cryingprincess13 · 21 days
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kwiatywlistopadzie · 3 months
„Obojętność jest paraliżem duszy”
~ Anton Czechow
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gnome-punk · 11 months
From Lexi Drumonde's video on Hopepunk.
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felsefebilim · 1 year
Kierkegaard ve Tinsel Korku Kavramı
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Tinsel korku, Kierkegaard felsefesindeki problemlerden birisidir. Tinsel korku, kaygı düzeyinin üstünde bir durumdur. Nihilist bir filozof olarak da bilinen düşünür, Korku Kavramı adlı kitabında belirli bir nesneye karşı duyulan korkudan değil bunun tam tersi belirsizliğe karşı duyulan korkudan bahseder. Bu korku (Angst), objelere karşı duyulan korkudan daha büyük ve kapsamlı bir duygudur, kendisi bizzat düzenin içinde yer alır, salt varoluştan gelir... Kierkegard, bahsettiği bu korkuyu şu şekilde de tanımlar. “Henüz gerçekleşmemiş bir deneyimi tahmin ederek, algıyı, düşünceyi ve eylemi engelleyerek zihni muhtemelen bulanıklaştıracak şekilde bir kişinin üzerinde asılı kalan endişe üstü durum”
Kierkegaard, bu varoluşsal gelen, anlamlandırmada zorlanılan korkunun; insanın dünyaya amaçsız, nedensellikten uzak gelmesine adeta dünyaya fırlatılmasına, varoluşsal olarak defolar bulundurmasına bağlar çünkü bahsettiği tinsel korkunun nedeni belirsizdir...
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hypnosisdisplay · 1 year
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un beau matin (2022), mia hansen-løve
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humsku · 1 year
"Patrzę na to i serio mi się nie chce
Zdemotywowany, nihilistyczne podejście"
Piotr Cartman - Zaratustra
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chairmandore · 10 months
im so bored yet anytime i find some fulfilling task or something great happens i just toss it away or do anything to stop it cus sudden emotions and my fear of change
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moonmotheyne · 1 year
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Nihilism Soap
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intrepid-travels · 1 year
I've been searching for this quote everywhere. I originally saw it in one of Michael Grants' books where Astrid the Genius has some introspection about faith.
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feridsluver · 1 year
⚠️vent ⚠️
Tbh, I am not sure how I feel about certain situations. I am used to become numb to several feelings but at this point I feel like a lot has been erased. It's like there's nothing. I am not sure if I call this an improvement but I am relieved that most feelings that cause a depressive episode don't happen anymore. And I hate that. I hate that because of my emotional instability I can't have a healthy emotional relationship with me and other things I love. I hate the fact that these feelings cause a whole breakdown that have an unpredictable timing and occupation. Once I was so overwhelmed that I was shut down for 3 months. I barely was able to respond to anything, anything triggered my anxiety and I didn't have the situation under control. It went into a standard setting of something. To add on, my dissociation is becoming worse. It was fine at the beginning of the year, and now it happens in every conversation I have. I hate myself. Or at least I think that is what I do. I can't even have that emotional response to that. I hate the fact that I am too quiet in a group of people, the fact that I must give but never get and my entire personality. I wish I was different. I wish that sometimes life wouldn't be life. Life feels so meaningless. It's like a loop. You wake up, do your work, go home and sleep. Why do people care so much for it?That is what I question. Why do people value this circle? I am very relieved that I am not on the streets and go through actual shit. But why is life that exact thing? Why must there even be that consideration of suffering and all of that? I don't understand why people have to fight for their existence to be accepted. Jesus Christ you are human. Who tf cares if you support an expired orange or who tf cares if you support a liberal pedophile? You will die alone and no one is going to remember for "this persons sucks the conservatives off because they have a weird fetish of humiliation" or " I think I'm so cool because I hate a group of people who I generalise on a stereotype because my idiotic self doesn't understand the basic human rights." And the whole gender thing. Don't get me started. "MeN Are BetTer. NO WoMan Are." Kindly stfu. Did you know that nature made a system and it's called hetero sex? Yeah. So basically host of annoying Satan spawn has to get,WITH CONSENT, fucked by the man. Now to say that some men are like omg, consent? Tf you don't need that. Alright. I am not going to need your consent when I am going pop some of your organs out with a certain technique called: "mummification". (Yes the Pharaos actually consented to such things but guess what honey unlike the Pharaos who have been seen as a god hence why they had this treatment when they were dead, YOU WILL EXPERIENCE IT ALIVE.) or also the argument that "not all men". Personally that sounds to me like the same excuse some Germans pulled up with in the 1950's. but "not all nazis". STFU PLEASE. SOME MEN ARE FUCKING TERRIBLE BUT IF YOU PULL UP WITH THAT FUCKING LAME EXCUSE FOR YOU TO USE, IT CLEARLY SAYS TO ME "actually I want to use this argument so I don't get fucked over if I do smth shit." No nice man in the world would pull up with that argument. To come to my point; what does it matter on who tf I am? Pretty damn sure you don't need to know that I am pretty gay for women and a slut for men when you hand me your fucking money at the cashier. Or your ethnical background. I am white myself. But geez some of y'all sound fucking ridiculous when you tell a person that they can't cosplay a character because they are black. Guess what honey, I guess you can't visit the Indian restaurant that you have mistakenly thought was somehow Pakistani, because you are not Indian. So you can't enjoy Indian food anymore. Sounds stupid right? Well same argument . And why are politics so important? We are a species. A stupid species I might say so, but a species. A pathetic one at that. Imma cut that hot take off right here. Thank you for reading this abomination.
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kwiatywlistopadzie · 2 months
Śmierć nadaje piękno życiu. Tylko sztuczne kwiaty nie umierają.
~ Małgorzata Musierowicz, „Nutria i Nerwus”
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gnome-punk · 11 months
From Lexi Drumonde's video on Hopepunk.
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kxxdinosaurs · 2 years
currently in a part of my life were i reactivate my old tumblr account and dump my thoughts and emotions on there.
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anarkonihilizm · 1 year
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otistiknesin · 2 years
çıldırtan sevginin fısıltısı,
sevilene kalpten ölüm dileği..
sevgimden öldürdüm tanrıyı,
nefretimden yaşatıyorum beni..
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Yalvarırım, Bir şeyler yapın. Bir dans öğrenin, Bir adım. Varlığınızı hak ettirecek, ufak bir adım. Sevgi ve ilgiyi, Güzellik ve kötülüğü. Yürümeyi ve gülmeyi öğrenin. Çünkü çok aptalca olur diğer türlüsü, Sonunda bu kadar çok insan ölmüşken, Siz yaşıyorsanız eğer, Hayatta bir şey öğrenmeden...
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