#nick nicecream
deltarune-au-domain · 6 months
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Honeycomb and Ello are gonna be in Christmas AU 2023!
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Along with a few others!
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the-writing-mobster · 5 months
were there any fic ideas you never ended up writing that you regret not doing?
also, do you have any other undertale ships? {:
Ah! Thank you for the ask dear heart! Let's see...
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Of course I have fics that are still deep in my drafts, and I also have a few unfinished fics currently published ON Ao3.
I don't really regret not publishing certain fics because it's not really a matter of if more than it is a matter of when. A few of these old ideas just need way more fleshing out and just aren't ready for the limelight.
And that "not if but when" mindset is carried over to my unfinished fics as well, like Baby Face and YWIW.
They'll eventually be completed. (Although tbh, I'm not so sure about ywiw now, may have to go and really take a good long look at that one and the goals I want to achieve with it. For YWIW, I guess I regret some of the choices I made with Frisk's character arc. Like I accidentally walked back on things that I shouldn't have. Sequels are hard, y'all.)
Now for my other UT ships? Hmmmm...
I'm gonna come out the gate swinging and say that I, first and foremost do not ship Asgore and Toriel. I think their dynamic is more interesting as a divorced couple. Boom. That'll stir the pot some.
(I have a lot of weird UT ships tbh)
Now, moving on to what I actually ship:
Asriel x Papyrus / Papsriel / Boneblossom
This stems more from how I wrote their dynamic in wdyw part 4 + ywiw. See, when Frisk and Sans are off doing hard main character work, Papyrus and Asriel were alone together a lot, working through both of their collective daddy issues together (their fathers were big ole villains and they were consoling each other about their relationships with their fathers, it was actually very sweet) Ergo, I began to ship.
But also, if you look at the game, there are instances of Asriel and Papyrus befriending, and Asriel manipulating him, or growing fond of Papyrus in his own way as Flowey. Yeah there's the problem of "well technically Asriel is a child!" Which like... Okay, he's also dead and immortal at the same time. In wdyw he died at an older age so... 🤷🏻‍♀️ It depends on where you take the story. I could also just ship them platonically. So yeah!
Undyne x Alphys / Alphyne
This one is obvious. They're canon. They're beautiful. I love gay people. I love lesbians. I am a gay people. I am a lesbian. I love them.
Also, low-key, I also just like to explore more of their dynamic than just lovey dovey sapphic stuff. The highs and the lows. And they're perfect to do that with.
Nick x Sans / Nicecream Guy x Sans
This one is unorthodox, but it's because of Baby Face. They're so gay in that fic like it's unbelievable. If not Sans, then definitely Nick. Like they've definitely explored each other's bodies at least once.
Also in wdyw, they have a more complex, complicated friendship since they're more like long lost friends, and the whole "you betrayed our ideals by joining Asgore's military" and Nick "you joined a rebellion that will never win, you've doomed yourself to martyrdom." Sans saving Nick from prison & the purge, ugh, they're so complex, I love em!
Nick is definitely gay. I know we were pushing for Alick but honestly... That boy is gay. And I really believe that. I think the only better pairing for him would be Napstablook, or... And I guess I'll concede to years of shipping before me... Burgerpants/Bryan. Because Bryan has that like, newly joined rebellion, starry eyes, just found out his crush was brutally murdered by one of Muffet's assassins, etc, and then there's Nick, shining hero of the revolution. I think it could work really well.
Muffet x Toriel / Muffriel / Spiderscotch
Bro even the name screams lesbian, wtf? This is like Everlark's alternative ship name being peenis.
BRO THEY LIVE IN THE RUINS TOGETHER, MUFFET SET UP SHOP IN THE RUINS. TORIEL BAKES PIES AND MUFFET BAKES FUCKED UP SPIDER DONUTS. THEY'RE A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN. (And I'm purely talking about classic, but who's to say that wdyw Muffet wasn't sneaking into the queen's chambers after killing her own husband and poisoning Toriel's daughter right under her nose? UGH THE DRAMA!!!!)
Ugh, I love my gay ships.
Anyway, Toriel is the sweet, albeit very flawed, old money, cottage core wife, and Muffet is the manipulative, borderline Machiavellian, macabre, new money, goth wife and they're PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER. I've never been more serious in my life.
Anyway, those are my UT ships that are not Frans. Don't come for me, I know they're unconventional (except for Alphyne) but I love them each dearly.
Old pencil drawing I did:
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channydraws · 5 years
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There's soooo many bunnies I can't not believe some aren't related -
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tris1571 · 4 years
So I have a bunch of Undertale ship kids I'd like to share
So I've been a little shy but it's 2 in the morning so why not post them all with a little bit of information on each one UwU
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Ack it turned sideways -
So this is my very first ship kid and his younger sister (paperjam x fresh)
Pix: seventeen years old, Multi-shipping fanfic writer, extreme sweet tooth, a bit antisocial (prefers to ship from afar instead of socialising), protective of fable (basically her third parent), pansexual, vitiligo baby
Fable: ten years old, Rainbow freckles allover the place, little bundle of self loathing, tini baker, don't miss her off, likes pastel colors and owls, lesbian (when she's old enough to date that is)
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Tay: (Fellswap x swap), seventeen years old, bipolar, aggressive, impulsive, soft on kids, short AF (point it out and you loose a limb, she's sensitive on the topic), wants to be just like fellswap
Onani: (fellswap x lust), eightteen years old, selfish, a bit manipulative, done with your shit, emotional walls higher than the empire state building, tends to drop people like hot potatoes when there is nothing to gain from association, dark past
Starstruck: (lust x outer) nineteen years old, seemingly a sinnamon roll but not, but also not a cinnamon roll (somewhere in between), kisses are basically on the same level with handshakes for her, shameless flirt, can sell you dirt from your own backyard
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Baransu: (error x ink), twenty two years old, is supposed to be dead, naive, is a set of conjoined twins, is cute and he knows it, impulsive, LOVES to climb, cannot speak well
Vermilion: (ink x cross), seventeen years old, emotionally muted, likes to draw food, uses exacto knives, the only emotion they feel at full force is anger, gender = skeleton
Fallow: (ink x asy) thirty years old,schizophrenic, graffiti artist, antisocial, his hands shake constantly, has many dog themed items
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Nightingale: (nightmare x ink), nineteen years old, born without arms (hides it with ink and negativity to make arm prosthetics), shy AF, permanent blush, likes birds, don't touch the scarf, TALL
Shikyo: (nightmare x reaper) nineteen years old, is a mistake and knows it, resents her parents, has power over dreams, stoic, mm Yess tea
Insidious/Sidney: (edge x papyrus), sixteen years old, mind Fuck master, seems sweet but is about to ninja slice your mind, extremely self conscious
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Sans x grillby
Twins (sixteen years old)
Kasai: older twin, shy, you can touch his flames, a bit of a geek, bi
Fireball: seems like a punk, beats up bullies, don't touch it burns, actually a big softy, yes he's named after the drink cause why not? XD
Nicecream guy x burgerpants
Nick: fifteen years old, pissy, trans male, don't touch the ears
Daisy: nineteen, eccentric, pom mom tail, has adhd
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Plague: (error x nightmare), thirty three years old, "you're a plague on my existence" -error, can alter emotions, lazy AF, snarky
Carambola/Cam: (dream x swap) twenty one years old, a bit of a chef, sweetheart, forgiving, loyal to a fault, shy to romance, strong, often mistaken for male
Strawberrykiwi/S.k.: (Watermelon x sugar) eighteen years old, literally smells like his name, kind, selectively stupid, freckles, a bit of a flirt
So yeah I'm multishipping trash, but that's alright UwU
Eighteen kids in the two years I've been in this fandom... I may need to stop but Nahhhh XD
I dunno all the links to the mentioned parents, so just know I don't own any of the parents just my kiddos
Holy cow it's three now o-o
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sansy-fresh · 5 years
Softly Singing
a commission written for @mavi-mav ^^
Tags: Kedgeup, Fluff 
Sans carefully pulled on his thick, gray sweater, mindful of the tiny strings that stuck out in various places. Picking at them, he frowned as one threatened to pull at the others, using his magic to nick it at the source before brushing himself off. Looking himself over in the mirror, he nodded, a soft grin on his face. He looked good, if he said so himself. His nicest sweater, a pair of actual jeans, and the only pair of tennis shoes he owned. Snazzy indeed.
“You look brilliant, brother!”
Startled, Sans looked over, only for Papyrus to curl around him from behind in a hug, bright grin in place. “Aww, do I look good enough for my bonefriend though, Paps?” As much as he was joking, Sans also felt nervous, even with as long as he and Fell had known each other. They’d been dating a year now, after all, and letting his boyfriend down now would probably mean bad things for the future.
Picking up on his inner anxieties, Papyrus hauled him up, toting him out of the room and down the hall as he spoke. “Sans, I will not hear any self deprecation from you on this day! You look perfect for you and Fell’s big day out, and even if you decided to wear your daily garb he would still think you looked perfect!” Setting him down in front of the couch downstairs, Papyrus set his hands on his hips. “He loves you, Sans, don’t think any different.”
Sans mimed wiping a tear from his sockets, though his grin was soft. “That a Papyrus’ intuition there, bro?”
Papyrus laughed. “Of course! Now sit your boney ass on the couch and wait for him to arrive to whisk you off your feet!”
Sans laughed, delighted at the mental image, before settling into the couch with a content sigh as Papyrus sat next to him, turning on the tv. Maybe the day would go well after all.
Across the city, Fell was standing in front of his own bathroom mirror, eyelights staring critically at his outfit he’d picked for the day. He didn’t want to dress to the nines, they were starting out outdoors, after all. But he wanted to also look nice… for Sans, if not for himself. A thin black sweater, his signature crimson scarf wrapped lovingly around his neck and a pair of black skinny jeans completed the outfit, along with his hardy red combat boots.
All in all, he looked sharp, but he worried he looked too nice. What if Sans was expecting a laid back, relaxed day, and as soon as Fell showed up looking all dressed up it would ruin it?
“Are you overthinking shit again?”
Fell huffed, glaring at the shut door and the smart ass monster that currently stood behind it. “Of course not. It’s only our first anniversary, that’s nothing important at all.” Huffing angrily to himself, he started to pull off his scarf, only for the sound of a head knocking against the door made him pause.
“I’m telling ya right now, you look fine. Sans ain’t gonna care how ya look anyways, dickhead.” There was the overly harsh encouragement Fell didn’t know he needed. Glaring down his visage in the mirror, he brushed an imaginary piece of fluff from his chest and left the bathroom. Red was gone, though when he strode through the living room he was there, lounging on the couch and flipping through channels.
“Thank you brother.” Fell muttered stiffly as he slipped on his leather jacket. Red tilted his head, not looking up from the tv, though his expression had softened. Opening the door, Fell turned back to give last minute instructions, then shut the door behind him. Once the sound of his car revving had disappeared down the road, Red smiled.
“Yer welcome, bro.”
The sound of a car pulling into their gravel driveway startled Sans out of his doze, his face heating up in a nervous blush as he stood, slipping on his coat. “Pap, Fell’s here!”
Papyrus glanced out of the kitchen, stick his head out the doorway with a grin. “Good luck on your date day, brother! Have a good time!” And with that, he was back to whatever he’d been doing. Sans sighed happily, then headed out the door, locking it behind him with a click.
Fell was waiting with a small smile on his face, the sight rare as it was beautiful to Sans. Smiling in return, he opened the passenger door, settling into his seat before glancing up to his boyfriend. Fell was happy today, it seemed, though he said nothing as he backed out of the drive. They didn’t really need to say anything in greeting; every time they met it was as if they’d been together the whole time.
The drive to the park only took twenty minutes, the traffic a little heavier than usual because of the time of day. Sans watched out the window, staring at the passing trees and buildings until the car slowly pulled into a parking space. Glancing at Fell, he grinned in return to the smile the other was sending him, before the both of them got out of the car. Fell headed for the trunk, unlocking it with a click and grabbing the large wicker basket and folded quilt out from inside.
Sans took the quilt in his arms, following behind his lover as Fell lead him deeper into the park, until they reached a little dappled clearing in the trees. Setting down the basket, Fell took the quilt and spread it out over the cool grass, before guiding Sans to sit on it. Sans sat cross-legged, his shoes set to the side of the blanket, before smiling up at Fell.
“You sure are a bone-i-fied picnic master, Fell.” Sans wiggled his eyebrows for full comedic effect, and even though Fell was trying to hide it, he saw the smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
Fell ignored his chuckles, scoffing airily as he set out the plates and containers of food he’d prepared as well as some disposable silverware. “You might be a comedian, Sans, but you’re no pun master.” He shot back, an old tease that never failed to start an avalanche of puns. Sans’ eyes sparkled even as he grinned; Fell couldn’t be happier than to have put that look on his lover’s face.
The two of them bantered as they ate, the chicken and dumplings warm and savory, and the sweet potatoes perfectly balanced with marshmallows and a graham crunch on top. Homemade nicecream, kept cool in a small freezer pack, was kept until they had started their walk around the paths of the park, the cool treat a perfect addition to the warm sunlight that shone down on their heads.
They talked, spoke of home, how their brothers were doing, how their jobs were treating them. They spoke of what they missed about the Underground, even as taboo as that felt. Then, after words failed, they simply enjoyed each other’s presence, walking along the beaten paths, hand in hand as they enjoyed their nicecream. After a few hours, the sun slowly sliding down the sky, they headed back for their basket and blanket, Sans carrying one while Fell took the other.
Walking back, Sans wondered what else Fell had in store for the day. The picnic had been his own idea, one that Fell had seemed excited about (he enjoyed making food for the both of them, so it made sense that he would look forward to another gifted opportunity). The rest of the day, however, was a mystery, and one that would soon be solved. Or at least, he hoped would.
The two of them packed up the trunk, climbing back in the car and starting back to the city. Fell was silent, though he smiled a small smile as Sans turned on the radio and began singing along with an old country song. Soon enough the taller buildings of the town loomed over them, Fell driving through the traffic with practiced ease even as Sans continued singing. He figured out where they were headed as soon as a billboard passed for a new movie that had been released showed up with directions to the nearest theater. Giving Fell a side eyed smile, Sans played dumb up until they arrived at said theater.
Fell escorted him inside, arm in arm, and paid for their tickets with barely a look at the human working the register. Sans paid for the popcorn and drinks, and the two of them stared at the posters on the wall for a few minutes before it was announced that their particular theater was open for people to start wandering in.
Once settled in their seats, Fell gave Sans a side glance, before picking up a piece of popcorn. “Open wide, Sans.”
Hiding a delighted laugh, Sans opened his mouth, catching the flying piece of corn with his tongue and pulling it into his mouth with a chuckle. Fell chuckled in turn, though the both of them quieted down as the commercials began to play.
The movie itself wasn’t the best thing either of them had seen, though there were enough action scenes and enough jokes for the both of them to enjoy it well enough. Halfway through, Sans felt something staring at him with an intensity he wasn’t used to. Glancing up at Fell, he was startled to find the other staring intently at him. Opening his mouth to whisper a question, instead a squeak filtered out as Fell kissed him, their tongues tangling for a moment before he broke away, smiling fiercely as if satisfied. Then, without another word he looked back to the movie, leaving Sans gaping.
“What the hell was that?” he whispered, utterly confused, Fell glancing back at him with that grin still on his face. Instead of answering, Fell shrugged. Sans glared, then, as a form of revenged, climbed into his boyfriend’s lap, snuggling in seemingly without a care in the world. Fell was tense beneath him, though as Sans continued to lay on him, he slowly untensed until his arms were around him, their bodies together in a fluid way.
“If you’d like to sleep, I will wake you when the credits roll.” Fell whispered, ignoring the glare the old biddy a few rows away were giving them. Sans made a hmm-ing sound, obviously already drifting off even as he murmured “naw, ‘m good.”
Fell chuckled lightly, leaning back into his seat with a grin. “Whatever you say, love.”
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themanicmagician · 7 years
Sweetheart - Final Chapter
Summary: Muffet repays Papyrus for saving a spider by giving him a special bar of chocolate. The secret family recipe keeps customers coming back for more. Papyrus uses it as an ingredient for his brother’s birthday cake, which leads to some…interesting…results.
Papyrus throws open the door to Grillby’s bar. Several of the regulars watch as he marches over to the bar counter. The eponymous bartender is behind the bar, mixing a drink.
Papyrus takes a seat, and leans on the bar counter eagerly. “Grillby, I need to speak with you.”
The bartender’s crackling sounds like a resigned sigh. “Papyrus—”
“No is not an answer I will take! I know you know what I don’t know—and that is where Sans is right now.” Sans is hard to be found when he doesn’t want to be. He has abused this talent of his to slip away from work, to skirt his sacred responsibility to pick up the sock still laying in the living room. Usually Papyrus would be irritated by his brother’s elusiveness, but today he is more concerned above anything else.
The bartender slides the fixed drink over to a customer.
“I…gave Sans my word.”
“Please, I need to talk to him. We just had a bit of a…misunderstanding.” Grillby still looks resolute despite Papyrus’ most pitiful expression. “You know how my brother is. He doesn’t talk things out like a rational skeleton! He just closes himself off from everyone that tries to help.”
An egg timer chirps from the bar’s kitchen. Grillby pauses a moment, staring at Papyrus, before he disappears into the kitchen.
Papyrus slumps on his barstool. He doesn’t know what to do. Sans hasn’t turned up to any of his jobs. Aside from Grillby, there’s no one else Sans is close with, besides Papyrus himself. Even someone as great as Papyrus is rapidly running out of ideas.
Grillby remerges from the kitchen with a plate of steaming fries and an obscenely greasy burger. Papyrus knows it’s not polite, but he can’t help but pull a face at the smell.
Right before Grillby goes to deliver the food to its customer, he slips Papyrus a napkin. The thin fabric is blotted with grease, but Papyrus can make out the note—Snowed Inn, 3B.
The innkeeper doesn’t look surprised to see Papyrus at all. Without even being asked, she gets out the spare key for 3B and hands it over to him.
“He hasn’t left the room since he signed it in,” She explains in a hushed whisper.
“I’m going to bring him home now,” Papyrus says, determined.
He takes the stairs two at a time, and before he knows it he’s at 3B. Steeling himself, he unlocks the door and steps inside.
It’s clear that Sans was doing little in here besides wallowing; aside from an impressive mountain of crumpled beer cans, nothing much is touched in the room beside the bed itself. Sans lays atop the rumpled sheets. He sits up as Papyrus steps inside, eye sockets going blank. Papyrus quickly seizes Sans’ arm.
“There’s no shortcutting away from healthy discussion, brother!”
“How the hell did you…” There’s alcohol on his breath. Sans scowls as realization dawns. “Knew I shouldn’t have said anything.”
“Do not be mad at Grillby. He was worried about you, as I am. Do you know how it felt when I couldn’t find you? I was worried something had happened to you!”
“Well now you know, right?” Sans tries, unsuccessfully, to shrug him off. “So you can go home then.”
“It’s not home without you there.”
Sans finally looks at him, guilt across his features. “Papyrus…”
“Stop this foolish nonsense. Come back with me, and we’ll talk about…things. Or I can just keep holding your arm forever like this.”
“…Ok.” Sans never really could deny him.
There’s a brief tug, and then they’re both sitting on the couch in their living room. Sans scoots himself away from Papyrus, to the far edge of the couch.
Sans’ gaze zeroes in on the cider bottle and glasses, which Papyrus had set out on the coffee table. His eye lights brighten.
“Stars yes. I’m not nearly drunk enough for this conversation.”
He pours himself a liberal amount, and downs it in one swallow. He helps himself to another. Papyrus pours himself a glass, and sips at it before setting it aside. The spice is a bit too much for him, but Sans doesn’t seem to mind the kick.
“So I wanted to, um, talk about what happened the other day.”
“When we fucked,” Sans says, bluntly.
Papyrus pinkens. “Well, yes. That. I wanted to apologize.”
“Why the hell would you be the one apologizin’ to me? It was my own damn fault. I couldn’t help myself.” The words tumble out of Sans’ mouth in a slurred rush. “I’ve tried to hold back for so long and I just couldn’t help it.”
“Wait…so long? How long have you felt this way, Sans?”
Sans takes another long pull of cider. He wipes the corner of his teeth with his jacket sleeve.
“Longer than I should have. Stars, what is wrong with me?”
Papyrus places his hand atop Sans’ own.
“Brother, I understand how you feel.”
Sans pulls away. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I love you and I shouldn’t, I—” Sans hiccups. “I’m sorry.”
Unable to bear seeing Sans in such distress, Papyrus pulls him into a tight hug. Tries to squeeze the sadness right out of him.
“It’s okay.”
“It’s not,” Sans says, miserable. “It’s not.”
Papyrus shushes him, patting his back soothingly. The stress of the past week, his drunken state, and the emotional drainage are too much. Sans leans heavily upon him, and within moments he’s asleep.
Papyrus can’t help a fond smile. Of course he falls asleep after such a big declaration!
His smile fades as he thinks over the events of the past few days. Before Sans ate the cake Papyrus made him, there had been no signs of Sans’ lustful affections. And yet, he just confessed that he’d loved Papyrus for some time…
Papyrus leans over—careful not to disturb Sans—and grabs the cider bottle by its neck. The bottle is a little less than half full. Papyrus studies the amber liquid. All monster food is imbued with the magic of the monster that made it. This secret family recipe of Muffet’s—could it possibly have some additional affects to it, as the chocolate did?
An icy dread grips his soul. By giving Sans this cider, did he make him more suggestible? Was Sans merely compelled to say whatever Papyrus wanted to hear?
Papyrus swallows, feeling sick. He has to make this right.
Papyrus slips out of Sans’ hold, positioning him carefully on the couch. He doesn’t stir.
The spiders are beginning to recognize him, chittering happily as Papyrus marches up to Muffet’s territory. The spiders lead him on to a small cottage, nearly hidden in the nest of glimmering webs.
Muffet is inside, preparing sweets in the kitchen. She kneads dough with two hands, while her others measure out sprinkles and grease a cake pan.
She brightens right up at the sight of him. “Papyrus! How nice of you to stop by.”
Her charm stalls his indignation for a moment, but he rallies again.
“Ms. Muffet, has the food you’ve given me had special properties added to them?”
“Of course! I told you, I use family recipes.”
“Ms. Muffet, I fed Sans everything, the chocolate, the cider, and he’s been acting so strange. He’s…He’s not himself.” Papyrus takes a deep breath. “I need you to give me something to fix him. To put things back to the way they were.”
Muffet pauses her baking, dusting off her hands before approaching Papyrus, face creased with concern.
“Are you unhappy with Sans’ behavior?”
“Well—no, it. It doesn’t matter how I feel. Not if Sans is being forced to be someone he’s not. To love me when he doesn’t, not like I love him.”
“Oh, Papyrus,” Muffet cups his face in her hands, looking up at him with eight sad eyes. “It seems all I’ve done is made things harder for you, dearie.”
“So you can fix him?”
“He doesn’t need to be fixed. The chocolate I gave you was an aphrodisiac, and something of a love potion.”
“But that’s—!”
Muffet presses a finger to his mouth. “It didn’t create false affections. It strengthened existing ones, and gave the consumer courage to express it.”
Papyrus’ eyes widen with disbelief. “Nyeh?”
“Sans’ feelings for you are genuine. The chocolate just gave him a bit of a push. Of course, you were only supposed to give him one square. You magnified the effects to an extreme degree.”
“And the…the cider?”
“Enhanced to help loosen the tongue, and help the imbiber speak freely.”
So that means that Sans’ cider-drunk confession was real. He loves Papyrus, really, truly loves him.
“Wait.” Papyrus’ eye lights narrow. “Why did you give me that special chocolate? What if Sans didn’t feel the same way?”
Muffet’s smile softens. “I could tell from the way you spoke of him, how you felt. The shine in your eyes, it reminded me of how my father looked at my mother. I wanted to give you the chance to confess your feelings. If Sans had not reciprocated, he never would have made a move on you. If he had loved someone else, he would’ve sought them out instead.”
Papyrus envelopes Muffet in a hug; she lets out a surprised squeak at the sudden contact.
“Thank you, Ms. Muffet. For everything.”
By the time Papyrus returns home, Sans is absent from the couch. The dog has claimed the couch for itself, drooling onto the cushion.
“Sans?” Papyrus calls, as he throws open his brother’s door. “I have something to say—”
Sans freezes, looking like a child caught nicking nicecreams. His room is more of a mess than usual, and that’s saying something. Papyrus’ eyes finally make sense of the chaos, focusing on the open suitcase by Sans’ feat, the heap of clothes and knickknacks piled inside.
“Sans,” Papyrus says, slowly, “What are you doing?”
Papyrus takes a step towards him; Sans takes one back.
Sans scratches the back of his neck, avoiding Papyrus’ eyes. “I’ll be outta your hair tonight.”
“As a skeleton I have no hair, but if I did, I wouldn’t want you out of it!”
“I can’t do this to you.”
“Sans.” Papyrus grabs his brother’s hands, holding them in his own. “I love you. Not just as a brother. I want us to be together.”
But Sans pushes him away. “Papyrus, don’t say things you don’t mean, just to try to make me happy. I’m not what you want.”
“Sans,” Papyrus sighs with frustration. “Right now you’re being a real numbskull.”
Papyrus captures Sans’ mouth in a deep kiss. He wraps his arms around Sans’ small shoulders, pulling him flush to his chest. He pours everything he feels into the kiss.
When Papyrus pulls back, Sans blinks up at him, dazed, face flushed.
“Are my intentions clear to you yet?” Papyrus presses his forehead to his brothers’. “I love you, Sans.”
Sans’ skull flushes bright blue. “I thought—you never said—”
“I thought I was clear enough from my actions, but I suppose that was not the case. I guess we are a pair of numbskulls.” Papyrus cups Sans’ face in his hands. “I love you, Sans. Truly. In a very romantic sense. I enjoy engaging in sexual activities with you—”
“Alright! Okay. I get it.” Sans interrupts, embarrassed but smiling. “You love me.” Sans presses the side of his skull to Papyrus’ chest. He murmurs, almost to himself, “Stars, I can’t believe this is really happening.”
“It’s real, Sans.” Papyrus hugs him tighter. “And I’m not going anywhere.”
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Do the characters live together in this world? If so, how do they all get along? What do their rooms look like? And what does the house in total look like?
Oh boy, yeah most of’em do, except for a few, for good reasons too.
But if we are gonna jump right into it, the house itself is an old forgotten small mansion, all patched up and fixed so the few that actually wanted to live together could. The kitchen is probably badly burnt and is in constant repairs, the living room has a few blood stains on the carpet due to a few fights happening.
More things be under the Readmore.
The main ones that probably live in the house would be
Nick Valentine
Old Longfellow 
Porter Gage
Preston Garvey
Star Paladin Cross
Butch DeLoria
Sergeant RL-3
Arcade Israel Gannon
Craig Boone
Lily Bowen
Raul Alfonso Tejada
Rose of Sharon Cassidy [ also known as Cass ]
Veronica Santangelo
Vulpes Inculta [ Gotten kicked out recently tho, but visits daily. ]
Cuphead and Mugman may stop by to stay a night or two if they are in the area
Sans [ AU versions included are, Underswap, Underfell, Swapfell, Horrortale and Yanderetale. ] 
Papyrus [ AU versions included are, Underswap, Underfell, Swapfell, Horrortale and Yanderetale. ]
Nicecream guy [ AU versions included are, Underswap, Underfell, Swapfell, Horrortale, Yanderetale would be one but he died by the Papyrus in that AU. ]
Burgerpants [ AU versions included are, Underswap, Underfell, Swapfell, Horrortale and Yanderetale. ]
Grillby [ AU versions included are, Underswap, Underfell, Swapfell, Horrortale and Yanderetale. ]
It’s already quite filled, plus some folks do not get along with one another but that be done in another ask I gotten.
For the rooms I may actually do a whole huge post about it, I may not.
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tyranttortoise · 7 years
Imagine Masterlist for Mobile
SSLL Extras/HC’s: *Separate Masterlist because this one got too long
Quizzes: *Which Skelebae is Perfect for You? (1500 milestone) *Which Skelebae Would Take You to the Bone Zone? (NSFW quiz) *Which Skelebae Would Be Your Cuddle Buddy?  (Valentine’s gift)
Quiz Result Break-downs: * Swapfell Papyrus as a skelebae * Horrortale Sans as a skelebae * Underfell Sans as a skelebae * Underswap Papyrus as a skelebae
Deltarune Imagines/Headcanons: *Sans theory
Outertale: *Interactive reader-insert through the AU (3000 milestone)
Undertale Sans Solo Imagines: * Fridge filled with Spicy Ketchup * Sans the Anatomy Professor   * Sans’s preferences: pajamas vs lingerie  * Making an ass out of your ex  * Spaghetti Spa Day
Undertale Genocide drabbles: * let me disappoint you  *they hate puzzles 
Underfell Sans Solo Imagines: * Lap-sitting and tooth licking  * Bruised boobs just kinda happen  * We maid a bet   * Artistic Nudity   * Choosetale: Dating Sim Go! (500 milestone)   * Stuffed Nightmares (fic-swap)   *i can do math, just subtract the clothes (fic swap)  * Red’s blackbelt S/O flips Edge.   * Whipped cream on his ribs  (RedRobin) * spank you (RedRobin)    * Houseparty Heroes (song fic)
Underfell Papyrus Solo Imagines:  * Fluff/Dating Headcanons  *Walks in on his crush changing  * Slips into speaking informally like Sans   * Icy Roads, Warm Bed
Underswap Sans Solo Imagines:  * Biker!Blueberry // Impressing the biker chick
Underswap Papyrus Solo Imagines: * it’s ok to not be ok   * Stretch gets an x-ray   * Couch cuddles  * Pocky Day (11/11)  * Hanahaki Disease * S/O is insecure about being overweight
Swapfell Brothers Solo Imagines: * Who wants a mutt drooling after them?  (SF!Paps) * Alleyway Confession (Raffle Winner one-shot) (SF!Paps) * HC’s and backstory of the SF!bros  * What kind of bed does SF!Sans have? * drunk off your kiss (SF!Paps as a bartender) *Gyftmas in Swapfell *SF!Sans headcanons *Why the SF bros have more LV than the UF bros
Gaster!Sans Solo Imagines: * Headcanons and BPT notes   * Relationship HC’s   * Handcuffed to a bed  (BadSass G)   * Proposal Time (BadSass G) * Why he stayed (BadSass G)
Horrortale Skelebros: * A little drabble of personality and backstory exploration   * HT!Sans: *i remember the taste   * Happy birthday!   * HT!Sans and a chubby S/O   * HT!Paps and love bites   * Horrortale Dog Shrine * Horrortale Papyrus/Reader Gyftmas drabble
Horrorswap Skelebros: *General HC’s for HS!Stretch and HS!Blueberry  
Horrorfell Skelebros: * General HC’s for HF!Red and HF!Edge  
Dusttale Headcanons: * LOVE is madness  * Dust!Sans meets Undertale Sans  
Underlust Skelebros: *What would make them want an actual relationship? Oceantale/fell Skelebros: * General HC’s for the AU’s and skelebros   * Oceanfell: A Siren’s Song
Nukatale HC’s/Writing: *Info about the AU (Fallout/Undertale crossover) *Meeting Sans Skeleton (Sans as Nick Valentine)
Obey Me Skeletons: *The skeles as demonic avatars
Extras for Broken Promises and Timelines: * Chapter 11: Underlust Sans   * Why do all the Sans-personalities go for the Reader? * How did Red end up in the Void? * What if she had still been in love with classic Sans?
Zodiac Signs: *Skelebro zodiac (UT/UF/US/SF/Gaster/G!Sans)
SOUL Flowers: *List of SOUL flowers and symbolism for skelebros *Landlady’s SOUL flower
Skelebros’ Thoughts on Each Other: * UT! Sans & Pap’s thoughts on UF!bros and HT!bros
Skelebros and Alcohol: *How much do the skelebros drink?
Skelebros Deal with RESETs: * Waking up from nightmares
Best Friends with the Skelebros: *US/SF Papyrus platonic hc’s *UT/UF Sans platonic hc’s * First time they get a platonic “I love you” (UT/UF/US/SF/HT)
The Skelebros’ Crush Says Some Weird Things: * Crush thinks puns are a sign of intelligence  * Crush mentions that they sleep nude  (UT/US/UF)   * S/O has a party for their cat (UT/UF Sans) * S/O drinks vinegar * S/O says bones are dissolving from excessive soda intake (UT/UF bros) The Skelebros Mistaken as the Grim Reaper: * UT!Sans and UF!Sans wear a black hoodie   * US!Papyrus and SF!Papyrus wear a black hoodie  * UT!Papyrus and UF!Papyrus wear a black hoodie * Turns out, the human’s not afraid of Death
The Skelebros are Comforting:   * Just needed a hug (w/ UT!Sans, UF!Sans, and US!Paps)  * Needed a hug (w/G!Sans) * Drunken insecurities and the almost break-up  * S/O has insomnia (w/UF!Sans and US!Papyrus)    * The S/O is NB and on the brink of a rough day (w/US!Papyrus)   * S/O hides the fact that they’re trans (w/UT!Paps)   * Comforting Cuddles (UT/UF Sans & SF!Paps)   * S/O is nervous about having surgery  (UT/UF/US) *S/O is nervous about having surgery (SF) * Lonely Dialer (UF/US skelebros)   * Skelebros and cuddles (UT/UF/US/SF/HT)   * Encouragement (w/G!Sans)   * The skelebros with an S/O that has cancer (UT/UF)  * Encouragement (w/Papyrus)   * Dealing with a loved one’s declining health (US/UT Paps & UF!Sans)
The Skelebros and X-rays: * Learning the Positions (G!Sans) * Learning the Positions (UF!Sans & US!Paps)    * Skelebros see their S/O’s X-ray (UT/UF/US)
The Skelebros and Dating:   * Confession: Start!   * First Kiss   * First Kiss Bonus with G!Sans * Celebrating the S/O’s birthday   * S/O is polyamorous  * Skelebros submit a match request on tumblr   * Skelebros and pet-names   * Skelebros deal with their S/O’s bestie flirting with their S/O   * S/O is demisexual (w/G!Sans & Gaster)   * How much experience do the skelebros have?   * S/O starts their period (UT/UF bros)   * S/O starts their period (HT!bros) * What does Edge look for in a partner? * S/O enjoys a popsicle (UT/UF/US)   * S/O has a terrible sense of direction (UT/UF/US) * What SOUL traits are the skelebros attracted to? * S/O blurts “I love you” for the first time (Sans personalities) * Skelebros’ crush has feelings for someone else (UT/UF/US/SF) * The Skelebros’ Love Languages (UT/UF Sans, HT!bros) * Which skelebros would be the best kissers for a dominant S/O * The skelebro proposes (UF Sans/ SF Pap)
The Skelebros and Soulmates: *S/O is not the skele’s soulmate (UT/UF/US/SF) *S/O is not the soulmate (retake with  UF Paps/SF Sans) *Frisk as Sans’s soulmate (Classic Frans) *Sanses are soulmates with their bro’s s/o (UT/UF/US/SF)
Family Dinner with the S/O’s Ex: * Family Dinner with the S/O’s Ex (UT/UF/US) * Family Dinner Bonus with SF!bros   * Family Dinner Bonus with Reapertale Sans  * Family Dinner Bonus with Grillby (UT/UF/US/SF)
Accidentally Seen Shirtless/Wardrobe Malfunction: * Skelebros seen shirtless for the first time (UT/US/UF)  * (SF!) Skelebros seen shirtless * Grillby (UT! & UF!) seen shirtless for the first time  * Burgerpants spotted without pants *Gaster!Sans seen shirtless
The Skelebros Enjoy the Surface:  * A few Post-Pacifist Surface HC’s  * First time at a human fair  * UF! Cast at Six Flags     * Skelebros with a massive container or ketchup/mustard   * Skelebros’ favorite flavors of Nicecream  
The Skelebros and Swearing: *The Sanses swear  
The Skelebros and Tattoos: * Their thoughts on their S/O’s Ink
Spending Time at the Skelebros’ House: * Horror Movie Marathon  * S/O twitches in their sleep (UT/US bros) * Watching a movie with crush and a steamy scene appears (UF/US bros)
Holidays with the Skelebros:  * Discovering Halloween Decorations  * Skelebros sexy skeleton costume preferences  * New Years Kiss Tradition (UT/UF/US/SF) * New Years Kiss Tradition (HT/OF)
The S/O is a Badass Saga: * Customer Service and a Broken Nose   * Roller Derby and the Black Eye   * Bonus to Customer Service & Roller Derby (w/Swapfell bros, UF!Grillbz, and Burgerpants)
The S/O is an Alien:  * S/O claims they’re out of this world  * Why didn’t the bros check their SOUL?  * The Alien’s Judgement  * Red gets spacenapped by Yandere!alien ex
The Skelebros deal with the supernatural:  * Their friend’s a physical embodiment of time, death, etc. (w/ US/SF bros & SF!Grillbz)
The S/O has hidden talents:  * The skelebros love their singing
The S/O has an Identical Twin?!: * The skelebros accidentally kiss said twin
Reactions to Someone Flirting with S/O: * UF!Sans, UF!Paps, and UF!Grillby   * SF!Sans and SF!Paps  * UF!Grillby solo
Skelebros & Marriage: * S/O has a pushy mother
Skelebros as Parents: * Discovering the details of childbirth   * Discovering human S/O is Pregnant    * What would a hybrid babybones look like? * Skelebros as dads // Child has a tantrum  * Monster babies/hybrid conception headcanons   * Which skelebros would want kids   * Discovering crush is pregnant with ex’s baby (UT/US Sans, UF/SF Paps)
Grillby Imagines: * UT!Grillby Dating HC’s    * S/O defends Fuku (UT/UF/HT Grillby)  * UF!Grillby/Reader Gyftmas drabble
SOUL headcanons:  * SOUL HC’s   * dual-SOUL trait HC’s 
Imagines/HCs not involving the skelebros: * Gaster HC's    * Expanded Gaster HC’s * Napstablook gets called cute  * Burgerpants HC’s   * Various characters encounter a tortoise   * Self-ship HC’s   * Monsters and socks  
Drabble Prompts: * Empress Alphys Ending of Underswap Interpretation   * UT crew plays Beanboozled   * US!bros and UF!bros play Beanboozled   * Yandere!Route, Starry Date (Frans)   * Napstaton x aerial silk acrobat Reader (raffle winner)
Coffee Thanks: * Frans Coffee Drabble   * G!Sans Coffee   * Axe Coffee   * Skeletons on a Plane (SF!Paps/Reader)
Poly Imagines/HC’s: * Edge/Blueberry/You hc’s * Nyx’s SassyRottenBerryG birthday drabble  * HoneyMustardTortoise hc’s
Fontcest Imagines: * i fell in love with you, not people (SpicyHoney angst meme)  * EdgyBerry (UF!Papyrus/US!Sans) hc’s   * cupid (honeyketchup drabble) * it’d be better if i had music to strip to (kustard)
NSFW Imagines: * S/O’s first time + HCs for the skeles as lovers  *S/O’s first time + sexual HC’s (HT!bros) * How the skeles scale on the BDSM test + kink HC’s  * S/O’s had bad past experiences with sex (UF!Sans, US/SF Paps) *S/O’s had bad past experiences with sex (UT!Sans)   * Heat Cycle headcanons (UT!Sans & Papyrus)   * Heat Cycle headcanons (UF!Sans &Papyrus)  * Heat Cycle headcanons (US!Sans &Papyrus) * Heat Cycle headcanons (SF!Sans&Papyrus + G!Sans) * Heat Cycle headcanons (HT!Sans & Papyrus) * Heat Cycle headcanons (OF!Sans & Papyrus) * light BDSM with UF!Sans (fic swap)   * What the skelebros want to be called during sexy times   * Are the skelebros boob or butt guys?   * UF!Sans discovering his S/O is trans (f to m)   * Gaster and G!Sans: Holes in their hands    * Sans has bad timing (Expanded Holes in their hands ask) * Skelebros and handcuffs * Sans/Reader birthday drabble for Banana * Skeletons in a Friends with Benefits Situation (UT/UF/US/HT/SF) * Mutt recites the periodic table
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the-writing-mobster · 3 years
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| WDYW Good Boys | Flowey, Doug, Nick, Alexander | Thumbnail Headshots | pls reblog
The good boys!!! I love them so much! These dudes literally carry the emotional baggage of this fic. Especially Flowey and Doug 😭🥺
Next are the Gal Pals (Alice, Bonnie Charlotte, Kathy,) then secondary Important characters (Toriel, Undyne, Alphys, Chara,) finally, of course, the villains (Muffet, Asgore, Mettaton, Damian)
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the-writing-mobster · 3 years
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| 💠 Nick Creamer 💠 | What Do You Want • You're What I Want |
“I never fooled myself for a second that overthrowing Asgore and breaking the barrier would be our happy ending. To bring kindness to this world you have to fight for it... And I'd rather like doing it by your side...”
..............................~ 💠🍨💠 ~..............................
Stay tuned and get hype for YWIW
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channydraws · 4 years
What if you bee-came a cult nice cream what wood you do ?
I'd probably sell nicecream for my lord and savior Nick the Nicecream guy
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(Nick had the right idea, control Frisk, control the rest of the child cult...)
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