#no hate on anon yall
queenie-blackthorn · 3 months
i only say I'm aromantic to reject people who confess to me
kinda smart ngl
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fcthots · 6 months
Happy New Year!! I wish you the best of luck and prosperity in the New Year!
Have you thought about teasing Jason? Maybe making him read one of his favorite books out loud as you tease him til he can’t remember the words?
happy new year!!
Anon, you genius. I am a Jason loves teasing you truther, but I hadn't even considered the possibilities of you teasing Jason. And now that I am, he would not be able to take it for long. He would get so whiny and xhibedcd i have so many ideas for this, it's hard to pick one.
I'll proofread this later. <3.
It's not that Jason doesn't pay you enough attention, you take up 75% of his thoughts, but when Jason starts reading, it takes up all of his focus. It's damn near impossible to get his attention. Good thing you love a challenge.
When you walk into the living room, he's seated comfortably on the couch. A well worn book rests in his hands. He is so engrossed in it that he doesn't seem to notice your presence. You'll have to fix that.
"What are you reading?" He doesn't quite jump, but his eyes shoot up. There's something to be said about how he's so comfortable around you that his guards is completely let down. That does something to your insides.
"Just some poetry." It's such a vague answer that it piques your interest.
"What kind?" You step closer to him. His eyes track you.
"Some love letters. It's Letters to Milena by Franz Kafka." He'd spoken of the book before you think.
"Thinking about me while you read?" You climb onto the couch and straddle him. One of his hands moves to your waist on instinct.
His face dusts with a light blush. He doesn't respond, seemingly at a loss for words. You wrap your arms around his neck. He stutters for a moment, but never quite makes a full word. You smile. He's getting so riled up and you've barely done anything.
"Read it to me." His brows furrow and he fumbles with the pages. You dip your face into the crook of his neck and softly bite down. His breathing grows deeper and faster.
He stutters at first, struggling to find his place in the book. Eventually he finds it. "Yesterday, I advised you not to write me every day," You feel him grow hard beneath you, "I still hold the same opinion today and-"
You grind down onto him. His head tilts back, moving your face away from his neck, as he makes a sound between a whine and a moan. You lift your hips away from his and he opens his mouth to say something, but you speak first. "Keep going."
He nods obediently. His movements are shaky, pent up and nervous. "it would be very good for both of us," You drop your hips back onto his and he gasps, but doesn't stop, "and so I repeat my advice today even more-..." His voice trails off as your hand drops from his shoulder to down into your pants. He watches you with something akin to reverence as you slip the pants and underwear off together (with some difficulty). You drop them to the floor. Jason shudders beneath you. "Wait." His voice is whiny as he pants beneath you. "Please," one of his hands moves to the hem of your shirt and tugs, "take this off. Need to see you, please."
You start tugging it over your head. "Only if you keep reading." He nods vigorously and you unclasp your bra.
"Emphatically- only please," his voice hitches when display your tits in his face, you bring one hand to your chest and roll a nipple between your fingers, making a show of throwing your head back and pushing your chest towards his face with a breathy moan. "Milena," you grind against him and he stutters for a moment. You move the other hand back between your legs and begin to work yourself open, starting with two fingers, in and out. He continues and his hooded eyes watch your every move. He doesn't need to look at the book to know the words. "Don't listen to me, and write me every day anyway," you add another finger to your rhythmic motions that brush against his length, "it can even be very brief," you add in your pinky finger and Jason makes a pathetic little whiny sound that is music to your ears.
You undo the drawstring of his sweatpants and push them further down his thighs. Putting his book down, he shimmies his hips to help you get the pants down, as impatient as ever. As soon as he cock springs free, you urge him, "Keep going."
He watches, trying his best to keep talking, as you lift your hips and bring his tip to your folds. Your other hand staying occupied on your chest. His hands anchor themselves on your waist, "briefer than today's letters," he moans out as you begin to slightly push yourself down. He soldiers on, "just 2 lines," you slide down even more. You do your best to keep your own moans under control, you want to be able to watch him. You've worked yourself enough so he slides in easily, the stretch not painful. He feels good.
He can't form words while you take your time bottoming out on his cock. Once, you've sat your full weight on him, he can't tear his eyes away from where your bodies join. One of his hands slides down until his thumb reaches your clit. He's distracted, entranced, by you. You struggle to keep your composure. "Keep reading."
His eyes stay focused on his thumb as it circles your clit. "Just one," you move your hips up and snap them down. Pleasure blooms in your chest and you hear Jason curse and breathe faster. "Just one word," you find a rhythm moving up and down on his dick. His voice constantly wavers and he moans between words. "But if I had to go ah without them," the length between each word gets longer and longer as you move faster and faster and he gets closer and closer. He struggles to get even one word out.
"Finish it and I'll let you finish." You're getting close now too, his demeanor clearly having an effect on you. His thumb speeds up.
He nods, unable to hold himself back for much longer. "I would suffer terribly." He says the words fast, all in one breath as he begins to thrust up into you. You clench around him as he lets out a loud moan. You cum together as he spills out of you. His head tosses back and his thumb stills and he twitches through the last waves of his orgasm. You drop your head onto his shoulder and slouch against his chest. His arms curl around you and he kisses whatever skin he can reach. You legs burn and your knees ache, but you have nothing to be worried about. Jason will take care of you.
Also disclaimer! I have not read the book yet! I plan on getting it soon bc I've been wanting to read it for years, but have yet to read the full thing full so that's why it's undetailed.
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stardustbuck · 11 days
"manifesting bucktommy i love you scene" sis I hate to break it to you but they're not endgame and they're gonna break up in S8 so...sorry. They've very obviously been clearly been written in a way that clearly tells you they're not endgame. Tim and Oliver have even been pretty clear this is just buck's first relationship with a man won't be his last.
oh no. 😱😱😱 let me mourn—oh shit wtf is that!!!! *TIRES SCREECH*
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noosayog · 1 year
wc: 800
part 4. directory here.
warnings/content: angst, tw cheating(?)
Despite your reluctant affections for Atsumu, much about your dynamic remains unchanged. He still makes you mad enough to yell at him at least once a day, all while wearing that cheeky grin that you hated that you loved.
Something that has changed, though, is Atsumu taking you out and showing you off, teasingly introducing you to all his teammates and friends as "his girl." You, bonafide relationship-newbie, do not have the courage to ask him directly as he continues to toe the line between dating and… not.
The most degrading part of it all is the fact that you know why you don't just talk to him. It's true that you just don’t know the proper procedure for the natural progression of a romantic relationship, but that's an excuse. You're scared of what you'll find when you ask wonderboy Atsumu, well-liked by most everyone and incredibly physically blessed, what he's doing with a rain-cloud grump like you. If prolonging that conversation would mean that you get to enjoy this limbo of having his attention and affections in private, there are worse games to play. Probably. 
It's not unusual to find yourself in Atsumu's apartment these days. You’re a mainstay when he throws parties after games. Ironically, it's been a whole semester since your first encounter and it's once again finals week when Atsumu had begged you to at least show your face at his party. It was the least you could do for him since he allowed you to skip his game in favor of studying for your last final, consequently making you miss his game-winning service ace. In your usual grumbly fashion, you had agreed and let him press a sweet, indulgent kiss to your cheek. He had gotten a smile out of you in reward when he cheered rambunctiously at you agreeing to merely grace the party with your presence.
The time is far past 10 PM when you finally look up from your notes and you curse, getting up to bolt for Atsumu's room to keep your promise. You run past your mirror on your way out to be greeted with your eye bags and creasing on your cheeks from when you took a brief nap on your textbook. You scrutinize your face and figure you'll try to look a little nice for Atsumu tonight. After all, he had a big win today and you're already a bit late, so what's the harm in a few extra. In a manner truly unlike yourself, you take some time to doll up before heading out. You're practically skipping on your way to his door, looking forward to the look of shock Atsumu will give you then the subsequent teasing. You can already hear his lazy drawl, smugly grinning as he says "all dressed up for me, sweetheart?"
When you knock on the door, his teammates answer, all greeting you pleasantly and politely making comments about your appearance. They all sweep you into the kitchen, offering you drinks and snacks and asking how your day was. Had you been a little less excited and a little more yourself, you would have noticed the tense looks on their faces.
It becomes a bit strange when even Sakusa continues to badger you with questions about your semester, finals week, and vacation plans. You level them with a look containing the usual sharp glint in your eyes and ask where Atsumu is. Shifty eyes don't meet yours as they all scramble to respond simultaneously.
"He's actually asleep-"
"Went to find dinner-"
You frown and push past the wall of hulking athletes towards Atsumu's shut bedroom door. Your fingers are curled around the doorknob when Sakusa places a hand on your shoulder. He doesn't say anything and you don't turn to face him, only turning the knob. His hand on your shoulder falls away.
You're not sure what to expect when you enter Atsumu's room but this is certainly not it. Cliché as it is, you have never imagined yourself in a situation where you would see someone who filled you with so much hope and took so many of your firsts and inflicted you with so much of an unfamiliar emotion kissing someone else. 
You see Atsumu lying on his back, on his bed, with a woman you've never seen before straddling his hips and hovering incriminatingly close to his face.
At your intrusion, Atsumu's eyes fly open. You can see the thoughts and excuses flash across his eyes in one second, but you've seen all you need to so you back away without a single word, fleeing the scene.
That's when you realize that you and blondie have maybe been playing different games this whole time. Or at least playing the same game, but there you were, perfectly content with your measly houses on Pennsylvania Ave on the Monopoly board while Atsumu's building hotels down the street on Park Avenue.
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omgcatboi · 1 month
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I don't often post my non kink related art but I'm tryna get the attention of someone else in the community and am too shy and cringe to reach out so. Here, have this portrait I did of Hanzo Shimada. With my finger. On ibis paint. This took me four hours. Progress for proof below.
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evansbby · 7 months
With hot beefy daddy Ari, you can be a pillow princess, letting him do all the work ‘cause he’s a real man and wants to take care of his sweet baby🥹 He’d comfort you and fuck you so dumb, but it’s okay because “sweet little babies like you just have to sit pretty and listen to their daddy”. Even if you’re overstimulated he would still go on and on, talking about he has to pump you full of his babies. And obviously you’re taking it soooo good, because who wouldn’t??? Just imagine his big hands manhandling you in every position you can think of😫😫😫
With (tw) Andy Barber, he wants YOU to be on top bc he wants you to put in the work every once in a while because he’s tired or whatever🙄 He also wants you to “feel empowered and let you have control”. You’d have to put your hand over his mouth to shut him up because he talks waaayyy too much when you just want to imagine that it’s Ari you’re riding, instead of Andy (tw). He would for sure just want it plain vanilla every single time you’re fucking😒 He’d make such stupid comments as well, like “little guy is going in now”, and you’re just laying there thinking wtf?? ALSO please why do I feel like he’d cry at one point😭 and he just collapses on top of you and starts to cry in your neck, when all you wanted was to cum but that’s never the case with (tw) Andy.
(Before yall say anything, yes I’m aware pillow princess is a wlw exclusive term. I’m sure anon didn’t know but will now🩷🩷)
Yesss Ari is literally so strong daddy coded and he’s in charge of everything and doesn’t let you lift a finger or do any work! He just wants to take care of you and get you pregnant 🥹🥹 that’s why he’s such a perfect daddy!
Omfg that whole Andy paragraph is such an ick 💀💀💀💀💀 him wanting you to feel empowered??? PLEASE. It’s just an excuse bc he’s too lazy and doesn’t have enough stamina to be on top! And I swear to god if he said to me “little guy is going in now” I’d bat him away and leave the house bc EW wtf! 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
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moonjxsung · 7 months
Man wtf is up with y’all and theses threesomes and members watching shit like get a fucking job but anyways reported that stupid ass story
You when you scroll through nsfw skz tumblr and there’s nsfw skz content: 🤬🤯🤯
Also I am a full-time employed adult… you report tumblr fics AND leave anonymous hate asks in your free time… might I suggest a ✨career✨ or maybe some ✨therapy✨
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rhapsoddity · 1 month
why dont you give us comics all at once and make them all pages like double hearted
cus im not doody and maruu?? LMAO??
DDVAU/double hearted has SUCH a level of polish I wish I could replicate, but I struggle to make art consistently as is, which is why I don't stick to one level of quality, or one format for this au! I'm just here to have fun and hooooooopefully actually finish an au lmao
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gingerjolover · 6 months
maybe lazy day around the holidays cuddling with lucy? like they’re in bed (lucy and soft!gf) watching a christmas movie and soft!gf is trying to get lucy to appreciate the small things that come with the holidays ? if that makes any sense lol
of course babyyyy
we can make our own christmas - lucy dacus x soft!gf
Lucy's breathing is even, her head resting on your abdomen, body rising and releasing with your own. One arm is across your lower belly, the other under your back. You cringe at the thought that her arm might be actively falling asleep, but her eyelids flutter with sleep, staying closed. Your fingers carding through her hair, running down the slope of her nose, and rubbing her ear as you stare ahead at the screen, some random Christmas movie playing for the nth time this season already.
"Another Christmas movie?" Lucy mumbles, rubbing her face in your shirt, her lips catching the hem, gently grazing your skin.
"Oh, don't be such a grinch," you tease softly, smiling softly at her obvious distaste. Truthfully, Lucy was probably Christmas'd out. Over the last few days you'd gone to a Christmas tree farm/village, went to see Christmas lights, had a Christmas-themed brunch at Phoebe's, followed by a Santa Claus movie marathon, went gift shopping, and then decorated the entire apartment and tree.
And she's been a good sport... sort of...kind of... as much as Lucy could be about Christmas. You gave her a break today, though, the two of you lazily moving around the apartment, slowly invading each other's space, allowing one another to just exist in each other's presence.
"Sorry," Lucy mumbles, looking up at you, there's almost a submissive glint in her eyes.
"For what, honey?" you whisper back, thumbing the hair of her eyebrows down as they moved out of place while her face was resting in your stomach.
"Bein' a grinch," Lucy says, rubbing her face back into your abdomen, the feeling of her lips moving through the fabric of her your t-shirt tickles.
"I was just joking Lu," you say softly, hand rubbing the back of her head.
"No, but- you love Christmas, and I... I hate it, the only reason I did any of that stuff today was for you.. and for Phoebe, but mainly for you..." Lucy admits, her tone annoyed and defeated, but it's clearly an internal battle.
"Babe... I love you," you say, pulling her hair softly to lift her head to make eye contact. "And I appreciate you doing all this stuff for me... I know you have a lot attached to the Christmastime, but... I want to start creating our Christmas traditions... ones that make you feel good, and they don't even have to be super Christmassy..." you say softly. "I know I've been going hard with the Christmas stuff, but I want to figure out what you like... you didn't mind the scrapbooking and collage making, right?" you ask.
"No, I didn't mind it... it was fun," she whispers.
"And you liked sitting on the counter while I made Christmas cookies?"
"Yeah... your apron was cute," she says, lips pouting.
"And you got to pick really cool and unique and some ugly ornaments for the tree... that was fun, right?" you ask, fingers threading through her hair again, trying to convince her to like the small bits of Christmas without infantilizing her.
"Yeah... and I don't hate the music... or the gift giving, I guess... I just...it's a lot," she says, a heaviness in her voice, the weight of childhood Christmases, religious trauma, and the conflated depression all swirled in her words.
"It doesn't have to be anything you don't want it to be, Luce... we literally can do whatever we want for Christmas, I'm sorry if I've been pushing it," you say sincerely.
"No, you haven't; you've given me plenty of outs... I would do Christmas every weekend if it made you happy," she says sincerely, crawling up the bed, sticking her face in your neck.
"I love you," you say softly, her lips attaching to your neck gently.
"I love you more," she breathes. And she means it. Lucy is not a Christmas person, but there's something about how you breathe new life into every corner of her mind, showing her little things to love and appreciate, your smile worth every cheesy Christmas movie, familial argument, or pseudo-religious unwarranted messaging.
"I love you so much, I do... but can we please change the movie for the love of.." Lucy starts to say, tone exhausted as her nose rests on yours.
"How about the Grinch?" you tease softly, Lucy pulling away softly, eyes boring into yours, her face in faux offense.
"Do you hate me?" she asks.
"No Grinch!"
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bringthekaos · 4 months
Listen, I know Jayce was nowhere near ready to take on a councilor position, but my God did he try his best. 24 hours after being appointed, he had researched months worth of transactions and pinpointed "mistakes" on the registry. When he realized he needed to play smoth to get his research sponsored, he put on a smile and made the necessary deals. He is a very hardworking man and I love him SO MUCH
Omg this this thissssss!
Was he perfect? No. Was he forced to sacrifice some of his integrity to cozy up to the “right” people? Yes.
But he fucking came out swinging. Sure he had to take it back and agree to their “deals,” but he went after the UPPER CLASS on DAY ONE, publicly calling them out on their bullshit. Like… this lady (Amara, Mel called her)—
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—said “I had quite a shock this morning; Enforcers banging on my door.”
Helloo????? A member of the Piltover elite having Enforcers banging on her door like a common criminal?? Fuck YES Jayce. There’s no coming back from that kinda hit to your reputation, even if you get off Scot free. Her social circle will be whispering about that shit until the day she dies.
He was young, he made mistakes, and he was thrust into a role he was unprepared for and never wanted. And yeah, he was too naive, and got manipulated. But godDAMN, he certainly tried to do more for the actual people than most of those councilors did! Jayce is basically a Union man, fighting for fair treatment, and safe/easier working environments (with the implementation of Hextech).
He’s a good man, and this is a hill I WILL die on. No, he never wanted to be a councilor, but when he had to, he put his whole pussy into that role.
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crippled-peeper · 22 days
i dont want to trample on ur emotions/right to be upset at people getting mad at you for not wanting to be called smth, but like. idk the way youre talking about DID is really weird and rubs me the wrong way.
you have every right to be upset at the people in ur inbox calling you heinous shit, but you dont have to attack (online) DID culture because of these people. it's reading very fakeclaim-y
I don’t think you would recognize sarcasm if it punched you in the face
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turnallthemirrors · 1 year
the fact that suicide baiting is becoming an increasingly popular way to harrass people online when we are experiencing unprecedented levels of mental health crises and a gun violence epidemic is so horrifying. I really think people think this is just a normal way to disagree with someone without seeing the very real tangible consequences that can come from encouraging someone to kill themselves. but I promise you if there is even a tiny part of you that has considered that before, having a stranger on the internet tell you to do it rips that wound wide open. there is no excuse or justification for that kind of behavior.
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thelov3lybookworm · 3 months
i find your personality really annoying.
omg my second hate anon 🥹🥹🥹
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lxvvie · 7 months
I don't get half of what you're saying. It's just, like, it makes no sense at all. Your post that just showed up on my for you now (Knitting!Simon AU but with the ladies meeting the fellas), like? Seriously, what's that about? Where did you even get that? No, like, I get the whole headcanon and ideas thing, but what you wrote, it's just like... can't wrap my head around it. Feels like you smacked your head on the keyboard while it was throwing out word suggestions, and then you hit post, 'cause, seriously, can't make sense of any of it.
So, I'd seen some of your posts before, but I checked your profile to get an idea, and mate, all your posts are like that. It's like you're spilling your fanfic/scenarios straight from your head (ironic, I know, because all authors do that), but you're different. What the heck are those characters and other weird stuff? Sometimes it's just so random and bad executed. Seriously, it's really bad, like, really bad. I had to get this out because I was genuinely MAD reading your posts.
You really thought you ate with this, huh, beloved?
Well, anon, I got time today so let’s break this down here.
For starters, I ain’t ya mate.
Secondly, this sounds like a personal problem that you’re shifting on to me because YOU don’t know wtf is going on. Like I’ve said before, it costs Free.99 to keep it pushing, but you just had to waste precious time out of your day to try and come after me… for what every other writer in this fandom does. So how am I different again?
You’re full of shit, beloved.
But I want you to have the day you deserve and I hope you get even madder with every post that comes afterwards.
Cope and seethe. 😘
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chrollohearttags · 3 months
I’ve been very cool on this app, minding my business and trying to behave but since y’all wanna get funny in my inbox, I’m bout to act hilarious. enjoy your doxxing, beloved 💋
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omgcatboi · 25 days
Fatphobic anons stop dumping your baggage that you refuse to work through in therapy ( get help bitch!! ) on my fat mutuals bc ur mad that u choose not to feel confident and fat like them so you try tear them down to build your shitty self up challenge: IMPOSSIBLE WHOPPER.
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