#reseacher sun
missterious-figure · 6 months
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(Each y/n is not specifically for a designated dca, btw)
I'm adding a knight and magic y/n Dragon tale au.
(These are just potential options)
Dragonling y/n pov: You live an a forest close to a large village, a town almost. You liked to sneak into the marketplace and see what goodies you can yoink. A magic staff with the power of mind control had vanished from it's heavily guarded vault one day. And you were the first suspected. After all, humans thought dragonlings were the offspring of a dragon and human (which is blatantly wrong! Who would want to be related to a human? Ehw...) though, dragonlings and dragons aren't closely related, either. The humans are still convinced it was you. Now dragon hunters are on a hunt for you. Maybe you should head into the mountains. It would be safer there, right?
Knight y/n pov: You're from a wealthy family and ran away do to the lack of freedom. You had always been fond of fairytales, especially when there was a brave hero to save the day. One day, (once upon a time, let's say~) you accidentally bump into two real live heroes Sun and Moon. They are teaching people to become warriors and dragon slayers. The one named Moon asks you if you wish to join him tomorrow. You don't even stop to think as you say yes. Was it the opportunity that made you leap, or the fierce (and incredibly handsome) knight standing before you? Maybe a mix of both.
Magic y/n pov: You sell herbs and mushrooms that grow in your garden. Some are good for eating, others are for potions and spells. You used magic quite alot yourself to help grow your plants. Pre-made potions were on big demand recently, and that gave you a chance to make more money. You had converted part of your house into a shop and hung a sign above your door that advertised your goodies. Your shop was very busy most of the time. Frequents arrived at their usual times, newcomers browsed through your products. But there was only one customer on your mind. A handsome fellow named Sun who came by your shop very often. He and his friend Moon were both famous dragon slayers. You two would talk for hours on end. So long, that Moon had once showed up to see if Sun was even still alive. Sun always asked if you ever wanted come over when they taught their dragon defense classes, and every time you would sweetly turn him down. But if it meant you got to see him more...
Please! I will be answering questions about Dragon Tale au if anyone is curious!
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puppiesandnightlock · 11 months
Link Nightwing and Flamebird
Aggggggghhhhhh this is the prompt i was so excited for!!! its my favorite one out of all of them!!
Summary: Its a masquerade ball and Jon is ready...if only he could find who he was supposed to be matching with.
i.e. damian and jon went matching to the gala but damian failed to mention who they were going as and they dance and its really cute.
so, just a disclaimer, even tho i did do my reseach on the flamebird and nightwing thing and obviously ive read a shit ton of fics thta deal with this, im shortening it incredibly and switching up some things bc i have to fit it in the context its used for in this story   anyways this is the prompt i was most excited for bc yassss masqurade ball and i almost made it a royalty one but at the last minute did this lol
If anyone would have asked Jon, he would tell them that everything that happened that night was completely Damian’s doing. 
It started off simple enough, when the Kents had gotten an invite to the annual Wayne gala. He hadn't thought much of it, they were invited every year, his parents called to cover the event by the Planet. 
Jon had completely forgotten about it until a week before, when his brother waltzed in one night and asked him what he was going to be for the masquerade ball.
“W-What?” He’d sputtered.
“Yeah, you know the ball Tim’s family puts on? We’re going as demons and angels.” Kon had said, laying in the air with his hands behind his head in a resting position.
“They didn’t tell me that!” Jon whipped out his phone and began spamming Damian with questions until his phone started ringing.
“ Honestly, corncob, must you do this now?”
The familiar annoyed tone drawled through the phone speaker.
“Uh, yeah! What the actual heck am I supposed to go as?”
The two boys could hear the eye roll through the phone, followed by the usual “tt '' of disappointment. 
“ Calm yourself Jonathan, if it worries you so much, you can simply go matching with me. I’ll send something over in your measurements tomorrow, assuming they’re still the same from a few months ago .”
“Fine. What are we going to be?”
“ I think I'll let that be a surprise. I’ll see you next week, Jon.”
The phone clicked, signaling the end of the call. 
“You see, your boyfriend has your back.” 
Kon ruffled his hair, ignoring the angry screeches of “ He’s not my boyfriend, Connor!! You know what he is? He's a flaming piece of sherbet!”
“Still can’t swear.” He chuckled, zooming out the window. 
The fact that Damian wouldn't tell him didnt stop the flow of guesses coming from the farmboy.
He pulled the worst guesses after a while, disappointed when even the best ones had been vetoed. The sun and moon one had come close, Damian had nearly smiled when he said it so that was close at least.
When the night of the gala came, he stepped into his room only to be greeted by an intricate box tied with a ribbon on his bed.
Opening it, he found a black suit, flames running up to his elbow from the cuffs, the suit otherwise black but illuminated by the colors of the sleeves. 
The mask was built up with intricate patterns of gold, and when he put it on, it gave the picture of wearing fire itself. 
Gasping, he stumbled a little, pulling it off before placing it delicately back in the box. As he took the suit out to put on after a shower, he noticed a paper floating out from under it. He snatched it midair and noticed Damian’s elegant script.
“ You have your half, now you will have to come find me. No powers, by the way.”
Of course he couldn't just tell me what we were doing. This is fire, right? What's the opposite of fire?
He dressed, finding in pleasant surprise that the coattails of the jacket had the same flames his cuffs did, cut in an odd jagged pattern. As he spun in the mirror, they flared out, almost resembling…dragon wings?
He picked up the mask again, noticing the way it curved down on his face, resembling a snout.
An idea began to form, it was if he had all the pieces of a puzzle but couldn't yet fit them together.
His parents had insisted on pictures, marveling at the suit and mask. 
“Damian must have designed this himself. It has his mark of dramatics.” Lois traced the fire on the sleeve.
“What is he going as?” Clark asked as they got into the car that had gone to pick them up.
“He hasn't told me. I’m supposed to guess.” Jon rolled his eyes, the concept stupid to him.
Per usual, they were swarmed like celebrities themselves exiting the car, Lois and Clark mixing into the crowd as Jon stood alone at the top of the ballroom's large staircase, scanning the room of masks.
He caught Kon and Tim in the corner, both dressed in matching suits of deep red and soft white. 
Dick had a redhead on his arm, as usual(choose your ship), matching sun and moon. Jason was hidden away by the refreshments, Duke following behind him. Steph and Cass were out on the dance floor, with coordinated dresses like the queens they were. 
Tired, he gravitated towards the refreshments and fought the urge to run a hand through his slicked curls.
As he looked up, his gaze landed on a man there, sipping from a glass of champagne with an amused smirk on his face. 
His suit was a deep navy, almost black, with a thick light blue stripe making up the design. The coattails were a familiar dragon wing shape. It suddenly clicked in his mind who they were supposed to be, and without a second thought, he strode over and offered the shorter man his hand. 
“Care to dance?”
Damian’s green eyes twinkled at him as he set down his flute to take his hand. 
“Took you long enough.”
They swept out onto the dance floor, brushing by Steph and Cass, who winked at them and shot  thumbs up to Damian behind Jon’s back.
He huffed and turned back to Jon, the flaming colors of his mask making his eyes stand out like icy blue pools.
The song played on, and Jon leaned in to whisper. 
“Nightwing and Flamebird, huh?”
“Mhm. You were rather close with your sun and moon theory, and the fire and ice as well.”
They spun, transitioning into formal waltz.
“Never thought you’d go with an old kryptonian legend. They were partners, the best of the best. Soulmates. Flamebird kept Nightwing from falling too far into the dark, and nightwing vowed to be by his side forever.”
Jon nearly tripped over his own shoes. “What?”
“They were lovers, if I'm not mistaken.”
“Y-yeah, that too.” He grinned suddenly. “Dami, are you a romantic ?”
“No! The very thought is appalling, I would never stoop to such a level of meaningless gibberish.” 
Being the little shit he was, Jon listened to the skip in his c̶r̶u̶s̶h̶  best friend’s heart as he dipped him slightly, bringing his face closer. 
“I think you are.”
“So that’s the way you wanna play it, Kent?”
 Damian hitched a leg over his waist, doing a specific movement to the beat of the music and smirking at his blush. 
“Because you’re sure to lose.”
“We’ll see about that, bat boy.”
The world around them became blurry, the only thing in the room being the two of them and the rhythm of the music. 
One moved, and the other tried to top it. They wove it all together in a beautiful dance, daring each other with the way they moved, the sly grins and glints in their eyes the only words they needed.
The goal was to make each other as flustered as possible, and every gasp, blush, and breathy laugh was a prize. As the music began to slow, they spun out, back in, and into a low dip, panting heavily.
A flush of exhaustion brushed their cheeks, sweat beaded on their foreheads. For a moment, their surroundings had frozen, and there was just them. All the unspoken emotions, the words missed for years had somehow been spilled out in simple dance, and they were shook, the only thing snapping them out of it was the applause that sounded once they’d stopped dancing. 
Quickly they stumbled apart, smoothing their suits and giving a nervous bow as the gala goers clapped, having watched the whole exchange. 
Grabbing Damian’s hand, he led them through the crowd that had gathered to watch them, ending up in the hallway of the manor. 
Green eyes twinkled at him as he began trying to speak, stuttering out a long drawn confession speech he’d made somewhere around five years ago.
“For the love of- Get over here, Corncob.”
Damian tugged his shirt collar, reaching up on his toes to press his lips against the others.
The flush returned, more prominent than before. 
“I-ah…the feeling is mutual, then?” Jon squeaked, mentally slapping himself for such a stupid response. 
“Quite.” A pink color was dusting the caramel complexion of the shorter boy as well.
Grinning, he bent to place a kiss on the smaller boy’s cheek, taking his hand. “What do you say we get out of here, then?”
“I’d say yes.” 
for @super-sons-week-2023
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brooklynislandgirl · 8 months
A Very Descriptive Profile of Your Muse!
Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. If you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
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Name: Elikapeka Ailine Alohaekauneikahanuola'Ilikea'wahine Riley
Nickname(s): Beth
Title(s): Doctor
Age: 34 {still looks like she could pass for late teens and mid twenties most days}
Species: Human
Gender: {cis} female
Nationality: American Pacific Islander
Interests: Football, painting, dancing, drawing, surfing
Profession: Infectious Diseases Reseacher/medical doctor
Body Type: petite, delicate
Eyes: green/brown {hazel/heterochromia}
Hair: Long, naturally wavy, medium-dark brown, reddish highlights and usually kept in a braid.
Skin: Beth naturally possesses golden brown skin {sand-coloured, she says} due to her ethnicity, and the more time she spends in the sun, the darker it becomes, to a nearly mahogany colour. Conversely time spent out of the sun and during winter, she turns an ashy pale brown.
Face: Kristin Kreuk. Alternately, her.
Posture: often slouched or hunched while treating people, tends to be very cuddly when up close and personal.
Height: 5ft even {150.2 cm}
Voice: Soft, warm, husky. Very usually accented, but can speak plainly when needing to.
Signature Outfit: Pair of jeans or a dark green and brown broom skirt, tank top {white or black}, a hand-me-down oversized cardigan. Hiking boots. Leather satchel bag with medical supplies.
Significant Other: Shane Walsh
Companions: Atlanta Survivors, Greene Family, her brother Andrew, her hanai-sister Jay, others yet to be named, {{eventually making friends in the Kingdom and Oceanside}}
Strengths: extremely intelligent and kind, diplomatic, medical skills, versed in both guns and knives, good with children and the lonely/afraid, loyal, green-thumb, gentle, does not come across as threatening in any way, understands multiple languages
Weaknesses: Audio-processing disorder, bipolar disorder, impulse control issues, too soft-hearted, compulsive need to try and help others.
Fruits: Any she can get her hands on but particularly cherries and apples.
Drinks: coffee, tea, water {in that order}
Alcoholic Beverages: red wine {preferably Amon-Ra}, single malt scotch {preferably MaCallan 25},
Smokes: No
Drugs: Depakote, Zyprexa, Celexa
Driver’s license: Georgia, United States {also still has one for New York State and Hawai'i, both are expired} ~*~
Tagged by: my darling K over @deputygonebye
Tagging: Keep what you kill, just tag me back!
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synergysilhouette · 2 years
"One Sky" concept (AU)
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As a big Kingdom Hearts fan, I wanted to hypothesize a situation where all the locations Sora goes to are all in the same world, albeit with original characters and unique interactions. I call it the “One World” concept, but “One Sky” is also cool:
Hollow Bastian–A Japanese-inspired country that’s capital is Radiant Garden. Destiny Islands are islands off the coast and considered a territory that is a part of the country. After fleeing her kingdom, Belle joins Anselm the wise’s reseach group made up of his apprentices. Moana is a tour guide for Destiny Islands, and helps hide the existance of merpeople. Final Fantasy characters also live in the country (frequently visiting Traverse Town, a magical safehaven many characters escape to during the series), and Twilight Town is also part of the nation, albeit close to the capital. The Land of Departure is seen as a semi-mythical location, albeit part of the country. Most of the Disney-inspired locations are now modern, high-fantasy settings. San Fransokyo has close ties to Hollow Bastian due to many immigrants having moved to SF.
No decades-old or centuries-old plotlines. Many events that occured actually happened recently, including Terra’s corruption, along with Elrena and Lauriam becoming nobodies. The wayfinder trio are sacred guardians of Radiant Garden, but they are defeated when Xehanort saps away Ventus’ darkness, creating Vanitas and weakening Ventus, brainwashing Terra, and banishing Aqua to the realm of darkness. It’s only then that Eraqus alerts Yen Sid, who seeks out Kairi, Sora, and Riku.
Seven hearts plot–I’d make the roster mostly the same, albeit replace Alice with Ariel. It’s explained that several of the seven hearts had their worlds sealed off to protect them from being used for evil. The new seven hearts consist of Kairi, Elsa, Anna, Rapunzel, Moana, Pocahontas, and Tiana. (I do also have an alternate secondary roster of Ventus, Bruno, Mulan, Sisu, Quasimodo, Hercules, and Giselle). When the time comes, they actually gift Sora and friends with keyblades that are magically connected to their hearts, allowing them to battle through the keyblade wielders.
Disney villains–This is up to preference. Yzma and Dr. Faciliar are the villains of a country inspired by North and South America, using the power of darkness to steal hearts. In this version, Yzma is much closer to her Kingdom of the Sun counterpart. Maleficent and Ursula also serve as villains, with Maleficent trapping fallen kingdoms in thorns and Ursula seeking to take over the sea. Jafar, Governor Ratcliffe, and Judge Frollo serve as manipulative villains in plain soght, controlling the masses in order to summon their inner darkness (kind of like Almeidrea from “Tales of Arise”).
Organization XVII–In my mind, they aren’t villains so much as antiheroes. Xemnas is a part of Xehanort that he cast away, making him resentful and desperately craves to be whole again, taking Vanitas under his wing, being a father figure to him, Saix, Axel, Roxas, Xion, Marluxia, Larxene, and Zexion–much to Vexen’s jealousy. The rest of the nobodies research matters of the heart as well as light and darkness, though the few Disney villains who are a part of the team (Lady Tremaine, Shan Yu, the Horned King, Gaston, the Evil Queen and her mirror) continually try to manipulate the nobodies, who, devoid of their hearts–or so they believe–crave the ability to feel and belong. In fact, several of them attempt to carve out lives in the human world. This is how Belle manages to stay in contact with Vexen and Zexion in order to better help them restore their hearts without harming anyone. This is the OG O13 roster, along with Xion, Terra, Vanitas, and a reluctant Namine. The Disney villains aren’t counted as part of the roster, working moreso as associates since they aren’t nobodies.
Kairi has bigger involvement–When Sora saves her, she secretly follows him on his journey to find Riku, though O13 continually tries to deter her. She manages to find Sora, albeit after his encasement to restore his memories, and journeys with Riku until KH2. As the series goes on, Namine’s ability to manipulate memories grows stronger, allowing her to restore the memories of the O13 members.
Three Xehanorts (okay four)–I think a human, heartless, and nobody form of Xehanort work just fine. Ignoring the “new vessel” concept of Terra, Xehanort instead just curropts Terra, making him believe in Xehanort’s vision after Terra loses faith in Eraqus when he attempts to kill Ventus. After being brainwashed, Terra kills Eraqus, and he momentarily suffers a breakdown, being rescued by Xemnas and joining the Organization, albeit becoming a bit of a dangerous, broken recluse due to fighting for control.
The Foreteller cult–I do love the deep mythology of the series, albeit less complicated. Following the defeat of Xehanort, Riku absorbs Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, and Xemnas gains a heart of his own. As such, they recall ancient knowledge that Xehanort knew of regarding deities that embodied light and darkness. Xehanort’s death sparked a powerful surge of people who could summon keyblades, with the foretellers, people who claim to be protectors of the light, becoming their leaders, claiming to want to save the world from impending darkness, a stark contrast from the man who wanted to destroy and remake the world. However, Sora and his friends can’t help but feel as though something sinister is bubbling under the surface…
Worlds I’d include in some way, shape or form: Snow White, Pinocchio, Fantasia, Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Sleeping Beauty, The Black Cauldron, the renaissance-era films, Kingdom of the Sun/Emperor’s New Groove, Atlantis, revival-era films, Enchanted, The Incredibles, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Inside-Out.
Lemme know your thoughts and if you have any questions!
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mystikalrootz · 1 year
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Mercury Retrograde 
21° in Virgo  12:59 pm (PST)
Here we go again!  It’s Mercury Retrograde time!  3-4 times a year Mercury laps Earth as we orbit the Sun which gives the impression that Mercury is moving backwards.  During this time we experience disruptions in all things Mercury related such as communication, technology, travel and health and home matters. Depending on what sign Mercury moves in will depend where this affects the collective.  Regardless of its placement tho, some things are KEY during this time and  it is important to implement all the “Re” actions and practices you can, and avoid beginning anything new if possible. 
Renew, refresh, rewind, reflect, revise, revamp, research, rethink, return, revisit, refrain, reorganize, retreat, retrieve, reconnect, recommit, resolve, and repeat are just some very good guide words to keep at the forefront as you move through this sometimes confusing and frustrating retrograde energy. You will enviably see funny memes saying “I’m not responsible for what I said during Mercury Retrograde” which I too find funny BUT this is an excuse for being an intentional asshole and blame a planet for it… I don’t REspect this type of thinking. Mercury in Retrograde gives us the gift of slowing down and reflecting on things that may have soured in the past few months. It lets us return to the things that are meaningful and maybe recommit to things or people that we have forgotten about. You can breath REfreshing air into an already started project or return to a hobby or skill you have done further REseach on to make it a success. 
*Know that you may not understand what others are trying to say the first time they say it and vise versa. 
*Double check all forms of communication for clarity and that it is going to the correct person. (Texts, emails, DM’s, letters, cards, bills, payments etc)
*Try not to travel or make travel plans.  This can sometimes not be avoided so making sure vehicles are running smooth, airports are arrived at super early, and prepping for delays is a good idea
*Don’t sign legal papers or contracts is possible. I actually told my old job’s HR that I would come sign my retirement/separation paperwork the next week when Mercury Retrograde had left it’s post shadow phase! Not sure if she understood me but she complied! If you MUST sign these types of papers, read them over thoroughly and maybe take a friend to read also. 
During this particular Retrograde, Mercury is spending the entire time in one of its home signs, Virgo. It stations to go backwards at 21° in the sign and then stations to go direct again at 8°. The grounded Earth energy of Virgo is caring, health aware, nurturing, organized, thoughtful and even sensual. Mercury can be used beautifully here to reflect on any health matters you have wanted to attend to, revamp your dietary plans, or even research more earth based ways to a healthier life. Pulling out some half finished organization projects such as filing gone unfinished or storage bought but never used is also great here. This particular placement can really hit your work and day to day activities so beware of this and take the proper mindset and awareness. If a program crashes, laugh, know it is Mercury, go for a walk, and come back.  You will more than likely find the issue is corrected. Be sure your not sending personal things to work peeps and vise versa as this is also a common mistake. Your co-workers may be cranky and moody leaving YOU to be the vibe. Why you? Well, your aware of this wonky ass energy and chances are, they aren’t. Be kind and show compassion or if your like me…SHARE THIS INFO!! Mercury and Virgo energies love information and love to teach others. That being said, with ALL things you try to teach or assist with at this time, be careful not to force yourself on others. When Mercury is in Virgo we have a tendency to over think and over “help”. Others may feel you as overbearing and the possibility of you feeling rejected is very possible. 
Personally, I am loving the feel of this retrograde!  With the loving support of the Sun entering Virgo (email subscribers got that energy walk through) just hours before Mercury starts its backwards dance, there is a vibe of self care, nurturing, journaling, and full on relaxation that is much needed with the 2023 weirdness many have experienced. If used properly, the next 3 weeks could be the REset you need in order to finish off the year as the bad ass you are!  Happy Mercury Retrograde!!
If you find value in these forecasts, please consider a small $5 donation as an exchange of energy using the link below 🤍
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josemierworld · 1 year
The Villages of Mier in Northern Spain and Notable Individuals with the Last Name Mier
More on Jose iIer’s Ancestral Home and Notable Namesakes Jose Mier here in my Sun Valley, CA living room. As you know if you read my post on the origins on the surname Mier we probably go back to a region in northern Spain but on doing some more reseach it looks like there is more than one Mier village in Spain. Join me as I hunt down more clues to the origin of Jose Mier and family. Asturias…
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icandreamagain · 1 year
26th June
I'm going to Antarctica.
The dream can't seem to decide whether my pole-researcher friend is there with me or not. They're about to depart for the Arctic in real life and this permeates into my dream somehow. I remember feeling sad that I wasn't going to see them in Antarctica this time, but also they were there, somehow, once I got there. They left me with some other reseacher friends which I don't know but somehow feel comfortable with. We go to swim in the icy sea, somehow it is really not that uncomfortable despite it being winter down there now. It's dark, there is no sun but I'm having a good time.
I don't even feel that close to this person and yet this dream was pretty involved with them. Brains work in mysterious ways. I hope they have a good time in the Arctic.
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7 Answers To The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Commercial Solar Panel Installation
Best Commercial Photo voltaic Panel Installation
The whole world is starting to become increasingly dependent on renewable Electrical power sources, for instance solar energy, to offer a clear and sustainable supply of Strength. Professional photo voltaic panel installation is the process of putting in solar panels within the roof of a business to transform the Solar’s Electrical power into electric power, letting the business to significantly minimize their carbon footprint and normalize their production expenditures.
Undeniable Proof That You Need Commercial Solar Panel Installation Company
The commercial photo voltaic panel set up approach begins using a solar analysis. This Evaluation involves comprehending a company’s present-day Electrical power use and creating a system design and style personalized for their Vitality calls for. The objective of the look is to provide an estimate of solar panel varieties, dimensions, as well as their anticipated manufacturing fee, together with an expected price of set up. Once the Evaluation is full as well as enterprise has made a decision to pursue expansive solar panel installation, another ways encompass securing permits and connecting into the utility grid.
The mandatory permits differ from state to state. Most frequently, counties will require a permit that verifies the roof from the organization can take care of the strain in the solar panel installation course of action, together with the excess weight of your panels and installation gear. In addition, the community utility enterprise must be notified, since the products have to be tied in to the present energy grid. The ultimate intention is to attach the photo voltaic panels to an inverter, allowing the electrical conversion method to take place and produce a continuous stream of renewable Electrical power.
Hire the very best Professional Photo voltaic Panel Set up Assistance
7 Little Changes That'll Make A Big Difference With Your Top Commercial Solar Panel Installation
The final step of the method is to set up the photo voltaic panels. Ordinarily, This can be accomplished with a seasoned solar panel installer, creating and developing a technique customized to your business’s Electrical power requirements. Every phase in the solar panel set up is completed With all the utmost thought of protection, making certain that the enterprise and its employees are not harmed in the method.
After the solar panel technique is set up, entrepreneurs can get pleasure from quite a few economic and environmental Advantages. In the long run, the enterprise will save money by substantially decreasing Vitality expenses. Along with clean up Vitality, the small business will be able to lessen their carbon footprint, turning into a lot more eco-welcoming and helping to fight climate improve in their particular unique way.
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Commercial solar panel set up is definitely an concerned and sophisticated process, however it would be the ideal choice a business might make to make sure a clear and sustainable Electrical power source along with long-time period financial personal savings. Business people ought to look at the main advantages of solar panel installation and reseach the photo voltaic panel installation method before making the choice to get and set up.
From the dawn of your time humans have dreamt of using the Sun's energy to gas the long run. Solar Electrical power is actually a style of power which is created through the utilization of photovoltaic cells, or PV cells, which transform the Strength presented from your Sunshine's light into electrical Vitality. Lately, a completely new field pioneered by impressive business owners has created an entire industry of economic photo voltaic panel installation companies to provide this sustainable source of Electrical power for corporations and individuals alike.
Skymark Photo voltaic: Commercial Solar Panel Installation
A professional solar panel set up organization typically delivers its clientele with a comprehensive service from surveys and consultations to set up, monitoring, and servicing. To start the method, most commercial solar set up businesses start by giving a study with the client's property. This is done to determine the scope of your job, estimate each of the charges, map out the very best destinations for that set up, and estimate the entire output from the solar method. Business installations come with lots of extra requirements than residential installations, and are frequently much larger in scale, normally delivering ability to overall office structures along with other large amenities.
Forget Affordable Commercial Solar Panel Installation: 10 Reasons Why You No Longer Need It
After the survey, the business solar installation business will then give the shopper which has a estimate and an in depth overview from the challenge. The quotation will involve a breakdown of all the fabric costs, labor expenditures, and any supplemental permits and inspection charges. The overview will detail the precise operate to become done, the scale of your task, and an approximated timeline of when the installation is going to be done.
When the quote and overview are accepted, the business solar panel set up firm will commence the process of building and set up. Based on the measurement on the project, this method might entail various actions, and should entail custom made wiring and organising a suitable inverter. After the solar panels along with other components in the process are in place, the installer will connect the program towards the grid, and should include things like other services like checking systems or Power storage devices.
The ideal Industrial Photo voltaic Panel Set up Organization in 2023!
Last but not least, commercial solar panel installation companies when the set up is completed, the business photo voltaic panel installation business will provide ongoing servicing and servicing to the program. This is essential to make certain that the system is working at exceptional performance also to detect any possible faults or possible fix wants. Most commercial solar set up firms give preventative routine maintenance expert services like regular cleanings, panel inspections, and replacements, as well as unexpected emergency maintenance companies.
Over-all, industrial solar panel installation organizations are a terrific way to harness sustainable, renewable Power and save money on utility bills In the end. The entire process of set up and servicing may look elaborate and time-consuming, but when you permit it to gurus they assure efficiency and quality outcomes. A superb photo voltaic panel set up business can give you the thoroughly clean Vitality you will need and lead to the growth of sustainable Electrical power on the earth.
Why you will need commercial photo voltaic panel set up?
Industrial solar panel set up is a superb expense for enterprises, since it lets them to lessen their Electrical power fees in the long run and minimize their carbon footprint. Installing business photo voltaic panels ends in improved Electricity effectiveness, improved air high quality, and diminished sounds air pollution. A highly trained contractor may help a company select the ideal style of program that greatest satisfies its aims even though also decreasing environmental impression.
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On top of that, Discovering monetary incentives like tax credits or utility grants could additional reduce upfront installation prices and guarantee a faster return within the First expense. In sum, adopting industrial photo voltaic panel methods not only increases existing functions but provides tangible very long-expression returns for any business that chooses to speculate in this technology.
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fireandspiceland · 3 years
I was promised ruscan and you did not delivered. (I'm not mad)
How about you write about ruscan with bondage or shibari?
Great request! Thank you, I love it. Merry Christmas and happy holidays! <3
-> tried my hand on shibari and made Russia the more dominant part this time. (and if anyone was wondering I did deliver its just very ooc and I wasn't sure if anyone was going to like it)
"Matvei?" Ivan called out softly as he entered the apartment. Usually his boyfriend was to be found in the kitchen or living room, but it seemed far too quiet for him to be there.
"I'm in the bedroom!"
Matthew's voice was nearly teasing, but Ivan pushed the thought aside and slipped out of his shoes before taking off his coat and finally making his way to the room where his boyfriend was. It's been a week since they saw each other, everyone was busy celebrating Christmas and New Year with their respective families. But now we are finally alone and I can give him his present, Ivan thought to himself, looking at the carefully wrapped box in his hand. He even chose a violet bow that matched Matthew's eyes.
The bedroom door was only slightly ajar and Ivan knocked softly as to not run into Matthew while he was indecent. "Solnyshko?"
"Come in! You're right on time!"
There was an apparent joy in Matthew's voice now that made Ivan smile as he opened the door. "On time for wha-?" He stepped inside the room with a greeting on his tongue, but the words died in his throat when he registered the display before him.
Matthew was kneeling on the bed, seemingly naked except for the present he was holding in both hands to cover his crotch and the dark red rope winding its way across his arms, legs, torso,.. Ivan froze for a moment, his grip on the door handle tight. It was only until Matthew shuffled awkwardly on the bed that he remembered what he was here for again. After the initial shock wore off, he blinked a few times and felt his cheeks heat up while staring at Matthew, but he couldn't take his eyes off him.
"Merry Christmas, sunflower."
Ivan could feel his blush deepen at the moniker used to address him. Matthew's cheeks joined Ivan's in colour as he offered the neatly wrapped present with a shy smile. There wasn't much left to the imagination, but Matthew still tried to keep himself at least somewhat covered up. It was up to Ivan to reach out for the present and uncover the rest of his other gift.
"Oh, yes. Merry Christmas, Matvei." Ivan finally stepped into the room and put his present on the nightstand for Matthew to see. "Do I get to unwrap two presents this year?"
Matthew lifted his present for Ivan to take it, revealing that he was indeed only dressed in seemingly endless rope and a deep blush that complemented it perfectly. With a curt nod and a tight smile Ivan accepted the present from his boyfriend, but instead of opening it he put it next to the other one on the nightstand. He forced himself to look into Matthew's eyes the entire time, despite the urge to let his gaze wander further down.
"Don't you want to unwrap it?"
"I think there is something else I want to unwrap first."
With a wicked grin Matthew handed Ivan a shorter piece of rope that he had conveniently placed behind him earlier.
"Are you sure you want to unwrap me yet? Why not finish what I started instead and enjoy your present as it's meant to be?"
Ivan's lips curled upwards with amusement. Life really never got boring with Matthew in it.
"Okay." The mattress dipped at Matthew's side when Ivan sat down. "I cannot argue with that, no?"
Matthew gasped when he was pulled onto Ivan's lap, now straddling him with rope clad legs on either side of Ivan's thighs. It was only now that Ivan took a moment to admire the plains of Matthew's body. With every inch that his eyes wandered further down so did his hands on Matthew's back. The confidence in Matthew's demeanour faltered when he noticed Ivan's gaze reaching his half-hard cock and his hands touching the base of the plug he had been wearing for a while now.
For a moment Ivan looked back up into Matthew's eyes as if to ask if it was okay for him to go on and touch him more. The pleading look Matthew gave him was enough of an answer already and Ivan's look followed the downwards path of the rope again. Experimentally, he toyed with the plug and watched Matthew's now hard cock twitch every time he pushed it in a little deeper.
The fun barely lasted for a minute before Ivan suddenly found himself pulled into a heated kiss, Matthew's hands in his hair, on his back, gripping and pulling on his clothes. Afraid of his boyfriend ripping it off, Ivan quickly got rid of his shirt, though only reluctantly because it required him to break their kiss, and if only for a second. Ivan had hardly pulled the shirt over his head when Matthew's lips found him again. He was pressing closer, kissing deeper, getting bolder with his advances by undoing Ivan's pants and unceremoniously shoving his hand into his underwear, immediately wrapping his fingers around the thick shaft of Ivan's dick.
Ivan made a surprised noise and pulled away, mustering Matthew's glassy eyes and swollen lips for a moment before he carefully reached for his boyfriend's wrists.
"You are supposed to be my present, yes? Not the other way around."
With the usual, gentle smile on his lips Ivan led Matthew's hand behind his back and carefully tied them not only together but to the rope circling his ankles. Matthew only nodded quietly, looking to the side until the sharp pull on the final knot made him gasp.
Ivan helped Matthew lift a little so he could get rid of the pants and underwear. Finally being able to see Ivan's naked form made Matthew whine. Everything about his boyfriend was so inviting; his broad chest, soft skin, strong arms... The sight of Ivan's hard cock made him very aware of the plug still buried deep inside him and Matthew pulled against the rope restraining his hands. It was to no avail, but it would be a lie to say he really wanted it to become undone. Not when Ivan pulled him closer by his hips again, chests flush against each other, and pressed open mouthed kisses onto his neck.
Every bite and nip at the sensitive skin drew the sweetest noises from Matthew. Ivan only stopped when he noticed Matthew repeatedly grinding against him as his breath became more shallow.
"Ivan... Please, my sunflower..."
A soft chuckle made Matthew perk up and he shivered when Ivan slowly dragged his fingernails down his back, between his buttcheeks to finally remove the plug. Matthew's head fell onto Ivan's shoulder as he pulled it out, but he moaned when he felt the tip of Ivan's cock already prodding against his hole. Slowly, Ivan guided Matthew down onto his cock, strong hands holding his hips, thumbs playing with the rope, and groaning as the wet heat engulfed him completely.
Matthew whispered a few words of encouragement for Ivan to please, please move as he lifted his head to clumsily sear for his lips. Their kisses were sloppy, desperate, a little too wet and too deep, the two of them nearly choking on each other in the attempt to get closer to one another.
Once Ivan had found a satisfying pace, Matthew slightly pulled away from Ivan's chest to grind down onto him and meet every thrust. He jolted forward again when Ivan's length rubbed against his prostate, leaving Matthew mewling and begging for more against the crook of Ivan's neck.
"I love you," Ivan whispered against Matthews temple as if it was a well protected secret before he kissed said spot. The grip on Matthew's hips tightened as Ivan used his strength to guide his boyfriend's body up and down his length in tandem with his thrusts, the pace getting quicker as he chased his high.
Matthew moaned in between kissing and nibbling on Ivan's jaw and throat, relishing in the feeling of being used for his beloved's pleasure. He wanted to return the confession of love, but every word he had on his mind only came out as a noise of pure bliss.
Ivan groaned when Matthew bit his neck a little too hard as he hit his prostate again. He felt his boyfriend clench around him, desperately trying to get that little bit of stimulation that will push him over the edge.
"Sunflower..." Matthew's voice was wavering, a breathless plea for Ivan to do something, anything.
The gentle touch of Ivan's hand petting his head sent another shiver down Matthew's spine. Every touch made his skin prickle under the friction of the rope on his arms, legs, torso and he nearly sobbed when it rubbed against his hard nipple. Matthew's arms and legs started to feel sore from being in the same position for a while, but he was too close to his climax to complain. Instead, he went back to lightly sucking on the already bruised skin on Ivan's neck, the salty taste of sweat on his tongue.
"Please, my sunrise." Ivan's movements got faster, his thrusts harder, his moans louder as he removed one hand from Matthew's hips to stroke his leaking cock instead. "Please, let me watch you come for me, Matvei."
The few quick strokes alone were already enough for pleasure to take over all of Matthew’s senses. Biting Ivan's neck again and struggling against the ties, he came all over Ivan's hand, soiling both of their chests as well.
Ivan fucked into Matthew's now limp body a few more times before spilling inside him. His boyfriend kept clenching around him from the aftershock of his orgasm, drawing little moans from Ivan every time he tightened with Ivan's dick still inside him.
They stayed like this for a while, just enjoying each other's body, the warmth, and the feeling of being connected. Only when Matthew squirmed in his lap to make him slip out, Ivan remembered to undo the rope that kept his boyfriend's hands behind his back.
Matthew rubbed his chafed wrists but looked up at Ivan with a smile that could easily outshine the sun before tackling him onto his back. The rope now also rubbed a little uncomfortabely against Ivan's chest, but he didn't care. Not when his love was slowly drifting off to sleep while he kept him close and warm.
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missterious-figure · 7 months
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Sun and Moon being best buds! Er...mostly. (Moon can forget how strong he is)
Also I'm going to rename the au! Dragon tale au.
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otherkinhelper · 2 years
Elfkin/Elvenkin - WIP
for this one there will be only a little. i need more reseach to help you guys more. For now it is a huge Work In Progress. General: *You can buy fake elf ears online, that could help *Beautiful Jewelry would help! *Learn how to sew and such. (There are many cool projects that you could do, random ones i can think of right now: A leaf-shaped bag and A cloak) DND Subtypes:
Dark (drow):
Deep (rockseer):
Grey elves:
High Elves:
Valley Elves:
Wild (grugach):
Wood Elves:
Winged (avariel):
Half Elves:
Star Elves:
Lythari Elves:
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yekokataa · 4 years
excerpt from a silicon valley / his dark materials crossover fic that i’m working on
Jared hurried across the green of Jordan College, his robe flapping behind him. In his arms he clutched his notebooks, bulging with looseleaf papers and notes he’d added after the fact, as well as a leather roll that contained his pencils and charcoals for sketching. His dæmon Molly, a small white terrier with wirey fur, trotted beside him, making quick time with her short legs. 
The sky was just darkening into nightfall. Jared had only realized the time when he’d seen the Librarian passing by, on his way to light the naphtha lamps in Bodelain library’s reading room. It wasn’t like Jared to lose track of time like this, but he’d been deep into his current reseach on the morphology of the birds of the New World and almost forgotten about the lecture he’d planned on attending that evening. For there was a visiting speaker at Jordan college, an anbaric engineer who was said to have invented a most ingenious new device. Although anbaric experimentations were far outside Jared’s field of study, he found himself drawn to learn more about these new inventions, when the lecturers came to Jordan.
The tall buildings of Jordan surrounded them as they hurried through the courtyard. The sun was so low in the sky that nearly the whole campus was plunged into shadow. The gothic architecture had made the place seem so intimidating when Jared and Molly first came to the College, but now the stone buildings that surrounded wraped them in a solid comforting stillness that felt like home. The buildings glowed warmly in the darkness, some lit by steady yellow anbaric lights, and others by flickering candlelight. 
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astroismypassion · 4 years
Hi i wanted to ask why i come off as a Scorpio to many ppl & why i myself identify with the prominent scorp traits (reseacher/investigator, mysterious & sexy, obsessive/extreme, strong sexual appeal) these are things ppl say they notice abt me which is why they think i’m a Scorpio. None of my planets are in scorp i just have: 8H ruler(cap house cusp) in 1st, nept in 8H, chart ruler(merc) trine pluto, & pluto in 6H on a Scorpio house cusp. LITERALLY EVERYONE FEELS I’M A SCORP EVEN CLOSE FRIENDS
I think when you look at the signs of your planets, you have to keep in mind the opposites as well. 
For example: I’m hella Taurus, right? Taurus Venus, Sun, Mercury...But I exhibit a lot of Scorpio traits in these areas. I communicate vaguely and very deliberately sometimes. I leave some information out. 
I don’t value material possessions as a regular Taurus, but more so experiences, building my skill set, perfect my craft, taking new courses etc. 
So if you have a lot of Aquarius in your chart, you might actually come across as a Leo sometimes or at least in certain areas. 
That’s why all those Cancers act like Capricorns sometimes. 
Know your axis. 
8th house ruler in the 1st is strong! This gives you Scorpio traits. 
And Pluto in the 6th house Scorpio cusp, this means you come across Scorpionic in your day-to-day life, at your work/job/school. Even with cashier at the supermarket. 
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k00259113 · 4 years
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Some research that has helped me progress with my biophilia project.
In the first post I have a mind map of all my ideas for Biophilia and directions I could go in. I found it hard to pick one to start from but once I started everything began to come together.
One of my favourite paintings is “creation of Adam” by Michaelanglo. It signifies creation. this is where I decided to start off within my project and from that I though of hands and flowers. The are both very expressive and both have the power to create from that I decided to research Van Gogh “Sun flowers” and Catherine Mc Gorgors painting of water lillies. Both are paintings of differnt flowers and show off differnt colours/textures.
In the third post I show some of my own photos. Detail pictures of the bark of the tree and flowers which was really helpful and gave me a b etter understanding of textures and colours. 
Andy Warhol is one of my favourite artist, his style of work from the colours and pieces are very simular to the type of work I like to create. I researched his work as I want to try some prints/stenciling. This led me to do more reseach in Bansky who is a street artist. His type of work is very different and what makes it better is the fact that no one knows who he is.
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insane-control-room · 5 years
You are a rock. You have seen much. You are not very curious. Or so you thought.
You are a rock. You have been a rock for as long as you can remember. An ocean rock, but barely. Submerged, leaning on an isle, under the water when the tide is high, poking out when the tide is low. Seaweed clings to you, and you sense it loosely, like many detached arms that you never bothered with. You could ‘see’, though in the sense of feeling the waves patterns, making out what there was, and glints of light flashing onto you from the sun. You could ‘hear’ from the vibrations traveling along the earth, and from the waves in the sky hitting against you and bouncing off.
You have been there for a long time.
You have seen and heard many, many things.
Things many would consider strange, but you have been there since the beginning, and so, are not novel to you in the slightest. You have seen them as children, heard their banter, watched them grow, all stoically, uncaringly.
You, after all, are a rock.
Boats have passed you before. You can sense the life unlike those you are used to on board. The first time you had seen a ship, you felt a dull sense of curiosity, ended as soon as the object was comprehended. Those who could not breathe water resided on it. Not like him, or him, no, they both could stay under for very long, and breathe quickly.
These beings could not. They could only go in for a third of the time he could, at most, and had two tails, not one. Those tails were quite useless for swimming, you observed, yet the beings seemed to enjoy it. For short times.
Then, as time passed, the boats became faster, more efficient. Those who swam donned bulky packs and equipment, and could stay in the water even longer than them, though not as long as the others that did not need air.
You did not care for them. They took care of the area around you, cleaning the mess that other two - leg - no - fin - air - needing creatures made.
‘Serves them right,’ was the semi lucid thought you deigned appropriate.
It changed one day.
A boat came in at night. It stayed. You could hear those on it converse in low tide, how they were researchers. You dubbed them a separate form of the other beings, like how there are dolphins and bottlenose dolphins.
As they stayed longer, you learned only one of them was a researcher. The rest were hired hands, being they worked for him for pay. They did not like the researcher much.
Tension rose in the ocean’s waves, and with it, on the ship. The hired hands spoke in quiet tones, becoming quieter as the researcher passed them and happily wished them a good day. Sounds of metal on metal creaked in the night. Stealing away to the captain’s quarters when the learner slept.
You hazily wondered what it all meant.
Full moon came.
Silence, as you rested above and below the surface.
Not even a single cry of a bird, the waves nearly mute.
The shriek crashed through the quiet night, resounding over and over.
You sensed some of them wake from the cry, the nocturnal one already watching whatever was happening on the ship.
You could see the shadow of the researcher being tossed in the center of the boat’s deck, scrambling to their legs, wobbling as the sea buffeted the vessel. The wind stole away the pleading words of the student, his shadow nearing the edge. Crew mates grabbed the researcher’s wrists, and hauled them over the metal barrier, and there was the scream again, landing heavily in the water with a splash. You felt the water go cold.
You could hear the researcher more clearly now.
“I can’t swim!” was the cry, muffled by coughing and sputtering. “Please, let me up, I-I’ll pay you more, d-don’t lea-”
A wave drove the two - legs under.
There was laughter on the ship, which quietly started and began to leave.
You sensed that this was… wrong.
This was cruelty for what reason? To eliminate the researcher, but why?
You felt good old curiosity ebbing into you with the tide. You could feel the vibrations of the being’s struggle against the pull of the water.
Silence again.
You felt them weaken.
Their limbs fell stiff. You could tell because the vibrations stopped.
Sinking, but too slow. Still fighting.
The current drove their body toward you, toward the island.
Motion ceased slowly.
Their hand brushed you, and you felt.
You could hear and see and taste and smell, the crisp smell of the ocean’s air, the salty taste of the waters, the sight of the few trees somehow growing on the island, the wheezing of the researcher’s struggling body.
And you wanted to help.
Your arms of seaweed reach to them, and tug him onto you. You are now aware of more. There are rocks next to you, brothers and sisters and elevated ones, of the time before life. You pass them to the one beside you, and watch as they are transported along a slow chain of awakened stones. The tide helps push them onto the sandy bank of the island.
You, the rocks, with your new sapience, discuss the matter. The researcher was not breathing, water filling his air, body quivering with cold and inability to move.
You enlist the beings of the island to help them as well.
Gasps and a muffled cry crash over the winds again, and you pity them.
What a strange emotion.
You realize you can feel now.
How odd.
The researcher falls asleep, restored to life, battered and bruised, but alive.
The morning light woke them.
You watched them pull themself up, looking out to the waters.
You can feel their despair. Their gratitude of being alive.
They reached to their chest, pulling off a small object that opens with a click.
A sigh of longing and relief.
The object was returned, and the researcher giving a small laugh.
“Got your wish, didn’t you, Johan,” they said to themself with a cough. “You wanted to study these waters, and here you are. I can study all I’d like now.”
They sat back down onto the sands, dropping their head into their hands.
“Oh, what am I going to do now?”
They shook their head with resolve.
“Snap out of it, Ramirez,” they scolded themself. “Get to work. Priority one is water.”
You are confused for a moment.
There is water everywhere.
They walked toward you and the other rocks, and rearranged you all to form a crescent shape.
“That should filter it a bit better,” Johan sighed. “Still need a way to boil it.”
They passed beyond the barrier they made, going to gather seaweed and laying it on the shore to dry.
You have seen fire before, and you realized this being was going to make it from scratch.
As they waited for the seaweed to dry, they grabbed a piece of driftwood, and a stone, carving away at the wood to form a spear.
“This should hold for now,” they muttered.
You can sense the curiosity of everything around you.
This being may have come to research this area in the seas, but in the meantime, the life around them will research them as well.
Especially them. They surround the island, keeping a distance so they do not see them.
They are all so curious.
Seems there is much to learn.
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trumptweettrack · 5 years
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Our Analysis
This is fake news tweet 588. Words used to have meaning. See all the fake news tweets at http://trumptweettrack.com/fakenews.html There is a 81% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.
This is tweet number 115 mentioning the Washington Post from @realdonaldtrump -- 72 since inauguration. This is tweet number 660 mentioning the fake/lame/mainstream news media from @realdonaldtrump -- 639 since inauguration. This is tweet number 588 mentioning 'Fake News' from @realdonaldtrump -- 578 since inauguration.
Word probabilities: 70/29 (Trump/Staff) Time probabilities: 69/30 (Trump/Staff) Metadata probabilities: 93/6 (Trump/Staff) Posted at: Sun Nov 24 14:58:51 2019 EST [Link] Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone
The most informative terms in this tweet were: great (Trump, 1.4:1), well (Trump, 1.8:1), book (Trump, 1.4:1), justice (Other, 1.7:1), badly (Trump, 13.6:1), & (Other, 2.3:1), disaster (Trump, 1.6:1), many (Trump, 8.4:1), fake (Trump, 27.7:1), news (Trump, 7.2:1), like (Trump, 3.1:1), ! (Trump, 1.3:1)
A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC): {'positive': 2, 'trust': 2, 'negative': 4, 'sadness': 2, 'anger': 1, 'disgust': 1, 'fear': 1, 'surprise': 1}
Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 6.4
This is a great and well reseached book on Justice K. The Ruth Marcus book is a badly written & reseached disaster. So many incorrect facts. Fake News, just like the @washingtonpost! https://t.co/i6GwghuEsU
-President Donald J. Trump
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