#no but imagine both of them scaring the shit out of donnie in the middle of the night because they’re like. glowing
angelmichelangelo · 9 months
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i imagine the first time they went topside during the daytime they both suffered and the others made fun of them for it immensely
[insp by this post here!]
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ok i have a rottmnt request!
reader x donnie, where reader is like a yokai/mutant x human hybrid? (how does that work idk but we won’t question) maybe a dragon or a snake mutant :) can be hcs or a one-shot idm! feel free to ignore this req lol
Absolutely!!! I decided to go with a half snake! Reader, I hope you enjoy!!
(also, sorry if this is short, I wrote this in the middle of class Lol)
Donnie x Half Snake Yokai! Reader!
When he met you, he was in pure Awe
He knew Yokai and mutants who were based on animals could mingle and create some new type of Yokai species, but he never imagined the possibility of a half human half snake yokai
When you first met, he was visiting the Mystic City, with his brothers, shopping and looking around
He was staring at some sort of new Yokai technology, before he bumped into another Yokai, when he opened his eyes, he was met with some of the most beautiful yellow eyes he had seen.
You both of course apologized, but he couldn't keep his eyes off you!
Having both characteristics of a human, but also a long with a snake? It was almost exactly what he was! (Minus the snake bit)
You both were constantly peeping at one another, often times accidentally locking eyes.
Until eventually Leo had to intervene and set you two up to get each other's numbers somehow
When you both started dating, it was so much more unexpected than what he could predict
At first you were scared to kiss him, in fear you would accidentally prick him with your fangs
Sure it happened a couple times, but he found it so adorable when you would get flustered and start to apologize for it
He doesn't like PDA or much affection in general, but when you did give it and he allowed it? Oh he could melt
He often found himself running hands along the scales that littered your skin, taking in it's color and shape, he often found himself complimenting them
If you're ever insecure about being a snake yokai, he will constantly compliment you, give you sweet snake facts (that he totally didn't Google and he totally knew it before hand).
He enjoys making inventions next to you, he'll explain each individual piece and mechanism, you may not understand much of what he's saying, but he enjoys that you're atleast trying to listen (Unlike his brothers *cough* *cough)
His dad was a tiny bit anxious around you (considering snakes eat rats) but after a while and he started to become more relaxed around you
If he ever hears like a hiss, or some sort of snake noise from you, he will obsess over it, and will do everything in his power to hear it again, he just finds it adorable, and it's TOTALLY FOR SCIENCE AND RESEARCH.
If you have a little snake tail, he'll constantly try not to step on it, he's accidentally stepped on it before, many times, and each time he apologizes
If you have some sort of skin/scale routine you have to do, he'll try to help in anyway he can, taking notes on what you do, helping you if you need a little help, and later, after he does more research, he will give ideas on what to do next time, or a more effective way to do something
Constantly gives compliments about your eyes
Is kinda freaked out at first by the way your eyes dilate but later, he finds it so interesting, and he finds it even cuter when your eyes get really wide and big
Often brags about you to his brothers
He often likes to call you his evil lab assistant, because there is no way this man does not see himself as an evil genius
When he gives evil cackles, you just like to watch him cause you find it so cute
Often times you have to persuade him into going to bed cause this man is an insomniac
He finds your tongue so cool, how it's forked and how it flicks when you hiss
Often times you hiss at him when you're annoyed, but now he often tries to make you annoyed cause he finds your little hiss so cute
You are often very quiet when you walk/glide, so you always scare the everliving shit outta hit when you sneak up behind him
But he tries to play it off as if you didn't scare him
When you laugh, you make little hisses, and he is absolutely IN LOVE WITH IT, he literally melts when you laugh and often tries to do more things to get a laugh out you
Whenever you're upset because. someone, since he's not the best at communicating his emotions, he will often say "you want me to kill them? Cause I'll do it, just get me some Titanium, nuts and bolts, chlorophyll, hydrogen monoxide, and they're body won't be found *insert evil chuckle*" and usually, it cheers you up
You love your absolute dorky turtle of a boyfriend
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meeludrawz · 1 year
It's not your baby - Part 1
My TMNT au doesn't have an actual name ANYWHO *Ahem* I was bored so I'm writing this little thing hereuh (I'm also writing it the way I imagined it in my head so don't u dare say I have bad grammar or shit like that, I know, I did it on purpose lmao) ------------------------------------------------------------
"I have good news but also bad news" Donnie walked out of his lab/room. "Which one do you want?" His brothers were all standing in the middle of the lair. Leo took some steps forward before Mikey could even open his mouth. "Bad news first" He answered Donnie while putting a hand on Mikey's shoulder to reassure him. "Elina needs a c-section as soon as possible-" "WHAT?!" Mikey interrupted Donnie by running to him and grabbing his shoulders. "IS SHE OKAY?! IS THE BABY OKAY?!" He shook his older purple brother before turning around. "What's a c-section?" "You've gotta be fucking stupid" Raph sighed in annoyance. "It's another way to get the baby out of the stomach, it's some kind of surgery" Leo explained as much as he could so Mikey could understand. "Not exactly that but yeah, I guess" Nodded Donnie as he thanked Leo, with a nod. "Anyways, as I was saying, Elina needs a c-section as soon as possible or else that will put both her and the baby in danger" "Then what are you waiting for? Save 'em" Raph added, raising a brow. The purple-masked turtle hesitated. "What's wrong?" Asked Leo after seeing the look on his brother's face.
"I can't just open her stomach like that! There are multiple procedures and I'm not an obstetrician!" "A what" Raph and Mikey asked simultaneously, confused. Donnie looked at their leader and even Leo looked confused so he facepalmed "It's the guy who does the surgery" he groaned.
"But- But dude you know lots!" Mikey started, trying to find some examples. "You saved Leo's life!" He couldn't find anything else. "You saved us so many times!" Facing Donatello, he looked down. "Can't you save them? For me?" "Mikey, it's dangerous! I could kill them both, I never did this before! I'm sorry Mikey but I just can't do anything to save them both"
Some tears started to form in Mikey's eyes. His older brothers instantly saw them. "Mike.." The orange-masked turtle raised his face towards Donnie. "Save both of them!!" He begged as he cried. "We're NINJAS Don!! We SAVE LIVES" "Ninjas are heroes Mikey!! Not doctors!!" The two of them got a little bit too close to each other. Luckily, Elina was under a sedative, their voices wouldn't wake her up.
"Doctors are heroes too!! They save lives too!! Why can't you do it?! Why can't you see that there is no difference?!" Mikey, out of rage, pushed Donnie. Raph and Leo gasped in worry. Donnie was also shocked but flames were burning in his eyes, he was pissed. "Okay that's enough" The leader tried to separate them before it was too late. But they didn't listen, Donnie pushed back his younger brother. "I said enough!" Once again, the younger brothers didn't listen and they started fighting each other. Leo threw a glance at Raph and they both immediately separated the younger two. "HOW CAN YOU BE SO HEARTLESS?! THAT'S MY BABY IN THERE!!" Mikey screamed as the tears were flooding his face. "THAT'S NOT YOUR BABY!!" The room immediately fell silent. Mikey, Raph and Leo's eyes widened in shock. Raph and Leo let go of the younger ones and the orange-masked turtle stormed out.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Who wants part 2? I want part 2, you'll get part 2 Also, it's not cuz Donnie doesn't wanna but because he's scared. He never "opened" someone's belly before, ya know? He knows that if he fucks up, he knows it'll affect Mikey. (Mostly if it kills Elina and her baby)
Elina Watson belongs to me and can be first seen >here<
Also Leo, Raph and Donnie still don't get how the frick Mikey has a girlfriend AND a kid before any of them Raph didn't step in at first because damn, Mikey and Donnie fighting? 👁️👄👁️🍿  And Leo.. Well, he was shocked to even see his younger brother acting like an adult so he just kinda froze
@ackalice Might interest u? Idk sorry for the ping ^^''
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egg-on-the-run · 3 years
I got my first proper request and I literally accidentally deleted it. Am I stupid? Yes. Did I immediately panic? Yes. Do I remember what was on it?........ mostly.
Haha anon I hope you see this I'm so sorry but ily.
The turtles s/o who's usually very calm but just bursts into anger.
Notes: swearing :) I think it's funny
He's used to a very calm s/o, you like to meditate together, he's always been good with helping you with breathing exercises.
You both like to keep arguments to a minimum, and even when fights do take place there isn't a lot of yelling
But when your mother came to visit :) that was just :) a lot of pressure :)
And she stayed in your apartment :) for a week :) everything was fine :)
Leonardo hadn't seen you for an entire week, not an overly long time, but certainly not pleasant. And he knew that you got stressed when you couldn't see him often. So as soon as you texted saying you had dropped your mother off at the airport, he immediately came round.
You were already screaming the moment you walked in the door.
"Oh she has some nerve! Some nerve! Speaking to me like that!"
"I'm guessing you're car ride went smoothly."
"She's been bugging me all week! When are you getting married? When are you have kids? I want some grand babies before I die! Ugh! She's obsessed with maintaining this perfect image all because her friend's kids are married and making babies like rabbits!"
He stayed quiet, not exactly sure how to comfort you. It wasn't like he could provide you with these things, and by the sounds of it, your mother would never approve of your huge turtle boyfriend.
"She just can't get that I'm happy! I have my own life and it's perfect the way I want it to be! I have a perfect boyfriend! You're a fucking delight! She–she's just so obsessed with her image that she'd never get that!"
"You... You think so?"
"I know so! She's too stubborn and she'll never get how fucking great you are and it just— UGH! It fries my brain."
"Even though I... I can't give you all those things... I can't legally marry you, we can't have kids."
"Even if you could give me a mansion and a diamond ring, or if all you could give me was a-a fucking walnut! I love you Leonardo, not that prim and proper white satin wedding she's made a thousand Pinterest boards for. I love you, I just wish she would get it."
Leonardo leaned down and kissed your cheek
"I love you too."
He believed in dealing with anger appropriately, but seeing you defend him with such passion made him feel so much more secure.
He's seen you angry before, he encouraged it. He's all about helping you with your confidence, teaching you to not be afraid to take up space and stand up for yourself.
But holy cow. You were mad that night.
He'd warned you not to take the trash out at night, wait to the morning — or better yet, he'll take it out for you when he came to visit after patrol.
But you are Raphael's girl. You are stubborn.
So you take the trash out, and some absolute creep decides that "flirting" in a dark alleyway in the key to a girl's heart.
Raphael swooped in, told the man to scram. But bold and drunk, the man spits back with a "Oh yeah? And would she want anything to do with a freak like you? What are you gonna do? Hit me? Aw, big angry turtle, you're gonna scare your girlfriend away."
It was two of his biggest insecurities. His appearance and his rage, especially in regards to scaring you away. It was a low blow, Raphael should have known to just walk away.
But he clammed up, he'd never admit when his anxiety got the best of him and you don't blame him.
"Oh go fuck yourself. If a vile man like you doesn't scare me, why the hell do you think a good man like him would?"
"A good man? He's not a fucking man! He's some freaky turtle thing, a pretty little thing like you deserves a real man."
"And are you a real man?"
"More real than your little pet."
The next thing you knew, the man was on the ground. You assumed Raphael knocked him out, but Raph's standing behind you and you're the one with your hand in a fist.
"Oh my god. Oh–Oh Raphie I knocked him out! O-Oh my god!"
"Holy shit Y/N! You probably broke his nose!" Raphael is grinning, shaking your shoulders.
"I didn't mean to hurt him."
"He deserves a broken nose at the least for messing with you! He was an asshole and he needed someone like you to set him straight!"
"I, um, well, I suppose he did! Saying such horrible things about you, I-I guess he did need someone to put him in his place."
Raphael ruffled your hair, "Thank you, my knight in shining armour."
"That make you my Prince?"
"Your Prince who was right about not taking the trash out at night."
"You've got to be fucking kidding me."
He appreciated you standing up for him more than you could imagine. And he found it mighty hot how hard you hit that guy. Seriously! He must be a good self defence teacher.
Donatello loves you so much, loves holding you and hugging you whenever he can. He adores it when you sit on his lap while he works.
But do you like to cuddle when you sleep? Tough luck. Getting him to bed is like trying to lick your own elbow: near impossible.
Regardless, you try. Because every once in a while Donatello is too tired to fight and he will go to bed.
Tonight is not one of those nights.
"Baby, please, just come to bed. Everyone's already asleep."
"I'll be there in a minute, just go on without me."
You sigh, not really seeing the point in fighting. Instead you return to his bed, trying to keep yourself awake playing games on your phone. When half an hour passes, you go back and try again.
"Donnie come on, aren't you tired? I just want to cuddle."
"I just need to put some stuff on a hard drive, April's writing a new article, she needs it for tomorrow."
You sigh once more, "Promise you'll come to bed right after?"
"I promise."
Donatello's bed is comfortable, but it's more comfortable with him in. You force yourself to stay awake; despite your exhaustion you're determined to cuddle tonight. It's all you want.
But it did not take an hour to put some documents onto a hard drive. And he's being awfully loud for just typing away on a computer.
"Are you fucking joking right now?!"
He jumps, almost dropping the box of beakers in his arms, "Hey love... Can't sleep?"
"You're rearranging your lab?! Why are you—since when do you rearrange things, huh? What the hell?!"
"I just y'know, thought things needed a change..?"
"Oh, and now is the time to change things, really? Of all the times to move your fucking beakers you decide to do it in the middle of the night after I specifically asked you to come to bed? Seriously?"
He gives a nervous grin, the kind that usually made you smile in return. But it was late — rather it was early at this point — and you were cranky.
"You can sleep without me, you're a big girl." He teased.
"I want to sleep with my boyfriend! I want to cuddle! Is that so much to ask for?!"
Donatello blinked, "You're right, I'm sorry, but I swear, I promise, I'll be ten minutes, honest."
"You can finish this tomorrow. If you're not in bed in the next ten seconds, I am going to scream and wake everyone else up."
"Don't be ridiculous—"
Donatello jumped, quickly moving to shove supplies in cupboards a little recklessly. You continued to count down from ten, storming off back to his bed for hopefully the finally time this night.
By the time you got to the very firm "Three... Two... One..." Donatello was racing to bed, dived in beside you, crashing and knocking your heads together.
He'd never tell you, for fear you'd let it get to your head, but he kind of liked it when you got bossy.
Anger and Michelangelo just don't mix. They just don't. He's the king of communication, he's tries his hardest to avoid fights at any and all costs. You've always appreciated his determination to talk things out with you.
But with his brothers? He shuts down, he goes quiet and just accepts whatever blame they put on him: he knows they don't mean it, they only say mean things when they're angry.
But it hurts, hearing his big brothers tell him he's stupid, that he's childish, that he's lackadaisical.
"What kind of word even is that?! I swear Donnie must read a thesaurus as a bedtime story.."
So he's allowed to complain, and you let him ramble when he comes to visit. He sits on your bed and the words just tumble out of his mouth, lets you move around the room tidying up while he rants.
"I just—Raph keeps calling me stupid. And I just—I-I just—You know, sometimes I believe it."
You freeze, sweater only half folded and turn to him, "But you're not stupid. Just because you're not some brainiac like Donatello doesn't make you stupid. If that was the case, then I'm stupid, Raph's stupid, April, Leo, Splinter is stupid. Do you think we're all stupid?"
"Well—no, but—"
"But what?"
"But I... I am a little stupid."
"No you're not! Mikey, how many times has you out of the box thinking saved the day? Y-You were the one who suggested playing friggen buck-buck to take down Shredder! Y-Your skateboarding—hoverboarding skills saved the world. You think your brothers could do that?"
Mikey scrunched his nose up, "That's not smart though. They're right. My-my focus is all over the place, I-I could never come up with a plan like Leo, I could never have half the brains Donnie has, and Raph just—he gets things that I don't and I-I am stupid!"
"I need to have a word with your brothers—"
"And that's another thing! Everyone still treats me like I'm some kid! I don't need you to have a word with them! You're not my mom."
"Then you have a word with them! But sitting here and complaining about things that just aren't true isn't going to change anything!"
He's taken aback. Much like himself, you hardly ever yell, never ever raise your voice at him.
"I am not going to stand here and let them insult you day in and day out! Either you do something about it, or I will!"
He blinks at you, you're aggressively folding the sweater in your arms and grumbling about how you could definitely take Raphael in a fist fight if need be. You mumble something about how nobody gets to speak to your boyfriend like that, and it finally clicks with Mikey.
"Alright. I'm going to talk to them," He's mostly talking to himself, "I'm going to show them that I'm not some stupid, ditzy, lackadaisical kid anymore. I'm your boyfriend, and nobody gets to speak with me that way!"
You beam at him, anger disappearing within the second with his newfound confidence, "Hell yeah! Nobody insults my boyfriend!"
"Your boyfriend!"
"My boyfriend!"
"Your boyfriend!"
His brothers' version of a wake up call is to point out his weaknesses, tell him what needs to be corrected. But you much prefer to build him up, point out his strengths.
But jeez, he does not like your angry face.
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imagine-turtles · 3 years
Hey, how are you? 🙂 I hope you're staying safe in this messed up world we live in at the moment!
I was wondering if I could send in a prompt?
So, I have a love/hate relationship with horror movies; I love to watch them up until the scary parts, which is when I tend to cover my eyes/ears or get up and leave the room entirely. I don't know why I do this to myself, but, there it is. 🤦‍♀️
I was watching "It: Chapter II" tonight and I think I got up about two dozen times to half-watch it from a distance. My prompt is... How would the boys react to their crush insisting on watching a scary movie but then spent the majority of its runtime with their eyes/ears covered or constantly getting up to go hide until the scary part was over?
Thank you!
Thanks for waiting 80 million years for me to get around to this one!! Hope you are staying safe, too!! Bayverse/neutral becaaause you didn't specify. 😘
Leonardo appreciates the effort his crush puts into watching horror movies despite their obvious terror, but he’s unsure why exactly they’re doing it. Maybe it’s some sort of nerve training, or exposure therapy?
If that’s the case, he guiltily thinks to himself, it doesn’t seem to be working very well.
The first time they nearly jump out of their blanket nest, Leo grabs them out of reflex and just… never lets go. At first he freezes, convinced they’re about to wriggle out of his grasp, but when their head drops back onto his arm he convinces himself it would be more awkward to extract himself. Besides, wouldn’t it be insensitive to let go while they’re obviously distressed? So he doesn’t.
Then, when they fall asleep, Leo really doesn’t have a choice. Surely it would be worse to move and wake them up than to just let them rest, even if they are tucked so closely to his side he can hardly see them anymore.
(He, unfortunately, hardly sleeps at all.)
Raphael... doesn’t really get it. His crush wanted to watch a horror movie, picked this one out, but now they can hardly keep their eyes on the screen for more than a few minutes. Is he supposed to be doing something about this, or would interference offend them?
So, Raph does the only thing he can think to do, and starts in on the trash talk. He’s on edge at first, thinking that he might come across as mocking--it’s the movie that’s stupid, not his crush for being scared of it--but as soon as he earns that first sheepish smile he just doesn’t let up. His youngest brother may be the unofficial funnyman of the family, but Raph can just as easily crank up the comedy when pressed.
Luckily, he’s well-supplied with content to work with. The overtures sound like royalty-free stock music, the plot is predictable to a T, and the overly complex CGI hits that uncanny valley sweet spot every few minutes--ruining the immersion at the worst times. It’s only when he looks over in the middle of reenacting what the pitch meeting for the movie must have been that he realizes his crush can hardly talk for their laughter, and tries his best to burn the memory into a small, private corner of his mind.
Donatello simply appreciates company that won’t point out how jumpy he gets during horror movies. He’s not scared, and the gore doesn’t bother him, he’s just easily startled. Not the same thing, he insists, jumping at loud noises or sudden movement is an evolutionary feature. Not that his family cares about the difference, or would willingly sit through an informative presentation on the benefits of reacting to false positives.
In the end, Donnie does what he always does and turns the volume down. Sure, it doesn’t help with the visuals, but removing the audio shock factor really tones down the intensity of horror movies. He loves them all the same.
And isn’t this perfect? Isn’t this just another nail in his coffin, another item on the list of reasons why Donnie and his crush are irrefutably compatible? The connection between two people sharing the same feelings at the same time must be more compelling than if he were to play the protector anyways. So he sticks to this justification, no shame in sight when he clutches at his crush’s arm, shrieking and giggling nervously right along with them.
If Michelangelo weren’t in the middle of chickening out, this would be the perfect time to confirm the rumors that he is, in fact, boyfriend material. Not because horror doesn’t scare him--he’s not above admitting when shit’s just too creepy--but because the point is to be scared together. Nothing sparks closeness like a good mutual heart attack.
So, when his crush leaps over the back of the couch and starts running, Mikey is right behind them. Are they seriously gonna leave him to watch it alone? There’s no way he’s coming back until they do; a quick lap around the lair is in order, reasoning being that if they tire themselves out, they won’t have any energy left to be scared. Right?
Wrong, and not two minutes later they’re both practically under the couch cushions with no intention of leaving. Mikey would normally be delighted at the thought of falling asleep with his crush if he weren’t pissing himself at every wonky shadow from the imagined safety of the pillow fort couch.
Later, though, he would wish he’d appreciated how fiercely their limbs were entangled while he had the chance.
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The First Basterd: DonnyxFem!Reader
requested by @marlenemarauders
A/N *Reader is Polish & Jewish, but you don't have to be either to read it :D
@owba-chan @war-obsessed @inglourious-imagines @tammykelly @struggling-bee @frozenhuntress67 @kwyloz @sodapop182 @marlenemarauders @what-the--curtains @taikawho @spookybearlandtaco Let me know if you wanna be added to the IB or OUATIH taglists! :) _________________________________________ ***November, 1943***
You huffed as you walked through the dense forest. A puff of cool air forming a cloud before your lips as you marched through the winter. Your sniper was slung over your shoulders. You gave the bright grey sky a rare glance with a sigh, before returning to the constant scan of forest floor. You were once a lone sniper, far from home. You had been, since 1939. Lone sniper or not, you quickly learned that in order to survive in war, you had to make a few allies. By late 1942, you had more than a few. Things would change then, though you hadn't anticipated that just yet. By late 1942, you had made a name for yourself. Now, none of your enemies quite knew your name. All they could call you was the Basterd. A composite sketch of you from descriptions from nazis who'd barely survived your gaze was sent halfway around Europe and back. By late 1942, every nazi west of the Vistula River knew your face, and knew you as the Basterd. By 1943, they'd learn you were only the first basterd. 
Back in November of 1942, just before the basterds left England to jump over France, they were informed at the last minute that a special agent working undercover in France would be guiding them when they landed. They were expecting an older, more experienced, serious, mysterious agent. Probably a British spy, or a rogue Soviet. The kind of thing they saw in old movies. They got you, instead. And they loved you... Maybe a little too much, you'd say. It had been a year since then, and you loved them all to pieces, honestly. But, you were a little more than a little annoyed by now. Each and every basterd loved you in his own way...and consequently, became overprotective. Every time you had to risk showing your face to nazis, Aldo hung around dangerously closely, which only made it all riskier. Smitty tried to convince you to only use your sniper, and never even get close enough to have your face seen at all. Omar called him all sorts of names over that, but then acted even more ridiculously by making a Robin-esque kind of mask for you. Hirschberg ceaselessly and shamelessly flirted with you, and stole your kills, insisting you shouldn't waste your time. Wicki was a little more...mature about it. He was still overprotective, but quiet about it. None was more head over heels than Donny. You liked to hang around with him a little more because he made you feel less like a liability, and more like a basterd. Still, it took every ounce of patience and strength to not remind them every waking moment of your life that you were once the Basterd. Until today. Donny took a bullet for you. Well...it was meant for you, but it was a whole meter away from you. The bullet grazed Donny's shoulder, but it could have been so much worse. When the scalping and interrogating was over, you were fuming as you paced back and forth, gathering all the supplies you needed to take care of Donny. "The basterds need you, Y/n. I need you." He knew exactly what you were thinking, and it scared him. What scared you more was that this was not the first time one of the basterds had done something stupid like that. And, you weren't so sure it would be the last. You were tired of it, and you were tired of thinking that if some day, something happened to them, it would be because of you. "Not now, Donny." You shook your head, and clenched your jaw, knowing that if you didn't, you would raise your voice and all hell. "What?" "Not like this," You were exasperated, shaking your head, "Not now. Not in the middle of a fucking war." You were livid. You and Donny had joked about it before. As time went on, you had to actually talk about it.  It kept you both up till two am. It got you both through gunfire, through rain, through sleepless nights. But you'd both come to the same conclusion. This was war. This was no place for love. "Fuck a duck," Donny reached for your hand, but you pulled away as he called out, "I couldn't fucking let them hurt you! Y-" "I was a whole meter away from the bullet! I am not a child in need of protecting." You did your best at cleaning the wound, focusing directly on the blood. If you looked at him, at that smirk you knew he had, you would probably punch him. "When you Americans were still arguing about joining the war, I was already out here, alone, with a stolen gun, running out of bullets, far from home, and far from any allies. I've seen it all, done it all. I've survived." You muttered, "I don't know what more you expect from me." You finally looked at him, with a reproachful glance that stung him,  "I don't know why you expect so little when I'm one of you!" He stammered for a moment, not able to find any justification for it. "It's not that we expect little from you, it's just that....we....I mean..." Donny wasn't the kind of person that stuttered, stammered, and stalled. Whatever he had to say to you, he was having a hard time putting into words, and you were not happy about it. You gave up, uncrossed your arms with an exasperated sigh, and turned away.  "For fuck's sake." "It's just that..." You stormed out of the tent to grab some more bandages, and he followed you. "What? That I'm a girl? I should be sitting behind a typewriter on a fucking base? I should just stick to being a nurse? Let me re-fucking-mind you that I was not trained to be a nurse, I learned all of this out here on my own, years before you even fucking enlisted." All the basterds were sitting around, and could hear it all too clearly. It didn't matter to you, and it didn't embarrass you as much as it would have any other day. They could hear anyway, and...you wanted them to hear. You wanted all of them to quit it. Omar munched on a sandwich and remarked with a shrug, "...She has a point," not yet realizing how serious you were. "Omar!" Smitty put up his hands in exasperation, shaking his head. Aldo muttered, as he opened his tin of snuff, "Just keep your fucken mouth shut."
"Unbelievable. After a whole fucking year..." you muttered, rifling through the supplies for at least one clean, spare bandage. Wicki turned to the others, whispering "So she's mad-mad..." "What else is new?" Hirschberg chuckled, and all the basterds glared at him, not wanting to collectively face your vengeance. Because, as much as they acted like big bad basterds around you and the rest of the world, they were just a tiny bit scared of you. And rightfully so. You shook your head, "I have a higher body count than all of you combined." That alone would have struck fear in anyone's heart. You finally wrapped a bandage around Donny's wound tightly. "Ow! Fuck, Y/n!" "When will you stop acting like I need saving?!" You put your hands at your hips, finally looking at them all, effectively terrifying them. The only thing more terrifying at the moment would be to lose you. "I'm sick and tired of this ridiculous shit. If this is as far as we can get without one of you biting a fucking bullet 'for me', then maybe I should quit." You were dead serious.
You turned your back on them, walking east, which terrified them even more, as they all jumped to their feet, and rushed toward you. "Where are you going?" Wicki asked, completely concerned. Honestly, that was his thing. Being a bit older than all the basterds, he was usually genuinely concerned for all of you. But...mostly you. "You were all ordered to be on this team. I chose it. Now I'm choosing to go to Frankfurt. If you want to come, be my guest. But don't ever do anything stupid, like that again" You gestured to Donny, and he only grinned, wanting desparately to believe that you were bluffing. But, even he knew better than that. "What the hell's in Frankfurt?" Aldo asked, packing up his few belongings, quickly followed by the others. You turned back to look at them, beginning to grin a little. "You ever hear of a man by the name of Hugo Stiglitz?" There was a resounding no. You sighed, "If you want to know, then walk and talk," you shrugged, slinging your sniper over your shoulder, as you walked east. The basterds trotted by, as you revealed a particularly interesting anecdote. _____________ It was 1939. Sirens had been blaring so long and so often, when they stopped, everything sounded as if you were underwater. There was nothing and no one left in Krakow that you could recognize. There were nazis in the streets. There was glass on the ground. People were missing. You had only one chance to escape. It was on the shore of the Vistula river, under the cover of the dark night sky, and the shroud of a thundering storm that you took that chance. You killed a nazi. You took his sniper, and you took off, hoping to make it to Denmark, which was still free at the time. Then, you were sure you'd find a way to help. You'd been running for days on end. When you finally had a moment to breathe, you were in a land you did not know. You didn't even know what day it was. It had felt as though years had gone by. But when you looked around in the dimly lit streets of a strange and small town, your hands shook, your heart stopped, and you watched as your world collapsed. You were in the middle of Germany, nowhere near Denmark. You were only beginning to panic... You had nowhere to go. You had no way to hide a sniper. You felt a thousand eyes falling on you accusingly. You had just caught the eye of a man in a gestapo uniform. He walked over to you, and people turned away. He had been alerted about a "suspicious figure." When he spotted you, he  walked down the street, not raising any alarms or orders. He walked by you, ushering you to a side street, then to a quiet, isolated alley. He saw how terrified you were, and quickly began explaining he knew a place where you could hide. You looked at him, with wide eyes, and hardly breathing. You saw blood on his knife. (And years later, you'd learn he'd just killed one of his officers, minutes before finding you.) He smiled kindly, thinking for a moment, finding the string of Polish words he'd learned not too long ago. "Nazywam się Hugo Stiglitz." 'My name is Hugo Stiglitz.' You didn't know if you could trust him, but when you saw his eyes, you knew you had no choice. When you realized he was putting himself on the line for you, you spoke to him in whatever German you could piece together, "Ich kann von hier aus gehen. Ich kann es schaffen. Geh, bevor du erwischt wirst." You looked so frightened, he could hardly believe what you'd just said, "I can go from here. I can make it. Go, before you get caught."
Hugo simply shook his head, with an assuring smile. "Frag mich nicht Dinge, die ich nicht tun kann." "Don't ask me things I cannot do."
Hugo hid you in the home of a friend, and then another, and another. There was a chain of them. Some of them were hiding neighboring families, some were hiding childhood friends. Some were hiding complete strangers, like you. Hugo visited you every day, wherever you were hidden. He couldn't help you get to Denmark, but, France was an option. He warned you that part of, if not all of France would probably be invaded in a matter of time, and urged you to find a way out. Anywhere. As far as you could. You promised him you'd stay safe, and stay in France, but...he wouldn't find out, would he? He sighed as he escorted you himself to France, knowing you'd be safe there. But, something told him you wouldn't do as he'd advised you to do. No, you had that restless fire in your eyes that belonged to the rebels and the righteous. He smiled, knowing wherever you went after that moment was out of his hands. But fighters like you were never out of his mind. Only months later, he saw the sketch of your face, and he sighed. He wasn't surprised, but he wished you the best. _____________ Four years later, you studied the bloodied papers and 'wanted' picture in your hands. It was a warrant for Hugo's arrest. He was on the run, believed to be somewhere in France. He was to be brought in alive. You only hoped he hadn't been found yet. But if he had, you were going to do something about it. It was only fair, you smirked. Donny found your smirk incredibly cute, though he was undoubtedly a little jealous seeing you get so worked up about some guy. Some guy that wasn't him. He went along with it, trying to stay out of your way. He'd annoyed you before, but this time you were not budging. Every one of the basterds followed you without question. You broke them in and out of a high security prison all the way in Frankfurt. Aldo had his usual spiel ready, of course, being a slave to appearances and all.  Now, he had you to thank for this new recruit. Hugo nodded briefly at Aldo. But, a faint flicker of his old smile graced that grim cell when he realized just who had led the basterds to him. When Hugo was free from his cell, you hugged him. He couldn't remember the last time someone had hugged him. Donny wasn't too thrilled, but you'd both laugh about it some years later in a diner, back in Boston, far from the war and all the ruins it left. It'd be a long time till then. And you were still upset at the boys. If leading them directly into Germany, and in and out of a high security prison, without loosing a single basterd wasn't impressive enough, you didn't know what was. Needless to say, it only took a few hours to find out. You walked at the end of the group, in case any nazis were still on your trail. You were, after all the best marskman they had. Hugo was just ahead of you, but barely. He was tired, more tense then when you had last seen him, which seemed utterly impossible. You spoke in broken German. Wicki was way ahead, he wouldn't hear. "Du bist verletzt." "You're hurt." When Donny heard your voice, he slowed down a little. You smirked, already knowing that basterd was jealous as hell. Still, he muttered something to himself about not knowing anything other than English, and some Italian. Hugo nodded, simply, acknowledging that though you'd known him briefly, you were the only living person who knew him at all. He said one simple word in your language, "Tak." 'Yes.' knowing there was no use in denying it. "If someone comes up behind us, leave me behind." You smiled and shook your head, "Don't ask me things I cannot do." He sighed, remembering that, but still shook his head, "You made it this far without me, why-" "Without you? That's a laugh." It was then that you noticed Hirschberg making a mistake you had made back in 1941. "HIRSCHBERG GET AWAY FROM THERE!" He was on thin ice. Literal, thin ice. Listening to the roaring bellow of the frozen lake. "HIRSCHBERG!" He was listening to everything but you. "GEROLD." He turned to you with wide eyes, knowing to be fucking terrfiied if you ever called him by his first name. "FOR FUCK'S SAKE, GET OUT OF THERE!" Just as he started to get up, the ice beneath his feet began to crack. Donny, through the throbbing, searing pain in his arm, instinctively flung forward, running, and reaching for Hirschberg. "DONNY DON'T!" He slipped away from your grasp, dropping his bat on the ground as he lunged to save his brother in arms. The ice, already fragile and shattered, could offer Donny less time than it had Hirschberg. Now both of them were flailing in the freezing water, in shock from the slicing and searing cold. "NOBODY FUCKING MOVE." You warned, thinking quickly, knowing all of the basterds were liable to follow without thinking. "BUT-" You turned to Smitty. You'd apologize later, but...there was no time to be sorry now. "SHUT IT." "Y/N." "SHUT IT." You turned to Hirschberg and Donny, calling out, "RELAX. FLOAT HORIZONTALLY, BELLY DOWN! BELLY DOWN, HIRSCHBERG!" Though you were shouting, your words seemed soft, and cut through the panic and adrenaline. They slowed down, and did as you told them to do, as you picked up Donny's bat, tying your jacket onto it, praying the knot would hold. You wandered to the edge of the frozen lake, holding on to the sleeve, and sliding the bat out to the boys, "GRAB ON." Donny made Hirschberg go first. "D-donny, I-I c-can't. I-" His teeth were chattering, as he shook his head, along with everything else. Donny stammered, "Th-that's a f-fucken o-order. Go." Your eyes widened, as you felt the ice beneath you pop. "Y/n, no-" Aldo stepped forward now, but you pushed him away. "It won't hold both of us." You looked back, as Hirschberg shakily grabbed on to the end of the bat. "Stay down, I'll pull you back here!" You slowly and steadily pulled Hirschberg. You would've loved to do it quickly, to save Donny. But, that would only make the ice even more unstable. You couldn't bring yourself to look at Donny yet. You could hear him stammering and chattering, trying to encourage Hirschberg through, with some colorful language here and there to keep himself awake. After what felt like an eternity, you finally looked at Donny. His face was blue, his nose was bright red. "DONNY COME ON!" He wrapped his stiff, blue fingers around his bat, as you pulled him over the edge, and close to the shore. The basterds gave up their coats and sweaters for them, and you looked around. You knew this part of the forest. No one would come near it. Not in this winter. Aldo knew that look in your eye. You'd been a basterd longer than they had. You knew what you were doing, and where you were going.  He understood that look meant you were safe. He nodded, agreeing silently with you. "This here's a p'rty good place to stop, boys." Far from the eyes of murderers, hidden from gunfire and planes, you built a fire, and found a place to set up camp. When the sun set, only Donny remained by the fire. Hirschberg, and the rest of the basterds had gone to sleep. Even Hugo with fresh wounds, fears, and insomnia, was able to slip into a dream or two. "Hirschberg's doing ok. " You sat by Donny, smiling softly as you handed him some makeshift soup that Smitty was made. (There was a 50% chance it was edible, and 50% chance the OSS could use it as a torture device. But that's a story for another day.) "Y/n..." The way he looked at you was different. In fact, it was almost the way the rest of the basterds looked at you for the past few hours. There was a form of awe...An unspoken shield of respect. The only difference in the way Donny looked at you, was that there was a shade of love entwined there. "See, and I didn't have to get shot to save you," you chuckled, playfully leaning your head on his shoulder. He slowly lifted his arm, resting his hand on your head. "Where would I be without you..." He was serious, and spoke softly, which was not something you could say happened often. "Probably with a gangrenous arm," you shrugged, and he smiled a little. You looked into his eyes for a moment, and he looked into yours, and he kissed you. "What took you?" He raised his eyebrow, almost offended, as he raised his voice a little, "What took me?! What took you?!" You both laughed about it, your head resting once again on his shoulders, and his head resting over yours as you watched the dancing stars and the rising trees, as snow began to fall softly. There was a long road ahead to occupied France. And longer still was the road to the end of the war. But, in that moment, that was ok. You'd make it out together. All of you. Once, you'd taken pride in being  the one and only basterd. You'd been proud of being the only one who's face could bring the enemy to their knees, and make them beg for mercy. But things changed in 1942. It took some getting used to, but you knew all along it was the only way for any of you to make it out. Together. You were reminded of that when you saw Hugo's face on that warrant. But here, in Donny's arms, it was clearer now more than ever. The only way out of the war, was just like that.
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butternutsquashoil · 3 years
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Songs from my library that I think class 1-A would listen to pt.1
Includes Iida, Aoyama, Momo, Hagakure, Mina, Jiro, Denki, Sero, Kirishima, and Bakugo
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Tenya Iida
He listens to the Beetles and his favorite song is ‘Here Comes the Sun’
I just feel it in my souls that Iida would listen to older music, because frankly, I think that most modern pop songs would scare him. He also listens to Billy Joel songs which he thoroughly enjoys! Also, unlike Denki, Iida listens to Careless Whispers without the knowledge that it is in fact a meme
He basically has the music taste of my grandfather. He also enjoys listening to classical music while doing homework
Kyoka Jiro
She most definitely listens to ‘Bad Reputation’ by Joan Jett. She just gives off the vibes ya know?
She also listened to a lot of My Chemical Romance when she was in middle school and as she got older, she listened to Ozzy Osborn and older hard rock.
She also dabbles with other genres, but rock is her all-time favorite! (She also listens to Kesha bc I say so)
Momo Yaoyorozu
I think her favorite song is ‘New Soul’ by Yael Naim, and she learned how to play it on the piano
She also listens to a lot of soft pop and classical music. She usually listens to Ed Sheeran, Lewis Capaldi and Adele. Here favorite song for each of them is ‘Photograph’ ‘Someone You loved’ and either ‘When We Were Young’ or ‘Someone Like You’
Here favorite classical musician to listen to is Beethoven and her favorite song of his is ‘Sonata No.14’ played in C-Sharp
Yuga Aoyama
It was sooooo hard to find songs that I thought he would listen to, but I ultimately decided he is a Swifty lol
His favorite albums are Speak Now and Lover and his favorite songs are ‘Better Than Revenge’ and ‘The Story Of Us’ from Speak Now and his favorites from Lover are ‘I Forgot You Existed’ and ‘London Boy’
He also listens to Gillian Hills and his favorite song of hers is ‘Zuo bisou bisou’ is his all time favorite song!
Toru Hagakure
She listens to a lot of weastern pop music, but she also listens to Kpop and Jpop and her favorite songs are ‘Boy With Luv’ by BTS and ‘Butter Sugar Cream’ by Tomggg
I think she listens to a lot of Zedd and and Panic! At The Disco, to and her favorite songs would be ‘Happy Now’ and ‘High Hopes’
She also listens to whatever is trending on tik tok just because
Mina Ashido
Ok, Mina most definitely listens to Megan Thee Stallion, Lizzo and Cardi B
She doesn’t really have a favorite but she listened to WAP and Truth Hurts for a solid month and a half and can sing both song songs from start to finish
She also really likes Beach Bunny and Hailee Steinfeld and her favorite songs from those two are ‘Prom Queen’ and ‘Most Girls’
Denki listens to a shit ton of meme music, and he usually ends up enjoying it un-ironically. His favorites are Careless Whispers by George Michel and Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley, and the squad absolutely dreads when it’s his turn to play music
He also has a playlist of Mario music and blares it through his headphones while doing homework (which is the only way that he’s able to concentrate on it)
His favorite Mario Kart song is Koopa Cape and he has choreographed a whole dance routine for it. He also loves the Wii theme, and it plays on repeat in his head 24/7
He and Kirishima also listen to Disney music all the time and his favorite is ‘Hakuna Matata’ from the Lion King
Kiri definitely listens to Panic! At The Disco and My Chemical Romance. His favorite songs from those two are ‘Hey Look Ma, I Made It’ ‘Victorious’ and ‘Teenagers’
He also listens to Lizzo, which Mina got him hooked on and he really likes ‘Good as Hell’.
Kiri also had a banger workout playlist which has a lot of Imagine Dragons and obviously has to have Eye of The Tiger on it lol
His favorite Disney song is ‘I’ll Make a Man Out of You’ and he really looks up to Mulan and thinks she is the manliest Disney Princess
Sero listens to spanish pop and absolutely listens to Despacito and laughs his ass off when people who don’t know Spanish try to sing it and get the words terribly wrong
He also would listen to Lil Nas X and his favorite song is ‘MONTERO’ because I say so
Another artist that I think Sero likes is Elvis Presley. I just think that he would vibe with the more chill songs like ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love’ and ‘Suspicious Minds’
He also listens to death metal, but mostly for the drum parts, and tries to learn them so that he can say that he can do it better. He likes the band The Black Dahlia Murder and his favorite song by them is ‘The Window’
But ultimately, Bakugo really likes songs like ‘Would You Be So Kind’ and ‘Absolutely Smitten’ by dodie because they help him calm down and they make think of Kirishima.
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Ok, that’s all! Hope you enjoyed :)
Oh! And here’s a link back to my master list! Hope you have a lovely day <3
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sassytrickster666 · 4 years
Fluff alphabet : Donny Donowitz
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A while back I saw a couple of templates this Fluff Alphabet concept is based on. Unfortunately I cannot remember which(really not intentional, id never copy ideas/templates on purpose) . If you think I've gotten inspired reading your work, please let me know! 
A = Admiration (What does he absolutely adore/admire about you?)
-Your ability to always stay calm. It amazes him how you stay calm no matter what happens. When there's an emergency you´re able to keep your shit together and do something about it. 
-How ballsy you are. You can't stand when people are being a jerk for no reason and you call them out even if they are twice your size. 
-Your reliability. Donny knows you will always be there for him. A thought that calms him and makes him feel warm and fuzzy. You won´t leave him for no reason. You comfort him when he needs it (even if he says he doesn't) and you support him. 
B = Baby (Does he want a family? Why/why not?)
Yes. Yes. Yesssssss. I cannot express how much this man wants to start a family with his one great love.  Even with all the crap he has seen, the idea of bringing something as pure and innocent as a baby into this world with you is very appealing. 
When you're pregnant he´d be giddy. Completely and wholly his. He'd spoil his princess even more than usual. Extra pillow underneath your head, accompanying you everywhere, opening up doors for you. Honestly, his ´helpfulness´ drives you crazy sometimes. 
C = Cuddle (how do you cuddle each other?)
-Big spoon. Every time. Tends to throw his leg over yours in his sleep, which in turn makes sure you´re not going anywhere. -Very intense cuddler. Likes to surprise you by grabbing/cuddling you from behind and lifting you up (especially when there's other people present like his friends).
-Really loves it when you snuggle up against him, laying your head on his chest. When you do this it is another reassurance that you feel utterly and completely safe and relaxed when you are with him. 
D =Doll (What pet names does he use?)
Doll, babe, sugar, cutiepie , and his favourite; princess.
E = evenings (how do they spend their evening? So they go out? Do they read?)
While he loves hanging out with the boys he loves it even more when you join them. You get along really well with Wicki and Aldo so why wouldn't he try to take you with him? As soon as you guys had the baby he preferred just staying home with you both being wholesome and all. 
F = first date (what was it like?)
He took you out to play pool. After both of you getting over your nerves there was lots of banter. He discovered you were better at it than he expected you to be. Tough, you totally did pretend you sucked at first so he had no choice but to show you how to play. He didn't mind ´having´ to be so close to you one bit. 
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
He tries to be. He is such a bull in a china shop. He's big, he's loud… and secretly quite clumsy. The sheer amount of times he accidentally headbutted you is astounding. He makes up for it by giving you the gentlest of kisses on you forehead when he leaves for work or simply thinks you're being cute. 
H = Hands (How does he like to hold hands?)
He likes holding hands, but he prefers it when you hook your arm through his. What can I say, he likes having you close to him. It also makes it easier for him to sneak kisses. 
I = Impression (What was his first impression?)
The basterds introduced the two of you. He thought you were hella pretty and had a good sense of humour. The fact that you could hold your own around these men sure said something about you too. 
J = Jealous (Does he get jealous easily?) Depends who gets close to you. He never gets jealous when any of the other basterds get near you. You could have Aldo hanging around your neck and Wicki winking at you and he won't give it a second thought. He trusts these boys with anything. However, these are not things strange men should do if they like having nuts. Or eating without a straw. Seriously, he knows you can handle yourself perfectly fine but he just doesn't trust others. He knows what men are capable of and he is protective AF. No one gets near his princess. Not that anyone that knows this huge man belongs to you would try anything. 
K = Kiss (How does he kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
He kissed you on the lips first. You´d kissed his cheek long before that. You usually did when saying goodbye. This time he just couldn't help himself. You were so close to him, laughing at his jokes, touching his arm. He kissed you firmly on the lips, waiting for a response from you. Once you realised what was happening and kissed him back he immediately grabbed you and held you close to him, deepening it. 
Donny is a passionate kisser and never passes up a chance to kiss you hello or goodbye or goodnight. He also likes to kiss you to assert his dominance over other men. 
L = Love (Who said I love you first?)
He looooooves going picknicking with you. Just chilling out in the park or in the woods, enjoying some good food and each other's company. It was one of the first dates you went on and he will never forget the way you looked in your navy coloured dress, smiling up at him. It was the moment he realised he would never let you go. That he loves you to bits. It took him another week or so to casually tell you this when going to bed. As if it weren't anything significant or interesting. 
M=Mad (Do you often disagree? What happens if you do?)
You do tend to bicker about the stupidest things. But it's a nice way of bickering. It's usually playful and you just try to convince one another. If you do actually get in a fight, Donny gets uncharacteristically quiet. To be honest, it kind of scares you, even though he would never do anything to hurt you. After you've cooled off he comes up to you to make up. 
N = no (what is their pet peeve?)
Loud chewing, rude people, people that clip their nails in public, and socks that get lost in the laundry. WHERE DO THEY GO??? 
O = Orange (which color reminds him of you?)
This is so utterly fucking cheesy, but the colour that reminds him most of you is red. It is the colour of love. Donny always has been and will be a sucker for cheesy things. He also likes to ask you if it hurt when you fell from heaven. Get matching coffee cups. 
P = parent (what kind of parent would they be?)
He's quite protective of his kids, especially of his baby girl. Real papa Bear material. I pity the boy that wants to date his daughter…. He can be tough at times, especially when they did something he really dislikes like being disrespectful or lying. He would never hurt his kids but he would ground them in a heartbeat. That said, he would do anything for his kids as he´d do for you. 
Q = Queasy (How they handle being sick or you being sick)
When you get sick, he's such a sweetheart. He fluffs your pillow, gets you medicine and attempts to make you soup to help you feel better (he can't cook to save his life, so you can imagine how well that went). You often tell him you can actually get around and so some chores with a bit of a temperature or a simple stomach ache. He won't have any of that though. 
Donny doesn't get sick often, but when he does he is such a man about it. 
R = Rainy Day (what does he like to do with you on rainy days?) Stay in. Get cozy. Play games. Have friends over. Have some drinks.
S = smile (what makes them smile without fail) Your face when you have to get out of bed in the morning: a slightly grumpy, sleepy bed head looking up at him. You being overly excited about a pet or animal. You surprising him with a hug.
T = together (how clingy are they? How long do you two spend together per day on average)
Donny works quite a lot and he works hard. He takes care of his family and likes to spend a good amount of time with them (he takes you with him of course ). You don't have a lot of alone time. However, as soon as he comes home from work he quickly makes his way to you to sweep you up in his arms and shows you how much he missed you during the day. He then spends the next half hour following you around in the kitchen.  
U = Unencumbered (what helps him relax?) Doing sports (have you seen him?), having fun with friends, he also finds watching you cook or bake (and eatin it afterwards) very relaxing and mostly, actually, having sex. 
V = videos (do they take lots of videos or photos during your relationship?)
He keeps a photograph of you with him wherever he goes. It's his lucky charm. You two also keep a small photo album with photos of the most important moments. This includes some pictures of him and the guys, pictures of your wedding day and pictures of your family and kids. 
W = Wedding (What is your wedding like?)
It's a given that Donny likes to joke around and pull crazy shit. Not on his wedding day he doesn't. He is a nervous wreck when getting ready. He takes everything going well very seriously. What will you look like? Will you have gotten cold feet at the thought of spending your entire life with his crazy, annoying ass. Are they stupid and ungrounded thoughts? 100 percent. Do they successfully drive him nuts and jittery? Definitely. And definitely a couple sips of Aldo´s bourbon worthy. The wedding itself was pretty simple. The people you loved were there. Traditions were honored and the food was good. Donny couldn't hold back the tiny tear that slipped down his cheek when he saw you in your dress.  
X = eXtra (what’s an interesting fact about them that they don’t tell anyone about?) Once upon a time when you were dating he decided to steal your bathrobe to open the door for the delivery guy and he kind of never stopped stealing your bathrobe. Have in mind your bathrobe is really big (for you) and pink. And Fluffy. And Donny is a tall man so it comes up to just about the middle of his hairy thigh. It's hilarious that you actually had to buy yourself a new one.
Y = yuck (what do they hate? Could be a food, sent, word anything)
This isn't really a hard one honestly. The thing he hates most in this world are nazis and bigots alike. It makes his blood boil like nothing else. 
Other things he hates are: people that are unnecessarily rude or disrespectful, wet socks, and smelly cheeses. 
Z = Zebra (if he wanted a pet, what would he get?)
A dog. He thinks they´re great companions, and you can get crazy with them. Also, he wants a big dog. He doesn't get along with cats at all. Wouldn't know how to act around them. He always gets scratched.
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allforwar · 7 years
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Congratulations Liv! You’ve been accepted for the role of Dorcas Meadowes with the faceclaim of Emeraude Toubia! Please send in your account within the next 24 hours! We can’t wait to have you as a part of All For War!
Please make sure to enable both your ask and submit and take a look at the next steps.
out of character information
alias: Liv
age: Twenty
time zone: EST/GMT-5
why this character: I have been roleplaying Dorcas for the better part of twelve years. She’s become my little baby and I’m way too excited to have her here. <3 She’s always so unique and great.
past experience in roleplay: Roleplaying for twelve years. Four on Tumblr!
activity level: I’m a strong eight. I’m currently living with my parents to finish out the first trimester of my pregnancy, and my fiance works all the time. So, I’m literally always able to be on. AND DORCAS MEADOWES IS BAE.
in character information
character’s full name: Dorcas Rose Meadowes
Dorcas( door-cas ) A Gazelle, a lanky animal. You were a lanky little girl. The moment your adoptive mother saw you, you were dubbed Doe. An innocent little gazelle you were. Your birth name, though you never knew it, was Alecia Mae Wilson. A Halfblood whose father died before you were born and therefore unable to tell your mother the secret about the blood running through your veins. Oops. You were placed with a new family - the Meadowes.
Rose( row-z ) A wildflower in your small basket. A wild Rose and thus your middle was chosen. The flower became the one thing you held onto. It was pressed and stored and saved and even after going off to Hogwarts, you kept it and would look at it whenever you felt like a piece of you was missing.
Meadowes ( med-oh-zz ) A meadow. Alissa Mae Meadowes and John Scot Meadowes were an older couple unable to conceive children. When it was announced you would be up for adoption - they jumped at the chance. Little Meadowes you would grow to be.
preferred face claim: emeraude toubia, seychelle gabriel
date of birth: April 5th, 1959.
Aries. A birthday is supposed to mean so much. However, a birthday can’t mean shit when you don’t know when you were truly born. April 5th, 1960. It was the day you were dropped off - unwanted, unloved.
Your mother made a birthday for you. She told you that you were born that day, even if it wasn’t the day you came into the world. It was the day you became a part of their family..
Even when you didn’t fit in, and no matter how much you tried– weird things happened around you.
Aries are known to be independent, and bold. Dorcas was and is both. From the time she could walk and talk, she was taking care of herself.
Charms and Transfiguration. The only two classes that meant anything to her. Potions was dreadful and her other classes were boring. The two classes were the only ones that would truly matter in her Healer training anyways. (Yet no one told her you need to know Potions to excel.)
occupation: Healer trainee.
She is currently a Healer trainee at Saint Mungo’s. While it wasn’t her first choice at a job, it has become something she loves. Always wanting to help the lower people and patients within the Hospital.
on war:
She’s indifferent. She wants to do something but she’s innocent and naive. She doesn’t know what she can do to help. Yet, she knows she wants to do something. Dorcas is in the Order but she feels like it isn’t enough and won’t be enough when Voldemort strikes. The war heavily affects her because of her blood status.
She’s on the Light side and intends to remain there.
Lily, Marlene and Sirius’s dead bodies. They’re the only ones besides her parents she’s held love for. They’re the only ones she would die for in a heartbeat. The image is their bodies stacked on one another covered in blood.
Mint: Her mother was a lover of all things to do with Tea. Making her own kinds and versions. Dorcas was a lover of all things to do with her mothers cooking. Maybe that’s why when it came to Tea, Dorcas was right there trying all of them. Mint was and will always remain her favorite. The one thing about her mother she’ll miss the most. Lemon Scones: Lily was a baker. A damn good one at that. Dorcas would eat anything the redhead made her without a second thought. Lemon scones. The one thing Dorcas loved and hated the most. The taste of Lemon would make her gag automatically but the dessert would have her coming back for more. Wet Grass: Her father mowed. Especially after it rained. The smell of freshly cut wet grass would always be the scent that reminded her of childhood. Even after her parents died, she would mow her yard the Muggle way just to be able to smell that scent.
9", Alder, Phoenix Feather, Supple
While Alder is an extremely rare wood, it was the only wand that didn’t cause everything in Ollivander’s shop to blow up. It was the twenty-third wand he had handed young Dorcas. He immediately hid as soon as she touched it, yet only gold showed from the end. They’re known to be a fighter wand and along with the Phoenix Feather, it creates balance. The short length is due to Dorcas’ short height. Though, she refuses to admit it.
Dolphin, they’re sociable animals and Dorcas is the most sociable person you could ever meet. A Dolphin patronus is normally attached to confident and strong people, both of which Doe attributes. While she is still unable to produce her patronus, from reading about the different ones– she believes it or Hare would fit her the best. Though, at age nineteen she will be able to perform it.
important connections:
LILY EVANS: Best friend. Better half. The only one who could relate to her with their blood status and upbringing. Dorcas was there for Lily when Lily needed someone. Especially when Lily upset-baked, Dorcas was there to eat it all. SIRIUS BLACK: Unknown to him but she loves him more than she’ll admit. Friends since first year and continuing on now, Dorcas finds Sirius to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. MARLENE MCKINNON: Twin. Light of life. Marls, her sister from other parents. Numerous summers spent with the McKinnon family. (Donnie was hot okay.) meant they grew too close. Throw in a redhead and you have the trio.
biography & other headcanons
Dorcas Rose Meadowes was born two months premature in a small London home. Her mother had lost too much blood and before anyone knew it, her mother was gone. Little Dorcas was taken and was bounced between family members until no other family wanted her. That’s when the adoption took place and little Doe got a family.
The Meadowes were older, both unable to conceive children and they had been in the system for over six years to adopt a child. At least, until the little brunette girl came to them. Alissa Meadowes was a kind woman and when she first seen little Dorcas– she knew what name to give her. Dorcas Rose it was. Meadowes was a given. The family loved the little girl, always ensuring she had everything she wanted.
Yet, they knew something was wrong with their daughter. Weird things would happen with Dorcas, she would always cause odd things to happen and occurrences of floating books and stuffed animals wasn’t an unheard thing in the Meadowes household. Everything began to make sense before Dorcas’ eleventh birthday.
A woman showed up on their doorstep and spoke about things that made the Meadowes’ confused. There was no such thing as magic, no such thing as the Wizarding World. However, the woman was able to produce books and writing and everything to prove the family that their young girl was indeed a witch. It took three weeks for Dorcas to convince them to let her go. The trip to Diagon Alley was everything the brunette imagined. It was perfect, too perfect. A kitten was bought, a wand was found and everything was amazing.
Dorcas sat by herself on the ride to Hogwarts, at least until Lily Evans appeared. A friendship was quickly struck up. The future Hufflepuff seen herself in the redhead and the two Muggleborns became close.
Within two minutes, she was placed in Hufflepuff. The house was her home. Quickly able to make friends and excel in her studies. Her mother and father were more than proud of their little witch, though they rarely said it. They were scared though, while things in the Muggle world were going to Hell… They wondered if the same was happening in the Wizarding.
Hogwarts was her safe haven, until it no longer was. The Wizarding World was going to Hell and Dorcas needed to choose a side, make a stance. The minute she graduated, she was approached by Dumbledore and asked to join the Order. Doe didn’t need a second thought and joined immediately. She knew with her Healer training she would soon have, she would be a needed asset for the cause.
Healer training wasn’t her first choice, but it was needed. She had friends and family to protect. She joined it quickly and quietly. Making her way up the ladder, always impressing those around her and making sure her friends were there when she needed them. Healing came too naturally.
Then, tragedy struck and Dorcas had to take a step back and reevaluate things.
Three days before her eighteenth birthday, her parents were murdered in cold blood. Their house burned to a crisp. That was when Dorcas decided.
She was going to fight, even if it killed her.
0 notes
ROTTMNT Turtle Headcannons
Keep in mind that I have put both before the Krang events and After Krang events, so be warned for spoilers!
Reminder that almost all of these are Headcannons and aren't true to the actual narrative of ROTTMNT
I hope you enjoy!! (Try to guess which turtle is my favorite)
[Before Krang]
He's got an Anxiety disorder and ADHD
He paces back and forth alot to think
He's so scared he'll crush his brothers with how big he is, so he's super gentle with people smaller than him.
Due to his ADHD he constantly needs stuff repeated, he's trying his best ok?
His father tried to put pieces of foam on his spikes when he was smaller to keep him and his brothers safe when Raph plays with them, but Raph ended up biting the foam and his father had to get it out of his mouth (imagine a person trying to get a piece of garbage out of a dog's mouth, and that's basically what happened)
He constantly chews, which is bad cause he often bites the inside of his mouth, leaving sores in them, or biting his fingers which due to his sharp teeth, often cause blood.
Donnie once got him one of those necklaces your can chew, and Raph LOVED IT....for five minutes because his bite force is so strong, he broke it, which upset him, but he's glad his brother gave him it.
Literally sleeps on a pile of teddy bears and makes a big nest for himself on his bed
He has named each stuffed animal individually and won't tell anyone their names
He has, surprising the quietist feet, which often scares his brothers because they don't hear him sneaking up on them.
Plays animal crossing and absolutely adores it
Would literally die for his brothers
His brothers all try to do the trust fall with him, and he always catches them, especially Leo, because Leo will do a trust fall in the middle of battle or off of a building as a joke and Raph will catch him, but then scold him
He listens to AJR on repeat because he loves the beat of their songs and their message
Literally can't do the floss, he's tried, but he can't and his brothers laugh at him for it.
Had braces when he was younger in hope of fixing his snaggle tooth, it didn't fix the snaggle tooth but it made his teeth really straight, and he's embarrassed of all the pictures of him that have braces in it
He has a big tail that drags on the floor, ans people accidentally step on it all the time, or when he turns around really fast, he literally flings people to the other side of rooms when he hits them
Uses his tail as a secondary attack
Very not flexible, can't touch his toes 😔
Literally will hug anyone, even a villain if he sees they need it, as much as it doesn't look like it, he gives the world's BEST hugs
Once ate moss as a dare and honestly thought it was pretty good, but now he eats it infront of Donnie because he knows Donnie doesn't like the texture or anything about moss and Raph eating it grosses him out
He talks in the third person as a vocal stim, he just likes saying his name
When he stims, he either paces back and forth, does big hand motions, swing his tail from side to side, or tap his fingers on something
The reason Raph is terrified to be alone, is because one day at the lair when he was young, his family went out somewhere but forgot him because he was sleeping and they didn't want to bother him, and some mutants kept trying to get into the sewers, and it was like a Home Alone type of shit, he's now really good at setting traps :)
Very claustrophobic
[After the Krang]
He wears an eye patch from the Krang eye thingie
Major PTSD
When he looks in the mirror, he sees glimpses of when he was part Krang and it terrifies him.
Stays in his stuffed animal fort for days for comfort
Is now extra EXTRA careful when with his brothers, he's terrified he'll hurt them again...
Constantly has an eye on Leo after the incident and almost has breakdowns everytime Leo isn't around him 24/7 because he's afraid Leo is gonna do something dumb or sacrifice himself again
Gives Leo tips on how to be a good Leader
He forgets he isn't leader sometimes and accidentally bosses the team around when it's actually Leo job now (he apologizes after word)
He stays curled up on his floor for hours on end, thinking about all what happened and it often leads to him crying
He doesn't eat for a while and his brothers have to convince him to eat
Him being turned into Krang left some effects on him, he has bigger sensory issues (that and plus his ADHD, it's like hell on earth), his eyes sometimes glow yellow which freaks him out, and he has bigger issues with controlling his strength and it scares him
Has even worse abandonment issues after it all
He doesn't like it when he can't move because it reminds him when he was kidnapped by the Krang
🐢💙Leonardo 💙🐢
[Before Krang]
He has the BIGGEST EGO
People often think he's an idiot but he's actually pretty clever when the time calls for it
Major ADHD
Since he can't get a prescription (because he's a mutant) he drinks a bunch of coffee in the morning
Says a "that's what she said", or "ur mom" joke to almost everything
Very homosexual
Very competitive
Smug Bastard
Had a FNAF phase with Donnie
Play Minecraft
Does fortnight dancing unironically
Insomnia from ADHD
Either one of the chilliest or craziest people you'll ever meet
Tired to go vegetarian one time because it was popular and almost immediately lost because he didn't realize that pepperoni is a meat
Chaotic Dumbass
He makes jokes during panic attacks and you can't tell wether to laugh at the jokes or to comfort him, usually both happens with his brothers
Musical theater kid
Found an old trumpet in the trash once, and self taught himself how to play it, but now he only plays Never Gonna Give You Up and Megalovania.
Used his Odáchi sword to cut pizza
Very very flexible
Knows everyone's tickle spots
Definitely has a tik tok account
One time he tried to do a tik tok dance and he gave himself whiplash (this actually happened to me)
Weak ankles
Can't sit in a chair correctly
He has to talk with big hand gestures
He can't multitask for the life of him
Is surprisingly good at Math
Wips and nae naes at ironic times
Can't sit still
He wishes 24/7 to have long golden hair
Even though he's an mostly aquatic turtle, he can't swim, he needs floaties
Literally almost drowned in 5 inch deep water
Collects rocks
He has a medium sized tail that goes down to the middle of his thigh, and he swings it around a lot and brags about his tail
Swings his tail back and forth when he dances or as a stim.
Black sheep of the family vibes
When he gets a sensory overload, he often goes to his room cause it's dark, and listens to 2000's pop
Owns a little bunny rabbit stuffy but straight up deny's of owning it
Paints his finger nails black
Owns many fidget spinners, both as a sensory toy, and because it was cool
Does air guitar when he listens to music
He needs glasses but refused to wear them as a kid so he now uses contacts, but he would rather be caught dead then be caught wearing glasses
Only watches comedies
Due to his anatomy, he is a female Red-Eared Slider, but he always just thought of himself as a dude along with his brothers, and their father couldn't tell the difference between a female and male red eared slider, so he believed that Leo was a male
When Leo started going through puberty, he thought he was gonna die, so when he brought it up with April about it, she had to go all Big Sister mode and explain it all to him, thankfully due to him being around his brothers all the time, he knew how to lower his voice to the point where he didn't even need to think about lowering it
His family (except Donnie and April) all think Leo was born male at birth
[After Krang]
Major PTSD
It takes him a long time to get back into the gist of making jokes and puns
For a while he's just....quiet, he doesn't say much besides small conversations
He has a hard time processing all of what happened
He gets clingy to his brothers, scared that there's gonna disappear or be gone forever if he leaves them
VERY anxious about the whole "Now I'm Leader" stuff
Worried that he's gonna make the wrong call and get his family in trouble again like last time
Listens to his family alot more when it comes to making decisions to the point where he won't put his own input cause he's scared he's gonna get them all hurt again
Major Nightmares
Literally broke so many bones in the Prison Dimension, he tries to stand up, but his brothers push him down because he can't even walk or move because of how much damage was caused
He heals a lot faster than regular people, but his brothers keep him bedridden for a while just in case
Fusses over his brothers injury's and he blames himself for it
He gets some pretty bad insomnia out of all of this
Doesn't eat for a while
Him breaking some of his bones and tearing his muscles, he becomes double jointed in some areas, and when he gets back to making jokes, he likes to freak and gross the others out with how he can bend his hands or something
He cried so hard when Casey had to be sent back to his own time
Even though he only knew Casey for many hours, he saw Casey as like a son, or a friend
Alot more cautious
When they all get better enough to go on missions again, Mikey, Donnie and Raph all try to make sure Leo doesn't sacrifice himself again like an idiot
Instead of getting sad, he got angry, he got so angry at himself for everyone getting hurt, he got angry for disappointed his family, and he was just so angry about everything, eventually (with the help of his brothers) he was able to calm down a lot more about it all.
[Before Krang]
He's got Autism 💅🏻✨
Even when he doesn't need them, he keeps his battle shell and goggles on as a pressure stimulant
Will often lay on his stomach and embrace his inner pancake
As a kid he liked to dig holes, but he would just kinda sit in them, and chill (based off of Softshell turtles)
Very big theatre kid (also the dance he does with Atomic Lass at the beginning? Yeah, there is a part in a musical that does this EXACT move, so I feel like he picked up some dancing from musical choreography)
Big fan of meat lovers pizza, softshell turtles are carnivores, and his brothers once saw him eat a whole stick of sausage at 3 am because they heard some noises, it was the most terrifying thing they've ever seen
Taps his fingers on things in patterns as a stim
Often sways back and forth
He has the smallest tail out of his brothers, and he likes it that way, he would prefer that he doesn't have a big clunky tail that would get in the way.
His brothers tease him about his small tail and it's often why he gets picked last in things, because sometimes they go in order of who has the longest tail
Sometimes his tail wags like a dog's when he needs to stim or when he's excited
Only listens to EDM/Electronic Music and 80's pop, constantly listens to them on repeat
You know that bracelet he has on his wrist? Yeah, well one day Leo got a hold of it and figured out how to download subway surfers on it, Donnie can't delete it for some odd reason, but now Donnie kinda plays it on his wrist device thing when he's bored
Was definitely a sticky iPad kid growing up
The internet raised him
Had a FNAF phase with Leo and can tell you all of the lore of FNAF
Once called Baron Draxum, father, as an accident, but now he won't let himself live it down and he internally reminds himself to call him Draxum, but he's still chill with him
Was definitely overtly cautious when he was around his brothers when he was younger, because he knew they played rough and how he had a softshell, so his brothers stuck and taped a bunch of big objects to his back to protect his softshell.
He has done the thing where he sits in a chair in the dark and turns around when Leo get home and asks him "So, where have you been all night?"
He knew Santa wasn't real as a kid, because, science, but he always enjoyed seeing his brothers so happy when he was younger, so he always played along
His room is the darkest room out of all the rooms
His father didn't know what autism was, so when he saw Donnie stimming as a kid, he thought his son was gonna explode
He wasn't surprised when he realized that Leo was born female, due to his anatomy it was obvious to him cause he did a lot of research, but he never brought it up because he never felt the need to and he still loves his goofy twin, even if he's a pain in the tail
Best sense of smell ever, it's almost scary
He plays a lot of puzzle/adventure games
The best swimmer out of all of them
He has a bunch of purple markings (like on his arms) that are all over his face, but he's super insecure about them so he covers them up with his bandana
He first drew on his eyebrows when he first took a nap on the floor as a kid, and his brothers tried to prank him by drawing eyebrows on his mask while he slept, but when he found it, he actually thought it looked kinda cool, sure, it needed some tweaking, but he loved it and started doing it ever since
Everytime Leo complains about how big Donnie's eyebrows are, he draws them on twice as big the next day to spite him
Terrible sleep schedule, his brothers have to drag him to bed, which he refuses often, but he can't go against his brothers
Literally addicted to Monster energy drinks, especially the Purple and White ones (I've tried so many monsters, and I feel like Donnie would like these two the best)
Hates sour stuff, and Spicy stuff, but he Loves savory stuff and salty stuff
[After Krang]
Major PTSD
Is alot more panicky about his Softshell
Being ripped out of the Krang ship controls messed with parts of his brakn
Now he gets these motor tics, and often verbal tics, he also has even more trouble with being relaxed and sleeping (since his brain was in a relaxed state when it was controlling the ship, his brain is afraid to let him be relaxed in case of being damaged again.), And more emotional outbursts, which is the most concerning to his brothers since often he doesn't show much emotions
Goes quiet for a long while, and Shelldon and his family have to bring him food
Often is accompanied by Shelldon more often
Shelldon has to talk for him for a while
Lots of nightmares of his body being torn apart when the Krang ripped him out of the machine, and nightmares of his family being hurt
Stops making machines for a long time
Sleeps with his battle shell on for a long while
He runs a lot of tests on his brothers, especially Raph because he's scared that it might have long lasting affects on them, thankfully nothing physically, besides broken bones, but he was very startled to realize all of his brothers got PTSD from the whole thing
Really tired alot more
[Before Krang]
Since he's a boxshell turtle, he doesn't have webbed feet, meaning it's a lot harder for him to swim so he doesn't really like swimming or water in general
Doesn't have an ADHD prescription, so he usually drinks tea, or super fruity energy drinks to work as a prescription
Great sense of smell
He had to learn how to cook at a young age since Splinter didn't really cook for them
Master of cooking and baking
He's got two left feet when it comes to dancing, but he still enjoys dancing as a whole, even if he trips up, he laughs about it
When his brothers make self insulting jokes, he pulls out Dr. Delicate Touch, it's the main reason why his brothers make jokes about how good they are
iPad kid when he was growing up
Terrible Pollen alergy
Sings while he cooks, cleans and showers
He mostly likes songs to vibe to, or songs with great energies
Amazing whistler
Very acrobatic
(as shown by him literally THROWING A BOAT in like the last episode) he's one of those people where if they snap, then the world will literally end
Has a hard time with words and stuff, but give him time please 🥺
When he stims he often sways back and forth, does a little ✨dancy-dance✨, puts his hands into fists and shakes them or he spins around
Very clumsy
Was a very picky kid
A very spoiled child
When him and Donnie were kids, he would stick around Donnie because Raph and Leo were usually rough housing, and Donnie couldn't as much due to his softshell, so he would stick around Donnie, often grabbing the sleeve of his shirt and following him around, it's one of the main reasons why him and Donnie are so close
Often times (when Donnie lets him) he'll paint his gadgets and often have a chance at naming some of them
Has beaten Candy Crush
Alot smarter then he looks
The family's therapist
Had a gacha phase as a kid
Calls everyone baby or says baby alot platonically (example: "Boom baby!" "That's how we roll, baby" ect ect)
Often will hide in shell when stressed, overstimulated, or scared
Often times his brothers have to talk him out of his shell.
He has the second smallest tail, which he will wag happily when he's happy, or sway around when he's doing stuff, has definitely accidentally hit his tail with his nun-chucks and he cried (imagine hitting yourself in the genitals and that's how he felt when he hit his tail, poor baby 😭)
Draws on himself all the time
Every wall in his room is painted and it's absolutely stunning, he's been trying to paint on the celling
A very big hugger
Will cling to people
He's literally "looks like a cinnamon roll, could kill you"
Knows sign language
He can lick the tip of his nose/beak with his tounge
Very sensitive/bad knees, that's why he wears the knee pads
Doesn't know how to tie a tie/bowtie so he has to get his brothers to do it for him
Has his own cookbook with recipes he made himself
At night he walks by the pet store, and stares at the turtles and just rubs the window saying "one day....I will free you" and Raph has to pull him away from the glass everytime
Used to sleep in his shell as a kid and it took a lot of time for him to sleep outside of his shell, but he sleeps in his shell when he goes to bed sad
He was one of those kids where when you asked them their favorite color, he would say "The RAINBOW" because he couldn't decide his favorite color, but eventually, he settled on orange
Has lost many many pencils from drawing so much that sometimes his brothers will look under somewhere or lay somewhere and they'll find one of his pencils
He was the turtle that helped his father assign colors to them (because he knows color theory and that colors can be associated with personalities, so he rambled to his dad about it when he was very young, and their father decided to use that to decide their colors.)
Enjoys Indie games
Can do the splits
[After Krang]
Is scared of his hands
He's scared that if he uses his mystic hands, that he'll die
Is afraid to touch things for a while
He grew more attached to his brothers, especially Donnie, when he saw his brother fall into the Krang Ship controls, and when he was forcefully torn out, if scared him half to death, he thought he lost his brother
Makes soup for everyone after the battle, but then immediately collapsed into bed due to exhaustion
Is very surprised with himself after he THEW A LITERAL SKYSCRAPER
After he made the portal, he gained the ability to hover around without touching the ground (Future Mikey is shown to do this)
His brothers are at first scared that Mikey can literally just float around when he wants to
But Mikey doesn't like to do it often, he mostly only does it when his legs are to tired, when he isn't paying attention and it activates by itself, and when he is thrown into battle
Cried a lot of tears when it was all over
Stays in his shell alot more and thinks
Starts sleeping in his shell again and it takes a while for him to get out more
Has a lot more sensory overloads
Not as joyful for a while
It takes a long time for him to bring back his little persona's like Dr Feelings and Dr Delicate Touch
Doesn't paint for a while
Like his brothers, he got PTSD from all of this
Alot more protective of Donnie because of when he Donnie tried protecting Mikey and he broke his battle shell
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Back in 1929 (Aldo x Reader)
requested by @kwyloz
@owba-chan @war-obsessed @inglourious-imagines @tealaquinn @struggling-bee @frozenhuntress67 @kwyloz @sodapop182 @marlenemarauders @what-the--curtains @taikawho @spookybearlandtaco Let me know if you wanna be added to the IB or OUATIH taglists! :) ________________________
***1943*** You and Aldo had been dropped into France dressed as civilians, along with eight other basterds, only a few hours ago. You were just outside of Bordeaux, on the southwestern coast of France. You and Aldo managed to slip away from the others briefly. It had been quite a hectic few days, you had to admit. Then again, life with Aldo was always that way. You were walking along a long, abandoned, quiet stretch of shore, hidden by the night sky and rolling clouds. He was quieter than usual, but he held you hand just as he always did. In fact, the last time either of you were so quiet around each other was back in 1929.  Finally, he remarked, "Just so ya know, this ain't our honeymoon," he chuckled a little adding, "Guess we'll just have to wait."
You smiled and shook your head, "Anywhere with you's a honeymoon, Aldo." "Aw, don't gimme that bullshit," he always thought you deserved better than him. And you always told him there wasn't anyone like that. He shrugged, "You at least deserved to go some place nice. Romantic. Ain't that what these things are about?" "Well, we are in France. Most couples talk about goin' to France for honeymoons. We made it," you giggled, and he smiled. "Yeah, but they don't come here as no members of an elite guerilla team in the middle of a goddamn war." "True," you shrugged with a sigh, looking out at the midnight blue waves, stretching beyond your imagination. "But there's no one else I'd rather be here with." He smiled again, and quietly took your hand. You both stood still at the shore, watching the waves sway. He spoke again after a while, "Feels like it's only been a day, don't it, darlin'?" You chuckled, "Close. It's been two." "Two already?" He laughed, and sighed. He'd spent so much of his life with you, he often lost count of the days. A little over ten years ago, you were just two "young'uns" clawing to survive the Great Depression by bootlegging.
In fact, he met you in a county jail. Both of you were locked up for bootlegging for the wrong people. But the moment he saw you through the bars, he was lost in your eyes and in time. Ever since then, he hadn't bothered to count the days that have gone by. Ever since that moment, he thought once one of you was freed, he'd never see you again. Well...he was wrong. You were both in and out of trouble often, he'd find. First bootlegging, and then fighting off the KKK. In fact, you were there the day he got that scar. And you were the only reason he made it out alive. From then on, you somehow always seemed to be in the same place at the same time when it mattered most...ever since that day in 1929. You may have been nothing but some kids then, but you both knew you'd be so much more some day. Things started looking up once Prohibition and the Great Depression ended. Then came the war. You and Aldo fought through half of Siciliy, side by side. You both volunteered for the war without hesitation... But Aldo never thought he'd see the day he'd "jump out of a fucken air-o-plane," until you did. He had no choice but to follow you down. You'd seen it all and done it all together for most of your lives by then, but you'd never seen Aldo so scared, so panicked as the day you first went to war. Till the day he died, he swore he only made it out of that very first day at war because you did. You and Aldo. You spent a little over a year in Italy, making names and ranks for yourselves. You were assigned to secret missions, unable to tell each other about them. You had one last day in Italy together. And in the middle of a final firefight, Aldo looked at you. He saw the same eyes he saw back in 1929. He didn't know if he'd see them the next morning, or ever again. Not with rumors of the armada happening soon. "Y/N!" He called out as you ran for cover. He cleared a path for you, and followed you. "Y/N!" He had to tackle you in order to save you. He shot at your would-be killer, and then looked at you, relieved seeing that you were safe. "What?" He smiled, "Marry me?" You chuckled as you shoot down a sniper. "What took ya?" So that night, you married quickly, and quietly with only hours to spare before departing on your secret missions in the middle of the night... Except... The very next morning, as Aldo marched to face his new team, he spotted a sergeant standing tall. Then he saw you. He stalled for a moment...but only for a moment. As long as you were there, what did he have to fear? There was a slight smirk on his face, which only you recognized. You knew exactly what he was thinking...and you were thinking the same things: "Sum'bitch..." Twelve hours later you were all dropped way behind enemy lines, deep in Nazi-occupied France. Aldo chuckled a little to himself, and you smiled, asking "What?" He shrugged, "Think 'em boys figured out we're married yet?" You laughed, "They're smart, Aldo. They'll..." You thought about how many times Omar and Donny had already gotten into arguments about baseball, Hirschberg asking which way north was, and how tired Wicki looked of everyone's shit.
"No...probably not. Not any time soon, anyway." "That's a damn shame," he smirked, "You'll be breakin' their hearts till then." "We could just tell them," you rolled your eyes giggling. "They'd be the first to know," he smiled. You both fell silent again. You hadn't been this silent since that very first time you saw each other, locked away across from each other, back in 1929. Aldo glanced east, sighing. You'd all have to march inland in the middle of the night. This moment, by the sea with you, this anomaly in which he wasn't his usual loud-mouthed self, and you his accomplice, was probably the quietest it would be for a long time. He turned back to look at you, and smiled. Maybe, he thought....maybe that was ok. There'd be time enough for quiet, once you got back to Maynardville, Tennessee. You smiled at him beneath the moonlight, and kissed him. You whispered, with bright, reasurring eyes, “Come on,” as you led him back east, to the rest of the basterds. He realized that after that night, the sound of boots, gunfire and planes would never cease. But neither would you. “Yeah,” he nodded, following you with a slight, soft grin. It was one word, but he meant it in more ways than you’d realize. He followed you back to the present. Back to 1943. Far from Maynardville, the Smoky Mountains, and bootleggers. He followed you. For once in his life, he’d miss the quiet. But...that was more than ok with him, as long as he was with you.
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A Letter from Home: Utivich x Fem!Reader
Requested by @jiejie-eonni-onee-sama
@owba-chan @war-obsessed @inglourious-imagines @tammykelly @struggling-bee @frozenhuntress67 @kwyloz @sodapop182 @marlenemarauders @what-the--curtains @taikawho @spookybearlandtaco
Let me know if you wanna be added to the IB or OUATIH taglists! :)
************** April, 1943 ************** The basterds had been a team and off the grid for nearly a year. Still, those months seemed like a lifetime, being so far from home, and without even a letter or phone call to make their days a little warmer. It had been a harsh winter, but the snow was clearing away now. In its place came the spring and its rains. The basterds missions were successes. Day in and day out, they were the best soldiers no one had heard of. They were changing that. Soon, the nazis would shake just from hearing their names. But, there was a name that Smithson Utivich had yet to hear, from a letter that was accepted only by fortune's hand. 
The boys were sneaking through a small town at the edge of France, where Aldo was receiving top secret documents from a nameless, faceless contact from the OSS. "Oh and uh," the agent held up a small envelope between his two fingers. It wasn't sealed anymore. It had been opened, its contents examined through lines of top agents, just to make sure it was safe. "This is for one of your boys. Utivich." Aldo raised an eyebrow. He didn't think they could get letters all the way out there. The agent nodded once, confirming the thought. "Just this once, lieutenant." Aldo nodded, and looked down at the papers in his hands. Men had been killed for that information. There was no indication that would stop. Before Aldo even had the chance to give the letter to Utivich, shots were fired. Nazis wanted those classified documents, and they were willing to do anything to get them. Smitty turned around, "O-OMAR!" But he wasn't quick enough. He wasn't able to push his friend out of the way before a bullet hit him. By the time it was all over, the basterds had been able to rush to one of their hideouts, and Wicki was able to stitch Omar up. Smitty was standing outside, under the rusty tin roof as water dripped from the roof, and the sun set behind the gloomy clouds. "Got sum' here for ya, son." He was startled at first, then confused. "A letter? But-" "I know, I know. Must be important," Aldo handed it over. Smitty studied it. There were blots of raindrops still drying out. It got a little crumpled up in all the commotion. And...it wasn't sealed, but he understood why. He turned it around, and his heart skipped a beat. He recognized that handwriting. It was from you... He loved you, and missed you with all his heart, but what could possibly have been so important that the OSS allowed him to get the letter? "What'cha got there?" Donny stepped outside, slicing up an apple with a pocketknife, followed by Hugo, Wicki, and Hirschberg. "It's a letter. It's from Y/n." "Y/n? Ain't that your girl?" Hirschberg chuckled as he pulled up a chair and sat, watching the rain slow and the night set in. Hugo frowned, not having received a letter from his wife, he wondered if the rules had changed. "Why'd you get a letter?" Wicki sighed, "Well, give the kid a chance to read it at least." He read it. He read every word as if it were the last thing he'd read. He could almost hear your voice. He missed it, more than he ever thought he could possibly miss anything. But, now he'd realize there was something else he missed. Something he didn't even expect. The letter was three months old by the time he got it.
"I'm..." "Well shit, son, si'down!" Aldo basically kicked Hirschberg off the single chair they owned, and carefully pulled the pale, panicky Utivich down. "C'mon! What's it say?!" Hirschberg at least wanted to know why he'd been kicked off the chair. Donny took the letter and skimmed it. "Fuck a duck..." But it wasn't the letter that had knocked Smitty down. It was the picture he was still looking at intently, trying to memorize every detail, the glimmering eyes, the smiles... He hadn't been able to breathe since he saw it. But he hadn't stopped smiling since. "That's your girl?" Hirschberg peeked over his shoulder, shocked that Smitty could do that well. "Hey cute kid! Wh....WAIT A MINUTE. IS THAT-" Smitty nodded, smiling, still in shock, "That's my son..." He never wanted to let go of that picture. He thought he only had one reason to go back home. Marrying you was something he'd dreamt of from the moment he met you, way back in high school. But now, he had two. His baby boy, and you. His name was Joseph, but you called him Joey. You had to name him on your own, and you hoped Smitty liked it. He couldn't wait to tell you he loved it. The basterds loved it too. Donny, frankly, was already planning on teaching the kid how to be the best damn batter anyone ever saw. Wicki laughed and said, "The kid's gotta learn how to walk first, you know." They didn't have champagne and cigars to celebrate, but rationed cigarettes and stolen beer was the best they could do. They didn't have something special to drink to very often, but this time, this letter, this photograph, was the exception. But to Utivich, it was more than that. Late that night, it was his turn to keep watch, and keep an eye on Omar. Smitty was standing by the entrance, gun at the ready in one hand, but his eyes, and mind on the picture in his other hand. "Smitty?" He cleared his throat and quickly slipped the picture into his chest pocket. "Sarge?" "You're uh, gonna have to stay awake plenty now that you and the missus got a kid at home. I'll take over." "Ah, Donny, you don't have to. I uh.." "Hey, what's the matter, kid?" Donny frowned as he sat by his friend. "I uh," Utivich shook his head, "I just never seem to be where I need to be." "Hey, kid," Donny sighed, and set his hand on Smitty's shoulder, "Don't worry 'bout Omar. He's fine. These things happen." Donny knew Smitty had a lot to think about in a single day. He was sure Smitty was worrying about you, how you'd handled it all alone. Donny had a niece, and he remembered how worried his sister was, "Hey, I mean...From what you told us about Y/n, she's doin' fine. Her and Joey are safe cause of guys like you, alright? You'll be home some day." Smitty nodded, wondering when some day would come. ******** 1945 ******** The basterds got their medals of honor. After all this time, it felt strange to go their ways, but it was still a wonder they made it so far. Utivich ran to you the moment he saw you. He held on tight for what seemed like forever. When he finally did pull away, he opened his eyes, and saw the face of his son for the first time. You were holding Joey, he was two years old now. He was a shy kid, maybe even a little scared. All the fireworks, all the photographers' flashes of lights, all the crowds probably played a part. When Joey cried, it broke Smitty's heart. "Hey, " Smitty thought he'd cry himself for a moment, "Hey Joey..." Your son looked up at his father for the first time.  "It's ok, Joey..." Smitty let go of you slowly, and wrapped his arms around his boy for the first time, and picked him up. Joey stopped crying, and even smiled after a bit. He recognized the man in the uniform. He'd seen the picture every day, after all. It was the only picture of Smitty in uniform that you had. It was by the radio in the livingroom where you and Joey sat in, every evening. He didn’t pay attention much, but you listened carefully for any signs or clues about Smitty’s whereabouts.   "Dad!" That was when it hit Utivich. He teared up a little, his hug got a little tighter. He glanced at you, and murmured, "I'm a dad..." You nodded, as you held Smitty and Joey. Your cheek rested on Smitty's, "You're a dad." By the time you flew home, it was well past Joey's bedtime. Smitty put his duffel bag on the ground of the apartment he'd never been in. It was the place you and Joey had called home for two years. It was small, but it was enough. Utivich looked around, having dreamed of marrying you, bringing you to a big house. Things didn't go exactly his way, but for now, this was more than enough. He'd sleep in a real bed. He was surrounded by family, not enemies. He wouldn't wake up in the middle of the night to an alarm and boots on the ground, but you did give him a fair warning that Joey was an early bird, and would probably waltz into the room along with the sun. Smitty was ok with that. Still, he only watched you give Joey some juice, give him a bath, and help him into his pajamas, and tell him a story. Smitty felt like he was behind a mirror, far from you and Joey. He worried for a moment that there really was no place for him. As he settled back into life outside of war, that feeling would chase him. After some time, he'd realize only you and Joey could help him outrun it. "Smitty?" He snapped out of it, and looked at you. You recognized those eyes, though they were clouded with worries that were unfamiliar to you. You walked toward him, your hand rested on his cheek, and he felt his heart slow down for the first time since he was deployed. He took a breath, and your kind smile warmed his heart as you whispered, "Joey wants you to tell him a story." "M-me?" You took his hands in yours, and laughed as you reassured him, "He's getting a little bored with mine!" Smitty laughed as he sat by Joey, "Boring? Your mama? Never!" Joey smiled a little, though he wasn't very talkative with Smitty yet. "Once upon a time, there was a group of friends who went on adventures, and saved the world. There was a bear, a little man, an Apache, and-" As he told his son a story, Joey's eyes lit up, he smiled, and then the long hours reeled him in and carried him off to sleep. You kissed Smitty on the forehead, "You did it." He nodded, though you could tell he still nervous when you both stood at the door. Smitty was an only child, he never really had younger cousins to look after either. Taking care of a kid was brand new to him. And on top of that, after the war, after all the blood and the scalps, he didn't know if he could really handle something so small, so fragile. "I haven't been where I needed to be, Y/n. I'm sorry." "No, no..." You shook your head, and held him. "You have always been where you had to be." Your hands rested on the side of his face, and he sighed with a soft smile. Your hand rested on his chest, over his medal of honor, "If you weren't, the war might not even be over now. But it is. It's all over now. You're here... you're home." "Home..." He smiled, and he meant it. He hadn't seen you in years, and he'd never known his son. He knew what he did in France changed history, but his story would never have been the same without you. You and Joey were the only reason he was still alive. He'd never been in that apartment before, but he'd seen you and Joey in his dreams every night. Wherever you were, it was the place he'd call home. And now, as he kissed you, he knew he was exactly where he needed to be.
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The Lady in White: UtivichxFem!Reader
Happy Halloween guys! :))) Here's a lil spooky basterds fic for y'all 
TW: Gore/blood/animal attacks/ghost stories
@owba-chan @war-obsessed @inglourious-imagines @tammykelly @struggling-bee @frozenhuntress67 @kwyloz @sodapop182 @marlenemarauders @what-the--curtains @taikawho @spookybearlandtaco Let me know if you wanna be added to the IB or OUATIH taglists! :)
******************************* 'Baba Yaga brodit no lesu dazhe zdes...' "Baba Yaga wanders the forest, even here."
Aldo narrowed his eyes as he stood over a heavily wounded Soviet spy with weary eyes and a frightened whisper. The basterds had been hunting a patrol, and just when they were close, they heard blood curdling screams. All they found was this Soviet spy, tortured half to death...who could only speak Russian, German, and French. "What's he sayin' Wicki?" The spy was loosing blood, but seemed to speak with a sly smirk, repeating it over, 'Baba Yaga brodit no lesu dazhe zdes...' Wicki shrugged, "I don't know he's saying it in Russian now." Hugo hovered over the wounded man, "Deutsch sprechen?" "You speak German?" The agent's eyes darted, and looked directly at Hugo, speaking with as much conviction as a half-dead man could, "Baba Yaga wandert auch hier durch den Wald." Aldo nodded, his hands at his hips, "That. What's that mean?" Wicki turned back, "He's saying Baba Yaga wanders in the woods, even here." Donny narrowed his eyes, "Who, or what the fuck is Baba Yaga?" Hugo grunted, "Slavic myth. A witch." Smitty, who had just returned with a member of the resistance the basterds were friends with, managed to sputter, "W...witch?" "It's only a myth. Besides, he's lost a lot of blood. He's delirious." Wicki chuckled, though he looked back at the agent, "Die Franzosen werden sich um Sie kümmern." 'The French will take care of you.' The day went on as usual. Evening came, and the basterds sat around a fire, eating some Hershey bars as the wind tussled the red leaves of autumn. "So... suppose the patrol did see something out in the woods, and they left the commie behind..." Smitty looked around, hoping for some reassurance. "There's nothing in the goddamn woods, Uti." Hirschberg rolled his eyes, though he held his breath, and turned to the others, "Right?"
Wicki, who loved a good scare, chuckled and shrugged, "I don't know, kid. The Soviet said somethin' about 'dama v belom'. Know what that is?"
They shook their heads. "Lady in white." He smirked, and Hugo muttered, with a slight nod, "Haus Ausel..." referring to an old German myth about a ghostly lady in white. Wicki chuckled, but shook his head dismissively. "He was delirious. There's no such thing as ghosts." "But...we heard the screams. Krauts wouldn't have just left a high stakes prize like a Soviety spy behind like that." Donny shrugged, grumbling with a mouth full of chococlate, "So they saw a wolf or something." Smitty shook his head, "When have you ever seen a fucking wolf around here?" "Well.....fucken..." Donny scrunched up his nose in thought for a moment, then muttered"...just eat some hersheys damn it." Wicki smirked a little, "You afraid of a ghost story, Utivich?" "Wh....no...."
Aldo smirked, catching on, "Well, you ain't been scared till you seen the ghost of Sadie Baker." "Who the hell is that?" Omar rolled his eyes, though...he did love a good ghost story. "Well ain't you a lucky man," Aldo cleared his throat, snorting some tobacco, and then facing the boys, about to make them 'unlucky,' and telling them about Sadie Baker. Omar laughed, "Get the hell outta here." "You got a better one?" Aldo leaned back against a tree with a dismissive smirk, and Omar shrugged, "Better one? Here's a good one: Ghosts aren't real."
Hirschberg shrugged, "Maybe not...but you ever hear of the Jersey Devil?" Omar rolled his eyes, "Oh again with this shit? There is no Jersey Devil!" Donny frowned a little, "You ever hear about somethin' called the wendigo? Now...I'm not sayin' it's real...but that is some scary shit...if you believe in those things.... Which I don't." The night went on, the leaves rattled in the breeze, the yellow moon rose. There was wild screaming in the distance the likes of which they had only heard in chilling radio shows or horror pictures. Wicki and Hugo smirked seeing Smitty jump and look around nervously with every snapping twig and falling lead. They started joking around about the supposed 'lady in white,'. The only one who seemed fully unfazed was Aldo. When asked why, he replied simply, "Down south everything's either built on an Indian burial ground or on a civil war battlefield. This ain't nothin'." Though Utivich was the only visibly frightened basterd, the others were beginning to wonder about the howling in the distance. "Maybe there is a wolf..." "So that explains the screaming?" "If you saw a wolf you wouldn't scream?" "Not like that." Omar smirked, "Hey...isn't there a cemetery around here? Between that last village and the forest?" Smitty narrowed his eyes in suspicion, "You're setting me up, aren't you?" "You think I'd make all this up to get to you? I have other things to do." Omar rolled his eyes, and Hirschberg sighed, "Cemetery's down that way. Southeast." They heard another bone chilling scream, followed by an echoing howl. "It's...uh....just the wind." Hirschberg cleared his throat, crossed his arms, trying to look unbothered. "Hell of a wind," Donny mumbled as he looked up and around. Omar was smirking, poking around as he walked away from the group, "Aldo?" "Yeah?" "Can we go check it out?" Aldo sighed, having just taken off his boots for the night. "Take two of the boys with ya. Come back in an hour. We got a long day ahead of us, and ain't no ghoul out there gon' help us scalp nazis. Got it?" Omar nodded, "Got it. Come on." He grabbed Hirschberg and Utivich. Hirschberg seemed game, being bored out of his mind and not quite tired enough to get to sleep yet. Utivich....well... he stammered "Oh no. No fucking way. Take....take literally anyone but me. Take Hugo or-" Hugo scowled. "Or maybe not....How about Wicki?" Wicki was already laying down, his arms crossed behind his head, and his coat draped over his upper body. He sighed, half yawning, half disinterested, and one hundred percent too old for this shit. "Not tonight, boychik."
"But...but..." Utivich turned to Donny, panic seeping through his wide eyes, "Donny?" Donny was sharpening his knife, "You heard Aldo. We got a big day tomorrow, kid" He smirked, not just because of the big mission, but because he got a kick out of giving Utivich a good scare. Which wasn't very hard to do. "Come on, we're just checking it out." Omar nudged Smitty, who sighed as he dropped his head and followed along. About thirty minutes in, he asked "Are you sure you know where we're going?" Omar turned around, "Look." he sighed, "Ghosts aren't real. You know that." "Yeah but...." "For the last time, Uti, there is no wolf," Hirschberg chuckled and patted Utivich on the back as they kept walking. Omar asked, "What are you scared of anyway? If anyone's out there, they should be scared of us." Smitty chuckled a little, "I guess you're right." "Atta boy, now-" They reached the last few trees, and could see the looming, ancient gates, and the silhouettes of crooked and broken tombs just beyond it beneath the silver moonlight. And just as it came into view, they heard a shrill, guttural scream of a man. "It's uh...coming from the cemetery..." Hrischberg stalled for a moment, and Omar rolled his eyes, pulling them both behind him. "Come on." "You know...in the pictures, it's always one dumbass that gets everyone killed." Omar shook his head with a smirk, "Yeah, well we ain't in the pictures, Hirschberg." Omar pushed open the rusting, dusty, forgotten gates, and stepped in. "Footprints. Ghosts don't leave footprints." He turned around, "And no, a dybbuk wouldn't either." Hirschberg narrowed his eyes, "How do you know..." "We don't have time for this! I'm just saying that w-" There was another scream. "This way..." He seemed a little more hesitant, but still, made his way toward the screams, towing along the other two basterds. The cemetery seemed to go on for miles and miles, almost as if it were endless. "See? Nothing. I told y-" Omar's eyes went wide as he wobbled at the edge of an open grave, "WHOA-" Hirschberg grabbed onto Omar's arms and pulled him to safety. "Alright. That's it, asshole. Let's go home." "Aww you scared of a little wind?" "No." He clenched his jaw, "I just...it don't seem too respectful to be stompin' around these graves." Utivich nodded hastily, "Y-yeah...r...respectful..." "You coulda gotten hurt, Omar. Let's go." Omar sighed, "Just a few more minutes. I wanna see if-" They heard a low, ghastly groan, "Hilfe..." it almost seemed to be begging for mercy. Begging for death itself, "Hilfe!" 'help...' It was German. Omar then peered over the ditch he nearly fell into....and realized it was far deeper than six feet. And it was far from empty. There was a pile of men, bloodied, seeming as if they'd been gutted and torn apart by a wild animal. "Hilfe...." 'Help...' Omar's eyes shot wide, his heart stopped, and his blood went ice cold when he saw one of the bodies reach up with a shaking, bloody, mangled hand, eyes looking directly into Omar's. Hirschberg then peered over, "Holy shit. It's a nazi!" He laughed, putting his hands at his hips as he looked on at the bloody masterpiece. "I-it is?" Utivich felt significantly less scared, as he  looked between his friends' shoulders, and saw just that. An endless pile of dead nazis in a seemingly bottomless pit. "It is!" He smiled, though he was still a little uneasy with the idea of being in a cemetery in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night. Hirschberg kicked some dirt in, "Wonder what happened." "Who cares." Omar crouched down, wondering what to do next. Killing the nazi was too much mercy...leaving him be meant a small chance that he'd survive and tell someone he saw the basterds. Hirschberg seemed to read his mind. He called out, "English?" The nazi sobbed, "Ja...Yes!" "What happened?" He sputtered, blood trailing out of his mouth, his eyes shifting back and forth as he struggled for a breath of air long enough to speak. "W-woman...." He looked with blank eyes remained unblinking and unresponsivein fear, gasping for breath,  "W-white...white dress..." he gulped, "Wolf....attacked..." His mangled  arm wrapped around his sliced abdomen. Omar looked back at the other two basterds, "Ok...so he's delirious." "Omar, I don't think-" Smitty peered over, "Are you delirious?" Hirschberg rolled his eyes. "Hey." Omar threw a rock into the pit, but the nazi didn't answer. His wide, yellow eyes glazed over. His mouth dropped open as final streams of blood poured out. His arms fell to the sides. His organs spilled out. "....A wolf could do that..." Hirschberg pointed at the evisceration with a shrug. "Let's go." "Don't you wanna know how the bodies got here? I mean-" Omar loved a good mystery. "Why would a wolf drag bodies to a grave? A spirit can't pull bodies into a ditch. A spirit wouldn't care if all the evidence was found! Someone's gotta be out there." "Or....s-something...." Smitty's hands were shaking as he looked around. Omar rolled his eyes, "For the last time, there is no such thing as ghosts." Hirschberg pushed Omar, "Who cares. It's late. It's way past the hour that Aldo gave us. Leave well enough alone."
"You too, Hirschberg?" "What!" Hirschberg was visibily irritated, and uneasy, mostly because of the pungent smell. He didn't care about the nazis...he cared about being in the middle of a graveyard in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night, with the possibility of a wild animal attacking. "You're scared too." Omar grinned smugly. "I'm scared of Aldo knowing we stayed out here for more than an hour on purpose. Sure. Come on, kid." He pulled Smitty along, and Omar sighed, "Fine. Fine, lets go." The three wandered back through the gates in silence, not even commenting on what they found. "Umm...Omar?" Omar sighed in annoyance, "What, Smitty?" "Do you know where we are?" He slowed down, beginning to realize they had been walking for a lot longer than when they left camp. He looked around, suddenly not recognizing anything despite having known this side of the forest like the back of his hand. "Uh..." He practically turned in a circle, squinting, trying to make something out of the dark, vast nothing among the dense trees. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" Hirschberg groaned, more annoyed than scared, as he sunk down on the ground, catching his breath. "What? We can't be that far!" Omar stepped a little further into the woods. "I...think we should stay here till morning." "Oh is someone getting scared?" Omar smirked a little as he glanced back at Smitty. "This isn't fucking funny, Omar. We're lost!" Hirschberg crossed his arms, and Smitty said, "Besides...even if there's nothing out here, it's fucking cold." "Then let's keep moving." Smitty  shook his head, "No."
Hirschberg knew Omar wouldn't stop.. As much as he hated the idea, he couldn't let Omar go on his own. "Fine." Smitty definitely couldn't handle being alone, so he quickly followed. After what seemed like a thousand years, Omar stopped to catch his breath, finally conceding, "Ok...so we're lost." "Fucking knew it." Smitty looked out into the darkness, whispering under his breath, "lost..." Omar and Hirschberg stood beside each other, looking up at the towering trees.Suddenly, they both felt a heavy, iron grip grab at their shoulders, and pull them back. Both of them screamed at the top of their lungs. "What part of 'one hour' and 'big fucken day tomorrow' did you not fucken understand?!" Their hearts eased, and the color came back to their cheeks when they turned and saw it had been Donny who snuck up on them. "Oh fuck...." Omar rested his hand over his racing heart, "Ok..." he took a deep breath, "Ok..." Donny saw how pale they were. Smitty suddenly hugged him. He'd always been like a younger brother to Donny, though Donny found the hug odd as it seemingly came out of the blue. "You uh...you alright, kid?" Smitty looked up at him, and said about a million words in half a minute, none of which were understood by Donny. "I'll take that as a no?" Donny then glared at Omar and Hirschberg ,"What'd you do to the kid?" Donny knew it was a sort of favorite past time among the basterds to scare Smitty, but this seemed to have gone too far. "Nothing!" Before Donny could respond, they heard a howling sound. It wasn't the wind because there was no wind. And it wasn't a distant figment of their imagination. They all heard it....and it was close. "Can we please get back to camp for the love of- They heard snarling and growling as if they were surrounded by a single creature. The four basterds stood back to back, keeping their eyes ahead of them. A pair of glowing, pale, yellow eyes appeared in the underbrush. "oh shit..." Donny's heart skipped as he fumbled with his gun, trying to load it. Just before he could, they all heard a distant, bubbly, almost innocent laugh. Smitty's hands shook almost as violently as his voice when he raised his finger, pointing at something behind the wolf's eyes, "Wh-what the fuck is that!" It was a white silhouette, barely within sight.
He shut his eyes, and as if in response, there was a whistle. The snarling stopped, and was instead replaced with a whine, and the sound of retreating paws. The figure was gone, along with the glowing eyes. Donny still had his gun aimed at the now vacant forest. He didn't dare look away yet. He did ask one thing. "You...you wanna run that story by me again, Smitty?" ***** Aldo didn't believe a word of it. Neither did Wicki, or Hugo. After their mission, they went back to the cemetery with the younger basterds. Aldo joked as they stepped through the gates, "Whatever it is, it's making our jobs a hell of a lot easier." "There." Omar pointed to. The rest of the basterds huddled around it....a patch of dirt... "I swear it was right here." Hirschberg and Smitty looked on in shock. There was dirt where there were bodies the night before.  Wicki shrugged, "You dragged us all the way out here...for an unmarked grave?" Hirschberg picked up a handful of soil, letting it sift through his fingers, "Why is it so fresh?" Smitty nodded, "Yeah...it looks like it was just dug." Hugo grunted "Maybe because we're in a cemetery." Donny shook his head, "No. We saw something." He was so adamant, it made Aldo pause for a moment. Donny had never lied to him before, why would he now? "Alright." Just as the basterds were beginning to push dirt aside, they heard an old, creaking voice that nearly stopped the hearts of the younger basterds. " Puis-je vous aider?" 'Can I help you?' Omar, Smitty, and Hirschberg immediately held on to each other. Aldo rolled his eyes. It was an old man in worker's clothes, and was presumably the graveyard's care taker. The old man repeated again, "Puis-je vous aider?" In broken French, Wicki and Hugo pieced together a story: The kids heard a ghost story in town, and they'd all leave and stop bothering him. Instead, the caretaker invited them all to his house, seeing as though they might be hungry. Smitty shook his head, "Creepy old man in a creepy cemetery with a creepier house..." Aldo, being a southerner, and  therefore literate in the art of hospitality, knew it was rude to say no. "Just cause he's old, and we're surrounded by dead people don't mean you get to be rude. Ya did break into the man's property, after all." And with that, the basterds followed the old man through the cemetery to another gate, newer...and less creaky, behind which there was an open space, and a small cottage, with a fresh coat of paint in whatever spots weren't covered with bright bougainvillea. It seemed so out of place, so charming, almost enchanted. It didn't seem to belong there, like an oasis in the middle of a barren desert, but boy was it a sight for sore eyes for the tired basterds The old man apologized, as all he had to offer the brave basterds was some stale bread and water. Rations had been cut in half in the village. He sighed with a smile, though. "She'll be home any minute with more." Wicki asked, "She? " The heavy wooden door opened with a slight creak, and in appeared a figure in a deep green dress, with a basket, "Je suis de retour, papa!" you announced your return, and just as you stepped in, you spotted the crowd of strangers.  "Visiteurs?" 'Visitors' you asked, seeming a little uneasy, unable to identify their allegiance. 'Soldats américains,' He explained with a hearty laugh, "american soldiers"  with pure joy in his eyes and all the hope an old man could have. Wicki began to explain, "Well..." Hugo waved it off dismissively. Your dad explained that the younger basterds had heard some scary story around the town, and had come by to investigate. You laughed, though nervously...it sounded familiar to at least one Basterd. Smitty mumbled, "It's you..." Donny instantly caught on. He nudged Smitty, "Shut up." Aldo introduced himself, and each of his basterds to you. You nodded with a simple innocent smile, and introduced yourself, as shortly as possible, "Y/n." Aldo nodded, "Pleased to meet you, Y/n..." He turned to Smitty, "Utivich, why don't you go on and help Y/n." "I....ok..." You forced a polite smile to keep up appearances, and he followed you into the kitchen to put away what you'd brought. You were both quiet for a moment, though at one moment, you both looked at each other. You spoke at the same time saying, "I know who you are." You both raised your eyebrows, stepping back in shock, and again on the same beat, quipped, "No you don't!" "Quit it!" You put the tea kettle on, and arranged some cakes you'd brought into a tray, remarking, "You're a basterd." He raised his eyebrow with a smirk, as he leaned against a cupboard, "And you're a ghost." You rolled your eyes, "Really?" You tapped on your left forearm, "I think I know a dead person when I see one, soldier boy. And you should, too." He was quiet as you turned around to pour the boiling water into cups. You sighed reluctantly, "Sorry....that was mean," You sighed sighed again, "Things have been so..." He nodded, having seen the decimated, occupied village himself not too long ago. "I know everything." You looked at him, "You know nothing of hell." You stepped outside through the back door, into a peaceful meadow, seeming even more out of place than the cottage itself, and he followed, "I saw you." "I don't know what you're talking about." "The lady in white bullshit everyone's talking about. Killer wolf. Unmarked grave with a stack of dead nazis in it? I-" You turned around, "Do you see me wearing white? Don't you see endless graves around here? And killer wolf? Here? That's absolutely ridicu-" You both heard a whining.... You shut your eyes, and sighed, and muttered through gritted teeth, "Pais maintenant, Brouillard..." 'Not now, Brouillard...' Smitty saw a greyish-white wolf standing by your side, "No wolf, huh?" "He's not a wolf," you crossed your arms defensively. Smitty looked at you, absolutely puzzled for a moment, and you muttered, giving up. "He's a wolf-dog." "So it was you." "You're lucky you weren't here a few nights  too soon, or Brouillard would've howled, and papa would have shot you down." "Your dad? That sweet little old man?" You chuckled with an understanding smile, "It doesn't seem like it, but he takes his job real serious. And well... last night of course you know Brouillard wasn't here to warn him about your little...uh...escapade... We had our hands full." "Does he know?" Smitty spoke softly now, looking at you with wide eyes. "No. And..." You smirked a little, "Let's keep it that way." He nodded, and you stepped back inside, reaching for the tray with cakes as he took the tray with tea, "Wait..." You glanced back, "Yes, private?" "Why?" "Why?"
"I mean...thank you for the help and  all, but...why you?" You sighed, putting the tray back down on the counter. "Let me show you something..." You pulled him back outside, but he stopped in his tracks when he saw the wolf again. Brouillard trotted up and rubbed his head on Smitty's leg, as you laughed, "Go ahead." Smitty smiled, and patted Brouillard on the head, commenting, "Your laugh is a lot less ominous now....I mean...I...uh..." You laughed again, taking no offense, as you reached for the young soldier's arm, "Come on." You climbed up a trellis hidden by the vines, and sturdy enough to hold you. You popped into the second floor, and peeked over the window, "You won't fall, I promise!" Smitty nodded, trusting you for reasons he'd figure some day. You helped him in, and he looked around, immediately blushing realizing it was your bedroom. "Ummm..." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, and chuckled, "No one's going to come up. It's the only room up here." You still peeked into the hallway and half down the stairs before slowly shutting the door, and then the window, and closing the curtains. "Y/n....I hate to say this...but I-I think y-you, this is a misunderstanding! I-I don't want to- I mean you're gorgous but. Fuck! I mean-" You opened a dresser, produced a long, lovely, lace and pearl dress, and laid it over the bed. He stopped stammering, and was more intrigued than embarrassed now. He spotted the ragged, torn bottom, with leaves and twigs etched into the lace. "It's a wedding dress." He looked up at you with a sly smirk, "Impressive...Nice disguise." "It was my wedding dress." You sighed, as your fingertips brushed over pearl buttons. Smitty caught his breath, knowing there were a million things that could have led to this: Number one: Widowed by the war But he was wrong... And when he heard the truth he wished he had been right. "No." You smiled a little, "I was happy here. We all were. Then the nazis came." You held the dress up, "One of them, a sergeant... He saw me, and demanded I marry him, or he'd never stop terrorizing the town." "Y/n..." He shook his head, heart broken by the extent that war could go. "The night before the wedding," You turned to him, with the glint of a grin hidden behind your eyes as they wandered over the lace, "He was in the pub, and I knew it. I knew where he'd be. I knew where he would go. And..well, people here are very superstitious. Everyone knows these old myths.  Especially in small, isolated places like this. So, naturally, if a...say....vengeful spirit appeared when the town was disturbed, no villager would really say it was fake. They wouldn't dare." "You killed him?" Smitty was grinning a little, as he sat on the edge of the bed. "Me?" You smirked, pleating the white dress against your chest, tracing the details with your finger, "I simply lured him into the forest." "You?" "Well," You shrugged, "You know what they say. It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding." His jaw dropped, both in awe and in shock. "Now, it looked complicated, but Brouillard is a watch-dog...wolf-dog. Very protective. But, it's also not uncommon to spot wolves around here every few years. So naturally, have him howl around a little for a week or so before the deed, and people think it's just one of those wild lone wolves wandering in the woods. So...when a nazi turned up mauled in the woods, well, c'est la vie." "It was that easy?" "Easy?" You scoffed, "It was messy. But...there was no blame. Oh, no. Just what a tragedy before a wedding. Killed by a wolf, well, no one's to blame but his drunken self... Now, when his mates refused to leave town, a little more luring and a few more unpredictable wolf attacks meant the town was free. Well..." "Till more nazis showed up?" "Well...the people seem to understand that wandering the forest late at night might not be the best idea. Naturally the new nazis always want to be the one to solve the mystery of their missing soldiers, they want to get a prize.... So the nazis have no problem ending up at say, the wrong place at the wrong time. Still, Brouillard is a lone wolf. He can't get to each and every one of them so quickly, so, a few have gotten away having spotted a 'lady in white,' But, as of last night, the town is free of nazis. And when the next patrol arrives, I'll be here, waiting." You sighed, placing the dress back into the dresser. "I never would've....This..This is fucking amazing! How have you not been caught?" "The last place anyone would look for a dead body is in a graveyard," you smirked as you sat by him. "You're fucking brilliant..." "Well...I don't  know if I'd say 'brilliant,' but...." You stammered a little, tilting your head down, though you now shyly glanced up. You opened the curtains and the window, and stood there for a while. You felt him standing by you.  You both looked out at the endless graves, and he asked, "Do you ever feel scared by that?" "Scared?" You shook your head, though your eyes didn't part from the cemetery bathed in the falling red light of sunset. "I think it's peaceful...Though, maybe a little lonely at times." Your shy glance met his timid eyes, and you both smiled softly. In only a moment, you both began leaning in for a kiss, before sneaking back down to the garden, and back to the kitchen.
**** The basterds were walking back to their camp out in the woods, and Donny smirked, "So, Uti...." "What? Yeah?" Utivich snapped out of a trance where he was smiling dreamily at nothing. Donny raised his voice up a few pitches, "YoUr LaUgH is LesS ominous..." "Fuck. You." Utivich blushed as the basterds cackled, and Aldo sighed with a smile, "So? What'd she say?" Utivich sighed and explained the whole story. Aldo nodded, "Well...I'll be damned." Omar grinned, "Ha! No ghost." Hirschberg nodded, "No...but that's one hell of a girl..."
For as long as the basterds hid out in that part of the woods, a year or so, Smitty snuck off alone into the woods late at  night, no longer scared of howls or shadows. Where he went....well it didn't take a genius to figure it out. All it took was a minute of bravery to run through the graveyard, luck to not trip over any crooked tombs, and a good grip to climb up to your open window. When the inevitable day came for the basterds to move on, Smitty went back into the woods one last time. This time, he didn't run through the cemetery. He took his time... He'd take his time for once. He walked around to the back of the small cottage that didn't seem to belong, and found a dim, orange glow in the second story. He climbed up carefully after petting Brouillard once more, and bribing him with some dried meat so he wouldn't blow his cover with whines. You heard the familiar shuffling and rustling. You smiled, as you met him with an open window, and a kiss. He couldn't stay much longer, though you knew the day  would come. So when the night was over,  the dark blue sky began to give way to a new day and mission, he was off to a town in the other side of occupied France called Nadine, about thirty kilometres from Paris, to meet a British contact. Smitty said goodbye to you... But not before swearing he'd come back some day, when the war was over. You watched, as you sat by the window, as the basterd disappeared beyond the forest, as the moon faded and the sun rose. You smiled softly, knowing he'd be back. And, you'd heard that patrols in the area would be discontinued until an investigation gave an answer as to what lurked in the woods... So, as you wondered about the end of the war, you put the dress away with a soft, and relieved smile. You knew he'd be back...and when he was, you knew just what to do. Maybe the dress needed some mending....maybe a new one was in order... But, he'd be back. And when he was, you'd leave the window open and the candle on just for him.
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Homeward: Wicki x Fem!Reader
Requested by @i-do-not-know-what-my-life-is
@owba-chan @war-obsessed @inglourious-imagines @tealaquinn @struggling-bee @frozenhuntress67 @kwyloz @sodapop182
Let me know if you wanna be added to the IB or OUATIH taglists! :)
*Reader is Aldo's daughter
The OSS was sending a new member to help the basterds. After losing Andy Kagan, Simon Sakowitz, and Michael Zimmerman...they needed some help. Even if they didn't want to admit it, and even if it was practically a slap in Aldo's face...they did need it. "General says it's a goddamn marine." Hirschberg rolled his eyes, "Who the fuck said we needed a marine?!" Donny muttered, "Ain't they all supposed to be in the Pacific anyway?" Aldo shook his head, "This one's been in an elite team apparently, but the OSS is moving the kid over here." "What's thekid’s name anyway?" Aldo shook his head, "All the general said was we'd know the kid when we saw....aw shit..." He stopped in his tracks, and started running through the trees, to reach the edge of the forest. "Y/N?!" Hugo turned around, and narrowed his eyes in confusion, "Y/n..." He'd heard that name before. They all had, once or twice. "Y/n...ain't that..." Hirschberg trailed off, shaking his head. Donny nodded, "Aldo's kid..." Wicki shook his head, "What? It can't be..." Then, you saw your dad barreling toward you, and you shook your head, and called out in the exact intonation as him, "Aw shit!" Omar raised his hands in exasperation, "Well...it has to be." Aldo was very conflicted and confused. He loved you more than he could ever say, but..."What the hell are you doin' here?! I TOLD YOU TO STAY HOME. YOU LEFT YOUR MOTHER AND JUNIOR ALONE?! WH-" You chuckled and remarked, "Nice to see ya too, pops." As confused and now...scared...as he was, he couldn't help but smile a little when you said that. He sighed, "I...I went to war so you'd be safe, Y/n. I don't understand...I wanted you to stay home..." "Well I didn't." He smiled again, and nodded, "Your ma does say you're too much like me." He shook his head, "How did she take it, by the way?" He smirked, already knowing the answer. "Well she ain't very happy with either of us, pop." "And..." You chuckled, "Junior? That boy can't wait for you to get home. He's gettin’ taller. I figure he be damn near a foot taller than me by the time we get home." "A foot taller than you? He's only twelve!" "Fifteen in a week now, pops." You laughed, and Aldo did too, though his heart sank. As he looked at you, he wondered where the years had gone. Aldo distracted himself by introducing you to your new team, "You heard of Hugo?" You smirked, "Everyone's heard of Hugo Stiglitz. Even in the Pacific. He's like a goddamn ghost story." Hugo smiled slightly for a moment, and Aldo nodded and introduced you to the last basterd, "And this here's Wilhelm Wicki." Wicki reached his hand out to yours. You smiled, and for some reason, you felt the need to hold on to his hand for  a moment longer than needed. When you saw his smile, and the light in his eyes, you knew he didn't mind so much. Not all the basterds were as welcoming. First of all, Aldo was your dad, and like all dads, he was probably going to be overprotective. Then, the basterds had doubts about girls like you being on the front lines. And finally...you were a goddamn marine. But, they masked all these concerns, and voiced them in the oldest basterd tradition: mid combat. "Y/N'S JUST A KID!" Donny called out over the machine guns firing at them as he ran past Aldo, trying to convince him. "Y/n just took down four gunners with one bullet." Wicki grinned smugly, crossing his arms, as silence from the enemy rang in their ears. Aldo turned quickly, and spotted you, as you jumped down from a tree branch, and tucked your rifle away. He looked back at Donny, and every other basterd who had some grievances about their newest teammate. "Yeah, but she's my kid," He chuckled as he wiped blood away from his knife, "And the apple don't fall far from the goddamn tree." "Yeah but..." "Hey Wicki!" You marched over to him, and everyone looked. "Shit, you hurt your hand?" You took his hand, and poured your water over the deep gash. His hand flexed as the cut stung. Aldo looked at the gawking basterds, and rolled his eyes, "Alright, alright. Showtime's over. Get me some goddamn scalps." Chuckling and remarking, they all slipped away. Aldo did too, but...he kept an eye out. Wicki was the only one that never had anything snide to say about you...and that made Aldo a little suspicious.  He watched from (what he called) a distance, as you poured sulfanilamide on his hand to stop the bleeding, and momentarily rushed off to grab something to bandage it up with. Aldo took that as his cue. He didn't waste any time. He knew a lovestruck idiot when he saw one. He was old enough to know. "If you ever so much as touch Y/n, I will kill you, ya hear me, boy?" Wicki gulped, "Come on, Aldo. It's me... You know me, I'd never." "I'm old, Wicki, but I ain't stupid." Aldo sighed, and his voice eased up a little, "She's all I got out here. And if anything ever happened to her," Aldo trailed off, as his voice became soft, like only a father's could. Wicki smiled a little, getting a lock at Aldo's rare soft spot. Rare, and fleeting. Aldo's hand grazed over his knife, and he muttered, "I'd kill whoever was goddamn responsible for hurtin' my kid. Purple heart, or a heartbreak, same in my eyes when it's down to her. So don't go puttin' us all in positions we don't wanna be put in, understand?" Wicki stammered a little, and nodded, "Yes sir." Aldo nodded once with stern eyes. Not like a lieutenant, but like an over protective father who said he'd kill, and meant it. You rolled your eyes when you came back, "Don't listen to him," You muttered something only Aldo could have taught you, as you wrapped Wicki's hand up as best as you could. Wicki's eyes widened, with a slight relieved smile, as he was no longer alone and open for Aldo to attack. "You heard all that?!" "Oh come on now, if there's one thing the old man can't do is whisper." Wicki laughed, though he was unsure, "But, he-" You kissed Wicki right then and there, and smiled softly, "I can keep a secret if you can." You both looked at each other with identical, sly grins, and loving eyes. So, you did keep that secret. For a long time. One day, the basterds had traveled across nazi occupied France for their newest mission: Operation Kino. The next day, they'd be meeting up with a British soldier named Archie Hicox. They were staying in a relatively decent hostel run by the resistance, everyone got their own room. Compliments of the OSS (and the fact that you were all in a suicide mission). Omar and Hirschberg went around to each of the basterds' rooms, asking around for extra cigarettes. But they didn't know how to knock, apparently.
They found the cigarettes alright...but you and Wicki were smoking them, in bed.  "OH SHIT!" Both Hirschberg and Omar broke out in gasps and cackles, taunts, and repeatedly remarked, "ALDO'S GONNA KILL YOU!"
In all the commotion, the basterds started to step into the hall one by one. Aldo went further to invistigate. You could practically see the foam forming at the corners of his mouth. "YOU'RE A DEAD MAN, WICKI, YA HEAR? DEAD! I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL Y-" "Dad." You crossed your arms. He went on, of course. "DAD." You matched him in volume, because of course, the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree. He looked at you, his eyes softened a little. You only called him 'dad' when you were mad. You always called him pops, or old man sometimes. But dad? Come on... Then... he glared at Wicki, "Get out." Wicki didn't waste a second, and hurried out. You and Aldo were quiet for a moment, then you muttered, "I'm not your little girl anymore, ok?" "What the hell are you talkin' 'bout?" He got a little defensive. In his eyes, you'd always be a kid. The kid that used to climb trees, fall down and scrape your knees, then climb back up in a second. You'd always be the kid that sat across from him from a low fire, and listened to ghost stories instead of bedtime stories. In his eyes, you'd always be the kid that only let him braid and brush your hair, because her mom was too hasty with the brush. Where had that kid gone? "I ain't no kid, dad. When you left, I took care of Junior. I took care of ma. When I shipped out, I was a fucken automatic rifleman in my fire team. You can't just be a  kid and get out like that. Then, I was a fucking squad leader. There were twelve of us, goddamn it. Out in the pacific, in the fucking storms, in the middle of everything, dad. We got our job done. Some of 'em went home. Some of 'em are still fightin'. Some of 'em ain't ever goin' anywhere again. But we all grew up. We had to. I did. I proved it out there. I proved it here. Why don't you see that?" "I'm pulling you out of operation kino." "You're what?!"
"If you so goddamn grown up, you'd realize you....you an' Wicki, an' all this shit- It's compromising the team! Grow up a little more, and you'll see I ain't just protectin' you. I'm protectin' everyone from this." "Really? Protecting me? How's that gone?" You shook your head, "Right. You ain't lost a damn soul since I got here. Just a coincidence right? Just lucky since I'm the best goddamn marksman you got, ain't it? You need me in that tavern tomorrow. It's not about me and Wil. You've been lookin' for excuses to pull me out of Kino since we got the damn thing. But ya know what, dad? You bein' scared is what's puttin' the team in danger. Not me and Wil. It's you." You pushed past him, and every basterd that lingered around in the hallway. None of them bothered to go after you. **** At dawn, you were sitting at the window of the inn, ready to go. Aldo closed his room door behind him quietly, and stood in the hall for a moment. Your hair was pulled back by a dark olive scrap of cloth. You weren't in pigtails anymore. You were taller than the kid that used to run around the Smoky Mountains with him. You looked out into the pink and red sky with the same eyes that watched the same sun set over the horizon in the pacific. Those were a troop's eyes, if Aldo ever saw them. He never thought about it before, maybe because it hurt him too much.... But he couldn't help it now. He thought about you, alone in firefights somewhere across the seas. He thought about all the things you'd seen. All the things you'd done... You were an unspoken hero, not his little kid.  You had to be, if the OSS took enough notice to send you halfway around the world to the basterds. You never told them a single story about your days before the basterds, but he was sure they'd be in a book some day. You were always ready. Frankly, you were the only basterd that was ever ready for anything. Still, he cleared his throat, and asked, "Ya ready, y/n?" That was his way of apologizing He wasn't very good at it. You had all the years of your short life to learn that. So you smiled a little, though you didn't look away from the red glaze in the sky, and sighed, "Yeah, pop." So it was understood. You were in the tavern. You went down with Hugo, Hicox, and Wicki to meet the contact. You were in that basement, fighting. And if it wasn't for you, none of them would have made it out alive.
The second Hugo pulled the trigger, and Dieter Hellstrom said goodbye to his nazi balls, you did what you had done on your first day as a basterd. You took down four nazis with one bullet. And did it again, with your second gun. Operation Kino would not run smoothly, but it did work out. And the basterds made it, because of you. So you all got the medal of honor when it was all said and done. And...while Wicki was walking to his spot, Aldo tripped him up. You rolled your eyes and glared at Aldo...who smiled as if he'd done nothing. You didn't realize he was smiling because he thought he was sly. He was smiling because he was proud of the boys, and most of all, of you. The basterds were all in their army uniforms, each decorated with different ribbons and medals from their time before and during their assignment to the team. You were in your marine uniform, equally as decorated. And with four purple hearts that Aldo had a million (belated) questions about. Question number one being, "How the hell did you get those?!" But, he shook his head, wondering how many stories his kid had. Aldo looked back at you, and saw that you were focused on the last man in the line.
Wilhelm Wicki. He was looking right back at you, with that same lovestruck idiot look. Aldo sighed in resignation, with a slight smile he'd never admit to. That was the story you wanted. Not a ghost story around a fire, or a war story wrapped up in ribbons and medals. Those were just a few chapters. Aldo looked out into the crowd, as Roosevelt went on and on with kind words about honor and war. Aldo wasn't listening much. He was looking out into the crowd, and spotted his wife and son, the rest of his story. The first page of his epilogue, set in the Smoky Mountains. Your story was different. It was only just beginning. The pen was still in your hand, and it had been, from the moment that Wicki took your hand. And if Wicki was going to be part of your story, well...then Aldo might just have to accept that. There was no more missions, no more war...nothing else he could use as an excuse. But he'd be damned if Wicki was coming over for dinner.... But if he was, you bet Aldo would be tripping Wicki up every chance he had (since killing him was no longer an option.) You and Wicki looked at each other after he got his medal, and smiled. The war might've ended, but what you had together didn't. When it was over, and you stepped down from the stage, he took your hand, and you spotted your mother and brother in the crowd. You could feel the scar on Wicki's palm, and you squeezed his hand.  He smiled softly with an undeniable blush, as you walked through the crowd, on your way home.
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To Omar (Omar Ulmer x Fem!Reader)
Requested by @cass-danvers A/N: YALL THIS ONE HAS SOME HEAVY HAMILTON REFERENCES (No spoilers, just lyrics )
@owba-chan @war-obsessed @inglourious-imagines @tealaquinn @struggling-bee @frozenhuntress67 @kwyloz @sodapop182 @marlenemarauders @what-the--curtains @taikawho Let me know if you wanna be added to the IB or OUATIH taglists! :) ____ Omar was a young man, just recruited with a handful of other eager, wide-eyed boys into an elite team. One that would soon come to be known as The Basterds. This was their last night stationed in a base, somewhere in England. Young, and dreaming of glory, they all sat around, living the last night where they were guaranteed life. They each got their last handfuls of mail, before having to go under the radar and off the grid for quite some time... For some of them, perhaps for the rest of what remained of their lives. Omar's new lieutenant held out a single envelope. 'To Omar'
He recognized your handwriting instantly, and he breathed shakily, his heart sinking. He reached for the letter, and politely thanked Aldo. Omar looked at those two words: To Omar...
But he never read the rest. He stuffed the envelope away into a pocket inside his jacket... Omar knew there was greatness in his path, but if he read what you'd written, he'd never stop thinking of the moment he said goodbye to you. ***TWO YEARS LATER The basterds knew he never worked up the courage to read what you'd last wanted him to know. Just as none of the basterds were allowed to mess around with Donny's bat, none of them were allowed to touch the letter. But, their time together was coming to an end... And, seeing the inherent danger that was part of Operation Kino, Aldo sat Omar down. "I was younger than you are now, when I was given my first command..." It wasn't often that any of the basterds saw Aldo being so bleak... Blunt, yes. Of course. All the time, unfortunately. But bleak? It startled Omar a little... He looked at Aldo, at the history in that man's eyes. Aldo looked down, and Omar could see the heaviness in the memories of that first command. He'd witnessed their deaths firsthand in an endless massacre... "You know, son...Took me time to realize that each of 'em boys I lost that first day had someone waitin' on 'em to get back home. A mama, a pop, kid brother that might have to take his place, a sister workin' away in a factory instead of goin' to school. Each of 'em boys had someone they loved, someone waiting. Just like you. Y/n's waitin' on you to come on back home." "Come on, Aldo. Not now..." "Andy's mother didn't get to say goodbye. Simon had a wife and kids. Michael never got to marry." Omar turned away, he didn't want to listen. "We don't get to decide which one of us lives, dies. We don't even get to decide which one of us tells each other's stories." Aldo sighed, shaking his head. He wasn't making the same mistakes again. he knew who each of the basterds was. There was no turning back now. The war either ended with Kino, or not at all. But, seeing as some of them may not be so lucky to tell the stories, he looked at Omar, "You should read that letter now, Omar." Omar tried to play dumb....but he was a terrible liar, "What letter?" "Y/n's letter." Aldo got up, and walked out. Omar sighed, he pulled the letter out. To Omar. He shook his head. He knew he wouldn't be able to bear reading your 'I love you,' now. Not after all this time. Not when he was so close to hearing it again. He knew the basterds could win the war. There was greatness in each and every soldier he fought side by side with, but this was it. Operation Kino would go down in the books, and history had its eyes on each and every single one of them.
The thoughts lingered on, until the next night, as the basterds waited in an empty building, while Wicki, Hugo, and Lt. Hicox met with a contact in a tavern across the street. La Louisiane just so happened to be in a basement. As it would turn out, Aldo was right. Basements were a terrible place for a rendezvous. Omar, who was just about to read your letter (for real, this time) had no choice. He dropped it, when he heard the first gun shot. As the basterds ran out to see what basterds and parts of Kino they could save, Aldo spotted the letter on the ground. He saw a few words as he hastily tried to shove the letter back into the envelope as he ran out. He slowed down for a second, then realized he needed to make sure Omar made it home. His eyes scanned the street, as Omar kicked down the door. Aldo ran toward him, "WAIT." He pushed Omar back, and took his place, being the first to head down to the tavern as they heard more gunfire, and a terrified man scream, "YOU OUTSIDE, WHO ARE YOU?! BRITISH? AMERICAN? WHAT!" Aldo looked back at his boys, with a shot of relief in his eyes for  a moment, thinking there was a chance their boys were still alive, though his hand gripped the envelope tightly, as he shouted down, "WE'RE AMERICAN. WHAT ARE YOU?" *****
Later that night, as the basterds gathered around a veterinarian's clinic, Aldo quietly slipped the letter into Omar's hands. You had married him, just a year before he left... and he'd been gone for two years now. And now, after two years, he regretted not reading the letter when he first got it. When you decided to write that last letter to him, you'd known for some time... You weren't sorry, but you knew he'd keep on fighting. And still, you knew he deserved a chance to meet his baby. Still, you weren’t scared. You knew who you married. You'd written that last  line with a slight smile: "As long as you come home some day, at the end of the war, just to meet your son...that would be enough." Omar shut his eyes. He stopped hearing Wicki, Hugo, and Archie being operated on by a veterinarian with no morphine. He stopped hearing von Hammersmarck's explanations. He could only see you, in your little apartment in Jersey. He could see you standing by the window, on that last cool summer evening you spent together. You were smiling at him, almost laughing, as a breeze came through a cracked window, swaying the curtains gently. "Well. I speak the most I-talian so...I'll be your escort. Donowitz speaks second most, so he'll be your I-talian cameraman. Omar third most so he'll be Donny's assistant." Omar's eyes shot open, hearing the plans now, instead of his distant memories.  "I don't speak Italian!" "Like I said, third best. Just keep your fuckin' mouth shut!" As the night went on, and the plans were rearranged, Omar was sitting alone in a separate room. His mind bounced endlessly between the prospects of ending the war, and the words in your letter. For two years...two years he carried that letter, and never knew he had a baby waiting along with you. Now that you were so close to him, there was a chance he'd never get to you. Aldo knew what was going on. "Ya know...I saw sum' that letter. We can switch you out. Hirschberg or Smitty. Both of 'em boys got enough grit. Hell, they made it this far." "Smitty's got two kids who know him. Hirschberg is a kid."
Aldo nodded slowly as he sat by him.  He glanced up, "Donny!" Donny stopped by the doorway in passing, chewing on some stale bread he found lying around.  "Yeah?" "Come here. We got a slight change of plans." It was crazy, and it was almost dead certain it wouldn't work...but Aldo wanted to give them even a possibility to make it out. "Listen up, boys. This ain't no game..." So, later on, when Bridget von Hammersmarck arranged for the boys to be fitted in suits for the premier, Omar and Donny were alone for a few minutes, just before 'show time'.
"Y'know, kid. Aldo told me why we changed plans." Omar smiled a little, though his heart was heavier now, more than ever, "Of course he did. Aldo can't keep a secret." Donny nodded, knowing that to be true enough. Still, he sighed, "I just wanted to tell you, I respect the hell out of you, and there's nobody else I'd rather be doin' this mission with."
"Thanks, pal." "But..." Donny looked at his best friend, "Nothin's ever gone according to plan with us. Someone always slips up. Sometimes Hirschberg actually slips... That time that Wicki forget the ammunition, or when Hugo-" "I get it, I get it," Omar laughed, and Donny smiled a little, until he said what was on his mind. "It's a goddamn miracle any of us are still here." "Ain't that the truth." "So, if I fall behind, I stay behind. You get the hell out of there." "Donny, I can't do that." "Don't make an orphan of your kid." Donny was dead serious. "What about-" Donny already knew what Omar was going to say. He chuckled a little, "Shit, me 'n Sarah been engaged so long, I'd hope she'd be ready to move on by now," He smiled a little, though Omar knew Donny loved his girl, he still meant every word. "Donny, I can't leave you behind." "That's an order, private." "Don't do that." "Don't disobey a direct order, then." They looked at each other, quietly, not knowing what more to say. Donny reached his hand out. Omar sighed, and shook Donny's hand, "One last time?" "One last time," Donny smirked, looking in a mirror, slicking back his hair, then heading out the door.
*** And of course, things did not go as planned, as per usual. Somewhere in the middle of it all, Aldo disappeared, along with Bridget von Hammersmarck. To make matters worse...a wooden beam fell over Omar.
He shut his eyes, feeling the weight of the world fall over him. He just took down the nazi regime, but he was sure he'd never get to see you again. Smoke filled his lungs, and covered his eyes. He could almost hear you, a whisper among the crackles of the fire. He smiled... But he just couldn't seem to die. He saw you again, on that last cool summer night, just before he left. He kissed you, 'I'll be back before you know I'm gone...' And it wasn't like him to lie to you. So you never questioned that last promise, no matter how much time had passed. He knew that, so when he heard Donny shout over the roaring fire, "FUCK A DUCK," he opened his eyes. Donny was towering over him, "THIS WASN'T PART OF THE DEAL, OMAR." Donny was clearly hurt, but using every last ounce of his strength to push the beam off of Omar. "WE GOT THIRTY SECONDS, MOVE, MOVE MOVE." The two basterds just jumped out of the cinema, moments before the explosions. Donny chuckled, catching his breath, and pressing his arms around his hurt knee, "Just like in the movies, huh?" "Yeah..." Omar smiled, out of breath, realizing he was getting that happy ending,  "Just like in the movies..." A jeep stopped just across the street, and Hirschberg waved out the windo, "LET'S GO. GENERAL MADE A DEAL WITH ALDO AND LANDA." The boys looked at each other, and Hirschberg rolled his eyes, "WE GOTTA GO." Wicki poked his head out of the back of the jeep, along with Hicox and Hugo, "C'mon, boys. I got my mother waitin' for me." Hicox chuckled, "Yes, if it's all fine with you boys, I'd like to be home in time for my daughter's bed time story. She reads to me, you know." Hugo only smiled. He had somebody waiting for him too. They helped Donny and Omar up, and for the first time in years, each of the basterds took a breath. They looked around, knowing how lucky they were to be alive right now. ******** Omar walked down the stage after getting his medal of honor. He was a little slow, having a broken rib or two, but that didn't matter. You knocked the breath out of him. You'd always taken his breath away. He stopped when he saw you. You ran to him. He could barely whisper your name, though you could see the years of love that were missed in his eyes, "Y/n..." You threw your arms around him, effectively taking his taking his breath away again, though he didn't mind. He glanced back at Aldo, who was already being swarmed by a group of reporters, waiting for him to tell the basterds' story, or at least the story of how he got his scar. Aldo smiled with pride, nodding at his boys, watching them all go their separate ways. Yes, they'd lost some basterds along the way... Aldo was right. No one got to choose who lived, who died, who told their stories. (But knowing Donny, he'd tell some stories alright, and never shut up about it.) But now, Omar looked at what was ahead of him. He saw a little boy, about two years old, lingering shyly behind you. You picked him up, and Omar saw his son's face for the first time. "His name's Philip." Omar threw his arms around both of you, never wanting to let go. He'd seen the world, remembered every soldier who fought by his side, held on to that letter for years, and lived far more than he'd ever imagined ....But this? He smiled, holding you and your son, knowing he'd never have to leave you behind again. He looked at you, and Philip... That was enough for a lifetime. He fought in the war, but somehow, this was what he was proudest of. He'd always known he'd see you again, it would only be a matter of time.
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DonnyxReader Postwar Headcannons :)
Requested by @livingshitpost : Sorry it took a while, luv :(
@owba-chan @inglourious-imagines @war-obsessed @tealaquinn @struggling-bee @frozenhuntress67
*Let me know if you wanna be added to the basterds or OUATIH taglist!
Let me know if you have any requests! :)
Yes. Donny is, was, has always been, and always will be a goddamn basterd. In every way possible.
But...that doesn’t mean he ain’t a goddamn sweetheart. 
And boy oh boy, is he a fucking sweetheart. A goddamn angel, when he’s with you.
(And only you <3 )
When walks around with you (going downtown on chores, visiting his parents, or little nights on the town) he always keeps an arm around you.
You don’t understand...
That basterd is buff....
his arm  is h e a v y... and he don’t let go.
He tells you “Boston’s a big town, with bigger assholes.”    and
“I like showin’ off my baby.”
Which is all fine an’ dandy...but the truth was he missed you... He missed the hell out of you, kiddo, And he used anything and everything as an excuse to spend as much time with you, and be close to you as possible.
He knows the war took a lot out of you... Speaking of which....
People always wanna hear about it, people always ask him about it. After all, Donny is the man that killed hitler. Donny was one of the basterds that saved the world. His name was everywhere, his face was on every paper.
Everyone just wanted to know.
but.... Donny wants to know about you. He wants to hear about you, what you did, what it was like back home.
After all....most of what he did was miss you.
And besides...he never gets tired of it. 
You think your stories are pretty boring compared to his. But goddamn can that basterd listen to you. He can listen to you for a million years, and never stop smiling, never stop asking about it, and never stop listening.
shit, that smile...
You built planes, you designed them, you even painted them.  
Your paintings... 
Damn Donny missed lookin at your sketchbooks, and letting you draw on his hand and arms. You’d done it since you were in school together...
Even after all this time...You couldn’t stop blushing...You know?
 Once, when you two were just getting together, you gave him a drawing of a carnation that he gave you, with a ribbon, with his initials and yours on it. 
And you know, he kept that sketch on him, all the time, when he deployed, when he got dropped in France, and when he came home.
He never let it go.
Sure...it got a bit crumpled...some blood, some dirt on it here and there.
and he was paranoid of losing it, so...he got it TATTOOED
And you almost died when you saw it when he came home.
“Goddamn, Y/n, it’s not so bad.” He laughed as he held you, trying to calm you down when you found out, “I needed to make sure I always had a piece of you with me.”
“It ain’t so bad.” He winked at you, as he flexed his ink. He always loved the way you drew and painted...
You had an eye for art, and a love for the beauty in the world. You never lost that. Not even with the war.
Actually...it was part of the reason Donny fought.
He volunteered.
He wanted to save that part of you, save your muse. That was half the reason he fought on.
The other half of the reason, well...
it was you.
You were the reason he came home, because at the end of the day, you were his muse.
So now...well, now you’re stuck with him.
And that’s not so bad. (You get used to it ;D )
Well actually, only dinner is a bit questionable with him. 
He tells you he learned ot mame the best out of nothin’...
You don’t quite have the heart to tell him his ravioli is mush... So you eat it every Friday night. 
That’s real love ^^^
And...He hates doing dishes. Always has. 
He gets a bit pouty sometimes, believe it or not.
But... He did swear he’d do anything for you when he was away. Dishes included... And anyway, he gets calls and letters  from the boys every now and again, and they r e m i n d h i  m.
So...he grumbles under his breath as he washes the dishes.
“Goddamn...fuck a duck...kill hitler and now I gotta...fucken...”
You toss a towel at him. 
“Alright, alright. I wash, you dry.” You roll your eyes with a slight grin....You also didn’t have the heart to tell him he can’t wash dishes for shit.
Donny saved up, and got a TV set.... 
They were just gettin’ popular. 
Of course....he sort of hogs it whenever there’s a Red Sox game. 
You both went back to civilian life...But that doesn’t mean everything is just back to normal. Not for either of you.
And that was ok.
Sometimes he couldn’t sleep. Sometimes he woke up in the middle of night, in a cold sweat, listening to the marching boots in the distant memories. 
The only thing that could get him to close his eyes was your arms around him.
But every morning. Every morning, he’d wake you up with soft kisses. 
and that smile.
Y’ know.
That smile.
Those kisses, that smile, and the smell of burnt toast....
But somehow, he’d get sunny side up eggs done right. 
S o m e h o w
Sometimes you’d come home late from work...And he’d be pouty. 
He’d never admit why, but you had a pretty good guess. 
He waited so long to come home. 
Sometimes, he was scared...
He’d seen the worst of the world...
To him, you were the best the world had to offer...And he knew life, and he knew death by then. 
He wondered sometimes how he earned you. And sometimes feared you’d be taken from him...
You knew that look...
and it broke your heart.
ever. damn. time.
You’d smile, and you’d play with his hair until you felt him loosen up his shoulders.
you always promise him softly, “Hey... I’m not going anywhere.”
He’d hold on to you, and wish he’d never have to let go.
You take his hand...
You lay together on the couch, the radio playing softly in the background, songs written for the former soldiers in moments like these.
The music was softer and slower than what you used to listen to together.
You still had some of those records around...
You used to dance from dusk till dawn in clubs together. Swinging bats wasn’t the only kind of swing Donny could do, after all.
You were just kids then, before the war...
It wasn’t so long ago, but after all that you’d both been through, it seemed like a life time ago.
You didn’t quite mind.
You were a bit older now, but you still had a lifetime ahead of you, together.
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