#nightsong au
Nightsong (Nightheart) Changes |
His name is now Nightsong, because this version of Bramblestar had an idea and thought it was good.
Nightsong's beef with Sparkpelt is exacerbated by the stress of him feeling like his home is falling apart, and everybody is pretending it's fine, and many issues.
He has ADHD, and the RSD that accompanies it causes plenty of issues.
As for NightSun, I'm going to do a whole other post on that, but I'll just leave it at "Nightsong asked to fake date so he could join ShadowClan, Sunbeam agreed, and they end up adopting and coparenting."
He has a fight with Sparkpelt that made choose to leave, about his name choice and disillusion with ThunderClan.
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optiwashere · 4 months
Welp, here it is. The epilogue for my modern/band AU is done, and it's extremely bittersweet to see it posted. I'll leave you to see what the tone of the epilogue is, though.
Does Shadowheart get a picturesque ending? Is she living in a happily-ever-after with Ash? Are there pets involved?
Anyways, this fic was a ton of fun to write! It's still wild to me that so many people jumped along for an AU that I randomly mused about over coffee on a random morning last year. I go into some more details about kinda "behind the scenes" stuff in the end note if you're curious. Thanks for reading 💜
Rating: E for a few smut scenes
Ship: Shadowheart/Trans Fem Tav
Tags and AO3 Summary under the break.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Band AU, POV Alternating, Romance, Angst, Strangers to Lovers, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Religious Cults, Abusive Relationships, past abusive relationships, implied/referenced past prostitution, Dissociation, Trans Female Character, Smut, in which a traumatized guitarist finds love in a small town, and searches for her cottagecore fantasy
Shadowheart, the guitarist for a small-time metal band on tour, nearly crashes her band's van into an auto body shop in a podunk called Rivington. That's the least of her worries. Every day on the road revolves around the devolving relationship with her ex, the Avatar of her religion and the frontwoman of the band. Everything is Shar, and Shadowheart knows no escape nor if she deserves one. At least until Ash, the head mechanic of that dinky garage, questions everything Shadowheart's ever known, digging into her life until they both bleed.
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nebby-stardust · 2 years
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HAH YOU FELL FOR MY TRAP I was in fact being suspicious and I fell for Velvet (he's pretty)
Velvet and Fell Nightsongtale by @skitteringjunbug
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recitedemise · 6 months
@sunderdust asked: (ward): sender is a ward at the receiver's house/home. / Royal, Fantasy Romance, and Spice: still accepting.
In ways he's to hesitant to admit, Solomon's company has become a balm. At the same time, however, as though by tragedy's permission, the man affords his heart with a terrible aching. He'd come on as a helper, an assistant in his home by Morena's suggestion. Yet, as time so faded, the gold heat of summer surrendering to fall, he'd grown in his importance toward something more considerable. All at once, he's a staver, a chaser of his home's grave dark.
Gale, newly blighted, moves mountains for a pittance of a spell. He's been soundly spurned, tattered in his heart and brined in grief, and what company has such a man so wanting in station? Better yet, what soul beyond these walls would seek him out? There's little but the quiet, little in his halls but some festering terror. However, with Solomon here, he'd granted the illusion of normalcy... That is until his chest aches have grown to split skin and gums. Damn. Gale, discreetly bleeding, knows it's time.
"It's been a couple of months now, hasn't it? I've hardly noticed, to be honest, but I suppose it's best to take that as a testament to your invigorating company." Gale spoons his dinner, both of them sat with plated fish. Solomon sits there, the afternoon light trickling gold his dark, dark hair. House Dekarios, very decadent, colors him a born noble. "There are few things as rewarding as bartering words with a clever mind. Unfortunately," here it comes, "it's time we parted. Your help with my condition has been invaluable, of course, but I've come to realize your brilliance is better placed elsewhere. Besides, being a wetnurse is too much a turn for a thrilling adventurer. As it were, there's only so many surprises my tower can provide."
Gale smiles amiably, Tara watching the two all too sharply. Beneath his sleeve, his bandaged arm cracks like a fissure. He averts Solomon's gaze to pick at his trout. Lonely, will be, doomed, doomed, doomed—! "Should I leave my payment to you this month by your bedside? Feel free to finish dinner with me. I won't deny you."
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meanbossart · 1 month
Hiya! Thank you for that fantastic art of the two of them in the Bhaalist AU.
I've kind of been assuming that in the Bhaalist AU, everyone except Astarion got their bad end. Is Shadowheart a Dark Justiciar in this timeline? Also... did Drow rejoin the efforts to take over the Sword coast with the absolute, even if temporarily? Since we only see the one stone in the piece, but that doesn't mean he isn't hiding the other two elsewhere, like in his side? Did he help destroy the brain anyway, and just keep the stone for the sake of showing off?
Soooo basically I don't find the evil endings to the game particularly interesting. They are very, well, final, and with some exceptions imply that everyone around you is now a mindless zombie with no free will of their own. That's not very rich grounds for creative writing (or I'm just not that creative LOL).
So you can assume that in this timeline that I have going on with Bhaalist DU Drow, the goals all remain the same but they just aren't as simple as the game makes them for you. The control of the brain is still a work in progress/unstable, and the stones, while all in DU drow's possession, remain split, and their main use now is really as a bargaining chip as he attempts to grow his own influence and the cult's.
I think Shadowheart would have followed the same path as she did in the "canon" run (since Du Drow didn't have to persuade her to spare the Nightsong either way) but then given to Viconia in act 3 after they grew apart as DU Drow dug his heels deeper and deeper. Gale would have been killed because the last thing DU Drow wants is another god to compete with, as well as the Emperor, Orpheus, and Karlach. I don't know if there's any universe where this is possible, but I could see him also pushing Wyll to take over his father's role as duke and swaying him to operate in a way that is favorable to Bhaal's plans. Maybe we can have evil Wyll, as a treat 🤔
Sarevok is dead. Halsin is dead. Jaheira is dead but Bhaalist DU did try to get her to come to his side. Astarion spends his days lounging dramatically in bed, wearing beautiful flowy clothes and reminding DU Drow about how great and powerful he is while trying not to roll his eyes. He wears the stone all the time and really resents it.
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spicyraeman · 5 months
Shars favourite bassist huh? So she hasn't broken out yet? How would the nightsong stuff play out in band au?
There isn't really a one to one for the nightsong stuff but I guess the closest is her decision to renew her contract with her current record label SHAR, she can continue to renew it (dj path) or break ties (selunite path)
Going the SHAR path lets her shoot to the top of the charts but at the cost of pretty much all of her creative liberties, they control her aesthetic, her sound, and her life. The "selunite" path on the other hand gives her complete freedom but at the risk of SHAR now looming over her shoulder and threatening to spill all her secrets
There's a bit more to it than that but its all in bits and pieces and would require me to go on several tangents cus im more of character guy than a plot guy
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maegalkarven · 11 months
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AU where Dark Urge didn't loose memories and the events in Moonrise Towers in act 2 went a tag differently. Or very differently.
Fucking everything up in a new, interesting way.
Characters: m!Dark Urge, Enver Gortash, Orin the Red, Ketheric Thorm, Isobel Thorm, Dame Aylin, Wyll Ravengard, Ulder Ravengard (mentioned), Karlach.
m!Dark Urge x Enver Gortash.
It was a stupid fucking plan from the very beginning of it.
To go to the Moonrise Towers to – what, confront Ketheric? Confront the Chosen of the God of the Dead?
Nemo knew better than the others what an idiotic idea it was.
But Nightsong already took a flight, and harpers moved to attack – and what was Nemo supposed to do?
He was a wreck, a shadow of his former self, weak as a kitten, clumsy as a newborn owlcub. He was the failed Chosen of Bhaal going to a place what was his demise.
Swooped by the currents of events unfolding, he had no plan.
But again, Nemo was never the plan guy; it was Gortash’s forte, it was his work. He was the brain of their plan, the brain of all of their operations. He thought things through as Nemo sliced around, creating chaos, bringing havoc, painting world in blood.
But it was before. Before Orin took her swing, before Nemo’s once great abilities were reduced to dust, before he became weak. So weak he had to depend on others, so weak he required, no, needed allies.
The voice of Father dull in his head; illithid parasite had to do something with it, had to change the rules the same way it changed them for Astarion.
Funny, before that whole mess Nemo would never put himself and a vampire spawn on the same page. But now? Oh, how alike they were, the spawns of unrelenting cruel force commanding their will, puppets of someone else’s play.
Waking up on nautiloid was akin to waking up from a fewer dream. The Urge...subsided. It was pushed back, held at bay. He was almost alone in his own head, more alone when he ever was with Father’s constant will moving his hands.
But what good did this free will do if he was about to die anyway, probably in the same damn place he died the first time? Would Orin be the one to slice through him one final time?
Nemo was never the one for plans, as clever as he was. Gortash always claimed it drove him mad, for Nemo had all the intellect, but rarely put it to good use.
“You have to exercise your mind the same way you train your body,” his unexpected ally would say. “Otherwise what use is it to you? You, my dear murderer, is capable of much greater things than your father foresees for you.”
These thoughts were atrocious, they were heretical, they were...compelling. Flattering, warming some deep corners of the soul Nemo didn’t know he had.
No wonder lordling ended up luring Nemo into his bed.
No wonder Orin saw her brother’s newfound weakness and used it against him.
Clever little thing, his slaughter-kin, to shift into Gortash to approach him. He was a fool to lower his defenses, of course he was.
He paid for it greatly.
“We’re moving down,” Isobel acknowledged. She, a daughter of a man who turned his back to two gods for her sake. She, the priestess of a goddess Ketheric Thorm forsaken. She, a child brave enough to confront her father.
Nemo hated her before he knew her.
He hated her for the way Ketheric turned the world upside down for her to live; he hated her for how ridiculously loved she was.
She hated her because even after being corrupted by Myrkul’s unholy powers, she still dared to stay unstained. Holy. Good.
He hated her so much his whole body hurt.
She who denied her father’s love, she who had love so selfless, so unconditional-
Father’s love was always conditional. Father’s love was always a leash and never a caress.
Father’s love hurt no matter how much Nemo craved it.
Oh, how he wished he could stifle the light of her life; oh how he wanted to see Ketheric’s face as he would tell him, in every gruesome detail, how his precious daughter died the second time.
How everything Ketheric did, everything he betrayed was for naught.
But Nemo was not what he used to be: he was weak, and Isobel was his advantage in a fight against her father. Her and Nightsong, but Nemo wasn’t even sure if aasimar was alive; the last he saw of her was when Elder Brain dragged the woman down.
Down, down, down-
Down they went.
Nemo didn’t want to go down there. He didn’t want to confront anyone, he wasn’t ready, he wasn’t strong, he-
He wanted to go home.
Home, such a strange concept it is.
Bhaal’s temple was never his home, even if it was the only shelter he has ever known.
No, home was...
Home was a mechanical clicking of devices operating in Gortash’s workshop. Home was the dim light and the huge table covered in papers; the smell of hot iron and smoke, and the man with fingers stained in ink.
The bitter bile rose up his throat at the thought of it.
The Chosen of Bane was never supposed to be his home.
The Chosen of Bane was his enemy.
Nemo has failed his life’s purpose in more ways than he could count.
And yet he wanted to go back; to the security of that place, to the delighted glint in the other man’s eyes, the mad plans, the notes on the table, the open books, the diagrams, the warmth of his skin as Nemo dragged Enver away from his work:
"Rest, you need to rest. It’s unbecoming of you to run yourself ragged like that. Sleep, your machines will not disappear overnight."
The way he struggled, tried to argue as exhaustion overtook his body. The way Lord Enver Gortash, the tyrant in the making, looked vulnerable in front of him in a way, Nemo suspected, he never looked in front of anyone else.
The way Nemo went to bed with him and expected to wake up in a pool of blood, but never did.
Because some part of him resisted Father even then. Some part of him claimed Enver Gortash for himself.
And it cost him greatly.
Nemo wondered if returning to Moonrise Towers could be classified as ‘coming home’.
He wondered if his home would meet him with windows shut and new lock on the door. He wondered how quickly he would be discarded by a man having no use for him anymore.
Turned out, Nemo was a fucking idiot.
It happens faster than it has any right to be; Ketheric spots Isobel, Wyll sees his father, Karlach lurches at Gortash, and Orin...
Orin steps away from the Elder Brain and smiles.
“My poor slaughter-kin,” she coos. “Came back so I could finish what I’ve started, did you not?”
And then the moves.
And fuck, Nemo forgot how fast she is, and he is so out of it, he is but a shell of his former self; his body is weak, feeble, damaged-
Orin knows it. Orin was the one who damaged it in the first place.
Nemo is vaguely aware of Isobel reaching out to Nightsong and freeing her from the bonds, he thinks he hears Gortash trying to reel Orin and Ketheric back in:
“Orin, we haven’t finished, the Brain didn’t receive command yet, come back here- Ketheric, two stones can’t hold it down, we need the third, Ketheric, forget about your daughter, come right here and make yourself useful for a change-“
But Ketheric doesn’t listen. Orin doesn’t listen. Everyone is too wrapped up in their own issues, their own grudges, their own fights. Karlach slices through the undead servant and knocks Gortash into the ground, only to be pushed back by a force of small explosive detonating right into her face. It doesn’t damage her much, but pushes back a significant amount.
“My poor brother,” Orin taints as Nemo tries to dodge one of her slices and comes out short. Blood oozes from the new cut and his murder-kin giggles. “So out of it, so pathetically weak. I did a good job on you, brother dear. But,” another smile, another attack. Nemo barely parries it in time. “I can do better. Father knows I can do better, Father knows you have failed him. He loves you no more, my failure of a brother. He has left you.”
Nemo would love to argue what Father went nowhere, what he still haunts Nemo’s every waking and dreaming moment, what the only thing stopping the God of Murder from consuming his wayward son is the illithid parasite in the bhaalspawn’s brain. But he doesn’t have the time, he doesn’t have the strength, he is failing, and-
The next strike to come is fatal.
Or it would be, if not for a huge tentacle of the brain to come flying out of nowhere.
Sending Orin flying right into the Morphic pool.
To the Brain.
With her stone.
Nemo turns around and meets a bewildered stare of Enver fucking Gortash, the man who just successfully compromised his own plan - their plan - beyond any recovery.
A fool.
Nemo’s blood is so loud in his ears he can barely hear; his heart is throwing itself against the cage of his ribs with a force unbeknown to him before.
He feels elevated, he feels scared, but most of all he feels-
“What the fuck did you do?” he snarls and everything, miraculously, stills. Everyone freezes, staring between them in a mix of surprise and dread.
Everyone feels what something just went very wrong.
“I-“ Enver starts, but Nemo gives him no chance to continue.
“You just threw the Netherstone to the Brain! The Netherstone we use to control the Brain! And you just threw it right at it,” there’s indignation burning in him but also...confusion?
Why? Why would Enver do something like that? Why would he compromise everything? Why would he-
“She was about to kill you,” Gortash seethes. “I saved your life.”
“By dooming everyone and everything in the process,” Nemo shouts back. “By dooming yourself. By the gods, Ketheric, did you see that? How he just- Ruined everything?”
“I did in fact see that,” Ketheric, who is pretty much being held down at the fire point, states. The only thing stopping Nightsong from murdering him here and now is Isobel’s hand on her shoulder. “It was a very stupid thing to do.”
Gortash looks appalled at that.
“I just saved his life!” he repeats like this fixes everything. Like it explains anything. There’s a mad look in his eyes, of a man who just realized what he has done. Then he turns to Nemo. “I saved your life, you ungrateful little-“
“Why?” comes out so quietly it’s barely a whisper.
At first Nemo thinks he asked that, the question was definitely on the tip of his tongue. But no, the voice belongs to Karlach. She rises from the ground, shaken but unhurt.
“I know you; you’re an awful fucking person who only cares for his own well-being. Why would you do something like that,” she gestures at Nemo and Nemo makes a face at her. He knows how he looks, thank you very much. “For him?”
Gortash opens his mouth, hesitates. His eyes dart to Nemo and Nemo meets his gaze with just as inquisitive expression as the one on Karlach’s face.
“Yes, Enver,” he agrees. “Why?”
But Enver never gets to answer, for in that precise moment the waters of the Morphic pool part and a figure crawls out.
A figure of a pale woman with even paler eyes, dressed in red.
She takes a step, then another.
And something is wrong.
Her movements are unsteady; her head dangles as if she’s held up the strings and her eyes-
They’re vacant, her eyes, almost empty. They’re...peaceful, and Orin has never been peaceful in her entire damn life.
Nemo makes the involuntary step forward and is immediately held back by Wyll, who, gods only know how, managed to not only teleport his father right next to Karlach, but also come back to Nemo, and is now holding him firmly by the forearm.
“Don’t,” he whispers into Nemo’s ear. “This is not your sister.”
“Orin?” Nemo calls out regardless, because this is his sister. It has to be.
Orin raises her head and looks straight at him. Then she opens her mouth and speaks:
“Praise the Absolute.”
“By the Nine Hells,” Karlach curses. “She got tadpolled.”
“And she has the stone,” Ketheric is the first one to move, ripping himself out of Nightsong’s grip and stepping forward.
“Well, shit.”
An overwhelming, overbearing horror embraces Nemo.
Orin, his little sister. Orin, his murderer, his torturer.
Orin, the perfect slayer. The puppet of the Absolute.
“Maybe I can use the prism,” he starts. “I can bring her back to her senses.”
“And then what?” Wyll argues and it takes Nemo an embarrassingly long time to realize his friend has already started to pull him away. “She’ll try to kill us on her own volition and not the Brain’s? No.”
“We need to go,” Gortash speaks up. “Quickly, now.”
“There’s no ‘we,’”, Karlach argues. “And ‘we’ are not going anywhere with you.”
“Karlach, now is not the time to argue-“
“You sold me to Zariel-“
“Father?” Isobel calls out. “Father, what are you doing?”
Ketheric unsheathes his sword.
“Atoning,” he speaks. The moves to rip the Netherstone from his armor and throw it at Nemo. Nemo, surprisingly, manages to catch it. “Keep it safe,” the man orders and oh, is this his general voice now? “Keep her safe.”
Nemo doesn’t need to ask who he means by that. Instead he argues.
“I am a murderer, you know that, right?” as if any sane argument would work right now. “A murder incarnate. I do not keep people safe.”
“This time you will,” and this is why Ketheric was so feared and respected; a single hard stare pins Nemo to the ground. “Or I will come back and hunt you down to the end of Toriel. To the end of every known realm, if I have to.”
“Not to interrupt this fine and lovely conversation, but general,” Gortash looks just as puzzled as Nemo feels. “What are you doing again?”
The man has some strength enough to smirk.
“What I should have done long time ago,” he sends Isobel a long, sickeningly loving gaze. “The right thing. Isobel.”
“Father,” the girl’s chin trembles. “Father, I don’t-“
“I love you more than any god could understand,” the old general speaks. “And I will never regret bringing you back, never. But now,” he turns his gaze back and manages to parry the quick, efficient and entirely deadly strike of Bhaal’s unloved daughter. “You have to live. And I...I have to take a stand. Go,” he says. “Go,” he commands. “I will hold her back for as long as I can.”
“The undying against the slayer,” Gortash murmurs as he already sprints towards the elevated platform.
The ground shakes as the Brain breaks out of its bonds, bit by bit, slowly but surely. The wave of psionic energy what comes their way almost knocks them all down.
“Go,” Nemo shouts as he and Wyll teleport closer to the exit. Thank fuck for the teleportation spells. Thank fuck for Wyll.
Karlach all but carries dazed Ravengard away as Dame Aylin takes Isobel in her arms and takes flight.
“Go, go, go!” he repeats as a familiar hand grabs him by the shoulder. Nemo doesn’t have time to think, doesn’t have time to act as he is dragged the remaining way to the platform by no-one but the tyrant himself.
The moment Karlach reaches the platform Wyll hits the control panel and they start to rise. Nemo is afraid it is not fast enough.
From the height of their ascend he sees the undying general fight off the slayer. Two Chosen of Gods against each other.
Even from that far away it is clear Ketheric will fall.
He sacrificed himself. He brought them time.
Down below the illithid colony, amidst the Hell of his own creation, general Ketheric Thorm receives one last, final blow.
Blood oozes out of his wounds, painting the floor red. Above him a woman dressed in red stands; eyes vacant, empty, soulless.
But it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters anymore.
Isobel is safe. And Ketheric...
“Melodia,” he whispers as the last breath leaves his body. “I am coming.”
Somehow he knows she is waiting for him; what she has always waited for him, no matter how far he strayed.
Ketheric Thorm dies peacefully. It feels like falling asleep.
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Click My Heels But I Am Stuck Here - Chapter Seven
Pairing: Rolan x Tav
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Work Summary:
Rolan is battered, beaten and exhausted. After everything he’s been through to get to Baldur’s Gate, he still has no reprieve from violence and prejudice.
But wouldn’t it just be so sweet to fuck his master’s pretty little wife?
AU where Tav is Lorroakan’s wife.
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Epilogue
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2170
Read on AO3.
Taglist info
Previous Chapter
warnings for infidelity, domestic violence, abuse, general injury stuff, slut shaming (consensual and otherwise)
Rolan and Tav probably saw more of each other than was sensible. It was hard to be careful when he felt as drawn to her as he was. It was hard to care about consequences when she had her pretty mouth wrapped around his cock.
Still, they did their best. During the day, they were polite and civil, but never friendly unless Lorroakan was out. For as many nights as she dared, Tav would wait until Lorroakan was fast asleep and then sneak out to see Rolan.
They were fortunate that Lorroakan’s focus was elsewhere. He was busy searching for something called ‘the Nightsong’.  There was hardly room in his narrow mind for much else. In fact, according to Tav, he hardly ever even fucked her anymore, so consumed was he in this search.
That made Rolan feel a little better. The thought of Lorroakan with his hands on Tav still made his skin crawl.
But he didn’t have to worry about that tonight. Tonight, Lorroakan had gone to discuss the Nightsong with some mercenaries, and he likely wouldn’t be back until tomorrow afternoon. That meant that Tav and Rolan could take their time.
They hadn’t fucked in Tav and Lorroakan’s room since the night when Tav had spiked Lorroakan and his guests. It was too risky.
Rolan wished he had more to offer her than a mattress on the floor. She deserved a big bed and a bottle of fancy wine.
But then, he reasoned, Lorroakan gave her a bed and wine, and she didn’t want him. She wanted Rolan, in spite of his relative poverty. The thought made him feel a little smug.
“God, that feels so good,” moaned Tav, bouncing up and down on his cock. She’d gotten better at taking all of him, although she was still very tight. Her hands were on his chest, blunt nails digging into his skin in a way that made him feel hot all over.
Her breasts bounced with every thrust. He slid his hand between them, touching that little thatch of curls that covered her mound. The sight of it always drove him wild. A thumb pressed to her clit had her eyes rolling back in her head.
“Rolan!” she squeaked, her breath coming in laboured pants in time with her bounces.
“You’re such a good girl for me, aren’t you, Tav? Riding my cock like a good little slut?”
“I’m a good little slut,” she said. He pressed down on her clit harder, rubbing circles in the way that he knew she liked. She was close. He could tell.
“Go on then, sweetheart. Be a good girl. Cum for me.”
Her walls flexed around him, tightening. Her hips stuttered as the strength went out of her, so he took over, grabbing both of her hips to keep her speared on his cock.
Her body was taut, riding out the waves of her orgasm as he fucked up into her. It wasn’t long before he came too.
Later, in the afterglow, he was lying back on his pillow with his legs entangled with hers. It was a luxury that they got to spend this time together. Usually she had to sneak back to her room far too soon.
“I wonder what the Lorroakan would do if he came back and I was just gone…” she said, tracing a lazy pattern on his chest with a fingertip.
Rolan’s words stuck to his tongue. He knew precisely what Lorroakan would do, at first at least. He would beat Rolan senseless.
But he didn’t say that. He couldn’t let guilt and fear for him be the reason she stayed trapped. And if he had to take a beating for her to be safe, he’d do it every time.
“It doesn’t matter,” she said. “I have nowhere to go. My family would force me to go back to him. And Lorroakan has deep pockets. I couldn’t trust that anyone wouldn’t turn me in.”
“Cal and Lia are staying in Rivington,” said Rolan quietly. “They would help hide you, if you needed them. And they would never try to turn you over for gold.”
Tav tilted her head to one side, looking up at him. “I’d be running forever,” she said. “I’d never be safe. Besides. I have you. I have Myshka. I can’t leave either of you behind.”
Rolan’s breath hitched. “Myshka would probably fit in a pack. And I can take care of myself.”
“Rolan, I can’t leave you because I’d miss you. I care about you.” He looked at her, incredulous. “I’m staying.” Her tone was resolute. He knew that he couldn’t have persuaded her even if he wanted to.
“So am I,” he said.
She leant up and brushed her lips against his. “As much as I wouldn’t wish this fate on my worst enemy, if I had to be trapped in a cage, I’m glad it’s with you.”
Rolan tasted blood before he knew why. The pain in his head came afterwards. He grabbed onto a bookshelf and held himself upright, trying to stay steady.
“Idiot boy,” Lorroakan hissed behind him. “You’ve ordered these books all wrong.”
“I’m sorry, master Lorroakan,” he said, the words like acid in his mouth. He was sure that he had ordered them to Lorroakan’s exact specifications, but his master would often change his mind without telling him.
“Stupid, stupid, stupid!”
Something hard hit the back of Rolan’s head. He swayed on his feet, but held onto the shelf as best he could. If he fell, then Lorroakan would start kicking his ribs again. He was trying to avoid that as much as possible. He might not have been fighting back, but he certainly wasn’t going to make this any easier for Lorroakan.
“Well. Don’t you have anything to say for yourself?”
“I’m sorry, master.” It was the only thing he could say that wouldn’t be construed as talking back, but Lorroakan was able to find slights in the most innocuous of phrases.
The sharp sting of electricity – a witch bolt, Rolan assumed – coursed through his body. He fell to his knees. He could’ve fought back. He should’ve fought back. It was clear from his months of Lorroakan’s tutelage that his master was no great wizard. In a fair fight, Rolan was sure that he could win.
Still, he didn’t dare do anything that might jeopardise his position here. Especially not if it meant leaving Tav.
So he gritted his teeth and took the beating the way he always did, thanking the Gods for Tav’s steady supply of potions that kept him healthy.
“Lorroakan, darling!” Tav’s melodic voice rang out throughout the library. Rolan tried not to breathe a sigh of relief. She was here to save him.
The reprieve that he’d expected didn’t come. Lorroakan’s boot hit him squarely in the ribs, and he crumpled against the bookcase.
“Lorroakan!” Tav’s voice was still sickly sweet, but she sounded worried now. Rolan heard the clicking of her heels against the polished wooden floor. “Lorroakan, I was hoping you might help me with something.”
It was a ploy that usually worked. She would lure him back to their bedroom and fuck him, making him forget about all the reasons he had for hurting Rolan. It made Rolan sick to think about, but he was grateful for her help.
This time, though, Lorroakan ignored her. He smacked Rolan across the face hard with a heavy tome. Rolan’s vision whited out.
“Darling,” Tav cooed. She had reached them now. She stroked Lorroakan’s arm, trying to coax his attention away from his apprentice. “I think you’ll like what I have to show you. Why don’t you come with me?”
His face didn’t soften the way it usually did. In fact, it hardened. He turned his angry stare on Tav.
“You always were a whore,” he spat, and then smacked her hard across the face with the back of his hand.
Tav let out a surprised gasp, overbalancing. She landed hard on her bum, but she didn’t have a moment to process what was going on before her husband grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her back to her feet.
His other hand grabbed her neck, not squeezing but holding her in place while he yanked on her hair, making her cry out in pain.
“I hate your hair like this,” he snarled. “It makes you look like a slut.”
Her hair was loose and unbraided, which made it even easier for him to yank her around. He smacked her in the face again, and then let her go. She fell to her knees immediately, her breath coming in gasping sobs.
Behind him, Rolan managed to drag himself upright. He didn’t know what he was going to do – the pain was too much for him to think of a coherent plan – but he knew that Lorroakan was hurting Tav and he had to stop him.
He stumbled between them, shielding Tav with his own body just as Lorroakan raised a hand to hit her again.
Lorroakan slapped Rolan’s face hard instead. Rolan barely flinched. He could take it if it meant sparing Tav.
“You always were a stupid bastard,” snarled his master. “Don’t you dare try to stop me from disciplining my wife! Do you think you love her? Is that it? Has she convinced you that she loves you too? Stupid, stupid hellspawn bastard. She’s nothing but a whore.”
Something collided with the side of Rolan’s head hard. It was one of the various trinkets that Lorroakan kept lying around. Whatever it was, it was heavy enough to knock Rolan out cold. He slumped to the side, his whole body crumpling. Tav screamed.
Lorroakan then turned his attention back to his wife.
“Did you think I wouldn’t find out?” he hissed. “Do you take me for an idiot?!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“DON’T LIE TO ME!” He slapped her again. Her body feel back against the bookcase with a sickening thud. She clutched at her head, trying to protect herself from his blows. “I found these in Rolan’s room.”
He threw something at her. It bounced off and landed on the floor. She realised with stab of anxiety in her stomach that it was her underwear. She thought they’d been careful. Evidently not careful enough.
“So either he’s a nasty little rat who stole your underwear, or you’ve been fucking him. So which is it, Tavya?”
The jig was up. Tav let her hands fall away from her face and looked her husband straight in the eye.
“You’re not half the man he is,” she spat.
Lorroakan’s face was red-hot with rage. He pounced on her, pinning her to the ground. He was a lot bigger and heavier than her, so there was no way she was going to overpower him. His hands wrapped around her throat, and for a moment, she was certain that she was about to die.
Suddenly, the pressure was released. Rolan had gathered just enough strength to cast Thunderwave and push Lorroakan off her. She gasped, clutching her throat as her husband was thrown halfway across the room, colliding with another bookcase.
“Tav,” said Rolan urgently, “Tav, Tav, you have to get up, come on.”
Pushing herself up on the bookcase, she got to her feet shakily. Her neck was sore and her head was pounding, but she was pleased to see that she could stand without falling.
Rolan wasn’t so fortunate. He had been badly beaten, the bruises already forming on his face. He tried to stand, but he swayed dangerously and fell to his knees again. Tav tried to catch him, but she couldn’t support his body weight, especially in this state.
“You should run,” he said. “I can take whatever he throws at me. I’ll keep him busy. You take Myshka and you run far away from here.”
“No,” she said, dropping to her knees as well. She pressed a kiss to his lips. “I’m not leaving you. I love you.”
“Tav…” He felt as though she’d just punched a hole in his chest. Of course he loved her too, perhaps he always had, but if her love for him doomed her, then what good was any of this? “Please…”
“I won’t leave you,” she repeated, steadying him with her body. “Whatever happens, we’re together. I love you.”
“I love you too,” he murmured. His voice sounded strained and hollow.
Across the room, Lorroakan was on his feet again. His hands were raised, ready to summon some vile magic to destroy them both. Rolan held onto Tav, trying to shield her with his body again. He loved her, and she loved him. Why did it have to end this way?
“Master Lorroakan! Master Lorroakan!” A new voice entered the fray. One of the shop assistants from downstairs hurried through the portal, oblivious to the scene he was walking into. “Someone is here to see you. They say they’ve got the Nightsong with them.”
Next Chapter
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eliteseven · 1 month
DJ!Shad talking about having "use" for Tav.... Sounds kinda devastating.
To an earlier ask about Nocturne. I think Shad if she is not romanced. I HC that if you were with her, like Serena, and broke it off and she still has feelings she would go with nameless and faceless acolytes. Simply because I feel like Nocturne would be to important to be just a fuckbuddy or something like that.
Shad says the "I'll kill you if I have to" regardless of her killing the Nightsong if you say the right things. How does Serena reconcile that with a Selunite!Shad?
Yeah, I’m such a sucker for affection in relationships, it’s why I haven’t played the DJ! route yet 😭
given Serena’s backstory especially, I just think that would be heartbreaking for her. Then again- she wouldn’t do the ritual to begin with.
I had forgotten about Nocturne in the redemption AU! It’s true, she and Shadowheart could rekindle an old flame. I do think you’re right in that Shadowheart would mostly just be using her acolytes as tools for her pleasure at this point- I think by the time she’s mother superior, she’s really closed off the notion of having feelings for anybody. Though I do think a triangle between a disillusioned/defecting mother superior Shadowheart, Nocturne, and Serena could be cool and spicy- I don’t think Serena would want to get in the way of that. I’m kinda preoccupied with the other series atm, so I’ll think on it some more.
To answer your other question: you’re right, she can say that on the Selunite route. But I think the key difference here is the intent behind the words- Serena would be able to tell she doesn’t mean it. Her entire world is crumbling before her eyes and deep inside, she already knows she can’t go through with it- it’s evident in her gaze. Whereas in the Dj! Route, I really think she does intend to make good on her threats.
In NLS, they don’t have this conversation- Serena remains quiet and allows Shadowheart to make her decision, and she chooses for herself.
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oathkeeper-of-tarth · 3 months
WIP title ask meme replies! Bit late on this and on literally everything else because someone who loves/hates me got me the Elden Ring DLC for my birthday. Welp.
@boom-squirrel replied to your post:
"I'm having something very strong indeed"... I know... I AM KNOWING! Haha! ;P But jokes aside, "Wizard Tower AU | Aylin & Rolan stuff" sounds intriguing! ^^
An anon also asked for "I'm having something very strong indeed". This one arose out of a prompt that got sent in the latest batch. It's (funnily enough, considering your joke reference) about Isobel trying to get wasted at the immediate post-brain-defeat party just like she planned, and being very frustrated at her apparent inability to accomplish this due to some undead-ish weirdly resurrected physiology stuff. It is mostly an Isobel and Jaheira buddy ficlet with some death-touched Isobel content because I'm a sucker for that.
There is no air to breathe, suddenly, in the crowded room. Isobel excuses herself to whoever might be close enough to hear, and rushes out. The inn has a little terrace, overlooking a narrow, dingy side-alley - not much of a view, considering, but Isobel is grateful for the escape all the same. She leans on the rickety, only slightly singed balustrade and reflects, idly, how much of her life she has spent brooding on balconies. Tries to pretend, for a while, she hasn't noticed how ridiculously little she has been eating. How, even when she did partake, it was so easy to blame the food not tasting like much of anything on it being scrounged-up or trail rations - no offence to Gale's culinary skills, of course. Or the noble efforts of the acolytes at the Selûnite enclave, cut off from their normal supply lines and beset by the vanguard of an army. Or the cook in the Elfsong, where that particular excuse well and truly fell apart. Isobel sighs and rubs at her face with hands that have been cold for too long, grimacing at the grime and ash and smudged makeup that comes away, coats her fingers. Very pointedly does not think about the black residue that sometimes smears away from her lips and nose. It's Jaheira who finds her. Isobel supposes, of all the many people it could have been, this is the least of all evils. 
This one also includes banter about one of my favourite silly ways the timeline works out:
"We're about the same age, Jaheira, don't forget," Isobel snarks, poking at a wound herself, trying to turn the sting of it into amusement. "You just had a busier century than I did, that's all."
Next, "Wizard Tower AU | Aylin & Rolan stuff" is pretty rough and early days still but it's one where Aylin gets betrayed and captured in Ramazith's tower, while Rolan gets to have some of his Act 3 arc anyway. Inspired in part by the letter you can get from Lorroakan in the epilogue. Bit of a dual-POV going on in this one, and honestly could be considered a bit of a fix-it, if nothing else then in how it will (probably) include Isobel. 
Miklaur falls in the terrifying skirmish against celestial foes.  It is a tragic - if, honestly, rather increasingly inevitable - turn of events. It is also one that means Rolan, still reeling from the one smite-imbued strike the aasimar landed on him, is the one who has to dispose of elemental ashes, feathers and… other material. The sheer radiance that filled the room still burns and dances behind his eyelids when he closes his eyes. "I should have known, should have seen from the start," the Nightsong rants and raves, mostly to herself, and paces the dozen or so steps her little circle allows her, over and over and over. It is a miserable sight. Rolan is fairly sure she does not take much notice of his presence, and feels incredibly thankful for it. "When the wretch let the foul necromancer take me because it suited their plans. To play along with damned Ketheric Thorm and his lackeys--"  She spits on the floor to punctuate her derision and Rolan cringes, almost immediately moving to find a mop. Then he remembers himself - or some slight, miserable part of himself - and casts a quick cantrip instead.
"Gods, we were stuck in that awful place… and Cal and Lia were…" The apprentice trails off, audibly choking on his words, even as he tries to square his shoulders and present a strong facade looking up at Aylin. "Don't you understand? I have nothing else. I sometimes wish I'd never set foot inside that damn cleric's moonlit bubble. At least then, perhaps, I wouldn't have wasted so much time on foolish hope." Aylin feels a surge of pity almost in spite of herself. But there is a precious nugget in his words that she cannot help but latch onto. "Tell me about her," she interrupts his spiralling musings, then lets her lips form the dearest name they've ever known, will ever know. "Isobel." "The cleric?" He seems confused even when Aylin confirms with a curt nod. "I never… that is, I talked to her the once, briefly. She mostly kept to herself, as did I. I don't really-- are you saying she will be sent to rescue you?" Aylin frowns and sucks in a breath at the reminder of that horrible possibility, as rattled by it as the apprentice seems to be. The thought of being forever stuck in this cage is nothing compared to the agony of the thought of Isobel getting hurt, or worse. Surely. Surely Mother will send someone else, will guide Isobel to safety, far from this den of vipers. She meets the tiefling's puzzled gaze - ah, wizards and their obsession with solving every single riddle they come across. "I love her," Aylin replies simply. "She is everything to me. I cherish her more than I do mine own life and so wish to never see her come here."
Seems inevitable that she will though, right? Well, moving on...
@jeejyboard replied to your post:
adolescence of rose quartz????!!!!!??? all of these are delightful
Ahah, good eye, spotting that silly "Utena AU" immediately! This one I've been poking at for a while, because it's one of those very specific self-indulgent noodlings. Basically, it's set on Homeworld and the main premise is Rose (this is just old enough originally for her to not be PD) winning Pearl in a duel, with the twist that Pearl had a hand in orchestrating the whole thing (and did some Cool Hacking in the process) in order to get away. Even includes a Prasiolite there to be insufferable, "a green quartz", and a blatant Saionji reference.
“Or- oh, is that envy?” Prasiolite laughed unpleasantly, then yanked the pearl closer to her, grabbing her as she stumbled. “Are pretty things like this a bit above your grade?” “I’m issuing a formal challenge,” Rose retorted curtly, forcing herself into restraint, and biting her own anger and irritation back. “The White Arena is close enough - we can settle this right now.” “Rose Quartz, what are you doing?” Larimar whispered in a squeak behind her, so different from the chirpy little assistant she'd been so far, rushing after the two quartzes and the blank-faced pearl. “That’s the head of White Diamond’s personal guard, are you- Rose--” But Larimar’s cries went unheeded all the way up the stairs leading to the arena’s entrance, where she went for one last appeal. “Rose, you don’t even have a weapon!” Prasiolite sneered. “I keep spares around. Pearl.” A shove in Rose’s general direction, and the pearl obliged, demurely, but catching Rose’s eye in a way she’d never seen a pearl - all of them, in her experience, nothing but muttered acknowledgements of orders and respectfully averted glances - do before. “A sword for you to use, My Quartz,” she mumbled, head bowed just a moment too late. Then, the unthinkable. She cast a brief look over her shoulder, back at Prasiolite, then pointedly turned away and towards Rose. “Good luck.”
Finally, finally, Prasiolite lost her balance, and her pretty sword flew out of her hand, skittering across the stone tiles of the arena. She huffed as she climbed back to her feet and dusted herself off, pointedly not looking in Rose's direction at all. “Pearl! Bring my sword back. We’re leaving. This farce has gone on long enough.” The pearl stood at her post, unmoving for the longest time. Then, just as the silence had stretched dangerously taut, she spoke, quietly but firmly. “No.” “What?” Prasiolite was a vivid green, and looked fit to burst. “You disobedient, defective little--” “You lost,” the pearl interrupted and calmly spoke over her, to gasps from both Larimar and Prasiolite, and a frown from Rose. “Your ownership rights are forfeit. It’s the rules.” It was the most Rose had ever heard a pearl speak. “What are you talking about? You there, Larimar. What is she talking about?” “I, I don’t know, I--” “Well, check the legal database immediately!”
Hm, I wonder what the database is going to show... I'm sure nobody's tampered with it.
Anyway, I'll leave it at that for now. Hope you all enjoyed the little previews! All of them are super rough and subject to endless change, of course, but such is the writing life.
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carlandrea · 2 years
do you have any more thoughts for the Silm Warrior cats au? It’s like crack catnip to me
oh DO I
Some scattered thoughts:
Huan is a dog. he's just like a wolfhound. Nightsong (Luthien) does still ride on his back.
I'm only giving the high kings the -star suffix, because otherwise like. pretty much everyone would get it? Because so many people are like the king of something or other. And that's just not very fun suffixes are fun. The noldor don't have a clan name yet because i haven't thought of a good one (Taking suggestions) but I do think they're less centralized and more prone to infighting than the ones we see in the warrior cats books, but they do only have one proper leader with the nine lives and the etc.
The fact that Morgoth is like. a human man with a gun in this au makes the Nirnaeth so much more fucking insane than like i think it feels in the silm proper—like we can't really conceptualize the idea of going to war with a god, but like. The idea of a bunch of feral cats attacking a human dudes house because he stole their special rocks
ALSO very funny that Morgoth stole some special rocks from the feral cats in the woods and EXTREMELY funny that he's so invested in the entire situation
The silmarils also need a fun warrior cats sounding name, but I don't think functionally they'll change that much? Like Warrior Cats has magic and starclan so like they can still be magic glowing rocks I think. And like I think we could just make them by having Fireheart (feanor) figure out how to carve and smooth either like gems or even shards of glass to make something like seaglass and then they were made magic by like. starclan. Still not sure what to call them
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optiwashere · 5 months
A third chapter for the modern/band AU in two weeks? I spoil you.
But really, I think I just needed to carry myself through the momentum of this. That led to a whirlwind of emotions for this chapter and a follow-up to the cliffhanger that the previous chapter left us on. I want to spend some time tinkering with the chapter after this one, so that may take a while to post!
Either way, I hope you enjoy the ride.
Rating: E for the occasional smut scene
Category: F/F
Ship: Shadowheart/Trans Fem Tav
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baldursfate · 4 days
Reimagining: A Durgetash Fic
An AU in which Gortash and Ketheric join forces with Durge and Co. against Orin, who has gained possession of 2/3 netherstones.
Part 1. Updates Thursdays.
There they stood, the masterminds behind the Absolute. Tav looked on curiously from where they were crouched behind a fleshy wall. She hadn't expected this fight to drag on, much less send them gallivanting through an illithid colony. She most certainly did not predict the arrival of the other chosen of the Dead Three. They stood, conversing familiarly, though Tav could not register what was being said. She wished for nothing more in that moment than to be an elf, the superior hearing would have been most handy.
As she pondered this, Ketheric suddenly raised a fist to the man next to him, a tiresome looking fellow garbed in exquisite finery. He had a presumptuous presence, and Tav's head ached with another repressed memory, drawn to him in a way that was both discomfited and comfortable. She had seen this man before, though she wasn't certain as to where. She contemplated the attraction, focusing hard on the memory, yet it would not come to fruition. As Tav focused on her mind, a pale woman, plated in the skins of a yuan-ti, intevened, and Tav felt her innards burn with disrelish. Dark urges surged to her mind's surface. This woman, this abomination, had no right to threaten what was her's.
Tav blinked once, then again, the urge fading as she processed the thought. Her's. Lost in thought and daydream, she nearly missed the moment the pale woman wielded her blade and pried a bright stone from Ketheric's armor. It was over in a moment, the woman a blur of crimson and bone white. Tav would have missed the exchange if it weren't for her victorious cackle. She grinned maniacally, before sweeping towards the other man, grasping for his gauntleted fist. When she was unable to grasp his stone, she resorted instead to swinging her blade haphazardly, clearly hoping to slice it from his arm. The man smugly caught her forearm, and as her blade stilled, Tav noticed another stone embedded in the handle. She wondered what value they held to warrant such a reaction from this woman. As the man reached for his crossbow, the woman placed a swift kick to his stomach, knocking the air out of his lungs. The move bought her enough time to conjur a portal and slip away.
Tav took this confusion as her chance to get closer. She motioned to her companions to stay still and quiet, before downing an invisibility potion. She silently stalked to the platform, where the two men were now shouting. The younger man gestured wildly, the golden gauntlet and bright gem flashing in the dim lights of the fleshy cavern. She could make out his voice, raised and rageous, though Tav found a subtle security in the tone.
"It does not come as a surprise that Orin would turn against us. She is unstable at best, and at worst..." The man shook his head, "We are lucky, that she is as unrefined as she is. Bhaal's disciples rarely leave without bloodshed. However, that does not excuse your imprudence. Your reactions were that of a drunken fool." At this, the man thrust his finger at Ketheric, pressing in the hole where the stone once resided. "Might I remind you what will come to be if we fail..."
Ketheric scoffed, smacking the man's hand away, before turning to pace the platform. "It was not in my control. A group of vagrants arrived a fortnight ago, found and freed the Nightsong, and began an attack on the towers. I had just ordered the bulk of the forces forward to Baldur's Gate, else I would have already vanquished the scum." At this, the man seemed intrigued, "A group of vagrants? You make it out as if they were common mercenaries, yet they have somehow managed to disrupt a man of your..." He gestured vaguely to Ketheric, "...vitality." Ketheric stopped pacing for a moment, and turned to make scolding eye contact with his colleague. "It brings me no pleasure to confide in you that the artifact was found, nor does it amuse me to confirm that it indeed prohibits any form of influence from the elder brain."
At the mention of an elderbrain, Tav gasped before quickly throwing a hand over her mouth. The movement caused the illusion to flicker, momentarily rendering her visible. The younger man's back was to her, he had been staring into the cavern in the middle of the platform, lost in thought. Ketheric, however, was faced in her direction, and caught her gaze with a look of disinterest. He cleared his throat, alerting his colleague, who waved him off absentmindedly. "Not now, I am trying to think."
Ketheric rolled his eyes, "Think all you will, I'm sure our guests will find great pleasure stabbing you through the back." At his words, the man spun around, postured anger and annoyance oozed from his features. His eyes dark eyes scoped out the cavern before falling to Tav, and the visage of anger melted into a myriad of suprise, confusion, relief, and finally, excitement.
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seluniite-archived · 1 year
corruption au. her faith is tested. shar using it to sink dark little claws of doubt into her as a way to get back at eira for freeing the nightsong.
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meanbossart · 1 day
what would have to go differently in DU Drows story for him to take the bhaalist route? would it be a split second decision in the temple or something he’d have to slowly accept over the course of the game?
EDIT: I slightly misread the question, the answer still holds but the first line is about what has to be done for him to turn AGAINST Bhaal.
Both mechanically and story-wise, it's pretty simple. He just has to be taken into the group kicking and screaming 🤷‍♂️
DU drow rejects Bhaal because he finds the world to be fun, he finds the people in it to be interesting and strange and he doesn't see any benefit to getting rid of it. Wyll may get on his nerves but he wants so badly to see the day where he snaps and stands up for himself, Halsin is annoying but boy have him and Astarion had a riot making fun of him behind his back, him and Jaheira get on each other's nerves for fun and Minsc is a living fascination - not to mention the endless NPCs that provide a moment's entertainment. Yes, Shadowheart sparing the Nightsong and Astarion's lifestory played a big part in his choices, but I think a base had to be set first, otherwise he could have very easily twisted the lesson's he learned from them into something that fit the pro-Bhaal narrative. He doesn't want to kill the world, the world is hysterical to him.
Also, BG3 seems to have a theme about showing compassion and extending empathy even to people who don't deserve it. A lot of its characters are the opposite of nice and personable throughout the vast majority of the game, and what you end up clinging to are glimpses of humanity that they try to hide from you - Shadowheart is objectively exhausting to be around, Lae'zel is literally and figuratively a social alien, Astarion is Astarion and realistically we would have all blasted him into the horizon team-rocket-style if he wasn't funny. I hated all three of these characters going into the game and now they own my balls, because they ultimately charmed me with something or other despite their flaws.
(They are also all hot, to be fair, but this is a fantasy video game so what'reyougonnado. Though personally none of them are my type.)
Sorry about the tangent, but I think that gets my point across well; DU drow needs to be given the benefit of the doubt for absolutely no good reason, as long as that happens, he would have no motivation in the slightest to turn to Bhaal. Even if romanced, a socially ostracized DU drow could not be persuaded to turn away from his father.
In the gameplay, this would translate to the MC encouraging him to see the silver-lining in things, either by showing kindness and understanding or emphasizing the entertaining moments they've provided you with; also, playing along to his mean-streaked humor instead of reprehending him for not always having a kind thing to say about everybody. You have to either see the best in him, or turn people into a joke instead of a threat. Done that, he would move into Act 3 without any inclination to take Bhaals's gift.
On the flipside, I think a romanced partner could persuade a "good" DU drow to consider it, though. By valuing his strength and potential-influence instead of his personality, he would arrive at the conclusion that to keep you, he must continue to pursue power, which would ultimately land you in the place Astarion ends up in his Bhaalist AU.
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artpenumbra · 3 months
TWST Dorms my FFXIV OCs would be in:
Don't mind me, spur of the moment thoughts that sat in my brain. While I have a lot of OCs, FFXIV is my other game I play so these guys have more going for them info wise. These headcanons are with de-aging(and gender swapping) my FFXIV OCs to high school level.
Svanielle/Svan: Pomefiore comes to mind because she'd rock the uniform BUT with her interest in Botany and fashion and (by my friends) seen as a very pretty character she'd fit right in. Vil will probably get on her for maintaining long hair though. Another possibility is Diasomnia because of her connection with the fae and being an elf. For non-FFXIV people, the elezen race is basically elves. Out of the four OCs I have she has the most magic power so this dorm wouldn't be a bad match. Though if her dragon-phobia carried over she'd avoid Malleus out of fear. But I feel like she and Lilia would be best pals for being mischievous older people types. As a male, he would be "Svanael Corvus" and like the FFXIV version, he has a smol fairy friend and a lot of crow friends he talks to.
Sho: My first thought is Ignihyde for the sole fact that this dorm focuses on magic research and implementing it into technology. Above all else they are also very introverted. FFXIV!Sho is basically this, due to unfortunate events his magic skills have diminished significantly but he's taken up finding ways to infuse his mana with various machinery and weapons to get by. It's just that in the TWST verse he would NOT be trying to craft weapons and gunblades, or maybe he does and his classmates need to tell him to STOP. Scarabia, Octavnielle, and Heartslabyul are possible dorms he could match in due to respectively representing both of his other traits of being efficient, resourceful, and a stickler for rules, but I think they may be too social for his personality. Sho is male already, but his TWST name would be just "Sho Mystgrave." He's someone who is quiet but you should fear him. Naturally best friends with Svan.
Lunasera: Scarabia, hands down. Simply because Kalim in there and they'd be the best of friends can't change my mind. But Lun is very witty and artistically inclined. Her FFXIV verse is a traveling musician and artist so I feel she would know her way around social situations as a performer, but she's also sharp-minded and has high survivability skills as someone from a nomadic upbringing. With those factors in mind this is the best dorm for her. As a joke though? Octavinelle would be a hilarious match as she'd be a good entertainer for the Mostro Lounge business with her neverending charisma, but I can see her driving Azul up the wall because she's free minded. Basically a very watered down, not so dangerous Floyd. Her male name would be "Gerel Nightsong," Gerel is Mongolian for Light, which ties into the FFXIV Xaela Au Ra nomenclature, and Nightsong is an existing surname she has in FFXIV, but fun fact: "Lunasera Nightsong" is her stage name. Weird I figured out her male name first.
Nami: So Nami is a weird one. While I know her personality she's still in a stage where I don't know what exactly I would like to do for her. She exists in two different verses but I haven't been able to use her properly. Though from the top of my head, she's the most physically adept out of the four with Luna being second. So that in mind I think it would be funny for her to be in Savanaclaw, because while she's petite she can and will suplex someone three times her size and not break a sweat. She's also canonically mute so she will express herself with her actions above all else. Octavinelle is a possible choice, I can see her working as security, because every shrewd business man needs an extra bodyguard and being mute would be a bonus. In FFXIV, she's a viera which are bunny people so she's already a beastman in that regard. As a male, her name is probably either Kai, Mirai, or Kaien. Nami means "ocean wave" so I want to keep her ocean themed name going, and due to my sentimentality in the FFXIV verse, she will be related to Sho so she'll share his TWST!surname.
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