#ninjago: acting au
ninjas-and-coffee · 1 year
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its been done before, but still acting au
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the-mold-is-coming · 2 months
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When your bestie has gossip at the nursing home
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ninjago-x-lmk · 3 months
Ninjago DR S2 Spoilers
‘Would Master Wu take us on a mission with half-understood dreams?’
Lloyd…be fr, he always did that from time to time. How did you think Kai and the others knew Jamanukai village was getting attacked by Serpentine when you first released them?
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saline-coelacanth · 3 months
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With DR season 2 part 1 out, I wanna draw Oliver during some of the scenes, but in order to do that I needed to draw him in the new suits. Technically he is still one of the kids, but I already committed to giving him the same suits as the ninja for season 1, so now he's gotta have updated ones to match.
Idk maybe if I get to a point of not wanting to constantly change his outfit, I might make a new uniform look for him, but for now he gets new suits like the older ninja
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ashclouds366 · 8 months
so i watched fright night and now that i've seen lloyd's va acting as a total bitch, i really kind of want an au where lloyd is a bully.
i know that would be the literal opposite of him (and i love all the trauma and angst that comes with that guy, believe me), but it would just be so interesting. like. he HAS the power to be a bully. he COULD be a bully if he wanted to.
i know a bully au would change what makes lloyd, lloyd. but. just think about it
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mittenslikescats · 1 year
tbh I find it kinda funny that some people in the ninjago fandom will go on and on about how queer ships like lava and bruise are ‘disgusting’ and ‘wrong’ and some people will even call you a horrible person for even thinking of shipping them. Yet some of those same people will say how much they love Lloyrumi. Ya know the relationship between two characters that was create on lies and manipulation. Yeah people will say that shipping someone like Kai and Cole together is wrong but they do certainly love shipping a toxic relationship. 
Like I’ve seen people try to ‘justify’ why Lloyrumi (in the canon of the show) is a good ship, they say things like ‘but she was so nice to him before she was revealed to be the quite one’ Like no this girl the whole time lied and manipulated him then tried to kill him if that doesn’t screamed red flag I don’t know what does. Also this doesn’t mean I hate Harumi she’s one of my favorite villains but her and Lloyd shouldn’t be in a relationship and even if she redeemed herself in Crystalized, which she’s got a LONG way to go to fully redeem herself that doesn’t suddenly make up for what she put Lloyd through. I’m fine if you want to ship them in an AU where Harumi isn’t the quite one and doesn’t tried to make Lloyds life a living hell. But looking at a canon point in the show those two should never be together. Also didn’t Garmadon technically adopt Harumi? So wouldn’t that make Lloyd and Harumi adoptive sib-  
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stellarwaffles · 11 months
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Movie Akita + Kataru when they were 9
Some kids are picking on Kataru + Akita is telling them to leave him alone
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neteyammeowmeow · 6 months
I just remembered I also wrote a Deepseaenergy fanfiction earlier in May this year :3 I discovered it laying in my google docs... It's just Benthomaar, Lloyd, and their kid: Jinhai (if you don't know, they're a shapeshifting azure dragon :3)
It's called ummm... "Domestic Bloydfam... Sheds a tear" yeah 🐳🐳
Dayspring came early at a leisurely pace.
Benthomaar slowly opened his eyes, still feeling as drowsy and exhausted as the evening before. His head felt like a terrible, aching migraine that urged him to return to his slumber.
Though the streams of soft morning light filtered through the casement far before his senses reached him, it wasn't the chirping of birds or the distant crashing of waves that woke him, but the oddly strange weight on his chest.
The flurry of colours waving by just the corner of his sight quickly caught his attention, though he realised immediately that those colours belonged to a wagging tail's end, and the odd weight on him was none other than–
"Jinhai, get off your baba's chest." Scolded a tiredly voice from beside him.
Benthomaar chuckled, turning his head to the side, smiling immediately when the sight of his beloved greeted him.
Though strands of his light blond hair were unkempt, his eyes gazed back wearily alongside the expression that very clearly meant he had woken up not too long ago– and, as amusing as he seemed, he somehow still captivated Benthomaar (was there ever a moment where he didn't?)
However, their contact was cut short, just as Jinhai suddenly began pawing on his baba's silken cloth, their claws were sharp enough that it seemed they were going to tear the fabric apart.
Benthomaar huffed at Jinhai's sudden gestures for attention. It was funny that whenever Benthomaar tries to be closer to Lloyd– may it be even a simple glance or even trying to reach for a graze of a hand– whenever Jinhai is near, they would interfere and nudge Benthomaar as if they wish to drive him away.
Perhaps since Jinhai is a dragon, they found familiarity and comfort in Lloyd (who was more or less the same kind). Benthomaar speculates that is where Jinhai developed the instinct to keep Benthomaar away.
However, much to his misery, Lloyd finds it cute, and even mentioned that Jinhai's antics reminded him of Benthomaar when he was younger– often trying to put a hand to shield Lloyd even when there was never any danger (much to Benthomaar's flustered embarrassment everytime he tried to deny).
Lloyd scolded again, shaking Benthomaar out of his thoughts. However it seemed that Lloyd's stern expression mattered less to Jinhai, who was deeply focused on scratching the smooth material of Benthomaar's clothing.
Lloyd sighed, while Benthomaar grinned. Using Jinhai's concentration as an advantage for surprise–
"Got you!"
Jinhai squeaked in surprise, their baba's hands suddenly grabbing their torso and lifted them up into the air. Though their paws tried to hold onto the silk, they failed miserably, and ended up kicking their paws around, squawking and protesting to be put down.
Benthomaar chuckled, lips curled into an amused expression. "Good morning, Jinjin."
Jinhai pouts, puffing their snout, but Benthomaar knows better than they're only trying to pretend to seem upset. Their eyes were far too wide with a blank stare that reminded Benthomaar of little fish.
Lloyd shifted, moving closer to rest his head on Benthomaar's shoulder. He felt Lloyd lightly shaking his head at his antics alongside an amused sigh.
Benthomaar gently leaned over and lowered his head, just enough to give Lloyd a gentle peck on the forehead. "Good morning to you too, ἀγαπητέ.(dear.)" He muttered.
Lloyd, however, as opposed to Benthomaar's acts of affection, instead huffed and shed away from his gestures in mock disgust.
"Ugh, your morning breath is terrible. Wash your teeth first…" Lloyd scoffed.
Benthomaaar pretended to seem hurt, furrowing his eyebrows–but unfortunately couldn't hide the humoured grin rising on his expression. He giggles and nuzzles his nose against Lloyd's neck, happily ignoring Lloyd's protests.
"You won't even let your dear husband kiss you first thing in the morning? That's so mean," Benthomaar sighed, "I thought you loved me!"
Suddenly, Jinhai rumbles, rapidly shaking to get away from Benthomaar's grasp.
This time they managed to escape because of their baba's distraction, so they ended up sliding from his hands and falling right onto their baba's torso with a rough landing– mostly intentional revenge.
Lloyd only snorts. "That's what you get for trying to kiss me with your bad breath."
"Jinjin, do you really want to side with your dad on this one? You know… He won't give you any hugs forever…" Benthomaar whispered the last half of his sentence with a dramatic tone.
Jinhai perked up, tilting their head.
"That's not true–" Lloyd denied, "well… If you keep doing it then maybe I won't give you hugs… And kisses… Forever."
Lloyd, however, chose to ignore Benthomaar and instead directed his terribly sharp stare at poor Jinhai, who had an even lesser clue on what was going on.
"Jinhai, don't ever side with your baba, no one gets any hugs or kisses before they're tidy and clean." He says with a very serious tone.
"Awww." Benthomaar sniffed.
"What– Bentho!"
Lloyd yells in surprise all of a sudden when strong hands gripped on his waist and pulled him into a tight embrace.
"Ugh, seriously?" He groaned exasperatedly. Though Benthomaar could care less and gives him a soft kiss on the cheek, grinning all the while.
Jinhai squeaked, trying to climb over Benthomaar's torso after being pushed aside.
"Sorry, Jinjin," Benthomaar chuckled, turning just a bit and enough to grab Jinhai and bringing them into the hug, and also giving them a kiss on the bridge between their eyes.
Jinhai chirps happily, much of a contrast to Lloyd's tired grumbling.
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weekend-whip · 8 months
Band au!!
The ninja: A VERY popular band with huge turnouts for their concerts. Their music can vary a lot, but they land solidly in the alt-pop/rock area when they aren’t doing any sort of solo acts.
Kai: Basic electric/acoustic guitar, but he’s the lead vocalist and absolutely SHREDS when a song calls for a saxophone. Master of improv and is able to continue on with confidence if something goes wrong at a show. He likes it when he gets the chance to scream and jump.
Music type examples: I/Me/Myself by Will Wood, some of Bleacher’s more popular songs, Grandson, Bruno Mars, and a lot of FoB type-stuff.
Jay: Plays a little of everything, but his one true calling is the main melody on electric guitar. His fingerpicking skills are unparalleled. Girls throw themselves at his feet. It’s so sexy how fast his fingers move. He’ll also record some solo tracks on uke!
Music type examples: Complicated guitar melodies, All Time Low, and for uke think of stuff like ToP’s House of Gold and The Judge. The Orion Experience’s The Cult of Dionysus.
Cole: Bass guitar, and a little slap bass. He CAN NOT improv, he’s too scared to. Out of all of them he practices the most. He can do some solo piano stuff too, but not keyboard. Mostly stays back and lets the others take the spotlight, but when he gets really into it he might go up front and dance around with Kai.
Music type examples: I don’t know a lot of bass-centric songs, but he enjoys a lot of songs like Love Grows Where my Rosemary Grows. Autoheart. IDKHBTFM.
Zane: Keyboardist with experience in violin. When he gets in The Zone you cannot pull him out of it for anything less than the venue being on fire. He enjoys both fast-paced and slower music, and will sometimes join in on vocals.
Music type examples: Jake Wesley Rogers, Golden Hour, Cody Fry
Nya: Drums. She wants to hit things. Smack. Anger management. People are SO into it.
Music type examples: Anything with heavy drums and drum solos.
Jesse: Up and coming artist who does a lot of stuff with his sister. Can’t play any instruments too well so she makes tracks for him to add vocals to! He opens for the ninja a lot at their concerts.
Music type examples: Jake Wesley Rogers, other stuff you have already talked about, Bruno Mars if he’s feeling confident.
Olivia: Popular solo artist with a cult following. Leans heavily into the alt-rock and electronica scene. Sometimes she’ll hire the shark army as background players. Dances a LOT.
Music type examples: Paramore, P!atd, All Time Low, Daisy Grenade, K. Flay, and SPECIFICALLY Black Sheep from Scot Pilgrim vs. the World
Antonia/Bridget: Managers for the ninja/Jesse and Olivia respectively. God help them.
Jamie: Stage hand and photographer for both! He focuses too much on Olivia, though. Is it hot in here or is it just him? Has nothing to do with the drop she did while dancing and how she looked into the camera- no way.
Nya: We're really calling ourselves "The Ninja"? Kai: It's quick, it's catchy, it fits nicely on merch!!
Nya: Jay, I need you to stop being so hot while playing guitar Jay: It's not like I can turn it off???? *plays a riff* Nya: Pls your fans are starting to bruise with how hard they're falling at your feet Sunni: *lying on the floor* One more solo please!! I can handle it!!
Cole: All right, guys, let's rehearse one more time— Kai: Oooooor we could just jump onstage and just do whatever!!! The crowd loves spontaneity, that's why Jesse opens for us Jay: YEAH, FREESTYLE! Nya: *loud cacophony of drum slamming* Cole: PLEASE ANYTHING ELSE BUT THAT
Zane: I just think we should be incorporating a lot more violin into our songs— Kai: Zane. We're a pop-rock band. Save it for the solo album. Cole: Well, hold on, maybe it could put some extra spice into our music? Kai: When you can match a violin to my sister's erratic drum playing, then come talk to me Cole: Tch, bet Jay: *popcorn*
Jesse: *coming off from his act* You got a pic of my good side, right?? Jamie: Uhhh— *tries to run, drops several photos of dancing Olivia* W-Wait, I can explain, I— *drops even more photos of closeups of Olivia's smirk* WAIT JUST HOLD ON— Miranda: You had one job, man!!!! Antonia: At least get them autographed so we can sell them Jamie: *dies*
Olivia: —and then I struck a pose and threw him this sneaky little smirk and I thought he was gonna drop the camera, teehee Bridget: Bridget: We're doing a concert, not a runway model show!!! Olivia: I'M MULTITASKING
Nya: ...Do you ever think the band could use more...green? Kai: Not unless I'm wearing it *plays Careless Whisper on sax*
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sunnysunshine101 · 8 days
Im back my Ninjago content connoisseurs 
Phew! Schools been a busy, but now I’m done and I’m able to kick back, relax and post some more “The Winds Within The Sky Kingdom” content!!
I pray to be more consistent as the chapters release TwT, and I will!! Hopefully-
But! I’m back now, and this summer is going to be full of Ninjago content from yours truly
Stay safe y’all =3
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purpleisnotacolor · 1 year
Sins Of Garmadon, The Quiet One.
"Do you think your father is... safe?"
Here's a tiny bit of re-written dialogue for the scene where Harumi and Lloyd are talking on the riverboat. I've also added more of Lloyds thoughts into it.
I'm trying not to make this any darker than canon normally is, but Garmadon is very not okay and by extension neither is Lloyd, so... Reader Discretion Advised for implied suicidal ideation. (hey, the show implied it first in season 4, I'm not to blame here)
This is also my first WIP ever, so be nice.
"He wasn't the greatest villain." she said awkwardly.
"Heh, yeah." He continued to poke around at the bottom of the river with the pole. "I know you think that, but it'd be pretty hard to convince him otherwise." he said, chuckling, like his dad's self loathing was a joke.
"I know, I know..." she said gently, waiving her hands, as if apologizing. "I just... don't like seeing him hate himself so badly"
"Yeah... me too." it wasn't a joke. He hated seeing his own father like that. He's his son, he shouldn't be the one taking care of his dad! But he couldn't help but worry-
"Do you think your father is... safe?"
"What?" he almost dropped the pole. It was a reasonable question, but not one he wanted to hear.
"Uh! I mean... right now, there are a lot of people trying to kill him. And people who hate themselves don't fight for their lives very well."
"What? No! No... he would never... I mean..." Lloyd was reminded of how his dad almost jumped head first into the cursed realm when they were fighting Chen. He didn't do it, but he was so close, too close.
"I... I don't want to talk about it"
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rainofthetwilight · 10 months
i want to share a specific au of mine but im like. scared
me n my friendo have been ranting together abt for like 2(?) yrs n i was thinking of posting abt it n never did (i wasnt completely involved in the fandom at that time as i am today)
now that i am i wanna post it but im nervous
might tweak it a little not sure
(more of the rant in the tags, important ig)
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goldleaf-blog · 2 months
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Milk of the She-Oni
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mattiebluebird · 2 years
I fully support and love Morro redemption arcs/ aus where he & the ninja are friends, but also what if he was even WORSE.
AU where Morro dies and comes back to life in time to train beside Lloyd and the other ninja, only to later betray them. Even better if he joins the team before Lloyd is aged up-- then it's like being betrayed by the older brother you loved and looked up to.
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sky-of-ideas · 1 year
lmao the demon's wish au IS going to barely follow the events of witch's heart huh
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princesskeda · 2 years
Update!! Time Jump! (only like 5-6 months tho)
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