#no i'm not doing a dragonlance au
dickbaggins · 1 month
genuinely asking. are you insane. Ive just read The Stakes last night and it changed the chemistry of my brain in a ways that I can't comprehend. i couldn't sleep last night so i am now taking suburban train, eyes blood shot and thoughts racing in my scull like bugs or vampires in the forest searching for someone to bite. I don't even have much to say about the smut except that it was one of the best that i read ever in my life and i found out fanfiction exists when i was like 12 so i read. A Lot. but ... the. the state of their relationship??? jdbdjkdjdjd how do i call it. the way they are insane about each other and Gale ohhhhhh GALE. What The Fuck Gale. What The Fuck DickBaggins. who will take responsibility for all this i am genuinely asking. who will pay for my therapy AFTER THIS. I can't like describe the state of my mind when Astarion left Gale's apartment, taking a train and looking at Waterdeep, the City that took... from him. Feeling like this. Yooooo
now it wasn't surprise that you could capture the nature of Astarion's inner mind very well since i am a fan of your other bg3 works but to do it in an au like this?????????? to extract his utmost self and insert it in what looks like silly hockey au just for it to actually be very complicated world where Gale did such a big mistake when he was younger he's going to pay for it gods above and belong only know how long???? maybe forever??? maybe he'll never wake up feeling Astarion's arms wrapped around him???? And Astarion as an elf he. he relives his memories while he trance yes???? idk if you keep this funky little detail in your au but to think about. It. Losing my mind tbh
what i am trying to tell you. this au brought tears to my eyes and i expected something smutty and juicy and maybe funny and silly and instead you just submerged me in a tragedy so gut wrenching and raw (HA). I am not even exasperating. Wtf.
so. Thank you i guess. I am going to think about it for 30 business days at least :)
That was. Phew. I need to dive in Mithridatism's Gale's weed collection after this because i can't legally find it in my country
Hope you are well, friend
elves are so fucked up. they've just gotta lay there and contemplate all the shit that's ever happened in their lives? this isn't restorative? this is a defect!! and it has to mess them up
and everyone else gets to relax and snore their way through some nonsense dreams every night without the horrible shadow of their past looming over them in razor-sharp, unbidden memories for eight hours straight??
what a raw fucking deal
(and for me canonical vampire spawn astarion doesn't sleep or meditate or any of that stuff UNLESS it's with someone else. otherwise he's up all night prowling and doing his hair and oiling his hand crossbows)
hey I'm glad to have ruined your life a little bit over my hockey au! even though it's uuuh heavy?? it was a lot of fun to write. kinda want to keep finding new aus to throw them into now? there's just so many more situations I want to put them in
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missterious-figure · 3 months
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(Each y/n is not specifically for a designated dca, btw)
I'm adding a knight and magic y/n Dragon tale au.
(These are just potential options)
Dragonling y/n pov: You live an a forest close to a large village, a town almost. You liked to sneak into the marketplace and see what goodies you can yoink. A magic staff with the power of mind control had vanished from it's heavily guarded vault one day. And you were the first suspected. After all, humans thought dragonlings were the offspring of a dragon and human (which is blatantly wrong! Who would want to be related to a human? Ehw...) though, dragonlings and dragons aren't closely related, either. The humans are still convinced it was you. Now dragon hunters are on a hunt for you. Maybe you should head into the mountains. It would be safer there, right?
Knight y/n pov: You're from a wealthy family and ran away do to the lack of freedom. You had always been fond of fairytales, especially when there was a brave hero to save the day. One day, (once upon a time, let's say~) you accidentally bump into two real live heroes Sun and Moon. They are teaching people to become warriors and dragon slayers. The one named Moon asks you if you wish to join him tomorrow. You don't even stop to think as you say yes. Was it the opportunity that made you leap, or the fierce (and incredibly handsome) knight standing before you? Maybe a mix of both.
Magic y/n pov: You sell herbs and mushrooms that grow in your garden. Some are good for eating, others are for potions and spells. You used magic quite alot yourself to help grow your plants. Pre-made potions were on big demand recently, and that gave you a chance to make more money. You had converted part of your house into a shop and hung a sign above your door that advertised your goodies. Your shop was very busy most of the time. Frequents arrived at their usual times, newcomers browsed through your products. But there was only one customer on your mind. A handsome fellow named Sun who came by your shop very often. He and his friend Moon were both famous dragon slayers. You two would talk for hours on end. So long, that Moon had once showed up to see if Sun was even still alive. Sun always asked if you ever wanted come over when they taught their dragon defense classes, and every time you would sweetly turn him down. But if it meant you got to see him more...
Please! I will be answering questions about Dragon Tale au if anyone is curious!
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
I do love this season just because the wank that you can see emerge in FFA. The most recent one of course is from BFE and Yuletide! For anyone who did not know:
In 12-25-2023, someone made a comment in a treat they received, saying that there were "issues" with their main gift and that the treay literally saved their day. Of course nonnies would investigate this! What was so wrong with the main gift? What were the issues? Obviously something about the recip DNWs, right?
Well... No, not really.
The main gift was fine. It was a canon divergence AU, that the recip okayed in their letter. It was also whump about the fave character of the recip, also okayed.
So, perhaps, a new DNW? That's a possibility, it happens! And nonnies leave it at that... Until fucking 01-01-2024 came and the recip commented on the main gift... Fucking. Stupid. The recip complained that the fic was an AU, and that that was the issue. The problem: they okayed CANON DIVERGENCE AUs, they did not want "AUs that change everything, like coffee shops" and the like. The author responded the comment (yes, the comment moaning about this was left IN the fic) with screenshots of the letter, the DNW and what the recip okayed. The real issue? The recip does not know how to fucking write. Why on earth would you say "I'm okay with canon deviations/slightly alternate timelines" and then complain that the author DID a deviation from canon. That's not knowing how to write what you actually want.
The recip responded. "Well, congrats. You could have completely ruined someone's Yuletide." Then, they went to Twitter and wrote "I'm glad that it got me and not someone who is more deeply affected".
You are deeply affected. You went to thanks the treat as "saving your day", waited until authors revelations because of paranoia of the gift being "a revenge from Yuletide mods" (yeah, I'm serious), then complained in the FIC itself and went full shithead to the author pointing out your poorly worded letter, and then made bunch of tweets about it in what nonnies described as and "insufferable teacher about to send a formal complaint to the local administration" tone.
If y'all want to see this full, dememe "Dragonlance" (yes, it's from that fandom...). The first chunk of the wank is from 26/12, and the other chunk from 02/01.
Moral of the wank: really, write your DNW well. If you okay something and then receive that something and instead of reflecting that you poorly worded your yes and noes or you found a new DNW or whatever you choose to go to the author an be a full shithead, you really can't fucking complain and play the victim here. Thank god this person said it'd be their "last Yuletide". With recips like that I'd hate to participate at all.
I've occasionally written my requests poorly and—even more occasionally—had this result in fic that wasn't to my taste, but there's no need to be a baby about it!
This sounds like a version of the "no extreme kinks" problem: People often assume everyone else understands some vague concept like "AUs that are too AU" or "Sad endings that are too sad" or "Kinks that are too kinky" without really trying to elaborate on what it is that bugs them. I admit it's not always easy to explain this succinctly, especially if you want to avoid the dread "Only write for me if you're skilled"-sounding letters, but most people can do better than this.
It sounds like maybe they have a weird idea about the boundary between "canon divergence" and "AUs that change everything".
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skies-full-of-song · 1 month
When I talk about the concept of Raistlin using a powerchair, I do not mean a headcanon/AU of him having disabilities/severity that he doesn't have in canon.
He canonically struggles to stand and walk even with his staff as a mobility aid. I thought I might have overestimated how much, but having began to read Dragonlance properly (yes, I finally did it, though it ended up to be one day and I don't know when I'll get back to it) I found out that I have *under*estimated it. In the beginning of DoAT, a lot of time he can only walk with Caramon's help, not even just his staff. He literally needs a wheelchair.
I'm saying powerchair because he has whole-body weakness and likely pain (I don't think I've encountered descriptions of the latter directly yet, but from other things I'm certain that he canonically has fibromyalgia). Also because I need a powerchair bc of the same + specifically shoulder & upper arm issues but would even without them.
Headcanons and AUs where he is more disabled than in canon are absolutely valid, and all the power to you! But also please acknowledge the extent of his canonical disability, and the fact that that extent does warrant that need. These things go hand in hand!
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phynoma · 2 months
Oh hi!
I'm Phyn! I write things. I'm not going to get into a bunch of identity stuff, but I'm queer, I'm an adult, and I like writing queer adult stuff. Mostly horror (see: queer) and absurdity (see: the world)
I have degrees in english, theology, and more theology, which just means I have a bunch of experience doing critical thinking and analysis of storytelling, and enough imposter syndrome that I don't know how to put that on a resume.
If you're already following me it's probably for Pillars of Eternity, TMA, or LOTR/Silmarillion. I cycle through hyperfixations every few years. It's still TMA/TMAGP right now. You can find my TMAGP sideblog here, where I just collect art.
Other things I like: Fallen London, everything by Pia Foxhall/not_poignant, re:dracula, SILT VERSES, Rivers of London, Murderbot, Critical Role, Saga, Wicked+Divine, anything by Neil Gaiman, I Am in Eskew, norse myths, egyptian myths, jewish myths, the dragonlance books (don't judge me they were foundational), pretty much everything Mike Flanagan makes, and much much more
I'm on ao3 as Phynoma! What do I write? Well. I write in-depth explorations of characters placed in harrowing situations which draw out the very inmost parts of their vulnerabilities and--
Smut. I write smut, okay?
Almost all of these fics are explicit and PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD mind the tags, I am *very* careful with my tagging for good reason!!!!
The Magnus Archives:
I mentioned this is my current fixation, right?
an extant form of life: pollen fic! You could say, maybe, that the Consuming AU uses pollen tropes, but I'm counting this as my first-ever pollen fic. Jon/Tim, Jon/Martin, maybe Jon/Tim/Martin, we'll see if Sasha gets thrown in there. Ongoing.
Hey, Jude: A hurt/comfort fic about what happened after Jon shook Jude Perry's hand. Jon & Georgie & the kindness of strangers (not those strangers) Oneshot.
The Consuming AU: My pride and joy. My baby. I started this halfway through listening to TMA the first time and finished the original fic in about two months in time for the Rusty Quill Big Bang of 2023. Canon is basically the same, with the addition of "what if there was a Entity of Hunger, (fear of) Intimacy, and Codependence?" Also Jon is turning into a succubus. Main fic is complete at a little over 100k words. Sometimes I add one-shots to the series.
~Incredible bookbinding done by @bluejayblueskies HERE ~Art of human-looking Rhia (by me) HERE and commission of eldritch angel Rhia by @isbergillustration HERE ~Commission of Naadia by @dcartcorner HERE
Kittens & Kink AU: Fluffy Somewhere Else one-shots. Cat play. Mostly nonsexual kink. Oliver/Jon/Martin. Ongoing, until I get bored of it, basically.
Pillars of Eternity:
The In-Between Series: A series of fics following the relationship of Watcher Mirad and Aloth Corfiser, ten years or so after the events of Deadfire. The world of Eora is ripe for a new cataclysm, and these two elves are trying to finally have the relationship they've been dancing around for two decades. Ongoing, on hiatus as my hyperfixation is elsewhere. I do plan to finish it, though.
Moments: same universe and characters as above, focusing more on events that happen in canon-- ie, during gameplay. Complete.
Mat & Kal: Fae AU: You know how sometimes you keep writing characters and put them through a blender so many times that they just become something completely new? That's this AU. Mateo and Makalo are two ancient fae beings trapped in the human world during the events of The Ice Plague (by not_poignant) who become bound by each others' lives and deaths. They hate each other, they love each other, they're in weird psychosexual sadistic codependency with each other. They're a cat-person and a snake-person. I'm not a furry but I like some of their ideas, okay? Series complete.
See commissioned art of Mat & Kal by @shojoshark HERE
The Silmarillion:
Mistakes Were Made: Imma be real, this is just straight up torture porn. Sauron is punished by Morgoth after the loss of the Silmaril to Beren & Luthien. Basically, I was annoyed by all the fluffy Angbang fics I was reading and wanted to depict them in all their horrifying, codependent glory. Complete.
Cost of Surrender: I read a really good fic about what it took for Mairon to grovel/debase himself to Eonwe to gain his freedom and I took it a bit further. Complete.
Good Omens:
the beautiful and the fitting: pretty sure the title of this is a quote from St. Augustine, too. I almost didn't include this one because I don't even remember what it's about. Fluffy sex times with nonsexual beings, I think. I started writing it because Good Omens is one of my favorite books, but tbh the fandom for the show exhausts me and I don't know if I'll come back to this. Abandoned, probably.
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raeuberprinzessin · 2 years
As I promised a while ago:
Dragons platonic ABO AU
So, I've read some platonic Omegaverse stories and damn, that shit can be so fluffy and I'm always down for some fluff 🤩 
Characters being happy and cute and everyone joining the cuddling session and I just fell in love 😂
And I also read some Dragon!AUs and I thought, why not both? Both were a different fandom and yeah, I think Maribat needs an AU with dragons and platonic ABO dynamics.
There's a lot of worldbuilding, the story idea, if you want to skip there, starts after **********
So, the different dynamics have nothing to do with reproduction, they are more like a biological manifestation (hormones etc.) of the social role they lean towards. A group of dragons in which these dynamics come into play is called a Pride (yeah, I like "a Pride of dragons", I think it has a ring to it 😁). Humans don't have a dynamic, only dragons or part-dragons do. Part-dragons are called serpent (if the mother was a human and they were born in their human form) or drake (if the mother was a dragon and they hatched).
Alphas are competitive and often trying to show off. They thrive on conflict (doesn't have to be a serious one) and competition.
Betas draw their strengths from solitude and themselves. They avoid conflicts or act as mediators, partly because their chances are the worst if they actually get caught up in a conflict, but they are also the most peace-loving dragons.
Omegas thrive on having an active social circle, the bigger the better. They draw their strength from their love for others. Usually they are calm and don't get themselves involved in arguments, but if their Pride is endangered, they can be lethal. A pissed off omega is nothing anyone would ever want to face.
Dragons are usually born as an egg and hatch after a few months. Baby dragons are called hatchlings (even serpents who are born in their human form), in their early teens they present as their dynamic and are then called dragonlings. Since dragons live a lot longer than humans they are only considered adult dragons (by other dragons) in their mid-twenties to early-thirties. Trying to seriously court before then will not be received well by a dragonling's Pride. 
If two eggs are laid in a clutch, fraternal twins end up being omega and alpha, identical twins are usually both betas.
There are no "rules" for who is in charge of a Pride, but omegas often have an easier time, since their social skills are higher.
Every dynamic goes through a hormonal cycle every few months but how they experience it differs from person to person. Some want to cuddle, some need warmth, some only eat raw meat during their cycle. But the most comfortable way to spend the cycle is usually in one's own nest with a few Pride mates close by to offer cuddles, comfort, someone to talk to or to fetch something they need. 
The laws differ between countries, but since humans haven't had the wish to fight a dragon since the middle ages and especially the older, famous Prides did their best to present dragons as harmless if not provoked (and they also had the money and influence to steer public opinion in that direction), the laws aren't too restrictive in most places. In places like Gotham, which has a very long history influenced by dragons and was co-founded by dragons, hence all the gargoyles, they are actually pretty lax. And in France for example there are several dragon protection laws in place. 
So, I think this is enough about worldbuilding. Here comes the story idea (but if you feel inspired by the world building, go ahead, have fun and tag me, so I can have fun as well 😅):
The Dupain-Chengs were a young couple of bakers who barely had anything to do with dragons until one day when they were just about to close their bakery there was a woman rushing in.
She asked them to take care of the egg she held in her arms, saying that she had to fear that the egg's grandfather would cast the egg out or mistreat the little hatchling.
Since the young couple were good people and wouldn't want a baby, dragon or human, to be treated badly, they agreed and the woman gave them a big shawl made of shedded dragon skin. The old skin of the egg's mother, the woman explained. They would need the shawl to prove they didn't steal the egg.
The next day they went to the authorities and explained what happened. Usually an abandoned egg would be given to another Pride who was willing to raise another hatchling, especially the older prides were always eager to add fresh blood. But since they had the shawl, they could prove that the egg's mother had chosen them and therefore they were allowed to keep the egg, if they would comply with the statutory requirements. These included classes about parenting a hatchling, social structures between dragons, dragon biology and more like this, as well as at least one adult dragon (or serpent/drake) who was willing to support them (that's how they met Nadja, a beta who felt a bit lonely, since her Pride wasn't from Paris, and was happy to help). The requirements also said that at least after her presentation she would have to be enrolled in a school with at least 30% dragonlings.
Since the Francois-Dupont schools were highly recommended integrated schools (schools with a special focus on dragonlings and human-dragon-relationships), they sent their hatchling, they called her Marinette, there.
Marinette presented as an omega during the summer break. Her parents tried hard and did a good job, but there were still some things they couldn't teach her, so she turned to Nadja and to doing her own research. She started to babysit Manon, because it gave her another dragon in her social circle and when she went through her cycle the first time, she realized there were things her parents just couldn't understand: As an omega her need for a big social circle wasn't satisfied with her parents allowing her to sleep in their bedroom during her cycle. And they wouldn't allow her friends Nino and Kim, two dragons from her class she befriended, to stay in her nest with her. As humans they only saw it as two teenage boys sleeping in the same bed as their teenage daughter.
That's why Marinette started to do her own research, so she could better understand her instincts. This was why her teacher, Madame Bustier, a human, didn't really recognize the formerly meek and quiet girl after the break. Marinette grew and didn't accept getting pushed around anymore. Not by her teacher, with whom she had a very serious talk outside, and not by Chloe, an alpha drake. 
Since Marinette feels more comfortable in her skin (or shall I say scales?), she gets more confident and her natural leader qualities easily put her in the spot of the Pride's Head or Prima of the school's Pride. For most students the Pride of Francois Dupont is not their primary Pride (that would be their family), but since the school is meant as an integrated school there are also many students like Marinette or Chloe, who don't have a suitable primary Pride available.
One of these students is Adrien, a beta drake, who has to attend the school now, since his mother disappeared.
Adrien at first only knows Chloe and she also scares everyone else away. Chloe is his friend, but he really would like to formally be accepted into the Pride, but that can't happen, if Chloe scares everyone away and he can't even talk to his classmates.
That's the way it goes for a week until the Prima, an omega dragon he feels pretty intimidated by, snaps and drags Chloe off to an unknown location. Another beta dragon introduces himself as Nino, assures him that he doesn't have to worry about Chloe, because Marinette, the Prima, would never harm any of them and invites him to hang out.
Adrien slowly befriends his classmates after that. Chloe gives him more space and seems to keep closer to Marinette. He still feels intimidated, until she gifts him a scarf for his birthday. That's the first time he sees her self-conscious as she explains that she sewed a few of her scales from one of her shedded skins on the edges, because she read that they are needed to create an official acceptance present for a new Pride member. It's actually a tradition old established Prides follow, but since Marinette found out about it in her research, she thinks it's normal and she likes the idea, that her Pride members have something that smells like her.
Since Adrien's mother was the only dragon he had in France and the rest of his Pride lives in the UK (Amelie, Felix, maternal grandparents, his uncle before he died), Marinette as his new Prima has some legal leverage over Gabriel, who as a human is considered a less important bond. Adrien still lives with Gabriel, since he assured Marinette that he doesn't want to leave his father all alone, but Marinette put her foot down about his schedule, so he has less modeling gigs and only the extra curriculars he likes, like fencing. Adrien is still a bit intimidated, but he also adores her, because not many people are willing to butt heads with his dad and come out on top.
They are still Ladybug and Chat Noir, by the way, but since they hide being dragons when they transform it only changes the dynamic a bit, so they feel a lot more like siblings and best friends with no romantic interest.
Marinette also still attracts the attention of Jagged Stone, who is an alpha dragon and excited to hear, that his kids Juleka (alpha serpent) and Luka (omega serpent) are already friends with his new favourite designer.
Kagami and her mother are both alphas and when Kagami joins the fencing team Adrien recognizes another lonely kid when he sees one, so he asks Marinette to watch the fencing class the next time and introduces Kagami to her.
Kagami has only her mother from her Pride in Paris and since they are both alphas, she enjoys spending time with Adrien and Marinette. They have a calming effect on her and she is happier. At first her mother tries to forbid Kagami from spending time with them, she only accepts them, when Adrien and Marinette convince her to send Kagami to their school (it may have also helped that Marinette "casually" mentioned how close she is with Nadja).
Amelie and Felix end up coming to Paris, because they want to take Adrien back to London, but there they meet Marinette and Amelie, a beta dragon, is so endeared by her, she decides to stay in Paris and send Felix to the same school to get to know Marinette. Felix can't understand what his aunt, a beta dragon, like his mother, from an old Pride, saw in his uncle, a human designer with dubious talents (as Felix says).
Felix is an alpha dragonling, so it's not a surprise that he likes to show off his skills as an actor and a magician. And how smart he is, obviously. When his cycle arrives after he joined the class he butts heads with the other alphas of the school's Pride, especially Chloe, Kim, Alix and Kagami, since he's around them more.
The last addition to the class is Lila, who spends her first day lying about being an omega. It turns out there were only 3 dragons at her last boarding school and die other two were beta twins several classes above her and her classmates seemed to like her more as an omega than an alpha. Her mother is human and her father a drake, which makes her a serpent and she still can't transform into her dragon form. That's why her dragon grandparents finally relented and allowed her mother to have her with her.
Since this version of Marinette is much mote confident she doesn't let this lying grow and points to the information about Lila on file and after getting to the root of the problem, they assure her that she is just as welcome as an alpha.
Just like Chloe, Lila turns out to be a bit clingy and asks Marinette to stay with her during her cycle.
The school actually has a so called nesting room where the dragon and part-dragon students can hang out and build their nests. Human students need to be invited, which doesn't happen often, because humans don't have the instincts to nest and for most of them it's boring or childish, since it's basically hanging out in a pillow fort, sleeping and cuddling for most of the time.
On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean Damian Wayne (alpha dragon) has found his place in his father's Pride. He learns from his father Bruce Wayne (omega dragon, Primus of the Wayne Pride) and his siblings Richard Grayson (alpha dragon), Cassandra Cain (beta dragon), Jason Todd (omega serpent), Timothy Drake (omega dragon, but with more beta mannerisms than other omegas, because his parents needed him to be a beta like they were) and Duke Thomas (human meta) and everyone else in his extended family.
During patrol one night his mother lures him away to ask him if he is happy. When he says yes, she tells him she will do something, so his grandfather will leave him alone for good, although she couldn't say that about Ra's obsession with Tim, since that obsession might become worse.
He reports the incident and they realize that there could be only one explanation: Damian has a twin sister and his mother is going to get her, to present her to his grandfather. Since Damian knows that his grandfather is displeased by his presenting as an alpha, since an omega would have better skills as the leader of the league, and that's one of the reasons Ra's preferred Tim, he knows that his grandfather had no idea about his granddaughter. Otherwise he would already train her. This also means his mother must have made sure, she was well hidden, she might not even know herself where she was.
Of course they will move heaven and earth to find their lost little sister and protect her from the league. They just wish that stupid magical terrorist in Paris could have waited until they found her and made sure she is safe.
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tildeathiwillwrite · 23 days
🤪 - Have you ever written fanfiction?
(in response to this ask game)
I have indeed! Not a lot, and only some of it actually posted, but I have.
Inside the Standing Stones A Brave (2012) oneshot featuring an oc. 4,600 words. Summary: Gwendolyn's been trapped inside of the standing stones for a long time. But when a red-haired lass stumbles across her, Gwendolyn watches as a chain-reaction of events unfolds, helpless to stop any of it.
Demigods of the Death Gate, Book 1: Dry 31,800 words Summary: A Death Gate Cycle and Percy Jackson Crossover, set in an AU where the son of Stephen and Anne is the reincarnation of Percy, with a similar power set. Follow Perseus as he attempts to unravel an evil wizard's plot to take over Arianus, the world of air.
Demigods of the Death Gate, Book 2: Defy Sequel to Dry. Technically a WIP as I'm basically posting chapters as I write them. 9,000 words so far. Summary: Annabeth has a mission: to find the fabled Sartan strongholds. To do so, she must translate journals left behind when the humans, elves and dwarves were exiled into the jungles of Pyran long ago. But when the mythological tytans resurface, Annabeth discovers another source of information, power, and problems. Join Annabeth as she translates the Sartan rune language, learns to use the Sartan rune magic, and pries answers out of a mysterious, quiet man with a dog.
Cinderheart A story that takes place shortly after season 3 of Netflix's The Dragon Prince, exploring what happened to the soldiers who were transformed into dark magic monsters against their will.
The Assassin and the Dragonlance A Dragonlance and Death Gate Cycle crossover featuring one of the characters from the first book in DGC (Dragon Wing), Hugh the Hand. 4,000 words so far. Summary: In Which Alfred accidentally causes Hugh the Hand to regenerate somewhere… different after his second death on Arianus.
It's been a bit since I've worked on Defy or TAatD due to life events and other projects, but I love working in preexisting worlds with (mostly) preexisting characters as a break from my original WIPs.
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ereborne · 2 months
Book worm questions: 43, 44, 49, and 50 please :D
43) Title of a book you own that's in the worst physical condition you have. Explain what happened to it. Post a picture if you want: Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey! Alas, I don't have it to take a picture of, because it fully disintegrated. It was an old printing, on the pulpy paper that yellows quickly and swells and curls in humidity, and I got it already second-hand and from an un-air-conditioned stall at a giant flea market, and then I read it a lot. The glue went out of the binding and it was just a collection of pages, and the front cover had already softened to nothing, and then one day I was rereading it and couldn't hold the pages together well enough to read it at speed anymore. Runner-up is Dragonlance: The Lost Histories: The Dragons by Douglas Niles, which is as you can see now two half-books and a free-floating front cover. I got it in 1998 and have read it multiple times a year every year since.
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44) The book(s) whose stories have become part of your very makeup: I listed a bunch in my answer to carrionfourth, but actually The Dragons is another good answer, as is Key of the Keplian by Lyn McConchie and Andre Norton. I got them both at the same time, and grew up with them (I was six in 1998. they might not have been entirely age-appropriate, but that didn't matter, because what they actually were was a bribe. to keep my mouth shut, about something which I won't now disclose, because they were a damn fine bribe). Also the Dragonlance: Dwarven Nations trilogy by Dan Parkinson--all of them to some extent, but most specifically and vividly the scene in the second book, Hammer and Axe, where Handil the Drum collapses the caverns. The first time a book broke my heart.
49) Do you prefer hopeful, humorous, very emotional or darker books? It's very important to me that a story has a satisfying and happy ending (gotta be both) but I usually enjoy any sort of tone on the way there. Sometimes I'll be in the mood for funny or intense or agonizing or uplifting specifically, but I think more often it's the satisfaction I crave.
50) What kind of book have you never read but always hope to find at some point in the future? This one is definitely not something I’ve never read before but it is something I’m always looking for more and better examples of--people having mind-links with animals. I do want to see there be bleed-through effects so that the humans pick up more of their friend's instinctive behaviors and the animals gain more human perspectives, but I'm so so picky about how it's handled. Love how Tamora Pierce did it with Daine in the Immortals quartet. A Companion to Wolves by Elizabeth Bear came close but then really lost me at the end, but I love how I've seen fandoms use the setting as an AU. Oh, you know what. It's like a hyper-specific somewhat more violent daemons AU. I'm looking for something like His Dark Materials, but with more cool fight scenes and less religious undercurrents. All recommendations welcome!
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niobiumao3 · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you so much to @eclec-tech for the tag! Quite the trip down memory lane.
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars, Star Trek, MCU, various others here and there
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
All MCUs with one LotR piece--not super surprising, though, the MCU is such a MONSTER huge fandom.
Jane Foster's High School Reunion The Sky Cannot Ignore Us Maria Hill’s Bi-Annual Performance Review Nothing's Wrong When Nothing's True The Health Benefits of Knitting
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to repond to all of them with at a minimum a thank you. I've got a bit of social anxiety so it's hard for me to do it, but I try to make sure to get them all as a way to work past that.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
So I don't typically do much with angst of my own; I use the angst of the setting, largely. I guess 'Stormchild' is the best option here given everything that comes after it in canon.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably The Obloquy of Newness, since it ends with Jane getting a Nobel Prize.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I never have that I can think of. Maybe I come across as a little too 'fuck around and find out'? Not sure why not.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do on rare occasions but I post very little of it. If 'what kind' is referring to kinks, I'm kink light in what I write.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don't know if I've written a proper crossover. I like the idea of them but have never actually come up with an idea I liked enough to fic. I've done a Daemon AU piece, but that's not properly a crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I did have a number of my fics reposted on one of those reposting sites and have to DMCA them, which was a hilariously weird thing for anyone to do and I still boggle at it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not! That would be super cool.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not that I've posted; a friend and I have cowritten several things which will remain private.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
This is kind of a tough one. I love them all for so many different reasons, so I don't think anyone is an all-time fave over the rest. Nicky/Joe (gay immortal hubbies) from The Old Guard continue to be something I read so much of despite not writing for them; Jane/Thor (nerd socially inept woman and godlike warrior, whats not to love) are an old standby from the MCU alongside Sam/Bucky (bickering to lovers) and Sarah/Bucky (cute overload); I still have a soft spot for Dick/Babs from the DCU, my new faves are Tech/Phee and Miles/Gwen…
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Unshriven. I have a solid idea for it, I just can't get the energy to write for the MCU anymore. A shame, I liked my idea.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I would say dialogue and world-building.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Repetitiveness, being willing to cut out unneeded things or convert them from exposition to action scenes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I always write it in English and indicate the language if the POV character would know; otherwise, I indicate they don't know what's being said and suggest or state the language. This is simply because I don't know another language to write in; if I were multilingual I would no doubt approach this differently.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
TSR's Dragonlance. It will never see the light of day.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Hm. At the moment I still like how Obliquity turned out despite it being wholly unplanned from the word go. So that's probably my favorite just now; prior to that I'd have said Jane Foster's High School Reunion due to how nicely it all gelled together.
NPTs: anyone who sees these! Let us know~
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redmoonrises · 2 years
What kind of relationship do your OCs have with their blood family?
jay- none whatsoever, fully no contact, even when she was still in her story. whit and darkjay are in the same boat (they're au versions of jay, there's dimension hopping involved in my stories lmao) lucien- great relationship with his older brother, currently rebuilding a relationship with his father, had an amazing relationship with his mother when she was alive adrian- his parents weren't great, and after a backstory thing where he ended up separated from them for a long time, he never really looked for them hailey- none, she was taken from her birth parents as a baby due to having two tails, a rare genetic mutation among dragonlings that basically meant she was adopted by a high class family rev, iden, and a background character emi were raised in the same village where essentially the whole village raised all the kids, so blood relatives were treated pretty similar to everyone else. none of them are in contact with any of their village anymore. verne- doesn't really remember his parents, as with much of his life before creaturae. according to him, they were "boring, like npcs with no personality," though he admits he remembers a lot of people like that petals- doesn't remember them at all, lived on the streets since he was a little kid, thinks they probably just abandoned him and is somewhat bitter about it mckenzie- unclear! i've never thought about their backstory before for some reason. i'd say their relationship with their blood relatives is amicable but they don't see each other very often. basil- conspired to have their father killed. it's fine, he was extremely homophobic and also a capitalist
rupee is exempt from this question as he doesn't have parents. patchwork is exempt from this question for the same reason. mixtape is exempt because they're a self-insert and the canon explanation for their existence in the world doesn't involve parents. c.c. is exempt because their nebulous origins don't involve parents. synth is exempt because they were born from an apple seed (it's complicated). dapper is exempt because no one knows where he came from. dorian is exempt because i have no idea where he came from.
i think i'm gonna just stop there 0-0 that's a lot of characters and i have so many more qnq
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ulkoilla · 7 months
Self-tagged from @bleachbleachbleach
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
Only three – most of my ff is in Finnish and online elsewhere
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
W00t w00t the next couple biweekly updates will get me above 100 k!
3) What fandoms do you write for?
I have only Bleach fic in AO3, but I've also written Black Lagoon, Daria, Doctor Who, Dragonlance, House M.D., Raid (a Finnish crime drama/thriller), Sanctuary, Supernatural and Stargate Atlantis
4) Top 5 fics by kudos?
All Her Parts (13 kudos at the moment), Kim’s game (6) and At one evening in a convenience store (4)
Interestingly, the 5/10 chapters of All Her Parts has also more hits than the 19 chapters of Kim’s game. Maybe the title of Kim’s game was unfortunate - It isn’t an OC story, the name refers to the memory game played in Kipling’s novel Kim)
5) Do you respond to comments?
Yes! They are few and far between, but I love them and I love responding.
6) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have quite a few angsty or unhappy endings in my stories but perhaps Salakatselijan päiväkirja (Diary of a Stalker, the content only in Finnish) or Etsin vain ehdotonta rakkautta (I was only searching for unconditional love, also the content only in Finnish) might be at a tie.
Diary of a Stalker is a Bleach AU where Bya mourns for Hisana and kinda starts to stalk Rukia, who he doesn’t know is Hisana’s sister. I was only searching for unconditional love is a House M.D. fic of Cuddy and Rachel and their mother-daughter relationship.
7) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uuf do I have happy endings…? I have plenty non-sad or ambiguous endings but I guess not that many I’d call happy. Kim’s game actually ranks high in here imo?
8) Do you get hate on fics?
I’ve never gotten any hate comments for some reason.
9) Do you write smut?
No. Tried it once, didn’t like it. I rarely write sex in general, and when I do, it tends to be strictly non-explicit.
Nothing wrong with smut, it just isn’t my thing to read or write. Unless things get weird enough, then I’m happy to read. With enough weird in the mix, it stops being about sex even when genitalia is at use. Then I'm on board again.
10) Do you write crossovers?
Not really. I find that it’s rare that different pieces fit together in a way I find satisfying. The one and only x-over I’ve written is a DW+Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy humor piece.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Only if you count me doing translation/rewrite of my own fic
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. But I’d like to – there is sooo much great ideas and such with powerful scenes and fun plots. I’d love to be the person who adds description of various shit without having to deal with characterization and whatnot. But with this role and me not operating in my native language it has an extra layer of working not great.
14) What's your all-time favorite ship?
My OPT of all-time is Raistlin+Dalamar, where I’m using the + to indicate it’s not romantic or sexual but not platonic in “just friends” or "practically family" way.
15) What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Almost all I seriously plan to finish, but I’m going to pick the story with a working title of Ihmeiden kaupunki (City of Wonder). It's a Sanctuary fic where a bunch of women, Helen and Ashley among them, are sent to another planet to spread human life to space. It’s supposed to be women only (resource use & lack of artificial wombs) but Nikola uses his connections and gets in.
16) What are your writing strengths?
Persistence. If I see enough reason to write something, and if I judge that I want to write it, then I’ll fucking write it. It may take a long time, but I’ll write it.
I’d like to think that I’m good at writing description but that’s for my readers to judge.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
The snail speed I proceed, lol.
I’m actually not good at making plot. It’s difficult for me to plan the scenes and decide what’s going to happen next, and what kind of feeling the scenes should carry.
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I avoid it. If the reader should understand the dialogue, then it must be “translated” to the reader for them to do so.
If the reader isn’t supposed to understand it, why bother to write lines that won’t make any sense to the reader? Then what it the reader understands it, is it going to spoil something, or does the reader find themselves reading something utterly irrelevant?
I can imagine there are some tricks that can be done with this but it’s a niche use.
19) First fandom you wrote for?
I can’t remember
20) Favorite fic you've ever written?
An unfinished The Walking Dead piece with a working title tkei. The title is probably an abbreviation of something but I can’t remember what. But the writing! I love the way I was able to write it! When I read it, I’m making myself happy and immersed in the story instead of wanting to alter phrasing here and there.
It’s an AU where the zombies never came and no found families form. After Rick wakes up from the come and find Lori and Shane banging, he is forced to move to Daryl’s place (Merle is in prison, Daryl can’t pay the bills to keep the lights on, and Rick can’t afford to rent). Everyone is deeply unhappy and lonely.
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bRAH we've had that wolfy soul and flower child maka stuff and that was ADORABLE but now I'm wondering about cervitaur/deerfolk Tsubaki or dragonling Black*Star that keeps setting shit on fire accidentally or all the other guys and hOLY SHIT THE POSSIBILITIES
After his injury was healed, Soul was ready to never come back to the Dragon Lands. The rocky land wasn’t too much of an annoyance for him, but the Vine Eater was having a hell of a time not tripping over everything. He swears he smells her blood after an hour but she says nothing.
Another hour passes, and he’s carrying the Sprite on his back, the bottoms of her feet are all sliced up. “That was fucking dumb.” He informs her, annoyed twinge in his voice. “You should’ve said something.”
“What, so you could make fun of me? ‘Oh big scary plant girl can’t handle a few rocks’, yeah I thought I would pass.”
“I don’t sound like that.”
“You sound JUST like that.”
He wants to answer about how he’s never sounded so pathetic before, but a wall of fire appears in front of him, and he jumps back. Maka slides off his back, and he gets down on all fours, ready. From what seems like nowhere a blue blur has him on his back.
When he opens his eyes, smoke is blown in his face. “What the HELL is a wolf doing on my lands?!” The voice is loud and belongs to a dragon.
Soul is starting to think he’s got the worst fucking luck in the entire world. Vines come up from the ground, grabbing the dragon by his wrists and pulling him off. The dragon turns to look at Maka, confused look on his face. He’s a young dragon, with wild blue colorings and a glint in his eyes that promises danger. “Well, there’s a fucking sprite too? What is this, a party?”
“We don’t want to fight.” Maka tells him, but she doesn’t release her vines. “We’re looking for someone in a black hood. They give off no scent…”
“They stole pups from my pack.” Soul tells him, sitting up. The dragon’s eyes widen, and he clenches his fists, fire burning away the vines.
“You’ve had your young stolen?”
“We both have.” Maka tells him, mournful look on her face over the vines. “At least 15 from my sisters.”
“And five of my nieces and nephews.” Soul growls. The dragon sighed, a puff of smoke sneaking from his lips.
“Someone managed to steal a dragons egg from us. That is almost…goddamn impossible. You said you found the culprit.”
“We’ve seen them?” Maka offers and Soul nods.
“He had one of my nieces with him.”
“….Let me take you west. I think I know someone who can help.” The dragon points in the opposite direction of West, but Soul doesn’t feel the need to point that out. “I know someone who can see things that we can’t.”
“Okay.” Maka looks over at Soul, who shrugs.
“Good.” The dragon nods. “My name is Sun Falls Stars Rose, but you can call me Star.”
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