misschanadlerbong · 2 years
Hi so I was wondering if I could request a stelena one shot where no humanity/ripper Stefan x Elena? Perhaps Stefan being protective towards Elena or something like that? Please and Thank You!
Always and Forever
A/N: This is upon the request of a very special friend who has an undying love for Stelena. Thank you so much for requesting this, I have never written a character x character fiction before and this was so exciting. Hope you like it <3 p.s. sorry for the delay!
Summary: So this fiction is based on the timeline of when the travelers did their spell and made Mystic Falls vampire free and Bonnie and Damon were stuck on the other side. Elena is still a human in this one because it's AU and she was together with Stefan until he turned his humanity off because he could not handle the pain. He leaves Elena which makes the situation worse. One night, Elena is attacked by a newbie vampire, would Stefan be there to save her or would he lose control?
Word Count: 2k
Genre: Elena x Stefan, ripper!stefan, nh!stefan, TVD!AU, angst and ending with fluff.
Warnings: Mentions of blood.
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“Elena? …. Elena?” called out Caroline.
Elena soon zoned in, “Yeah, Caroline I was just thinking about…”
“Stefan?” said Caroline raising an eyebrow at her.
“No, actually I was thinking about what to gift you for your birthday.”
It has been nearly a month since the travelers sacrificed themselves and made mystic falls vampire-free. It was not easy for anyone. Bonnie and Damon could not make it through the other side. Elena and Caroline were missing their best friend and Stefan was missing the only family he had his brother Damon.
Caroline could not spend time with her mother. As Caroline couldn’t cross the Mystic Falls border, they had to meet just outside of Mystic Falls. Elena had it worse of all. She lost her best friend and her boyfriend Stefan. Stefan finally had the hope to get his best friend Lexi back but unfortunately Luke abruptly stopped Liv from doing the spell leaving Bonnie, Damon, and Lexi on the other side.
When Stefan got the news that Lexi and Damon are not coming back, he was devastated. He could not handle that pain and in turn, he flipped his humanity switch. No one could get him to turn his humanity back on. That was the thing with Stefan, he was an escapist he wanted to escape from all the overwhelming emotions and the thought of never seeing his brother ever again. He knew the consequences of turning into a ripper, but the pain of losing his brother overcame the love he had for his girl. He could not bear the loss and somehow felt that it was all his fault.
His ripper side worried everyone. He got admission into Whitmore college and started recklessly feeding off the students with no remorse.
Elena with help of her friends tried it all, the sweet talk of love, trying to show him hope, trying to tell him that their love is worth holding on to. When the talks failed, they adopted ‘The Lexi Method’. In some way, Enzo deceived Stefan and injected him with vervain. They locked him up, tortured him, and starved him. Nothing seemed to work, he was acting extremely stubborn this time. One day when Enzo went in to check on Stefan, he was surprised to see him gone. He had escaped and was nowhere to be found.
Elena lost all hope to get the love of her life back. She was not a vampire who could just turn her emotions off, she was a human and had no way to escape the feelings. She felt hollow and did want to have that spark of hope anymore. She soon realized that she had to keep herself together, she had to go through her life, and she had to keep moving. Maybe the love she was holding onto was not worth it and if their love was real Stefan would find a way back to her.
To distract herself she decided to throw Caroline a birthday party. To Elena it does not matter if her world was falling apart, she always wanted the best for her friends and she wanted everyone to make a fresh start, therefore she planned a surprise party for Caroline at the McKinley diner near their college since they could not go to the Grill. Back to the present, there she was sitting lifeless at the table “pretending” to enjoy the party.
“Oh, come on Elena, snap out of!” said Caroline as she knew Elena was lying to her about forgetting about Stefan. She knew her best friend more than anyone in the world.
“You need to get over that selfish man who could not even hold onto the love you had for him. Look around so many cute and hot guys are here at the party, and Liam hasn’t taken his eyes off of you the whole night, you should go talk to him aren’t you guys in the same class?”
“Yes, Caroline we are. But I am not in the mood for talking to guys and stuff,” said Elena.
Caroline pouted at the response “No I am not listening to you, it’s my birthday and you have to do as the birthday girl says,” she demanded.
Caroline was not wrong. Elena was a beautiful girl, and she wore a black laced V-neck dress exposing her cleavage but in a cute way. Elena could date any guy she wanted to, but she still missed Stefan, he was her soulmate after all.
But as Caroline insisted further, she walked up to Liam and talked to him. He was sweet, respectful, and hot. For a while Elena felt good, she had a smile on her face that was missing for the past month, and after a long time, she was happy.
She decided to leave for the dormitory early as she wanted to spend some time alone with herself and reflect on her thoughts.
“Hey, could I walk you to your room?” asked Liam politely.
“Um, thank you so much for asking Liam, but you should enjoy the party, it's still early. I'll be fine.”
“Yeah, yeah sure! So, see you in class?”
“Yeah, see you!” Elena smiled and proceeded towards the college.
The night was cold as it was October. Elena forgot to bring her coat and wanted to reach her room as fast as possible. Elena looked up and the sight of the night sky was alluring. The stars were shining brightly, and the pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw. She sighed and grinned at the sight in front of her eyes.
As she was walking towards the college, Stefan appeared in front of her out of nowhere and started walking with her. But she did not care, she was hurt enough and did not want to let her guard down again. She ignored him and started walking on her path.
“So, you are ignoring me now?” asked Stefan.
“What do you want Stefan?”
“Nothing, I just thought you could use some company as you are alone. Is it safe for you to be all alone at this hour of the night?” questioned Stefan.
“Why do you even care? Huh? You left me remember?”
“Oh no, I do not care at all. I don’t care if you are bitten by a vampire or get attacked by some drunk asshole. I just wanted to have some company because I was getting bored and look you are in a need of company too.”
Elena scoffed, “Well the vampire who was rashly feeding ran away so I guess I am safe," said Elena savagely.
Before Stefan could say anything, Elena continued, “you don’t get to do this Stefan. There was a man who loved me, who would do anything to protect me, but he left me and with him, all my feelings for him left too. He could not care less about the connection we had, about the memories we had. He left me. You don’t get to show up anytime you want to and pretend like you did not do anything like you didn’t hurt anyone. Just leave me alone, okay? I do not want you here no one does.”
Elena was on the verge of crying, but she did not want to show Stefan that she cared. She was strong enough to tell him that he made a mistake. Stefan stood there speechless as Elena walked away from him. Doesn't matter how hard she tried, the memories flooded back to her, she started thinking about the time when they were together and how he would do anything to save her. But unfortunately, that Stefan was far gone, and this thought made her sob and tears started streaming down her face as she continued walking.
She stopped abruptly as she saw a tall man standing in front of her, she was terrified and for a moment lost all her senses. Her heart was racing inside her chest as the man started walking closer to her, she reached for the pepper spray in her bag and sprayed it all over his face. This gave her a little head start and she ran as fast as she could, but that man was faster and as she turned she saw him standing right in front of her with the speed of light. She realized that he was a vampire. She gasped and decided to run again but before she could take any action, the vampire sunk his fangs into Elena’s neck.
Elena drowned in a terrifying blankness, the pain was hot and sharp. She could not scream, and tears started flowing down her eyes as she started losing consciousness. Before the vampire could suck more blood, he was thrown away from her and Elena fell to the ground. She was not strong enough to stand but she could see everything that was happening. Stefan came to her rescue. Stefan was infuriated by the incident and had no control over his anger, he walked up to the vampire in rage and ripped his heart out.
Stefan soon realized that Elena was hurt and needed help. He saw Elena and froze at the sight. Elena’s blood was rushing out of her body frantically and Stefan started losing control. He could smell her blood, he could hear the veins pumping inside her body, his face turned blue-black and his eyes red. He felt helpless and uneasy.
“Stefan, please don’t,” Elena whined. “Stefan, please don’t hurt me. You can control it, Stefan, just breathe.”
Stefan shut his eyes and took a deep breath. The veins started disappearing from his face and his eyes came back to normal. He rushed towards Elena and knelt on her body. He took her into his arms and bit one of his wrists to feed her some of his blood to save her life as she was losing consciousness. Elena started feeling better and glared into Stefan’s beautiful green eyes, the eyes she missed staring into.
“You flipped your switch?” Elena whimpered.
“Yes, I did. I am so sorry Elena. I should not have done that. I should not have left you alone, I should have understood that you were going through the same thing. You lost your best friend too. I am so sorry to abandon you like that and to turn my back on you. I promise that I am here with you. We will go through this together. I love you so much and I never want to leave you ever again. I committed a terrible mistake, Elena, please forgive me.”
Tears were streaming down Stefan’s eyes as he could see that just because of him Elena was hurt and that she could have died tonight. He was hurt because of the pain that Elena had to go through because of him and he was apologetic about it. He wanted to make everything okay. He was trapped under a pile of guilt and felt terrible.
“It’s okay Stefan. I forgive you. There is nothing more than okay to know that you are here with me and that you turned your humanity back on. I love you too Stefan, more than anything. I am so glad that you were here to save me, I could have died,” said Elena wiping tears off Stefan’s face while sobbing.
Stefan cut her off and said, “Hey, don’t say that. And I feel terrible that you had to nearly die to get my humanity back.  I am here for you always and remember you are Elena Gilbert, you always survive.” Elena lightly chucked and said, “I love you, Stefan, we are in this together.”
Stefan held her tight like he was never going to let her go ever again. He loved her and she loved him. The connection between them was impenetrable. They were soulmates and no matter what the circumstances were, they always found a way back to each other.
 Stefan kissed her forehead, and whispered in her ears while he engulfed her in a hug, “I love you more, always and forever.”
A/N: This is the kinda love I crave, aren't they adorable? and tysm for requesting this Mae, I enjoyed writing this a lot. It's nice to go unconventional and do something you have never done before, anyways...
Shower your love by liking and commenting on the post. Refrain from copying, plagiarism, or posting on any other platform.
P.S.: I also upload on Wattpad @immafreakingmoonstone, feel free to check out my account :)
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ripper-royalty · 9 months
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Stefan's at the bar nursing a glass of whiskey and what appears to be an actual tome open in front of him. The musty smell of old pages fits in well with the grungy atmosphere. He takes no notice of the other patrons, far too absorbed in his own little world.
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nikkiruncks · 2 years
What do you think of Steroline? and also, if you were to choose what would you choose Steroline or Forwood?
#ask game
I tried to like steroline but the writing was terrible and I didn’t feel the chemistry in the later seasons. I also hate how the writers shat on both Stelena and forwood for them to happen. That being said, I would take it over klaroline any day of the week but I’m still not a fan. Here are some good metas encompassing my feelings:
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andreal831 · 1 year
No Humanity Analysis
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If you're caught up on The Great War, you know why I am analyzing the No Humanity storylines in TVDU. I think there is a lot of confusion about what 'turning humanity off' means. And I think a lot of the confusion stems from the writers/characters not really knowing what it means.
The characters, when their humanity is off, will often throw around comments about not having emotions, but that's not realistic. If they had no emotions, they wouldn't feel anger or annoyance, which we clearly see from each NH character. Characters who actually experience no emotion would be very calm and logical. We see NH Caroline wanting to party and have fun -- all emotions. NH Stefan gets annoyed, a lot, with everyone wanting to turn it back on. Even NH Damon gets annoyed and vengeful with Lexie in the flashback. NH Elena is petty with Caroline based on emotions. So it is clearly different than turning emotions off.
Rather, to me, it seems more like they lack empathy. They feel the emotions but just don't care how they impact those around them. The show calls it humanity because the way humans can empathize with each other is a core part of humanity. NH characters can act ruthlessly because they do not fear consequences or how their decisions affect those around them. But throughout this, they still want to live their lives and experience emotions -- just without the guilt that comes with humanity.
Now, if you are caught up on TGW, you know I've added something that we are told is not possible in TVD, *spoiler* an Original turns off their humanity *spoiler* We are told by Rose that the older vampires cannot turn off humanity because their humanity is already so blurred. But older vampires still do have humanity, if they didn't, the audience wouldn't root for them. For a big part, they do not care how their actions impact humans, but they definitely care how their actions impact each other. It may be a selfish humanity, but there is still empathy/guilt there. And we even see moments of the Originals showing empathy to people outside of their family. Meaning they still have something to shut down. It may be a less dramatic change than seeing someone as compassionate as Elena or Caroline shut their humanity off, but there would still be a difference.
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sisterschildi · 1 year
Season 2022/23
Winner of Four Hills Tournament: Halvor Egner Granerud (NOR)
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World Champion (NH): Piotr Zyla (POL) - defended his title
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World Champion (LH): Timi Zajc (SLO)
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Winner of Raw Air Tournament: Halvor Egner Granerud (NOR)
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World Cup Winner: Halvor Egner Granerud (NOR) - for the second time
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Ski Flying World Cup Winner: Stefan Kraft (AUT) - for the third time
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kmze · 3 months
Why do people refuse to see that Stefan was the more dangerous and evil at core brother and not some Disney prince boyfriend?I'm not saying this.It's right there in the text in season 1 episode 6.Katherine pointed it out about baby human 17 year old Stefan circa 1864.Unlike Damon who could be seduced to darkness because mommy issues,daddy issues,Stefan had pre-meditation and calculation to his ability to go dark PRE-VAMPIRISM.To quote Katherine "something tells me you like to play it rougher".You know Katherine Pierce who could play people like a fiddle.Stefan played others too just like katherine.Damon role- played a bad boy.Stefan was the ultimate bad boy.When he was good it was because he was wanting to be good for a reason be it good or convenience but when he was bad,boy,he enjoyed being bad.Because he was an addict with no control over himself or his self-contradictions.
LOL he looks like a Disney prince that's why! Kidding, sort of... in all honesty I think it's because stans in this fandom will always focus on how their ship (or LBR their guy) isn't toxic and that's why he's the better choice. When you do that you back yourself into a corner and it's so hard to criticize or even talk about a character's flaws because then it becomes a discussion about toxicity and ships. I remember a discussion had started on here about how Stefan is very manipulative, he knows how to read people and situations extremely well and he always used it to his advantage.
He did it so much in S1 with Elena and how he would only feed her information about himself when the opportunity worked in his favor, like when she found out about Katherine he softened the blow from that with surprise your adopted something he knew for months. Then we talked about how he manipulated Caroline when it came to NH!Elena getting her to promise not to give up on her and getting her to stop calling her a backstabbing bitch even though she deserved it. This opened the floodgates to so many questions and everyone questioning if every interaction between them was manipulation on Stefan's point and it was exhausting. It was exhausting because THAT'S WHO HE IS! He knows how to "play the game" and he knows what players he needs to play the game. Katherine and Stefan both saw that Caroline was good at providing a distraction on command or using her charm to get information out of people, that's why I felt Katherine said she liked the poetry of Caroline.
It's not even like the show doesn't TELL you that Stefan is the more sadistic brother, like all of S3 was basically about that. Klaus was interested in Stefan because he was inspired by Ripper Stefan's sadism, he thought Damon was a joke when he offered to switch spots with him. Even Cade was more interested in Stefan and when he talked with Damon he was like nah send your brother down here that's the monster I really want. You had Katherine and Klaus both point out how Stefan was the more sadistic one (I love that line from her in 1x06) but fandom was APPALLED that NH!Caro would be so cruel to Stefan without her humanity because he wasn't like that (I swear this was an actual discussion that happened). I do think the show missed an opportunity in S8 with having Ripper Stefan be an actual big bad, it might have opened more people's eyes to how evil he truly could be. What made him interesting is despite all that sadism at his core he had extreme empathy and him being an addict meant he fought between the two extremes constantly.
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jenny-94 · 2 months
Hallo Jenny,
finde es stark dass du dich so zeigst,
Finde es sehr schade dass sich die meisten mit Behinderung oft zuhause verkriechen und sich selbst bemitleiden.
Dass es hier auch hübsche Damen gibt war mir neu, in Tumblr bekomm ich meist nur fetish Hochglanz Bildchen anzeigt....
Aus welcher Ecke Deutschlands kommst du denn
Grüße Stefan
Erstmal Dankeschön dafür :)
Naja ich sag mal das muss halt jeder für sich selber entscheiden aber mit sich zuhause verstecken kommst halt auch nicht weiter nh
Woher ich komme schreibe ich nicht öffentlich hier rein sorry
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zalrb · 1 year
love the setup of the no humanity stelena fic!!! I find it funny that it actually highlights how unclear tvd’s concept of no feelings is. you have to do a lot of the work defining nh SE internally — without them feeling by tvd standards lol. your characterisation of their dynamic and banter is so fun and intriguing! I love the way you show that they’re, in some sense, like moths to a flame. they may instinctively desire each other and want to revel in their lack of humanity together, but they’re one anothers’ biggest “threat” to the instinct not to feel. specifically for elena so far lol.
I read all of this with a little smirk.
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because the dilemma is…
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and the way stefan is also feeling some type of way, except because he’s the one in needling and provoking elena he’s in control, rather than reactionary.
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all of which builds to this type of SE vibe.
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ANYWAYS can’t wait for more, love the internal conflict and the intensity, it feels very much like how I’d have imagined nh SE.
Thanks! Yeah, defining no humanity was interesting especially for Stefan because when Stefan has no humanity, he's a dick
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and likes messing with people and needles and pests
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but he has the capacity for affection,
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that doesn't actually seem to bother him, he just wants to enjoy the party
and when Elena had no humanity, the point was that she was supposed to kind of be like a shell
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and she was supposed to see emotions as weakness,
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and be "above it all"
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so it seemed more appropriate to get into how Elena would still be drawn to Stefan even when she's not only not supposed to feel something, she's supposed to be above being emotional whereas Stefan is just acting on instinct and his instinct is telling him to mess with Elena, rile her up because he's obsessed with her reactions to him.
So, part 2 is about her going over to his side but on "her terms" (whatever that means).
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eksperigifs · 2 years
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WSC Planica, Mixed Team NH HS102/5 km + 2x2,5 km + 5 km | 26.02.2023 Norway becomes first world champions in mixed team relay. Germany comes second to claim silver, while Austria ends up with bronze medal
1. Norway | Jens Lurås Oftebro, Ida Marie Hagen, Gyda Westvold Hansen and Jarl Magnus Riiber 🇳🇴 🥇 2. Germany | Vinzenz Geiger, Jenny Nowak, Nathalie Armbruster and Julian Schmid 🇩🇪 🥈 3. Austria | Stefan Rettenegger, Annalena Slamik, Lisa Hirner and Johannes Lamparter 🇦🇹 🥉
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mitchbeck · 7 months
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the-last-doppelganger · 10 months
[ 𝐧𝐨 𝐚𝐢𝐫 ] : sender is holding the receiver by the throat.( nh! stefan )
Elena struggled to breath, her lips parted to draw in precious air, her hands over Stefan’s where he was holding on to her throat. Her back was against the cool, wooden walls of the Salvatore Boarding House, and she looked up at Stefan. There was nothing in his eyes, no love, or fear, or even anger. Just empty eyes sat within a pale, white skull.
This wasn’t her Stefan, she thought distantly. He didn’t have feelings. But, she reminded herself, that Damon had loved Katherine for a century without his humanity, Stefan could too.
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“Stefan,” her voice was low, lower than normal, “please, you’re hurting me. I can’t breath.” Tears were stinging at her eyes, but she wasn’t sure why, “this….this isn’t you Stefan, you wouldn’t do this to me. I know you wouldn’t.” Even now, despite everything, this conviction was strong. There was nothing she believed in more.
Stefan would never hurt her.
Yet, he wouldn’t let her go. She was at his mercy, but she couldn’t find any in his eyes. “I love you Stefan, and I believe in you, I believe in us. You don’t want to kill me Stefan. Please don’t.”
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ladamedemartel · 1 year
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NH! Stefan (:
But why won't he get her presents?????
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look at how cute she is with little presents
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bunnyblooded · 1 year
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nikkiruncks · 5 months
NO hate, I promise, but I'm just genuinely curious why you dislike steroline! You're definitely not alone---most people seem to hate them even if they don't really ship Caroline or Stefan with anyone else :)
There are a lot of reasons and I actually wrote a meta on this a year or two ago, but I can’t find it :(
But I’m down to write something long and nice so here it is Nonnie!
I tried to like Steroline because I didn’t hear a lot of things about them (good and bad). And I’d read fic for them but I just couldn’t get into them as a couple.
And honestly even as a brotp, I feel like the whole "healthiest" friendship take is completely false (to me at least).
In season 2, they were adorable. They had such sweet interactions and great chemistry. But the scene in 2x13 when Stefan goes to Care’s house to check on her is when I’m like "okay, they’re cute". Stelena and Forwood are my otps but this moment was cute af. The only thing I didn’t like about their arc in that season was the fact that they replaced Stefonnie's dynamic with them, when they all could’ve just been a trio.
After that is where it changes. They don’t really have a lot of interaction in season 3. Caroline is all about Tyler and there’s that whole triangle with Klaus. While Stefan was all about Elena and kissed Rebekah.
Season 4, they were cute but not as great as season 2. Like I don’t wanna say Care has a "hero worship" of Stefan (but I understand that criticism), but she did take his side more than necessary.
For example, her pushing Elena back to Stefan constantly. Disregarding the fact that Elena is in a very shitty place mentally when it comes to dealing with her hunger. It just seems like she took Stefan's side over Elena's, the girl she grew up with.
Also the whole thing where Caroline just joined in with Stefan and had Tyler's friend killed. AND ratting out Tyler’s plan to Stefan. Literally why? I get her pov but also the whole “Scooby gang vs everyone else” narrative sucks.
Then the fact that after all of that stuff Caroline does for Stefan, what does he do in return? He makes her work with Klaus. Klaus, who stabbed Caroline with a lamp and bit her because she talked back at him, and sent her bf out of town. Given how close they are, Stefan should’ve known about this, but did he care? Nope. Elena getting cute was first to everything else for him.
Season 5 is where they start to get annoying for me, but there’s the fact that Caroline is literally so trapped in her own world that she doesn’t notice that Bonnie is dead nor that Stefan was drowning in a safe. Elena gets called out for the latter, but she also had a bad feeling and when she found out, took action immediately. What exactly did Caroline do? I mean she wanted to help with Stefan's PSTD ig.
Then there’s the infamous Stefan PUNCHING Tyler scene and then him and Caroline's being dipshits and all smiley. For starters, Tyler had every right to be angry and just wanted Caroline to leave him alone. But somehow he gets turned into the bad guy by those dumbasses.
Also Stefan saying that Tyler almost killed Caroline (When he didn’t. He just wanted her to leave him alone.) while having her interact with Klaus and Damon who have done way worse than try to kill her and Stefan knows that (besties after all). He only cared when it was convenient.
Then there’s Season 6, where Stefan leaves town to grieve his brother and then Caroline calls him a "dick" for not returning her calls. Which okay, that wasn’t very wise, but Stefan’s brother DIED and he was grieving. And all Caroline cared about what was SHE needed. She needed him blah blah. Also she didn’t care about Stefan while he was out with Klaus and didn’t notice him drowning and trapped in a safe, so I think I can cute Stefan some slack here.
Then apparently she’s mad at him for not having feelings for her, something he can’t control. Doesn’t invite him to Friendsgiving, but invites her RAPIST there. Also don’t even get me started to the nh!plotline.
I can go on all day, but this essay is already very long so I’ll just stop right here.
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andreal831 · 13 days
Do you feel the ship Klaus/Lucien?
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As a crack/fandom ship, I love it.
As a canon ship, I don't think it happened just for the timing of it all.
The TVDU writers were cowards, passing on so many actually great love triangles. The flashbacks would have been so interesting if Klaus was into Aurora who was into Lucien who was into Klaus. Or whatever order you want it.
Lucien and Klaus to me are so interesting because Lucien is only one of like three friends Klaus has in 1000 years (including Marcel who was supposed to be his son). He and Klaus are basically the same character. They had sad backstories that they used to justify a thousand years of killing. They were both a bit psychotic but made up for it with charm and humor. They are both possessive to the point of controlling over those they claim to love. I do think they are probably too similar to have any type of healthy relationship, but they would have been a fun ship to watch while they destroyed each other. Similar to Aurora and Klaus. Or Genevieve and Klaus. Or really any of Klaus ships outside of Cami.
I will say that when they first introduced Lucien and Klaus, I thought they had seen each other more recently because of how they behaved. They didn't act like the last time they saw each other was Klaus fleeing for his life with his family after Aurora broke his heart, leaving Lucien behind. I know at that point Klaus didn't know about Elijah's compulsion and Lucien was playing Klaus so it makes sense that they wouldn't have that over their head, but it just seemed like they reunited on such good terms. Klaus not suspecting anything made no sense since he left Lucien behind in the hands of the Martels, especially after Tristan had killed Lucien. They should have at least had them reunite in the 1900s when Klaus was on his own and on a bender. Lucien, Klaus, and NH Stefan would have been a chaotic disaster. I'm just picturing NH Stefan getting jealous cause his friend has a new/old friend and Rebekah being angry that Stefan is jealous. Absolute chaos.
Lucien was such a good villain to me and them having a romantic history would have made his revenge even better. Like I get why they were angry at Elijah for taking a 100 years of their lives away from them, but it would have been easier to just go after Elijah. Yes, you go after one, you face them all, but that's also not fully true. Teenagers killed Finn and Kol and lived to see another day. Aurora hating Klaus made sense since Klaus stood by Elijah after finding out what he did, choosing his family over her again. Tristan was just power hungry and hated anyone who challenged his status, so him wanting all of the Originals dead made sense. Lucien's motivation was??? Trying to win Aurora over?? He had a thousand years and still couldn't manage it.
I would have loved Lucien's motivation to be tied more to his sire. To either be anger from unrequited love or, better, anger for his love leaving him for his family because that is such a classic Mikaelson thing to do.
Thanks for the ask!
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shahananasrin-blog · 1 year
[ad_1] Packages of the weight-loss drug Wegovy from the pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk lie on the sales counter in a Danish pharmacy.Stefan Trumpf | Picture Alliance | Getty ImagesNovo Nordisk launched its Wegovy weight loss injection in the U.K. on Monday, advancing the drug's rollout in Europe despite ongoing supply constraints.The Danish pharmaceutical giant said that the weekly injection would be available initially "through a controlled and limited launch," with only certain patients eligible to receive the drug on the country's National Health Service.To qualify for treatment, patients must be on the NHS's weight management service, have at least one weight-related condition and have a body mass index of 35, according to recommendations outlined by the National Institute for Care and Excellence.The drug will also be available privately through a "registered healthcare professional," Novo Nordisk said in a statement, without adding further detail.Novo Nordisk declined to disclose the final price agreed with NHS England for the drug, but said that NICE, the U.K. drug cost-effectiveness watchdog, had described it as a "cost-effective use of NHS resources." It added that the cost in the private market will be "determined by licensed prescribers."In the U.S., Wegovy has a list price of $1,350 for a monthly dose, while in Europe it retails for around 170 to 300 euros ($190-$330) per month.British insurance company Aviva, which provides private health insurance to around 1.1 million Brits, on Monday said that Wegovy would not be covered under its policy, according to Reuters.'Closely monitoring' supply issuesWegovy's U.K. expansion comes just over a month after the drug launched in Germany — its third European market at the time, after Denmark and Norway.Surging demand for the weight loss drug, as well as a series of clinical studies which point to its wider health benefits, have shot the company's shares to record highs. On Friday, it briefly unseated French luxury goods behemoth LVMH to become Europe's most valuable company.Supply constraints continue to weigh heavy on the drug's rollout, with CEO Lars Fruergaard Jorgensen telling a Reuters Newsmakers event last month that it could be "some years" before the company can satisfy all consumers.In the U.K., Novo Nordisk said that "a proportion" of available supply would be allocated specifically for NHS treatment, and that the company would work with healthcare professional to ensure that "patients with the highest unmet medical need" are prioritized."We are closely monitoring Wegovy demand and are working with regulators and providers to ensure people living with obesity can have access to and remain on treatment," it added.The company has also limited provisions in other markets. In May, it cut the U.S. supply of starter doses to ensure continuity for existing patients, while in Germany it advised doctors to "prescribe responsibly," limiting prescriptions to patients with medical needs. [ad_2]
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