#no matter how good the aesthetic is
tanadrin · 1 year
I enjoyed listening to SHWEP and am checking out Perdido Street Station thanks to your posts. Would you mind sharing some more of your favourite media?
this is kind of a grab bag but here ya go: lord of the rings, the silmarillion, the children of hurin, anything by kazuo ishiguro, anything by haruki murakami, 100 years of solitude, love in the time of cholera, anything by jorge luis borges, terry pratchett's discworld series, neil gaiman's sandman series, njal's saga, egil's saga, the saga of hervor and heidrek, the rediscovery of man by cordwainer smith, anything by raymond chandler, anything by iain banks, the city and the city by china mieville, plus the two sequels to perdido street station, the inverted world by christopher priest, a canticle for liebowitz by walter miller, anything by octavia butler, anything by ursula le guin, anything by jane austen, gawain and the green knight, pearl (the middle english poem, not the steinbeck novel), as i lay dying by william faulkner, anything by kurt vonnegut, rice boy by evan dahm and its follow up vattu (both available in their entirety online), fine structure by qntm (also online), "the man who ate michael rockefeller" by christopher stokes, tooth and claw (the story collection) by t.c. boyle, frankenstein, hyperion by dan simmons and its sequels, house of leaves, waterland, the making of the atomic bomb by richard rhodes, anything by roger zelazny, edgar rice burroughs' barsoom series, ray bradbury's short fiction, dune, hart's hope by orson scott card (and his collected fiction, maps in a mirror), paradise lost, the andrew george translation of the epic of gilgamesh
(books i wouldn't recommend, exactly, but which had a formative effect on my taste include hart's hope by orson scott card, his short fiction omnibus maps in a mirror, dune, paradise lost, and the work of james joyce)
if you like scripted and informative podcasts, i will never stop recommending mike duncan's history of rome or revolutions, both of which are terrific. there's also a history of byzantium podcast that picks up where mike duncan left off with rome that is quite good, though i haven't listened to all of it.
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carlyraejepsans · 5 months
Do you enjoy underfell? I thought you disliked aus /genq
i don't dislike the concept of AUs itself, I'm just not a fan of like... the subculture that spawned around them in the UT fandom specifically and how it eventually took over almost all canon content (especially when it limits itself to the bros)
i like aus visually! i am an artist at heart after all. it's just that, if I'm going to care about them as stories and not just fun design ideas, my bar is uhh almost impossibly high the further you move from canon lolol.
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sunny-sainz · 3 months
they’re giving old money so badly
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gilgil-machine · 5 months
I wish some people never had access to internet at all...
TW assault, TW r*pe
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sarumint · 2 years
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little miku on the little whiteboard
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day 107
thinking about putting this guy on my body permanently. as a treat.
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calumsash · 2 years
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Caught up in heaven but your heaven ain't the same
But I've never been a saint, have I?
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nandiniivyas · 2 years
If I was asked to pick my own poison I would have always picked you, and I would have digged my own grave and filled it with rosethorns, perfumes of melancholy and burnt love letters because after all you were never mine to call, but I still stayed because I love death and I have been bruised so much that the scars are not scars anymore but the marks of your existence that you left on me, everytime I closed my eyes and trusted you.
- Nandini Vyas
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ladsofsorrow24 · 10 months
one of the... weirdly good thing about AI art invading the illustration field is that now, whenever i look at art that doesn't cater to my weird fucking taste, i'm able to appreciate the efforts and creativity that are put into making the artist's own personal vision come to life
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crown-ov-horns · 3 months
I said I have 4 storylines of Good Omens fanfiction (including the Crossover with Legion). Had I said that today, I would've lied. There's five.
["Diary entry" under the cut, so there's no litany on an unwilling scroller's feed]
NOTE: I haven't seen S2 of GO, not do I intendt to, so beware of canon divergence
Well... The 5th one is less a coherent storyline, more a concept. I was playing Gardenscapes, and suddenly thought "What if F!Crowley were my Antichrist's mother?"
You know, maybe Crowley owed Satan a new Antichrist, or something. I guess, she'd have screwed up this one, too... Well, she'll gladly take over the world, she just won't destroy it.
The conversation (between myself and myself) went about like this:
Me: ...
Also me: what if?..
Me: for fuck's sake, not again
Also me: Lady Crowley...
Me: please stop
Also me: Was Maxine's mother?
Me: whyever would she be her mother?
Also me: because she owed Satan for the ruined Apocalypse, and had to carry the next Antichrist
Me: Maxine doesn't want the Apocalypse, she's a sane politician
Also me: works for Crowley
Me: she also has black hair and blue eyes
Also me: Satan has black hair and blue eyes, Benedict's not his faceclaim, anyway
Me: fine, why would her last name be Frost?
Also me: Satan goes by Lucian Frost on Earth
Me: why would he ever go by the surname Frost?
Also me: a not to Dante's Inferno
Me: I hate you
Also me: 🤪
Me: you're killing me
Also me: with pleasure 😊
[End dialogue.]
Now, like I always do with any new idea, I of course collapsed down into the daydreaming pit, which often turns fanfiction, and original stories alike, into Tolkien-level complex universes you'd need a lifetime to fully explore.
I thought, it could be funny. When Max meets Anathema and Newt's daughter Agnes in Oxford, they can bond over their unhinged families.
"You'll probably think my parents are weird as fuck, they have a pet raccoon they dye black, and pretend is a cat."
"Honey, no, I get you. My mother mentally abuses her house plants, and wears sunglasses at midnight."
Rich people things, I guess. I mean, they're both nepo babies, who would ask questions about why their families are weird. Who would ask questions about why a rising star politician's mother mentally abuses her house plants.
There's a lot of potential for comedy. Crowley's issues with her sister-in-law, for example. Satan and Michael... They have a strange dynamic. The last time they spoke to each other is mentioned in the Book of Jude. But, they both have the familia ante omnia, blood is everything mentality. They support each other's political aim. They would kill for each other. And, Michael feels very protective (possessive, even) over her niece (the family mediator, why do you think she's a perfect diplomat). It would annoy the Hell (Heaven?) out of Crowley. Still, in the end, she and Michael would probably kill for each other, also.
I'd imagine Satan forbidding any contact with his disowned son... I don't know. In my fanfictions (where he is a thing), Maxine and Adam usually do have eventual contact, and consider themselves siblings (do keep in mind, though, Max would always choose her father over her brother). Satan doesn't mind her not wanting the Apocalypse, as long as she's loyal to him. He sees good points in her arguments against. He never really cared for it, anyway, it was mostly the armies.
Also... Maxine rides horses, ever since she was a child. Crowley doesn't get along with animals, everyone knows that. But. She's the nightmare equestrian mom (think soccer mom, only worse - much worse). How does she get along with Max's animals?.. Well, Titan (the hellhound) actually likes her. Ulysses (the horse) tolerates her. Horus (the falcon - yes, Max's so posh she's in the falconry hobby)... I have no idea. He'd probably sit on her shoulder, sometimes. But, Crowley's anxious around him, since snakes aren't usually friends with raptors.
At first, I thought about conflict between Crowley and Maxine. For example, her refusing to ride in the Bentley, because she (every author must place pieces of them in their characters) despises Queen. But... I don't like writing that. I like writing loving, healthy relationships between mothers and daughters. So, it's more "What do you mean you're bad at being a demon? You caused the Fall of Humankind. None of them can compare to you", and"You'll be the perfect Secretary-General of the United Nations, honey". We love mothers and daughters supporting each other here. ❤
I even thought of cute scenarios, like Crowley coiling in Max's crib, because she's anxious, and wants to protect her baby.
Max is fiercely protective of Crowley. That's why she'd be in conflict with Beelzebub - funny enough, for a similar season to the other stories (Beelzebub causes the death of her adoptive mother, after she realizes she's raising the Antichrist). Beelzebub hates Crowley, and the Beast of Rev. will show her very sharp teeth, should someone threaten her mom. Satan's on his family's side, don't worry.
Actually... You know why this story is cool? Horrific things happen to Crowley in my other fics. Not this one. Actually, she's doing great. She's the Queen of Hell. Damn... She'd outrank Beelzebub. She could terrorize... Her? Like I said, I haven't seen S2, Ι don't know the pronouns, and I don't care, you can get them right if it matters to you (I just know in S2 an actress from Bridgerton played her (?)).
As for Satan/Crowley... As long at Crowley's female, I don't mind it. I like it. Good for you, you little serpent tempter. Because, you know I always romanticise the Devil.
Have I any ideas for smut? You bet I do. I even have crack ideas... You know that picture of a female wolf protecting a male wolf's throat? Think that, but Crowley's coiled around Satan in her snake form, and snaps at anyone who wanders close.
So, I let this out into the web. Now I'll have to actually do it. Wish me luck. 😑
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whiskeyswifty · 11 months
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spark1edog · 4 months
have i told the story about someone accidentally calling me autistic and everyone laughing and she apologized later but i was like i mean no offense taken really bc i probably am. and she was like 😅ok?
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applecherry108 · 10 months
So. One Piece. It’s time to admit that my only prior consumption of it was…the 4kids version. 😅 Which I remember enjoying quite a bit as a kid, and I only really stopped watching bc it went off the air in the US, and when it came back, I was just finishing college and moving across the country. So like. Priorities. 😅
Anyways, so idk if it’s bc of the absolute botch-job of the 4Kids version, or simply that it’s been nearly 20 years, but yooooo I Do Not Remember Zoro being this hilariously aloof. 😂 I don’t really remember him having much a personality at all tbh. But I hope this live action version is at least semi-accurate bc his drunken deadpan is killing me. 😂
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
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Very small (and ugly!) doodle of Khare's left arm when it's time to see to the eyes and teeth. BE WARNED before clicking, it IS body horror so please don't look if you are squeamish and multiple eyes aren't your jam!!!
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The appearance of eyes and teeth are randomized each regrowth period as well as how numerous they are. Without weekly scraping, her arm scar will amass quite a number of both, making it an essential task every two to three days.
The regrown arm is a few shades paler from her original skin colour as well as has no freckles. The last two digits have slight webbing and no fingernails, something that is easily overlooked by many people but not to observant onlookers.
Scar tissue is very tough, even rubbery. It's quite unpleasant to touch really, but she's sensitive to it.
The regrown arm is stronger than her original arm was but due to the hasty regenerative process, it's more fragile as well. A significant yank could outright dislodge the arm, turning it back into a stump.
It's not recommended to remove the arm. It will still be functional even without brain signals sending messages to it and if it looks unpleasant on the outside, just know it's much worse inside.
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tamarin-opal-eyed · 11 months
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OOP Tam's a bun now! Long story, will put in the tags, but aside from an adjustment in name/backstory/colors, she's still the same grump.
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dutybcrne · 7 months
I like to think that the very reason Diluc keeps Kae at arms length despite wanting to reconcile & go back to their old ways as much as Kae does is the fact that Kaeya adamantly Refuses to tone down the new facade of his ( the shield for his vulnerabilities ) & Diluc, being Diluc, hates liars & doesn’t want to feel like Kaeya will drop another secret on him/is keeping smth from him all over again.
#//Signs Luc wants to? for a start; the hidden strife letters#//Addie’s mentions letting Kae stay at the Winery while Luc’s gone saying she knows he wouldn’t have objected. Even being AFTER the Fight#//Diluc thanking him for his intel & esp the last one where he asks Kae to take care of himself. KEEPING ALL OF THE LETTERS KAE SENT#//Of Ballads & Brews event is SO good for this too. If not Diluc staring up contemplatively atthe cliff where Kae was looking to the Winery#//THEN THE WHOLE FREAKIN DINNER BIT#//Mans acted all huffy and defensive when Kae was there for Business. Only got even MORE annoyed when Kae tried to dodge the dinner#//What I love abt that supporting my thoughts is Luc lightens up on him TWICE through the whole ordeal#//Once before during while Kae starts talking abt how he’s here to help Razor & ask Luc for help (which he GIVES so easily)#//Which makes me laugh also bc of how even standoffish as he was abt the wine for the KoF; he STILL let Kae have it (Lisa KNEW he would)#//& then when Kae starts acting flustered and shy bc of Addie. Mans is even PLAYFUL & pokes fun at him TWICE & asks him to stay via it#//That one event with the seashells too; when Luc’s tone Softened after Kae reminisced fondly abt their childhood#//The DK quest where Luc Immediately bristled up when discovered; & his Reaction when Kae said he was just happy sb was looking after him#//His hangout was Delightful for this too. The Up & Down of Kae saying they came back from Sumeru to say hello & Diluc Immediately welcomin#//And then backtracking to Annoyed when Kae started asking for free wine. & then teasing him for reusing an old excuse to get it#//The fact that Luc REMEMBERED it sends me jdfgf. And don't get me started on the GIFTS#//Diluc commenting on Kae's 'unique aesthetic taste' in gifts; yet KEEPS BOTH THINGS HE GAVE HIM no matter how odd they are to him#//When in Venti's story quest; he commented he gets rid of things he doesn't need (any wonder he hasn't tried to actually get rid of Kae?)#//& how he commented he really would have loved to join Kae & Traveler for drinks outside; but couldn't (& the good regards was so sweet!)#//& the way Luc sounds when he asks where Kae is after! Plus the IMMEDIATE switch to a more business one once Traveler says he's still ther#//Elzer exposing Diluc so hard was so fucken funny too. Kae out here tryna only take bottles home to not get Diluc on his case#//Elzer's like No; take a barrel; trust me; Diluc will NOT mind & will Not mean any complaints on you for doing so#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//Heck; this just spiraled lmao#//This bouta have more citation than my academic paper I'm putting off kjdffghf. Can you tell they are my favorite duo?#//Anywho; but yeah. I just love the fact that Luc tends to lighten up on Kae when he's being honest/more like 'himself'. Like#//Mans Backtracked on the snark in Venti SQ when Kae got offended abt the drinking remark; then only restarted when Kae brought up Crepus#//I want to see them talk in a future event or cutscene. I am invested in them and their dynamic & how it could be mended. Do it for Addie!#//I laugh at the fact that even Varka himself tried to intervene in their mess & make them play nice lmao. Varka in Natlan chapter; PLS-#//Bruh; I didn't even include shit from the manga jkdg. Luc had every right to be pissed at being falsely accused & provoked by Kae#//Yet not only did he help Kae save Collei & get arrested; but he ALSO Kept the vase his Vision was brought in & fixed him up a drink afte
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