ravenfan1242 · 1 year
This is the sweetest, most wholesome thing ever. Ahhhhhhh, I love it so much! By the wonderful @niahti
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Damirae week is almost upon us fam, July 17 - July 23! In anticipation for all the great things to come, we wanted to celebrate some of the works from damirae weeks past. So we'll be randomly selecting and sharing fanfiction and fan art to help boost motivation and excitement for authors, artists, and fans alike.
First up is a story by @vilavi-2 (the art shared isn't from damirae week, or related to the story, but it felt appropriate for the theme)
Art by @niahti
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inverted-typo · 1 year
Are There any DamiRae artists similar to you or fan accounts you recommend following.? I can never find any.!!! :((
Also look at Pinterest! There’s a lot of great art there, I may have just not found them on tumblr yet. Some artists may not be as active in the fandom presently as well :)
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16 Days till Gwynriel Appreciation Weeks!
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A romantic piece by @niahti and commissioned by @yazthebookish!
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damiraezine · 2 years
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Art by @niahti
Hello Shippers!!!
I'm so pleased to announce that the Spanish Translation of the Zine is near completion and will be on Sale by the end of the week! All the colorful favorite stories from Ordinary World's will now be told in Spanish.
The Translation will be on sale for $10 and all proceeds will go toward raising money for The Humane Society.
I'm also excited to announce the limited re-release of the English Zine. For one week, we will reopen sales for Ordinary World's featuring new content, including the New Art from Esme and the conclusion to Through the Window by Ophelia Willow-Brook. The Zine will also feature a limited edition cover by Alpacalypes Art.
The English Version of Ordinary World's will also be $10 and remain on sale for one week. And of course all proceeds will also be going to the Humane society.
There will also be a bundle deal where you can purchase both versions together for $15.
If anyone has any questions, please feel free to reach out to our zine team. And keep on shipping on.
Damirae Zine Team
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grassfour · 4 years
I feel killed countless times You guys are great... I can only amazing in my heart countless times, indescribable mood, like I have been in my first love (...)
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niahti · 6 years
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Vivid colors
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wonderbat-official · 3 years
I’m back again, with this beautiful masterpiece
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This gorgeous piece is by @Niahtiart on Instagram
Find them here: https://niahti-commission-info.carrd.co/
I love this
Enjoy 🥰🖤🤍 @wonderbat-official
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damiraedemonbirds · 3 years
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 Welcome To our First Damirae Contest: DamiRae Holiday!
DamiRae fandom, join this contest with a fanart or a fanfic with the prompt "Damirae at Christmas/New Year" to Win a commission from an amazing artist of our fandom.
Yes, it's that easy to participe!.
DamiRae Holidays will be held from December 24 to January 1st. Enough days for you to drop your work and have a chance to win!
1st Place: DamiRae Commission By @niahti
2nd Place: DamiRae Commission By @marudavalosart
3rd Place: DamiRae Commission By RavenTodd
First place will be chosen by a jury, while the second and third place will be chosen by an online ratter.
Each commission may be personalized to the winner's choices, as long as it meets each artist's criteria.
DamiRae must be the Main Ship.
All Ratings are allowed.
Prompts are Christmas and New Year, you can use one or both, or just  encapsulate the feeling of winter holiday in your work. Imagination it's the limit.  (Hanukkah, Posadas, Solstice/Yule/ Christmastide, Winter Wonderland, etc, etc)
Submitted work must be original.
January 1st; Deadline to join our contest. We’ll no take more entries after this day.
In order to be accredited as a contestant, each work have to be submitted under the tags: #Damirae and #DamiraeHolidays.
⚠️Keep in mind; In order to secure a place in the contest, you work have to be reblogged by us; You post, we reblog.  So use our tags, and since tumblr hides certain tags don't forget to mention us (@damiraedemonbirds). This way we can keep track of each contestant and nobody is left out.⚠️
On the following days we will be releasing more information. Do not hesitate on send us a message if you have a doubt or a question.
Let the holidays begin!
Art credit: @niahti
🔆This event is held by the Latino Fandom, so English can be a little awkward. But we really want to everyone to join us in this event and have a chance to win.
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sforzanto2711 · 3 years
Art by Niahti
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srose-foxfire · 3 years
“Under an Autumn Moonlight” Part 5 - Damirae fic
A/N: Part of this chapter was inspired by @niahti Damirae fan art . You can check out her piece here (Please go and check it out!). @niahti thank you so much for sharing your art with us!
I hope everyone enjoys today’s chapter as much as I had so much fun writing it. 
“You’re sure your friend wouldn’t mind me being in the room?” Damian asked Raven as they made their way through the second-floor library to head into the study room Donna had reserved.
“Relax, we usually take turns reserving a room. We usually just reserve a room to hang out and just talk among ourselves. My friend Donna doesn’t mind meeting new people, she’s very out-going compared to me.” Truth was Raven hardly liked being around other people so Donna found out that the school offered small enclosed study rooms, students could use to work on a project with other classmates or have a quiet space for themselves. Of course, the friends did end up using the room to study and work on their school assignments, but Raven would need to admit she liked knowing there would a quiet space where she could eat and just talk with Donna while they were on campus.
“I’m surprise the school is very lenient with the room’s usage.” Damian kept close to Raven; she couldn’t help noticing that he would make sure not to walk into anyone or make eye contact with another student. This had been their fifth study session and Raven couldn’t help wondering why the hay she felt so comfortable being around a Wayne.
The day he first came into the classroom Raven had felt like she was going to explode out of her body as she stood next to him. The second time they met in class, their professor made them work on an assignment and Damian didn’t act like he was better than anyone. He was considerate and kind towards Raven as she explained some of things that had been taught in class previous times in order to complete the assignment. One of the last sections they needed to finish working on was using an astronomical map and find out what constellations you could see during specific months. Raven couldn’t quite bring herself to tell him but she kind of liked having Damian as a partner. Throughout the semester, she had been sitting on her own and working on assignments by herself, but with Damian; time simply slipped by without so much of a trace.
“This is our room.” Raven stopped in front of closed door; she swiped her student i.d card over the monitor for the room and inputted Donna’s passcode to unlock. Once stepping inside, they were greeted with a small round table with four wooden chairs and a very clean white board with assorted board markers. As Damian went ahead to take a seat, Raven checked her watch; Donna’s class hadn’t finished so they would have the room to themselves for the next fifteen minutes.
Alone in a quiet room with Damian Wayne.
No… no…no! Not this again! Raven shook her head in order for her fangirl mind to stop wondering and pondering ideas that included her classmate. The one guy who should be consuming her mind at the time was-
“Under the moonlight, my heart is yours, for so long I roamed this plane all alone…” Raven practically jumped as her cellphone starting ringing. She dug into her back pocket answering it without checking the caller I.d.
“Hey girl! I just got out of class; I’m assuming you’re at the study room with your classmate… wait… why did you sound like you seen death?”
“Don’t mind that, Donna,” Raven turned around noticing Damian was eyeing her as he was had a pen on his notebook. Raven swallowed her breath hoping not to start turning red right before him. “What’s up? You usually don’t call.”
“Oh yeah, Jon texted me and he wants to join us. I’m gonna go meet with him so we can get something to eat for everyone… how does pizza sound?”
“Um… that sounds great let me ask my classmate.” Raven pulled her phone away from her ear, “Um, my friend is going with her boyfriend to get pizza is that fine or would you like something else?” Raven wanted to smack herself so hard, how was she this bad at playing hostess?
“That sounds great actually, I’m okay with anything. Here let me pay for my-”
“No! Don’t worry about it we always take turns buying… so don’t worry…” Why was it getting hard to talk with him again?! She had prepared herself mentally not to act so weird around him, the last few times she had acted like a normal human being! “My classmate is okay with pizza, just don’t let Jon add any weird toppings like last time.”
“Girl! He has such a cute voice! Tell me he isn’t taken, maybe this could be your guy! Ah! We can do double dates!”
Through clenched teeth as Raven force herself to look like she was smiling, “goodbye Donna.” She then faced Damian again and offered him a quivered smile, he smiled back and went back to writing something down on his notebook. Raven slightly frowned, she hadn’t mentioned to Donna that her classmate was none other than Damian Wayne. She knew she should give her friend a heads-up but if Donna had known who they would be sharing pizza with let’s say she would have a mental breakdown. “What are you writing?” The question slipped her mind before she could stop and think what the conversation could lead to.
“Some topics I would like to go over with you, also do you think it would be too soon if we started on that final group project. I usually don’t like leaving things at the last minute.”
Raven couldn’t help but widen her gaze, “Not at all! I’m sorry it’s rare to find someone who doesn’t mind working on school assignment earlier.”
“I can understand why some believe they are fine with it, but I can’t personally take that luxury.” Raven nodded as he heard him talk. Damian Wayne was probably being groomed by his father to take over the family company. He didn’t have time to waste or leave assignment for later if he was to one day lead Wayne Enterprises. “I must sound like a workaholic, don’t I?”
“You actually don’t sound like one… actually I am the same, I want to work on all my assignments right away because I want to live each day to its fullest.” Raven grabbed the seat next to Damian and carefully put her bag down and started bringing her own notes out. “I didn’t have the best childhood growing up, now that I’m kind of on my own I want to experience everything that I can.”
Raven hadn’t opened up like this before she found it very strange, she would let out something so personal to a classmate. Damian instead of interrogating her more, did something she would never have expected. Damian placed his hand over hers on the table and gave Raven a gentle squeeze with a small yet reassuring smile. Raven couldn’t help but looked at his hand, how big he was while he held her small hand.
Warmness… comforting… and very familiar.
Raven couldn’t help but wonder why she felt so at ease just now. Like she was having a déjà vu experience. She chuckled lightly as she signaled down to her notebook, “let’s go over some of our notes?”
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
“So… Damian what do you like doing for fun?” Jon asked as he kept took a bite out of his pizza slice.
“Mostly reading and sometimes watching some shows on my laptop.” Damian said very nonchalantly as he dipped a piece of garlic bread into a marinara sauce.
“Just like Rae!” Donna chimed, in a very high-pitched voice.
Raven couldn’t help but wince as she could tell her friends were somewhat trying their best to control themselves in front of Damian. When they had first arrived just before opening the door, Raven had heard them laugh and joke but both of them had gone silent realizing who Raven’s classmate was once they entered.
“You three been friends for very long?” Damian asked Donna and Jon.
“Actually… Raven and I know each other since middle school, we grew up in Jump City, then moved to Gotham once we graduated high school. Jon only knows her through me, since we started dating.”
Raven watched from the side as Damian listened attentively to Donna. Normally in situations like these Raven would try subtle body gestures to get Donna to stop spilling personal information but with Damian, she found she didn’t mind. What the hay is going on with me? Raven thought to herself. Was she having feelings for Damian Wayne?! No… she couldn’t… not when she…  
“Under the moonlight we can be lovers. Let’s dream of the tomorrow…”
Raven felt like her soul just left her body for a moment.
Jon chuckled lightly, “sorry about that, I just wanted to play some music and my phone by default played this one. Hey Rae, did you get the file I sent you? How are you liking your ringtone?”
“What?! Rae-rae you downloaded the song? Damn girl you’re turning out to be a number one fan!” Donna said happily.
“I think I heard it play earlier when one of you had called her, the song sounds really good though, who performs it?”
Everyone turned their gaze towards Raven as she had suddenly just stood up from her seat and had slammed her hands onto the table. She was keeping her gaze down, the little hair she still had on her forehead slightly covered her eyes.
“Um sorry but… Damian do you mind helping me locate a book for our class project?”
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Raven let out a deep sigh as she and Damian were skimming rows of books through the Astronomy section of the school’s library. She let her emotions get the best of her and probably made a fool of herself. Raven turned her head to watch Damian as he looked through a book that could be useful for their research. She could feel her face suddenly flushed as she could notice how Damian’s muscles moved underneath his black turtleneck. Raven couldn’t help but salivate how handsomeher classmate was. Panicked kicked in when she though Damian would catch her staring and quickly as turned around and gently slapped herself.  
Raven steadied her breathing and quietly said, “the librarian said we could find the book around this bookshelf.” Raven looked at the small sticky note that had been handed to her and looking at the books lined on the upper shelf. “Here it is! Let’s see… maybe we can use the information on this page…” Raven had placed the book she found onto a countertop next to a large window. She then had turned her head slightly when she felt Damian come from behind her. His large form enclosed her in as he carefully placed her hand on either side of the counter and looked down at the page Raven had found from above her right shoulder.
Raven could feel she was getting hotter and feared her cheeks would be stained with embarrassment.  But even though she could feel her whole body becoming consumed by an immense heat, she couldn’t help but stare. Damian looked like some god who ruled over the very sun. He radiated light as his skin glowed with the sun’s rays. His emerald eyes seemed to capture the sunlight making them glow even brighter than usual. Raven right shoulder lightly brushed against Damian’s chest realizing he was very much hard.
“We can definitely use this.” Damian whispered into her ear.
Raven couldn’t help but shudder as his sultry voice sent shivers down her spine. Raven kept her mouth shut and turned to gaze back down onto the opened book as she nodded in agreement. The young girl couldn’t help but keep frozen in place as Damian read a passage as quietly as possible. They weren’t making that much noise since they had found their book in the most secluded part of the library furthest away from anyone working on their studies. Once Damian finished reading, he slowly backed away and Raven let her shoulders fall back as she allows herself to relax. She timidly smiled at Damian and lifted her foot to take a step when her other foot decided to give out.
Why me? Why now?!
Raven thought as she fell forward on top of Damian Wayne.
you can read the previous parts here.
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ravenfan1242 · 1 year
Please visit @niahti Twitter if you can. Look at this amazing animation they did. It's soooooo good!!!
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Art by Niahti
Ok peeps, the weeks are counting down and we have less than a month now. Remember, we do not have strict rules for Damirae (smut is totally legal) week. What matters most is that everyone has fun and is free to express these themes with their own interpretations. This means you are only limited by your Imagination. Yes we still want to keep Dami and Raven in character as much as possible, but everything else is up to you.
Again, I'd like to remind everyone that you can do a story for every day of the week, or just pick out a few that theme's that you'd really like to write. Also, if you want to combine theme's, go for it! Like preggo could also fit with in-laws, masked ball could easily fit into jealousy. So have fun, let your creativity take over and go with the flow. If you are unable to submit your fic within Damirae week, no problem. Post it when it's ready and just label it Damiraeweek2021 so that we will know to add it to our collection. You could post it next year and we'd still gladly take it 😘
If you need help for ideas or are stuck, you can always ask us, but the best place is our new Damirae discord (if you'd like an invite please dm me @ravenfan1242 or @carnationmilk @laura-croft or @opheliawillowbrook and we'll send you an invite). We really want our new discord to be a safe and respectful place for everyone. We are especially dedicated to helping people become better writer's and we have a community excited and ready to help each other.
Please feel free to ask us questions, we are here for you!
Damirae week staff
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catyypss · 4 years
Happy halloween !! 🎃🎉🦇
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Sorry for the wait !!
Thank you for being tagging me !!  @andthendk @chromium7sky
Well, I will be making a version of Addams family with Gomez and Morticia as Damirae.
And Happy birthday 🎉🎉🎉
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chromium7sky · 4 years
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Happy Halloween from the batlings 😆😆😆 tagging @andthendk and @catyypss, I've done my part lol
also dedicated to @kallura-juniblade and @niahti , Happy birthday!! 😆😆🎂🎂🎂🥳🥳🥳🥳🎂
Theme costume for this year is
The Addams family 😆
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damiraezine · 2 years
Well shipper's, it's that time again. Sadly this is the last day for the sale of our 2022 DamiRae Zine. We thought we'd share some art from last year's zine to show you just how talented our amazing fandom is!
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Art By @niahti
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Art By @eevee22194
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Art By @illumidaudi on Instagram here 👇
Everyone put in a ton of effort and labor to make this happen, but we'd like to give a special shout out to @vilavi-2 and @opheliawillowbrook who had never put together a book like this before but pulled it off beautifully, and it SO paid off with the final product. As always this was a lot of work, but considering the large number of people involved in creating this, we feel like we have all done a pretty fantastic job! So thank you to all the fabulously talented artists and authors, you all never stop wowing us with your creativity, your artisty and quite frankly your genius! Thank you to the staff and marketing team for the constant perseverance and dedication. And an immense thank you to everyone who bought this incredible zine. Not only do you support the fandom, but the charity we chose to donate the proceeds to as well: Humane Society International 👇
And if you are going to make that last minute purchase today just follow this link👇
So much love to you all
-- Zine Staff
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