#no income documentation loans
bullventurecapital · 26 days
No Income Documentation Loans: Everything You Must Know
Traditional loan processes can be cumbersome and time-consuming for most property investors and borrowers. Extensive income documentation and appraisals create significant hurdles to extensive requirements. Fortunately, no appraisal and no income documentation loans offer streamlined borrowing alternatives that simplify and expedite the process of borrowing.
One of the most apparent benefits of no appraisal loans is the increased speed of the process. Part and parcel of this truth is the feature that such a loan provides the same basic benefits to individuals who need a small amount of money. Borrowers can benefit from this swifter access to funds, especially in highly competitive real estate markets where time is money.
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Instead, when appraisal is not required, numerous documentation has to be disposed of. Borrowers are saved from all the hassles of scheduling and coming up with times to get an appraisal conducted, then waiting to get the findings. These reduce the paperwork and other administrative work needed to secure the loan.
Ideal for Low-Value Transactions
No appraisal loans are most useful for properties where appraisal is not significant. Incongruently, the cost and duration required to carry out an appraisal on such properties usually are difficult to justify. These loans provide a real solution and offer the transacting parties an opportunity to carry out the transactions at hand without delay or expenditures that might not be necessary.
Some borrowers would rather not reveal a lot about their personal finances and prefer to keep all their financial dealings personal. No income documentation loans allow a discreet manner of borrowing for the person desiring to remain silent by a large degree on sensitive income data that would otherwise be necessary to access funding. Such privacy may be of special concern for affluent borrowers and those in delicate financial positions.
No appraisal loans and no income documentation loans have some valuable benefits that help address definite borrower needs. No appraisal loans are more popular among borrowers who want a lot of time and money saved with a quicker loan approval process, which is ensured by reduced costs and easier application.
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kurthorton-moving · 2 years
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reitmonero · 12 days
Exploring Home Equity Loan Options for Self-Employed Individuals
Understanding Home Equity Loans
A home equity loan allows you to borrow money by using the value of your home as collateral. Essentially, you take out a loan against the equity you’ve built up in your property. For self-employed individuals, this type of loan can be a useful tool for financing business needs or personal expenses.
Key Considerations for Self-Employed Borrowers
**1. **Proving Income: Unlike traditional employees with W-2 forms, self-employed individuals may face more scrutiny when proving their income. Lenders typically require detailed documentation to assess your ability to repay the loan.
**2. **Income Documentation: Prepare to provide comprehensive documentation, including:
Tax Returns: Usually for the past two years.
Profit and Loss Statements: Detailed accounts showing your business income and expenses.
Bank Statements: To verify your financial stability.
**3. *Credit Score:* Your credit score plays a crucial role in determining your loan terms. Self-employed individuals should ensure their credit is in good standing to secure favorable rates.
**4. *Debt-to-Income Ratio:* Lenders assess your ability to manage monthly payments by comparing your debt to your income. Maintaining a favorable ratio can improve your chances of approval.
**5. *Business Stability:* Demonstrating a stable and profitable business can enhance your credibility as a borrower. Long-term business success signals reliability to lenders.
**6. *Loan Terms:* Be mindful of the terms offered, including interest rates, repayment periods, and fees. Compare options from various lenders to find the most suitable terms for your situation.
Steps to Apply
Assess Your Equity: Determine the amount of equity you have in your home. This is the difference between your home’s market value and any existing mortgage balance.
Gather Documentation: Prepare the necessary financial documents to present to potential lenders.
Shop Around: Research different lenders and compare their loan products. Look for those who specialize in working with self-employed individuals.
Apply: Submit your loan application along with the required documentation. Be prepared for a thorough review process.
Review Offers: Carefully evaluate the offers you receive, considering the interest rates, fees, and terms.
Finalize the Loan: Once you choose a lender, complete the necessary paperwork and finalize the loan agreement.
Benefits of Home Equity Loans
Lower Interest Rates: Compared to unsecured loans, home equity loans often have lower interest rates.
Fixed Payments: Many home equity loans come with fixed interest rates and monthly payments, providing predictability.
Tax Benefits: In some cases, the interest on a home equity loan may be tax-deductible.
Risks to Consider
Risk of Foreclosure: If you fail to repay the loan, your home is at risk of foreclosure.
Impact on Equity: Borrowing against your home reduces the equity you have, which can affect your financial stability if property values decrease.
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cashwavesca · 1 year
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sundaramhomefinance · 2 years
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rightkeymortgage · 2 years
No-Doc Refinance
With a mortgage option known as a "cash-out refinance," you can convert the equity in your property into cash. But you can also do it without even verifying your documents. Right Key Mortgage is one of the top brokers that can get you a no-doc refinance in no time. Visit our website for more details.
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shining-latios · 5 months
hey all. I wanted to make a post real quick to say that, starting this week, basically everything is going to change for me in a major way. I'm finally leaving not just my home, not my city, but I'm leaving Ohio for good.
as of yesterday, I have left my job I've been at for the past almost 3 years, and while I'm tying up loose ends this week, preparing for my move, and getting all of my documentation, etc changed over for a new state this week, starting now I am UNEMPLOYED! but as you can imagine, this doesn't mean that my bills and especially my student loans are going to be put on hold to accommodate my move and all these big changes, which means that right now, more than ever, I need my gfm to get attention because my payments are almost $700 a month and I currently have no source of income
>> Link to my GFM <<
This gfm has been active for over 3 years and l've paid several times what it's made out of my own pocket by now, I know everybody is struggling and I really don't want to ask for too much. my bf is going to be helping me out but I really don't want to put the onus of assistance on them. if anybody at all could help give me a safety net while I take the time to look for a new job in the coming weeks/months I would unbelievably appreciate it ;-;
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lulu-nightbon · 1 year
alright, i... didn't want to do this. i didn't want to have to do this. especially with all the hate ive been getting in my inbox recently. but i don't have a choice.
hi. im lulu. im a 21-year-old autistic immunocompromised queer person. i currently live with my mother (senior) and my little sister (10 years old). i need your help to get out.
(context and avenues to help below the cut)
as some of you may know, my stepfather died on august sixth from a heart attack. we lived in his parents basement, as it was all we could afford, and we depended on his income. he had a stable job, and mom decided to become a housewife and sell some things from the buisness they created together. when he died, the buisness was dissolved, as it was an llc partnership. his parents are extremely controlling, and as such, he was only able to finally start building up credit when mom came along, and we were almost at the point where he could qualify for a home loan so we could get out and get away from his parents.
that's gone now.
mom cannot qualify for a home loan because of her student loan payments and the credit card payments. we do not have the money to pay these off, and mom is trying desperately to get a job. we need the money to get out, as my stepfather's parents have been trying to get my sister away from my mom and shove both her and i out of the family for years. things are only getting worse now as we have reason to believe they are spying on our conversations and even going so far as tracking us (for example, they found a spare key to the car and went and took it and "cleaned it out" without mom's knowledge or permission, as it's her car now). they have been trying to circumvent mom and go behind her back during the entire process with the funeral home, coroner's office, all the legal documentation, and they are extremely infuriated that they cannot decide anything or push mom out because they are not the next of kin and have been trying to circumvent this. we have reason to believe that they're going to attempt to sell the cars that are still in my stepfather's name to collect on the money and never give us a dime, like they had with almost all of the money my little sister received as part of the college fund we set up at my stepfather's funeral as well as any money that my little sister had won in the past. we will never see a dime of it, and it's extremely upsetting that they are doing this. they have been running scams for years, and they have been nothing but hellish towards my mother, claiming she's withholding information from them when she has offered more than they've asked for and they have done nothing but take my little sister out and about without ever telling mom anything (for example- they screamed that mom was withholding information when she said she didn't copy the tox report for them because it was empty and claimed they needed to know his cholesterol levels [which doesn't even show up on a tox report- they didn't run his blood, either, and they didn't check his cholesterol levels anyway because they know that's what killed him, they could see it] and would not provide reasoning why [it does not affect them anyway just by nature of it being cholesterol], while on sunday they took my little sister out the whole day and failed to communicate with my mother that she would be with them and would be home after dinner).
they have been screaming at mom for collecting social security as though she was stealing their money and demanded that she doesn't get a job, and we have more than enough reason to believe that they are trying to get her to default on the bills so they finally have legal grounds to take my little sister and kick us out, leaving us with nowhere to go and no options. they have even gone as far as to threaten to take my sister away using force in the past, and, as they have firearms, that is a terrifying threat. they are unhinged and extremely upset that they cannot control us and make us do what they want, how they want, when they want, and they are up in arms over it.
when we move out, all hell is going to break loose, but the longer we wait, the worse it's going to get.
my stepfather, being 37 when he died, did not like thinking about his own mortality, so he didn't have a life insurance policy, a 401K, a will, nothing. we have been left high and dry by his death, and that is pushing aside the grief. we do not have the money to pay off the bills, pay for a lawyer, pay to have the car re-keyed to keep them from stealing it again, or to even flat-out buy a house to circumvent needing a loan, and on top of it all we have to deal with stepfather's parents not allowing us to grieve and implying that mom is a tramp and a heartless bitch that will blow any money given to her when she is more financially responsible than them. we also have to worry about them stealing our things, especially with how much they complain about how messy the basement is when most of the things here are theirs (stepfather's parents are hoarders- more specifically, his father hoards cars, and his mother hoards everything else, going out and shopping frivolously almost every day).
we need help with money, and i hate to ask, especially with the requirement of revealing my legal name and in light of the harassment i have been receiving for over a month now, but we need to get out of here, and we need to get out of here soon. it's only going to get worse the longer we stay. we need money to help with the bills, my mom's student loans, getting a lawyer, and getting a place to move into.
im posting this because im the only one my stepfather's parents won't find on any platform that i choose to use. my current goal is $9,000 USD, if only just to get enough money to get a cheap plot of land to move into, or one of the really cheap houses out here. this won't cover the loans or bills in addition, or the cost of getting a lawyer or anything else we need, but it is enough to get us a cheap place to live. i know it's a lot of money, but we are in a dangerous situation and need the money to escape. if we were to pay for everything, the goal would be in the hundreds of thousands, and i feel horrible just asking for this much. if you can't donate, please reblog, even the visibility might help and please do not spread my legal name. please remember to put "payment" or something generic in the reasoning box if it's required so that i will actually receive the funds instead of having my account purged from the site. i didn't want to ask for this, but i have no other options. please help.
c*sh*pp: $lulunightbon
v*nm*: @Lulilial
Goal: $0/$9,000
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cosmicpuzzle · 2 years
Mercury ☿️ in Houses- What you are good at?
Mercury in 1st : Good at starting conversations, asking different questions, thinking of different possibilities, cognizing the environment.
Mercury in 2nd: Good at making money, good at finding new source of income, good at public speaking, good at cooking ingredients.
Mercury in 3rd: Good with gathering information, good with hands and manual jobs, good at making friends/acquaintances.
Mercury in 4th: Good with psychology, understanding people's emotions and feelings, good with remembering past events, good with real estate.
Mercury in 5th: Good with young children, kids, story telling, drawing, speculation, writing short stories, romance fiction.
Mercury in 6th: Good with exercise plans, fitness lessons, diet and nutrition, cooking, loans, finance, accounting.
Mercury in 7th : Good with PR, sales, marketing, advertising, business, counselling, law.
Mercury in 8th: Good with astrology, occult, psychology, finding secrets, detective jobs, investigation, medicine.
Mercury in 9th: Good with teaching, preaching, managing travel itineraries, tour guide, foreign languages, law, publishing.
Mercury in 10th: Good with executive jobs, admin jobs, good with Government work, paper work, documents. Good at time management.
Mercury in 11th: Good at networking, making new friends, building online presence, social media, good at influencing, promotions, business skills, entrepreneur.
Mercury in 12th : Good at imagining, contemplating, good with abstract concepts, psychology, poetry, medicine, chemistry, fiction.
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ms-demeanor · 1 year
$7.25 $1231
Apply today Sign up for text alerts to see drive-thru pantries in your area Join us after services for a homemade meal and prayer support Limited to single mothers, the elderly, and the unemployed Sign up for a backpack plan: food assistance for low income families If you are in need of a hot meal join our waiting list Include your email for notifications if your cart is funded Your application will be reviewed in 7-10 business days Weekly shared meals on Tuesday at 2:30pm Those with current government ID and a local address are welcome What documents you need to sign up for SNAP benefits LEARN: click this link for tips on nutrition LEARN: where to find coupons online LEARN: penny-pinching tips at the grocery store LEARN: how to start a saving plan LEARN: part-time jobs that will work with your schedule r/personalfinace r/povertyfinance r/randomactsofpizza r/beermoney First time Donor? What you need to know First weekly visit: $40 Second weekly visit: $70 How to treat a hemotoma at home Can meditation lower your resting heart rate? Five foods high in iron Three signs that you might be dehydrated Securing a loan is easy and fast Available to consumers at all levels of credit To help cover life's little emergencies Your title is returned when the lien is released Get approved in minutes Apply today
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nyaagolor · 1 year
The software I use at work is Not Working and I have an hour to kill before I can go home so here’s some HCs about assorted characters’ living situations bc I wanted to make notes for myself for fic purposes:
Phoenix: Used to live in a regular apartment, but moved into the apartment above Wright and Co Law offices with Trucy after his disbarment. Edgeworth paid off the building’s mortgage after Turnabout Goodbyes so Phoenix doesn’t have to worry about rent
Edgeworth: Owns a penthouse in LA. He rents hotel penthouse suites while in Europe but doesn’t have a permanent one anywhere other than LA because he thinks it’s a hassle. There’s a locked room in the LA penthouse filled with Steel Samurai merch
Gumshoe: Rents the shittiest basement studio you have ever seen. Does not own a bed. Genuinely questionable if the building is up to code (it’s prolly not)
Maya: Lived in Kurain Village until Mia’s death, then moved into the apartment above the office. After BttT she moves back to Kurain
Pearl: Lived in Kurain until her mother’s incarceration, then moved in with Maya in the upstairs apartment, then back to Kurain with Maya after BttT
Mia: Lived in Kurain Village until she founded Fey and Co law offices with Diego, at which point they moved into the apartment upstairs together until her death
Diego: Lived in a regular LA apartment until he founded Fey and Co with Mia. They moved into the upstairs apartment together until his coma. When he wakes from the coma he spends about half a year recovering in the hospital, then throughout AA3 just loiters around the courthouse because he refuses to speak to Phoenix. After BttT he goes to prison and moves in with Maya and Pearl in Kurain Village after his release
Franziska: Technically lives in the von Karma estate with her mother and sister, but is so busy traveling that she mostly stays in hotels. She used to spend holidays there, but Edgeworth has taken to inviting her to stay with him because she's not very close with the rest of her family, so now her room is mostly just storage.
Ema: Her and Lana lived in their parents’ house together until Lana’s imprisonment, during which Ema moves to Europe with an exchange family. When Ema returns from Europe, she moves back into the house with Lana joining her when she’s released
Apollo: He lived on the road with Thalassa and Jove until the latter’s death, then with Dhurke in the countryside, then in an American orphanage until he was 18, at which point I imagine he crashes on Clay’s couch for most of law school because he is technically an orphaned illegal immigrant with absolutely no money or credit. The internship with Kristoph and his job with the WAA gets him enough money to actually rent a place, but his lack of documentation and student loans mean he’s in the cheapest possible apartment. He keeps it extremely neat but there's only so much one can do. He and gumshoe can commiserate about it.
Trucy: Lived mostly on the road / in the tourbus + hotels with her dad and the troupe until she was adopted by Phoenix, at which point she moved into the apartment above the WAA
Klavier: Lived in his parents’ mansion with Kristoph until going to Themis. When he moved back he had enough money from gigging / his band to buy a fancy ass house and still lives there. It’s a little lonely by himself but when he let Daryan throw parties there it was POPPIN
Kristoph: Lived in his parents’ mansion his entire life. He got ownership of it when they died and raised Klavier in it, and continued to live there until he got arrested. Now he’s cushy in solitary cell 13
Athena: Lived in the space center then was shipped off to European relatives when her mom died. When she moved back to the states she got a decent apartment bc her WAA income was supplemented by those rich as hell European relatives
Simon: Lived in a small apartment with his sister growing up, which he continued to live in after she moved to the Space Center. It was sold when he was incarcerated. After his release he moved in with Athena briefly (no one thought it was a good idea for him to live alone) then to a small but nice apartment, which Edgeworth paid for until he could get back on his feet financially
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pianokantzart · 1 year
A Picture of Wealth
A quick oneshot for a possible beginning of a Luigi's Mansion movie. Not particularly exciting, but if you like quiet Mario and Luigi slice of life stuff you'll probably like this. I started writing this a while ago, but this post by @theangelofangst inspired me to finish it. AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49496971
After waving ‘goodbye’ to the Mail Toad, Luigi popped open the mailbox and pulled out a stack of envelopes. He scanned them for a moment, loosely sorting them in his mind. It was easy to tell what came from The Mushroom Kingdom and what came from Brooklyn; bright, pastel colored envelopes and fountain pen clashing against cold copy-pasted text on plain white. There was a ‘thank you’ card from a neighboring toad whose sink they had fixed free of charge, a little flier advertising a free upcoming performance in the square, and a pretty, pink envelope embossed with a crown, whose handiwork was easy to recognize. Even the bills were friendly and personable, though they formed as much of a pit in his stomach as the cold typeface from Brooklyn.
For Mario and Luigi, living on their own had been an adjustment, and having an actual income was a serious learning curve. There was an initial high of having money in their pockets, which led to a spending spree to replace much of their oldest tools and equipment before independent living’s new stack of expenses hit them like a train. Still, they had been fairly cautious. Despite a few poor initial decisions they would’ve had enough money to stay out of the red… had it not been for one giant curveball that had been thrown at them.
Luigi stepped back through the front door into the kitchen where Mario sat at the table, hatless and disheveled, hunched over a computer and a stack of papers where he’d been since sunrise. One hand tapped a pencil against a notepad, the other pressed their shared cellphone to his ear.
“Dad, it’s alright. You need it more than we do,” Mario said, “No, forget it, I- no, it’s not a loan.” Luigi couldn’t help but smile as he peeked around the doorway and listened in. It sounded like their father had discovered the check they sent them, and was reacting about as expected. He at least sounded lively from what he could overhear… when they first got the news that he was staying in the hospital for a few days, Mario and Luigi feared the worst. Luckily, it seemed their dad had the family’s hereditary trait of being able to bounce back from just about anything, the bad news was that despite twenty five straight years of company loyalty, getting the help owed to him by the insurance was like pulling teeth.
“Look, I’m a little busy. We’ll talk about it at Sunday lunch, okay?” Mario sighed, “Yeah. Okay. You too. Bye, Dad.” With that he hung up, and set the phone to the side.
“Sounds like he’s feeling better” Luigi laughed, finally stepping into the kitchen to deliver the mail to the table. “Yep.” Mario replied with a tired chuckle, barely even glancing up from his work. “Not well enough to work yet though, as much as he wants to.” “Did the check get deposited?” “Mom managed it under his nose, but it might be the only check that goes through for us this month if I don’t figure something out.” Mario sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, “Ugh, why did I replace our van’s entire engine. All it needed was a few new spark plugs!” “The Garrisons still owe us for rerouting their fountain." Luigi assured, "I’ll send them an invoice.” He stopped for a moment and looked over Mario’s workspace: every possible refund for unnecessary expenses noted and listed, every document scattered about like the stress of the room had caused a miniature explosion on the kitchen table, a mustard-stained receipt for a strap wrench having made it all the way to the empty dishes from lunchtime. Luigi reached over his brother’s shoulder to retrieve the dishes and arrange some of the papers into neat little piles. Mario leaned to the side to give him room.
“You know,” Luigi began hesitantly, “maybe we should ask Princess Peach if-” “We are not asking the princess for money.” Mario interrupted. “No no… I mean, maybe she can void our water bill or something?” “She gave us a free house Luigi! You really think it’s right to ask her for more.” “Maybe?" Luigi shrugged, "I mean, protecting the kingdom has kind of interfered with our work schedule.” “We do that because it’s right, Luigi, not for a paycheck.” “I know!” Luigi raised his voice a little in frustration. He stepped away from the table to deliver the empty plate and glass to the sink, rinsing them off and scrubbing them a little too aggressively to let off steam, “But I’m sure if we explain our situation, she can do something.” “I told you, the answer is no. We’re not bumming off of anyone, especially not Princess Peach.” “It’s not bumming, it’s asking for help! There’s no shame in asking for help. When you need help, you need help!”
Mario didn’t answer, he just grumbled quietly to himself and returned to the bills. Luigi rolled his eyes, scrubbing clean a few extra dishes and placing them in the drying rack before he returned to where his brother sat. He leaned against him, resting his forearm on his shoulder in a purposefully obnoxious way. “You’re as bad as Dad is.” “I am not.” “Are so.” Luigi smiled mischievously, “You look like him too. I’m probably gonna start calling you ‘Dad’ on accident when you start losing your hair.” Luigi tussled his brother’s auburn locks. Mario pulled away, unable to help but laugh as he grabbed one of the pieces of junk mail on the table, crumpled it up, and threw it at Luigi in retaliation. “Will you get out of here?”
Luigi blocked the missile with his hand. He attempted to catch it, but it tumbled out of his slippery grip and landed on the floor. Luigi intended to take it directly in the garbage, but leaning down to pick it up the colors caught his eye… and he realized he did not quite notice this particular piece of mail when he initially emptied the mailbox. Interest piqued, he uncrumpled the paper and read it. His brow raised and his heart skipped a beat. “Mario!” he declared, the sudden exclamation making his brother jump, “We’ve got a free mansion!” Mario let out a loud groan, turning around in his chair. “Oh come on Weegee! It’s an obvious scam!”
Luigi shook his head. “No no, they’ve got a map and an address and everything!” He turned the pamphlet over in his hands in order to reexamine the large block of text on the back, “It says ‘only a select few who apply for noble titles, such as those who are known locally for their heroism’ … that's us!... ‘ are receiving this limited time offer’!” Luigi looked up from his reading to grin excitedly at Mario, who looked back at him with a bored expression. Luigi, undeterred, returned his eyes the advertisement. “There’s a place called Evershade Valley with a big, beautiful mansion in the center of it. Look!” Luigi held the picture out to his big brother, shoving it a little too close to his face in his excitement. “Neo-Gothic architecture!”
Mario took the flier from Luigi’s hands to scrutinize it more closely. The cover image seemed sketchy. The coloration was off, the greenery in the lawn looked doctored, and the giant, garish rainbow plastered into the background reeked of overcompensation. “Sounds like just the kind of padding they’d add to a scam to make it seem like a little less of a scam,” he mumbled, eyes trailing down to the map beneath the image of the mansion. “Evershade Valley… looks like it’s not too far from The Dark Lands. Are you sure about this?” Hearing ‘Dark Lands’ Luigi stiffened a bit, bringing his hands close to his chest as he reconsidered for a few seconds. “It’s near The Darklands, not in The Darklands.” He decided after a moment, “Maybe we can flip this place!: reinstall some plumbing, fix up the wiring, add a fresh coat of paint… boom! Money in our pockets!”
Mario gripped his chin, running a thumb over his mustache thoughtfully. No way it was that easy. If this was really a free mansion like the advertisement said, it couldn’t be anything other than a dilapidated shell that wasn’t worth the investment. If not that, there was no doubt something wrong with the location… nobody simply gave away free mansions. 
On the other hand, Mario was impressed that Luigi maintained interest despite its close proximity to The Darklands. Given his past experiences, Mario expected him to back down at the mere mention of that place. The fact that some old building was enough to overshadow those fears made his desire hard to ignore. That, and Luigi was giving him that stupid sad-eyed pleading face that Mario could never say no to. He let out a heavy sigh, smoothed out the pamphlet a bit with his fingers, and handed it back to his brother. “Fine. On one condition.”
“Really!?” Luigi cheered. He threw out his arms to pluck his brother up into a hug, when Mario extended a hand to stave him off a moment.
“On one condition.” He repeated, “You stay here and run the business while I’m away. We can’t afford to miss any clients.”
Luigi deflated. He withdrew his arms and anxiously rubbed the tops of his hands. “Run the business… alone? Just me?” “If I take a warp pipe I shouldn’t be gone longer than a day. You’ll be fine.”
“No I won’t.” Mario cocked his head. He was startled by the terseness of the reply, upsettingly certain in its pessimism. “What do you mean? Of course you will! You just got a few leaky sinks and a running toilet. Nothin’ major.”
“Mario, name one time I did something completely on my own that didn’t turn out a disaster.” Mario opened his mouth to respond, but stopped. He thought things over a bit longer, opened his mouth again, then shut it again to think some more. It was difficult enough recalling a time that Luigi was on his own to begin with– they worked together at every opportunity– but when circumstances drove them apart, even for the briefest of moments, Luigi seemed to always end up in some kind of trouble. Mario’s eyes brightened as one instance popped into his mind. He smiled and snapped his fingers. “Aha! seventh grade! You made it into the Wizard of Oz musical! Played a really good Tinman!” Luigi smiled despondently, crossing his arms. “Mario, I vomited on stage.” “Only during the final bow. The final bow doesn’t count.” Luigi’s expression only grew more troubled as his arms tightened against his chest, and his eyes remained fixed to the ground. Mario stood up from his chair. He walked up to his brother, and took his face in his hands. “Hey, c’mon, don’t look like that,” he said, lifting his Luigi's head to meet his gaze. “You’ve got a good head on your shoulders, you just need a bit more confidence.” Mario’s grip fell from Luigi's face to his shoulders, giving them an endearing squeeze. “Maybe it’ll be good for you to give it a shot on your own. Your luck can’t be all bad, can it?” Neither of them quite knew the answer to that. Both of them stood silent for a moment as Luigi looked at his brother, then down at the pamphlet in his hand, and the big, beautiful mansion on the front. He couldn’t quite figure it out, but something about the place resonated with him. It made him remember being a kid, reading through his mom’s interior design magazines– the sense of wonder and possibility they incited, and the quiet longing to have such a place of his own to wander and explore. He folded the flier, placed it in his pocket, took a deep breath, and sighed. “I’ll do it.”
“Ha ha! That’s my bro.” Mario released his brother’s shoulders to give him a friendly jab with his elbow. “Maybe it’ll be good for you to try to work the business on your own! Just… make sure that clients put their dogs away before you set foot anywhere.”
Luigi grimaced. A small shudder ran up his back as he remembered the incident with Francis The Dog at their first job. Wondering what might have happened to him if Mario hadn’t been there to come to his rescue, second thoughts quickly began to creep in. “Maybe it is a scam–” “Nope! Too late. We’re doing this.” Mario had a fresh determination in his voice as he pulled out his chair and sat back down at the kitchen table. “I’ll finish balancing the checkbook tonight, then leave in the morning– 8 a.m sharp. If I hurry, I might be able to get home in time to help you with the last few jobs.”
Luigi knew that tone. No matter how much his brother initially hated the idea, once he started talking like that there was no stopping him from following through. Luigi had dug his grave, it was time to lie in it. Trying– and failing– not to think about everything that could go wrong in a single work day, Luigi began looking around for something to occupy his mind. The dishes were done, the garden was weeded, and he didn’t need to start dinner for another few hours, so he went to the broom closet and pulled out his vacuum. Plugging it in and unwinding the cord he went to work, allowing himself to get lost in the satisfying rattle of dirt being sucked away as he meticulously went over the carpet and wooden floor bit by bit, until every square inch of the house was clean and tidy.
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akariamai · 2 years
The Golden Dagger Club
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Pairing: Shang-chi x symbiote!reader
Word Count: 2145
You were just starting to repair the damages of a recuperating career and then the Blip happened. You were dusted away for five years and appeared back into your shitty apartment – your old shitty apartment that was occupied by someone else – and were left with nothing. Your clothing and furniture were all thrown away and your renewed show was trashed because everyone still alive was trying to cope with the loss of loved ones.
To those that stayed, you were considered lucky. Is it lucky to have nothing to come back to? The banks refused to help and getting any loans needed minimum of five years of income. Obviously that’s impossible as you were dusted for all five of those years making the institution useless. No one was willing to hire either as you were often overqualified or lacked any recent experience in the workforce.
Unlike some of the others who also disappeared, you didn’t have a family to help you adapt to the new culture that flourished whilst you were gone. There was still a semblance of the old but you were on your own.
Waiting was the worst. The United Nations were scrambling to provide provisions, documents, and other essentials for those who came back. It was a real shit show and at times, made you wish you never came back.
You had to worry about scavenging enough food for Venom or else it’s your organs that’ll be on the menu and you want your organs to remain intact and uneaten. You also don’t want to watch Venom bite someone’s head off again. You had to work fast as Venom was most likely going to starve and the government wasn’t working fast enough.
You heard murmurs of an underground tournament that pays very well for winning contestants. You weren’t a stranger of questionably immoral activities. You and Venom needed this. It was a saving grace in the waiting game of darkness. The United Nations were behind on provisions and housings, and you couldn’t wait for the miracle of them hurrying along the process.
So you left. The world didn’t need to know you were back, undusted and alive. It had moved on without you and there was no point in sticking around. The world would believe you were the unlucky ones to be at the wrong place during the Snap.
The world would get to learn of the existence of Venom, see the both of you as more than a blurry black figure from security cameras. See the two of you reappear after your hiatus. Your reappearance will be on that podium, hundred of eyes on you, seeing you, and cheering for you. 
You had arrived to your brand new start. A new beginning to the end of a shitty chapter. “Welcome to the Golden Daggers Club! We’re a multi-platform global operation. Every fight live streamed on the dark web. Thousands of viewers placing bets as we speak.” The ringmaster, Jon Jon, explained as he handed you the sign up sheet. You read carefully, not wanting to be screwed over in the end, and when you deemed everything acceptable you signed on. It was fast and easy. Pen on paper and suddenly a new door opened.
There must’ve been hundreds of people in the unfinished building. Small cells, containing smaller fights, lead up to the giant podium where the grander fights and higher betting stakes take place. Within the club, you had to earn your place. Starting in those small cells and work your way up to become a favorite.
Your first opponent was no one memorable. They were enhanced to some degree but nothing remotely close to be able to take the two of you down. It was almost too easy but Venom adored the attention they’d garnered. On the other side of the cell were many onlookers, wanting to see more of the alien creature. It was itching more for fights, more advanced opponents, and scoring chocolate money. The club loved Venom. The fame and attention caught the curiosity of the club’s founder. 
Xu Xialing was cold, complex, and a fighter. Her coldness was strictly targeted to men but once she saw the person beneath Venom, she’d lighten up around the two of you. You became her friend. You’d learn bits and pieces of her past while you shared yours. She’d given you a chance to start anew even if she didn’t know it. You felt like you owed her for providing a way to provide for Venom in a way your old job couldn’t. You and Venom took it upon yourselves to take out the trash, people who were trying to shut her operation down. The club meant so much to people and you didn’t want anyone to shit on the empire she’d built. 
It was a night like any other. Bets were placed and the money just kept coming. The bar was filled as always and Venom was itching for its turn. “Take it easy on the chocolates, it’s about to be your turn.” You were currently watching the fight between Abomination, who was broken out of prison by his opponent, and the current Sorcerer Supreme, Wong. Wong seemed overwhelmed at first but managed to get Abomination to punch themselves. 
“I’ve worked up an appetite.” Venom grunted as they bit the whole chocolate bar in its entirety. You could feel it buzzing with excitement. 
Wong had won his fight and you were walking towards the main stage. “Doing what, sitting?” You replied as Venom’s pitch black skin covered you fully. Your thin arms concealed by its large muscles and build. No one in the crowd would ever guess who was underneath its skin.
The name of your opponent was called Flux. You had seen his fights before, seen him climb up ranks. You nor Venom were worried though. You’d let Venom take full control as it was its moment not yours. Venom tore onto the stage, hyping up the crowd, and waited for the fight to begin. The lights, the cheers, and the overwhelming anticipation riddled your being. It was exhilarating and you couldn’t wait for Venom to have the time of its life.
Flux wasn’t overpowered by much. Having superhuman strength, stamina and durability assists in keeping up with you and Venom. You’d been lucky no one has caught on to your weaknesses. As Venom controlled your body, you thought about how different your life had become and how thankful you were for being the right match for Venom. Feeling the immense happiness originating from it makes you happy. You knew Venom felt miserable hidden within your body, not allowed to stretch till night fell. Here in the club, it didn’t matter. Almost every fighter had some enhancement that made them different from everyone else. Had skills most didn’t possess.
Once the fight was over, the club’s staff members dragged Flux away towards the locker room. Venom, after celebrating its win with the crowd, followed afterwards. A giant teeth-filled grin dwelled on its face until its skin disappeared into your body.
You opened your designated locker and pulled out a box of chocolates and a 12 pack of diet soda. Opening them one by one you feed Venom by placing them into its mouth and congratulating them on its win while you consume the diet soda. In moments like these Venom resembled a puppy. Craved for your attention and wanted to feel loved. 
You’d notice Jon Jon speaking to someone you’d only seen on your phone. The Bus Boy video that’s been dominating the internet. Venom had dismissed the guy as he wasn’t anything special except for maybe his delicious brain but you didn’t want to find out.
“[Reader], Venom,” Jon Jon yelled, “the boss wants to talk!” The guy next to him watched curiously at the Venom head appearing out of your side.
“If anyone steals even one chocolate or soda, I’ll bite your head off and feast on your organs.” Venom made sure to show off its teeth to the remaining contenders before going to Xialing’s office. You sat down on a chair waiting for her to arrive. Jon Jon left the dubbed Bus Boy in her office as well. He stayed standing, not knowing what to do. He was nervous, that was evident, and a bit awkward.
“Do you know who we are supposed to meet?” He didn’t know how to talk to you or Venom. If he were being honest, Venom kinda scared him. The threats given did not help at all. “I need to find my sister. Do you know her, Xu Xialing?” You noticed he kept a white tissue around his nostrils. The metallic smell of blood allowed you to know the reason why.
You stayed quiet not knowing the reason as to why he was asking. Knowing he was in her workplace, she’ll show herself eventually.
She walked in, taking her place behind her laptop.
“You run this place?” He talked in Mandarin. 
“I own it.” She replied back. 
Another woman was let in by Jon Jon, counting the stack of cash as she walked into the room. She was adorable when she was caught red handed. Having bet against the man, her friend apparently. “Did you bet against me?”
“No.” She lied. “I bet on that Venom dude earlier.” In an attempt to change the subject, she turned the attention on you and Xialing, “Hi Xialing and stranger. I’m Katy. You’re, like, such a badass. Everything that you do is, like, so cool. That was really cool.” She walked towards one of the seats next to her friend, which you still did not have a name for.
“This is [Reader].” Xialing replied, “The Venom dude from earlier.”
Katy gasped excitedly, “No way! I thought Venom had more muscles. Love the costume by the way. What fabric do you use?” She shook your hand frantically and laughed, “Your fight was so amazing. You made me a lot of money.”
You had never integrated with someone who had so much shameless confidence. She had seen you and Venom fight and she was treating you like a hero. Most run away at the sight of the two of you. It was a nice change of scenery. “Alien, I guess? Venom come out and say ‘hello’ to a fellow fan.”
“A fan…” He muttered as he moved his head towards her, “So unafraid, so courageous. You shall not be eaten.”
She chuckled nervously, “Thank you.”
“I like your pants.” Xialing turned the conversation towards herself.
Katy blushed, “Thank you. Thanks. Yeah.” She was obviously flattered by the compliment as she smoothed out her yellow pants.
“What do you want?” The coldness of Xialing's voice appeared suddenly. A certain sharpness you had never heard, finally making its existence known.
“The Ten Rings ambushed us in San Francisco.” San Francisco was the place where you once lived. The tomb of the life you once had. 
“I saw the video.” Everyone had seen the video. It became a viral phenomenon which was rare as it raced against hero and alien sightings, and meet and greets with international heroes.
“They took my pendant. They’re gonna come for yours next.” You had learned about the pendant Xialing never took off as it was a gift from her mother. To learn he shared the same or similar pendant must mean only one thing. “I don’t know what he wants with them, but we both know it can’t be good.”
“You know what he said to me when he left?” You heard this story only once. It was a painful memory of abandonment and the loss of a sibling. Not in death, but in spirit. Lost of hope while living in the fragments of an once happy family. “‘I’ll be back in three days.’ And after three days, I went to our mom’s shrine and waited. Three days turned into a week, a week turned to a month, and a month turned to six years. That’s how long it took me to realize I didn’t need him any more. I built this place on my own. I didn’t need you then, and I don’t need you now.”
“I volunteer to eat him.” Venom liked Xialing. She snuck chocolates to it and was the first person, who wasn’t [Reader], to not be afraid of it. She gave you and it a home. “I’ll make it painful.” He licked his lips to scare Xialing’s brother even more.
Xialing smiled at Venom. It was the thought that counted and Venom meant well. He inched away from you and asked, “Then why would you send me the postcard?”
“What postcard?”
He got up from his seat and reached into his pockets. He slowly walked towards her before handing it to her.
“I didn’t send you this.” After she spoke those words, everything went to shit.
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dubairealestate24 · 2 months
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for a Home Loan in UAE
Applying for a home loan in the UAE can be a complex process, and avoiding common mistakes can help you secure the best terms and conditions. This guide highlights common pitfalls to avoid when applying for a home loan in the UAE.
Understanding Home Loans
Home loans, or mortgages, come in various forms, including fixed-rate, variable-rate, and Islamic mortgages. Each type has its benefits and considerations.
Fixed-Rate Mortgages: These loans have a fixed interest rate for a specified period, providing stability in monthly payments.
Variable-Rate Mortgages: The interest rate fluctuates based on market conditions, which can lead to lower initial rates but potential increases over time.
Islamic Mortgages: Compliant with Sharia law, these mortgages involve profit-sharing rather than interest payments.
For detailed information on home loans, visit home loan dubai.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Not Shopping Around: Failing to compare different lenders and loan products can result in higher costs and less favorable terms.
Overlooking Fees: Be aware of all fees and charges associated with the loan to avoid unexpected expenses.
Ignoring Pre-Approval: Getting pre-approved helps streamline the home search and strengthens your bargaining position.
Taking on New Debt: Avoid taking on new debt during the loan process, as it can affect your financial profile and loan approval.
Not Understanding Loan Terms: Ensure you understand all terms and conditions of the loan, including interest rates, repayment terms, and early repayment penalties.
For property purchases, explore Buy Luxury Property in UAE.
Steps to Securing a Home Loan
Assess Your Financial Situation: Begin by evaluating your financial health. Calculate your income, expenses, and savings to determine how much you can afford.
Improve Your Credit Score: A high credit score improves your chances of loan approval and favorable terms.
Save for a Down Payment: Aim for at least 20% of the property's value to reduce mortgage insurance costs and improve loan terms.
Compare Loan Options: Different lenders offer various products. Compare rates, terms, and conditions.
Get Pre-Approved: Pre-approval provides an estimate of how much you can borrow, making the home search more focused and efficient.
Submit Your Application: Complete the mortgage application, providing necessary documents such as proof of income, credit history, and property details.
Loan Approval and Offer: Once approved, the lender will present an offer detailing the loan amount, interest rate, and repayment terms.
Finalizing the Purchase: After accepting the offer, work with your lender to finalize the purchase. Ensure all legal and financial aspects are in order.
For rental options, visit Apartments For Rent in Dubai.
Tips for a Smooth Home Loan Process
Maintain a Good Credit Score: A high credit score improves your chances of loan approval and favorable terms.
Avoid New Debt: Refrain from taking on new debt during the loan process to maintain your financial profile.
Consult with a Mortgage Advisor: Professional advice can help you navigate the complexities of securing a home loan.
Understand Fees and Charges: Be aware of all fees and charges associated with the loan, including processing fees, valuation fees, and early repayment penalties.
For luxury properties, explore Luxury Properties For Sale in Dubai.
Legal and Regulatory Considerations
The UAE has specific regulations governing mortgages. Ensure compliance with all legal requirements, including property registration and transfer fees.
Dubai Land Department (DLD): The DLD oversees property transactions. Ensure all documents are registered with the DLD.
No Objection Certificate (NOC): If buying from a developer, obtain an NOC confirming no outstanding payments or disputes.
Avoiding common mistakes when applying for a home loan in the UAE can help you secure the best terms and conditions. By following the tips outlined in this guide, you can navigate the process efficiently and achieve your homeownership goals. For more resources and expert advice, visit home loan dubai.
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blueiscoool · 2 years
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Roman Soldier’s 1,900-Year-Old Pay-Slip Uncovered in Masada
During excavations at Masada, archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities (IAA) uncovered a papyrus payslip dated to 72 BC belonging to a Roman soldier.
Masada is a rugged crag in the Judean Desert overlooking the Dead Sea.  Herod, the first-century BCE Judean king best known for constructing Jerusalem’s Temple Mount complex, built a fortress and palace on the mountain.
Jewish rebels entrenched themselves at Masada a century later, from 66 to 74 CE, during the Jewish Revolt against Rome. A Roman army besieged the last holdouts nearly four years after the fall of Jerusalem.
The only historical account of the conflict is Josephus Flavius, who claims that the Jewish rebels all committed mass suicide before Roman troops stormed the battlements. However, archaeologists dispute that account’s historical accuracy.
The IAA discovered a detailed military paycheck (one of only three legionary paychecks discovered throughout the Roman Empire) issued to a Roman legionary soldier during the First Jewish-Roman War in AD 72. The paycheck is one of 14 Latin scrolls found at Masada by archaeologists – 13 of which was written on papyrus, and one on parchment paper.
Although the papyrus was damaged over time and therefore very fragmentary, it contains valuable information about the management of the Roman army and the status of the soldiers. The document provides a detailed summary of a Roman soldier’s salary over two pay periods (out of three he would receive annually), including the various deductions that he was charged. The army supplied the soldiers with basic equipment, but, as today, some soldiers chose to add and upgrade their equipment.
“This soldier’s paycheck included deductions for boots and a linen tunic, and even for barley fodder for his horse,” says Dr. Oren Ableman, senior curator-researcher at the Israel Antiquities Authority Dead Sea Scrolls Unit.
“Surprisingly, the details indicate that the deductions almost exceeded the soldier’s salary. Whilst this document provides only a glimpse into a single soldier’s expenses in a specific year, it is clear that in the light of the nature and risks of the job, the soldiers did not stay in the army only for the salary.
According to Dr. Ableman, “The soldiers may have been allowed to loot on military campaigns. Other possible suggestions arise from reviewing the different historical texts preserved in the Israel Antiquities Authority Dead Sea Scrolls Laboratory.
For example, a document discovered in the Cave of Letters in Nahal Hever from the time of the Bar Kokhba Revolt (132–135 CE) sheds some light on some side hustles Roman soldiers used to earn extra cash. This document is a loan deed signed between a Roman soldier and a Jewish resident, the soldier charging the resident with interest higher than was legal. This document reinforces the understanding that the Roman soldiers’ salaries may have been augmented by additional sources of income, making service in the Roman army far more lucrative.”
By Leman Altuntaş.
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The vast majority of the Senate Republican caucus united last week to introduce a bill that would permanently repeal the estate tax, targeting one of the few provisions in the U.S. tax code that solely affects the richest 0.1% of Americans.
Led by Sen. John Thune (South Dakota), the top Republican on the Senate Subcommittee on Taxation and Internal Revenue Service Oversight, 40 Republicans reintroduced their bill to ensure that ultra-rich individuals seeking to hand off tens of millions of dollars — or more — to their heirs can do so completely tax-free. The extremely regressive proposal has been a longtime goal of Republicans, who have already massively watered down the estate tax in past years.
Currently, the estate tax threshold is $12.9 million, and nearly $26 million for couples. Amounts under this are exempted from taxes. This is nearly triple the threshold from 2016 and earlier, as Republicans more than doubled the estate tax cutoff in their major tax overhaul in 2017. The threshold is now so high that it is estimated that less than 0.1% of Americans are subject to the tax.
Evidently, these tax cuts are still not enough for Republicans, who had tried to repeal the tax altogether in 2017. In a press release on the bill, Thune, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) and Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) attempted to couch their support of the repeal in efforts to supposedly support farmers — claims that reveal themselves to be a farce when more closely examined.
“For years I have fought to protect farm and ranch families from the onerous and unfair death tax,” Thune said. “Family-owned farms and ranches often bear the brunt of this tax, which makes it difficult and costly to pass these businesses down to future generations.”
Thune’s statement is a misrepresentation of the truth. The vast, vast majority of “family-owned farms” are not subject to the estate tax. In 2020, a mere 0.16% of farm estates owed the tax, according to data from the Economic Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This is an exceedingly small number of farms. As the Tax Policy Center estimated, only 50 farms total paid any estate tax in 2017, and this research was done before lawmakers doubled the threshold.
The criticism of the estate tax in defense of farmers is disingenuous for another reason, as Inequality.org pointed out in a blog post this week. The tax code “already has provisions that protect the very few families with farms and businesses subject to estate tax,” wrote Institute for Policy Studies associate fellow and senior adviser for Patriotic Millionaires Bob Lord. “If the bill sponsors truly cared about family farms, ranches, and businesses, they could have proposed legislation to expand these protections but leave the estate tax intact.”
In reality, deep-pocketed lobbyists with the Farm Bureau have long been pushing a repeal of the estate tax — and the group’s deep ties to big business and Wall Street are well documented.
Perhaps not coincidentally, repealing the estate tax would complete the loop of tax avoidance for the wealthiest Americans. The bill targets the “die” part of “buy borrow die,” a common tax dodging scheme used by the wealthy to avoid paying taxes; it is part of the reason that the wealthiest Americans are able to pay little to no taxes year over year.
In the practice of buying, borrowing, and dying, the rich first pour their wealth into assets like stocks, building up a large portfolio. Those assets are then used as collateral for taking out large loans with low interest rates — lower than, say, the income tax rate — that become a wealthy person’s spending money. Then, they die, and hand off their wealth to the next generation, maintaining their dynasty for decades to come.
At very few points do taxes come into the buy, borrow, die equation. Buying and keeping stocks doesn’t incur a tax bill. Taking out loans allows the wealthy to claim very low incomes to skirt income taxes. The estate tax is essentially the only guarantee, and even then, the wealthy have come up with extreme loopholes to dodge the estate tax, too. Republicans, then, are hoping to make tax avoidance even easier by legalizing it entirely; Lord has pointedly labeled the bill the “Billionaires Pay Zero Tax Act.”
The proposal stands in sharp contrast to progressives’ views on taxation. Pointing to extreme and growing wealth inequality, progressives have been calling for increasing taxes on the rich and specifically targeting their wealth and stock portfolios, rather than endlessly allowing the “buy” and “borrow” portions of the cycle.
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