a-fangirltrash · 2 days
"Ford treated Fiddleford so bad!!" As if him treating Fidds like shit wasn't directly a product of being constantly gaslighted and abused by Bill.
I'm genuinely getting tired of people flaming Ford, but in a serious tone. Like people are acting like he's a toxic selfish man that used to put Fidd down... and... no he never did???
Ford ADMIRED Fiddleford, he TRUSTED his friend for what he described as "the project of his life" and Ford, being the most prideful man in the world, decided to ask for help because he knew how CAPABLE Fiddleford was.
When Fiddleford arrived Ford let him know how thankful he was that he was there with him, the man even took a bath and made sure to make him feel like he was at home. Ford even remembered his favorite bean brand?
When Fidd got traumatized by the gremoblin, Ford TRIED to help with what he knew. He tried to help him meditate, took days off for him, decided that they could go out and have some good time. Be mindful that this might've been the total OPPOSITE of what Bill wanted, and he still did for his friend sanity. Bill would make Ford work like CRAZY.
Also, for him it wasn't "putting him in danger!!" For him it was sharing adventures with his friend! Just like hi did with *cofcofSTANLEYcofcof*. That's love language all around.
Fiddleford could abandon the project anytime, but he didn't because he liked being there. And Ford is NOT the guilty one for Fidds creatinf the gun :/ it's nor his fault that fidd interpreted "using his creativity" in that way. Ford NEVER approved that gun.
"B-but he free Frilliam!" The portal was close, did you all READ how much gaslighted Ford was at that point? He didn't free it because "ugh i don't care about this shitty axolotl" but because Bill started to freak out and yell at him to get rid of it. Ford wrote "A friend" with a heart in the title??? Wdym he didn't appreciate it aaaagh
If Stanley took the diaries (i don't like this universe because...stanley:() he WOULD have looked for Fiddleford, they'd have made the Institute of Oddology, he'd have shared his success... with the man that helped him the most.
He got sad when Fiddleford told him he was gonna get back home to spent time with his family, he PLANNED holidays with him. Even if he DIDN'T like holidays.
He took a day off just to make him happy after his atrocious christmas party, he USED RESOURCES that as you know ford is the most practical mam in the world JUST to decorate the portal as a tree and make Fiddleford happy.
And that atuff of "h-he doesn't appreaciated Fiddleford gifts!" IS SO DUMB OMG, he wore the gloves in the snow and was incredibly thankful about them. When BILL that dumbass triangle pretty much LACERATED his hands, he used Fiddleford gloves as a way to hide those scars, and in a sense, probably to comfort himself because he was ALONE.
I think that was the reason of Fiddleford fast forgiveness, not only because he's a sweet heart, but because after fighting with Bill i think he noticed how BIG was the monster torturing his "partner".
And after all of this i'm not trying to excuse Ford treating him poorly and not listening to him in time
Even if i believe he wasn't "the" (at least only) reason of Fiddleford becoming crazy, i know it could have been better for him and he could have avoided so much trauma. But can we please stop seeing Ford as a selfish, evil mad scientist and start seing him as a victim... of a terribly abusive relationship that checks in for all types of domestic abuse... please!!! Ford is not a perfect VICTIM Can we blame Bill!!!
All this rant is because there's certain ship... which i kinda like, but i just HATE HATE HATE the interpretation and how much they put Ford as a villian on it omg
Edit: fixed the use of word narcissism, since it might've been ableist! Replaced with words that actually relate to what i intended to say, instead of referencing a personality disorder
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shadowqueenjude · 1 day
I’m mostly staying out of the ship war discourse but I wanted to discuss this because I can offer a different perspective from informed experience.
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Here is the thing: Whether Azriel likes it or not, he will always be Illyrian. That is something he will have to learn to accept if he ever wants to move on. This guy clearly has issues moving on and a huge part of that is because he hasn’t made peace with his past.
Believe me, as an Indian, there is stuff I LOATHE about our culture. Every culture has some bad shit; there is no “perfect idyllic unproblematic culture.” Why do you think people are so fascinated by the idea of a utopia?
Clearly Illyrians are looked down upon in many places. “Illyrian brute” was a term heard often. I have personally been a victim to racial discrimination as well: I’ve been called a terrorist, told my family doesn’t love me because they wanted a boy (i have an older brother btw), and had a song written about my body hair which circulated around the entire school. So yeah, there are days where I wish I wasn’t Indian because it would be easier if it wasn’t.
But there are also things I fucking love about my culture. The fashion, the food, the tradition, the languages, the respect we are taught from an early age, the value of family and education. And there is nothing else I would rather be. I am Indian and I’m fucking proud of it.
Illyrians are not completely terrible, and to say that is disrespectful to our Illyrian princess Emerie. Even if Azriel hates every single Illyrian man, he cannot turn a blind eye to the plight of the women of his own people, especially considering he is in a position of power to stop it.
Azriel’s character arc has to involve confronting his past trauma with his family, learning to stop latching onto unavailable women, and accepting and embracing his heritage. Because until he accepts he is Illyrian, until he helps his people, he will never know peace and he will always hate himself for being Illyrian.
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hey-august · 2 days
Saw the post talking about soulmates and „I love you on purpose.“ and your tag on it. And yes, both is good…
But god, soulmate au with Buggy would be so cute tough. So many fun ideas to choose from.
„Yeah I got a soulmate string what of it? It’s all bullshit for sentimental idiots anyways.“ Sees reader insert and is just immediately smitten and now wants to prove himself as worthy.
„Oh yeah great. Amazing soulmate sentence I got here. „FINALLY I FOUND Y- wait that’s your real nose?“ just perfect. Just grand. Yeah, yeah laugh it off Shanks.“
Decades later he gets hit in the schnotz by a closing door and lets out a colorful string of cusses as he holds it in pain „GODDAMN YOU UNFLASHY SHITHEAD! WATCH WHAT YOURE DOING.“ only to be confused when the culprit opens the door again, positively beaming at him, before opening their mouth.
„No I don’t have a soulmate mark and that is GREAT because I would never even WANT that anyways. Although anyone who’d get me as a soulmate would be LUCKY to have a man like me, with no self esteem issues and lonely nights whatsoever.“
Sees reader insert and immediately feels a connection and it can’t be a soulmate, he knows that, he doesn’t have anything like that, but he keeps looking for a round red mark on them anyways because what else would it be? What else would indicate their soulmate is a rotten old clown? Only to be surprised when reader suddenly touches the back of his scalp in awe, like they just found a mythical and valuable treasure. „Oh it’s… you …. It’s …. It’s been hidden by your hair all this time? I …. I thought you didn’t -I -„ and then they hike their sleeve up to show him a little blue star above their elbow.
Ohoho, I do love soulmate AU tropes and soulmate marks. A little blue star??? PRECIOUS.
First words? Hell yes.
It also fits with the headcanon that Buggy is a romantic at heart, but tries to keep it to himself. Imagine the stories he'd tell himself about his soulmate.
He could fill books with the way they fill his dreams.
Some are tooth-rottingly sweet. How you've been searching for him and just waiting for your true love to sweep you off your feet. How he'd impress you with jokes and tricks. He'd show off his ship. How you love him unconditionally already.
And then there are the other stories. The ones where the ink bleeds and stains. Where you regret ever meeting him. Where you avoid him at all costs. Where no one could love a fuck-up clown like him.
But it works out. You're soulmates after all. Tied by fate and meant to be.
You lay in bed thinking all the same thoughts. That your soulmate is out there looking for you. Waiting for you. Missing you. Maybe he's looking at the same sky as you. And he is.
Okay, to talk about a different trope real quick - imagine Buggy's voice in your head. It would be so entertaining and absolutely irritating.
When you two meet for the first time, you're not sure if you want to smack him, punch him, kiss him, or -bleep- him.
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kalolasfantasyworld · 10 hours
Shippy couch shenaningans
with @f-oighear and moi
(We're not going to admit how much time this took)
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Lola: Yuno third wheeling from the back 😭😭😭 Oighear: DON'T BE SHY. SCOOT OVER! Lola: Please do! Asta Noelle won't blast you off the couch (probably...)
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Yami: Prickly Queen Oighear: DON'T BE SHY. SCOOT OVER. Lola: DON'T BE SHY. SCOOT OVER. They need a shove.
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Lola: Cuteness overload! I can't 🥹 Oighear: Look at the babies!
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Lola: Proper... dignified... MY EYES ARE HERE! Oighear: They're trying so hard to pretend they don't know each other. 😭 Lola: As if they didn't just come back from the backroom 😭
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Zora: Hey 😏 Nebra: Peasant LEAVE! Zora: You're ASKING FOR IT!
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Yami: Hey Julius said it was a costume party tonight btw Fuegoleon & Nozel: serious nod At the party: Yami: BWBHWABAHAHHAHAHA Nozel: i'll kill him Fuegoleon: let's refrain
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Lola: Grey don't be shy 🥺 Oighear: She is shy but she's trying not to be! fists! balled! determined!! proud of her
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Oighear: She knows she looks good. He knows she looks good. Everyone knows she looks good. Just scoot over. Oighear: also Finral isn't hiding at all that he's looking. Lola: I wouldn't either.
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Lola: THEM! Oighear: Nozel looks so tiny next to Jack. Lola: Little bird.
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Lola: Luck! Oighear: Luck! Lola: Look how MAGNA'S SITTING! Oighear: He knows he's on the shippy couch.
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Oighear: Kahono's hair is piercing the shippy couch Lola: Noelle is cheering on Idol kahono
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Lola: Menspreading Oighear: Even worse because they're royals Oighear: Royalspreading.
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Lola: Marx looks... big in this one... Oighear: who knew Marx was this wild. Lola: Hey I heard you are a wild one...
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Oighear: They're just staring ahead 😭 Lola: They're focused on their passions!!!
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Lola: It's a crackship let's make it crack Oighear: I HAVE FANCY ZORA Oighear: YOU SWIMSUIT UP YOUR GAUCHE
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patri: so this is what a squad is patri: uninteresting william: *exists* patri: patri: i'll stay
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Oighear: 'let's hold hands' is out, 'let's hold wings' is in
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Oighear: look at them sit. none of them know how to sit. also yami is staring at that leg Lola: Jack is just... He's all legs. Lola: You stare and there's a 90% perfect chance you'll land on legs.
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Lola: Since we took so long to actually post this DottyZel joined us on the shippy couch. Lola: Why is Dotty's head so big??? Lola: She's supposed to be ity bity! Oighear: She really is taller than him with the witch's hat 😭
POSTED! We did it! @f-oighear!!! Only way too much time spent on BCM to create this masterpiece of a post.
I hope everyone enjoys their favorite cc x cc ships hanging out on the shippy couch 😂
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Would you agree that zuko is a bad influence on katara
Not at all.
He encouraged her to go on a really dark path ONCE because he just wanted a enemies-to-friends speedrun, and on the way he begun to actually empathize with her AND actually understood why it was bad so I doubt he'd do anything like it again.
Plus, most of the time Katara would not have fucking listened to Zuko (or literally anyone on Earth) telling her to do something she considers immoral. She was open to it ONCE because it was connected to her biggest trauma in life.
It wasn't any form of peer pressure, or trying to impress, or even pure recklessness of someone easily influenced by others. It was a perfect storm that created the scenario in which Zuko had a very bad idea and Katara, of her own free will, decided to try it. And once she decided to back down from it, Zuko didn't argue.
One isolated incident is not enough to label Zuko as some kind of corrupting influence on Katara's life. We can, and should, be critical of how Zuko was acting on the first half of the episode and how zutarians romanticize it as him "caring for Katara" when it was actually one of his most selfish moments ever, but let's not pretend that means he's the devil on Katara's shoulder, always encouraging her to be her worst self while she gives in despite knowing better - hell, if that were the case, I wouldn't constantly call this ship vanilla because it'd be actually interesting.
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yoiiyoii · 2 days
I do agree that it's OOC and doesn't make sense that Giyuu and Sanemi canonically had descendants in the ~4 years of life they had left. But I also do think people hyperfixate on the logistics a little too much sometimes when discussing character, headcanons, post-canon, etc etc (it kinda gets annoying hearing "why don't we ship Giyuu with his ACTUAL wife for once??" for the thousandth time...)
The fact that they had kids has less to do with "Giyuu and Sanemi went on dates with women and found their perfect match and decided to marry and have kids" yada yada, it's moreso just a representation of KNY's core theme about "eternal human feelings". Giyuu and Sanemi survived, and their humanity got passed down. The rest didn't, but their humanity got passed down anyways through reincarnation. It's merely another tool to show a big middle finger to Muzan and less about the concept of "Giyuu/Sanemi had a wife and they left her alone after dying at 25" (I mean, there's a reason we weren't even shown them, not even a blank silhouette, because that's just not important).
Having said this I heavily recommend the series Love Letters From Tomioka by sciathan_file on ao3. One of my fav KNY fics, about Giyuu (clumsily) trying to court a woman.
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angelshizuka · 2 days
I have no idea why the hatewatchers have to constantly try to spoil the fun for actual HB fans. Like we get it, the only characters you enjoy are your woobified idealistic versions of Stella and Striker. We get it. You wanted Striker to "rescue Blitzø" from the meanie Stolas (lol). We get it. You’re a whiny douchebag who pisses in other people's coffee. Get over it.
No one's forcing them to watch the show. Why do they post in our tags? Jesus christ on a stick, I remember the leaks. It's so stupid.
It's honestly kinda funny to me (in a sad way) they claim Viv and us fans are "woobifying" Stolas while that is what THEY are doing to Stella and Striker.
At least Stolas has an entire arc going on about realizing the mistakes he's made and trying to make up for it (even if he's not always perfect at it, but making a character perfect is boring af, anyway). Meanwhile Stella and Striker are aware of what they're doing, take pride/joy in it and don't show any signs of wanting to stop (any time soon).
And for people who claim they want Blitz to be "saved" by Striker, they sure don't give a flying fuck that Striker attacked and harmed Moxxie and Millie, two people Blitz cares about A LOT, and only kept them alive as leverage for their "rodeo clown of a boss". People who ship Blitz/Striker have literally no ground to stand on when it comes to "healthy ships".
Especially some hatewatchers I've seen are obsessed to an unhealthy degree. I came across one that posts about the merch drops the literal moment they happen and considering how unnannounced those usually are to the point even fans don't always catch them at first, that's like next level obsessive hatewatching.
I have some thoughts about the "critiques" I've seen them make about the leaks, but I'll keep those to myself for now, because I don't wanna accidentally spoil anything. Let's just say it's just as stupid as the usual "critiques" they make.
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szaryherbatnik · 2 days
Okayokayokay so I got completely sidetracked the other day before I could share my ouaw headcanon with you but here it is!
Except for Torbek, every member of the Krew knows how to mend their own clothes.
Frost can’t actually sew to save his life, but he can use his powers to repair damaged and worn clothes.
Gricko’s knowledge is very incomplete, having learned a little from his mum and a little from his time on the road. I think with all the places he’s worked, including on a ship, he’d have picked up some general skills, but if you want something to look good, he’s probably not the person to ask. His few attempts to make costumes for Hootsie didn’t go well, to the extent that he is now banned from sewing indefinitely. Usually, he just asks Frost for help (or, more likely, Frost just Notices that Gricko needs something and does it before he can even ask). I can only picture him sewing using, like, twine.
It was mentioned in canon that Gideon knows how to sew, but I don’t remember if they gave any more details than that. I headcanon that on the plains, Gideon and his dad had to make what little they had go a long way, so Gideon got pretty handy at modifying garments. And then after he met Kremy, his fascination with engineering combined with his new appreciation for fashion to make him a talented seamster. He probably does Kremy’s sewing, too, because cmon. It’s them.
Not unlike Gideon, sewing was a necessity growing up. Kremy is competent with a needle, but it’s not a skill he chooses to flaunt. He’d much rather ask Gideon to do anything approaching manual labor.
Twig is the party’s best seamstress. She’s had thousands of years to learn to make cute outfits, and she loves making and modifying garments for her friends. At some point (outside of canon), she makes Torbek a new outfit that isn’t just filthy rags. Torbek immediately stains it by crying into it (fortunately, Kremy’s there to prestidigitate it clean again).
Oh i love all of these! To add to kremy i want to imagine him adding little modifications to his clothes when he was younger. Just to look a bit better than everyone else because OF COURSE. And OF COURSE gideon sews both for him and for himself how perfect thank u so much for these and yes i do feel better mow thank you :))
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utilitycaster · 3 days
Hi! I left tumblr (and for different reasons, C3) like last year and I only pop on here like every once in a blue moon but since I didn't deactivate and still do technically follow you, just wanted to say hi and also I have no idea what's been going on in C3. I literally only watched Downfall and it was only cause of Brennan and then I peaced out of C3 again. I only vaguely know some things about the campaign and do not care about spoilers, so, I decided to read some of your meta without the context of watching the show. Bad idea? idk maybe. I liked your meta before, clearly, since i used to follow you. I know Imo/dna broke up and then got back together and I know you were one of the blogs who kind of said p critical things about the ship.
How do you feel about the ship now in comparison to how they were when they had their first kiss like 30+ episodes ago? Is the show, in your opinion, even worth getting back into? I got bored because it seemed like everything dragged on for forever but nothing was getting done. I mean things were getting done but it kind of just didn't have the same luster and shine of narrative pacing that C2 did. Sorry this is so long, I have many talents but brevity is not one of them.
Hi anon,
This is going to be brief as I got back from a weekend away and have a lot to catch up on this week and because I think a fairly quick browsing of my archives and notably my recent asks would give you a good sense of the details and nuances behind this answer but: roughly the same. No sense of history, very little chemistry, insufficient conflict, and entirely forgettable. Someone made a joke of "makes perfect sense; doesn't compel me though" and I think that's apt; it still feels like two people who basically got together because they were lonely and the other was there. There's no shape or arc to it and never was.
Also I should note they did not fully break up; they took a 24 hour break for an extremely interesting development that was then abruptly resolved mostly by Essek.
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roblogging · 3 days
i've had a LOT of people message me about the reboot video and the other discussions that i've had recently about jkr, about fandom, about being trans in fandom.
and i just remembered about this draft from before i even posted that video, and i think it sums up how i feel pretty well.
as a fandom, i think we need to clarify again what reclaiming a space means.
because it is not removing ourselves from the artist, especially not one as problematic as jk rowling. it is impossible for us to separate from her views as they are the forefront of her person and are heavily embedded into her works. to separate entirely is not possible, and to strive to do so is, in my opinion, optimistically ignorant.
we cannot separate art from artist when confronted with two-dimensional female characters that we have to bulk out through fandom. we cannot separate art from artist when gender norms are prevalent in the works (see here: rita and umbridge - villain women - being described as masculine). we cannot separate art from artist when queerness is attacked in her works (see here, less vividly: harry being treated awfully at a primary school called. stone. wall. (arguably a reach, i agree)). we cannot separate art from artist when names likes cho chang and kingsley shacklebolt are a thing. we cannot separate art from artist when, in books published during the irish troubles, the one irish character's entire personality is blowing stuff up.
the nazi imagery (see also: jkr denying the holocaust), the antisemitism, the oppression of women, racism.
her entire transphobic platform that has now gone on to harm cis women (which, by the way, trans people have been screaming for years that transphobia harms cis women, and we weren't listened to. see again: rita and umbridge. if you are not feminine and pretty, you are bad).
we cannot separate art from artist and we shouldn't.
reclaiming a space means that those marginalised communities? every single one of them? every single person who was harmed by her works and her subsequent platform? they can find a space in fandom.
they can find works that represent them, works that rectify the harmful stereotypes in her books, works that are inclusive and safe that still allow us to engage with the world that we love.
they can be safe.
you can engage with fandom however you want. whatever ships, headcanons, stories, ANYTHING. you can engage with it however you want.
as long as your wants do not harm others.
and even then, we cannot stop you from doing that. all we do is ask that you acknowledge that this is not reclaiming.
you cannot reclaim a space that causes harm by causing harm, no matter how indirect.
we cannot separate art from artist, no matter how badly we want to.
we can 'separate' our works from her views, absolutely. we can say that these works do not align with her views and alleviate the harm caused by what she wrote, i agree.
but that is all.
her merchandise, her parks, her books, her films, her reboots. everything with her name on and her bank account attached?
we cannot reclaim those. we cannot separate those.
and i will not pretend to be perfect. i will not pretend that i don't have merchandise, or even that i haven't considered purchasing more. i was literally contemplating going to see cursed child a few months ago, arguing with myself to try and justify why that would be a once in a lifetime experience for me.
but so was starting hormones. so was getting my top surgery approved. so was coming out and subsequently moving out of an abusive home. so was changing my name. so was living.
going to see cursed child would have been a once in a lifetime experience for me, yes. but at the cost of funding a woman who does not want me to have the same lifetime as cis people. at the cost of providing money to a woman that does. not. want. me. alive.
and it's so easy to say that one person doesn't make a difference, and i agree! i have literally said this before!
which is why i have used the collective we throughout this post.
but i also think, it's worth acknowledging that one person can make a difference. and that one person is jkr.
it is not reclaiming a space to simply say that you do not stand with her.
it is not reclaiming a space to exist as something jkr hates - i am not reclaiming this space by existing in it as a trans man. my existence is not a form of protest.
boycotting is.
it is not reclaiming a space to say "fuck jkr" and then profit her.
it is reclaiming a space when your actions reflect your words.
and that is the bare minimum.
we cannot change the source text or the views that went into them. we cannot change jkr's personal views or the way that she chooses to use her money.
we cannot use the term "reclaiming the space" to feel better about our actions, and to avoid accountability. not when funding her account.
and i don't want to hold people to account. that's not my goal; never has been, and never will be. i am not typing this to cause further harm, or to point fingers, or anything like that.
i am typing this to clarify what i mean when i say reclaiming a space, and ask that those who disagree do not enter the space i have forged for myself here.
to ask that those who put once in a lifetime experiences over me living a full lifetime do not enter my life. here for a good time, not a long time, right?
i am not in this space to explain why jkr is a bad person. i am not in this space as a form of protest. i am not in this space to explain to people that their actions have consequences - that's for teachers in nursery to explain.
i am in this space because it's fun.
and i feel annoying talking about it. i feel like i'm annoying people by bringing this up time and time again, but, to be honest, i hope that they feel the discomfort. i hope that they do get annoyed, and i hope that they recognise that any annoyance they feel about me speaking up about transness in the marauders/hp fandom does not come anywhere close to the annoyance i feel watching these videos.
because i shouldn't feel the need to take a step back from engaging interactively in fandom.
i shouldn't need to cater my online experience in a fandom that claims to be all inclusive, to get rid of people that aren't?
and these conversations are uncomfortable and, yes, to the people that it addresses, they likely are annoying.
but it makes my space feel safer. it makes me feel safer. it's allowed me to talk to now over 100 trans people in this fandom about their experiences, and made me feel less alone in this.
so yeah, i feel annoying. but i won't apologise for making my space feel safer, and i certainly won't do so to people that have shown inconsistent/no regard to the safety of these marginalised communities.
this is me ✨reclaiming my space✨ if you will
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sotiredimbored · 1 day
can I get a radio silence pleaseeeee
with prongsfoot (and nb james) based off this song
enjoy my garbage writing below the cut
edit: omg its not jegulus im so sorry ill rewrite it(i cannot figure out the diff ship names for the life of my im so sorry raine)
Regulus Black hid in the library, listening to James and Remus talk about James's latest infatuation, a girl named Lily Evans.
"And I am telling you, moony, the girl is so pretty! She's got these eyes, and god, she has these little freckles dotted across her face, and-" "James. You've made us all very much aware that you like Lily. Can we move on?"
Regulus screamed internally, putting back the book he was 'skimming' through, and left the library, walking quickly into the Slytherin common room and carefully lifting up the couch cushion, taking out the secret journal he'd been keeping there since his first year.
Flipping to the next page, he listed the date, then began to write carefully, his mind exploding with thoughts.
God, I am such an idiot. I went out to the library because I spotted James inside, but then I found out that they were talking about Lily Evans. Who is she?? James likes her, too...I feel completely sick.
Just then, Regulus stopped writing, realizing that he had promised himself not to write about James...just in case anyone could find his pocket of thoughts.
He set down the pen and put back the couch cushion, sitting down on the couch and staring at the chandelier, internally screeching. Again. He really needed a better outlet, but since the journal needed to stay completely 'picture perfect' in case someone were to find it, it was off limits.
Regulus kept thinking, yelling at himself. Why, out of anyone to fall for, did it have to be James? He needed to go through the list in his head again, so he started to think.
First of all: James was Sirius's friend. If Sirius found out that his little brother had a crush on James, all hell would break loose.
Secondly: Clearly, Regulus would never be James's type. Lily Evans was beautiful, sassy, with striking green eyes and red hair. She was the perfect height, and most importantly, she was not some random boy. Meanwhile, Regulus considered himself ugly, stubborn, and absolutely not pretty the way Lily Evans was.
Regulus couldn't believe he'd fallen for them. He felt so stupid.
After all, James liked a girl.
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tenebriism · 10 months
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Couldn't be him. Getting married to the Hero of Time was the BEST decision of his life. You should go get you a Link, man! They're the BEST partners in the world!
With fond mention to: @hyaciiintho . The hubbykins. The beefcake sugar daddy with the pretty, sunshine hair who makes Dark's heart do gymnastics. SIGHS LOVINGLY.
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attleboy · 11 months
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thank you for being so nice to my past couple tadc doodle posts... shitpost be upon thee
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moongothic · 9 months
Crocodad AU where immidiately after having left Dragon and his baby boy Crocodile finds an 11 year old Robin. And while he's 100% only recruiting her so they can make a beeline for the Poneglyph and Pluton in Alabasta by the two of them... Crocodile accidentally sorta kinda adopts Robin.
At this point Robin's been running for her life from the Government for three years so her deep trust issues and fear of betrayal are starting to take root in her little heart. Like perhaps they haven't taken fully over yet, and being still a child I'm sure Robin might've still had that genuine hope that she could find a safe place to stay in. But I'm sure the though of "what'll he'll do with me once he gets what he wants?" would be nagging at her at the back of her mind. Meanwhile Crocodile's struggling between the pain and hurt he's already gone through and given him his trademark trust issues, as well as the aftermath of The Dragodile Divorce. But he also has his Fresh Paternal Instincts and probably misses his baby. So when given a small, scared child who is running for her life, being chased by the very same Government that'll want his son dead if they ever find out about him... Yeah that might fuck with your brain a little
You know this post was supposed to be just that first paragraph and just a few footnotes from the following two paragraphs. And then I kept on Having Thoughts. And I kept on writing them down. And oh no what happened when did this post get so long (Look I was going to either kept on writing my Additional Thoughts in the tags or I just put them in the actual fucking post)
Like considder this: based on this one SBS, we can kinda tell that if Crocodile was given a chance to raise a child, that child would be a spoiled little shit, right
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So in this scenario, where Crocodile's looking after lil Robin, would he be kind of torn? Unsure how to feel about her?
Because on one hand, this strange child would have the potential to not only ruin his plans, strip him of his Shichibukai Privileges by outing him and his plans to the World Government, but also put his son in grave danger by extension (if she found out about him having been involved with the Revolutionaries and/or having a child). But on the other hand, his paternal instincts could make him want to spoil this poor little girl rotten. But only because he needs to (perhaps literally) buy her trust so she'll behave. No other reason, he doesn't feel sorry for her one bit, no sirree. (But maybe he did feel sorry for her, since his son could very well end up exactly like her. Poor little thing) (Which is why he needs to nuke Marijoa out of orbit as soon as possible, no matter the cost, and this child can't get in the way of Crocodile protecting his son) (But also this is a child. Like how bad could she be. Besides all he really needs to do to win her trust is be nice and make her feel safe, right?)
Of course, while I'm suggesting Crocodile could have some parental instincts, realistically, he hasn't actually spent any time being, you know, a father to a child (looking after his newborn for an unknown though short amount of time aside), so it's possible he wouldn't even know how to parent Robin even if he wanted to, would he? (Like taking care of a newborn and an 11 year old kid aren't the same either) So if he was kind of just emotionally flipflopping between No Trusting Ever and It's Just A Kid for God's Sake, Crocodile trying to be nice to Robin to make her feel safe and then telling himself to stop being so soft and vunerable... Yeah that would make for an absolute mess of a relationship. (Not to mention, let's be real, dude's a scary motherfucker too, and a bloody giant compared to itty bitty baby Robin. He could keep on accidentally scaring the shit out of Robin (who would be On Fucking Edge To Begin With) by just Being Himself. Like for example, can you fucking imagine if he caught Robin trying to cheer herself up with a little "dereshishishi" only to tell her to stop because "it was stupid"? 'Cause I can imagine him doing that, and boy howdy would that make Robin feel bad)
Or who knows, maybe Crocodile was just Born To Be A Dad, maybe he just Fucking Gets It. Like Crocodile is canonically pretty good at manipulating people to do what he wants them to do (see: how he played Vivi like a fiddle), so knowing Robin's position and understanding how she feels, maybe he COULD completely nail how she needed to be treated. Not being too familiar but still making her feel safe and happy, knowing exactly when to be stern and when to spoil her, etc. Dude just goes off and wins the Dad of the Year Award while being a deadbeat dad himself. The only thing Crocodile would have to worry about then would be making sure HE doesn't get too fond of her. And certainly that could never happen, he's so in-touch with his own feelings and so grounded, he's not a softie, get outta here. Or maybe he does but never realizes until it's too late and good luck backpedalling on those emotions now dumbass
Alright so, the reason I went on that whole rmble is just that like. I'm so interested in the relationship Robin and Crocodile already have in canon. I'm so facinated and curious about how the two feel about each other, considdering they did spend 4 whole years of their lives together as criminal business partners, though neither ever trusted the other. A partnership that was only ended because Robin betrayed Crocodile, out of her own trauma. (God, I want to see these two "reunite" so bad, I want to know how they feel about each other now after the timeskip and Robin joining the idiot in flipflops who foiled Croc's plans)
My question here is just that... if they had met 13 years earlier, would things have been different? Especially if Crocodad Real? Because as I mentioned in the begining, Robin would've been on the run for only 3 years by this point, as opposed to 16 years before running into Crocodile. Simultaneously, this would be before Crocodile went onto spend an entire decade all alone, slowly losing his marbles in his emotional solitude. They'd both be emotionally traumatized, yes, but would it have been as bad in this scenario? Like I did start this post kind of joking about Crocodile adopting Robin, and for clarity's sake I don't think they'd have like a father-daughter relationship nececarily. But it would be a strange relationship still, because we'd have two broken people, both struggling to trust anyone. One who had lost her mother and her only friends, leaving her all alone and afraid while running for her life. The other a father who had just given up his son whom he probably missed dearly. Both having these holes in their hearts from loss of family, holes that could not be filled with replacements. But could they find comfort in each other anyway, because they still as people occupy similar roles to their respective loved ones? If they both could just get over those trust issues?
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Okay I've been going off on the Emotional Side Of Things for this AU Concept, THERE'S PLOT TOO
So if Crocodile did pick Robin up like 19 years ago, that should be before he set up base in Alabasta, long before he had built is homebase and financial empire etc.
Now the thing is, while we don't know when, where and how Crocodile learned about the Ancient Weapons, Pluton specifically and how the lead on it would be in Alabasta... Considdering Crocodile did once upon a time aim to become Pirate King, it would make perfect sense if he had learned about Poneglyphs during his past adventures, as he would have needed to get the Road Poneglyphs to find One Piece. And while the World Government did bury the truth about why Ohara had been burned down and why Robin had been given her bounty (remember, the WG claimed it was because she had sunken a fleet of battleships, which she had not, it was because she could read the Poneglyphs), considdering this is a Crocodad AU specifically, you could totally make an argument Crocodile could've learned about what actually happened to Ohara from Dragon and co. So, just to make this AU work, you could just assume Crocodile learned about the concept of the Ancient Weapons from Dragon. And who knows, maybe he overheard the truth about why Robin had been given her bounty from Dragon too (maybe Dragon was able to get intel from Garp in secret) or while going to Marijoa himself to attend a Shichibukai meeting or something IDK.
Maybe he learned about Pluton being in Alabasta before finding Robin by accident, and maybe they made a beeline for Alabasta the second Croc recruited Robin. Travelling takes time and the guy would've most likely had to find an Eternal Pose to Alabasta just to get there (also canonically Robin didn't enter the Grand Line until her 20s so they should've met in West Blue probably, since that's where Ohara was) Or maybe Crocodile had to haul Robin around for a few months while looking for That Missing Piece of Information that would lead him to Alabasta. (Imagine the two travelling from like island to island, library to library, Crocodile trying to find that leads while Robin's just so excited about ALL THESE BOOKS (she's helping too with the research) (but to her, research is playtime, so she's just having the time of her life) (Also, notice how Crocodile's Theoretical Child is a fucking loser ass nerd? Yeah Crocodile would encourage Robin reading and studying, surely. And that would be fucking cute))
But like, once they set sail to Alabasta...
Sure, Crocodile could try to do it The Slow Way that we know he tried in canon, building trust and creating his little empire etc. But also, in canon, Crocodile couldn't have jumped into action head first because without Robin, even if he had found the Poneglyph he couldn't have read it and found the location of Pluton. Crocodile choosing to do it the slow way may have been partially because he didn't have much of a choise and it could've felt like the smarter move long-term.
But in this scenario, he already has Robin. Yes, he could do it the slow, secure way.
But what'd be there stopping him from infiltrating Cobra's palace and kidnapping him (in the night, when nobody suspects a thing), demanding Cobra to spill the beans lest Crocodile kills him and/or his pregnant wife* (*Vivi was born 10 months after Luffy so depending on how long it's been between Crocodad leaving Luffy behind and this scenario... Yeah either the wife is there, still pregnant, or there's a newborn Baby Vivi)
Like it'd be a risky move but depending on how ballsy Croc's feeling and how confident he feels in being able to kidnap the king without being noticed... Yeah he could probably do it. And I'm sure he'd have no problem killing Cobra either, if anything it'd be required if he didn't want the Government to find out he was out to find Pluton, and god knows Cobra would tell on Crocodile if left alive. I could see Crocodad being maybe a little iffy about killing Baby Vivi though (it's not like the newborn baby could report him to the WG anyways), but if nothing else, he just needs to be able to pull off the bluff of his life to convince Cobra to do as he's told. And we all know Crocodile's good at convincing people.
The only question is, how would Robin take that?
Watching Crocodile go into Full Murder Mode, hearing him say he'd kill a pregnant woman/a newborn baby if he didn't get what he wanted? Like yeah, I'm sure 11 year old Robin would be fine with that, that wouldn't make any alarm bells go off in her head at all, it'd be fiiiine. IT WOULD NOT BE FINE, SHE'D BE SCARED SHITLESS. That fear of "what will he do with me when he gets what he wants"? Well, Robin may not have found the answer to that question in particular, but she certainly found the answer to the opposite question, and it's not good
So say Cobra, kidnapped (perhaps with Baby Vivi) by Crocodile in the night, guides the two to the Poneglyph under the tombs. Crocodile puts Cobra out of his misery because he's not needed anymore. And he asks Robin to read the Poneglyph for him.
Robin, who has spent the last little while, be it weeks or months with Crocodile, him having become her "guardian", the thing keeping her safe. Crocodile, who has now shown how cold blooded and cruel he can be. Robin, who might be scared out of her mind. Of him.
And the Poneglyph says Pluton, the thing Crocodile wants, isn't there. It's in Wano.
What's she going to do?
EDIT: I wrote a sequel post, enjoy
#Moon posting#OP Meta#Sir Crocodile#Crocodad#Nico Robin#THIS POST WAS AN ACCIDENT. I DON'T KNOW HOW THIS HAPPENED. WHY DID I WRITE THIS. WHAT DEMON POSSESSED ME#I'm sure someone's written this already right#Right#Surely this fanfic already exists#Please tell me it exists#I dunno what to tell you I am not immune to a Juicy AU#Anyway on a more wholesome side of things: Robin accidentally calling Crocodile ''dad'' and he just inhales and swallows his whole cigar#Nearly chockes to death. Gets burns on his throat.#Robin feeling less alienated because of her DF ability because Croc has seen weirder AND is made of sand himself#If anything if they're literally by themselves then Robin being able to literally lend a hand to Croc at any time could be extremely useful#Like. In regular life situations. 'Cause Croc only has one hand. And Robin as many as she wants. Perfect duo.#(Also if they were travelling on like a small ship then it'd probably be built for a Tall Motherfucker like Croc right)#(Robin's ability would just make the ship more accessible to her and Croc would find that independence good)#Robin still gets a codename because Croc can't have anyone realize who she is. Maybe she even wears like a mask or summin' in public#If Crocodile's openly trans and the news of him transitioning recently broke out. Like. No avoiding that convo eh#Baby Robin's like ''...I read in a book once that some reptiles can change sex but I didn't know crocodiles could do it too''#''💦.../Humans/ can't do that normally either''#''Hmmmm. Weird. I don't think being a girl would suit you though'' // ''...I'll take that as a compliment''#I just. I think they could have really cute interactions if they warmed up to each other after a little while#And I'm Extremely Normal about that
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redysetdare · 1 year
A character looks straight into the camera and says "I'm not interested in romance" and people will still say "No, it's not confirmed they're aromantic!!!" "They could change their mind!!!" "it's a challenge for them to overcome!!!" "They'll have character development that makes them fall in love"
It's like they are given the most blatant answer to a character romantic orientation and they actively ignore it. all the while all it takes is subtext for people to speak as if it is fact for a character to be any other sexuality.
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krysmcscience · 20 days
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Saw this post and couldn't resist because,
1.) @tesscourtes' human!Bill is a lil cutie-patootie menace that I very badly wanted to draw, and,
2.) I have a - M I G H T Y - N E E D - for any version of human!Bill to find any way he possibly can to annoy Ford a whole lot :D
Also, 3.) I like to headcanon that Bill's knowledge in The Sciences is mostly limited to 'Ways I Can Make A Really Cool Doomsday Portal', and everything else he knows is just a slapdash mix of the stuff he remembers from whatever schooling he went through on Euclydia, a whole awful lot of lucky guesses (which he WILL gaslight you about if you tell him he's wrong), and - naturally - conning all the rest of the answers he needs out of any more educated saps who are unfortunate enough to be around him at the time (answers which he will then proceed to take credit for), so as far as I'm concerned, this "outfit" is perfect for him.
Ignore the shitty backgrounds, I am sick to death of doing backgrounds, I just want to draw goofy shenanigans, okay???
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