#stiles stilinski x ofc
littlenicky19 · 2 months
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Youngest, Middle, and Oldest Riddle's
"I think I fell in love with a Monster"
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maddie0101 · 7 months
Saudade; Chapter one
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Summary: Addy grows uneasy upon seeing a stranger lingering around. Her gut is telling her something isn’t right, but she goes home anyways. What’s the worst that can happen? (I suck at summarizing, help.)
Warnings: Blood, gore, violence, slight angst, slight fluff? Pinning.
Words: 2,440k
➭ Series Masterlist
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Letting the ball dribble between her feet, the small girl focuses on the goal ahead. Her heavy breaths pick up as her heart rate starts to beat faster and faster against her chest, feeling the exhilarating adrenaline. Pushing her herself to dibble the ball and run as fast as she can, the small brunette glances up, eyeing the goalie infront of her getting into position.
Quickly looking around her to see if any defenders are still on her tail, the small girl's eyes widen as she notices a man standing off to the side by the bleachers, watching her with a creepily.
What the hell? The girl shakes her head, turning her attention back onto the game.
Addison takes in a deep breath, letting her lungs fill with air as she plants her foot back onto the ground. Lifting her leg back to muster as much strength as she can, the small girl shoots—
The ball soars through the air as the goalie pushes her feet off of the ground, reaching for the ball. The small brunette stumbles back as the goalie misses, letting the ball fly into the net.
Instantly, Addison's eyes widen, pure joy flooding through her small body as a loud cheer escapes her lips. I won the game! Oh my—YES!
Celebrating with her teammates as they each come up to her and congratulate her, Addison beams. Her eyes twinkle with pride as she looks over her shoulder, scanning the crowd for one person in particular.
Addy’s lips tug into a smile as her bright blue orbs land on her best friend cheering and giving her a thumbs up from his place in the stands. The small girl's heart soars as she studies the boy, letting her eyes roam over his figure as he stands up in his letterman jacket.
Tearing her bright orbs away from the boy, Addison glances back to the side of the bleachers, making her bright smile fade. Where the hell did creepy dude go? The small girl wonders, her eyebrows furrowing in concern as she walk over to the bench and bends down to pick up her bag.
Addy wasn't scared of the man, she knew he wouldn't do anything with so many people around, but the way he was looking at her...made her feel uneasy. Not necessarily the creepy stalker type, but something in his dark orbs had her feeling like something bad was about to happen. She could feel it in her gut, making her stomach churn.
"Well, well, if it isn't the team captain and the game winner." The familiar voice calls, making the girl roll her eyes playfully, knowing the boy already had his lips pulled into a smirk.
"Mitchell" Addison greeted, her smile beaming as she teased the boy with his full name.
Shaking his head as his lips stayed frozen in a smile, Mitch reached out and wrapped his arms around her small frame, pulling her into a tight embrace. "You did really good, Addy. " The boy whispers into her hair, sending a small shiver down her spine as they break away.
No—nope. You can't think like that.
"Why, thank you Mitchy." Addison laughs, beginning to walk beside the boy as they head to the parking lot.
"Soo, are you going to celebrate tonight by going to Claire’s party?" Mitch questioned, wiggling his eyebrows as he bumped the small girl's shoulder with his own.
"Katrina asked me to go and I need a wing woman, you know—in case I do something stupid.." The boy smiled as he turned his gaze in-front of them, missing the small brunette's smile fading.
Right...Katrina. Addison sighed, trying to keep her face hidden from her best friend beside her.
"I can't." Addy finally answers, her voice wavering as she tries to put on a fake smile, hiding her real feelings. "I have to help my mom with something and I'm exhausted. You two have fun, though! I'm sure you'll be okay without me." The small brunette sends the boy a smile, ignoring the pang in her heart.
"You sure? Because Katrina wouldn't mind!" Mitch attempted, his eyes snapping over to the girl for a brief moment before continuing to babble.
A small sound coming from behind the two makes the small girl snap her eyes around them. Whipping her head all around to try and find the source, Addison ignores the boy's drowned out babbling as she scans her eyes around the now empty parking lot.
"You okay?" Mitch questions, snapping her out of the uneasy feeling surging through her gut. Turning her attention back onto Mitch's as she adjusts the strap on her shoulder, Addison shifts nervously and sends the boy a soft smile. "Yeah, just exhausted. Sorry."
Quickly getting to her dad's old pickup truck with Mitch hovering closely behind her, Addison squeezes her eyes shut for a brief moment, trying to keep herself calm and focused. Not letting the man from earlier slip her mind.
Whipping her head around nervously to search the area as Mitch takes the bag from her hands, Addison shifts onto her other foot.
Putting the bag into the back of the old pickup, Mitch turns back towards the girl, watching as she shifts nervously. What the hell is going on? Why does she keep looking around?
"Okay, seriously Adds. What's the deal?" Mitch furrows his eyebrows, stepping closer to the girl as his hands fall to rest on his hips.
"Nothing." Addison swallows, nervously shifting in her spot before turning toward the truck. Reaching out her shaky hand, the small brunette swings the door open and climbs in. "I'm good, I promise. Just tired" Addy smiles at the boy, watching as he steps even closer and leans his forearm on the edge of the door, peering down at the girl.
"Okay, just making sure Adds." Mitch presses his lips together, causing the small brunette to shift her gaze from his brown eyes, to his lips. No. Stop it, Addy. The girl internally scolds herself, snapping her eyes back up to meet his dark brown orbs.
"Look, I know you're exhausted—especially from the game, but I would love to have my wing woman tonight. I could stop and get you an iced coffee at the gas station?" Mitch smiles down at the girl, trying to get his best friend to take the bait.
Sure, he knew she was tired, but he needed her there—and something else had him pushing harder than he would normally. Something in the back of his mind, screaming at him to not let her go home.
"I'm sorry, Mitch. You know I would, but I have to help my mom and also do homework." Addy lies, coming up with an extra excuse to not go, still nervously looking around her in worry.
I do not want to third wheel tonight. The girl thinks to herself, shifting in her seat uncomfortably under Mitch's burning gaze.
Still feeling that same uneasy feeling in her gut, Addison lets her hand fall in between the seats, wrapping her small hands around the cold metal her dad had left in the truck for 'emergencies only'. "I'll call you later tonight to see how you're doing. I want to know the details." The small brunette breaks the silence, putting up a front as she sadly shoots the boy a smile, trying to look happy— for his sake.
"Okay" Mitch sighs sadly, watching the girl continuing to shift uncomfortably in her seat and look around the empty parking lot around them. She's worried about something. Her little forehead crinkles up when she's worried.
"Just be careful, okay?" A smile appears on Mitch's lips as he shuts the car door slowly. Watching through glass as Addy rolls the window down, the boy tries to push the uneasy feeling away.
"Will do, Mitchy. I'll call you later. Have fun."
Patting the vehicle as he smiles down at his best friend, Mitch watches silently as she starts the truck up. Something is wrong…
Watching the boy turn and head to his vehicle— parked a few rows back, Addison peers through the rear view mirror and waits till the boy opens his car door.
Lifting the cold metal laying in her shaky hands, Addison keeps the weapon close as she puts the truck into drive. Steering with her thigh, the small brunette reaches beside her grabs the clip, popping the magazine into place.
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Stealthily climbing over her fence, Addison tip toes around her back yard, keeping her small hands trained on the weapon laying in her small and shaky hands.
Opening the back door slowly, the girl winces as yelling and screaming echo throughout her house. No, no, no, no. This can't be happening.
A sudden gunshot goes off, followed by a scream, making the girl flinch as her eyes grow wide in fear. Mom? Addison blinks, inching towards the doorway.
Tiptoeing to peer over the side of the kitchen wall, the small brunette's heart shatters into a million pieces. There laying on the cold floor, her mother chokes on her own blood, squirming around in agony as the crimson liquid pools around her body. Oh my god.
Feeling the pure heart break and rage surging through her shaky form, Addison turns her gaze to glare at the back of the man's head, watching silently as he peeks out of the window on the door. He's waiting for me to come home...
Letting the cold metal raise in her small shaky hands, the small brunette takes a deep breath before letting her finger squeeze the trigger. A gunshot rings through the small brunette's ears, making her flinch back as she fires the gun.
Snapping her fear-filled orbs back open, Addy's eyes widen at the man laying on the ground with a bullet wound in his head. Oh my god. I just killed somebody...
Not thinking straight as she moves to go try to help her mother, Addison freezes as a click pops from behind her, making her freeze in place as her heartbroken gaze looks up from her mother that, now took her last breath.
"Didn't think there were two of us now, did you?" The man laughs, gritting his teeth as he stalks closer to the shaking girl.
Flinching as the man stands inches away from her face, the girl peers directly down the dark barrel of the weapon, feeling her heart beating rapidly throughout her chest as the mixture of emotions and adrenaline cause her body to tremble. Squeezing her tear-filled eyes shut, Addison chokes back a sob.
Then out of no where, a gunshot goes off, making the girl flinch as a whimper escapes her throat. Oh my.. The small brunette chokes back another sob, thinking this was the end.
Feeling no pain, Addy furrows her eyebrows in confusion and cracks an eye open. Warm liquid rushes down the horrified girl's face as she spins around quickly to see her father standing in the doorway, with the barrel of his gun smoking.
"Dad?" The small girl cries, choking back a sob as she looks back from her father to the ground. Flinching back as she notices creepy man now laying on the ground with his brains splattered all over the carpet, Addison stumbles over her feet as she tries to move towards her father.
"Baby, are you okay?" Her father asks, rushing up to the girl's side, pulling her into a tight embrace. Shaking her head as tears roll down her cheeks, the adrenaline and mixture of emotions making her body tremble, Addy clings onto her father's shirt and sobs.
"Who are they? What did they want?" The small girl sniffled, tearing her gaze away from her father's shirt to glance back at her mother "T-They killed mom. Oh my god."
"Addy, look at me." Her father orders, putting his phone away as sirens fill the night air off into the distance. "Everything is about to change—Nobody can know that you're alive."
"What? Why?" The girl questions in shock, her head shaking violently as her dad cups her tear ridden cheeks.
"I'll explain later, but we can't let anyone else see you alive. Come on." The man ushers, pulling his daughter up to stand as he then reaches to the side and grabs a hoodie off of the coat rack.
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Taking her last look at her childhood home, Addison quickly gets into the car, slipping the hoodie over her head as ambulances, fire trucks, and police cars surround the now crime scene.
Letting the tears freely roll down her cheeks as she watches her dad quickly exchange some words with a few police officers and then head back into the house with the officers right behind him, Addy chokes back a sob when she sees her best friend push through the crowd.
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"What's going on?" Mitch questions, ignoring Katrina as she tries to catch up with him. Trying to push through the barricades, a police officer yells out "Hey, kid! Stay back!"
Mitch's worried gaze flickers around the house, looking for any sign of his best friend before landing on medics— rolling a body out. "What happened?!" The boy's voice wavers, horror flickering over his features as he tries to push through the barriers again.
"Kid you're going to have to step back." The police officer shouts over the numerous people, now trying to get through to see what is going on.
"What happened? Who is that?" Mitch kept trying as tears rolled down his cheeks, watching as another body bag was rolled out with what looked to be a smaller person inside. No. Not Addy, please don't be Addy.
"Everyone inside the house was killed, I'm sorry."
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Addison watches from afar as her best friend tries to fight and get past the policeman, her heart shattering into pieces as her dad suddenly opens the door.
"Dad?" Addy's voice cracks, watching as the man sets the bag down and plops down into the seat beside her. "W-what's going on?"
"You're dead, Addy." Her father answers softly, starting up the vehicle. "You died along with your mother, okay?—That's what the news is going to tell everyone. Irene is going to make it look believable, funeral-"
"Why?" Addy questions, her head shaking violently.
"Because Addy, I'm not just a cop." The man reveals, turning towards his daughter. "I'm a CIA agent, and you are in danger. I had to throw them off of your trail. Nobody can know that you're alive. You can't be in contact with anyone you know. And as far as they will know, you were murdered alongside your mother."
"CIA?" Addison questions In disbelief, her tear ridden blue orbs widening.
"Special ops." The older Hurley confirms, continuing to keep his eyes on the road ahead. "I train assassins."
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Author’s Note:
⌖ Hi guys! So I am fairly new to the whole writing world…so I do apologize if it isn’t up to par. But, I have gotten a lot better since I had first started writing on Wattpad. I hope you come to love Addison and my story! I will try to update and post chapters as soon as I get them written, but I am working a lot more for the holidays rn. (My free time is somewhat rare)
⌖ Also, I’m sorry for the first chapter being a bit depressing. It sets my story up though, I promise it will get better/happier.
⌖ If you would like to be tagged for chapters please lmk! ☻
⌖ Anyways, enough of my rambling…I hope this isn’t as bad as I think it is, but again..I hope y’all enjoy!
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➭ Next Chapter
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alexsnerdycorner · 1 year
Work Summary: Drawn back to Beacon Hills, Rhiannon Mckenzie Fallon arrives in January of 2011 and runs into old family friend and pre-teen crush Derek Hale. A little while after taking on the task to help him find his sister Laura, they discover a new wolf got made. They have to help each other teach the new wolf, Scott McCall, to control his powers, find and stop the new alpha in town, and avoid the hunters who just showed up all while fighting their budding feelings for each other. 
Chapter: 2/?
Chapter Summary:  Rhiannon finds out that half of a body was found in the woods near Derek’s house so they go out to investigate and find out something much more disturbing than just the other half of the body.
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Rating: Mature - Explicit
Warnings and major tags: Eventual Smut, Bisexual Character, Autistic MC
Relationships: Derek/OFC
Characters: Derek Hale, Rhiannon (OFC), Scott McCall, Sheriff Stilinski, Stiles.
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Last Updated: July 3, 2022
Worlds Collide
Summary: Cassie Narm's life has never been normal, but when your parents are refugees from another planet that tends to happen. For as long as she can remember, her parents have been running, from an enemy she knows nothing about but fears nonetheless. She lived in 10 places before they finally settled in Beacon Hills, they've been there for years now and Cassie loves what normalcy she can get. But, when an alpha bites her best friend, normal goes out the window. Toss in a hunting family that knows more than they should about otherworldly visitors, and budding romances between old friends. Beacon Hills will never be the same.
Chapter 1: Why am I in the woods looking for a dead body?
Chapter 2: My best friend is definitely a werewolf
Chapter 3: Parties and hunters are not a good combination
Chapter 4: Why is the truth so hard?
Chapter 5: Wolf Hormones and Painful Visits
Chapter 6: Lacrosse is not for the faint of heart (coming soon)
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I decided that a masterlist would be most helpful in navigating my writing. So here is a list of shows and movies I write for.
*I am open to requests and will write about anything and most characters. I am open to sfw and nsfw for most characters!*
AO3 // Wattpad // TikTok
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Stiles Stilinski
Isaac Lahey
Scott McCall
Liam Dunbar
Theo Raken
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Harry Potter Universe
Draco Malfoy
Theo Nott
Harry Potter
Sebastian Sallow
Ominis Gaunt
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Spider-man //Tom Holland and Andrew Garfield
Bucky Barnes
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JJ Maybank
John Booker Routledge
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Captain Hook //Once Upon a Time
Peter Pan //Once Upon a Time
Peeta Mellark //Hunger Games
Mike Schmidt //FNAF
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Fur, Fangs, Forbidden Feelings // Stiles Stilinski x OFC
Harry Potter
As the sun sets // Theo Nott x OFC
*I will write smut, but all smut will be 18+ Read at your own risk,*
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sunnyie-eve · 2 months
23 | Useless
Series: Indispensable | Teen Wolf
Paring: (Stiles Stilinski x OFC Martin)
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: None
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"Go back to school." Derek says as Boyd. Isaac and Julia show up at his place.
"Well actually we can't. Boyd, Julia , and I are incredibly and unbelievably sick." Isaac tells him as Derek then says with brain damage.
"Well, I have a migraine, Julia is throwing up, and Boyd here has explosive diarrhea." Isaac points at them so Boyd explain his plan to Derek.
"So why is Julia here if this plan can kill her if something goes wrong?" Derek asks as Boyd lets the water run.
"We did think that." Boyd says looking over at her sitting on the table looking at what Stiles texted her about Deaton.
"I'll be fine if I stay out of the water. And the third person taken was Deaton so Scott and Stiles are trying to find him before it's too late." She lets them know.
"You should go help them." Derek tells her.
"How am I supposed to help? I just predict and know when death happens." She tells him as Stiles texts Julia saying they needed her help finding Deaton since she can seek out supernatural things.
Julia: Just get Lydia to try to do it. It will give her some practice into what we are. I'm busy helping the others.
Stiles: Fine, you're such a pain!
Once the room had enough water Boyd threw the line into it, "Is this gonna kill them?" Isaac asks looking at the water.
"I hope so."
"You feel anything?" Derek looks over at Julia.
"You mean death wise?" She asks him, "Not so sure yet." She closes her eyes to pass the time. "Hey, isn't the light on that supposed to be on?" Julia point out after some time.
"Yeah." Derek says not happy.
"What does it mean if it's not." Isaac asks him. "Derek, what do we do now?" Isaac takes Julia's hand into his.
"We fight." He makes his eyes red and the boys get behind him while Julia stays off to the side as the alphas show up.
She wondered what she would have to do to get him alone so Aiden and Ethan enter holding Jennifer. Kali says that the fight will be between her and Derek with no interference or the twins will tear Jennifer apart. Derek sends Isaac and Boyd away.
"I'm going to rip your throat out with my teeth." Derek says leaping at her.
Julia texts Cora letting her know the plan didn't work since they cut the power and now Derek was fighting Kali alone.
"Now." Isaac picks Julia up running through the water before the electricity came back on.
Once they get to Ms. Blake he goes to protect her while Julia watches as Boyd is thrown into the fray by the surging current. Kali and Derek both go down from the shock.
"BOYD!" Julia screams his name getting the bad feeling as Kali is the first to recover and orders the twins to grab Derek and hold him with his hands cupped while Kali lifts Boyd up and drops him onto Derek's claws.
Since Julia screamed his name so loudly, Stiles and the others could hear her from where they were, "That means only one thing." He sighs as Cora and him take off running so Lydia follows.
Cora runs past Julia, who was just standing there because she knew she couldn't do anything and wish she felt it earlier. Stiles rubs her back before going over to Derek. When Lydia gets to the doorway she looks at her sister just standing there before turning to leave.
It's been a few days since Boyd was killed and Derek went MIA and Julia and Stiles learned more about Derek's past from Peter when they were younger. Julia still felt that she could have stopped Body from dying so she's been awful quite around most people.
At the moment she was at school alone at night because she had a the instinct that she was finally used to. There she found Tara lying on top of the school name.
Not much longer the other four show up because Lydia called them saying she's experiencing the same thing as the pool. None of them saw Julia or the dead body until Scott walks a few feet away from the group, "Guys, Julia found the dead body."
"What?" Stiles rushes over to see her standing there just looking at Tara. "Julia!" He calls out for her so she turns to face them.
"It's Tara, Stiles." She walks over to join them.
"What?" He looks behind her.
"I just called it in so your dad will be here soon with the others."
Later in the day at school during class, Julia didn't pay attention since she was drawing in her notebook. She was so zoned into what she was doing she didn't pay attention to Stiles and Scott talking.
After class the three of them go look for Ethan while Lydia distracts Aidan. "Why are you even talking to me? I helped kill one of your friends. How do you know I won't kill anyone." Ethan says looking at Stiles.
"Is he looking at me? Are you threatening me? You know what I'm going to do. I'm gonna break off an extra-large branch of mountain ash, wrap it in wolfsbane and roll it in mistletoe and shove it up your freaking-," Julia stops Stiles from going on.
"We get it." She pats his chest.
Ethan tells them the story him and Aidan. That they had been Omegas within a pack. They were badly abused by their Alpha and their pack mates who Ethan claims were all brutal killers. Stiles wanted to know why the twins didn't just become Voltron Wolf and fight back, but Ethan explains that they didn't know how to do that back then. He explains that they owe fealty to Deucalion because he helped them develop their innate ability to merge their forms. That they were then able to kill their oppressors one by one, saving their Alpha for last. Ethan explains to Scott that all of the Alpha Pack's original emissaries, with the exception of Deucalion's, are dead.
Ethan suddenly seized by a sharp pain in his chest saying he is feeling the damage that Aiden is having. They all run to the locker room and Scott and Ethan stop Aiden from killing Cora.
Cora tells them she had to do something since they weren't expect finding the bodies before leaving. Stiles and Julia look at each other before following Cora to make sure she gets home okay. On the way taking Cora home, Allison calls Stiles saying he had to tell his dad literally everything.
At Stiles' house he paces his room back and forth with his dad in the room with him, Cora, and Julia trying to figure out how to explain everything to him. He comes up with using the chess board to show how he's never seen the whole board before.
"Scott and Derek are werewolves? And Kate argent was a werewolf?" Noah asks.
"Hunter." Julia corrects him.
"That's- Purple's Hunter." Stiles adds.
"Along with Allison and her father." Cora adds.
"Yeah, and-and my father Deaton. The veterinarian is a Kanima?" Noah says so Stiles is explains what Deaton is.
"So who's the Kanima?" Noah asks confused.
"No, Jackson's a werewolf." Noah points out.
"Jackson was the Kanima first and then Peter and Derek killed him and he came back to life as a werewolf. Now, he's in London." Julia explains to him.
"Who's the Da-rack?"
"It's Da-rock." Stiles corrects him.
"We do t know yet." Cora tells Noah.
"We don't know yet." Stiles and Julia say pointing at Cora at the same time.
"Bug he was killed by werewolves?"
"Slashed up and left for dead." Stiles answers.
"We think." Julia adds causing Noah to sigh.
"Why was Jackson the Kanima?"
"Cause sometimes the shape that you take reflects the person that you are." Stiles explains.
"And what shape would an increasingly confused and angrier-by-the-second father take?" Noah looks at his son.
"That would be more of the expression on your face right now." Julia points knowingly this wasn't working.
"Yeah." Noah gets up.
"Dad-dad, would you- I can prove it, okay? Look, she's one of them. A werewolf." Stiles tries to get his dad to listen to him but it doesn't work since Cora passes out.
"Call an ambulance." Noah tells Stiles so he does so while Julia stays with Noah and Cora.
Cora ends up getting a hospital room while Stiles and Julia wait and get a call from Scott saying that these sacrifices are teachers. Even still at the hospital Stiles tries to get his dad to listen to him but Noah still doesn't believe it. Stiles and Julia leave the hospital to get to the school to try to stop the third teacher from getting killed.
"Hey, where is my sister?" Julia notices as soon as they get to Scott.
"What?" Scott looks around.
"Where did she go?" Julia panics rushing outside yelling for Lydia, "Scott can you sense her?" Julia looks around.
"She's not answering her texts." Stiles looks at his phone.
Julia panics looking around before letting out a shriek causing Scott to cover his ears and Stiles. "Julia..." Stiles looks at her as she starts to rush off so he follows her then Scott does the same knowing where she was going.
Scott has of course runs past her and as she and Stiles gets to the door Jennifer blocks the door so they can't get in. And by the time they do Jennifer disappeared with Noah.
"Lydia!" Julia rushes over to help her get free.
"So we really are Banshee..." Lydia just stares at her.
"Yes, we are."
Julia takes Lydia to Allison so she can go help the guys tell Derek about Jennifer. When she gets there she plays dumb but Scott uses mistletoe to prove it. Jennifer tells Derek she was the only person who could save Cora.
They all head to the hospital but Stiles and Julia still had a bad feeling about things going on because of how Jennifer had a look in her eyes.
"What's that?" Scott sees Stiles with a bat.
"Well, you got claws. I got a bat."
"What about me?" Julia asks.
"Just stay behind us." Stiles tells her.
As they all get out of the elevator Peter is thrown through doors saying they had a big problem and it was the twins. Both werewolves go at Ethan and Aidan and Julia spots Cora on the ground, "She's our job." She rushes over to Stiles gets Peter to help them.
"Stiles! What are you doing?" Julia sees him to go stand by the door. He uses the bat on the twins but it breaks, "Now get your ass over here." She tells him as they run off.
They all hold up in a room and the guys talk to Ms. Blake as she shows up. As they talk, Scott moms comes through the sound system saying Deucalion wanted Jennifer in ten minutes.
While Derek takes Cora to the ambulance with Stiles, Julia, and Jenifer, Scott and Peter hold off the twins. Hearing Kail, Stiles shuts the ambulance doors while Derek and Jennifer run off.
"We're sitting ducks here without anything to protect us." Julia says with her eyes closed.
"They aren't after us at least."
"Stiles, She's not breathing." Julia notices Cora making him panic before performing mouth-to-mouth until she begins breathing on her own again.
Once she was stable, he says the next time he put his lips to her mouth she better be awake making Julia laugh at him, "Shut up." He glares at her.
"It's funny. And the situation we're in, I need a laugh." She sighs then sees him fidgeting with his hands so she takes one into hers, "We're gonna find you dad..." She says so he looks at her, "Alive. I know we will." She gives him a little smile, "I can't say I know for sure but I have a very strong feeling we will." She squeezes his hand then wipes his tears away with her free hand.
Stiles just stares at her with a million of thoughts running through his head before pulling her into a hug without saying a word. But he didn't need to say anything because Julia knew what he wanted to say just by how tightly he was hugging her.
They stop suddenly hugging when they heard growing outside the ambulance. Carefully looking they see the twins as one still so they lean back to stay out of view. Not much later they hear footsteps getting closer but it was just Scott with Peter. Stiles explains the two problems they have before Scott leaves them again.
"God I wish I was safe with Lydia right now."
"Honestly, yeah. I wish you were with her somewhere safe but no you choose to join Scott and I." Stiles agrees with her.
"I wanted to help so my bad." Julia rolls her eyes causing the two to quickly start to bicker while Peter watches them closely.
Scott texted Stiles saying that Isaac was going to pick them up to get Cora out of here. When they hear the car Julia opens the door jumping out first while Peter puts Cora in the car. "You get the front." Peter says running to get in the back on the other side.
"Stiles, come on." Julia says as he was looking at something.
"Stiles!" Isaac yells at him as he runs off so Julia takes runs to see what he put together and gets it herself running after him as Isaac yells for her too.
She catches up with Stiles so they rush after Scott to see him with Deucalion and he leaves they to go with him. Julia takes Stiles' hand into hers and he holds it tightly as they stand there alone till they go back to wake Derek up.
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mincentmango · 2 years
Alright I know that literally nobody cares about this but I need to get this out somewhere. I shifted for the first time last night and I am absolutely fucking ecstatic. I have been trying to shift since September 2020, and to finally do it now? It doesn't even feel real tbh. I won't say that I never gave up on shifting, I definitely did multiple times, but I'm so glad that I kept trying.
I didn't even think I was going to shift, it was like 11pm, I could barely keep my eyes open and my affirmations were just so half-assed. I had my bedroom window open (cause yk summer it's hot) and I could hear a motorbike driving around and it was absolutely driving me mental so I just stopped trying to shift and ended up falling asleep at about 11:40pm.
I woke up in my waiting house bedroom, and at first I only stretched and opened my eyes a tiny bit so I thought that I was just so tired that I thought I was somewhere else but really I was still in my bedroom but nope. I fucking freaked the hell out. I didn't panic as much as I thought I would but there was a lot of crying (happy tears though dw)
Basically I just spent some time wandering around my waiting house and grounding myself bcs I'd quite literally left my body and flown (idk wtf else to call it) to another bloody universe.
Eventually I just thought to myself "hmm i wanna go to my teen wolf dr seeing scott would be so great rn" AND I WAS JUST THERE. I was in the freaking school and oh my goddd. Since I don't have a script for that dr (as of rn) and didn't specify anything in my brain I just kinda spawned in the school. I think I was just wearing the uniform and my schoolbag idk if I had a hoodie or anything I was too busy trying not to freak out tbh
So I went to try and find my locker because everyone was gonna go to 2nd period in a few minutes (idk how I knew that I just did??) and Stiles mfing Stilinski came up and started talking to me. We just talked about science and lacrosse then Grace (my best friend who I script in to almost all of my drs) came over as well and we were all just talking about normal stuff. Once everyone had their stuff ready for 2nd period Stiles seen Scott and called him over and I just stood there like "🧍‍♂️ holy fucking shit it's Scott McCall"
We all had Science together next so we walked together and Grace sat at the front near the door, me and Scott sat together at the back, and Stiles sat near us. At some point we went into this random empty classroom so the teacher could blow stuff up (safely ofc but it was still really cool) and some white girl said something like "i wanna make that so i can blow up all the (n-slurs)" so Grace chased her and threatened to use it to blow up her face.
And yea that was basically all that happened. I spent a while more there but nothing really interesting happened it was just a normal school day.
Also random if anyone cares about Scott McCall x male!reader and Stiles Stilinski x gn!reader I most post some headcanons/stuff that actually happened in my shift soon :)
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tobylovesspence · 2 years
Anything I have/will write for: (I will write for more than these and I'm just adding as I remember things.
Benny Weir(mbav)
Spencer Reid(Cm)
Glenn Rhee(twd)
Carl Grimes(twd)
Five Hargreeves(tua)
Ben Hargreeves,umbrella and sparrow(tua)
Sam Winchester(supernatural)
Any character from Stranger Things
Any character played by Finn Wolfhard
Just literally request a character from ANYTHING and I'll look them up and try to write for them
Peter Parker(Tobey,Tom,or Andrew)
Sam Winchester(Supernatural)
I can do anime characters as well.
Any Joe Keery character(Steve,Kurt,Gabe,etc.)
And ofc my baby Spence <3
Any Harry Potter character (I like Malfoy mostly tho🤭)
Most Stranger Things character
Stiles Stilinski
South Park kids (aged up though ofc)
Clay Jensen(idk why I just love him,I also haven't finished 13 reasons why so idk if he's done anything bad but I'm gonna say no 🤭)
Zach Demsey (13 Reasons Why)
Jughead Jones(Riverdale)
Draco Malfoy
Ofc my writing is not limited to these characters I'm just bad at remembering so I add things here as I think. Ask for anything and I will most likely know it
I will write smut,fluff,angst,all of it,anything you want I am comfy with writing :] I can do x readers,ships,and more. I can make the writing long,short,everything. Request literally ANY character you want.
I'm not very good with writing without requests seeing as most ones that aren't requested flop and my most popular writing are ones I either wrote as jokes or just actually really dislike (I can write Miles Fairchild again though if that's what people really like).
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t-h-i-n-g · 2 years
💄 I Was Made For Lovin’ You - Kiss: ship, tell me some things about yourself (ex. age, personality, a few facts, ect.) and ill pair you with a character from a fandom (from my list) of your choice
okay so i adoreeeee your account so i had to this and I'm sorry for bad grammar or even not enough information ( or maby even to much information😭 )
okay so my name is ariana ( she/her) I'm gonna go in 16 in october, and I'm a libra. I play guitar and I do some little sketching but not like too good at it so... and honestly just this😭
but like my friends says i have really good humor so yk... omg- anyway, i loveeee hugging other people and just watch netflix while cuddling then >:( and I'm like so energetic?😭 like I break a scooter and sofa in less than one day after arriving so yk😭 and I HATE go shopping dress and such a things, but omg going bookstores with melanie martinez or conan gray or cigarettes after s*x ( should i write it like that?🥲) music in background? literally heaven. and my fav genre In movies and books is murder mystery and slice of life. and another thing about me that I really hope it doesn't sound weird(😭) is like I really like saying ily to anyone randomly, like if my friends are just eating their lunch I just come and say ily and go😭😭 idk I just wanna remind them😭😭 anyway i really hope it's enough 'facts'.
so I really don't know wich fandom should I choose😭 so can you do stranger things or teen wolf or mcu whichever of characters in these fandoms that you felt the most. ( it doesn't matter girl or boy ) so yeah, congratulations for 150 I really really luv your account. 3/>
Omg we're twinning rn I'm also gonna be 16 in October AND IM ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED. And ty:))) I'm glad you like my content. I got two people in mind for you.
First off I ship you with Shuri! The two of your energies will match so we'll. I believe her love language is physical touch or quality time so you being by her side and just loving her up would be an absolute joy to her. Everyday you guys are cracking each other up and just loving each moment with one another. The only thing is is that you might get banned from the lab with your breaking things habit💀 but it's not like she can do that for long. Instead you might occupy yourself with helping her sketch designs for her new projects. She also enjoys your words of affirmation as well. Wether it be if shes feeling a little insecure or just a little down. Shuri always looking forward to ilys she gets from you.
The other person I'm thinking of is Stiles Stilinski! The two of you are absolutely chaos together but in the best way ofc. You are always close to one another, wether it be holding hands, in each other embrace, or him just resting a hand on the small of your back. He would love going book shopping with you. Just the authenticity of going through the maze of shelves while you drag him around with the hold of your hand *chef's kiss* he doesn't know why but he just loves it. As well as when you do settle down to read he wants to be with you. Just to lay on your chest and rest there or you leaning back into his as his skims along the words with you. With the murder mystery movies he's always on the edge of his seat. As well as doing a victory lap around the room when he was right about the killer.
Hope you were happy with my answers!!:)
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greenandribbonred · 3 years
evermore | s. stilinski
chapter iii: who is in control?
summary: a party, a tub full of ice & a full moon
word count: 5,5k
warnings: none (I believe, but if there’s anything that you think could be triggering to someone and should be marked with a warning in this chapter or any other, please let me know!)
a/n: today I give you: an important moment with stiles at the end (perhaps the kickstarter of their undeniable connection and beautiful friendship? I think so). okay, okay, a bit late but here is chapter three. this took me sweat, tears and thankfully no blood but a lot of back pain. I hope you love it.
series masterlist
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“Remind me again, why are we crashing some girl’s birthday party?” Sadie asked, staring at the floor as she walked behind Scott and Stiles so she wouldn’t trip over the cobblestones in the high heeled boots Lydia had gotten her.
“We’re not crashing,” Stiles clarified. “I went to nursery school with this girl, okay? Heather will be fine with you guys being there, don’t worry.”
Sadie didn’t really feel like having her first high school party experience that day, but Stiles had insisted they went, and she couldn’t tell him no once he started pouting. Scott wasn’t really up for a party either, the look on his face giving it away, but he hadn’t opposed to it, not wanting to argue with Stiles.
“It’s not that.” She couldn’t care less about some girl kicking her out of her party. She would feel very lucky if she got kicked out, actually.
Sadie had been feeling extra uneasy the last couple of days with the full moon approaching. She was terrified, to say the least, of her first transformation and she wasn’t so sure she was going to be able to handle it. Not turning at any random moment had turned out to be fairly easy for her, as she wasn’t an angry or nervous person, but the full moon was completely different.
On top of that, there was a new alpha pack in town that even the animals in the woods were afraid of. Derek needed their help, but she didn’t even know how to defend herself, so how was she going to defend anyone else?
“What? Is it the full moon?” Stiles stopped walking and turned to face her. “Sadie, we’ll cross that bridge when we have to, alright? You don’t need to worry about things that haven’t happened yet.”
She nodded and kept walking even though his statement didn’t make much sense to her. She was an expert at anticipatory anxiety, and she was sure he was too. Why was he giving her advice that he didn’t even take for himself?
“Sadie, it’s gonna be fine. We’ll be with you the whole time, okay?” Scott said with his usual caring tone, placing a hand on her shoulder in a reassuring manner.
Sadie gave him a short smile and a slight nod of the head. Scott had been like the older brother she never had since she met him, but still, his words didn’t mean much.
“Anyway, she promised to introduce us to all of her friends,” Stiles went on, trying to lift Scott’s spirits up, who walked reluctantly and slightly crestfallen beside him. “So tonight, no Allison, no Lydia,”
Sadie raised her eyebrows. Lydia what now?
“Tonight we’re moving on.”
Lydia? What did he mean about Lydia?
Scott’s phone rang, a picture of a smiling Allison appearing on his screen. Sadie guessed it was pretty hard to move on from the girl you were in love with if she was calling you on the phone while you were actively trying to forget about her.
“You’re right,” Scott agreed, declining her call and putting his phone back into his pocket.
“That’s right I’m right. And you,” Stiles called out to Sadie, walking behind her and putting his hands on her shoulders as he marched with her towards the house like he was on a mission, some pop tune blasting and getting louder as they got closer.
“Me,” she replied, nodding her head.
“No brooding or worrying about the full moon tonight. You have fun.”
“I genuinely don’t know how to do that. Don’t know if I’ll be able to,” she giggled. There was no way she was going to have fun at a party with a bunch of drunk teenagers she didn’t know, but she would try.
“You are impossible, woman,” he said, shaking his head.
Sadie couldn’t help but let out a full on chortle at the expression on his face. Annoyed Stiles was a rare sight - he was usually the one annoying everyone else, she had learned - and she loved it. Pissing him off was so much fun.
He gave her an exasperated look when he saw her stopping on the doorway and grabbed her arm, dragging her into the house before she had the chance to back off and run away, Scott following behind.
“Stiles! Hi!” A girl around their age called out as soon as they walked in, all dizzying curves and blonde waves.
Stiles gave her a huge smile and opened his arms to pull the blonde who Sadie guessed was Heather into a hug. “Hey! There’s the birthday girl-”
Before Sadie knew it, Heather had smashed her lips against Stiles’ without so much of a heads-up, not even letting him finish his sentence.
Scott’s jaw was slack open and the expression on Sadie’s face was indescribable.
“So glad that you made it,” Heather said when she pulled away, gazing at Stiles with an almost hungry look.
“Me too,” he replied instantly. Sadie could hear his heart beating excitedly in his chest.
“Come downstairs with me and help me pick out a bottle of wine,” the blonde suggested, interlocking their hands.
“Yes.” He nodded, barely looking back at his two friends before he was dragged away like a puppy.
Scott and Sadie stood there in shock for a couple of seconds. Sadie had no experience with boys - or girls, for that matter - but she knew they weren’t going to pick out any wine.
“Was that, um, really straightforward or am I just... not on with the times?” she asked Scott with narrowed eyes.
She wasn’t judging - not in the littlest bit, actually. She wished she was able to be spontaneous like that and have everything go right for her. Instead, she was just plain impulsive and a slow learner, which had only ever driven her to failure.
“That was,” Scott stopped, searching for the right word. “Very bold, yes.”
“Good for him,” she shook her head and smoothed out her leather jacket. “Let’s go have a drink.”
“A drink?” Scott looked at her with a surprised but amused expression on his face. “What happened to not knowing how to have fun?”
“Since we’re already here, might as well,” she shrugged.
She wasn’t really sure why, but Heather kissing Stiles had in some way killed the little spirits she had.
Must have been because Stiles had dragged them both to a party they didn’t want to go to and now had stood them up for a girl, right? Right?
As much as she wanted to leave, Stiles was their ride and she wasn’t going to walk all the way back to Scott’s. If she had to stay, she refused to stand in a corner and be miserable for the rest of the night. She could afford at least an hour of not drowning in self pity and worrying herself to death about her whole supernatural situation.
“Yeah, okay,” Scott said with a smile, draping his arm around her shoulder and guiding her toward the kitchen.
Before they even got through the doorway Scott’s phone buzzed again, making them stop in their tracks as he retreated it from his pocket, revealing a message under Allison’s name.
She was outside.
• • •
“I don’t see anything,” Derek stated, his arms crossed.
“Look again,” Scott suggested.
“How is a bruise gonna tell me where Boyd and Erica are?” he asked disinterestedly, looking between Allison and Lydia who were still holding out their arms.
“It’s the same on both sides. Exactly the same.”
To be fair, Sadie couldn’t see anything either. It just looked like someone had grabbed their arms with too much force and left an imprint of their fingers on them. Although, considering she knew about the supernatural now, it was totally possible that it actually meant something more - what, she wasn’t sure of.
“Pareidolia. Seeing patterns that aren’t there,” Lydia nodded.
Sadie and Stiles, who were sitting on top of one of the tables in the empty classroom, looked at each other in confusion.
“What’s she talking about?” Sadie whispered. Stiles just shook his head with pursed lips and raised eyebrows.
“It’s a substep of apophenia,” Lydia clarified in a matter-of-fact tone.
“They’re trying to help.” Scott looked at Derek again.
“These two?” Derek looked between the two girls with an incredulous expression. He was clearly annoyed at Scott’s remark. “This one,” he pointed to the strawberry blonde. “Who used me to resurrect my psychotic uncle. Thank you,” he said sarcastically. “And this one,” he looked at Allison now. “Who shot about 30 arrows into me and my pack.”
Meh. He did have a point, but still, Lydia and Allison were just trying to help, and Sadie knew they wouldn’t be there wasting everyone’s time if they truly didn’t think their bruises could mean something.
“Okay, all right now, come on,” Stiles chimed in. “No one died, all right? Look, there may have been a little maiming, okay, a little mangling, but no death. That’s what I call an important distinction.”
Sadie knew Stiles was just trying to ease the tension, but she wasn’t sure if that argument was valid in her book. Not everything was excusable, but she wasn’t one for holding grudges either. Lydia and Allison were just trying to help and they didn’t deserve Derek’s sourness, no matter what had happened between them in the past. At the end of the day, as Derek had said, he needed all the help he could get.
“My mother died,” Allison said in a low tone, looking at Derek defiantly.
“Your family’s little honor code killed your mother. Not me,” he clarified, staring at her with the same expression.
If Sadie had been shocked at finding out about werewolves, there were no words to describe her surprise when she was told about hunters, especially finding out Allison’s family used to be part of it. The thought of someone wanting to kill her for something she had no control over was more than chilling.
“That girl was looking for Scott,” Allison ignored him. “I’m here to help him, not you.”
“You wanna help? Find something real.”
“Give her a chance, okay? They’re on our side now,” Scott pleaded again.
“Well, then maybe you should tell her what her mother was actually trying to do that night,” and with that, Derek walked out, slamming the door on his way out of the classroom.
• • •
Turns out, Heather, the girl whose birthday party they had gone to the day before, was missing. And not only that, but Stiles was the last one to see her before she disappeared.
He’d thought she had stood him up at the party while he was upstairs, but apparently - as his father, the sheriff, had confirmed - something had happened to her. Stiles thought the alpha pack might have had something to do with her disappearance, and he was desperate to find her. She’d been one of his closest childhood friends, after all.
His theory didn't make much sense to Sadie, however, not really sure as to why an alpha pack would want to turn some girl into a beta. The whole point of an alpha back was to be composed of only alphas.
Stiles was very worried about Heather and their only plan to find her and Derek’s pack not working. Sadie could smell the anxiety oozing out of his body as they filled up the tub with ice at Deaton’s clinic.
Deaton had been their best shot at helping Isaac remember where Boyd and Erica were being held. Derek and his uncle Peter had failed at their attempts to do so, and it seemed that the only one who somehow knew more about werewolves than the werewolves themselves, was Deaton. If they found out where the betas were, they could subsequently find out where the alpha pack - and hopefully also Heather - was hiding, and save them all.
Frankly, Deaton’s idea to do so was insane. Not just insane, but terribly dangerous too.
They were going to slow down Isaac’s heartbeat until he got into a hypnotized state and a half transformed haze in which they could tap into his subconscious mind and fish for the seemingly lost memories. It all seemed way too complicated to Sadie for it being as simple as soaking Isaac in a tub full of ice.
“How slow does his heart rate need to be?” Scott asked Deaton.
“Very slow.”
“Okay, well, how slow is very slow?” Derek questioned.
“Nearly dead,” Deaton shrugged, as if what he’d just said wasn’t of big importance.
“This is insane.” Sadie shook her head. Thankfully, she didn’t think werewolves could die of hypothermia.
Isaac looked up at her with an expression that gave away he agreed with her. He stuck his hand into the tub and instantly pulled it back from the bitingly cold water. “It’s safe, though, right?” he asked.
“Do you want me to answer honestly?”
“Why does he look like he’s enjoying this?” Sadie muttered to Stiles, leaning into his side as he leaned back against the wall. She didn’t receive an answer, though, only the snapping sound of a rubber glove.
Stiles looked very pleased with himself as he stared at his glove-clad hand.
“What?” he asked when he noticed everyone in the room was staring at him. He linked eyes with Sadie, who only gave him a raised eyebrow and a funny expression.
He took the glove off and dropped it angrily, his fun over.
“Look, if it feels too risky, you don’t have to do this,” Derek carried on, turning to Isaac.
Isaac didn’t bother to answer. Taking off his shirt and stepping into the tub, one foot after the other, he gasped at the shock of the freezing cold water, his breath becoming erratic as he took sharp intakes of air.
His whole body shivered, and his teeth started chattering — but he braced himself, and Scott and Derek grabbed him by the shoulders, pulling him under the water. After a few seconds that felt like whole minutes, he emerged back, letting out a thunderous roar, half transformed, fangs out and flashing yellow eyes.
“Get him back under,” Deaton commanded, arms crossed.
Sadie and Stiles rushed over to help Scott and Derek pull Isaac back under the water as he thrashed angrily, trying to break out of their hold.
“Hold him,” Deaton insisted.
“We’re trying!”
Not even four people (three with supernatural strength) could keep him down. Sadie could hear his heartbeat, and she was sure it was about to burst out of his chest by how quickly it was beating. It was the complete opposite of what they needed for the plan to work.
They managed to bring Isaac’s head back under the water, and seconds later, he relaxed, his angry thrashing stopping. They let go of him and he raised back to the surface, taking an inhale.
“Now, remember, only I talk to him,” Deaton whispered. “Too many voices will confuse him and draw him out. Isaac, can you hear me?”
They all waited expectantly.
“Yes, I can hear you,” he answered.
“This is Dr. Deaton. I’d like to ask you a few questions, is that all right?”
His eyes were closed, his lips blue. Thunder roared outside, the lightning following it illuminating the somber room and creating long shadows.
“I want to ask you about the night you found Erica and Boyd. I want you to remember it for me in as vivid detail as possible, like you’re actually there again.”
“I don’t wanna do that. I don’t wanna do that,” he repeated in discomfort, a hint of anguish in his voice.
He was starting to thrash around again. The lights in the clinic flickered from the raging storm outside, although it seemed like it was Isaac’s distress that was causing them to go off.
“Isaac, it’s alright. Just relax. They’re just memories, you can’t be hurt by a memory,” Deaton assured him.
Well, you sort of can. - Sadie thought.
But Deaton’s reassuring words were to no use. Isaac kept repeating he didn’t want to do it, and that was perhaps the reason why he wasn’t remembering before - because he simply didn’t want to, he was scared to do so.
“It’s all right, relax,” Deaton repeated. Isaac surprisingly calmed down at his words, physically relaxing in Scott’s and Derek’s hold. “Now let’s go back to that night. To the place you found Erica and Boyd. Can you tell me what you see? Is there some kind of building? A house?”
“It’s not,” he stuttered. “It’s not a house. It’s stone. I think marble.” He shivered, teeth chattering.
“That’s perfect. Can you give me any other descriptors?”
“It’s dusty, so empty.”
“Like an abandoned building?” Thunder rumbled again. “Isaac?”
“Someone’s here,” he whispered, gripping Scott’s arm.
Lights started flickering again. The scene looked straight out of a horror movie. Sadie shivered with him, her blood chilling at his distress and agony filled screams. It was almost painful to watch.
“No, no, no, they see me. They see me,” he writhed and screamed, water splashing out of the tub and on their clothes.
“It’s just memories, you can’t be hurt by your memories. Just relax,” Deaton insisted. “Now, tell us what you see. Tell us everything.”
Isaac went completely still at his words, going completely still in the water once more. His eyes opened, the blinding yellow being replaced by striking blue. “I hear him. He’s talking about the full moon, about being out of control when the moon raises.”
“Is he talking to Erica?”
“I think so, I can’t-” he kept stumbling over his words. “I can’t see her. I can’t see either of them.”
“Can you hear anything else?”
“They’re worried, worried what they’ll do during the moon. They’re worried that they’re gonna hurt each other.”
“If they’re locked in together during the full moon, they’re gonna tear each other apart,” Derek mumbled, glancing between everyone in the room with a concerned expression.
Great. They needed to find them now more than ever with the full moon being the next day, but Sadie couldn’t even help. She couldn’t control it, just like them. She was of no help.
“Isaac, we need to find them right now. Can you see them? Do you know what kind of room it is? Is there any kind of a marker? A number on a door? A sign?”
Suddenly, Isaac sat up, gasping for air frantically. “They’re here,” he whispered, his eyes fixed on the wall. “They’re here,” he kept repeating over and over. “They see me, they found me. They’re here!” he screamed.
“This isn’t working,” said Derek, taking over Deaton. “Isaac, where are you? Tell me where you are.”
“I can’t see them, it’s too dark.”
“His heart rate...he could go into shock,” Deaton reminded Derek when he kept pushing Isaac for an answer.
“Isaac, where are you? What did you see?” Derek didn’t seem to listen, he kept insisting over Deaton’s reprimands and Isaac’s terrified screaming.
“Derek, you’re gonna kill him!” Sadie shouted.
“It’s a vault! It’s a bank vault!” Isaac yelled over everyone’s frantic arguing. “I saw it!” he sat up, breaking out of the hypnosis completely. “I saw the name.”
Scott and Derek helped him out of the tub. Sadie walked over to them with a towel in hand, quickly wrapping it around the shaking frame of the boy. Isaac took the towel, thanking her quietly with a nod and a faint smile which she returned. “It’s, uh, Beacon Hills First National Bank. It’s an abandoned bank, and they’re keeping them locked inside the vault.”
No one said anything, too shocked about what had just happened, sitting in silence instead. Isaac suddenly noticed everyone in the room was staring at him with the same gloom expression plastered on their faces. “What?"
“You don’t remember what you said right before you came out of it, do you?” Stiles seemed to be the only one brave enough to break down the news and say out loud what they had all heard but didn’t want to believe.
“No,” Isaac shook his head confused.
“You said when they captured you that they dragged you into a room, and that there was a body in it.”
“What body?” He asked, looking over to Sadie who was sitting to his right.
Sadie looked down. She let out a deep sigh, bracing herself, and looking back up to meet his anticipating stare. “You said it was Erica.”
• • •
Stiles had spent the whole night researching the bank and how to get in without the alphas noticing, only to have found pretty much nothing but terrible back pain and a headache from the lack of sleep. Thankfully, he had discovered his dad had worked on the case of a robbery that had happened there years prior, and he had agreed to let him look through his files, not bothering to ask what he needed the information for, assuming it was just another Stiles-y thing.
His plan was to get in just like the robbers had done, and it was a decent and elaborate plan if they looked past the fact that they were a bunch of teenagers and not professional robbers with special robbing gear. Derek didn’t seem very keen on the plan either, by the sour expression on his face.
“One of the robbers was lowered into this shaft,” Stiles drew a red circle over a small section of the bank’s blueprints. “Now, that place is so small it took him about 12 hours to drill into the wall, which is stone, by the way.
“Then, throughout the rest of the night, they siphoned the cash up to the guys back on the roof through that one little shaft in the wall. Boom.”
“Uh, yeah, maybe we find another way?” Sadie suggested with a pained smile.
“What- another way? There’s no other way, Sadie.”
“Okay,” she threw her arms up defensively, eyes wide. She had learned very quickly that there was no point in arguing with Stiles when he was so fixed on something.
“Can we fit in there?” Scott asked.
“Yes, we can, but very, very barely. And they also patched the wall, obviously, so we’re gonna need a drill of some kind. I’m thinking maybe a diamond bit-”
“Forget the drill,” Derek cut in. He was very much done with Stiles’ rambling. “If I go in first, how much space do I have?”
“What do you think you’re gonna do, Derek? You gonna punch through the wall?”
“Yes, Stiles, I’m gonna punch through the wall.” Derek crossed his arms, smirking at Stiles.
“Oh, here we go,” Sadie murmured. The married couple.
“Okay, big guy, let’s see it. Let’s see that fist,” Stiles mocked him. “Big old fist. Make it, come on. Get it out there, don’t be scared.” Derek raised his fist, his arms still crossed and the same cocky expression from before plastered on his face. “Big bad wolf. Yeah, look at that. Okay, see this?” Stiles said holding Derek’s wrist and placing his own hand in front of his fist. “That’s maybe three inches of room to gather enough force to punch through solid-”
Derek launched his fist forward, crashing it against Stiles’ hand. He hissed in pain, his mouth hanging open as he clutched his hand and crouched down, an expression full of agony on his face.
“Oh my god-”
Derek had punched him really hard. Like, werewolf strength hard. And werewolf strength was no joke, especially an alpha’s, and especially on a human.
Stiles stumbled to the back of the room, whimpering in pain. “He could do it,” he affirmed.
“Stiles, are you okay?” Sadie walked over to him, who was still in the same potion, bent over with his hand between his knees, as Derek and his uncle Peter discussed a new plan. “Hey, Stiles-”
Sadie took hold of his arm, and suddenly, she could feel all the pain he was feeling. Black lines appeared on her own hand where she was touching his skin, as if his pain was being passed onto her and becoming hers. She clenched her teeth, feeling the numbness and the burn on her veins — and as soon as it came, it was over.
Scott had told her about this ability, but she’d had yet to experience it for herself. Sadie hadn’t even been thinking about it when she touched Stiles. It was like an instinct had come over her body, an instinct of wanting to protect him.
“That was cool.” She stared down at her hand in thought, the black lines fading away.
“Thank you,” Stiles said sincerely, still slightly out of breath, rubbing his wrist where the pungent pain had been seconds ago. “God, that really hurt. Are you okay?”
“You’re asking me if I’m okay?” Sadie laughed. “Derek almost punched a hole through your hand and you’re asking me if I’m okay?”
“Yeah, well, I guess that hurt for you too.”
“It was okay. I didn’t imagine it to be like that.” How cool was it to be able to take someone’s pain away? To relieve them from that burden? “Uh, let’s get back,” she suggested when a few seconds passed of Stiles just standing there staring at her.
They exchanged an awkward look, but he finally nodded and followed behind her, unusually quiet.
Derek, Peter and Scott were still discussing what their next move was going to be and how they should go about it.
“I don’t know about Erica, but if Boyd’s still alive we have to do something,” Scott said. “We have to try.”
Sadie looked down. She felt useless. It was just Scott and Derek against all of those alphas, and Peter wasn’t even bothering to lend them a hand, so she really wanted to help, but she couldn’t. There was no way she could with the full moon so close.
“Okay,” Derek nodded to Scott’s words. “Then, we have to go. Now. Before the moon comes out.”
Scott hesitated. The full moon was coming out in less than an hour. He’d promised Sadie he would be there for her every step of the way, he couldn’t leave her now. “But, Sadie-” he turned to her.
“I need your help, Scott,” said Derek. “She’ll be fine, Stiles can handle her, he’s done it before.”
This wasn’t what they had planned for her first transformation, and truthfully, she wasn’t too keen on having Stiles watch over her with the danger that that put him in, but it would have to do. There was no way she was holding Scott back and potentially letting the betas kill each other in that vault.
“Go, Scott,” Sadie agreed, giving him a reassuring nod. “You have to help them.”
Getting everyone out and alive was more important to her.
“We’ll be okay,” Stiles nodded, reassuring Scott.
• • •
“You okay?” Stiles asked, yanking on the chains around Sadie’s wrists once again to make sure they weren’t budging. “Feel anything yet?”
Sadie was sitting in Scott's basement, chained to the wall and waiting impatiently for the moon to play its tricks on her. She ignored where Stiles had gotten the chains and handcuffs from, and frankly, she didn’t want to know.
“No, I’m fine. Trying to stay calm. You checking the time every thirty seconds is not really helping, though.”
“Sorry,” he apologized, glancing away from his phone before locking it and putting it back into his pocket. “It should happen any minute now.”
He was just as impatient as her, if not more, and he reeked of anxiety, although that seemed to be an everlasting thing for him nowadays.
“It’ll be fine. I think you’re more worried than I am,” she chuckled, trying to ease the tension.
They sat in silence for a few seconds before she saw it: the undeniable shape of the full moon peeking through the small window of the basement, glowing stark against the inky jet black sky.
All of a sudden, her breath started getting more agitated, her heart beat quicker. She felt a bead of sweat trickling down her forehead.
This was it.
“Stiles,” she called out worriedly. She was very calm, but still, it was like something was coming over her.
Stiles moved closer to her when he realized what was happening. “Take deep breaths, Sadie, you can do it.” he encouraged her.
She took a deep breath through her nose, exhaling shakily seconds after through her mouth. The rumbling in her chest kept getting stronger and stronger. She clenched her jaw, shoulders tensing, and let out a hiss of pain through gritted teeth.
“It helps to have an anchor, something that helps you hold onto your humanity. Think of something happy, someone you love, a good memory - anything. Focus on it and hold onto it.” Stiles explained.
A happy memory. Someone she loved. She tried to fish through her fuzzy brain.
A happy memory. Someone she loved. Her father. Her mother. Sunny days and pancake sundays. Green grass.
Her eyes glowed yellow, the lulling green long gone, fangs extending and claws flicking out involuntarily.
“Stiles, you should leave,” she begged him in a panicked voice. She was scared she was going to lose it at any moment. “It’s not working.”
She was trying so hard to keep calm and control the transformation, but she didn’t think she could hold it for much longer. It was extremely painful. The more she tried to push it back, the more it hurt.
Her father. Her mother. Sunny days and pancake sundays. Green grass. - she thought again.
It was no use, the memory wasn’t strong enough - her mind was too foggy to focus on a memory, to focus on something that wasn’t tangible. It wasn’t working, if anything, it was making her angrier. She had never met her mother and the memory of her father was tainted by his death, her mind involuntarily taking her back to the night she lost him.
“I don’t want to hurt you, Stiles. Please, just leave.” She let out a painful grunt, yanking on the chains involuntarily.
“I’m not leaving you, Sadie. You can do it, I know you can. Focus.”
Her mind was clouded and dizzy. She couldn’t see straight. Her vision was tinted with a red hue and she wasn’t so sure of what was going on anymore, an almost animalistic instinct coming over her. Her body was acting against her mind’s wishes, almost like it had a life of its own, completely autonomous from her brain.
She just wanted to tear something to shreds. The feeling was almost of frustration, like wanting to scream out of impotence, only this time it was so intense she would have been fine with ripping Stiles’ throat out with her teeth. It didn’t help that he was kneeling down so close to her.
Her father. Her mother. Sunny days and pancake sundays. Green grass.
Fuck this.
“Sadie, look at me,” she heard Stiles’ voice breaking through the fog. “Focus on me, okay? On the sound of my voice. Just keep focusing, Sadie.” He tried to pull her back down to earth.
“I can’t,” she uttered through gritted teeth, shutting her eyes tightly.
“Yes, you can. Come on, Sade, look at me.”
Their eyes locked together, striking yellow against deep amber.
And suddenly, it clicked. Before she knew it, her breathing was slowing down, slowly but surely, until the golden yellow turned back into calming green, the claws retreating back.
“That’s it. You got it, Sadie. You got it.” He encouraged her in a soft voice. She felt much calmer at the mere sound of his voice.
Her breathing was ragged, her chest shaking uncontrollably and erratically, and she felt like crying from the scary experience, but she had done it. She had managed to control it. On the first try. Thanks to him.
“You did it, Sadie, you did it.” Stiles smiled. Fully trusting she wasn’t going to lash out and slash his throat, he wrapped his arms around her in a comforting hug.
She buried her head on his chest, giving into his embrace and the overwhelming feelings coming over her, fisting her hands on his t-shirt and crying quietly out of relief.
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maddie0101 · 5 months
Saudade; Chapter Three
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Summary: The new recruit arrives and the Hurleys forget to have an important conversation.
Warnings:cussing, violence, hostile reunions?
Word Count:3,104k
➭ Previous Chapter ➭ Series Masterlist
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Fluttering her tired eyes open, Addy groans as she reaches her hands out and pushes her aching body to sit up. Groaning at the aches and pains searing through her body, she slowly moves her feet off to the side of the bed. It seemed like every muscle protested as she attempted to sit up in bed. Not wanting to deal with her father waking her up earlier than the rest of the recruits, Addy swiftly picks up her neatly folded clothes and goes to the bathroom to change.
After changing into her regular morning workout clothes, consisting of a grey tank top, black leggings, and her favorite pair of sneakers, Addy quickly walks back over to her bed and unplugs the long cord attached to her iPod. Briskly, walking back over to the lockers, she quietly opens the metal door and grabs her earphones.
Quickly slipping out of the room, Addison slides in each earphone before selecting her favorite playlist and slipping her iPod into the waistband of her leggings. Glancing up from the dim lighting, illuminated by nothing but the morning sun, Addy takes a deep breath before kicking her feet into a jog.
Waking up earlier than the rest of the recruits became her norm. She wanted to escape her father waking her in some obscure way. Whether it was shooting a gun, scaring the living hell out of them, or banging on the door as loudly as he possibly could, Addy couldn't stand it. It put her in a bad mood. So she decided to take the matter into her own hands and do her own thing, whether or not her father liked it.
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"You can take the blindfold off." said Irene, her voice piercing through the silence in the car, drowning out the faint sound of the tires rolling against the pavement.
Mitch let out a heavy sigh as he pulled the black cloth away from his eyes, the fabric rubbing against his skin. Wincing in discomfort as the bright light from the sun filtered through the surrounding trees, Mitch squinted as he attempted to adjust to the sudden change in lighting.
As soon as Mitch's eyes adjusted to the sudden burst of light, he couldn't help but be struck in awe by the view of the countless trees that were standing tall and proud on both sides of the vehicle. His mouth fell open, and his eyes widened as he took in the sight, feeling a sense of rare tranquility and serenity wash over him, seemingly blocking out reality.
Over the course of the past year, his mind had become consumed with a singular, all-consuming desire: revenge. So much so that he found himself incapable of appreciating the dark and eerie beauty of the world around him. Every waking moment was spent plotting and scheming as he obsessed over what happened to Katrina.
All he could think about was avenging her, making the people who took his fiance's life away pay.
As Mitch briefly tore his gaze away from the view outside the window, he caught Irene's warm smile as she turned back around to face the road.
"So, what do I need to know about this guy?" Mitch interrupted the silence.
"Stan Hurley? He's a warrior. Ex-Navy seal. My Daddy served with him in the Persian Gulf." Irene answered softly, scanning her eyes around the thick greenery flying past them.
Mitch pressed his lips together as he flickered his gaze around before asking, "Did you go through this program?"
"I went through a program. Not this one," Irene answered, "It's not like becoming a spy or Special Ops, none of those things."
"Good." Mitch hummed, ripping his gaze away from the woman in the front seat.
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Slamming the laptop down as he checks his watch lying on his left wrist, Stan sighs as he looks out of the window, noticing the black sedan pulling up to his small cabin. "Damn it, Addy." The older Hurley cusses, irritated that he and his daughter forgot to have a discussion over the new recruit.
Taking his cup of coffee with him, Stan swings the door open and shuts it behind him. Bringing up the cup of caffeine, he takes a sip and watches Irene step out of the vehicle and shut the door behind her.
"I thought you were supposed to be on the patch." The woman raised her eyebrow as she nodded to the smoke coming from the man's lips.
Stan only rolled his eyes and sighed at the woman, slowly making his way down the steps.
"You saw those tests?" Irene asked, watching his every move as he cautiously descended the staircase, carefully placing his foot on the second to last step.
"Yeah, I saw them." Stan replied unimpressed.
"He's off the charts." Irene smiled
"I've seen off the charts before." Hurley replied, leaning his body against the rail of the wooden staircase.
"—and he's got none of the bad habits he'd have to unlearn if he had military training."
"Unlearn?" Stan cocked his head to the side, seemingly still unimpressed.
"Come on, Stan. You drop one of your navy seals in an urban setting; you can spot the boot camp on them from a mile away. We're not fighting the-"
"Cold War." Stan interrupts, blowing the smoke out of his mouth. "Yeah, I know. You keep telling me that, Miss Deputy Director."
"Oh." Irene scoffs, "Wow. 'Miss Deputy Director?'"
"Your Daddy would agree with me."
Irene pressed her lips together and nodded, slightly irritated. "I'll be checking in with you every 48 hours." The woman turned on her heels and headed back to the sedan. "I'm on a plane to London in the morning." Irene informed him. Turning back around to face Hurley, Irene nodded to his hand, holding the cigarette. "And go back on the patch for god-sake."
Rolling his eyes as he shook his head, Stan watches as Irene climbs back into the vehicle. Turning his gaze to something moving in his peripheral, Stan's eyes widened slightly as he noticed his daughter walking up with an eyebrow raised.
"Shit." the older Hurley cussed.
"Stan." Addy greets as she reaches for her earphones and takes the right one out. "New recruit?" The girl questions, raising an eyebrow as Irene turns from the backseat to face the front, sending the brunette a warm smile and a wave.
"Yeah." Stan coughs, his attention drawn to Addison walking toward him cluelessly. As she strides towards him, her damp hair clings to her forehead, and she wipes away beads of sweat glistening on her face. "Can you make me a new cup of coffee real quick?" Hurley asks, attempting to hurry and get her away from the new recruit hidden on the other side of the vehicle, slamming his door shut.
Scrunching her face in confusion as the sweat drips from her forehead, Addy nods and sends her father an odd look. "On it." The girl smiles as she quickly walks past the old man, who seems slightly—nervous? He's never nervous. Why is he acting like this?
Climbing the steps, her thighs burning from her morning workout, Addy glances back to the vehicle briefly. As she climbs up the wooden porch, her eyebrows furrow in wonder. Lost in her thoughts, she fails to notice the uneven wooden boards that protrude from the surface. Suddenly, her foot catches on one of the raised planks, causing her to stumble forward, but she quickly regains her balance and continues on her way.
So much for an assassin, Adds. The girl rolls her eyes and swings the door open.
Gravel crunches beneath the tires of the sedan, now pulling out of the driveway, leaving the new recruit to watch the vehicle head off before turning his gaze to the cabin, noticing a young woman closing the door behind her at the entrance. Shifting his gaze back to the vehicle, Mitch watches as the sedan drives off.
"She ain't coming back." Hurley breaks through the silence, twirling the cigarette between his fingers as he watches the recruit shift his attention back onto him.
"Hey. Eyes front and center."
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"Make me another cup of coffee." Addy mocks her father's words as she lifts the pot of coffee up, pouring it into the mug.
Pressing her lips together as her blue eyes watch as the liquid fills the mug, she glances out the window in front of her and notices Stan intimidating the new recruit.
With a furrowed brow and a slight tilt of her head, Addy strains her eyes and leans forward, attempting to look past her father's broad frame. Frustrated by her inability to catch even a brief glimpse of the person in question, all she can make out is a mop of messy brown hair and a bland, grey-striped jacket.
Please be hot.
Entirely lost in thought, Addy completely forgets about the piping hot coffee she was holding in her hands.
Suddenly, a scorching hot liquid spills over her fingers, causing a sharp yelp to escape from her lips. Instinctively recoiling her hand upon the burning sensation, the mug slips out of her grasp and shatters into countless pieces on the ground.
"Shit." The girl cusses, flinching and quickly bending down to clean up the mess.
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"We got an empty cot, empty footlocker. They're both yours as long as you can last." Hurley glares at the new recruit before a sudden loud thump followed by a sharp yelp interrupts their conversation, causing the both of the two men to turn their heads toward the sound.
Hurley's gaze softens as he glances back towards the cabin, barely catching a glimpse of his daughter bending down to pick up whatever had fallen. "Good grief, Quinn." Stan rolled his eyes at his daughter's clumsiness, ignoring the way Mitch's eyebrows furrowed as he tried to see who the mysterious woman was.
There's a girl here? Mitch tilted his head to the side, attempting to catch a glimpse.
"Follow me." A deep voice cut through the silence, causing Mitch to turn his head swiftly. To his surprise, he noticed a tall, broad-shouldered man standing nearby, nodding towards him, urging him to follow.
Mitch's nodded as he shifted his eyes back and forth, alternating between the two men standing before him and the cabin. Following behind the guy, Mitch pressed his lips together in a small smile towards the old man. "See you out there. Heard a lot about you, by the way. Excited to see what you've got."
Stan let out a heavy sigh as he observed the new recruit walking closely behind Alex, studying his every move. After a second, he turned around and slowly walked up the stairs toward the cabin.
As Addy finishes cleaning up the mess and stands up, already feeling exhausted and drained, she glances out of the window. Her heart dropped into her stomach as her gaze locked onto a pair of eyes that she thought she would never see again.
Addy's heart skips a beat as she and the new recruit share a stunned gaze, their eyes widening with surprise and disbelief.
No...It can't be. Addy thought to herself as something inside her gut twisted.
He didn't look like the boy she had left behind. This Mitch was an older, muscular, and more intimidating version of him. With a rugged face and piercing gaze that seemed to cut through her like a knife. At first, his eyes revealed shock and disbelief, but then it was quickly replaced by something more intense and unsettling. His gaze turned colder and angrier as if a sudden realization had snapped a taut wire within him.
Attempting to shake off the fear that creeps up inside of her, Addy can't help but wonder why he would be here of all places. What could have happened?
It couldn't possibly be her Mitch, whom she thought would be happily married to Katrina and probably had kids by now. It couldn't be him. Was it her imagination playing tricks on her, or was it a hallucination brought about by the lack of sleep she had been experiencing?
"No.." Addy shakes her head slowly, ripping her gaze away from the recruit's burning glare. "There's no way that would-"
Suddenly, Hurley's voice jolts her out of her thoughts, making her realize that she hasn't even noticed the door to the cabin being opened. "We need to talk." Stan says, watching as Addison slowly sets the broken pieces of the mug down onto the counter.
"Not right now." Addy shakes her head and quickly turns to rush out of the room but is stopped by her father catching her arm.
Her heart beats erratically out of her chest as she snaps her gaze up to Hurley. "This isn't how I wanted you to find out." Stan whispered, his gaze softening as he saw the tears starting to well up in his daughter's eyes.
Shaking her head as she held back the burning sensation threatening to spill from her shocked gaze, Addy ripped her arm out of her father's grasp and rushed out of the cabin.
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Blinking in disbelief as he followed behind one of the other recruits, Mitch's body trembled with frustration and anger, his mind racing with a thousand thoughts all at once.
Was this some kind of sick joke? Why would a woman who looked exactly like his childhood best friend be here?
She died seven years ago.
He saw the paramedics rolling her body out of her house. Mitch went to her funeral. He mourned her. The only reason he pulled himself together was because of Katrina.
Anger seemed to replace any other emotions he had. He could feel the heat arising from his body as his breathing became more and more erratic. He tried to calm himself down, but the rage seemed to consume him entirely.
There wasn't any possibility that she could be alive. Or could she?
Shaking out of his thoughts as Alex swings the door open, Mitch glances back towards the cabin and walks inside.
Feeling the question burning, begging to be asked, Mitch turned to the other man. "Who was that woman in the cabin?"
Alex's eyebrows scrunched as she turned to meet Mitch's blank expression. "Who? Quinn?" The man shook his head as he scanned over Mitch's tense stance. "I don't know much about her. Other than the fact that she's been here for 6-7 years. She keeps to herself and doesn't really talk to the rest of us that much."
Alex shrugged as he pointed to a locker, changing the subject. "That's yours. Put your stuff away and meet by the cabin in 15 minutes." The man nodded toward the locker before heading back out of the homestead, leaving Mitch to shove his bag into the small metal cubby. Spinning around to a small sound coming from the door, Mitch's eyebrows knit together before he shut the metal door.
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"Okay, I'll just walk in the room and act like I don't see him." Addison whispered to herself, trying to figure out a way to approach the situation. "I don't look the same, right? He can't possibly know it's me."
Quietly and quickly walking towards the homestead, Addy pauses for a second, watching Alex leave the room. You can do this, Addy. He won't be that angry...right?
Softly placing her shaking hand up to the door, Addy pushes it open. Ignoring the nervous jitters wracking her body, she closes the door behind her and enters the room.
Scanning her nervous gaze around the numerous cots, her eyebrows furrow as she notes the empty room. He was just here. Where the hell could he have-
Suddenly, a pair of hands grip her shoulders tightly, roughly attempting to spin her around, but as soon as Addy spins around, she lifts her knee and collides it into the man's groin. A groan of pain escapes his lips as Addison attempts to further her attack. Rearing her fist back to land a punch, the guy suddenly catches her fist and spins her around till her back hits the wall behind her.
A gasp leaves the girl's lips as the man pins her against the wall with her clenched fist right beside her face. Ripping her gaze from her hand to her attacker, Addison's breath hitches. Dark, angry brown orbs met her own fierce gaze.
"Who the hell are you?" Mitch's face turned beet red as he yelled, his veins bulging out of his neck. "Huh?" He continued, his anger boiling upon seeing the woman up close.
Feeling her own anger starting to rise within, Addison reared her head back and slammed it into his, making the man stumble back and lose his grip. "Well, if you would like me to explain—"
Suddenly, Addy flinched as Mitch regained his stance. Lifting his gaze back up to the woman, his features softened as he noticed the small vein poking out on her forehead. The same vein that used to poke out of his best friend's forehead when she was stressed about something. It is her.
"Mitch." Addy sucked in a breath, "It's me, okay. It's Addy. Just calm down, okay?"
"Calm down?" Mitch narrowed his eyes, keeping his piercing gaze fixed on the girl in disbelief.
"You died! I watched them wheel your body out of your house! I went to your funeral. How is this even possi-" Mitch paused as the gears in his head turned. "Did you fake your own death?!"
Addy swallowed. She felt her throat constricting as the guilt from seven years ago caught up with her. "I didn't have a choice."
Mitch blinked in disbelief, shaking his head. "You didn't have a choice?" he cocked his head to the side, taking a step closer. "You really think I'm going to believe anything you say, now? After what you did. You left me. You made me believe that you were dead! You were supposed to be the ONE person that would never leave me."
"I'm sorry." Addy shook her head, feeling the tears burn their way to her eyes. "Just let me explain—"
"No." Mitch shook his head, "You don't get to do that." he scolded, stepping closer to the woman till he was inches away from her. "Stay away from me. I mean it. I'm here for one thing and one thing only."
Stepping away from the girl, Mitch sent her one last glare before swiftly turning around and heading out of the room, leaving Addy to stand in place, shocked.
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Lmk if you would like to be tagged. ☻
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mummybear · 4 years
Just Let Go
This Is Day 9 Of Roleplay May
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Words: 4570
Warnings: Smut, Hurt/Comfort, Letting Go Of Control, Restraints, Orgasm Control, Dom OC, Sub Stiles, Good Boy Kink, Think That’s It. 
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, OC (Michelle), Mentions Of Void, Mentions Of The Pack.
Pairings: Stiles Stilinski x OC (Michelle)
Summary: Stiles is pulling away from the pack a little and falling behind on school work, so Michelle agrees to help him with the studying for their econ exam. However, it turns out that all the studying in the world isn’t enough to help him. Michelle quickly discovers that Stiles is hiding more than he first let on to anyone else and she helps him find release.
A/N: This is Especially for my beautiful girl Michelle @holyhellpit @dylanholyhellobrien for all of her incredible support over the last five years we’ve known each other and not forgetting her amazing work! I try to include a fic for her in every time I do one of these things :) So I really hope you like it babe <3 ;)
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Michelle pulls up in front of the Stilinski house and grabs her things from the passenger seat of her car. She’d offered to help Stiles study for their upcoming econ exam, since he’d not really been able to focus lately for some reason. He hadn’t told anyone why, just said it was a bunch of different things that were mounting up, things that he didn’t want to get into. 
Although, Michelle had a sneaking suspicion that there was more going on than just a few things weighing on him. Especially since the thing with Void, it was clear apparently only to her that he wasn’t the same happy go lucky boy he’d once been. 
She could’ve been crazy but lately it felt more and more like they had been getting closer as friends, maybe even leaning towards more than friends. Which was perfectly okay with her, but she’d had no desire to push Stiles into something he didn’t want if it were just her imagination. So she ignored it the best she could, no matter how hard it was.
After locking her car she makes her way up the small path, noticing that the Sheriff’s cruiser is already gone. In all the time they’d been friends, she wasn’t sure how often the two of them had been in his house together and they’d spent even less time alone together. 
Reaching the door she takes a deep breath and knocks. It doesn’t take long for the door to swing open revealing a very dishevelled looking Stiles, hair sticking up all over the place and still in the middle of struggling to pull his t-shirt over his head. Which gave her a nice view of the surprisingly defined abs which he hides so well beneath the t-shirt he wears. 
Before he successfully gets it to fall into place.
Michelle is still biting back a smile at the way the goofball turns up at the door, when he finally meets her gaze, those big brown eyes of his growing a little wider than usual.
“I uh… Sorry, I guess time kinda got away from me a bit today” he rushes to explain, stepping back so that she can walk past him and into the house.
“Don’t worry about it, Stiles. It happens to the best of us,” Michelle assures him with a soft smile as she hangs her coat up and kicks off her shoes. “So, where do you want me?” Her question takes him by surprise and he almost chokes on his drink. Yet another thought crosses her mind when Stiles becomes a little awkward, rubbing at the back of his neck, after repeatedly stumbling over his words
“Well I was thinking upstairs, if that’s okay?” Stiles sighs a little relieved when Michelle simply nods. They both gather up their snacks and drinks and Stiles collects his things from the kitchen table before leading the way upstairs to his room. 
Michelle catches him rolling his eyes at something and frowns, feeling a little more worried about him by the second. 
“Is everything okay Stiles? You seem a little off, kinda nervous or something.”
Stiles remains quiet as the two of them walk into his room, but she thinks she might know why. Seeing that the duvet and sheets are a complete mess on the bed, her brow arches as she looks at Stiles, finding him already blushing as he looks between her and the bed.
“Yeah, sure. Fine, everything’s fine” he smiles awkwardly, starting to remake the bed but it would’ve been so obvious to anyone looking just how hard he was blushing.
Michelle wondered if he’d been having a little more than a mid afternoon nap before she’d turned up, but given his behaviour towards her already she thought it best to not say anything, simply heading over to the other side of his bed to help him finish making it. Stiles seems to relax a little in the moments that followed, an easy and comfortable silence falling between the pair.
Once their little job is done they grab their books and Michelle sets about teaching Stiles everything he needs for the exam. However, it doesn’t take long for them to become distracted, reminiscing on all of the times that coach had flipped out on them during classes. Almost all of them are related to Stiles and their love-hate relationship.
“So how’s the teaching assistants job going? You had to teach any dicks yet?” Stiles asks suddenly, as he pops another chip into his mouth, completely changing the subject.
“Yeah, It’s good. Keeping me super busy, I just think they find it odd that I’m only a few years older than them, yet I’m telling them what to do” she tells him honestly, catching the candy he tosses at her with ease.
“I bet you’re great at it though” Stiles mumbles quietly around a mouthful of food.
“Great at what?” Michelle asks through a laugh, “Being a bossy bitch?” 
“Hey, if the shoe fits,” Stiles laughs when she throws a pillow at his head.
“I’m gonna have to put you in detention if you keep sassing me Stilinski, be a good boy” she warns him playfully, gently slapping his thigh with the ruler that had been laying between them. 
Stiles’ surprised gasp catches her attention, he’s blushing again but he does his best to ignore the now slightly awkward situation. However, there’s no escaping the other type of tension in the air as their eyes meet. 
Stiles licks his lips, whispering something under his breath that Michelle misses. Before he quickly looks back at the workbook between them, not allowing the look to linger too long. For a minute there Michelle expects him to get up and bolt off the bed, to her surprise he just stays there, fiddling with a pen before it drops back onto the book. Michelle looks over at him to find him scratching at the back of his neck in that adorably nervous way he does.
“Can I just say something real quick? It’s kinda gonna bring the mood down, but I need to tell you” Stiles asks as he rolls on his side to face her, Michelle mirrors his actions, resting her elbow on the bed and her head on her hand.
“Of course you can. Is everything okay?” she frowns concerned carefully laying her hand over his.
Stiles shakes his head looking down at their hands he smiles a little before finally looking into her eyes again.
“I just wanted to say thank you, you know. For everything you’ve done for me, since V-Void. It kinda feels like you’re the only one who even tries to understand. It’s just nice, spending time with someone as amazing as you, who sees me really sees me and doesn’t wanna run away.” 
He’s so damn vulnerable suddenly and it breaks her heart to see him like this, releasing now more than ever that people don’t appreciate everything that is Stiles Stilinski. 
“I wish I could do more, Stiles. Why would I run away? He wasn’t you, not even close. It’s gonna take a lot more than some psycho stealing your face to scare me away” she assures him sweetly, Stiles smiles at that looking down at the bed as he nods.
Michelle cups his cheek as a stray tear falls from his eye, he looks up at her again. Those sweet honey brown eyes looking right into hers.
“I just wish I could forget, just let go.” he swallows hard leaning into her touch as his body subconsciously shifts towards hers.
Michelle can hear her blood pumping in her ears, she would literally give anything to help him but she’s just worried right now may not be the best time. Her thumb brushes over the moles and freckles on his cheek, unable to stop herself from glancing down at his lips when he sinks his teeth into the bottom one.
“Stiles, we should probably keep going. I don’t-” her sentence is cut short when she sees the dejected look on Stiles’ face.
“Yeah, you’re right. Sorry, stupid-” he’s cut off this time when Michelle presses her lips against his, there’s a moment where he stares at her with wide eyes. 
Only seconds pass before he relaxes, carefully his hands cup her cheeks, long fingers pushing into her hair as the kiss deepens. When he gives over control immediately Michelle moans against his soft lips, their tongues explore each other's mouths, slow and tender but she can feel the need in every movement he makes trying to pull her on top of him.
Reluctantly she pulls back, gently dragging her teeth over his full bottom lip. Searching his eyes for any uncertainty, but all she sees is the lust and desire in those slowly darkening brown eyes.
“I shouldn’t have done that,” she swallows nervously looking down at him, his wrists now trapped under her hands, his lips still a breath away from her own.
“Please Michelle, don’t stop. I’ll be a good boy,” he all but whimpers as his hands clenched into fists.
It takes every ounce of self control then and there for her not to give in.
“Oh fuck, Stiles, come on. You’re not playing fair,” 
His cheeky smile only forces a smile from her.
“Please, I need you so bad. I don’t trust anyone, not the way I trust you and I know you want this, just as much as I do” he rambles off quickly, leaning up the best he can his lips press against hers again. Her fingers flex around his wrists, pulling a moan from Stiles when her nails start digging into his skin.
“Are you sure? You’ll tell me if you change your mind?” she checks, letting up on her grip on him a little.
“I promise” he replies quietly.
“Okay, just relax. Sit up for me.” She instructs calmly, Stiles does as he’s told. Sitting up so they’re both facing each other.
Stiles watches her closely as she climbs off the bed crooking her finger for him to follow her. He practically scrambles off of the bed almost falling on the floor. Michelle can’t help but laugh fondly at his eagerness.
“Calm down baby, we’ve got all night” she winks pulling her t-shirt over her head and throwing it at Stiles. 
It smacks him in the face and falls to the floor, “Best teacher ever” Stiles groans, taking a step closer as she tugs off her jeans. Leaving her in just her simple black lacy bra and panties.
“Your turn Stilinski, strip” she smirks, watching him gulp as his eyes continue to roam her almost naked form. “You wanna be a good boy for me don’t you baby?” Michelle all but purrs, stepping closer and wrapping her arms around his neck as she pouts at him. 
Stiles nods rapidly in answer to her question. Her hands slip under the hem of his shirt, his skin so warm and soft. She smiles sweetly at him before dragging down his chest and over his abs pulling a whimper from those plump lips of his. Stiles quickly pulls his t-shirt over his head and drops it to the floor, 
“Everything?” Stiles questions, his voice breaking under the strain of his nerves slightly as his thumbs hook inside his sweatpants and the elastic of his boxers.
Biting her lip Michelle nods, as the sweatpants are pushed over his ass she’s amazed by just how muscular it is, making her want to sink her teeth into it. His thighs are clearly strong and his cock has her mouth watering. But she’s still unable to suppress her giggle when those sweatpants get stuck on his ankle. She gently pushes him back onto the bed and tugs them the rest of the way from his body and crawls over him, while he shuffles up towards the pillows.
“God you’re gorgeous baby,” she smiles appreciatively against his neck hearing Stiles moan beneath her. Her lips and teeth drag down his neck, slow and teasingly. Stiles’ hands clench in the duvet as her tongue slides along his collarbone, Michelle’s hands slowly move down his biceps, feeling his muscles clenching beneath the skin. 
His hands grab at her hair as her tongue circles around one of his nipples, her eyes flick up to meet his, seeing the hard rise and fall of his chest as she sucks marks into his skin.
When her fingers slowly drag down his ribs Stiles clenches his fingers in her hair. Narrowing her eyes at him, she makes him moan when a gentle slap hits his inner thigh.
“Hands off, naughty boy. Hold on to the headboard.” 
“Please Michelle,” Stiles whines wriggling beneath her.
“This is all about you. I’ll take as long as I want, now do as you're told or I stop, and you can wait even longer” she warns him sternly. Stiles swallows hard and nods, his pupils blown wide, eyes almost black when he finally does as she asks.
“Good boy,” she praises, pressing a kiss to his hip and sucking a mark into his skin as her fingers wrap around his impressive length. 
“F-Fuck” Stiles stutters throwing his head back against the pillows, Michelle moves her hand over him up and down slowly, enjoying the way he’s stretched out beneath her. Arms pulled above his head and stomach tensed, thick muscles straining against his skin. His head is tossed back in the pillows and his hips start bucking up into her fist.
Her free hand slides down his inner thigh, nails dragging along his perfectly soft skin, pulling a needy whine from his plump lips. Right before seals her lips around the swollen head of his thick length, laying her free hand and forearm across his lean hips and pinning them to the bed. 
“S-So good - oh god” his broken moan sends shivers down Michelle’s spine. Licking along the pulsing vein she slowly takes his cock deeper into her mouth. Flicking her eyes up to look at him again she sees that he’s white knuckling the headboard, eyes screwed shut and that pink plump bottom lip trapped between his teeth to the point it’s almost bleeding.
Her hand keeps moving over his cock, up and down, slow and purposeful as she removes her mouth for a moment. “Stiles, look at me baby and breathe,” Michelle encourages gently, Stiles snaps his eyes open and looks down at her taking a shaky breath.
“Wanna touch you, please,” he all but begs, as she takes his cock back into her mouth and gently sucks, sliding her tongue over the leaking tip collecting the salty pre-come as she goes  moaning quietly at the taste. Michelle lets her tongue circle around the perfect ridges, causing Stiles to thrust up towards her mouth. 
“You’re close aren’t you?” she asks voice breathy as she releases his cock with a quiet pop. Fidgeting where she sits as her panties dampen considerably further, seeing the desperate look in his eyes and his flushed cheeks. 
Stiles nods quickly in reply, making her smile as she completely releases his cock from her grip. “You want me to take these off?” she purrs seductively, sitting up on her knees and tugging at the sides of her panties.
Sitting up on his elbows and releasing the headboard, Stiles licks his lips, “Please” he all but croaks, eyes almost black as they lock onto her hands.
“Since you asked so nicely” she smirks, pulling them slowly from her body and dropping them off the side of the bed. Crawling over his body she straddles his hips, “You wanna feel how wet you make me baby?” Michelle asks seductively, as she rolls her hips down letting his thick length slide easily between her folds.
Stiles grabs her hips as they start to move, holding onto her as she rocks back and forth, watching the way his cock nudges against her clit with every movement. 
“So wet. So hot,” Stiles groans distractly, his hands feel incredible on her, long slim fingers digging into her hips painfully. Her own fingers are digging into his chest, clinging to him for life.
“Want me to sit on your face? Let you touch whatever you want?” 
“Fuck, yes please. Wanna taste your pussy so bad baby, please.” Stiles begs shamelessly, as his cock nudges at her entrance.
Leaning down she presses her lips to his, continuing to roll her hips into him. Stiles is a whimpering mess beneath her and she fucking loves it.
“Oh you will Stiles, but I want you to touch yourself while you’re doing it. Make yourself come for me, think you can do that?”
“Wanna come inside you though,” he moans as his cock starts to throb, still trapped between her folds, teasing her clit.
“Oh you will. Trust me, gonna make you feel so good,” she promises hotly against his lips, Stiles shivers dropping his hands from her hips, swallowing around the dry lump in his throat.
“Fuck, okay.” 
“There’s my good boy,” she praises, kneeling just above his face, facing the foot of bed, so that she can see everything. “Now, wrap those long fingers around your perfect cock for me big boy.” Michelle moans as he cranes his neck, pushing the thick muscle through her folds. Lowering her hips, when he finally does as she asked and starts pumping his cock in his fist. She can still see her slick glistening wet on his member as he moves his hand.
Leaning forward she rests her hands on his thighs, rolling her hips back into his face. Stiles cries out into her pussy when her tongue brushes the tip of his cock again. Sucking back a gasp when Stiles sinks two fingers inside her, licking around them as she pushes back into him. 
“Michelle, g-gonna come” his broken cry makes her pussy clamp around his fingers.
“Give it to me Stiles, come in my mouth” she practically growls, wrapping her lips around him as his fingers speed up their own push and pull, tongue rapidly flicking over her sensitive clit.
Stiles’ thighs start shaking when she sucks and his release floods her mouth, shooting down the back of her throat. Coughing a little she swallows him down, licking her smirking lips. Stiles moans when she climbs off of him and lays down beside him, “I wasn’t done, you didn’t finish.” he complains, still panting as his hooded eyes find hers.
Michelle spreads her legs and grips his hair between her fingers, “Oh sweetie, you’re far from done. The kiss she presses to his lips is quick and firm, pulling back with a harsh tug of his hair. “Now, no more hands pretty boy, work that mouth,” 
“Yes Miss. Fuck you’re so hot,” Stiles hisses at the sting of the grip on his head.
Releasing him for a moment, her hips arch as he climbs between her legs hooking them over his surprisingly broad shoulders. Two long fingers spread her pussy open, dipping his head down, his eyes stay on hers, letting the tip of his tongue flick back and forth over her tight bundle of nerves.
Michelle’s already so close, being wound up by him for this long is driving her crazy. Tasting his release on her tongue was only adding to her need. 
“You hard again baby?”
Watching his hips rolling against the duvet beneath him, he licks through her folds, from her soaked entrance to her throbbing clit moaning into her. 
“So fucking hard, God I want your come so bad, please” he whines needy and desperate just how she likes him.
“So close Stiles,” 
Her eyes flutter shut as he pushes those long skillful fingers back inside her, even deeper than before, moving even faster, curling them just right as he sucks her clit between his plump lips and flicks his tongue back and forth quickly.
“Fuck, yes! Right there Stiles!” she all but screams, hands quickly returning to his hair. Eyes rolling into the back of her head when her orgasm finally hits her like a truck. 
She can hear Stiles moaning her name into her pussy as he laps up her juices like a man starved. She’s whimpering a little as she comes down, so sensitive, removing his fingers from her Stiles licks them thoroughly clean. Michelle can’t help but watch that skilful tongue licking along those long fingers that had always hypnotised her and this was something else.
Stiles kisses and nips his way up her body, slow and gentle until his cock is brushing through her folds again with every slow rock of his hips. When their eyes meet Michelle almost gets lost in those gorgeous brown eyes.
Hooking her leg over his hip she smiles up at him, before quickly rolling them onto his back so that she’s on top of him. 
“Don’t look surprised Stilinski, I have thought about doing this to you for a while.” She winks, laughing when Stiles groans underneath her.
“So have I, but you just keep surprising me.”
“Is that what you were doing before I got here earlier? Thinking about me riding your cock were you?” 
Stiles licks his dry lips and nods, she bites back the smile that’s pulling at her lips the best she can. “I come so hard every time I think about you,” he confesses.
“You’ll have to show me some time. Now are you ready baby?” she asks gently, wrapping her fingers around his thickness, letting the swollen head of his cock press against her slick opening. 
“More than ready, please. Just wanna feel you,” 
Their moans blend together as her hand releases his cock and she slowly lowers herself onto his length. Feeling herself stretch around him perfectly the deeper it goes. Stilling herself she takes hold of his hands and guides them to her breasts, a loud groan is pulled from his mouth as she drops down fully, letting him fill her in one easy movement. 
Stiles’ fingers tighten on her breasts as she rolls her hips experimentally, “Fuck you’re so big baby, fill me up so good,” 
He roughly pinches her nipples causing a needy noise to leave her lips, “Hands back up you, that’s enough touching.” she warns him, as she switches and starts rising and falling on his cock. Stiles’ hands fall from her breasts but quickly grip her hips when she speeds up, “Final warning, you bad boy.” she pants harshly, feeling his fingers tighten on his hips makes her smile, but it’s anything but sweet.
“You’re so tight, feels so fucking good,”
When she almost completely stops her movements Stiles swears under his breath, catching his lip between his teeth. Leaning over him she grabs a tie from the bedside table, “Hands. Now Stiles. You do not want to keep testing me,” she demands. 
Stiles whimpers, giving her his hands, pulling them together roughly she ties his wrists together before connecting the tie to the bed.
“God you’re so sexy when you’re angry” Stiles moans out when her movements become more insistent. Keeping her eyes locked on his as she leans back, resting her hands on his strong thighs. Changing the angle perfectly, so that the head of his cock now drags against her inner walls in just the right way. The harder she bounces the louder Stiles becomes, the muscles in his arms straining as he tugs against his bindings.
Planting his feet on the bed Stiles starts to thrust his hips up, meeting her every thrust, her edge is nearing as the slapping of their sweaty skin falls into sync with every moan and whimper they’re pulling from one another.
“S-So close” Stiles whimpers chewing on his lip. Michelle slips a hand between her legs and starts to rub at her clit in hard fast precise circles.
“Don’t you fucking dare! Naughty boys come l-last, so wait your turn,” she moans around a gasp, the remaining hand on his thigh squeezing hard.
Michelle’s pussy clenches around Stiles’ cock and she screws her eyes shut, feeling the orgasm approaching, his name is a chant that falls from her lips. Her mouth drops open in a silent scream when she finally falls over that edge, her stomach clenching and her walls fluttering.
She can faintly hear Stiles begging for release beneath her and forces her eyes open, resting her hands on his chest, feeling his heart beating rapidly beneath her hand.
“Need it please, God please,” he moans loud and out of control.
Nodding she lays fully on top of him and kisses him hard, all tongues and teeth as she unties his hands. Hands that immediately grab her ass and this time she doesn’t stop it him, “Give it to me baby, fuck me good and hard,” she purrs against his ear, dragging her teeth over his earlobe and pushing back onto his cock.
Stiles is like a man gone wild when he finally takes control, quickly flipping her onto her back. He grabs one of her legs and throws it over his shoulder, so that it’s trapped between them which changes the angle completely, heightening everything. 
Plump pink lips attack her neck, sucking marks into her soft skin everywhere that he can reach as he continues pounding roughly up into her, his hips begin to stutter. 
Grabbing Michelle’s hands he links their fingers and pushes them back against the bed.
“You feel so good, Stiles! Shit, come on baby!” 
Stiles all but growls when he finally comes undone, two more rough thrusts of his hips, has him collapsing against her, sweat coating their skin, his damp hair pressed into her neck as he pants harshly, chest burning and heaving. Michelle holds him against her when he releases her hands, gently rolling them onto their sides. 
His eyes flutter open to meet the perfect mix of blue and green in her eyes, “you’re so amazing,” Stiles smiles sleepily, brushing the backs of his fingers across her cheek. Pressing a chaste kiss to her lips. “So beautiful,” he breathes out slowly.
Michelle can’t help but smile, blushing at the way he’s looking at her, he looks lighter than he has in months, his big brown eyes are now back to being warm and loving just like they had been before. 
“Hey you already got laid you know. No need to keep buttering me up,” she jokes with a laugh, which Stiles quickly joins in with. 
“You were just something else. So much more than I ever hoped and expectations were high” 
He’s grinning like an idiot as he holds her closer, “Like I said best teacher ever.”
“Are you gonna tell the pack what’s actually going on?” she asks, pushing the damp hair from his forehead.
“Maybe at some point. Right now, I’m happy with it just being me and you.” He smiles sweetly, leaning into her touch when she cups his cheek, letting her thumb brush across the blush.
“Hmmm, I like the sound of that,” she smiles letting him pull her into another unforgettable kiss.
Tags: @chewie-redbird​ @julzdec​ @lettersofwrittencollective​ @stiles-o-dylan24​ @mogaruke​ @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone​ @dylanholyhellobrien​ @desireepow-1986​ @emichelle​ @lilulo-12​ @22sarah08​ @deanwanddamons​ @simsadventures​  @charmed-asylum​ @nicole-lynne​ @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog @defenderrosetyler​ @emilyshurley​ @emoryhemsworth​ @foxyjwls007​ @mylovelydame21​ @sunshineandwings86 @captain-shannon-becker​ @heimdoodle​ @plushpyrate​ @winchester-wifey​ @screamxqueenx94​ @brien-odylan​ @fox-in-a-mousetrap-8 @riseandshinelittleblossom​ @riseandshinelittleblossom​ @mrs-mitch-rapp93​  
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dreamer-snail-re · 4 years
Reblogged Writing Masterlist
Here is my reblogged Writing Masterlist! As I’ve said many times, I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THESE WORKS!!! This is just to act as navigation and easier access of what I’ve reblogged. If you don’t want to be on this masterlist or want me to take your post down, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!
Complete Reblogged Masterlist
Note: These links go to my reblogs and not directly to the creator’s account. Also, if there are crossovers, the link will be under whichever franchise the main pairing is from.
Updated: April 8, 2023
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Traitor Series (Sokka x fem!reader) by @sokkascroptop​
Love and Monsters
Alive Together Series (Joel Dawson x GenderNeutral!reader) by @fandom-monium​
Custody Arrangement (Joel Dawson x F!Reader) by @clints-lucky-arrow​
​Monsters, Love, and Family Pt. 1 Pt. 2 [Marvel/LaM crossover] (Joel Dawson x stark!reader) by @fanficimagery
The children are our future? (Peter Parker x male!stark!reader) by  @iliumheightnights​
Physical Touch, Not Necessarily Love Series (Sharon Carter x reader) by @buriedhatchetcominguplavender​
The Maze Runner
Smoke and Fire Series Part 4a (Firefighter!Thomas x reader) by @writingsbychlo
Stranger Things
Cool audio scene from Rock My World (Steddie) by @cholvoq
Teen Wolf
Instrutable Series Part 1 (Stiles Stilinski x OFC) by @oh-obrien
My Personal Devil in Prada Series (Lydia Martin x Winchester!OFC) by @buriedhatchetcominguplavender
Teen Wolf Rewrite Series (Stiles Stilinski x reader) by @bilesbilinskix​
Stiles drabble (Stiles Stilinski x reader) by @oh-obrien​​
Void!Stiles Royal!AU drabble(??) (Noah Stilinski [like Void!Stiles but not] x reader) by @writingsbychlo
Art is to Feel | A Bridgerton Series (Anthony Bridgerton x fem!reader) by @peterpparkrr
Mondo Owada headcannon (Mondo Owada x transM!reader) by @mookoo-writes​
Mondo Owada x Ultimate Tattoo Artist!Reader by @a-gun-with-one-bullet​
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Fur, Fangs, and Forbidden Feelings // Stiles Stilinski x OFC McCall.
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Archer McCall is the fraternal twin sister of Scott McCall and secretly in love with their best friend Stiles Stilinski.
If you love Stiles Stilinski being obvious and helplessly in love. This is for you!
I am so excited for this fic as I have searched for a Stiles fanfiction that has all my favorite tropes and cannot find one that isn’t abandoned.
This has brothers bestfriends, childhood bestfriend, slow burn and miscommunication. It will eventually have smut and is absolutely 18+ as it has adult themes and humor.
If you’re a fan of my writings so far, or just looking for another fanfiction to add to your ever growing list of fanfictions to read, I would say this a good one to add. Season one is completed and season two is half way done!
You can read it on my ao3
or my Wattpad
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sunnyie-eve · 5 days
32 | He's Gone
Series: Indispensable | Teen Wolf
Paring: (Stiles Stilinski x OFC Martin)
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Kidnapping, Void Stiles being a creep
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When Stiles wakes up during the day he notices Julia passed out in the chair next to the hospitable bed. She looked so peaceful yet uncomfortable as she used three chairs total to sleep. The main chair for her head and two out from the hall for her hip and feet. Melissa even gave her an extra pillow and blanket since she refused to leave.
"She's been here all night and morning." Noah walks in to check in on his.
"She's been here since last night?" Stiles looks back over at her not waking up from their voices.
"She refused to leave your side, Stiles. How much she cares about you... You mean a lot to her." Noah looks over at her now, "I'm not surprised she beat Melissa and Rafael to where you were." Noah looks back over at Stiles, "She said you knew she could find you."
"I remember that part. And I remember feeling relieved when I left Melissa's touch going into Julia's." Stiles sits up looking down at his hands, "I was terrified dad."
"I know. They're gonna start running tests on you now that you're awake. See what's going on with you." Noah lets him know, "I'll let them know you're awake now." Noah leaves the room so Stiles looks over at Julia.
While just taking her in Stiles thinks back to when they first started getting close, about how he said there was just something about her. He still didn't full understand what it was but he was scared to lose her because he knew he wouldn't find in anyone else. There was something about her he also needed but it wasn't something about her at all. It was just her.
"Julia," He whispers her name trying to slowly wake her up, "Julia." He says slightly louder waking her up.
"Huh? What? Something wrong?" She sits up rubbing her eyes.
"Why are you still here?" He shakes his head at her.
"Because I can. Do you want me to leave?" She asks getting up walking over to the bed to lean against it.
"Not really but I hate that you are in an uncomfortable position. You spent hours there."
"And honestly I don't care because I'm here for my friend." She gives him a look then smiles, "Don't worry about me, really."
"Then you shouldn't worry about me either." He grabs her hand pulling her to sit on the bed next to him.
"Our situations are very different." She laughs leaning into his side as he puts an arm around her to hug her.
"That's very true but still that's entirely uncomfortable. Next time just get in the bed and push me over to make room for you."
"I don't want there to be a next time." She tilts her head up to look at him.
"I don't either." He sighs.
For the rest of the day they start the little tests on Stiles and later in the day Scott shows up in time for the MRI.
The doctor explains how the Magnetic Resonance Imaging device will be very loud as it takes pictures of Stiles brain. The noise is from the electrical pulses through metal coils that will be surrounding him inside the tube-like device.
Stiles confesses to Scott that the tests are looking for frontotemporal dementia which is the same illness that killed his mother. Stiles accurately describes the incurable disorder in which areas of your brain begin to shrink. Scott tells if Stiles has it he will do something implying that he will attempt to cure him.
The boys hug each other for a good moment before breaking it, "Come on, Julia." Scott grabs her hand to lead them out of the room but Stiles grabs her other hand.
"Don't forget your hug." He pulls her away from Scott into a hug, "Don't worry about me please." He whispers in her ear, "I don't want to see you cry." He adds before leaning back to give her a sad smile, "Promise me."
"I won't cry since you asked." She chuckles so he kisses her forehead before she leaves with Scott.
"I should have kissed her again..." Scott hears Stiles whisper to himself as the two leave the room.
In the waiting area, Julia sees the look on Scott's face making her laugh at him, "What's the shocked face for?"
"What's the face for?" She asks trying to get comfortable in a seat.
"I hear Stiles whisper something." He takes his seat looking at her.
"What? Him saying he doesn't want to see me cry?" She asks confused why he would have that reaction to that.
"No, when we were both leaving the room."
"Oh, what did he say?" She asks curious now.
"He wanted to kiss you again." He hears her heart start to race, "When have you two kissed?"
"It was to help him out with a panic attack when all the parents were taken and you went off." She tells him, which was true.
"So just once then?"
"Yeah," She nods her head.
"Is something going on between you two or? Anything happen after Danny's party?" He asks her trying to get her to say the whole truth.
"Nothing happened after the party." She tells the truth again.
"Well something happened between you two because I can tell." He gives her a look, "Just tell me. I'm y'all's friend."
"Fine, we've kissed a few times." She gives in and wasn't gonna tell him about them getting together.
"A few?" He says surprised.
"Yes, a few times but nothing is going on between us. We're still just friends." She lets him know before getting up to leave and bumps into Derek who asks about Scott so she tells him where he is.
When leaving the bathroom she stops by the vending machine to get a snack, "We're going to destroy all of them." Julia looks around to see where that came from but no one was around her.
Suddenly the lights in the hospital flicker off and on making people panic. Calmly she turns a corner and gets startled by Stiles standing here looking down at her.
"What the hell?" She eyes him up and down confused why he was dressed and not in the room still.
"Quicker than we thought." He chuckles and the look in his eyes made Julia stare at him.
"Where's your dad and Melissa?"
"Busy looking at results and stuff. Ready to go?" He reaches for her hand.
"Go where? Stiles what's going on?" She asks then hears Noah's voice calling out Stiles name so she turns around.
"Trust me." He pulls out the syringe and injects the medicine into the side of her neck causing her to pass out. He catches her then picked her up leaving the hospital with her.
"What do you mean Julia is missing as well?" Lydia gets loud as Scott and Derek catch her up and let her know.
"We couldn't find her just like Stiles." Derek tells her.
"So what you're saying she left with him voluntarily or?" Lydia asks even louder.
"We don't know. She doesn't know about Stiles being possessed." Scott adds.
"No, with what you said was going on there's no way she just left with him." Lydia tells the two, "How do I explain to our mom she's missing?"
"Say she's staying with a friend for a few nights. I don't know." Derek tells her.
"Not to be rude but would she even notice or has your mom gotten better like you with caring about her?" Scott asks Lydia.
"She's gotten better too, Scott. She still has her moments but Julia is still her daughter." Lydia glares at him.
Scott drops the topic, "Just don't worry about her. I'm sure she can take care of herself against him."
"You saw what he did Scott. Julia can't take care of herself. And if she didn't willing leave with him then he did something to her." Derek turns to him.
"He's right Scott." Lydia sighs.
"Stiles wouldn't hurt her."
"This isn't Stiles though, Scott. We have no idea what the Nogitsune will do to her. All we can do is hope he wouldn't do anything to her." Derek tells him.
It's been a day since Stiles went missing with Julia and Lydia was getting worried but keeping calm around their mom. No one still had no idea where the two were.
At the moment, Julia was lying down groaning as she wished for the screams in her head to stop. The Nogitsune was keeping her half awake half sleep so she wouldn't remember much. He wanted to know how much pain he was going to cause with his traps and luckily Julia could feel the pain that was to come in the future.
"Ahh, I can see why Stiles likes you." He moves hair out of Julia's face as she frowns with her eyes closed moving around. "You are beautiful."
"Stiles," Julia whines still mostly asleep.
"We're right here, Julia. You have nothing to worry about." He plays with her hair, "You might be useful in more than one way." He studies her face, "Oh, what else can I do with you?"
For a few hours he watches her sleep waiting for her to wake up the Nogitsune lets Stiles back in control of his body slightly as Julia wakes up confused about where they were and what happened.
"Where are we?" She sits up feeling weak from the medicine he's been injecting her with to keep her asleep.
"Don't worry about it." He tells her.
"Okay, well what the hell happened?" She looks over at him.
"I don't remember much."
Julia thinks back the best she could to remember what happened at the hospital, "The last thing you told me was to trust you... Why do I have a feeling you're lying to me?" She asks him.
"Because I slightly am..." He looks down at the floor, "I didn't bring you here." He looks up at her and slowly the look on his face changes into a smile, "Because I did."
Julia looks at him like he was crazy, "What the hell are you talking about Stiles?"
"Stiles isn't he anymore." He tells her, "Julia, you're smart... What are evil foxes called?"
"Void Kitsune or Nogitsune. A dark spirit. Why? And what the hell is going on? Where are we?!" She shouts at him.
"And they fed on chaos, strife, and pain. Correct?" He asks her.
"And they can possess others so put together the pieces sweetheart." He leans closer to her and she leans back getting it now.
"Why am I here? What happened at the hospital?" She crawls back to move away from him.
"I damaged the wiring on the roof the previous night... Which caused some some chaos to erupted. Someone hit a fire hydrant so water plus a lose electoral cord caused about three people to get electrocuted. One being Isaac." He explains to her, "Also you're here to help me."
"Like I would help you."
"You can't help it because it's what you are Julia. I already know what I'm working on will work thanks to your power while you were out." He smiles standing up, "Speaking of... Time to go back to sleep." He moves towards her so she tries to fight him away from her but he was way stronger.
"STOP IT!" She keeps trying to keep the needle away from her.
His left hand grabs a good chunk of her hair tugging it to make her head lean back making her whines in pain, "Hopefully next time you wake up Stiles will be back to normal." He leans closer to her face as tears form in her eyes, "Let them fall for me Julia." He chuckles tugging on her hair harder causing the tears to fall.
She wasn't crying just from the pain but also because she was terrified of Void especially now that he moved his hand from her hair to her throat. She dug her nails in to his arm still trying to keep the needle away from her.
"You're so pretty when you cry." He smiles before he leans all the way his licking the one of the tears off her cheek before using injecting her to fall asleep.
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nicole-lynne · 4 years
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Who Makes You Happy
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