#no but theyre literally just brainwashed kids
bansheenolan · 1 year
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weebsinstash · 9 months
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm I'm just sitting here being degenerate thinking of the concept of "Choso and/or Yuuji who gets our favorite Yan Fever for the Reader and they get those false memory things that like really mentally fuck them up and make them think you're their sister"
Like whether you are an actual cursed painting is irrelevant and I think it's funny to have some concepts where you're literally just a normal person but either way
Some Alternative Universe shit where Yuuji and Choso are chilling as brothers being sorcerors and whatnot and eventually you come along and oh shit, here come the fake VHS tape memories. Suddenly here's both of them, "remembering" you sitting at the family dinner table in your little school seifuku and calling them both Onii-chan with stars in your cute little doe eyes and it All. Feels. Too. Real.
You're just over here "what the actual FUCK are you two talking about" and meanwhile they're over here, turning to each other, "hey remember that time we went to the amusement park with Lil Sis--" and both of them are remembering the same 'events'. They see you with an adult man and suddenly they're flooded with thoughts of 'that time' sweet little unassuming you got embarrassed and ran off into the woods and they found you right before nightfall covered in dirt with scraped knees and puffy eyes as you said a boy at school had rejected you and just cried and cried and cried while your big brothers promised to kill the guy and that they're the only men you need and God Forbid They ""Remember"" Some Fucked Up Shit like they have vivid memories of your teary snot covered face holding their hand and trembling, "if you're the only man I need who will want me, will you marry me when I grow up"
forget the actual spirits the real shit that's CURSED is what comes out of these two when their false memories have them convinced you're this sweet helpless little crybaby that -- wait is that man trying to talk to you? You're too young to date! No shut up, you're not a grown woman. What are you talking about? You're too young. Men are creepy, stay away from him and hang with your big brothers! Do you wanna like.... go see a movie? Go to the arcade? You don't need a boyfriend to pass the time, don't be silly.
and you're sitting here thinking, "Weeb you mean they get these false memories for you as their PLATONIC little sister, right?" and, I dunno, wouldn't it be all the more fucked up if they're getting those Step Brother Level Memories. In some fucked up VHS tape in the back of their minds, they found little kid you starving in the woods or some shit like Batman scooping up Jason Todd like theyre remembering finding you bundled up and abandoned as a baby or something and. They remember you and feel for you as a sister but Don't Worry We Aren't Actually Related--
You go missing and your "big brothers" are absolutely freaking out and they catch you at like THE CLUB droppin that ass and being, well, dressing and acting really adult while they're all but throwing a sheet over you to "protect your honor" and. Clearly this isn't YOUR behavior, CLEARLY you've been BRAINWASHED by all these GROSS PERVERTS who are trying to CORRUPT YOU but don't worry the pseudo incestuous stuff is totally fine in their heads tho---
You sneak off for a prolonged period of time and it turns out you were with a dude and they're ligerally stripping your clothes off and inspecting you because, well, you're just so kind and helpless and sweet that if that man hurt you, your big brothers know you would defend that person, so, OBVIOUSLY both of them have to strip you down and ask about every single scratch, bump, and scar that wasn't there a few days ago
They're on that Japanese shared bathing mixed genders in the hot spring shit and, family bathing can be a thing in Japan and stuff like that so, catch them having ZERO problems making you share hot springs or baths and being completely full ass naked in front of them and they think YOU'RE WEIRD if you're grossed out by it. What do you mean you're not comfortable being completely totally naked in front of two equally naked adult men who keep touching your body, that's just what family does, gee lil sis you're SO weird 🙄
I also think it'd be like absolutely fucked if you were friends with Yuuji before he switches over or whatever so now he's got these very actually real memories of spending time with you and whatever feelings came from that now super imposed and layered over all this Weird Ass Family Funtime shit in his head. You go from thinking he's like your best friend to, slowly over time realizing his feelings for you are... questionable at best. That, before, where you were actually really sort of already a close platonic figure to him, NOW you're just infantilized and treated like helpless vulnerable little glass
All I'm saying is that Megumi amd Nobara have to put up with constantly hearing about Yuuji's precious lil sis and his awesome big bro and all the extra special family plans you guys have, meanwhile you're like, off in some office somewhere, "Gojo on god bruh i will suck you something so fucking sloppy if you get me away from these two"
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crystalis · 5 months
do you ever just like think about how terrible the united states is like the entire history of it from the beginning, destroying the indigenous peoples and cultures and expanding south and west until reaching the other coast using african slave labour and doing nothing to stop the holocaust until germany delcared war on the US (and rewriting history to say we stopped it bc we're the good guys) and nuking japan killing 100000 people instantly and then literally taking over the world and brainwashing its citizens beyond comprehension to think we're some modest country that Fights For Freedom and that everything we do is for the greater good of mankind .. and we obliterated iraq libya afghanistan cambodia vietnam laos korea guatemala el salvador nicaragua pakistan yemen etc and have a 1 trillion dollar military budget and army bases scattered across the earth and the highest incarceration figures of any country and a militarized police. and homeless people everywhere and no developed public transportation and healthcare is so bad youre literally held hostage by the healthcare sytem if theres something wrong with you or you just die, even though this like the richest or 2nd richest country in the world, its like so crazy.. not even 250 years old AND like idefk how much of the population is conservative patriotic God Bless America "pray for our vets" types.. american politics in general are so outrageous.. the settler colonial empire calling people "illegals" and deporting them is real funny.. god damn america sucks so much and its insane how insulted people get about it and say shit like "get out of our country then" bc theyre completely indoctrinated by american propaganda white supremacy patriotism. and making kids pledge allegience to the flag in school and lying to them and teaching them rewritten history and then going "look at how china and north korea brainwashes their people 😲😱😱" even though americans are the most brainwashed propagandized people on earth
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i think another reason why i like drv3 and none of the rest is that the characters are, in my opinion, more easily read as kids playing a role. they're all larping! they're acting! for a tv show. they don't behave like real kids because they're literally unable to, forced by brainwashing tech to play along to a scripted outline. their behaviors perfectly line up with the behaviors of a kid being scripted by an adult, and thats one of the things i find most interesting about drv3. its a direct look at the fact that adults made and used the danganronpa series to get "fan service" and fictional fantastical situations out of child characters. i don't think its a coincidence that there's such a focus on young kids WATCHING danganronpa and wanting to parrot it in real life all while the whole kinnie thing was raising in popularity and komaeda kins were cutting off their fingers and shit. the rest of the characters in danganronpa you're forced to essentially stretch your belief, pretend that teenagers actually behave and act like this in the universe of danganronpa. but in the third game, there is literally a perfect explanation. theyre on tv. theyre on LIVE tv. theyre for our entertainment. they arent meant to seem real. theyre meant to be entertaining. for us. people criticized the game for having extremely "out there" characters, for the cartoonish characterizations and the bullshit talents, but i kind of love it. theyve run out of ideas. theyre just throwing bullshit at a screen. pumping up the theatrics and dramatics to a ten. thats why the game starts off with a magical girl opening.
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A) purity culture is a term describing sex negativity in religion and how it impacts people. It's not about like, holding celebrities to high standards
B) you know that conservatives exist in the real world right? They have friends, families, colleagues. Theyre not extremists because they live isolated etc etc. In fact people acting like its a-ok for them to want to destroy peoples rights is what keeps them conservative. If they were ostracised for their viewpoints they may actually reflect on them
C) taylor has had tons of bad friends. Lena Dunham literally molested her sister, for example. You think with Matty then Travis people would have learnt that taylor just doesnt give a fuck about racism, sexism (unless it affects her), etc. Shes not friends with Brittany cos shes trying to convert her- she just doesnt care. She just uses politics as PR- she doesn't actually care
hey anon! thanks for reaching out. working backwards, taylor isn’t a paragon for morality. if she were, she’d do activism properly including when it might reflect poorly on her. I agree, I don’t think she’s in it for some sort of ‘conversion’, she’s just there, and she’s honest about what she believes, but not in any kind of groundbreaking way just like a normal, bare minimum kind of way. more to the point of my post is that I don’t think you need to be a paragon of morality to make a difference. you can be self preservational and only honest when it’s not going to risk your success and still make more of a difference in peoples opinions by being one step less facist or whatever than them, but still being close enough to them that they don’t write you off completely. that’s how people’s minds are softened to new ideas, and most of the time it isn’t intentional (and I don’t think being friends with someone in an attempt to change them in any way is either healthy or ethical, but that’s for another post).
you raise an excellent point though in terms of how do we interact with rapists etc, especially when justice hasn’t been served for them and they’re still living in a world with no consequences. I know what I’d do, I don’t know about taylor or if she cares about figuring out what the right thing to do is there. all I’m saying is that if minds can be changed, sometimes the ways of getting there involve what looks like compromising your morals. we’ve all heard I can fix him. and we can also see that if minds can be changed by interacting in one way it can also happen in the other way and I don’t doubt that has happened to taylor to some extent and we do have a right to be disappointed by that. but like anything it comes with a trade off and taylor being able to post what she did without being brushed off (by some) as ‘a liberal’ and very possibly ‘a marxist’ is one positive aspect. it’s up to you to decide whether the positive outweighs the negative; if I could suggest something to anyone reading this though it’s that if you see the negative outweighing the positive, go and volunteer for a political or altruistic group that you agree with and learn to cultivate hope and confidence in your ability to make a difference, for the sake of your own happiness if nothing else. this advice is for all of us really, but I understand it’s not possible due to a number of constraints for many of us.
I do want to point out that leaning conservative and being a right wing extremist are vastly different things. and you’re so right in that they don’t exist in their own vacuums. for some of them they’re in extremist cults that require a lot of brainwashing and literally restrict who they interact with; for others it’s the small town effect where they never got to know any openly lgbtqia+ people and thus investigated the impacts of certain policies on them or questioned what they were taught about things like poverty being the individual’s fault—but would be open to changing their mind if their kid came out as trans, etc. But I do think in both cases having someone you respect (or at least you can’t bully out of your circles) who thinks differently and is able to articulate why can often be the first step to go from thinking of all liberals as some inhuman ‘other’ to people you don’t agree with but can respect (and maybe eventually learn from). I also think that there are things we can learn from conservatism especially when you look at early industrial era calls to conserve nature, but that’d be taking apart the whole political spectrum and again this isn’t the post for it.
yes, I know what purity culture is. I personally do this thing where I see aspects of it as in similar attitudes and just call it purity culture because often I find that people don’t ever think that just maybe, the same fear and longing for a structure through which to divide the world into ‘good’ and ‘bad’ that causes people to restrict people’s sexual expression could also result in people judging based on who you are willing to hang out with and it can easily all become performative, much like sexual ‘purity’ is also largely performative. while there is space to understand that who someone hangs out with says a lot about them, it also easily breeds tribalism which often does more harm than good—and a prejudice against people whose motivations you don’t know and won’t ever know unless you talk to them and accept them including their questionable behaviours. it’s not just celebrities we do this to, but I think because we can’t sit down and have a conversation with them or pop into their asks like you just did for me, that it becomes the only way in which we judge them. and I would appreciate if we questioned that sometimes. also some people are just fundamentally selfish but also have enough basic empathy or understanding or morality not to do anything really bad and honestly I think most of humanity falls into that category—but it also means they’d be open to realising when something they think is normal actually falls into the category of ‘really bad’. which, again, is something that often happens via exposure. sorry if I’ve made things confusing by calling something purity culture that’s not what it is but only reminds me of it.
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autistic-ranpo · 4 months
RELATED however. that sounds like psychological torment taken to the extreme extent I see. :o what are the specifics of the like. simulation thing ?? I'm intrigued. how did Mars get access to all this ??? WHAT is going on that the cops / families don't know about ??
nickei's crimes are. well he's a terrible guy really. so the project he belongs to is called The Disinformation Age and its essentially just attempting to flip a lot of superhero tropes on its head bc fuck genre conventions sometimes yk. nickei is a product of the a.r.c. (ability recognizance causal) initiative, and he is one of five "operatives" (you get a different title as you move ranks); when together, the operatives are called the archangel division. the city is called iridium city, which was built on the bones of another city - quite literally, as there are metal plates supporting the foundation of the new city atop the crumbling old city filled with dirt. sometimes these plates separate and cause you to access the old city, where many people live; those are the slums, and those are called "the gallows" (the old city was gallium city). nickei and ren (the other mc) were both in the initiative together when they were younger and were partners bc both of them were super smart and powerful, but Ren - who wanted to be a soldier and never had to be fed the same propaganda - saw past the silver lining and realized what the initiative was doing (essentially kidnapping and brainwashing kids into being child soldiers with public approval) and became a villain in response (bc TDA plays on thee concept of a manufactured heroic system bc the heroes need to stop the villains but the villains only happen bc the heroic system failed them). nickei, as his former partner, was the one dispatched to deal with it. but Ren, however, came out victorious; he murdered his best friend. (unfortunately for his sanity and to his relief, nickei comes back to life a year later. if you can't tell, they have a very complicated relationship.)
that awkward moment where you kill your ex-friend but he comes back to life a year later.... im sure we can all relate
mars has some Connections inside the government, mostly just her using her familys wealth and influence to fund the stimulation. her and pike actually met through classes, shes studying the effects of different drugs on the brain and hes studying chemistry so they got along well (he's actually the first person to figure out theyre being drugged, but everyones so out of it they dont listen to him until its too late)
mars basically erases her existence after pike and cayce break out of the simulation, with a brief encounter in the lab where cayce asks, in tears, why mars did this to them (i thought you loved me?) and mars explained that maybe she could have, but this needed to be done (you're a part of something bigger than yourself) and then shoots cayce, paralyzing her from the hips down
ofc cayce still defends mars, clinging onto that last bit of hope that if she fixes whatever's wrong with her, if she tries hard enough maybe mars will come back for her and things can go back to how it was (which plays a part in the investigation, cayce is a bit of a smaller celebrity for her music before the incident and her voice holds a lot of sway) but ultimately the bodies of the rest are never found and mars gets away with it, the victims of the bleeding hearts experiment forever remembered as only missing persons (which is insanely traumatizing for marys little brother calamity, because she was the only one in their family who really cared for him even after he came out as trans and hes terrified because hes always wondered if his sister went missing because she was also trans)
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 year
Weekly roundup: prompts
Kara no Kyoukai
Shiki Ryougi using the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception for mundane purposes.
incest tw, ntr, Shiki/Kohaku explicitly framed as them cucking Hisui and Akiha
Kohaku and Hisui taking drugs together to deal with the Difficulties.
Hisui makes a horrifying discovery about the true nature of the "robots" that are named after her and look suspiciously like her. But on the bright side, it looks like Hisui #47 has more sisters than she thought.
Worried about Shiki's health after he's been bedridden for a couple of days, Akiha is told by Kohaku that Shiki'd contracted a terminal case of sugondeese. Akiha doesn't get the joke and goes around trying to find anyone who can help in complete earnestness.
Fate/Stay Night
smut, EMIYA gets fingerblasted by Artoria while getting his fat slutty tits milked for weeks on end.
Emiya "Ah yes I choose to go by no name instead of my actual name because I hate my name I MEAN FOR TACTICAL REASONS TACTICAL ONES" Shirou has her egg forcibly cracked.
ntr, Saber/Issei framed as both of them cucking Shirou.
EMIYA getting brainwashed and forcefemmed, becomes clingy and dependent to the perpetrator (maybe a master with bigger physique, any gender is fine) AAAHHH i really want to fill this myself but just typing this makes me really embarassed
smut, Fourth Holy Grail War Servant Orgy expressly framed as cucking the Masters and the Holy Grail War itself.
smut, All the Cus show up and consensually gangbang Shirou to death.
smut, guro, Sakura cuts off Shirou's legs, slices his belly open, smashes his testicles before rebuilding them with magic and then proceeds to clone herself so that she could have an ero-guro gangbang with the one she loves more than anything else.
smut, Cock worship feat. Saber's micropenis. Doesn't matter who the worshipper(s) is.
smut, Mordred fucking Guinevere with her giant cock while Artoria watches it while she is tied to the wall, crying with her pathetic micro penis exposed while her wife screams in pleasure
Merlin gives Artoria a micro penis.
We need more of that EMIYA Archer/Saber Artoria goodness, no preference on if its fgo/fsn/fha or fluff or smut as long as Saber loves him for the man he is rather than the boy he was.
smut, Might I ask for Saber and Rin having what starts out as slow tender wedding night lovemaking, and what ends up being Saber breeding Rin hard and fast, because however much they love each other, Rin is impatient, and Saber is needy.
a prompt about Iri, Saber and Kiritsugu expressly framed as cucking but nobody can figure out WHOS GETTING CUCKED. (its none of them, theyre all just morons)
I would like some fluff with Iri and Saber as married with Illya and Shirou as their children. Kiritusugu still visits and he stays with the kids during weekends and half of summer vacations, any further details is up to the author
Prisma Illya Kaleid Liner
vamp illya biting miyu, sfw.
Sieg is literally cardboard. No questions asked.
smut, Problem: Thanks to the legends about his prowess, Astolfo's dick is big enough that he can't actually get it fully hard without passing out under normal circumstances; he fucks like a champion when possible, but the energy needed is too much for most to provide. Solution: Well, Sieg was made to be a magical energy battery, after all...
Hakuno and Rin in any context where they're not doomed by the narrative.
smut, Via some magecraft fuckery Nero's body temporarily changes into that of her evil alternate universe counterpart (mobile 3rd ascension draco) and her wives Hakunon and Tamamo try very hard not to spontaneously combust from lust on the spot
smut, Tamamo no Mae takes advantage of her shapeshift skill, grows a dick, and knots her Master.
Fate/Grand Order
the last scene of Lord Melloi II Case Files where Waver talks with Iskandar in his dream, except its Gudako and Romani
Guda + his partner where they are doomed by the narrative, angst
Olga in her last moments after defeating ORT looks at Ritsuka, she remembered, she remembered everything, she finally realized who she was, before becoming a beast, but its too late, again she is about to disappear and lose everything she worked so hard for
Since all hope is lost for Sita this time around I would like someone to find Rama collapsed (either drunk or just out of depression) and lead him back to his room. Some reminiscing on his wife if possible
Smut, Draco seeing Hakunon after so long shows affection the only way the beast of depravity could, by making Hakunon unleash her load inside her until her maestro's ball are empty
Medb and Emiya are sent to scout a new small singularity together, Emiya keeps getting annoyed at Medb complaining and Medb thinks Emiya is just a boring old man. Through their scouting mission they end up talking about their times alive, getting in trouble and getting to know each other. The girl who desired to be saved by a hero turned into a tyrant, and the boy that wanted to save others and become a hero, now nothing more than a machine. I think they compliment each other so well
medea is on her way back from picking up more craft material for her figure making hobby when she runs into mandricardo, she looks at this teenaged 30 year old man quivering with anxiety and decides hes cute in a mildly pathetic way and decides to take the sopping wet kitten of a man home, maybe its just her having a slight thing for stupid pathetic men but maybe she can help him with that
[baobhan sith voice] mash kyrielight did you fuck my mother
Gudako/Gorgon with some awesome size difference going on (or even edging into macro/micro) Gudako having her large and (terrifyingly) beautiful snirlfriend worshipping her tiny little Master :3
a more vore based version of SERAPH? Meltryllis having to watch as Kiara swallows Guda right in front of her, before being stuffed down the Beast's throat shortly after...
Smut, Ishtar getting her dick sucked by Gudako (or any other girl) and not paying attention to the time. Right when she hits her climax, the sun dips below the horizon, leaving Ereshkigal the one in charge of the body mid-orgasm.
Gorgon voring Robin Hood... Maybe Robin trying to shoot his shot romantically, and Gorgon deciding he's better off as a snack than a date.
Cleopatra/Caesar, preferably some smut with how Caesar historically loved to bottom
After finally ending the lostbelt saga all of chaldea and the servants make a celebration party that goes out of control.
Ritsuka and Cupid Caren being shippers hiding in trashcans to watch dates and matching up servant couples during valentine
Mash and Romani father daughter time! Maybe have him showing her his favorite movies
Tepeu gets DRUGGED
FGO again but tumblr has a character limit for bullet points and I can't trim the prompts any further so I'm splitting it in half
Gudako finally gets sick of Mandricardo’s constant whining and admits she thinks he’s worthless compared to most servants, and that she’s sick of hearing a middle aged man wallow in self pity
smut, boudica turning Nero into her cockslut
Modern AU, Gudako convices Draco to go on a date with her, draco being a cool rock musician
smut, Milf battle. Raikou and Tiamat fighting over Ritsuka. Wrestling, fight fucking, mommy kink.
Vinci Rider is kept awake at night by Vinci Caster loudly fucking Gudao (thinking they’re just wrestling or jumping on the bed)
Slight change of the rules of Chaldea is made so that rather than Arturia Lancer being her own person summoned separately, she's just Saber's mind in a different class container due to experimental magics. She also runs from the labs to Ishtar's room and tells her to put Rin in the driver's seat because Damn Rin, look how much my alter-ego was compressing into her breastplate. Breastplay/envy from both Rin and Ishtar follow, Arturia enjoys being taller and so on.
Tepeu and Kijyo become dinosaur friends
smut, guro, I want Medea to fuck Yan Qing, kill him, cut off his dick and walk around with his dick in her coochie for a week before she brings him back to life and tries to escalate from there.
I want Ritsuka to see Goetia using Romani body and going ballistic, punching the fucker until someone stops her because they know she is kill gonna him given the chance
AU where Flauros somehow got amnesia right after taking over Lev Lainur, causing the demon pillar to believe he's the human he's possessing
smut, how tf could Xiang Yu get pegged by his wife ?
It is Mother's day in Chaldea, and Ritsuka has now to make a party for all of their mom, wich are Da Vinci, Sheba, Raikou, Emiya, Tiamat, Dodrinya, Katou Danzo, Iri, Europa, Helena and Goredolf
smut, ntr, Ntr plot with Yu Mei Ren but the entire time she just complains about how Xiang Yu has a better cock and is nicer in bed, with an annoyed tone of voice.
Ok so in Pokemon, Ninetails (kitsune pokemon with, well, nine tails) has a pokedex entry that states that touching their tails leads to a curse. Anyway we take that, apply to Tamamo, ritsuka doesnt know the legend, and starts brushing her tail one day and unfortunately its curse of being horny. Tl;dr: touch tail get smashed by fox wife. Ritsuka wakes up dehydrated and exhausted the next day.
The GUDAGUDA Gang at Walmart, causing so much chaos. From arguments, fights, to even trying to get snacks on the highest shelf and causing the damn thing to fall-
Despite her best efforts, Barghest feels her instincts to devour her Master beginning to overpower her. The last thing she sees before she loses control is her Master pinned to a wall, looking up at her with a worried expression. When she wakes up the next day, she immediately despairs over what she did, only for her Master to pop up next to her. He comforts her and reassures her that she didn't hurt him, and he won't allow her to hurt him.
Blackbeard, Musashi, and Hokusai face punishment for being creeps towards children
U-olga getting summoned in Olympus rewritten to not just be a joke scene about how short and incompetent Olga is
smut, One of the lancer Artorias going for a horseback ride with Gudako. Except also Gudako is riding her huge dragon dick the whole way.
Guda being lovey dovey with Beast Nero and tiamat cockblocking them at every opportunity
smut, mozart being dommed by salieri and marie antoinette uwu
Castoria's dreams about Saber framed as cucking Knocknarea.
Guda gets to go Postal. Let them have an insane day. Attack people. Probably not any Chaldean staff but I think the servants can take it. Have an incredibly violent psychotic break in a singularity/lostbelt even. Use a badger as a weapon.
Dark Young Ritsuka is big and fluffy and a horrible abomination against nature whose mind is on the edge of sanity. How does everyone else react?
Guda secretly uses a command spell Nemo forcing him to take them to the imaginary numbers space where he suspects a certain someone is. Now knowing it is possible for him to make a contract with a Beast he plans on finding Olga, becoming her master and bringing her back to Chaldea, even if it means becoming an enemy of the human Order. Sadly for them, Alaya does not take this betrayal well and despite all their effort, it ends with Guda and Olga both dying fighting an army countless of servants in each other's arms
Wakchan/U-Olgamarie. Fluff or smut, I just want my dinoman to make the director happy.
Would It be possible to get Yu Mei Ren teaching Gudako to pole dance? (Yu's summer variant very much seems to confirm she knows how, based on her animations). Not intended to be Gudako/Yu, not a fan of NTR in the first place, but if the writer wants to make it some kind of Erotic that's up to them.
Led by a transmission in the immediate aftermath of the Earth's bleaching, the remnants of Chaldea reach Baldanders, and are greeted by Sion Eltnam Sokaris, the last remaining member of the Atlas Institute and adoptive daughter of its director... alongside her wife, Riesbyfe Stridberg, a former captain of Knights of the Holy Church.
Crossover fic! Raikou FGO and Raikou Nioh 2 fuck!
Satsuki Yumizuka/Yu Mei-ren as a ship! preferably SFW
I just think heaven's hole demonic bodhisattva kiara sessyoin(fate go/extra) should meet with 'Throughout Heaven and earth, I alone am the honored one' satoru gojo(jujutsu kaisen). they should talk. they should fight. they should have hate sex. i want to see kiara tear through this man with her words and hands. maybe her demonic pillars as well
Mikya, Shirou, Shiki and Hakuno have a nice chat about their apocalyptically strong wives. Meanwhile Ryougi, Sakura, Arcueid and Beast Nero are having a small scale war to see who among them has the best husband
Guda and Beast Nero go on a double date with Hakuno and Normal Nero
smut, With new developments of FGO, Nero Beast has revealed her adult form and that who guided her to us was Hakuno. So after all that suffering she endured or girl deserve to be smashed by both Hakuno and Guda to relieve her stress!
Tepeu just hanging out in Tohno mansion in general, being a good guest to the household, still a dinosaur.
lumine & gudako should get together and have a few beers while they bitch about their brother/ male counterpart keeps hogging the spotlight.
Someone please make a Umineko/Fate crossover
Any fandom
Need more tentacles! Preferably with Gudako! Or Eresh! Or Mash! Or Shuten! Or any of the female cast!
Regardless of the paths they take, of the sacrifices they make, they always find comfort in each other. [Hurt/Comfort] (Shirou variants/Saber variants) No harem, but could reuse characters if doing them at a separate instances of time. Technically asking for a series of different Shirou/Saber pairings, but can also just be one pairing because that's a tall order. Would prefer to see at least Salter/Demiya (Or Edgemiya, whichever naming you prefer) because there's a lack of content for them.
Heartwarming Body Horror. I want a character's inhuman condition to be described, how much they're a monster in the shell of human form, really playing up the unnatural traits. Then I want another character to see all that and go "I love you." and give 'em a hug and kisses and maybe lewds. Shoot me in the feels.
Characters of your choice getting stuck in a cabin together with a storm outside
Pancakes lmao
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wxnderlxndz · 10 months
Splatoon Lore explained horribly!! (pt.2)
The Great Turf War. Im gonna call it the GTW bc im lazy asf and its literally 4:02 am and I haven't slept at all
The gtw involved two teams, except it was inklings vs octolings. and it wasn't just a team of four. they had armies. (ARMY COROIKA!?!????!??!?!??) They fought to the death. The leaders of each side (capt. cuttlefish - inkling, dj octavio - octoling) leading their team onwards to their hopeful victory.
Inklings were victorious after years of conflict.
ok well maybe not years
DJ octavio being the snobby bitch he is (ily dj octavio) he turned into his octo form and didnt turn back. like ever. well octos were forced underground. they used advanced tech to make the walls of the den look like the outside using tv screens. but then they ran out of power.
so dj was like "well lets steal from these squid things" and made these brainwashing goggle thingymabobs and put them on random octolings and sent them above ground. they stole the great zapfish which is the ciry's form of electricity and hid it awaayyyy
so capt. cuttlefish who is now a crusty old man gets a random innocent kid off the street and says "help me save the great zapfish" and then the inkling is like "..." and cuttlefish takes it as an 'ok' so that inkling is now Agent 3!!
but why 3 and not 1 or 2? you may be thinking.
well the idols in the 1st game which is kinda what im splaining rn are called the Squid Sisters, Callie and Marie (calliemarie haha funni jokes) are actually secret undercover agents!!!! cal is 1 and marie is 2, btw. also theyre cousins not sisters so...
anyway u beat the shit out of some octolings anddddd
to be continued cuz im boutta fall asleep and i need to study
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reynie-muldoons · 2 years
'A Perilous Journey' liveblog!!!!
GOOD MORNINGGGG its season two timeee!!!
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I decided I'm watching episode 1 now, and episode 2 in a few hours. My shift starts weirdly late in the day so it works out.
As always, spoilers below the cut!!
Before I even get started I love how this episode is called a perilous journey. It's not quite the book title but damn near close 😂
1:27 dad!Milligan will never not make me cry
2:19 BLEASE tell me Kate is training rats
2:23 just kidding its Sticky
2:41 oh. She left a letter. That's not conspicuous at all 😂
2:59 Mystic is so tall now 🥺
3:17 I SEE A BARN THIS IS NOT A DRILL. Also that was fucking creative Kate but how strong is that boomerang to knock multiple full-grown apples off of the tree
3:34 MADGE NAME DROP!!! I have a confession to make related to Madge that I think is the funniest fucking thing ever. Remind me to tell y'all at some point
3:46 omfg are we about to watch the kidnapping??? how telling is it that I thought of Gert immediately LMAOOOO
3:55 they look adorable. Matching umbrellas, cute long coats... icons
4:06 is that supposed to be a time magazine dupe
4:06 I also think its hilarious that Curtain's original plan was to take credit for solving the emergency by just. mass brainwashing. good plan there bud, very sustainable
4:06 but like isnt he wanted now??? Isnt that a thing? In the books the government was actively looking for him so tf is this
4:14 "skip opening" how insulting. No
4:42 THE SHORTCUT!!!!!
4:50 who decided to make Constance's screen an arctic clown ship 😂😂
5:12 here's that unhinged interview from the trailer. I didnt think it would come this quickly
5:28 Constance just fucking staring at the TV as if she can intimidate him into stopping LMAO
5:39 WHAT??? So in S1 when he said he'd "share the spotlight" THIS is what he meant?? What a curveball. He's going to regret countering her
5:50 fucking god complex strikes again
6:01 he looks like he's wearing a straight jacket on that back cover. Probably appropriate considering he's uhhhh Like That
6:20 god I hate him. Stop being manipulative challenge (impossible)
6:26 YES ABSOLUTELY sadness, anger, frustration, anxiety, all of the shit makes happiness stand out. Without the struggle our lives would be shaded of grey because happiness wouldnt be distinguishable
6:43 why does this sound like homeopathic medicine
7:03 is this like a weird TV hypnosis thing. Is he doing the fake happiness thing on her without her consent
7:09 ohhhh I did NOT like the shift from looking at her to looking at the camera. Creepy
7:15 Rhonda as usually you look fucking fire
7:26 Dutch baby?? First of all, presentation is 10/10. Second of all it makes me very sad that they're the only two in the house because Mr. B and Number Two are already gone.
7:38 why the fuck did she answer in French 😂😂
8:13 that scream sounded like a fucking bird of prey HAHA
8:29 literally describing how it feels to travel with parents over a long period. I swear they are literally a fucking family
8:36 "just as much for him as it is the kids" oh absolutely it is, he's a mess when it comes to Nathaniel
9:24 "who's mocking me?" "Doesnt matter." They're banter is UNCHALLENGED. also his face is fucking funny HOLD UP
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9:37 calling Nathaniel "some guru with all this influence" REALLY makes him sound like he tries on makeup products and does skincare routines on youtube 😂
9:41 "we seem pretty safe" oh babygirl if that's not the nail in the coffin
10:05 they really nailed the "local man does something weird" vibes in this scene
10:17 dont tell me it already happened. Oh no
10:39 oh my gosh he's such a DADDD.
10:45 "a tiny go bag or gorp". I love him so much
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11:10 "it's my job to take care of you also. Additionally." He understands she's been on her own up until this point and acknowledges that she can handle herself, but also that she's a kid who needs help just like anyone else. CRYING.
11:15 she didn't even put it in the bucket, just her pocket 😂😂 she's so reluctant to accept
11:30 okay that truck is incredible LOL
11:40 .....why would you do that to a grapefruit. What did the grapefruit do to you huh
12:16 can I just say Miss Perumal is the queen of pastels
12:43 the reality of long-distance friends. My best friends from high school and college live SO far away and it's like this sometimes
12:50 acknowledging his feelings, giving him comfort, AND indulging him?? If the adoption papers arent signed already they really should be
13:19 stooooppp she's so cute
13:44 Reynie and Sticky had the sense to bring a suitcase, Kate
13:51 she's not wrong, they are taller 😂
14:01 this is a funny moment and all but Reynie desperately looking for affirmation anywhere he can find it makes me so sad for him
14:07 THE HIGH FIVES!!!! Cue everyone wincing
14:27 ohhhh Milligan looks nice
14:45 it looks like a minecraft golem, or the pokemon golett 😂
15:01 oh lord the news broke, that has to be it
15:15 dun dun DUNNNN
15:34 it's so cool that they planned check-ins like that. How smart
16:15 okay both of them switching between languages was fucking sick
16:18 and here it is, the kids have been told no, so they will find their own way
16:41 oh shit, they have a short timeframe then
16:47 I cant tell if this is manipulative or Constance not being able to contain herself. Like I doubt she would do this in front of the others but she's already shown she trusts everyone more than she lets on, soooo
17:09 is this Constance's room??
17:16 HAHA I KNEW IT she DID hug Rhonda to get something out of it
17:31 he sounded so offended 😂😂😂
18:09 she kills me. The line delivery is just on point
18:59 is this from the book? It's a dictionary, right?
19:14 HAHA he just fucking LEAVES
19:22 OH SHIT HELLO????
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20:13 "many sociopaths are unfailingly polite" that describes Nathaniel so fucking well
20:25 casual destruction of property
20:25 HOLD ON LMAOO how much did they have to pull on that thing for it to come out of the door at such a small tug???? Oh no I'm sad
20:33 AYYYY there it is, it's a dictionary
20:52 "last...time I checked" oh buddy hahahahah
21:14 "there is no system" the system is the organized chaos that every person with ADHD understands- it's a mess but a very specific mess
21:19 awwwww. He's trying to reach across 🥺
22:00 okay the nothingness club sounds like a cult
22:13 awwww there it issss. The dam is breaking
22:30 AND NOW ITS THE SAME WITH THE GIRLS. I love that they're ramping up the similarities between Reynie and Constance
22:45 awwww loneliness. They're so sad
22:59 "not dad. Roommate" okay girl you tell yourself that
23:40 needy dad is needy
23:54 hagagaga why does he keep looking at Constance like that
24:35 good job Kate!!!!
25:47 "does anyone feel like they've entered a trance" Constance 😂😂😂😂
26:12 "I feel uncleen" HAHAHAH
27:15 yeah Kate, everybody knows that. Gosh.
27:44 YES Reynie get the group's consent before doing something stupid
28:02 she's writing a fucking newsletter apparently
28:10 very subtle guys
28:19 okay the fact that Kate is left makes me think Milligan is going to come
28:24 okay, just kidding. Also I love the shoes
28:27 ayyy public transit
28:48 wow they didnt get any kind of head start, Rhonda's going to see they're gone immediately
29:12 ayyyyyy it's the Shortcut!!!
29:37 oh shit the adults have the tickets??? So what I'm hearing is the kids are sneaking on and the adults are using tickets
30:14 oh shit Sticky 😂 or should I say "oh ship"
30:20 HAHHAHA KATE "ha. stern" CRYING
30:42 NOOOOO its Boston tea party but without the tea
30:56 oh God why is he like that
31:03 he looks like he's about to star in a 80's dance video
31:27 please dear god let SQ walk in on this
31:30 not SQ but someone else
31:46 what the fuck just happened
32:16 I'm so glad he looks that stupid in his little cart thing. I cant wait to make fun of him
32:32 who are you calling "Associate" bitch
32:46 CULT
32:52 "elated" OH GOD OH NO OH FUCK
32:59 Milligan holding his hat like that is just too fucking endearing.
33:06 so are their tickets just. Null and void now 😂
33:12 did they really just ditch their shit 😂😂😂😂😂 the bags are just there in the open
33:18 parents. PARENTS. Also this kind of is like Reynie although Miss Perumal has never seen him in an active life and death situation like this
33:23 Rhonda is once again the voice of reason
33:27 "they believed us" AWWWWWW
33:45 shit is it already over??? Damn those are some long credits then
Wow, that was really good. The kids met back up, they had an awkward start but fell into that familiarity almost immediately. The parents were very parental. Although in hindsight, Sticky's were pretty much absent. What the fuck's up with that??
And the biggest tragedy is that there was no "roll credits" moment. They didn't namedrop the episode title 🙃 please bring that back in the test of the season I loved that so much
This took a lot longer to do than I thought, so I'm waiting to watch episode 2 until later tonight. I cant wait to talk about it with y'all!!!
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randombubblegum · 2 years
i have so much to say about parx and fuck about it and i’m sorry but i’m unloading it on to you. so unfortunately:( i do like it. and even bigger unfortunately i think i’m really gonna like parx5. not in like a twitter stan awsten can do no wrong way but in a way that some of these lyrics are hitting for me the way they used to. i know a lot of them are like REALLY BAD but some of them are really tapping into the “unhealthy relationship all about sex” part of my life that has me Feeling It. and because of that fuck about it literally made me unhinged. because it’s SO different from how awsten used to write. and 90% of me knows it’s because he’s trying to reach this tik tok kind of clout where you have one Zinger of a line that goes viral and yadda yadda yadda. it’s the same thing he did for GH. he’s trying so hard to be down with the kids. but that other 10% of me really thinks this kind of writing (mainly in FAB and brainwashed) but this like overly sexual kind of writing really just shows how different he sees these girls than he did ciara. like DD and Ent had so many metaphors for sex that were coded in love that you wouldn’t catch it if you didn’t know. (also where i think the “awsten is a virgin” joke started) but it was because he loved her so much and so differently that sex wasn’t all there was. but with dog girl and song girl that’s really all they have. and the lyrics are a lot more explicit “i am having sex” because he doesn’t care about them beyond that. i mean “give me 3 days, 3 days alone” is a loooong way from “who needs space from across the country” and anyway i like to shit on the new music as much as the next person and i think his song writing has really gone downhill but every now and then there are still parts of that good shit in there, it’s just different because HE is different.
i am so sorry for this long as message but no one will discuss parx with me so alas, here i am. 😔💚
ok i gotta admit i was bristling by the middle of this ask but i think you make some good points actually LOL. points that make awsten look like a fucking douchebag asshole, but points none the less.
ent and dd DID have coded lyrics for sex in then!!! a lot of little lyrical nods up until fandom actually, and i think thats very natural for awsten to write. like That is how he chooses to write about sex, when he does at all. and in the relationships and feelings he was in at the time (ciara, but also the gr*ce breakup… and you know who was involved with that one…?) there WAS more than sex to make them emotionally impactful for him!!!! theres songs about the longing and chasing and aching and hurting and gutting and joy and anger about ciara over THREE albums!!!!!!!!
in contrast we know for a fact he never gave even half a shit about dog girl emotionally. its clear not only in his lyrics but in how he acted to her and what she said about him. truly i cannot imagine he feels anything deeper for song girl besides “shes hot, i bagged her like im supposed to, this is what men do, im performing heterosexuality correctly” and a dash of intense codependence on her end lol
BUT, and this is a huge but, this is giving him a LOT of credit that hes not just shitting ~toxic edgy~ lyrics out for tiktok, bc thats what tiktok likes. these lyrics and ways of writing are SO hateful to the actual girls hes talking about and SO unlike his literal entire personality up until now that its baffling. it doesnt feel like hes genuinely writing from his own experiences.
i can understand and sympathize with you liking these lyrics bc theyre personally relatable to you at this chaotic self destructive time in your life but that truly does not make them good or deep no matter how much benefit we give him by trying to assign them deeper meaning
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sanchoyo · 2 years
arc v 31-40 thoughts. um. um well, yes………these kids need therapy, to preface this…holy shit ? wow. a lot happened in this stretch of episodes, answered some questions and raised 4000 more. anyway.
-SHINGO TRYING SOOOOO HARD TO BE COOL BUT BEING A MASSIVE DORK IS JUST ENDEARING ME TO HIM SO MUCH MORE. HES LIKE SHOOTING UP MY RANKING. which right as im typing this on 31, is yuzu, shingo, sora, masumi, reiji, and michio as my favs (probably in that order, too. im just as shocked sora got up so high, considering i was ANNOYED when he showed up first LMAO his friendship with yuzu is so endearing tho…)
-new opening! interesting imagery in it, but def liked OP 1 way more song-wise. -_-
-every word out of shingo's mouth im like . yeah ok im loving him hes SO funny JSDHFJK . his deck is furry samurai too, which is. well. its very good.
-reiji seems more concerned with his own goals to see yuya as a proper rival! I think he just sees him as the son of someone he admired, and someone of interest bc of pendulum! I dont think he thinks of this 14 yr old as a threat to his status or anything! which is the usual ygo rival MO…feels like shingo really is that rival character, which makes more sense to me given my expectations for a rival lol! 31-32 were the eps that made me start rly like yuya more (not that I disliked him before! just…he felt more like a protag when he started getting super into it!!! yes show some passion tomato boy!!!)
-wasnt too crazy about the new outro, either (the visuals were nice at least!)
-ok shingo is def the rival, right? right. a lil gay with it. theyre so CUTE firing each other up so much, its actually pretty fun and theyre both having a good time getting the crowd worked up together…wholesome! like, very very wholesome! 32 might be one of my fav eps, along with the yuzu/masumi 2nd duel…
-cannot fucking explain the drop in my stomach when getting to an episode just titled 'neo heartland city' and nothing else. NO NONOONO. NOT MY FUCKING CITY WITH MY FUCKING BLORBOS. EVEN IF ITS SOME KIND OF AU SITUATION IM SO SCARED.
-called it with the masumi being some kind of brainwashed to think shun was always lds! me and yuzu are on the same page
-ok seeing heartland city field spell was DISTURBING LIKE WATCHING A ZOMBIE OF A LOVED ONE BEING REANIMATED. all of the charas are calling it futuristic.. so is... is arc v chronologically in the PAST???? are all the dimensions also on different YEARS or??
-christ alive! reiji is doing the heartland city field spell on PURPOSE TO UPSET SHUN??? 'he should be happy' BITCH HE ISNT HAPPY. SHUN IS A HEARTLANDER. WHICH I ASSUMED BC XYZ, BUT YEAH. YEAH. WHAT HAPPENED BUDDY TELL ME!!!
-oh god
-oh god
-oh god. what the fuck, sora.
-ok. well. i knew this would happen. could not have predicted HOW or the fucking tone shift. I have whiplash. this was hard to watch, I literally had to keep pausing to get up, pace, breath, then come and sit again. several times. the actively being super fake from sora, trying to be cheerful and nonchalant and a bit bratty but still trying to hype the crowd, then the gradual, then frantic build up to someone clearly UnWell and Maniacal and SADISTIC and DESPERATE to Say the Least...insanely well done, hard to watch bc it HURTS. LIKE.
-what the hell, sora. -what the HELL. its not like I ever ENTIRELY trusted him, but my GOD. the execution was flawless
-both of them need therapy. this whole ordeal, soras scary creepy faces, making children cry, using the scariest creepycute monsters ive ever seen? endears him more to me somehow. hes a littol fucked up actually…more than expected…I can VIBE with that. I LIKE characters that are a Little Fucked and yugioh has NO shortage of them. might have to swap around that fav charas order list immediately.
-I felt bad for shun the entire duel, my god it was cruel of reiji to pull this field up! its! fucking heartland city! AAUGH IM SAD TOO, SHUN.
-fucking . horrifying how desperate sora is to win. shun is fighting for resistance and for survival, sora is trying to prove he can easily 'hunt' xyz users…which, he obv Cant Easily Do, he gets Squished, loses, passes out and has to go to the hospital. thru out this ordeal yuya and co are becoming progressively more horrified, but still care for their friend! awful awful painful to watch. but also, they might be the only ppl sora has in this dimension and I think. i think we can Fix Him. hes YOUNG we can FIX that mindset, right…or am I being too optimistic. idk the way it was framed and how much yuzu and yuya care abt him…I feel like he'll be helped (I hope??? child soldiers bad)
-the next ep opens with yuya, gongenzaka and yuzu actually TALKING ABOUT ALL THIS, swapping info, and thank GOD for that!!!! I felt like yuzu was the only one of them involved heavily in the main plot for a while there!!! yuya was actually pretty serious about it, which is Nice to see (again, hes starting to feel more like a 'protag' to me now…)
-sora and yuto confrontation leads to an escape from the hospital and a duel, of course…that shun doesnt WANT to continue bc sora is obviously! hurt! and yuto isnt HEARTLESS. sora is desperate to Prove Himself (making me wonder if academia punishes ppl who dont…do well or agree to help them…) and fucking yuya finally steps in to help. altho given the context clues. well buddy it doesnt sound like soras on the Correct Side! it sounds like! hes the bad guy here! (or, raised in that mindset at least, not the main bad guy but def needs to be treated carefully) n u shouldnt be dueling yuto at all bc u dont understand the situation!! AUGH. I GET it tho, the little blue freeloader has been eatin pancakes with u everyday for how long,, hes grown on ME TOO SO I CANT SAY ANYTHING. AUGH.
-sora got Sucked Back to fusion dimension bc his identity was compromised. THATS why he couldnt tell anyone! actually very understandable.
-yuto and yuya stopped their duel, realizing they have absolutely NO reason to fight, and yuto was very reasonable and explained everything! im shocked at the straightforward answers to a lot of my questions (I still have a lot more…interesting yuya's dimension is 'standard'…hm)
-they analyzed soras memories without consent while he was unconscious………………dude. dont DO THAT!!!
-banana hair is here! on a bike! I'm a lil confused at synchro's role in the war? they were recruited by fusion?? to help crush xyz?? or just yugo was?? or its a misunderstanding somehow bc they both seem to think the other stole something (someone, right?)... is my ASSUMPTION (at the start of 37 as I type this) which is…ok, reiji's dad is behind it for Some Reason. Why? why just target xyz?
-also where is dm in all of this? (…ok I have a THEORY with NO basis, that arc v/standard dimension is the direct branch of dm but years later. NO basis for this but it would explain where dm fits in, maybe? like arc v being an alternate branch instead of gx, and gx being the actual odd one out on the timeline?? I dont KNOW yet. I think zexal implied 5ds never happened at one point, right?? VERY confused LMAO)
-yugo? (sub says HYUGO which is very funny to me, I know theyre all yu-boys tho. cant fool me) is SILLY.
-ok, theres def four yuya-lookalikes (and yuzu, based on the ruri stuff). I've seen their designs before so I knew that obv, and one for every dimension. why…? whenever they summon their lil dragons and those start resonating they start to go. um. murder-y! yuya snapped yuto out of it, but STILL. I'm assuming this has something to do with…why theres four lookalikes, and yuzu and yuya's Magic Accessories. somehow. I assume maybe…not everyone has alternate dimension counterparts, maybe the accessories have a lot to do with it (~dimension magic~ ??) and them being too close starts to make them go a lil. crazy. (like. saying destroy everything jkdafjk) bc theyre all diff versions of the same person? like just born into diff dimensions. (insert trust no one not even urself memes here lol) and they have diff personalities based on their diff lives/families ofc…this is my theory For Now. lets see yuzu and ruri get close together to see if they also go crazy or What. I Am Waiting
-….yuto didnt DIE die just now right? he vanished. maybe he went back to his home dimension. it LOOKED like a death scene, but my god its ep 37! out of 150ish! he was set up as a main player right?? hes not DEAD dead??? yuya passed out for TWOOOO DAYS AFTER WITNESSING THIS???? he has the constitution of a sickly victorian maiden. (but also, is he just in his room and NOT A HOSPITAL??? HES IN A COMA!!! take him to the hospital tf!!! why are they entertaining meirus crystal spiritual healing!!! )
-oh my god YUZU is the one the bad guy wants? shes an important PIECE. NOT YUYA. AGAIN MAIN CHARACTER STATUSSSS I KEEP SAYING IT BUT. SHES SO IMPORTANT. (can I assume this shadowy bad guy figure is reijis dad? like thats gotta be, right)
-omg last yuya lookalike from fusion dimension is SQUIRRELY EVIL YUYA. I love this flavor of character I can tell just from his vibes hes fun. and hes pink and purbly. good! (LMAO at them translating his name as joeri. its yuri right? theyre all yu-names, furthering my idea theyre all the protags of their dimensions lol)
-…i forgot the maiami championship was even happening LMAO would yuya and yuzu just not have participated further if he stayed in a coma??
-….sora being like 'PLEASE PLEASE LET ME GO BACK TO STANDARD I WANT TO MURDER REFUGEES FROM XYZ SOOO BAD' while on some kind of medical table is. so. like do I laugh or cry about this KJHJSDJ
-HEY what the HELL yuya is not responsible for your issues kachidoki LMAO how is it his fault he was having fun with his dad as a kid and you werent?? big jealousy match (also, what the hell @ his sensei telling him he wont have 'childish or fun' duels…when he looked like, 5? HES A BABY AND ITS A GAME SIR)
-'so far you've been walking a sunny path without a single shadow' my god dude, just bc yuya SEEMS happy doesnt mean he has no problems? he HELD A BOY WHO DIED(?) IN HIS ARMS 2 DAYS PRIOR TO THIS DUEL. HES GOT AN INTER-DIMENSIONAL MYSTERY ABOUT HIS LOOKALIKES. POTENTIAL DIMENSIONAL WAR TO DEAL WITH. HIS DAD WENT MISSING WHEN HE WAS A KID!! HES GOT!! PLENTY OF ISSUES!!!
-just as I type that. yuya is having a fucking TRIP about yuto and. looks fucking POSSESSED. RED EYES GLOWING HAIR UP. DID YUTO POSSESS HIM?? WHAT THE HELL. yugioh standard I Guess but is yuto for real just a spirit now?? LIKE, did he ACTUALLY KIND OF DIE DIE. UNSETTLED. (yaaaay xyz protag moment tho ^_^) I guess protags going dark/having a dark side IS ygo standard, theyve all been there! (I mean, ik about vrains, go rush or sevens yet…but up until arc v its been a consistent!) yuto was def not THAT level of scary tho (except when the dragons were resonating and he was all 'destroy everything . um.)
-lmaoooo kachidoki rly got what he asked for. he said ur gonna taste the darkness. and YUYA WENT FULL RUTHLESS SCARY MODE. GOT EM SO FAST. yes yuya everyone is scared of you a little bit HOWEVER consider that I LIKE scary characters who are a Bit Fucked up. keep it up bestie
-my god reiji is basically holding shun hostage, not letting him do anything, or not telling him abt yuto's duel disk being found….mean!
-we're 40 eps in and I still have SO many questions. however we must pause the plot for MAGICAL IDOL GIRL DUEL. SHES SO CUTE!!!!! girl duelists > everyone else. of course we dont get to see yuzus duel, we cut to reiji dueling some rando guard of not yuzu's while not yuzu stands to the side. very cool how they keep not letting the girls do Anything
-reiji is like 'yo why da hells there (2) of yuzu too' me too bud go solve mysteries for me scooby doo!
-very nice how reiji is like 'seal this area and dont let anyone enter until I say so' while theres danger, like, feels like he actually gives a shit despite his cool and levelheaded personality, which is nice. hes not gonna be my number one probably, but I do rly like him as a character so far… (except when he chose heartland field for shun, that was FUCKED up and I still cant tell if he was being sincere in thinking shun would like it or purposely being an asshole…)
-oh my god its not ruri this girl is named serena. JSDFKDJF WELL. IN MY DEFENSE. I MAY BE STUPID. I was prepared to type a full paragraph abt how its so scary academia seems to have taken ruri and brainwashed her so she'd think she was on their side,, and serena. is not ruri. theyre two diff characters. like I thought they were the same person. omg. I was just abt to type 'how does anyone genuinely mistake yuya for yuto theyre SO different looking' then I DO THIS. incredible! thats a great stopping place LMAO
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nietr · 4 months
Fair enough haha, was gonna say it ain't worth getting pissed over if so
no but tbh it is kind of sad that the people pumping money into this shit that causes divide are only half way there with their brainwashing of the youth and college students because then all that is left is conquer.
I'm not mad with these kids, i'm more depressed... i find it both absolutely telling and somewhat amusing of these people's true feelings when they can hide behind anonymity with their shit hot takes and also, kind of depressing because these people/persons are so upset because i dont fuck with Che Guevara, a piece of shit dictator, that they want me to kill myself, its clear they've been completely brainwashed and are also mad immature because emotionally they can't handle someone having a different take on things compared to theirs... these are supposed to be the people who are oh so compassionate and considerate of others yet they dont understand just how many people died under communist regimes... they dont know world history at all and that right there is pretty literal definition of insanity because they think "oh, this time we'll get it right." to advocate for communism after what we've seen from the 20th century... its literally insane. The whole "yeah communism is the answer and more died from communist regimes than all the fascist ones combined but that is because the wrong person was in charge, that wasn't real communism." literal insanity my dood....
I'm not a nazi, i'm not a racist, i'm not a homphobe, i'm not any of that shit... but if i dont go full throttle with all the neo-liberal beliefs then, in their mind, i am all of those things because these people are basically manchurian candidates in a sense and they don't even realize it, their world is so fucking black and white its insane.
its not that im pissed off or upset, its more that im disappointed we've failed these kids from gobbling up foreign and even domestic propaganda...
i remember when i was a teenager and i went to school every day with an anarchy symbol T shirt and chose to opt out of the national anthem, i know a lot of that was influenced by basic teen angst and the music i was bumping at that time, like SOAD. (when schools still had the pledge of allegiance in first period.) I know how impressionable these kids are because they know something is very wrong with the world like i did, its just that the answer is not fucking communism... but theyre being brainwashed that it is. its a false dichotomy
and i dont claim to know what it is. idk if its democracy (and news flash, despite what the news tells you, the U.S. is not a democracy at all for the most part), if its anarchy, if maybe the country needs to be balkanized and then seceded states should be nationalized. i dont know. i'm not a political and philosophy major.... but, like i said, i remember being a teenager and angsty af and upset with everything and its so easy to get these kids to join your cause if you have pushed enough brainwashing and propaganda into such a developmental time of life with 'HEY HERES THE SOLUTION." and you've got a good pitch. You could easily sell the same kid just about anything else at that point. natsoc, civic nationalism, communism, anarchy, etc....
the kicker is the people funneling millions of dollars into hard left wing programming and instigation see these kids, races and people as chattel useful idiot peasants and want this division for more dubious reasons, not for some greater good.... they're being played and dont even realize it... its mad unfortunate. (think george soros)
At the end of the day if you bleed red and you're a fellow citizen of my country i would defend to the death for you to have ur freedom of speech even if i absolutely disagree with it... yet, if the role is reversed and if you have any views not absolutely hard left leaning, you're a fascist piece of shit now and should be cancelled (censored, revoked of your 1st amendment online and dead) whatever, because thanks to these idiots that term (fascist) has lost all its meaning. everyone is a fascist if they're not full blown commies now... lol
at the end of the day, its just sad. these kids are pissed at the system (rightfully so) and MSM has given them the operation mockingbird script and rhetoric.... sadly they eat it up and probably live in an echo chamber on top of it all.
I just want people to think for themselves and less hate and more love in the world man.
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misqnon · 5 months
i stopped reading usosan fanfic for this (actually i was happy to stop bc it was smut and i wasnt in the mood to read smut but was too lazy to look for non smut)
I KNOW.. PLEASE .. why does only sanji get to be free .. im so sad for them. reiju the literal (former) child soldier and pudding with no one to care for her and love her. i assume theyll come back in the cover stories. .. please oda... pls..
NOO AHDNSBF.. i can relate though i always do exactly what im warned not to do
"it was all me. next i will be asking the size of katakur- [gunshots]" NOO HOW COULD THEY SILENCE U LIKE THIS ... dont worry I'll ask in ur place
u cant put improper french in ur fanfic!!!!
reading the water 7 arc when usopp splits always kills me inside... it hurts so bad. i hope that if/when sanji and zoro fight, its THAT emotionally impactful. like all the hidden meanings and . angst.. i want good angst. if they do actually get into a fight To The Death, i dont think anyone but luffy could stop them. i could also imagine theyre fighting to the death and like . what stops them is someone in the crew is put into mortal peril and theyre forced to work together (bc that's always how it goes). what they should actually do is sit down and talk about their feelings... with a mediator perhaps....
"but why does shuggy feel like one of the most likely to me." IT DOES TO ME TOO!!! like the subtext... is there... it is so much There.
"that is canon shuggy to me. oda doing it kinda halfheartedly in a roundabout way for laughs but the fandom is popping bottles (we popping the BIGGEST bottles when shuggy happens tomorrow-)" YEAH i think even if this is the case its a win. canon gay old guys??? who have been pining after each other (well mostly shanks pining after buggy) for what .. 25 years?? that would be amazing..
"do u think zoro will get more development of him as a character by the end of the story?" i do!!! i think he needs a bit more depth tbh. like he is a wonderful character and im not saying he should have a sadder backstory or something but. to me rn i think hes a bit more two dimensional compared to the rest of the crew. like yeah simplicity is wonderful but i think to me hes less.. of a simple character.. and more like a character that needs to have more emotional highs/lows. i know i could love him so much more if i just ... knew him better. anyways i think its coming bc there have been some realizations involving his character? backstory? recently. and i assume oda knows that he could use more emotional depth. stoic and aloof characters are fine but i think the real appeal is when u get to see into their mind for a second and understand who they really are as a person
sexualize him to the point the audience wonders if hes actually a woman
thank u for watching my 4kids sanji video. i actually have like 5 videos saved of trace heatfist because he is so weirdly attractive in the 4kids dub but i will spare u. also idk if uve heard 4kids luffy but imo his voice is way better than the funimation dub???
"WHILE CONNECTED to a GIANT PROJECTOR…THIS briefly flashed on the screen before i frantically clicked away. no one saw but i. i did." this is EXTREMELY FUNNY. i really enjoy embarrassing stories because i find my own embarrassing stories very funny (when i tell them to other people)
brainwash everyone into believing sanji one piece is gay in SOME way.. ur doing gods work
i love how not normal u are about him
"(nodding) no go on what animal parts" see if u had read dungeon meshi i could reference it and everything would be so much easier, BUT YOU HAVENT /lh /teasing
ok but i have been obsessed with animals since i was a kid (especially lions and wolves (special interest go brr)) so probably lotta lion parts... because theyre cooler looking than wolves. and also just give me wings for good measure. i want to fly. nevermind that wings are meant for lightweight creatures. these are magic wings. its one piece..
i saw u post abt nightcrawler and i was never really into x men but hes pretty
i stared at the law comic... for.... like... 10 minutes.... rhank u ... for putting that onto my . feed
YEAH HES 6'3. actually hes the shortest warlord, tied with boa hancock. 6 feet tall is short in one piece
"gay art markets" already intrigued.
THATS SO COOL AJJDHSDJ.. i have been to a few anime cons and i dont remember?? ever seeing any law's??? its very sad .. i went the year before last year i think. i did see a huge furry one time (at the anime con). they looked like they were 7 feet tall. it was really exciting. and intimidating. that weird mix of the two. i am 5'3 for reference.. like wow. u are huge.....
"i love ur insane thoughts pls continue to share."
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"i will do the same someday when i am less shy and ashamed of my unhinged fandom thoughts" pls do!! share ur own!! (when ur comfortable!!) i will not judge .. this is a judgement free zone. and also a shaming free zone
"such as making zoro amvs to abba in my head on the way to therapy." u are so powerful...
"thats a line my therapist actually said in response to something i did once." ur therapist sounds cool wtf. i never got a cool therapist
YEAH I SAW PPL TALK ABT IT SO I RECOGNIZED THE POSSIBLE CROCODILE.. i saw someone say croc was gonna be... some white dude.. and internally i was crying.. how could u do that to him
thank u for ur sacrifice
(watched the video) omg its prozd!!!! i love stuart.... Stuart.. stuart little.. ???? no wonder he got along with mice
YEAH I HEARD THAT TOO?? LIKE WTF IS HAPPENING... its cuz crunchyroll is funding ...
did my meme image come off as ambiguous. i asked my friend if it was ambiguous and they said no.. but i had nothing wlse....
robin canonically having touched (crushed) franky's balls for an extended period of time is so weird to me. thats what i think abt when i see naked franky..
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p.s. i will add u there... my discord is something like. stupid.. stinky... or something... i dont remember. u saw the doflamingo snail just remember that. oh wait i also have my name as my name. ok. i forgot about that.
send me ur sanji pics .
rowan i am honored 
ok that gives me a question tho. i feel like u mentioned sanuso before and im curious. do people?? have ships with characters in them that they dont like?? like before i converted u. i feel like i could never like a ship that had a character i disliked in it. or at the very least i would grow to like both the characters
THE COVER STORIES i didnt think about that!! yes…oda please…i know u havent forgotten about reiju bc u put her in that one really fruity chapter cover with tashigi for some reason…
to all the haters that i dont have….but my silence. for $5,000 a month,
APPARENTLY NOT the french in my fic is all now double checked….to my embarrassment 
TRUE IT WOULD BE LIKE THE USOPP SPLIT…and yea. that moment WAS a lot. i think i teared up. there are a lot of “crewmate almost leaves the crew” moments and i think a fight between two strawhats (which has also happened before! but usually at least one of them is luffy!) could feel similarly. i like ur interpretation of how it could go too…there’s this trope in zosan fanfics where robin ALWAYS is all up in there business trying to mediate them and i both love it and hate it lmao. like yea she probably would notice but also why does she always gotta be ur guys’ therapist….and in canon. for a moment like that. it would probably have to be luffy wouldnt it??
oda: haha guys i made buggy gay isnt that Funny
the fandom: [hooting and hollering]
I AGREE COMPLETELY ABT ZORO. HE DOES NEED JUST A BIT MORE EMOTIONAL DEPTH. MAKE HIM GO THROUGH SOMETHING…stoic and cool characters REALLY DO need a moment where they ARENT STOIC AND COOL to be more well-rounded…and zoro hasnt really gotten that since that one time he cried at baratie like a thousand chapters ago (literally). and that was a very brief moment. he and robin can be similar and enies lobby is what made everyone love her more…when is zoro’s enies lobby. i dont actually need an entire arc like that for him (i mean i'd love that but i dont expect it) BUT AT LEAST GIVE HIM SOMETHING!!
“sexualize him to the point the audience wonders if hes actually a woman” already there babes 🫡 just doing my part
THE GALLERY I WORK AT IS SUPER CHRISTIAN I THOUGH GAY SANJI WAS GONNA GET ME FIRED ZJBFVHDCSKJ it was. it was so funny afterwards tho. i will share embarrassing stories like my life depends on it
“i love how not normal u are about him” 
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not 6’3 and shortest warlord. dkjnvkjnfvkj
“i will not judge .. this is a judgement free zone.” WRONG bangs my sanji gavel. 
my therapist IS very cool she makes fun of me but in a good way and also makes me laugh. and i make her laugh. bc i am ridiculous. i got very lucky
i dont think theyve made any casting choices for s2 publicly yet so…we will See..
STUART KILLED ME but so did “HIS NAME IS LUFFY! THAT’S Monkey Luffy” its been playing in my head. also sanji’s love for mice/rats makes me fucking insane bc its the cutest thing on earth. that scene where he’s completely enamored by a rat that’s sitting in a woman’s shirt and he is completely ignoring the woman. for the rat 😭 SANJI LOVES MICE MORE THAN WOMEN CONFIRMED-
no but i saw clips of that scene and about cried. same to that mouse wedding he attended in a drawing request oda did kfnvkjd. can u imagine the first time they get rats in the galley and they’re all expecting sanji to freak and kill them and then they walk in and he’s made them tiny stir fry and is calling them cutesy names. they would be like. 😮
also all the fan content ive seen where ratatouille is his favorite movie. ANYONE CAN COOK!!!!! 😭
AMBIGUOUS?? I DONT THINK SO? I liked it. we turn a sad into a frrAAANKKYYYYYYYY
I ADDED U ON DISCORD!!!! sanji pics…breathes in…i will add a couple more here but. should i send some on discord as well. is that how i break the ice. images of sanji with his ass up in the air (my collection)
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also check out how much this dude can cry!!! (laughing but also crying):
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leonsi · 2 years
seeing all these rottmnt/2012 crossovers bash on the 2012 bros’ relationship with each other is kiiindaaa upsetting as someone who’s uncomfortable with expressing and receiving overt affection
but hey what do i know i probablyy just have all toxic unhealthy relationships where we never understand each other and share mutual trust and love *twirls hair*
the 2012 bros may not openly express their love like the rottmnt boys do, but that doesnt mean its not there. and acting like the rottmnt relationships are automatically better and the only Right standard for healthy relationships seems pretty,, juvenile and inexperienced imo. love isnt only expressed through physical affection and saying things like “i love you,” openly, and assuming there is no love in a relationship without those things is… odd.
love is not only in words or hugs. the 2012 boys can love each other just as much as the rottmnt boys without being open about it. 2012 raph, especially, loves to show affection through acts of service, physical affection, and quality time, but he doesn’t like any of this to be commented on because it makes him uncomfortable. and thats okay! he doesn’t need to express affection openly to have it be there.
just as rottmnt donnie can express love and affection outside of hugs and words, so too can the 2012 boys. they all have their own unique ways of expressing love that the others all respect and recognize, and dismissing that feels less like it’s intentional, and more like the people writing these crossovers just don’t recognize alternate forms of expression exist. which, again,, reeks of inexperience.
( also semi-related tangent speaking of donnie he literally fucking . put a shock collar on his brother like he’s a dog in an attempt to change him. and brainwashed his brothers. and frequently puts his own wants and needs over their own - which is totally fine, if it didn’t happen all the time. it’s kinda laughable to say 2012 raph is worse than rottmnt donnie honestly
siblings hit each other. okay. siblings hit each other. i need y’all to recognize this. i will power drive my little brother into the floor over the last oreo. siblings hitting each other is not abusive (TYPICALLY) because there are established boundaries both parties abide by. like i will never touch my siblings if they are in a bad mood, trying to concentrate on something, or otherwise in a bad position (like standing somewhere dangerous, by a corner etc), and i will never intentionally hurt them. if i think they are actually hurt, we stop immediately until they tell me theyre fine. roughhousing with your siblings is fun. it is bonding. its a self-esteem booster to be able to pick up ur freshman brother okay.
the 2012 bros always abide by these rules. they never hurt each other beyond what the other party can handle, and if they do, it is very clearly treated as a bad thing by them or the other brothers so they realize they went over the line, and they resolve it by the end of the episode (as is the way of formulaic kids shows).
rottmnt donnie. put a fucking shock collar on his brother. and this is funny to him. and not something he ever learns from. and totally not weirdly sexual. But 2012 raph is the bad guy? ok )
i mean. i dont know what i expect from a fandom full of chronically online children who truly dont have experience with relationships. but it just really irks me for some reason and its currently one in the morning so im feeling whiny about it.
affection outside of words and hugs exists. affection outside of words and hugs exist!! and if you know that then you know that the 2012 boys love each other so so so much, just as much as rottmnt. just because they express it differently than in sanitized queer TV shows and not overtly, so you kinda have to pick up on nuance, doesnt mean they dont love each other. let people love other people in non-overt ways!
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godgavemenoname · 7 years
american nationalism is a cult
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oni-tengu · 2 years
ive basically had my ask box open for months so feel free to send requests but i got a booster today & my shit hurted (arm is sore) so im gonna chill tonight maybe. idk.
aaaaanyway, status aside, i just. man. those asks this morning LMAO ive had to just say shit before (ie getting inc*st shippers in my notifs) & clarify im not down with this shit, so.
i just need to talk, and if you disagree with the following, have any issues at all, question the legitimacy of things listed below, just do me a favor & block. i wont be responding to any potential distaste for anything i talk about, but here's some shit i am against and feel vital to clarify. so you know where i lie and that this blog has no space for awful things, its become unfortunately very important to state certain....things. long post
cw / tw for mature topics in mention (AGAINST the following) : p*dophilia inc*st gr**ming
firstly, the topic of inc*st. hard no, this ALSO goes for anything involving minors in any sexual context, minors with adults in an unreasonable age gap (lets just say the limit is 18 y/o with a 20 y/o as acceptable and i generally avoid thinking about people under 20 anyhow bc im 23 and ive lost relatability with people that much younger than me)
why? the idea that fiction does not affect reality is just something i dont agree with. fiction needs criticism, yes, but having things portraying p*do and inc*st in a sexually gratifying light contributes to brainwashing & grooming, and ive seen it firsthand because i was on homestuck tumblr in 2012 when i was 13 years old and it was NORMALIZED. it was a case of community grooming and it FUCKING WORKED. i feel grateful that i was able to see past it when i got older but it was DANGEROUS and theres a plethora of horror stories of kids at cons & meetups being actively groomed and put into harmful situations in real life. this is just a fact, this all happened, i witnessed it firsthand, and i have friends that were right there with me.
placing the blame on minors and victims is not the response anyone should have. saying to "think critically" about the media a person consumes when someone is being actively harmed by the topics above, is harmful in itself. it is not on the victims to "know better" when they are being groomed, just because it seems easy for others, when this is an active, real life issue. and honestly, fuck you so hard if you disagree with that, or that its not even "real"
i truly have such a hard time believing that people honestly defend literal fucking p*dophilia online under the guise of "its harmless fiction". i think people who agree with that are perpetrating this propaganda, brainwashing, and the minors who think its okay HAVE been brainwashed and they dont even know it. they vehemently defend it, and most people in the REAL WORLD would be horrified and disgusted by this, even afraid for these teens and preteens. i certainly am!
moving on to the next point of discussion, i think sexualities and genders should be respected! youd think this is an obvious one, but hey look, last night someone wanted me to draw dirk strider in a romantic ship with a woman. this goes for fiction and real life, sexuality and gender matter & should be respected. ill be honest, theres some microlabels and identities i dont always understand, but people finding comfort in things, figuring stuff out, its usually just something you should let be, and i try to. i dont believe harassment is the answer & i'd go out of my way to defend someone with an identity i dont understand, if theyre being bullied! as long as youre not being offensive or harmful, this is a safe area for yall
i.e. trans men are men, trans women are women. i've had my own identity questioned since i identify with being nonbinary/agender and a lesbian at the same time, and to me and many others in the community, this makes sense, but to others it clearly does not. as long as youre not encroaching on communities that are not for you, your identity should be respected, and i am determined to reflect that in my creations as well.
to wrap this up, hoping i got the more "controversial" things out of the way, i want to point out that there are nuances to every social topic. i was not born with knowledge of all things, and every year im learning about stereotypes ive never heard of, history that belongs to communities im not a part of! so, i want to say that if im unconsciously adding to or portraying some offensive thing, itd be important to me to be made aware. morals & empathy are two things i care about very deeply and if theres something i should know, then i'd at least LIKE to know.
if theres another social topic that matters to you enough that you want to know where i stand so you can feel comfortable in who you follow, i'd be open to questions. but to reiterate: any bullshit about disagreeing with me, any hate, etc will not be responded to & will be met with a VERY adorable block (: so cute when that block button is utilized. feel free to use it tbh
so. there we are. showing my whole ass here. morality matters and im sticking to my guns
i hate inc*st and p*dophilia, fiction affects reality, non harmful identities should be respected, tell me if i fuck up.
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