#no harm done i will simply Be Patient
just-abnormal-human · 5 months
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My turn! Masha by @pangur-and-grim now added to my pin ensemble :D
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diningpageantry · 2 months
im gonna be so real i have a lot of thoughts on the whole "DID fakers" conversation from the perspective of someone whose diagnosis has been well discussed and validated, and so much of it is the reality that far too many people are fakeclaimed for things that are studied and understood as possible symptoms of the disorder. on one hand i really want to compile and create some longform video essay detailing and sourcing where so much fakeclaiming is misinformed, but i also very desperately do not want my face or voice attached to media discussing a connection to my DID for incredibly personal reasons. but genuinely, there's so much conversation between both people with the disorder and people who study the disorder that validates a lot of experiences that are fakeclaimed and far too much of the fakeclaiming is people monopolizing off traumatized people desperately trying to understand their own experiences.
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Made a behavioral health appt with a new provider because I'm getting new insurance and can't keep sering my therapist out of network and I needed a new psych anyway, and somehow these people managed to schedule me an intake for literally the day after Christmas?????
Like.....I called this morning..... and they're getting me in DURING A HOLIDAY PERIOD in under a week???? Take the holidays out and that is literally 2 (MAYBE 3) business days.
Color me fuckin impressed.
Like this is so fucking quick that I just assumed until SEVERAL HOURS LATER that the appt must be for Jan 26th because that made more sense. I checked. December. Like damn yall got some efficient intake procedures.
On the other hand, they did hold a brief risk assessment for me on the phone before scheduling and the less flattering (to all involved) option here is that I just scored high enough that they were like "we're slotting this bitch into one of the emergency intake slots"
Hopefully they're just very efficient lmaooooo I don't need yet another phone call letting me know I'm too much of a liability to take on as a patient rn
#the intake is actually done by a separate team from ongoing care#so i definitely won't get meds represcribed that quick#i definitely won't get my assessments done that quick#but assuming they schedule me with my actual providers sometime in january i will still be getting care faster than expected#i DO fully anticipate none of therapists like. chomping at the bit to add me to their caseload#my psychiatric history is uhhhhhhhhh#frightening on paper#in reality i don't get the impression I'm an especially difficult patient?#i'm not easy for sure like i'm not one of those young people just doing therapy for personal growth everyone loves having for a light case#but like. i haven't needed a safety plan in almost a decade#i have a detailed understanding of what kind of care to ask for and how to give useful feedback to my provider#i have a lot of effective coping strategies#that's all just.....sort of hard to tell from my intakes#especially because i have all the hallmarks for SEVERE risk except for....you know....the actual risk#like i am a severely depressed person with emotional regulatory issues#panic attacks; suicidality/self-harm history; impulsivity as avoidance; rock bottom ADLs; no social support system; etc#i just.....have simply decided not to die?#so i'm not suicidal anymore and have little to no risk of becoming so again barring like. major physical health concerns#but god#if *I* saw my chart come down the pipeline as a prospective case I'd be like....please god not me#not this time i beg of you#my caseload has enough clients I have to sleep for an hour after meeting with#i don't need another#so like. when therapists tell me they will not be able to accept me as a patient due to my paper record#i'm not offended or upset#it makes sense#it's just also not great for me because the quality of care one gets at places that don't ALLOW therapists to veto clients is....bad#and yes that has happened before more than once#it's why I typically only see mental health care providers A) through my primary care office or B) through a local hospital#historically standalone mental health clinics won't see me as a patient and independent private practice is a toss up
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sxorpiomooon · 28 days
What does your younger self think about you? A pac reading
This reading scared the fucking shit out of me guys had to gather alot of courage to do it. Good luck
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Pile 1-
I think pile 1's younger self thinks that they have been indulging themselves in something too much for no reason? Like pile 1 has been too impatient. They might think that you might have started to focus too much on the appearance of things I especially see this for yourself too. This pile might be too focused on how they look overall and I see it causing them harm. "Only understanding the cost of things and not their value" is what I heard. This is so cute but I think pile 1's younger self likes how feminine they've become now? For some reason I had a vision of cinderalla. I think this pile's younger self is super excited about them being able to dress up nicely. I think the younger self also thinks that you guys have more resources than you did back then whether it's in the material sense or people but they're very happy with that. For some of you, if you are trying to get pregnant or alr have kids i see your pile being very very excited and happy about that too. The younger self also thinks that you guys tend to walk away from things too early? Oml pile 1 i hope y'all not gambling n shit😭 anyways they think that just when you are about to win, you decide to leave that thing behind. The main message I get is being patient with yourself also heard "my patience leads to perseverance"
Pile 2-
Your younger self is satisfied with how far you've come. Especially in the emotional sense they think that you have reached emotional stability and know your worth and it makes them happy. Also if you are someone who wins a lot of awards and has a pile of awards stacked up perhaps someone who's also athletic, your younger self is very proud. pile 2 has found themselves. I see that you might have had a lot of experiences helping you in gaining wisdom and whatever you needed to be at this level. Your younger self also loves how sensitive you are and how much in touch with your emotions you are. For some of you, i see that you've not turned out how you would've expected yourself to be(in a good way) so even your younger self is surprised. They love how much of a dreamer you are. However I think this pile has a lot of struggles or tests that life or fate puts them through. You might struggle a bit with authority and communication this I see happening bc of not proper communication I think your younger self wants you to have more clarity regarding that.
Pile 3-
Your younger self thinks that you've lost your way and your sight.
"If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."
Is something that I heard immediately. Your younger self might think that you are very trapped and alone misguided in this world right now I keep hearing unreal monsters lure for some reason? Your younger self might also think that you have been lied to or taken advantage of by people? However, your younger self also thinks that alot of things are going wrong simply because you are trying to find your way and as long as you make sure to balance everything especially your priority and as I heard "the life that you want" it will all be ok
Pile 4-
Your younger self wants you to live your life and indulge into things and whatever that you like but they also want you to take a few minutes to see the bigger picture of it every time before you make a decision or do something. "Does it really serve me?" Is something that I keep hearing. Having pleasure and fun is nice but it also must be done to a limit. Me and the devil keep playing in my head and I keep hearing ego. Some of you have to keep your ego in check. Brat keeps playing in my head and I'm seeing a dj party for some reason. Your younger self also thinks that either you alr have or you are going to start a new beginning very soon and they seem excited for that bc that might be the path you are meant to follow. They want you to take the leap of faith and have courage in yourself. They also want you to always keep learning and defend yourself when needed
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thehusbandoden · 1 year
You Flinch During an Argument -Kirishima Eijiro
A/n: this took me way too long, so sorry for the wait 🥺🥺
Holy crap this is long.. hope you enjoy this madness <33
General info:
Genre: angst to fluff/comfort // WC: 2,516
Warnings!: Arguing, one sided argument, mean reader, insecurity, self hate, slight self harm (grabbing at hair), mention of bullies, crying, flinching, and a lot of apologizing. Please let me know if I miss any! <3
Dabi | Hawks | Todoroki Shoto | Bakugo Katsuki | Midoriya Izuku | Shigaraki Tomura | Aizawa Shota | Amajiki Tamaki | Kirishima Eijiro | Shinso Hitoshi
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(it took forever to find this specific gif 💔)
"Y/n- I said that I was sorrry!"
"And I said I don't care anymore!"
"Y/n, please! You're being unreasonable!"
"Y/n, calm down, you don’t want to say something you'll regret."
"You suck. You're a pig headed, selfish, work obsessed, slobby, jerk."
Kirishima was silent as you insulted him, part of him feeling like he deserved it all.
"Okay, y/n, I understand that I screwed up. And I know that I can't make it all better overnight, but please. You can not drive right now."
"And why not? It's not like I'm under any influence."
"Y/n, it's dark and rainy. That, plus your anger- is a sure way to kill both of us. I can not live without you, Pebble."
"Do not call me that." You seethe, glaring up at your redheaded husband.
Heart aching, Kirishima desperately thought of a way to keep you here with him, not knowing how he would cope if he lost you due to some stupid argument about cleaning.
"J-just stay here tonight. You can sleep in our bed, and I'll sleep downstairs. I won't talk to you, and if you still want to go in the morning, I won't stop you. If you're still angry, Ochako can come pick you up."
Considering the idea, you huff as you cross your arms, glaring at Kiri.
"Fine.. but I have a few conditions. On top of not talking to me, you will not touch, nor look at me. Deal?"
"If you hand me your keys, deal."
"Is that really necessary?"
"Or at least put them somewhere visible."
"Fine, deal."
"Deal." Kiri agreed, shaking your outstretched hand.
After you walked in Kiri waited a minute or so before following pursuit, closing and locking the front door with a relieved sigh- simply happy that you agreed on staying here for tonight.
After picking up the living room and washing the dishes, Kirishima deemed it okay to go upstairs to swiftly get ready for bed.
As Eijiro thought about your side of the argument his heart started weighing him down with guilt.
He truly didn't mean to be such a jerk. He didn't think about how overworked and exhausted you were.
In his head, he was going above and beyond picking up after himself, doing the dishes every other day, taking out the trash, folding both his clothes and the fitted sheets, and cooking breakfast almost every morning. He didn't think about the other household chores, how much work caring for the house took, nor how long and hard you worked on top of the house.
You worked shorter hours then he did, that's true, but you still worked hard and desperately tried to be patient with him. For over a month you've been gently asking him to help out more or do this and that for you.
When you asked him to do a specific thing he truly did try his best to get it done as soon as possible. Pausing his game to take out the trash, setting reminders to switch the laundry on his days off, scrubbing pots and pans late at night, and watering the plants most every morning before work.
But he didn't understand when you asked him to 'do more', he thought that he was doing a lot more than average, totally forgetting to consider that you work too and he's not the sole provider.
You had gotten really annoyed with how much you did in the house and how little he did in comparison, and confronted him once again after he got home from work.
He was quite confused and defended himself, not really seeing your side of things. It took ten minutes of arguing back and forth to actually understand your side of things, realizing that due to you both providing you both needed to tend to the house.
Guilt consumed him as he attempted to apologize again and again yet you wouldn't let him talk. After twenty minutes of this one sidedness you got angry and stormed out, telling him that you were going to Ochako's house.
Even though Kiri felt extremely guilty, he was mostly relieved that you didn't leave in these conditions, knowing that he wouldn't be able to function if he lost you for good.
Kiri was snapped out of his thoughts due to the tingling feelings of his hands going numb due to the cold water pouring onto them.
Sighing, Kiri turned off the water before sneakily grabbing a spare blanket, his pillow, and a pair of pajama bottoms from your shared bedroom, refusing to look at you as he hurried out of the dark room.
After changing and settling on the couch Kiri simply stared at the ceiling, going over your side of things and realising how much he screwed up and what he could do to change and start to make it up to you.
You jolted awake as a large crashing sound came from downstairs, hurrying out of bed, you readied your quirk in case of a villain.
"Ei..? Is that you?" You call, poking your head out into the kitchen.
"Yeah- sorry for waking you up."
"It's okay.. but what happene-" you froze as you saw Kirishima on the floor, shattered dishware surrounding him.
"Eijiro what the heck!" You exclaim, reaching out your arm to try and help the pro hero.
"I- I was trying to clean.. I'm sorry.."
At the word 'clean' memories of last night flooded your mind, causing you to drop your hand to your side, irritation flooding your senses.
"Oh, so now you're trying to make three months of neglectness and excuses better in one night?"
"N-no! Not at all! I just wanted to start helping out more!"
"It's three months too late for that Eijiro."
"You're being unreasonable-"
"No! What's unreasonable is you and your selfish laziness!"
"I'm trying! We're both new to living together and I didn't understand before!"
"Whatever. Just get up and go. I'll have to clean up and stop by the store before work."
"What- no! I'll clean it up!" Kiri exclaimed, jumping up from the ground, hardening his skin so he wouldn't get cut.
Shards of glass bounced off of Kiri's hardened skin, flying everywhere. Luckily, you were a pro hero, and had the amazing reflexes that came from that line of work. You dived down, avoiding the injury you would've received.
"Y-y/n! Are you okay?!" Kirishima exclaimed, rushing to your side.
Seeing the sudden movement you flinched, body still under alert.
After realizing what happened your heart dropped.
Oh no.
Kirishima was a gentle soul. He cared for you deeply and was always looking for ways to make your life easier and more enjoyable. There is no way he would take this lightly. He would definitely paint a wor-
You were snapped out of your thought process at the sound of a door closing. Panicking, you realized that Kirishima was xgonex.
"Ei!?" You call, hurrying to check for him in the living room, quickly realising that he left. Panicking, you hurry to slip on some slippers before making your way out the door, rushing to Kirishima's truck before he could pull out.
"Ei wait!" You exclaim, putting one hand on the handle of the truck and the other on his window. After looking down at you, he bit his lip before slightly opening the window so he could hear you.
"Go back in the house Pebble.." Kiri whispered, causing your heart to ache in dismay.
"Eijiro- what's wrong? I wasn't scared of you it was a reaction from the-"
"I don't care y/n. You flinched because of me- I- I need some time."
You could feel tears stinging your eyes as you stepped back, biting your lip as you watched Kirishima put the truck in reverse and slowly back out of the driveway, face heavy with hurt.
As soon as the red truck disappeared from sight you broke, running into the house before falling onto the couch, sobbing into a pillow.
The angered words you spat at your sweet, loving Eijiro flashed through your mind as you cried, guilt weighing you down as you remembered Kiri's heart broken face. Your mind started playing against you, shouting at you for your selfish, idiotic words and how you hurt the one person you cared most about.
'He didn't do anything!'
'You stupid little- he was doing his best! He apologized! And yet you treated him so- so horribly due to a few mistakes!'
'He really doesn't derseve you. He deserves someone as patient and loving as he is.'
'He was so heartbroken! You idiot!'
'I bet he's going to find somone better then you. I would't blaim him either.'
Tears rolled down your face as you sat up to stare at a picture of Eijiro on your wedding day. His red eyes were sparkling as he grinned at the camera, feeling nothing but joy and such love for you.
You two met in elementary school. You saved him from some bullies yada yada and instantly became friends. He was in third grade, you were in second. Your grade difference meant that you didn't get to play much, and so you thought of him as one of your temporary friends. The kind that you met at a park, played once, and then forgot about one another the next day.
But he was.. special. There was something about how the older boy's eyes shone when he looked at you, or how strong he seemed even though he was in tears frequently. You quickly found out that he was special. Even compared to your best friend, Sakura Mei.
You admired him for many reasons. For trying to be so strong even though the bullies' mean words brought him to tears, for how kind he wa -giving up his hard earned treat to a little toddler who wanted it at pick-up, sharing his lunch with a kid that was too late to get his own, having shorter turns so the next kid would get it sooner, and helping his teacher whenever and however possible.
You two became best friends and played with each other after school, causing your parents to create a long lasting friendship as well. For years you thought of him as your best friend, but a crush started to form in middle school, causing you to get confused.
Even when Kiri started to get self conscious and have a lot of self doubt, he was always by your side. Scolding you for having any of those thoughts, no matter how small. And so in return you helped him. Helping with training, bringing him food and water, reassuring him when he needed it, and even holding him as he cried. You were the reason he was able to recover so quickly, and afterwards he got into UA highschool, and you followed pursuit the next year.
After eight months of high school he confessed, and that was it. After you graduated he was there to cheer you on the loudest, and seven months later he proposed. The day of your wedding was full of joy, laughter, tears, smiles, and love. A love that made your chest ache in happiness, causing you to smile a little wider, kiss him a little harder, and fall in love a little harder.
Thinking back about it now, your tears came faster as an aching cold spread through your chest, causing the tears to fall faster.
"Eijiro.." you whimper, hugging onto the shark pillow Eijiro insisted on getting for your newly bought home.
It was crazy expensive, but he told you not to worry about it, and that it was "for our future famly".
"Ei.. I'm so sorry!" You cry, grasping your hair in your hands, tugging lightly but knowing not to hurt yourself or Kiri would be upest and worried.
Pawing for your phone, you unlocked the device before calling the contact "Bakubeast".
"What do you need." Bakugo huffed, causing you to whimper softly, catching the hot head's attention.
"Woah woah- do not cry. Crappy hair would kill me."
"I- I- E- Eijiro-" you rasp, having difficulty breathing and getting your point across.
"Hey hey- y/n calm down." Bakugo panicked, his softer tone helpig you calm down.
He was a good friend of both you and Eijiro, so him being kind to you really did help.
"Y/n/n, breathe."
Gasping for air you try to control your breathing, taking one deep breathe after another.
"Atta girl. Keep on breathing for m- for Eijiro."
Calm washed over you as you exhaled, sighing shakily.
"T-thank you." You whisper, causing Bakugo to scoff.
"Yeah yeah- now why are ya crying? Do I need to kicks some a-"
"No. It's me, not him. I'm wondering, is Ei over there? H-he left and I'm worried about him."
"No he hasn't. When did he leave? You do know that I'm like twenty minutes away, right?"
"That's true.. it's only been around ten.."
"I'll call you if he pulls up. But if you don't mind me asking.. what happened?"
"I'm sure Ei will explain.. I really don't wanna talk about it right now.."
"Okay.. well hang in there and call me if you need."
"Yeah.. okay."
"Have a better night, talk to ya later."
"Mhm.. bye.."
~~Kiri's pov~~
Kirishima felt like screaming.
Even though he knew that you weren't scared of him and it was just a reaction from the glass but it still hurt.
After pulling into his best friend's drive way, Eijiro quickly made his way to the door and knocked, wanting the hot head's opinion and seeking comfort.
"What happened to you?" Bakugo scoffed, opening his door as an invitation to come in.
"Can we.. talk?"
"If you make things right between you and your Cry Baby afterwards- then yes."
~~Your pov~~
You sniffled as you clung to Kirishima's pillow, eyes dry and puffy.
It's been an hour since Bakugo texted him that Kirishima was at his place, and you've been waiting for him to return or at least an update.
Your heart ached and you wanted nothing more than to be in Eijiro's arms and forget all about this horrid arugment. What if he didn't want you anymore.. what if-
You jumped out of bed as soon as you heard the door open, sprinting down the stairs to meet your Eijiro.
"Baby!" You exclaim, jumping into Eijiro's arms. Wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, you attacked his shoulders, neck, cheeks, forehead, nose, and lips with kisses.
"I am so sorry! I- I said so many mean things to you and- and-"
"Woah woah Baby- calm down." Eijiro cooed, catching your lips in a kiss to distract you from your worries. "I know.. and I forgive you, so.. could you forgive me?"
"Yes! Yes- I am so sorry for-"
Catching your lips in another kiss, Kiri sat on the couch, holding you in his lap as he kissed you, stealing both his and your complete attention.
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Sorry again for how late this was.. I hope it wasn't too long :(
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evilminji · 4 days
You know my Crechelings Are Possessed post?
What if it was just the one? A SI-OC or OC?
Dying and going THROUGH the Force? I will attest, is GONNA have side effects. You're gonna end up... weird. Not Normal for a Force Sensitive. Kinda like Anikin tbh. A bit TOO in tune. A bit TOO aware. Connected.
As though your brain was cracked open 5+ dimensionally, to the Whole Of Creation that IS the Force and it kinda fucked you up a bit. Cause as A Luminous Force Being? You were fine! Energy and light! But as MATTER? Well...
Matter breaks.
Can withstand only so much.
We are LIMITED by our matter, crude and flawed as it is. Beloved as it may be.
Cause make no mistake! You aren't BROKEN. But you are CHANGED. There were a series of clear, monumentous, and "life" altering events back to back here! Death, a traumatizing thing no matter HOW peaceful it may have been. And in all likelihood? It was NOT a peaceful end. It probably? Hurt. Was frightening. Abrupt. There is grief and hurt there. Fear.
Then the trauma of being separated from everyone we have ever known. Without closure. For them OR us. Our empathy would remind us of their suffering. That they do NOT know we are okay. That we have no way to TELL them we are. This too, is trauma. But? Worse?
Is the Force.
We? Are no Jedi. Not yet. We are confused. Lost and do not understand. It is FOREIGN to us. An outside will that we cannot escape. Where are our gods? The death we expected? The afterlife we assumed we would meet? It's INSIDE US. It IS US. We are IT. We don't know where we are and everything feels?
E N D L E S S .
Can force ghosts even cry? Weep, terrified and overwhelmed? Afraid? Simply BRINGING us to them would not impart understanding. And imparting understanding? Well... we know it to be not OF us? To be inflicted. An invasion. The Force is not cruel. But! Importantly! It is not and has never BEEN? Mortal.
Blue and Orange morality is at play. How do you explain to a formless, infinite, all knowing, all powerful God Force? The concept of "boundaries"? Limits? There is GOOD to be done. It's helping you! Pushing love and comfort! Surely that should work? Why is that not working? It is... confused. Not MADE for such contemplations.
This too, is Trauma. Being held in the hands of a God. Benevolent does not mean SAFE. Does not mean you will not be unharmed. Just... that they do not MEAN to harm you.
Or have very Good Reasons for why they "Must".
The Force Ghosts help. They are patient in the way only old Master's could be. Kind. They understand. Have taught. And so? Though they are quite confused, they understand you struggle to release your fear. Explaining things helps. Talking helps. And you find peace.
Not the afterlife you EXPECTED, but not terrible.
Which... of course, is when once again things change.
Birth, Life, these TOO, are Trauma. You were FREE. No more pain. No aches. No hunger, no thirst, no exhaustion. Connection deeper then this broken and flawed matter could ever hope to achieve. The world has gone SILENT. Muffled. Like solitary confinement for the SOUL.
Only in meditation, are you FREE.
Your parents can't handle you. You grieve for them. For the child they should have had. Look around the nursery, so filled with excitement and love, and feel nothing but the urge to weep. You are a stillborn, brought to life. A child stolen. They deserved better then this. Even as you can not be anything but what you ARE? What of THEIR sorrow? Their confusion and futures now impossible?
You love them. They are not yours. Will never tryely be your parents, for all they brought you into this world. But oh, Oh, you love these poor grieving souls. Wish it had not been you. That they could have had the child they were so excited to love. You... you are sorry. So, so sorry.
They take you to the Temple. You guild them to a child in need, first. Hope they will be happy.
You do not look back.
They put you in a Creche with others just as "Unusually Strong" in the Force. Is that Grogu? Hi Grogu. Who are the rest of you? The room is quite. Everyone talking loudly in the Force, instead. It would be deafening for the more delicate younglings. They don't have the shields for it yet. The children here SHOUT without meaning too, like standing at a rock concert.
Visions are a constant thing. Unusual Force gifts and manifestations. Illirrrska can see auras. Doesn't know what they MEAN, mind you, and xe sees them on EVERYTHING that lives, but still! Xey are well on xeir way to figuring it out. (Xey have a holo document cataloging the colors, you see.)
You fit right in! With your Tiny Herald Of Death To Come nature. Your Creche mates believe you. The adults? Have grown numb. Used to filtering. Tiny younglings with Too Much Force flowing through them? Are horrors. Viscerally unsettling. Unnatural.
Even to the Jedi.
But! They REFUSE to treat children with such caution and distain. Hold them at an arms length out of FEAR. So they mentally filter. "That's nice dear, horrifying concepts and brain melting secrets, mmmhmmm. Eat your pudding. Who wants to play float ball~‽ Yaaaaaay!"
No one will listen. Future in motion. But really, of course it is. You are no fool.
However... tell me, Master Jedi. Does it matter? If we die one step to the right as apposed to the left? Because you would not LISTEN when the Force spoke? The future only changes when you ACT. Not when you REFUSE too. Out of FEAR. Out of IGNORANCE. Out of ATTACHMENT.
And make no mistake, you ARE attached. Clinging so hard to your beliefs that you could not POSSIBLY be wrong. Could not POSSIBLY be fallible, be fooled by the Dark Side and lead astray, that you have turned your back on the very Tennants of the Code itself.
What is more important? Tradition or the Force? The innocent or the way things were? Tell me, what is the will of the Force... and what is Fear? Convenience? The little moral compromises that damn? Who do you serve, Master Jedi? And ARE you serving them?
Perhaps you should meditate.
This Tiny Cryptid Crecheling? That speaks like a wizened old Master? Feels like a tiny star in the Force? Not a cute lil ball of light. A FUCKING STAR. Giant ball of gas in space, a burning ball of light, THAT kind of star! But... small? Person shaped. It's like meditating next to a Force Nexus.
They just? Hand you things. Or sabotage random ships. Literally just FUCKING SHOT a knight once, for no clear reason! All they would say is "it's not like you'll actually listen. This is the only way." What? Of COURSE WE'LL LISTEN! (No. They won't. Just ask Sifo. Ask Obi-Wan. The Sith, fear, and hubris have eroded the Jedi from within.)
The full blown confidence of an adult? Combined with the creepy "oh god. They're in THE VENTS!!!" Nature of highly force sensitive Crechelings?
They can see into your SOUL. Are holding a toddler that squirms around, wiggles up to whisper in their ear, gets a nod, only for YOU to be somberly informed that your second in command (a life long friend) has betrayed you. Avoid wearing red. You will die on a Friday. By the way, they can't reach the counter... could you hand them those snacks?
One of the other one speaks to trees.
The trees SPEAK BACK.
Prophecy. Fuckin Terrifying Prophecy EVERYWHERE.
Did YOU want to know that your grandson will grow up to kill his brother? No? Too bad! Not even married yet? ALSO TOO BAD! Have FUN with that knowledge! How about learning that there is horrific suffering planets away? No. No there ISN'T anything you can do about it. Just... here! Have some Deeply Cursed Knowledge. From a toddler. Now! They're gonna go eat grass~☆
The appear and disappear at random. Climb the walls. Fuckin FLOAT. The Force itself is their imaginary friend! They literally consult it over PUDDING CHOICES. Sometimes? They talk in perfect synchronization, like a hive mind. Stare without blinking. One moment they are perfectly normal children... the next? Like PUPPETS.
Tiny avatars. Through which SOMETHING GREATER speaks. They KNOW, not think, KNOW what they need to do. You can not convince them. Trying just makes you an obstacle to be overcome.
They are four.
Toddlers and children. Younglings. Initiates!
I just? Want there to be? A portion of Deeply Cursed/Possessed Crechelings? That are just LIKE that. Loved regardless. Nothing wrong with them. They're just too strong for their lil bitty baby brains. Once they learn to shield better? It'll balance out. Anikin would have gone there, had he been found young.
It'd be hilarious? If what saves the galaxy? Is someone finally REMEMBERING that? And thinking to themselves?
"Hey, you know what might be good for that Skywalker kid? Being exposed to more Force Sensitives that GET him. We should put him on Cursed Crechelings duty for a bit." And??
Anikin? Is in LOVE? They are all so SMOL an NORMAL? Finally! Jedi who aren't EMOTIONALLY DISTANT! Shielded? What do mean "Shielded"? No I'm not shouting all the time! This is my normal speaking voice! *Skywalker confusion as he cuddles babies*
Cause like? He too? Spoke in horrifying prophecy? Was vaguely Anti-christ-y? Did the (o.o) see into your sooooooul stare? So WHAT? That's just how babies ARE!
.....what do you MEAN "no"?
Every day, throwing open Obi-Wan's poor, slowly being destroyed, front door like "Master! Did you know I am AN OUTLIER!? And REALLY LOUD!? Other people aren't emotionally crippled psychopaths, they're just really REALLY quite compared to me!!" "Ah. Yes, Anikin, please. Maybe say that LOUDER. I don't think the ENTIRE temple quite heard you... -_- "
Just?? Anikin Skywalker! And his Hoard of Creepy Possessed Crechelings that are TOTALLY NORMAL, Guys! All kids are like this! He's a GREAT role model and baby sitting! Yeah, it's the Clone wars, and no, he has NO idea how the entire Creche got onto the ship... but hey! Enrichment! That's good for them, right?
(^-^) (o.o) (|o.o|) (o,o) (o-o) (|o,o|)
*clones look from their general, to the tiny unblinking magic jedi babies, back to their general* s-sure?
@legitimatesatanspawn @spidori @babbling-babull @hdgnj @hypewinter @leftnotright @starwarsblr
98 notes · View notes
sapphire-writes · 1 year
Running On Sunshine (hospital AU)
Do No Harm part 3 || masterlist || previous part || next part
pairing: doctor!Aemond Targaryen x doctor!Reader
summary: You haven't spoken to Aemond. Tensions rise between the two of you and come to a head at the arrival of a disruptive patient.
word count: 6.1k
warnings: NSFW mdni medical terminology, use of needles, discussion around addiction (specifically alcohol, rehab, recovery), fighting, blood, punching, explicit sex (p in v) fingering, oral (fem receiving), creampie, praise, dirty talk, spanking, language
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dividers by the lovely @firefly-graphics
note: here it is! long-awaited, thank you for being so patient as my brain jumps around 😂 hope you enjoy it!!
disclaimer: yall, I am not a doctor, I am simply a Grey's Anatomy stan. If something is off or incorrect please just suspend your disbelief! I am trying my best to make it as accurate as possible but its just for fun!!
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It’s been a few days since your ultimatum with Aemond. 
No texts. 
No calls. 
You pass each other in the halls and avoid eye contact, brushing past him close enough that if you extended your little finger you’d be sure to brush against the back of his hand.
You weren’t going to chase him. 
You’d told him what you wanted. Told him you’d wanted him. And he had stayed silent. If that was the end of you and him, so be it.
But that didn’t mean it wasn’t killing you inside. Watching him day in and day out walking through the halls of Citadel General in those stupid blue scrubs that he somehow wore like he was strutting down a runway not the hallway of a hospital. 
It didn’t help that observations often included surgeries he was a part of. Aemond was a model resident, often asked to assist the attendants. And he was hard to miss, always wearing his signature scrub cap with little dragons peppered all over it, mid-flight. You’d catch him glancing up at the viewing gallery, peering up over his mask every now and then. You never caught his eye, he was much too quick for that. 
“Switch with me,” you’d begged that afternoon after Baratheon had informed you of the plan to observe Dr. Cole’s surgery. There was no way Aemond wouldn't be there, Dr. Cole had chosen him as an obvious favorite. 
You’d been catching up on notes with Cory for the past ten minutes, the pair of you both trying to shove food in your mouths before your pagers inevitably went off. 
Labs. Observation. Notes. Scut work.
The never-ending revolving schedule of your internship. 
Cory reaches into her bag of salt and vinegar chips, clicking her mouse furiously, her brows pinched together in concentration. 
“I can’t,” she says through a mouthful, “Besides, you’ve already done this lab. If I don’t get these hours by the end of the week I’m about to take Jace’s place as Baratheon’s least favorite.”
You groan in frustration, letting your head rest against the keyboard of your computer. Nettles pops her head into the room, frowning at you both, “What’s wrong with her?”
Cory shrugs and you turn your head to face Nettles. 
Beep beep!
Cory groans, checking her pager, “Shit, I gotta go,” she says, crushing her chip bag and logging out of the computer before heading out of the room, “Sorry again, Y/N!”
You mumble something along the lines of don’t worry about it just as she disappears from sight. Nettles raises her eyebrows.
“McDreamy?” she asks, and you continue to pout, “Damn. Dick is so good we should change his name to McDick.”
“You suck,” you tell her, but you can’t stop your smile, “Definitely not your best work.”
“McOrgasm? I’m still thinking of one that truly encompasses the distress he’s causing you. Dr. Cum?” she makes a face, “Okay ew. Definitely not Dr. Cum.”
You groan, putting your face in your hands, “What am I going to do?”
Nettles walks towards you, slapping the back of your head. You lift your head, mouth open in shock, palming the place she slapped.
“Hey! I was recently concussed!”
“And apparently it scrambled your brains more than we thought!” she snaps, “See what you’re not going to do is spend your days moping over Dr. Sexy. I don’t care how good his dick was. You are a doctor. You are an insanely smart woman and you are in your internship.”
Nettles lowers herself to your height, taking your hands in hers. 
“He is very dreamy,” she says, her brown eyes empathetic, “But this is your time to shine. Not his. He’s not this important.”
It hurts---gods does it hurt---but she’s right. And you know it. You’ve been through situations like this before. You’ve gotten through things like this, and worse. Smiling at Nettles you squeeze her hands.
“Thank you.”
“Mhmm,” she says, smiling, “Always here for a reality check. You’re the sun, babe.”
You smile back at her, “I’m the sun.”
“Damn right,” she says, chuckling, “How’s Cece doing?”
“She was discharged this morning,” you tell her, beaming with pride, “Just finished her last round of antibiotics and her labs are clear. I’m working on her note now.”
Nettles plops down in Cory’s seat, reaching into the chip bag she left behind. Her hand comes out empty and she frowns. 
Jace opens the door, looking rather sweaty and discombobulated. He’s been running around the most, trying to get on Barartheon’s good side. 
“Hey,” he says, out of breath, “Can you guys help me in the pit?”
“No can do,” Nettles says, “We’ve got observation soon.”
You nod agreeing, but become curious noticing Jace’s panicked expression.
“Why what’s wrong?” you ask.
“Just…five minutes,” Jace says, “Please, I need someone. And I can’t find Sara and Cory--I just need someone, please.”
You turn to Nettles.
“The pit?” she asks, raising an eyebrow at you, “Really?”
“Tell Baratheon I’ll be there as soon as I can,” you tell her, “Besides, maybe it’s a good case.”
“Girl,” Nettles says, sighing and shaking her head.
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“I just really need your help,” Jace says, leading you through the emergency room, weaving between nurses and patients, “It’s just that…I mean I didn’t know the other day but now…”
“Didn’t know what?” you ask as he stops outside a curtain.
“-- he’s back again and family members--,” Jace says, brown eyes wide, “We’re not supposed to work on family members.”
Your eyebrows concave together in confusion when suddenly the curtain pulls back. A man is lying in the hospital bed, a halo of platinum hair cascading onto the pillow he lays on. His eyes are red-rimmed and bloodshot, a lazy grin appearing on his face as he gives you a once-over.
“Nephew,” he sing-songs, giggling, “You brought me a present!”
Jace sighs, pulling the curtain from his grasp. Wait a minute. Nephew? Your eyes scan the giggling man as Jace snaps something at him. The silvery hair, the violet eyes. Seven hells.
How many Targaryens are there?
“Excuse me?”
“He’s kidding,” Jace says, forcing a smile and turning to his uncle, “You’re kidding.”
His uncle shakes his head, lower lip jutting out in a pout, “I’ve never told a joke in my life. She’s pretty Jacey, well done.”
Your cheeks burn at the compliment, at the way his eyes cascade down your body. You’ve never felt more exposed in simple scrubs. 
“Stop calling me that,” Jace snaps, cheeks reddening.
“I didn’t know you had it in you, Jacey boy,” he croons, “Thought Baela had taken your balls when she dumped your ass--”
“Funnier every time I see you, Aegon,” Jace interrupts, closing the curtain once more. 
Aegon’s mouth drops open in surprise before he’s hidden from sight. You raise an eyebrow at Jace, folding your arms across your chest. 
“He’s harmless,” Jace assures you, “Please, please just help get him out of here as soon as possible.”
“Well, that’s sort of difficult when we don’t know what’s wrong--”
“I know what’s wrong.”
You frown, raising an eyebrow at him, “You know?”
“Yeah, he’s fucking drunk. He’s always drunk. Just give him a banana bag, let him sober up, and get him out of here,” Jace instructs.
“How do you know he’s drunk?”
“Considering the fact he hasn’t been sober since I was eight years old, it’s not hard to guess,” Jace tells you, “He’s been to more rehab programs than I can count. Trust me on this.”
“I’m still going to have to do some labs,” you tell him, not willing to go against protocol.
“That’s fine, do what you have to do just…keep him out of the way,” Jace pleads, eyes widening as though he’d just remembered something very important, “And don’t let Aemond know he’s here.”
Your gut tightens at the mention of Aemond.
“Why not?”
“Just don’t. It’s better for everyone if no one knows Aegon is here,” Jace finishes, “Thank you, I owe you big time.”
“Yeah you do,” you confirm, and then Jace hurries out of sight, eager to escape the pit.
The curtain opens once more and you turn, meeting the curious gaze of Aegon Targaryen. You try to stop the scowl that threatens to overtake your face as he grins widely, a mischievous look in his eyes. 
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“Will you hold still!”
“You’re killing me!”
“Stop being so dramatic!”
“It hurts!”
“It won’t hurt if you stay still, Aegon!”
Aegon throws his opposite arm over his eyes as you attempt to find a vein for the third time. He’s too squirmy, too anxious that as soon as the needle pierces his ivory skin he’s flinching away and howling. 
“I’ve seen children do better than you,” you grumble, and he gasps in feigned shock.
“They let you torture children?”
“Hush!” you insist, and to your relief, he’s able to stay still as you start the IV, “There you go. See? That wasn’t so hard.”
Aegon peaks over his arm, glancing down at the tubes as you assemble them properly, making sure the drip is even. He frowns as you release the tourniquet. 
“I bruise like a peach,” he mumbles.
“Sounds like you need more iron in your diet,” you tell him, walking to the other side of his bed. You need to take his blood pressure and begin wrapping the band around his arm. 
“Can I have something for the pain?” he asks.
“No, you may not.”
“Not even Tylenol?”
“Hells,” he mumbles, “You should know, I enjoy it when women are mean to me, it turns it on.”
“Of course it does.”
“Mhmm. I eat that shit up.”
You’ve been trying not to look at his face for too long. If you look at Aegon, you’ll start thinking about Aemond. 
You’ve been trying very hard not to think about Aemond.
They don’t really look alike, despite the matching hair and eye color. Though he’s sitting down you can tell Aegon has none of Aemond’s height. He’s soft whereas Aemond is sharp. Their mouths may be the most similar thing about them, both awarded beautifully pouty lips made to be kissed. 
“What’s on your mind, doc?” Aegon says, eyes narrowing.
“You’re lying, I’m very perceptive,” Aegon insists, “Come on tell me. What is it? Doctor drama? Boyfriend drama?” Your face must give something away when he asks, because his eyes light up, “Boyfriend drama.”
It’s no use, you can feel your face heating up, “I don’t have a boyfriend.”
“Fuck off.”
Your head snaps up at him, and you remove the blood pressure sleeve. Discarding it in favor of your stethoscope you place the end against his chest.
“Breathe in.”
“D’you have a girlfriend then?” he relentlessly continues.
“A fuck buddy?”
“Hells,” you mumble in frustration, trying to listen to his heartbeat. 
“Please tell me it isn’t my nephew,” Aegon says, making a face.
“What?” you answer, far too quickly, “No! Seven hells, Jace and I are friends! And I do not sleep with colleagues.”
“Everyone sleeps with colleagues,” Aegon argues, “How else do you meet people?”
“That working well for you?”
“Oh I don’t work,” he answers, “That’s boring.”
You choke back a laugh. The man truly is ridiculous.
“Alright then. Well, you’re all set once you’re done with your fluids we’ll check your vitals again and send you on your way,” you tell him, making a note in his chart, “I can have the nurses reach out to some detox programs if you’re interested.”
“I’m not.”
“Look, I understand a bit of your history from what Jace shared. But you should know, recovery isn’t linear, and relapse is completely normal-”
“I haven’t relapsed.”
You blink. 
“Your BAC was 1.06,” you inform him, “That’s more than a little buzzed.”
“I haven’t had a drink since Nyra birthed her last gremlin,” he insists, not elaborating on who Nyra was, “I’m just like this.”
Your eyebrows knit together. He could be lying, you know that. Addiction is one hell of a disease. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” he groans.
“Like what?”
“Like you don’t believe me.”
You’re silent for a moment, just staring into his violet eyes. 
“Your blood--”
“Fuck the labs,” he groans, “They always come back like that. I haven’t taken anything. I haven’t drank anything. Believe me, I’d be much more obvious.”
“How so?”
“Well for starters, a pretty little thing like you wouldn’t be so far away,” he comments, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin, “I don’t know why this happens. I think my body got so used to being fucked up, it just does it on its own now.”
“You’re being serious,” you comment, and he nods.
It goes against everything you’ve learned in med school, and in residency thus far. Your pager beeps and you glance at it. It’s Nettles. You’re supposed to be joining her soon. 
When you hear hooves, think horses, not zebras. 
You chew your bottom lip. Aegon raises a brow, already looking better with the intake of fluids. 
Fuck it. 
You quickly page Nettles, and let her know you’re needed longer in the pit. Hopefully, Baratheon doesn’t kill you for this. 
We’re going with the zebras. 
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“Okay so I’m going to send the sample to the lab and see what comes back,” you inform Aegon, “And if you’re being honest with me, we should have some answers for you.”
Aegon swings his legs over the side of the bed. 
“Why would I lie?”
You want to roll your eyes, but you’re sure if you do in his presence once more they’ll fall out of your skull. He gives you a cheeky grin as he notices your exasperation. 
“People lie all the time,” you tell him.
“To you?” Aegon asks, snatching your hand is his, “Never, princess.”
You hear Nettles suddenly, her voice flowing through the ER and your stomach turns. Surely, it's Dr. Baratheon coming to reprimand you for missing observation to spend time in the pit ‘trolling for surgeries.’ The curtain opens then, and to your horror, it’s Aemond who has discovered you rather than Dr. Baratheon. 
His eyes fall to your face first before he turns to Aegon. His gaze drops to your interlocked hands. Something washes over him, his expression cold and calculating. 
“Out,” he says, voice quiet as death. 
Aegon chuckles, but you can hear the nervousness he’s trying to hide. You can see it in the way he wets his lips, the way he pulls his hand from yours.
“Out, now,” Aemond repeats, “Don’t make me drag you out in front of all these people.”
“Careful now,” Aegon says, standing, “you know how mummy feels about you getting your hands dirty--”
Aemond steps forward, hands fisting Aegon’s shirt and dragging him forward. Your eyes widen in shock and Nettles yelps as Aemond pushes past her, dragging Aegon with him. 
The display has gathered the attention of several nurses and patients as Aemond continues to drag him through the ambulance entrance and out the automatic doors. You and Nettles remain closely on their heels as they exit the hospital.
Aemond releases his hold, sending Aegon stumbling into the road. 
“Seven hells!” Nettles says, a shocked expression on her face. 
Aegon laughs maniacally, bending over with his hands on his knees. He shakes his head several times, like a dog before looking up.
“Go home,” Aemond says, flexing his hand.
“Where’s that?”
“Wherever you’ve been staying I suppose,” Aemond quips.
Aegon is panting, staring at his brother.
“I’d like to see Helaena.”
“That’s not happening.”
“Helaena!” he yells at the sky, “She’s my sister, I know she wants to see me.”
“You’re not shaking her down for any more fucking money,” Aemond says, his voice louder this time, making you flinch, “Go home, Aegon.”
Aegon wets his lips, running a hand through his hair. His eyes meet yours. 
“You’ll call me? With the results?” he asks, and Aemond snorts.
“Another STI screening?” Aemond snarks. 
Aegon’s tongue pokes his cheek, an angry smile on his face. 
“Gotta make sure I’m all clear before saddling up with a fit bird,” he taunts, eyes falling on you as he says it, grabbing his crotch for emphasis. 
Aemond lurches forward his hand connecting with Aegon’s cheek. Nettles and you both scream as Aemond jumps back, Aegon spitting a mix of blood and saliva on the ground. He laughs again, smiling with bloody teeth. 
“Get him cleaned up and get him out of here,” Aemond instructs Nettles, before heading back inside and leaving the three of you standing there.
Aegon’s lip is split, along with a cut on his cheekbone. He spits again, wiping his face and nodding at you.
“No boyfriend eh?” he says, grinning. Your face flushes. 
“I wasn’t lying.”
His grin widens.
“One of us is,” he says, referencing your earlier conversation, “Guess we’ll find out who.”
Nettles approaches him, and he winces. She turns to you.
“You should go see if he’s okay,” she says, nodding to the doors. 
You run back inside leaving Nettles and Aegon, your eyes searching for Aemond. Hurrying to the nurses' station, they inform you which direction he took off in. A nervous sweat breaks out on the back of your neck as you hurry down the hallway. You spot him then, taller than everyone else, watching as he ducks into an on-call room. 
Quickening your pace you follow him inside. It’s quiet as you close the door, besides the sound of a noise machine echoing white noise in the dimly lit space. There are two beds in this room; truly the on-call rooms are in such sorry states. Small twin mattresses with paper-thin sheets and pillows that may as well be pieces of foam. 
Aemond sits on the bed to the left, his head resting in his hands. You close the blinds on the door, flipping the sign that says “Both Beds Occupied” along with flicking the lock. You don’t think he’ll want to be disturbed.
“Aemond,” you say softly. He doesn’t move. The knuckles of his right hand are bloody. 
Taking a step closer, you watch his shoulders rise and fall with the deep breaths he’s taking. Anxiety churns in your stomach, and you take a step back, placing your hand on the handle of the door.
“I’ll just leave you--”
“Don’t,” Aemond speaks quietly for the first time, raising his head. His gaze softens, his eyes somewhat glassy. “Please don’t go.”
Your heart starts to race, but you nod, stepping back toward him. Sitting beside him the bed creaks; you cross your ankles and place your hands on the edge of the bed. Aemond rests his chin on his hands, arms propped on his knees. The pair of you sit in silence for several moments. It begins to rain outside, fat droplets of water beating against the window. 
“You should get that looked at,” you finally say, nodding at his hand. 
Aemond merely hums in response, flexing his fingers. 
“Seriously, you’re a surgeon,” you continue, “What are you thinking, throwing punches like that?”
Aemond glances at his hand, curling and uncurling his fingers, “He brings out the worst in me.”
“Your brother.”
“Mhmm,” he answers, shaking his hand. It’s not as bad as it looks, thankfully. He could have done some serious damage.
“I’m sorry. Jace told me…well I’m just sorry.”
“It’s alright. Someone has to treat him. I’m sorry if he was inappropriate to you.”
“It’s alright,” you assure him, “We don’t get to choose how patients behave.”
“Aegon can be a lot. Take it from someone who knows him rather well.”
You sit in silence some more. The sky outside has begun to turn dark as clouds roll in, the sound of thunder audible in the distance. A storm is looming.
“I’ve missed you,” he says so softly you almost don’t catch it.
Your hands dig into the side of the bed, your heart pounding against your ribs making your chest feel painfully tight.
“Please Aemond,” you cut him off, eyes watery, “Please. Don’t say that if you don’t mean it.”
“I do mean it,” he insists, turning his head toward you, “It’s just…Y/N that day I didn’t give you an answer. And you deserve one. I like you. I like you so much. You’re an incredibly intelligent person, funny, adorable, and…” he trails off, shaking his head slightly as he chuckles to himself. 
“And what?”
“And that scares the shit out of me. I haven’t felt this way in a long time. I wasn’t expecting you. When I moved here I just planned on keeping my head down and then….then there was you,” he looked away, his eyes lit up in wonder, “I saw you in that bar, and it was like the sun came out.” 
Your lips part, your stomach flutters pleasantly at his words, and goosebumps erupt on your skin. He glances at you shyly, the tips of his ears tinged pink.
“And then I saw you here and you’re an intern, at the beginning of your residency I just….I mess things up. I don’t want to mess things up for you. Or with you.”
You reach for his hand, lacing your fingers through his, “Okay.”
“But…I miss you. I miss talking to you, kissing you,” Aemond continues, the top of his cheeks turning pink, matching his ears, “You asked me if I’m in or out. I didn’t answer, and I should have. I’m all in.”
“If you’ll have me,” he adds, “If you…if you want to give this a try.”
You smile at him softly.
“It’s all I wanted from the start.”
Aemond smiles, leaning toward you and connecting his lips to yours. You sigh against his mouth, as his hand snakes around the back of your neck, keeping you from going anywhere. His tongue runs along the seam of your lips, and you part them eagerly accepting the warm muscle into your mouth. 
Your hands bury themselves in his scrubs as he turns his head, deepening the kiss. His opposite hand reaches for your waist, sliding down to rest on the meat of your thigh. He rubs soothing circles there for a moment, before gripping you hard and pulling you on top of him. 
You straddle his waist as he scoots backward, pressing his back flat against the wall. He breaks the kiss for only a moment, tugging your blue scrub top over your head, before desperately chasing your lips once more. Shivering in the cool air, your nipples harden in your bra. You almost wish you’d worn something a little sexier, the plain black bra making you feel underdressed. 
Aemond eyes your tits like a madman as his skilled hands eagerly unclasp your bra, pulling it from your torso. 
“Should we be doing this--” you gasp, grinding against the hardness between his thighs. 
“Yes, yes we should,” he says, kissing you once more before pausing, his eyebrows knitting together, “Unless you don’t want..”
“No! I mean--fuck, yes, yes we should and I want to,” you whimper as his teeth graze against your neck, “But I mean, here…” Aemond continues his attention to your neck, his perfect mouth nipping and sucking the sensitive skin.
“No one’s coming,” he murmurs, “You locked the door, yes?”
You nod, fingers tangling in the hair at the nape of his neck.
“That’s a good girl,” he murmurs, groaning as you clench your fists, tugging at his hair.
He catches your lips once more and you arch your back, pressing yourself against him trying to get as close as humanly possible. Moaning against his mouth he chuckles softly, the sound reverberating against you. 
“Shh,” he croons, brushing some hair from your face, “You have to be quiet.” He nips your lower lip as he says it, smoothing his tongue along where he bit, “Something you have trouble with, I recall.”
Your cheeks warm at the memory of your first night together, the puddle he’d turned you into with such little effort. Lashes fluttering, you look up at him as he admires you.
“You’ll have to remind me,” you tease, earning a growl from him as he flips you onto your back beginning to pull your scrub pants from your body.
Eager to assist, you kick wildly trying to get the soft material off. Aemond catches your right calf in his large hand, trying to avoid being kicked.
“Careful,” he chuckles, pressing a hot kiss to your calf, helping you out of your scrubs, shoes, and underwear. 
“Sorry,” you manage to say through your giggles as he tosses the ball of clothes toward the opposite bed, “We’re a bit uneven now, wouldn’t you agree?”
Grinning, Aemond pulls his scrub top from his body as thunder crashes outside. The sky has darkened considerably and lightning flashes, illuminating the room. Aemond’s hands travel up your calves, hooking against your knees as he cocks an eyebrow at you. 
Your eyes trace down his exposed front following the planes of his chest, the chiseled outline of his abdominal muscles. You swallow, feeling yourself clench as your gaze rests on the outline of his hard bulge.
Nodding, you take your lower lip between your teeth, dragging your gaze back to his face. Aemond’s breathing is heavy as he sits on his haunches, eyes raking down your naked body.
“Fuck you’re beautiful,” he breathes appreciatively, “Gods…” He lets one hand move up your body, fingers dancing against the skin of your waist, up the side of your ribs to your breast. He explores higher and higher until with a desperate whine you reach up pulling him toward you.
You could kiss him forever.
You want to kiss him forever. 
The hand that rests on your leg curls inward, stroking the soft flesh of your inner thigh before inching higher. Your breathing has started to turn to pants as Aemond lets one of his long fingers part through your silky folds, spreading your arousal. 
“Seven hells,” he groans, swirling his finger against your clit, “All this for me?”
“Mhmm,” you tell him, biting your lip and trembling against him already.
Aemond only smirks, that familiar look of confidence in his eye, “Use your words, baby.”
“Yes,” you tell him, as the tip of his finger sinks inside of you, “Fuck-- just for you.”
“That’s my good girl,” he praises, pushing further inside of you, stretching you out on his forefinger. A second finger soon joins and he scissors the digits against your fluttering walls.
You’re trying to be quiet---really you are trying--- but it feels too good. He’s too precise with his movements, too insistent on bullying that sensitive rough patch that causes your eyes to roll back in your head. “Aemond…I can’t--”
“Shhh baby, I know, it feels too good to be quiet, huh?” he says, voice full of mock sympathy, “Don’t worry, I’ll make you cum really quick, let me take care of you, yeah?”
You nod furiously, a choked moan escaping you as Aemond presses a tender kiss to your forehead. Moving away from you, he keeps up his relentless pace with his fingers as he slides onto his stomach on the bed. Your eyes widen as Aemond glances up at you from between your legs, a cheeky smile on his handsome face. 
“Aem----oh fuck!” your concern is short-lived as Aemond presses his mouth against you.
His tongue traces lazy circles over your clit, groaning, “Hells, I missed this sweet little pussy,” he mumbles, taking the sensitive button between his lips and suctioning around it. 
Throwing your head back against the pillows, your back arches, and your mouth opens in a silent scream. The rain continues to pour outside, the drumming against the window matching that of your racing heart. 
“Oh yeah, I know that’s so good, huh?” Aemond mumbles between licks of your clit, his free hand snaking upwards to grope at your breasts, “Fuck you look so pretty…all whiny and desperate.”
He curls his fingers as he says it, massaging the tender spot inside of you causing your pussy to spasm against his fingers. His tongue traces nonsensical patterns around your clit, his lips sucking and releasing causing lewd wet noises to echo through the room.
“Next time,” he murmurs a quiet promise, “Next time, when I’ve got lots of time…we’ll see how long I can keep you like this.” His fingers pinch your right nipple, tweaking it harshly.
Your belly tenses, muscles constricting against his fingers as he returns his sweet torture on your clit, and you finish with a muffled sob as you turn your head, pressing your mouth against your shoulder. Aemond murmurs soft praises, talking you through your orgasm as your legs shake around him. 
“Fuck, fuckfuckfuck,” you hiss through your teeth as he slowly pulls his fingers from your fluttering pussy, bringing them to his mouth. 
You watch, wide-eyed as he sucks the lengthy digits, moaning at the taste of you.
“Turn around baby,” he says, sitting up, “Put your face in the pillow.”
Shakily, you turn on your hands and knees, before letting yourself fall to your forearms. Aemond slides his hand down your back, admiring the curve of your spine, spreading your cheeks wide. 
“Goddamn,” he murmurs, slapping your cheeks, causing you to yelp, “Sorry, couldn’t help myself.”
“You’re an ass man?” you tease, looking back over your shoulder.
“I’m a ‘you’ man,” he argues, grabbing his length and sliding it against your folds, “Now be a good girl, and let me take care of you.” The fat head of his cock pokes at your entrance.
“Please,” you breathe as he starts to slide in. Aemond pauses, groaning slightly.
“Fuck baby, you can’t say that all sweet right now,” he growls, “We don’t have time.”
“Please, put it in,” you whimper, cheek pressed against the pillow, drool forming a wet patch under your cheek.
Aemond’s hand cracks down on your ass once more, “Be a good girl you little brat.”
You whimper, your begging ceasing as he slides fully inside your tight, wet heat. The stretch of his fingers was nothing compared to his thick cock. Your walls tense around him, pulsating around his thick length as he bottoms out. Rocking backward, he slides nearly all the way out before thrusting back in. 
Electricity bursts through your veins, pleasure crackling through your limbs like the lightning outside of the window. The force of his thrusts sends your face deep into the pillow, muffling the sharp cries of pleasure you emit. You couldn’t stop if you wanted to, it feels too fucking good, the head of his cock rubbing ceaselessly against your g-spot as he ruts against you; he’s grunting softly, muttering praises all the while, his fingers digging into your hips. 
“Fuck,” he gasps as your knees slide down, legs shaking so bad you’re unable to keep them upright, “It’s okay baby, just relax I got you.”
Your legs bend against the mattress, thighs splayed, hip flexors burning with the deep stretch it awards you. Aemond never relents, just continues to slap his hips against the softness of your ass, his cock sliding effortlessly in and out, in and out.
“Aemond,” you moan, “Fuck it feels--”
“Yeah?” he groans, “How’s it feel baby?”
“S-s’good, Aem, fuck, it’s so good,” you whimper, hands fisting the sheets, the bed shaking with every harsh thrust. 
The bed grinds against your sensitive nipples and clit sending sparks of pleasure burning through you.
“Gonna make this pussy feel so good,” he says, leaning some of his weight on top of you, his face next to yours, “Gonna take you home after our shifts, you’d like that, yeah?” His arms hold him up, propped on either side of your head. 
“Yes, fuck please,” you agree, turning your face, and feeling him press a kiss to your shoulder blade.
“Gonna have you ride my face,” he promises, dragging his nose between your shoulder blades, “Wanna make that pussy feel so good, till you can’t fucking take it anymore.”
“Fuck Aemond,” you shiver with delight at his filthy words, at the promise of a repeat of the first night you’d been together. A promise of more. 
“Missed you too much,” he murmurs against your shoulder, sending warmth pooling in your belly, “Need you close to me.”
“I missed you,” you whimper, “Fuck, need you so bad.”
“I’m all yours,” he says, nearly whimpering himself, “Fuck baby, you’re so tight, feel so good clenching around my cock.”
“Yeah?” you ask, lifting your head slightly, and glancing back through hooded eyes.
Aemond maneuvers himself, leaning to capture your lips in a sloppy, heated kiss as he continues to pound into you. 
“Fuck….c’mon baby, one more time,” Aemond encourages as heat winds a tight coil of pleasure in your belly, “Can’t have my baby only cumming once, now can I? Come on, that’s a good girl.”
The pitch of your cries increases and you slam your face against the pillow to muffle your strangled cry as your whole body tense, pussy constricting like a vice around his cock as you come. It’s intense, it burns with a brutal passion that paints stars behind your eyelids. 
Aemond’s thrusts become sloppier and with a few more slaps of his hips, you feel his cock pulsate inside of you and the warmth release of his cum filling you up. You turn your cheek from the pillow, your body tingling with the remnants of your orgasm as you suck in a breath. Gently, Aemond pulls out of you, peppering kisses down the length of your spine as he does so. 
You hum happily as he slides out, placing his hands under your thighs and maneuvering you out of the frog-like position you were previously in. Your hip flexors ache, but it’s a good pain--well worth being fucked into the mattress. Aemond turns you on your back, brushing some hair from your sweaty forehead. 
“Hey there,” he says softly. The room is quiet, the rain has stopped. “Are you alright?”
“I don’t know if I’ll ever walk right again,” you tell him with a content sigh, “but that aside, I’d say I’m more than alright.”
Aemond chuckles, thumb smoothing your cheekbone, making you lean into his gentle touch. 
“Hold on,” he murmurs, standing up, walking to the adjacent bathroom, and flicking on the light. 
You watch him walk away, admiring his ass. He’s got a rather nice one. You hear him turn the water on and a moment later he returns with a washcloth. Not trusting yourself to stand, you simply spread your legs and let him clean up the remains of your combined releases. Your hips jerk as he carefully brushes against your swollen clit causing him to release a breathy laugh.
Beep beep!
The noise snaps you both out of your post-coital bliss bubble and you hurry to find your clothes. Aemond reaches for his pager, desperate to get his scrubs on. 
Beep beep!
It’s your pager this time. Shit, Baratheon must be pissed. 
Both of you scramble, switching scrub tops as Aemond accidentally tries to put on yours, causing you to erupt into a fit of laughter that is only stopped when he grabs you by the waist and pulls you in for a heated kiss. 
“Stop, stop,” you beg, pushing against his hard chest, “Shit we have to go.”
“One more--”
“You’re insatiable--”
“Oh I’ll show you insatiable,” he says, lips tugging upwards in a smirk, “You just wait until tonight.”
Your cheeks burn as you yank on your bottoms, fixing your hair. Sex hair is not an option, not when Baratheon will be up in arms about your disappearance. Glancing at your pager, you read what it says before clipping it to your waist. 
“Okay, I gotta go,” you tell him, shoving your feet into your sneakers.
“Meet me in the lobby? When you’re done?” he asks, unable to hide his smile as you walk to the door on trembling legs.
“Okay,” you tell him, leaning forward, pressing a quick kiss to his lips, “And we could get dinner?” 
“Anything you want,” he says, cupping your cheeks and kissing you again, “Anything” another kiss, “At” and another one, “all.”
You hum happily, placing your hand over his, your entire body warming with his affection.
“I’ll see you then,” you tell him, unwillingly pulling away and unlocking the door.
You leave first, Aemond leaving a few moments later. Watching as he fixes the collar of his scrubs, you find yourself beaming. Aemond turns, catching your eye before turning down the hall, a small smile playing on his lips.
Gods, this is going to be a long shift.
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note: hope you liked it!! LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 months
Shinobu Kochou x Trans She/Her Reader
A/N: Sorry for the insane wait! I’m gonna take a nap now! Hopefully the typos aren’t horrible. Warning: Misgendering both intentional and not, gender dysphoria, coming out, brief discussion of potential surgery and use of medication. If there is more I should mention, please let me know. Thank you for reading! Word Count: 5,518
Shinobu was a very busy woman, countless slayers passed through her doors, many of which she wouldn’t even see during their visit, taken care of by one of the other residents while she was on missions or furthering her research.
However, there were times when her intervention was crucial, or she simply took an interest in those who happened to cross her path and give a little more of her time and consideration where she could. Case and point, Tanjiro and company, but without the rambunctious quartet chasing each other around the mansion at this early morning hour, her attention was caught by another.
The slayer waiting for assistance in her infirmary today appeared perfectly healthy, though maybe a bit nervous and sleep deprived if the bags under each eye were anything to go by. Being nervous was common enough amongst patients, even if they were only there for a run-of-the-mill check-up. However, those check-ups usually weren’t at five in the morning. Shinobu could have left it to one of the other girls or a Kakushi to handle, but something told her to take on this patient herself.
“My, you’re here early, good morning!” She spoke pleasantly as she began her approach, startling the patient out of their thoughts. Shinobu noted that he seemed to become more agitated and on edge.
“Good morning, Kochou-sama.” The slayer spoke softly, then gave Shinobu an abrupt bow, his long ponytail nearly cracking like a whip from the force.
Shinobu hummed in amusement and took a seat beside the cot her patient had chosen as a tentative perch while waiting for assistance.
“Well, I will say you look perfectly healthy from where I’m sitting. If you’re here for a physical or something minor, we usually ask that you make an appointment, but as you can see it’s one of those rare, quiet mornings so I’ll let it slide just this once, okay?” She informed, throwing in a playful wink for good measure.
The patient seemed conflicted, and to Shinobu it seemed that he had something he really wanted to say, but he managed to swallow it down for better or for worse, looking down at his tightly clasped hands.
“I’m sorry, I should have thought about that.”
“No harm done.” Shinobu assured, gesturing with her hand towards her office, thinking a more private space would be appreciated, “Come along and we’ll see how everything is going, alright?”
The patient seemed to hesitate again, but eventually replied with a hoarse, “Alright.”
Shinobu led the slayer to her office and motioned for them to sit as she closed the door behind them. She then began to carry out the standard exam. She pulled out the slayer’s medical history file, saying the name aloud to make sure she had the right one. The patient seemed to tense, but nodded stiffly in confirmation. Shinobu had chalked it up to more nerves and continued on with the exam.
Well, as much as she could since he was stubbornly insistent on keeping his shirt on, but Shinobu worked around it. It was actually a bit refreshing considering most men that walked through her doors couldn’t wait to show off. Once she checked over all she could, Shinobu sat back in her seat.
“Well, Ln-san, everything here checks out. Nothing to worry about, you’re a perfectly healthy young man, congratulations.” Shinobu lightly joked and smiled reassuringly and put in a few finishing notes on the record. “You’re free to go.”
Shinobu’s pen froze mid-stroke upon hearing how the slayer’s voice cracked, she glanced up with a slightly startled look upon her face. Her patient seemed to be breathing heavier, his eyes shined with a wet film of held back tears, causing Shinobu to sit up straighter in her chair, more alert.
“Oh dear, is something the matter?” She asked innocently, unaware of just how heavy the answer to that question would be.
The slayer’s bottom lip trembled as he tried to put on a brave face. Shinobu noted how his shoulders shook, the inhales of air when he tried to speak were noisy and abrupt. Shinobu kept calm and attempted to coax him.
“I don’t know what to do, Kochou-sama…”
“About what?” She asked gently.
A sort of watery, abrupt guffaw left the slayer’s mouth, a shake of the head and a frustrated toss of the hands.
“See, I couldn’t sleep for months because it was all I could think about… I thought about what I would do and how to explain… but now that I’m here… I- it’s all slipped my mind! It’s been slowly eating away at me for years, and now that I’m finally trying to say it out loud to someone, I can’t do it!”
“For simply slipping your mind, you sure seem to be intimately aware of your troubles. You’re just dancing around the issue for whatever reason that may be, but not quite saying it.” Shinobu leaned forward in her chair. “As insurmountable as it may seem to you, I cannot help if I don’t know what is keeping you up at night. You need to take that step yourself. The words don’t have to be perfectly articulate from the get go. You can always refine it once you get something out.”
The slayer continued to be conflicted, earning a sigh and a firm stare from Shinobu. She could clearly see this was a sensitive issue, but she truly could not sit here all day even if she wanted to. She could send the slayer Aoi’s way and maybe check on the situation later, but for now…
“I apologize for rushing you, but I do have other engagements—“
“I’m a woman!” They blurted hastily, hands tightly pressed together.
“…O-Oh!” Shinobu blinked in surprise, then reached for the slayer’s file again. “I’m sorry… whoever drafted your papers must have made an error.”
“Yes! Well, no, but yes. Um, it was ‘right’, given how I was born, but as I got a little older and thought about it more, the more it felt like it didn’t fit.” The slayer swallowed thickly, “I’ve been raised male, but that never felt quite right and… I know what I want now, what feels right and, and makes me feel like I can breathe and makes everything feel a little less suffocating. I just… there are some things about my body and how people perceive me that make me uncomfortable on the good days and like I could just about die on the bad days and I don’t really know how to do anything about it and I need help, please.”
Now that the slayer had divulged her plight to Shinobu, the slayer felt a strange weightlessness, but also like she might throw up from the stress and uncertainty of how Shinobu would process this information. They were practically strangers, she was taking a huge risk confiding in her.
Shinobu wasn’t going to let that look of dread quickly growing in the slayer’s eyes continue, she laid the file flat on her desk and dipped a pen in ink. After pushing her sleeve up, she smudged out the gender and swiftly replaced it. The slayer focused on the motion, lips parting in surprise. Shinobu smiled reassuringly, tapping the paper.
“Anything else that needs to be edited?” Shinobu inquired warmly, “It looks a little messy now, but once the proper corrections are made, a new one can be drafted.”
The tears that had weld up in the slayer’s eyes for a myriad of reasons in the past twenty-four hours finally bubbled past the dam and streamed down her face. She hurriedly tried to wipe them away.
“It’s alright, take your time.” Shinobu offered a handkerchief that was graciously accepted. After a minute, she pulled herself together, still a little weepy, but able to better communicate her wishes.
“M-my name. Could you change that too?” She asked, hopefully.
“Easily.” Shinobu affirmed. “Do you already have something in mind already? If not, I’m sure I could come up with something good.” Shinobu’s mind was already turning through a list of possibilities, even recycling some of the unjustly rejected names she had chosen when they had taken Kanao in.
Unfortunately for Shinobu, but fortunately for the slayer, she had already thought about this extensively and had a name at the ready.
“Yn.” She had answered, Yn had said the name to herself before, whispered it under her breath some late nights when she could not sleep, along with others that stood out to her, finding this particular name to be her favorite. Saying it aloud to someone else, someone she hoped would continue to be as accepting as she seemed to be right now, it felt even better.
Shinobu hummed and nodded, striking out the discarded name and putting the proper one in its place.
“And so it shall be.”
Yn was nervous, so so so nervous, but also excited. After having her latest late night crisis that had brought her to the steps of the Butterfly Mansion a week ago, she was coming back with a proper appointment. Shinobu had told her she would need to do some research on the science-y end of things, which had surprised Yn a bit.
She didn’t really know what to expect when getting Shinobu involved, but knowing she was packing extra specialized research into her already busy schedule just for Yn really blew her away. She couldn’t have been more grateful, which was why she was bringing a basket of treats as a thank you.
She wasn’t really sure what Shinobu liked… so she made a little bit of everything. Worst came to worst, at least the other residents might enjoy it. Though she really hoped Shinobu would like at least one thing she baked to make sure the extra hours she spent late last night were not used in vein. Not that she would have been able to sleep anyway.
She weaved her way through the garden and left her shoes at the entrance, making her way through the winding halls until she made it back to Shinobu’s office. After a couple of deep breaths, she knocked on the door before she could lose her nerve.
“Come in.”
“Pardon the intrusion.” Yn slid the door open and took pause upon seeing the amount of books spread around the office. There had been plenty of books before, but they were all neatly tucked away in their proper shelves. Now the quantity had appeared to noticeably increase and was liberally spread across almost every surface.
Shinobu was in between two precarious stacks at her desk, hair a bit mussed and a somewhat irradiated look in her eyes as she skimmed the page she was hunched over. She didn’t look extremely disheveled at all, but from what Yn knew of Shinobu’s reputation, appearing even a little out of sorts seemed unusual.
Something about it was highly attractive though.
Yn shook her head of the thought and gently knocked on the doorframe to remind Shinobu of her presence because even though she had invited Yn in, she had yet to look up.
“Aoi, I expressed…“ Shinobu’s gaze flickered upward and she seemed to freeze momentarily before she tried to side-eye the clock she kept on her desk. Tried to, because it was somewhere behind a wall of books.
“Oh!” She cleared her throat and stood from her desk. “My, is it that time already? I was just getting ready for you. Pardon the mess.”
It was pretty clear to Yn, that Shinobu had not at all been ready to receive her, but it was unnecessarily cute by how much Shinobu was trying to downplay just how caught off guard she was.
“It’s no problem. I uh, I like to read too.” Yn twirled the basket in her hands as Shinobu started slinging books back into their proper place in the shelves. “…Can I help?”
“Don’t trouble yourself, have a seat and I’ll be with you shortly…” Shinobu inhaled, smelling a sugary scent that reminded her she had neglected to eat breakfast, and lunch for that matter. She shoved a couple more books into place, the sound overtaking the sudden grumble of her stomach. She glanced curiously at the basket on Yn’s lap. “What do you have there?”
“I made some things as a thank you.” Yn looked down at her basket, her cheeks feeling a bit warm. “I don’t know what you like, but I wanted to bring something.”
Shinobu strode back, glancing over Yn’s shoulder into the basket. She blinked in surprise.
“You made all of this? For me?”
“Yes, please take it.” She offered Shinobu the basket. “If you aren’t a fan, please share them with the girls. I’d ask if you could please tell me your preferences so I can try to thank you again properly.”
Shinobu was so hungry at this point, she would eat a slice of stale bread if it was available, but this basket of treats was nothing less than immaculate. She graciously accepted.
“No, this is a lovely gift, thank you.” Shinobu said, graciously. “I can’t say I feel like I deserve such an opulent assortment just yet, but I will give you my best.” Her stomach reminded her of its existence yet again. “Would you find it terribly rude of me to indulge as we speak?”
“Absolutely not, go ahead.”
“Thank you.” Shinobu eased herself into her chair and retrieved a sweet bread roll that was calling her name. “Please help yourself as well if you’d like.”
“That’s alright, I’ve had my fair share.” Yn laughed, sheepishly.
Shinobu bit into the roll and felt better the instant she swallowed the first bite. She really needed that. On the second bite, she actually took the time to taste and she mourned the quick departure of the first.
“This is very good, Ln-san.” She praised. “You are really quite skilled.”
Yn felt a weight lift off of her shoulders, so much so she might float away from the praise. “Thank you so much! I’m so glad you like it!”
Shinobu finished the roll in a couple more bites and resisted the urge to pick through the basket for something else to sample. There were important matters to attend to after all and she had already been more frazzled than she would have ever liked to be in polite company.
She still had a couple books of her desk, certain pages book marked and ready to be referenced. Aggravatingly brief and scarce pages, to be precise. Better than absolutely nothing, she supposed.
“Let’s get the ball rolling then, shall we?”
Yn felt the nerves and excitement bubble within her once more. She couldn’t believe she was actually here, talking to someone. Not just someone, but a person who had the means and know-how to… to do what exactly, Yn wasn’t sure, but she was ready to hear her options.
“Alright,” Shinobu exhales, “what you’ve disclosed to me, it’s not unheard of. Unfortunately, my collection is lacking on in depth information. I do apologize for that, but I am getting my hands on a few works dedicated to the topic, it’ll just take some time for them to arrive.”
“It’s already beyond my expectations that I’m talking to anyone about this at all. I really can’t thank you enough for going through all this trouble for me.” Yn tried to put as much gratitude into her voice as she could.
“You’ve done more than enough thanking for one day and probably for the duration of however long it takes you to get to a more comfortable place in your presentation.” Shinobu assured with a kind smile, sliding a book over to Yn. “Let’s see what we know so far…”
So far so good… Yn couldn’t complain, she just wished she could feel a difference with the little pills she had each morning. Shinobu said they could possibly up the dosages later, but she wanted to start small and monitor for any negative side effects.
Her other option, though a quicker result, would be a highly experimental surgical procedure. Just listening to Shinobu explain how she might accomplish such a thing made Yn feel more than a little faint. Shinobu assured she would study the logistics of such a procedure before attempting it herself, but Yn wasn’t in a hurry to go under the knife so she could live with her little cocktail of estrogen pills and testosterone blockers that Shinobu and Aoi cobbled together.
Okay, that was unfair choice of words, Shinobu had worked tirelessly researching hormones and how to stimulate and stagnate them. It only took her about two months before she had something she was confident enough in to prescribe to Yn and she couldn’t have been more grateful, truly, again, she just really wished she could notice even the slightest change.
She sighed and put the pill bottle down, noticing a very light clinking sound as she did so. Curiously, she picks up another one of the bottles and gives it a little shake. She would have to get those refilled…
A warmth buzzed in her chest, an excuse to go back to the Butterfly Estate! Shinobu had said she could stop by anytime… but it never felt right to invite herself over, especially when Shinobu was always so busy. There wasn’t a guarantee that she would even be there at all.
However, her medication running low was the perfect excuse to test her luck and find out if Shinobu was around. If nothing else, it was always nice to see the others and seeing the younger ones smile when she came bearing treats was always a delight. So, she packed up some dango she had made yesterday and set off.
She was greeted as soon as she made it to the gates, Sumi, Kiyo and Naho running over from the garden. They tried not to look too hopeful about the contents of Yn’s bag, but Yn could plainly see how eager they were for a treat and she was happy to oblige.
“You’re going to spoil them, you know.” Aoi said, coming out of the mansion with a basket of laundry. She set the basket down and brushed her hands down her front. “We were wondering when you might make an appearance. Shinobu-sama was getting antsy, you shouldn’t wait until you’re down to the wire on your medication before coming in for a refill. You never know what might come up.”
“Sorry,” Yn rubbed the back of her neck, “I didn’t think about that.”
Aoi sighed and shook her head. “No harm done. Come with me and I’ll refill your prescription. After that, Shinobu-sama will want to check you over. It’s a little unfortunate that she’s in the middle of entertaining right now.”
Before Aoi could elaborate, Shinobu happened to turn the corner, chatting with the Love Hashira beside her. Shinobu looked up and smiled warmly, making Yn’s heart flutter.
“Hello there, Ln-san, I was starting to worry about you.” Shinobu scolded jokingly.
“I’m sorry, Kochou-sama, I didn’t realize I was being missed.” Yn smiled sheepishly.
“Shinobu-chan!” Mitsuri, the Love Hashira, tugged on Shinobu’s haori, “Introduce me, will you? Who is this? A friend?”
“Yes,” Shinobu held out a hand in Yn’s direction, “This is Ln Yn, she’s also a patient of mine.”
Shinobu was sure Mitsuri would be endlessly supportive and kind as always if she had explained the situation, but it wasn’t her place to do so, it was Yn’s, if she saw fit.
“Oh!” Mitsuri pressed forward, hands clasped in front of her chest. So close that Yn instinctively took a step back from the sudden proximity. “You aren’t terribly sick, are you? That would be just awful! You know what always makes me feel better when I’m sick? Soup! Soup and dumplings and roasted vegetables and fish and—“
“Kanroji-san,” Shinobu put a hand on her back, “Ln-san will be just fine. It’s mostly just consultation.”
“Ah—“ Mitsuri blushed, a couple beads of sweat gathering oil on her brow, “That’s… that’s good! Very good!” She clapped her hands on Yn’s shoulders, making the other slayers almost wince at the overuse of force. “Stay healthy, Ln-san!”
“I- I will do my best, Kanroji-sama.” Yn promised, rubbing one of her poor shoulders.
“Mm! Mm!” Mitsuri nodded, her arms crossed. She opened her mouth to speak again, but instead a low rumble was heard from her stomach, renewing the intensity of her blush. “Ah! So embarrassing!”
“We were about to make lunch.” Shinobu shared, “You should join us.”
“I wouldn’t want to impose…”
“The more the merrier!” Mitsuri insisted. “Aoi-chan, you too!”
“I already ate.” Aoi refused, but then gave Yn the side-eye, “I wouldn’t mind a bit of dessert before it’s gone, however.”
“Oh! Yes, here you go, Aoi-san. Here is Kanao-san’s share too.” Yn presented Aoi with a few wrapped dango.
“Thank you, I’ll make sure she gets it.”
Yn felt an intense stare as Aoi walked away and slowly turned her head to see Mitsuri staring at her with big, hopeful eyes. Not very unlike how Kiyo, Sumi and Naho looked at her upon her arrival, actually.
“Is that… dango? It smells so good.” Mitsuri sighed wistfully.
“You can have some too if you want, I made a lot.” Yn offered, the sweetheart that she was.
“You made it yourself? Homemade is always the best!” Mitsuri danced foot to foot, “I can have some? Really?”
“Of course—“
Yn found herself in a crushing embrace, a few of her lumbar vertebrae made a dull cracking sound.
“That’s so nice! Thank you!”
“Kanroji-san, Ln-san isn’t used to your hugs be careful with her.” Shinobu gently reminded.
Mitsuri drew back, concerned and sheepish, “Sorry…”
“I’m okay.” Yn wheezed, handing a couple wrapped dango over to Mitsuri. “Here you go.”
Mitsuri exclaimed in excitement, accepting the offering. “Thank you!” She eagerly dug in, humming happily,
“You saved enough for me too, right, Ln-san?” Shinobu creeped up beside her, a sly smile on her face, “I would feel so left out if everyone got to enjoy a treat besides myself…”
“I have more!” Yn assured, a bit too panicked, making Shinobu chuckle.
“It’s alright, please breathe easy.”
“You’re so mean, Shinobu-chan.” Mitsuri whined, her mouth full of dango.
“Sorry, sorry~” Shinobu waved her hand, not looking very sorry at all. “Lunch will make up for it, I promise. Kanroji-san has a new recipe from the west we’re going to try.”
“Yes!” Mitsuri clapped, dango already devoured.
“Then I can give you a quick check-up and make sure everything is good to go.” Shinobu promised, already guiding Yn towards the kitchen.
It hadn’t taken long for Mitsuri to worm her way into Yn’s heart and earn her trust. Having Mitsuri to confide in was huge. A friend, a confidant and a sister, giving her all sorts of tips and tricks about makeup, clothes and even how to carry herself. There were even things she would ask Mitsuri about that she felt too embarrassed to ask Shinobu about, something that the Insect Hashira noticed and felt a bit jelous about… not that she would ever admit it.
She did, however, interrogate when she felt it necessary, which is how she found herself heading to one of her least favorite places on the planet.
“O-oh, Kochou-sama,” Maeda wrung his hands nervously, sweating in the Hashira’s presence, “what a… pleasant surprise. Do you have a uniform that requires mending?”
“I’m not here for me.” She spoke curtly, making Maeda flinch.
“I- I see… then Tsuyuri-sama, or Kanzaki-san…?”
“No. Shinobu drew closer like a lion circling prey, “I’m here for Ln Yn, she asked for a uniform alteration and I was informed that you turned her away. Is that correct?”
“Ln-san…” Maeda swallowed thickly, “his request was ridiculous, a- a joke I’m sure…”
Shinobu’s eyes flashed, giving Maeda a quick taste of the fury nestled just below her skin, “Masao-san,” she spoke, in an overly sweet tone, “you amaze me, truly.”
“I, I do?” The poor fool almost looked hopeful, but Shinobu quickly shut that down.
“Just when I think you can’t go any lower, you find yourself a shovel.”
Maeda cowered, had he been born a turtle, he would have retreated into his shell as Shinobu proceeded to rip him a new one.
“You know how I loathe your designs… a uniform that’s supposed to protect one from the slashes of the lowest levels of demons, yet you purposefully leave some of the most vital spots bare. Do you know how many women in the corps have been injured, killed, because they were too polite to reject your perversions?” She asked heatedly, not giving him time to answer,
“I loathe it… however, I respect those who feel empowered showing a little skin, if that is truly what they desire. Imagine my surprise when you had not leapt at the chance to give Ln-san a skirt.”
“Kochou-sama, please understand it’s because h—“
“She.” Shinobu cut him off. “You will make her a skirt, about knee length, as she desires or we can guess how long it will take for me to set your base of operations ablaze. It was a little tricky burning that trash you tried to pawn off on me those few short years ago, but I’m confident I still remember how I did it…”
“K-Kochou-sama, please! I don’t even have the measurements!”
Shinobu presented a piece of parchment from her breast pocket, nearly shoving it in his face.
“I took the liberty of getting them myself. I know you already have uniforms on standby, it shouldn’t take long to fix one up to the proper perimeters I’ve set for you. Finish within the hour please, it’s quite chilly today and who is to say what I might do to ensure I stay warm.” She warned, a chilling smile upon her lips.
Safe to say she had a lovely skirt in her hands half an hour later. The unrestrained hug of gratitude Yn had provided upon her return made dealing with the unpleasant tailor all the more worth it. Not to mention… the skirt did look quite good on her and that was only the beginning of Yn’s new wardrobe.
Entering the boutique with Shinobu and Mitsuri, Yn felt almost giddy. A girls outing, Mitsuri had suggested excitedly when they had all found themselves together with some rare free time. Well, Shinobu never truly had free time, but she’d be damned if she missed out on seeing Yn try on some cute clothes.
They did run into a little trouble early on, a small group of gossiping women following them around the store, causing Yn grief with their scrutiny. Shinobu wouldn’t let that last for long. To this day Yn still didn’t know what Shinobu had said to those women when she approached them, but she’d never forget how they paled and quickly left the shop in a flurry, getting tangled up in the entryway as one tried to make her hasty exit before the other.
“What did you say to them, Shinobu-chan?” Mitsuri had been the one to ask, while rubbing Yn’s back comfortingly.
Shinobu only smiled, raising a finger to her lips, making Mitsuri and Yn chuckle nervously. She then held out her hand to Yn for her to take and pulled her towards the fabrics for more formal occasions.
“Let’s continue to enjoy our outing, shall we? Kanroji-san, help her pick something nice, my treat.”
Mitsuri wasted no time pushing Yn through the rows of kimono. Shinobu smiled fondly, waiting for their return. She wanted to be surprised, and surprised she was upon their return.
“What do you think?” Yn asked shyly, doing a little spin when Mitsuri enthusiastically prompted her to.
Shinobu’s eyes greedily took in every detail and she sighed inwardly. Of course Mitsuri just had to put her in purple. She had to wonder if Mitsuri could read her mind and was trying to force Shinobu’s hand to finally make a move… Shinobu shook off that idea rather quickly, she had done well to hide her attraction and Mitsuri wasn’t that perceptive. It was a very good unintentional attempt, however. Her instincts managed a direct hit on Shinobu’s heart and now she had to attempt to be casual in her approval instead of foaming at the mouth.
“You look lovely. It really suits you.” Shinobu allowed her eyes to wander under the guise of appraising the outfit and nothing more, soon finding an excuse to get a bit more hands-on because she just couldn’t seem to help herself.
“Just have to straighten out the obi a little.”
“Thank you.” Yn murmured, feeling a little tingly from the gentle tugs and smoothing of fabric. “Are you sure it isn’t… too much?”
“Not at all, I can easily afford this.” Shinobu assured.
“No, I mean, does it really suit me?”
“Ln-san,” Shinobu gripped her bicep, squeezing it in warning, “do you think Kanroji-san or I, would lie to you?”
“No!” Yn squawked.
“Do you think Kanroji-san and I don’t know what looks good?” She pressed.
“No!” Yn rapidly shook her head. “I- I don’t think that at all!”
“Excellent. Pay no mind to what a couple of uninspired, uneducated women who can’t tell you if water is wet without asking their husbands have to say about what you can or can’t wear. Understand me? You’re beautiful.”
Yn felt herself tear up a bit. Shinobu was just too kind. How could someone so amazing exist at the same time as her, let alone be in such close proximity, comforting her? As lovely as the kimono was, she was starting to feel a little too warm with Shinobu staring at her so intently, her fingers still curled around the edge of her obi.
Then Mitsuri scooped her up in an all encompassing hug that made it nearly impossible to breathe.
“Shinobu-chan is right you know! So forget them and let’s have a good time. I know a thing or two about people like that, and it’s really for the best to not acknowledge them at all.”
“Or you could put something unpleasant in their tea.” Shinobu smiled ominously.
“Shinobu-chan!” Mitsuri gasped, hiding a giggle behind her hands.
Yn looked between the two giggling women and couldn’t help but join along, she couldn’t believe what a difference six months could make.
Mitsuri had been called off to a mission just as they were wrapping up dinner in the city, leaving Yn and Shinobu on their own.
“You should stay in the Butterfly Mansion tonight, it’s getting late.” Shinobu spoke up when they came upon the crossroads where they would have to part ways normally.
“That’s alright, Kochou-sama, I—“
“It’s not imposing if I’m actively inviting you over, Ln-san.” She interrupted. “Besides, you look so pretty in your new kimono that I couldn’t possibly leave you on your own to fend off any unwanted advances.”
Yn felt her face heat up, only getting warmer when Shinobu took her hand and pulled her in the direction of the mansion.
“And I have something I’ve been meaning to give you anyway.” She added softly.
Upon arriving at the mansion’s gates, Shinobu prompted Yn to wait at the garden’s edge, the sunset provided the kind of ambiance she was hoping for.
Yn rocked from her heels to her toes, waiting anxiously for Shinobu’s return. To be honest, she had something she wanted to tell her. She wasn’t expecting much, she just hoped at the very least, it wouldn’t change their relationship in a negative way.
Yn jumped as high as the sunflower stalks when Shinobu snuck up behind her, poking her between the shoulder blades.
“Kochou-san! Don’t do that!” She whined, making the Hashira giggle.
“I’m sorry, you just make it too easy sometimes. Anyway,” she presented a thin box to Yn, “for you, it actually matches your new kimono.” She smiled, waiting for Yn to open the box.
“Thank you.” Yn murmured, gasping softly when a butterfly hair ornament, not too dissimilar from Shinobu’s own was revealed to her as soon as she opened the box. “Kochou-sama, this is really for me?”
“Who else would it be for, silly?” She grinned. “Let me help you put it on.”
Yn let Shinobu guide her to a nearby bench and fix the clip into her hair.
“Like a chivalrous knight…” Yn spoke aloud softly, gently bringing her hand up to touch the butterfly’s wings.
“What was that?” Shinobu chuckled, a bit of pink gathering in her cheeks.
Yn yelped, bringing her hands to her mouth.
“D-did I say that out loud? I- I just meant, well, you are kind of like a knight. Helping me, protecting me… I really appreciate everything you do.” She babbled, freezing up when Shinobu hugged her from behind.
“If I’m the knight, then you’re the princess.” She spoke near Yn’s ear, making her shiver. Shinobu chuckled and squeezed her a little tighter.
Safe to say, what Yn wanted to tell her would be very well received.
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thelaughtercafe · 7 months
Matters of the Heart
Tea Type: Milk Tea
Potential Triggers: Brief mentions of intentional verbal abuse, and a raised hand though no contact is made. A carriage accident takes place. Ciel is 21 at the start of this fic and ages as it continues!
Pairing: Ciel Phantomhive/F! Reader
Length: 1.1k+
Summary: This is an AU where the demon contract never happened, so Ciel simply grew up without his parents; cynical and detached from the world. He'd already chased Lizzie away long ago, and he intended to do the same to you. This was how it was meant to be. What he deserved.
His parents’ death had changed him. Everyone expected that, to some extent. But what they didn’t expect was the way Ciel grew cold and distant.
He shut down entirely; let no-one in. His engagement was called off with Lizzie after a few years of cruel words. He was always especially cruel to her.
She deserved someone better than a broken man such as him.
She was happily married now.
He had not attended, merely sending reassurance the Phantomhive name would continue their working relationship and support her and her family in whatever endeavors they needed.
What he didn’t expect to have to do…was be thrown into another engagement when he turned 21.
You were…different from Lizzie that way for sure. His cruelty didn’t make you burst into tears. Nor did you even flinch when he raised a hand to you. He never would’ve gone through with it, but most women fled with the fear of abuse.
You lived mirror existences as the date grew ever closer and one day when he was in a particularly sour mood…he snapped when you brought him tea.
“Why are you still here? Are you some kind of masochist, foolish girl!? I have done nothing but treat you badly and yet you refuse to leave and shower me in kindness I am not worthy of!”
Your smile dropped a moment and then it widened despite the sadness within it.
“…I stay for two reasons, Mr. Phantomhive. One, grief is a powerful emotion. One that can and will consume every part of your being like the vilest of diseases if you allow it to. You wish to never let anyone close. To never allow your heart to feel love again for fear of having that love turn to the agony of loss and grief. I am a patient woman. And I know this anger you show, this cruelty and bluster…is merely a facade. A mask you wear so you may feel safer with me at a distance. I have already been through my cycles of grief and decided I will allow my heart to love again, despite the pain that might ensue. But I can not make you do the same. You will come to your own conclusion when and if you are ready to.”
Ciel was…in shock. You’d never spoken this much, all but locking yourself away in the library and only offering him gentle kindnesses expected of a wife such as bringing him lunch when he forgot to eat and the like.
All he could say was.
“And the second?”
Your smile widened.
“Just as grief is powerful, so too is unflinching kindness and empathy.”
You turned on your heel and began to leave but paused at the door, voice lightly teasing.
“Thank you for the new shipment of books, Mr. Phantomhive.”
You slipped out to the sound of him shouting after you that it was only to keep you far away from him, but you knew if you looked back he’d be blushing.
He did not change all at once. Of course he didn’t. You did not expect him to.
There were still full days of silence. Full weeks even. There were days where he reminded you of a wounded animal, lashing out at every little thing in fear of how you may harm him.
But something quite miraculous happened when you had to meet with your parents, about 3 months after your explanation and a month before the wedding.
As you entered your parents’ estate, Ciel initiated physical contact, putting a hesitant barely-there arm around your waist. When he caught your shocked gaze and the blush on your cheeks he flushed himself and yet did not release you.
“…Don’t get any ideas women. It’s just to keep up appearances around my soon-to-be family-in-law. A mere formality.”
You beamed and quickly looked to the side to blink the burning in your eyes away.
He was healing, whether he realized it yet or not. Not only had he not cared for formality before.
That was also the first time he’d called your parents family.
The meeting went well, your mother gushing over how close you seemed to be and your father happy Ciel was well-versed in business and could keep up with him.
The drive home was not silent, but instead, Ciel led the conversation, talking about your parents and how ecstatic they were.
You were wed before he was fully finished healing but you weren’t worried. He had started and that was enough for you.
It happened rather suddenly. You’d both been out shopping, getting clothes and furniture and all sorts of things now that you would be moving in “so you couldn’t complain later”.
As you were crossing the street, a carriage came careening down it much too fast. Too fast for you to act.
Your husband did, pushing you out of the way with a cry of your name.
The ensuing crash was deafening but you cared not for anything save your husband, frantically kneeling over his body and sobbing as you heard people rushing to get medical attention and the police.
They showed up quickly once they heard the Phantomhive name. They tried to insist on you returning home to wait but you refused to be separated from your husband.
The ensuing days were…tough, to put it lightly. You cried enough tears to fill a lake at his bedside as you waited for him to wake. Your parents were out of the country on business so you were all alone.
The doctor had said he’d done all he could and it was up to Ciel if he lived or not.
You tightly held his hand and spoke to him.
“Please, don’t leave me. I know you must be ecstatic at the chance to see your parents again but I need you here Ciel. Please. We have such long lives ahead of us. I beg of you, don’t make a widow of me. I-I love you.”
You lowered your head to sob into the hands holding his and were startled at the feeling of someone rubbing your head before his familiar voice filled your ears.
“…You finally said it. You’ve been holding in your feelings all this time while I acted as the pinnacle of immaturity in a vain attempt to push you away.”
His blue eyes shone with remorse and genuine care.
“Will you forgive me, my love?”
You nodded breathlessly as you laughed and hugged him tightly.
He chuckled as you pulled away.
“I never want to lose anyone I care about again. And so I will fight to protect all that I do. I hope you will do the same for me.”
You laughed.
“Till death do us part, Ciel, I will ever remain at your side.”
He flushed and looked away with a huff, reaching out expectantly and smirking just slightly as you held his hand, though he pretended to be stoic as ever, clearing his throat.
“Yes, well, see to it you do.”
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tubchunk · 1 year
q!tubbo, fred, and how far are you willing to go?
So I have THOUGHTS about the lore today :D
When watching the stream, I was so convinced that the letter Fred left asking q!Tubbo on a date was fake, a trap by the federation. But now, realising that it was actually genuine, it was a real desire they expressed, and q!Tubbo never lost faith once that he meant that invitation, breaks my heart. I don't know when Fred realised that their feelings may be something other than just friendly (if they even are completrly), but I bet the movie date and q!Tubbo's endless kindness and patience towards her is what made them want to push a bit further. I wouldn't be surprised if Fred forgets about the Federation, what they have done, and what their position means, when they're talking to, thinking about, or simply with q!Tubbo. Because he never treats him as "Federation Worker WA02". They're Fred. They're someone who exchanges letters with a curious, kindhearted, chaotic engineer, using flowers to communicate things too large to put into words on a page. That's who they are when picking up the letter where q!Tubbo says yes to a date, telling him to pick him up whenever.
But then, like with q!Pierre, q!Quackity comes and kidnaps him, and that stark reality returns. Because to the other islanders, he is a Federation employee, working for an organization that has hurt, tortured and manipulated the people of the island to the point of memory loss and trauma. In q!Pierre's case, Fred was DIRECTLY involved in what happened to him, and to q!Quackity, he is the symbol of what took everything from him. They don't care about what Fred may be like away from the office, he is an employee of the vessel of their worst nightmares. This isn't usually a problem for them, he defaults to the persona she must adopt as a high-ranking employee, with no fear and curt responses that don't reveal much.
Until they bring q!Tubbo into their threats.
And that shakes them up, something in them twists. Not him, he has nothing to do with any of this. Fred says that every time, cuz to them, q!Tubbo is the part of their life that is untainted by the things he has done as a Federation employee. He's the boy who taught him what a friend was, who always wished he was healthy in every letter he wrote, who promised to protect him with what little he had cuz he cared. They have never seen q!Tubbo as anything other than kind, patient, and understanding. He needs them to stay separate, both for q!Tubbo's safety, but also his own. Because they think the moment q!Tubbo finds out what he has done, he thinks he'll leave. Why would someone as kind as him stay by his side after finding out they're a monster?
But q!Tubbo isn't exactly what Fred thinks he is, either.
The same boy who excitedly showed him Wall-E in the cinema, who picked flowers to give him every time they wrote, is also the one who laughed down the barrel of Cucurucho's gun pointed at him, before making his escape. He's snuck into the Fed office multiple times and broken into all its parts, he's broken several rules and continues to do so without a care. HE WENT TO THE NETHER !!! HE LAVACASTED A FED BUILDING!! MAJORITY OF THE ISLAND CURRENTLY WANTS HIM THROWN BEHIND BARS AND HE DOESN'T CARE !!!
Quackity (the cc) had said during the Brazil meetup streams that following events would push the people of the server to see how far they would be willing to go. And I can so clearly see how this would factor in for fred and qtubbo's arc.
Fred has been convinced by q!Quackity that q!Tubbo now hates him. But he doesn't know that, despite q!Quackity trying everything, q!Tubbo refused to be angry at Fred. His faith in them is unwavering TO A FAULT. And he has said before, he does not CARE whether Fred has hurt people or harmed them, because that's his friend (cough cough partner). He knows Fred better than anyone else, and would not think to abandon him through anything. And if he's done bad things? q!Tubbo would not care, he'd probably be willing to walk down into hell with Fred's hand in his if it came to it. Who's to say, to get Fred back, q!Tubbo wouldn't snitch to the Federation? Anything to get the one he cares about back. He promised to protect them. That's how far he's willing to go. Even if it means everyone on the island hates him even more. If it's Fred, he's willing to do it.
q!Tubbo would be willing to burn all his bridges if it meant keeping him and Fred warm.
i was kinda disappointed with the lore today cuz i had hoped it would be more qtubbo centric, but i guess shit must havebeen shifted around cuz tubbo is travelling and it wasnt the best convenience for him but PRAYINGGGGG they do something with this and qtubbo gets his true neutral/villain arc for fred toxic yuri coded frubbo are so real to me
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artists-ally · 10 months
HC of being mated to xaden and azriel!!!
{Azriel x Reader x Xaden Mates Headcanon}
Say less babe 😏 definitely a little NSFW, NO MORE IRON FLAME SPOILER!!!! JUST FOR YOU ANON!!!!
I think there would be little to no privacy ever again
With two of the most powerful shadow wielders in the world? You can kiss any ounce of secrecy goodbye
They know everything about you
But you like it
They know exactly what you like, and what you don’t
Azriel is definitely more reserved, will opt to stay in on a night out
Xaden will let out that wild side of him only to get you to join in
But only occasionally, during Solstice or another holiday, will the two of them let go completely and rope you into it
When it comes to relationship things, it was a STRUGGLE to find a balance
Being mated to two very headstrong, stubborn, independent and dominant males was hard
They constantly fought for your attention (sometimes physically)
But that was also so hot????
Who wouldn’t want to have the two of them fighting for you?
There has been more than one altercation involving who got who, how to share you and all that
They were NOT in agreement with before the bonds clicked into place
And when they did? The world almost collapsed
It was an absolute fury of bodies and tongues and teeth
It somehow all clicked together, like they had done it all their lives. Knowing exactly what to do with their hands, with the shadows
Though their abilities were slightly different, the feeling of them on your skin, on your wrists holding you down was more or less the same
It was hypnotizing
If there was one thing they agreed on it was pleasing you
That they liked a little too much
They liked teasing you even more
Azriel was a patient bastard and could hold up a threat like his life depended on it
He would not forget all the times you were a brat. He knew how to punish you properly to get you to behave after
The problem was you just kept finding new ways to break the rules
Xaden like to punish you with pleasure until your body physically couldn’t take it anymore
Forcing orgasm after orgasm out of you until you could barely breathe
That was his way of punishing you
It had taken a while for the inner circle to warm up to the concept, the same with Xaden and his Wing back home in Basgiath
Everyone at Basgiath was far too afraid of Azriel to begin with to even think differently
But when it all fell into place it wasn’t weird at all
Everything was perfect: the constant spoiling, the constant reassurance that you were the most perfect mate for both of them
The aftercare and simple date nights were what you loved for. Seeing both of your warriors showering you with kisses and praises of how much they loved and appreciated you for all that you did, all the comfort, peace, and security you brought them
There was one thing for certain: you NEVER felt unsafe
Both of them constantly had tabs on you
It worried them sick when you once shut them out to focus on a task, whether that be for your education or simply reading a book
they tore through the house trying to find you
They had been so afraid something happened to you that they forced you to keep some of their shadows with you at all times
It was mildly annoying, but also incredibly endearing
It came in very hand when you needed to get out of a sticky situation
There had been an incident when a male approached you in the street
You tried to warn him to back off, but just kept advancing
Azriel came first
Then Xaden
And the male nearly shit himself
Both of them were a head taller than you, and a head taller than the male
Just their presence made the male run for the hills
You could feel the power radiating off them, feel it vibrating in the air
Both of them asked you numerous times if he had touched you (he hadn’t) and checked every inch of you for harm
And if you got a paper cut or bruise?
It only doubled
Being sick was such a luxury that sometimes you faked a cold just to have them take care of you ;)
At the end of they day, they just wanted you and only you to care for them
Azriel would gladly let you clean his wings
Xaden would gladly let you massage his shoulders and back, kissing every one of those scars marked into his skin
You were never cold when you went to bed
And you had never felt so loved and appreciated and cherished in your life
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vermilionsun · 3 months
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Based on this post by @2imi
This fic is build upon pure delusion, determination and desperation.
Headcanon! Vere has a disorder similar to gillespie syndrome, thus why he needs medical check-ups every now and then.
(AO3 version here)
Word count: 4.8k Rating: Explicit Fandom: Touchstarved (Red Spring Studio) Categories: M/M, Multi Relationships: Kuras/Vere, Ais/Vere, Ais/Kuras, Ais/Kuras/Vere Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Dirty Talk, Top Kuras, Bottom Vere, Switch Ais, Top Ais, Making Out, Shameless Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Oral Sex, Blow Jobs, Medical Examination (it started as), Kuras is So Done, Vere is a little shit, Teasing, Threesome - M/M/M
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Kuras pinches the bridge of his nose in a fruitless attempt to ward off the headache he knows is coming. He was already on edge this morning, and this is about to make things so much worse. He lets out a breathless sigh as Vere approaches his desk.
"What do you need?"
A smirk plays on Vere's lips as he saunters over to Kuras's desk, his eyes glittering with the same eagerness as a dog that’s been locked up for months without any walks. His tail flicking behind him, swaying back and forth lazily. He rests his hip against the desk, leaning in a bit closer than is perhaps necessary, and peers up at Kuras.
"You know why I'm here," Vere says with a knowing smirk. "I specifically requested the appointment be moved to today."
Kuras sighs, tapping on the pile of paperwork. This is the last thing he needs today. He rubs his temples, hoping that somehow the headache will go away if he simply pretends hard enough that Vere isn’t here. "And I assume you'll be wanting your usual remedy?"
He already knows what the answer is going to be— he just knows.
Vere bats his eyelashes, looking at Kuras with a faux-innocent expression, as if this same scenario hasn't occurred many times before. "Oh, you know me so well, darling." He leans forward in his chair, resting his chin on one hand.
Kuras's gaze snaps up from the files he was looking through—no doubt more patient applications. His eyes flash in annoyance.
Kuras grits his teeth, taking several seconds between sentences to reign in the urge to throttle him. He signs the last form with a sharp flick of his quill, then sets it on top of the stack. When he finally speaks, the words are strained. Every single one is coated in an icy, barely controlled irritation.
"Sit up. Let me see your eyes."
Vere pushes himself up from his seat, inevitably settling down on the examination table with a nonchalant air that only serves to further rile Kuras.
Kuras braces himself for the onslaught of irritation.
He can handle Vere. He has to.
Kuras approaches him with a clinical detachment, his hands expertly checking for any signs of infection or injury. He cups Vere's chin in one hand, gently tilting his face upwards as he peers into the man's eyes. They're slightly unfocused, a sure sign that Vere's "condition" is getting worse again.
"You're long overdue for a refill."
Vere lets out a soft scoff as Kuras scrutinizes his eyes, trying to look anywhere but at Kuras. "And whose fault is that, hm? I told you I was feeling the effects a week ago, and you made me wait."
Kuras's hand tightens on Vere's chin, forcing him to look up. "You've said you were starting to feel the effects of withdrawal at least a dozen times. Only half of those were true. And each time, you just wanted an excuse to try and get your hands on more." As always, Vere seems to derive immense entertainment from seeing Kuras riled up. Their eyes meet, and Kuras’s glare could probably melt stone. "We've discussed this. Multiple times."
Vere reaches up to lightly grip Kuras's wrist, preventing him from moving his hand. "But where's the harm in indulging me a little? After all, I’m suffering." His fingers trace over the pulse point.
Kuras's eyes widen slightly at the touch, and he tries to tug his hand away. But Vere's grip is deceptively strong.
"Don't play that game with me."
He tries to ignore the way his heart spikes at the touch and the way he has to bite back a shudder. This is no time for his traitorous body to react like this.
Vere tilts his head, feigning an expression of confusion and innocence. He squeezes Kuras's wrist gently, giving him an imploring look. "Have some compassion. Can’t you see how much pain I’m in? All my bones ache and my head hurts and…" He feigns a shiver and lets out a dramatic and exaggerated sigh, resting his forehead on Kuras’s shoulder. A cetrain darkness lingers in his eyes. It is a mask he wears well; he always did.
A vein twitches in Kuras's temple as he listens to Vere's over-the-top display. He’s fallen prey to this particular act before. He's not falling for it this time. He's not.
He lets out a huff and pulls his hand back, putting some distance between them. "Stop that. Your acting is atrocious, and even if it wasn't, I know better."
He glares down at Vere, crossing his arms over his chest.
Vere's eyes widen, his lips pulling into a pout that's just a little too theatrical to be sincere. He leans back in the chair, running a hand through his hair and crossing his arms defensively, though his expression soon turns into a smirk again.
"I'm appalled that you could accuse me of such a thing. I'll have you know that I’m a phenomenal actor, thank you very much." He looks up at Kuras with a faux-sweet smile and a hint of irritation in his pink eyes.
Kuras has to bite back another scathing insult. The urge to throw something at Vere's head is getting stronger by the second. But he can't—won't—let him get under his skin. This is exactly why he put off this appointment for as long as possible. But it couldn't be delayed much longer without the Senobium catching on.
"And I am hurting, darling. Can't you tell?"
Kuras grabs Vere's chin again, forcing him to lock eyes once more. His fingers dig into Vere's skin, probably leaving indents. His knuckles are white from how hard he's holding on. If looks could kill, Vere would probably be six feet underground right now.
"You’re going to be hurting a lot more if you call me ‘darling’ one more time," Kuras says through gritted teeth. His patience has worn thin, and Vere can see the anger simmering just beneath the surface.
Vere makes an involuntary, quiet noise, somewhere between a gasp and a squeak. He doesn't try to squirm away—Kuras's grip is too strong—and he finds himself unable to break eye contact. There's a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes, a hint that he might have pushed a little too far this time. The smug expression has faded from his face and has been replaced with apprehensiveness masked by a look of defiance, making him look almost... human.
For a moment, Kuras's gaze softens. The sight of Vere looking this vulnerable—almost like a cornered animal, so unlike his usual smug smug self—is enough to throw him for a loop. But he quickly catches himself and shoves the unwanted feeling away. Vere is not some defenseless creature in need of protection.
"There you go. That's a much better expression on you."
Kuras lets go of Vere's jaw, but not before giving it one final, firm squeeze, as a subtle reminder. He takes a moment to compose himself, clearing his throat and adjusting his coat.
Vere rubs at his jaw, trying to act like that moment—the brief flicker of weakness exposed for all of the world to see—didn't just happen, and gives Kuras a wounded look. He seems to have regained some of his earlier confidence, and he leans back on the table, arching a brow and fixing Kuras with a teasing grin, though it doesn't quite reach his eyes. He opens his mouth to say something, possibly another sarcastic remark, but a knock at the door interrupts him.
Kuras closes his eyes and counts to five beneath his breath, trying to calm his racing heart and reign in the emotions that Vere constantly pulls to the surface. He lets out a sigh, silently thanking whoever is on the other side of that door for the interruption. "Come in," he finally calls out, his eyes not leaving Vere's.
Ais walks in, carrying three seemingly heavy boxes in his arms, his muscles flexing under the strain. The two watch as Ais sets the boxes down with a grunt. He looks over to Vere and quirks an eyebrow. "Oh, didn't expect you to be here."
"Vere’s here for his monthly refill," Kuras says tersely.
Vere shoots Ais a charming smile, seemingly relieved to have a distraction. "Ah, Ais, looking as handsome as ever." He stands, stretching his arms above his head in a rather feline manner, before sauntering over to Ais, peering into the boxes with a curious expression. "Ooo, what do we have here?"
Ais leans against a wall, rolling his eyes at the compliment. "Don't flatter me with your sweet talk." He sighs, looking over to Kuras and then back to Vere. "It's just some stuff needed for the clinic—nothing interesting. Unless you're into chemicals."
“Yes, I’m sure Vere will find it positively enthralling,” Kuras says dryly before standing up. "If you'll excuse me for a moment , I need to check on something in the back." He gives Ais a knowing look before disappearing behind a door, not before murmuring to himself, "I should have known that I wouldn't be spared today."
He trusts Ais enough to not let Vere demolish the room while he's gone.
Ais nods at him as Kuras leaves before he turns back to Vere with a somewhat blank look. "So, monthly refill, huh?"
Vere sighs dramatically, his expression turning weary. "Oh, yes. The joy of having to endure this shit show every month. I’d say it’s like getting put on a leash, but, well…” He tails off, running his fingers over the leather ring encircling his neck. "He's making me wait longer this time, the bastard."
"Aww, poor little foxy has to wait a longer time than usual. Such a tragedy." He lets out a scoff of amusement.
Vere puts a hand on his chest as if deeply offended by Ais's words. "You wouldn’t know suffering even if it bit you on the rear end, you brute. I'm absolutely withering here. Just look at me. I'm wasting away as we speak." He moves closer to Ais, batting his eyelashes with a mock-pout.
Ais huffs a laugh. He puts a gentle hand on his face, cupping it lightly and turning it as he pretends to inspect it closely. "Yes, I can see how you’re practically at death's door. Wasting away indeed."
Vere's expression softens at Ais's touch. He leans into it, letting out a sigh and closing his eyes for a moment. "You're supposed to be on my side here. Where is your sympathy for my plight?"
"Oh yes, how inconsiderate of me. How will you ever pull through?"
Vere playfully swats Ais's hand away.
He quickly pulls his hand away with a smirk. "Rude."
Vere grins, a hint of mockery in his tone, moving a little closer to Ais. "Why, I might perish. Can you imagine the anguish I'm experiencing right now? I don't think my poor heart will survive much longer; it's just too much to bear." With a flick of his wrist, his tail reaches out to wrap around Ais' leg, the chains clinking softly as it does so. His touch is light, but the action is deliberately intimate.
Ais shrugs, a small smirk on his face as he leans closer to him, his hands slowly moving to Vere's waist. "Oh, how terrible. You might just pass away right here, in my arms."
Vere lets out a soft hum and leans closer, draping his arms over Ais's shoulders and pressing himself against him, his breath barely grazing Ais's ear. "Oh, yes, it would be a dreadful fate..."
Ais slowly tightens his hold on Vere's waist and lets out a low chuckle. "You poor thing, forced to spend your last moments here with me. Alone..."
Vere throws himself dramatically onto the side of Kuras’ desk, sprawling across the papers that are still scattered there, and pulls Ais down with him. "I can think of worse ways to go," Vere murmurs, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he gazes up at Ais. "At least I'd have the pleasure of your company until the end."
Meanwhile, in the back room, Kuras takes a moment to collect himself. He leans back against the door and takes a long, steadying breath, closing his eyes, silently cursing himself for almost losing control with Vere. That man has a special kind of talent for pushing him. If one were foolish or unobservant enough, it almost could have been considered charming.
The room itself is narrow, lined with shelves full of vials, herbs, and medical equipment. He makes a beeline for the medicine cabinet tucked away in the corner onto the wall, filled with row upon row of neatly organized pills and tubes of all shapes and colors. His hands tremble slightly as he rummages through the supply shelves, scanning the labels and bottles for the one he needs—the tonic that will hopefully buy him at least a few months of peace.
He finally finds and grabs it, heading back towards the office, only to stop short at the sight that greets him.
When their eyes meet, Vere tries to give Kuras a look like he isn't plotting multiple homicide charges. Ais, for his part, looks like he's questioning all of his life choices.
Kuras is frozen at the doorway for a moment, speechless. He stares at the two men with an almost deadpan expression, as if mentally resigning himself to his fate. He takes a deep breath to steel himself, crossing his arms over his chest. "Dare I ask what you two are currently doing?" His tone is carefully measured, but the vein in his temple starts twitching again, and he has to make a conscious effort not to crush the vial still clutched in his hand.
Ais glances over at Kuras with a smirk, arms on either side of Vere, keeping him in place between him and the desk. "We’re just having a friendly chat."
"And that requires pinning my patient to my desk... how, exactly?"
Kuras raises an eyebrow, his glare fixed on Vere, silently daring him to try something. But Vere just grins back, pretending to be completely and absolutely innocent. Which he is not.
"Don't you think you're being a tad bit paranoid, doctor? You can't blame a poor, suffering soul for seeking some comfort," he teases, expression resembling that of a cat who's just been caught knocking over a priceless vase.
Vere is absolutely insufferable.
Kuras is going to strangle him sooner than he planned.
"Comfort? Is that what we're calling it?" His voice is low, dangerous.
Ais snorts, obviously enjoying this far more than he should be.
Vere grins and places a hand on Ais's chest, the glint in his eyes predatory. "Suffering so greatly... I just need a strong pair of arms to hold me up. Or should I say, pin me down?" His voice is practically dripping with condescension.
Kuras takes a step closer. He knows that smile far too well—knows that the words and expressions are carefully crafted to rile him up, to get under his skin, and to make him react. And it works, all too well.
Kuras looks like he's seconds away from having an aneurysm. He is going to kill Vere. Actually kill him.
Ais remains quiet as he watches the back and forth between Vere and Kuras with obvious amusement. He keeps his grip firm on Vere’s hips, both to keep him pinned to the desk and to prevent him from doing anything stupider.
"Cat got your tongue?" Vere taunts.
A flash of annoyance crosses Kuras's face as he stomps across the room, until he is standing directly in front of Vere. He sets the vial on the desk with a bit more force than necessary, resisting the urge to grab Vere's arms and shove him aside. "Oh, no, my darling," he retorts, practically spitting out the word. "My tongue is preoccupied with thinking up the many ways I will strangle you if you continue to be this annoying." He's had just about enough of this. "So don't. Push it." His voice has dropped to a low growl.
Vere has the audacity to let out a low, sultry laugh, unfazed by Kuras's threat. He leans even further against Ais, who's now firmly planted next to him.
Surely Kuras wouldn't attempt to strangle him in front of witnesses. But Vere's smirk suggests he might just be daring him to try.
Kuras opts for the next best thing and leans in so they're practically nose to nose. "Go ahead," he says lowly, his voice a dangerous, quiet murmur. Every muscle in his body is tense, and his hands clutch the desk so tightly that the wood creaks under his grip. "Push me to the limit, just one more time—see what happens."
There's a brief flicker of uncertainty in Vere's eyes, but it's quickly replaced by a defiant glare. He cocks his head to the side and leans forward slightly, as if inviting a reaction. "Oh, the great doctor is threatening me? How terrifying. I'm absolutely shaking in my boots."
Kuras's eyes narrow to slits. How dare he—there's that damn smile again, looking too pleased with himself. This smug, insufferable, irritating, ridiculous, infuriating—
Kuras's self-control snaps.
He'd move faster than the human eye could follow, grabbing Vere by the lapels of his shirt and pushing him against the wall, pinning him in place with one forearm against his chest—
—Or that was what he planned to do, yet one damn slip caused him to fall forward, crashing into Vere instead.
Kuras freezes, his body pressed against Vere, close enough to feel the man's hot, labored breaths. The sudden change in position has caught him off guard, his heart hammering against his ribcage. Every muscle in his body is burning, and there's a dull ringing in his ears.
He's too close—far too close.
Vere lets out a winded gasp as the air is knocked out of his lungs. He's frozen for a second as well, but of course, the bitch can't hold the silence for more than a few fucking seconds before he grins. "Now that's a very compromising position, isn't it?"
Vere's leans in even closer, his breath grazing Kuras' lips.
Kuras can feel every inch of Vere's body against his own—the heat from his chest, the subtle scent of jasmine, the way his breath brushes against his skin. Every nerve ending is on fire, and for a brief, maddening second, he wants nothing more than to shove that damn smirk off Vere's face.
He acts on instinct, surging forward and capturing Vere's lips in a bruising, hungry kiss. All the pent-up anger, frustration, and tension that has been building up for months finally explodes, channeled into a desperate, messy collision of lips, teeth, and tongue.
Vere is caught completely by surprise, his mind short-circuiting for a brief moment as Kuras’s lips crash into his. But it only takes him a second to regain his composure, his tongue darting out to tease at Kuras’s mouth, a soft, needy noise escaping his lips as he pushes closer, practically clinging to the doctor.
Kuras responds immediately, his body moving on its own as he deepens the kiss. The hand gripping Vere's shirt tightens, practically balling up the fabric as he pushes him further back against the desk, seeking more.
Vere breaks away from the kiss for a moment, panting lightly as Kuras moves his mouth to the side of Vere's jaw, planting scorching kisses along his jawline. His hands come up to grip Kuras's wrists, digging his nails into the other man's skin as he lets out a soft, needy whine.
Kuras barely registers the sting of pain, too caught up in the moment to care. Kuras has always prided himself on his self-control, but this... this was something else entirely. His fingers release their grip on Vere's shirt, moving to grip his hips instead.
Ais leans back, watching the two of them with a smirk, enjoying the show. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t find the whole thing incredibly entertaining.
Kuras spares a glance at Ais, and a sly smirk spreads across his face. "Feeling left out?" He teases, his tone breathless.
Ais chuckles at Kuras's comment, folding his arms in front of his chest in an attempt to hide the fact that he found the whole scene quite enjoyable (read: very enjoyable). "Are you inviting me to join in?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.
The glare that Kuras shoots Ais' way is half-hearted at best, his eyes still glazing over as his fingers dig into Vere's waist.
And then he grins.
"Why not? He's done worse, after all. And who knows, maybe this will finally shut him up for a while."
Ais circles around the desk, stepping closer to the pair with a cocky smirk on his face. Crimson red eyes round on Vere.
"Well, when you put it like that... "
He takes a moment to admire the scene in front of him. Kuras and Vere look like they're about to rip each other's throats out, all tangled up together.
Vere lets out a soft moan, his eyes fluttering open to look back and forth between the two men. "You're both utterly impossible..." He shifts against Kuras, his hips pressing flush against the doctor's.
“You are impossibly irritating," Kuras corrects, punctuating his words with a nip at Vere's neck.
Vere's breath catches in his throat as he involuntarily leans into the touch. "And yet here you are, still here," Vere replies, his voice laced with a hint of amusement.
"Come closer," he instructs Ais, as if he's asking him to do another job for him.
Ais grins, taking one more step forward and now standing directly opposite Kuras. "Always so demanding, aren't you, doc?" He says, tilting his head to the side as he looks over at him with a sly grin.
Kuras huffs out a low chuckle, his breaths coming out in quick, ragged gasps. "You know you like it."
He takes a moment to assess the situation, eyes flitting between Ais and Vere, before a devious smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. "You're wearing too many clothes," he murmurs, raising an eyebrow at Ais.
"You're one to talk," he replies before slowly starting to unbutton his shirt, taking his time with each button.
One of Vere's hands suddenly slips under Kuras's shirt. The latter's expression gives nothing away, but his body betrays him; he flinches, torn between wanting to smack it away and wanting to feel more of it.
"Damn tease," he mutters.
Vere runs his hand up the man's chest in a slow, teasing manner. "You started it," he breathes out, a ghost of a smirk playing on his lips.
"And I fully intend on finishing it," he rasps in response, his fingers making quick work of the buttons on Vere's shirt, parting the fabric apart and revealing soft, tanned skin. He runs his palms over the man's chest, feeling the heat and the quick, erratic pulse of his heart beneath his fingertips. His mouth follows the path of his hands, pressing bruising kisses along the column of Vere's throat and the lines of his collarbone, down to the dip of his sternum.
His gaze flicks to Ais, who's still taking his sweet time undressing, his eyes tracing the planes of muscle and pale skin. "Hurry up," he says impatiently. "Or I'll rip it off you."
A delicious shiver runs through Vere's body, and he lets out a soft, needy whine. He arches into the doctor's touch, his fingers tangling in Kuras's hair.
Kuras takes advantage of Vere's momentary vulnerability, his hands gliding down to the waistband of his pants and pulling them down.
Vere yelps in surprise, but the sound quickly morphs into a moan as Kuras's hands move to his dick. He lifts his hips, meeting Kuras's touch eagerly, his breath coming in shallow gasps.
"I wondered how long it would take," he murmurs, his voice low and ragged. "To finally see you like this."
Vere lets out a breathy laugh, his chest rising and falling with each ragged breath, thighs quivering slightly as Kuras's hands move over them, spreading them apart. The latter moves his mouth to the soft skin of his inner thigh, peppering kisses and hickeys along the sensitive flesh.
At the same time, Ais reaches out a finger to run along Vere’s jawline, tracing the sharp edge. He lifts his chin, his lips moving against the foxian's in a gentle, lingering manner, his fingers carefully stroking his cheek.
Vere craned his neck, chasing the touch of Ais' lips, practically purring with contentment.
Without warning, Kuras thrusts inside Vere.
Vere lets out a noise that's somewhere between a gasp and a moan, arching off the desk at the sudden, deep intrusion, his hands scramble for purchase, gripping the edge of the desk as he struggles to adjust to the sudden fullness. "S-shit—"
Kuras braces himself, his own body trembling with the effort to keep still. "Damn... you're tight," he breathes out.
"Fuck you."
"As you wish," he replies, a sly grin on his face.
He starts moving, setting a slow, languid pace that has Vere letting out soft, breathless noises with each thrust. He keeps a steady grip on the man's hips, holding him flush against him.
Ais, being the little opportunist fucker that he is, runs his fingers along the redhead's hair, twisting the strands around his fingers as he frees his cock from its confines and pushes it inside Vere's mouth.
Vere moans around Ais's cock, the vibrations sending a shiver down Ais's spine. Kuras tightens his grip on Vere's hips, increasing the pace of his thrusts as Ais's fingers tangle in the redhead's hair, pulling him closer as Vere eagerly takes him in deeper.
Vere's tail slowly wraps itself around Kuras's leg, snaking its way up his thigh. For a moment, it's almost comforting.
Kuras's eyes snap down at the damn thing wrapped tight around him. He is not in the mood to deal with this man's bullshit, especially not when he's so close to reaching his peak. He snatches Vere's tail and wrenches it off his leg, pinning it to the desk with a firm hand.
Vere wanted to protest, snap a scathing retort—how dare the asshole touch his fucking tail—but his traitor of a material body bucks against the other's grip involuntarily, and a muffled—because of Ais'—dick—moan escapes him as a wave of mingled pleasure and pain shoots through his body.
At the same time, Kuras shifts his position slightly, the angle of his thrusts just changing enough to simultaneously drive another moan out of him.
Vere wanted to tear Kuras into pieces, bite the fucker's neck until the bastard bled to death.
"Careful, Doctor," Ais comments. "He might enjoy that a little too much."
Kuras's responding chuckle reverberates through the room. "Believe me, I know him well enough to know that," he says, his eyes never leaving Vere's face. The flush on his cheeks, the parted lips, the hooded eyes… all so damn pretty.
"He'll say he hates every second of it," he continues, moving his hand to wrap around Vere's neck and give it a gentle squeeze. "But he knows he craves it more than anything."
Vere tries to say something, to deny the doctor's words, but all that comes out is a strangled gasp. The feeling of Kuras moving inside him is overwhelming, and his body trembles with every thrust, his thighs quivering around the doctor's waist, while this throat convulses around Ais' dick.
"You’re not proving his point very well.” Ais murmurs, his voice low and taunting. "You look absolutely ruined."
He can feel Kuras's hand wrapped around his neck, his thumb gently pressing into his pulse point, and Ais's fingers tangled in his hair, pulling just the slightest bit too hard.
He knows they're right, and he hates how much he loves it.
Vere's eyes flutter shut, and he surrenders completely to the mind—numbing sensations coursing through his body.
With one final, hard thrust, Kuras comes undone, spilling himself inside Vere with a low groan. Ais lets out a guttural groan as his body shudders with pleasure, finding his own release down Vere's throat.
The room is filled with the sound of heavy breathing and the scent of sweat and sex, leaving Vere feeling utterly spent, boneless, yet strangely satisfied, like all his energy has been sapped out of him in the best possible way. He practically collapses against Kuras, feeling the aftershocks of euphoria wash over him consecutively.
"God damn, that was good." Ais pulls out and slumps back slightly, trying to catch his breath as he comes down from the high.
Kuras lets his head fall back, his gaze meeting Ais's over Vere's shoulder. "Remind me to lock the door next time."
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mirohlayo · 5 months
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welcome to my 1k celebration event, to thanks all of you for this milestone ! ᥫ᭡
first of all, I just wanted to thank you all for your huge support, it means a lot to me and I am infinitely grateful to all of you. I haven't done anything for my 100-900 followers but know that they mean a lot to me when I reach them, and I am sincerely touched by your support, like the only thing that I can say to you guys is just thank you so so so much !!! ᡣ𐭩ᡣ𐭩
it's not every day that I can accomplish a milestone, so as a thank you gift I decided to launch a requests event on different drivers
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╰┈➤ RULES ᯓ
→ I will write only driver x reader, or f1 grid x reader. you can choose oscar piastri, lando norris, charles leclerc, carlos sainz, lewis hamilton, george russel, max verstappen and daniel ricciardo
→ I will write most one shot and imagines stories, but also smau if you want, just let me know what type of story you want me to write
→ event will run from may 8th to may 15th. I didn't choose specific timescales because jet lag is different depending on the country where you live, so I will accept late requests (1 day only)
→ please refer to the request keys (fruits) so as not to create a mess, if this is not the case I will not take your request !!
→ you can request as many as you want, so feel free to ask literally anything, I'll be more than happy to answer any of you
→ I don't always have time to write but I always try to do it as quickly as possible, so please be respectful and patient.
enjoy ᯓᡣ𐭩
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୨🍒ৎ you choose the cherry ! often in pairs of two, this fruit is perhaps the perfect representation of two sidekicks, or simply two people who love interacting together. let's bake a delicious cherry pie while chatting, ask me anything and let's talk about whatever you want ! ⋆.˚
୨🍓ৎ you choose the strawberry ! red and juicy, it is a source of comfort. strawberry is for those who love romance and cute little interactions, who simply want to feel sweetness and love, soft touches and gazes. bake your strawberry pie with those fluff prompts 𐙚
୨🍋ৎ you choose the lemon ! this fruit is not there to satisfy everyone. tangy, it attacks the taste palate of certain people. however, those who love it are not afraid to do themselves a little harm, savoring the delicious bitter and sour taste. maybe a sticky situation is what they're looking for. bake your lemon meringue pie with those angst prompts ⊹ ࣪ ˖
୨🥥ৎ you choose the coconut ! be careful, you risk hurting yourself when cutting this coconut! but it may be worth it, because the sweetness and freshness of this fruit fascinate those who dream of a little love during difficult times. bake your creamy coconut cake with those hurt/comfort prompts ʚ
୨🍉ৎ you choose the watermelon ! watermelon is surely one of the most loved fruits of all. slightly fruity and sweet, it leaves an aftertaste of comfort, that you almost want to ask for more. this fruit is perfect for those who swear by romantic physical touches. bake your watermelon flavored cookies with those acts of love / physical affection prompts ⋆⭒˚。⋆
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and lastly, once again, huge thank you ᥫ᭡ <33
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lunagojo · 2 years
Various Anime Boys: Being Told "I love you" For The First Time (Part 2!)
a/n: yeeeeeah i should be working on my essay but here I am
Featured: Sanemi Shinazugawa, Kento Nanami, Keigo Takami / Hawks, Atsuhiro Sako / Mr. Compress
Warnings: Swearing in Sanemi's, stitching up Atsuhiro's boo boos
~ Part 1 ~ ~ Part 3 ~ ~ Part 4 ~ ~ Part 5 ~
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Sanemi Shinazugawa:
(was anyone gonna tell me he and Satoru share the same English dub VA??? It's so weird hearing Gojo's voice coming out of Nemi XD)
The other Hashira could not understand it. How did you manage to calm Sanemi down so much? It’s like your presence alone was a soothing balm to his damaged heart. Even he didn’t fully understand why he was so drawn to you, like a moth to a warm, glowing light. You were kind, patient, understanding…all things that he yearned for. And you made him ohagi, which, of course, was a bonus.
You were sitting together outside one evening, simply enjoying the peace and quiet together. Sanemi was unusually quiet, his lips pressed into a thin, firm line. He was getting annoyed with how he felt around you, and how lately you had refused to make eye contact with him.
“Hey,” he said suddenly, his voice rough, “Why the fuck don’t you look at me anymore? It’s like I’m ugly or somethin’ to you.”
You immediately raised your hands and shook your head adamantly, “No, no, it’s…it’s not that at all, Sanemi! I’m sorry.”
“Then what the fuck is it? And don’t tell me it’s that you’re shy or some shit.”
“N—No…it’s not that either.”
“Then just tell me, dammit. You’re starting to irk me.” He huffed, narrowing his eyes at you.
You blushed and swallowed harshly, looking embarrassed. “…I love you, Sanemi.”
He froze in place, his eyes going wide. “What?! You better not be fuckin’ joking or I’ll kick your ass.” It was an empty threat, Sanemi would never hurt you. He’d kill anyone who tried.
“I’m not joking!” You replied quickly, your cheeks darkening. You looked down into your lap, terrified that you had just made some sort of big mistake. Sanemi’s hand found yours and he squeezed it, bringing it to his lips. You looked back at him, surprised.
“I love you too, idiot.”
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Kento Nanami
(violently drooling over this man)
It had been several long, toiling days of work at Jujutsu Tech for you. You’d barely had any time to rest, having to wrap up mountains of paperwork that entailed the various curses that had been exorcised in the recent days. It was going to be another late night, everyone else had either gone home or gone to bed in the dorms, and it was just you, awake and working hard to finish up your work.
That is, you thought it was just you.
You didn’t even notice Kento standing in the doorway, watching you as you typed away on your computer. He didn’t know how you could look so stunning even when you were exhausted. He cleared his throat, which ended up startling you.
“I’m sorry,” He said as he entered, “ I didn’t mean to scare you.” In his hand was a paper bag.
You exhaled, relieved it was only Kento. Giving him a tired smile, you gestured for him to sit down in the spare seat. “It’s alright,” You assured him. “I guess I’ve just been way too absorbed in getting this done.”
“I can see that,” He replied, opening the bag. “You’ve been working tremendously hard lately. You need a break.” He took a wrapped sandwich out of the bag and offered it to you. “I know it isn’t much, but you do need to eat.”
You gratefully took the sandwich and didn’t hesitate to start eating it. You were starving.
“It won’t kill you to take a break,” He said. “Working overtime is never healthy.” He folded his hands in his lap, offering you a kind smile. You blushed at the sight. Kento rarely smiled around anyone.
You sighed softly and sat back in your chair. “I know…but I need to get this done.”
“I’m sure it wouldn’t do any harm to get some sleep tonight.” He pressed gently, removing his glasses and loosening his tie. “If you’re adamant about finishing it then I would be more than happy to keep you company.”
Something about his kindness, his smile, the way he was looking at you, it was almost too much for you to handle. He had always been so nice and thoughtful toward you.
God, I love you.
He straightened in his seat suddenly, looking at you with a wide eyed gaze. It took you a moment to realize that you had said it.
Heat creeping up into your cheeks, you stammered out an apology, ears burning hotly. Kento then smiled again, getting up from his chair and rounding your desk, so he was stood in front of you. His hand gently cradled your face, thumb running along your cheek. “You mean that?” He asked quietly, his eyes searching yours.
You nodded. He responded by pressing his lips to your forehead, murmuring back, “I love you, too. Now come to bed.”
(these are getting longer and longer lmfao)
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Keigo Takami
(sunshine bby bird boi)
“Haaawwwks~! Haaaawwwwwwkkkksss~!”
You rolled your eyes at the incessant sounds of the girls on the TV. Hawks had just rescued a bunch of people from a burning building and, of course, a fleet of his fangirls had followed him. It made your gut twist in jealousy when you saw footage of him taking selfies with some of them. You turned off the TV after that, flopping back on the couch. You knew you shouldn’t be jealous, after all, Keigo and you were just friends, nothing more. But God damn, did he make it so hard, with his stupid good looks and stupid charm and stupid sweet heart and sense of justice.
You heard the window to your apartment slide open and feet hit the floor. “Heyyyyy, Y/N, I’m baaaaack! Mind if I use your shower?”
“You have your own apartment, Kei.” You retorted, turning your head to look at him. He looked a bit scuffed up but still had that doofy big grin on his face.
“But it’s not as fun as being here with you!” He said in a sing songy voice, “Did ya see my rescue? Pretty nifty, huh?”
“Was alright.” You said back, inciting a snort from him.
“You wound me, Y/N.” He feigned heartbreak by clutching his chest. “’Kay, lemme go get cleaned up.”
He disappeared into your bathroom, leaving you resting alone on the couch again. You heard the shower running and covered your eyes with your arms, sighing heavily. You were in love with him and you felt stupid because of it.
In a few minutes he came back out, dressed in clean clothes, his hair and wings damp still. “Wanna order some takeout or something? I could really go for some yakitori, y’know?”
“No, you go ahead, though.” You said back flatly.
Keigo frowned a bit. “Hey now, what’s wrong? Did something happen?” He flopped down on the couch next to you, giving you a quizzical look. “C’mon, Y/N, talk to meeeeeee…”
“It’s nothing important, Kei.”
“It’s important to me. You’re important to me.” He pressed further, leaning into you so his chin was on your shoulder. “Please tell me?”
You sighed, finally looking at him. “I told you it’s nothing important, Keigo.”
“Noooo, c’mon, you’re torturing me now. Please please pleeeeease tell meeeee?”
“Ugh, God, I love you, stupid! I always have!” You finally blurted, annoyed and now embarrassed.
Silence fell over the apartment as humiliated tears stung your eyes. You were half expecting him to laugh, half expecting him to gently reject you. But he didn’t.
Instead, he tucked his fingers under your chin, turning your head so you’d look at him. His face had an expression on it that you’d never seen before, his eyes were so soft, his smile so warm and comforting. “I didn’t think you felt the same.” He said. ”Wha—” you began, but he cut you off with his lips on yours. Sparks flew from behind your eyelids at the feeling.
When you two broke apart, he rested his forehead against yours, a tender smile on his face. “…You sure you don’t want yakitori, though?”
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Atsuhiro Sako
(this man needs so much more appreciation, honestly)
“You really ought to be more careful, Compress.” You said as you stitched up a wound on Atsuhiro’s side. “You’re probably the only sane person in the League, besides Kurogiri. How am I gonna deal with the others if you go and get yourself killed?”
“It almost sounds like you care for me, my dear.” He drawled in response, a small smirk playing across his face. Well, what you could see of it through his balaclava. He gritted his teeth, though, when you pulled the thread through again. “Fear not, I shall not leave you to fend for yourself. It would not be very theatrical of me.” His eyes lingered on your face, his grin widening when you blushed and looked away.
“…I was worried,” You admitted, finishing up with his stitches.
His smile faded then, and he placed a hand on your wrist. “I’m sorry for making you worry,” He replied, his brown eyes softening. “I promise I will be more careful from now on, alright?”
You nodded, setting your materials to the side and retrieving a bandage to wrap around his abdomen. “…Hiro?” You asked, looking up at him.
“Hm? What is it, my dear?”
“…I love you.”
He stiffened for a moment, but then a warm smile grew across his lips. He wrapped an arm around you despite the objection coming from his wounded side. Pulling you close to him, he presses his lips to your forehead, nuzzling your hair. “I know.” He said softly. “I love you, too, my dear. You mean everything to me.”
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il0vewomenz · 4 months
𝐊𝐚𝐞𝐝𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐒/𝐎 𝐰𝐡𝐨 is very 𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟 her ♡
Kaede :
She can't fathom why you're scared of her! She hasn't done anything to warrant your fear, has she? She's actually quite friendly! Maybe too friendly. Is that the issue? Are you afraid because you think she's some sort of manipulator trying to win everyone's trust only to kill someone? Perhaps.
When she noticed your fearful expression, she simply asked, "Are you okay?" Only to receive no response. Well, unless you count flinching as response. "D-did I do something wrong?" No, Kaede, you didn't. She attempted to coax the reason out of you, but after several tries, she lost her patience. "Can you please tell me why you're so scared to be around me!?" She snapped.
However, she quickly composed herself and apologized. Kaede decided to take things slow with you from then on. "Hey, Y/N! How about we visit my lab? I can teach you how to play the piano and perform for you!" She proposed with a smile. You hesitated. "Y/N... If I were to harm you in my lab, it would be obvious that I'm the culprit." She said.
"What if she's just trying to gain my trust? What if she's pretending so I'll trust her, we'll become close, and then she'll harm me, and everyone will console her, never suspecting her as the culprit?"
"Y/N!" Kaede stood in front of you, poking your cheek. You let out a small squeak. "Ehehe... Sorry, sorry." She playfully apologized. "Let's go!" You followed her out of fear, mostly.
Upon entering her lab, she offered to teach you piano. Her standing behind you, ready to strike at any moment? No, thank you. You'd rather watch her play the piano to ensure she doesn't do anything. As she played, the music was beautiful and soothing. You couldn't resist closing your eyes, ignoring your anxious thoughts screaming at you not to do so.
She saw your expression and felt a bit relieved. You weren't shaking, which was good. After finishing the piano song, she waited for you to speak. Silence filled the room for a few moments. Lost in the music, you forgot about being alone with Kaede. She was someone you were scared of due to her personality.
You stood up to leave, but Kaede gently held your hands. Despite not gripping tightly, you couldn't move. You froze. "If you want to come to my lab again, let me know! I'd love to play the piano for you!" Kaede said, releasing your hands. You timidly replied, "I will..." before exiting.
The melody lingered in your mind as you fell asleep easier. Being an overthinker and not very brave, you were afraid of Kaede. "Was I too rude? Should I apologize? No, that's what she wants! She's messing with my head! But... she seems genuinely nice..." Woah, here you go overthinking again!
Eventually, you found yourself back in her lab, learning to play the piano. Despite making mistakes, Kaede remained patient and continued teaching you. Slowly, your fear lessened as you grew closer to Kaede each day.
Finally, what took you so long ho3.
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not-gray-politics · 1 year
I find it fascinating how many people can acknowledge on some level that the bmi is bad, outdated, inaccurate, wasn't made for individual use, and isn't even useful on a broader scale... but will still use terminology that comes directly from it and won't bat an eye at the fact that it's still in doctors' offices. So, just a reminder for folks who don't know:
"Obese" and "Overweight" are both terms that come directly from the BMI, and are both inaccurate and harmful.
The BMI itself was invented by a eugenicist who believed that all people should strive for the population average of his time period and only conducted research on white men. Women, poc, disabled people, and many other demographics were intentionally left out. It provides no meaningful information on the health or wellbeing of those who use it, but simply stacks them up to an outdated population average. Nothing more, nothing less. Using the terminology that comes from it is reductive and does damage to the scientific community. It has done irreversible damage to marginalized people and the culture as a whole, and is often used to dismiss the health concerns of fat patients. This can and has lead to many people's deaths and is an issue that should not be taken lightly. It has also been used to insult and dehumanize fat people for generations and could be considered a slur under those contexts. Stop using eugenicist language. Be mindful and be kind.
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