#no cause why was she looking so beautiful that day?? hm??
anaargent · 1 month
Touch games
Five Hargreeves x Reader
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Five Hargreeves slowly turning from a grumpy, grumpy old man into a touch-starved mass. . .
It started with gentle hand touches, initially Five looked confused and ripped his hands from yours as he asked, “What the hell is this?” with a stunned and disgusted expression. “A handshake?” you answer simplistically, removing the hands he had methodically tucked into his coat and grabbing them again. “To maintain your disguise you need to walk closer and less robotic, grandpa, don’t act like you’ve never held a hand in your life.” After a few tries Five got used to walking closer, his hands gently reaching for yours unconsciously, holding them absently as they walked, ensuring you were on the safer side of the street, still with a scowl on his face.
After your initial aversion, the quick touches to your hair began - it's messy - you say absently, brushing away some strands that fell on Five's forehead, who had remained silent, eyes wide as he watched you smile when your bangs were finally in place, clearing your throat and letting out a half-strangled "hm, thank you". After that, your fingers automatically fixed Five's hairstyle, smiling proudly at him and leaving after a simple - now you're presentable - never seeing the young man's slight blush on his cheeks and the breath he had held being released in a stunned huff.
Five was confused, he considered himself a controlled person, always having total control of his reactions and actions, he wondered why he couldn't prepare himself for every time you came towards him and entered his personal space, what had once been irritation was slowly becoming anticipation. His eyes darted to follow you when you entered the same room, silently hoping that you would come to him to complain about something stupid that your brothers did that irritated you. He found himself listening carefully to every word, noticing the little tics as you released all the frustration of the day and in the end you seemed at peace again.
- Maybe it was the coexistence - Five said to himself, trying to deal with emotions that were certainly not in his life curriculum - I see her every day, I must have gotten used to her nonsense, just like Klaus - he continues to grumble as he searches for his favorite chocolate at the convenience store he had stopped at on the way home - with that loud and annoying voice... that beautiful idiotic smile - he stopped himself, shaking his head in contradiction - no, no, just a stupid smile, nothing pretty!
He hurriedly left the market, with a bag of chocolates in his hand.
Five slowly found himself tangled in a spider's web, what was once a cold and centered posture turning into a needy and insatiable teenager. He tried to control himself, tried not to reach for your hand when you were walking close to each other, or not to smile like an idiot when you patted his hair after he was kind to your brothers - finally a good guy - you smiled as you stroked Five's head, so oblivious to the effects you caused, the gears in the boy's mind stopping to turn as I felt a cozy warmth envelop him.
Or so he thought.
You were aware of the reactions and the subtle change in Five, from the nervous smiles, the hands pretending to brush against yours as you walked, his green eyes always chasing yours, the slight tilt every time he was sarcastic and expected a witty response from you, receiving it with a proud smile. You were aware of all of this, and you wanted to see how far you could take that tempting joke, how the touches seemed to feed something dormant in Five and in his always so rigid posture, an overwhelming curiosity to see what could be awakened in him. You didn't expect him to explode so quickly.
At little Grace's party there was a big reunion, the whole family together again. You and Five came together, your hands firmly clasped in Five's, it was almost natural, if it weren't for the small hesitation before the act
- I hope she likes our gift - you sigh nervously, looking at the package that Five carried in his other arm - you picked up the biggest and brightest unicorn in the store, she'll love it - Five offers you a loving smile and a light squeeze of your hand, seeing your relieved expression - do you swear? - I'm sure of it - Five assures as he opens the door for you to enter the party - a gentleman - you smile playfully - only with you - Five answers sarcastically, hiding the butterflies shaking his stomach with a fake cough, taking off his coats and pulling you to where everyone was gathered.
In the middle of the party you ended up moving away from Five and the others, lost in the middle of so many people and children everywhere. The party was almost over, there were balloons on the floor, the balls of lights spinning
- yeah, it's you and me, Bobby - you grumble, sitting at a table away from the center of the party, toasting with the huge blue bear from the decoration that kept you company during the night - maybe I'll give you my cute number your naughty little thing.
- y/n! - Five suddenly appears, with his tie badly tied, his hair a mess - Five? What happened? Is everyone okay? - you get up and go to the man who was on your mind all night, placing your hands on his shoulders. Five relaxed with the touch, feeling the withdrawal that was growing in him ease a little - where were you? - you are shocked when you come across the needy tone in his voice.
Five Hargreeves, the same Five who told you that after so many years in the apocalypse he didn't feel like having any company. He was in front of you with a helpless appearance, his eyes tearing up a little as he sniffed softly - I looked for you all night, Klaus... Klaus said that maybe you were with someone more interesting.
You laugh, what else could you do in those circumstances? After all the games of accidental touches, of approaching as cautiously as possible so that Five wouldn't think you were a threat and accidentally stab you during the night. Was he worried that you had someone else in your life? - Seriously Five? - You smile at him - Who would be as interesting as an old man in the body of an adult who has lived through countless apocalypses?
-I...i- Five tries to think, his mind clouded between insecurities and silly fears, he didn't find himself attractive enough for you to really consider him as an option. The guy had more trust issues than a war veteran - I'm paranoid - he tells him that you're done with it - And? - You ask, waiting for more. - Me - He hesitates a little - I'm controlling, grumpy most of the time, I use sarcasm as a defense mechanism, I have a gun under my pillow because I can't sleep without thinking that we might be attacked during the night. And there would probably be a bomb bunker in the garden.
- It sounds tempting to me - you smile, wrapping your arms around Five's neck - I can deal with underground bunkers and some anti-theft traps in the house - you say, looking thoughtfully at the ceiling. Five freezes, his heart beating like crazy, he was in front of the person he wanted to have the most, and who deserved the least. He was a mess, yet, with everything you saw, you were still in front of him, with a perfectly placed smile on your beautiful face, waiting for something. Waiting for him.
Five then throws the blocks to the wind, maybe he would regret it, maybe he would wake up tomorrow knowing that he pulled you straight into trouble, but you would be there with him. So maybe it wouldn't be so bad. - We-we can have a dog - he says with the shadow of a small smile wanting to leave his lips. - Or two - you say finally pulling him for a kiss.
It was soft, insecure, perhaps a little cautious in the new field you were entering, your lips were warm and soft, and they moved slowly, your hands snaking through Five's hair, while he brought his hands to your hips, pulling you closer. Becoming bolder, you deepen the kiss, your tongue invading Five's mouth, the taste of liquor filling your mind, while everything seemed more intense and intense. When you finally pull away to take a deep breath, Five's eyes are already searching yours, his angelic eyes had a mischievous glint, something hungry lurking in the innocent features on his face. His hands are still wrapped around your waist, not letting you go that far
- can we go home? - he asks in a husky, thick voice. The sound causes a tremor in your body, the anticipation of the indirect suggestion filling your chest - I thought you would never invite me - you respond by pulling him into another passionate kiss while letting out a mischievous chuckle
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mysteryshoptls · 3 months
SSR Divus Crewel - Rich Fur Coat Vignette
"A full course of disciplinary action"
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[Sage‘s Island – Foothill Town]
Sage’s Island Resident: Good morning, Divus-san. You're up pretty early again.
Crewel: Good morning, madam.
Crewel: Also… Good morning, Emma!
Crewel: Your cute spots look so good on you, as always. I am truly lucky to be able to meet with such a stunning beauty so early in the day.
Crewel: …Can I give you some pets, you sweet thing?
Emma: Bark, bark!
Sage’s Island Resident: Fufufu, you're always so doting on our Emma, thank you. Look, she's so happy she's showing her belly.
Crewel: No, I should be thanking you. These fleeting moments I get in the morning are my personal solace.
Crewel: I'm grateful that I am able to see and pet these beautiful little lads and lasses.
Crewel: Especially since I'm unable to see my precious ones until I return to the Queendom of Roses on the weekends.
Sage’s Island Resident: If I recall, you have two friends looking after your dogs back home during the week, right?
Crewel: That's right. They're old friends… Or rather, they've become more like hired hands.
Crewel: I would love nothing more than to bring my dogs to Sage's Island…
Crewel: But my apartment here in Foothill Town is much too small to keep them.
Crewel: Sometime in the future, it would be nice to rent a large home here in this town and live with them together every single day.
Crewel: I'd drive with them in my favorite car on the long road along the ocean… That's the dream.
Sage’s Island Resident: Well, how lovely. I'm looking forward to the day that I'll be able to meet your precious dogs, Divus-san.
Crewel: And I as well, madam. I hope you have another pleasant day today. Bye, Emma.
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Crewel: Good morning, my good sir. A strong cup of tea, as per my usual.
Shopkeep: Good morning, Crewel-kun. Would you like some food with that?
Crewel: No, thank you. I don't eat breakfast, as a rule.
Shopkeep: Yes, yes, I know. I thought I'd just ask.
Shopkeep: I can't believe you come to my little establishment so early in the morning just to drink tea instead of our signature coffee blend…
Shopkeep: You're still an odd one, even after becoming a professor at Night Raven College.
Crewel: Hah. Truth be told, I don't come here for the tea.
Crewel: Every Monday morning, if I sit in this seat here, I can watch the ships sail into port. The sight of the sails in a row is beautiful…
Crewel: This tea doesn't even compare to the stuff I can brew, but this view is something I can't replicate back home.
Shopkeep: Hahah! I always knew you were a sharp-tongued devil in your student years, but it seems you've just gotten even more cruel!
Crewel: I think it's more of a shock that you haven't improved your tea brewing skills in 15 years, sir.
Shopkeep: Well, luckily, we're still thriving! Do enjoy your time here.
Crewel: Thanks. …Hm. This respite is quiet and soothing.
Crewel: I should relax while I can. …Because I'm sure today will end up being yet another busy day.
Crewel: Today, I have homeroom plus three other classes. There's also preparations that need to be done for next month's event, a staff meeting, and last week's tests that need grading… Whew.
Crewel: Well. I'll just have to hope those pups won't cause me any issues, at a minimum.
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Crewel: STAY!!!
Students: EEK!
Crewel: I can't believe this… What have you done?
Crewel: Why are all the ingredients needed for today's experiment scattered all over the floor?
Crewel: Which one of you mangy mutts not only stepped on but also mixed together all those spilled ingredients?
Crewel: I am only asking a simple question, and yet all anyone can yelp is "It wasn't me," or "It was someone else's fault"...
Students: EEEEP!
Crewel: So tell me, who is the culprit? Tell me truthfully, and you'll only have to deal with a full course of disciplinary action and not a bit more.
Students: Th-That is…
Students: [everyone stares]
Grim: Hm?
Grim: …Wh-Wh-Wh-What? Don't all you be lookin' down on me!
1. I think it'd be better if you just apologize honestly… 2. You'll get a lighter punishment if you just confess now.
Grim: It wasn't me who did that! It's [Yuu], definitely [Yuu]!
Scarabia Student: Don't try to blame [Yuu]. You really don't know how to give up, huh, Grim!
Octavinelle Student: Yeah, you were the one who flipped the table in the first place! There's no way I'm gonna let you take us down with you!
Grim: Heh! Do ya even got any proof that I did it?
Crewel: I see. It definitely won't do to accuse someone of the crime without proper evidence.
Crewel: …By the way, Grim.
Grim: Hm?
Crewel: The fur on your legs have turned black, but why is that? It looks just like that of a black cat.
Grim: Huh? My legs?
Grim: …Woah, you're right! My amazing grey fur's pitch black!
Crewel: There's no point in wiping it. The sap from the tree we were to use today turns black upon exposure to air.
Crewel: If it were to touch on your clothes or hair, it wouldn't matter how much you scrub or wash with water, it won't come off.
Crewel: incidentally, to return the blackened part to normal, the fastest method would be to cause another reaction to render it colorless.
Crewel: Look! Everyone see here.
Crewel: When I pour this concoction of herbs onto Grim's blackened legs…
Crewel: See, it returned back to its normal color. Make sure you remember this reaction.
Students: Oooooh.
Crewel: …Now, Grim. Do you have any idea why the ingredients we were to use for today's experiments got on your legs?
Grim: M-M… MYAAAH!
Grim: It ain't my fault! The desk shouldn't've been there!
Crewel: And [Yuu], you're to also stay behind, as Grim's prefect. It would be troublesome if you cannot even look after your own pet!
1. But I have plans after class…
Crewel: Oho, you have plans that take priority over my prescribed discipline? [Yuu shakes their head] …No? A good response from a good boy.
2. I'm sorry…
Crewel: If you truly are sorry, then lets see that as a tangible result. If you can make Grim learn to sit and stay properly as his prefect, then I'll give you a treat.
Crewel: These pups truly are a handful… My beloved pet dogs are much more well behaved.
Crewel: Everyone, sit!
[Crewel magics the ingredients]
Grim: All the stuff I dropped are just floating back on top of the desk. So why's he gotta get on me when he can just fix everything…?
Crewel: The ingredients have been properly prepared once again. I will now explain the procedure for this experiment, so make sure you watch carefully.
Crewel: …I expect all of you to be on your best behavior.
Grim: Urp. He's just glaring at me, now…
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[Interior Hallway]
Crewel: Ah, classes are finally over. Today was another tiring day.
Crewel: None of the freshmen listen and the sophomores slack off now that they've gotten used to the classes. And the juniors are teeming with arrogance.
Crewel: If I were a student, I would absolutely have literally knocked some sense into them...
Crewel: However, because of my position, I cannot do that now. I never even thought that I would be more inconvenienced as a professor, than I was as a student.
Crewel: Tch! I knew what I was in for, but still, I hadn't expected being an instructor to be this difficult.
???: And why are you clicking your tongue like that, Crewel-sensei?
Trein: As a professor of this school, I would prefer if you were to carry yourself better, so as to be a good example towards the students.
Crewel: Ugh… And now on top of everything else, someone even fussier has shown up…
Trein: What is with that disgruntled look? Do you take some issue with me?
Crewel: Of course not, don't be absurd! I would never bite back at any commentary you have for me, Trein-sensei.
Trein: Good. We should start to head towards the staff meeting, then.
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Trein: Incidentally, you seemed to look rather exhausted a moment ago. Did something happen?
Crewel: No, I wouldn't say there was anything in particular…
Crewel: …I was only thinking of how I could effectively train the students. There are more than a fair share of unruly pups.
Trein: Do you of all people have any right to say that…? Especially since you were one of the rowdiest students during your time here.
Crewel: That was simply youthful ardor. Wasn't I just a charming little thing?
Trein: Don't write it off as simple "youthful ardor." Have a little shame.
Trein: …Well, I suppose it hasn't been too long since you've become a professor, in the end. This year makes… how long?
Crewel: Six years. Have you forgotten our joyous reunion already?
Trein: Hmph. Of course I remember your scowling little, "Oh, professor, were you still here?"
Trein: But only six years, I see… Well, why don't you pat yourself on the back for doing as well as you are for such a short tenure?
Crewel: I'm doing well? …Do you truly think so?
Trein: It is a fact that the rate of students pursuing the sciences have increased since you've arrived. There would be no purpose in denying that your instruction is showing good results.
Crewel: Heh… Heheh, is that right?! Well, I certainly wasn't expecting that coming from you.
Trein: And there you go getting carried away and speaking without any forethought. I do believe I've taught you countless times since your time here as a student to respect your elders, haven't I?
Trein: …Now then, if you're feeling better about yourself, we should get this staff meeting underway. I am keeping Lucius waiting.
[Trein walks off]
Crewel: …How insensitive of you, Trein-sensei.
Crewel: Here I am, patiently enduring everything until I can finally go see my dogs over the weekend, and you say that.
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[Alchemy Workshop]
Crewel: Now that the meeting is done with, I should try to finish grading the tests while I can.
Crewel: …The rate of students pursuing the sciences, hm. I suppose it's true that everyone's grades are improving, even if at a slow pace. …A truly slow pace.
Crewel: Heh. I do enjoy seeing these pups grow.
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[knock, knock, click]
Grim: Hey! I went 'n did that assignment for ya!
Crewel: What is it that you've done for me...?
1. I'll have him try that again. 2. He just misspoke!
Grim: I-I mean, I finished the assignment ya gave me. I'll put it here on the desk, 'kay?
Grim: …Hm? There's a book with a fancy cover mixed in with all these boring lookin' books. What's this?
Crewel: Oh, did that catch your eye? That book contains the collection of an apparel brand I worked for in the past.
Crewel: I keep telling them to not send anything to my office, but are some who just refuse to listen…
Crewel: Not only do I receive their catalogs, but also phone calls, all asking for my advice for the next fashion season.
Crewel: …It's just like your tests, don't you think? I'll have to fix their mistakes later to the best of my abilities.
Grim: Urgh, that sounds annoying. Why don'tcha just ignore 'em?
Crewel: Ignore them… Hahah, that's one idea. I can imagine their panicked and frantic faces.
Crewel: …But no, I do consider this somewhat of a hobby for me.
Crewel: Just because I've become a professor, that does not mean I can fall behind the current fashion. I want to constantly be checking the latest trends.
Crewel: I'm sure even you'd prefer a fashionably cool instructor over some decrepit, antiquated teacher, right?
1. I want a cool teacher.
Crewel: Right? You're quite a lucky one on that account, pup, because you have me as your homeroom teacher!
2. I want a nice teacher.
Crewel: You'll get bored if they're just nice all the time, you know. You might understand what I mean when you get a bit older.
Grim: I don't really get all that hard fashion stuff, but I totally wanna look cooler!
Crewel: Well, I'll consider that good enough for now. Don't you worry, I'll make sure to turn you into polished gems before graduation.
Crewel: You students here at Night Raven College may have a knack for magic, but your fashion senses are severely lacking.
Crewel: …And since I've taken on the duties of being your teacher, I won't allow that to continue.
Crewel: When I first started here, I vowed that I would craft every single one of you into the most fashionable and capable mages you can be.
Crewel: You have a first-class instructor, and first-rate instruction. …It would be impossible for you all to not become fantastic mages.
Grim: Heh. I'm totally gonna become a great mage even without your help!
Crewel: Hahah, you're a cheeky one. …Now then, if you've finished your task, go on. Looks like your friends have arrived to walk you out.
Crewel: Your time as a student may seem long, but it is deceptively short. I will do what I can to support all of you so that you can live your life here without any regrets.
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Requested by @revengeofreaper32.
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fuwushiguro · 1 year
idk why all these people are here in ur ask me being horny smh they have no class anyways can you please give me a smut where toji is just hot af like always and daddy and yummy and juicy and delious 🤤🤤🤤🤤😋😋😋😋😋 thanks mama 🤭🤭
anything for you mamacita 💕 (not proofed) tw: fingering, daddy k!nk, age gap (reader is 20s toji is 40s), spanking, slapping
Toji loves coming home to see your cute lil face whenever he's had a long day.
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Doesn't matter if you're fucking or not, he's happy to just sit you on his lap, play with your hair, and watch movies until you both fall asleep.
But that obviously isn't on your mind today.
Today, he can't believe the beautiful image he's been greeted by, splayed across his bed like a perfect present.
You're in a cute little crop top and thigh high socks.
No skirt.
No shorts.
No trousers.
Not even a pair of panties.
You're looking at him with wet, watery eyes as if you're so damn innocent you have no idea what you're doing. Rolling around like you're so naïve, like you don't see the bulge in his pants form instantly as his eyes rake over each and every inch of your longing body. How can you look so virtuous and so provocative at the same time?
Leaving your intimate area uncovered for him. His favourite area. Your perfect little pussy that he's spent countless hours touching, eating, teasing, fucking.
You didn't want to waste time, and he knew that. Otherwise you wouldn't look like this, now. You wouldn't be giving immediate access to him if you wanted to fool around and skirt about the issue at hand.
You've missed your daddy.
"Oh, sweetheart, look at you..." he almost whispers, his low gravelly voice rushing straight to your heat. "Been waiting for daddy all day, hm? Need 'im to play with you?" he's asking, despite already parting your legs to expose the mess you've gotten yourself in down there.
"Mhmm..." you mewl, biting your lip as you allow him to take full control. That's the best part about being with Toji. He's so mature, so experienced, he knows exactly what you want and need better than you. He knows how to touch, how to fuck, how to make you squirm and make a mess of yourself. You couldn't possibly leave him even if you wanted to, no one else could ever make you feel as good.
"Such a messy little cunt... been touchin' all day waiting for me? Hm?" he wonders.
"A little..."
"You know you aren't allowed to touch without permission." he delivers a wet slap to your throbbing clit. The contact makes you jolt, but looking at his aged scar curling up into a menacing smirk makes you smile too. "Naughty... shouldn't be enjoyin' getting touched like that." he tells you, slapping your pussy once more.
"C-Can't help it... love you t'much... love everything you do t'me..." you squirm, biting your lip again as you await his response.
He smirks again before looking down between your thighs. He spreads open your lips, coating his fingers slowly with your slick before removing them. He parts his fingers to see the webbing between them again and again. The spreading creating a tacky sound the rushes straight to his aching cock.
"All this for me, baby?" he smiles, honestly. "You really do love me."
"Mmm, mhmmn, I do... really love you, daddy."
"Or maybe..." he thinks, stuffing a singular finger into your tight warmth. "Maybe you just love daddy's cock." he considers, though the accusation scares you, it doesn't stop him from pumping his finger in and out of you. And it certainly doesn't stop you from moaning around it.
He watches as you throw your head back from the delicious stretch this one single finger is causing. Each and every pump of his finger driving you insane. You don't think you'd be acting like such a pornstar if you'd have relieved yourself at all today. But you wanted to be as good of a girl you could for your daddy. You wanted him to cure what ailed you, you know he makes you cum better than you do anyway.
"So fuckin' wet... hear how she's talkin' to me?" he asks, referring to the obnoxious squelch sounding around the room with each pummel of his finger. He wastes no time sliding in a second, jaw hanging low as everything becomes louder.
The squelching, your moans, his breath.
"It's 'cause she loves me, yeah?" he uses his free hand to spank your clit. "Answer me. Who does she belong to?"
"Y-You, daddy, p-promise." you manage to squeak out as he continues to press his fingers into your sweet spot.
"That's right, daddy's pretty little pussy. She's barely even yours, she's all mine." he reminds you. Your legs begin to shake as it all quickly becomes so intense. He tuts as your legs try to close, denying him of what he wants and of what you need. "Aht aht, none of that." he tells you. He presses his body weight into one of your thighs and uses his free hand to keep the other spread. Your sex on full display as he takes a moment to swipe his heavy fingers over your clit for a moment before shoving his fingers in deeply once again.
"S'too much! Too much, d-daddy! C-Can't!" you try to argue, but it's futile.
"Hey." he shoves your crop top upwards, revealing your soft, round tits. He doesn't take any time to admire them. Instead, he slaps them, but without any real force behind it. "I know best. I know what's too much, this ain't too much."
"It is..." you sniff, tears spilling from your eyes.
"Brat." he leans forward, pinching your cheeks so that your lips pucker. He kisses you deeply as he keeps fingering you. You melt into it, your body becoming more and more tense with each connection with that special spot inside of you. You're snapped back to your senses when you feel his heavy palm connect with your face. "Don't argue with daddy. It's not too much, baby. I can feel how tight you are. Gonna cum f'me, aren'tcha?"
"Mhmm..." you nod, dumbly.
"Go on, then." he insists. "Cum on daddy's fingers."
He pushes your legs apart once again to expose your cunt fully, despite him not looking. His lips wrap around one of your exposed nipples, sucking harshly in hopes of tipping you over that tantilising edge.
And it does.
He pulls away to get a front row seat of how your pussy gushes for him. Spurts and spurts of clear liquid dousing you both as well as the sheets beneath you. His fingers run frantically back and forth over your puffy clit, prolonging your orgasm further.
You've bitten your lip raw, and he can see how glittery and wet your eyes are as you cum for him. He loves seeing you like this, his perfect fucked out mess.
"What do you say?" he asks you.
"T-Thank you daddy, I love you. S-So much." you pant, chest heaving.
"I love you too, baby." he assures you. You watch as he frees his cock, pumping it a few times before lining it up with your overstimulated hole. "Time to make daddy feel good, now, okay? Be a good little girl and take daddy's cock."
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dreamwritesimagines · 5 months
The Eye of the Hurricane [16] - First Step
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, you made my day! ❤️I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think! ❤️
Summary: Some meetings cause rumors.
Word Count: 2200
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Violence, stabbing, death, guns, crime, blood, explicit language, dysfunctional relationship. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
Series Masterlist
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You didn’t say this enough, but your best friend was a goddamn genius.
“Aren’t you the most beautiful princess in the entire world?” you asked, carrying Alpine in your arms while she purred. “Hm? I think you are!”
Bucky was busy with the coffee maker as you walked into the open kitchen but he had heard you talk to Alpine so he grabbed a coffee cup.
“Yes please,” you said, extending your arms to hold Alpine up. Bucky poured coffee into a cup and turned around, but jerked his head back as soon as he came face to face with Alpine.
“Jesus Christ—”
 “Say good morning to my daughter.”
“I thought she was our daughter.”
“I’m a single mom who works two jobs.”
“Not one word of that is true.”
“No, it’s from—” You shook your head slightly. “Whatever. Say good morning!”
Alpine meowed at him as if demanding him to say good morning and Bucky chuckled, then scratched at her head.
“Good morning, little hellspawn.”
“How dare you, she’s an angel!” you said and put Alpine down so that she could go to her food bowl and Bucky handed you your coffee.
“Thanks,” you said and jumped to sit on the kitchen island, crossing your legs and Bucky leaned back to the counter, sipping his coffee.
“So,” he said. “Ready for today?”
You heaved a sigh and nodded your head. “Mm hm.”
“I’m never nervous,” you replied way too fast and Bucky shot you a look.
“It’s just for other people to see,” you said. “It’s not like it’s a real meeting anyway. I’ll see Steve, have a coffee, learn what’s been happening on his territory the last couple of days and come back.”
“Exactly,” he said. “And you know Steve.”
“And I know Steve,” you repeated. “Uh huh.”
“I can go if you don’t feel ready—”
“No, I’m going,” you said. “I’m ready. It’s about time.”
Bucky took a sip of his coffee and cleared his throat.
“Do you think your father will shoot me?”
You huffed out a laugh.
“That’s what’s on your mind?”
“Well I didn’t get much sleep last night thanks to you insisting that our little demon—”
“She’s the most precious princess in the world.”
“Yeah, her,” Bucky nodded in the direction of Alpine who was still happily eating her food. “Sleeping in the bed with us, so I’ve had some time to think.”
You waved a hand in the air. “Both of us have been shot at before, don’t act like it’d be something new for you.”
“That is not comforting at all, Y/N.”
You rolled your eyes.
“He won’t shoot you,” you said. “It would fuck up the truce.”
“Not because I’m his son-in-law?”
“That too,” you said with a shrug of your shoulders. “But you know, he cares more about the business than he cares about me, so.”
Bucky let out a laugh, but raised his brows when he saw the look on your face.
“You don’t actually believe that, do you?” he asked and you scoffed.
“Come on,” you said. “He doesn’t trust me with his beloved business, it’s very obvious he likes Ian more than me—”
“Choosing someone as heir is very different than liking them,” Bucky said with a bitter smile. “Trust me, I would know.”
You tilted your head. “George loves you.”
“Oh, he really doesn’t,” he pointed out. “I assure you, he doesn’t. I had a boss growing up, not a father.”
You blinked a couple of times, your stomach doing an unpleasant flip.
“He adores Becca though,” Bucky said as if you two were just talking about the weather. “He would die for her, same as Arthur with you.”
“That’s not—have you been to therapy?”
He gave you a confused look. “Why would I go to therapy?”
“Maybe because you didn’t have the best childhood?” you asked and he waved a hand in the air.
“Nah, I don’t need therapy,” he said. “I’m fine.”
“See, I don’t think—”
“But my point is,” he cut you off. “your father has worked for that truce for years, deep down he knows Ian is not the right heir, but he is ready to let him take over and start a war if it means you’ll be away from the business.”
“It’s just to honor my mom,” you replied after a beat. “Has nothing to do with me. If anything, he likes her memory more than he likes me.”
“Either way, it doesn’t sound like he cares more about the truce, does he?” he asked. “I’d say he made his choice between you and the truce years ago. It honestly might be the only thing me and Arthur have in common.”
Your eyes snapped up to his. “How so?”
“Well,” he said, giving you a small smile. “I’d happily sit back and let the whole city catch fire if it meant you would be safe. Fuck the truce.”
You stared at him in silence and he winked at you, then put his cup on the counter.
“Good luck for today!” he called out as he made his way to the bedroom and you let out a breath, then turned your head to look at Alpine who jumped on the counter.
“We’re not falling for that,” you told her. “No we’re not.”
Even you had to admit that Bucky was pretty smart; an official meeting with Steve as the first step of you getting involved in the business made perfect sense. Not only would it show that you had allies, but also it would be a very relaxed, casual meeting for you and him both.
Knowing it was different than feeling it though, because nervousness was pounding through your system as you stepped out of the elevator, and followed his assistant to the waiting area just outside Steve’s office but as soon as you stepped in there, Ian’s head shot up.
“What the…” he said and you smiled at Ryan who was at the corner of the room, and took your seat across from Ian.
“Fancy meeting you here,” you said airily and Ian’s frown deepened.
“What are you doing here?”
“I have an appointment.”
“About what?” he asked like a demand and you arched a brow.
“Careful with your fucking tone,” you growled and he scoffed.
“What on earth do you have that would require a meeting with Rogers?”
“I don’t think it’s any of your business,” you stated. “You don’t see me ask you the same question, do you?”
He gritted his teeth, glaring at you but before he could retort, Steve’s door opened and you both turned your heads.
“Hey, sorry for the mix up,” Steve said, leaning against the door frame. “Y/N, come in.”
“Excuse me?” Ian asked as you stood up. “Rogers, I’ve been waiting here for almost half an hour now.”
Steve shrugged his shoulders. “You know how hierarchy works, Ian.”
“Yeah and I’m here representing my uncle.”
“You don’t have a title yet,” Steve deadpanned, making you purse your lips to hold back your grin while Ryan raised his brows, looking between Steve and Ian. “She is a boss’s wife. Arthur will tell you the same thing, that’s just how the rules are. My hands are tied here. Y/N?”
“It was nice to see you, tell my father I said hi,” you told Ian and walked into Steve’s office before he closed the door. You turned to him with a smile, then took your seat across from his desk.
“So,” you said. “Was there really a mix up, or did you do it on purpose? Don’t get me wrong, I’ll buy you coffee if you did it on purpose.”
He let out a chuckle and took his seat behind his desk.
“As much as I love to piss him off, it really wasn’t on purpose,” he said. “I’ve been on this call with Chicago for over an hour now.”
Your head shot up. “Hm?”
“Yeah which is no use as Bucky and Sam keep telling me,” Steve said. “Chicago doesn’t do business with anyone. Especially this new guy Rhett, he recently took over, basically rules the whole city and—oh, you went to college in Chicago, right? Do you know him?”
You tried to control the smile threatening to pull at your lips, then shrugged your shoulders.
“Just slightly,” you lied through your teeth and Steve nodded his head.
“So yeah he’s definitely not interested,” he said. “I guess some things stay the same even when the king changes. I hoped he would be more open to it than his father, but…”
Well well…
Wasn’t this an interesting piece of information?
“Anyway,” Steve said, clearing his throat. “This is a briefing then?”
“Eh, more like catching up.”
“Will your father shoot me?”
“I swear, sometimes you and Bucky share one braincell,” you pointed out, making him laugh.
“Listen, it’s a valid concern,” he said. “I should know if I should double up the security around here.”
“He won’t, it’d fuck up the truce,” you said. “I mean don’t get me wrong, he’s definitely not going to be happy but…”
Steve hummed. “But it’s better than Ian being the heir.”
“I mean, Ian believes that he is the heir already,” you said. “And he’s not alone in that, many people believe that as well.”
That made him think for a moment before he shrugged his shoulders.
“You know how it goes in the business,” he said. “Half of the people who support him do that because they think there’s no alternative.”
“But there is."
You nibbled on your lip, then took a deep breath and leaned back in your seat to shoot him a smile.
“So,” you said. “Shall we?”
Your meeting with Steve went very well, and by the time you left there, you were in a wonderful mood. Not even the sight of Ian when you left Steve’s office, so you decided to meet up with Becca and Leila as planned. Apparently Leila would be a bit late, so you and Becca went to your favorite brunch place while you waited for her and ordered drinks.
“So then things are good between you two?” you asked her as the waitress brought your mimosas and she nodded her head fervently.
“It’s amazing between us,” she said. “I mean I was worried she wouldn’t come to the wedding but once she did and we talked…”
“And the car chase?” you asked and she heaved a sigh.
“I mean, it did scare the hell out of her,” she said. “But it has nothing to do with me or our relationship, she says.”
“She’s a keeper.”
“She really is,” Becca said. “How about you and Buck? Did you two get used to being parents yet?”
You let out a laugh.
“We’re getting there,” you said. “Alpine is my little princess, I love her so much already.”
“See? I was right, as always,” Becca said with her nose up in the air while you sipped your drink.
“Yeah yeah…”
“Speaking of parents,” she said. “How pissed off will your dad be?”
“I mean I’m guessing Ian ran off to tell him all about today,” you said, checking your phone for what felt like the hundredth time. “I expect a phone call at the very least but I doubt it’ll just end there, he will want to talk to me face to face.”
“I’m meeting Ethan tomorrow, so probably no,” you said, making her raise her brows.
“Oh, has he stopped being so bitter about your marriage?”
You gave her a small smile.
“He was just surprised,” you said. “I get it.”
“You do realize you owe him nothing though?” she asked and you shrugged your shoulders.
“I know,” you said. “It’s just—things were kind of weird between us and I don’t like it.”
“Right,” she said, doubt laced in her tone. “So we’re both going to pretend he doesn’t have feelings for you then?”
You rolled your eyes.
“Even if he had feelings for me,” you said. “Nothing could happen between us. I don’t have time to waste on romance, I’m trying to take over a goddamn empire here.”
Becca clicked her tongue before sipping her drink and you licked your lips.
“So I’ve been meaning to ask you,” you said. “Before George announced he would retire and Bucky took over, while he was still the heir…What was it like?”
A shadow crossed Becca’s eyes and she huffed out a bitter laugh.
“He wasn’t exactly nice,” she said slowly, making you frown.
“Your dad?”
Becca gave you a sad smile.
“We used to joke about that,” she muttered. “I had a dad. My brother on the other hand had a boss most of the time.”
You blinked a couple of times but before you could ask anything else, Becca’s eyes found someone over your shoulder and a smile lit up her face, making you follow her line of sight.
“Hi there!” Leila said and gave her a kiss, then hugged you as you got up from your seat. “Sorry for being late!”
“No problem at all, we just sat down,” Becca assured her as you all took your seats and Leila turned to you.
“So how’s the honeymoon going?”
You smiled at her, trying to pull yourself together.
“Oh, you know,” you said, clearing your throat and motioning at the waiter. “Madly in love, that sort of thing. Drinks?”
Chapter 17
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sturn-saturn · 1 month
the diamond lab
pairing: fem!reader x bf!chris
warnings: tears, mentions of pregnancy, happy happy, not proofread!
a/n: ok so this is the last part but if this series does good i'll continue it and write about the wedding
part 1 part 2
word count: 1,274
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chris grabs the bag with the ring carefully placed in the box and you all wave goodbye and step out the shop.
"well, this is where it all begins big guy." flora says patting chris' back.
a few days passed since flora, chris, and matt paid a little visit to 'the diamond lab,' but you have been a little suspicious of every little thing lately, chris seems off, you're worried you did something wrong.
you had no idea what was happening but you're all on vacation and you didn't want your overthinking to get in the way of having fun with your favorite people.
you and chris are currently lying in bed. in each others hold, your absolute favorite place to be.
"are you alright?"
"y-yeah. i'm all good, sweetheart. especially when i have the most amazing woman by my side."
"you're so sweet." you pat his chest.
"you're sweeter." he kisses you gently but deeply. "you taste sweeter too."
you giggle into the kiss relishing in the moment.
"i have a fun day planned for all of us tomorrow, why don't we get some sleep."
"ouu what is it? tell me." you beg.
"that is for me to know and for you to find out." he says booping your nose with his finger.
you both drift into sleep holding each other close, not knowing your whole life is going to change tomorrow.
the next evening...
"alright so, for this place we're going to on the beach tonight, all the girls are wearing white and all the guys are wearing black." chris says smiling.
"huh? why? does this place have a dress code?"
"yeah, something like that. finish up your makeup, we should be leaving in 30 minutes."'
"yes sir!" you say saluting to him.
"you're an idiot."
"your idiot." you smile.
you finally finish your hair, makeup, and you got dressed into this white dress and chris walks out of the bathroom wearing this black outfit.
"oh, chris. you look so handsome." you say adjusting his collar and staring into his beautiful blue eyes.
"oh yeah? look at you. you look like the woman of my dreams. you are the woman of my dreams."
you place you hand behind his head and gently guide his lips to yours.
"i love you."
"i love you more, princess. now, are you ready for dinner? the other said they're running late cause they were tired from the club last night but they'll meet us after dinner by the beach."
"club? did flora go? is she alright? ugh that girl. she should be resting!"
"flora is fine, her and matt didn't stay long before she got a headache." chris laughs at your concern for your best friend as he guides you out the hotel room.
to no surprise, chris made a reservation for dinner, one of your favorite places here in aruba.
"chris, thank you for this. thank you for everything."
"no need to thank me, darling. you're my girlfriend, i love you, and i would do anything for you."
you grab his hand across the table and you rub the back of his hand with your thumb.
"excuse me! could we get the check please?" you ask the waiter.
"yes ma'am." he responds.
you begin to take out your wallet to pay for the delicious dinner you both just shared.
"what are you doing?" he chuckles.
"paying for dinner?"
"pay for dinner? baby, don't be ridiculous. put that away. i got it."
"chris, you always pay let me do something for you."
"you do more than enough for me. i'm paying."
"fine." you smile appreciatively putting your wallet back into your purse.
chris finishes paying for your dinner and you both head to the beach for a little walk.
"wait, y/n. the sunset looks beautiful right now, turn around facing the sun, i want to take a picture of you."
"okay." you giggle. you have your back facing chris and he snaps a few pictures.
"can i see now?" you ask.
"of course."
"alright let's see how you d-did." you turn around to something you couldn't believe.
"c-chris. what are you doing."
chris is on one knee, holding the ring of your dreams, your friends are behind him, holding in tears, and capturing a moment you will never forget.
"y/n. almost 4 years ago you changed something in me. i went from thinking i'll never be loved to seeing my future flash before my eyes. from the moment i saw you, the moment you spoke, i knew you were the one i'm supposed to be with. you showed me what it was like to be loved. really loved. i adore your smile, the way you hide your face in your hands when you laugh. i love the way you love me. i would walk to the edge of the earth if it meant i got to spend every moment with you for the rest of my life because there is no one else i would rather do life with. i want to have our own little family, i want to grow old with you. before i met you forever seemed terrifying, you taught me that forever isn't scary when it's with the right person. you're my person. will you marry me?"
at this moment tara is sobbing and holding jakes hand while johnnie rubs her back, matt has his arm around flora as she's tearing up, larray and nick are smiling big, and sam and colby are being the usual guys they are screaming, "SAY YES! SAY YES!"
"well, y/n? what do you say?"
"YES! A MILLION TIMES YES!" you yell hugging chris tightly.
"alright, let's get this ring on you, honey." he giggles.
you feel someone tap your shoulder and you turn around to see some very, very, familiar faces.
"MOM! DAD!" you cry into their arms.
"hi, sweetie!"
"you guys came!? when did you get here? how are you here?"
"chris told us all the plan and we flew out here last night. we wouldn't miss this moment for the world."
"we wouldn't either!" you hear someone say.
"of course we are!" he says pulling you into a hug.
"wait no ones wearing black or white."
"yeah chris tricked you into wearing white." flora laughed.
"he's very sneaky, huh?" you laugh as you look up at him as he has his arm around your shoulder. "wait a minute, you're not pregnant are you? chris did you lie about that too, you doofus."
"yeah, sorry ba-"
"actually, one more piece of good news, flora wasn't feeling too good yesterday. we got a test and turns out, we're gonna have a little sturniolo running around in about 8 months." matt smiles kissing the top of floras head.
"OH MY GOD!?!?" you scream out hugging flora.
"damn matty poo got busy, huh?" larray says
everyone cheers for your engagement and your best friend becoming a new mother.
"a daughter in law and a grandchild. what more could i ask for?" marylou smiles hugging both you and flora congratulating you.
"y/n." flora says pulling you aside.
"what's up?"
"our dream of you being my baby's aunt is finally coming true. i remember us in our dorm room saying that you'll be my kids aunt and i'll be your kids aunt. and now it's really happening."
"and i wouldn't have it any other way." you pull flora into a warm hug. "you're going to be the best mother."
"you're going to be the best wife."
you both walk hand in hand and join your friends and family to celebrate the wondrous evening filled with love, hope, and happiness.
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sincerlycas · 2 years
pretty lady.
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summary: a connie drabble where he has to deal with dating the most prettiest girl.
warnings: mature scenes, slight smut, etc.
commission for: @tojisblondebimbo
don’t forget to dm me for commissions <3
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connie loved you with his hearts content, he loved when you would come up to him squealing because you got a new dress, he loved the way how tight the dress clunged to your body leaving no where for imagination. your ass pocking out the bottom of the dress when you would bend over showing your lacy thong clinging to your mound so tightly.
connie loved the fact you were so damn pretty, you were hard headed and stubborn, but soft and poise. he loved how sometimes your beauty could get you anything. for example, you forgot your purse in the house so you turn to look at connie while pointing at the Chanel bag “pa pleaseee I’ll pay you back!!” shaking his head he agreed to buy it knowing damn well you won’t pay him back. but he knew something was up when you seemed to forget your wallet multiple times. what can you say, why would you spend your own money when your man is right there?
but you being pretty can also cause problems. the amount of times he had to beat niggas asses left and right because they couldn’t keep their hands off you. sometimes he wished you wore a plastic bag over your head when going out. he wished your dresses weren’t so mesh and tight on you showing everyone a preview of what’s up under there. but it’s not really his baby’s fault that she’s so pretty so all he can do is grunt about it and move along while rubbing onto your ass any chance he can.
the times he really loved though was being between your legs sucking with his hearts content. looking up momentarily seeing your bambi watery eyes staring right back at him, your plump lips letting out the softest whines possible. slurping sounds filling the room as you rock back against his face trying to catch your nut. connie’s tongue did wonders that sometimes you had to deprive him from the pussy. like one time he wanted to fuck while you guys were at a family gathering and cupped your pussy with his hand after slipping it through the slit of the skirt “connie !!” “whatt? let’s go in my old room hm?”
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your hair messy and all over the place, makeup and lip combo smeared, legs kicking around everywhere, toes curling, back arching off the bed “you taste so good mama~ how come you won’t sit on my face forever huh~? don’t that sound like a good idea pretty lady~?” slapping the side of your thighs with pinching your overstimulated clit. “what you think mama~? tell ‘pa’ what you thinking in the pretty little head of yours~” biting your lip you grabbed his hand making him hover over you. watching your plum lips connie heard “you won’t be able to handle it pa~” did I forget to tell you he loved that slick mouth?
he couldn’t leave you alone even if he tried. you were a little bit toxic. everytime he went to do a deal you would latch onto him telling him if he left you in the house alone for an hour max you would leave. of course knew you were bluffing but he still sighed a stayed with you a while longer knowing if he you guys broke up, you’d find a nigga the same day. ouuu he was just like the song area codes by kali, that one line that said “matter of fact, scratch that imma send you a stack just cuz you fine as hell” and bitch that nigga hand you two racks!! while saying “give me a show and I’ll add an extra hermosa” who were you to decline the offer?
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overall being connie’s pretty girl had many perks it’s a 10/10 experience <3
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skipper1331 · 1 year
A fling? // Felicitas Rauch
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a/n: based off this request.
"Hello gorgeous" you said smiling. Your hand placed the loose strand of hair which had fallen in front of her face behind her ear as you memorized every feature of her face. She looked beautiful.
Feli blushed under your gaze, shyly looking away while she tried to control her breathing. "So, aside from taking my breath away, what do you do for a living?" you asked with a cheesy grin covering your face. The defender rolled her eyes, playfully pushing you away yet her heart racing.
The moment you joined Wolfsburg, there was the massive attraction towards the brunette and you tried to ask her out with your famous pick up lines but she just brushed them off. You kept trying though.
"Stay." you told her sternly, grabbing her wrist as she was about to walk to her team mates, "I didn’t know what I wanted in a woman until I saw you."
Again with a roll of her eyes, she brushed you off like you were a nothing. Even If you didn‘t want to admit it, your heart stung. Every time, every ignorance of your presence, every brush off, you heart broke a bit more.
You let out a scream of pain as Laura Freigang tackled you, your body flying over the pitch before you landed in the grass. Your shoulder made a weird noice, knees scraping along the dirty pitch.
Feli was the first by your side, shoving Laura away who tried to apologize. Your face was hidden in the grass as you held your shoulder, tears streaming down your face.
"Can you sit up for me?" Felicitas asked, herself getting anxious because the medic took so long. With a grunt, you did as she wished, holding your shoulder with a death grip. For sure, it wasn‘t the thing you should do but it was out of reflex, you had to put pressure on the pain.
"My shoulder" you said through gritted teeth, "it cracked"
The brunettes face went pale, did you really just said cracked?!
When the medics arrived, the defender felt a kind of relief knowing you were in safe hands yet seeing your face scrunch in pain hurt her too. "She‘s going off, right?!" she asked, panic radiating in her voice. "What? No!" you interrupted her, "just tape it or something!" you told the medic, about to get up. "Stay the fuck down!" You had never heard the German curse or so scared. As she squatted down, you locked eyes, "you‘re crying, your shoulder hurts, you‘re getting subbed off. You will accept it, thank the medics and do as they told. Understood?" Your mouth fell agape, so bossy. Nodding in respond, you let the medic take you of the pitch as he talked about your injury and pain.
As you sat in the physio room, there was an ice pack on your shoulder to prevent further swelling and you were high on painkillers, babbling about something without someone in the room.
When the final whistle blew, Feli immediately left the field, searching for you. "How are you?" she asked as she saw your laying figure. Looking up to see the prettiest girl, you gave her a lopsided smile. "I’m coooool" you answered, the defender smiling lightly.
"Come here" you mumbled, "do you happen to have a Band-Aid? ‘Cause I scraped my knees falling for you." giggling at your pick up line, you didn‘t see the way her cheek caught fire and burnt red.
You were ruled out for a few weeks due your shoulder injury yet that didn‘t stop you from flirting with your favorite german player.
"I would never play hide and seek with you because someone like you is impossible to find."
"Hm" like usually, she rolled her eyes, walking past you.
Yet the soft smile that she sent you across the field later on, made your heart skip multiple beats. Maybe there was still a chance even if her answers grew short by every day that went by.
"Why don‘t you tell her that you like her?" Svenja asked the young woman who she had known for years.
"I don’t like her" she replied instantly.
"So how did you know who I was talking about?"
Caught in her own excuse, she smiles shyly before settling into a thoughtful expression, "she‘s- i don‘t know" Feli shrugged, eyes looking away from you as you walked in the facility.
"I don‘t think she wants the same thing I want"
"Why‘s that?" the blonde asked as they started to pass the ball, absently.
"You know the reputation she has, always flirting with everybody and sleeping around. I don‘t want to be a one night stand"
In the meantime while Svenja talked to Feli about you, Alexandra talked to you about Feli.
The Og-german players watched you dance around your feelings, Felicitas with her obvious ignorance and you with your flirty nature. They both knew there was something between the two of you, but not how both of you would realize it, so they made a plan - at least to get you on the right track and provide some clarity.
"So Feli, huh?" Alex asked, smirking. You blushed under her intense gaze, looking to the ground as you played with your fingers, "she‘s pretty amazing, yeah" you admitted, for the first time ever.
"So are you gonna ask her out?"
Looking up, you answered, "I did once but she just brushed me off, like always" you mumbled the last past yet still audible for Alex who had a pitty look on her face, "will you ask again?"
"Probably not. I flirt with her all the time only to be ignored in the end" you sighed, your fingers holding the bridge of your nose, "i don‘t get it. Sometimes she makes me think that she likes me too and then nothing"
"Can you blame her? You had quite the reputation before you came here"
You looked at Poppi with shook in your eyes and disgust on your face, "does she really think that? That she’s a fling?" you hated yourself for your behaviour in your past, you knew someday it will haunt you down - like it would now.
For the first time in years, you fell in love, actually in love, and the girl you liked thought bad of you, that you would use her.
"Did she reject me because of that?"
The older woman saw the hurt flash in your eyes - something she shouldn’t see.
"I don‘t know. I didn‘t even know that you asked her out. But i know you‘re not the person you used to be. You‘re a good person."
Felicitas noticed the change instantly, how you wouldn‘t flirt with her anymore, how you didn‘t greet her with a pick up line, how you barely talked to her. She didn‘t ask you about it, she just accepted it.
Svenja and Alex quickly realized that they worsened the relationship between the two of you rather than helping you to realize the feelings behind each others facades.
As you were able to play again, the champions league match against Arsenal was the perfect opportunity to show that you’re back better than ever. The first leg ended in a 2-2 draw yet it felt awesome to be back on the pitch again and when you scored Feli couldn‘t help the pride that washed over her body. She knew you waited long for the come back.
"Looking stunning as always" the blonde defender of Arsenal greeted you as she hugged you. Leah Williamson and you go way back, knowing each other since you were little and playing together in the national team. She was the sister you never had, the shoulder to cry on when ever you felt like it. "Not bad yourself" you joked, walking around together, arms around each others waist.
Feli hated the sight in front of her, the way you would smile at the skipper or laugh at something she said. She should be at your side instead of Leah.
"You good?" Svenja asked as she saw the growl on the brunettes face.
"Everything is perfectly fine" she answered, sarcasm laced in her voice as her eyes were still drained on your walking figure. "Back at her old habits, just great" she scowled, leaving the pitch without looking back. She didn‘t take pictures with fans nor signed anything, anger rushing through her veins.
"What‘s wrong with her?" Leah asked as she saw your favorite girl walking with quick steps away.
"Don‘t know. We‘re not talking at the moment" you muttered.
"What?! Why? I thought you liked her"
"I do. She just thinks I’m-"
"She thinks she‘s gonna be a fling, right?"
"You’re so stupid sometimes" she smacked the back of your head, "show her that she isn‘t"
"I tried!"
"Not hard enough apparently. 10£ she thinks you‘re flirting with me"
You looked at the skipper, confusion written over your face, what did she mean?
"Go" she pushed you away, towards the tunnel, giving you a reassuring nod, "seriously go!"
And you did. You ran after the brunette, calling her name. In the changing room, she sat in her cubby, head resting in her hands. "Felicitas" you said, voice low, you didn‘t want to startle her.
Feli loved the way her name rolled over your tongue. You had never called her Feli once, always Felicitas. You were the only one besides her parents who were allowed to do that. "So you‘re talking to me, wow" the defender grumbled, aggressively wiping away the few tears that left her eyes.
"Don‘t be mean"
"Mean?! You‘re the one who ignored me for weeks" she yelled as she stood up.
Matching her tone, "I know!" you sighed, "I know, okay?"
"You’re an idiot!" Felis anger was bubbling out of her, "you’re an idiot for making me fall for you!" she continued to ramble about your behavior how stupid you were for ignoring her, for making her feel worthless.
"I didn‘t talk to you because you thought you’re a fling to me! I didn‘t want you to think that"
"So you‘re flirting with Williamson? That’s low, even for you"
"Why the fuck are putting words in my mouth?" you were pacing around the changing room, Feli following every movement of yours, "you- bloody hell, Felicitas! Why are you making this so hard?"
"I‘m making this hard?! You‘re the one-"
"Stop it right now. I didn‘t flirt with Leah, gosh ew. We‘ve known each other since god knows when. And I didn‘t flirt with anyone besides you since I’m at Wolfsburg. Hell, you’re the only one I want to flirt with. You’re the only who I want to think that I’m a good person - not the person from my past. Felicitas, you‘re that one person to me!" You sat down, not meeting her eyes as you tried to control your emotions and your outburst.
The moment you arrived in Germany, you wanted to change. You transferred clubs to get a new chance, to prove everyone wrong. You didn‘t mean to fall in love with someone, you didn’t mean to flirt with her like in your old patterns but you couldn’t help it. With Feli everything felt different. Everything felt easy, you felt at peace. Wolfsburg felt like a new home. She felt like home.
"You‘re in love with me, too? It‘s not some weird-"
"Of course I am!" you interrupted her, making your statement clear. "How can I show you that I mean it? That I mean everything when I’m with you?" you asked with pleading eyes, eyes full of hope and regret.
"Take me out on a date" even after yelling, crying and running for more than 90 minutes, she looked absolutely breathtaking. It was a good thing that you were sitting otherwise you‘re knees would‘ve betrayed you.
In that moment, you promised yourself to treat her better than anyone could.
It didn‘t take Feli long to realize that you meant what you said that day in the locker room. The few little dates you had were more than perfect, you treated Felicitas like you promised and the way she deserved. Both of you seemed happier with each other and at Champions league final -1, you asked her to be your girlfriend.
Your heart fluttered every time you thought about the answer, "yes"
Maybe your past wasn‘t the greatest but the universe did give you another chance which you gladly accepted.
You showed the world that you deserved it.
You showed football fans all of your talent, getting nominated for the Ballon d‘or.
You showed your family and friends the vulnerable, caring and loving side of yourself.
And you showed Felicitas that she did the right thing with saying yes to be your girlfriend.
Felicitas was the one person that changed you for the better and you will thank and love her forever because of everything and more.
She was always more than just a fling.
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6ix9inewiturmom · 6 months
Parents Basement - Chris Sturniolo
Summary: chris came to meet your parents but he got turned on in the middle of our pool match in your parents basement
Warnings: Smut, p in v, unprotected sex (don’t try at home!!) degradation, mouth covering (?), dom!chris, Sub!fem!reader, use of Y/N, slight choking (lemme know if i missed anything!
Chris and I have been dating for about 6 months now, i recently just told my mom and dad about him and she INSISTED on having him over to meet them, I was nervous as HELL, i’ve brought over one of my past boyfriends home ONCE, my dad hated him, absolutely DESPISED him, i mean he did cheat on me in the end but im just scared my parents won’t like chris, i mean he’s sweet, he’s kind, he actually cares for me, and he’s incredibly sexy.
“ma” chris softly rubs my shoulder as im sitting in the couch thinking of every way things can go wrong. “you ready?” he kisses my cheek softly handing me my keys since i can drive and he refuses to get his license at 20 years old.
“mhm” i hummed trying to put on a ‘convincing chris im okay but in reality im shitting myself because i’m so scared’ smile hoping he won’t catch on.
“nu uh Y/N stop right there i know that smile, what’s wrong love” his gaze softens as he holds my shoulders trying to get me to open up.
i sigh before answering chris “you’re the second boy i’ve ever brought home and im scared they won’t like you, i mean i don’t care if they don’t it’s just i want them to like you so they can see what i see in you, and why i want to get married to you someday and have little mini chris’ running around and i jus-“ he cuts me off.
“woah woah hang on, i know we’ve only been together 6 months and we’ve never actually had the ‘where do we see each other in the future’ talk but i didn’t know you felt that way?” he pulls me into a tight embrace “well i can only hope they love me” he kisses the top of my head “i love you Y/N, but i hope you know you’re kinda stuck with me now” he smiles down at me
“you’ve been stuck with me since the day u took me on that date with ur brothers cause you insisted on picking me up” i smiled back at him getting on my tip toes to give him a peck on the lips “now let’s go we’re gonna be late” i sat dragging his hand out the door and getting in the car.
the entire car ride wasn’t silent, Chris and i were talking about OUR future together and what we wanted for us, how many kids we wanted, if i would be okay with twins or triplets, you know the little stuff. what felt like forever we finally arrived at my parents home. i get out of the car waiting for chris as he steps out of the car and grabs my hand we began walking to the front door.
as we got to the front door, i knocked and my mom immediately answered the door with the biggest smile on her face “OH Y/N MY LOVE YOUVE GOTTEN SO MUCH MORE BEAUTIFUL THEN THE LAST TIME I SAW YOU” she hugs me quickly before pulling away smiling
“mom, this is chris, my boyfriend” i say looking at chris smiling at him
“so you’re the handsome boy my daughter tells me so much about hm?” my mom says smirking at me.
chris’ smile brightens and holds his hand out for her “yes ma’am, you can call me christopher if you would like too mrs.Y/L/N”
“oh chris is fine by me, and it’s just Nora please, the mrs makes me feel far too old” she smiles shaking his hand “come on in you guys, your father is far too excited to meet him”
we both walk in holding hands again. “RICHARD, YOUR DAUGHTER AND FUTURE SON IN LAW ARE HERE TURN YOURE HOCKY OFF AND COME JOIN US” my mother yells from the bottom of the staircase.
chris pulls me to the side to whisper in my ear “you didn’t tell me your dad likes hockey??” he smiles at me with an amused expression on his face
“how do you think i got a love for hockey chris?” i laugh slightly at his comment.
“oh i’ve got this in the bag ma” he shoots me his signature smirk before looking back up at my mom.
“come in the dining room, i’ve got you’re favorite casserole waiting on you love” my mom leads chris and i into the dining room sitting us down at the table across from where my mom and dad normally sit.
my dad comes downstairs and sits next to my mom and chris automatically stands up and puts his hand out “im christopher Mr.Y/L/N, thank you for allowing me into your home” he smiles as my dad shakes his hand and shoots me a proud smile. “call me Richard please” he smiles softly at chris before sitting down.
“so chris did you play any sports in high school?” my mother questions as she serves chris and i’s plate
“um yes ma’am i did, i played hockey and lacrosse with my brothers throughout high school” he says softly.
“oh Y/N, i love him already, please keep this one around dear” my dad smiling at me “what position did you play in hockey?” my dad looks at chris
“oh me and my brother were left and right defensemen” he smiles at my dad
“so you were the people beating people up hm?” he jokes
“yes sir i was” chris chuckles and looks over at me who’s too worried and just stuffing food in my face the whole conversation
“well before richard talks your ears off about hockey, how did you meet Y/N? she never told me the entire story about it” my mother smiles at chris.
i have my reason for not telling her, chris and i met at Tara’s party a little over a year ago, i got too drunk, chris was half hammered and we hooked up in a public bathroom nearby, so chris and i discussed that we wouldn’t tell his or my family that story just because well for obvious reasons we were underage drinking, and we hooked up, so we decided we’d them a different PG-13 version of the story.
“we had a mutual friend who was having a friends birthday, you know nothing too big, and i thought she was pretty and i asked for her number and we became friends and now here we are” he smiled at me before looking back up at me who had already nervously finished my food.
“oh Chris that’s so sweet” my mother says with a smile at both of us.
the rest of dinner went great, no problems, my dad and chris bonded over their love for hockey, my mom and i were talking about how well my dad loves chris and other little stuff catching up with each other.
“Y/N your father just put in a pool table in the basement if you and chris wanted to try it out, him and i have been working a lot and haven’t gotten the chance to so if you two would like go right ahead baby” my mom smiles at me.
i look over at chris “you want to see my amazing pools skills?” i smirk
“oh you’re on Y/N” chris says as i stand up leading him and i to the basement.
walking down to the basement which had been completely remodeled since i had moved out of the house chris had this glare in his eyes, he had something planned i just couldn’t put my finger on it.
chris and i grabbed a pool stick and we started to play a round of pool. halfway through me whooping his ass in pool he came up behind me and placed his hands over mine trying to “fix my stance”
“remember to keep you’re hands here ma” he says at a low tone in my ear causing shivers to go down my spine and his body getting closer to mine pressing his hard-on against my ass.
“chris” i whisper “we can’t do this here” i roll my eyes and turn around to look at him and his eyes were now filled with lust as he bites his lower lip.
“yeah? why not? you can be a good girl and be quiet for me yeah?” he places his hand on my cheek rubbing my cheek up and down caressing it.
i groan softly “fuck it, but if you get us caught-“ he cuts me off by kissing my lips softly “then i guess you’re gonna have to hush that filthy mouth of yours” he says smirking.
he presses his lips into mine once again this time with more force and hunger than last time using his tongue and fighting for dominance playing with the top of my jeans.
he picked me up and turns me around so i’m bent over the pool table ripping my jeans down to my ankles tapping my legs giving me the hint to step out of them and bending down so he’s at eye level with my soaping wet pussy.
using his finger to spread his juices around on my pussy causing a groan to escape his lips and a soft moan out of mine. “you’re so fucking wet” he stands up pulling his pants down stepping out of them and reaching his hand to my mouth “spit” i obeyed “good fucking girl” he uses his spit to spread on his cock.
he took his cock in his hand and lines himself up with my entrance and pushing just the tip in in letting a whimper out of my lips. he takes his hand to cover my mouth. “as much as i love the nasty shit you say with my cock buried in your pussy you gotta be quiet baby” he groans in my ear before bottoming out biting his lower lip stopping his groan from escaping from his lips throwing his head back and starts slowly thrusting in me.
“fuck ma, you’re so fucking tight” he whispers picking up his pace with a small whimper leaving my lips and my eyes rolling back to my head trying to use his arm that’s now around my throat to hold on to in order to keep my balance.
“chris” i whimper in almost a cry
“am i making you feel good baby? you like this?” he growls in my ear
“y-yes” i softly cry out trying not to moan so loudly as he is repeatedly kissing my cervix with his tip at almost an ungodly speed.
my walls tighten around him signaling i was getting closer “someone’s close hm? you gonna cum all over my cock yeah?” he grunts holding his arm around my neck for his balance still trusting behind me.
“mh-mhm yes” i nod vigorously biting my lip canceling out my moans.
“do it, cum all over my cock baby” he growls in my ear kissing my neck sending me over the edge as my legs began to shake and i release all over his cock.
his thrust get sloppy as he buried his head in my neck biting my shoulder as he releases in me softly pulling out kissing my cheek.
“you did so good baby” he says softly helping me get my pants back on “we can shower when we get back to my house” he smiles at me.
“then let’s go say our goodbyes because i have to drive, and my legs hurt baby” i say smiling back at him placing a kiss on his lips heading back upstairs to my parents which is just my mom considering my dads back upstairs watching hockey probably asleep.
“i’m sorry guys but we gotta get going, thank you for inviting us over” i say kissing my moms cheek pulling her into a hug.
“thank you for inviting me over Nora” he smiled over at my mom holding his hand out.
“no no i give hugs chris” my mother says pulling chris into a hug “i expect to see you around more” she smiles pulling away “and ill make sure to tell richard you guys left, he really likes him Y/N” she smiles at me.
“i’m glad, bye mom!” i say exiting my parents house and stepping into my car with chris in the passenger seat.
“well that went better then i expected” i say starting the car and pulling out of the driveway.
“you had nothing to be worried about ma, i have a way with parents” he winks at me smiling at me causing me to giggle.
“thank you chris” i say smiling at him before turning my focus back on the road
“anytime princess, thank you for letting me meet your parents, now you gotta meet mine, cause my mom already loves you and she’s never even met you” he chuckles.
“how much do you talk about me to your mom chris” i laugh back at him.
“focus on the road Y/N” chris says in his attempt to change the subject.
“i’d love to meet your mom chris” i say looking softly at chris as we make our way back to his shared home with his brothers.
gabs 💋
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misserabella · 2 years
javier peña x fem! reader
synopsis; Javier and you simply fucked when his job took the best of him, to blow up some steam. You were nothing, just really close friends…, right? Maybe the thought of loosing you ‘causes him to finally open up.
warnings; +18 content, minors don’t interact!, arms, guns, mentions of death and terrorism, unprotected sex (GUYD STDS ARE REAL, WRAP THE DONG UP), piv sex, oral sex (f! receiving), kid of rough/desperate sex, cursing, nipple play, fingering, dirty talking, praising, a little bit of angst with fluff at the end, cursing, cream pie, no use of y/n! use of pet names and spanish from Javi<3!
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a/n: please remember that english is not my first language! tell me if there are any gramatical errors. hope y’all love it!<3
Javi was a really close friend… And when you meant really, you truly meant it.
You two had gotten to know each other while sharing an office on the police department, and one night that things had wrong and had come to you staying working late, he had touched you in need of a distraction, in need of someone that could understand. And you could understand.
That’s why you let him use you, fuck away senseless his pain, his frustration, his rage…
He fucked into you like you were the only thing left for him to tug on. Kissed you like you were the only bits of oxygen left in the world.
And after that… His need for you became more frequently to this day.
It was late at night when you heard an stressful knocking coming from your door. You rubbed your eyes open, a frown showing on your face when your eyes landed on the clock beside you on the night table. 3:20 AM.
The new knocking had you pulling yourself to your feet, hissing at the cold that stung your feet.
You quickly went to the door, opening it when the knocking only got more intense. You had your gun on your right hand, ready to shoot in case of need.
The gun met the forehead of whoever had woken you up, your hands quickly pushing it away when you met your co-worker’s and leaving it aside.
“Javi?” you called out to him with a confused look. “What are you doing here? Are you okay?” he seemed out of breath, body glistening in the softest sweat. “Ja-“
And as you were about to inquire him once again, he plunged into your home, his warm calloused hands cupping your face to bring you into a searing kiss that had you gasping into his mouth.
You whimpered when he closed the door behind him and quickly pushed you to the wall on your right, his hands roaming your body with the urgency that always came in this situations: He had had a bad day. Maybe a bad week. The thing with Escobar was getting really hard; the bombing, the loss, the deaths, the fear…
Your fingers laced on his hair, and he hummed, thanking you, when you opened your mouth for him.
His hands cupped your breasts from under your silk night gown, letting the lace of your panties show for his angry eyes. Your moaning was angelic.
“Joder.” he had you over his shoulder in less than a second, throwing you onto your bed, making the head broad dent the wall.
“Javi…” you moaned when his lips latched to your neck, his hands back to your tits and his hardened clothed cock pushing against your cunt.
You helped him get rid of your gown, leaving you almost completely exposed to his hungry eyes. His lips sucked on your nipples as one of his hands came down in between your bodies to cup your pussy, a wet patch growing on your panties under his fingertips. You screamed when he pushed the panties aside to let show your beautiful and puffy soaked lips only of him. “Fuck, darling, you’re so wet already…” he muttered against your chest as his fingers dipped and found your clit, making your head fall back and a pornographic moan to leave your lips. “Such a good girl getting all ready for me to fuck, hm?” you nodded, his touch electrifying. “Look at that. She’s swallowing my fingers…” your walls clenched around two of his fingers when he plunged them inside, making your back curl. It was always a stretch, but nowhere like the feeling of his cock fucking you open. “You’re so beautiful baby.” you cheeks reddened at the compliment, a whimper leaving your lips when his kisses trailed down your stomach, a peck being given to the patch of hair on your mound. “Smell so sweet…” your eyes glistened when you saw him take his two fingers inside his mouth, tongue lapping at your juices and making him hum. “Taste so good too. You drive me insane.” you hands flew to his hair when he dove in, sucking on your clit as his fingers started to fuck into you again.
“Fuck, Javi!” he smirked against your cunt when his fingers found that perfect spot hidden in between your gummy walls, his fingers curling in a relentless peace, that has you falling apart under his touch. “Please don’t stop…” you begged, and the hand clutching your right high squeezed your flesh in an assuring way that told you that he wouldn’t.
He couldn’t. Not when you tastes so good and sounded so angelical. Not when he needed you so bad.
It only took a few laps at your clit to had you gushing and coming onto his mouth, making him groan. You moaned as he worked you through it, telling you how perfect you were and how good you were being for him.
When his lips met yours, your tongue tasted your orgasm off his mouth, the kiss sloppy, hungry and needy, spit dribbling down your bottom lip and onto your chin. You were quick to help him get rid of his polo, pants and underwear, freeing his aching cock.
No matter how many times you had seen him it was always a shock to see how big and thick he was, always a stretch to take him when he would part your lips with his bedded head and pushed inside. You always remembered how he had fucked you for the first time, how he had had you sobbing against the table as he whispered a soft ‘Come on, you can take it. Relax for me, that’s it, atta girl.’ against your neck.
You were even quicker to flop on your stomach, your ass up and pussy ready for him to fuck into, since that was how Javier always fucked you, on your fours.
“What are you doing?” he questioned and you frowned as your head tilted backwards.
“Getting ready…?” you send back in the same unsure tone, a squeal leaving your throat when his big strong arms took you to push you down onto your back once again.
“Not tonight, amor. Tonight I need to see you.” he muttered, and before you could open your mouth to inquire him, he was pushing inside.
You cried out at the feeling, the sting of pain that came with pleasure making you reach out for his back, your nails digging on his skin.
He grunted as he slowly pushed more of him inside your tight walls. “That’s it, baby, open up for me.” he whispered onto your ear when your walls started to relax around him and suck him in.
You both moaned when he finally bottomed out, hitting that deep spot that him and only him had ever reached.
“Fuck, you feel so fucking good, honey, so fucking good…” he muttered as his hips started to snap into you, making your nails go in deeper. “Always so good for me, so pretty… Fuck, fuck,fuck…”
Your whimpers and moans got cut out with every each of his now harsh and quick thrust. You could feel it, feel it in the way he kisses you, in the way he fucked you into the mattress, how there was no space left in between the two of you, how his hands gripped and bruised your hips as he brought you impossibly closer to him…
Don’t leave. That’s what he was trying to say. Don’t die. I need you. Don’t leave.
“I’m here, Javi. I’m here…” you cried out as he fucked into you, tears breaming your eyes at the intensity of your now incoming orgasm. He pushed deeper at your promise. ‘Cause it was a promise.
“Fuck.” he groaned when your walls started to milk him, a scream falling of your lips as he hit your g spot relentlessly. You were dizzy on it, drunk on his skin and his cologne, high on his kisses and his thrusting. “Looking so pretty. Shit.”
“Javi, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum!” you sobbed and he only sped up, one of his hands moving to roll your clit in between his fingers.
“Come for me, mi amor, come for me.” your ears rang and your vision went white when your new orgasm came crushing down on you, making you scream out his name for the neighbors to hear. “Look at you. Eres mía mi amor. All mine.” “Fuck, you’re getting so tight…” he grunted against your neck as he made a mark there. “Gonna milk me dry…” he fucked you through it, his dick getting coated by your white release, which now painted the brush of hair on the base of his cock. “Gonna cum, baby, fuck.”
“Inside Javi, please…” you begged, and he was quick to paint your walls with his cum, making your eyes roll back at the feeling. You loved it. Loved it when he would come inside, make you his. Mark you as his from the inside out.
You two stood there, riding out your own respective highs in between each others arms. But you knew it wouldn’t last. ‘Cause it never did.
Tears stung your eyes when he slid out of you, making you hiss at the overstimulation. You knew what came next. He would get up, get his clothes and leave without even saying goodbye ‘till the next time he’d come to you, only for it to happen all over again.
You gave him your back, ‘cause you didn’t want to see. And didn’t want him to see you too, crying your heart out after every night he’d fuck you senseless and hugging yourself at the cold that his skin left behind.
But your breath hitched when after the shuffling of clothes, the bed sank under his weight behind you, and your heart stopped when one of his arms surrounded your waist to pull you closer and against his chest.
It was completely silent in between the two of you, only the sound of cars passing by and both your steady breathing filling the silence of the room.
You slowly tuned around in between his arms, his eyes finding yours under the dim light of your salt lamp.
He left a soft and gentle kiss on your forehead, which made your heart flutter and eyes close. You didn’t understand. He had never been like this. He had never fucked you on your back, facing him, never even stayed after it. So what was going on?
You noticed he hadn’t gotten dressed, he had just folded everything back onto the chair of your vanity so tomorrow neither of you would trip on it. Your eyes swelled in tears as you looked at him. And that’s when you saw it, in his eyes. This longing, this love that he has never let himself show you, never letting you look into his eyes as he fucked you, even less as he left you in the middle of the night.
“I’m here, amor. I’m here.” he promised back with a soft smile.
You quickly leaned into the kiss that now his lips planted on your own. It was sweet, slow. A kind of kiss that talked when words weren’t enough. Your hands found his hair and his your hips, bringing you closer, hugging you to his chest. His skin was warm, his body the missing piece of yours.
You let him hold you, let him look into your eyes and pour all the words that he never found himself to mutter on your heart. Let him kiss you, let him mark you, and let him fuck himself back into you once again when he had rose one of your legs over his hips, making you fall apart in between his arms as he whispered beautiful words into the night until the sunrise.
hope y’all liked it, love you xx
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scatteredskittless · 7 months
Hiii! If you’re up for it, would you write an Angel Dust x platonic fem reader fic who has PTSD from SA, and she has a really scary encounter with Val that triggers her and Angel is super comforting? Sorry it’s super specific 😅
Platonic fem! Reader x Angel Dust
A/n: Of course !! Also super specific requests are fun to write so don’t be afraid to request them :)) I hope this was okay (∩˃o˂∩)♡
Warnings: Mentions of SA, Mentions of porn, Sexual themes, Talk of PTSD, Valentino in general is a warning In of itself tbh
Fluff✔️ Comfort✔️ Angst✔️ Smut❌
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It was just like any other morning in the Hazbin Hotel, you woke up, got ready for the day ahead of you and then walked yourself down to the lobby to see all your friends.
You woke up a little later than everyone else did so when you got to the lobby, they seemed to be already doing one of Charlie’s little games. As per usual though with these games, no one was really paying attention to what was going on. Husk was too busy drinking, Niffty was running around and torturing bugs, Alastor was nowhere to be found and Angel Dust was on his phone.
He looked rather unimpressed as he scrolled through his phone, it vibrating every few seconds in his hand as he got notification after notification from none other than his boss, Valentino himself.
Once he got a call, he got up and took it. Charlie looking visibly upset once he had eventually told everyone he had to leave early for an “emergency shoot”
So you decided to be helpful and try to get Angel back to the hotel
“No, [name] seriously, I don’t think it’s a good idea to go after him.” Vaggie said, attempting to encourage you not to go after Angel and you couldn’t quite understand why?
“Why? It’ll be fine! I’ll just pop in and pop out.” You said with a shrug, turning around and leaving the hotel before anyone could get another word in.
And so, you were off to Angels studio.
Once you got there, it didn’t take long for Angel to recognize your presence. His eyes widening and excusing himself from the set for a moment. Valentino didn’t exactly look too pleased by that, considering what happened last time.
“What the fuck are you doin’ here?!” Angel Dust would whisper shout with a look of worry written all over his face as he approached you.
“I was just seeing if you were done… and if I could somehow convince your boss to let you off early if you weren’t?” You said back with an eyebrow raise, wondering what the big deal was.
He let out an incredulous titter, shaking his head no. “Toots, I’m not letting you anywhere near Val—”
Speak of the devil. Valentino cuts him off as he was now standing right in front of the two of them, not looking thrilled with your presence.
“And who might this be? Another one of your little friends, Angie?” Valentino would say condescendingly, making Angel glance away from him and at the ground beside him instead.
Another? What was up with everybody and not telling you things??
“Uhm.. I’m [name].” You introduced yourself as you glanced at the moth demon with a smile, a Cheshire worthy grin spreading across the demons face in return.
“Ahh sí? A beautiful name for para una mujer tan hermosa~” he said, taking your hand and licking up to your elbow, causing you to cringe slightly but you held it together for now…
Angel looked very uncomfortable, his eyes trained on you to makes sure nothing too crazy happened.
Of course, Valentino knew this.
“How would you like to watch? Maybe even join? Hm? I could make you a star muñeca..” He purred, raising a brow as he got uncomfortably close to you. This was starting to freak you out a little, as it would anybody. This guy was clearly a fucking creep.
You slowly shook your head no. “Nooo… thank you? Uh I can just sit and wait until he’s done.” You said, figuring it would be better to settle for that than to go further with this guy
“Perfect! From the top everybody!” He’d announce, turning his back to you and walking back to the set as he sat back down in his chair, making both you and Angel let out a sigh of relief as you both followed. You were a little shaken but you figured that was all the interaction you’d have with Angels boss for the day…
And oh, were you sorely mistaken. ⚠️ !! TW !! ⚠️
You sat down in an extra chair that Valentino had made his robot “Kitty” bring in for you to sit beside him on. you tried not to watch what Angel was doing on set as it felt weird to watch your friend suck some guys dick..
After a few minutes of scrolling on your phone, you felt a hand on your thigh.. slowly creeping upwards towards your skirt. Immediate warning bells went off in your head. Immediate flashbacks started happening.
You froze. Not knowing what to do but you knew damn well who was touching you. That fucker Valentino.
“What’s the matter, amor?” Valentino spoke with that shit eating grin on his face again, his head titling ever so slightly to the side as he glanced over at the feared expression on your face, pretending he had no idea what he was doing.
His hand slipped up to your panty line and that’s when you started to freak out, you stood up, looking quite startled. “Fuck off!” Was what came out of your mouth, causing an unamused expression to fall on Val’s face as he stood up again, practically towering over you…
That’s when Angel stepped in, immediately placing himself between you two, the porno he had been in the middle of shooting long forgotten.
“Val.” He said surprisingly firmly as he glared up at him before looking behind him at himself at you, and his expression softened as he sighed.
“Cmon, we’re goin’ home.” Angel said to you as he grabbed your hand with one of his, walking past Valentino.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going bitch? You’re not done recording for the day” Valentino spat, a furious expression on his face and his words laced with venom.
Angel didn’t reply, walking out the doors with you as quickly as possible. He knew damn well he’d probably get punishment for this tomorrow but he couldn’t let whatever the fuck was going on between you and his boss go on any longer.
The walk back to the hotel was silent, you still trying to process everything that had just happened to you and shaking like a leaf as you gripped onto Angels hand.
Once you got back to the hotel Angel was quick to check up on you now.
“Hey baby, you okay? I… I’m sorry you had to deal with that, deal with.. him.” He’d say, worry written all over his face.
That’s when you started to tear up, crying and wrapping your arms around him.
He’d sigh once more and place a hand on the top of your head, his lower set of arms wrapping around you as he shushed you.
“It’s alright, you’re safe now.. okay? I’m never gonna let anythin’ like that happen to ya again.” he promised soothingly, silently blaming himself for letting it happen in the first place. This could’ve been prevented.
After a while of Angel Dust cooing gentle words and letting you cry as he held you, you started to calm down, sobs turning to sniffles as he rubbed the top of your head.
“There.. better?” He asked softly as he looked down at you, giving you a smile when you met his gaze, your makeup running if you had any of it on and your cheeks tear stained, pleased when he got a little nod from you.
“Good. Now we should probably actually go inside the hotel because I’m sure we look stupid just standing out here.” He quipped, earning a soft chuckle from you as you released him from your hug, giving another nod.
So that’s what you did, the both of you went inside the hotel and you settled yourselves in his room for the night as you had a little movie marathon, Fat Nuggets joining in with you two <3
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Please do not repost, translate, or plagarize any of my fanfictions/writing/headcanons without permission ◟( ˃̶͈◡ ˂̶͈ )◞
ᯓ★ Scatteredskittles
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dhiings · 8 months
𖦹 NANA Tour w/ Seventeen - EP 1
I'm sorry if there's any translation from Korean that is not entirely correct. I mainly used the sentences/convo/lines from the episode itself hihi. Currently into nana tour, cause i'm missing gose so muccch :""
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Scoups entering the dark room alone to wake up Jane. 5 minutes had passed by since seventeen member knock on her door. She's the last two member to be awakened from sleep. Na PD, including the staffs still patiently waiting for her to come out. After further knocking and missed calls, still, no sign of movement or even sound. Scoups decided to take matter with his own hand by entering her room.
"nooka?", Scoups trying to wake her up in small voice. Noticing it wont work, he softly nudge her body to wake her up. "Hm? cheol oppa?", Jane starting to get in touch with the reality.
"Wake up and get ready. Everyone's waiting for you in front of the room", he answered gently. He then starts combing her messy hair with his hand waiting for an answer. "Just tell em to come inside, sleepy", she said while yawning.
"Just come in guys!", he said with a louder voice. Still standing right beside Jane who's now in sitting position instead of lying down. All members and staffs starts to barged in and immediately in awed seeing her awakened-bared face.
"Jein! Woah, you look very pretty waking up. Woah... seventeen members, as expected, handsome and beautiful humans", Na PD said.
Still in between dream land-and-reality, the only sentence that comes out of her mouth is, "Whose birthday are we going to suprise? Oh- Why so many people?". Hearing that, Seungkwan and Mingyu bursts laughing. "Yah! Someone give her water", Hoshi said. Jeonghan hand her a bottle of water. "Oh-Na pd? 안녕하세요? [hi?]", now that she's quite awake after drinking some water.
"HAHA, hi jane. C'mon, get up, were finally going to do it.. today! Youth Over Flowers!"
Still in confusion, she answered lightly, "huh? what? where?"
"Italy noona, I-TAL-LI-A" Dino added. Her eye wide open, she was gagged and her mouth was wide open.
Then, they continued to go to the next room and wake up the last member, The8. On their way to The8's room. Jane was walking beside Scoups, still in her pajama. She quietly ask him, "What about you? Are you going to go too?". He chuckled and answer, "No, how can i go.. this will need a little bit longer time to heal". Hearing that, Jane starts to look concern and sad, even though, just a second before she looks so excited with this trip. Knowing Jane have a little bit issue with separating with her loved ones, even if it's only several day, Scoups side hug her and keep reminding her, "It's okay. You'll be okay. I'm going to be okay. We're all going to be okay. Go have fun".
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"OK! You only have 3 minutes to prepare. Go go go!" Na PD announce.
"WOAH, Thank god i packed my bags already. I'm a prepare child, no wonder my MBTI is 'J' '", Jane talked with the cameraman. The next moment we know, she comes back in frame looking more fresh now that she already washed her face and teeth. She quickly put on some moisturiser and put on some lip gloss. "Y'know, i feel like i'm cheating the system here by packing a small bag, but who cares, i'm just a girl hihi."
She entered the room with her finished look wrapped in a cardigan and a simple shoes. She was greeted by Na PD saying, "Ah! Bag is not allowed. It's going to get confiscated. Put it here".
Jane trying to protect her belongings by stating, "Just this small pouch! Can i just bring this pouch? this is my necessity items". Girls that get it, get it. She get a pass... BUT, only a small pouch.
Seventeen members are still speechless though (even Jane herself), they can't believe to be fooled that easily by Na PD. "To be honest, it's really hard to fool all 14 of us", Dino said.
"It's really not easy! It's really not easy!", the others comments too.
"Especially, Jane. She could always predict when something's coming!"
A while later, 6.30. Time to head to the bus. On her way to go downstairs, she saw PLEDIS CEO... "OH- 대표님!", she urged to hug him before she go inside the elevator. "Have fun, okay?" he command.
"Sir yes sir!"
Before entering the bus, she went straight to have a goodbye hug with Scoups. "I'm going to miss you, A LOT" She said, hiding her face in his neck crook. He replied, "I'm going to miss you too nooka", while hugging her back.
He starts to let go of their hug, caressing her cheek, "Go, the others waiting for you". She looks at his eye, "Wait for me okay! I'm going to go back and bring you many maany souvenirs"
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At Incheon Airport, while waiting for boarding time to Rome, she stopped by a bookstore. After looking around, she decided to buy one, to accompany her during the long flight.
At the same time when Mingyu's accident (his passport when missing) happened, Jane disappears too. Wonwoo's, being the first one to noticed it, tell the others, even to the staff that haven't board yet, to help look out for her. But, before the staff could go further into panic mode, Jane appeared from the plane's bathroom.
"Sunu-ya, you scared us to death. I thought you haven't boarded and got lost", Wonwoo approached her.
"Wah, what is wrong with today. Don't give me another heart attack please. I'm begging you. And, DK, why? just whyy DK-ya?", Na PD said inside the plane. The others just chuckled.
Throughout the flight, Jane just read her book. Being bored, Wonwoo starts to get curious and kept on peeking on her. "Watchu reading?", he said trying to get her attention. Receiving no reaction from Jane, he playfully grab her hand and starts playing with her fingers.
" 'The Collected Regrets of Clover', it's sooo good", she answered. Just as she's going to flip to the next page, she can't move her hand. She tried to wiggle it out, but there's no use. Her hand is still intact with his hand. "Wonu oppa, i can't flip the next page", she complained.
"I could do it for you!", he said, flipping the page grinning.
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Once they landed in Rome, Jane and the other korean members went straight to the bus after they're done with the migration. Jane decided to stick with Wonwoo and have a seat beside him. While waiting, she decided to contact her mom and Scoups informing that they already landed safely.
She leaned on Wonwoo's shoulder, occasionally peeking his phone to see him playing 'Go-Stop' with the others.
Once The8 and Jun complete their migration process, the bus started to move.
"Oh! You came"
"You're here"
"Great job"
"Come on, come on, come on"
Jane's start chatting with Jun who's seated right behind her. "You okay?". "Yeah, just tired", he answered.
"The line must be long, aigoo, you did a great job juni oppa. Here, take a choco bar i steal from the airplane", she offers
"Ah, thanks uki!"
"You too Hao oppa", giving another choco bar to The8, who's sitting not far from her.
Not being in the conversation with the others, Jane's confused on why everyone's laughing. She just stare at Wonwoo, asking 'what happened' with her eyes. "Ah, the airport is called Lenoardo da Vinci. But, DK suddenly just said, Vernon, he thought it was the other Leondardo DiCaprio", he explained.
"Ahhh", hearing that, Jane needs time to process. Then, realisation hit her. Chuckling and teasing DK. But, she get teased back because she realized too late, the joke was already stale.
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Once they arrive in front of the colosseum, Jane was so amazed by it. It never conquer to her that it will be this massive big. Then, they took their own time to observe and look around.
Jane followed The8 to observe and admire it by their own eyes (not forgetting to take a picture too!).
Before they all went back, they took a photo with Scoups whose in the phone with Hoshi. "Go back to sleep, don't forget to eat the medicine. Bye bye coupsie oppa!", Jane added before Hoshi ended the call.
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Arriving at the Airbnb, she decided to live in the same room with Dino and Jun. Then, she play a game that Na PD insisted, until, he decided to end it because it's hopeless seeing the member keep winning in every round. Before going to bed, they receive a letter that Scoups wrote, which ofc Jane voluntary ask if she can read it.
" Thank you for picking my letter. I feel so sorry for you guys going without any preparation. I will be waiting for you well in Korea. You can use this card however you want, okay? Have fun. I love you.", she read it aloud.
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FUN FACT: the voice behind "Nana tour~" in between scene is actually jane's voice
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cinnbar-bun · 9 months
One Happy Hawk (Mihawk x Reader)
Summary: After getting hit with the Happy-Happy Fruit during a fight, Mihawk returns home in a rather… peculiar fashion.
Rating: SFW /Kinda Crack
Note: Takes place during the timeskip, is crackish, and features Perona, Zoro, and a cameo from Crocodile. Reader and Mihawk are married. Reader is GN.
Word Count: ~1.7k
A/n: Hey besties, sorry, my appendix burst a few days ago and I was in the hospital! I’ll do my best to finish some requests while I recover!
Mihawk getting caught off guard was one thing but now, after Mihawk slain his attacker and was resting at home, you couldn’t tell if this new behavior of his was unnerving or welcome.
“Wow, my house is so dark! It needs some light, right?” Mihawk asked loudly, before he opened the window curtains he almost always refused to open. You, Perona, and Zoro gawked as Mihawk pranced happily around the room, opening the many windows and letting the light shine in.
He sighed happily at his work and widely smiled to all of you. “My, isn’t this lovely? The sun is so beautiful.”
You three gasped at his innocent and sweet expression that seemed to glow brighter than the sun itself.
“I-I need to take a photo-“ you quickly mumbled. Perona nodded while Zoro looked as if he’d faint.
“What? Is something wrong?” Mihawk asked, before he made his way to you and felt your forehead. “Oh, darling, are you alright? Are you sick at all?”
You shake your head and Mihawk’s face softens. “Good. Yes, very good.”
“Uh, Mihawk?!” Perona yelled. “Why are you like this?!”
Mihawk gave a confused look. “Like what?”
“Like…. Like that!!” She pointed her finger at him, unsure of where to begin. Mihawk hummed as he massaged his beard.
“Hm, I’m not sure what you mean. Aren’t I always like this? You three always bring me such joy. I just wish to change things up today,” Mihawk explained.
Zoro leaned against a wall, breathing heavily.
“What the hell is going on?!” He cried, before he handed Mihawk a sword. “Come on! Fight me!”
“Fight you? Why would I do that? That could cause serious harm to us,” Mihawk gasped. If Zoro wasn’t clinging to Perona, he may have just fainted on the spot.
“I don’t want to hear anymore of this. (Y/n), he’s your husband, please do something,” Zoro mumbled despondently.
“What should I do?! I don’t know what to do!” You frantically answered.
“Ah! I got an idea! Maybe I can sicc my Hollows onto him! That should make him grumpy again!” Perona snapped her fingers.
“Great idea!” You and Zoro said at once. Perona then turned to Mihawk and summoned a Negative Hollow to pass through Mihawk. Mihawk simply watched curiously as the Hollow went through him, unfazed.
“Did it work…?” Perona whispered, before her answer came in the form of Mihawk laughing and clapping.
“Great job, Perona! Your Hollows are always such a treat to witness! It even tickled a little!” Mihawk stated proudly to Perona.
Perona screamed at Mihawk’s face and wrapped herself around you like a koala.
“Make him stop! Make it stop!” She wailed. “Go back! Go back!”
“Perona! I’m gonna fall!” You wobble, while Perona clung to you tighter.
“Waaaaaah! I thought he’d be nicer if he was happier but I hate itttttt! Turn him back, (Y/n)!” Perona ignored your comment, sobbing loudly. You sighed and placed Perona down before going to your husband.
“Darling, why don’t we go rest and-“
“Oh my!” Mihawk’s cheeks turned red as his eyes sparkled excitedly. He grabbed your hands and held them in his. “You wish to take a nap together? What an amazing idea, my love!”
The blush on his face is too cute to resist, and you can’t help but feel your face heating up at his undivided attention. Before you can say anything else, Mihawk tilts your chin up and gazes into your eyes dreamily.
“My love, have I ever told you how gorgeous your eyes are?”
“H-huh?” You reply, shocked at his honest compliment. Not that he never complimented you- he did- he was just usually more subtle about it.
“Yes, your eyes lead me astray every day. I wish to melt into them. I wish to look into your eyes forever and never be parted from you. I sometimes wonder if you are even real with how beautiful and ethereal you are. But when I look into your precious eyes, I know for certain that you are real, and I’m so grateful to have you in my life,” he stated earnestly, a gentle smile on his face.
You giggle at his proclamation of love and twirl your hair with your finger.
“On second thought, maybe we should keep him like this,” you grin.
“No way!!” Perona and Zoro shout in unison. You huff and pout, before Mihawk strokes your head.
“My love, please do not frown. I did promise that I would never let you be unhappy again.”
You perk back into a smile and nod. “Yes, you did!”
“Ah, there’s that smile I love so much!”
You two hold hands and smile in such a disgustingly cute way that Zoro and Perona gag.
“Great. Now (Y/n)’s fallen into his charms,” Perona groaned.
“We have to do something. I can’t become the greatest swordsman if this is how Mihawk quits,” Zoro pinched his forehead.
“New plan!” Perona pounded her hand in determination. “We make him remember how grumpy he is!”
Zoro nodded, eager to get his teacher back to normal.
“Hey, Mihawk!” Perona shouted to get his attention.
“Yes, Perona?” Mihawk replied, curious about what she wished to say.
Perona snickers and pulls out two coats, his usual black and red one, and the pink one she designed for him in an attempt to be ‘cute’. “Which one do you like more?”
Mihawk looked deep in thought. “The pink one. It’s clear that you put so much love and effort into tailoring it for me. And it even matches your outfit!”
Perona’s face shrivels up as Mihawk decides to wear the pink coat. “Yes, just splendid! You really have outdone yourself Perona! How do I look?”
You and Perona clamp a hand over your mouth as your eyes water at the adorable coat on a smiling Mihawk.
“So… cute…” you two mumble.
“Would you two knuckleheads think straight for a moment?! He’s obviously not himself! We have to fix him, not play dress up with him!”
“Now, now, Zoro,” Mihawk wags his finger. “There’s no need to yell. (Y/n) and Perona just wished to compliment me on my new outfit. I think it’s a great-“
Before Mihawk can finish, his Den Den Mushi begins to ring and he answers it quickly.
“Hello? Ah, Sir Crocodile! How wonderful it is to hear your voice!”
You and Perona snapped out of your thoughts as Zoro’s eyes widened in horror.
“Shit! They’re coming today for a meeting!” You whisper-shout as you remember the important meeting Mihawk told you about. “Quick, we can’t have them think anything is wrong!”
Zoro and Perona nod and run around the room, closing the windows again and redecorating so the place looks just as cold as before. Mihawk raises a brow as you swipe his Den Den Mushi and laugh nervously.
“Good morning, Sir Crocodile! I’m so sorry to tell you this, but it seems like my poor Mihawk has come down with a nasty cold!” You try your best to sound worried in hopes Crocodile will cancel the meeting.
“But darling, I’m perfectly-“ Mihawk tries to argue, before Zoro and Perona cover his mouth.
“He… is sick? Mihawk?” Crocodile asks, unimpressed and not believing a word you say.
“Mhm! He’s just had the nastiest cough you could ever imagine!” You glance at Zoro and he begins to cough loudly. “Can't you hear him? He’s been like that all day!”
“Right. And that is why he sounded so chipper to greet me just now?”
“Oh, the medicine the doctor’s gave him makes him rather… uh… loopy! Yes! He’s been a bit out of it!”
“Mihawk,” Crocodile sternly says, and Mihawk breaks free from Zoro and Perona’s grip.
“Yes, Crocodile?” Mihawk replies.
“Are you truly sick?”
Mihawk laughs loudly. “Oh no, my friend! I’m not sure why my love is saying such things to you! I’m excited to have you over, in fact!”
You, Perona, and Zoro are frozen in shock as it is silent on the other end of the line.
“Dear lord,” Crocodile states, stunned at what he just heard. “It’s alright. We can have the meeting another time.”
“What? But why, Crocodile? I’m completely fine!”
“No I… I think your partner is correct. You are very sick. You should lie down.”
“I don’t need to do that! I’m absolutely okay! I was even going to make you my famous cookies for the meeting!” Mihawk shouts, hoping Crocodile changes his mind.
“Goodbye, Mihawk,” Crocodile quickly says before he disconnects the call. Mihawk pouts sadly as he holds onto his Den Den Mushi.
“Aw… he’s not coming today anymore,” Mihawk sighs. You pat your husband on the shoulder to soothe him.
“It’s alright, my love. You two can have that meeting another time!”
“You’re right! And I’ll absolutely impress him with those cookies! In fact, I’ll go make some cookies right now!” Mihawk shouts as he runs to the kitchen.
“How long is this thing supposed to last?” Perona whines. Zoro waves his hand and begins to walk towards the staircase. “I saw nothing. Today was just a bad dream.”
You massage your temples as you follow your husband to the kitchen, praying for this “condition” to pass soon.
“Ugh, my head is killing me…” Mihawk groans. He winces as he notices the light pouring through his open windows. He registers a heavy weight around his arm as he notices you’re sleeping peacefully beside him. A warm feeling builds up in his chest before he looks down to see he’s wearing… pink pajamas with red and black ribbons on them.
He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, then opens his eyes again. It is not just a dream, but in fact, reality. He is wearing those pajamas that Perona made him. He sighs and closes his eyes.
“I’ll deal with this in about an hour,” he mumbles to himself, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you in closer.
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miyuhpapayuh · 1 month
nice to meet ya.
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“Well, ain’t he sumn to look at,” Mercedes remarks, nudging Taylor’s arm.
“Mmhm.. hey, Mya! Get your mouth off the floor.”
Quickly closing her slightly gaped mouth, she glares at her pair of friends.
“Stop bein’ so loud!” she whisper-yells, picking a fry out her container as her eyes wander back to his handsome face.
“My bad.”
“Why don’t you just talk to him?” Mercedes asks.
“Cause. I hate rejection, and he’s so fine. I can’t risk it.” His eyes flicker in her direction, catching her stare.
She quickly looks in her friends’ direction to play it off. He chuckles to himself, the embarrassing blush on her cheeks, causing his adoration for her to skyrocket.
“How you know he don’t feel the same??”
“Ugh,” she covers her face, hiding the heat that’s rushing towards it.
“Why you blushin’? I miss somethin’?”
“He saw me looking at him.” She mumbles, keeping her face covered.
Mercedes swallows her laugh, while Taylor snorts. Mya sucks her teeth, sitting up from the table.
“You guys are the worst.”
“You got caught staring at a piece of eye candy. That’s hilarious!”
“Did he look annoyed or something?”
“I looked away, before I could see all of that.”
“Hm. Well, don’t worry about it too much. Maybe this’ll be ammo for one if not the both of you to make a move.” Taylor says, standing up from the table.
“And, where are you going?” Mercedes asks.
“She’s blowin’ us off for Teddy. Again.”
“Get some penis in you, and then we’ll talk.”
“White girl got a lil spunk in her, lately, huh?” Mercedes laughs, clapping her hands. “Chocolate’ll do that to ya.”
Taylor rolls her eyes, trying to hide the smirk on her lips. “Bye, girls.”
“Bye,” they wave.
Hearing a couple chairs scrape the tiled floor, she naturally looks to her left, instantly catching his eyes again.
This time, her lingering eyes are gifted a charming smile, turning her into mush.
Surprising herself, she plays it cool with a smirk, before he’s out of her sight.
Looking back in the direction of her food with the smirk stuck on her face, Mercedes scoffs in disbelief.
“Who knew you were such a quick learner?” she teases.
“Well, I’m gonna get back to work, now. See ya, later.” She stands up from the table and tosses her trash into the bin behind their table.
“You leavin’ me, too??” Her voice elevates.
“Yes. Some of us have to get back to work, as I previously stated. I’ll talk to you, later.” She assures her brash friend.
“Mmhm,” she waves her off.
Heading out of the expansive break room and down the hall, she’s pulled back before a neon pink poster board takes her out.
“Woah!” she gasps, catching her footing as a strong set of hands attach to her waist, keeping her from hitting the floor.
“Are you alright?” A deep voice sounds.
“Yeah, I’m,“ she turns to face the very man that makes her knees tremble, by merely existing.
“I’m good, yeah. Thank you.”
“It’s no problem, doll.” The corners of her mouth turn up at his southern drawl.
“It’a been a shame if you gotten wiped out by a poster board.”
“I don’t even know how I missed it,” they share a laugh, giving each other ample time to steal longer glances.
“What’s your name?” She asks, eyes lowering to his plump lips as he utters the name, Isaiah, in the most beautiful way she’s ever heard.
She hums, in response. “Nice to meet you, Isaiah.”
“Likewise.." he pauses, when she offers her own name.
"Mya," he repeats, nodding to himself.
"Mmhm," she hums, liking the way it sounds coming out of his mouth.
“Well, I'll let you get back to work, beautiful. Have a good day.” He says, lifting her hand to kiss the back of it.
“You, too.” She smiles, watching him walk away.
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“That’s a pretty nice conversation, for the girl who’s stomach hits her ass, every time he comes around the damn corner.” Taylor laughs on their three-way call.
“Shut up!” Mya whines, twirling the long black cord around her finger, watching her older sister, Gina, make dinner.
“Once we got to talkin’, it wasn’t so scary, anymore. He seems really sweet.” She says, making sister scoffs.
“That’s cute, mama,” Mercedes squeals. “Is he cuter, up close?”
“Oh my god, is he! The lips on that man deserve a prize.”
“Is that all??”
“He’s strong, too! Held my thick ass up with ease!” She giggles.
“Well, just let us know when the wedding is!” They all start laughing.
Oh god, please! I haven't even been asked on a date, yet.” 
“True! He better get to it!”
“Here, here! But I've gotta get on the road, children! Toodles!” Taylor says.
They all bid their farewells, as she hangs the phone back on its base, attached to the wall.
"I love how you've still got a landline." She jokes.
"I like my old-timey things, ma'am."
"I know, I know," she holds her hands up.
“So, he’s fine, huh?” Gina asks, handing Mya a bowl of chicken and rice, just like their mama makes.
“Absolutely. Plump lips, broad nose and broad shoulders.” She squeals.
“He smells like sandalwood. You know how much I love sandalwood! I coulda pounced on him.”
“Maybe, you should.” Gina laughs, shoving a spoonful of food into her mouth.
“What? It’s me! You don’t have to lie.” Mya’s cheeks flush red.
“In my head, I’ve already done that and much more. But, I can’t see myself doing anything, besides having a conversation with him, like earlier.”
“You’d be surprised. But, whatever happens, try not to think about it too much. That’s how you ruin it. Just have fun”
“Thanks, gigi.”
“Anytime. Thanks for coming over.”
“You know I’m always available to eat your food, sis.” She cheeses.
“That’s the only reason you came over?” She frowns.
“‘Course not! It’s just a really good bonus.”
“Mm.” Gina rolls her eyes, continuing to eat.
☆: .☽ . :☆゚.☆:☆: .☽ .☆: .☽ · 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚☆: .☽ . :☆
Passing down the aisle of the large grocery store, in search for nothing particular, Mya taps her fingers against the buggy, humming along to whatever’s playing lowly on the overhead speakers.
Walking down an aisle that’s adorned with snacks of many forms, she starts picking her poison.
“Funny, seeing you here.” A voice calls out.
With a shake of her head, she turns to face Isaiah.
Instead of his regular business casual, he’s clad in sweats and a T-shirt. He still looked so good.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were stalkin’ me.”
“As pretty as you are, would you count it as a crime?” He tilts his head.
“You think I’m pretty, huh.” She blinks, tossing her chips into the buggy behind her.
“Indeed.” He flashes a grin so charming and boyish, it almost does her in.
“I think you’re pretty, too.” She giggles, staring into those deep brown pools he’s got for eyes. He joins in on the laughter.
“Look at that, then. Two pretty people in the grocery store.” He fondly shakes his head.
“You’re funny.” Pursing her lips together, she moves around him, picking out something else on the shelf.
“What brings you here?” She asks.
"Came to Charley’s for my usual, ‘fore they shut the hot bar down.”
“You know, I’ve never had the time to try anything from over there. It always looks so good!” She walks back to her buggy empty-handed.
“What??” he asks, almost offended that she’s never eaten any of Charley’s food. “We gotta fix that.”
“We do, yeah?”
“Leave your buggy of sadness, and follow me.” He says, walking away without another word.
Huffing, she tugs on her fitted jeans, keeping somewhat of a distance as she trails behind him, his heavenly scent sparking her unholy thoughts.
 “Sweet Jesus,” she mumbles to herself.
Stopping in the small line, the pair stand shoulder to shoulder, a centimeter of space between them.
“So, what’s your ‘usual’?” She asks, looking up at his handsome face, holding his gaze as he looks down at her.
“Fried chicken, potatoes and macaroni. Good Ol’ southern food.”
“Nothin’ beats it.”
“You said it,” he agrees, heading up to the counter with her in tow.
“There he is! My favorite customer!” Charley greets, her tone all syrupy for the good looking man that loves her food.
“‘Sup, Charley. How’s business?”
“Ah, same ol’ same ol’. I see you brought a friend with you, this time,” her eyes flicker to Mya as she laughs,“I always see you starin’ at the board. Finally made your way over here, huh?”
“That, I did. Sorry, I’m chicken, sometimes.” She laughs, Charley joining in.
“It's alright dear, I love newcomers. The more, the merrier, right? What’ll you have?”
“Well, I heard good things about the fried chicken, potatoes and macaroni. Let’s do that.” Mya says.
“Great choices. Any dessert?”
“Ooh! Whatcha got?”
“Pecan pie, sweet potato casserole and cheesecake.”
“Hm… I’ll take a slice of the pecan pie and some casserole. Might as well indulge, right?”
“My kinda girl,” she smirks, eyes back on Isaiah. “You want ya regular, suga’?”
“You know it.”
“Alright, it’ll be up in a few.” With that, they pay for their meals and move off to the side to wait.
“She seems to be sweet on you.” Mya points out.
“She's married.” He chuckles.
“When has that ever stopped anybody?”
“True, true. But, even if she was, I’m cool.” He says, eyeing her for a minute longer.
After a few minutes, they grab their food and head towards the common area, sitting down at one of the tables.
Opening the styrofoam container, her eyes grow bigger than her stomach.
“Oh, man. This looks so good!” She exclaims. Isaiah chuckles at her adorable facial expression.
“Wait til you eat it.” He says, before digging into his own box.
Pulling the crispy chicken apart with her fork and pairing it with the macaroni, she sticks the forkful in her mouth and dances in her seat.
“Oh my god,” she covers her mouth, nodding in agreement.
They fall into a nice conversation as they indulge.
“Man, that was so good! Thank you for derailing my plans of eating junk food, until I passed out.” She says, as the pair walk towards her car.
“You’re always welcome. Glad I could get you full, on this nice day,” reaching for her hand, he gently holds it in his own. “Let me know if you need any other plans derailed.”
“I sure will.” She blushes, internally pouting when he begins to move away.
“Here, take my number,” she says, as they exchange phones.
“Alright, I got you locked in. You have a good night, pretty.”
“You too, pretty,” she jokes and that smile that she’s grown fond of spreads across his face.
She'd driven the whole way home with an identical smile on her face.
Stepping out of her shoes, she pulls her clothes off, tossing them inside her hamper and pulling on her satin robe.
Turning on her stereo, D'angelo continues playing, from earlier.
Grabbing her glass of wine off the counter, she saunters out to her balcony. A sigh on contentment leaves her, as she stares out at the blue-grey clouds covering the sky, signaling its early changes for the upcoming fall season.
The ringing phone cuts her serene moment short, sending her back towards the kitchen to answer it. It was Isaiah.
“Hello?” she answers, trying to mask her smile.
“Sorry if this is a bad time, I know it’s getting late…but, I couldn’t let the night end, without making sure you got in safe.”
A soft laugh leaves her lips at the sound of his slightly raspy voice.
The butterflies in her stomach triple. Sitting her glass on the counter, she fiddles with the strap on her robe.
“I’m safe and sound, yes. Thank you.”
“Anytime, beautiful.”
“Are you this sweet to everybody?” She questions, picking her wine back and taking a sip.
“Yes, my mama raised me right.”
“Well amen for that,” she says as they share a laugh.
“Do you work tomorrow, if you don't mind me asking?”
“I actually do! How about you?”
“Bright and early, yes ma'am. Sounds like I'll see you tomorrow.”
“Until then, good sir,” she giggles, earning a chuckle out of him.
“Goodnight, pretty lady.”
“Goodnight, pretty man.”
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starogeorgina · 2 months
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𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬
Warning: Swearing, smut
Pairing: Helaena Targaryen × OC
Helaena’s soft lips meet the side of your neck. “I don’t recall ever seeing you in a dress before. You look beautiful.”
“Thank you.” Heat creeps into your cheeks, but you do your best to disguise it. “Although, if I’m completely honest, I feel ridiculous. I’ve never found dresses flattering on me or practical.”
“Practical?” Helaena shuffles further up the bed and takes your hand, gently pulling you down to join her on the uncomfortable bed. “What can’t you do while wearing a dress?”
“Sparing, horseback riding, hunting.”
She rolls her eyes in jest. “You are aware it’s possible to enjoy doing both?”
“I know some ladies enjoy doing both. I just prefer not to. Rhae—Princess Rhaenyra insisted I had this dress, and I didn’t want to cause an argument by saying no.”
“Hm.” Helaena tilts her head back, her hair-free braids flowing down her back. “I think it’s kind of for her to do.”
You shrug. “I suppose.”
Helaena gently traces your jaw line with her; the look she gave you was intense. That was the thing with Helaena; she was beautifully haunted-looking, and her eyes always had a story behind them.
She nuzzles her face into the crook of your neck and, after a moment, starts gently kissing till she reaches the bottom of your ear. Bringing her lips to meet yours, her hand gently grabs your breast. As always, you let Helaena take the lead; sometimes she was content with a simple kiss, and other times she wanted more. Either way, you were happy to be with her. The kiss becomes more heated. Helaena gently pushes you to lay back on the bed, brings your skirts up, then spreads your legs, then her own, before positioning her cunny above your own, then grinds down against you.
Helaena's fingers dig into the flesh of your thigh to keep her stable. Both of you still had your small clothes on, but even with the added layers between you, it still felt incredible with the pressure against your clit. It doesn’t take Helaena long to reach her peak; she grips a hold of your breast as perfect moans leave her mouth.
You come undone not long after, and Helaena curls up next to you.
“Can I ask you something?”
Helaena was sitting cross-legged at the foot of the bed, looking content as she worked on her needlework. She nods ever so slightly while remaining focused on the task she was doing.
“Why did you start going to pleasure houses?” You thought it was a fair question to ask since that was where you first met Princess Helaena, and after all this time, why she even started sneaking out of the keep remained a mystery. When she doesn’t answer, you worry you’ve offended her. “You don’t need to tell me if you don’t feel comfortable—”
“Because of Aegon.”
That wasn’t the answer you were expecting, “Aegon?”
“I asked him why he would always go with his friends, and he said aside from dragon riding, it was the only place he could be free. And that’s what I wanted—to be free.”
A woman would never truly be free.
Helaena stops doing her needle work and looks over her shoulder. “You should tell Prince Daemon.”
“Hmm, I’d rather not.”
“I’m making this for the babe. Soon you’ll be married and making things for your own child.”
For some reason, her words make you feel slightly sad. “I’m not like you. I don’t have maternal instincts. I pity any babe I have.”
“You’ll be a great mother one day. Both Lord Stark and any future children will be lucky to have you.”
A few beats pass before speaking again. You swallow thickly and say, “It won’t be long until the sun comes up. I was thinking you haven’t really seen Dragonstone before; you should come join me, and I’ll show you the island. I’m sure Dreamfyre would enjoy it; all the dragons seem to strive there.”
Gently, Helaena cups your cheek; the glossiness of tears has suddenly appeared in them. She looks frightened. “It is our fate, I think, to crave what we cannot have. I am made of spools of green, and you are made of spools of black.”
“I’m fine, Ser Marbrand; there is no need to alert Prince Daemon. I only tripped, walking back up.”
The knight looks as if he wants to argue, but he simply nods and closes the door to your quarters. Hearing a familiar squeal, you run over to your window and watch the cannibal take flight from the beach. He had landed next to the carcass of a horse on a small hill higher up on the path you’d normally walk on. Climbing back down on the damp rocks to reach the path you slipped, scraping the side of your left arm before hitting the ground, dirt sticking to your face and hands.
Stepping away from the window, you remove your jacket, sit down in front of your vanity, and start picking leaves from your hair.
The door to your chamber suddenly swings open, and Rhaenyra begins to rush inside. “Vissera!” she gasps. “One of my ladies said you were hurt; why didn’t you call for a maester?”
“I’ve only scratched my arm; I’ll live.”
Her expression is hard to read; she remains tight-lipped for a few moments, then says, “You’ve got dirt in your hair.”
Rhaenyra picks up a comb and gently starts detangling the messed-up hair and brushing the dirt out. Her touch was gentle and motherly, and you absolutely hated the way it made you feel. Rhaenyra wasn’t your mother, and there was no point in allowing yourself to pretend.
A wave of grief suddenly hits you, and you leap from the chair and say, “Stop, just stop!”
Rhaenyra looks completely baffled. She gulps down, "If I have offended you—“
“Offended me?” You scoff. Shaking your head, you say, “Nobody’s here for me.”
You don’t even realize you’re crying until Rhaenyra steps closer to you and wipes away a fallen tear. She attempts to cup your cheek, but you back away from her.
“I know the feeling,” she says softly. “But you aren’t alone. Your father, your siblings, and I all care for you deeply.”
“Aside from my dragon, I’ve spent the last few years alone.”
Her eyes are full of sympathy, which angers you further. You didn’t want her pity. “Your father wanted you here.”
“I always thought Daemon would come back for me, but then he married Lady Laena and had Baela and Rhaena leavening me behind in Runestone without a parent. Then, when Lady Laena died, I thought he might want me. I would have been able to comfort my sisters because I knew what it was like to not have a mother. I even went looking for Daemon on the beach at his wife’s funeral and saw you together on the beach.”
“He doesn’t care about anyone, not really.”
“Daemon loves you.”
“No, he doesn’t.” You go and sit on the edge of your bed. Years of pent-up emotions are starting to spill out. “Do you have any idea how many times I visited the brothels in King's Landing just to try and gain his attention? And not once did he care.”
She smiles softly and says, "Oh, he did. There was a reason no man ever tried to be improper with you. He had made it clear anyone who even attempted it would be cut down by dark sister.”
Standing in front of you, Rhaenyra takes your hand in hers. “I apologize if I’ve played a part in making you feel unwanted. You remind me much of myself at your age; I felt completely alone until I had Jace.”
“Didn’t you have Daemon by your side?”
“No,” she says, rubbing at her bump. “He left me when I needed him most.”
You were surprised; for years, you thought it was only yourself he had let down.
“I was about to send all the knights on the island looking for you,” your father laughs. He looks between you and Rhaenyra and says, "Is everything okay?”
You and the princess had a long conversation about her life in the keep, and how lonely she felt, which is why she always went back to your father. Rhaenyra wasn’t completely innocent, but neither were you.
“We were just spending a little time getting to know each other better.”
Rhaenyra discreetly squeezes your hand before going to sit beside your father at the table you'll be dining at. You sit down at the opposite side of the table next to Jacaerys, who gives you an appreciative nod just as the food is served.
Just as the meal was finished, Lucerys handed you a scroll. “I almost forgot; the maester asked me to give you this.”
You doubted that was completely true; Luke probably offered so you would have something to talk about. “Why thank you, Luke.”
He smiles brightly.
You wanted to meet the young boy halfway since he was trying to make an effort with you. “A friend gave me a book about dragons that has blank pages; perhaps in the morrow you can write about Arrax.”
“I’d love to.”
You smile at him, remaining smiling when you open up the scroll. As you read over the handwritten words, you feel your stomach drop. Jacaerys notices the sudden change in your mood and whispers, “What’s wrong?”
It seems the princess who consumed so much of your thoughts no longer wanted to see you. “I suddenly don’t feel well; excuse me.”
You abruptly leave the table and speed walk to the point of almost running back towards your quarters while fighting to hold back tears.
The letter Helaena wrote didn’t make sense; the more times you read it, the more confusing it was. It felt off; rejection was one thing, but the wording of it just seemed cruel. Your eyes swelled with fresh tears; it pained you to know this is how she really felt about the time you’d spent together.
There’s a light knock at your door, “come in.”
You expect to see another jug of wine being brought into the room, but instead it’s Jacaerys with a worried look on his face. “I’m guessing you’re feeling better now,” he says, motioning to the empty goblet on your table. “Have you been crying?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Very well. I didn’t mean to bother you; I just wanted to make sure—”
You force a smile, and you brush your braided hair back behind your shoulder. “I said I didn’t want to talk about it, not that I wanted to be alone. Care to join me?”
He looks hesitant; no doubt Rhaenyra wouldn’t be happy if he got drunk with you. Sighing, you say, “You don’t need to drink with me; just stay for a little bit.”
He looks slightly happier with that offer, and he comes to join you at the table.
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vioartemis · 1 year
Act 5
(Amber Freeman x fem! reader)
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Summary: After joining a discord server, you meet a girl... Warnings: (+18), smut, oral, fingering, blood, violence, injuries, characters are 18+ (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
As far as you could remember, you had always been a horror movie fan. Halloween, Friday the 13th, Saw, The exorcist, Stab... you enjoyed watching these movies. Recently, you had even joined a discord server for Stab fans.
It was really fun talking about these movies with people you knew liked them as much as you did, and it felt nice sharing your passion with others.
There were only two rules in this server: 1. If you were to make video calls, you would all wear Ghostface costumes and masks; and 2. Never, under any circumstances, say your name.
At first you thought that was weird, but it was a matter of safety. Stab fans were considered crazy after what happened in 2011 -and other side events.
Keeping your identity secret had become a must, if you didn't want other people online to hate on you and/or accuse you of crimes.
Fortunately, in the server, no one seemed to have a problem with the rules. And neither did you.
Until that day.
There was this girl on the server, with who you had been talking to in private for some months now. You may or may not had developed a little crush on her.
She was so nice, and it was so easy talking to her. You had the same opinion about almost everything too. But you didn't tell her. What if she thinks I'm weird? you thought.
You were currently on call with her, and the fact that you lived in Woodsboro just slipped.
"Wait- you live in Woodsboro? Me too! Maybe we know each other? What about we meet in real life?"
"I- We're not supposed to do that... Remember the rules? No personal information, so identity reveal or whatever..."
"Yeah, yeah, I know. But you trust me, right? 'Cause I know I can trust you"
"Of course I- I trust you but-"
"Well if we both trust each other, why not meet? It's better talking face to face, don't you think? Plus I'm dying to see what you look like. I'm sure you're super pretty"
You blushed at her words, and stuttered a quiet ‘okay’.
Two hours later, you were waiting in front of the high school, nervous. What if she didn’t like you irl? What if it was awkward? What if-
You turned around as you heard your name.
You couldn’t help but stare at her. She was gorgeous. The most beautiful girl you had ever seen.
"It’s so nice to finally meet you!" she started "And I was right; you’re really pretty"
You spent the whole day chatting and laughing together. There was definitely chemistry between you too.
"That’s my house" you said softly
You were a little sad your time with her was already over, you wanted make it last more.
"Oh, okay… We’ll meet again, right?"
"Yeah, of course! I’d love to!"
You smiled at each other, and waved goodbye, before you started making your way to the door. But you couldn’t just go like that.
"Amber I-" you started as you turned around
Before you could finish your sentence, her lips were in yours, soft against your own. It took you a second to register what was going on, but soon you were kissing back.
Amber pulled away after a moment. Her lips were inches away from yours, her eyes not leaving your own. Then she leans in for another kiss, more passionate.
Her hands were on your waist, keeping you close, as her tongue slipped past your lips. You made for a while, before running out of air.
When you pulled away, you could see that her lips were red and swollen, and so were yours.
"Maybe we should continue this inside, hm?" Amber said with a light smirk
You blushed and nodded, before trying to open the door. Your hands were shaking a bit in excitement, and Amber being flush against your back, arms around your waist and kissing your neck didn’t help.
Eventually you managed to open the door, and as soon as you closed it behind you both, you got pinned against it, Amber’s lips back on yours.
As the kiss grew more and more feverish, you felt her cold hands sneak under your shirt, and going up to your ribs, stopping right under your breasts.
"Is this okay?" she ask in between kisses
"Yes" you hummed in response
You could feel her smile against your lips as you let out a moan when she groped your tits through your bra. Then, her lips dipped to your neck as her hands made their way under your bra.
Before she could go any farther, you pushed her slightly away.
"Wait- let's go to my room"
You grabbed her hand and led her to your bedroom.
As soon as you were in the room, she reached down for your shirt and took it off you before unclasping your bra and pushing you on your bed. She straddled you, and started to undo her belt with a smirk.
She grabbed your wrists and pinned them above your head, before tying them to the headboard with her belt, making sure it's not too tight.
Then, she sat up and looked down at you, biting her lip.
"Look at you; so pretty all tied up under me..." she whispered, brushing your cheek softly
She leaned in to kiss you once more, her hands sliding down to unbutton your jeans, before going back up to play with your now hard nipples. Again, her lips dipped down to your neck, where she sucked angry red marks.
This, and your nipples being rolled between her fingers made a series of moans leave your throat. You wanted to run a hand through her hair, but with her belt around your wrists, you couldn't move at all -which turned you on even more.
Your eyes flutter closed when you felt her lips wrapping around one of your nipples, and her tongue running over it, before she started sucking gently.
Your back arched slightly as you moaned her name, encouraging her to continue.
After a moment, she released your nipple with a 'pop'. You looked down just in time to see a string of saliva linking her mouth and your hard bud.
She smirked and kissed her way down your body, taking off your pants slowly, her eyes never leaving yours. She took her time, kissing the inside of your thighs, slowly getting closer to where you needed her the most.
You whined at the tease and rolled your hips slightly.
"Amber... please..."
"Please what, baby?" she teased more, sly smirk spread on her face
"Please I need you so bad... please fuck me..."
"How can I say no if you ask so nicely?" she hummed, sliding your underwear down your legs and throwing it somewhere in the room
She looked down at your dripping cunt with a hungry gaze and licked her lips before diving in to get a taste of you.
She hummed against you, loving the way you tasted on her tongue. She hooked her arms around your thighs, keeping you in place while she ate you out.
Her tongue was driving you crazy, you were a moaning mess, and felt you wear already close to the edge. But all of a sudden, she stopped.
You let out a frustrated whine at the sudden loss of contact and pleasure, before she placed her index on your lips.
"Shhh... Don't worry, I'm not done with you"
She quickly replaced her index with her middle and ring finger, which she pushed into your mouth gently.
"Now be a good girl and get my fingers wet"
You complied, and once she was satisfied, pulled her fingers out of your mouth to slide them into your pussy, eliciting another moan from you, before starting to thrust in and out at a fast pace.
If you thought her tongue was skilled, her fingers were even more. She hit all the right spots and curled her fingers just right.
You were so overwhelmed with the pleasure that you couldn't even form a coherent sentence. But she didn't need you to say it to know you were close; she could feel you tighten around her fingers in the most pleasant way possible.
She stopped marking your soft skin and brought her other hand to your throat, squeezing slightly, while her thumb was circling your clit in rhythm with her thrusts.
"Cum all over my fingers, don't hold back"
You came hard, in a white blur, seeing stars as your orgasm crashed in.
Amber continued to fuck you through your high, watching you with a lustful look in her eyes. She had waited so long for that. She had dreamt of it so many times, and now you were truly hers, looking oh so pretty coming undone under her.
When she pulled away, you had recovered enough to see her shove her fingers in her mouth and lick them clean, before leaning in to kiss you lovingly and untying your hands.
"Ready for round 2?" she asked with a smirk
"Fuck yeah" you replied, already taking off her shirt
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
It had been almost a year since Amber and you were together, and only a few months since Stab 8 was released. Let's just say that you were thrilled to go to the movies together, and that you were terribly disappointed.
You both thought the movie was terrible.
"What are you doing?" you asked gently as you rolled over to your girlfriend, who was scribbling on a paper at the other end of her bed
"I was thinking... Maybe we could do our own Stab movie? Or at least do things to give the producers better ideas. What do you think?"
"What do you have in mind?"
She gave you a slight smirk as she turned to you and exposed her plan.
"So let me get this straight; you want to kill your friend to force her sister -the daughter of Billy Loomis- to come back here, and then kill everybody and blame it on her?"
"That's the idea" she replied, visibly excited "Are you in?"
You sighed and shook your head.
"What wouldn't I do for you, huh?" you smiled and cupped her cheeks to place a soft kiss on her lips "Are you sure we have to kill Tara though? She's my favorite out of all your friends... And if she dies her sister won't necessarily come back"
"You're right! So we just attack her then. Or I just attack her, I don't want to force you into hurting/killing people. I'll do the killing, and you'll make the calls if you want" she offered
"I don't want to let you do all the dirty stuff..."
"Don't worry about that, baby"
She smiled and kissed you again, this time pushing you into the mattress, unbuttoning your jeans and slipping a hand into your underwear with a smirk.
"I don't mind doing the dirty stuff"
Surprisingly, so far, everything went as planned; Amber attacked Tara, her sister cam back to Woodsboro, and the killing spree was continuing. The only thing that wasn't planned on was Sam's boyfriend, but he was just another pawn to kill.
"You ready babe?" Amber asked, adjusting her mask "I kill Judy and Wes, and then I'll go to the hospital to attack Tara and you"
"Don't forget to slash my arm -not too hard if possible!"
You helped her, and pressed your lips at the top of the black mouth of the Ghostface mask as a good luck kiss.
Once again, nothing went wrong. Until the moment where Amber was supposed to slash your arm.
When Tara saw Ghostface behind you, you turned around, just as planned, and lifted your arms up to 'protect' yourself. But instead of feeling the blade on your arm, you felt it sink in your stomach.
Your eyes widened, and you tried to kick her away, a hand on your wound to stop the bleeding.
Why did she do that? you thought, grabbing Tara's wheelchair to head to the elevator. That's not the plan!
Before you could reach it, you got thrown into the nearest wall, hitting your head hard against it.
The shock had the world spinning around you; you struggled to stand properly.
Ghostface took that opportunity to make Tara fall of her wheelchair and was ready to stab her when Sam and Dewey arrived.
You were waiting for Amber to come to the hospital after a nurse called her to warn her you had been hurt. You had so many questions.
When she finally arrived, she looked concerned, worried. She wrapped her arms around you in a tight hug.
"What happened?" she asked
"I don't know, you tell me. You were supposed to slash my arm, not stab me in the stomach...!" you whisper-shouted
"It wasn't me, Y/n..."
You blinked, and pulled away to look at her, confused.
"Fuck you mean it wasn't you...?"
"I couldn't make it to the hospital in time, my car broke down... I never would've hurt you baby..."
She hugged you tighter after saying this.
"If it wasn't you... there's another Ghostface in town..." you whispered
"That's a bad thing for our plan..."
"Not necessarily... If they get caught, we can get away with the previous killings. The police will think they did it too... And we'll be out of suspicions!"
"Yeah but what about our big finale...?"
"Well have to pass on that, I'm sorry my love... But think about it, we'll be the first Ghostface to have survived!"
"You're right baby, both of us living is better than having our ending"
She smile and placed a gentle kiss on your lips.
"Who do you think it is?"
"Hm... It can't be Tara, that's for sure. I don't it's Sam either, or Chad"
"So that leaves Mindy and Liv..."
"And Sam's boyfriend, don't forget about him"
"You’re right, I don’t like him. He didn’t give me a good vibe"
You nod at her words.
"What do we do now? Do we still throw the party?"
"Yeah. If the other Ghostface is a Stab fan too, he’d never miss the occasion to recreate the og party in Stu Macher’s house"
Amber drove you to her house and you both got ready for the party. You had already stolen Tara's spare inhaler when you were in her room before being attacked, so you were sure she would come to Amber's.
And as expected, half an hour after the party begun, Sam, Richie and her came. Your girlfriend dismissed everyone else, and led Tara upstairs to look for her inhaler, leaving you with Sam and Richie.
Mindy was in the living-room, you heard her talk to Liv a few minutes ago, and Chad should be near too.
Sam received a phone call, and Richie walked towards the living-room. You decided to follow him, pretexting you had to rest.
"I'm gonna get some beer, anyone wanna come with me?" he asked after you sat next to Mindy
"No, but you were right to ask!" she replied, her eyes not leaving the tv screen
So he went to the basement alone while you stayed with Mindy watching Stab. When the scene of Randy being attacked arrived, you felt a shiver run down your spine.
While Mindy was busy screaming at Randy to turn around, you looked behind you, just in case.
Ghostface was behind Mindy, ready to stab her. You pulled her away from the knife right before she could get hurt badly, but her shoulder got slashed anyways.
You both screamed, hoping to get the others' attention while you tried to fight the killer. He managed to corner Mindy. You grabbed the lamp next to the sofa and slammed it on his head.
He didn't seem to like it, and punched you in the stomach, reopening your wound. You grunted in pain and pressed a hand on your bleeding stomach.
You were about to come at him again when Sam entered the room, scaring him away. You looked at each other and rush to Mindy, to make sure she was okay. She lost a lot of blood and passed out in Sam's arms.
A scream behind you made you jump. Amber and Tara just came downstairs. Sam opened her mouth to say something but got cut off by a sound of glass breaking; Richie was back, and just dropped his beers.
"Oh my god!" he said
"Where were you?" Sam asked him
"I was getting mor beer!"
"You went to the basement alone?" you girlfriend asked
"I asked them to come with me and they said no!" he replied, gesturing toward Mindy and you
"I was with Tara, and Y/n was with Mindy but the rest of you were wondering around. One of you is the fucking killer!" Amber spat
Liv suddenly barged into the room, looking panicked, hands covered in blood.
"Why is there blood on your hands?" Sam asked her
Liv looked down at her hands and seemed even more panicked.
"I- I found Chad..."
"He's... he's..."
"You're the killer...!" Richie said
"No I-"
She looked at everyone in the room, seeking support, but neither of you knew if you could trust her.
"I'm not the fucking killer!" she finally yelled
"I know."
You all turned to Richie as he pulled out a gun and shot Liv in the head.
You felt someone grab your hand and drag you away as another gunshot resonated in the room. Amber pulled you upstairs, to her parents' room.
"Are you okay? God, you're bleeding again..."
She started looking for something to bandage you up with, but you stopped her.
"We don't have time, we need to kill him before he can do his speech about his motive, or he'll say that he didn't do the first killings..."
"I'm okay, I promise" you reassured her "Let's just make it quick and I'll be fine"
She looked at you hesitantly for a second, before nodding and coming back next to you to place a soft kiss on your lips.
"What do we do now?" she asked
"Do you know where your dad hides his gun?"
Fortunately for the two of you, Sam stabbed Richie to death before he could say anything about another killer, after Amber shot him in the chest.
You made it to act 4, just like Jill Roberts 11 years ago. But you weren't going to screw everything up like she did, no.
And that's how you became the first Ghostface to get away with it, to make it to act 5.
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lousypotatoes · 6 months
So Dark Up Above
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Song Recommendation:
Ain't Misbehavin' - Fats Waller
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11
90 years ago...
It was now mid-June. Alastor had visited the flower shop every day since Mother's Day, buying different kinds of flowers each day.
Y/N was sweeping the floor when she heard the tiny bell ringing, signaling the arrival of a customer.
"I'll be with you in a second," she said, continuing to sweep, not looking up from the floor.
"Oh, take all the time you need, dear," said a voice. "I can wait."
At the sound of Alastor's voice, Y/N jumped and dropped the broom. This made Alastor laugh.
"Alastor!" she said sternly, picking up the broom. "Don't be scarin' me like that!"
"My apologies, Y/N" he said, still laughing. "I didn't mean to give you such a fright."
"Oh, is that why you didn't say anything when you came in?" she said, a doubtful look on her face.
Alastor didn't answer, instead looking at the different arrays of flowers. "Say, when did you get these Geraniums?"
"Oh," she said, putting money in the cash register. "I got them yesterday soon after you left."
"They're quite the lookers, aren't they?" he said softly.
"Oh, they are," she said, smiling. "Did you know that they hail from South America? They also come in a range of hues from white to lavender and-"
Listening to her rant about Geraniums of all things made something in Alastor's heart stir. Looking over at her, he found it adorable the way her eyes lit up and the way she talked with her hands. Alastor found himself staring and immediately blush started to creep up in his neck. He cleared his throat.
"Apologies for my rantin'," she said sheepishly. "I find the history of flowers rather captivatin', it's real easy for me to get carried away talkin' about them."
"There's no need to apologize, darling," Alastor chuckled. "In fact, I find it rather endearing."
"Oh, your words carry weight, Al," she said, picking up a vase of Geraniums to hide her blush.
"I'm glad you think so,"
It was silent for a few seconds.
"You plannin' on buyin' some flowers," Y/N said playfully said. "Or are you just gonne keep on smooth talkin' me?"
"Oh, right,"
"What do you even do with all the flowers you buy, hm?" she asked, as he picked out a bouquet of Narrowleaf Sunflowers. "That'll be two buck per stem, if you please."
"Sometimes, I present them to my mother," he said, handing Y/N the money. "Other times I adorn my studio with their beauty."
"I'm pleased you're makin' good use outta them," she said. "Y'know, you don't need to pop in here every day."
"I'm aware," he began. "But I enjoy our daily conversations, my dear."
Alastor saying that made butterflies appear in Y/N's stomach. "I do as well, Al," she said.
"I'm mighty curious, darling," he said, propping his elbow up on the counter. "What is your favorite flower?"
"Daisies," she answered immediately. "I know it's boring, but there's somethin' about them that I absolutely love .Why you askin'?"
"Just curious, dear,"
Alastor looked at his watch. "Good heavens, I need to rush if I'm to make it for my 2 o'clock broadcast," he said heading out the door with the bouquet of Narrowleaf Sunflowers. "Will you be phoning into the station tonight?"
"Don't I always?" she smiled, sad see to Alastor leave. "Have a splendid remainder of your day, Alastor."
"You as well, Y/N," he smiled back.
And with that the little bell above the door rang, signaling that he left.
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Later that night...
"You only have yourself to blame, sweetheart," Y/N said, out of breath. "Had you not strayed from your vows, your husband wouldn't of hired me to kill you."
"Please," the woman sobbed, backed against the back alley wall. "Please don't do this! Just tell him-"
"I'm not tellin' him nothin'," she said, grabbing the woman's throat. "Why do you think I'm in this line of work? I like killin' people. The only reason I'm not doin' this for free is 'cause I also like the money."
"Please," the woman choked out. "Don't do this, I'll do anything."
"Broads like you really piss me off," she said, squeezing the woman's throat tighter. "What's the point of tyin' the knot if you're gonna sleep around with every Tom and Harry you lay your eyes on?"
The woman started thrashing and trying to pull Y/N's fingers off her throat, but she couldn't get out of Y/N's grip.
"Make sure you tell Satan I said hi, sweetheart." she grinned, placing her other hand on the woman's throat.
Suddenly, the woman lifted up her hand and scratched Y/N's cheek, drawing blood with her manicured nails.
Y/N yelped in pain, letting go of the woman with one of her hands. With Y/N distracted, the woman started thrashing a lot more.
Y/N pulled out her gun from under her dress and shot the woman three times in the head.
The woman fell to the ground, blood oozing out of three different places on her face.
Y/N put the gun back under her dress, glaring daggers at the dead woman. She touched the scratch on her face and hissed in pain.
It stung, and it stung a lot.
After she put the body in a dumpster, she walked home as fast as she could, not wanting to draw attention to her cheek.
As soon as she got home, she rushed to the bathroom, putting rubbing alcohol on the scratch to clean it out, and finally putting a bandage it on it.
She sat on her couch, trying to relax. Honey tried to jump up on her lap, failing each time, making Y/N giggle.
After a few moments, she got up turned on the radio and walked over to the phone, dialing the radio station's number.
"You've reached Alastor Altruist!" said a voice that made Y/N smile giddily. "To whom do I have the pleasure speaking to on this lovely night?"
"You're gonna be gettin' tired of my voice, here soon, Al," she giggled.
"Ah, I had a feeling it was you calling," he laughed. "What tune do you fancy, dear?"
"It's been a spell since you've played Singin' In The Rain," she said. "I reckon I wanna listen to that."
"I was hoping you would request that tune," he said. "You'll be hearing it in a jiffy."
"I'm lookin' forward to it,"
"Have a lovely rest of your night, Y/N," he said into the phone. "You keep yourself outta trouble now."
"Trouble usually finds me," she giggled.
With that she hung up, sighing happily.
It had been a real long time since Y/N felt in love. She wanted to cherish every single moment of it and never let it go.
Just as she was about to get ready for bed, the phone rang again.
"This is Y/N, to whom am I speakin' to?" she said, picking up the phone.
"I could never get tired of your voice, dear," Alastor's voice came from the phone, making Y/N jump for the second time that day.
"Alastor!" she cried out. "I told you to stop scarin' me!"
"I apologize, Y/N," he said, laughing. "I didn't mean to give you such a fright.
"Yes you did, don't lie to me,"
"Alright, perhaps I did,"
"How'd you get my number?" she asked curiously.
"A friend of mine prints out the phone books," he said. "I was calling to see if you might wanna grab a drink with me tomorrow evening?"
Y/N had a loss for words. Since the two of them had met, she had imagined going out for drinks with him.
"Uh- yeah, of course," she stuttered. "What time?"
"I could pick you up at 8 o'clock, if that's alright with you?"
"Oh no, that's perfect,"
"Wonderful!" he exclaimed. "Could you give me your address?"
"Oh yeah," she said. "Write this down. It's 2734 Burgundy Street."
"Oh, that's not too far from me," he said "I look forward to see you tomorrow, Y/N." he said softly.
"Yeah, me too."
"Sleep well, my dear.
"You too, Alastor
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ughhh i absouletly love writing for characters in love, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy
i am so down bad for this man
stay safe and drink lots of water <33
xoxo, Izzy
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