#no hate to my villain fuckers <3
withclawandvine · 1 year
i just watched ‘my adventures with superman’ and if it has taught me anything it’s that i’m always gonna be a hero girlie <3  ik the morally gray man with a soft spot for just you is having his moment rn but i must stay true to my roots..  watching that bulky man in a sweater be unable to resist saving a kitten did more for me than some guy burning cities down on my behalf or whatever ever could
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cryinhell · 11 months
so no one asked for this, but here's a post about my favorite Hazbin Hotel ships ( romantic and platonic) and what I hope they explore with them in the show.
1) Huskerdust/Angelhusk/Casino Hearts (Romantic)
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Obviously, I got to start with my favorite romantic pairing in the fandom. Angel and Husk are my favorite characters in the HelluvaVerse, and both mean a lot to me. They are both old men born around the same time with a lot in common, and I know they would be close buds. From everything we have gotten in canon( fake instagrams which are not canon but in character, the fun hunicast streams, viv admitting to shipping them and allowing huskerdust into the merch, the fact that Husk was made to be Angel's bestie, and a lot of unnecessary information I know lmao, I do not doubt these two will be canon. I can't wait to see their friendship grow and all the trials and tribulations they will go through to become better for themselves and each other. And hopefully, the fun shenanigans that they do because I love me some shenanigans.
2) RadioHusk (Platonic)
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Okay, so Husk's relationships with everyone interests me, but this one is probably the most after AngelHusk. It's clear these two have a past and that Alastor is comfortable enough with Husk to be incredibly annoying around him. Alastor is Husk's boss and most likely owns his soul, but there's also a strange bond between them I really want explored. I think Al loves Husk in a platonic and weird way because he's most likely his best friend, but Alastor may not be able to always express this normally. Husk is a good guy and a bit complacent, so he just deals with this shitheads nonsense and doesn't seem to fear him. Maybe there's some fucked up things between them and maybe their friendships has cons and pros. I'm not entirely sure, but I can't wait to find out
3) Angel and Vaggie (Platonic)
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Okay, most of these are platonic ships, but whatever friendships are important. I love these two judgemental assholes and the way they judge people together. It truly is gay and lesbian solidarity, heh. They are gonna be the best of frienemies, and I can't wait for their relationship to be explored.
4) Voxval (Romantic)
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Okay, I hate these bastards with a burning passion, but that doesn't mean their relationship does not interest me. Vox, Val, and Velvette are going to be the main villains of Hazbin Hotel, and without knowing too much about them, I'm excited. I want to know how Val and Vox are going to be as a couple. Since the instagram accounts are not canon, it is hard to tell if Val will be abusive or not. This is a possibility since the accounts seemed to be in character, but I want a different approach. I think it would be interesting for these two to genuinely love and respect each other and no one else. To see themselves as the true rightful kings of Hell and work together to destroy and belittle whoever they deem below them. It's an interesting dynamic that I prefer more than just "Val is abusive to poor baby Vox" cause Vox is also evil, and I want him to do evil shit.
5) Chaggie (Romantic)
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There's not much to say about these two. I just think they are cute, and I want to see more of them.
6) The Hazbin Gang (Platonic)
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And lastly, I can't wait to see how all of these fuckers get along and interact. As a group, I'm sure they will be very entertaining and I will enjoy every minute of it. Also, I am including Pentious because I know he's part of the main cast now, and I love that. Can't wait for these idiots to try and make this hotel work and hopefully grow together in the process.
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betweenlands · 1 year
why you should vote herobrine in every single Tumblr Sexyman poll
he's one of the originals: look, a lot of these upstarts are new to the party. they may be sexy and they may be men, but they lack legacy. not so with herobrine. herobrine's been around. he's been around before sans. he's been around before bill cipher. he's one of the original originals alongside the onceler himself. know your herstory etc etc
he fits more of the criteria: look. i love benrey, i love reigen arataka, i love raymond animalcrossing. but look me in the eyes and tell me: is there a significant portion of people who ship them with themselves? once upon a time that used to be a requirement. and guess who does fit that requirement? that's right. herobrine. i mean, yeah, there's also herosteve i guess, but i was there back in the mid-2010s! i know what i saw! even to this day people will make new herobrine variant ocs! and guess what! sometimes they smooch!
he's a trailblazer: i think quite possibly one of the few more influential video game creepypastas you could cite would be BEN Drowned, but with all my respects -- he does not have the advantage of being in one of the longest-living games of the decade. herobrine, meanwhile? herobrine comes from the same time as first-era MCYT, and no matter how you feel about the phrase "MCYT" as a whole, you should know that interpretive roleplay and storytelling in the confines of video games is very, very cool and very, very important. and the first villain of every 13-year-old's minecraft roleplay? if it wasn't herobrine, he almost certainly made an impact elsewhere.
he's been through a lot: if i had a nickel for every time i saw whitewashed herobrine i would probably be a millionaire. despite being blocks he gets drawn as a stereotypical muscleman (twig herobrines get a pass they have a je ne sais quoi about them). his alive half-brother is a total asshole. people hate him on instinct because some famous jackass or another happens to play the game he's originated from. he's gotten banned from minecraft at least 10 separate times. he doesn't deserve this. he's just really been through the ringer and he really deserves this win.
i love your other guys. i do. except one or two of them but i don't want those guys anywhere near my blog so i'm not naming those fuckers. but for the most part i love like 90% of them and if it were up to me they'd all be given titles for their individual contributions to sexymandom.
but c'mon, y'all, it's herobrine minecraft. someone changed four pixels on the original steve skin and made a complete and utter legend and we can't just let that go unaccoladed forever.
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[ID: an image of Herobrine's skin at a 3/4ths angle facing right. /End ID.]
the universe loves you very much, be gay do minecraft and vote herobrine.
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myths-tournaments · 9 months
Awful Characters Round 1 Part 1 (5/8)
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Propaganda under the cut!
-war criminal -murdered a bunch of toddlers like five seconds after turning to the dark side -exploded his daughters home planet that one time -murdered an entire village bc some of them killed his mom (and not just the men, but the women and the children, too) -choked out his pregnant wife and sent her into early labor -murdered a bunch of jedi -had a really dumb braid at one point -tried to kill obi-wan (his mentor, brother, friend, guardian, and basically the most important person in his life) -failed to kill obi-wan and got his shit fucked up so badly that he became basically a walking iron lung, if iron lungs were an ill-timed sneeze away from killing you -went back for MORE a decade after obi-wan beat his ass just to be a dick. like he dragged the poor fucker's face through fire just to be an asshole -annoying
Kromer is one of my FAVORITE villains of all time I love her so much. cult leader who is obsessed with the purity of the human body and thinks that having a flesh and blood body is the best thing ever and that people who willingly turn themselves into cyborgs are heretics, so she goes around slaughtering them. manipulated her friend, killed his family, and was generally just awful to him. she loves flesh so much she turned herself into a human centipede about it (body horror warning if you choose to look her up). she is an awful, awful person for basically no reason (her backstory and motivation is just that she likes flesh. that's it. that's literally all there is to it). I have not seen twitter users being weird about liking her firsthand but I know they do it slightly unrelated but people like to treat her & her cult like they're ableist or a metaphor for ableism- THEY'RE NOT. canto 3 is about religion. religious trauma. religious extremism. prosthetics in the projmoon universe are not the same as prosthetics in our world, it's just a weird choice of words, and nagel und hammer has nothing to do with ableism. if you're gonna hate her for the things she's done at least make sure it's something she's actually done PLEASE im begging you
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I am now officially entering my Fable hating arc.
I am getting caught up on season 3 of FableSMP and I am now at the point where Fable's true colours are really showing and am understanding the pure amount of haters this fucker has.
I didn't really like Enderian before, she was one of the main villains and definitely did some fucked up shit, but I am warming up to her.
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r0-boat · 1 year
If Poke-men(and Rika) had audio accounts part 5(???)
Scarlet and violet Edition
(Guzma too)
Sfw and Nsfw
Cw: mentions of yandere, noncon
Hassel and Brassius
They share the same account. They treat each one of their audios like a work of art. It has to be perfect in their eyes using their own sound effects if they have to. Even using their own artwork for thumbnails
You can find them on YouTube doing story-like audios with compelling characters and arcs. Their most popular is two men fighting over you,Sometimes they'll even post ASMR readings of popular books
Sadly their nsfw is patreon locked, but but if you do cough up money for their tear, you will be fed because you'll have access to all sorts of wonderful horny content for your consumption. And sometimes they'll even post illustrations of scenes from those audios.
Their viewers have pointed out a pattern between the two. If it is a Brassius centered audio then it will be more kinky and rougher a little darker. But with Hassel, the audios are much more gentle and loving.
Pet names for their listeners
(Muse/My muse/Our pretty little Muses~) Hass&Brass
(Pet) Brassius
(Beautiful) Hassel
(Love/My Love) Brassius
(Dear) Haasel
Started gwa shortly after his snowboarding career when he had nothing else to do at home. At first it was just something to relieve to sexual desire. But he hates to admit that he's grown a liking to his audience.
Favors darker, kinkier Scripts. Yandere( is his favorite), noncon. Rolls where he plays more villainous character or cocky pretty boy. Occasionally As a treat, he'll do a much nicer gentle audio.
Grusha has a nice voice and can voice Act. He could not only do some game characters he could also probably do a more feminine voice. It's funny to watch the comments scream about his more feminine voice.
He has thought about starting a patreon where he only does audios of game or anime characters. ( though he's a little disappointed himself that he's stupid this low)
Pet names for listener
My love
Fucking Larry dude where do I begin. Started on youtube as a joke and a Pastime and now he's too deep to stop. Even has a gwa now( HIGHLY requested from fans). His voice always sounds tired and slightly monotone so he doesn't even know why people like him either.
Larry will do any script people want him to. You tag him in a script he'll most likely have it out within a week. And he always posts some at like midnight or 3:00 a.m. On a certain day once a week. He's always completely on time.
His most common are ramble faps. His listeners love to listen to him slowly become undone, mindlessly babbling about biting you or filling you full.
His audios slowly become kinkier over time. Favoring the ones where he's marking you or choking you. A lot of his audio have pretty good quality too. No one knows how he does it.
Pet names for listener
( he's working on it)
Almost always does anime or video game inspired audios. Making his own scripts and even posting them so people could use them as well. He's extremely creative and all of his audios are very well done. However he doesn't post a lot. He only makes audios when he's too horny to think or work or when he's so hyper-fixated on a game and creativity Hits him.
Pretty chill when it comes to Kinks. if the script calls for it he'll do it. And provide a good Aftercare audio. He's always wanted to try an Omegaverse audio but has been too scared to do so.
His audios drastically very. There are some where he's dominating you in the most kinkiest way. And others he's under your heel whimpering feeling you put pressure on his poor cock.
He turns into the biggest monster fucker you've ever seen around Halloween
Pet names for listener
amor/ Mi amor
Excellent voice range. Can sound like a man or a woman. she mostly makes F4F/F4A audios though. Most of her audios is Improv, sometimes she makes her own Scripts. Absolutely adores Scripts where she's playing a position of greater power.
This is all just for horny fun and fulfilling Her Fantasy so she's pretty chill with all Kinks. She does Kinks that only she's into even flirts with her listeners in the comments.
Her favorite audios, however are the one's were its just her making kiss noises and making out with the listener, or eating them out. Rika just likes making mouth noises.
Also becomes a huge monster fucker on Halloween. She likes to pretend that she's a slime grinding her cunt against you or bending you over, sliding her cock inside of you.
Pet names for listener
After he broke up team skull he needed something to do. He did this to kill time. Now he's so far that he doesn't know if he's proud of himself or not.
Apparently, he's really good at acting and writes all of his scripts himself. All his audios are sweet and very wholesome. With each kinky audio having their own aftercare. "this is how I would treat my sweetheart in real life" -Guzma probably
The close friend of him mentioned that he could make quite a pretty penny with his side gag and even though they're kind of right. He doesn't know if he wants to. He's kind of grown attached to his sweethearts.
All his audios have titles like " bad boy protects you". Or "bad boy boyfriend makes love to you"
Pet names for listener
Sweet heart
Posted it introduction audio. The mic is terrible and you can hear a car noises in the background and he basically tell you that he is new, and he hopes that his voice will make you swoon.
People fucking loved him. They're not sure if hes a troll but they listened to some of his audio. Oh boy the mic... And oh boy, that acting... It's okay he's trying his best. And he is. Taking notes and heating his listeners advice for acting tips and better Mics. He's getting better and he has his audience to thank. They even tag him in scripts for him he is a little worried about how many age Gap scripts he gets...
" there goes our peepaw off destroy the world. they grow up so fast!"
Clive is his alter ego when he wants to play a younger version of himself. Clive is very cringe and he somehow sneaks in dumb slang words that don't make sense. no matter how much they tell him Clive is here to stay.
Pet names for listener
Bae( Clive)
My Treasure(s)
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deviousfatestudio · 5 months
hi it's me with the copy and paste comment i realize i could of just copy and paste “BroZones talent in a bottle” part. anyway, i have questions so heres 6.
are the bros just evil or do they have guilt and stuff?
did the bros do something to grandma to you know keep branch?
will the bros ever break out of the crazy mindset the perfect harmony put them in?
i know you mention due to branch being so young when they manage to hit the perfect harmony, he not crazy, however come he not crazy like the bros in the future did they no use it at all during Thos 20 years?
does poppy make an appearance in this at all or is it just the bros?
how long was branch trapped in the bottle was it a few months like floyd was or years?
i have more but i cant think of anything.
You can just call it Bottle Branch au or bottle I’ll understand 😙
1) full fledged fuckers. Under the family stability rating they’re at -45% which means the brothers are not allowed anywhere NEAR their branch or any other. (Maybe…)
2) grandma is the reason branch knows of other trolls and becomes friends with them! She managed to get away with branch for a bit and that’s how he knows of poppy and the others. Creek is who tattles to the brothers about it. (Fuck creek. All my homies hate creek)
Grandma doesn’t make it through the winter. Branch blames himself
3) so by crazy mindset I mean they kinda act like canon!velvet. They go mad with fame and power and want more and they do not. At least how I have it currently. In the multiverse fic I have in mind they’re actually the main villains.
4) branch isn’t crazy because to him he just wanted to sing with his brothers. I’m realizing now what I meant was a bit misleading
More so- the perfect family harmony really pushes emotions to a high. The brothers were all thinking different things and different emotions. JD with perfection, Floyd with wanting to be famous, clay wanting to be taken seriously, and Spruce wanting to be cared for. The family harmony kinda made those go haywire but isn’t controlling them. It just pushed them over the edge they created for themselves. Think of it like drugs… kinda
Branch however was only thinking of playing with his brothers. This is one of the main reasons that even after nearly dying he still believes his brothers mean him no harm. That boy needs so much therapy.
More family harmony means more pushing those emotions and just making them sink deeper and deeper into that hole. Branch, by the time he’s the age of canon branch, quite literally obeys his brothers every command. Spruce has actually broken his arm on multiple occasions and branch apologizes to him.
5) she does! Grandma rosie puff would bring a young branch over to play. She warned poppy to not let branch’s brothers know. Poppy didn’t understand until she saw the brothers pick up branch. Branch was bruised.
6) it’s over the course of 10 years on and off. They plan to build up stock since they know too much all at once will kill branch. They also know that branch learning from other trolls boosts the talent he gives so they have him travel around. This is where some of the other trolls we know and love start noticing some shit. Especially 4 trolls branch had been super close with. (Kismet found family is a HILL I WILL FUCKING DIE ON)
By the end of it when veneer and velvet manage to save branch with the aid of p much every other troll branch is in bad shape. All the other branch’s tend to go visit him instead of him traveling around.
Branch came to full crystallization ( but reversed back like Floyd as the brothers knew how to time it) multiple times over the course of those 10 years and THAT led to a lot of damage. He usually feels cold and tired. His energy drains quickly and his singing voice, while still beautiful, is very weak. He can barely participate in dancing and singing. Most times he can walk but there are times he can’t at all. It’s bad and the slow realization his brothers actually did mean him harm makes him lose his colors possibly. Still working it out.
Kinda thinking of having viva be the whistle blower?? Or she could be fucked up like them. Not sure.
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of-worms-and-fibers · 1 month
It's just a prank, bro
Hawks pulls a prank on Jeanist and Edge causing a middle large inconvenience. Fluff, Hawks is a cheeky fucker, prank, funny, ask Word count: 592
“Ohhhhh Jeanie~ Edgy~!“
Hawks called, and his two co-heroes already wanted to jump out the window just by the way he said it. Given that they were on the second floor of Jeanist’s agency, however, they did not do that. Instead, they took a deep breath and looked at the chick of the top 10 heroes. He had a huge grin spread on his face; his eyes gleaming with mischief.
“Hawks, what is it?”
Edgeshot asked professionally, the slightest bit of hope in his voice that this wouldn’t end in some inconvenience. He hated the inconveniences more than actual danger. Best Jeanist had an eyebrow cocked curiously, also intrigued to know what the bird hero wanted.
“I want to prank Endeavor. And I need your help!”
That was a lie but the two didn’t know that yet. They were oblivious to the fact that nothing stopped Hawks from pranking them as well, even though it usually was Endeavor’s fate. Perhaps it was a wrong assumption that Hawks would spare anyone. 
“And how does that involve us?”
The denim hero asked, certainly always amused by the top one’s reactions to pranks. The way his flames would swirl could look quite interesting. Sometimes, they even turned blue.
“Just come with me!”
“Oh no, no, last time we did that, I ended up as a worm for a MONTH.”
Edgeshot complained, seconds before being dragged to the car by his husband and should-have-long-been-ex-friend. Keigo directed Tsunagu around to a bunch of restaurants, after around 3 of which, he ended up being the one driving while the husbands sat on the backseats holding an increasingly impossible amount of water cups. And it began to dawn on them that it wasn’t Endeavor who was getting pranked.
“Hey, Keigo. Don’t you think that’s enough water cups?”
Tsunagu asked cautiously, his heart dropping in a way it never had as the blonde grinned at him through the mirror:
“Oh? Is it enough? Okay.”
“Keigo- KEIGO DON’T!”
Tsunagu yelled out when he realized what was about to happen. But that didn’t stop it from happening. Keigo slammed on the break, the cups tipping forward rapidly and falling; except Shinya’s, who managed to hold them only to receive a full shower of ice water at the recoil. The silence was deadlier than All For One as the denim hero slowly looked up from the water-drenched car floor:
“My car…”
He said in disbelief, then a bit louder:
“Takami. You have three seconds to run.”
“Oop, that’s my cue then.”
The red-winged man replied, toppling out of the car, almost forgetting to undo the seatbelt. Shinya, in the meantime, started shivering, and Tsu granted Keigo a few more seconds, busy making a makeshift blanket for his husband from the seat covers:
“I’ll be right back with you, my little fiber. Today starts my villain arc. Leave the motor on for heating.”
He said softly before dashing after the man who was soon to be nothing but a grilled chicken. He briefly considered getting Endeavor for help. 
“Quit running Takami! I’ll use your feathers as towels, I promise you that!”
Was all Shinya could hear over his chattering teeth, and mentally, he cursed himself out for trusting Keigo over trusting his gut. At this point, trusting a villain was safer than trusting that cheeky, trouble-predicting grin.
And it wasn’t that he hated the young hero or that he judged him for healing his inner child with pranks. But if Shinya even so much as sneezed the next day, Hawks would pay for sure.
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bluehairlaunch · 1 year
7 Underrated Dragon Ball Characters
Honorable mention, Launch. She's one of my favorite Dragon Ball characters, but Toriyama never evolves Launch beyond her gag, and then he forgets all about her. Unlike most USians, I started with OG Dragon Ball, and enjoyed the found family dynamic that Goku developed after Grandpa Gohan (who ironically is his father figure) died. Roshi is like his grandpa, Bulma his big sister, Krillin his best bro, and Launch his mother. She cooks, cares for the boys, and handmakes them their cute little World Tournament suits. It seemed like she was going to be a major supporting character, but instead she circles the drain doing one of three things until she's just finally gone 1) getting molested by Roshi 2) shooting people impervious to bullets 3) crushing on Tien
Launch deserved better
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Android 16
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The only reason he's not higher on this list is because he's not as underrated as the others. Plenty of people like 16 ofc, he's a good character, but in universe he gets nothing but disrespect. Y'know the guy who saved the world by helping Gohan go beyond Super Saiyan? He's on the same tier as Farmer w/shotgun in terms of getting wished back to life. Yamcha would rather give his girlfriend a nice necklace
Super goes a step further in erasing his existence by giving his character traits to Park Ranger 17. And I'd say this was a nice homage to 16 if Super wasn't Super
World Tournament Announcer
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The Nameless Announcer. One of the few normies to know about Dragon Team, he's an in-universe Dragon Ball stan. He's also the first character in this entire franchise to go from mustache-less to mustache
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Yajirobe's honestly so cool. He 1 shot Cymbal, then COOKED AND ATE HIM, which is probably the darkest thing to happen in Dragon Ball and actually makes Buu a Yajirobe clone. He was also the equivalent to Tien and Goku on release, being as strong as they were during the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament.
Except, unlike Tien and Goku, he's a total slacker and was probably this strong naturally, or at least very close. For context, 21st World Tournament Goku was equivalent to Roshi, who could blow up the moon with ease
Oh and he was instrumental in defeating Geets, that's cute of him too
Dr. Gero
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One of my fav villains, this fucker here, he fucks. He created best girl (18) best twink (17, sorry not sorry Future Trunks), two very good boys (8er and 16), the most perfect it/its, 19, who had one of Dragon Ball's best beatdowns, and was plenty compelling and terrifying on his own. How is this absolute fucker not in every Top 10 or at least every Top 20 villain countdowns?
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Surely God will be important?
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The world's first meme. He gets twisted as useless by people who think Dragon Ball was ever about anyone but Goku doing anything and dunked on for almost everything he does. Yamcha isn't the kinda guy getting mad about this hate tho, he's actually laughing. He's an easygoing himbo that just wants to chill and exposit, but will absolutely throw down whenever needed.
The most pathetic he EVER got was when he made his hair look like Vegeta's, and you really can't blame a bro for trying
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The hate this woman gets... it's definitely less than it used to be, but for someone Goku and Gohan very clearly loves, the fanbase despises her. And why? For not wanting her FOUR YEAR OLD to fight planet busting monsters? Yes, I know, the world needs that four year old to fight monsters, but if that were your kid, would you be ok with that? Would you say bye son I love you and remember to hold your intestines in if the alien demon from another world blasts open your stomach?
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bloomingdead · 1 year
"your fanservice should not be as important to you as getting a well-written third game,"
sure because forbidden west and burning shores are peak writing and good development right? the pacing isnt a mess, the rushed relationships arent a mess, the villains are underdeveloped as fuck.... what the fuck you are talking about a "well written third game" over a bad written and rushed ship that would also be fanservice? just please. thanks to people like you who defend that shitty writing of seyloy we are going to have a big mess for the third game
“shitty writing” you either have never had a girlfriend that you didn’t meet through an app or you’re not sapphic. my girlfriend and i played the whole dlc together and felt it was such a natural development of the crush. especially between two ~20 year olds (seyka seems like she might be a lil bit older than aloy bc of her status as an officer). the worst part of the DLC was londra tbh. his “cult” felt underdeveloped and confusing. but sure, go off abt how seyloy ruined it instead of how it actually added something of more value. londra felt like he was just there to force gameplay while aloy and seyka’s relationship felt like the true focus imo.
who knows?? seyka could have been written for the third game before they decided to introduce her sooner in the dlc. forbidden west was actually really good and i don’t understand why you’re searching through the tags if you actually thought it and the dlc was bad. i haven’t defended seyloy or talked abt it in the tags in over a month. and tbh i’m getting tired of defending it because interacting with y’all is exhausting. you try to sprinkle in opinions with no foundation/proof about the main story to act like you’re not just upset about seyka. the true supporters and fans of guerrilla can peer through your thinly veiled bullshit to see that you and the others are just upset cuz you’re obsessed with your fav/kin ship and NOTHING else can compete with/replace it. just look at the quote you chose to reference. struck a nerve, did i?
you sound like a bunch of middle-schoolers with all the whining and bitching about something you don’t get to, NEVER WILL get to control. because it’s not your fucking story. and it’s not mine either. i’m not writing that shit! i’m just part of a vast audience of plenty of other people who don’t agree with you weirdo little diehard talanah/erend fuckers. don’t buy the games if you hate them so much, don’t pick up horizon 3 when it comes out. leave guerrilla (especially the writers), kylie, and ashly the fuck alone. you’re making those of us who ACTUALLY feel normally about this game look deranged. there’s so many things to be excited about that already exist in the games, so much to look forward to, and so much positive shit you could be focusing on. but you waste your time complaining about a 9/10 game. find something better to do with your time cuz even while hiding behind anon you’re embarrassing yourself.
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tripleyeeet · 6 months
rules: pick 10 characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people!
thanks @imgoingtofreakoutnow for the tag!
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1. cybersix/adrian seidleman — aka my first impression of gender fluidity. this show came out when i was 4 and to this day i still mourn that it wasn’t longer. it was so insanely influential for its time in terms of gender rep (the main character’s disguise was a male school teacher who pretty much everyone had a crush on) and i remember genuinely crying to my mom when this show stopped airing at its regular time slot.
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2. eris — at the ripe age of 8 this woman was my bisexual awakening. and honestly, more than likely the introduction to my obsession with villains. to this day i would literally let this woman do whatever she wanted to me.
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3. loki laufeyson — the man, the myth, the legend. truly the one that started it all. the og summer blorbo. i’ve literally been obsessed with this man since i was a kid reading my uncle’s comic book collection past bedtime. so many iterations have come and gone (some better than others) but regardless this mother fucker has rotted my brain.
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4. dr. spencer reid — probably the most influential character in regards to my writing. he was the first character that i wrote an entire fic about (along with an even longer sequel) which really helped me develop as a writer. also, now that i’m older i realize his neurodivergent rep was very affirming to witness!
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5. fleabag — god, i could go on and on about how this character and phoebe’s writing makes me feel for a century so i’ll just say no other character has made me feel the way this one does.
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6. silco — he’s everything i love in a character. from his overall design to his motivations and traits, silco is perfect and i thank arcane every day for creating him.
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7. nick miller — watching this character is like looking in a mirror and i hate it. everything he does or says is so ridiculously specific to my psyche that i sometimes have to cover my face out of sheer secondhand embarrassment. i love him dearly.
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8. ash — this is baby. my darling. my sweet cheese. despite her kit in game being very mid i will never main another character simply because she is the moment! her backstory is compelling. her and horizon’s relationship prior to the games is so interesting that i think about writing a 33737 page fic of it every day. i just love her and her broken little simulacrum brain.
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9. mizu — she is everything i want in strong, female character. blood thirsty motivations that lead to unwavering goals, complicated relationships, the external hotness of a thousand suns. mizu is incredible and i am so happy that blue eye samurai got picked up for season two!!
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10. astarion — wow, what a surprise! the vampire is here! who would’ve guessed? seriously though, i know i post about him pretty much every day and make jokes about how hot he is and blah, blah, blah but he truly means so much to me. all of the writers involved in creating him (and neil obvs) did such an incredible and sincere job. you can tell they put so much care into crafting his (and so many other characters’) story and i’ll forever be thankful.
tagging: @infinitystoner @use-your-telescope @the-lake-is-calling @the-lady-amphitrite @novarunestone @sunserenade @justporo @leighsartworks216 @aphrogeneias @lipstickghoulie (and whoever else wants to participate!)
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voids-call · 7 months
whats your favorite fnaf character from each game and why
(this is me asking about blorbos)
YIPPEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!
FNAF 1: Foxy! Silly pirate fox I love him sm. Nothing super of note I just like him.
FNAF 2: Withered Bonnie. Haha you have no face!! Toilet headass, least we can't tell you have no eyebrows anymore...
FNAF 3: SPRINGTRAP!!!!!!!&(&;&;&;&@:&::&&: I love this bitch. Silly silly bastard. Villain moment. I love the fact that the game highlights how dangerous he is, he's not the only threat to you, but he is the only one that can kill you. I love it. SO MUCH.
FNAF 4: I will say Nightmare Foxy, as he's probably the most tolerable (not enjoyable) of the nightmares. Not exclusively of the nightmares though? Springbonnie. Mostly because I despise the nightmares because they SUCK (they scare me to this day), but also because eeeeeeeee murber rabbit.
Sister Location: I'd have to say Funtime Freddy. Honestly it's a hard decision between him and Ft. Foxy. I say Freddy cause he's just.... idk I like him, I guess I just look at him and go "HA. SAME!" Like he's so quick to jump the gun.. Also in my head he's just a silly lil man. So- yeah same.
Does help wanted even count?.. I'm saying it does: VANESSA. MMMMMMMM L O R E. ALSO FUCK THAT RAT LOOKIN ASS BITCH I HATE HIM.
[SHAKES YOU EVEN HARDER] SECURITY BREACHH: dissolves. I dunno it's hard to pick.. But unsurprisingly I'll say Monty. He's such a fuckin asshole on the surface and then you actually pay attention and it's a whole other story of "oh he's a little fucked up actually". Poor man gets absolutely cucked and honestly he doesn't get enough attention for the character he is.
[EXPLODES] RUIN!: ..Does the rabbit count? Which one? The blue one, of course. MXES is cool and all but I love Glamrock Bonnie. He gets a few lines about him total, but I love that fucker. I don't care how dead he is hES OK IN MY HEART ALRIGHT- actually he's not even dead. He's just immobilized. SOBS. I love this tragic fruity rabbit, he makes me so upset and I'm going to study him under a microscope.
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blorbocedes · 1 year
please give tips on how to grow thicker skin as a(n alleged) villain fucker... saw something the other day going "so-and-so and their [insert insulting string of words i've genuinely blocked out of my head ha ha] fans are [redacted]" and i've just been going back to it in my head like damn.... i genuinely just found this man hot.... i'm sorry if that has any bearing on my moral leanings.... this is the interwebs and even worse the Hell Site. please help i've seen you're one of the more steadfast people here on Liking Villain(ised) Characters (because lbr those are all characters of the drivers/etc framed by media)
first of all don't go on f1 twitter. the hivemind is amplified and everyone follows and repeats and regurgitates popular opinion and therefore if you like X it means you're evil and reflects your morality as a person 😶
curate your spaceeee. you don't need to participate in wider fandom if they make you feel bad or just aren't to your interests. fandom can be you and 3 friends. i do understand the pressure to fit in esp in a fandom as large as f1, but always put your own peace of mind first. unfollow/mute/filter tag/block LIBERALLY. hate your blorbo? blocked. annoying opinion blocked. fandom is supposed to be Fun, if it sucks hit da bricks!!!
i promise there's someone for everyone. maybe ted kravitz' dad bod gets you 😮‍💨😮‍💨 pfft there's like 5 of those on my dash at any given moment. my wife is universally cancelled and yet we're 6 whole nicologists strong here ✊✊
don't try to argue or fight even to defend your blorbo, don't look up what others are saying about him cause it'll inevitably make you feel bad. it's digital self harm ☹️ instead remember most people are neutral ab any given driver/f1 person and it's only the loudest people you're seeing. instead be unapologetic about enjoying your blorbo, don't be embarazzed. soooo many people have told me they hated max/nico but came to enjoy/be neutral about them bc I'm so enthusiastic about it. how can we lose when we're so sincere!!!
don't feel bad about being sensitive. I've been told I have the skin of a rhino, and I feel bad all the time!!! but ultimately, fandom is a space to have fun and you get to choose what you're expending your energy over. important to also accept that it's a sport, haterism is integral! I'M a hater! someone's gonna hate your blorbo/look down at you for it, but you can't worry about what an imaginary person is thinking about you.
and finally, this is a sport for money laundering and sponsoring shady ass corporations and greenwashing the biggest polluters on the planet (hi shell...), there is NO morally perfect person, and even the best of them are self admitted hypocrites and tax evaders. we're ALL rooting for the villains here.
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚆𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛
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The clown that once ran @painted-piggy-ships-archive has now taken up residence here after feeling exhausted with my very first self ship blog. It served me well for almost three years (the blog itself turns 3 in February of 2023). Can you believe I only joined Tumblr in 2020?
Anywho, the name’s Gabriel/Corey/Clownie and I am mostly attracted to a vast selection of fictional villains, but my other consistent interests include the arts (particularly film and writing) and the horror genre. This blog will be a mix of self shipping content and personal ramblings. I don’t often post straight up ns//ft content but my sense of humor can be raunchy at times and the content I’m interested in often tends to be gory/violent if not also sexual in nature so viewer discretion is advised.
Current Pronouns: It/Its, Oink/Oinks, They/Them, He/Him, Hye/Hymn/Hymnself, Rot/Rots, Lamb/Lambs, Glow/Glows, Halo/Halos
Other Blogs: Horror Content - @phone-in-the-attic​ Film Reviews/etc - @cinephile-inc Batman Content - @the-jokers-husband​ Harry Potter Content (For people who hate JKR and aren’t terfs/bigots/etc only, of course) - @americannslytherinn​ FNAF AU blog - @wheretheresaway-theresawilliam​ Main/Dump - @offbeat-the-clownlord​ 18+ Blog - Ask for link if of age and interested ;0)​​
DNI: Terfs, bigots (racists, homophobes, etc), Joker/Harley shippers, proshippers, generally hateful people
F/o list below the cut (Short version) | See the complete version here!
Key: 💗 = Main | 💞 = Secondary | 💝 = Tertiary | 🏡 = Familial | 🌻 = Platonic | ✨ = Main Focus | 🔒 + bold = Not Comfortable Sharing
Structure: [f/o name] [source] | [relationship status or type] [marriage or engagement date if applicable] | [tag]
🔒✨ 💗 The Joker [DC Comics] | Married (12•04•21) | 🃏A Joker and His Ace🃏
💗 Wade Wilson/Deadpool [MARVEL Comics] | Married (07•12•22) | 💣Bulletproof Boys💣
🔒✨ 💗 Jack Torrance [The Shining] | Married (12•31•22) | 🪓Darling - Light of My Life🪓
🔒✨ 💗 Charles “Chucky” Lee Ray [Child’s Play franchise] | Married (03•19•20) | 🌈Foul-Mouthed Little Fucker🌈
✨ 💗 Betelgeuse [Beetlejuice] | Married (10•01•20) | 🪲Two Bugs in A Rug🪲 [🐞Two Bugs in A Rug🐞]
🔒✨ 💗 Severus Snape [Harry Potter Franchise] | Married (date n/a) | ⛅He Saw a Glow in The Darkness⛅
🔒💞 Michael Myers [Halloween franchise] | Dating | 🔪The Night He Came Home🎃
💞 Anton Chigurh [No Country For Old Men] | Dating | 🐮Sugar Bully🐮
💞 Dr. Otto Octavius [Spider-Man 2 (2004)] | Dating | 🐙6 Arms to Hold You Tight / Does That Make You an Insect???🐙
💞 The Metatron [Dogma] | Dating | 👁The Metatron🪶
🔒💝 Hannibal Lecter [NBC’s Hannibal] | Dating | 🍽️Ella et Porcus🍽️
🔒💝 Sweeney Todd [Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street] | Married (08•19•21) | 💈I Will Learn to Love Again💈
💝 Dr. Frank-n-Furter [Rocky Horror Picture Show] | Dating | 👠Material Girl👠
💝 Ashley “Ash” Joanna Williams [Evil Dead franchise] | Dating | 🍂Good. Bad. He’s The Guy With My Heart.🍂
💝 Scott Pilgrim & Ramona Flowers [Scott Pilgrim series/franchise] | Dating | ❗Multiplayer❗
💝 John Kramer [Saw franchise] | Married (08•17•23) | 🧩The Missing Pieces🧩
🔒 🏡 Pamela Voorhees [Friday the 13th] | Adoptive Mother | 🧸Mama Voorhees🧸
🔒 🏡 Jason Voorhees [Friday the 13th] | Adoptive Brother | 🧸Jason🧸
🏡 Morticia Addams [The Addams Family] | Adoptive Mother | 🥀Black Is Such a Happy Colour🥀
🏡 Gomez Addams [The Addams Family] | Adoptive Father | 🤺Either Way What Bliss🤺
🏡 Wednesday Addams [The Addams Family] | Adoptive Sister | ☠️Poison Sister☠️
🏡 Pugsley Addams [The Addams Family] | Adoptive Brother | 🧨Explosive Brother🧨
🏡 Fester Addams [The Addams Family] | Adoptive Uncle | 💡Uncle Fester💡
🏡 Addams “catch-all” tag: 🕷️*Snap Snap!*🕷️
🏡 The Sawyer Brothers [The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Pt. 1 & 2] | Cousins | 🍖Sawyer Family Shenanigans🍖
🏡 Glen & Glenda Ray/G.G. [Child’s Play franchise] | Step-kids/kid | 🎸Rebel & Rhinestone🎀
🏡 J. Jonah Jameson [Raimiverse Spider-Man] | Uncle | 🗞️
🏡 Fairy Godmother [Shrek] | Adoptive Mother | 🔮Just a MA! Away🔮
🏡 Prince Charming [Shrek] | Adoptive Brother | 👑Charming Siblings👑
🏡 Lydia Deetz [Beetlejuice] | Step-sister | ☔My Whole Life Is One Big Dark Room☔
🏡 Harry James Potter [Harry Potter Franchise] | Adoptive Son | ⚡👓
🌻 Tiffany Ray-Valentine [Child’s Play franchise] | 👰Living Dead Girl👰
🌻 Barbra & Adam Maitland [Beetlejuice] | 🌻👻 [🌻]
🌻 Peter Parker [MCU & Raimiverse] | 🕸️Spiderboy🕸️
🌻 Nellie Lovett [Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street] | 🥧Try It! (You Might Like It)🥧
🌻 Jay & Silent Bob [View Askewniverse] | 🧢The One That Talks (Jay)🧢/🧢Cute Motherfucker🧢
🌻 Dante Hicks [Clerks Trilogy/View Askewniverse] | 🏒What Are You Looking At Ya Hockey Puck (Dante)🏒
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dilfdoctordoom · 11 months
Genuinely torn between my hatred for the Inhumans and my hatred for synergizing Kamala rn.
Like, I haven’t liked the Inhumans since I watched Agents of Shield back before I was a comics person. They were obvious replacements for the X Men but without their superpowers or physical forms being inherent, which was always less compelling to me as a metaphor for an oppressed people. Then I started reading comics, saw that they were a eugenics-based society that tried to genocide mutants via GASSING THEM and weren’t treated as the obvious villains, and for the first time understood why comics fans hated the movies. I genuinely despise these fuckers.
HOWEVER, none of that hate applies to Ms. Marvel. Kamala Khan was always an interesting character to me because she felt like an Inhuman having to deal with both IRL discrimination and the consequences of Unhumans VS X Men, especially with younger Cyclops on the Champions. Fridging her in the worst Spider-Man story since ODM is never going to be okay, and bringing her back as a mutant, even if it doesn’t retcon her Inhuman past, is obvious MCU synergy at best and actively trying to sweep her past characterization under the rug at worst.
TL;DR I hate all of this so much
Inhumans are always so complicated 'cause Marvel never knows what to do with them & it's ended up really funny... they were best used in the Disney Ultimate Spider-Man TV series like that's embarassing....
I don't like them as a concept, but I do love some of the individual characters. Black Bolt has had some amazing stories over the years, Crystal is my cheating awful terrible wife <3 & Kamala is just...
Kamala is one of the most groundbreaking characters made in the past twenty, maybe 30, years. She's also a very rare character in that, despite the numerous runs she's had, they've had a consistent basis of quality. Some of them are absolutely fucking amazing (GWW) while others are just okay -- but unlike Spider-Man, Green Lantern, Daredevil, Wonder Woman, Batman, etc, she hasn't gotten a run that made me wanna claw my eyes out.
Until now, of course. The MCU synergy beam hit her as we all knew it would, but it feels... worse, IDK. I'd worried it was coming with her Beyond the Limits mini (its release was a lot closer to her TV series) but it didn't, it's here now, and that is, again, much worse.
She got horrifically fridged in a nonsensical story. Her family bangles - of great personal importance to her Pakistani family -- have seemingly gone to Mary Jane Watson, of all fucking people. Her death's being used to further the redemption arc of Norman Osborn, a man that canonically idolizes Hitler. She died to continue the Peter Parker Is Sad jerk circle.
And now she gets to come back, having part of her identity stripped away in favor of a new one (I know what Iman Vellani has said-- I expect that to last this mini/however long she writes the character). Debuting her as a mutant at all isn't great, but right now is worse.
X-Comics are gearing up for Fall of X, their next big shift/event. The focus is going to be there, not on Kamala.
I genuinely believe that we'll be lucky if she's cameoing in background appearances by next year, only getting random minis to coincide with her MCU movies/shows.
There are just... no redeeming qualities here. I can't even be excited about Iman Vellani, somebody who so clearly adores everything about Ms Marvel, writing for her 'cause honestly? I don't think it matters how much you love a character over at Marvel. There's always going to be a stupid editorial mandate.
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notasapleasure · 9 months
Brief considerations on finishing The Great:
The conspiracy theory hill I'm dying on that it was cancelled because execs mistakenly believed Nicholas Hoult was the star, when really he was just as excellent at scene-stealing as his character needed him to be.
I'll not forgive them for Orlo's arc. How did our ace king get sidelined into a relationship and then killed off without any attempt to give him the growth given to all the others? (I say growth, though really it's just as often regression that I mean. Anyway Archie, Grigor, Marial, even George to a degree! etc etc all change while still being themselves and still finding a place in the story. I don't know why that couldn't be done for Orlo). I'm not doing a headcount, but it does feel like the main cast and surrounding recurring characters were notably less diverse by the end of S3 - and now we don't even get to see whether Arkady gets a chance to grow from his brief flirtation with power.
NEVERTHELESS though that primed me to hate season 3 it was amazing. Holy SHIT the script on this baby. Utterly florid and absurd and vulgar and punching you in the solar plexus repeatedly about grief and love and loyalty and being human!!! Every time Elizabeth in particular opens her mouth I'm like 'this is bonkers but it's beautiful and it works so well!' Jenny-Slate-screaming-meme.png
Marial never did anything wrong ever. No this has nothing to do with Phoebe Fox's big brown eyes and sarcastic little smirk and stonking cleavage. (I am In Love).
ACTING. The whole cast is incredible, but Elle Fanning, babe, take it away! The range, darling! The emotion in an eye twitch, the scale of grief and depression measured in the angle of her pout, the mix of love and frustration that you wholly believe in, and her stompy, resolutely unladylike walk. And that dance to AC/DC right at the end. ;_;
Not to Marial stan on main again, but she was RIGHT, finally we were going to see an independent Catherine and those fuckers cancelled it!!
Everyone. I love everyone in this bar. They're all awful scheming fuckheads and I love them all.
Every time Grigor has an emotional breakdown it gives me life.
So many different women with sometimes complex, sometimes excruciatingly simple and/or dumb reasons for doing what they do, even the ones that hate each other find connection in surprising moments and then go back to hating each other, finding so many ways to be political and sexual and clever and so fucking stupid. Did I mention that I love them all especially Marial?
I still think it would be funny if I became a Bond villain billionaire and bought the rights to all of Georgia's TV channels and just constantly broadcast Archie's scenes without context. Hypocritical fucked up horny patriarch is here to help you re-evaluate your morals!
Small things like how Catherine doesn't really care about Paul <333 like yes ok she's wracked by grief for a bunch of the season, but even before, it's not like she's going round having a crisis about how to spend time with her child while ruling the country. The country is her priority.
I for one am glad Velementov isn't dying, and it's tragic that we won't get to see the arc where he sobers up and gives Agnes the ride of her life.
Watching this show is actually hugely frustrating a lot of the time and you might find yourself getting impatient with some of the characters when they're dithering about what to do. This is Good, Actually, because it gives room for that incredible script to breathe, and it reinforces the frustration and slow progress inherent to what the character of Catherine is trying to achieve.
I don't care about the 'occasionally true' bits of the story, as a vehicle for exploring what it's like to be a woman in power, as a way of looking at contemporary issues through a sumptuous, over-the-top pseudo-historical setting, it's an absolute banger.
ETA: I was right to post this before tag-diving!! Absolutely screaming at the hate for my bb girl who did nothing wrong ever. Honestly so glad I have no desire to get into fandom for this show at all.
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