#no longer even feel weird about this actually
silken-moonlight · 10 hours
Older Alpha x Human Waitress Part 8
A/N: I am back again! I hope you enjoy the next part of this series. I love you guys.
Here you find my other works.
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[Your POV]
Desmond laughed deeply, his laugh a deep, rich sound.
"I missed your humor, Will," Desmond said and looked over to him before he turned his attention back to you. Your cheeks were burning from embarrassment.
"Are you okay, love?" I asked and tilted your head up with his hand, making you look into his thunderstorm eyes. You nodded slightly, hypnotized by his gaze. Your heart beat so fast that you were worried he could hear it. You were sure he could hear your heart.
"Have I told you how beautiful you are?" You didn't know what to say. He was hypnotizing, deeply caught in a trance.
"Lost for words?" He asked and you nodded. "I...Thank you." Was the only thing you could think of to say. You loved how bold he was and how he took control.
"Guys?" Will asked and waved to get attention. You immediately looked at him and smiled at him: "Sorry Will..." Your best friend chuckled: "Ah don't worry. Kit texted me and needs me to fix our computer. I'm going to go now." Kit was the nickname of Will's girlfriend. "Oh sure. It's so sad that you have to go early." You said and hugged him. "Let's meet up again with Kit next time, I miss her." You said and Will nodded. ""I'll tell her and text you when we can. Stay a little longer with Des. It's still early in the night, and you deserve to have some fun." Will told you and let go of you, waving at Desmond goodbye. After that, he was quickly gone.
You sat down again next to Desmond. He smiled at you. "Do you have more questions for me?" the alpha asked curiously. "Hmm... What would happen if you fell in love with a werewolf from another pack? What happens then?" you asked. Desmond smiled. "It's actually fairly easy. You decide which pack you want to live in. You're still welcome in the old pack, or you can live without a pack. Of course, sometimes it's a little more complicated, and not every pack lives by the same rules." You listened to him eagerly, drinking up all that information.
"It's the same for other kinds of beings, like vampires and fae. Our pack doesn't have any vampires or fae, but I know a few other packs that do," Desmond explained, leaning over to you again.
You drank more of your cocktail until it was empty, the alcohol slowly affecting you. "Do you have a nickname?" You asked him with a smug smile, feeling bold. "A nickname? No." His answer was brisk. You pouted at him and he laughed.
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[Desmond's POV]
This whole thing made him feel so very good. Will had left them alone after seeing them flirt. His mate seemed to finally get the hint.
Did she know how hard it was to control himself when she looked at him like he had put the stars in the sky? Those beautiful eyes that shone so bright in the dim light of this bar. The questions she had about his pack made his heart flutter. His mind raced, his heart too. How was he supposed not to be weird or too forward? His mate became tipsy and bold. He loved that but didn't want her to do something she would regret later.
"You know it has been a long time since I drank something. I think I'll stop for now. I want to talk and not be drunk," her gentle voice said. He smiled down at her. "So responsible. I like that," he said, still flirting. She laughed and chuckled.
"Always...Though I wish I wasn't so responsible sometimes." She whispered. Desmond couldn't stop himself and took her hand. Her hand was so tiny in his, so cold too. "You...deserve someone to take care of you, darling." The Alpha said and looked down at her. By the moon, he craved her closeness. It felt so right to just hold her hand.
The blush that crept onto her cheeks was adorable. The smile on her lips even more so. "I...I think you deserve that too." Her eyes were filled with doubt. Something seemed to make her doubt this.
"I really adore you, Y/N. Do you know how long I've wanted to tell you that?" He said with a hoarse voice. She looked at him surprised; "You...you do? I thought you liked our barkeeper, Mandy?" Desmond shook his head. "I am there every evening for you. Although I struggled to ask you out." "Really?" She asked, and once again the Alpha nodded and pressed her hand. Her breathing quickened, and he saw her gaze drop to his lips. Desmond smiled even more. "How about we go out tomorrow? A proper date, where you are completely sober and not so exhausted." He proposed. She nodded and smiled at him, looking at their joined hands. "I am really tired..."
"Let's get you home then, I don't want to keep you from your sleep." Desmond said softly. They stood up and he rested his hand on her back, guiding her along with him out of the bar.
The cool night air kissed her skin. She seemed happy to be outside again. "The night smells so good," she said as the breeze brushed over them. Desmond agreed; the wind carried the smell of the forest and fields. The moon came out from behind the clouds, shining down on her. The blue hue made her look ethereal. His heart almost stopped...didn't she know how much she looked like a goddess?
"May I bring you home?" Desmond asked. She nodded and guided the way. They talked about small things: her dogs and the movie she had watched the other day. Though Desmond just stared at her, mesmerized.
Sadly, the walk ended after fifteen minutes. They stood in front of her house, and he felt like a teenager again.
"So...goodnight," she said and looked up at him. "Good night, little love," he said and brushed over her cheek. Before he could react, she pressed a kiss to his cheek, smiled at him, and left him standing in the moonlit street.
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Taglist: @strawberrypoundtown @the-witches-creatures
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hq-folder · 3 days
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꒰‧₊ 🍃 down bad ⋆ ꒱ ⋆˚
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you're so madly, deeply in love with yamaguchi tadashi.
that's funny, because he's usually invisible to everyone's eyes but all of a sudden, he became everyone's apple of the eye.
the monster pinch server whose hair grew a tad bit longer from when you first met him during your first year—or before your first year at karasuno, when you finally completed your school transfer requirements, and he bumped into you, hastily swiping his sweat from the heat of running through the blossoming spring that japan is.
"gosh! i am deeply sorry!"
oh, how your eyes sparkled when you saw the liter of freckles on his reddened cheeks; probably from the warmth he's feeling, or his embarrassment. he... he's so gorgeous.
"yamaguchi, hurry up." a monotoned voice spoke up, a bit ahead from the both of you. and before you could reply to the green haired male, he was gone in a flash—not before giving you a short wave and a sheepish smile.
now, you stand at the entrance of the karasuno gym. watching a practice match between your school's volleyball club and a neighbouring school you couldn't remember because all your focus was on the boy who proudly wore his number 1 vest as he is called for another service ace.
clutching your clasped hands atop your chest, your eyes glittered watching him. yamaguchi tadashi, in all his glory—you loved seeing him most when he's in his element, volleyball was his air; one thing you couldn't erase from him, nor could you separate from him.
you hear everyone's cheer for him, and you know he's embracing them fully with how he smiled so confidently before hitting his famous jump float serve.
"tadashi-senpai is so cool! and he look so handsome~"
god forbids you jump on those giggling girls a few earshots away from you. you noticed him first! how about they stop thirsting over him and focus on the game?
your inner monologue was interrupted by your conscious thoughts. he'd think you're weird if you keep barricading him like a guard or something.
the karasuno gym, which you grew accustomed with having a few people around was now crowded of students from different years—all wanting to see the volleyball players in action before their actual match on the nationals in 3 days.
yamaguchi tadashi whose growth you witnessed from being a fragile and petrified kid to a self-assured and courageous captain, bring his own team to the nationals once more was something you've always felt so proud for. he grew so much from being a shadow to being the spotlight itself.
after the final set, with an 8-point difference and karasuno obviously winning, you squeezed your way to the front lines where the members of the club gathered after finishing remarks and greetings—your eye catches a certain green haired boy, swiping his sweat and calming down his beating heart, that is going too fast for his liking.
the front lines was still a bit cramped but you did manage to push through, just enough to see tadashi.
said male finally stopped his self ministration before looking up,
with a beeming smile, two long arms scooped your hips from the student mass in a blink of an eye.
"hi, 'dashi." your own smile designed your face, a blush evident from the unexpected call out from your sweet lover.
"i thought you wouldn't be able to watch me." he laughed a little, hugging your uniform clad body close to him.
he was sweaty, yet you didn't mind—as long as he was near to you like this, you wouldn't trade it for any other thing, not even your favorite food.
"of course i'd make it, lovely. sorry i couldn't make it anywhere adjacent your line of vision, this place was already full!" you explained to him, a quick peck on his bright cheeks; but he honestly couldn't care about that,
yamaguchi tadashi is so madly, deeply in love with you too.
in your white long sleeves, paired with a beige vest and a ribbon on top, wearing your school's grey skirt—your hair down and simply tucked behind your ears, the way your eyes sparkled the same way he saw them during your unforeseen interaction, the moles on your face, and most importantly, your pretty, pink lips that he grew to love.
you're the most beautiful to him, right at this very moment—and many more moments that will come.
but right now, you looked incredible. your make up is done so lightly, it's barely noticeable but it's there. he wanted to kiss you, so, so bad.
and he did.
looking down at you innocently rambling, one of his hands made it up your upper back before expertly tilting his head to connect your lips in a breathtaking kiss. your hands froze on both his biceps, not knowing where this sudden burst of boldness came from.
breaking apart the sealed kiss, he whispered, "kiss me back, baby." so softly, and quietly that if you didn't pay such close attention, you'd not hear it. once he continued to connect your lips together, you felt more relax and calm, kissing his tender lips back and clutching his white tee for support.
he's invading all your senses to the point that you can't think; your brain is fogged like hell, but tadashi wasn't letting up with the starved kisses he was giving.
"oi, oi! that's enough, lovebirds" shoyo shouted from somewhere,
but everyone be damned, tadashi is too down bad; just for you.
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(ˆ. ̫ . ⸝⸝⸝ˆ) ໒꒱ 𖦹 ps. it's me, i'm down bad for him. LOL but i do hope you enjoyed this unexpected first draft i wrote ><
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Okay Y'ALL I saw Episode 5 today and these are the thoughts I jotted down while watching it (PART 2 OF 2)
Please don’t read below the cut if you are avoiding spoilers until you get to watch it yourself 
And FYI some of these may not have any context, but I guess it won’t matter cause you’ll have context in 7ish hours anyway (also sorry about how long all my thoughts and feelings are lol)
Awh Kate you’re so pretty - kinda weird to see her so chill though - she was so stressed all of season 2 that seeing her so serene is throwing me off tbh - I am so happy for you though my love
Also her outfit that looks like a sari is soooo gorgeous I WANTTTT
Love the cinnamon biscuits vs fruit jellies bit
Portia ma'am please listen to Varley FFS
lol I hope they did in fact fuck again like she wanted
Ugly crying at MY MESSSSSS
PARIS? oufff I love how comfortable she is, just casual teasing chit chats with bestie
“Undefended”? Charlotte needs a different hobby pleaseeee
LOLLLLL when did Penelope learn to do her hair and makeup by herself???? Cause there’s no fucking way she would’ve looked THAT fucking good after alllll of that lol
We were going to be KNIGHTS!! OMG sweet babiessss
“as much as I do” I can’t even blame anyone for anything they’ve done or said so far tbh 
This is such nuanced writing — I understand exactly where pretty much everyone is coming from and that’s really nice tbh 
Omg they really do want Cressida to marry a dinosaur 
WTF Cressida you do you girl fuck shit up for Penelope I don’t even care do whatever you have to do and go all out and save yourself cause no one else will I’m so sorry you were ever put in this position  
We have been acting uncouth AS OF LATE??? as of late????!? Omggg Portia girl pleaseeeee you had ONE job and you’re just gonna pass the buck to your daughters instead? STAHP own up to your shit cause you knowwww they bully her because youuu bullied her and the gall to say this is just happening LATELY on top lmao 
Though like in her eyes I always do see remorse too - I think she just lacks courage to ever really own up to everything in full because she’s just so guarded 
Honestly this is such stellar acting 
And also like, Penelope, most of you is your mom my girl - your brains, your overthinking, your inability to just say Yuh I done fucked up my bad lol 
Greg’s hat
Yesssss lord Kent find you some Bridgerton besties 
I actually do love Portia - yeah she’s been a colossal dick of a mom to Pen but as complex women go, I get her - If she makes amends with Pen for them daily microaggressions and general abuse one day, for real for real, she’d be really great 
Omg Mama B and Lady D are such big shippers - wish they didn’t fully cut out the Lady D stuff from the books though le sigh 
Eloise has a point - I agree - she had lotsss of alone time to say it - I understand Pens fear completely, but she must realize that her saying this is still soooo much better than him having to find out on his own - and there is no way he wouldn't - and he’d be more hurt by that part than the actual LW part I think and honestly Eloise is right about her being involved in that painful deception too, I wouldn’t want my own brother to feel betrayed by me like that either, given how often he wished LW ill out loud - and the longer Pen stays quiet the more guilty Eloise becomes as a sister too - If anything her not immediately snitching makes her moreee team Pen than team Colin - this is still a lowkey loyalty to Pen for sure - I think I may have issued this same ultimatum under these conditions too
Omggg JOHNNNNNN stop he’s having a panic attack why did Fran put him on the spot like thissss????
“As you rightly mocked me last season” lolllll
Awh Colin and the toast 
Eloise should nottttt have done her second toast - now THAT part was uncalled for, but I guess they want to keep the stress levels high 
Lmao Kate to the rescue 
I loveeeee how close they are sitting in public - but like… does nooooo one else see this??? Hips glued together? Hands holding??? Just out in the open?? No one thinks this is insanely intimate for a newly engaged couple of the ton??? Even if it’s a love match? None of the older women are clocking this and saying 1. Sit the fuck apart 2. Did yall fuck already cause yall look like you fucked and we don’t even have a wedding date set yet??? Are you not going to even ask for a special license?? You just want her to pop a baby before she technically should and cause more drama?? Like who is in charge of all these fools?? Mama B what is you doing??? Do you not think Colin is being a nasty girl with his wife-to-be?? lol
Lol Anthony I love you, you competitive lil bitch 
Lmaooooo Eloise and Penelope being the smartest bitches of the ton YESSSS
Portia trying to show where Pen's brain comes from lol
Muddy boots panic again 
LMFAOOOOOOO Mama B your face is going a mile a minute right now listening to the muddy boots
"I saw straight away" OH MY FROHN you will end me one day
Pen get your shit together pls grab a brown paper bag or smthn 
Oooohhhhh fuck I get itttttt
Cressida girl my bad I get ittttttt sooooo much more - I didn’t fully understand her thought process behind what we already knew she was gonna do until just nowwww - they really set it up for her well - girl needed an exit and everyone fully offered her one - I have no issues with this at all tbh 
Omg omg this is the most chaotic midnight strike of all time like 6 different things happened at the same time???? 
Well that was some good old fashioned Bridgerton CHAOS Hope y'all enjoyed it too!!!! LESS THAN 8 HOURS TO GOOOOOOOOOO
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codacheetah · 12 hours
5 for the isat ask game!
5 - What's your favorite optional event?
VERY TOUGH ONE TO ANSWER. I'm gonna go right ahead and disqualify twohats bc it's a predictable answer. If I had to choose just one though I think it'd probably be the sus event. It really got my goat on my first playthrough bc I didn't realize you had to do it in ACT 4. If I remember correctly I think sus is the only optional event locked to ACT 4??? Now that I've actually done it though I'm quite fond of it.
Sus event is one that you really have to go out of your way to do. It kind of reminds me of the True Ending in SASASAP but More and I'm sure that's intentional. Like the requirements for sus quest necessitate that you're going to do it, if not the loop before ACT 5, very soon before it. You have to know pretty much everything about Time Craft and Wish Craft already, so whatever you're doing in the loops now is basically taking out any optional stuff before you hit the end. You have to pretty thoroughly remember how the script goes just so you know all the best ways to break it. I feel like if the True Ending route is Loop going through the motions so many times that they can't deal with holding their facade together any longer, the sus route is Siffrin waving a big red flag around for help. There's just no way you're going to stumble into sus without preplanning what to do to rack up your points and make Odile aware of how Wish Craft works.
So I think it's interesting how much Siffrin pushes back against Odile trying to figure him out. It's a pattern of behavior that I am well aware of where you're desperately going "HELP ME" but you're not willing to accept it when it's offered to you.
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Siffrin spends an entire loop screwing everything up, to a point that's frankly kind of egregious even by Late Stage Timeloopers standards, and then they can't reckon with the consequences of it. I don't think sus event is as intentional of a cry for help for Siffrin as it is the player, mind you. But I do think it's. Very tragic. Yeah of course "it's too late" in the sense that Siffrin's about to talk to Euphie and the whole journey will end, but moreso it's that by the time that Odile can piece together all the information necessary to figure Siffrin out, Siffrin is just far too deeply entrenched in his self hatred and fear of abandonment to be dug out. I think if Odile could somehow figure it out in, like, early ACT 3, or if Isabeau was just a bit more pushy in getting Siffrin to do a feelings talk, maybe they'd actually be able to reach Siffrin a little. But they're always just a little too late, every single time.
I think the fact that you start really getting a bunch of weird points in ACT 3 gives this event a lot of buildup. For potential dozens of loops you'll see Odile brush against the truth of the situation, and then just barely miss. By the time she figures it out, it's too late. Explodes
Expounded upon slightly more in tags bc I don't like typing in post bodies I feel like a fish on land. eek
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e-tankx · 19 hours
Question for Anyone who might know how to explain it?
So, a friend of mine has hyperfixated hard on the Danny Phantom fandom, and one of the things she really digs is the weird inhumanity of the concept that the fandom has delved into. This is something I'm not inherently against, but the idea of 'obsessions' where you literally have to do a thing or else it causes actual physical damage to you, kind of IMO leans too hard towards the concept that the Always Wrong(tm) parents have of ghosts being mindless echos of something else, and kind of . . .Depersons them?
"This person died, but because they were just so into X they stuck around, and now their obsession is X." "Alright that sounds cool, now how would they change and grow as people?" "They wouldn't because their obsession is X and will always be X, and can never not be X otherwise it causes them actual physical pain and potentially will kill them." It also kind of ruins the whole 'self sacrificing' angle of Danny potentially giving up his dreams of being able to do anything else *but* guard Amity Park from danger. "Well if he doesn't do it anyway he's going to literally die so there's not really a choice in the matter." Not really self sacrificing when you put it that way. The other things that bug me about it, is that it seems too. . .neat and tidy? Like, we already know *fuck all* about the human brain as it is. Psychology is a shot in the dark and based around general vibes with patterns that seem to be common in humanity. Why would it suddenly become less complicated if you're dealing with emotions that are no longer tied to chemicals in the brain and are instead spread over the entirety of your being? //TANGENT WARNING// If I was the one originally putting down the concept of 'obsessions', it'd be something early ghosts, or ghosts that lack maturity/introspection/self awareness deal with because yes, in order to stick around after death you probably *would* have to have something to latch onto, at least in the moment. Younger ghosts cling to said obsession because they haven't actually self actualized, the whole I think therefore I am. There's also that whole feeling of self preservation because "this is what I held onto and what kept me going even when the rest of me didn't, so if I don't hold onto it with literally *everything* I may just die." that kind of drives them instinctually until they manage to grow beyond that. As the ghosts mature (emotionally anyway) their obsessions would be less and less important. They might still enjoy things about it, it was an obsession for a reason after all, they may even still fulfill it to some extent, but it's less a *must do* and more of an 'I like this, but it is not an all consuming need that without fulfilling I will literally die'. This would also work to explain how and why the Fentons think this is the truth without making them the worst scientists imaginable. Most ghosts that want to cause a fuss/fight/whatever are likely less self actualized/younger and therefore are more likely to cling to said obsession. A ghost mature enough to not cling to said obsession is much less likely to actually make themselves known to living people. Therefore they'd lack actual examples that could throw a wrench into their theories and force them to re-examine their research. //TANGENT OVER// but, it's entirely possible that I'm just. .. misunderstanding, or am an idiot. Hence why I'm shoving this question into a metaphorical bottle and yeeting it into the stormy seas that is the internet.
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mwagneto · 2 days
I’m a bit afraid of the upcoming two-parter finale of Doctor Who, mainly because of the circulating TV show theory and a horrifying thought I had the other day concerning this theory. … What if this theory is partly true, and the entirety of season 1 was indeed a TV show, and therefore not real maybe. Which would be the worst possible outcome I think, given that people in general hate the “it was all just a dream”/ “it didn’t really happen”-trope. But if we take this outcome into consideration I was wondering, when did the “TV show” / the “performance” start? Since when is it all fake so to speak? Because one could argue that the ending Fourteen got, is way too happy. He got his own TARDIS by very ridiculous/ implausible means. He got his own family. Everyone is happy. It is the “and they lived happily ever after”- ending you only see in fairy tales or very sappy TV shows. So my horrifying thought was, what if the “performance” started right after they defeated the Toymaker and Fourteen’s happy ending isn’t real at all!?
YEAHH i thought about that too, especially since i saw someone mention that "maybe the 'show' started in wby" in a post i'll never find
i think it is a logical conclusion to jump to since that IS 100% where the turning point was, the superstition is invoked, the salt is thrown, bam. the entire universe tilts on its axis. but i realllly really don't think that's the case?
i'll put the rest under the cut coz it got too long + i tried adding paragraphs to make it more readable so sorry if it feels janky
ok so admittedly my reasons for thinking whatever is going on now is definitely post 14 ending is because, like you and the above mentioned post says, anything major starting in wby would make the giggle a part of the whole thing and undo 14s happy ending + make 14 at least somewhat part of the story which. is definitely not something they'd do. or i sure hope they won't!
like rtd said 14 was never coming back and like yeah showrunners lie but i think even he knows how much bringing 14 back for a main show appearance would suck ASSSS like while i don't think having 14 bigenerate really stole 15's thunder the way ppl are saying (and i get why those people are mad too, i disagree but i understand), having 14 come back in any way whatsoever would just be really bad both because
he already got his happy ending, he got a beautiful last scene, his and by extension 10's story got an incredible sendoff that i still can't fully talk about coz of how crazy it is but like. you get it. and to have him just... come back after that would be really weird? like?? yknow??? that's him done. bringing him back at all would kinda.. not just cheapen it but make the finality of his happiness feel like it's not that secure or peaceful after all. and
having 14, the guy created specifically to bring in more viewers after everyone gave up during 13 era almost leading to the show getting cancelled, a guy whose MAIN REASON for existing is because they knew he'd be incredibly popular, be relevant to 15's story would just. be bad. like again i don't think the bigeneration itself was disrespectful to 15 or stole anything from him but that is IT. 14 cannot come back again, he did his job (nostalgiabaiting audiences + bringing people back in + letting rtd have a beautiful little playground sesh with his old era) and it slapped but he got his time and his ending and i think slash hope rtd knows this and won't do anything to mess with it.
okay sorry that got so fkin long i didnt mean to. ANYWAY. ONTO THE ACTUAL THEORY geez..
SO. wrt the season/episodes being part of a tv show and my general view on tv show theory: like. yeah like you said people generally dislike the ohh it was all a dream twist, and the longer the stretch of time that turns out to have not been real gets, the more annoying the twist is, which i'm 100% sure rtd as a showrunning veteran is very very aware of, so i really don't think they'll do anything as insane as having the ENTIRE thing turn out to have not been real
like i thinnnnnnnnk if it is a tv show then everything we've seen will have been real as in like. it wasn't just the doctor trapped in goo forced to experience fictional people that don't exist and have no consequence once he wakes up
i also think if the tv show theory IS true in some way, then the doctor is definitely aware of it at least to some degree, hell half the evidence we have for it literally comes from things he himself does (and that applies in a broader sense too, even if it's not a tv show or something, he still seems at least partially aware of Something, especially in the devil's chord (which also directly ties into the giggle and references a lot of things) although hints and little moments have steadily declined since then, that was definitely the peak of the theorisable moments era)
so like, tldr of everything i said so far: i dont think 14 is coming back and i don't think they'll make the entire season turn out to have been fake, but im basing both of these solely on the fact that these choices would be really really really bad and i don't think they should happen
as for what i think IS going on: i feel like i can't fully be objective because i really want the tv show hints to go somewhere so i feel like a lot of me believing it comes from wanting to believe it and not actual evidence, but yeah i think it definitely ties into tv in some way
again i don't think they'll be like ohh the entire thing was fiction and none of these people were real so none of it meant anything, i think if it really is some weird non-reality then they'll still do it in a way that makes the real world relevant
but like, as demonstrated above, when it comes to overarching plots i think i'm generally better at predicting what WON'T happen than what will, like idk i can guess the murderer 1 minute into any detective thing but when it comes to guessing stories i can get kinda lost. like idk i notice all the hints and then some but without an obvious thing to point to that ties it all together i can never really make up the larger story of what's going down (unlike with, say, murder mysteries, where you already know all the suspects at the beginning) yknow ?? i hope that makes sense 😭
that and i always feel like making up specific theories means whatever i think will happen definitely WON'T happen so yeah basically i have no idea what is actually going on but i really really love speculating, and i'm not really afraid of any of the negative outcomes you and a lot of other people mentioned, like yea it IS possible and it would be really bad but i don't think they'd do it exactly because it would be really bad. but we'll see i guess...
for now i'm not worried and pretty excited and very very hopeful coz i LOOOOOVE how intricately built this whole season is like oh my goddd yessss hints mysteries secrets foreshadowing haha YESSSSSS HAHAAAAA!!!
one thing tho. that i forgot to consider for this whole essay until i was already typing the ending. is that the whole thing starting in wby with the salt seems likely but hopefully isn't the case HOWEVER. susan twist literally appears in wby well before the salt thing .. which is definitely something to keep in mind. what does it mean? i don't know ❤️ i think whatever her deal is isn't related or at least is only vaguely related to the whole superstition/fantasy thing BUT if it is a tv show and she plays a part in the tv show theory then her being in the episode where the entire genre of the show changed is rly interesting
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the world is dark (and light is precious) : November 2023
Pete Wentz // D.H. Lawrence // Circa Survive, Your Friends Are Gone // Fall Out Boy, Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes // u.k. // Jack Gilbert // @/thegirlhoodtheory // Emily St. John Mandel, Station Eleven // @/9710144 // Emily Wilson // Fall Out Boy, Disloyal Order // Lauren Zuniga // Patrick Stump, Spotlight (Oh Nostalgia) // Ellen Bass // 1930s book headers and illustrations via @/nemfrog
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sergle · 8 months
The unspoken part of that too, being called "soft squishy marshmallow mom shaped uwu" and then going, hm, no thanks. That's weird and uncomfortable. Is that people get SO TAKEN ABACK. And almost immediately switch straight into anger, because the idea of a fat person turning down a "compliment" is absolutely unthinkable.
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I know this is just a silly bad quality random screencap of a screencap that I found on facebook lol, BUT it's a succinct enough image to easily describe the concept in a quick/accessible way hopefully :
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(and of course, feel free to elaborate in tags, etc.! (especially elaborating about other senses as well.. can you "hear" in your mind just as well as you can "see"? taste? etc.) It's an interesting topic to me, as someone who's like a 4.5 at MOST lol. I'm curious what option will be the most common :0c )
#tumblr polls#hrmm... a little poll perhaps.. about a subject I find interesting.. since this image came across my facebook today#still really not feeling that well. no longer shaking violently and such but I still feel weird and weak much more than usual#They did say my markers for like infection or inflammation were elevated but that they werent sure of the cause so hopefully#it's nothing too serious. they did also say a lot of different things can cause that thing to be higher than normal but didn't go into spec#fics of what. maybe some of them are relatively benign or something. I still havent felt much back to normal since#I got really sick that one time though. I feel fine on and off but then little bouts of feeling weird and sick happen. hrmmm#ANYWAY.. looking for small ways to be productive. such as little doodles on evil ipad or editing game videos#or posting polls or cat pictures or some other like not very labor intensive things#I WISH I COULD FOCUS on writing HHRGGhh... I need to finish my game.. it would be so freeing.. a project that's been looming#over my head for like 5 years even though througouht that 5yrs I've probably spent a total of 3 months working on it lo.. ANYWAY#I still partially really cannot beleive that people CAN see stuff in their heads. There's always part of me that's thinking like. well mayb#e everyone DOES see the same exact thing but we just describe/conceptualize it so differently that we think we're talking about#different things when we're really not. But I have been assured by people I've talked to about it that they can GENUINELY really see#stuff in their heads like as vivid as an actual picture in real life or something. And the other senses are neat too. Like for exmaple I#can hear in my head much better than I can see imagery. I still CANNOT hear vividly like as if I were listening to actual music out loud..#but I think it's developed more than my sight. AND interesting how this varies the creative process. a friend I was talking to on the phone#said they write by literally just watching stuff play before them like a movie. where my process is COMPLETELY different. AND that affects#the content/what details we focus on as well as our individual styles of writing have differences that can be traced back to that.. hrmm
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sonknuxadow · 3 months
i just dont get the insistence that silver has to be the child or descendant of some other already existing character in general really ... like surely shadow amy and sonic arent the only hedgehogs that exist in the present? silver could just be some random guy you know. also i honestly think his whole deal is more interesting if hes not anyone special or related to anyone special. and hes just some random kid who was born into a shitty situation and one day decided hes had enough and hes gonna do something about it
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sysig · 6 months
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String you up, tie you down (Patreon)
#Doodles#The Stanley Parable#TSP#Stanley#The Narrator#I realized I never actually gave any kind of visual representation of how Sinister's arm got that way#Since it was a dream initially he was just ''always like that'' so I never bothered lol#Plus I never even posted those original dream doodles over here lol it was on my alt - so many reasons!#It's weird to see his arm unburned and bruised with the wire on it#It would still eventually start to hurt! It's very tight on him so it cuts off his circulation even without all the external damage#Not enough to cause lasting damage - how much do the resets reset? Does his blood un-flow?#But definitely enough to cause discolouration on his skin#Not enough to completely numb his arm tho just so it's like forever pin-pricks lol#Sometimes the skin goes numb from being burned or hit tho - the Narrator has no real way of knowing what Stanley's feeling so he just#Keeps running him into things lol#It's not Exactly sadism on purpose - he does genuinely forget! Especially the longer it goes on because Stanley stops reacting#And then also the thing of how much does the Narrator remember from each reset as well lol - some things! But not everything#So eventually it just settles into ''That's just what Stanley's arm is like'' - much like how I feel about it! Lol#But sometimes he does hurt him on purpose - think the lead-up to the Museum ending or the Mariella ending#The example given here is the first time he burns Stanley's arm for refusing to get the Art ending lol#Maybe he does hate babies you don't know#Poor Sinister :( He's always at the whims of the Narrator but now he's got a whole arm's worth of extra control on him!#Got a bad vibe from the very beginning and he was right
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mistydragonflyart · 3 months
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I'm working on this other drawing about haircuts and genders and I got really frustrated with it so I drew this drawing instead also about haircuts and genders. It actually helped me figure out how to color the background of the other one so that's cool.
Anyways, I cut my hair last week and it's kinda too short. Oops.
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darlingpassion · 4 months
Okay I need to go to sleep because i close at work tomorrow and I already stayed up too late cuz I had a need the clean the whole house, but I had to ask this!!
I need to know- how would Terry respond if any one of the Toon Patrol tried to Come Onto Him? XD 😏 Would he say yes to any of them? Would he get the hell outta there? I must know XD
Right, now that I've thrown a spanner into the works, goodnight! XD 💤💤💤
Ohhhhh my god I did not expect this kinda ask today. I love it XD
My poor Terry. First Rena, now these assholes. Will he ever catch a break? (Probably not)
Alright! Let's go through weasel by weasel.
Short answer: "I thought he was a kid??"
Long answer: No, Terry doesn't think he's a literal kid XD but he did think Smartass looked pretty young to be in a bar setting (it's the height and the hat shielding the face. Shhh don't tell Smarty-). The angry weasel ain't his type, so Terry would brush him off after getting over the realization that this man is in his mid 30's.
Also, this is absolutely Terry reacting to Smartass in the bar if he was mean like Shiny XD
Short answer: "... Shiny, come get your man before he makes'a fool 'a himself!"
Long answer: Hmmm... It's iffy with Terry. Like, he can see why Shiny thinks he's handsome physically, he can appreciate what Greasy offers in looks. But unfortunately, the green bastard ain't got game XD and Terry can see that, and is not up for Greasy's loony pervert shenanigans 😅 so yeah, Shiny can keep him. Greasy'll be house trained under her better than with him 😅
Short answer: *side eyes Wheezy* "..." *grins in 'I'm game if you are'*
Long answer: Wheezy is where it's at with Terry. For starters, he and the weasel are part of the same old, kinda gross group. Wheezy is far worse than Terry with smoking, but they're both still tired old men who are buddies. And it also helps that they both speak practically the same lamguage; no words needed, only vibes. They're both slow, a little lazy, and Terry knows that Wheezy won't expect their fucking around to go anywhere past a friend's with benefits sort of thing... Also it doesn't hurt that Wheezy is pretty good looking whether or not he showered that day-
Short answer: "Wheezy for fucks sake, get your fuckin' dog outta here!"
Long answer: I can't imagine Psycho flirting with Terry, but for comedy's and arguments sake, let's say he wants that old man rat XD and Psycho when he flirts... Doesn't look like flirting 😅 Terry can tell what his intentions are, he's been around long enough to recognize how someone is trying to flirt even if they don't have the best game But he absolutely is not going to bring that rabid animal in bed. He prefers his crotch unscarred, thank you very much XD that rabbit girl can take this one. She seems to have a knack for the crazy men.
Short answer: "... Shit, ok. I can see it-"
Long answer: Look, it's a giant, fat, goofy and cuddly weasel!!! Who can resist that???? Granted, Stu's company isn't as relaxing as Wheezy's is (Terry's gotta verbally engage with the dummy. Answer so many questions. Terry is paitent, but not a talker XD), but if Stupid showed interest, Terry would definitely consider it. And if Stu is shaking up those fruity drinks you said he makes, well shit how can any sensible man resist that?
Tldr; Terry would be down to fuck Wheezy and Stupid, maybe Greasy... Smartass ain't his type, and Psycho is too much for him XDD
Thanks for sending this ask in! Ohhh I gotta send you a similar ask now, hang on-
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sneakyboymerlin · 1 year
Why do so many people in this fandom obsessively treat Morgana like she’s nothing but some passive helpless eye candy who can’t make decisions for her own adult self and is just pushed and pulled and shaped by the men in her life… I’m serious, you all need to manage your misogyny.
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thegreatestheaver · 2 months
i love my friends thank you to everyone who is patient and kind to me whenever im busy or weird or having an episode or whatever. i love you
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lovedincandlelight · 2 months
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