#nico greco
foxdemon-loser · 4 months
it’s dangerous to go alone take this *throws cod ocs at you*
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Sage Greco Age: 16-17 Gender: Male Nationality: Italian Operates in: Task Force 141 Role: Recon, backup Rank: Cadet Notes: Under Cap. Prices guardianship. Severe anxiety disorder and PTSD, but works well enough. Twin brother of Nico Greco
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Nico Greco Age: 16-17 Gender: Male Nationality: Italian Operates in: Task Force 141 Role: Recon, backup Rank: Cadet Notes: Under Cap. Prices guardianship. Diagnosed with BPD and PTSD, but works well enough. Twin brother of Sage Greco
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Sgt. Luis “Sparks” Alonzo Age: 22 Gender: Male Nationality: Cuban Operates in: Task Force 141 Role: Demolitions expert Rank: Sergeant Notes: Slight pyromaniac. Be caution when on duty.
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Sgt. Lennon “Plus” Jordan Age: 27 Gender: Male Nationality: American Operates in: Task Force 141 Role: Medic Rank: Sergeant Notes: Autistic. Manages to handle his sensory aversions with little to no problem.
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Col. Klavier Age: Unknown Gender: Male Nationality: Russian Operates in: KorTac Role: Sniper Rank: Colonel Notes: None.
they’re all set in MWII btw
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justanotherlostgrl · 8 months
Hey so, I'm starting/continuing a reading pjo fic, and im looking for someone who would like to beta read it, cuz it's my first fanfic I'm gonna treat seriously, so, if anyone is interested DM me!
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julio-viernes · 1 month
Alain Delon RIP. Tuvo un hijo con Nico (The Velvet Underground) que jamás reconoció, el fotógrafo Ari Boulogne, fallecido en mayo del año pasado.
"Strip-Tease" es la primera grabación conocida de la actriz, modelo y cantante alemana. Música de Serge Gainsbourg y Alain Goraguer para la película homónima de Jacques Poitrenaud, 1963. Krista Nico protagonizó la película y sale en la portada del EP, pero no cantó en la banda sonora, lo hizo en su lugar Juliette Greco. Lo que suena arriba es una demo de 1962 que quedó inédita hasta la edición en 2015 de la caja de 3 CDs "Le Cinéma de Serge Gainsbourg".
Su debut oficial llegó en 1965 con el single "I´m Not Sayin´" para Immediate Records. Un año más tarde grababa sus tres eternas canciones como voz solista para "The Velvet Underground & Nico".
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The Di Angelo Siblings: A Cold Case
One early unsolved case that confuses people to this day is the case of the Di Angelo siblings, Nico and Bianca Di Angelo.
They were born in Italy to Maria Di Angelo, Bianca in 1926 and Nico in 1928. Soon after their births, the family of three packed up and moved to Washington, D.C., where, according to friends and neighbors, they lived happily without trouble. Records show that the children were healthy and did well in school, living peaceful lives. People also state that the siblings never knew who their father was, but didn’t seem to mind much, or perhaps they were too young to care. Nevertheless, they grew up untroubled.
However, disaster struck when World War Two broke out in 1938, when the small family left for what was meant to be a short trip. According to an anonymous source, Maria had allegedly been planning to meet with the father of her children, though there’s no way to confirm nor deny that this is what she had planned, nor if the meeting had ever even occurred, for soon after, the hotel they were staying at suffered a severe explosion. 
Allegedly due to a gas leak, the blast caused many fatalities, including to the Di Angelos; Maria’s remains were found blown apart amidst the rubble. 
What makes this case so bizarre is this: Bianca and Nico’s bodies have never been located. In fact, it’s possible they hadn’t been caught in the accident at all—eyewitnesses claim seeing children matching Nico and Bianca’s descriptions being led away by a man in a business suit. The two siblings seemed “completely unharmed” and “eerily at ease”, as if they hadn’t even known about the explosion. Several reported sightings follow the Di Angelo’s path state-by-state, in Indiana, Missouri, Colorado, Utah, and finally down to Las Vegas, Nevada, where the siblings suddenly disappear. Investigators have been left puzzled by this case for decades, trying their best to figure out who the man must be, why the children were with him, why they were unharmed.
Some theories suggest that the man was, in fact, the biological father of the children, and he had taken his son and daughter from their mother before the explosion occurred. This may be a plausible explanation, but it raises questions on why Maria wasn’t with them, or why this man—who had been seemingly absent from their lives for ten years—had arrived at the hotel just to take his children halfway across the country. Internet users theorize that he may have kidnapped the children, and Maria was going to report them missing if she hadn’t died in the gas leak. 
Further complicating this case is the fact that there’s zero evidence of either sibling ever being in Vegas. Their medical and academic records stopped being updated from when the short trip began, and the siblings never legally appeared anywhere after that, not in Nevada or in Washington. 
With no reliable leads, investigators have declared this a cold case, and the Di Angelos were declared legally dead in 1952, more than fourteen years after their disappearance. The case was closed, and people stopped looking into it.
However, starting a few years ago, users have discovered that there have been reported sightings of the siblings. Though the children would be well into their eighties by now if they’d even survived, these sightings claim that Nico and Bianca look like they haven’t aged a day. 
These claims would be preposterous if the children didn’t allegedly have the exact names as Nico and Bianca Di Angelo, and they’re allegedly the same age. Conspiracy theorists have a multitude of explanations for this, from the Bermuda Triangle and Greco-Roman myths of Lotus flowers, to space missions and time-warping science experiments performed on the children, but none of these should be considered as evidence for obvious reasons. 
Internet sleuths have discovered that these alleged clones of the Di Angelos were enrolled in Westover Hall, a military school in Bar Harbor, Maine, though they disappeared from school records after December. More reported sightings of the Di Angelos, specifically Nico, have been reported, but authorities dismiss these as fabricated nonsense claims designed to confuse and scare the general population.
Up Next: The mysterious death of Jason Grace—a boy missing for fourteen years.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
🌊Percy Jackson headcanons🌊
Inspo from @jellyfilledeyes !!
🌊Afro-dominican.Monoracial darkskin and super strongfeatured,he literally looks exactly like Poseidon the 'lightskin Percy' crowd is illiterate.Full name Perseo Isadore Jackson
🌊Autistic.He's also literally the protagonist of the neurodivergent abuse victims series,y'all's denial is deeper than the sea
🌊Transfem bigender.Any pronouns + A hoard of neos and was on estrogen for a while but got no surgeries for extra gender fuckery
🌊Afrosolarpunk and knows how to diy things that don't even exist,does activism/charity and goes to riots/protests,is a straightedge and listens to Mcr,Teezo Touchdown,Megan Thee Stallion,Alt Black Era,The Cure and Meet Me @ The Altar
🌊Cut ties with Annabeth by Boo.Percabeth is 'destiny' by virtue of cisheteronormativity and amatonormativity textually and book!Annabeth is a bad person who needs to leave her alone for both their own good's
🌊Weird/niche interests king.She's into obscure podcasts,indie games,underrated cartoons,cult classic movies and non-corny musicals
🌊Was a Warrior Cats and Bubble Guppies kid
🌊Huge Superfam fan.That's why they compared Jason to Clark Kent as a compliment and knows like all the lore
🌊Platonic soulmates by choice in every universe with Nico and Hazel.Them and Nico spent the year gap between Botl and Tlo bonding and in Son Hazel turned them into a trio and Sally legally adopts her like she did Nico.Percy is their eldest brother and pseudo-dad
🌊Super into kidcore as trauma coping and also due to autism
🌊Loves Cotton Candy Bang,double cheeseburgers with loaded fries and blue flan
🌊Queerplatonic best friends with Rachel and their connection came from her being autistic too and never meeting anyone like her before him.She's a trans punk like her too and helped her transition and she basically lives at La Residencia Jackson part time
🌊Sally opened up a family bussiness:Familia Jackson Beach Shack.That's where his money comes from
🌊Except for Nico's chronic pain meds and mobility aids,which he guilttrips Poseidon for
🌊And Hazel gets to live the happy friendfilled childhood he didn't with his help
🌊Lego lover,Animal Crossing and Pokemon understander and Hot Topic hater
🌊Only part of Marvel he cares about is Spiderverse and his favorite Spiderpeople are Hobie Brown and Gwen Stacy because they're too much like her not to be
🌊Nico got him into cozy horror and Hazel got him into MLP(his favorite ponies are Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy and he knows Flutterdash is real and Wendell & Wild is his movie of all time)
🌊Unironically plays Fortnite
🌊His piercings are a standard eyebrow piercing,forward helix on both ears,a spider bite and a tongue ring
🌊Sharks are superior in his opinion
🌊Killed Luke and slowly did a revolution in the greco-roman mythos world with that as what got to ball rolling but it really hit when he killed Zeus a year post Hoo
🌊Supposed to have been Special ED to make friends and school easier but had a such a big meltdown when Sally offered at his 9 years old because his internalized ableism was already so bad and to this day they both regret it and wonder what could've been
🌊Underground shows and parties Percy's beloved
🌊Goes on petty crime sprees for fun and letting frustation out
🌊If Rick wasn't a pussy,his girlfriend would've been a sugary sweet but powerful asf black pastel punk girl who's got the same of sense of humor as him and undooms him from the narrative against everyone's pressured expectations(Ichihime dynamic is perfect for Percy)
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 years
yknow, given Nico’s old special interest in pirates, my new headcanon is that his initial plan after impulsively running away in TTC and becoming a rogue was that he decided he was just gonna become a pirate. cause he was 10 and just learned his other special interest (Mythology/Mythomagic, specifically Greco-Roman mythology) is real so it’s probably a logical leap for him to assume pirates like that are still a thing.
Which immediately makes a significantly more hilarious dynamic between him and Minos because suddenly it turns into Minos trying to manipulate this son of Hades into helping revive him but to do so he has to wrangle this 11 year old into stopping trying to run off and become a pirate, and instead convince him to live in some lame underground tunnel system. Just imagine for the first few months of Nico living on his own/training with Minos, every couple of days Nico goes “-AND NOW I WILL BECOME A PIRATE” and Minos has to steer him back into the Labyrinth.
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
I have thoughts about Nico's sword. Seriously, where the fuck did he get a three foot long Stygian iron sword at the age of ten or eleven? Was it a gift from Hades? Possible, but he has that sword while he's hanging around Minos and I can't see Hades tolerating his kid getting used that way by a mere ghost, and certainly not a son of Zeus; if nothing else I feel like it would hurt his pride. Did Nico make it himself? Also possible, but it would display a level of control over metal that he doesn't show at any other point. He might have been able to find the raw metal on his own even though Stygian iron seems to be the rarest of the three godly metals, since as a child of the Underworld he might be able to sense it even if precious metals aren't his specialty, but how would he get a sword out of it? He's not a swordsmith I don't think, and he definitely wasn't at that age. It'd be cool if he just willed it into shape, but a) I don't think Stygian iron works that way and b) see previous point about how he never shows that level of control over metal at any other point. Stygian iron has to be cooled in the Styx, too, so if he made it... uh, how. I don't think it would be safe for him to get that close to the river.
Also according to the wiki Stygian iron can harm mortals as well as immortals, demigods and monsters, and it is absolutely wild to me that this passes without mention after what a big deal and terrible sign Luke acquiring a sword that can harm mortals is. ...Actually all the information about Stygian iron on the wiki is wild (WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT MIGHT BE ABLE TO KILL MONSTERS PERMANENTLY. WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT MIGHT DESTROY SOULS. WHAT DO YOU MEAN AMONG DEMIGODS ONLY CHILDREN OF THE UNDERWORLD CAN WIELD IT SAFELY BECAUSE IT WAS COOLED IN THE STYX. WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S AS FAR AS WE KNOW INDESTRUCTIBLE AND IF IT CAN BE BROKEN MIGHT ONLY BE ABLE TO BE BROKEN BY CHILDREN OF THE UNDERWORLD), Rick can we please have a whole book about how Stygian iron works. Also can the wiki please list its sources, I suspect a lot of the Stygian iron info comes from Read Riordan but that site is such a bitch to search.
Also the fact that Nico is the only demigod we've seen so far who uses Stygian iron is so much to me (*squints in Zagreus!Nico*). Oh, and according to the wiki Nico's sword is a falcata, which... okay, I don't know where they're pulling that information from—I think it's Read Riordan? The picture they've got from Read Riordan definitely looks falcata-ish—but if true that's interesting because as far as I'm aware that would make Nico the only main character in the Greco-Roman series who uses a weapon that isn't Greco-Roman (the falcata is from pre-Roman Iberia). Nico's sword is just so interesting to me and I desperately want to know more about it, Rick can we have a flashback or a short story or something about how he got it at least.
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favcharacterpoll · 1 year
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Link from BotW/TotK faces Nico di Angelo from the Riordanverse. Who do you like more?
Link Propaganda:
"i love this guy"
"I love him so much, okay? He's the only person capable of wielding the Master Sword, bears the Triforce of Courage, and was chosen by the goddess Hylia to protect Hyrule"
"Pretty boy"
"ok so link is like the best character ever imo cause have you seen what he looks like in totk he's so gender and ahhh and he's really cool and I love him so so much <333 and oot link is really cool and he's my whole childhood, and I love skyward sword and wind waker link cause they're so expressive, and I love twilight princess wolf link I just love all versions of link so much<3 only exception is the version from the philips cdi games he's so goofy" (focus on the totk part of this one)
"link is THE Gender Envy icon pretty boy pretty boy with sword!!"
Nico Propaganda:
"YOU KNOW WHAT. if autism isn't enough to compel you to VOTE NICO then i will write this.
ok so he's gay & european (like the legally blonde song) and also a goth. we love our goths here on tumblr right?!
first i need to provide you a visual. please imagine a small italian boy. now imagine that small italian boy going through a time machine hotel casino in vegas, some wack crazy traumatic incidents, becoming an alt/emo kid and being so fucking powerful that even gods show a little more respect to him than others...
nico has gone through literal hell TWICE !! one time it was VOLUNTARY !! and all the while he was probably experiencing said hell in its most terrifying form. this shows us his mental resilience and selflessness are incredibly strong traits of his and that maybe he should stop being a reckless bitch but whatever !!!!!!
tumblrinas listen up... nico was the first canon lgbt+ character created by rick riordan in the chb chronicles (i am not counting all the other gods, goddesses, minor deities and other figures of greco-roman myth). he was the trailblazer. his story didn't end in tragedy, but he found friendship and love and family, which in this age of upsetting "bury your gays" media is still quite hopeful to read!!
nico has a sunshine bf who would literally walk through hell with him!! i'm not kidding. this actually happened. i'm sure he's definitely cheering from the sidelines somewhere... please do not let will solace down!!
did i mention nico's the son of hades, god of the underworld?? this means his powers include, but are not limited to, being able to communicate with spirits via mcdonalds happy meals, wielding a sword that rends souls asunder, turning people into ghosts, re-animating skeletons, shadow traveling and being able to read other people's death auras.
these powers and his terrifyingly grumpy personality (in earlier books) have created a reputation famous among the demigods and deities. also he literally summons an entire skeleton army and rises from the fucking underworld with his father, stepmother and step-grandmother (all gods) (how does this work) in tow, inspiring FEAR and PANIC among the enemy lines.
and if that's not enough, he's friends with lizard people, his signature items of clothing are a BIG AVIATOR JACKET + SKULL RING = VERY GOOD CHARACTER DESIGN and his hair canonically smells like rain on stone. just so you know
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prickly-paprikash · 1 year
I know it's a long-shot but I think there should be one final book series for Percy Jackson after Nico and Will. A trilogy.
From the beginning, after every Riordan series, the tone gradually shifts to something more mature. Or at the very least, slightly angrier and cynical. As Percy grows up, the world around him just grows more oppressive. The mistakes of the gods, piling up and chipping away at Percy's already broken mental fortitude—I genuinely believe that if Rick Riordan decided to push Percy just that bit further, we could get a fitting end not just for the Riordan series as a whole, but a proper end for Greco-Roman Mythology itself within the plot.
It's become obvious that Percy has grown to be just like Luke Castellan, with the only difference being Percy's support group in Annabeth, Sally, Estelle, Grover, Rachel and the remaining Seven. But Percy is every bit as angry and skeptical of the Olympians as Luke was at that age, but now that rage resides in a young man who's made several Olympians, both major and minor, shit themselves. And I'm not trying to make an edgy Percy.
But a progression that just seems natural. We see a boy, barely a teenager, who already possesses an anger that is hard to process. A boy ready to kill his abusive step-father for his mom. A boy, who at the age of twelve, struck fear in the War God himself. And those anger issues have not gotten better—Percy's just become more and more tired. It's no secret that Percy Jackson, while not outright looking for it, would not mind dying one bit. He's lost so many people. Believes he's failed many more.
We can pinpoint the exact source of Percy's problems, and the problems of the rest of the Demigods, both Greek and Roman.
I want the end of this series as a proper Break the Cycle story. Where Percy and the others just snap—dead demigods, dead families, scorched homes. Enough is enough. That maybe Luke was right—the problem was that he was throwing one authority away to put in place a worse alternative of authority.
This theme also fits in our current decade. Gen Z's have grown up with more distrust in authority than most before them. Where the institutions 'created to protect' them has failed in every conceivable manner. And this isn't just an American Gen Z thing.
All around the world, thanks in-part to social media, more teenagers and young adults have grown furious and exhausted of the economy and governance. Refusing to work. Leaving behind tradition. Abandoning their so called duties to their countries. More children comfortable opening up about their sexuality and orientation, and their friends and families (the lucky ones at least) willing to commit violence to protect their identities.
Percy could do what that coward Rowling could never do with Harry. Like Katniss, who actually fights for a change in the status quo.
With the trend of a lot of games and media nowadays, it'd make perfect sense.
Percy Jackson should kill the Olympian Gods. But without taking their place—let their thrones decay and their power diminish. For every friend Percy's ever lost.
Jason. Zoe. Bianca. Charles. Silena. Bob.
He has it in him. The cruelty he buries deep inside was exposed in Tartarus and in a final series, it could come to a head. He's manipulative. Vengeful. Monstrous. Willing to burn the world for his friends and family.
Why does that have to be the mortal world? Why not let Olympus burn in the name of those Percy loves?
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
that same Dark Older Nico AU but Zeus decides to enlist other pantheons' assistance to help eliminate him. For the first time in millennia, multiple cultures and religions gather as one. The Greco-Roman can rest assured that the threat would no longer be a threat.
Only, though, there's a small thing they didn't expect.
The gods are not the only ones aware of what's beyond their Mist.
There's another - who had walked the Earth before Gaea even awoke, had traveled through unknown doors farther than the winds' reach, with a heart that can contain the whole sky.
Before the Olympians even spared a thought about the foreign, less-known existences outside their kingdom, Nico di Angelo has grown to be a part of that faraway, overlooked world.
So, when the truth is revealed, familiar eyes are looking at each other again and the son of Hades inclines his head at the foreign deities, always the respectful one, the scale tips dangerously.
"It has been a while, my lords, my ladies", He says, ever so softly, and Clarisse watches as Hachiman - the Japanese god of war, Drew told her - lowers his bows and beams. Next to him, Zorya's brimming aura practically glows with the way her smile blooms.
Virupaksha turns away from Nico and eyes them. His eyes are sharp, his voice cold. Clarisse tries her best to not shudder under his scrutiny. "I suppose we should reconsider our agreement regarding interference with another religion."
There’s no reconsider, Clarisse suspects, they have already made up their mind.
And when Nezha points his spear at her father’s neck, childishly bright eyes glaring murderously up at Ares as he growls out “I will not fight him”, she knows she’s right.
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starlightshadowsworld · 11 months
I love the idea of the Roman demigods possessing different abilities and domains than their Greek counterparts.
Helps to differ between them and is just cool.
Like Hazel and Nico. One has power over riches and the other the dead.
With that in mind, I like to imagine Jason having abilities linked to hospitality and justice.
As among many other things they are two of Zeus/Jupiter's titles.
Hospitality is such an important thing in Greco-Roman myths.
I mean breaking it got Tantalus sent to Tartarus.
Depending on which iteration you read, he either stole from the God's or he killed his son and served him to them.
And it just... makes sense with who he is, Jason is a fair person who's fatal flaw is to hear both sides before making a decision.
Before passing judgement.
As well as his role as Praetor who while a strong hero would also need to be a good diplomatic and dealing with issues at camp.
Jason also has a strong moral code and tries to follow the rules and keep his promises to the best of his ability.
Only breaking them when they conflict with his moral code.
Such as speaking out against his father infront of the Olympian council when he deemed his decisions unwise.
Also, I absolutely believe Lupa blessed Jason. Because he was a toddler when she nabbed him, had to make sure he'd survive.
Making him of the wild and connected to the earth.
I think his powers would be similiar to that of a fae.
Being able to make an unclaimed area into his own and those around him bound by the laws of hospitality.
Aka be a damn good house guest.
And once they break those rules, he can go absolutely feral.
Names are important in this universe and I can see Jason using that to his advantage.
Perhaps being able to control someone once they (while boasting) give him their names.
And with Lupas blessing, be physically stronger than normal, heightened senses etc.
The limitations being that because of his rather unique abilities, Jason can't lie at least not directly.
He can't make a decision unless he's heard and weighed all the outcomes.
And his powers aren't exactly the best thing in a fight.
Having the urge to howl at the moon.
But Jason is a strategiest and was trained by Lupa and raised by Camp Jupiter.
He was able to beat the Titan Krios with his powers yes but also his swordsmanship.
His abilities are part of the reason his father doesn't like him.
As King, Jupiter is basically the head of the household, and Jason speaking out against him, to Jupiter feels like a threat against him and his position.
That and the whole theme of father's overthrowing their sons. And Jupiter just... Doesn't like him.
Jason wouldn't overthrow anyone. He just wants a family and friends to love and look after.
👏🏼Let 👏🏼 Hestia 👏🏼 train 👏🏼 him 👏🏼
What makes Jason so scary is that despite his parentage he seems so unassuming.
When Percy smiles you know troubles coming. Thalia's eyes flash in warning, Nico is shrouded in darkness.
Jason smiles, invitingly and kindly. And you realise far too late that you've fallen into his trap.
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happyk44 · 1 year
Re: my tags on that last post (basically saying that I'm pretty sure Rick made up the whole Romans feared Neptune thing, because there isn't any proof of that I can find), it doesn't really make sense to have done that because there's no real split in the books between the romans and the greeks. not to mention we don't actually have a child of neptune to use as a reference point in the books of neptune's behaviour. we just have a vague anecdote about a kid 100 years before that caused an earthquake.
cool. so like. none of the other demigods have ever caused a major problem. just that one kid? alright.
the thing is: greek gods and roman gods are different. yes, they're conflated, but a lot of gods are conflated with one another. that's how hermanubis came into being. that's how neptune became the god of the sea - initially he was just the god of fresh water, then he got kind of merged with poseidon, and wound up in charge of the salty sea and probably came out of that deal, like what the fuck, i can't drink this??
also if you look at any greek god's wikipedia page or other informational website, you will see something like "their norse equivalent was X, their indo-european equivalent was Y, their etruscan equivalent was Z) and so on. i'm pretty sure this is common on the pages of some members of other pantheons, i just don't feel like checking right now.
everyone steals and shares. it's kind of just what happens.
but back to greco-roman and pjo nonsense. greek and roman gods are different gods. but in the books, they're considered to be the same, just different fonts, where the greeks are more easygoing solo artists, and the romans are war-faring teammates, fancy cursive versus clear print. part of the series insists that the two are somehow different, but there's very little split in tone when it comes to characterization. part of this is because we do not see children of the same god paired against one another. the exception to this is hazel and nico, and briefly thalia and jason.
there's little to no difference between hazel and nico. other than hazel being better at money, and nico being better at dead people. hazel does not come off as more militaristic compared to nico. if anything, nico seems more strict and stringent than she does. you could argue that's because of trauma, but then arguably, they should be the same on that level.
if you wanted to label a difference between "oh this is clearly a child of pluto and this is clearly a child of hades", then hazel's curse shouldn't have been a thing. it should've been "all children of pluto can do this, but children of hades cannot/have a harder time with it" (which is what i headcanon anyway). additionally hazel could've been the one capable of doing geokinesis, not nico, but unfortuantely we'd already seem do it a bunch in the prior series, so that never would've worked out.
there's no real difference between thalia and jason either. we never get an internal monologue from thalia, so we can't see how her thoughts might differ from jason. but they are both children of zeus/jupiter who were pushed into leadership positions (thalia as head of the hunters, jason as leader of the fifth cohort). they both utilize lightning powers, they both are good fighters (but considered less good than percy). thalia fights with a spear, one of ivlvis's forms was a lance (which is a type of spear). i mean fucking hell, part of jason's training under the wolf house is making the journey from the house to camp jupiter on his own and frigging thalia had to do that too.
i've also already talked about the different explorations of zeus/jupiter's abilities as a god of law and order - so like if you wanted to show contrast between romans and greeks - enough to prove that they were ACTUALLY having issues maintaining a specific identity - then there could've been more emphasis on jason as a figure of law and order, especially due to rome's very high placement of jupiter (and juno).
conceptually, however, there is no difference between the two of them, just as there isn't much difference between hazel and nico, aside from personality. and we are never exposed to any other other demigods at either camp enough to see how they differ from their counterparts.
percy wasn't even at camp jupiter long enough for the whole "children of neptune are a threat because romans fear the sea" thing to be worth anything useful. and like?? did it ever come up again in any of the other books? did it ever have a fucking point?
i would've understood it more if he had actually pulled it from real history. but the romans did, in fact, have a navy and utilized it as part of building their empire. there's legit a wikipedia article labeled "roman navy". so this narrative that they despise neptune because they hated the ocean and didn't sail is really odd! like yeah, the navy wasn't as important to them as the army, but it's not like it was written off entirely! it couldn't have been. part of the roman empire was in the frigging mediterrean.
and to stop from going on about that, part of my takeaway from the books was that the camps ended up understanding that there was no real difference between the two of them, finally joining together in peace and harmony and blah blah blah
(which, then, why the two camps just didn't fucking merge after that, i will never understand, like i definitely thought that's where the series was headed, sort of like a hey, if you're living on the west coast come here and if you live on the east coast come here and if you're in the middle then, fucking i dunno, eat some grass)
but!! if rick wanted the "neptune is greatly feared" thing to have an effect, it would've a) made more sense had he actually shown neptune in the books and made us understand WHY the romans feared him, b) given us a child of neptune to round out the other two and provide a contrast to Percy, and c) actually given us some decent contrast between the two camps/gods! i mean even with ares and mars arguing, there was little between the dialogue to indicate "these are people with different priorities". it was just blood, murder, kill everyone! like, come on,
now - if the series had been written in mind with the two pantheons being written as completely separate entities - and the romans' dislike of the greeks was due to the modern day conflation of "oh roman gods are just greek gods, there's nothing special about them" that would've been pretty interesting as a dilemma. it also would've been cool because rather than roman vs greek battle being written like the same entity technically trying to fight itself, it would've been a historical throwback of "hey remember when ancient rome took over ancient greece"
anyway i am done rambling, back to my thoughts about that daughter of neptune i definitely do not want to write a fic about
(also re the gods having issues trying to keep a single identity down: why the hell was frank the one who had gods arguing in his head? i know i've complained about this before, but frank wasn't having identity issues - jason was. if anyone should've had the greek vs roman versions of their parent fighting in their head, it should've been him)
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jacksoneblackburn · 2 months
My parentage is changing.
A fanfic of my own character that kinda goes into the lore of my character, altering the story to where they have multiple personalities inspired by the schizophrenic episodes of the Greco-Roman gods (and ofc @bright-side-of-the-moon)
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Chapter 1: Will loses track of a patient.
I was doing rounds- checking I was stocked on bandages, my list of patients with allergies, my medicine was stocked, I had plenty nectar and ambrosia, watering my sunflower given to me as a welcome gift by Will Solace when I got claimed, playing my morning playlist of Conan Gray, Olivia Rodrigo, Em Beihold, Claire Rosinkranz, Camilla Cabello- the usual.
Until I get interrupted by a knock on my office door.
I stop playing my music and head to the door, opening it with slight annoyance.
"Yeah? Who is it-"
"Hey, sorry Jacks, I know you're doing rounds but... we have a medical emergency in cabin 3," The person said. It was my freckled, suntanned, tall, blond brother. Will Solace. He was never good at telling me when there was medical emergencies. Especially during the morning.
"I can't help them," I sigh. "I was just about to reorganize my files in alphabetical order again-"
"Well- I- uhh- As Head Counselor slash Medic, I demand you go check on your patient!" He said, puffing out his chest and pointing a finger in the air.
I just stared at him for a while.
"It's been a week and you're pulling that card on me?"
"Just go down-"
"Hmm.... no."
"I'll give you unlimited access to all patient files."
"Where's the camper?" I throw on my lab coat.
"New that would getcha."
"I need blackmail on the Stoll brothers, I take wins where I can get them." I adjust something slightly out of place on my coat then walk past Will.
Will shrugs. "Fair enough."
We walk towards the strawberry fields, making small talk on the way. You know, the usual.
"How many people died last week?" I ask nonchalantly, as if death doesn't bother me anymore.
"Surprisingly, one," Will says while stepping over a mushroom that looked like it was on the verge of exploding. "He fell off of the rock climbing wall."
"Was he drunk?"
"Was he wearing any safety gear?"
"Also, nope."
"Well no duh, it's written on a giant sign to wear the proper equipment with supervision if you want to climb on the wall," I hop over a loose root in the ground. "It's literally the number one rule."
"It was an Ares kid."
"Okay, that makes much more sense."
We make it to the fields, with no one to be seen. Nobody. Anywhere, no matter where you looked. Not a single Satyr, bug, or demigod.
"Uh... Will?" I turn to him and bat my eyes. "Where's. The. Damn. Patient."
"How should I know?!"
"NUH-UH- wait, no. You actually have a point. Am I gonna get fired?" Will was panicking, I was pissed, and we have a missing (probably dying, let's be honest) patient that's nowhere to be seen. "Oh gods, what do I tell Nico?!-"
"Calm down. You find that patient, before Chiron and Mr. D have your practicing license for a month. I'll go ask any nearby campers if they seen anyone..." I pause for a moment. "What did you say this patient looked like again?"
"I- uh.... Girl, very pretty, smelled like-"
"Let me remind you, you have a boyfriend that I know very well."
"Shut up," Will's face taking on the same hue of the strawberry milk served at lunch. "As I was saying, she was a daughter of Aphrodite. She was supposedly having a heat stroke-"
"Why would a child of Aphrodite be all the way out here in the Strawberry fields?" I interrupt. "Sorry, my bad. Please continue."
"-That caused her to pass out," Will continued, albeit, very annoyed. "She was saying something about needing water, and a Cabin Three kid went to the lake to purify some water for her to drink."
"That all?"
"No, she passed out and... well... You know the story from there."
I hum in thought. Being the gremlin I am, I walk away back to my office. "If she's not here, that means she's okay, or someone else is already treating her. Now about those medical documents-"
"What." Will said incredulously. "Not even gonna look for her?- What if there's a dead camper on my hands, and you just walk away?"
I nod. "Pretty much, yeah."
Will stares at me, dumbfounded and slowly getting more and more pissed off. "You're a terrible medic."
"If there's no patient to treat, there's no problem to meet." Ignoring Will's comment, I continue walking away. "I need to finish my rounds."
"You're fired."
I stop dead in my tracks, slowly turning around. "What?"
"You. Are. Fired"
"Y-you can't fire me?!" I walk up to him. "Only-"
"I don't care. Go to the Hermes cabin. And stay there. You're license is officially revoked."
"W-what..." I mumble, terrified. "Y-you can't do this to me- you're taking away my entire purpose-"
"That's the point," He folded his arms, towering over me, the damn Texan. "Get out my damn sight before I do something I regret."
"B-but my documents... My patients- You- you can't do this to me!"
"You are dismissed."
I felt the tension build up in my chest. My grip on my reality slipping away. The tears welling up in my eyes, burning hotter than any of the forges in Cabin 9. My breath became warm, my throat closing up and becoming dry as the tears fall off of my cheeks like rain. My nose and cheeks redder than any strawberry in the field.
I grip onto Will's shirt, falling to my knees and crying into Will's shirt. "P-please W-Will.... D-don't do this...." I sob.
"You have till the Harpies come out to move." Will said coldly, walking past me. Muttering and mumbling to himself to calm himself down as I slowly fall to the floor. Curling into a ball and clutching my stomach as my tears turn the dirt underneath my face slowly turning to mud with my tears.
So that was chapter 1 !!
Thank you so much for reading and I really hope you enjoyed!
A like would be greatly appreciated because it really supports me (you don't have to if you don't want to) :]
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punkeropercyjackson · 30 days
Percy Jackson is perfect but he needs his traits amped up to really achive what he deserves.He's the personification of troubled but good kids who grew up to be even better adults so he should be audhd and bptsd.He was accidentally written as afrolatino-coded so he should be afro-dominican/greek and monoracial because it makes sense since he looks exactly Poseidon and darkskin and strongfeatured as with his personality and treatment it's most realistic and his full name is Perseo Isadore Jackson.She works super well as if not is inherently as a transfem narrative so she should be a he/she bigender transfem femme.She's completely accurately subculturally punk so she should be afrsolarpunk since as the son of Poseidon she's naturally deeply caring enviormentalism and drawn to nature based aesthetics and revolutionize the greco-roman mythos world,starting by killing Luke in Tlo because Luke was a fascist.Nico and Hazel have a lot of subtext of being platonic soulmates by choice with him so the Nico and Percy relathionship retcin between Pjo and Hoo never happens and they're an official trio in Son onward and call themselves the Dead Sea Siblings and Sally legally adopts Nico and Hazel post-Boo just as Percy adopted them as his found siblings and pseudo-kids.Percy Jackson but actually
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 years
Not to get pedantic (oh who am i kidding that’s most of this blog) but I am genuinely fascinated by the potential applications of the established canon in HoO and TOA that the gods canonically have both historic and regional forms, and can appear as specific versions of those forms and have kids of those specific forms, which influence what powers the kid has/what pantheon they fall under/etc etc (and also the implication that demigods can be born under multiple forms of a singular deity). This is somewhat backed up even earlier in the first series when we’re told that Percy has earthquake powers because of his father being Poseidon “The Earthshaker” (which is Mycenaean Poseidon) - which could also tie into why Percy generally takes leadership roles, is hopping in and out of the Underworld a lot, and is apparently particularly powerful for even just a Big 3 kid, since all that would line up with Mycenaean Poseidon being generally put at the head of the pantheon and also being a chthonic deity.
Now this gets really interesting when we start looking at deities being combined and conflated, because a.) the Romans weren’t the only ones doing that and b.) the Romans had their own gods originally, they didn’t just take the Greek ones and slap a new name on them. They merged a lot with their own preexisting deities alongside adopting worship of deities from other cultures as the Romans spread (and the Greeks also did this), and c.) the ancient Greeks and Romans did exist at the same time.
Like, we know in terms of the Greeks and Romans that if their godly parents are “equivalent” then their demigod children are siblings, just like if Greek demigods have the “same” godly parent then they are also siblings. However, very few Greco-Roman gods are one-to-one, and a lot are like three gods in a trench coat, and then if you want to get into historical forms then you can start running into weird things like “Well, if you go back far enough, these two Greek gods may have originated from the same thing-” and also if we’re talking historical forms, again, the Greeks and Romans existed at the same time! Which means there would be historic forms of godly parents that are both Greek and Roman! So like, where do we go from there? Would Hazel be equally siblings to a child of Plutus as she is to Nico because both Hades and Plutus were conflated into Pluto? Orcus was also conflated with Pluto - does that mean when Nico killed Bryce Lawrence, he was killing his half-brother? (cause then that parallels just a couple chapters later when Will faces off against Octavian-) Are there demigods who, depending on their godly parents’ form(s), are technically both a Greek and Roman demigod? If Hermes and Pan possibly originated from the same god, does that mean all the satyrs are siblings with the Hermes kids? If we want to get into all the nonsense of Dionysus’ origins and Zagreus and Hades, does that mean Nico is technically siblings with Dionysus kids? Does Dionysus joke about this during their therapy sessions? Are some demigods in certain cabins siblings with kids in other cabins but each others’ siblings aren’t siblings depending on what form their godly parents were in?
I have a headache now.
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maxwellfrancis · 1 year
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All the scenes in which Nico interacts with his father are beautiful as fuck.
Hades is literally the most awesome, most loving, most loyal god of the whole Greco-Roman pantheon.
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