference to work alone and it was a pretty unpleasant work environment. Often they'd not draw things to his preference and he'd go behind them to fix it later.
>And Torishima returns, crushin' them youngster's dreams. Essentially he told Kubo during his one-shot period that his manga is bad and gave him a copy of Dragon Ball and Fist of the North star, and told him to read it and draw a manga like this. (The way Kubo tells the story, it sounds like Torishima slammed the books on his desk and was like "Go home and don't come back till you read these").
>Anyway Kubo's thinking to himself "screw you!" and doesn't read the manga. Though to be fair they're both pretty big deals so there's no way Kubo wouldn't know of them even if he doesn't read them.
>So now we're getting to Bleach. His first series --Zombie powder ended in 2000 and Bleach began in 2001 so only a year off for Kubo. He regrets not having more time off between the two, but his editor at the time was like "You'll be forgotten if you're gone too long". The hosts comment that it's more normal to have a 3-5 years off between series, but for him it was a year. And that's because the editorial staff really wanted him to do something else and thus reserved a spot in the next special issue of jump. (The more I listen, the more it sounds like poor Kubo is the poster child of what people think of in regard to Jump business practices.)
>He didn't have anything in mind but since they had asked him to draw something, he remembered a notebook of characters he had that he was going to use for something else, and quickly put together a story for a oneshot which became the Bleach prototype. (So essentially Bleach was a happy accident of sorts.)
>Rukia was the first character he came up with, and it was because of her that he went in the direction of Shinigami. Although Kitarou was an inspiration, it was more Kubo's fear of death, hell and the afterlife that pushed him to pursue the path the story took.
>The zanpakuto are a package deal with the characters, so he didn't have a tough time designing individual ones. t wasn't like "design a character and THEN the zanpakuto" more like "design everything together.?
>And now the thing people probably wonder the most about Bleach -- yes the ending was something he thought of from the start. He had always wanted to end Bleach with a scenario where the new generation takes over for the old guard. And that the entire story was building links from the start to the eventual end. So he just sort of expanded things as necessary just in case the series ever got cancelled. He also confirms that sometimes he'd sort of let the series glide along on autopilot, but he does say you can serialize a manga like that without thinking at all.
>The interviewers bring up Otokojuku as a manga that's enjoyable in spite of all the inconsistencies. (I've never read it though.)
>Nakano and Kubo worked together -- Nakano was his second editor. While Nakano was harsh on Matsui, he was more..."arrogant" toward him, lol. (Kubo's words.)
>Lol, while Kubo was of course happy when Bleach's anime was announced, his other initial reaction was "Why did it take so long?"
>Generally speaking Jump manga get adaptions usually a year and a half or two years after they start. Bleach took three. (Hey at least you're not in Sunday where anime seem to never happen, buddy.)
>As for the anime, Kubo wasn't too thrilled with the changes they made to his script, to the point that it'd give him stomach aches. So he essentially demanded to be sent the scripts so he could correct them as his name is on the product and he wants it to reflect his work. He got really mad with some things, lol. (No specifics tho.)
>They're talking about Gegege Kitarou now... It sounds like Mizuki allowed certain things to fly in the anime version of the manga, even if they contradicted he original. The interviewer notes that even as a kid in kindergarten he noticed --something about one demon walking normally when they shouldn't..
>Back to bleach. It was running for 15 years but Kubo never felt pressured or anything as he had more or decided on how things would go. He'd be planning for the next week while writing the current week's chapter, so that's how he kept things moving. Kubo is one who is very precise with how he spends his time, so he would have a strict schedule, one he kept until his health declined. He's the type of person who would do their summer homework at the start of vacation to get it out of the way.
>He had about 7-8 editors during Bleach's 15 year run, though he's not sure of the number since they'd come and go frequently. Generally speaking, he got along well with everyone, but he'd get on their case if there was a mistake or misprint in the volumes. Still he'd say he got along pretty well with them.
>When Bleach ended, his initial reaction was basically. "I'm so tired." >He decided (not the editorial staff) that he'd draw Bleach to his desired conclusion, so even though there were times where he'd want to end the series prematurely due to his declining health, he kept going in order to reach the end he was satisfied with.
>It's not as if Jump chained him to a desk, he just wasn't one who had an interest in vacations or things like that. If he had somewhere to go --like to be a guest somewhere he'd take the time off and go and that would be that.
>And now some listener letters. This question is essentially something like "do you cry at impactful scenes or get happy at ones that come out well when you draw?" His answer is no, though he would get goosebumps when a scene he draws comes out better than he expected. He feels like every mangaka gets this --though it's something one can only understand if they draw themselves. You have to go into a scene thinking "This is awesome" or else the readers won't understand what one is trying to convey.
>There's apparently a "deep darkness" they haven't been able to touch in Kubo, that they will next week. (Before the conspiracy theories start, I'm almost positive they're joking.)
>Also, no, he's not working on anything right now and doesn't seem to have anything in the works.
>And that's it. I'll see if I can hit up part two since people really liked this (as indicated from my exploding notifs.) Though I admittedly am not the biggest Bleach fan. Still I like making people happy so I'll do my best.
Source: Bleach Asylum...credit to Sandleaf
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