#nice suits and pretty red dresses with long ass slit
corpwhump · 1 year
For your song game; Me and Mr Wolf by The Real Tuesday Weld
Perhaps a little unconventional, but:
Two whumpers that trade off being whumper and whumpee. Two whumpers that revel in a daytime game of cat-and-mouse, where they compete to see who will end up in chains that night.
A normal looking conversation at the bar between them in public conceals sly attempts to drug each other. Maybe they come home late at night to the other person lying in wait in their living room with a rag soaked in chloroform and cuffs hanging from their belt, hiding behind the door just waiting for it to open. Maybe the one who came home sees the faint imprints of boots on their normally spotless floor, and smirks a bit before grabbing a kitchen knife, ready to go out and meet their companion.
No matter who wins, after each night of screams from whoever was bested, the victim is let go, and a twenty-four hour grace period goes into effect for them to recover before the next game.
They both know it's dangerous, they both know that one of them is likely to die if they keep this up. But they love it. They can't resist egging each other on: it gets more dangerous every time they play.
A restaurant date conceals bandages beneath their sleeves, scars beneath a nicely-pressed collar. One of the whumpers absently plays with their steak knife; they know their drink was drugged when they left to go use the bathroom. They know the other whumper so well at this point that this version of the game has started to get predictable. Boring. Their date questions what they're thinking about.
They sigh, and then look up with a smile, a dangerous glint in their eye.
"You know what? Why don't we up the stakes a little."
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yanda! speaks: hello my loves! i’m so sorry that it took so long for this chapter to come out, i realised that i just really hated my outlines for the next three chapters and decided to scrap everything and change it lol. but nonetheless, it’s here now and i hope you like it! don't forget to like and reblog! lots of love and light! 🤎
notes: i pictured blake as grant show from dynasty but imagine whoever you want :)
night rain ; chapter 6
The wind ruffled the fabric of her dress as she climbed out of the limousine and stared up at Carmen’s apartment building. His figure stalked out of the door in a crisp, all-black suit before stopping in the middle of the doorway once he finally looked at her. Camila looked beautiful, devastatingly at that. The setting sun illuminated her skin perfectly, making her look similar to some type of fairy-like being. Carmy thought that the dress she wore fit her gorgeously and took note of how the slit of it ran all the way up her alluring, bronze legs. Her smile glowed the same as a million suns as she took him in too, looking him up and down.
“You look…” he trailed off, in shock.
“You look handsome too, Carm.” Camila giggled back before beckoning him over to the vehicle behind her and getting in.
Carmen followed apprehensively before shutting the car door as he got in.
“This is Mel, he’ll be our driver tonight.”
“Hello, Mr Berzatto,” an old man quipped from the front seat.
“Cut the crap, Melman.” Camila said, rolling her eyes.
“You’re a pain in the ass, Ms Ivy.”
Bewilderedly watching the exchange between the chauffeur and the woman to his right, Carmy spoke up.
“Do you normally get to places in a limo?”
“No, of course not. My boss just insists on it any time that there’s a semi-special event going on.” she laughed.
“It’s because he’s in love with her.�� Mel cut in from the front as he made a turn.
“He?” Carmy looked at Camila.
“That’s not true!” she exclaimed, avoiding eye contact with him.
As the car then slowed to a red light, Melman turned to look at Carmen with a mischievous smile on his face.
“Trust me, every single employee at La Fame knows that it’s true. Even the drivers.”
As Carmy opened his mouth to say something, which probably would have been entirely reckless as a mix of frustration and jealousy had started to bubble in his chest, Camila interrupted the two men’s conversation.
“Can we please just listen to some music?” 
Mel smirked from the front, “Yes, Ms Ivy.”
“Oh, fuck off.”
Just as Carmen was helping Camila out of the car, a small red-headed woman in a sapphire knee-length dress and black heels, briskly walked up to the pair carrying a clipboard.
“Cam, I made sure that they brought over your cakes in one of those refrigerated trucks but when I checked one of the boxes, I saw that three were missing and that the delivery guy had crumbs all over his face. So I fired him.”
“Noelle! Why would you do that?”
“I just explained why, did you not hear?”
“I heard you but that’s not-”
“Hey, you!” Noelle shouted at one of the workers setting up the venue before striding towards them. “That doesn’t go there!”
“That’s my assistant, Noelle. She’s a little intense right now but I promise she’ll be a pleasure to be around in a couple of hours.” Camila whispered in Carmen’s ear, her warm breath and tone sending goosebumps up his spine.
“Okay! I’m back,” the shorter woman returned. “Oh! Oh. You must be Carm.”
“You and Mel are seriously getting on my nerves tonight. I swear to God-”
“Melman drove you? What fun.” she laughed before turning to Carmy as he introduced himself properly.
“Yeah. Uh, yes. I’m Carmen, nice to meet you.” He stuttered, shaking her hand.
“He’s cute,” she whispered to Camila before turning around and walking into the venue, signalling for the pair to follow before continuing to speak.
“Jess said that you’re overseeing the caterers tonight but it shouldn’t be anything hectic. We’ve used them before and they’re pretty professional, all you need to do is check in with them every couple of hours.”
“Can I go chat with them now?” Cam asked.
“Of course. Also for your peace of mind, Blake isn’t here yet.”
“Who’s Blake?” Carmy finally spoke up from a few steps behind the pair.
“Her stalk-” Noelle started before noticing the pointed look that her superior was giving her. “Her boss. Come on, the kitchen is this way.”
“And so, I just wanted to say how much we really appreciate you all being here. Not that you had a choice, but even as an outsider, I know first-hand how difficult your job is so thank you for working with us this evening. If you need anything at all, do not hesitate to come find me.” Camila finished as the workers of the catering company clapped and got back to work. 
“Alright, a bunch of the guests just pulled in. You two ready?” Noelle asked the pair.
“Never better.” Carmen breathed anxiously as they walked into the gala hall, packed with dozens of guests that immediately turned their attention to Cam and her unknown date.
The slight shake in his hands and the pickup in his breathing must have alerted the brown-skinned woman because she immediately moved to come to his side and slid her arm through his. 
“You alright, Bear?”
Carmy chose not to point out the use of the nickname, instead opting to nod his head as Noelle led them towards the crowd.
Camila was in her element. Swift and elegant as she moved from group to group, the same was said about her ability to shift from each conversation. Carmen noticed as each person always became entranced by her as soon as she entered their view, everyone suddenly became so willing to open up to her and keep the conversation going that they ended up telling her secrets they hadn’t anticipated telling a single soul. She had always had that magnetically welcoming quality to her. It was one of his favourite things about her, that she was always able to get anything out of him and even when she couldn’t, she already knew. Without words, she could already anticipate and be ready to comfort every one of his emotions and feelings before he even realised that he had them. It was also one of the things that he missed most about her. Since her sudden absence in his life, Carmy found it even more difficult to express himself to anyone else. Hell, he even had a hard time understanding himself without her to guide him through it. She was one of his greatest comforts and it was because of her that he knew he was capable of functioning internally in such an orderly way. But at the same time, in a way, she had ruined him.
“Oh, my God! Camila, you are always such a joy to talk to.” A blonde woman by the name of Jessica laughed. 
“By the way, Blake’s asking everyone if they’ve seen you,” she added, wiggling her brows at the younger woman.
“Oh, really?” Cam awkwardly laughed before seeing said man, walking towards her from across the hall.
Turning to Noelle and Carmy behind her who had been simply spectating her extraordinary interactions with the guests in attendance, she whispered, “mátame ahora.” [kill me now.]
“Hun, you know I have no idea what you’re saying right now,” Noelle mumbled, turning the girl back in the direction of the older man who now stood before her.
From where Carmy was standing, he could barely hear Camila’s conversation with Blake but after they exchanged what seemed to be pleasantries, Blake made a little bit of a show while kissing her hand. Carmen could have sworn that he made eye contact with the man as he did it but maybe he was just imagining it. Nevertheless, it still pissed him off, which he thought could be easily pointed out by his clenched jaw had anyone been looking. Coincidentally, Noelle had been looking his way right at that moment.
“Hey. Don’t even worry about him,” she started before looking back at the two still speaking in front of them. “Unfortunately, it’s just part of the job.”
Just then, Camila turned back to the pair with wide eyes, waving them (particularly Carmy) over. 
“Carm, darling. I’d like you to meet my boss, Blake.”
“Oh, no, don’t call me that. No such thing as ‘ranks’ here. We’re just one big happy family.” Blake laughed while reaching for Carmen’s hand.
“And yet, I haven’t gotten a raise in 2 years and you still call me Nina.” Noelle mumbled under her breath behind them, prompting him to stifle a laugh before speaking.
“Carmen, sir. Nice to meet you.” 
“Baby, I was just about to tell Blake here about how we might have to leave early.”
When the curly-haired boy only looked back at her with confusion, Camila continued.
“We have an early morning tomorrow. We’re taking a drive up to Lake Michigan for the weekend, just a little getaway.
This caused Blake’s face to drop. 
“Oh. A couple’s getaway, that is?”
Finally, Carmy caught on, rushing to answer to not force Cam to speak to this man much longer.
“Yes. We’re celebrating our anniversary.”
“Wow,” the older man chuckled bitterly through gritted teeth. “Sounds great. How long have you two been-”
Thankfully, one of the catering staff interrupted the conversation to let Camila know that two of their stagiaires had disappeared from the kitchen and now there was no one to prep the onions for the appetiser. Humbly, and also looking for any excuse to leave, Cam and Carm offered their services. And so now, here they were. Sat side by side, on crates in the corner of the scullery, peeling onions by hand and dropping them into a container that rested at their feet.
“I feel like I haven’t done this in decades.” Carmen chuckled as he dropped a freshly peeled one into the container. His jacket was long forgotten, his top button undone and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. His curls fell into his eyes as his skilled, inked hands worked on the husk of another. Even in such a dishevelled and humbling circumstance, he still looked breathtaking.
“I doubt decades, but yeah. It takes you back.” Camila agreed as she threw another layer into the makeshift pile next to her. Respectively, her heels stood carelessly in the corner next to Carmy, her hair had been messily unclipped and her jewellery sat in the darkness of her purse. Had you asked the boy next to her, however, he would have said that she’d never looked more perfect. Granted, he used to say the same thing when she was leaking mucus and phlegm cause she had the flu, so no one could really say how true that statement was.
“Hey, I’m really sorry about what I did back there. Blake was really laying in on suggesting that I spend the weekend going over strategy with him at his house in Aspen and I, uh, I just needed a way out of it. But thank you for going along with it, so much.”
“Of course, Cam. I’d do anything for you,” that had come out slightly more romantic than he intended, so Carmen continued. “Can I ask why you put up with it though? From what I’ve heard tonight, it sounds like it’s pretty much an everyday occurrence.”
A beat. 
From the deep breath that she took, he feared that he might have offended her before she finally muttered, “I don’t know. I think I just, I just like it here? I mean, I love my job. I love that I get to be part of giving shine to small chefs who are just like I was, just trying to get some type of recognition. I even love doing shit like this stupid gala because I know it keeps everyone motivated to do this job. Also, it’s already so hard for women to get this far in this field, especially at this age. I mean, I know that everyone just thinks I slept my way to an executive position, that there’s lists that go around the office about who’s most ‘smashable’ and that I’ve been top 3 for almost three years straight.”
“But I also know how many girls feel inspired that I’ve gotten this far,” she continued. “That they have someone in their corner when Blake doesn’t want to make another woman ‘Chef of the Moment’ two months in a row because he ‘doesn’t want them to get a big head’. I know that they count on me to be their voice and as much as I might hate the things that come with it, I have to keep going.”
Carmy had no idea what to say, how to express how deeply he understood and empathised with her words. So he said the only word that he knew would get the point, at least partly, across.
However, this only forced a giggle to bubble out of Camila as she looked at him with shock.
“Heard? I just poured my deepest thoughts out to you and you said ‘heard’?” 
She was laughing harder now, clutching onto his bicep to stay upright. Carmen felt bad and didn’t think it was entirely that funny but her smile was contagious, as was her laugh and so he began to chuckle too. The pair looked insane, giggling their asses off as they sat in a dimmed corner of the event hall’s kitchen, surrounded by the husks of onions. But they didn’t care, because for a second it felt like the old them and they would do anything to feel that again.
Finally, they came down.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Carmy halfheartedly chuckled. “I, uh, what I meant to say is that I’m proud of you. As much as it might suck, I always knew that you’d end up doing big things one day and now you are, so I’m proud of you.”
The girl quickly made a move to hug him before he could avoid it, enveloping her arms around his shoulders. Hesitantly, he returned it before settling into the familiar warmth of her embrace.
“I’m really proud of you too, Carm. I hope you know that. After everything that you’ve gone through, that you’ve achieved, I always knew you could do it.” 
Carmy shook his head as she continued.
“Even now, that restaurant is in the best shape that it’s been in a long time and that’s all thanks to you. My mom actually likes going to work now and with a little more pushing, I’m pretty sure we can get her to put on the apron.” Camila laughed as he let out a chuckle. Her hands moved to cup his cheeks so that they would make eye contact. 
“You are so special, Carmen. You never fail to impress me, not that you need it. I swear you deserve the world.”
“Then why did you leave?” he finally whispered back, bright blue eyes boring piercing into her own.
His words caught Camila by surprise, her mouth slightly agape. Before she could get another word out, however, Noelle was dropping a plate of the desserts that they made earlier, in front of them.
“Guys, holy shit. These are fire, you have to eat one. They’re amazing.”
Sensing the tense energy between the two she paused, eyes bouncing between them before continuing.
“Okay…I’m not even going to ask. Try them. Also, Blake is pissed! During entrées, he was fully ranting at Garrett that he’s gonna scrap the whole bringing your partners' thing. Just employees.” she laughed.
“Really? That’s uh…great.” Camila muttered quietly, her eyes still flicking to the man next to her.
Still sensing the awkwardness, Noelle stood up, “You two are killing my buzz.” before walking away and leaving the pair alone again.
They sat in silence for a second, glumly staring down at their hands until both tried to speak at the same time.
“Cam, listen, I’m sor-”
“Carmy. I don’t know what to-”
“No, no. Let me finish, okay. I’m sorry that I said that. It was uncalled for and a little cruel. I just, it feels like you’ve just reappeared in my life and it’s as if you never left. You still feel the same. I’m just scared, I think. Of what happens if we do this again, take that chance. But I know that you don’t owe me an explanation until you’re ready. I can wait.”
When he was only met with a longing stare and silence, he cleared his throat and changed the subject.
“If they’re on dessert now, I doubt that they still need us on this. You wanna go back out?”
Camila shook her head slowly.
“You wanna go back home?”
Another shake.
“What then?”
After pretending to think for a second, she finally spoke up.
“You wanna go roller skating?”
“Roller skating? In these clothes?” Carmen laughed, watching her stand and reach her hand down for him to grab.
“Who cares? Let it rip, right?”
“Let it rip.”
yanda! speaks (again): so since i really just changed the entire direction of which this fic was going, the chapters were cut down to 10 instead of 12 so we’re just over halfway now 😛 also, i’ll be offline for the next couple of days so i made this one a little longer to make up for it! alright, bye!
🏷️ list: @rexorangecouny @louderfortheback @janoskiansecondsofdirection @thatonedogwithablog @kravitzwhore @iiheartbowie @doodlebob-mp3 @rainerax
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katsukikitten · 2 years
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Synopsis: There was just something about your big, bulky, nerdy pro hero that absolutely drove you mad. Especially the way he looked at you when he was frustrated. And how could he not be when his pretty little wife spews filth in his ear all night long during an important event.
Warnings: Dom Izuku, bit mean, choking(is it a kitten fic without that?) Diet Voyeurism I went pretty hard for Izuku soooo smut obvi 18+
AN: straight off the dome thanks to @kweenkatsuki and her idea. @bakugotrashpanda just forcing you to look at it too. wc 1200
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Your manicured nails wrap tightly around his strong bicep clad in an expensive designer suit. Your glossed lips pressed to his ear as cameras flash from every direction.
"Izukuu." You whine for the thousandth time this evening, "I need you."
He smiles politely and leans towards you.
"Enough." But there isn't much bite in it when he's smiling so nicely. Like the true brat you are, you push. Pressing your chest against him subtly, leaning up to whisper again.
"Need you to stretch me." A gasp at the thought, "Fill me up."
His grip on your ribs tightens uncomfortably as you've struck a nerve. Insistent all evening on making him late to yet another event. Trying so hard not to rip your dress from your body that his away a sexy thong as he helped you with the zipper. Your hair moved to the side and exposing your pretty throat that he wanted to leave wet kisses along. Instead he showed restraint and kissed the nape of your neck just above the zipper and watched a shiver run down your spine.
Yet still you tried to entice him, earlier in the car, as he drove fast across town to make up for lost time. Thick scarred hand on the gear shifter while your pretty fingers ghosted the outline of his cock until you were out right rubbing harshly on his thick length. He had to grab your wrist and give you a rare withering glare.
His cock hardens in his tight pants now thinking of it and your sultry voice doesn't help. All these people watching, not knowing any better that his sweet wife was such a dirty little thing.
As the two of you move down the red carpet towards the quick interview with the sponsored media, you grab at his ass or slyly slink your hand into his pocket to grab a handful of him. A hand that he gently pulls away. . And just as he's about to step up to speak sweetly to a boring interviewer you whisper in his ear. Sugary sweet.
"I'll even let you cum on my face Izuku."
If there was a doubt in his mind before that he could fight off the urge to fuck you stupid in the next crevice it was gone now. The sight of you on your knees, pretty little tongue lulling out front between your plush lips waiting patiently to catch his fat fuckin load.
He bites the inside of cheek until copper coats his mouth.
He finishes the interview without a second thought, greeting other heros as the pair find their table before excusing the two of you to find the open bar.
When really he's finding an open bathroom. Shoving you into it and bending the door in such a way that it can no longer be pushed open. Cornering you into the counter of the sinks with a mean snarl on his lips and cold emerald eyes boring into you.
"Is this what you want?" He hisses placing his hands on either side of you. So unbelievably frustrated that the counter cracks beneath his grip. It makes your breath quicken as green electricity dances down his skin, looming over you as he lets his mouth hover over yours until he can calm himself.
Only you bring this out in him. This possession, this frustrating and undying need to please you and give you whatever the fuck you wanted. But of course not without a little punishment. He lifts up your dress to your hips, letting his thick digits run along your slit that he can see in your pretty thong and when he feels a dampness near your core he growls.
"Need you. Just want you to give me a creampie." You pout into his ear, he pulls back and moves with inhuman speed. Hand on your throat and in your underwear circling your clit with massive fingers.
"Such a pretty thing. Shame you're so whiny." He watches your face rise and fall with each denial of your pleasure. Pulling the string so fucking taunt only to slowly let it slack again. Over and over until your cunt is weeping over his cruelty.
"Please." A desperate whiny sound as you wither and shake in his grip.
"Only good girls get to cum. 'Sides you only said you wanted me to fill you up." He pulls at his belt with his other hand, freeing his massive aching cock with a groan so sinful you almost cum from that alone, "So I'm going to fill you up."
"But Zuzuuu-" He cuts you off as he nudges your entrance with his fingers and grips the point of your chin, forcing you to look at uncut emeralds.
"You're going to take me and you won't complain. Got it?" He sinks his ring and middle finger into your tight heat with such force it takes you off your tall red bottoms heels for a moment. You whine so loudly it echoes around the tile.
"You like it when Sama is mad at you?" He hisses, "Want everyone to hear me making you cry? Wanna embarrass me?"
"N-No." He pulls out his fingers, makes you watch him place them in his mouth. Sucking the essence of you off his skin before he laps at the pads as if you were a delicacy.
To him you were, he fights the urge to get on his knees and suck your clit so hard you see stars for the next half an hour.
"No what?" A grind of his teeth, a side he only gives to you, fighting back his own whiny, needy want. But that would have to wait until you two were home and he could melt as you use him as a living dildo.
"No, Izuku Sama. I don't want to embarrass you."
"Good girl." He growls and finally gives you some reprieve. Bullying his way into your fluttering heat, he isn't going to last. Not with the sounds you're making, not with how your cunt is gripping him so tightly and echoing that delicious wet slap back to him. You were good to him, too fucking good to him. Pushes your head into the crook of his neck and shoulder.
"You better bite instead of letting me hear you fuckin scream." One for All puts stars in his eyes and just like that you're gone. Floating in outer space before he can even finish his stroke and the only thing keeping you tethered to Earth is the strong, gentle grip his has around your body as he presses you to him. Fucking up into you with a ferocity as the lights flicker and all that can be seen is flashes of green lightening. The large imposing man fucking you so insanly hard, so good as he loses himself to the pleasure that is your gorgeous cunt.
It's maddening and you bite at his thick skin roughly, hardly causing an indent as you try to stifle your screams. It felt good, so fucking good as he lifted your feet from the ground with each thrust. His fat cock head easily rolling over that spongy spot before giving your cervix a bruising kiss.
He can't help himself, he knows you're about to cum, knows you're actually about to squirt, knows he should stop or think of how sexy that is to get him to cum before you so he can keep to his word.
But he can't.
He knew he wasn't going to when he took his pants all the way off and set them to the side, when he made sure your dress was neatly tucked out of the way despite his cruel words.
"If you wanna cum baby, you better squirt on sama's cock." He grunts rolling his hips just so and of course you do. The clear liquid coming out of you in spurts that match the contracting of your cunt. Milking Izuku dry as he whines and groans in your ear. Pulling at your ass cheek so hard and lost in lust it will bruise in the shape of his hand.
"Good girl. Good fuckin girl." He's breathless in his praises as his balls tighten, spilling inside of you and giving you that cream pie you wanted.
He pulls back, looks at your fucked out face with some concern. Not because there was a party to go back to but the fact that he may have gone too far.
The broken mirror, counter, door and light overhead said as much.
"You with me, pretty girl?" He asks gently, pressing his forehead to yours. You give a weak nod before he presses a long kiss to your forehead. He gives you a moment to catch your breath before he fixes you. Cupping your heat after he's dressed and before fixing the door.
"You're gonna sit with my cum leaking out of your greedy hole and think about what you did." His voice is dark, "Then when you get home, I'm going to show you a real punishment. Understand?"
"Yes, Izuku-sama."
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ficsforeren · 3 years
more mafia eren headcanons pls 🤲
MORE??????? okay if you insist
So uhh this will be a continuation for this scene I wrote earlier
Eren tosses your knife to the side, making a clattering sound as it meets the floor. "Any other tricks of yours I should be aware of?" His voice is soothing in your ear but the gun he points to your neck is anything but.
You struggle to break free. "Get your hands off me."
"Fine," he huffs, drawing back from you. "I guess I'll just have to investigate it myself."
He pushes you forward until you're pressed flat against the wall, his gun pointing at the spot between your shoulder blades. "Arms above your head, Sweetheart," he says but his tone is merciless. "One wrong move and I'll shoot a hole through your chest."
Your breathing rags, raising both hands as he asked you to. "Good girl," he coos and it makes you sick. You can feel his hand sliding down your body, following the curve of your ass before it slips behind the high slit of your red maxi dress. He reaches between your legs, making you jolt when his fingers glide over your lingerie. "Such a cute reaction," he chuckles but he presses the point of his gun harder on your skin. "You won't be needing this." Eren rips your lingerie with one hand, casting it aside.
You're scared to your bones. Terrified. "Please stop."
He drags his hand to the front of your stomach, pulling you closer until you can feel his zipper grazing against your behind. "And what if I don't?"
But he stops once he feels you shuddering in fear. He turns you around and lifts your face by pushing his gun to your chin. His eyes find your glassy ones and even when you're glaring with so much hatred in your eyes, you're trying your best not to cry. Even if it means that you have to bite your lip until it bleeds. He smiles, reaching out a hand and you close your eyes in reflex but what he does is frames your cheek gently. "As much as I like seeing my women cry in bed," he says, "I'm not a rapist."
You thought he was going to murder you instead so when he draws his gun away and tucks it back into the pocket of his suit, you nearly weep in relief. "It's been fun, Sweetheart," he bids his goodbye as you slide down to the floor, knees trembling. "I look forward to seeing you again." And he shuts the bathroom door behind him.
He could've killed you, but he didn't. He should've been, knowing you were out there to kill him, but he didn't. And now you owe him your life.
Sick of having that thought for days, you decide to visit him again.
Eren is lying down on a bed of an overly-priced suite with his black suit discarded, his gun lying on the floor and his white shirt unbuttoned to the middle of his chest when you slip through his door.
"Your lady won't be coming back," you tell him, dressed in a red trench coat that perfectly hugs your body. Eren props himself up with his elbows on the bed, his smirk naturally finds its way to his face. His gun is close enough for him to reach. He just decides not to.
Even in the dimness of the room, you can still see the bulge that's concealed by the silk fabric of his pants. There are lipstick stains on his shirt, and some on the side of his neck.
“Well, that’s unfortunate," he says, not surprised in the slightest. "I'd spent a good amount of money to rent her for the night. Heterochromatic eyes. Very rare.”
"You've got a peculiar taste in women."
“Yeah, looks better on camera.” He shifts his weight, sitting on the edge of the bed. His hair is no longer tied, cascading to his shoulders and framing his cheekbones perfectly. “How many of my guards did you take down to get in here?”
“Three. You know, you should’ve considered hiring bodyguards that are stronger than you.”
“Yeah, you couldn’t even lift a finger against me." He chuckles at the memory. "Well I used to have Levi, but he quits for good.” He takes a cigarette from the pocket of his suit. “Did you kill them?”
“No. I didn’t want to leave dead bodies in such a nice hotel like this.”
“How very thoughtful of you.” He tucks the cigar between his teeth, lighting it up.
“I wouldn’t mind if it was yours, though," you add. "If anyone should die tonight, it should be you.”
“But you can’t kill me." His eyes twinkle mischievously as he leans back and takes a long drag. "So, what are you planning to do?”
"Why didn't you kill me?"
"'Cause you're cute." He brings his cigar to his lips, smirking as he continues, "And I kinda like your face. Wouldn't hate to see it again."
"You should've killed me. Now I feel like I owe you my life."
"You do." He flicks the ashes off. "So, I'm guessing you're here to repay me?" You stay mute but your eyes tell him the answer he wants to hear. "What do you have to offer?"
"Let me join your little boyband. I can be useful to you."
He snorts. "You couldn't even put up a fight against me, why would I want you?"
Your jaw clenches. "Then what do you want me to do?"
Something flickers in his eyes at your choice of words. He takes another drag, standing up and makes his way to the balcony. "Come. The moon looks beautiful tonight." You hesitate for a few seconds before you follow his trail.
Eren leans his back against the railing, throwing his head back as he lets the wind caresses his face. He looks... beautiful, as if he didn't belong to that kind of world. His eyelashes are long, probably longer than yours and those lips—
"Strip for me," he repeats, dragging his cigar closer to his lips. "Here. Now." You keep your body still, your glare menacing, though your heart starts to thrash wildly inside your chest. "You said you wanted to repay me, right?"
“I thought you said you weren’t a rapist.”
“I’m not." He exhales clouds of smoke into the air. "I’m not forcing you, am I? I’m only asking you. Whether you do it or not is up to you.”
You can't believe you just called him beautiful. He's fucking sick.
“And you also owe me an escort," he grins lightly as he tosses the rest of his cigarette away, "You’re not heterochromatic but you do have pretty eyes.”
You feel your breathing stutter as he makes his way to you. “You want me to sleep with you?”
“No." In a blink of an eye, Eren has his hand on the front of your throat, pushing you against the glassy window until you're standing on your tiptoes. Your hands are clutching tightly against his wrist, nails scratching his skin to push him away but he only smiles that fucking innocent smile of his that always seems out of place. But when he speaks, another persona takes over.
"I want to fuck you," he says the words through gritted teeth, almost like he's growling. You can feel his breath falling on your lips, can sense the aftertaste of the cigarette he just took. “I want to fuck you raw until you cry. I want to fuck you until you can’t say anything, can't think about anything but my cock inside you. I want to fuck you until you beg me to stop and when you do, I'm gonna fuck you even harder."
You're choking, your lungs starting to catch on fire. "C-can't... breathe..."
And instead of letting you go, he smashes his lips against yours, and he's so rough with his teeth and tongue that you won't be surprised if yours start to bleed. You gasp against his mouth, desperate for air and only after he's satisfied, does he let go.
Retracting his hand, Eren brings back his juvenile smile to his face, hand gently frames your cheek as he whispers in your ear. “But again," his lips brush against your skin. "It’s all up to you, Sweetheart.”
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80s4life · 3 years
God Help Me*
Word Count: 2,306
Status: Not Requested!
Fandom: Orange Is The New Black
A/N: Just watched some more of oitnb and felt that Joe was an underrated character. So, here's something dirty for the dirty dog!
Relationship: Joe Caputo x Female Reader
Summary: (Based loosely on S3:E7 (”Tongue-Tied”) where the new recruits for security are supposed to be getting the 40 hours of training, but denied by the new employers. Specifically, when Bayley makes his mistake with the pepper spray incident, Caputo is outraged, in the need of a break. Luckily, you know how to ease his tension.
Warnings: language, age-gap pairing, against laws, forbidden, smut, retardation name calling (once, not me though, a line from the show!)
Taglist: @intersellars-the-networks-of-eve @snapessecretdiary
Masterlist Orange Is The New Black Masterlist
{gif is not mine, credits to @thompsonconnors}
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"What the fuck was that?" Joe Caputo asks, confused and struggling to keep up with the messes every corner he turns. "You assess the situation and you respond with the appropriate level of force! And you never, ever, ever discharge your weapon unless it's absolutely necessary!" he continues, not done just yet. "And if you do, and that weapon happens to be pepper spray, you better damn well make sure you're upwind!"
Bayley, the new recruit, alongside Donaldson, a long-term member of this prison, look down, ashamed of themselves. Blinking their eyes every so often, the pain in their eyes searing with the combination of the regret in how they got in this position in the first place and the stinging pepper spray.
Motioning towards Bayley, Caputo continues with his mantra, "You are a trigger-happy knucklehead who just got out of diapers," now turning his attention to Donaldson, "But you, how could you let this happen?" he finishes, exasperated.
Donaldson, finding some courage, fires back, "Sir, with all due respect, I'm not a nanny." He may have screwed up, but he is not putting his life on the line for an idiot.
"No! You are an officer with 20 plus years' experience, and your job was to impart some wisdom on fucking Baby Huey over here!" Caputo spits, motioning towards Bayley once more.
"Well, this is what happens when you put untrained officers in gen pop," Donaldson says once more, although very quickly and almost fearfully. As if he were a child talking back to his parents.
"You don't think I know that? I fucking know that!" Caputo says once more, placing a hand over his head, letting out a tired sigh as he walks back behind his desk. "Bayley, I should be firing your ass," he motion towards the young man with two pointed fingers.
"I know," is all he manages meekly.
"But, it's your first day, so I'm gonna chalk this up to mental retardation. If you so much as look at an inmate wrong in the next week, you're out of here!" Caputo motions with a "whoosh." Now looking Bayley up and down in disbelief, he catches the small paper taped to his chest as well, "Take that stupid fucking name tag off."
As the men nod once more, he finishes with, "Now go! Get your asses down to medical and get an eyewash. And read the stupid fucking manuals!" he grunts, shaking the book in question and slamming it on his desk as the officers leave.
Throwing himself into his chair, he almost considers kicking and flailing around like a child in order to let off steam, but he is quickly denied the chance as you knock and burst through his office within a second.
“What is it now?” he asks quietly, a hand holding his head up by his chin, fingers covering his now closed eyes.
“Well- uhm- well...” you continue, quite nervous as you don’t know where his hostility had come from, you being unsure whether it was your doing or not. It was uncharted waters you weren’t sure on stepping into or not.
“What. Is. It!?” he yells now, eyes wide open, hands clutching the ends of his armrests. Making you yelp and jump a bit, taking a few steps back into the doorway.
Seeing this reaction, he sighs once more, taking in your wide eyes and slightly tense posture, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell. It’s been a long day, okay?”
“I-I understand sir.”
“How many times have I told you to call me Joe, or Caputo if that’s what floats your boat?” he says, an attempt to coax you out of your startled state.
“I’m sorry s- Caputo. I only wanted to tell you that I bought ya’ something. A little gift, I guess.” you say, a blush tinting your cheeks.
“What? You didn’t have to get me anything!” He smiles now, relieving you, and bringing a smile to your own features at his now somewhat upbeat mood.
“Well, ya’ know...I remember you telling me about a band of yours, right?” you ask.
“Yeah,” he smirks, looking back at fond memories and the new ones with his new band.
“Well, since your style of music was rock, and I just so happened to be in the area of a new music store, I found some goodies there!” Pulling a seat in front of his desk, you grab the wrapped presents from the waistband of your belt, having hidden it behind your back in attempt to completely surprise him.
He smiles at your childish antics, lightly taking the wrapped good from your small, delicate hands. Unwrapping the smallest one, he finds a box underneath the covers. Opening it, his smile grows bigger as his eyes meet a black guitar pick, a skull etched into it and painted white. 
His eyes meet yours for a second, a fondness there, looking back down once more as he admires it. “I love it,” he says after a second.
“That’s not all!” you say, excited now as he already likes one of the things you’ve picked out for him, pulling out a medium-sized present next. You take this sudden change of attitude as a sign, wanting to hopefully ease the stresses the guards and staff have been taking, especially Joe.
Taking it from your hands once more, your hands make contact, the blush on your face intensifying a little more. Unwrapping the present, he finds a black bandanna, his band name printed onto it, matching the guitar pick. He giggles at this, tying it around his head for your view.
You laugh as well as you go to hand him the biggest and last of the presents, his eyes lighting up once he finds what it is. “Nu-uh! You didn’t! This must’ve cost a fortune!” he almost yells now, a genuine leather guitar strap in his grip as he jumps up from his seat.
“No, actually they gave me a little discount on it. It took a lot of searching to get the one you’ve been specifically looking for, but the guy said I was cute- anyway! I just thought you needed these since work has been beating your ass,” you say, smirking lightly.
“You didn’t need to do this,” he says, settling back into his seat as he grasps your hands lightly, still star-struck as he looks at the strap still in his hand.
The gesture was innocent, but as time goes on, you blush a deep red, him still not letting go of your hands. Noticing this, he goes to pull away, clearing his throat, standing, and straightening out his suit. There, you notice a slight tent in his pants, igniting a flame in your belly. 
“Well, thank you Miss Y/L/N, these were very nice...”
“Anytime...” you say slyly, dragging on your words as you stand as well, not bothering to fix your pants as it sticks tightly to your ass and thighs. 
He looks down, gulping as he takes in your curves he usually tries to ignore, clearing his throat once more as his eyes meet yours. Only now did he realize the close proximity between the two of you, you intending to lean in and fix his tie. As you do so, he grabs your hand, pulling it away, “Don’t tempt me. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.”
“Oh, I’m pretty damn sure I do,” you say as you pull him down to your height by the tie, pulling at the base of his neck, kissing him now. 
Breaking apart for a moment, you make your way around the desk, perching yourself atop it as you pull him between your legs, kissing him once more. Tongues fighting for dominance, you tease him, sucking on it, and nibbling on his lips. He growls, the tent now very evident in his pants, the tightness an annoying constriction.
He pulls away once more, going to lock his office door, having placed a ‘On a lunch break’ sign above his name. Making his way back over to you, his lips attach to yours once more, moving to remove your weaponry belt. You do the same, unbuttoning the top of his dress shirt, moving to leave kisses, bites and hickeys. 
Continuing your attack, you move your hand to his belt, working quickly as he unbuttons your shirt, exposing your constricted, perky breasts. He grunts once more, adding to your eagerness as you finally get his belt out of the loops. Now both full of impatience, you unleash his cock, him doing the same for your breasts and pants. Completely removing everything from your being, leaving your half-unbuttoned shirt.
Not wasting time, he starts to work your clit, moisturizing ever bit of you as he collects it and moves his finger in all the most special parts, lubricating your core with ease. You grip his cock, teasing it as you run your finger along the slit at the top, precum already oozing. Looking him in the eyes, you notice his golden browns now a dark chocolate eyes, admiration sparkling them as he looks back at you. 
You moan as he enters a finger into your core, soon adding another as you loosen yourself for him. Finally, when he deems you ready, he reaches into one of the desk drawers, pulling out a condom. Motioning to him, he hands it over, letting you take over and do the honors. He simply places both arms on either side of your form, caging you in his embrace, smirking down at you.
Finally, once the condom was rolled onto his member, he goes to line himself up to your entrance, tip placed right at the beginning, not crossing the threshold just yet. “Are you sure?” is all he asks, wanting consent.
Knowing that this is wrong, you contemplate your options. You have already thought of the many ways he could take you, having been attracted to the older man for many years. Looking him in the eyes, you nod, “I’ve wanted this for too fucking long.”
With this new reassurance, he thrusts deeply, not giving you a chance to adjust just yet, pushing in and not stopping until he’s bottomed out. Taking a breath, you relish in the familiar sting of being stretched out, leaning back on your elbows for a minute. When you’re finally ready, you grab onto his shoulders, nodding once again. 
He starts slow, not wanting to hurt you, but, as you bite his pulse point, he jumps, taking the hint. Pounding into you mercilessly now, you moan and scream loudly, meeting his thrusts with the same momentum and speed, wanting this just as much as he does.
Instead, wanting to hold onto this feeling for as long as you can manage, you busy yourself with admiring and teasing the man before you. Specifically when he switches positions slightly, hitting your g-spot, your hands find their way into the tiny tufts of hair remaining on his balding scalp. Tugging lightly, he groans, pounding harder.
“Fuck!” you choke out, “I’m gonna cum! Joe! I’m gonna cum!”
“Just hold on a bit more, I’m almost there!”
Using his hands, he moves one to your clit, rubbing hard circles, intensifying the pleasure. You moan, the pleasure almost too much for you, settling for leaning your head on his chest. The chest hair tickles your nose, making you giggle between whimpers, kissing him there every so often.
With all your strength, you try to maintain your composure, the knot in your stomach begging for release. But, as you feel his dick twitch, the veins touching every inch of your walls deliciously, you couldn’t hold on any longer, milking his cock. With the sudden tightness and feeling of warmth bursting against him, he continues to thrust just a few seconds more, riding you through your orgasm as he meets his. 
As he slowly comes down from his high, he sighs peacefully, placing his head underneath yours and in the crevice of your neck. You kiss the top of his head as you take his weight, leaning back on your hands, one wrapped around his neck. After a moment, as he now goes soft within your being, he pulls out, disposing the condom.
Smiling, the two of you joke and throw clothes at each other as you get changed again. “So what are we now, Joe?”
“Well, it’d be fucked up to say nothing after mind-blowing-sex, now wouldn’t it?”
“I guess...So does that mean we’re together?”
“Do you want to? I would’a thought a young girl like you would want someone who can keep up with ya’?”
“I mean yeah...but they aren’t you, Joe. I want you,” you say honestly.
“Shit...” he mutters, smiling now, “This is the best thing that’s happened to me all day.”
“Is that a ‘yeah’?”
“Hell yeah it is!” he says happily, “Now how about round 2?”
“You’re on Old Man,” you say giggling, hopping into his lap on his desk, kissing him once more.
However your giggling and kisses get cut short with a knock on the door. You sigh, getting off of him not and making sure your clothes are straightened out.
“I guess not...” you say defeated.
“Well...Not right now,” Joe answers, going to the door, giving a sly wink as he opens it. 
Work is only temporary, you know this. You’ll get all the time you need with him tonight.
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bakugohoex · 4 years
Can you do Jean x reader where they are both undercover at Marley 💕💕💕
part one: “this isn’t a date jean, we’re undercover”
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paring: jean kirschtein x female reader
cw: season 4 spoiler but there is no manga spoiler at all, fluff, language 
word count: 2600+
a/n: i had to read so much for this fic, but i got the jist of it, again making sure you guys know there is no spoilers for the manga in here and onlt a season four spoiler do if you guys havent watched the latest episodes be warned
summary: in which you and jean are undercover doing reconnaissance in marley, want turns to investigating a local bar leads to feelings finally being brought out from the two of you
part two  | part three 
↞ back to attack on titan masterlist 
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The dress you wore covered your thighs and knees, it hugged you, the soft material being a drastic change from your normal attire. It was a warm mid-day, birds chirped and the sound of Marleyans engulphed your ears. In the 6 years in which you had known Jean you hadn’t ever expect an undercover mission taking place in Marley of all places.
He walked with your hand in his own, you smiling softly as you spoke nonchalantly to one another. It was unamusing and more a distraction than anything else. He picked the newspaper up on the stall, paying quickly as he walked back, you followed which felt more like being dragged along by his strong grip.
The way the top of his fedora sat on his now long hair, he heard about the victory of the Marleyans from a passer-by and with his hand in your own he opened the newspaper up. It was reconnaissance, you and him both knew you were supposed to act like one of these people even if they did think of you both as devils.
“I think we should visit that bar that woman told us about, a lot of the men there get drunk and reveal a lot.”
He looked down at you, your hands still connected. He had grown so much in all these years now reaching over 6ft, his long hair and scattered hairs along his chin making gorgeous. He had become the leader both you and Marco knew he would become.
“They’ll all stare at you, why would I want that?” he mutters.
You laugh at his antics, “you’re such an idiot.”
“You’re the one holding my hand.”
“Jean it’s a mission we have to pretend to be together for the performance.”
He raised an eyebrow you had full view of his face; his eyes were tired from the late nights working on the next plan of action. But most importantly, the fact that the two of you had to share a bed. He couldn’t even touch you as your small frame would sometimes push against his chest.
You smiled at the boy getting him out of his trance before skimming through the newspaper again. “We’ll go tonight after the meeting.”
You nod as the two of you walk towards the docks of Liberio. Both you and Jean were in the internment zone, a nice old woman allowing you to stay on top of her shop. Even with her being nice her opinions on titans and those within the walls were a lot cruller than u had expected.
It had been awkward the first time sleeping beside each other, you both looked up. Not facing each other but instead watching as the clock ticked away until one of you fell asleep. You both woke up wrapped in each other’s arms, and an awkwardness had set between you two from that night. You both would try to face away from each other but one way in another you ended up touching each other in some way.
He helped you up the stairs to where the little shop was kept, you both had gained some currency mostly from stealing it, but you never expected to stay here long. Only to find information until the true invasion would begin. Of course, the others were already here in their own recon missions, but you and Jean had been the first ones and had found out the most about this stupid town.
The biggest thing being that they hated Eldians of any type. You both walked through the double doors the woman smiling at how pretty you both looked together.
You had a meeting with the rest of the survey corps, Hange leading it, you got changed into what you’d wear to the bar knowing it was going to be a long night.
Jean stood at the door watching at how you easily took the dress off. You both didn’t care about changing clothes in front of each other, you’d seen worse from each other and it meant nothing after the tortures of titans.
The short dress fitted you perfectly and as Jean eyed you up and down, he craved any touch by you. He had taken the blue tie off and the suit jacket and waistcoat off leaving him in the white button up and trousers.
You smiled at how his hair stuck to the back of his neck, when he had first started growing his hair out you had loved it seeing the boy turn into a man. You both had changed since your cadet days and as much as you missed it you couldn’t say that being an adult didn’t have its perks.
“You know Y/n, I’d definitely accept any date proposals from you.”
You rolled your eyes at him, he always tormented you with the flirting. “Jean you really are a pain in my ass.”
“Such vulgar words from a pretty woman.”
You wanted to stab him with your ODM gear but instead stuck with jabbing him with your knee into his stomach. Normally when he was a lot younger it hurt him easily, but he seemed unfazed by the action almost finding it cute.
“Why did u have to grow so much? Short Jean was better.”
“Are you saying 15-year-old me is better than now me?”
You think back at the boy, bringing your finger to your chin. “Both you and 15-year-old you are pains to be around.”
He moves his face to your ear you could feel the hairs brush against your cheek from his chin as he spoke, “it’s okay Y/n we both know how you really feel.”
Rolling your eyes, he grabbed your hand almost out of instinct, you both leaving the shop as quickly as you came. Turning the many corners that Hange had told you to take after each different meeting.
The amount of walks you both went on should be unnecessary but the people of Liberio barely batted an eyelash at the two on you.
The dress was low cut and having all these new clothes made your heart warm up. You hadn’t worn different clothes in years, always the same uniform which you grew to dislike.
“Hange really sent us on a fucking expedition.” You mutter as you lean against Jean’s side.
He leads the way walking towards an unknown battered up building. It looked like it was being constructed and you were met with the scouts.
They eyed you both up your outfits standing out. “running late per usual.” Levi mutters.
As much as you had grown on Captain Levi, he still had a discomfort towards most of you. Both Jean and you let go of hands with ease standing beside each other. Before the meeting begun mostly talking about what had occurred and most significantly the defeat of Marleyans against the Mid-East.
“You know what that means, sometime soon is our time to act.” You professed, the new knowledge coming as a relief as it would soon be time for your plan to truly occur.
Armin and Mikasa spoke, the whereabouts of Eren being unknown due to his consistent disappearances. Watching these people grow you truly understood the mutual torment you all felt. As you were all dismissed all you could think about was the consistent opposition you all faced.
“I think the bars down here.” Jean retakes your hand as you smiled at him.
“Once this is over what do you think will happen.” You ask him softly.
“I don’t know.”
“Remember when we first met, and you were adamant on becoming an MP.” He listened raising an eyebrow. “Look at you now Mr Commanding Officer.”
You were proud of your friend he had worked hard to achieve this status. “You really are proud of me aren’t yah.”
You rolled your eyes gently hitting his side. “I’m telling the truth I’m proud of you.”
You had been timid in your choice of words you were proud, and he knew you were proud of him. Walking into the bar, the significant smell of alcohol mixed with sweat made you grossed out.
It was a rule to not drink under the survey corps and you hadn’t really cared for drinking. So, the sight of so many drunk people drove you mad, how easily a night of drinking could lead to a failed future.
Jean pulled out a chair for you before going to the bar, “I’ll get your favourite.”
You nodded playing with your fingers trying to listen in on the conversations that were occurring. Many Marleyans chatting shit about the Eldians and most specifically those of paradise island.
Your fist clenched as Jean brought two drinks out. “What is it?” You question looking at the red drink in front of you.
“You told me you liken cranberry juice once, i got you some”.
Your eyes widened at the boy, “Jean i said that like years ago.”
“Shows you how much i do care about you.” You rolled your eyes sipping on the drink. You both conversed but remained consistent with your spying on individuals.
“Those guys are talking about you.” Jean coughed out sipping his drink.
“I should go up to them i might get some information.”
“Don’t.” You raise an eyebrow going up to his ear. “They might steal you away.”
“This isn’t a date Jean, we’re undercover.” The way you spoke his name made him melt, he wanted to hear more of your voice specifically moaning his name out.
You stood up ready to go speak to them before you heard something come from their mouths. “If i ever saw one of those island folks I’d slit their throats and make their kids watch.”
You felt sick to the stomach by the comment and wanted to leave. Jean hadn’t heard it and as you stood frozen, he called out your name.
“Let’s get u outside.” He whispers taking your hand as you silently followed. “Are you okay?”
You nod, “I guess it just hit me we’re hated here the way the act towards us is the way we used to act against titans.”
You felt his arms wrap around you. He knew you hadn’t spoken much about the comments and that now you hit the realisation you’d confide in him more.
“I want to go back to the shop.” He nods as a comfortable silence settled in.
You cling to his arm wrapping your hands around his own. He loved the way you cling onto him like he was your protector, and you were his queen.
Walking down a long alleyway, you see some Marley men smoking and drinking. They’d be easy targets if you wanted to kill them, hearing them speak and whistle as you both walked past. Before one of them grabbing your wrist made Jean’s instincts kick in.
He punched the guy who had touched you, his filthy hands still lingering close to your body. The way Jean with ease was able to put down the two men who looked bruised and battered.
He put his hand out for you to take, he didn’t speak. Just bringing you the comfort you needed from this whole new world experience. Everything was so much bigger outside the walls and you couldn’t ever imagine putting innocent people in walls to keep them trapped.
The events of the night led to an uncomfortable silence once you arrived back to little room on top of the shop. He stripped his shirt off due to the excessive dirt it had got on it. You admired his body, the way each muscle sat perfectly on his abdomen.
You sat on the bed fidgeting with your clothes, you played with the hem of the dress which Jean could see your upper thigh from you doing.“Do you want to talk more about it?”
“I just… i guess it’s the reality.” You muttered as Jean sat beside you his shirt off. Titans seemed less scary than any of these indoctrinated Marleyans any day.
In the years Jean had known you seeing you vulnerable and passive made his heart ache. He took you by the hand letting you attach yourself to his side.
You were scared about the upcoming invasion and even worse you didn’t even know who you’d be fighting. The uncertain of it all being too much.
He walked up to you, moving closer to your smaller frame. “You didn’t have to punch those guys, I...I would’ve said something.”
“Y/n, you’ve been silent all night, you expect me to believe that you would’ve done something.” He bends down his knees touching the ground as he kneeled in front of you. His hands moving to your own stopping you from playing with your dress anymore.
Bringing your hands up to his mouth he kissed it as you could see some bruises, you stroked your thumb against the bruises hopefully it would settle down with some ice later. “What you said back in the bar?” You start to speak but you really had nothing to say, “about not going to those men.”
“I didn’t want you to get hurt if you talked to them and…” He trailed off.
“And?” You question.
He looked up at your bright face filled with love and happiness something he hadn’t seen in a very long time. “And you bring joy, in a shitty world like this I guess you’re the only one who truly brings a smile on my face.”
“Jean when did you get so sappy.” You giggle at his flustered look.
“Oh, shut up.”
“Make me.” The tone in your voice was begging him to take you.
He rolls his eyes, his tongue flicking against the inside of his mouth as he stood up looking at you. He was even taller than before. You were a mouse compared to his frame; he bent his back bringing his face closer towards yours before a hand was placed on your cheek.
He closed the gap between the two of you, making your back hit the bed. His other hand moved to your side as he was on kissing you whilst he was on top. Your back arched at the movements wanting to feel his body on your own, as you deepened the kiss. Your hands in his long hair pulling his body closer to your own, as you felt the hardness come from his trousers.
“This was your plan all along, wasn’t its baby.” He spoke stoically a cocky grin plastered to his face.
You smirked as he let go of your lips, moving his mouth to your neck as he moved your dress down your body, with your collarbone and neck revealed for him. He left marks and sucked on spots making you moan his name loudly.
“I’d…I… would n…never.” The moans engulphed you, you craved him even more.
He had never expected to hear you moan his name, and the sound of it, with you underneath fuelled him even more to continue the act. You closed your eyes as he bit and sucked on your collar before licking the side of your neck. The saltiness it brought making him lick his lips before he went back to kissing you.
The kiss was deeper, quicker than it previously had been, you placed your hands on his exposed chest. The way a single touch from you sent shivers down his spine, “I’ve always like you, y’know.”
“I assumed so.” You giggled, his body was on top of you trapping you between his broad arms and shoulders. It was a sight and you loved it.
You brought yourself up leaning up with your elbows, your dress was half off you and the way he looked at you knew that what would happen tonight had been long awaited from many many years ago. 
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proceed to part two here
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i’d really appreciate if you guys could leave a like, reblog or comment, thanks x
if you guys want to be a part of a tag list, just reply to any post and i’ll add you xx
@samusimp @alaina-rose13 @crispychannie @underratedmage​ @jennammaee​ @cathy8taffy @sugacious​ @moonlightaangel
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spidernerdsblog · 4 years
Hey dear💟 how are you? Can I ask for some mob!tom smut?? Like he's smoking a cigar at a boring wedding when he meets a mob!reader and after talking a bit things just happen and he takes her home for fucking all night?
Oh and ends in fluff??
Hi nonnie! I'm fine hope you are well too. Here's your request hope you like this.
Pairing : Mob! Tom Holland x Mob! Reader
Warnings : 18+, SMUT, mature content, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it)
His Queen, Her King
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Being the mob boss Tom had to be a part of various social gatherings, galas, parties etc but the most he dreaded were weddings. Especially when you're an eligible bachelor, people around you are constantly nagging you with the most evident question ‘when is your turn?’ There were several occasions where the leaders of other mobs had tried to set him up with their daughters to forge an alliance but he would turn them down every time because he never found them to be his match. He likes to be in control but that doesn’t mean he would settle for a mere puppet who would dress up pretty and do as told, he wanted someone powerful, fierce who would challenge his authority, a real queen to his vast empire.  
It was one of his childhood friends' wedding day so he couldn't say no. The hall was buzzing with people as he was seated with a couple of his friends at a table drinking and laughing loudly talking about their busy lives and their businesses. One hour to the wedding reception and Tom was already bored he lit up a cigar and took a long puff from it watching everyone silently. 
Just then you walk in through the doors in a long red silk dress hugging your body like a second skin with a thigh high slit paired with pointed stilettos making heads turn. Your hair styled into loose curls cascading down your shoulders complimenting your dewy makeup. Your wrists and ears sparkling with the most priceless authentic diamonds.  Apart from being the maid of honor you are the only woman in the mob business who owns the biggest diamond business in the country. 
People were obviously envious of your power though they never dare to say anything to your face but you have heard how people think you just got lucky with the business as the only daughter of your father, women have no place in the mob even to the extent of being slut shamed and being accused of sleeping with your rivals to run the business. You had simply shrugged it off and showed those people with a flourishing business and earning double profits than your father used to earn when he used to run the mob. You walk over to your best friend.
“Congratulations Jane, finally you’re a married woman now!” you give her a hug.
“Thanks Y/N it feels like a dream honestly” she chirps “but when are you…”
“Please you also don’t start” you both chuckled and continued gossiping.
“Man why are these receptions so dull and boring” Matt groaned “couldn’t they do it at a bar or strip club?”
“Yeah it would have been fun to watch your wife beat the shit out of you after you flirted with one of the strippers” Carl mocked to which everyone laughed out loud including Tom.
“Hey!!” Matt revolted in protest as all of them laughed again.
Your conversation was constantly getting disturbed with their constant brawls and loud laughter. Even the other guests had a frown on their face with the noise they were making.
“I apologize on behalf of my friends, they can sometimes be a little loud” Paul the groom said apologetically.
"It’s ok I know how to deal with guys like them. Let me handle it” You offer and stride your way to their table. 
“Sorry to crash the fun boys but some of us are actually here to attend the reception not to hear your meaningless chatter” you jibe forcing a smile as the men turn their attention towards you. Tom puts down his cigar blowing out the smoke as he takes a quick glance of you.
“I'm sorry love, are we offending you?” he remarks with a smolder and the men around him hollered. The corner of your lips quirk into a sly smirk as you step closer to him drawing a finger along his jawline.
“It will take a lot more than this baby face to offend me” you taunt him back with a grin amusing everyone including Tom at your comeback.
“Oooh damn!” the men hollered again while you turned your back and strutted off to join your friends again. Tom just sat there completely blown away by your boldness. He had heard about you but now that he saw you he understood that you weren’t just a beautiful face after all who just got lucky in the mob business you were a complete badass. The very image of you radiates power and triumph. 
His eyes seeked yours the whole time and then he found you finally all by yourself near the open bar drinking a glass of whisky. He approaches you as he clears his throat.
“Ahem, hey” you lift your eyes from the glass and then put it down on the counter smacking your lips.
“Here to apologise for being a jerk?” you quip.
“I thought we were even already” he remarks with a smug grin.
“Yeah maybe” you half shrug
“Tom Holland by the way” he reaches his hand out and you dismiss it by picking your glass again and taking a sip. 
“I know who you are, the boss of the most powerful mob in London” you say nonchalantly
“Keeping tabs I see” he smirks as he signals the bartender to hand him a drink as well.
“It’s a risky business Holland you gotta keep records about your potential rivals” you state blandly.
“Absolutely, couldn’t agree more” he takes a sip wincing at the strong taste of the drink. 
“So all alone? Bossman didn’t get any arm candy for the night?” you snicker.
“Only a queen fits beside a king like me darling and I haven’t found one yet , what about you?”
“Well I haven’t found my king either” you clink your glass to his as you both gulp down your drinks.
“You look ravishing in that dress I must say” he compliments with a suave in his voice.
“Thank you. You don’t look bad either” you flirt back as you bite the corner of your lip checking him dressed in an Armani suit the Rolex on his wrist glinting in the golden light of the chandeliers.  
“I really admire you. Honestly it’s really hard and dangerous to run a business when you’re a woman” there was a different kind of sparkle in his eyes which you recognize very well.
“What can I say I just love playing with danger” you shrug with sass in your voice. 
“You wanna get out of here? I’m sure nobody will miss us” he licks his lips eyes darkening with pure desire. 
“Well what are we waiting for?” you smirk with a mischievous glint in your eyes both of you coming to a silent agreement.
The whole ride to his mansion was a blur as soon as you were inside he had you pinned up against the door as his lips met yours hungrily. His lips tasted of burnt cigar and whisky.  He started leaving trails of kisses on your jaw and neck while his hand snaked down to your thighs through the slit of your dress unclasping the thigh holster from your leg as it dropped on the ground with a loud clatter. His hand moved further to your flimsy lace thong to feel your sex. 
“So wet already, love? I haven't even touched you properly” you can hear the smirk in his voice. His hand goes to unzip your dress as he leans in for a kiss but you stop him placing two fingers on his lips slowly tracing them. 
“Bedroom?” you ask breathing heavily.
“Upstairs left” he informs between shallow breaths.
You gave him a peck on his cheek and made your way up the stairs. Tom’s eyes never left you as he watched you slide the thin straps of your dress off your shoulders and dropping it off on the floor striding away in just your strapless bra and thong your heels clacking against the marble floor. Tom scoffed in amusement a toothy grin forming on his face . You were really something who was just driving him crazy.
The moment he walked in the bedroom he felt himself twitch inside his pants. There you were sitting in the middle at the edge of the bed slightly leaning on your palms with your legs crossed one above the other. You looked like a viscous siren slowly entrapping him with your charm and beauty. 
“Nice bedroom” You gently smoothed the silk sheets with your hand.
“Glad you liked it” he said smiling.
“Are you just gonna stand over there?” You unclipped your bra and lazily dropped it on the floor putting on a show for him as you lifted a hand pointing a finger motioning him to come closer. A low groan escaped from his mouth at the sight of your exposed breasts as he strolled towards you unbuttoning his shirt and shrugging it off his body drinking in your almost naked form with lustful eyes. You subconsciously licked your lips marveling his taut muscles. He tilted your chin up as you gazed in his brown eyes with parted lips.
“God you’re gonna be the death of me” he mumbles in a husky voice.
“That was the plan all the time, I can then take over your mob” you giggle playfully.
“You minx” he knelt down to capture your red tinted lips passionately tongues clashing against each other as you ran your fingers across his abdomen, nails scraping his skin. He gently pushes you down on the mattress as you shift back in the middle of the bed. He spreads your legs to accommodate himself as he crawls up to be at level to your face pressing a soft kiss to your swollen lips. Goosebumps covered your skin as you felt his bulge brushing on your thighs. You tilted your head to the side as he took the opportunity to suck marks on the nape of your neck. One hand squeezing your ass the other palming your breast as he placed butterfly kisses all over your skin.
“So pretty” he mumbles, pressing kisses between the valley of your breasts,you shuddered when he flicked his tongue over your sensitive bud.
“Oh” you gasped when he wrapped his mouth around your breast sucking the nipple between his teeth, kneading the other fingers pinching and tugging on it. After paying equal attention to the other one too before continuing his journey south. Your stomach flutters as his lips trail down your rib cage, navel the cold gold chain dangling down his neck feeling ticklish against your hot skin. He placed a soft kiss over your soaked panties and you felt that your body was set to fire as you gasped lightly chest heaving up and down. A smirk forms on his face as he moves to kiss your inner thighs ignoring the place where you needed him the most.
“Please” you let out a quiet whimper
“Please what darling?” he whispers with a husky voice. 
“Touch me” 
“I’m touching you love” he lightly chuckles, you whined in protest. “You gotta be more specific with your demands, love, what do you need?” he coos.
“I-I need you, your mouth” you breathed out. 
“See that wasn’t so hard” he practically rips off your thong and throws the shredded fabric away letting out a low growl at the sight of your glistening cunt. He hooked his arms to your thighs, the rings on his fingers felt cold against your skin. He licks a long stripe up your folds sending jolts of pleasure up your body making you squirm in his hold.
“So sweet” he mumbles against your heat. You let out a soft gasp, your hands threading into his soft brown curls as he swirled his tongue through your folds.
You cry out when his tongue flicks your swollen clit giving his hair a harsh tug he groans into your heat. He continued to suck on your clit between his lips pushing a thick digit inside you. Your body arched bucking your hips into his mouth he had to place a hand on your lower stomach to keep you in place. He then adds another finger pumping it in and out of you his teeth grazing your sensitive bud soothing it after with his tongue immediately. 
“Fuck!” You moaned feeling euphoric eyes fluttering shut as he devoured you. Your body tensed up when he added another finger to your heat, your one hand was pulling his hair painfully and the other squeezing your breast rolling your nipple between your fingers. He curled his fingers hitting your spot sending you over the edge.
“C’mon love, let it go want you to cum all over my fingers” he moaned into your heat the vibrations leading you to tumble down the edge as you came undone around his fingers. He helped you ride your high still sucking on your clit, your legs trembled as he lapped up all your juices. He pulled away after sometime his chin glistening with your arousal. 
He got rid of his dress pants along with his boxers and then crawled over to you. You gazed into his warm brown eyes still in your post orgasmic haze as you pulled him down to capture his lips with an urgent need. You tasted yourself on his lips as he deepened the kiss grinding his hips into yours. 
A soft gasp escaped your lips when you felt the tip of his member brushed against your entrance. He gripped his member giving it a few pumps before lining up against your core. You placed a hand flat on his stomach signalling him to stop. He knitted his brow in confusion when you flipped him over to be on top him sitting on the back of your knee straddling his waist. 
“I wanna ride you” you whisper in a sultry voice and his lips curl up to a smirk.
“Then go ahead, darling” he shuffles back a little resting himself comfortably against the headboard. You brought your hand to your mouth and gave it lick before grabbing his member using it for lubrication, slowly pumping his length and lining it up to your weeping core. Your breath hitched when you felt his tip slide through your entrance stretching your walls in a nice way. You slowly sank down on his length feeling so full of him. You stayed like that, your walls warm and snug squeezing him like a vice. Tom groaned when you clenched around him. 
“Oh god Y/N please move or I'm not gonna last for another minute” you leaned down to kiss him starting to move your hips slowly adjusting to his thick shaft.
“Shit” He hissed as you lifted yourself hand gripping on his thighs for leverage to go a little faster, the soft sound of your skin slapping against each other filled the room. Your stomach clenched as you paced up and down his cock, each time filling you up to the hilt. His hands held your hips, fingers digging in your skin groans rumbled in Tom’s throat as he clenched his jaw. He gazed at you with hooded eyes smitten by the way your back arches towards him and your tits bounce with every thrust.
You started to feel a little exhausted, a thin sheen of sweat lining your bodies as you slowed down your pace. Tom’s hands slid down to your ass, spreading your cheeks as he took control, thrusting up into you. You jolted forward moaning out loud, grasping on to his shoulders tightly for support. 
“Just because you're on the top don't think you're in control darling” he says cheekily you let out a light chuckle at his comment before whimpering when his cock hit your sweet spot.
He lifted his knees, planting the heels of his feet into the mattress for leverage as he began to fuck you roughly. He grunted, feeling your walls clench around his cock with every thrust of his hips. You leaned down to kiss him sloppily he reciprocates by slipping his tongue into your mouth swirling it inside your mouth. You moaned into the kiss as you felt a tight knot build inside your stomach.
“Tom” you moan breathlessly, eyes squeezing shut as your hands slide down his shoulder to his chest nails scratching his skin.
“Gonna cum again for me love?” Tom murmured against your lips as he spanked your ass lightly. You nodded your head vigorously starting to roll your hips desperately. He brought his thumb to your swollen clit and rubbed circles as the coil inside you snapped and you screamed out your orgasm hitting you like a ton of bricks. Tom wasn’t too far either as he continued rutting his hips and soon he was spilling inside you.
“Fuck.” He moaned as his face screwed up in pleasure, his eyebrows furrowing as he emptied his seed into your tight pussy, not letting go of his grip on your body. You collapsed onto his chest panting both of you catching your breath, your walls still pulsating around his cock, deeply buried inside you. He caressed your back gently, your chest pressed to his, head resting over his heart as you listened to his steady heartbeat while your fingers fiddled with the chain around his neck. He took your hand and kissed on your knuckles gently brushing his thumb over them lovingly.
“I really like you” he finally spoke out
“What?” you frowned, still a bit dizzy.
“I think I have fallen in love with you Y/N” he confesses softly as you straighten yourself to look him in the eyes.
“Are you asking me out when you are literally balls deep inside me?” you snicker raising your eyebrows.
“I’m serious Y/N” he cradles your face with both of his hands “the moment I saw you I knew you are the one I have been waiting for all my life. A strong, independent and fearless woman who doesn’t need anyone, you are a hell of a queen, Y/N. I want this queen to be only mine, together we can rule the world love. I don’t want this to be a one night thing I want to make love to you every night, kiss every inch of your body and appreciate you, adore you” he rants
“The last part sounded a little creepy though” you chuckled “Well I do like you too my king let’s just take things slow and see where it goes maybe?”
“Sure my queen” he smiles as you kiss him softly.
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some-kindofgnome · 4 years
Kinktober #24: Mine: Katsuki Bakugou
On the way home from a night out with Bakugou, you realize that things may not have gone as smoothly as you’d hoped. 
Characters: Katsuki Bakugou x f!Reader
Warnings: smut (18+ please!) aged-up characters, jealous!bakugou, rough sex, rough oral sex (both m and f-receiving), cum swallowing, marathon fucking, spanking, choking if you squint, a little aftercare
Notes: This is f i l t h y. And kind of brutal, to be honest. But if anyone’s going to be an absolute animal in bed, it’s Bakugou when he’s feeling jealous. 
It’s a little more proofread than usual. And kind of on the longish side (~3.5k), so strap in.
You’re welcome? I think? 
Kinktober Masterlist
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It’s not until you’re halfway home that you realize something’s up.
Another Friday night, another agency gala. Bakugou hates black tie until you remind him how good he looks in a suit, and he loves to see you in those body-hugging silk dresses as often as possible, so he’s usually happy to suck it up for the occasion.
He’s such a misanthrope that you weren’t even surprised when he tugged you out of there in a hurry, whisking you into the car and driving off in sullen silence.
You’ve been trying to make conversation all the way home- it was nice to see Denki again, I hear Kiri’s teaching at UA these days, did you know Iida’s going back for his Master’s degree- but every time you mention a name from his past, Bakugou’s shoulders draw up tighter around his ears.
Fair enough.
You keep the radio low and distract yourself with the passing downtown lights. You feign serenity, but inside your mind is coming to pieces. If Bakugou’s annoyed at something- comically, playfully, extravagantly annoyed- he’s got road rage like nothing you’ve ever seen. But tonight, he pulls silently up to each red light. Jaw set. Crimson eyes steady on the road.
Something’s really up with him tonight.
He turns smoothly into your underground garage, pulling the car into his parking spot and killing the engine. He shoots you one smouldering, solid glare, then gets out of the car and slams the door nearly hard enough to dent it.
“Baby?” Your voice is tiny as it echoes across the concrete garage, and you shuffle to catch up with him in your narrow skirt and heels. As he pushes open the heavy glass door and you follow him into the elevator bay, your patience narrows.
“Okay,” you sigh, folding your arms over your chest. “You’ve had your time to pout. You’ve made it clear, you’re mad at me. So, are you going to tell me what I did, or do I have to figure that part out for myself?”
The doors roll open. Bakugou grabs your wrist.
He tugs you into the elevator and slams you against the wall so fast you see spots in the bright fluorescent lights over your head. Before you can even process the change in his character, he’s pressed his whole torso along yours, pinning you to the cool granite wall and crushing his mouth on yours.
You kind of hate how into it you are.
You let him kiss you for a minute, but you’re not backing down from this fight. Bakugou’s never been good at communication. You’re working on it. There’s no way you’re letting this one slide.
“Katsuki,” you bark, jerking your face harshly to one side and planting your hands on his shoulders. He gives a vicious snarl, but he’s not forcing you to kiss him.
“Stop it,” you hiss. “If something’s wrong, tell me.”
“You mean you really haven’t figured it out by now?” His voice is low and gravelly and edged by wildness. It’s clear he’s been barely holding on to his temper all the way home.
“No. I haven’t.” The elevator starts to move. It’s a tall building- and it’s a long way up to the penthouse.
“Course you didn’t,” he grunts, still pinning you hard. He draws his mouth along the edge of your jaw. “Shoulda known you wouldn’t notice the way they were all lookin’ at you.”
His temper cracks again and he snarls, shoving you more firmly against the wall again. One hand slides up your chest and his fingers grip tightly at your shoulder, teasing at the hollow of your throat.
So it’s gonna be like that.
“Everyone,” he hisses. “Kirishima. Denki. Everyone. You wore that tight little fuckin’ dress and they couldn’t keep their eyes off you.”
“Katsuki,” you croon low and smooth, even though you know you’re gonna regret it. “don’t tell me you’re jealous.”
The palm that teased at your throat closes around it now, using its gentle grip to push your head against the wall. He knows exactly how hard to squeeze to get a rise out of you. And he squeezes.
He’s warning you, but you’re too relieved to know that you never actually did anything wrong. This is just another one of Bakugou’s temper tantrums that you’re going to benefit from.
“You are,” you hiss, grinning wider. “Jealous of your old classmates? C’mon, baby, you know better than that.”
“Shut up.”
His mouth covers yours again. His thumb brushes over the flutter of your pulse point as he licks into your mouth, biting down hard and sucking at your lower lip.
The elevator chimes. Before the doors can roll open, he stoops and grabs you by the thighs. He slings you over his shoulder and straightens easily, delivering a harsh slap to your ass.
“Katsuki!” You squirm over his shoulder, beating at the back of his coat as your face goes hot. There are two apartments on this floor, and the chances that one of your very respectable neighbours is standing in the hallway aren’t zero.
Another blow, to the other cheek this time, and you go still.
“Quit strugglin’,” Bakugou barks, “or I’ll drop you on your head.”
He shifts your weight easily into one arm, digging into his pants pocket and producing his key. Deftly, he unlocks the door to your condo and pushes it in with his shoulder. As soon as he kicks the door shut behind him, he sets you on your feet.
Before you can scold him for your burning cheeks, he shoves both hands under the edges of your coat, wedging it off your shoulders.
“C’mere,” he snarls. He slides one hand down your back, between the wool and the silk, and palms the swell of your ass. Your coat hits the floor in a swath of black tweed and then he’s stooping again to pick you up, forcing your thighs apart around his hips. The smirk that decorates his features is vicious. His cheeks have gone pink.
You’re a sucker for him when he gets like this.
“Listen to me.” He sets you on the kitchen counter and steps up between your thighs, shoving your long skirt up and sideways around its high slit. “I am not. Jealous. But that doesn’t change the fact that you’re fuckin’ mine, okay?”
“You’d think the fact that we’re-hmmmph.”
He kisses you again before you get to finish your sentence, then rips himself from your lips. He tugs your body closer by the hips and buries his face in the crook of your shoulder, nipping and sucking hard at the skin there in his best attempt at leaving a mark. All the while, his fingers fumble with the straps on your dress, slipping them off your shoulders.
He wraps his hands in the silk bodice and tugs. Hard. One of the straps snaps over your upper arm as he shoves your dress down around your waist, exposing your chest.
“Baby,” you whine, but you know he’ll make it up to you later.
“All fuckin’ mine,” he growls again, slipping his rough palms over your breasts and squeezing them together. “Gonna make you feel it, sweetness.”
He attacks your collarbones and breasts, leaving mark after mark as his teeth and tongue lave over your skin. When he’s had enough, he gets down on his knees in front of the counter and curls his fingers into your underwear, tearing it clean off your body.
“Katsuki!” You grab him by the top of the head, attempting to push him away by his hair.
“You shouldn’t wear such flimsy shit, if you don’t want me to break it,” he chuckles, already biting up the inside of your thigh.
“Tell me,” he mumbles, tugging you right to the edge of the counter and bracing your thighs in both hands. “Can Shitty Hair make you scream like this?”
He dives into your pussy, plunging his tongue straight into your tight heat and making you shudder and moan. You can’t help but bend to his whim- he knows your body better than his own, and he’s not shy about showing it off.
Bakugou’s desperate, tongue-fucking you with reckless abandon. He swirls messy saliva around the tender nub of your already-swollen clit. Sometimes he’s patient, working you to the edge slowly, but tonight he forces pleasure into you, brutal and unrelenting.
You live for it.
“Katsuki,” you whine, raking your fingers through his unruly hair, “baby, please, oh, fuck!”
Your first orgasm hits you mercilessly, and you cum with a deep cry of pleasure as your heels draw up his back. You’re still wearing your shoes- pretty, strappy sandals that drive him crazy. Even crazier, when they’re digging into his flesh like they are now.
“That’s it,” he growls, drawing back from you all slicked-up and wild-eyed. His lips are flushed deep from gorging himself on you, and he wipes the back of his mouth with a silk shirtsleeve as he gets to his feet, shrugging impatiently out of his suit jacket.
“God, fuck,” you sigh. You reach for him, but he grabs you again, lifting you onto his hips. This time he’s hard, and you can feel it twitching against the inside of your thigh, heated and ready.
“I’m not finished with you yet.”
This time, he makes it as far as the sofa before he flops into the cushions, dragging you into his lap. You straddle him eagerly and lean forward against his chest, the fabric of your dress still bunching around your waist and hips. You grab him by the jaw and kiss away the lingering remnants of your lipstick while he palms your ass and grinds the stiff, pressed wool of his crotch and his straining cock shamelessly against you.
For an instant, you sense control. And he lets you enjoy it. Slowly he lifts his hands to your back, smoothing the fabric of your dress with one palm so he can grasp its zipper and slide it open with the other.
As soon as he breaks from your mouth to lift the fabric over your head, you know what you want to do with your reins.
“Where’r you goin’?” He scolds, watching you draw back from his lap. His crimson gaze is clouded with lust. But his jaw is still tight, frustration licking at his body like flames.
“Not far.”
You drop to your knees in front of him. Tug his shirt roughly out of his pants and slide your fingers underneath it to find his fly.
He chuckles, low and feral, smoothing a hand through what’s left of your hairstyle for the night.
“That’s my girl,” he chides. “Show me who you belong to.”
The prospect strikes a nerve of want somewhere deep inside you. You dig your hands into the folds of his undershorts, wrapping your hands around the hot silk of his erection and pulling it into the open.
It’s impossible for you to pretend that Bakugou doesn’t have the most perfect dick you’ve ever seen. When he’s hard like this, it’s pink and flushed and drooling slick precum. It’s thick and soft and curving up toward his belly. It’s like he’s made for you. You fit together like the two halves of a lock. Sculpted for each other, molded out of one another.
And he loves it when you suck him off.
You give the tip of his twitching cock a bare little lick and his fingers twist, tightening threateningly in your hair.
“Don’t tease me, sweetness,” he snarls, “or I’ll make you choke on it.”
He’s probably going to do that anyway.
You brace your hands on his thighs and straighten up, sucking his tender tip into your mouth. You lave your tongue over it, and he bristles, watching you carefully with a tight-lipped groan.
It’s not long before you settle into a rhythm, sucking him down messily while your right hand picks up the slack. He’s grabbing you by the hair and staying tense. His thighs are rock hard on either side of you.
You take him into your throat and stay there, and he breaks.
“Aw, fuck,” he growls. His head falls back and he grabs your head with his other hand, too. His hips buck into your throat and you gag, spitting messily around his shaft as he starts to fuck your throat in earnest.
The sounds that erupt from the both of you are obscene. You’re drooling all over his suit pants, but his control is nowhere to be found. And when you grab his balls and squeeze his spine goes concave. He throws his head back. He howls.
“Fuck!” His hips stutter hard, but he doesn’t stop. Neither do you.
“Aw, fuck, sweetness,” he growls. “Fuck. Fuck. Look at you, chokin’ on my dick. Look at you, taking it so fuckin’ good. I’m gonna cum so fuckin’ hard down your throat. I’m gonna make you taste me, baby, so close. Fuck, oh, fuck, oh-“
His babbling ceases as the spring in his body is released. It’s like all his nerves go inside out for a second. You grab his thighs as hard as you can and squeeze while he ruts into your face and pumps his load right down your throat.
When he’s finished, you draw your mouth carefully from his twitching dick. You half-expect to see him sprawled across the couch completely spent, but before you can even get a look at his face, he grabs you all over again. His voice is sandpaper in your ear.
“’M takin’ you to bed. Now.”
You’re already tender, but you’re ready for more. You live for this; when he gets too wild to speak, too crazy to stop. Testing the limits of your stamina is something that will never get boring.
Especially not when you’ve got Bakugou on the other end.
He lays you down against the pillows and flips you onto your belly.
“Stay put.”
He steps back, shucking himself out of his pants and undershorts. He practically tears away his shirt and tie. He doesn’t come back to you until he’s naked. When he does, he drags you up onto your knees and keeps your face pushed into the pillows.
“There you go,” he mutters. “So fuckin’ sweet for me, baby. I’m gonna fuck you so good, you know that? Gonna fuck you so good they’ll hear you screamin’ back at the party.”
You’re gonna have to ask Kirishima to look at you like that more often.
He bends behind you and seals his mouth over your pussy, laving his tongue over your folds again. His shoulder bobs against your ass and you can tell he’s stroking himself- encouraging his spent flesh to rise to the occasion.
The taste of you always spurs him on.
When he’s ready, he pulls abruptly away and lines the tip of his cock up with your slick folds. He grabs the curve of your ass hard with one hand. Gives it a hard smack. It’s already stinging from his rough treatment earlier, but you’re sure he’s not finished with it.
“You gonna tell me who you belong to?” He taps the tip of his cock against your clit, teasing you with the heated flesh. You want it so bad by now that it aches, and you turn your head to gasp for breath as you grip hard at the sheets.
“I never belonged to anyone else,” you plead softly. He doesn’t like that answer and punctuates his disappointment with another hard slap to your ass. He draws a cry from you. You’re starting to lose yourself.
“Try again.”
“Please,” you sob, wiggling your hips against his. He leans back, keeping himself from you.
“Who. Do you. Belong. To?”
The answer clicks as your need grows to unbearable levels. You say it like a prayer. Like a plea for mercy.
Bakugou delivers.
“That’s right. You’re mine, sweetness. You hear me? Mine. All mine.”
He sinks into you on the last syllable and his voice turns to jelly. His thighs are strong and firm as they bump against yours. He bottoms out. Gives you a breath to adjust to the stretch.
Then he fucks. Hard.
He grabs you by the hips and slams himself deep into your pussy, quickly settling into a brutal rhythm that leaves his thighs slapping hard against the curve of your ass. He punctuates every other stroke with a hard smack to your ass, too, leaving you raw and stinging.
It’s good. It’s so good this way. He bends over to bring his chest close to yours as he fucks you hard and fast, growling possessively in your ear. He snatches you by the hair when you try to lift your head, shoving your face back into the pillows and muffling your deep cries of pleasure.
Every hard thrust of his cock seems to reverberate through your entire body. At this angle, his tip nudges your cervix like a panic button. It sends shockwaves of pleasure over every nerve.
“That’s right,” he’s still babbling above you, breathless and panting, but forcing the words out anyway. “That’s right, sweetness, you’re fuckin’ mine. Nobody does this to you but me, baby, nobody. Gonna fuck you ‘till you scream. Gonna fuck you till you beg me to stop. Gonna fill you with so much of my fuckin’ cum, you’ll never forget who you belong to.”
Your climax draws closer by the moment. You’re trying to warn him, but he’s got you pinned fast. The pleasure looms inevitably over you, and you can’t stop the crest of the wave before it crashes over your trembling form.
You cum hard around him, your muscles squeezing and fluttering around his pounding cock. He gives a shout of surprise and fucks you double-time through your climax. As your high retreats he finds his, sliding an arm around your hips and sliding balls-deep before pleasure erupts along his spine and he pumps you full of slick cum.
When it’s over, he flips you onto your back. He pushes his cock inside you again despite your soft whines of sensation, pumping slowly in and out of you and watching the way his cum spills over as he fills you all over again.
“You got one more in you?” He pants.
“Baby,” you plead, overstimulated and spent. He slides his hands up your ribcage, thumbing your tight nipples.
“C’mon, sweetness. You can handle it. I know you got it in you.”
“One more,” you pant. You stretch your cramping legs out around his hips, toeing each one of your heels off behind you. He slides his palms all the way up your shoulders and down your arms, finding your wrists and pinning them tightly over your head.
“God damn,” he grunts, looking you over. Marred with the marks his teeth printed across your skin. Mottled with bruises already forming on your hips, your thighs, your throat.
“Look at you,” he purrs. He shifts your wrists into one hand and strokes the fingertips of his other over the bruises on your throat. He grins wickedly.
“Better make those worth your while.”
His palm lowers against your throat as his hips pick up speed again. He fucks you hard into the mattress beneath you. The ache in your hips is exacerbated by the sudden friction, but it’s cooled by the warm slick of his cum inside you.
Neither of you last long this time.
Your third orgasm of the night is tight and desperate, and you come down from your high shaking and straining against his hold.
“Not gonna… can’t hold on,” he warns. “Fuck, sweetness, fuck, baby, fuuuuuck-“
He collapses onto you as he cums, burying his hips into the apex of your thighs and pushing another fresh load into your belly. His cock stirs inside you as he shudders and finally goes soft against you. Spent at long last.
When he pulls his softening dick from your body, you’re well past overstimulated.
He’s fucked his temper out on you.
“Alright,” he rasps. “You’re okay, sweetness. C’mere.”
He rolls onto his side and settles a hand over your belly, rubbing slow and gentle as he peppers kisses along your shoulder. He gives your hand a squeeze and rolls out of bed, snagging his undershorts from the floor and climbing into them.
He goes quiet, when it’s time to take care of you. Sometimes you wonder if he feels guilty about using you like this. But you’ve talked about it. You stop him when you’ve had enough. You’re good at that.
He likes that you’re not afraid to stand up to him.
Bakugou wraps you in a blanket from the bed and carries you out to the living room, depositing you on the couch. He can keep an eye on you easily as he heads to the kitchen to get you a drink. It’s important to you that he stays close when you need him like this.
He kneels in front of you and slips his fingers under your heavy chin.
“Here we go, baby. C’mon. Drink it.”
He tilts a glass of cool tap water against your lips and you raise a hand to steady it, drinking down a few, steady gulps. You’re heavy and sex-drunk and sleepy, warming his bitter heart with the expressions that cross your hazy face.
“That’s it.”
He slides beneath you and pulls you-blanket and all- into his lap, wrapping his arms tightly around you. Cradling your body with his. He leans down and settles his forehead over yours. His eyelashes brush your cheek. He lets out a deep, heavy sigh.
“You’re mine,” he mumbles to you, but it takes on a different meaning altogether when he says it like this. You’re mine, he’s telling you, and I’m gonna take care of you.
He finds your hand and brushes his thumb over the diamond ring that rests there. In truth, that’s all the proof he needs that you’ve signed up for him.
All of him.
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wheresmybuckyhoes · 3 years
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Summary: You are forced to go on a mission with Bucky, someone you don’t really get along with. What happens when hydra men get their hands on you?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, blood, violence, drinking, mentions of drugging, references to rape, angst
Well this was longer than I intended. I maaaay write a smutty part 2 if enough people like this, but I hope you firstly just enjoy this little thing I thought of. Love you x
‘You have got to be fucking kidding me’ you groan as you open the suit door to reveal a beautiful room of crimson and black, the intoxicatingly sweet scent of roses wafting through the air. You narrow your eyes, taking in the black marble bathtub, the double shower heads, the ornate fireplace and finally - the source of your anger - the king sized double bed, a bed frame delicately covered in carvings of flowers, dusted in a fading gold.
‘I’m calling Tony’ you seethed, a bratty undertone to your voice as you direct it at the man stood at the doorway, noticing a subtle eye roll adorn his face. The phone rings as you pace around the room, heavy footsteps cushioned by the soft carpet beneath you. Meanwhile Bucky moved to place your bags down on the dresser beneath the window, getting one of the straps caught between the plates on his arm, cursing under his breath as he begins to aggressively pull and twist.
Unsurprisingly, the phone continues to ring until you hear a voice from the other end say ‘Tony Stark is unavailable right now, please leave a message after the bee...’, before angrily pressing the red button on your phone to hang up. ‘Fuck. I am not sharing a bed with you, Barnes. I already hate you enough, no need to make it worse’ you warn him as you toss your phone onto the bed and run your fingers through your hair, a small action which you tend to do when stressed.
‘Obviously not doll’ Bucky breathed as he finally freed the bag from between the plates of his vibranium arm, trying to play it off so you wouldn’t laugh at him. You sighed in relief, a hand on your chest as you turn to look at him.‘Oh thank the gods. I’m sure you’ll be fine on the floor so...’ you started before Bucky held up a hand to shut you up. ‘We won’t be sharing a bed because you’ he explained, poking his metal finger lightly in your chest as he smiled down on you, ‘...will be sleeping on the floor’.
Your mouth fell slightly open, not from surprise though. You knew going on this mission was going to take a lot out of you. You and Bucky were sent on this mission by Tony and Bruce to attend one of those fancy rich people auctions as a fake couple. Your task was to intercept a small branch of hydra trying to sell illegal weapons on the black market. Natasha sniffed them out weeks ago, but she had to go help mother fucking Clint with some shit. I don’t know, or care. It’s Clint. Anyway, Tony promised he would book you a room with 2 separate beds, as you had specifically requested, but looks like the literal billionaire couldn’t even sort that one out.
‘You must be joking’ you snapped back in annoyance, glaring into his crystalline blue eyes which sparkled not so innocently with mischief. ‘Do I look like it?’ he replied, a smirk playing on his annoyingly perfect lips. ‘Do you really think I’m going to sleep on the floor?’ you questioned furiously, gazing upon Bucky with hatred by now. ‘I’d rather you not sleep here at all. That way I wouldn’t even have to look at your face’ he answers carelessly, shooting you a sarcastic smile. You rolled your eyes with an exaggerated flare, glaring at him before shoving past him to grab your bag. ‘Fine. You win this time Bucky. See you at the auction at 9’ you spoke calmly, making sure to bump into him roughly as you made your way over to the door. ‘Wait y/n I didn’t mean...’ you heard his deep voice grumble as you slammed the door as hard as you could. Now, how to get a new room?
Pushing the door to your new room open, you were faced with a small single bed, a cramped bathroom and an old desk. It was still quite fancy compared to the hotels you stayed in as a child, but it was nothing compared to the room Bucky had forced you out of. Not really worth flashing that worker in the lobby for, but at least you got the room for free.
It was already 7:50 in the afternoon, and you had little over an hour before you had to be there. You flicked on the lights, and unzipped your bag. You were to wear a silky black dress with a low cut V, a slit down the side to reveal one of your legs and a skirt that fell elegantly to the floor, more than long enough to cover up the knife which will be strapped to your thigh. You spent almost all your time on making your hair and makeup look perfect, giving yourself just under 10 minutes to pull on the dress and a pair of strappy black heels. You lost your shit trying to reach the zipper at the back of the dress, furiously pulling up your thigh holster and sliding in your sharpest knife. You stormed out of the room, racing up the stairs in those heels like a queen to bitch boy’s room. You pounded on it with a clenched fist.
‘Open up’ you yelled through the door. It opened up fast enough, to reveal Bucky standing there in a black suit, in the process of doing up his tie, filling it out perfectly with his bulging muscles, smelling like heaven. Not that he looked good or anything. Definitely not hot. Nope. Bucky sort of stumbled over himself as you brushed past him, gesturing for him to shut the door with your manicured hand. As he spun back around after shutting the door, you caught his eyes trailing over your figure, subtly wide in surprise. ‘Eyes up here boy, I thought you didn’t want to have to look at me’ you whistled, pointing with your fingers. ‘Zip me up. Quickly’ you demanded, turning around.
There was a short pause before you felt Bucky’s warm breath tickle the back of your neck as his cold metal fingers gently brushed against your lower back. He zipped you up carefully, taking your hair in his flesh hand and pulling it gently to the side, sending shivers up and down your spine. God his touch made your skin burn. Before he could say anything else, you reached over to grab his knife, tossing it swiftly so it missed his head by an inch, tip landing firmly in the wooden doorframe. ‘Let’s go’ you motioned with your head, leaving Bucky with his mouth open, eyes burning into your back as he watched you leave, speechless.
You arrived at the auction just in time, showing your passes to the security guards positioned either side of the grand entrance. The knife was digging into your leg, but there was nothing you could currently do about it. You and Bucky swiftly entered, observing and mapping out the area in your heads in case a quick getaway was needed. There was the main stage, with strange looking items laid out across it, including what looked like the stolen tech Nat had described to you. There was the bar, with important looking business men sat beside it ordering drinks and talking about money and sex. There were relatively few women, but those who were present were dressed to the nines. Pearls, diamonds and emeralds sparkled tauntingly from their necks and ears, with dresses that cost more than your entire wardrobe.
You pushed down the tang of jealousy you felt as you thought about how easy these people had it. They can buy anything they want, do anything they want, and be anyone they want. Pulling your thoughts back down to earth, you gently reached out a hand to Bucky’s firm shoulder, pushing slightly so he would lean down to your height. He was pretty fucking tall, after all. ‘I’ll take the bar, that prick gives me hydra vibes. You go do what your good at and be a fuckboy, and try to get something useful out of the ladies. Double tap your earpiece if you’re in danger’ you whispered into his ear, plastering on a fake ass smile to make it seem to anyone watching like you’re just sharing something wonderful with your husband. Being so close to him made you feel all warm and tingly, and it made you slightly nervous. Little did you know, as much as Bucky had an affect on you, he was affected by you just as much if not even more.
You both went in opposite directions. Rubbing your hand up the suspicious looking man’s arm, you turned on your flirty charm and began working. ‘What’s a handsome man like you doing without a girl on your arm’ you drawled, noticing the man gesture quickly with a nod of his head for the man beside him to kindly fuck off. You sat down on the barstool, moving your hand to play with your hair. Men fell for that shit every time. ‘Waiting for someone like you’ the man flirted back, leaning in slightly making you want to cringe. ‘Oh please, I bet every women in here has gone up to you already, Mr...’ you trailed off, trying the most basic trick to getting a name. ‘Please darling, call me Eric’ he replied quickly, eagerly. ‘Let me buy you a drink. A body like yours should be treated with the upmost respect’ he spoke, as more off a demand than a question. You shifted uncomfortably in your seat at the mention of your body, internally screaming at how little respect he seemed to have for women.
As the man turned to the bartender, you quickly spun your head around to try and look for Bucky. Mother fucker had 3 girls all over him. What do you care though, your not actually married and he can do whatever he wants. If the bitch boy wants to fuck them, who cares? Not you, that’s for sure. You keep telling yourself that. You shook your head, turning your attention to the man who was now holding 2 glasses of rosé. You actually really loved rosé, so at least the drink might be nice. As he tapped his glass against yours to produce a satisfying clink, you brought the thin glass to your painted lips. The rosé was delicious and you hummed contently, but there was a slightly salty taste to it. Must be an older brand. You drank and talked with the man for a few more minutes, asking him about his job and his family. You thought you were getting somewhere valuable when you suddenly felt your head start to spin. What the fuck. You knew you were a lightweight, but not like this. You felt your mouth go dry as you looked up at the man. The bitch was smiling.
‘W...what did you do to me?’ you slurred, feeling your mind cloud and your muscles weaken with every passing second. ‘It’s ok gorgeous, it will wear of when I’m done with you. Let’s take you somewhere more private, hm? the man’s voice echoed in your ear as he gripped you roughly by the waist and started moving with you by his side to the door. That’s going to bruise. You tried to move your arm to press your earpiece signalling Bucky for help, but your arm felt weird and tired, and you couldn’t bring yourself to lift it up that high. Instead, you opted for trying to reach for your knife but the man who was sat beside the other previously caught your wrist aggressively and smirked, the 2 men sharing a god awful look. It made you want to crawl inside your skin and die. It was at that moment that it dawned upon you what exactly they wanted to do with you, with your body. You had to escape, except you couldn’t. It was too late. You were outnumbered and could feel your consciousness slipping. You don’t remember much beyond that point. A gun branded with the hydra symbol. An explosion. The taste of blood in your mouth. Cold metal on your shoulder. Shouting, screaming, crying. Black.
Your eyes shot open, a head splitting migraine crushing your skull. What the fuck happened, and where the fuck were you? You felt something warm behind you, holding you close and breathing slowly. It smelt heavenly. You took a moment, taking a few slow, deep breaths as you tried to calm yourself down. You pulled the blanket off of your body to reveal a human arm curled securely around your waist, your dress still hugging your body, but the knife was gone. Your mind was still foggy, and you were confused as to why a man’s arm was grasping you. Something snapped in you as some memory of what those men tried to do came back to you, and you felt tears blur your already clouded vision.
Pulling the arm off, you pushed yourself up slowly, turning to look at what was beside you. Your eyes softened when you saw who it was. Bucky was lying beside you in the bed in the original suit, still wearing his suit and loosened tie. He looked so beautiful and peaceful like this. Your look quickly turned to one of concern as you noticed his suit was covered in fresh blood, a few cuts and grazes sprinkled across his handsome face. Your gut twisted and you felt sick as you felt the pain which Bucky must have felt receiving those. Fucking empathy. You reached out mindlessly to run your finger over one of the deeper cuts, but a metal arm flew to catch your wrist in an instant, his eyes shooting open.
‘Oh my god you’re up, you scared me y/n’ he said as his face instantly relaxed and he moved his arm from your wrist to your cheek, brushing away a tear you hadn’t noticed had fallen. ‘What the fuck happened Bucky?’ you asked, hand moving to your head in pain. ‘Shit does it hurt? Are you ok? How do you feel?’ he tried to ask but you wanted answers. Why was he being so nice? You softly batted away his arm and turned to face him in the bed. He sat up. ‘What happened, Bucky’ you asked, sternly this time.
‘Those hydra fuckers must have drugged you or something. I saw them trying to touch you, carrying you out of the room, you looked like you were dead, y/n. I set of a small explosion, nothing dangerous, just enough to get all the civilians shitting their pants and running out, but the building started to collapse. When I got to you they tried to shoot me, the gunshots went of right by your ear. Might explain the headache. I got you out though, thank the gods’ he explained, genuine concern in his eyes.
‘Where are they now?’ you asked trying to get out of bed but feeling another wave of dizziness hit you like a truck. You sat down. Bucky looked down and twiddled your knife between his fingers. ‘Dead’ he replied softly. ‘I killed most of them. I couldn’t get the one who spiked your drink. The blood isn’t mine’. Your hand flew to your mouth automatically. Obviously you had killed before, it wasn’t the death that shocked you. It was the fact he had risked his life like that just to save someone he claimed to hate so much.
‘Why?’ you blurted out, reaching out a hand to tilt his head up gently to look at you. Your heart was skipping every other beat. ‘I don’t know what I would have done if something would have happened to you, y/n’ he replied simply, eyes lingering on your lips as yours lingered on his. ‘They were going to...’ you whispered, before Bucky reached a flesh hand out to cup the side of your face, quickly whispering back ‘I know doll, I know. I was never going to let them do that to you’. ‘But I thought you hated me?’ you sighed, watching conflicting emotions dance in his eyes. You didn’t notice how you held your breath, or how dry your throat was, or how your headache seemingly disappears as your lips finally brushed against the winter soldier’s when he pulled you in, answering your question.
It was so gently, his metal hand sliding down to your waist and pulling you closer to him. You wrapped your hands around his neck as you moved to straddle his lap, feeling his tongue swipe your bottom lip. You opened your mouth to let him in, moaning gently at the feeling of your tongue brushing against his. You kissed him with passion, and he kissed you with longing, both emotions mixing together and causing a comforting warmth to spread all over your body. He pulled away. You frowned. ‘Why’d you stop?’ Bucky laughed lightly and you felt the vibrations from his voice travel through you pleasantly. ‘We still have work to do’ he replied simply, pulling that dazzling smile of his you so rarely saw. ‘I still hate you Bucky’ you mumbled in annoyance.
He lifted you of him with ease, holding you up kindly and making sure you could stand on your own. You wobbled a bit on those 4 inch fucking heels he hadn’t bothered to remove from your feet, but gained your balance and reached for your knife that lay dangerously on the bed. Bucky began to walk to the door. ‘Wait...we aren’t gonna talk about...’ you didn’t finish your sentence, as Bucky had turned around and interrupted smugly ‘about you wanting to fuck me? Later doll, we have shit to do now’. It was his turn to leave, and your turn to watch him walk out. ‘Fucking wanker’ you muttered under your breath as you followed. ‘I heard that’ he shouted from outside the room. It was time to kill the fucker who dared to drug you.
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jeyramarie · 4 years
Mr. & Mrs. Holland- (Mob! Tom Holland x Mob! Reader) part 3
summary: sometimes things just don’t go as planned... 
warning: smut (first time writing it, i hope it’s not shitty), cursing, fluff
w/c: 3,432
a/n: hey guys! my new trimester of nursing school just started completely which means that all the parts after this one won’t come as quickly. i’ll still be writing just not as fast. but anyway, happy reading everyone 🦋
prologue~ part 1~ part 2~
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The next day rolled around, both Y/n and Tom stayed home from work. They needed a much deserved distraction from everything they have discovered. Y/n woke up first to go to the backyard and do some morning yoga. She did that everyday but that morning she felt extra relaxed since she wasn’t going to work. The yoga session was longer too, taking more time to meditate and pray to the heavens (a/n: or the universe, in case you don't believe) for tranquility, happiness and love. Tom on the other hand, enjoyed sleeping in. He would sleep the whole day if he could. He’s the kind of person that would eat breakfast at 4 in the afternoon cause he had just woken up. When Y/n was in her last minutes of meditation, Tom walked outside in his grey sweatpants, shirtless, no underwear due to the eventful night from before. He stood there for a few, hands in his pockets, watching his wife take deep breaths. The wind blowing through her hair as she meditated the stress and anxiety away. 
“Morning, love.” he said breaking the silence which made her open her eyes and turn to him.
“Good morning, honey.” she said smiling as she uncrossed her legs and started standing up. Tom stayed there, getting a great view of her ass. She stood up and skipped to him, giving him a tight hug. Y/n took away her face from his neck and stared into his eyes which made him kiss her immediately. Their lips moved slowly, savoring every move and shape of each other's lips. They fit together like puzzle pieces as if they were meant to touch since the beginning of all eternity. 
“Let’s go get some coffee.” she whispered against his lips as they parted from the kiss a bit. Tom chuckled and grabbed her hand, walking inside towards the kitchen. After a few minutes, they sat down at the dining table, drinking their coffee, eating their fruits and eggs while Tom read the newspaper. Y/n sat there and admired him the whole time. The way his freckles shone with the sun, the way his jaw moved as he chewed his food. She couldn’t imagine her life without him. 
“I forgot to tell you. We have to visit the docks later today..”
“What for exactly?” she said looking up from her plate. 
“When Harrison came to my office yesterday, we looked over all the buyers from this month. One of them has worked with Adam before. I’d like for both of us to check it out, maybe he’s intimidated by a woman.” he smiled and he grabbed her hand and rubbed his thumb against it. She chuckled and shook her head in disbelief. 
“Whoever‘s not intimidated by a female mob boss, is fucking insane.” Tom cackled making Y/n giggle and lean in to give him a small kiss. 
After breakfast, they started getting ready for their business outing. Y/n wanted to look intimidating so she went for the pant suit. Tom went for the suit of course but this one had a few golden details in the fabric. He was ready very quickly since his wife had to do her makeup and her hair. About 10 minutes later, she finally came downstairs. Wearing a black pantsuit with a red bralette underneath, red heels, a low bun with a few hairs framing her face and her purse and sunglasses in her hand. Tom was in complete awe, he always has been since the first time he met her. 
(flashback to the night they first met) 
Every important mob boss was there, mostly men, drinking and talking business. The only women there were the wives, mistresses and sexy waitresses. No one had really expected a woman to be boss. Everyone pictured them as accessories for men to “look pretty” or some sex toy. 
“So, Tom tell me. Don’t you have any arm candy?” a man asked him, playfully hitting his shoulder. 
“No. Not today.” Tom said, chuckling nervously as he scratched his eyebrow. 
“You know, you should find one soon. There’s nothing better than a celebration after these things.” another man smirked, grabbing the ass of the woman next to him and taking a sip from his champagne. Tom got bored of the conversation which made him look around at everyone. He was on the second floor looking down over the railing. That’s when every single jaw hit the floor when Y/n walked in. The only powerful female mob boss in the country. The room went silent as she strutted into the place. People started murmuring, not expecting her to show up since she had disappeared for some time prior. 
She was wearing a long red dress with a long slit on the side, her hair curled perfectly. Tom stared at her in awe, like time had stopped and he felt that his breath was taken away. Y/n looked up and caught him staring. They stared at each other for some time, feeling sparks as their eyes met. She looked away when a waitress tapped her shoulder to offer her a glass of champagne which of course she took. When she looked up again, Tom was gone. She frowned as she continued to look around, trying to find him. Suddenly, as she was standing in the middle of the room, someone tapped her shoulder. She quickly turned and met with the same chocolate colored eyes that made her melt. 
“Hello.” he said smiling making her smile too. 
“I’m Tom.” he said, extending his hand for her to shake. 
“Y/n.” she shook his hand as his face went serious for a bit. Not believing that this was the woman everyone feared. 
(end of flashback) 
She stood in front of him and smiled. 
“You ready?” he nodded and opened the front door for her to walk out. They finally made it to the car and started making their way towards the ports. 
“Can you give me a background check on who we’re gonna meet?” she asked, putting on her sunglasses. 
“His name is James Cavanaugh. This is the first time we ever make an exchange with him. That’s why I did the background check in the first place.” 
“And that’s when you saw he had worked with Adam before..” 
“Yep. For all we know Adam put him up to this so he could spy on us some more.” he said, running his hand through his hair and clenching his jaw in anger. 
“Well we’re not gonna let him do that.” Y/n said softly as she grabbed her husband’s hand. He looked at her and placed his other hand on her cheek, leaning in to kiss her. The kiss was quick, both of them sitting up straight again as the car tumbled into the port. The car came to a stop which caused Tom to open the door and quickly jogged around the car to help his wife out. He opened her door and she swung her legs out. Y/n stepped out and started walking towards the men standing on the dock, her heels clacking against the wooden surface. Tom was right behind her with his hand on her lower back. 
“Mr. Cavanaugh.” he said as they got closer to him. 
“Well, hello Tom. Good to see you.” Jame said, shaking Tom’s hand as he looked Y/n up and down. 
“And who may this beauty be?” he smirked, causing her to roll her eyes, thanks to her sunglasses, he didn’t see that. Tom was filled with rage at that moment. That’s his wife the guy is raging over. All he wanted to do at that moment was shoot James in the head.
“I’m Mrs. Holland.” she said with zero expression on her face. 
“Oh, the infamous Y/n. Well, it’s a privilege to finally meet you.” he said, smirking as he extended his hand, waiting for her to shake it. 
“I don’t shake hands, Mr. Cavanaugh.” she said and walked further down the dock. 
“Alright, well… let’s talk business.” he said, turning around as Tom made his way to his wife. 
“That is what we came for, didn’t we?” she said crossing her arms over her chest. 
“Yes, we did-“ 
“Then let’s get to it, James. We don’t have all day.” Tom said, interrupting him as he fiddled with his wrist watch. 
“Okay, well… let’s talk about the trade. Your best partners in exchange for my incoming shipments.” he said squinting his eyes due to the sun with his hands in his pockets. 
“What shipment?” Y/n asked, taking a piece of hair behind her ear. 
“Some exclusive guns from Canada. Some drugs too.” he said looking at the couple with nerves. They stayed quiet, Tom drawing patterns on Y/n’s lower back signaling her to start asking questions to see if he mentioned Adam. 
“Have you done this with anyone else?” Y/n asked seriously making Jame look at her and then at Tom. 
“Yeah. A couple times actually.” 
“With who?” Tom asked, gaining a questionable look from him. 
“Why is that so impor-“
“Because we only work with people we trust and if you mention someone we have worked with, that means we can trust you too.” she said a bit harshly interrupting him in the middle of his question. 
“What she said.” Tom smiled, tilting his head towards his wife and taking off his sunglasses and turning around to look at the ocean behind him. Y/n knew that made James think, she knew he was going to mention Adam. ‘Jackpot’ she thought, smiling internally. 
“I’ve worked with Adam Matthews… multiple times..” he said fidgeting with his fingers. 
“You hear that, honey? He’s worked with Adam.” Y/n said turning to Tom which made him turn and walk to her. 
“Oh well, that’s nice.” he said as he stood next to his wife with his hand on her lower back. 
“Do we have a deal or not?” James asked, feeling uneasy. He was desperate to know. 
“Well, James we do have to think about it. We can’t just jump into these things. You know this, being a businessman yourself.” she smiled devilishly and looked at her husband, who was smiling too. 
“We’ll get back to you, James. Very soon.” and with that, Tom grabbed Y/n’s hand and started walking towards the car. Leaving James alone on the dock, thinking about what just happened. The first thing he wanted to do was call Adam, to tell him that his plan wasn’t working. What he didn’t know was that the Holland’s driver put a tracker on his car. His secret location wasn’t going to be a secret anymore. 
The Holland’s made it home with bright smiles on their faces. Their plan was in motion, everything was going smoothly. Plus, they had the whole day to themselves. 
“That went well.” Y/n said putting down her purse on the kitchen counter as Tom took off his suit jacket. 
“Did you see how nervous he was?” he laughed as he rolled up his sleeves watching his wife step down from her heels.
“Yeah. I swear, I saw him sweating.” she chuckled and turned to her husband who was staring at her with a smirk.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” she said putting a hair behind her ear. 
“Your intimidating side is really sexy�� and hot.” Tom whispered as he walked to her grabbing her waist and burying his face in her neck. His lips were soft against it. He bit and sucked on the sensitive skin to mark her, making her moan a bit. 
“You only find me sexy and hot when I'm intimidating?” he quickly took his face out of her neck and looked at her. 
“I didn’t say that. You’re always sexy and hot and beautiful. Just… today you were extra sexy.. and hot… and beautiful.” he smiled and kissed her lips slowly, teasing her. She placed her hands on his shoulders, making him move his to her lower back, pulling her closer. The kiss got intense immediately, both hungry for each other’s touch. Tom grazed his tongue on her bottom lip making her grant access. Their tongues battled for domination as Tom unbutton her suit jacket, revealing her thin bralette. Her nipples hard with excitement, poking through the lace fabric. Tom moved his hand upward, very slowly until his thumb graced her sensitive breast making her jump at the sudden contact. She parted from him to breath as she placed her forehead against his. 
“We should go to our bedroom.” Y/n whispered, making him smile. Tom then grabbed her hand and pulled her with him to go upstairs. Once inside, Tom pushed Y/n against the door placing his lips on her again. Her hands went to his hair pulling it slightly as his hands went to her back to unhook her bralette. 
Y/n bit Tom’s lip sensually making him groan in pleasure. She then moved her hands to his chest and started pushing him towards the bed. The back of his knees hit the mattress making him fall flat on his back. He moved one of his arms under his head to get a better view of his wife who was starting to take off her clothes. She unbuttoned her pants, letting them fall to the floor which left her in her underwear. Y/n moved her hand to her back and unhooked her bralette, letting it slide off her arms. Tom was drooling at this point, he couldn’t believe that someone so beautiful and perfect was with him. She slowly moved her hands down her torso and played with the hemline of her lace thong. He quickly sat up and grabbed her wrist, pulling her to straddle his lap. 
“I wanna take it off, darling.” he muttered against her lips while playing with the g string on her lower back. Y/n placed her hands on his jaw, pulling him into a slow passionate kiss. His hand roamed all over her back, ass and hips. Feeling every bump and line of her skin. She started moving her hips against him, making his member grow in size quickly. A moan got caught up in her throat as Tom’s hard member rubbed against her bundle of nerves. He quickly turned, getting Y/n under him to start grinding harder on her making her whimper in desperation. 
“Don’t tease anymore, please. I want you.” she moaned against his lips making him groan and stand up. Tom quickly unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down along with his underwear. He looked up and saw his wife biting her lip and rubbing her thighs together to create some kind of friction. That almost made him cum right then and there. Y/n sat back up as Tom leaned down which made her grab his face to pull him into a kiss. Her legs immediately opened making him fall between them perfectly. Her nails scratched his back muscles yearning for him to be inside her. His lips moved to her neck, down to her breast onto her stomach.
“Baby, I don't want foreplay.” she whimpered making him look up at her and smirk.
“No foreplay?” 
“No, I need you… please.”  she said against his lips as he climbed on top of her once again. Tom grabbed his member and aligned it with her entranced. She was soaking wet which helped him slide in easily. Y/n gasped as he stretched her out the deeper he went. He halted his movements letting her get used to the size. Of course, this isn't their first time but every time was just as overwhelming. 
“You okay?” he whispered against her lips making her nod and give him a peck. Tom moved his hips back and moved them forward again making Y/n moan. One of her hands stayed on his hair and the other went down to his ass to give him a squeeze, making him go faster. His pace became faster as he sucked her right nipple making her moan into his ear. 
“Oh my- fuck, Tom.” the room was filled with moans and praises as his pace continued to go faster. He groaned into her neck as she clenched around him making his dick twitch inside. Y/n started to move her hips trying to meet his thrusts. Her back arched as his member hit her g-spot repeatedly. 
“Fuck, darling. You feel- fuck- so good.” he groaned as she gave him pornographic moans which made him go faster. Slapping sounds filled the room as Y/n clenched around him. He suddenly pulled away making her open her eyes quickly, giving him a questionable look. 
“I want you on top of me.” he whispered, making her bite her lip as he moved to sit against the headboard. She straddled his waist and licked her hand, gaining a confused look from her husband. Y/n grabbed Tom’s hard member and started moving her hand up and down slowly, running her thumb over the tip. 
“Fuck.” he groaned placing his hands on her hips, watching his wife’s move a bit faster. After a few more hand movements, Y/n moved forward and lowered herself onto the hard member. She went slowly, feeling him stretch her a lot more from this position. Her head fell back with a moan as Tom attacked her neck and chest. She moved her hips inna circling motion, then started to lift them up and down. He moved his hands to her ass, helping her with the pace. 
“Oh fuck, baby. You feel so good, so tight.” he said against her breast as he licked and bit her sensitive nipple. She placed her hands on his chest for leverage to bounce faster, making her tits move up and down. Tom looked up at her in awe, pieces of hair falling from her bun, her face expressing an intense feeling of pleasure, her lips parted as she moaned his name over and over. He was so whipped for her. Her entrance got tighter as she got closer to her climax. 
“Baby… I’m close.” she whimpered into his neck getting lost in the feeling. 
“Come around me, darling. Fuck- please, I wanna feel ya.” he muttered into her shoulder after biting it. He then moved to grab her ass and thrust fast into her making her scream. 
“Oh fuck!” she moaned loudly as he thrusted faster than before. Her moans got louder as his movements got faster until they both reached their climax. Y/n fell on top of Tom, both of them completely out of breath. She slowly rolled off of him and closed her eyes. They stayed there for a bit, regaining their breaths. Y/n then sat up and wobbled to the bathroom making Tom giggle.
“Shut up, Holland!” she shouted from the toilet making him laugh more. She walked out and got into bed with him, laying her head on his chest while their legs tangled up together. 
“I love you.” he muttered with his lip on her hairline as she drew patterns on his chest. 
“I love you too.” she said looking up at him, then moving to peck him on the lips. 
“I don’t wanna ruin the moment but we have to check the tracker.” Tom said, playing with her hands.
“I know… but can we stay like this longer? We can check it later, my computer is right there.” she said softly pointing at her dresser. 
“Alright then.” he mumbled and pulled her closed feeling each other's skin. They stayed that way for a few hours. Talking about random things about their childhood, the places they wanna travel to and just things they love about each other. The couple was in the middle of a conversation when Tom’s phone started ringing. It was Harrison. He then took his arms off of Y/n and stretched to the side to grab the phone. 
“Hey, mate.”
“Tom, where are you?” 
“I’m at home, why?” he asked, smiling looking at his wife who was staring at him with heart eyes. 
“Get your ass to Le Royale, right now!” 
“Why? what’s going on?” 
“James Cavanaugh is dead.” 
“What?!” Tom shouted, making Y/n sit up. 
‘What’s wrong?’ she mouthed 
‘James.’ he mouthed back leaving her confused as he listened to Harrison rant. 
“They found him in Adam’s office this morning.”
“Where’s Adam?”
“Nobody knows. We have to be really careful, Tom. No one is safe right now.”
mr&mrs.h: @ilovefandoms102​ @themaddies-obx​ @guillerminacaba​ @teenwishes08​ @runawayolives​ @theartisticqueen​ @quacksonlover81​ @wonderfulfluffer​ @spidernerdsblog​
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cultgambles · 4 years
The Pro Hero Gala
Summary: Your first major outing as Hawks’ S/O turns steamy when his jealousy gets the best of him. 
Warnings:  n s f w ! , semi-public, not really use of pronouns referring to you, but u got a vag
WC: 2.3k!
Masterlist | Requests? open
“(Y/N),” Hawks whined, “We’re gonna be late! I’m sure you’ll look fine.”
“Alright, alright, I’m coming! I’m just trying to zip up the back of my dress,” you giggled back. 
“The Number Two can help you with that!” he all but burst into the bathroom, taking in your form. You wore a sparkling red evening gown, with a low back, high leg slit, and dainty nude heels. Hawks whistled, pressing cold fingers against your back, slowly zipping the zipper up. “Got a bit stuck there, didn’t it?”
“Yeah, thank you. You’re my hero,” you sighed sweetly, pecking him on the cheek. His suit was a deep black, so different from his usual tan outfit. His tie was red, almost the same shade as his wings.
“You’re gorgeous in that,” he said, taking your hand to lead you out, “but we’re going to be late if we don’t hurry up.”
“I know, I know. Just a little nervous maybe.”
“Don’t be, they’ll love you.” This was your first time at a Pro Hero Event, of course you were filled with butterflies. You definitely didn’t belong, especially just being a normal citizen. Maybe you’d look just as fancy though? “Stop overthinking, chickadee, just be yourself. Stick by me, and it’ll all be okay. We can sneak out later, if you’re really feeling it.”
“While I would definitely love too, I’m not sure your PR team or fellow heroes would commend that.”
Quietly, a jet black limo pulled up in front of your apartment building and the driver opened the door for the both of you. 
“After you,” Hawks smiled, “Ww would just have to find the perfect time.”
“You just wanna look at my ass, huh?”
“You got me.”
The ride to the event was filled with mindless chatter, soft jazz drifting through the air. Hawks reached out to your clammy hand and gave it a squeeze as you both stepped out of the coach. In an instant, camera flashes blinded your vision, tens of reporters shouting your name for comments. 
“Get outta here, guys, you’re making my baby jealous!” Hawks scolded lightly, a wing covering your frame. Inside was as lavish as you could have imagined, rows of chandeliers, butlers floating around, gold accents everywhere, and of course heroes everywhere. Hawks checked in at the booth, gesturing to you as his plus one.  “C’mon, let’s go say hi to Endeavor.”
You shook your head at his enthusiasm, “One day I’m going to lose you to him.”
“Maybe! But not soon. Not tired of ya yet, kid.”
“Maybe!” you exclaimed in fake shock.
“He got a tight little ass,” Hawks shrugged. “Hey-yo! Endeavor, this is my partner I told you about, [Y/N] [L/N].”
You held your hand out to the fiery man, “Nice to meet you!”
“Likewise, I’ve heard a lot about you, Hawks never stops talking.”
“That’s cute,” you coo to your boyfriend.
“I’m gonna get something at the bar real quick. Want anything?”
“I’m okay, thank you. Well, actually, maybe a martini, please?” Hawks nodded and gave you a quick pat on the head. 
Endeavor was already talking with some of his acquaintances and you were left alone for the time being. Soon enough, some Pro who you didn’t recognize made his way to you. 
He was really laying on the sugar, standing oh so close, his hand ghosting over the curve of your hip. You laughed along, as to not be rude. Little did the two of you know, Hawks could hear every sweet word the man whispered, his feathers puffing up slightly. 
“[Y/N], here, I got it just the way you like it,” he glanced at the other hero, “Hey man, haven’t seen you around before.”
“Oh yes! This is my first event since my debut. Half a year, maybe?”
“Congrats! Hummingbird, I heard Miruko just came in. Wanna go say hi? I know you guys got along.”
“Sure, baby,” you smiled, feeling his bitterness seep through his mask. “Nice talking to you!”
“I leave you alone for less than ten minutes and you’re already cheating on me?!” he huffed, trying to hide a smile.
You sighed dramatically, doing a woe is me pose. “I just can’t keep them at bay!”
“How ya feelin’ for ya first fancy event?”
“Feeling a little better.” After twenty or so minutes more of mingling with everyone, the presenter stands at the podium.
“My Heros, I thank you all for attending this event, hopefully crime will just pause for this evening”--a couple people chuckled softly--“and have a wonderful rest of the evening. Please find your seats! Dinner will be served shortly.”
“Any ideas of what’s for dinner?”
“Not sure, I heard they hired American chefs, though. Where do you wanna sit?”
“Maybe over there?” you asked, pointing to an empty circular table.
“Lead the way, baby,” Hawks replied.
You and Hawks sat next to each other, facing the stage. Rumi across from you, and a couple others you didn’t quite know. As the lights dimmed, a familiar voice rang over your head.
“Mind if I sit here? I can’t believe all the seats were filled by the time I got back from the bathroom.”
“Ah, of course,” you smiled slightly. It was the Pro from before. Hawks huffed under his breath. The bread bowl made its way around the table and you leaned over to Hawks, telling him how much you love sour dough bread. 
“I like sour dough too!” the man next to you loudly said.
“It’s nice, isn’t it,” you agreed. C’mon, just leave me alone. Dinner continued, different groups putting on stage show shorts for entertainment. And with each comment from the stranger, Hawks’ attitude changed a little. His words a little sharper, eyes a little narrower. Of course, this was only noticeable to the trained eye. A spotlight shown on the stage, illuminating a row of women. Their beautiful display of the Thousand Arms Dance almost made you forget about the hand resting on your thigh. 
In two moments, that changed.
Dangerously close to your sex.
Rubbing small circles on the inner side.
“What are you doing?”
“Enjoying the show?”
“Don’t play coy with me, you whisper yelled. 
“No idea what you’re talking about, songbird,” he purred, fingers prodding your sex through your panties softly. 
“Okay. I see how it is.”
“What ever do you mean? Don’t go ignoring Mr. New Pro over there.”
You looked around at the table, everyone enthralled by the dance. Mr. New Pro was cutting his steak into fifty tiny meticulous pieces. Weird. 
“He’s not even talking to me,” you snorted, “for once.”
“But you like the attention, don’t you?” You choked on your water.
“Hey, [Y/N], look at my meat,” the other hero said, gesturing to his plate. 
Hawks’ eyes twitched. “Need to go right now.”
“Show’s not over, it would be rude!”
“Right now,” he hissed, getting up abruptly and dragging you with him. “Dinner was good, but I really want dessert right now.”
The bright lights of the lobby made your eyes take a while to adjust. A supply closet door left unlocked, now your small haven with your boyfriend. “In there,” you pointed.
“You got great ideas, hummingbird,” Hawks praised, pressing you against the wall and kicking the door shut behind him. He gave you a quick kiss before kneeling between your legs. They rested on his shoulders, fingers digging into your supple thighs. “Be quiet, you don’t want to attract any unnecessary attention, do you?”
“Maybe, maybe not.” Something about a bunch of Pros seeing you in such a compromising position piqued your interest. 
Hawks attacked your sex, sucking on clit before dragging a tongue along your folds. You threaded a hand through his wild blond hair. Even though you two weren’t dating for a super long amount of time, he was already a master at knowing how to please you. You chalked it up to his keen observation skills. 
His hot mouth brought you so close to your release until he pulled away suddenly. 
“Good girls don’t get to cum until they learn to not flirt with other guys.”
“Barely flirting!” 
“Not what I saw.”
He plunged a finger into your sopping entrance, massaging the spongy patch of flesh that made you throw your head back. 
“What did I say?”
It took you a couple seconds to find the words, to which he pulled his digit out. “No flirting?”
“Close, baby.” Hawks gently placed you on your feet. “Turn around.”
“I wanna see that cute face though,” you pouted. It almost cracked his facade.
“Well, I wanna see your ass pressing against my hips.” You bent slightly, placing your hands on the wall to brace yourself. “That’s it…” you heard his belt buckle come undone, pants dropping to the floor in a heap around his shoes. Hawks’ cold fingers moved your dress to the side, and slowly pulled your silky panties down.
“Glad I wore this dress?”
“You plan it?”
“Didn’t think it would be in the way when we got back home,” you shrugged. “Guess it works for any place, huh?”
Hawks breathed deeply, cock in his hand, running the tip between your ass cheeks. You pushed back, trying to get some friction.
“What are you not supposed to do? Get it right, and I’ll sink into that cute little pussy of yours. Otherwise, we go back to the ballroom, yeah? Dunno if I can handle it though, what, with what’s-his-face all over you.”
“I didn’t catch his name either,” you giggled before clearing your throat, “uhm...you said to not come until you tell me. I’ll be good. I’ll do as you say. Just please--”
“Since you said please,” he hummed, “easy to slide in since you’re so wet for me. Only for me. No one else.”
“Of course!” your walls stretched to accommodate his length. Hawks let out a low groan. “So tight…” 
You let out a high squeak, urging him to go faster. “Birdie, I...I can’t believe we’re doing this here…”
“A certain someone couldn’t wait..”
“I saw you getting pretty antsy too!”
“That little fucker had no business flirting with you right in front of me; and you. You allowed it, egged him on even,” Hawks growled in your ear. 
“Maybe..maybe I wanted a reaction out of you!” your sentence ended with a lit when his tip kissed your cervix.
“Bad move, kid, you know I’m not gonna go easy on ya. When I came back and he was all over you, oooh, I just wanted to kill the bastard. Hero status be damned. When he leaned a little too close at the dinner table, I just wanted to bend you over the table to show him that you’re mine.” Suddenly, Hawks pulled out of you, flipping you around to face him. “Look at me, beautiful.”
You struggled to open your eyes, Hawks’ pinprick eyes trained on your own. They were honestly set ablaze.
He looked beautiful like this: hair more tousled than usual, a bead of sweat on his temple, mouth panting and parted open. “Whatcha lookin’ at baby bird?”
“Just you,” you sighed contentedly, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a searing kiss.
You heard his wings ruffle, and his hips slammed into yours at a more fervent pace. Mmmffmmm, came out of your mouth. “I’m--close!”
Jealousy forgotten for the moment, Hawks nodded against the nape of your neck. “Hold on a lil longer. Can you do that for me? Wanna countdown?” he cooed.
“Y--yeah, okay,” your legs squeezed his body to yours impossibly tighter. 
“Five,” he moaned. At least he didn’t start at ten, that would have been an eternity.
When four came around, you ran your hands on his feathers close to his back.
Three. Almost there.
Two, and it’s so close to one. You felt like you’re almost going to vomit, but in a good way. A tightening just about to unravel.
“One, look down at me ravaging this pussy. No one else can do it as well as me, don’t cha know?” Hawks snarled. 
You peeked at where the two of you became one, his hand snaking around to rub at your clit.
“Hawks! Coming, I’m coming,” you moaned, his name falling off your tongue like a prayer. You briefly wondered when he would tell you his real name, but quickly coming to this moment when he spoke.
“Sing me my favorite song, songbird. You know I love to hear it!” His hips stuttered, wings flaring out (you loved that part) as he came, hot cum shooting out into your waiting entrance. Your pussy milked the rest out desperately as you both felt the aftermaths of your highs. He rested his forehead against yours. “I just wanna stay here.”
“In this closet?”
“No, dingus, with you,” he rolled his eyes, pulling out of you gently. “Round two back home?”
“Maybe nail me in the sky or something,” you suggested, pulling your panties up and shifting your dress around.
“Don’t tempt me,” he smirked, picking you up bridal style. He managed to fly out without being seen, and the both of you looked upon a sea of shining lights.
“I’m jealous you get this view every day.”
“It’s better with you, though,” he smiled softly.
“What is it?
“You’re hard again? Already?”
Hawks let out his beautiful laugh and you snuggled closer into his chest. “Can’t blame me that my baby bird just put that idea in my head!”
👉👈 hi this is my first smut since a lil while so hope you enjoyed it! Maybe tell me what you thought?
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Book Two: Sapphire (Ignis x Reader) Chapter X
The royal retinue reach the courtyard outside the Leville just as the ground beneath their feet began to shake. At the same time, Noctis grabs his head and winces. Images flash through his mind, but he couldn't make sense of them. Shaking his head, the pain and vision subside. Gladio, who was the closest to the prince, noticed his painful expression. "What's wrong?"
"My head just started throbbing," Noctis replied, hiding the details of the vision he witnessed.
"You all right?" Prompto asked worriedly.
He nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine."
"A headache at the exact moment of an earthquake," (Y/n) hummed. "I would say it isn't a coincidence."
"Indeed," Ignis agreed.
"Doesn't matter. It's gone," Noctis said.
They enter the Leville and stand in the lobby to wait for Iris. Gladio crosses his arms, tapping his foot impatiently against the tiled floor. He wasn't sure what was taking his sister so long, but she descended the stairwell a few minutes later.
"Gladdy!" Iris chanted, hurrying down the stairs.
Said boy looked up and smiled at his sister. He was relieved to see she was uninjured and safe from the hell raised by the empire in Insomnia. Although he lost his father, at least he still had his little sister. "Iris."
The young Amicitia glances around at the faces of the boys. She had yet to spot (Y/n) due to being hidden behind Ignis' tall, lithe body. "Look at you guys, holding your own out there."
Prompto smiled with slightly red cheeks. "What can I say? You look good."
"All things considered," Iris exhaled heavily. "You guys are staying here, right?"
"That's the plan," Ignis said, taking a step to the side and revealing the girl hidden behind him.
Iris noticed the fifth member of the group and blinked in surprise. She searched her memory and tried to remember seeing someone as beautiful as her before, but she couldn't recall anyone. She hastily took a few steps towards her, signaling the beginning of a throng of questions. "Who's this? Is she a crownsguard? But that outfit is way too nice." Iris circles (Y/n), examining her appearance closely. Reaching the front, she saw the slitted eyes and gemstone. "Wait, you're a guardian! But I don't remember any of the guys except Ignis having one. Now that I think about, I don't see her here."
Gladio stopped his sister after seeing how uncomfortable (Y/n) was becoming. "Take a breather, Iris. You're freakin' the girl out."
Realizing what she was doing, she gasped and promptly apologized. "I-I'm so sorry. It's just...I've never met someone so beautiful before. If I had, I would definitely remember."
"Oh, um...thank you, Iris," (Y/n) shyly replied.
"Pretty sure you've met (Y/n) before, Iris," Noctis stated. "But you've never seen her human form until now."
"That name..." Iris' voice trailed off before her eyes widened. "You're really (Y/n)? That little bundle of white fur is you?"
She nodded. "Y-Yes."
"Oh, wow. This is... You look amazing!" She praised. "I never imagined you were this pretty. I mean, I imagined you to be a little more than average, but I am blown away!"
The guardian did her best to analyze her appearance. Without a mirror, it was difficult to examine her entire body. She glanced down at her dress before lifting her head. "I really don't see what's so special about me."
"You're kidding, right?" Prompto spoke up. "You didn't notice all those people staring at you when we first got here?"
"And not just here. Wherever we go, people stare at you," Noctis added. "Can't believe you haven't noticed."
That's when (Y/n) started to worry. "Am I drawing too much attention to us? If that's the case, I can always change forms and-"
Gladio held up his and silenced her. "Slow your roll, munchkin. We drive a super fancy car that already sticks out like a sore thumb anywhere we go. With you taggin' along, no one even looks twice at Noct."
Noctis glanced at his shield with a scowl. "Am I supposed to be offended by that?"
"Take it as you will, Highness." Gladio focuses his gaze back on his sister. "Putting all that aside, when you have time we have catching up to do."
Iris nodded. "Sure. I've got time now if you guys do. We can talk in my room." She leads the group of five up the stairs and into one of the many hotel rooms. As they got comfortable, they were joined by an old man and a young boy. Gladio easily recognized the two. "Jared and Talcott! Is it good to see you."
Talcott smiled sweetly as he addressed the member of royalty among them. "Prince Noctis! Iris is safe with me!" You could tell the young boy admired Noctis just by the gleam in his eyes.
Jared patted Talcott on the shoulder, smiling apologetically to the prince. "Please excuse my grandson. He has yet to learn his manners."
Noctis smirked. "I like it."
The older man lowered his head in a slight bow. "Your Highness is very kind, but we shan't impose. A very good night to you, Your Highness." Taking his grandson with him, he left the room so the group could talk. Iris closes the door behind them as they leave before taking a seat alongside the others.
Noctis was a little hesitant to ask, but he wanted to know some details of the invasion. "So Iris, what was it like inside the Crown City?"
Iris winced slightly as she remembered the day of the signing clearly. "Not pretty. The Citadel took a beating. But a lot of outlying neighborhoods made it through in one piece."
Ignis' eyes narrowed as he gazed at the carpet. "The empire had tactical targets in mind."
"If they incapacitated the Citadel from the inside, it would make it difficult for the crownsguard and Kingsglaive to deploy," (Y/n) said.
"Think they had a man on the inside?" Gladio wondered.
"A possibility we cannot dismiss," Ignis stated.
Iris glanced around at the dejected faces of the group. She clasped her hands together in her lap and focused her gaze on Noctis. "You know if there's anything else, you can ask me."
Noctis lifted his head, slightly taken aback. "Yeah, uh, thanks."
"So...about Lady Lunafreya. I keep hearing she was in town. Apparently she left right away, but at least it means she's okay."
The prince wasn't sure how to feel about Lunafreya. He wasn't sure if she was alive or dead and he was worried about her. However, Iris' words did provide a small amount of relief. "Good to hear. Thanks."
Iris then stands, brushing off her skirt. "Yeah, well, get a good night's rest." She then leaves the room.
Ignis stood up as well. "I shall procure rooms for us."
(Y/n) glances at him. "That was plural."
"I shall ensure you get your own personal room, (Y/n). It would be ill-suited for a lady to remain in a room with four men."
She watched him leave the room, blinking in surprise. She uncrossed her legs with a huff. A grin tugged at the corners of Gladio's lips. "You seem disappointed."
"No, just surprised. We had no issues sharing a room in Longwythe or Galdin Quay. What's changed?" She pondered.
"You think it has to do with the fact you spend more time in your human form than your spiritual one now?" Prompto asked.
"Or maybe Iggy wants you to have your own room so he can make a surprise visit to you in the middle of the night," the brute said.
She glowered at him. "Why do you think Iggy would have an ulterior motive?"
Gladio looked away, trying to act innocent. "No reason."
Her eyes scrunched up in an accusing manner. "You know something that I don't."
He shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't. But it's not my place to tell. Hopefully us guys can snap some sense into his uptight ass and get him to tell you."
(Y/n) wanted to question him further, but held herself back as Ignis returned. She accepted the key he offered her and read the number attached to it before heading to her room. It was only a few doors down from Iris' room. She entered the room and looked around. There was a small couch, a coffee table, and a double bed with a nightstand beside it. It was decent, but she felt lonely. Why had Ignis suddenly wanted her to have her own room? Was it really because she's been spending more time in her human form like Prompto said or was there another possibility?
Her shoulders sank while trudging towards the bed. She sat down on the edge with a huff of frustration at her busy thoughts. She pushed them aside by remembering the intimate moment she shared with Ignis earlier that day. It was nice to be in his arms, a sensation she's enjoyed ever since he first hugged her when he was only five years old. As the years passed, the hugs became scarce in number due to his duties to the crown. He became more prim and proper, meaning casual hugs were deemed inappropriate. She had watched the boy grow into a man, his personality changing from sweet and caring to reserved and stoic.
Of course, he had his moments where he would show her how much he cared about her. Those were few and far between. However, that somewhat changed after they left the city. Even with Noctis as his first priority, his time with her had grown as if they had reverted back to their younger years. It brought a smile to her face, but it quickly vanished. She wanted to be his first priority. Was it a selfish thought? Perhaps.
Hanging her head, she hid her face behind a curtain of (h/c) tresses. She mentally scolded herself for thinking in such a manner. All she wanted was Ignis to love her with all his heart just as she wanted to do the same for him. But there was another thing stopping her-their roles. She was his guardian and he was her master. Was it appropriate for a human and spirit to be together?
That's when her eyes gleamed with hope as she recalled Jasper and Luca. They were clearly in love with each other and are engaged. She lifted her head and glanced out the window, coming to a decision-she would meet Luca tomorrow and discuss how he and Jasper overcame such obstacles or if it was only her self-doubt that prevented her from confessing her feelings.
(Y/n) was pulled from her thoughts when she heard a knock on her door. She went to answer it and saw Prompto was visiting her. Noticing he was alone, she wondered what he wanted. "Is there something I can do for you, Prompto?"
"You're gonna join us for dinner, right?" He asked.
Checking the time on the clock located on the nightstand, she saw it was a few minutes past five. "I didn't realize it was that late already."
Prompto grabbed her hand with a smile. "C'mon, the guys already left to make sure we get a table."
(Y/n) was taken aback at the sudden sensation of his hand on hers. "Prompto, your hand."
He looked down at their connected hands and blushed. He had unconsciously grabbed hers. "S-Sorry..."
She couldn't help but admire how kind and gentle he was. In order to smooth over the situation, she offered him a gentle smile. "It's fine. Let's go."
They left the Leville and headed to Surgate's Beanmine near the main thoroughfare. Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis were sitting at one of the tables and had already ordered for everyone. The eatery was packed and only a couple tables were left vacant. Sitting in between Noctis and Ignis, (Y/n) glances across the table when Gladio kicked her lightly in the foot. "Took your time, munchkin."
"I was thinking about a few things and didn't realize how late it was," she explained.
He took a brief glance at Ignis before looking back at her. "Like what?"
"Luca. I want to help him with his dream project. Spirits could use a good reputation. I also want to warn him about the empire."
"Y'know, all the people I've talked about guardians with adore them," Prompto said. "I can't believe people discriminate against your people, (Y/n)."
She crossed her legs, placing her hands gently in her lap. "I can't even imagine what it's like to be a masterless spirit in a society like this. It must be very difficult for them to live normal lives."
"Oh, yeah. Specs mentioned that rite of annulment," Noctis chimed in.
"I do hope I did not overstep my bounds," Ignis said, glancing toward the girl sitting beside him.
She shook her head. "Not at all. The rite of annulment has been used in both good and bad ways. Guardians have undergone the ritual to escape their abusive masters and humans have used it to get rid of their guardians. If the threat of corruption wasn't high, it's possible the rite wouldn't be so bad."
"What's this corruption you're talkin' about?" Gladio pried.
"Masters act as buffers for guardians when it comes to mana flow. If a guardian cannot control the flow, it builds up in their body and they soon lose themselves. Some spirits have massacred humans in such a state, but most of the time they commit suicide once it's too overbearing. A guardian's risk of corruption goes down if their master is still alive. But once that soul vanishes from Eos, the risk of corruption is extremely high. There are spirits who have learned to cope through the madness to keep their minds intact while others have never suffered from corruption."
"Okay, yeah, none of the books I've read mention any of this..." Prompto mumbled.
"Neither do the vast collections I've perused," Ignis said.
(Y/n) stared down at the table. "Not everything is written down in books or documents. If the rite was vastly known, I fear my people's reputation would be even more soiled."
"Let's just hope Luca doesn't know about it," Gladio stated. "And if he does, he'll leave it out of his book."
Their food arrived as their conversation ended. (Y/n) stared thoughtfully at her serving of bird-broth rice with curry before picking up her spoon to enjoy the meal. She listened to Noctis and Prompto as they exchanged playful banter while eating.
Once everyone was finished, they left the eatery and headed back to the Leville. As they passed through one of the alleyways, a disembodied voice reached (Y/n)'s ears. He body became stiff while listening to it.
Come...of Pneuma... Heed...call... Costlemark...altar...
A strange sensation overtook her body. Feeling a trance consume her mind, she no longer had control of her body. Listening to the voice, she wandered aimlessly down another alleyway and wound up separated from the boys. Unaware of her surroundings, she was heading straight for the road.
As she was about to step off the curb and into the street, the sound of a blaring horn bounced off the buildings, but it didn't snap her out of her trance. It was only when someone grabbed her arm and pulled her to safety before she was hit by a car that caused the trance to fade. The sensation of hands on her cheeks resulted in her to blink a few times. Her vision cleared and all she could see was a pair of familiar emerald eyes behind a pair of glasses. As the faint ringing in her ear ceased and she could hear the sounds of the bustling town, she realized Ignis was her savior and was trying to get her attention.
"(Y/n), can you hear me?" Ignis asked as her slitted pupils narrowed.
She looked around as best as she could and saw Noctis, Gladio, and Prompto standing behind him. "What happened?"
"I was hoping you'd clarify."
"Weren't we on our way back to the Leville?" She asked.
Prompto stepped forward. "You...don't remember what just happened?"
"You just suddenly walked off. We tried to get your attention, but you weren't listening. You wandered out into the middle of the street and was almost ran over by a car. Luckily Specs saved you before you were flattened," Noctis clarified. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." (Y/n) took a step back when Ignis removed his hands from her cheeks. All she could remember was hearing the voice and then they were standing by the side of the road. "Maybe I just need some more sleep."
"You looked like you were in some kinda trance," Prompto said.
Ignis examines her face and noticed she looked sickly. "You've become pale. Let us make haste back to the hotel."
"Need a piggyback ride, munchkin?" Gladio offered.
She shook her head. "No, I can walk."
Ignis placed an arm around her shoulders and escorted her back to the Leville. He took her to her room and asked her to sit down on the bed. When she did, he kneeled down in front of her and took her gloved hands in his own. "What truly happened tonight, (Y/n)?"
"I-I honestly don't know, Iggy," she answered sincerely. "I heard that voice again and then realized we were standing by the road. I did feel something come over my body, but I don't know what. I'm sorry..."
Ignis raised one of his hands and caressed the back of his fingers against her cheek. "You need not apologize, darling."
She was shocked at hearing the term of endearment, but welcomed it. "I just hope visiting Costlemark will resolve this and put an end to the voice."
He removed his hand from her face and gazed deeply into her sapphire eyes. He loved how they sparkled just like the gemstones in his necklace. It was like getting lost in the ocean. "Will you be all right by yourself tonight?"
"Yes. I'll probably turn in early after a shower."
"If you need me, you know where I'll be. Please, do not hesitate to call upon me."
She smiled gratefully. "Thank you. Good night, Iggy."
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bakugohoex · 4 years
“you really have got nothing to do on a friday night”
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pairing: keigo takami x female reader
cw: fluff, kissing, slight mentions of nsfw
word count: 4400+
a/n: how the fuck did this fic get so long, this the longest thing i’ve ever made so hopefully you guys like it
summary: in which your friend keigo invites you to a pro hero event as his plus one, the event leads to a lot more than you expected
↞ back to my hero academia masterlist
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The invite fell into your palm, the cold metal against your exposed arms, your bare feet against the rigid wood. The wind blew through your hair with the feeling of feathers brushing against your arm to lift your spirits.
A certain pro hero had just finished a patrol and had met you on your balcony, his pro hero costume battered, his feathers moving away from his back, watching him crack his neck the feathers moved around you. You leant further back on the balcony, one more step backwards and the pro hero would have to save you. The red of his feathers fell through your fingers, he took his jacket off leaving him in his sleeveless black and gold shirt, the gloves falling to the ground and his eyes wandering down to the shorts that barely reached your ass.
“Caught you at a bad moment.” He smirks walking towards you, his feathers gliding up and down your arm, you shook them off laughing at the blond.
“God no, I was about to go to sleep, what’s this then?” The invite was between your two fingers as you pushed in into Keigo’s eyeline.
“An invite there’s this event for the top ten heroes to mingle, we can invite someone and you’re coming.” You raised an eyebrow as you leant against the banister, the way Keigo moved his arm around the back to make sure you didn’t fall was always a sweet gesture after his forcefulness at asking.
“Is this to rub it in my face that I’m only in the top twenty so I didn’t get an invite.” You laugh you loved making him feel bad about talking about being the number two hero, but still you were proud of your friend he had achieved a lot.
“Me, never.” He acts shocked, you decided to have some fun with us.
“I’ll go if you…” You lean back further, your hand gripping the balcony you easily somersaulted into the air with your legs in the air, Keigo’s eyed widened as he knew what you were going to do, “catch me.”
Your back straightened and you fell, your apartment was on the 6th floor and the drop to the ground took exactly 14 seconds to reach, it wasn’t like you liked jumping of buildings, but feeling of Keigo’s wings grabbing your falling body just before it hit the ground, the way his arms would reach you, his feathers going back to his back as he flew you back up to your apartment. Could be defined as amazing in simple terms, it was a rush and Keigo’s hands on your back brought joy.
“I thought I told you stop jumping off buildings.”
You pout walking back into your apartment, “you catch me, and we fly.”
He rolls his eyes following, he collapses on the sofa, legs spread as if he was enticing you to come forward, the way his arms laid across the sofa, his legs ready to sit on, the way even his wings were asking for you to come closer. You didn’t though, you went to the other side grabbing the keys to lock the balcony up.
“You coming then it’s Friday night.”
You looked at the empty calendar on the fridge, your life was filled with pro hero work, meeting up with friends and coming home. No dating, no partying and certainly no one night stands, the way that one touch to Keigo anywhere near your chest or thighs would make you cum instantly was worrying to say the least.
“I might have plans.” You lean against the cool glass your head look past the glass to see the chilly night, the black and blues of the sky missing together, it was a masterpiece.
“You really like the sky don’t you.” Keigo notices turning his head towards you.
You don’t say anything a simple hum coming from your lips. “I’ll show you the stars one day Y/n.”
You hadn’t heard the remark, rubbing your eyes as he smiles at you. “You never have plans.”
“Hey, I have a life.” You ruffle his blond hair the feeling bringing warmth to the both of you.
“You really have got nothing to do on a Friday night.” He mocks out.
You roll your eyes at the man slouching on your sofa, he grabbed the tv remote going to put anything on. “I could have a date.”
He was silent no other words as he almost felt hurt, he couldn’t be though, “cancel him, you have a night with me, number two pro hero, any woman would want that.”
“I’m not just any woman though.”
“Y/n come on it’ll be fun, free bar, mingling, dressing up, cameras, it’ll be fun, even Mirko will be there.”
“You’re going to have to do a lot more then persuading and catching me fall.” You lean against the sofa, his eyes move to your neck watching as the necklace dangled against your collar, he had imagined how you’d look with the necklace dangling down as you sucked him off.
Even with the provocative dreams he had had about you, you were strictly friends and that’s how you two would remain. “You’ll be the prettiest girl there and who wouldn’t want a pretty woman on their arm all night.”
“Flattery, now that’s a new level Kei, I’ll come because you’ve gone as far to lie.” You laugh, watching the screen at the show you had no idea about.
He loved being called Kei especially by you, the way the three-letter word brought joy and made him hard at the same time made his head whirl, you had agreed on the falsehood on a statement that was entirely true.
The week progressed, Keigo had left as soon as you agreed to go with him, he had sent a dress and shoes. It was pretty and you needed to remember to pay him back, a car was coming to pick you up in two hours and you had to look at least decent. You were still in the top twenty not as great as Keigo, but it was something and one day you’d reach the top ten you just knew it.
You brushed your hair leaving it out, doing your makeup as you were making sure to not mess up anything was hard with how nervous you were. Yes everybody knew you and Keigo were friends but going together to such a public event would it be weird; would people make rumours?
You had little time to keep thinking about it before time was ticking away, your makeup was perfect for your face and hopefully it was noticeable and not embarrassing. You hadn’t tried on the dress, you had gone to shower and were met with the dress and shoes on your bed, Keigo had creeped in like a perv and left it with a note, his initials on it and nothing else. The manwhore.
You had been staring at it, not even knowing if it was your size, the way the fabric felt against your palms sent shivers, this was chosen out by Keigo it had to be some what decent on you. You slid into it, admiring yourself in the mirror. Your cleavage had perked up filling the top part, as the thin straps held them together, your thighs fell against the material. The two slits to the sides leaving your bare thighs exposed, if someone looked closely enough, your underwear would definitely be visible. The blackness of the dress with the black heels contrasted the innocent look  you always portrayed to the media and outside.
Keigo was trying to fuck you up and you knew it, you wore the same necklace you normally wore, and long earrings dangled from your ears. Rings and bracelets suffocated your arms and fingers and before long you were sitting on the sofa waiting for the doorbell to ring.
You weren’t nervous, you couldn’t be it was just two people going to an event as friends, you played with the black beaded clutch that encased your phone, lipstick and keys. You were fidgeting over one small event; you knew it wasn’t just the event but Keigo in a suit and you on his arms it was something you had always dreamed about. The only thing about the real-life version was that you were friends and that would near change.
The small taps against the wood made your heart drop, you stood up straightening the dress, you stride up to the door with a heavy breath and false hope at anything more than friendship.
The door opened hastily, Keigo stood in front his black suit contrasting his blonde hair, his wings wrapped around his back, you always admired his wings how he could fly up to the sky, something your quirk left you unable to do. Don’t get it wrong you loved your quirk but being able to fly and see the stars and sky was a dream and every time Keigo catched you it was like your dream was becoming a reality.
His eyes flicked from your face right down to your neck, then exposed breasts, right to the exposed thigh and down to the floor where your heels peaked under the dress. He was lost for words, the way your body fit so well in the dress, it was perfect and the innocent eyes underneath it all made his heart melt.
“Yo…You look beautiful.” He smirks composing himself, the suit fitting him nicely, the bowtie looking crooked you’d have to sort it out for him for sure. Even his hands had some rings, you had admired Keigo’s hands they were perfect for you, you often imagined them around your throat or even inside of you pumping back and forth. Your thoughts always ran wild when Keigo was involved.
“Thank you.” The reddening in your face becoming more prominent, you looked down not wanting to meet his gaze, he had been staring and both of you knew it. “You look nice as well, more than nice, you…you look handsome.”
He smirks as he clicks his tongue against the inside of his cheek trying to suppress his want to wrap his arms around you, “the cars waiting.”
You nod locking up, he admired your exposed back, the way the top of your neck and back ran smooth, he wanted to touch it, feel it, stroke it and maybe even lick it. He walked towards the elevator in silence, why was it so awkward you two normally couldn’t stop talking to each other.
“Ugh so.” You both end up saying in sync, he hated how he was reacting to you.
He knew that the dress would be perfect for you as soon as he saw it, he didn’t care about the price and wanted to make you look pretty and now as he saw you in something he chose. His heart couldn’t handle the intense feeling of love he had for you.
You both left the elevator the ride down having been silent, he opened the door for you, nodding your head in a thank you before the frigid air hit your skin, the moon shone bright as you admired the sky just as Keigo was admiring you, he guided you to the car before opening the door. A curt nod from yourself as you looked out the window continuing your fascination with the sky.
“Y/n.” Keigo gently touched your arm bringing you back to reality.
“It might last a while so as soon as you want to leave you can tell me.” You smile facing him again, he really was gorgeous, his rough hand on your smooth skin, the way his wings arched into his body, they looked smaller than usually, he often let some feathers fly around and you could see outside a trail of red in the sky.
“That’s fine, I don’t have anything better to do.” You mutter softy.
“What? You? Don’t you have dates every week?” He smirks as you roll your eyes.
“Ha Ha Ha.” You fake. “I haven’t gone out on a date in months, nobody has my interest.”
He lied back his hand moving up and down your arm, you didn’t mind but it sent shocks down your body, craving more of this touch. “What? The great Y/n Y/l/n hasn’t found anybody interested.”
“Yeah I know right, the girl who gets interested in the sky and museums finds men a drab.”
He smirks he loved everything about your interests, every time you fell he’d catch you and every time you dragged him to any museum after a patrol he’d follow watching how your face went through the emotions at every new piece of art work.
“Your bow tie’s wonky.” You giggle your hands wrapping around the material, you undo it and tie it back up, he loved watching your hands at work. All he wanted was for you to pull him by the bow tie into a kiss but before anything could happen.
“We’re here, Sir.” The driver smiles, Keigo opens his door as you could already see cameras flashing, you weren’t as important as Keigo, so why did the number two hero invite you. He didn’t want to gloat so why you?
The air hit your body as soon as Keigo opened your door, he put his hand out as you took it, the way you could see his feather flow back into his back, they were beautiful you had often dreamt of lying-in bed together, his feathers over your back as your arms moved onto his own. You smile taking his  hand, helping you up, your dress moved in the wind and you prayed the slits on either side wouldn’t expose anything you didn’t want showing.
Cameras flashed, people shouted, they wanted your attentions, and it was only because of the man whose arm you had wrapped yours against. He smiled and relished in it all, you smiled back, not really having done something like this in months, due to rarely being invited to stuff like this.
Flashes occurred in every direction and Keigo’s arm was the only thing you could concentrate on. How he helped you up the stairs, his hands guiding you to make sure you didn’t fall, he was being nice something new to the normal teasing behaviour he had.
Opening the double doors, you were finally away from the chaos of outside, you were met with a cue of people waiting to go inside the main hall. “You okay?”
You turned to face him, his arm around your waist to keep you close, “I’m okay, it’s been a while since I had to experience something like that.”
“Well, you seemed like you knew what you were doing.” He smiles facing forward, you looked up at him the stubble running across his chin, the images of his chin brushing against your bare thighs, his hands gripping them to make sure you stayed still. You shook your head to remove the images before Keigo gave the invite to the man.
“We have to make sure you’re not carrying anything, step through the metal detector, Keigo steps through it with ease as you follow hastily, nothing occurred and you both were free to mingle in the hall.
The doors opened to a grand hall, with tables for pro heroes to eat and talk with other heroes around them. You hadn’t even asked what this event was about, you were about to ask Keigo, but he had disappeared. You looked around your fingers becoming white at how tense you were, you liked people yeah, you were okay with crowds but Keigo had left you with nothing more than silence.
“I go us some drinks.” His arm reappeared along your waist, “Vodka Martini, extra olives”
You smiled at him remembering your favourite before he passed the drink, you held it in your hand as he led you to your designated seat, you seemed to be at the front and were met with Endeavor and Best Jeanist you had worked with both of them less than twice and the people around them were little more than helpful, Endeavor with his son who you assumed had been dragged to this event with the scowl on the youngest Todoroki’s face and Best Jeanist with someone who you barely recognised. You sat down with Keigo, placing your drink on the table.
The younger Todoroki didn’t speak and whoever Best Jeanist was with had preoccupied him, your only option was Keigo. “You never told me what this event was about.”
He turns to face you, a grin on his face, “It’s just a charity event, to help raise money for the public from all the villain attacks.”
You nod they did these a lot and you assumed the invite to the top ten heroes was to gain publicity and for the heroes to spend their money on whatever revenue the charity got. “The mighty Hawks, actually giving back to the people.”
He laughs mockingly before turning to face you properly, “You like the dress then.”
“I do, how did you know my size?”
He looks down playing with his fingers, “I guessed.”
“That sounds like a lie, you perv.” You playfully hit his hands before he entangled your fingers together, a blush creeping up your face. The close contact of the two of you making your breath hitch.
“It should be starting now.” He says nothing else, your grip tightening in his hands and finger, it was an unknown warmth and you loved it.
The event progressed, people coming up to talk, heroes laughing and smiling, before you were able to spend the night eating and drinking to your hearts content. Spotting Mirko you let go of Keigo’s hands as you walked towards the woman.
“Do I spot a Y/n coming over?” She laughs as you meet her at the bar.
“Mirko.” You squeal as you hug her, you missed talking to her she was always busy now.
“What’s my favourite pro hero doing here?” She pauses seeing Keigo watching the both of you, “Oh my fucking god, Keigo fucking invited you didn’t he?”
You laugh as you give a nod, “we’re here as friends.”
“Friends my ass, by the end of the night you’ll be fucking all night.” Sometimes her bluntness would be the death of you.
Both your drinks came, and you stood talking for a bit, catching up on what had been going on in your lives, “still jumping off buildings then.”
“Duh, how did you think I ended up coming?” You laugh before hearing a cough behind the two of you.
His wings slouched as he smiled at the two of you, “care to dance.”
You smiled brightly as Mirko pushed you onto him, him catching you effortlessly, you nodded as she gave a thumbs up. It was soft music something that you and Keigo weren’t used to, you had gone to clubs and bars when you and Keigo first met many years ago but now under the slow songs it was something new. He held your waist as your arms wrapped around his neck.
“Why did you invite me to come?” You finally question.
“I…I wanted to, you’re an amazing friend and I thought we could have some fun.” He smiled the word friend making your heart ache, however.
You nodded resting your head on his chest feeling his heart beat as he smiled looking down at your smaller frame against his own. The song ended and you looked back up to him, your bodies on each other’s connected, you loved it.
“Want another drink?” He asked as you nodded he took your hand walking towards the bar.
You two get stopped by a man before you could even get to the bar though, he smiled at the two of you with what looked like a polaroid camera, “we’re doing polaroid’s would you two want some.”
You smiled as your gave puppy dog eyes to Keigo, he nodded as you both stood in next to each other, fairy lights behind you as it looked magical, the windows showing the moonlight and high-rise buildings. And Keigo, his arms wrapped around your own as you arm fell to rest on his lower back. His wings touching the back of your hand, the man took two polaroid’s for the both of you and as you shook it for the pictures to appear, you smiled. The way Keigo looked at you whilst you looked at the camera was a sight for sore eyes. 
He had been filled with love and comfort and watching you smile cheerily filled his heart even more, a quick thank you came from the two of you before you went to get some drinks. Whilst you were waiting Keigo showed you the photo he had, you both smiling at each other this time, it was something some comforting within it.
“You really do look amazing tonight Y/n.”
“Thanks Kei.” His nickname falling off your tongue.
Another song erupted as you saw a woman come up to the two of you, “would you like to dance?”
She completely ignored you as Keigo had been trying to put the polaroid in his phone case, he looked up as the woman smirked at him. Her dress was low cut, and her body and face were perfect, you didn’t recognise her so she must have paid to come as she seemed to not be a pro hero either.
Keigo looked between you and the woman, almost like he was asking permission, “you can go y’know.”
You smirked nudging him, you were sad to be left along but you weren’t together to feel any jealousy. He nodded politely as she took his sleeve, he looked back at your figure standing alone, the song was slow and she wrapped her arms around his neck, you weren’t jealous.
But you were, a rage filled your heart, he was supposed to be yours, he should be yours. But he wasn’t and he never would be, no longer wanting to see anymore you drank your drink in one sip before walking out of the doors, you saw a door leading to the roof and that’s all you needed.
You took your heels off, finally feeling comfort leaning against the concrete, you admired the sky and how free it was, how beautiful each star was and how you could name them all. If you hadn’t been a pro hero you’d have tried your luck working in astrophysics, you loved the idea of there being something out there. Stars, planets, moons, asteroids the whole lot that you’d never be able to touch.
“I thought you’d be up here.” You turn quickly seeing Keigo standing his wings opened wide as if they finally got the room they needed. You admired how his wings contrasted him so well, they were gorgeous, and you had always imagined running your hand along his back just to feel his wings.
“What happened to that woman?” You question turning back around.
He took his jacket off leaving him in his white button up and trousers, his bow tie loose around his neck. “I didn’t ask her to come with me today, I asked you, so I left as soon as the song was over.”
You nod not meeting his gaze, he walked towards the edge, you could barely see the bottom of the ground from high you were, you wanted to feel even more of the air in your bones.
He could sense the jealousy before when you had let him go, and he wanted to confess, he wanted to tell you he loved you and seeing you walk out of the hall made him want to run up and kiss you so badly.
He ditched the woman as quickly as he could not even caring to ask for her name, whilst running out, he spotted the door leading to the roof and instantly knew you would be there. He knew you and he knew how much you loved the sky.
“Y/n, I…” He doesn’t know what to say, you were perfect and all he wanted was for you to be his, “I…love you.”
The three words you never expected, you quickly turned to meet his gaze. “W…What?”
“I said what I said.” He wasn’t going to repeat himself out of embarrassment.
He nods as you smile at him, “I love you too Kei.”
He was speechless, the three words he had wanted to hear for years now had finally came out from your mouth. “Can I?” He said his hand moving up to your face.
You nod, moving your face along with his own. His eyes closed just at the tips of your mouth touched, the way your mouth moved in sync, his hands cupping your cheeks. Whilst your own hands went to his hair, the blond locks encasing and being pulled by your hands. It was long awaited, and you craved more, he pulled your face closer, not stopping to breath. You gave a soft moan, allowing his tongue to slip inside, it was perfect everything you had ever imagined your first kiss with Keigo to be.
He finally let go, your breathing heavier as your mouths stayed closer together, he gave a low whisper a command of some sorts. “Jump off the building.”
You face turned to a smile, he had a plan, and you would happily oblige, the building was so much higher than you had ever jumped off of, but just as he helped you stand on the edge, your eyes on his own, your back facing the open air. You fell.
The wind rushed through your body, becoming closer and closer to the ground and then you felt it. The rush of Keigo grabbing you, fulfilling everything you wanted, his wings flew upwards your arms around his neck with him carrying you. He didn’t go straight to the building, instead flying up and up, you were too high to realise that any further the air would becoming minute.
“You trusted me.” He spoke in the air, you looked up to the sky, you could see even more than you ever hand.
It was perfect, “I know you’ll always catch me.”
He smiled kissing you again, you stayed in the sky, kissing him softy, it was less hungry and a start of something even better. The wind brushed against your skin and you could see so much more of the sky, the wisps of black and blue mixing, the way the stars seemed even more closer it brought happiness. And now you had Keigo by your side to show you even more of what you loved.
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hentaimommi · 4 years
ᴄʟᴜʙ ᴛᴇᴀꜱᴇ. | ᴋᴇɪɢᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴀᴍɪ (prohero!fem! reader)
Warnings: smut
[A/N]: I had a dream about this last night oml. think like- 2013 night club vibes. I'm also giving you a quirk.
Quirk: Bunny
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[C L U B T E A S E]
The night life of a pro-hero was a beautiful one. The exclusive club used to house the many parties held was in downtown Japan. The tallest building, on the highest floor. You personally opted to go on your day off. Normally you could catch many heroes in their hero outfits, but you liked to get dressed and actually look presentable.
At about 18:00, you began your lengthy process of getting ready. Beginning with curling your hair, then moving to cosmetics which were a pretty big deal. A nice eye look to match your dress, which was skin tight and silver. It sounds cheap; but the dress was the most expensive clothing item you owned. Pairing it with simple earrings and a pair of black-strap heels, you were set for the party that was starting at around 21:00.
Throwing on a large, white and puffy jacket, you checked yourself in the mirror. "No, black would look better." You then changed, now smoothing your dress and exciting the front door to your penthouse. The elevator ride was a long one, nervous as usual. Many male pro-hero's would be there, naturally making the energy a little tense. Stepping from the elevator, you walked out to the limo that had been pre-ordered for tonight.
Many of the paparazzi were already outside, taking shot after shot of you getting into the car. The air felt thick and you entered it. "Hello, Miss (H/N). How are you on this fine evening?" Your shofar asked, adjusting the mirror and beginning to go forward. "Oh, just fine." You responded; eyes locked outside the window. Your gut was wrenching, no matter how many parties you went to, the same feeling creeped over your shoulder each time.
Upon arrival of the very large building, the limo was parked outside of many velvet ropes. An array of guards were standing outside, blocking any exit there could have been. You thanked the driver, stepping out and into the cool night air. As you did so, the guards looked over to you, watching you walk through each velvet rope to their location. The guard at the main entrance smiled, letting you past and into the buildings lobby. Eyes were locked onto you, as they were everytime. People asking for autographs and greeting you; but all you wanted was to get to the top floor.
Once more you stepped into an elevator, pressing the very last button and prepping yourself for the long ride. Just as the doors closed, though, a large hand stuck through the middle of the two large metal blocks. You questioned it, until a certain pro-hero who had been climbing the charts walked in. "(H/N)! Glad I caught ya! I need up to the top floor." He entered the room, towering over you a little bit. "Lucky for you, Hawks, I'm going there too." You responded, eyes nervously finding your hands- which were fumbling.
The ride was silent for the most part, but like Hawks, he couldn't be completely quiet. "You look nice," He scratched the back of his neck, tilting his head a bit. Your blush was evident, also by the fact your leg began hopping. Unlike Mirko, your quirk wasn't strength based; it was reflex based, meaning you were toned down to the muscle. Hawks noticed this, a light smirk playing on his lips. Finally, the doors opened. "See you later, little birdy." He spoke, walking out into the greeting of the party. You followed.
"(H/N)!" A voice grumbled far above you. Turning around, you were welcomed into the warm presence of Fatgum and his interns: Suneater and Red Riot. Red Riot smiled, shaking your hand. Suneater only nervously turned around. You tilted your head in sympathy, then looked back up. "Hey Fatgum. What's up?" You asked, him following you to the bar as you moved smoothly through the crowd.
"Well I was wondering- I have this friend, and he needs someone to dance with. Would you be willing to help him out?" He proposed, paying for your drink over the bar. You thought for a moment, kicking back a shot and removing your coat. Many men had their gaze trapped on you. The quirk you had gave you large legs; also affecting your glutes. "Yeah, sure." Fatgum smiled watching you turn around, signaling someone over. "Yeah, can I get a martini? Make it dry, please." The bar tender nodded, then money for the exact price of the drink shot over the counter. Turning back, Hawks was standing with Fatgum. Your eyes widened a little, realizing he had meant, by his friend- the winged pro-hero.
"Don't worry. I'll pick up the tab. Wanna dance chickadee?" He asked, that same smirk as earlier meeting your gaze. You nodded, him taking your hand and softly leading you over to the dance floor. (Song: Smack That - Akon) Hawks wore his wings out nearly protectively over you as you both met the floor. You took a liking to the song decently quickly; finding yourself dancing wildly to it. You had the attention of most men in the club as your ass shook to the beat. Unknowing of this, Hawks pulled his wings over your ass and covered it from other men's gaze.
You, however, had your eyes closed. The feeling was lucid almost, barely buzzed at all. You enjoyed the flashing lights of the dance floor partnered with the bass of the song playing loudly though the speakers. The song switched (The Way I Are - Timbaland), Hawks now wrapping his hands around your waist loosely. You're almost sure this isn't what Fatgum meant by 'dancing', but his hands were so warm, touch so inviting as you both danced lewdly on each other.
The stares weren't as heavy as before, Hawks making slit eyes at each male who would attempt to catch your gaze. "Hawks?" You asked, turning around, hips still rocking to the beat. He looked down to you, delighted to see your face. Fatgum hadn't asked you by chance for him to dance with you, he had set it up well aware you all were friends. "Yeah?" He asked, smiling (Candy Shop - 50 Cent). You smiled at the change of the song, seductive eyes batting up to the avain male.
"Would you wanna take this somewhere else?" You asked, pushing your chest comfortably up to his. He was taken aback by your question, thinking you would at least want an emotional connection before doing anything beyond hot and heavy dancing. "You bet that fat ass, bunny." He spoke into your ear, wings still protectively over you. Goosebumps fled your skin. "You can call me Keigo, by the way." He smiled. "Call me (F/N)." Silencing, you dragged his hand back and away from the dance floor.
No one questioned you all as the music faded behind you, becoming muffled in the distance. You stopped at what you knew were the happening VIP spots. "Do you own a room?" You asked, pushing yourself against the wall. Nervously Keigo nodded, pulling keys from his pocket. It was his turn to lead you this time, taking you to the farthest back room there was. These were known as 'sober rooms', made by commission for heroes to sober up in. They had a couch, fireplace, and a small bar set up for luxury- at least in Keigo's.
As you walked in, his hand on the small of your back, he could feel the heat your body had been radiating. "I've never brought anyone back here before. Do you want a drink?" He asked, already pouring himself a whiskey. You sat down on the very large, nearly conversation pit sized couch. "Yeah, do you have any coconut rum?" He lifted a brow, "Yeah, weirdo." He chuckled a bit, pouring the drink and walking over to you. His outfit was nice. Tight red shirt, black suit, extremely nice dress shoes with matching black socks.
As he sat down, you pushed off your heels and turned to him, looking innocently with large eyes. Although, he knew you were far from innocent. The music which was once flooding your ears, was now a meek hum in the background. Keigo leaned down, wrapping his arm around your shoulders- then pressing you into a kiss. He tasted like whiskey and mint, cologne flooding your nose and countering the taste of his lips.
His kisses were sloppy, untamed as they moved from your lips down to your neck and chest. You weren't drunk, but you could get that way off of his touch. His hands softly trailed over your entire figure, leading to your ass. He held a hefty grip onto it, pulling you seamlessly into his lap. Like you weighed nothing.
"Keigo, oh my fucking god.." You moaned, hands looping into his golden locks. You could feel his hard cock pressed up against your think panties. Your thighs straddled him thickly, engulfing his own. He liked it, hands not being able to leave your ass and thighs for even a moment. "Birdy, do you know how fat that ass is? What I'd do to make it all mine." He gawked, pressing his cock up to you.
"Do it." You almost whispered back, pushing yourself up and lying on your back. Keigo came between your legs, trailing sloppy and wet kisses up your inner thigh. You could nearly feel his hot breath on your cunt, so sensitive and ready to be touched by him. “Keigo, please don’t tease me.” You softly begged, watching as his slit eyes come to meet your own wide orbs. “’nt worry, Keigo’s gotcha..” He cooed, sweetly as possible. He then sat back up, adjusting his wingspan. You watched as the beautiful shade of red feathered outward, almost in a mating dance. He chuckled at you in awe, taking that moment to remove his pants. Soon your eyes would trail back down, seeing as he had removed his underwear too. “Your turn, baby.”
He took his time while taking off your panties, etching them seductively over your freshly shaven legs. Your hips pushed forward, almost begging for contact, drawing a low hum from the bird man. All he wanted was to take you in that moment. His wings fluttered happily seeing your wet cunt, knowing all it took was him teasing you to get there. “You have such a pretty pussy.” He leaned down, pulling you hips up and closer to him. Watching each move he made was interesting. He did nothing uncalculated, everything had a reason. 
You shivered at the contact of his spit-soaked hand with your already wet cunt. He rubbed his fingers skillfully around, building you up. Your moans were lewd, long, and loud through the room. He didn’t seem to mind as he tore away the contact, Replacing his fingers with his cock tip. “Ready?”  You nodded, still pushing your hips up. Keigo chuckled at your desperate attempts, holding you hips and pressing his cock into you. You whined, the girth stretching you out so well. Your legs automatic response was to lock around his waist. “K-Keigo-” He shushed you, palating his fingers into your tongue. 
Watching as he started to thrust in and out, his face contorting in pleasure; his cock twitching inside of you. His moans were like a sweet song, spilling at each thrust. You felt his cold rings meet your leg, pulling your leg above his shoulder to hit deeper, kissing your sweet spot with each thrust. He knew what he was doing, too, making sure you could hear every single moan that spilled from his lips, which were pink and swollen. “Yeah, you like my big fat cock? Say you like it, tell me how much you like this pro-hero cock.” 
“Oh Kei, it feels so good- please, don’t quit.” You begged, fingernails scraping up his previously unmarked skin. He made sure to mark you back, too. Leaving purple marks up your chest, stopping just at your neck. You could feel it, the coil that had been in the works from the moment he pushed himself inside you. Your legs began to shake, Keigo feeling himself starting to twitch inside of you. There were no words, only incoherent moans that overflowed from the both of you. Your orgasms hit at the same time, your hands gripping into his shoulder blades desperately. His hands dug into the sofa, nearly breaking the material. 
“Kei, holy fuck, you’re so good!” You praised, throwing your head back in euphoria. When you both finished, the only thing to be heard was the panting breaths of the two of you. He collapsed finally overtop of you, nuzziling into your neck. You began to pet his hair, letting both of you breath out the intense feeling that had just gripped onto your body. “Fuck, baby, if I would have known you’d be that good, I would have asked you to dance myself.”
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judediangelo75 · 3 years
Claws To Wings
Welcome one and all~
I did say I was going to be working on the Talith lore, so here’s another installment of that. So I did some tweaking to the storyline that Jam City had. So the first Valentine’s Day happened in 4th year instead of 5th (because you can unlock I think both Valentine’s Day TLSQs in the same year and it didn’t make too much sense to me). 
Plus there are future true events that happen in 6th year, if you’re already familiar with the Without You/The Man Behind the Necklace series than you already know. During that time, Judith and Talbott are together and have been for quite some time. But before that, they have been pining after each other for years. 
In my first story, “The Scent of Love to the Heart of a Loner Poet”, Talbott is coming to realizing how deep his feelings were for Judith (whose been crushing on him since 3rd year). Between then and now, those feelings have grown and they’ve been dancing around each other. 
There’s gonna be some details here that are definitely gonna be new (because it’s part of a super old character reference I created for her when I first started posting about HPHM content here).
Anyway, enough rambling. On with the story! Enjoy! 💛
MC friend: David Willows ( @that-scouse-wizard )
Talbott stood before his mirror, readjusting his tie for probably the fifth time.
He was trying to soothe his nerves. Why you may ask?
Because of the Ball.
The Valentine’s Day Ball.
In his right mind, he would avoid such social gatherings like the plague. But it’s fair to say he hasn’t been much of his right mind ever since he met her.
Judith Harris.
A Hufflepuff witch with pale gold eyes and a heart of gold to match.
He met her alongside her best friend, David Willows, early third year. When they came to him seeking help on becoming Animagi. He was quick to shut both of them down. While David glared and protested, Judith eased the bullheaded Hufflepuff and gave him a shy sad expression along with an apology for disturbing him.
At the time, he wasn’t sure why he suddenly changed his mind to help the two. But as he got older, he did realize it was because of her.
Something about Judith was familiar. And…
He didn’t like the sad look into those bright eyes…
After the two achieved their forms and helped him find his feather necklace, Judith and Talbott became closer. Even to the point where he followed her out to the cemetery and learned about her dead father, Kendrick, on the anniversary of his death.
That’s when he learned that she was a part of his past. 
That single day of his childhood where he made a friend. And developed a bond on a girl who he thought was unique with her long pretty locs and Caribbean accent.
With it being their 5th year, Talbott has gone on two dates with her. Their very first date out by the Black Lake and last year on Valentine’s Day when he learned that he has deeper feelings for her outside of a friendship.
He can still remember the sweet blush on her face after he shyly gave her a kiss on the cheek after gifting her with a heart statue.
Giving her a physical representation of his heart.
He fiddled with the ring she gifted him that day. He always remembers seeing it on a black chain around her neck on occasion. Judith was a person who cares about sentimental value so it’s very likely she gifted him something that has a level importance to her. But he was so stunned when she slipped it onto his finger, and that it fitted perfectly, while announcing that it was her Valentine’s Day gift to him that he forgot to ask…
Maybe today he will. After all, after the Ball, he had a special surprise for her.
Of course, there had to be some last minute changes when he realized a certain Slytherin witch ALSO planned on using the Library and two fairies also got into a squabble. He had at least a day to make the arrangement work and the “Most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts” actually might of done him a favor.
It would be nice to revisit where their tale began.
Talbott sighed, looking over his appearance once more before turning on his heel and leaving his room.
‘I hope she likes what I planned. She’s the only who deserves to see this side of me,’ he thought as he made his way to the Great Hall.
“C’mon Little Tigress! We’re gonna be late,” David huffed, knocking insistently on his best mate’s door.
“I look ridiculous! I’m not going anymore!” Came the stubborn reply from the other side. David rolled his eyes at Judith’s behavior.
They’ve been busting their asses to save the Valentine’s Day Ball from a lonely Madam Pince by using a pining Mr. Filch. However, due to all the planning and finally asking out Merula and Talbott (after Judith finally got over her initial shyness), they didn’t have time to style an outfit for themselves. So they went to the resident Style Wizard for help. 
David’s pick was easy.
Judith however… not so much.
It was fair to say that Judith was more than disgruntled as she looked in the reflection for the suit Andre put together.
“You lost your damn mind Egwu if you think I’m going to the Ball like this. I look like a mom in her mid-30s looking to speak to your manager to file a complaint.”
David was on the floor in tears when he saw the offended look on the Ravenclaw wizard’s face. To be fair, the suit plus the pixie cut that Andre magically put together wasn’t doing his best mate any favors.
However, she didn’t step out to show the dress to them. She tried it on, switch back into her normal clothes, and left without much of another word.
Now David was curious to what could be wrong with Andre’s design for her to believe she looked “ridiculous”.
“C’mon Judith. What’s wrong with it? Surely it can’t be as bad as that suit Andre design,” David coaxed.
“…It’s… a lot…” David wasn’t sure what to make of that and they’re gonna be late if Judith kept this up.
“Judith, it’s either you open the door willingly to show me what you’re talking about or I break into your room to see for myself. We don’t have time for this right now,” David huffed. He didn’t want to late with for his dance with Merula.
Silence ensued and David was half considering going through with his threat when the tell tale sound of the door unlocking hit his eyes. David turned the knob and walked in.
He paused when he took in the sight of his little friend.
Judith was wearing a short black dress decorated with pink and red roses. A small slit can be found on her right leg. White 3-inch open toe heels were on her feet. Her usual ear accessories and earrings were present. A familiar dark red lipstick, dark eyeshadow, and black eyeliner made an appearance on her face. Her hair was out from its normal twists, curls and coils tumbling down her back and a bang swept over her right eye.
“David,” Judith mumbled awkwardly as her friend stared at her. That seemed to have broke the spell on the wizard as he shook his head to recollect himself.
“Well I’ll be damned… you look far from ridiculous, Judith. You look beautiful,” David said with a smile. Judith blushed and rubbed the back of her neck.
“You sure? It’s kind of revealing, don’t you think,” she asked. David cocked his head to the side, rescanning the girl from head to toe.
He could see her point, but it wasn’t as bad she probably thought it was.
The dress fitted her like glove, revealing the curves she was developing as a young woman. While the dress did show quite a bit of skin, it was still respectable.
“No, not really. To Bill and Orion, possibly but they’re big brothers who naturally want to keep every perverted wizard away from you. Hell, I may end up breaking someone’s teeth in if they think they can disrespect you like that. But you look beautiful Little Tigress, don’t think otherwise. Talbott would definitely agree with me,” David stated, watching his fellow Hufflepuff blushed at the name of the boy she’s been crushing on since third year.
David has been watching the two dance around each other since Judith admitted that she fancied the Ravenclaw wizard in the Charms classroom when practicing the Memory Charm. He was waiting for the two to finally get together already.
“If you’re done worrying, we still have a Ball to get to,” David said with a raised brow.
“But-EEP!” David already saw the protest in her eyes was quick to walk across the room and throw Judith over his shoulder. He only resorted to such measures when she was be difficult, and she was definitely being difficult.
“C’mon Little Tigress, your bird boy is waiting for you,” he said as he made his way out of her room. Judith spluttered over her words, mainly out of embarrassment at both what he said and the unnecessary position David has put her in.
“DAVID! Put me down, you brute! I’m in a dress for Merlin’s sake,” she protested loudly, wriggling in David’s unforgiving grip.
‘Damn demon lineage...’ she thought with a grimace.
“I'm well aware, we can clean you up when we're there with a spell, I not missing my chance to dance with Merula,” David said breezily. Judith gave up, allowing herself to be carried off like a sack of potatoes.
“Bloody sap... stupid dance,” she grumbled under her breath. David chuckled at her disgruntled mood.
“You’ll thank me for it by the end of the night, trust me,” he said. Judith pouted.
‘Assuming I don’t hide in a dark corner somewhere first...’
“Do that and I'm casting Lumos Maxima so there's nowhere for you to hide,” David said suddenly, nearly scaring the girl half to death. Judith mentally slapped her forehead out of exasperation. 
She should know better not to think aloud around David, seeing how they’re both Legilmens.
Damn it...
“Fine,” she huffed. Luckily for her, they finally arrived near the entrance of the Great Hall. David finally set her down, and casting a spell that made her look presentable again.
David offered his arm to her.
“Shall we, Little Tigress?” Judith felt her cheeks heating up at the thought of the person waiting on her inside the Great Hall before letting out a sigh. She took her best mate’s arm.
“I guess we shall...”
Talbott was chatting alongside with Merula, twirling a red rose between his hands when he heard a whistle. Both turned to make out the figures of their dates not too far from them.
David separated himself from his fellow Hufflepuff to walk up to the two. David gave Talbott a smirk and nodded over in Judith’s direction before stealing Merula away.
Talbott only raised a brow at the Hufflepuff wizard’s behavior before walking up to his date for the night. As he stood in front of her, any words that he was going to say to her, died at the tip of his tongue.
Talbott stared at his date, heart racing with a blush on the high points of his cheekbones as he looked at her from her curls to her high heeled shoes. The silence was starting to unnerve the Hufflepuff witch as her long time love interest stared at her without saying anything.
“Y-you clean up quite nicely, Talbott,” she blurted. She mentally smack herself immediately afterwards.
‘When did I become this awkward, goodness…’
However, seem to have done the trick and snapped Talbott back to reality.
“S-sorry, little bird. I-I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I-It’s just that…” Talbott shook his head, trying to focus.
“It’s just that,” Judith echoed slowly, biting her bottom lip. She was worried that David might’ve been wrong and she looked like a fool in front of the boy she had feelings for.
Talbott stepped closer to her, tilting her head up by her chin so she could look at him. He offered a shy smile.
“You look beautiful, Judith. More lovely and temperate than a summer’s day,” He said softly, placing the rose he had behind her left ear. Judith blushed as she felt her heart race at his barely there touch.
“I-I… thank you, Talbott…” The Ravenclaw wizard smiled at the shy response. Behind them the instruments started seemed to be warming up to play the first song.
“May I have this dance,” Talbott asked, mock bowing to the girl. Judith giggled behind a red manicured hand.
“You may…” Taking her hand Talbott led Judith close to the center of the dance floor, with David and Merula standing not too far from them. The fairies that were lighting up the room swirled around the students, leaving them in awe at the magical moment. In the midst of this, David gave his friend a wink, who in turned returned it with an unimpressed glare. Judith returned her attention back to her date once she felt him take one of her hands
“I’m not usually one who likes public displays, but… I quite like this one… almost as much as I like you,” Talbott quietly admitted as he looked into pale gold eyes.
‘Is it possibly to pass out from blushing so much? Because I think I’m close…’ Judith thought as she ducked her head with a smile. Talbott was being so sweet and kind to her, she wanted to be wrapped up in his arms and dance the night away.
Judith looked back up at him with a teasing grin.
“I hope you like dancing too, because it’s our time to shine…”
Talbott was smiling at the laughing girl in his arms as he spun her around. The two have been in their own little bubble ever since the dance started.
Their shy exteriors melted away leaving behind something much warmer and intimate. Anyone with eyes can see that they were clearly smitten with each other. Which were plenty watching them on occasion.
Red eyes darted around the Great Hall, finding the person he was looking for. He gave the Headmaster a subtle nod which he returned with a knowing smile. Talbott stepped back from Judith to clear his throat with a smile.
“All this dancing is making me thirsty, I think I’m gonna get a refreshment,” he said. Judith smiled at him, making his heart stutter in a lovestruck sigh.
“A refreshment sounds great, actually! I’ll go with you-” 
“N-no need! I-I’ll get one for you! Just...  stay right there,” Talbott stuttered before taking off. Judith’s brows furrowed in confused as she watch Talbott disappear in the darkness.
Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder. Turning, she saw the cheery smile of David.
“Cheers, Little Tigress! I see that I was right about you enjoying yourself,” he said with a grin. Judith glared and punched his arm.
“Cheeky bastard,” she growled. David laughed good naturedly while rubbing his arm.
“I’m surprised you’re not with Synde. Seeing how eager you were to get here and be with her,” she retorted. David shrugged.
“Mer said she going to get refreshments for the both of us. She actually suggest I go find you to see how your night was so far,” David replied. Gold eyes narrow out of suspicion.
“That’s a little odd. Talbott just let to do the same thing...”
“Was it? I found it very typical  of Miss Synde and Mr. Winger,” a third voice said. David and Judith turned to see the amused face of their Headmaster.
The pair chatted with Professor Dumbledore for a while when Judith noticed something was amiss.
“It’s bit awhile since Merula and Talbott went to get refreshments. Surely it can’t take that long,” Judith pondered out loud. Dumbledore smiled.
“Clever eye, Miss Harris. That’s because they’re no longer here and they personally asked me to distract you,” he chuckled. David and Judith glanced at each other before looking back up at Dumbledore.
“Professor,” David asked warily. Dumbledore chuckled.
“Mr. Willows, you can head to the library. Miss Harris... while Mr. Winger wasn’t explicit with the location for you to go to, he did say ‘Remember our first date’ as a clue. Enjoy the rest of your storybook fairytale night, you two. You deserve it,” Professor Dumbledore informed the pair with a knowing smile. 
Judith blushed walking out of the Great Hall with David. The two said their goodbyes as Judith made her way outside. Transforming into her Black Sparrowhawk, she couldn’t help but wonder what Talbott had planned at the Black Lake...
Judith landed on the shore and transformed back, only to be surprised to find who was waiting for her.
“Lily,” she asked as the little fairy flew around her, buzzing out of excitement. 
What was her little friend doing all the way out here?
The magical creature took ahold of her hand, tugging her to the Boat house. 
“Okay, okay, I’m coming. Just slow down, I am wearing heels after all,” she laughed gently. Judith followed the excited fairy inside only to freeze at the door way.
Standing inside was Talbott. The place looked to have been cleaned out. Numerous fairies including her own lit up the Boathouse in a soft glow. Rose petals scattered the floor, along with some candles. A large heart made up of different colored roses was hung up behind the Ravenclaw wizard. A small table with some chairs of some of the food and drinks form the Ball sat in a corner. Somewhere in the background, there was soft music playing as well.
Talbott walked up to the stunned Hufflepuff witch and took her hand.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, little bird,” he spoke softly. Judith shook her head out of disbelief. 
“W-what is all this, Talbott,” she asked. The young man bit his lip.
“I-I... I may have been planning this while I was at the Owlery... I wanted to surprise you. While I did originally plan to do this in the Library, someone else had the same idea... So I’d figured the Black Lake was the next best thing. I did have some help putting this together,” Talbott admitted.
Lily buzzed, as if she was giggling at the two. Judith rose a brow at her Fairy’s cheeky behavior before chuckling.
“I just thought that... after everything you’ve done for Hogwarts, for me, you deserved a storybook romance,” Talbott said. Judith rescanned the room before offering a smile.
“I had no idea that you could be such a romantic, Talbott. But clearly you are.” Talbott blushed, scratching the back of his neck.
“I guess all that poetry paid off...”
The pair sat and ate, chatting in between. Talbott giving going as far to feed Judith a bit of a cupcake. He ended blushing when he felt her lips touch his fingers tips as she let out a pleased moan. 
Currently they were slow dancing in the middle of the room, listening to the music softly playing in the background.
“This is really amazing, Talbott,” Judith spoke up, daring to look up at red eyes that reminded her of rubies.
“You’re the amazing one, Judith. I was simply following my heart,” Talbott replied, squeezing her closer. That foreign yet familiar scent that clung onto the Hufflepuff filled his nose.
“O-Oh stop it. I am not,” Judith insisted with a nervous laugh. Having Talbott so close to her was causing her heart to beat faster than normal. Talbott stopped dancing in favor of holding her hands. His gaze was unwavering.
“I mean it, little bird. You made this Valentine’s Day  perfect for everyone, even Flich and Pince... And especially for me,” Talbott confessed. Pearly whites flashed at him.
“All I wanted was a magical Valentine’s Day with my date,” Judith started, glancing down for a quick moment to gather herself before looking back up at Talbott through her lashes.
“...And... And I’m so happy that date is you...” And she was. Truly. 
Talbott was the picture perfect gentleman. And the fact he went through great lengths to make Valentine’s Day memorable for her reminded her of happier times from her childhood. Except now it was with someone who likes her for her. 
She hasn’t felt this special in years...
Talbott urged his heart to calm down as he reached for his wand.
“I feel the same way, Judith. And I... made something for you...” Stepping back, Talbott casted a spell, causing a book to appear. Judith blinked out of surprise at the book that hovered between them. Carefully reaching for it, she opened it to a random page somewhere in the beginning.
“...The loner poet listened to the Howler professed the words he wasn’t aware that lived in his heart. Speaking of a deep longing for a girl with otherworldly pale gold eyes. To never leave him because when he looks into her unique irises, he can see future. A future where he would wake up to them every morning. A future where he would look at child with the same eyes as her. A future that would lead to forever together.
He felt his heart stall in his chest, itching to cast a spell to light the Howler ablaze to prevent its words being heard by unwanted ears. It was then he smelled her before he heard her.
A hint of sea breeze that made him feel like he was standing so close the never-ending ocean. Chocolate that reminded him of her skin tone. A variety of fainter sweet scents, most he couldn’t name but the one he could pick out was honey.
Her melodious low voice sung to his eardrums:
“Hey, what did your Valentine Howler say?” He swiftly turned to find pale gold eyes curiously looking up at him. He could feel his heart speed up when he connected the dots.
It was her.
She was the one his heart longed for.
Everything that has transpired that day and this revelation became too much for the loner poet to take. He was quick to deny that his Howler hasn’t said anything, using the opportunity their teacher has created to leave the classroom. 
He needed time. Time to think of what to do next...”
Judith was so engrossed in words written on the page that she didn’t realize that Talbott was now standing behind her.
“It’s not finished, more so of a... work in progress for an ongoing story...” Judith jumped a little when she felt his breath ghost over her visible ear.
“This is about you,” she whispered, releasing the book to float again. She turned to find Talbott staring down at her with half lid eyes.
“It’s about you and me, little bird,” he whispered, cupping one of her cheeks. Judith closed her eyes, leaning into his warm touch. 
There was a shift in the air and she nervous but secretly excited to where this could lead...
Talbott withdrew for a moment forcing Judith to open her eyes again. She notice a heart shaped key necklace in his hand.
“What’s that,” she asked quietly.
“This is the key that unlocks the book. I made it be this way so you can wear it like a necklace. So our story would always be with you,” Talbott answered, carefully placing the it around her neck. A full body shiver raked Judith’s body when she felt the tips of his finger ghost over the sensitive skin.
“I... I never had someone put this much effort for me. To bare your feelings like this, Talbott... I... I don’t know what to say,” Judith confessed quietly. She could barely hear her own voice over the roar of blood rushing to her face combined with the sound of her heartbeat pounding against her eardrums.
Talbott caressed her cheek again.
“I don’t expect an answer from you right away little bird. I’m more than happy to do this for you. You’re the only one who deserves to see this side of me...” Talbott leaned closer aiming to place a kiss on her cheek. Much like he did last year.
What Judith did next surprised both of them. 
Turning her head ever so slightly, she caught Talbott’s lips with her own. This stunned the pair, both remaining motionlessly for a few moments. Just as the Ravenclaw wizard was about to pull back, Judith held him there by his tie, pressing against him. Her painted lips moved against his unresponsive ones slowly, testing the waters and his resolve.
After a moment of deliberation, Talbott gave in and returned the unexpected kiss. With one hand cupping her face, its twin finding refuge on her lower back, pushing her closer still. Judith released his tie in favor of wrapping her arms around his neck, melting in his embrace. Both of them were placed under a cloudy haze as their lips continued to move against one another.
The pair broke apart for air, foreheads resting against one another. Talbott silently licked his lips, picking up the taste of vanilla.
‘She tastes just as sweet as she looks. Good Gods help me...’ came the helpless thought as he found himself at the end of Judith’s sultry stare. 
‘What are you doing to me, Talbott? Why do I feel this way towards you...’
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Talbott,” Judith whispered, placing a soft kiss against the corner of his lips. Talbott shivered at the sound of her voice, which has dipped down an octave. Her accent came out, loud and clear. His hands, which has migrated to her waist, squeezed down on the curve for a few seconds.
He could listen to her speak to him like this for hours...
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Judith... Thank you for being my valentine...” Judith let out soft chuckle, pulling him in for another kiss.
In the midst of this an involuntary thought passed through her mind. One which would shatter the Hufflepuff witch later on.
‘I love you, Talbott...’
Some time has passed since the Valentine’s Day Ball. Judith more or less went back to her life as per usual. 
With occasional outing with Talbott when classes and working for Rakepick became too much for her.
It was late at night and she was at the shore of the Black Lake, practicing her spellwork. She always wanted to remain sharp on her skills and it was a way for her to prepare for the upcoming O.W.L.S., which was approaching fast.
She decided to practice the Patronus Charm, seeing how she hasn’t casted it in awhile.
“Expecto Patronum!”
What came out of the tip of her wand shocked her.
Instead of her usual Siberian Tiger was a-
“G-Golden E-Eagle?!” Her eyes watched as the avian predator flew above her before disappearing. 
She shocked her head, not believing what she just saw.
Over and over again, she casted the spell, waiting to see her beloved tiger. Only to watch the animal that came out soar its wings above her.
Her legs gave out from beneath her. 
“No, no, no! How can this be happening?! Patronuses don’t change,” she panicked. A vague memory came resurfaced in her mind.
“Though I have heard of Patronuses changing forms after falling in love...” Judith’s eyes widen.
That voice belonged to Tonks when they were dealing with the Dementor threat from last year.
Another memory surfaced, however, much older...
“Gift this ring to the one your heart desires above all others. It will only fit and accept that one person, anyone else, it’ll reject and return to you...” Tears ran down her cheeks. When she realized what memory it was.
“Gran-Gran...” came the broken whisper. Her grandmother gifted her a magical blue and silver ring before she died. The same ring she gave to Talbott just a year prior. She didn’t remember her dear grandmother’s words when she gave it to him. 
Now that she thought about it, the ring never returned to her. And it was on Talbott’s left ring finger the night of the Ball.
Even as she kissed him, those three words that haunted her since childhood has crossed her flowery dazed mind.
She couldn’t do anything but face the truth. To speak the words that haunted her in form of a Boggart from third year.
“I love Talbott Winger...”
And she was secretly terrified.
Because she knew if he were to confess the same, she was done for.
Her heart would be his. 
And risk breaking if he were to ever leave...
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delusionalwoman · 3 years
Summary: After Draco removes y/n from a case they were meant to work together on...y/n appears at his flat angry. But Draco doesn’t like being spoke down too.
WARNING: some degrading/ dominance / rough.
I swear I heard the floo. I glance up from the study only to look back, deciding that I did not in fact hear anything. My brain sinks back into the haze of unresolved cases and my work engulfes me once more.
Hells tap along my floor. And suddenly my brain fires up allowing me just enough time for me to stand as the door flies open.
“You do not get to remove me from this case because you decided I was unfit for it. YOU do not decide what I am unfit for.”
“Y/n? I-“
She stormed further into the room her eyes blazen as she gunned me down, taking in the spread out case and the continuous ticking of my pendulum. She storms further in and begins to shuffle the paper back into its folder, corners crumpling and losing their place.
“Y/N enough!” I shout, pulling myself out the daze and stepping around the desk. “I pulled you from the case for a reason, and you very well know why” I combat holding my breath as she faces me entirely, folder in hand, brown hair covering her eyes.
“You do not get to decide what case is okay for me or not Draco Malfoy. You, of all people will never know what I am capable of. So I suggest that-“
“I know what you're capable of Y/N, I've known you for almost three years, of course I know your strengths and what they are. But this case, about THIS person, is not it. And so I won’t allow you to be on it. For your safety. And for your peace of mind.”
“Me being off this case doesn't do my mind jack shit! It just pushes me into the dark, the shitty fucking pitch black filled with unknown bullshit and unknown end results.”
Y/N stands tall, rightly annoyed at my decision despite my intentions. She walks back out of my office and turns towards me at the door. “You don’t get to decide what's right for me just because youve saw my tits Draco.”
Her comment slaps me, her flippant emotion sending a shockwave through my lungs. Before rage burns them back to functioning and I’m storming after her.
“Sorry Y/N, but your fucking tits aren’t as sentimental as me deciding to take you off this case. You can't do this! It has personal relations to you, so I did what I thought was right. So I’m sorry. But I stand by it. Sexual past or not.”
She whirls back around, her cinnamon perfume hitting my nostrils as she throws her arms up. “You dont get to fucking dictate my job! Jesus Christ, just because you grew up having everything given on a silver spoon doesn't mean you then need to do that for others. Daddy isn't here anymore Draco. Be your own fucking man.”
I’m moving towards her before I can stop. I’m gripping her throat before I can even halt. I’m pushing her against the wall before I can even inhale her fucking cinnamon scent. She's against the study door before she can even spell my name, folder and papers forgotten on the floor.
“I’m pretty sure I was my “own man” last time you were here Y/N. I’m pretty sure you were also moaning while you were here, but that was because my tongue was against your cunt, not because you were having a hissy fit.
Her chest is heaving, the white shirt stark against her breasts as it tucks nicely into her suit pants, the material tight against her ass. She always dresses sharp. Never wearing skirts, only the occasional dress if it was summer or a special occasion. Her suit trousers fixed themselves around her ass while also leaving the mind to wander down murderous paths. On some days she would wear a blazer, the button holding just below the Center mark of her bra. Today she decided on a blazer, the thing itself probably thrown in her own flat before coming here to shout. The red bra showing through: something that would normally be hidden...unless?
“No white bras today Y/N?” I breathe, fanning over her face as she stares back at me, pupils wide and fixed on me under her eyelashes.
“Laundry day.” She replies. Shaking hair out her face before licking her bottom lip “ran out of white bras.” She finished.
I raise my eyebrow, fixing my eyes on her before releasing my hand and trailing it down her neck, my hand soft in contrast to the rings housed on my fingers, the hold leaving goosebumps on her skin before my fingers slide down landing on her top button. I flick it open with ease, her chest inhaling with a small hiss, the red of the bra showing over the white like the sunrise.
“Do you want to go back to shouting at me?” I start, keeping my eyes on hers and my hand ghosting over the second button. “Or do you want to thank the lucky stars that you're also wearing red pants too...because I know you are, my little slut wouldn’t come here without wearing matching underwear.”
She shakes her head.
“I need words Y/N, you know I like to hear that mouth.”
“Yes Draco.”
“- yes what.” I growl back, pinging open two buttons as I press against her slightly, allowing her to feel me enough to send a shiver through her core.
“Yes sir.” She moans out, arching her chest into me and moving her hand so that it rests on my arm.
“Good girl.” I commend, dipping my head down and lacing my tongue over her neck and ears, bobbing, biting and licking as her hand grips my arm and then moves to my own shirt buttons. She unpops three before groaning, moving her other arm from against the door to join her adventure of tackling buttons. Before long she has undone them all, her slender fingers tracing down my chest before banishing the shirt and landing on the waistband of my trousers.
She arches her head back, giving me better access to her neck. I suckle on the pulse point, earning a moan as she shifts her hand to between my trousers, squeezing slightly and then releasing, her hands leaning towards my belt buckle before she lets out a breathy gasp as my lips move back onto her lips, my tongue tracing her lower lip before my teeth nip, the small beading of blood pooling before I move my thumb to collect it and smearing it across her lip. Her hand once resting on my belt is forgotten, curling her hand around the fabric of my opened shirt. I move down her neck, finding her collar bone and nibbling, encasing my hand in her hair and pulling slightly: gauging her reaction. She lets out a whimper and I pull again, this time biting her neck and tracing my hand over the exposed parts of her chest. She gasps at my action, the rings feeling like ice as I trace lightly the outline of her lace bra. She grabs my crotch in reply, gripping it harder than before and I groan the tension growing in her hand.This time I slip slightly, the groan leaking from my lips as I thrust against her feeling the door hit against the wall. “You keep teasing me y/n, and i'll have you over the desk and cumming over the papers that I should hand in to the ministry tomorrow.”
Our breathing begins to share the same air, my lungs taking in her breath as the metal of my belt sound like church bells ringing in the empty room as she unhooks it, feeling the metal hit the side of my leg as she begins on my zip. “We can always rewrite the reports.” Y/n replies.
"Don't play me like that" I growl, biting down on her neck hard leaving a mark. MY mark.
I look at her and her eyes dance with fire, the reply sitting on the tip of her tongue like a snake ready to attack.
"Make me." She replies, and the second the syllables leaves her mouth, I switch positions, throwing her towards the desk. She lands hands on the edge as she turns to face me, my hands on her in seconds. Tearing the shirt open and allowing my hands to follow onto her breasts, magnets being lured to their partner. She moans and leans back slightly, her hair fanning down below her as she pants slightly, her tight buds standing to attention as she wraps a leg around my hip pulling me closer.
“Fuck me Draco” y/n begs, her arms spreading back as she lowers herself onto the desk, her body lying there like a constellation in the stars aligned perfectly the way I want her, creating an image of Aphrodite: My own weakness.
I lower my head, kissing her deeply, giving her one last moment of pliability before I stand, attacking her zipper and removing her pants. Her cunt staring at me through hidden lace,
"Draco please" y/n breathed, her cheeks becoming flushed. "I want you" she pleaded biting her lip and then breathing out fast.
"You can get me when I allow it y/n." I growl, moving my hands down over her stomach, tracing the outline of her breasts that peaked over the edge of her bra before looping my finger around the elastic of her pants.
I pull them down effortlessly, the air hitting y/n. She gasps at the sudden gesture, squirming slightly. I trace my finger over her slit, pressing slightly on her clit before retreating and moving back down her slit.
“Wet for me already y/n” I growl out, voice deep and heavy as I add another finger and part her lips slightly.
She moans out “Draco please.”
And I moan back in need, my fingers dipping into her as her muscles tighten around me, begging me to never leave her tight pussy.
I pump her in a steady motion, watching her squirm as the sound of paper rustle beneath her. Her eyes flutter shut, face a portrait of pleasure.
“Open your eyes y/n. Watch me fuck you with just my fingers.” I command, leaving a slight slap to her inner thigh.
She moans loud, opening her eyes and letting out a shaken breath. “Yes sir” she replies.
I grip her neck carefully not to hurt her, and move her bra above her breasts, sinking my mouth over her nipple and sucking as I continue to pump my fingers.
She moans out, arching her back, her heat pressed again my palm, my cock twitching in response.
I stand upright looking at her. Blood rushed lips and puckered nipples.
In one fluid motion I remove my hand, letting the cold air hit her, watching her eyes widen in anticipation. I push her further up the desk, head hanging over and then I walk around, her hands latching onto my belt on instinct.
“You going to let me throat fuck you y/n?” I cooed, letting her hand open my belt, the metal clinking against each other as she attacked my zip.
“Mhm.” She moaned out, her hair falling down around the desk as she worked quickly.
“Give me words y/n, you know how much I hate mumbling.” I bend shucking my trousers down to my ankles and stepping out of them as she palms my erection, the feeling heavenly as I grip her head using her hair.
“Words y/n. Now.” I say, this time more direct and sharp toned.
“Yes sir.” She says, pulling my boxers down and opening her mouth wide. Begging. Wanting.
I give in, guiding my cock into her mouth, watching as it slides down her throat as the muscles flex against me. She starts quick, sucking and coating her saliva all down my shaft. Licking and kissing, sucking and gagging.
“Good girl y/n” I groan out.
My hand tightens at the base of her head, creating the rhythm as I pump my dick into her mouth, the sounds of her gagging and taking me whole causing the tightness in my stomach to boil. My thrusts are timed, her tongue dancing around my tip as pre-cum leaks onto her tongue and she swallows with fever.
“Such a good little slut for me hm? Taking me like that. Letting me hit your throat.”
I lean forward slightly, feeling my length sink further down my throat making me groan. I trail my hand down her front, sweeping a finger over her slit like before, the wetness travelling down and a small pool of it collecting on a piece of parchment.
I pull her legs forward, giving me a perfect view of her pussy. Letting my breath flood over it, licking my lips I dive down, gripping onto her tights to stop her from moving as I continue to thrust into her mouth.
She moans loudly, my tongue slipping in with purpose as the moan vibrates over my dick sending a shockwave through my system.
I let out a groan. “So good for me y/n. Tasting so good. Being a good girl and lying there for me.” I thrust harder feeling her gag as my tongue swirls and dips over her clit, legs shaking when I hit her favourite spot. I circle back again, this time collecting the juice as I kitten lick and nibble.
She reminds me of the muggle drug Blaise brought to the dorm on fourth year.
The tiny cupped mushroom opening up a door in my brain that allowed me to reach God and shake his hand. Allow me to taste bliss and euphoria simply by sweeping my tongue up her heat, allowing the taste of her to melt into my tongue: the foam of which Aphrodite rose from.
I groan again, circling my tongue around the nerves, feeling her buck slightly and her breathing hitches suddenly as she sucks my cock.
"You taste like mine y/n." I groan twisting my tongue and dipping further in, allowing myself to bask in her taste, the frenzied high sending bolts of electricity down my body.
"Draco please" she gasps out, removing herself from my dick with a pop. "Please, just fuck me." She begs her legs trembling under my tongue.
I grunt and stand, wiping her juice off my lips and signaling for her to get up too, watching as she stands and walks around to me.
I engulf her in forceful kissing, gripping her hair and pulling her in front of me, her breathing erratic as I spin her and force her over the table, my hand running over her pussy as she gasps and backs into my hand.
I skim my hand across her cheeks, the slap echoing around the hall as y/n lets out another gasp.
“You like that?” I ask. Doing it again feeling my cock harden more than I thought possible as she ruts against me.
“Harder Draco.” She begs. Biting her lip as she looks behind to me, her eyes dark as she lies before me begging and ready.
I do it again. Her moaning coming in waves, each slap earning a pink mark on her cheek, before my hand dives into her core, pumping at a fast speed.
“Dont stop. Don't stop. God Draco please.” Y/n begs, bouncing herself off my hand as the pleasure seems to roll off her in waves. “Please let me cum.” She pleads, my hand stopping as her rutting becomes untuned and needy.
“You can cum when I say you can y/n.” I say. Removing my hand and replacing it with my cock, teasing her by running it up and down her center. “I want you to feel me first, feel my hard cock against your tight pussy. Feel how hard I am for you, how much I can't wait to pound you into this desk until you can't speak.”
Y/n moans, her head rolling back slightly as I rub myself over and over again, my dick becoming wet with her as I line it up at my entrance.
“What do we say when we really want something y/n?” I ask, my patience wearing thin as I feel her push against me slowly.
“Please sir.” She begs, gasping as she pushes against me. My cock parting her lips and sliding into her tight cunt.
I hiss as I enter her. She is tight and wet. Her muscles tensing as she feels me fill her whole with my dick. She shudders and her eyes roll at the initial pressure and pleasure.I shift my weight and rock my hips against hers, the desk moving slightly and our breathing becoming pants as I create a steady motion.
"Draco please" she begs again, gripping onto the top of the desk, my hands unclipping her bra before rolling her nipple between my fingers. This emits a loud moan, a whimper of begging leaving her lips: “please don't stop, please- Yes sir. Please-“
I start slow, entering her entirely and then pulling out almost fully letting her feel every single inch of me, my hands latching onto her hips. She ruts against me, her breathing heavy as she plays with her own nipple, my hands digging into her side as I begins to pound harder.
“Fuck me Draco. Fuck me please.” She pleads.
“You want me to fuck you y/n? You want me to show you what a good little slut does?” I hum, rutting into her feeling my cock hit her cervix earning a sharp cry.
“Yes sir, please...show me how to be-be your slut” she purrs.
And I speed up, the dragon in me coiling as y/n gasps and pants, profanities leaking off her lips like honey. Her voice sounded like angels as she moaned and groaned, her hands tightening and then releasing around the desk, one of them crumpling up paper which was near at hand.
I latch my ringed hand onto the back of her throat, my other hand holding and squeezing her ass as I thrust faster, my breathing turning to fast pants as I feel the fire begin to dance and sing, getting closer.
"Fuck, please don't stop" y/n begs, her head leaning forward onto the hard wood as she bites her tongue and lets out a strained moan.
"Say my name" I demand, the heat rising in the room.
She looks at me and locks her lips, deciding there and then to not let me take her fully.
"Say it y/n, say it while I fuck you hard." I groan, tightening my hand on her slightly, moving my other hand from her ass to her clit, rubbing it in circular motions.
She lets out a scream, her legs shaking as she digs her nails into the wood, her eyes rolling.
I had her. She was coming undone under me as I went faster, arching myself and hitting her spot.
"Draco" she wails, her body jerking uncontrollably as she unraveled, her pussy tightening around me as she moaned and gasped.
"Draco, fuck- Oh yes god- Don't sto- Oh Draco"
I growl, feeling myself about to let go, ready to fill her as I continue to ride her over my own high, her mouth slipping out my name making me finally accept the snapping coil of pleasure.
"Such a good little slut so good for me. So fucking dirty-God. So perfect.” I pant, the slapping of our bodies against each other becoming our own pendulum as she tumbles over the edge a second time as she throws her head back and wails, tears threatening to spill over as I pull her hair and release myself into her. The sensations of her clenching around me bring me up higher than I had ever been before.
We ride each other until we float back down, the smell of sex in the air as our breathing regulates and I allow y/n to stand up and face me, a wide dazed smile on her face.
“You know.” I say, leaning forward and placing a kiss on her lips. “I should take you off cases more if this is the result.”
Just a PSA, that this was taken from my Draco fanfic, and modified and lengthened to make this one shot type thing. I hope you liked it!! Aaaah!
Requests are open!
Stay spicy
- H ♡
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