#nightmares galore
jacklyn-flynn · 4 months
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Definitely in the home stretch now! Chapter 20 is up, only seven left to go! (According to my outline, but when do those ever turn out the way we plan?)
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fandomartist1273 · 10 days
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She under my tale until I determination
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lucidiferneedssleep · 10 months
Okay, so. Since I haven't posted this already, this is the main idea I had for DreamCycle before I start writing it:
Basically, DreamCycle is a DreamTale alternate in which, rather than both Nightmare and Dream being Guardians, they are instead appointed Gods, the sons of the original Gods. Other characters I imagined would be of similar origin in different fashion would be Ink, Error, generally just the OutCodes. I'm gonna dive into Sovereign Rift (SR), which is a variant of DreamCycle in which Nm and Dream are Kings, rather than just normal Gods protecting the sun and moon. In SR, rather than there being different universes which you can jump between, all the AUs are instead a whole bunch of neighboring countries. (Shhh it's not Empireverse. They were also all born out of the original Gods, such as Nim, who will be going under the alias 'Gaia' for this.)
(The main Gods in this case would be the parent of each respective God. YES, the CQ siblings are canon to this idea, so Geno, Fresh and Error all have the same creator-mom. Reaper has a dad. Ink has his adoptive caretakers because his actual mom is very dead, and very much THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE????? like bro. OP much? Yada Yada you know this part)
The twins were created with their mother's magic and instructed to care for the country of Ignicia as their mother tended to separate places at the same time before falling ill to erosion. (The cause of that erosion is a plot point later on, so I'll explain that when I get to it.)
Nightmare and Dream were created with two separate elements, both needed to spark life. The warmth of the sun's rays and the waves of the water. Sun and Moon, created to rule day and night. Nightmare was a drop of the same energy he could control, water, a goopy little puddle, ice cold. Dream was a ball of hot, hot fire. The two were each given an apple at their birthplace, told that the magic-infested fruit would build them a body just akin to their mother's, who was a remnant of the tree of which the fruit had been plucked.
(This basically granted them the ability to freely switch between two forms: One based on the apple, a fire-like figure for Dream, and the usual goop for Nightmare and then their 'passive' states, being the one they usually used to not expend as much energy keeping their magic protection up.)
Dream, being only seconds older than Nightmare, was awarded the title crown prince. Despite his usual childish nature, he proved to be a good leader as they both grew. With their mother growing more and more absent as years passed by, they became forced to take the responsibilities of the kingdoms into their own hands. Nightmare was working hard at being Dream's right-hand-man, but struggling under the apparent distaste the people had for him. Dream was reveling in the glory of his throne, but often was crushed under the sheer weight of the heavy crown he was appointed.
The main plot point is the twist that during a friendly duel turned traitorous battle, there's the first 'incident'. But rather than Nightmare turning on Dream and slaughtering a village as what happens in the original universe, Dream lunges a spear lit afire right through his skull without thinking. Then he feels the most guilt he ever has within his life. It wasn't meant to hit him, it was meant to scare him. But now his brother was dusting hurting because of him, so he immediately took to trying to heal him like he usually did when they fought. Except Nightmare refused. He ran off, his skull becoming slathered in a gooey substance as his vision faded. He wound up back at his own temple, dunking his head in the healing waters of the moon, vowing to never forget the day.
Later the same year, he fled the country, instead gathering the castaways, the forgotten and the unwanted by the strict leaders of Dream's Empire Ignicia, creating his own nation: Oscuro, Kingdom of Darkness. Swallowed by evil. Nightmare would forever be an empty shell, only half of what was of his childhood self, but his Moon remained in a form which obscured his past and hid his hurt parts. This meant war.
Through the rubble of the war marched out many other separate neutral parties, either wishing for peace or for their own benefit through taking no sides of the large war.
Such include, for the Gods:
Geno, Omnipotence and Time
Reaper, Death
Error, Destruction
Ink, Creation
Fresh, Illusion (Parasitism)
Other third parties could include for example Swap (Revolution and revolt, justice) or characters like Cross and Orphic, but that's the main idea
The main leading plot points would be:
- The rebellion against the 'Universal Law' with humans not being able to talk to Gods
- Dream's obsession with power (Savior complex and narcissism that was engraved in him after being told he's this great ruler his entire childhood and needing to meet up with those standards, else he lose his purpose in life. Yeah, self-esteem issues who?)
- Nightmare's desire for revenge ("You're not my brother anymore" is def gonna be said at some point and I will undoubtedly cry.)
- The consequences of the war among the people and other nations (universes)
- Ink's non-emotional state and how it changes with time
- Error learning to discern right from wrong because he's a nervous, angry wreck throughout the thing
- The breakage of the "Universal Law" resulting in the tree being killed and Gaia nearly dying bc of it, instead burying herself underground until it became so much that the wilting tree's instinct turn on her own sons to absorb the magic that is being taken away because of mistreatment of the Gods
-Fresh's subplot of creating a whole cult of people he can feed off of through his parasite
- Geno's prophecy of doom because he's seen wayyy too much, poor boy needs a break
- Nightmare creating his own nation after leaving Dream's in reluctance to his rule and taking in refugees who don't think they're treated right (Nightmare's gang would be his highest ranked generals ofc)
I THINK THAT'S ALL. I spend a reeeeealllyyyy long time on this. But I'm excited about what you guys might think! Me and a close friend are working on starting the actual book so we might release an actual start to the story at some point, if ya'll want it <3333
Thanks for reading!!
Some concept art:
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fawndlyvenus · 8 months
When you wanna write but the motivation is miles away because ✨mental health✨
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yournaothings · 9 months
I don't know much about Shattered!Dream, but listening to Starset today, "Unbecoming" had me thinking and plotting a little one shot story for Shattered!Dream and a reader...
You found me drifted out to sea
It's automatic
It's telepathic, you always knew me
And you laugh as I search for a harbor
As you point where your halo had been
But the light in your eyes has been squandered
There's no angel in you in the end
I imagine reader was saved by Shattered when their au was being destroyed. He's kind (rough around the edges) and takes reader in. Reader thinks he's a hero in their book, yeah? Until something happens and reader sees the negative skeleton monster he truly is.
"You point to where your halo had been. But the light in your eyes has been squandered... there's no angel in you in the end."
Reader realizes they're trapped now with Shattered. Just the hopelessness, the regret, the shame reader feels feeds Shattered.
He keeps them.
And wouldn't it be something if Nightmare was the one who saves Reader from his brother?
I just wanna write this fic so bad! But, I start, and my brain decides "now isn't the time for stories." 😭
I just wanna write and share my stuff with awesome folks.
EDIT::: literally five minutes after posting this...
What if it was Baggs!Sans instead?! 😲
I would have to rework the plot for Baggs. But, it can still work! 🤔
Gonna have to write some plots down, grab my headphones and start typing while listening to Starset.
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bloodwards · 7 months
okay but why have I been dreaming of being stuck in saw traps lately 💀 I haven't even seen any of the movies...
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regnumaves · 1 year
Reliving Nightmares Galore ❁ Tibarn & M!Alear
The Hawk’s sharp cry pierces through the air in unison with a broken, distorted mixture of a bear’s roar and a pained scream as Tibarn’s talons rake across the mutated animal’s face, depriving it of its eyesight - before his other leg pierces right through, effectively enough to put it out of its misery. The bear collapses, and sure enough, in the gaping mouth the Hawk can see the stone matching the description he had received upon being dispatched, embedded in the palate.
As he beholds the remains of the animal, with what almost looks like dragonskin covering the fur in patches and stone-like scales beginning to emerge from its skin on the back and legs, it somehow feels even worse than what Izuka’s wretched drug did to his brothers back then - and that is a thought he never expected to have.
He is not given a lot of time to ponder on that, however - another warped, very wrong-sounding growl reaches him, this time from what used to be a wolf, but is now halfway through the process of becoming an overgrown lizard, from what he can hear. (He has a feeling they should be very glad the goddesses of Tellius cannot see it. This right here might just be what would convince Yune that Ashera had a point.) He makes a quick mental note to return to the bear carcass later to collect the Crest Stone - he was told he should not be in physical contact with those items for too long - before making his way over to the next victim.
It is then that he realizes the mutated wolf is lunging at someone else. A student, by the looks of things, the double-colored hair standing out in the murky forest, facing the mutated kind-of-but-not-really-anymore-wolf.
“Watch out!” The Hawk shouts, his voice unchanged in spite of his shifted state; as though on cue, the animal is drawn to the source of the voice, rapidly changing targets. It jumps on him, but Tibarn is prepared - the talons grab onto the wolf’s sides and quickly throw it off of him and to the ground, open and vulnerable to attack.
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silvermarmoset · 2 years
im an idiot im a moron. hello THE COLORS ARE INVERTED. the beige coat is deep blue. the colorful tie is grey and the end is square. ok the suit is still brown with blue details but the pattern is different! and the plaid makes you pay more attention to the horizontal bits than the vertical bits i guess??? anyway im on the mirror!ten/nightmare!ten train now
anon I’m vibing with you so hard right now. join the nightmare!ten train (we are the correct train)
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angria · 2 years
Not only do I get to have one, but two attachment dreams in a single night!!! One about T and his kids...woke up in near tears. Manage to fall back to sleep only to have one about E leaving.
My head fucking hates me. Why do I even bother.
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mybrainproblems · 2 years
11x23 will always be everything to me for the mlpnatural of it all
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astronomical-bagel · 5 months
just had that meltdown that this whole week has been leading to 😎✌️you know what did me in? Spilling my crackers on the floor
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confinesofmy · 9 months
i don't know what's wrong with me but i keep waking up every 1-3 hours going "aw man, it's still tonight. :/ i don't know how tf i'm getting back to sleep." i keep getting 5 hours of sleep over the course of 9. this sucks.
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sovamurka · 1 year
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Бесобой / Demonslayer - ch. 27 - Balor
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
what's most jarring about s7 (mediocre dialogue and storytelling aside) is the camerawork and especially THE CLOSEUPS
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traumapissbb · 15 days
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tours galore wow gonna be percieved by phan next week what a nightmare
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You know how people tell you not to look up stuff on the internet so you look it up anyway?
I'm here to warn you. Seriously. If you are even the tiniest bit sensitive, don't look this up. In fact, unless you're comfortable watching awful things happen to children purely due to the fact that the medium portraying it is animation and thus not real, immediately blacklist the term "Fukouna Shoujo" from any and all devices and websites.
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