#it’s an adorable photo of her but it belongs in the inside or needs a different design structure to accommodate it
whiskeyswifty · 1 year
10 notes · View notes
cobaltperun · 7 months
Woe out the Storm (6) - Goo Goo Muck
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Wednesday Addams x female Reader
Summary: It took some time, but eventually you came to realize only Wednesday Addams could look at the raging storm of chaos and destruction and make a home out of it. Only she could listen to the cacophony of the roaring thunder and hear a melody.
Story warnings: Wednesday Addams, violence, slow burn
Story Masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
Word count: 6.6k
-Yeah, I’ll get you baby, with a little luck, ‘cause I’m a teenage tiger and a Goo Goo Muck-
This was not going to end well.
There was no way this was going to end well. What was Wednesday thinking?
So, you did what any reasonable raiju with your skills would do. You took out your, formerly Wednesday's, knife. "Where did you even get that board?" you asked as you watched Wednesday pin rather gruesome photos and other papers to it. Tierra Rica played for what felt like the third time. That was something you learned about Wednesday. She preferred repetition, whether it was her schedule, strict writing time, or playing the same song at least several times.
She looked back and just slightly raised an eyebrow, as if silently asking you if you were seriously asking her that. Yeah, that was probably an unnecessary question now that you thought about it. It was also kind of worrying that you were wondering how she got that board instead of all those photos... Perhaps you were too used to Wednesday Addams being Wednesday Addams.
Enid on the other hand... You weren't entirely sure she could stomach what was in the photos. Or that she was in the mood to even try to understand the need for this approach.
Speaking of said werewolf, she just entered your room. Ever since Ajax stood her up her entire demeanor lost some of her bouncy energy and it took a lot of pleading from her to stop you and Wednesday from taking revenge on the gorgon. She was so down you didn't even mention Wednesday agreeing to go to the Rave'N with you.
"Hey, Y/N, Wednesday," she stopped for a moment, taking in the sight of you and Wednesday. Seeing Wednesday with the board and papers wasn't much of a surprise. Neither was seeing you hunched forward and sitting on your chair. No, it was the fact that your chair was on Wednesday's part of the room, the fact that you were sitting a few feet behind Wednesday, watching whatever she was pinning to the board. And there was a knife in your hand, coincidentally, it was the knife Wednesday threw at you. Not that Enid knew that part, but she did know the knife belonged to Wednesday. So, she was probably very confused, or she was officially deciding that something was going on between you and Wednesday.
You could see cogs turning in Enid's head. "Am I interrupting you?" she asked, now carefully observing Wednesday for any reaction that might seem out of the ordinary.
"No," but Wednesday was so focused on her task you doubted she even noticed Enid's reaction. Frankly, you thought Wednesday's laser focus was admirable.
Admirable. Not adorable.
She'd probably actually smother you in your sleep if you ever used that word to describe her.
"Wednesday is just pinning photos of the monster's victims so she can get inside its head," you said causing Enid's jaw to drop slightly.
Enid covered her mouth in shock. "The actual photos?" she gulped, her claws coming out instinctively.
She was taking it even worse than you thought she would, so you jumped to your feet and rushed toward her. On foot, since lightning would likely startle her.
The damage was already done. "I don't see how any other photos would help," Wednesday, still focused on her task, either ignored or didn't notice the evident panic in Enid's voice.
Your eyes widened when you saw Enid falling to the side and in a lightning-enhanced jump, you managed to reach her and catch her before she could fall to the floor. "Wednesday," you sighed, exasperated by her lack of consideration.
For the first time since she began pinning the files and photos, Wednesday took her eyes off the evidence for more than three seconds and glanced at you and Enid in your arms. Her eyes followed you as you lifted the werewolf up and carried her to her bed. "Perhaps you could zap her awake?"
You nearly dropped Enid as you stumbled a bit at the suggestion. You opened your mouth several times, honestly not even sure how to respond to that idea. You gently lowered Enid onto her bed and turned back to Wednesday. "No?" you eventually settled for an incredulous response as you just looked Wednesday in the eyes.
Wednesday kept staring into your eyes, refusing to be the first one to look away, or even blink. And you weren't backing down either, even if you did have to blink. "Pity. Thing, fetch the smelling salts," she ordered, and the hand was on his way to wherever Wednesday kept those. Why did she even have those readily available?
You looked away, but only so you could follow Thing with your eyes. He was clutching the smelling salts in question between his middle and ring finger and his palm while running toward you on the remaining three fingers. You took a few steps forward and leaned down, letting him climb onto your palm. With a thankful smile on your face, you took the smelling salts and proceeded to wake Enid up with them.
It took a bit, but she regained consciousness and looked around, still a bit disoriented. "Y/N?" she sounded a bit confused.
"Welcome back," you grinned and stepped back as you placed Thing on your shoulder and the smelling salts in your pocket.
"I had this nightmare. Something about Wednesday bringing photos of the monster's victims to our room," she groaned and rubbed her eyes.
"Uh," you glanced back at Wednesday, her back was turned to you, but you could swear you noticed a bit of extra stiffness in her posture. If that was even possible.
"What?" Enid demanded, looking at you and then following your line of sight. "It wasn't a dream. Yeah. Sure. That might as well happen," Enid nodded as she sat up. She stood up and went right for the cause of the newest room decorations. "You know, when I suggested giving your part of the room a make-over, I did not have Ted Bundy's Pinterest in mind."
Wednesday turned around to look at her. "Still not as creepy as your stuffed unicorn collection," she turned back to the board once again.
"Is this why she and Thing snuck out last night?" Enid asked you when you walked over to her, ready to catch her if needed.
"Yup. To the county morgue actually," you caught her up to speed with Wednesday's recent adventure to the best of your abilities.
Enid's face showed clear disgust at the mere thought of Wednesday's activities. "Okay, there are so many levels of ew in this whole situation I don't even know where to begin."
"I need to get inside its head. Discover any patterns or anomalies," Wednesday turned toward you and Enid. "I've already made a big discovery," she began taking the photos off the board. "Turns out, all of the monster's victims have had body parts surgically removed," she began handing the photos to you. "The first one a kidney, the second a finger,"
Enid paled as she saw the photos up close. "Wednesday, I don't... really feel..." she was going to pass out again any moment now.
"Third a gallblader," Wednesday, however, went back to the board for the final photo. "And the bearded man from the meeting house, two toes," she placed the last photo on top of the other three in your hands and looked at both you and Enid. "Do you understand what this means? These murders aren't mindless," she went back to the board. "He's collecting trophies like a seasoned serial killer. It's quite impressive, actually."
And Enid passed out.
You managed to catch her once again and sighed. Wednesday turned around, looking at Enid, and clearly not impressed this happened again. Thing, who in the meantime climbed back onto the board just shrugged when she glanced back at him. You offered the photos back to Wednesday and lifted Enid up once again. "Hold that thought for a minute," you said and carried Enid back to her bed. Luckily you didn't put the smelling salts back so waking Enid up wasn't too difficult.
"I'm just going to ignore you two," she resigned to the current circumstances. At least for now. "I'll go to sleep and by the time I wake up that won't be here."
You couldn't help but grin at that as you tucked her in and made sure she was comfortable. You moved back from the bed to see Wednesday watching you like a hawk, she was probably impatient since you did take more than a minute to get back to her. "So," instead of sitting back down on the chair behind Wednesday you stopped right in front of Wednesday. A more logical part of your brain told you you were too close, that you were in her personal space, but you couldn't back down, not unless you managed to catch any hints of Wednesday being uncomfortable with the closeness. Well, you could back away, but that might make Wednesday think you were uncomfortable with her instead. Things were so complicated with this girl… "Body parts were surgically removed, right?"
She nodded, her eyes never looking away from your own.
"That monster looked too, I dunno, clumsy, to remove anything surgically," you muttered, looking away from her and looking at the photos pinned to the board over her shoulder. From the corner of your eye, you noticed Wednesday turning around on the spot.
"The monster's hands didn't look like they could hold a saw, or make cuts as precise as these," Wednesday pointed out, her focus once again shifting to the case.
"A lot of outcasts can change shape in some way. Maybe it's a human," you guessed, the body parts that were removed... well, you weren't exactly knowledgeable about all that, but you figured at least some of them required a good understanding of human anatomy.
"That would explain why it wasn't caught," Wednesday nodded, glancing back at you. "Do you know any outcast group that can look like that?"
You thought about it. You've been thinking about it ever since you saw that monster. It definitely wasn't a werewolf or a raiju, but other than that you were stuck. "I really don't have any idea. It's not a werewolf, it's not a raiju, it's some beast, but that's as far as my knowledge goes," which really didn't help either of you. "Do you think it works alone?"
That got Wednesday thinking. "I haven't considered that possibility," she admitted and glanced at Enid. "I should move this somewhere else?"
Your heart skipped a beat at that. She really did care, somewhere deep down. "I'd be really thankful if you did. So would Enid. I'd also rather not carry her that often," you admitted with a sheepish grin on your face. "You can keep it in my shed?" you offered.
Wednesday shook her head slightly. "Too many electric devices. I'll find another place for it," she declined your offer. She did have an aversion to technology, and you loved tinkering with it, the more reliant on electricity it was, the better. Still, you understood why she didn't want to spend time there. She didn't even consider your club because of that, even if it would mean not having to deal with anyone else. Well, Eugene’s club was a good fit as well for her.
You didn't say you could clear some of the shed out if she couldn't find any other place for her board. "Got it," you muttered, finally stepping away from her.
Wednesday's day was not going as planned. In fact, it was going wrong in every way possible. The scratches on Xavier's neck made her suspicious, so she followed him. That part was fine. Discovering that his art depicted the monster was great. Now she had a suspect in her investigation, and she was satisfied with the progress she made.
She supposed she used up all her luck for the day. The next thing she knew, she was asking Xavier to the dance as an act of self-preservation. Usually, she would feel good about getting up close and personal with a potential serial killer, but there was an unpleasant feeling of unease that followed. She'd usually enjoy it, but somehow that unease being connected to you made it less enjoyable. She was yet to tell you to find someone else to go to the dance with. She wasn't entirely sure how to, either, because you looked ridiculously happy when she agreed to accompany you to the dance.
It wasn’t that she had anything against ruining someone’s happiness, in fact she often enjoyed doing so, but doing it to you didn’t feel exciting. She had no reason to do it to you.
So, that's why she was standing right behind the tape dividing her and Enid's part of the room. Perhaps Enid, due to knowing you much longer than Wednesday, could offer a way to tell you. That wasn't her usual blunt approach. Thing already made sure to talk her out of telling you like that.
"I am going to Rave'N with Xavier," she opened with that, but before she could continue and explain her issue Enid was on her feet and, in a way that was sickeningly filled with excitement, rushed toward Wednesday.
She even squealed. "Oh my God! Wednesday Addams is going to the Rave'N?! My whole world is tilted!" she was missing the point, unaware that the thing she was getting excited about was the cause of an issue Wednesday needed to solve.
"That's not-" Wednesday tried, she really did, but Enid was too excited to listen.
"You know what you need now?" Enid interrupted her.
This was not going how Wednesday wanted it to go. "A bullet to the head," might be a solution to the problem. Her own or Xavier's head, either way, the problem would be solved.
"A dress!" preposterous suggestion, though one that fit Enid perfectly.
"I already have one," she didn't need one. Not for a dance with Xavier.
"Not the one you came here in! That's a fashion emergency not even Y/N could resuscitate! Thing back me up!" Enid turned to Thing for support.
Thing, the traitor, agreed with a thumbs up. Though Wednesday had to admit Enid replacing lightning with your name felt fitting.
And then Thing pointed at the doors.
"What can't I resuscitate?" and just when Wednesday thought things could not get worse, you walked in. She didn't even notice the doors opening.
"Wednesday's dress! She needs a new one for Rave'N!" Enid moved on to you, luckily not saying anything about who Wednesday was going with.
The situation could still be salvaged and put under control. Even when you just grinned cheekily at Wednesday and went over to your part of the room.
"She's going with Xavier! I'm so excited!" Enid blurted out.
Telling you bluntly the way she intended right after she was forced to ask Xavier would have been better. Wednesday furrowed her brows, looking away from your frozen form. She noticed Thing flinching, likely due to the way you got the news.
"Xavier?" you finally repeated, the tone of your voice flat and without any clue for Wednesday to try and decipher how you felt.
"Yes!" Enid exclaimed as she clasped her hands together. "You're going with us as well! It'll be our first roomie shopping spree!"
Your eyes narrowed at that. "Not in the mood," you bit out, and even as emotionally unaware as Wednesday was, she could understand you were annoyed.
Especially when you went and closed the sliding doors that divided your part of the room from her own. You never did that. Not until today.
"What just happened?" Enid asked, her enthusiasm clearly disappearing. And then her eyes widened as if she realized something. "That can't be right though," she muttered as she looked from the closed doors to Wednesday then back to the doors.
"What?" Wednesday asked, feeling slightly irritated. Enid figured something out and Wednesday wasn't sure what.
Enid frowned for a moment. "No, it's not important right now. You need a new dress," she paused for a moment. "Y/N will be fine, just give her a bit of space."
Wednesday wasn't about to show weakness and argue with that. This was as bad as the day could get, right?
She should have known not to underestimate the bad luck that followed her.
Not only did Galpin refuse to share information with her, now she had to deal with Tyler looking dejected over her going with Xavier.
"I'm not sure why you're becoming upset," she really didn't understand. She understood why you were upset. She accepted your invitation and then asked Xavier to go with her. She broke the deal.
"That's kind of the problem. I mean, call me crazy, Wednesday, but you keep giving me these signals," his statement confused her.
She met Tyler, she asked him to take her to the station, she went to get her coffee at Weathervane a couple of times. She didn't understand what signals he was talking about. "It's not my fault I can't interpret your emotional Morse code."
"Then let me spell it out for you. I thought we liked each other. But then you pull something like this and I have no idea where I stand," he kept talking but she focused on those words. On not having any idea where he stood...
Wednesday frowned slightly. Was that how you felt? After she 'pulled something like asking Xavier to the dance'? Was that why you closed the doors, and needed some space? Because you didn't know where you stood with Wednesday?
If Tyler was being delusional about her 'signals' as he called them, she supposed she gave you some signals. Certainly, more than she gave to Tyler or Xavier. That talk about Sartre... the knife she allowed you to keep... the unpleasant feeling she had when you didn't even say anything to her about the situation with Xavier.
"You could at least clear that up," Tyler interrupted her thoughts, but she had more important issues to deal with. The case, Rowan's warning, all of that was more important than what Tyler or you felt. She needed to prioritize, and she'd do just that.
You guessed you could admit you were sulking and that you could and should have been at least a bit more mature about your reaction to Wednesday going to the Rave'N with Xavier. You were just a bit too proud to admit it out loud.
Maybe it was a raiju thing. Avoiding the problem until it would solve itself. Just like waiting for a storm to pass. Or maybe you just got that from your dad. Either option worked.
Your sliding doors opened, but you didn't turn around, you just kept lying in your bed. Enid was probably back from the shopping spree. The sound of the footsteps didn't match her, though, so you looked back and saw Wednesday.
"I'm not going with Xavier because I want to. It was an act of self-preservation," she said as you sat up.
All of this looked a lot like how you were a few nights ago. With her in your part of the room, you sitting on your bed, only this time there was a tension you despised. "I'm not even going to ask you how that happened," you probably should have. You should have asked what she meant by that, you didn't. Maybe if you did things would have been different.
"You're still upset," she stated, and you nearly laughed at that.
You scoffed, looking to the side. "Why couldn't you just tell me yourself? You are going with Xavier, sure, that's your choice, but at least have the guts to tell me," you didn't know if she liked Xavier, or if she really had no choice but to ask, but that wasn't the issue. If Wednesday didn't feel like going with you, she was free to not go, no questions asked. You just wanted to hear it from her instead of Enid.
"I-" Wednesday began but then stopped herself.
The pause, and the slight uncertainty in her voice made you look at her. Something in her eyes made you question everything, that hint of vulnerability, the hint of her not being comfortable that you were looking for when you stepped right in front of her. It was there now. You have never seen Wednesday's eyes showing this much, leaving so much of what she was feeling out in the open. And it made you feel unsure. The idea of Wednesday Addams actually, probably unknowingly, leaving her emotions open for you to see, was scary.
It wasn't like her.
Whatever she was going to say, she changed her mind. "Excuses don't matter," she turned around and went back to her part of the room.
You just let out a long, frustrated, sigh and fell back onto your bed. This just made things worse between the two of you.
Prioritizing the case instead of her feelings turned out to be the right move. She found the monster's cave thanks to Eugene, she found its claw, and she got Xavier's blood sample. She even managed to get out of going to the dance with him, though that was unintentional.
Everything was just fine. Even if she did look at your part of the room as she got ready to stake out the cave with Eugene. It was empty. You went somewhere. Likely to your shed. On her way to Rave'N Enid mentioned you liked to be there when you needed space.
Thing jumped on her shoulder, and she knew exactly what he wanted. "Not. One. Word," she warned, her voice dangerously low.
But he didn't listen. “Postpone staking out the cave, go to the dance!” he told her, much more firmly than he usually did.
And Wednesday didn’t understand why he was so adamant. "I already made plans with Eugene. Besides, what's the point of going to that stupid dance?" you wouldn't be there, even if you were you'd be there with another date. She didn't need to go there just to see that. She didn’t mind that you probably found another date, no, she absolutely did not mind.
But Thing was persistent. “Not alone! Go with Y/N!” he signed energetically.
"How am I supposed to do that?" you barely talked to her, she had no way of getting you to go with her, besides, she was out of time. The dance was about to start.
Thing's next statement made her cold, dead heart skip a beat.
"You told Y/N what? How could you do that to me?!" he smartly jumped off her shoulder as she went to grab her dress. He actually told you, well wrote you a note, to come and pick Wednesday up so the two of you could go to the Rave'N. She already messed up when she didn't tell you about going with Xavier right away, she didn't want to mess up again. She wanted to take you to see the cave, and she wanted to tell you about being Xavier being her suspect.
Thing snapped his fingers, getting her attention. And then she saw the dress from Uriah's Heap. The same dress she very likely would have gotten if she was still going to the dance with you, but at that time she didn’t think the two of you would be going to a dance.
You opened the doors to your room and stepped inside. "Thing, you really shouldn't write notes and pretend Wed-" your breath hitched as you took in a sight you doubted you'd ever forget. Wednesday was putting her hair up, already dressed in a black dress that fit her like it was made for her. You were completely aware that you were staring at her, and that your jaw dropped. In your defense she looked stunningly beautiful.
Finally, Wednesday glanced at you. The intensity in her gaze, combined with how she looked, nearly made your knees buckle. Damn… you might be in trouble.
"You," you tried to speak, even though your throat was suddenly as dry as a desert.
"Look ridiculous?" she suggested.
You chuckled at that, shaking your head. "No, you look like you, just more regal," you took a deep breath and exhaled loudly. "I guess this is what being struck by lightning feels like," you swore you saw Wednesday's mouth twitch into the briefest, subtlest smile you have ever seen.
"Will you," she paused, swallowing hard and looking anywhere but at you. "Would you- don't make me ask," she said, her voice softer than what you were used to.
You smiled, stepping closer to her. Now, with a few feet between you you took in her appearance once again. The way her hair framed her face, the make-up she had on, complete with that dark lipstick, and the dress. Damn, that dress... "Will you go to the dance with me?" you asked, and your heart skipped a beat when she nodded.
Wednesday swallowed hard, glancing down, for once avoiding eye contact. "I will," she said as Thing gave the two of you a thumbs up.
You nodded at that and hurried over to find anything that would match Wednesday. The rushed search resulted in an all-black combination. Suit pants and a button-up shirt. As you rolled up your sleeves you couldn't help but feel like something was missing. And then Thing brought exactly what you were missing. A light gray tie to disrupt the all-black combo. Considering the limited options and available time you figured it would do. And judging by Wednesday you were right.
She wasn't exactly staring when you put the tie on, but she didn't look like she disapproved either.
The moment you came down the stairs you saw Galpin there, for whatever reason he managed to come as someone's date. However, that date was nowhere to be found at the moment.
Tyler's mouth fell open at the sight of Wednesday. "Wednesday! You look beautiful!" he approached the two of you. "Look, I'm sorry about my reaction, but I'm here now and since you're not with Xavier, maybe you'd like to join me?"
The audacity of this guy. You felt a couple of sparks surrounding your clenched fist, but you chose to control yourself.
"I'm with Y/N," Wednesday immediately shut his idea down, and you felt your lightning settling down.
Tyler blushed, clearly embarrassed. "Shit, sorry. I just thought since you said you were going with Xavier you two came as friends. I'll, uh, I'll leave you two to it," he backed away the moment he said that.
Maybe he wasn't that bad after all... He just had a massive crush on Wednesday, and you really couldn't blame him for that.
"Wednesday? Y/N? What is going on?" just when you thought you could go inside Eugene came up to you two.
"Hey, Bee boss," you greeted him. He looked like he was going on a trip, with a backpack and full gear ready.
"Eugene," Wednesday seemed a bit uncomfortable all of a sudden and you had a nagging feeling she changed her mind at the very last moment tonight. "There's been a change of plans. We'll stake out the cave tomorrow night."
"I understand. I'll go check out the woods alone," he looked a lot like you did when you heard Wednesday was going to the dance with Xavier. Dejected, disappointed...
"Don't go alone," Wednesday ordered firmly. "It's dangerous, we'll go together tomorrow," she didn't let him reply and turned around to leave.
You looked between her and Eugene and just went after her. "A cave? Just how much did I miss?" you asked.
"We found a cave in the woods. It's the monster's lair," she explained quickly.
And they were going to stake it out? Alone?! "I'm going with you two tomorrow," you decided, leaving no space for arguments. The look in her eyes showed you she appreciated that. Maybe she missed having you around? No, that definitely wasn't it. Your lightning was just useful at times.
Pop music played loudly as you stepped inside, to smoke and icy aesthetic and a statue of a Yeti behind the DJ. Climate crisis meets extinction event or whatever Thornhill said. Speaking of Thornhill, she approached the two of you right away.
"Wednesday Addams! And Y/N L/N! What a lovely surprise!" she greeted you.
You pretended to fix your sleeves, not really sure how to talk with the woman outside the classroom. And then you noticed Enid. With Lucas? "Would you look at that, Wednesday I think Enid is calling us!" if you were allowed you would have zapped away, but Weems would have your head if you pulled something like that.
Luckily, Enid noticed you as well, and the three of you met by the drinks.
"Oh my God! I'm so happy you two are here together! And I love the look!" Enid grinned excitedly, she was definitely going to tease you about this sooner or later. Knowing her it would probably be the moment you went back to the dorm. "I don't know how it happened, but I'm glad things worked out."
Wednesday glanced at Lucas. "Interesting choice of a date," she pointed out.
"You can say that again," you agreed.
"It's not what it looks like. Lucas is trying to make his ex jealous and I'm trying to make Ajax jealous," Enid explained as Lucas approached you carefully, with his arms raised in surrender.
"Wednesday, Y/N, I come in peace," he said right away.
"Too bad. I brought my pocket mace. The medieval kind," Wednesday replied.
You raised your hands. "I promise I won't electrocute you this time."
Lucas nodded at that. "Thank you."
The curious look on Wednesday's face told you you should probably explain. "How about we step outside for a moment?" you suggested and luckily, she didn't mind that idea.
You took her to a slightly secluded spot with a bench you could sit on. "You've been hearing about me electrocuting people every now and then, right?"
She nodded. "I admit I am curious."
"It's not my proudest moment, but last year, on the Outreach day, Tyler, Lucas, and two other normies, the ones that follow Lucas around, attacked Xavier and destroyed his mural. I just got pissed and electrocuted them," you knew it wasn't right, you regretted not having more control over yourself. Fighting them on fair terms? That was fine. Electrocuting them wasn't...
"I didn't realize you and Xavier were close," Wednesday pointed out.
You shook your head. You were just classmates, he didn’t bother you and you didn’t bother him. You maybe had a handful of conversations that weren’t just greeting each other. That was all. "We really aren't. I just... I guess I can't stand back while someone is getting beaten up and bullied," it just didn't feel right to stand and watch that.
"You did what you felt was right. Besides, do you really think I'd judge you over something like that?" Wednesday asked, a slightly sinister smile forming on her lips.
You laughed at that. "No, I didn't. I just don't like talking about that. So, electrocuting past aside, may I have this dance?" you didn't offer her your hand, unsure if that was something she'd want, but you did stand up. And Wednesday stood up as well, nodding at you.
The music started and you watched for any change in Wednesday, but her expression remained the same, stoic and serious. However, she was looking at you with intensity you hadn't seen before. Not even when you came into the room before and saw her in the dress, ready to leave with you.
-Well, when the sun goes down and the moon comes up-
Much to your surprise Wednesday began shuffling a bit, mostly moving her shoulders and upper body.
-I turn into a teenage Goo Goo Muck-
Out of nowhere, she lifted her left arm up above her head and leaned sideways, before straightening her posture by bringing her right arm up. Before you could fully realize what was happening she dropped her arms, turned around, and walked away from you.
-Yeah, I cruise through the city and I roam the streets looking for something that is nice to eat, mmm-
She got into the rhythm, turned to her left so she was looking at you from the side, raising one arm at a time as her body moved in precise, though seemingly jerky, motions. She was lifting her head up, baring her neck, kicking her leg up, all the while maintaining eye contact with you. And then she stopped, turned to face you, and raised her arms to a shoulder level as she shuffled to the side, her head and arms going left and right to the rhythm of the beat.
-You better duck When I show up The Goo Goo Muck-
She bent down in an instant and you closed your eyes smirking when she tapped your shoulder with her finger. By the third time she tapped your shoulder you released the lightning, ignoring the way other students backed away from the two of you.
The intensity in Wednesday's gaze only increased when you, with sparks circling your body began getting in tune with her rhythm. As she began stepping away from you, you mirrored her actions, and as she moved to her left, so did you, effectively starting what could have been a deadly dance if it wasn't you and Wednesday. As Wednesday stopped you raised your arms up, bent your knees a bit, and brought them back down, releasing harmless lightning in Wednesday's direction.
-I'm the night headhunter looking for some head-
She moved her arms forward, and you couldn't tell if she was trying to bring the lightning closer to her or disperse it.
-With a way-out body underneath that head-
In movements that were only shaky in appearance, she brought her arms to her head, pretending to clutch it as lightning danced around her. She dropped her arms down, moving them from side to side as she looked up, her eyes just for a moment taking the lightning that surrounded her in.
And you, for the first time since you met Wednesday, found yourself truly mesmerized by her. Right there, with your lightning around her body, as she danced, you even dared to admit Enid was right. You may actually have a crush on Wednesday.
-Yeah, I'll get you, baby, with a little luck-
With your lightning still moving to her whim, she walked past you, baring the side of her neck when she was right next to you. You took that as a challenge, sliding after her, you glided across the floor, circling her and leaving a trail of lightning following the path of your left foot.
-'Cause I'm a teenage tiger and a Goo Goo Muck-
She shuffled her foot in a frankly adorable way, not for a moment bothered by the lightning that now rose up above and around the two of you. She made a motion as if drumming and with a snap of your fingers you offered two make-shift lightning sticks for her to hold. As Wednesday took hold of them you stepped in front of her, raising your open palms and creating two balls of lightning for her to drum against. And she did, for a few moments, she did exactly that before tossing the sticks aside, dispersing them in the wall of lightning that encased the two of you.
-You better duck When I show up The Goo Goo Muck-
She ducked right in front of you, and then got up, lifting up her dress and then abruptly slowing down, halting all movement but steady movement of her shoulders. You took a few steps back, gently moving to the music as you lifted your hands up and quickly clapped twice by the side of your head, letting sparks out with each clap. Then you went to Wednesday's side and offered a hand to her.
-Yeah, the city is a jungle and I'm a beast-
Just as Wednesday made a choice to reach forward you pulled your hand back, smirking as lightning formed claw-like shapes at the tips of your fingers. You slipped behind her and without touching her moved one of your hands close to her neck. She raised her head up, just for a brief second looking right into your eyes as she turned around.
-I'm a teenage tiger looking for a feast-
She made clawing-like motions and you stepped back, dropping down to one knee with your arms spread widely and all the lightning gathering around your palms.
-Yeah, I want the most but I'll take the least-
You were shaping the lightning around your hands into two red balls of lightning. Wednesday, surprisingly got into your personal space, stepping sideways between your spread arms and rolling her shoulders as she looked down at you. With a grin on your face you rose back up.
-'Cause I'm a Goo Goo Muck tiger and a teenage beast-
With a lot of concentration, you made the two balls of lightning collide, clashing them against one another and forming the shape of a black dahlia. While still standing behind Wednesday you went and offered the lightning-made flower to her.
-You better duck When I show up The Goo Goo Muck-
Wednesday reached for the flower, tore off the petals, and accepted the remains. You didn't comment on how the tips of her fingers rested on top of your palm as she slowly settled her hand over yours.
-The Goo Goo Muck-
She leaned back, the material of her dress barely brushing against you, but that alone told you a lot, and now you truly had to admit Enid was right.
Wednesday never thought she'd think feeling as overwhelmed as she was right now would feel like this. The tingle your lightning caused, the way it was clear you made sure it couldn't hurt her while still causing a satisfying sensation, the way you responded to her. The way she leaned back, brushing against you. All of it was almost too much. Yet she didn't move away from you.
"Thanks," you muttered, and she didn't understand what you were thanking her for, but somehow she leaned back a bit more, her fingers brushing against your hand.
And then she was no longer at the Rave'N. The monster was above her, pinning her down to the ground in the woods, she felt the claws digging into her, though still not piercing the flesh. And then the colors faded from the world around her, they became muted, less vibrant and she thought she would prefer to look at the world like that all the time. And orange lightning emerged, engulfing her, you... she realized.
When her vision ended, she realized you were holding her up, her back pressed against you to avoid drawing much attention. Wednesday thought that, after how you danced, no one would notice her having a vision, they'd just think she willingly leaned back into you.
"Wednesday?" the concern in your voice made her feel sick.
"I'm fine," she said, but that image remained in her head. Goody told her to use a raiju. To use you. But could she do it if that was the outcome?
A/N: I have a newly found love-hate relationship with this damn dance! I love it, but I hated writing it! Glad that one is over with, please, don't make me go through this again.
Story Masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
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knightyoomyoui · 11 months
Tzuyu x M/F Reader - "A Depressing Resemblance"
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I'm back for the nth time lmao. Yeah, college life is SO stressful and tiring. I couldn't get to build up interest on writing on my free time because anytime I would just rather use my day off by taking a long rest from all the hectic school tasks to accomplish. Anyways, I know I said from the previous Chaeyoung fic that it would be the last one-shot for Set 5 lineup? I changed my mind. THIS is the last one. I had to make it... uhh organized, I guess? Like, you know... I don't want to just end it off right away to Chaeyoung for Set 5 unlike what I've been doing from the previous line-ups where Tzuyu who is the last member based on their age order (yeah, i'm depending my line-up pattern from their age order) should originally be the last one to close the line-up. So yeah, the Set 5 INDEED ENDS HERE. For Set 6, I'm scrapping off the Tzuyu fic of my idea and I 'm going to move Cry For Me PART 3 after Momo's (which means PART 3 and 4 will be next at each other) so that would make me start the line-up with Nayeon's in usual. Basically, there's gonna be only one Tzuyu solo fic for Set 6 and that will be the "Red Thread Of Fate" which was suggested by ShaShaSha029. Again, I deeply apologize that I'm uploading very slow now for this book. Being a college/engineering student is very difficult, guys. I can't promise anymore that I'm going to do better on releasing works, but I can assure yall that I will not stop and I will finish this book in the future. Enjoy reading guys!
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Walking back and locking yourself alone inside your office on campus was a typical habit of yours to do every day. You couldn't help it either, as long as you found all of the professors who taught the subjects, especially the major ones, to be lame.
Brilliance might be a curse for you to possess, but you wouldn't deny at least that it does save you at a point where you need to escape from something you wouldn't be in.
Your hand stopped from rotating the doorknob, just as your heart ached as you had that thought again.
The thought belongs to one of the biggest what-ifs you will ever carry for the rest of your life.
What would you be right now if that brilliance of yours had assisted you to make on time and save someone rather than yourself?
Exhaling deeply to regain your composure, you unlocked the door and stepped in immediately.
You dropped your bag on the couch and went near the bulletin board of your club's room.
It was clean; there were not many cases you had to check to place yourself in enjoyment and impress everybody with your remarkable deductive skills.
But there was always a thing that would distract you amongst the rest—nothing to seem care about anything once you got a glimpse of it.
It happens everytime, whether you do it intentionally or not.
No matter what, it still remains the same.
It's hard to look.
You stared at the display of a photo of your club featuring you, who seemed completely united, even facing the other direction instead of the camera with your grumpy face.
To your side was a girl. She was your co-member... Well, technically, your only partner and member of your "club" since you were known to be a terror, cold individual around the campus, all of the students except her had the interest to join alongside your student-detective role. But most importantly... she was the one you adored a lot. She was the only exception, and truly did prove you right from the day you met her.
Her smile was very bright; it could've been like her future if it weren't for that to happen. She could've still been here with you, ready to solve mysterious cases and chasing culprits with you.
You flinched as the reality of it tugged at your heart painfully again.
That was the last photo you've taken with her, and that was on the same day you'd lost her afterwards.
To quit hurting yourself too much, you went on to be preoccupied with other things to get busy with. In your desk were some papers to finish, including the main case you're currently investigating which seems like the truth is about to set free sooner now that you've captured the mastermind's greatest ally.
As you were reviewing all the photos and other informations regarding the case, your door was received with knocks.
"Come in." You yelled from the inside.
The door opens, revealing someone that put you again in pleading for mercy.
Mercy that she would stop bothering you anymore.
"What is it this time, Sally?" You asked her without much of energy in your voice.
"Any updates within my application? It's been like days now since I applied." She said as she plants down her bag on your couch as if she owned the place with you.
"Wh- huh?" You clenched your face in confusion. "Did you really listened to what I've said for the past days or you're just doing it all intentionally to mess around with me?"
"What did I do? I was just asking."
"Sally..." You paused as you slammed your papers on the table to try holding your temper down as you were about to get mad again. "For how many times, I already told you that your application is rejected. What's in there that's so hard for you to understand?!"
"Ohhhh..." Sally reacted, gasping her mouth in fascination. It was then her expression transformed back into a serious one. "Wait, you sure?"
You slumped your back on the chair in defeat. Rubbing your hands on your face in frustration, you squinted your eyes and furrowed your eyebrows as you stare at her fiercely.
"Just... what do you want? What you need for me to make you stop?" You said wearily. "I have no time to play with your games, Sally."
"Nothing more. I just want to be on your detective club. That's it." Sally shrugged as she looked around the room. Her smile became forced for a while at something before she returns her focus at you.
"Well guess what, Sally. Hate to break it to you but whatever you do, even if you wont stop annoying me with your application, I won't give it to you." You make things clear to her. "You are not qualified to be in this club. Now please, I'm begging you. Get out."
Sally stared at you for a moment before she pouted and picked up her bag. "Guess you need some more convincing. I'll you show then."
"Wait, hey!-"
She closed the door and left the room, rudely interrupting your complaint that was about to come. You groaned in irritation as you ran out of ways to get rid of that woman.
It's kind of ironic that you both don't even know why she is so desperate to join your team and why she introduced herself when it was during the time that you were still grieving.
The scenarios have made you feel like this isn't even a coincidence anymore. Something strange must be behind all of this.
Later at night, you were reporting all of the insights you'd constructed to your senior police inspector, who is assigned to your campus' main security and protection team, when you received a call from an anonymous number.
"Hello hello, have I interrupted you with your silly job, YN?" The voice of a violent cruel person has got your attention to be in complete alert.
You quickly stood up from your seat and made a distance to excuse yourself.
"Yishin? What's with the sudden call?"
"Just wanna show you something~" he turned the call into a video one, and what showed into your screen had you tremble in fear.
"No. W-what are you doing there? W-why are you spying on h-"
"Karma is a bitch, YN. Look's like this girl's been so interested in joining your rotten club that already lost its charm ever since your precious charming girlfriend gone forever that she couldn't stop coming in your office."
He said as the video continues to record Sally who seemed like she was writing something on her notes while sitting down on one of the steps in front of the building.
"You took out my informant, and I'll give it you. You probably did that in return for what I've done to you, but here's what I had understand very clear about you. You're stupid and dumb, YN. This fight between us is far from over. It's like a cycle, on and on and on, and payback's going to be on repeat not until one of us gives up and simply drop dead.
So... what do you say, should we play a game by losing your next partner in justice?"
"YOU SON OF A BITCH, LEAVE HER ALONE ON THIS!" You clenched your fist tighter on your phone as your screamed, shocking everyone on the police station.
"Oh yeah, you're going to succumb to her desperation right, hmm?" He laughed maniacally as he watches her start to fix up her bag. "Oh come on, don't tell me you won't! You've always been so soft whenever it comes to her."
"I'm going to go there, so I can finally end this once in for all, you fucker." You blatantly warned him. "It's time that you finally came out of your hiding, but I expected better from you to face me rather than putting innocent life here at stake."
"Well, that's what you've been so wrong about me, YN." He teased you. "I never play fair." He ended the call, leaving you in a panic state as you hurriedly returned to the desk.
"On it."
You went into your car and drove fast into the campus where you searched for the building that you've last seen Sally at.
Fortunately, you got there pretty much on time for you to locate Sally, but in your surprise, what you've seen had you in suspicion.
Sally was stomping Yishin also known as Stryker on the stomach as his hands were tied in the back using a duct tape. His face were beaten up badly, but his craziness won't allow him to stop laughing at his pain and defeat.
"I knew it, I knew there's something interesting about you! But this wasn't what I have in mind-"
Stryker was shut up by Sally who punched him back and forth in the face. "Then now you know, because you deserve this. I hold vengeance, I'm going to hit you with it and have you feel my wrath of punishment."
Sally plastered another duct tape into his mouth before she turned around and see you standing, watching her in disbelief.
"What's going on..." You breathily said. "How could you do this by yourself?"
"Hey YN! Look what I have here. How's my performance? Am I qualified now?"
You stepped forward at her and eyed her sharply. "Tell me, who the hell are you?"
"Didn't I gave you my biodata-"
"Quit spinning my words and don't give me any bullshit. Answer me properly, WHY DO YOU KEEP ON PESTERING ME?!"
"Can you please stop yelling? Why are you even so mad about me, I haven't even done anything wrong to you?!" She returned. You turned around face her away as you took some time to breathe out.
"I just wanted to be part of your club, join you on exploring cases, I even helped you finish one, what's your problem?! There's something that's holding you back, why couldn't you just share it to me!"
"IT'S YOU! THE PROBLEM IS YOU!" Your voice cracked as you snapped at Sally and glanced back angrily at her, making her flinch. "I don't even know you and I don't like you being around me, especially when you're... wearing the same face as my friend who passed away months ago!" "On top of that, you also started to act the same way how she applied for my club too!" you revealed to her.
You pulled out your phone and opened it, revealing your wallpaper with a picture of your girl, captured by you when you decided to sneakily take one because she looked so cute thinking deeply while solving cases with you.
You gave it to Sally who hold the phone as she looked at your wallpaper. You began to cry as all the emotions took over you when you felt you had to reminisce the memories she left for you.
"Her name's Chou Tzuyu. She was just like the same age as yours, I don't even know how it's possible that you look exactly like her." you got choked in your words as you traced Sally's figure in bitter amazement. To describe Sally's appearance, she sports a curvy black long hair, a thicker jawline, and more well-built compared to Tzuyu who has straight blonde long hair, round face structure with less visible jawline, and slimmer figure. The rest were literal similarities of them together, speaking of being skillful, beautiful, adorable, tall, smart and lively but can be very intimidating when gets serious and many more.
"She died 7 months ago, because of that bastard." You glared at Stryker who is now unconscious. "I didn't want her to get involved too much about his case knowing how dangerous it is. He killed a lot of students whether a part of his scheme or not.
But she insisted. She wanted to stay and help me, because she didn't want me either to be in danger and get stressed out with this along with the academics. I just... let her because I didn't wanna make her sad but..."
You sobbed between your words as the flashbacks ran into your mind, starting from the time your feelings bloomed for the first time because of Tzuyu's undeniable charm.
"I just wanted to protect her because I love her. I grew in love for my partner. I couldn't help it, she's the exact opposite as me, she's beautiful and very lovely. I never had the courage to tell her because I was scared that she wouldn't like me back."
Going back, she invested herself more on the case, to the point that Stryker and his allies started to target her as she collected too much infos from them.
Then one night, I came into her dorm because I wanted to ask her out to eat with me outside to loosen ourselves a bit with the case,
But I found her instead, her door was slightly opened..."
You recalled as you entered her room and what greeted you was too devastating and sickening of you to endure.
You had to witness the cold dead body of Tzuyu laying down on her bed with her own pool of blood. She had a knife stabbed in her stomach, with a note saying that "she has seen too much.
As the police arrived, you had to help them bring Tzuyu to the ambulance as you joined them there to have her get treated. Unfortunately, your prayers didn't worked as she was pronounced dead on arrival from lost of much blood and organ damage.
You collapsed at the hallway in torment as you witness Tzuyu lost her life forever. You realized that you won't be able to hear her soft voice that keeps you awake everyday, her laughs and smile that brightens up your mood, and her presence that got you moving with enthusiasm.
Tzuyu showed the colors in your personality, and now that she's gone, it's like your entire self had gotten back to dull and dark, even worse than before.
Before ofcourse, she was the love of your life, the girl of your admiration, and the only one who makes you feel alive.
It took you time to heal, even halting your investigations against Stryker organization for 3 months before you returned as all the memories with her you revisited had you encouraged that you will bring her the justice she deserves once you figured out that Stryker is still on the roll on unleashing havoc around the campus.
Your words were cut off when you saw that Sally started to cry too, sniffing as she wiped her tears while she stares at Tzuyu's picture. "What's with the tears?"
"I'm sorry... it m-must've been... very tough for you." She said in her shaky voice. "I know because I went the same as yours. It hurts to lost a loved one. Even now I still couldn't wrapped it up in my head that my only sister is gone."
You sprung up your head as you looked at her in astonishment. Sally was staring at you, with her dreadful eyes.
"What did you just said?"
"Tzuyu is my twin sister. My plans of joining your club were true; I wanted you to believe me, but I hope this time it will get you to consider mine," she said as she began to clear her throat to speak out her explanation. You were trying to process it in your head as the thought of Sally being another replica and a depressing resemblance to Tzuyu turns out it wasn't just like that for the entire time as the revelations led to tie up everything to make sense that the reason was that they were indeed connected and related to each other in blood and flesh.
"I was studying at the other university. One day, she went on my room, giving me a favor. She told me about you and this case of hers that she's been solving with you."
"Oh god."
"She asked me to get to know you someday and in case of what happens, I'll be the one who'll replace her." she said as you shivered. "Do you know why she wanted it to happen, YN?
She wanted me to continue taking care of you. She doesn't want you to be alone. She wanted me to keep on protecting you, YN."
You sobbed heavily on the ground as you fell on your knees and covered your face with your palm. Sally kneeled beside you and hugged you tightly while caressing your back.
"I was worried for her, but I knew I couldn't stop her. And so, I accepted her offer because I always want to do what's best for Tzuyu. As long as my sister is happy. And when the tragedy happened, I had no choice but to transfer here, search for you and come here with my face that resembles a lot like Tzuyu, like the girl you admire. I didn't intend to spook you or hurt you further, I shouldn't have played with you more but I already had the culprit in my hands at that given time too.
You think you're the only one in hellbent taking him down, you're not. I wanted to give my sister justice too, and that's why I want to help you. I'm deeply sorry again, YN."
You wiped your tears away as you looked at Sally closely. "Day and night, I still can't forgive myself for what happened. Tzuyu won't be dead because of me. I failed to save her."
"Stop it, YN, Tzuyu didn't want it either to happen, but now it did and it's unstoppable. It hurts but we have to move on and go forward. Do you think Tzuyu would like seeing you drowning in grief and guilt blaming yourself for something that you haven't caused at all?"
She went to comfort you, wrapping you in her arms for a gentle embrace. "For Tzuyu. We will have each other's backs from now on,. Please, move on. It's harder to stay."
You nodded as you sniffed and eased your heavy breathing. "I-I understand now. I'm sorry if I was being too harsh. I just... couldn't stand doing the same mistake again."
"Don't worry, YN. It's been a rough time for you to contain it all. Let it out on me."
You and Sally stayed for a while, holding each other in solace to finally free yourselves together from the burden of grieving Tzuyu's passing.
"So... am I qualified now?" Sally turned to look at you as she joked.
You chuckled as you nodded your head. "Yes."
"Well, finally I did it." Sally released a long sigh. "Thank you and it's nice to meet you properly this time, YN."
"Me too, Sally."
The police finally came, they arrested Stryker and the inspector congratulated the two of you while he tried to convince himself that it wasn't really Tzuyu that he is seeing, but rather her twin sibling.
You and Sally are sitting at the back of the police car, resting as you observed the police team going around the place as part of the investigation.
"Oh, I forgot." Sally reached out to her pocket, revealing your phone. She handed it to you as she opened it, showing your wallpaper of Tzuyu again.
Sally watched you look at Tzuyu admirably. She smiled at how mellow your eyes went as you traced Tzuyu's features. You truly did loved her sister a lot. She would probably liked it if she witnessed Tzuyu being with you earlier.
"What is it?
Sally roams around the pitch black orbs of your eyes, a simple curve formed within her lips. "Tzuyu loves you too. A lot. The way she mentions your name to me and shares her stories being with you, it's pleasantly different."
"Yeah, now I know."You looked at her as your eyes became watery and nodded with a tightlipped smile. "I just wish I had the chance to tell her mine."
"If your fate did, I bet you two will be fun." Sally guessed as she smirked at you.
You lowered your head and smiled sheepishly as you muttered. "Like you wouldn't imagine." "I look forward to get to know you more, YN." Sally stated as she daggered her sight equal to your level then proceeded to playfully bump your shoulder. "So am I, Sally." You patted her head in which she giggled, exactly like Tzuyu would react at your sweet gesture. It did kinda made you miss her again, but it'll take some time for you to completely heal.
You meant what you said. With Sally to accompany you through everything, no instances that she'll leave you staying in the dark anymore, it's confirmed that you'll learn to maintain yourself to be calm and create a closer relationship beside her.
In return, you'll be there for her while she continues what Tzuyu has always desired to do for you.
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kai-anderson-whore · 2 years
Ughhhh first things first I LOVE your stories 🤤 I have a request on Evan. Can you write a smut in which Evan and the reader have been seeing each other for a while and Evan invites her for dinner at his? They are just chit-chatting and Evan shows her his childhood and family photos. It starts as a fluffy story but things get heated at the end 🥵🔥
This was meant to be posted a week ago, but I loved writing this hope you enjoy.
Memories (smut) (Evan peters x fem reader)
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Warnings; smut, oral (reader receiving), fingering, p in v sex also Fluff at the start.
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The cold wind blowing around you as you knocked on the wooden door of your boyfriend of eight months evan, waiting for him to answer, he had invited you over for a home cooked meal a wine and dine in the comfort of your boyfriends home.
"Hey babe" he smiled allowing you inside his home, "Hey evan I'm excited for tonight" you smiled back shrugging out your long coat revealing your outfit you chose for tonight, black ripped mom jeans with a white satin shirt accessorised with your gold jewelry and rings, evan thought you looked stunning in anything you wore.
Kicking off your vans leaving them beside where he kept his shoes, evan told you to follow him, "your just in time dinner is ready just need to plate it up" he informed, "Thank you evan really" you smiled going to take a seat at the dining room table seeing there was two glasses of wine already there along with the bottle, cutlery set, and candles with a rose in the middle on a little vase.
"Aww Ev this is beautiful" you beamed so he could hear you from the kitchen, evan coming in with two plate of carbonara, "I'm glad you like it hope you enjoy your meal ma'am" he chuckled placing your plate infront of you, "why thank you waiter" you joked making evan chuckle again sitting in his seat across from you.
Taking a mouthful of the pasta you nodded as evan waited on your approval, "this is really good babe" you smiled enjoying the taste of the meal he had cooked, "I was worried you weren't going to like it" he smiled now taking a taste of his meal, "it is actually good" he hummed.
"So how was work?" He asked as you took a sip of the wine, "it was alright had a shoot for a campaign today it was stressful" you giggled you were a campaign model and had to shoot for a makeup brands new mascara hence why you had your makeup on tonight.
"Oh yeah the mascara add well you look absolutely stunning" he complemented making you blush, "Thank you evan, you look very handsome tonight" you smiled he was more dressed up tonight, in some dark jeans and a knitted sweater, now he was the one to blush.
"Why thank you" he said shoving the last fork full of pasta in his mouth, "Wow evan that was incredible who knew your such a good cook" you said wriggling your brows as he picked up your plate to wash, "I have my qualitys" he laughed you followed him to the kitchen.
"I'll dry them" you smiled picking up the kitchen towel as evan handed you the wet plate, drying them off placing them where they belong, you couldn't help but smile at the domestic action you could get used to it to be honest.
"Movie and wine?" Evan asked as you put away the last of the dishes, "sure" you smiled following him to the living room that's when you noticed a picture of a child with two older children, "aww is that you evan?" You asked taking in the picture "yeah me and my siblings I was probably around two years old" he chuckled.
"You look so adorable" you said Evan blushed at your comment, "that's probably the least embarrassing one I have" he said scratching the back of his neck, "you gotta show me them" you smiled evan seen your really embarrassing childhood pictures when he met your family so it's fair to see his.
"Fine" he sighed going to find the photo album his mom gave him, you sat on the sofa flicking through the movies till he came back with the album of his life, "found it I can believe I'm showing you these" evan laughed plopping down on the sofa beside you, "Oh come on evan they can't be that bad you seen mines they're incredibly embarrassing" you laughed along.
Evan flicked open the first photo, "this was when I was younger in one of the first movies I was in" he smiled "aww ev look at your hair" you beamed taking in the picture, "Oh this one is from when I did the sleepover" he said flicking through the other page, "my sister loved that movie when she younger" you laughed it was a behind the scenes picture evan holding a trainer bra the other cast members having bras on their head you let out a loud laugh.
Evan showed you some more photo's with their backstory you couldn't help but smile he hadn't really changed since then only got taller and a bit of facial hair, you couldn't help but stare at him, "what?" Evan chuckled closing the photo album looking at you, "nothing your just- your really handsome" you sighed running a hand through his dark locks.
Evan leaned into your touch with a smile, "and you are absolutely gorgeous" he hummed placing a kiss on your lips, what was meant to be a soft simple peck turned into a heated makeout session, his hand now under your shirt holding your waist.
A soft moan escaped your lips as his hand cupped your breast covered by your bra squeezing them, your hands started removing his sweater leaving his top half naked, "how about we go to the bedroom" evan mumbled breathlessly against your now swollen lips "mhmm" you nodded biting your bottom lip.
Evan picked you up bridal style to his bedroom kicking the door open with his foot, Stumbling into the bedroom throwing you on the bed, a loud laugh escaped your lips as your head hit the mattress evan crawled over you till you were face to face.
"Hi" he smiled pecking your lips, "hi" you bit your lip as he continued to trail his lips down your neck finding your sweet spot making you sigh, your hands tugged his locks making him groan against the skin on your neck, Evans hands began unbuttoning your shirt leaving you in your white lace bra, "fuck your so beautiful" he whispered his eyes drinking you up.
You grinned shrugging your shirt off your arms, tossing the fabric on the floor somewhere, you began removing his jeans pulling them down for him to kick them off "your turn" he smirked doing the same to your jeans discarding them off your body and accompanying the clothes on the floor.
You unclasped your bra as evan trailed his lips from your neck down your body, his lips finally made it to the hem of your panties his fingers hooked under the thin fabric pulling them down painfully slow, "evan please no teasing" you whined wriggling under his grasp.
"Now, now y/n be patient" he smirked throwing your underwear in the floor, evan placed soft kisses on each one of your thighs sending shivers down your spine your breath quickened with anticipation desperate for him to make his next move.
His fingers collected the arousal from your heat placing his finger in his mouth moaning at the taste pulling his finger out with a pop, "you taste so good" he hummed now facing your throbbing heat.
His lips connecting with your clit you let you a soft sigh as he kitten lick your sensitive nerves, his lips sucking on your bundle of nerves holding your legs apart giving him better access to you, your fingers gripped the white sheets under you for leverage constantly balling the fabric in your fists, evan still holding your legs spread so they wouldn't close around his head.
"Fuck evan don't stop" you moaned grinding against his face as his tongue darts your enterence his nose brushed on your clit, "Don't worry I won't" he chuckled at your desperation but he was just as desperate with a painful erection eager to feel you.
Evan inserted a finger into you his mouth attacking your clit once again as he pumped his finger in and out your pussy, "I'm close" you sighed feeling that knot in your stomach beginning to untie as evan added another finger inside you .
"Let go baby" he coaxed you to your high with a few more pumps of Evans finger and a flick of his tongue sent you over the edge your hands gripped the sheets also marking the palm of your hands.
Evan licked up every drop of your release your legs starting to shake from the overstimulation, evan pulled away licking his lips palming himself as you regained your breath, "you look so beautiful like that" he smiled coming back up to press his lips on yours.
Evan pulled away removing his boxers freeing his erection getting back on top of you, his lips were on your neck softly sucking the skin leaving more blueish marks there, his hand slithered down between your body's lining himself up with your entrance.
With once swift move he started pushing inside you, your hands gripped Evans shoulders your face scrunched up as evan stretched you out, both moaning in union as evan bottomed out   inside you.
"You alright baby?" He asked peppering your face with his lips all you could do was nod signalling him to move, evan started of in a slow and passionate pace his lips went from peppering your face to now on your lips lovingly, his hand guiding your leg over his waist the other supporting him.
"You feel so good" he mumbled against your lips "faster evan" you panted out evan didn't waste anytime granting your request thrusting faster, your moans only got louder the faster he went hitting that spot guaranteed to make you see stars.
"Right there don't stop" you moaned your nails scratched Evans back at the pleasure but he never cared evan was lost with you in the moment of intimacy.
Evan didn't stop the harsh thrust as he pounded into you, feeling that knot forming for a second time, "you close?" Evan asked also feeling the near of his sweet release, "mhmm" you nodded evan wrapping your legs high around his waist hitting a deeper angle.
"Fuck I'm cumming" you almost screamed your nails digging into Evans shoulders almost drawing blood as the waves of release washed over you, triggering Evan's own orgasm, "fuck" he moaned spilling his seed into you.
Evan rode out your highs heavy breathed, body's slick with sweat a glow to your skin, evan pulled out of you collapsing beside you his hand his chest collecting himself, you both laid there in silence you moved to snuggle up beside evan now feeling tired.
"Tired?" He asked looking down at you you gave a sleepy smile "yeah" your chin resting on his chest looking at him through your eyelashes, "I'll get you a towel get you clean up" he informed pulling away from your grasp and away to get a towel.
Your eyes started fluttering closed till you heard evan coming back from the bathroom, "Thank you" you smiled as he cleaned you up, "no problem" he smiled throwing the towel in the dirty laundry bag before coming back into bed placing a kiss on your lips, "Let's get some sleep" evan yawned pulling you closer to his embrace.
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esmeriandreamer · 2 years
So I've been replaying "Unpacking" again, and I feel like writing down my thoughts on the game, but mostly about what I like to call the "Boyfriend level". There will be spoilers for the game in this, so I will continue below the cut, and please play this game if you have the chance.
Okay, so, as many of you know, Unpacking is about you taking on the role of a girl growing up and moving house throughout her life, unpacking her belongings and filling the new space with them. And as you go, you learn more and more about our MC. Starting with her childhood bedroom, then her going to college to study illustration, and then her moving in with her roommates, who are all nerds just like her.
And then, we get to the infamous boyfriend. And even playing this for the first time, the space felt... off. Before, our MC lived in places that were filled with personal touches, colours and trinkets. The BF's place is mostly grey, hyper-modern. Of course, there are personal touches, and hints at his hobbies, like the coffee-making supplies and the collection of videogames. But it feels.. off. The things that our MC brings to this house clash with the obvious aesthetic this guy has.
Now, aesthetics aside, there is something else that made me feel frustrated and a little uncomfortable about this level. Something that many people who played this game probably noticed too, and something very familiar to those of us who date cishet men.
This man hasn't even made space for you in the house.
Like yeah, sure, there is enough room for you to put your stuff away, but many things are placed in such a way that you're forced to move things aside to make space. Like the drawers in the bedroom. Lord almighty, the drawers. Underwear and socks are strewn around inside, forcing you to rearrange it so you can put your own damn stuff in. You even need to move his clothes and damn SLIPPERS in order to put everything away neatly.
Same as the kitchen. Dude, you have more than enough cabinet space, use it?? Put your coffee supplies in one place, not all around the kitchen, and why the fuck are you using a whole drawer for two tools??
It is frustratingly familiar, mostly because the game is about you doing all the unpacking and rearranging yourself. You are already cleaning up after this man, and you haven't even fully moved in yet.
On top of that, while moving in of course means you'll have to put many of your belongings amongst his, you can't even hang up your diploma in a proper place. I mean, yeah, with the "place objects everywhere" option you could hang it in the bathroom, but you should be able to at least hang something you're proud of in the living space or the bedroom. Your drawing supplies need to be tucked away too, or lost in his things.
No wonder this girl moves back out not even two years later.
And the "moving back in with your parents" level is just.. heartbreaking. The music is sad, and you can feel the depression just oozing from this level. The photo of the boyfriend and MC has to either be hidden away or pinned to the corkboard with one pin through his face.
Luckily, the next level where she gets her very own apartment fills me with joy. Finally, there is a space you can fully embrace as your own, not a student flat you can't permanently stay in, or a place you share with others. Every room is yours to make your own, especially the studio.
And then, the girlfriend moves in.
And it's so different from when the MC moved in with her boyfriend. She's made space for her new partner, made room in the closet, and space on the bookshelves. And instead of clashing, the gf's things complement the home and tell who she is.
She graduated from some type of film school. She adores plants and cares for them a lot. She's Southern or Eastern Asian, or even a mix of both, judging from the dragon statue, the spices, and the cute tiger plush she clearly got to compliment the little piglet, either as a gift or something she got herself. There are books and a beautiful blanket in the moving boxes, and she just feels... safe.
Where I could picture the MC tiptoeing around the boyfriend's aesthetic, doing all of this unpacking by herself, the girlfriend feels like she's unpacking with us, bringing warmth and non-judgement along, making the apartment a home.
And what an ending. An actual house where both of them can be happy, where they can be who they want to be, and where their bundle of joy will be raised with love.
I love this game so much.
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It's Always Been Us - Michael Kinsella x Reader (Chapter 2 - Reader)
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Michael Kinsella x F!Reader
Story Summary: The continuing saga of Michael and Reader, starting with the morning after It's Always Been You.
Warnings/Tags for entire story: S2E7 & S2E8 AU, Oral sex (m & f receiving), p in v sex (like... a lot of it -- these two have 20 years to make up for), past attempted non-con (if you've seen S2 you know what's up), other additional tags to be added as we go along.
Word Count: ~3800 for this chapter
A/N: Here we are with chapter 2 -- please mind the tags here, especially the past attempted non-con one. Otherwise, enjoy!
Y/N leaned her back against the door after she shut it, a huge smile on her face. Oh my God.
She still couldn't believe that Michael had always reciprocated the feelings she had held for him for so long. Getting to wake up in his arms had been a dream come true, as was the absolutely phenomenal sex that they had had the previous night and that morning (and would hopefully have again that night).
She pushed off the door and headed back into her living room, picking up the empty beer bottles and wine glass from the evening before and bringing them into her kitchen. 
She cleaned up from breakfast then made her way back into her bedroom, pausing in front of her mirror as she spotted the love bite Michael had left on her neck that morning.
She closed her eyes as she remembered the way his hands and lips had felt on her body, the look of adoration in his eyes as he had swept them over her naked form, the sound of his voice as her name had spilled out of his mouth while he had spilled inside of her…
Y/N shivered. It had almost felt like her first time all over again -- and in many ways, it had been. It had been her first (and second, and third, and fourth) time with Michael, her first time ever without a barrier between her and her partner, and her first time with someone she truly loved who also loved her back.
She opened her eyes and slipped her robe down her shoulders in order to examine her upper chest.
Michael had left an array of love bites in varying sizes and shades of purple on her the previous night in addition to the one he had left on her neck that morning.
Y/N trailed her fingers across a line of love bites on her chest, the memory of Michael nipping and sucking at her skin as he had made love to her heating her up all over again. Mine, he had murmured.
Yours, Y/N had breathily agreed. Every part of her belonged to Michael -- her body, her heart, her soul .
She grabbed her phone out of her robe's pocket then snapped a photo.
She pulled up her text thread with Michael and attached the picture she had just taken. Thought you'd like a little reminder of your handiwork from last night, she captioned it before hitting send .
A minute later, her phone chimed with a reply. Fuckin hell, love, ya trying ta kill me? How am I supposed to concentrate on my meetings now?
Y/N grinned. I'm sure you'll survive somehow, sweetheart. 
She sucked in a breath as a photo came in. It was a selfie of Michael, fresh from the shower with a very noticeable bulge in his boxers. Can't say I don't appreciate the reminder though , it was captioned . I'll talk to ya after my meetings, okay?
Okay, love.
Y/N disrobed completely and hung her robe back on her robe hook, then went to go take a shower. 
As she stepped in under the warm spray of water, her mind drifted to the photo Michael had just sent her... and what she knew his boxers were concealing.
She resisted the temptation to touch herself to the memory of Michael being inside her, preferring to wait until she got the real thing later, and instead took a long, hot shower then dressed in jeans and a light blue shirt that hid the love bite Michael had left on her neck that morning. 
She picked her phone back up and smiled at another text from Michael. On my way to my other meeting and I keep thinking about that photo you sent me earlier. Might need to add a few more marks a bit lower on ya after dinner tonight so you'll send me another one. 😏
Y/N bit her lip. Or you can just take some photos of me yourself tonight…
Fuck, Y/N, now I know you're tryin ta kill me. 
Y/N grinned to herself. Love you.
Love you too, pet.
Y/N stuck her phone in her pocket then began busying herself with some housekeeping that she had needed to catch up on in between shifts at work.
She had just finished straightening up her house and completing a load of laundry when her phone began to ring, Michael's name flashing across the screen.
She smiled. "Hello, love."
"Hiya, pet," Michael replied. "Just lettin' ya know tha' I'm on my way home, be there in about 15 minutes."
"Okay, I'll head over ta yer place then and we can walk over ta tha park together."
"Okay. Sounds good, love."
"See ya soon, Mikey. Bye."
Y/N hung up the phone, already happy to see Michael again.
She grabbed her keys and purse before locking her door and walking the few blocks to Michael's.
As she neared she could see Michael's cab pull up to his house, Michael stepping out and waiting for her at the end of his driveway.
He had changed into a gray t-shirt with his green pullover over it. God, he's gorgeous.
Y/N gave him a hug. "Hello, love."
"Mmm. Hi." Michael pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Ready ta go talk ta Anna?"
Y/N nodded. "Are you ?"
Michael took a deep breath. "Hopefully she'll realize tha' I'm just tryin' ta keep her safe. I've already lost enough time wit' her, I don' wan' ta spend any more of it fightin'."
Y/N nodded. "It'll be okay, love."
They headed down the street towards the park. 
"So how were yer meetin's?" Y/N asked. "Ya don't have ta give me any details, but just… in general."
"Well the outcome of the first meetin' is that it's gonna take some more plannin'-- there's not enough people involved at the moment for it ta work. And as fer the second…" Michael sighed. "It went fine, I guess."
"How are ya on Narcan?"
Michael shrugged. "No one's had ta use it as far as I know, so everyone's supply should be okay."
Y/N nodded. Supplying Narcan to the Kinsellas helped ease the conflicting feelings she had about Michael's line of work, especially compared to her own.
Michael slipped his hand into hers and gave it an affectionate squeeze. "And how was yer' mornin'?"
Y/N smiled over at him. "It was fine. Got some housework done, did a load of laundry. Thought about goin' ta tha grocers, but decided ta wait 'till this afternoon fer tha'. Needed something ta do ta kill time before our date tonight."
Michael looked over at her. "Tha' reminds me, I made reservations fer 6:30 a' 1900 if tha's alright."
Y/N's heart fluttered at Michael's mention of the fancy steakhouse. She had offhandedly mentioned wanting to go there a few months prior but honestly hadn't expected Michael to have remembered that.
She stopped walking and pulled Michael in for a kiss. 
Michael grinned at her. "Is tha' a yes?"
Y/N nodded and kissed him again. "Yes."
Michael's grin grew wider. "Good. I'll pick ya up at 6 then."
They walked hand-in-hand the rest of the way to the park then found a picnic table to sit at while they waited for Anna.
A few minutes after they had arrived Y/N spotted Anna walking up. "There she is."
They stood as Anna approached.
Y/N gave Anna a hug. "Hi, sweetheart." 
Anna sat across from them. "So wha'd ya wan' ta meet up about?" she asked.
"A couple'a things," Y/N began. "First, we need ta talk about yer granddad. I know yer da' told ya ta stay away from him, and he's right. Bren really isn't a safe person fer ya ta be around."
"How do you know?" Anna said with a scoff. "Because Michael told ya he isn't?"
"Anna…" Michael said warningly.
Y/N shook her head. "No, no, it's alrigh'." She had been waffling between bringing up her own past experience with Bren but ultimately decided that Anna needed to hear about it… as did Michael. 
She took a deep breath. "Yes, but I also actually know from personal experience because Bren tried ta assault me when I was 16."
Michael's head whipped towards her in shock, a thunderous expression on his face. "He fuckin' what ?"
Y/N grimaced. She had never told Michael what had transpired that day, preferring to bury it deep into her subconscious and never mention it to anyone. "It happened not long after yer da' and I first met," she explained to Anna. "I had gone over ta his house ta see if he wanted ta hang out and yer' grandad had let me in. Apparently yer da' was at ta tha market and I'm not quite sure where yer Uncle Jimmy was, but I didn' know no one else was home until after I was already inside."
"So wha' happened?" Anna asked.
"I asked where yer da' was and Bren said that he had run ta tha market and would be right back and tha' I could just wait fer him there. Yer da' had already warned me tha' yer granddad wasn't safe ta be around, so I said tha' was alright, tha'd I'd just come back later, but Bren blocked my path ta tha' door and asked why I was in such a hurry." Y/N took a shaky breath. "Then he started talkin' about how pretty I was and how there was no way I was 16 because I looked 'so much more mature', and then -- then he asked me if I had slept with yer da' yet."
She swallowed. "I -- I told him no, tha' yer da' and I didn' have tha' kinda' relationship, and were jus' friends, and he -- he said tha' yer da' clearly couldn't see wha' was right in front of him then and tha' maybe I needed a 'real man' anyway, one who could 'teach me a thing or two'. He kept movin' closer and closer ta me, and before I even knew wha' was happening he had me cornered. He was so close and so much bigger than me tha' I couldn't duck around him ta escape."
She heard Michael suck in a sharp breath and glanced at him before continuing. "He started rubbin' my arms and touchin' my hips and talkin' about how 'sweet' I was and how he'd have ta sit yer da' down and show him exactly wha' ta do with a girl like me. I was so uncomfortable -- I had actually never even kissed a boy before, much less done anythin' else -- and so scared tha' I just squeezed my eyes shut and started prayin' fer your da' ta come home and save me."
"So wha' happened after tha'?" Anna asked before looking at Michael. " Did ya come home?"
Y/N sighed and shook her head. "No, but thankfully yer Uncle Jimmy did. Bren had jus' gotten his hand under my shirt when he heard tha key in tha lock and stepped away from me, then I got outta there before Jimmy even made it inta tha house properly. I wen' home and took tha hottest shower I could stand then I burned tha clothes I had been wearin', shoes 'n all."
She looked down at the table. "I was fortunate -- there are others before me who weren' able ta get away from Bren before it was too late, those who are still sufferin' because a' wha' he did ta them."
Anna sucked in a breath. "Like what?"
Y/N shook her head as she looked back up at Anna. "It's not my place ta tell ya anyone else's story, love, only my own."
Anna sighed and nodded. "I'm sorry ya had ta go through tha', Y/N."
Y/N bit her lip. "I spent tha followin' week avoidin' yer da' while I figured out how I was goin' ta tell him wha' had happened."
She glanced at Michael again, who was looking at her with a mix of sadness and anger. When he hadn't heard from her for a few days he had come to check on her, but instead of telling him the truth Y/N had wound up telling him that she hadn't been feeling well for the past few days but was getting better.
She shook her head. "I actually never did tell yer da' or anyone else fer tha' matter -- although I made damn sure ta never go back over ta yer da's house again when I wasn' absolutely sure tha' he was home, and even if he was I also made sure ta never be left alone in a room with Bren. Thankfully yer da' always stuck by me and would find an excuse ta whisk me away if Bren got too close. He was always tryin' ta protect me, jus' like he's tryin' ta protect ya now."
Anna sighed and took off the necklace that Bren had given her, then set it on the table. "I'll stay away from him," she said softly.
Thank God. Y/N took Anna's hand in hers. "I'm really sorry, sweetheart. I know yer' disappointed."
Anna shook her head. "It's fine."
Y/N sighed. "I know it's actually not fine, pet, but I appreciate ya listenin' ta me. I'm not tellin' ya wha' happened in order ta scare ya, but because I love ya and I jus' wan' ya ta be safe."
Her heart fluttered as she looked over at Michael. "Yer da and I both do."
Michael cleared his throat. "I also wanted ta apologize fer shoutin' at ya yesterday," he said to Anna. "I'm sorry I los' me temper. I'm jus' tryin' ta keep ya out'a harm's way, is all."
Anna sighed. "I'm sorry fer not believin' ya."
Michael nodded. "It's alrigh'."
Y/N patted Anna's hand before letting it go. "There, now that Kinsella family therapy is done, how's school?"
Anna shrugged. "'S okay, I guess. I was thinkin' about joinin' the ladies' football team."
Michael smiled. "Oh, that's grand. I know how much you loved football when you were younger."
"Yeah, I --" Anna's eyes narrowed. "Wait… Y/N, is that a love bite on yer neck?"
Y/N's eyes widened. Fuck.
She hurriedly adjusted her shirt in order to cover it back up. "Oh, er, I, um--"
A wide grin spread across Anna's face. "It is ! Ya might not've been gettin' any when ya were my age, but yer' certainly gettin' ya some now . Who's the lucky fella?"
Y/N looked over at Michael, who was nervously rubbing the back of his neck.  "Er, funny you should ask tha'..."
Anna's jaw dropped as she looked between the two of them. "No fuckin' way. Michael left tha' on yer neck?" 
She shook her head. "Okay, first off, ugh. Second, how long has this been goin' on?"
"The feelin's have been there fer a really long time fer tha both of us," Y/N replied. "But as far as actually actin' on 'em, just since yesterday evenin'. Yer da' came 'round fer a drink and a chat after yer argument yesterday and, well… We, err, talked ."
Anna huffed out a laugh. "Clearly ya did a lot more than just talk."
She pointed between the two of them. "So this is real?"
Y/N's brow furrowed. "What do ya mean, love?"
"I mean like this is actually happening, not ya two got drunk, hooked up, and are sayin' it was a mistake or somethin'."
Michael shook his head and took Y/N's hand in his. "Tha's actually part of tha reason we asked ya here. We wanted ya ta be tha first ta know tha' we're giving this a go."
Anna thought for a moment, then nodded. "Okay then."
Michael looked surprised. "Okay?"
Anna shrugged. "Yeah, okay. To be honest I'm trying ta not think about it too much -- it's like ya know tha' yer parents have had sex but ya don' wan' ta actually think about yer parents having sex."
Y/N huffed out a laugh. "Understandable."
Anna picked up her bag. "I've got ta get ta dance rehearsal, but Y/N, can I talk to ya alone fer a minute before I go?"
Y/N nodded. Anna frequently came to her for advice so her request wasn't anything unusual. "Of course."
Michael stood and gave Y/N a kiss on the cheek. "I'll just be over there."
"Okay, love."
Y/N waited until Michael had sat on the low wall separating the car park from the rest of the park before turning her attention back to Anna. "Bren hasn't actually tried any funny business wit' ya tha' ya just don' wan' ta tell yer da' about, right?"
Anna shook her head. "No, nothin's happened."
Y/N nodded, relieved. "Okay. Good. What'd ya wan' ta talk about then, love?"
Anna glanced over at where Michael sat. "I just wanted ta tell ya tha' I'm actually really happy tha' ya and my da' are together. I figured he'd eventually move on and start datin' again, but since ya've always been like a mum ta me anyway yer' really the only person I don' think I'd mind seein' him wit'."
Y/N smiled. She hadn't been sure how Anna would take the news, so to hear that she not only approved but was genuinely happy for her and Michael made Y/N's heart fill with joy. "I appreciate tha', love, and I've always considered ya like a daughter ta me too so I'm glad you approve of me datin' yer da'."
Anna stood. "Alrigh', I got ta get goin' or else I'm gonna be late fer dance."
"Wan' a ride? Yer da' and I walked here but I can bring ya if ya wan' ta walk back ta mine wit' us."
Anna shook her head as she stood. "Nah, tha's alrigh'. I can make it if I hurry."
"Okay." Y/N stood and walked around to the other side of the picnic table. 
Anna gave her a hug. "Love ya, Y/N."
Y/N hugged her back. "I love ya too, pet, and I want ya ta know, no matter wha' happens between me and yer' father I'm still yer Auntie Y/N. Ya can come ta me about absolutely anythin' a' any time and it'll stay between us, okay? None of tha' is gonna change, I promise ya'."
Anna nodded, a small look of relief on her face. "Okay. Thanks, Y/N."
"Of course, darlin'."
She and Anna made their way back over to Michael, who stood as they walked up to him. "Everythin' okay?"
Y/N nodded. "Yeah, everythin's grand. Anna jus' needed a wee bit of girl talk, right, love?"
Anna grinned, her face blooming into one of the first genuinely happy expressions Y/N had seen on her in a long time. "Right."
She adjusted her bag on her shoulder. "I'll see ya later."
Michael nodded. "If Bren tries contactin' ya again let me or Y/N know immediately, okay?"
Anna nodded. "I will."
Y/N gave Anna another quick hug. "Bye, love."
As soon as Anna had made her way out of the park, Michael turned to Y/N. "Wha' ya told Anna about Bren… Was tha' actually all tha' had happened?"
Y/N took a deep breath, then nodded. "Yeah, tha' -- tha' was it. I think Bren liked that fact tha' I was scared, so he kept drawin' it out. Thank God Jimmy had come home when he did, though, because if he hadn't --" Her voice broke, the long-buried memory resurfacing once again.
Michael wrapped his arms around her protectively. "Shh, hey, no, it's okay darlin', yer' okay. I got ya."
Y/N snuggled against his chest. "Are ya angry at me fer not tellin' ya?"
Michael huffed out a breath. "I'm a bit upset tha' I had ta find out about it now instead of over 20 years ago, yeah."
Y/N sighed and leaned back to look at him. "I know I shoulda told ya back when it happened, but I jus' didn' know how ta handle it and the longer time went on, the harder it got ta tell ya, and eventually Bren wen' ta prison so it wasn' really an issue any longer."
Michael reached up and cupped her face in his hands, then pressed a kiss to her lips. "Either way, I'm goin' ta make sure Bren can never hurt anyone else ever again, especially you and Anna."
Y/N bit her lip and nodded.
Michael took her hand. "Here, let me walk ya home."
They headed hand-in-hand back towards Y/N's house. "So ya really won' tell me wha' ya and Anna talked about?" Michael asked.
Y/N shook her head. "No, sorry love, but everythin' is fine with her, I promise. There's certain things girls just can' discuss wit' their fathers."
She gave his hand a squeeze. "If she was ever in any kind a' real danger I'd let ya know, but otherwise I'm no' gonna betray her trust in me. Keep tryin' wit' her though, she'll open up ta ya one day."
Michael nodded. "Thanks fer talkin' ta her. I definitely think it helped ta hear from someone who wasn' me how dangerous Bren is, especially someone who's had first-hand dealin's wit' him."
Y/N bit her lip. "I'm sorry fer not tellin' ya about tha' back when we were teenagers."
Michael shook his head. "I'm just glad ya wound up bein' okay. I'd never forgive myself if he'd have actually assaulted ya."
They slowed as they walked up Y/N's driveway. "So I'll see ya at 6?" Y/N said.
Michael nodded as they stopped in front of Y/N's door. "I'm lookin' forward ta it."
Y/N smiled. "Me too, but jus' so ya know, I'd have been fine wit' us just goin' fer fish and chips down a' tha pub."
Michael shook his head. "I know, but I told ya I wanted ta do this right, so let me take ya out fer a nice fancy dinner jus' this once. Next time we can go fer fish and chips."
Y/N let out a light laugh. "Already plannin' a second date? Mighty presumptuous of ya, Mr. Kinsella."
Michael grinned and wrapped his arms around her waist. "What can I say, pet? I'm cautiously optimistic that tonigh' will go well."
Y/N shivered as Michael's thumb traced the love bite on her neck. "Mmm, well we'll jus' hafta see, now won' we?"
Michael smiled and gave her a kiss. "Love ya."
"Love ya too, Mikey. See ya tonigh'."
Y/N unlocked her door and headed inside, already thinking about what she would wear to dinner. She just hoped that nothing would happen to ruin their evening.
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secretly-a-catamount · 8 months
The Married Life | Chapter One
This was written by the wonderful someoddbeing on Ao3. As they do not have a Tumbler account they gave me permission to post their fanworks about the Serafina Series and Willa Series here. If you wish to go check them out, which you should, this is the link to their account: https://archiveofourown.org/users/someoddbeing/pseuds/someoddbeing
It was a cold morning, frost gathered at the window paines as Braeden got up, his old bones creaking as he slid out of bed, avoiding messing up the right side. The right side was perfect and neat, as if someone was just about to lie there and take a nap.
Braeden slowly slid his feet into his slippers, and watched as snow slowly began to fall from the heavens.
He turned around slowly, as not to hurt his back, and picked up a small picture frame. It was a black and white photo of a young woman wearing a wedding gown. Next to her was a younger Braeden.
“Good morning love,” he whispered.
Braeden went out of the bedroom, and walked down the hall, taking in all, well, the fact he was still alive.
He picked up a small wooded cat.
“Oh the memories of you, little one.”
It was a warm summer morning when I gave this to my fiancée as a gift. I remember seeing her squeal, “Oh, he looks just like shadow! Thank you dear!” she cooed at me, my facing turning redder than the roses I gave her last week. 
Braeden put the cat in his pocket and continued on.
The next thing Braeden saw was a small necklace, lying inside of a cabinet drawer. He picked it up. It had little diamond in the center.
“I remember you. She adored you.”
You got this necklace as a wedding present for your wife, all those years ago.
He placed the necklace into his pocket, and continued on. Braeden soon found another small trinket from his past. It was a ratty old stuffed bunny.
“I remember you,” he sadly smiles.
The baby would be perfect.
She was so small, with fuzzy black hair, her hands clenched up in fists. 
The nurse wrapped her up in a linen blanket, covering her face. You and your wife would bury her in a couple of days.
The bunny would be for the baby, if she was alive.
Your mother in law sneered at you. “I told you, if you married a catamount then this wouldn’t happen,” she hissed to her daughter.
Braeden put the bunny in his pocket, and went into the first bedroom.
It looked undisrupted, as if the inhabitant of the room would be coming back any second. There was a neatly made bed, with dust settling on it, a dresser with clothes still in it, and a toy box full of toy planes and tanks. There was still the letter on top of the nightstand.
Braeden remembered the day the letter came, how his heart dropped as he saw the Manila envelope. This bedroom had belonged to his son, his second born, Lawrence.
Lawrence had always dreamed of traveling the world to help people, so when he got the letter from the military, he jumped at the chance.
Braeden slowly, sank down on the bed, clouds of dust rising up. 
"Lawrence, honey, are you sure you want to do this?"
"Ma, for the last time I do. I want to serve my country. I've always wanted to do this."
Your wife wrung her hands, as she kissed her son.
“Do you have your bags?"
“Yes ma."
"Do you have your passport?"
"Yes ma."
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
"Yes, Ma. I love you, and dad. Tell Henny and Mallory I will send my love."
Lawrence turned to leave, but you grabbed his shoulder.
"Arn't you forgetting somthing?" You said, as you held out a small stuffed rabbit. 
"Daddy, I'm a full grown man now! I don't need Bunny anymore."
You sighed. "I guess you're right. Don't have too much fun in europe. Stay safe."
Lawrence broke into a toothy grin. He looked so much like you, when he smiled. "I will. Love you all!"
The dreaded letter came six months later.
Lawrence had left for the war with shining things and pictures of his girlfriend on his hat. When he came home, he was in a casket.
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badassturtles235147 · 2 months
My Stories I am going to start making some time this year...
Children of Serpent, Death Angel, and ...Shredder
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Her brother was to be the next heir to the Foot Clan, even though he did not want to be, and her cousin, Irrilia was to be the leader of the Hamato Clan but where did Amai's path lay?
And would she discover it...after learning the truth of her mother's past?
(Description needs work)
Sneak Peak -
CH 1
It was a long time ago. She was probably no more than three years old when she first discovered it. She remembers getting up in the morning, wearing a messy braid pigtail and purple pajamas with black kitten pattern. Her twin brother was still sleeping next to her, snoring away. 
She was tempted to pinch his nose to wake him up but decided against it as she crawled out of bed. She could hear her Kaasan cooking in the kitchen as she slid open her bedroom door, but she did not hear her mother and her usual chatter, meaning she might have gone off to work early again. 
Seeing an opportunity to be the adorable little mischievous she knows she is she went to her mothers' room and began to snoop around. The room was big, with a big king size mattress, the walls painted a dark shadowy purple while the bedding was a violet with a black vein pattern. No doubt her Kaasan's work. It even has a balcony. Her room has one too, but her room was not quit as big as this. It even has two closets. One of the closets she already looked through, and just at first glance, she knew it belonged to her Kaasan. There were dozens of expensive clothes, shoes, hates, gloves, and even glasses inside. There was also a box there too but considering her Kaasan, used to be an assassin, she knew better than to open boxes that belonged to her. 
It was probably the only time her Kaasan ever truly got mad at her, when she opened her locked drawer which was filled with poisons. Her Kaasan had walked in and just started freaking out, scared her daughter would accidently pour it on herself as she was looking through them. So, after her near death experience, she makes sure not to open anything that was locked that belonged to her Kaasan but...what about her Mother?
She opens the other closet and at first, was a little disappointed at what she found. It was just a normal closet, filled with normal amount of clothes (unlike her Kaasan's) but as her eyes travel down the clothes, she notices a slight opening on the floor. Curious, she kneels down and takes off the floorboard, to see inside was a shoebox. She puts the floorboard aside before picking it up and opening it. 
It was a box of old photos but...they were weird. She saw pictures of who she could tell was her mother when she was young, but she did not see her uncles or Jiji. There were only two other people she recognized and that was her Kaasan and Obasan. Everyone else she did not recognize. Not the two teens with the alfro or the gold chains. Not the blind man who looked to be quit intimidating. Not the other children that were wearing black ninja garbs and defiantly, not the last photo, of the scary man with the scared face. He is standing behind his mother, who looked to be in her teens, with his hands on her shoulders. They both were looking at the camera with serious, scary expressions but her mom, looked like she wished to be anywhere else. Why did they look so miserable?
She looks back inside the box and notices a journal, she opens it, but she can not yet read. Though she is a very smart girl and could read most words, she can not yet read sentences, so she puts it back. However, at the bottom of the box, she notices a key. She picks it up, wondering what it could be for then remembers her mother's shrine. Her mother had a shrine which she keeps in the dojo, with a picture of her Nainai, Jiji, and her mother when she was a baby on it. However, at the bottom of the shrine, were two cabinets which her mother keeps mysteriously locked. She has tried numerous of times to open it but never could because she could never find the key...until maybe now. 
Sprinting out of the room, she goes to the dojo at the other end of the hall and slowly slides open the doors to make sure no one was there. Across the room, she sees the shrine and goes over to it, looking over she shoulder one last time before sticking the key in. She could not describe the excitement she felt when the key actually turned. Slowly, she opens it and once she does, her jaw nearly falls to the floor at what she had found. 
Within the cabinet, was a weird looking skull. Or she thinks it is a skull. It sure looks like a skull. The bottom half did any why and it had normal sockets where eyes on an alive person should be, but the top half was misshapen and looked almost metal, with three metal parts sticking out, almost looking like some kind of crown. Unable to resist, she takes it out and looks it over curiously, trying to figure out if it is a real skull or some kind of artifact. 
That's when she gets caught. 
"Amai," A calm, level but secret furious voice had her frozen on the spot. She knew that voice, very well. She turns to see her mother, standing tall before her and glaring down at her sternly. Her mother is a tall Japanese woman with long black hair she was wearing in a high ponytail, light-skin and bright almost red-looking amber eyes which she had inherited.  She was also wearing a black body-length suit with a hood, which extends downwards to her knees, and a long green scarf that she uses to cover half her face.
"What are you doing?" Her mother asks and though she was trying to remain calm, Amai knew she was furious. "Nothing." She tries to hide the skull behind her, but she knew that was stupid. For her mother had already seen and it is not like her small form, could hide the large thing behind her back anyway. Her mother hardens her gaze, making her tense but she says nothing, just holds out her hand, singling her to hand the weird skull over. Biting her lower lip nervously, she obeys, and she watches as her mother puts it back before locking it and turning back to her daughter again sternly. "You are not to touch or go through my things, you understand?" 
"I was just looking, Mama!" She lies. They both knew it was a lie. If she had just wanted to look at whatever was inside, she would have asked, she wouldn't have snuck around or taken it out in the first place, but it was just so hard to resist. Her mother though, was clearly not amused as she repeats, "I don't care. You are not allowed to touch or even look at my things again!" 
"What even is it anyway?" She asks, curiously and she is caught off guard by her mother's reaction. She did not expect for her mother to still at the question. It seemed like a normal question to ask when you find something that looks awfully similar to a human skull in your mother's shrine but for some reason, it causes quit the reaction out of her mother. Her mother is a born warrior, who rarely shows much emotion, but right now, for some reason, her mother had stopped moving, stopped speaking, completely motionless, almost like a statue. The only thing that changes is her eyes, her eyes shifting to amber to a jade green as her pupils turn into slits. 
She used to love seeing that, though she could do the same with her own eyes, watching her mother do it when she is trying to intimidate someone or scare them into giving her what she wants, was always so cool but right now...it was scary. Her eyes were moving back and forth, like they were trying to fight some kind of battle as they were train to only stare at the wall. 
Her mother's weird reaction only lasts a few seconds before her posture and eyes turn back to normal. A normal person probably would not have notice it at all, but she did. It was rare for her to see her mother react this way. Only once does he remember seeing her mother vulnerable and that was when an old friend of her's died. Only something big could cause her mother to break but...what was big about that skull? 
"It is none of your business," Her mother finally says, in a quiet but angry tone. Her eyes were not looking at her daughter anymore but to the side, as if ashamed to look at her after her few seconds of weak display. Amai does not speak or even move, not knowing what to do now. Suddenly, she regrets ever opening that cabinet. When her mother finally looks her in the eyes, she sees something in them, something that made her stomach turn and she is thankful when her mother says, "Go play, Amai and don't let me catch you doing this again." 
She then turns to her, and the moment her mother dismisses her, she does not hesitate to leave, glad she was not going to face any punishment but something, causes her to look back when she makes it to the door. She sees her mother, kneeling in front of the shrine, and she swears but is not 100% sure, that she saw one or two tears roll down her mother's cheeks. 
After that day, she never asks about the skull or weird pictures again, not wanting to see her mother cry like that ever, ever again. Her mother was the strongest person she knows, to see her act like that...it was terrifying.
However, she could not stay silent forever, especially when new things kept hidden in the dark, began to come out in the light. 
TMNT: The Story of Karai's Choice
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"You are who you choose to be, not what others make you"
Those words stuck with her since the moment she heard them, hit deep within her heart and soul, it helped guide her through her journey. No one has ever given her a choice before. Her whole life was always controlled by another and anything she wanted, she would have to force or earn. Karai put blood, sweat and tears to be who she is today and now, after coming home after another late night, she finds he five year old daughter up and waiting for her, wanting to be told a bedtime story and oh…does Karai tell.
(No I do not own TMNT or the pictures on the cover and this story is a little expired by Karai's Path)
Sneak Peak -
It was very late at night in Tokyo City; so late that all the 30 year old Japanese, Chinese woman wanted to do was sleep. 
Of course fate had other plans...
As soon as the elevator rang, she walked inside her penthouse, legs almost dragging but before she could even make her way into her bedroom where her wife was probably waiting for her, she heard noise coming from the kitchen. 
Fear of a possible enemy breaking into their home, she does not hesitate to pull out a kunai from her sash and as quietly as possible make her way to the kitchen. She stopped and pressed her back against the wall, listening in and trying to peak to see who it was but alas, she could see no one from this angle and all she could hear were cluttering sounds of glass. 
Foot steps began approaching and bracing herself, the woman jumped out of hiding and raised her weapon but the sound of a startled scream, and glass shattering made her immediately freeze in her actions. 
Using her free hand to look for the light while also making sure to keep her guards up, the woman switches the switch and once the lights turn on, she was taken aback when she saw not an enemy but a little girl, about the age of five, wearing her long black hair in braided frizzy pigtails, as well as purple pjs with a black kitten pattern. She stared at her with her big almond shaped amber colored eyes which were similar to her own as the woman stared back at them. 
The two blink at each other, panting, both their hearts racing, clearing in shock before the woman's slight moment of fear turned into fury. "Hamato Amai, you're supposed to be asleep! What are you doing out of bed at this hour?!" 
The little girl, Amai, bit her lower lip nervously. "I, um...was waiting for you." The woman sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Amai...do you realize I could have killed you! I thought someone broke in!" 
Her daughter hung her head and mumbled, "I got thirsty..." The woman sighed again and looked down at the shattered glass on the floor, knowing she would have to clean it up. 
Why could she never just have a peaceful night? 
Shaking her head in frustration, she went to grab a dust pan and broom while Amai stood there, waiting, watching as her mother cleaned up the broken glass until her attention was back on her and she held out her hand. "Come on, Amai, I'll take you back to bed." 
Amai took the offering hand and allowed her mother to lead her back to her bedroom. It was a big room that was separated by a slide door, so she and her brother could have privacy. However, when they walked in to Amai's side of the room, the woman was not surprised in the slightest to see her five year old son, curled up on her bed, his black locks of hair messed messed up, as he softly snored. He was wearing black pj's with a skeleton pattern. Amai smiled at him and immediately crawled to lay next to him as her mother tucked her in. "Alright, now I want you to go to sleep and not get out of this bed again, you understand?" 
She turned to leave but stopped when, "Wait Mama!" Amai called out and the woman paused to look at her. "Can you tell me a story before bed?" 
"A story?" The woman blinked. Usually, bedtime stories were her wife's thing, mostly because they prefer her because she would tell the children scary old mythic tales. Never have any of her children asked for her to tell a story before and now that they have, she was unsure if she could. "You know, I am not good at making up stories, Amai." 
Amai frowned, looking disappointed. "Can you try? Please..." The look made the woman's heart twitch, she recognized that look. She had that look many times on her own face when he would disappoint her when she was a child. So, with a sigh, she took a seat at the end of the bed and thought of a story she could tell. 
What would her brothers tell their kids? No doubt a whole punch of American fairytails and probably some stories about their adventures when they were young. 
An idea came to her head then and she looked at her daughter, feeling hesitant but then with a bit of a smile she said, "Okay, I will tell you a story about an, uh, Princess and...A Dark King..." 
TMNT: The Past of Hamato Yoshi
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Fanfic about Splinter's childhood. In this story you will get to see Splinter when he was a child, teenager, and young adult and the similarities he shares with his five children.
You will get to meet Splinter's parents, Hamato Yuuta and Hamato Atsuko, other possible siblings, that aren't OCs but other characters I found on a TMNT website, friends, and the relationship he shares with each of them.
You get to see what Shredder was like when he was a kid and how he gained the jealousy and hatred towards Splinter.
You get to see Tang Shen and the possibility similarity she shares with Karai and the turtles as well. You get to see the love triangle with her, Yoshi, and Saki.
You basically get to see it all!
Pulse bonus after Splinter's death and the struggles. How the turtles start to fall and how Karai struggled with identity crisis and how they all got to meet their family in Japan.
So, please read to find out what Splinter was like as a child. (I do not own any of the art and I do not own TMNT)
Sneak Peak -
He could not believe this was happening...
He did not want it to end this way, not with his children watching...
They scream his name yet he could not respond to them, assure them that everything was going to be alright. There was still so much he wished to say, to tell them but not enough time.
He could not even say a word to the person who stabbed him, the brother he used to love before he threw him off the roof.
As he fell, with his children crying, screaming his name, he could not help but think how he got here. How he went from who he was to who he is now. How he went from being Hamato Yoshi to Master Splinter. How he became a man of nothing but loss, to a father of four wonderful mutant turtle sons and a beautiful daughter.
But most of all.
He wondered where it all began... 
May 11, 1967, a heavy storm rained all over Tokyo City, thunder and lighting were flashing, streets were flooding, trees were falling, and the wind was blowing. On a night like this, people start to wonder what could cause the great storm. What the heavens above must be saying, to turn what used to be a bright sunny day, to a day like today. 
Some think when a storm like this passes, a great evil is soon to rise but others…believe it is when a great hero is born and that hero is soon to be born, up on top of the mountains, far above Tokyo city where no one dares to cross for reasons unknown. 
Little did the people of Tokyo know that up above the mountains, lived a secret ninja clan, called the Hamato Clan. This clan was, of course, heard off, it was known for being the protectors of all of Japan but no one knew of their whereabouts. 
In the center of the small clan lay a small dojo which was home of the Hamato Clan’s Master, Hamato Yuuta. Hamato Yuuta was known for being one of the best ninjutsu masters there ever was. For he, at only the age of 17, was able to slay the previous leader of the Foot Clan, Oroku Maji. 
Many looked up to and respected Yuuta, he was a great master and he led all of them with a heavy hand but…Yuuta could not protect his clan or Tokyo forever, as strong as he was, death is something no one is able to escape, that is why he needed an heir…
Just as loud as the storm outside, Inside of the Hamato Clan dojo, a Japanese woman with long straight black hair which is styled in a bun with side bangs, monolid shaped amber eyes, light skin, and wearing a red kimono with black trim, organic print, and the Hamato emblem placed on the center of her obi, was laying on the floor, sweating and screaming as she squeezed her eyes shut painfully. 
A Japanese man with long jet black hair that he had pulled back in a bun, u-shaped beard, hooded shaped chocolate brown eyes, tan-skin and wearing a reddish-brownish kimono with the Hamato clan emblem on his back, was by her side, holding her hand, even though his was turning slightly purple by her strength.
“Yuuta…” His wife whimpered beside him and Yuuta frowned. “Just hang on a little longer, Atsuko.” 
Just then, the door flew open and Yuuta looked to see two of his Jonin, “Master Yuuta, I am sorry, but there is no way we can take Mistress Atsuko to the hospital. There has been a landslide. It is not safe to go down the mountain in this storm.” 
Yuuta gritted his teeth at this news but he knew, way before he even sent his ninja out that would have been very likely, he had just hoped they would find some kind of way. He sighed heavily and looked at his wife. “I am sorry, my love but we are going to have to deliver our child ourselves.” 
Atsuko continued to pant and sweat, letting out vicious swears under her breath. It has been so hard for them to get pregnant, they have waited for this moment for so long and the fact that they could not make it to a hospital had both of them on edge, though Yuuta tried to remain calm, it was very hard. 
Five miscarriages. It took six tries until Atsuko was finally able to make it full term, though it was the hardest thing to watch. Her pregnancy had been awful. She was constantly sick and the whole pregnancy had just been them fearing that they would lose another one but she had been determined to assure that would not happen, and she succeeded but now, the baby was coming out a week early and she has been in labor for ten hours with a fever….there is no telling what will happen now.
A look of sympathy crossed his face when his eyes met with her’s, her eyes which used to hold so much fire, were now filled with tears as she looked up at him fearfully. He put a comforting hand on top of her head, for it was all he could offer. He knew what she was thinking…
So many miscarriages and now, after finally being able to stay long term through this terrible pregnancy, a storm just had to come right when she went into labor. It is like the heavens were trying to tell them a child is just not meant to be but they have bested fate before, and they shall do it again. 
Yuuta gently pulled his hand out of his wife’s grip and moved to look between her legs, to see if he could see any sign of his child. “Keep pushing, my love.” 
“I have been pushing for hours!" Atsuko snapped angrily then tears started to fall from her eyes. "Oh Yuuta...what if something is wrong? I...I do not think I can take it if something happens to this one..." Yuuta frowned and was unsure what to say, but he tried to say something anyhow, "This child is a fighter, just like you. He has made it this far, let us not give up on him yet." 
Atsuko nodded and continued to try to fight through the pain, praying her child will come out soon, healthy and unharmed. She pushed  with all her might, squeezing her eyes shut, as she let out a furious scream, like she was letting out a battle cry. She did it again for a few more minutes before she grew tired and laid back, huffing and sweating and after another hour, her prayers were finally answered…
Atsuko let out a small gasp when she heard a piercing, ear-bleeding cry. She lifted her head to see Yuuta, frozen in shock as he slowly lifted up a small blood covering babe in his hands, it’s limbs frailing as it continued to wail. 
All she could do at the moment was stare in shock, not believing it to be real then she looked at her husband and was taken aback by his expression. The usually calm Hamato Yuuta, who can handle any deathly situation, with a fearless hand, was all tense and nervous, as if any small movement he made would mean instant death. Slowly, he looked at his wife and said, “We have a son,”
Atsuko all but held out her arms, no matter how weak or tired she felt, she would not be able to rest easy until she is certain that her son is alright for herself. 
Yuuta instantly obeyed her silent request and carefully as humanly possible, laid the naked babe on top of his mother's chest, putting a blanket over him and once he was placed in his mother's arms, his cries slowly died. Atsuko let out a wet chuckle as she looked at her son. "Hello there, my precious boy," She cooed. "You were very impatient, weren't you? A few weeks early. You were ready to see the world, huh?"
Hearing the familiar voice of his mother, the baby's face scrunched up as he tried to peer open his eyes. His eyes cracked open for a second before they opened up completely, his vision was all blurry for a few seconds but once they cleared, he saw the face of his mother and once his eyes locked with her's, he continued to just stare at her. She chuckled at the look of curiosity and wonder in his eyes before looking towards her husband. "Oh, Yuuta, isn't he gorgeous?" The baby then looked away from his mother, when he noticed someone else looking at him. "Indeed. I believe he has your eyes, Atsuko."
It was a man, who looked to be studying his newborn son as he extended a hand to stroke the damp, blood-soaked hair on the child's head. The baby looked at the man curiously as one of the Jonin brought a pot of hot water and towels. Yuuta used it to clean off his dirty hands first then soaked one of the towels to gently clean off his son’s face. Of course, he would need a more thorough and proper bath later but the way his wife was looking at him, he knew she would not want to let him go anytime soon. 
Once he was done, he found himself staring at his son again as he brought his finger forward. The baby grabbed onto it, looking at it curiously before sticking it in his mouth. The man pulled back but when the baby's eyes started to well with tears, he panicked slightly and immediately stuck his finger back in the baby's mouth, allowing him to suck on it. Atsuko snorted at her husband as he scowled at her but his attention quickly went back to his son. For the life of him, Yuuta just could not stop staring, after so long, his son was finally here and it was so terribly hard to believe. 
But soon, as if just now accepting that this was indeed very real, Yuuta slowly smiled and said, "Kon'nichiwa, musuko yo."
The baby only glanced at him before growing bored with his finger and spitting it out of his mouth."You did a wonderful job, Atsuko. You are a true warrior, my love," Yuuta then said to his wife, causing her to give a slight smile. 
The two newly parents sat in content, watching their son as he looked around at the new world around him. “You know,” Yuuta brought up after a while, “After all this time, we still have not thought of a name.”
Atsuko smiled. “I already know the perfect name.” 
She nodded and looked down while stroking her son’s head. “Yoshi." Yuuta blinked and tilted his head. "Yoshi?" 
"Yes, I think it suits him. He is Yoshi." She then leaned down to gently rest her head against her son's. "Our little Yoshi." Yuuta hummed as he considered the name. "Hamato Yoshi," He echoed  while looking down at his son who was smiling happily at his mama, causing him to smile as well. "I like that name…our son, Hamato Yoshi.” 
The two ninja masters smiled in content as they looked down, happily at their new born son but  little did the Hamato family know, someone was watching them. Outside the roaring storm, a black falcon sitting on top of a tree branch watched the Hamato family closely before flying off...
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pensat-i-fet · 2 years
12 Days of Christmas: Day 6 (Scott McTominay)
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Day 5  l  Day 7
"Come on, darling. We are going to be late”.
“I hope we are late so I don’t have to do this”, muttered Scott under his breath, but his mum still heard him.
“Stop being a child. It’s just a couple of photos”.
The family had decided to do a Christmas photo shoot to send to their family and friends on their Christmas cards. Scott couldn’t be less excited about the next few hours. He even tried to use the excuse of not wanting any embarrassing photos to leak to the press and his mum shushed him immediately. 
“Being with your family can never be embarrassing, Scott. This is the last complaint I want to hear from you”.
So now they all found themselves in a little studio in Manchester, where the shoot was going to take place.
“Hi, please come in. We have everything ready”, you said. But Scott couldn’t see who the voice belonged to since his dad was blocking the view.
They all got up to get inside the room and when he saw all the decorations and costumes, he tried really hard not to groan. This is going to be ridiculous. 
“Uncle Scott, I want you to sit next to me”, said his little niece. 
“Of course. But your mum and dad will want to sit next to you too”.
But she didn’t seem too convinced and just took his hand to walk him to the little bench that had been set up for them. 
“Hello sweetie. Are you and your dad ready for the photos?”, you said, and Scott recognize you as the same voice he had heard before. When he lifted his head, he couldn’t stop staring. 
“Excuse me?”, you said, finally looking at him.
“I’m her uncle. Not her father. I don’t have children. I…um…”, what was he saying? 
“Ok…uncle”, you responded, trying not to laugh. 
Great, he thought, she thinks you are a weirdo. 
You had already planned where everyone was sitting for every photo and even got a Christmas theme for each time. 
“Here you go”, you said, giving Scott two elf hats. “For you and your niece, mister uncle”.
“Thank you”, he said, looking down so you couldn’t see him blushing with embarrassment. But it was too late. You loved teasing the clients, always while remaining respectful.
Instead of grabbing the camera, as Scott expected you to do, you knocked on a door.
“Joe, they are ready”.
Your brother came out and introduced himself as Joe, the photographer. He was acting normal until he saw Scott.
“You…you are Scott McTominay”, he said, struggling to get his words out.
“Who?”, you asked. “A United player”, he told you and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. Of course, it was something about football.
But Scott didn’t know you, so his mind went through all the worse possibilities. Does she not like football?? Or worse, does she hate United?
Everything was going well until one of the babies got restless and started to cry, making the other one cry in solidarity.
Scott’s sister tried to get them away to calm them down when she noticed it was the nappies that needed a change.
“Both at the same time, great”, said his sister.
You got there quickly to help her. “Don’t worry, you can change one and I’ll do the other. That way they can still do some of the photos that won’t involve you three”.
“Oh God, you’re a saint. But you don’t have to, really”.
“I’ve had to deal with way worse than a dirty nappy in this job, believe me”, you laughed. And it was the truth. Some clients were extremely weird. 
“Scott, go get one of the babies. That poor girl has already done more than she should have. Help her a bit”, you heard Scott’s mum say to him.
“Oh, it’s alright. I’m here to help”, you said with a smile.
But before you could finish the sentence, Scott was already next to you.
“I think this one belongs to you, uncle Scott”, you told him, giving him one of his nephews.
“Yeah, thanks”.
“I want to apologize for anything my brother might say to you”.
“What do you mean?”, he asked you, while bouncing the baby in his arms. They looked adorable.
“He’s a big United fan and is obsessed with all of you. He’ll embarrass himself at some point, of that I’m sure”, you laughed.
“That’s ok. If he wants me to sign something, I’ll be happy to…”.
Hearing that Joe was your brother, and not a potential boyfriend, had put him in a better mood. Also, if he had to sign the chairs and tables to impress you, he was going to.
“Oh please don’t tell him that. I want to finish work before midnight”, you said, causing him to laugh. 
“A selfie, then?”
“It sounds harmless now but…who knows?”, you faked grimaced.
You both walked back to the photos area and while he was sitting down, you grabbed the next props.
"Who wants to wear the reindeer headband?"
"Uncle Scott!"
You could tell he was internally debating whether that was a good idea or not, so you put it on his head and while adjusting it behind one of the ears, you whispered. "Remember who you are doing this for and it'd be less painful".
But looking at your smile, he wasn't so sure who he was doing this for.
"Thank you so much", said Scott's mum to you and your brother. "It was such a lovely time. And you are so good with kids. I worried they would get restless too soon".
"It's all her", said your brother, pointing at you. "I just take the photos. She makes sure everything else goes right".
"Oh, absolutely. We were all impressed by her. Well, maybe some more than others", she said, and you saw her looking at her son.
You weren't blind and had noticed him looking at you and trying to find excuses to talk to you. But there were only so many times he could offer to sign things for your brother. And you didn't mind his attention at all.
"Hey, Joe!", you heard Scott say. "How about I thank you with some tickets for the next match?"
"Wha…what? What?", oh God, here comes when he embarrasses himself.
"Yes, for you and your sister".
"She doesn't like football".
If you could punch him right now, you would have.
"Maybe seeing Scott play will change my mind", you said, smiling at the United player and letting him know you were interested too.
"I'll see you there then", said Scott before leaving and joining his family.
The next day, a bouquet of flowers was delivered to you. And with it came an envelope with the tickets for the match.
"Right. So I only got those tickets because of you", said Joe, finally realizing what was going on.
"You're welcome, big bro".
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subrenaspade · 2 years
Deuce Spade x Reader (A Holiday of New Steps) Pt. 1
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Photo and characters do not belong to me at all. This story however does belong to me and if you plan to do anything to it, all I ask is that you let me know.
A little background about the MC in my story so you're not all too lost. The MC used to suffer from androphobia (A fear of men), that has to do with some past trauma That I might go into more detail about later on if I decide to continue this story. The MC is also a Orphan losing her father at four, then her mother at fourteen, so there will be mention of family. The MC spent all her time in foster care, due to her mother being an orphan herself and her fathers family disowning him. 
Warning: suggestive situations, cursing, Maybe some angst (That's all I can think of right now). 
The reason I am making this story is because there is not enough Deuce, I can't help but sympathize with him, he is just so admirable in his own way and his charm.
I smiled and sighed as I pushed the lid to my suitcase close. I heard Grim do the same thing, though he let out a strangled sound, struggling to close his. I walked over to him, curious about what he was packing for the holiday. I mean he didn't really need to pack clothes. 
“What are you packing?” I asked looking around his fuzzy body to the small suitcase. 
“What's it look like? It's my tuna!” He exclaimed, finally getting it to zip up. I tilted my head at his sentence. 
“I'm sure Ace can provide you with Tuna at his place.” I smiled at him. Grim looked at me with a pout.
“Hah! I’ll be lucky if he remembers to feed me!” Grim complained with a pout. I smiled, kneeling down to his eye level.
“I know you're upset you're not going with me, but I'm sure you're going to have fun. If I didn't trust Ace even a little bit you wouldn't be going with him.” I said as a pet his head. He seemed to lighten up, taking my words to heart. “Besides I'm nervous as it is. This is the first time meeting Mrs. Spade as Duece’s girlfriend.” I commented. That's right, Deuce and I have been dating for about three months. For this two week holiday I was to stay with him and his mother. 
“Why? You’ve met her already and she seems to really like you?” Grim asked, curious about my butterflies.
“Eh, it's a bit different. It's just something that comes with the territory of dating” I shrugged standing up and walking over to my jacket. I slipped the light brown jacket over my shoulders, sighing as I zipped it up. “I still can't believe I- the girl who had androphobia, would ever fall in love.” I muttered almost in a daze. 
“Yeah, and to think you would pick Deuce of all people!” Grim said, wrapping his scarf around his neck. “I mean talk about picking the bottom of the barrel!” He joked. I shot him a glare.
“He is a bit dense on some things, but he isn't a bottom barrel guy. He really is amazing in his own way.” I defend him, smiling at the thought of his smile and stride to better himself. Not many people would take the steps he has to become better for those around them. It was something that really drew me to him, admiring his passion as he put his heart and soul into everything he does. 
I picked up my suitcase and started out of my room and down the stairs to the living area. Grim and I both waved goodbye to the ghosts with a promise to bring back gifts. The weather was cool and brisk as we made our way to the hall of mirrors. Grim jumped onto my back as the crowds started to get a little thicker. Once inside we went over to a corner where the crowd had thinned out. I let out a sigh. It really was busy. 
“There is my lovely daughter!” I heard a voice in the crowd. I jumped at the sight of Crowely walking over in an outfit that reminded me of hawaii. He threw his arms around me making me gasp and try to pull away.
“CROWELY LET ME GO!!” I snapped as I tried to pry him off me. He rubbed his cheek against mine in an act of adoration.
“My dear princess~! Why dont you go on vacation with your sweet, generous, outstanding adoptive father~!” He tried to urge me. I rolled my eyes, finally getting enough strength to shove him off, much to his dismay. 
“Crowely, you know I already made up my mind!” I huffed. He gasped, throwing his hand to his heat as if I had just stabbed him.
“My dear daughter abandoning her loving and caring father for their holiday vacation.” He cried out (obviously fake tears to make me change my mind). 
“Crowely, you still have students to send home.” Professor Crewel scolded the head mage, making Crowely freeze, realizing he did have a football stadium of students to send back home. Though he looked reluctant to leave he ran off to do his job. I sighed and smiled at Divius.
“Thanks Uncle Crewel.” I smiled at him tiredly. He smiled back, making sure to ruffle my hair.
“Anytime pup. You made sure to pack the extra clothes I gave you right?” He asked. I smiled at him nodding.
“Though you really need to stop buying me clothes. It's too expensive and you're going to spoil me rotten.” I comment with a sheepish grin. He laughed.
“I think you're a little over due for spoiling. Besides, I like picking clothes out for you. Its a win-win for the both of us.” He said with a peaceful smile. His smile changed to one of stern seriousness in a second though. “As much as I respect your decisions as a adult, keep in mind the make smart choices.” He said, hinting at something that made me blush. I opened my mouth to inquire what he really meant, but he ruffled my hair again. “Also, if anything happens and you need any of the faculty, let us know. Ill be there to pick you up in no time.” He said, making sure I knew he was there for me. I smiled.
“Of course.” I said feeling grateful for the love and care he was showing me. 
“If you do though, call me, not Trien.” He added in a whisper, making me giggle. 
“Ill keep that in mind.” I nodded. He ruffled my hair one more time then started on his way to help herd students through the mirrors to their destination.
“Miss (Name).” I heard a voice call out. I turned my head to see Riddle and Trey walking towards Grim and I. I smiled and waved, earning one from both in return.
“Deuce said he was doing a few more things then he would be here soon.” Trey informed me, making me nod.
“Thank you Trey. You two are ready for a break?” I asked. Riddle sighed after I asked, making me look at him worried.
“Its fine.” He said when I looked at him with concern. “ Its not much of a break when your mother has you do at home assignments.” He sighed. I frowned. I know he loves his mother, but she always ran him ragged, even to the point of overblot not to long ago. His hurting broke my heart, making me wish that he would smile more. He narrowed his eyes at me, then reached up lightly flicking my forehead. I gasped and placed my hand where he flicked me. He let a gentle smile grace his lips. “I’ll be fine. I make sure to take breaks when she isnt looking now.” He said crossing his arms. I smiled at him gently, hoping my concern and support made it through to him.
“Yeah, holidays are when the bakery is the most chaotic.So Ill be working this whole break as well.” Trey sighed. He snapped his fingers as if remembering something, lifting up a little red box he had in his hand. He held it out, urging me to take it. Once i let him place it in my arms I took note of the weight. I tilted my head at him confused. “I know your nervous meeting Mrs. Spade as Deuces girlfriend, so I made something for you to use as a peace offering if need be.” Trey explained. I smiled as a warm feeling filled me. It was really sweet of him to consider my feelings of nervousness. 
“Trey, you always know how to make me feel more at ease… Thank you” I said, sending a grateful smile to him. A pink tint took control of his cheeks and he looked away, but still smiled.
“No problem, I was wanting to try this tart recipe anyways.” He tried to come up with an excuse. “A-Anyways we better get going. Have a good holiday (Name).” Trey said as he started to turn. Riddle nodded his head turning with Trey.
“You two as well.” I said waving at them as they vanished into the crowd. One by one our friends came by, bidding us farewell for the holiday. Even the Fish Mafia (Also known as the Octavinelle trio) came to wish us a happy holiday. Finally we were just waiting for Deuce and Ace. I leaned against the pillar, with a sigh. 
“Hey (Name), Grim!” I heard Ace call out. I snapped my head up, waving to the ginger. He stopped in front of us with a tired sigh. “Geezz, packing took forever.” Ace complained. I laughed at his dramatic expression. 
“Why didn't you pack last night?” I asked. He shrugged.
“Was going to but I passed out after getting my suitcase out.” Ace explained. I snorted at his blunt answer. 
“Of course you did.” I sighed. “Thank you again for taking care of Grim. I really owe you.” I bowed alittle. He gave me a smug grin, placing his hands on his hips. 
“No worries, just costing you a month's worth of snacks.” He said with a grin. I laughed nodding my head.
“Fair enough.” I commented, it was Crowelys money anyways.  
“I'm here!” I heard someone call out. I felt a smile tug at my lips at the voice. I looked over as Deuce rushed over to us. He was breathing heavily when he finally came to a stop in front of us. “Sorry, I was so nervous I could sleep, so I had a hard time waking up this morning.” He explained. I ginned, checked out, his outfit was disheveled, showing his rush. I shook my head as I reached out to fix the buttons on his jacket. I noticed a blush start to show as I slowly started to fix his messy attempt to close up his jacket. 
“No worries. I was nervous too.” I comforted him, giving him a smile. His blush grew darker, his smile showing how happy he really was. 
“Stop flirting with you too!” Grim gagged out. I stiffened up as a small blush started to warm my cheeks. Deuce started to steal the color red from Riddle, going stiff as well.
“Get a room!” Ace huffed. I scoffed.
“I wasn't flirting!” I defended, crossing my arms. I sighed, kneeling down, picking Grim up. “Ill miss you, I'll call you and Ace everyday.” I said, nuzzling into his furry head. I heard a hint of a purr and he nuzzled into me.
“Ya better. I wanna brag about how boring your holiday will be and how awesome mine will be.” He grumbled. He leaned in closer to my ear. “You're nervous for nothing, she would be crazy not to love you, henchman.” Grim whispered so the other two didn't hear. My eyes widened at the sweet attempt to make me feel more relaxed. I smiled as I tightened my grip on him, hearing him let out a bigger purr. 
“What did he say?” Ace asked, noticing my surprise. Grim looked at me pleadingly. I shrugged.
“Just that you're lucky to be in his presence for the holidays.” I answer, setting him down. He gave me a grateful look as he grabbed his little suitcase. 
“He is the lucky one to be in mine!” Ace countered. I laughed, reaching out giving him a little goodbye hug. He froze at the sudden contact, slowly wrapping his arms around me to give me a squeeze back. “This doesn't count as your payment.” He joked. I laughed, pulling away, giving him a wink.
“I tried.” I joked with him. His smile softened as he reached down to pick Grim up. 
“Well we are off. Don't have too much fun you two.” Ace said, waving at us as he started to walk away. Grim looked over his shoulder with almost a broken heart look on his face. It took all my might not to steal him from Ace and hold him longer. My heart broke as he and Ace vanished through the mirror. I felt a gentle squeeze on my hand. I looked over to meet Deuces' concerned look.
“You okay?” He asked. I smiled, nodding my head.
“Yeah, it's just the first time I am going anywhere without Grim since coming to this world. It's a bit lonely.” I confessed. He stroked the back of my hand with his thumb in soothing circles. 
“You sure you don't want him to come?” Deuce asked. It was originally my idea to not bring Grim since he can be alot and I want to slowly introduce him to Mrs. Spade. It also would give me a chance to leave all my focus on the visit instead of babysitting Grim 24/7. I nodded, confident in my decision.
“Yeah, I’ll be okay. I don't want him to be too much for your mother.” I sighed, still feeling sad about parting ways. “Are you ready to go?” I asked with a wry smile. He nodded his head, leaning over giving me a kiss on the cheek. My cheeks heated up. I felt my chest tighten, kind of wishing he kissed my lips instead.
“Yeah, I'm ready.” He said, intertwine my fingers with his. He gently pulled me towards the mirror, (Ignoring Crowelys snide remark on us leaving together). Deuce made sure to wrap his arm around my waist to keep me from losing my balance. Once through to the other side, I was almost blinded at the bright lights of the sun shining. I rubbed my eyes that didn't get the chance to adjust to the change of brightness from the dark hall of mirrors. Once I got my eyes to adjust, I noticed our surroundings. We were in a train station, almost like one you would see in Japan. I looked around, noticing a huge city that was a pretty good distance from use. 
“You okay?” Deuce asked. I nodded.
“Yeah, Are we in the Queendom of Roses?” I asked, looking around. Deuce nodded.
“Yep, Welcome to the Queendom of Roses!” He said, squeezing my hand. His blue/green eyes sparkled with pride as he gave me a grin.
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formerlyyknown · 4 months
tonight i walked out to the garage with my brother.
there had been a garage sale when i was away,
a few weeks ago. just before i came back.
no one told me.
my things are laid out on tables, priced a dollar or 50 cents.
there are gaps on the tables, echoes of my possessions that were sold.
a quick buck, a relief to be rid of another material object when you will never again own a home.
i wonder how i’m supposed to remember; i need the reminder in front of me to know it happened at all.
if someone had told me this was happening i would have asked them to take photos.
at least then i could look back one day,
point, saying: “look! look what was once important to me”
now i don’t even know what i’m supposed to miss.
the sale was organized solely by my mother.
she was selling my brothers and i’s belongings.
my brothers’ dearly beloved transformers. a calvin and hobbes book that shaped all of us in parallel.
of course, her own keepsakes are safely tucked away.
her childhood nancy drew collection, her small trinkets.
her eldest son’s hardy boys series is gone. he didn’t know it was being sold.
on the tables lay what are left of my favourite books, the cds i grew up on and adored.
there is a very small ceramic box shaped like a present, with a heart on the side.
inside the heart reads; “to my daughter, i love you”
my mother gave it to me when i was maybe 7 years old.
i can’t remember now what was in it. i think there was something in it.
i think she hoped it would bring in 25 cents.
no one even wanted any of what remains for me to pick through and salvage.
i wonder what they did in fact buy.
she’s going to try again in a week or so.
maybe soon she will be rid of me.
and soon i, too, will be rid of my own memory.
and that child will be gone forever.
i wish that i could have held a proper burial.
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terrifirst · 2 years
Unpacking 2012 picture
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Their decor goes together beautifully, the space livened up by plants and adorable figurines. In 2015, she’s still at the same apartment and this time, you’re helping her girlfriend move in. In 2013, you help the protagonist move into her own apartment, complete with a great office for her to make art and plenty of wall space to proudly showcase her diploma.
You may not know her name but you know that she’s going through a rough patch and you’re rooting for her to get out of it and, lucky for you, Unpacking gives her just that. Sometimes all it takes is the location of a diploma to tell someone everything they need to know about what a character is dealing with. Unpacking proves that a story game doesn’t need to provide players with immense levels of detail for them to connect with a character. All of this speaks to how effective the storytelling is, no matter how minimal it may be. It’s moments like these that bring you even closer to the main character, allowing you to empathize with her as she goes through these transitional and, at times, tumultuous periods in her life. A hard life lesson has clearly been learned. The next level, taking place in 2012, sees her moving back home, taking up residence in her childhood bedroom once again. She writes, “Barely managed to fit in here!” in the scrapbook and despite the exclamation point, the note feels half-hearted. You’re given no choice but to store it under the bed, where it rests sadly next to some dumbbells. However, as players unpack the 2010 level, they’re emotionally struck by the specific placement of one particular item. Among many other things in the apartment, the posters on the wall cannot be moved by players, which leaves no room for the main character’s diploma. Pokémon: Legends Arceus Is a Definite Standout Compared to Previous Titles
Players paying extra attention might even notice that she’s been collecting a fantasy series in hardback that expands as the years go by. She’s a creative, with plenty of artwork scattered around her desk alongside colorful marker packs and a drawing tablet. She’s got an affinity for video games - they’re a constant from move to move, seemingly just as essential to her as cookware and toiletries. Some details about her life and interests can be uncovered by taking a closer look at her current dwelling place or what you’re unpacking. Why wouldn’t you display that photo? Did something happen between you and the person in the picture? While you won’t ever get an explicit answer, you’ll likely draw your own conclusions based on your own life experiences.Ĭlearly, there’s a lot of mystery surrounding the protagonist, as you never get to directly interact with her. Moments like these make you question why our main character wants things this way. But every now and then, it’s something you wouldn’t expect, like a photograph that needs to be tucked inside a drawer instead of pinned on a bulletin board. Typically, it’s something small like a cookie jar belonging higher up on a shelf instead of being left out on the counter. You unpack various objects, placing them where you believe they go once all of the boxes are completely empty at the end of the level, any items placed where they do not belong will glow red. The gameplay itself is simple and easy to get the hang of.
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cafedanslanuit · 3 years
˗ˏˋ their favourite things of yours to wear ´ˎ˗
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+ eren, armin, mikasa, jean, reiner, annie, porco, pieck & zeke
― tags/warnings: gn reader + no pronouns, lots of fluff
― a/n: changed my headcanons layout! c: also, im v happy to be posting hcs again heh <3
― masterlist
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EREN. your hair ties. ever since he started dating you, he stopped buying them altogether. why would he ever need them if he could just steal yours? mf is like "babe, have you seen OUR blue hair tie?" just as you were considering hiding them from him, your gaze travelled to your boyfriend, who was playing video games across the room. his eyebrows knitted together in concentration, no shirt and his hair in a bun secured with your light pink spiral hair tie. fuck him for looking so adorable, you thought, before snapping a quick photo.
ARMIN. your sweatshirts. there's nothing armin loves more than putting on one of your sweatshirts and getting drunk in your scent that lingers on the fabric as he goes around his day. doesn't matter if he's working from home or running errands, he just loves feeling as if you're there with him somehow. your heart always skips a beat when, after a long day, you see him bundled up in your sweatshirt and typing away at his laptop with a concentrated look on his face. cutest thing you've ever seen.
MIKASA. your necklace. you always told mikasa she could use any of your jewellery, yet she couldn't help but feel short of taking your rings and bracelets. however, there was a very thin golden necklace she immediately grew fond of. the first time you mentioned how pretty she looked in a tank top and your necklace, her cheeks grew red and offered to give it back if you wanted it, but you insisted she kept it. when she wears it around other people, it makes you feel as if it's her way of showing everyone that you belong to each other. JEAN. your photo (inside his phone case). not necessarily something you wear, but he keeps his favourite polaroid of yours inside his clear phone case (as the raging bisexual he is), so he can look at it whenever he pleases. there's also a couple of stickers and a vintage game card, but he can't get enough of turning his phone and relishing how pretty you look when you smile for him. he makes sure all his friends look at your photo by *casually* leaving his phone face down when he's around other people. he wants everyone to know how lucky he is to have you in his life. REINER. your lip balm. it started as a silly little thing. his lips were chapped and you offered him one of your colourless lip balms, sitting all pretty on his lap as you applied it. when he rubbed his lips together, he couldn't help but notice the faint strawberry taste he used to taste whenever he kissed you. since then, he makes sure to put some on every chance he gets. not only does it make his lips soft— it also reminds him of you, of the taste of your lips and that sweet aftertaste of your kisses he's grown to love.
ANNIE. your perfume. even if at first she mocked it for being expensive, now you watch her with an amused smile as she sprays some behind her ears before heading out. you know how much comfort the smell of your perfume gives her, even if she denies it every time you tease her about it. it's no surprise, though. no matter how hard annie rolls her eyes, you know how much she loves burying her face in the crook of your neck when you're lying in bed together after a long day.
PORCO. your scarf. on a particular winter night, after he had dropped you home, you insisted on lending him one of your scarves so he wouldn't be as cold on his way back. you thought he would return it the next time you saw each other but instead, he decided to wear it. and the day after that. and the day after that. when you casually asked him when/if he was planning on giving it back, he said he didn't know what you were talking about because it was *his* scarf. you only let him get away with it because he looked really cute in it and because you noticed the prideful look in his eyes whenever people realized he was wearing something of yours.
PIECK. your rings. pieck actually likes making jewellery and she loves it when you wear anything she has made. she has even made some very special pieces for you! however, after once mistakenly putting on one of your rings and only realizing it at work, she was surprised by how amazing it felt, wearing something that had your energy and made her think of you all throughout the day. since then, all of your jewellery is shared, and if there's something pieck loves more than wearing your rings is seeing you use hers on your ring finger. gives her ideas of a brighter future with you.
ZEKE. your watch. he was running late to a work interview and since he couldn't find his watch, you lent him yours with a quick kiss. the joy you felt when, several hours later, he came back with the job he had been wanting for a while made you forget to ask for your watch back, instead enveloping him with a hug. you didn't notice it missing until a week later, as you watched him get dressed in the morning. he put the watch around his wrist and caught your sleepy gaze slowly recognizing the item. "for good luck," he smiled, before planting a kiss on your forehead and whispering goodbye.
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luke-o-lophus · 2 years
Mark with an s/o that has a big loving family? (Like they have a bunch of siblings and niblings)
Their s/o taking them to a family dinner or birthday and he’s all nervous and scared (for obvious reasons), but once he’s there their family is very welcoming and affectionate.
(I love this, and writing this is gonna mean a lot! If anyone is curious why, personal blurb will be at the end)
Marc has very blurry memories of his family barbecues. It's been about two decades since he'd been to one. You guys have been dating for about half a year, and you'd already proudly introduced him to your family. You knew about his DID; you'd met Steven and hung out platonically. He had been apprehensive, very apprehensive about going...What if he switches midway through, or worse, gets triggered?
You came up with a simple solution. With his permission, you told your family about his DID, his autism, his triggers. Marc had been open mouthed when you'd suggested this at first. The idea that someone was embracing those parts of him and trying to make his life easier, instead of making excuses or working around them, it made him pull you into a hug and sob.
To you, it'd come naturally. Your family adored you, they trusted your life choices. Your cousins were excited to meet the handsome hunk whose photos you'd shown them, eager to welcome him to the family. You told them only as much as they needed to know, and what it evoked in your parents and brothers was empathy. It invoked pride in you, and in Marc himself for his resilience. The easy consensus was that Marc was very welcome to the family barbecue, music and loud sounds will be toned down to help his sensory issues, no unwarranted hugging.
Despite all the reassurances, Marc was all nerves as he stepped out of the car, bottle of wine in hand. Your parents were at the door, grinning and hugging you. You introduced him and he nodded almost shyly, and you were ushered in. So simple, so easy. Nobody glanced at him warily, nobody tried to get in his personal space. Your older brother approached him with a friendly smile and a bottle of beer, and he smiled then. Wide, happy, relieved.
Sitting at the dinner table with parents, two brothers and three cousins seemed daunting to him at first. But soon he was passing around plates of food and looping an arm around your shoulders. Your cousins teased him for being smitten with you, but nobody gave him the "treat her wrong and we'll hurt you" talk. He was grateful. In a matter of hours, he was relaxed, laughing, sharing stories from his work and from the most recent vacation you two took.
The car ride back home was silent, blissfully so. A soft music played in the car, you two humming to the duet seamlessly. You sit inside even after you pull into your driveway, holding hands and looking at each other with lovesick smiles. Marc was at a loss of words with how grateful he was. A family, a big happy loving family. He'd never dared imagine what that might be like. He asks you quietly if you ever sees you two having a family like that in the future. Only if he wants, then absolutely, you assure him.
Sharing your life always gave Marc perspective, hope. A glance into a whole different world he had missed out on. It isn't too late, you remind him mildly. Your family is big enough to share.
(Author's Note: TW abuse.
My childhood was filled with the holy trifecta of abuse. I've never known normal family or a father's normal interaction much less love. There was blackmailing, beating, SA. Right into my early twenties. Recently I stayed over at a friend's home for a few days for the first time ever. His family is small, but so warm and welcoming. I felt like I belonged right in, despite serious language barriers. I was, and still am emotional after this intimate look into what a healthy family looks like. I'm pining, I'm mourning my childhood, I'm trying to be hopeful. But maybe after this experience, I'll give a bit more room to the possibility of marriage, of a family. Maybe I'll have one someday too, and maybe it wouldn't be so bad)
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
Trip Down Memory Lane
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing (?)
Genre: FLUFF, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: While going through a photo album, Y/N comes across a picture that brings back a lot of memories.
Requested by Anon. Hi dear! Thank you so much for the adorable request! I had a blast writing it although I’m really sorry it took me so long to write and post it but here it finally is and I hope you enjoy the read! Love, Vy ❤
Settling in with a romantic partner is not an experience Y/N has had to deal with before. When she used to think about it, she’d imagine it being stressful and annoying as any moving process is but it is only that she is indeed moving that she realizes that the only part that’s really annoying is the need to be at her boyfriend’s apartment so badly while still having formalities to go through that require her to stay in her old home.
Luckily that’s over with now - she’s settled in the box-like apartment and has just received the stuff she called her parents to send her a couple of days ago. Corpse had told her beforehand that, due to his minimalistic amount of belongings, she could bring in as much stuff as she wanted. And if that isn’t a dream for a sentimentalist like her, then I don’t know what is.
Currently, she’s sitting cross-legged on the floor of the guest bedroom where her stuff will be residing like a walk-in closet of sorts. She’s taking a trip down memory lane, digging through the contents of the boxes that have just arrived. Most of the items she sees inside are worth nothing but sentimental value which to her is far more important than the price of it all in cash. There’s children’s books she used to love, diplomas she isn’t sure why her parents would be sending her, some pieces of handmade jewelry, records and a record player and finally - and most importantly - there’s many photo albums, each and every single one marked with the time period of the pictures it contains.
Unlike her organized parents, however, Y/N doesn’t bother with the mess before she flips one of these albums open, flipping through it in an attempt to jostle the memories in her brain while simultaneously looking at them. There’s pictures of many birthdays whether it be her own or of one of her siblings or parents. There’s pictures of her with the neighborhood kids she used to play with - and get hurt with - a lot during the preteen years of her life.
Then there are the pictures of her first and last day of each grade - a family tradition put in place by her parents. There’s family vacation pictures, prom pictures, pictures from her graduation etc. Simply put: plenty of important moments secured in a fragment of time with the use of a camera.
Flipping that one closed, Y/N reaches into the box for another one just for her hand to grab a small bootleg looking album that, judging by its size, is meant exclusively for polaroid pictures. She giggles to herself, remembering the craze her and her siblings when through when her sister got a polaroid camera for her fifteenth birthday.
“This should be fun...“ she mumbles to herself as she begins looking through it, immediately bursting out laughing at the ridiculous photos inside that mostly consist of her and her family getting captured in embarrassing or awkward positions by whoever the photographer was, walking into the room unannounced and taking a picture before anyone could prepare.
The locations vary from their house, their grandparents’ house, the park, the beach, the McDonalds playground where her dad would take her and her siblings because he’s always been hopeless at cooking.
Speaking of that last one....
Just as she’s about to turn the page, Y/N’s eyes land on one specific photo where she doesn’t look older than five. She’s grinning from ear to ear, hugging a boy about her age if maybe a year older at most.
She takes the picture out for closer inspection, turning it around to find the date written on it along with many messily drawn hearts in different colored crayons. That’s more than enough to bring to light the memory of that day which also just happened to be the day she first ‘got married’ as little kids do. Some would argue it was a little too early considering she wasn’t even in first grade at the time but who cares? It was ‘love at first sight’ and a marriage her poor dad had to approve on the spot, perhaps barely seconds before the picture was taken, judging by the smiles on hers and the boy’s faces.
She can recall spending the rest of that outing playing house with the kid, running around the playground like newlyweds in their new home. She can’t help but feel a little disappointed that she can’t remember the name of the kid who will forever remain her first husband and who, if her memories are correct, she never saw again which is typically how these children marriages go - the kids simply never see each other again or they have a minor fight about a toy or a pack of crayon and suddenly they’re divorced, off to marry a different classmate during that day’s recess.
Y/N’s thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a knock on the doorframe, “Whatya doin’?”
She looks up to see her boyfriend standing in the doorway giving her an adorable but tired smile, having just woken up whereas she couldn’t even get proper shuteye in her old apartment and came here as soon as the sun rose, thankfully making her way inside soundlessly enough for him to not be jostled out of his sleep.
“Apart from breaking and entering, that is.“ Corpse adds before she could reply, making her laugh as he joins her on the floor, taking the polaroid from her hands.
“Just reminiscing. It really makes me realize that I’m practically a grandma now.“ She scoffs, admiringly analyzing his features as he moves the hair out of his eyes to better inspect the image but due to having just woken up, he quickly gives up on it until his gaze are a little less blurred and hazy.
“You’re barely in your twenties, wait at least a couple more years and we’ll both be in a mid-life crisis together.“ He chuckles in reply, handing the photo back to her. “Your brother?“ He asks, nodding at the polaroid, causing her to shake her head in negation.
“Nope. That, my dear friend, is my first husband.“ She proudly proclaims, grinning when she sees the widening of his dark orbs.
“Oh, let me track him down real quick, I’ll be right back.“ He goes to stand up, but Y/N grabs his arm and even while weakened by a fit off giggles still manages to keep him grounded.
“I don’t even know his name! If I did you don’t think I’d go looking for him myself? I mean, he’s got that limited edition Batman watch, he’s gotta be a serious badass now. Why would I be wasting my time with you?“ She snickers as he side-eye glares her down, barely able to suppress the smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
He snatches the polaroid from her again, “I had the same watch but you don’t see me flaunting it now, do you?”
And it’s as if someone’s whacked him over the head with a bat, clarity suddenly flooding his brain right after the words leave his mouth. In his defense, it’s a memory he hasn’t had to think about in literally forever. Why would he? Well, apart from the fact that it was his first - and only - marriage thus far, there was nothing special about that day whatsoever.
Oh boy, was he wrong on this one
“That’s me!“ He exclaims, getting a better look at the image after rubbing every trace of sleep out of his eyes, pushing strands of hair out of his face frantically, “Holy shit, that’s me!“
“Yeah right.“ Y/N, who’s already moved on to other items in the box, just rolls her eyes in response, not buying into what she thinks is an attempt at a joke on her boyfriend’s part.
“We played house and had a dog named French Fry. You spilt milkshake on yourself and started crying because it ruined your favorite shirt. You told me you favorite ice-cream flavor at the time was caramel. You taught me how to fly off a swing without cracking my skull.“ Corpse speeds through some of the hazy details, each one clearing up as he says them out loud, “Need I add more?“
The wide-eyed dumbfounded stare she’ giving him answers that question in and of itself but with the added, “Oh my fucking God”, it double confirms that she’s convinced. 
“Yeah.“ He nods, laughter bubbling up in his chest, “We’re married.“
“We are.“ She nods back, jaw practically on the floor.
“And you couldn’t even recall my fucking name! I still remember what your ice cream flavor was at five years old!“ He argues light-heartedly, stretching out his arm to put the picture out of Y/N’s reach when she goes to grab it. When she doesn’t retaliate, he simply stands up and runs out of the room, whining about the betrayal all the way down the hall.
“I’m sorry, Corpse! I swear!” She calls out to him but it’s no use.
It’s gonna take a lot of cuddles and kisses to make up for that one. But I mean, really, Y/N? You don’t remember your first husband’s name? That’s just cruel. Very, very cruel.
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multifandomimagines · 3 years
Let Me Show You - A Theo Raeken Imagine
Characters: Theo Raeken x Reader
Word Count: 3469
Summary: Reader is feeling stressed and insecure, so Theo wants to be there for her and make her feel perfect.
Warnings: Smut (female-receiving oral and vaginal), insecurity, mentions of IED
Written by: Josie
A/N: Keep reading after the cut 👀
Disclaimer: GIF isn’t ours - credit to who it belongs to
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Y/N sighed as the puffy red eyes of her reflection stared back at her through the mirror. This week had been… different. Every little thing had been going wrong, and each day brought more and more emotion, stress and insecurity. Her under-eyes were dark with exhaustion and her smile wasn’t as bright as it usually was - that is, when it showed itself anyway.
She didn’t even hear when her bedroom door opened and closed softly, didn’t register the light footsteps across her carpet moving toward her; not until the eyes of her boyfriend met hers in the mirror, round with concern. Seeing him so suddenly would usually have elicited a wide grin from Y/N, and she would jump into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. Yet, in the state she was in, his arrival made her feel as if she could finally let it all out. Her emotions overwhelmed her like a tidal wave, and her eyes prickled with tears.
“Theo,” she whispered, her voice cracking, and hurriedly turned around to bury her head in his neck. Almost like a reflex, Theo held her tightly to his chest as she cried, his hand rubbing up and down her trembling back. He slowly walked them backward until his legs hit the edge of her bed, and pulled her shaking body onto his lap.
“Shh, baby,” Theo hushed her sobs tenderly. “It’s okay.” Her head had made its way back to his neck, Y/N couldn’t even look up at him. He wouldn’t show it, because he had to be strong for her, but seeing his girl like this broke him to pieces inside. She was the only person who saw the good in him when everyone else tossed him aside as either a failure or a villain. Either way, he was a lost cause in the eyes of most people. Everyone really… well, everyone except her. Out of all of the people Theo had met in his life, he knew Y/N deserved to be happy more than anyone. She deserved to be cared for, celebrated, loved. As someone who dragged him out of his darkest places, Theo wanted nothing more than to help her out of hers.
Y/N sniffled, and slowly lifted her head from Theo’s shoulder, her eyes staring downward and avoiding the gaze of her boyfriend. She knew it hurt him to see her like this and she wished she could just… stop.
“Hey,” she heard him say. “Look at me Y/N.” His voice was rich with worry for the girl he loved, and she flinched at the thought of causing him grief. It was quick, but Theo saw it, and his heart snapped once again. Slowly, he raised his hand to her cheek, running his thumb along her cheekbone softly, collecting the tears that were slowly drying on her face. She subtly leaned into his touch without even realising she did it, it was like her body moved off it’s own accord, drawn to him. Gently, Theo moved his hand to Y/N’s chin and turned her head to face him.
For the first time since he’d arrived, Y/N finally let Theo see the pain in her eyes. They were glossy and slightly bloodshot, and Theo’s gaze softened at the sight of her vulnerability. “What’s wrong?” He asked a simply question, not wanting to overwhelm her.
“Everything,” she breathed. Theo’s fingers ran themselves through her hair, encouraging her to keep going. Initially she wanted to shrug him off and succumb to her feelings again, but she let him comfort her. “I’m just feeling everything all at once. Theo, I can’t-“
“It’s okay baby, it’s okay,” He held her cheeks delicately, scared to break her fragile form. “Breathe with me.”
It was something Theo had learned over the months. Sometimes Y/N really needed to calm down and just breathe slowly, in and out, exhaling the intensity of her feelings as much as her brain would allow. Though she hadn’t admitted it, Y/N realised that the method worked better when Theo led her through it.
After a minute or so of long, deep breaths, Y/N was no longer jolting with the ghosts of sobs from earlier. Theo continued to hold her close, remaining gentle but tight enough to always remind her that he was there for her. No matter what.
“This week has been so bad,” She began, and Theo stayed silent, realising that she was finally feeling comfortable enough to talk. He felt a small surge of pride flow through him at this, knowing that it was hard for her at times. “I’m stressed. I still have so much work to do, and deadlines are creeping up on me like a freakin’ predator. I’m worried for my brother, he’s struggling with his IED and he’s even been taking his meds, but they keep needing to up the dose and it kills me to see him in the state he gets. I keep screwing up too, like earlier I kept stalling the car, and I broke a photo frame yesterday morning, and I forgot to submit an assignment for grading at the beginning of the week. And I can’t sleep at night… Theo, I’m so tired.”
“Hey, come here,” Theo whispered, pulling her into another hug. “Okay, first of all, you are so smart and every time you get stressed about an assessment, you always go and smash it, don’t you?”
A smile threatened to pull at her lips at his confidence in her, and she nodded.
“Right,” Theo grinned. “Next thing, Liam is resilient, just like you. He won’t let one little setback get him down, and his meds will be sorted before you know it. Plus, he’s lucky to have you as a sister, you know that? You’re always there for him, everyone sees it.”
Y/N shifted on Theo’s lap, looking into his eyes as he spoke. “And,” He continued. “Everyone has weeks where they feel like they mess everything up, even super cool badasses like me.” Y/N giggled, spurring Theo on. “Someone as perfect as you doesn’t need to worry about a few little mistakes. They’re nothing, okay? Not important.” His hand moved soothingly up and down her arm, leaving goosebumps in their wake. “Is that everything?”
“Um, yeah…” Y/N trailed off quietly, suddenly avoiding her boyfriend’s eyes and sinking into herself. Theo knew her so well at this point that not a single subtle movement would go unnoticed, so he raised his eyebrows at her response. He knew she was holding back, and she knew that he knew. Sighing, Y/N gave in a little. “It’s stupid.”
“What have I always told you?” He said, smiling at her. “You can tell me anything. Anything at all. I’ll be there for you no matter what. You know that, don’t you?”
Y/N nodded and breathed in, slightly shakily. “I feel ugly, Theo.”
“What?” Theo whispered in disbelief, his eyes the size of saucers. He didn’t know what he’d expected, but it wasn’t that. “Baby-“
“I told you it was stupid-“
“No, it’s not that, it’s just-“ Theo searched for the words in his brain. He never thought he’d have to convince the most beautiful girl in the world that that’s what she was. He thought it was just common knowledge, really. “You and ‘ugly’ would never even fit in the same category. Not even in the same universe.”
“That’s just not true though,” Y/N stated, shaking her head, her eyes tired. “I can’t even look in the mirror at the moment. I feel like when I look, I’m not looking back at me. And it makes me cry. I’d rather not see myself at all than to look at that reflection.”
If Theo’s heart wasn’t broken before, the damage was definitely done now. Hearing Y/N, his girl, say that she wasn’t pretty, but ugly, made him feel all kinds of lost and confused, but more so sad, because he wished he could take away her pain and make it all disappear. Unfortunately, his powers of pain transference only worked on physical pain, and he silently cursed that fact.
“How can you not see what I see…” He whispered, almost more to himself than to her. “You know, the first time I saw you Y/N, even from a distance I knew I’d never see anyone as beautiful as you. And now I’m looking at you, months later, and I still think you’re just as stunning. You are gorgeous. You hear me? The most gorgeous ever.” Theo placed kisses on her nose, her cheeks, her forehead as he spoke, causing Y/N’s heart to flutter. His words stirred something in her, and the intensity of his eyes boring into hers made her forget about everything she was worried about. A wave of adoration for her boyfriend washed over her, and she cupped his cheeks delicately, a smile pulling at the corners of his lips.
Y/N didn’t have the words at that moment, all the emotion was caught in her throat, so she did what she felt conveyed her feelings best. She leaned forward and kissed him, Theo’s lips moving against hers immediately, as if by instinct. It was so soft, so pure, light as a feather. She pulled away from him all too soon, their eyes meeting each other once again, but Theo didn’t feel like stopping. “I want to show you how beautiful you really are,” He spoke lowly, holding her hand and giving a gentle squeeze. “Please baby. Let me show you.”
He didn’t have to explicitly say what he really meant by that for both of them to know, and his request sent warm shivers through her body. She spoke only one word: “Okay.”
Theo connected their lips again, harder this time. Even with just a kiss, he wanted to pour every ounce of love he had for her in it. He would make sure that he made her feel exactly how she deserves to feel. Her hands had moved to the back of his neck, plucking at the hairs on his head, while Theo held her as close as their bodies would allow.
His fingers slid up her t-shirt slightly, brushing the skin underneath. Theo’s fingers were so cold that Y/N gasped against his lips, so her boyfriend took the chance to slip his tongue into her mouth and explore. Slowly, he lifted her shirt up further and further until they were forced to pull away so Theo could tug it over her head and toss it on her bedroom floor.
Of course, Theo wanted to marvel her brilliance as best he could, so he gripped her by the waist and moved her carefully so she was laying flat on her bed, looking up at him. “So beautiful,” he murmured, and waisted no time in resuming their kiss. His hands travelled down her sides as their lips moved in sync like a perfectly choreographed dance, and his hips ground into hers - gently still, yet hard enough to give Y/N friction where she needed it the most.
He dragged his lips to her neck, sucking and biting on the skin to create dark marks to decorate her already perfect body. Theo considered it his finishing touch to her, as he knew she needed him as much as he needed her, which was what made them so perfect. Y/N’s hands roamed his back, one leg secured over his hip to keep him close, and Theo reached around to unclip her bra. His eyes widened - he would never get used to seeing her body like this, and she wasn’t even fully exposed to him yet.
“I love these so much,” He said, lowering his head to one breast and closing his mouth over her nipple, his tongue sliding across her sensitive skin. Y/N moaned as he simultaneously kneaded her other breast with his hand. “I love this one,” He said, moving away from the one he was playing with. “And I love this one.” Theo reattached his lips to her other breast, her rapidly increasing breaths spurring him on.
Y/N’s hips involuntarily bucked up at Theo’s, and he chuckled lightly against her skin at the movement. He trailed his lips back up to her collarbone, her neck, her jaw, all while dragging her leggings and her panties down her legs as far as he could. He pulled away from Y/N’s lips to crawl down the bed until he could completely reveal her entire body. Her leggings and panties discarded on the floor, Theo looked his girl in the eyes as he placed his hands on her thighs and lightly encouraged her legs apart.
Shivering with anticipation, Y/N watched her boyfriend wide-eyed as he licked one long stripe up her centre. Her eyelids fluttered, but she couldn’t bring herself to break the intense eye contact she held with Theo, until he began to flick his tongue against her clit. Her head fell back onto her pillow, arms flying down to grab onto Theo’s hair, feeling his head moving between her legs. She moaned as he licked and sucked at her clit, doing everything in his power to make her feel good, and it was music to his ears. He soon replaced his tongue with his fingers, rubbing her clit quickly, and started licking along her core, like it was his whole life’s purpose to do so.
“Fuck, Theo,” She whimpered, and Theo groaned against her at the sound of her saying his name in such a situation. Her voice held so much vulnerability yet so much excitement, so much feeling, so much love. The vibrations against her core sent waves of pleasure racing through her, and Theo watched through his eyelashes as her back arched off the bed.
Theo removed his mouth from her core, and her head whipped up briefly at the loss of contact, her eyes wide and pleading for something, anything. Barely moment after, Theo pushed two fingers inside her, pumping them at a quick pace. Y/N moaned louder, and Theo pulled himself up so his head was level with hers, staring directly into her eyes as his fingers worked their magic. “How good does this feel Princess?”
“So good,” Y/N breathed, barely being able to find it in herself to speak. She gripped onto his biceps as he continued his work between her legs, moaning with every thrust of his fingers. “It feels amazing.”
Theo smirked slightly, content that he was getting exactly the reaction from her that he set out to get, and leaned down to capture her lips with his once again. He added another finger and picked up the pace of his actions, his mouth drowning her voice as she cried out. He kissed her hard, drawing the breath out of her almost completely, and she could taste herself on his tongue which only brought her closer to the edge.
Feeling her walls clench around his fingers, Theo moved his lips around to her ear. “Are you gonna cum?” He said, his voice rough with his own arousal. He knew the answer, but he also knew that Y/N loved to hear his voice, and it somehow turned her on even more. All she could do at this point was nod frantically, her moans and whimpers making it impossible to get the words out. Theo sped up his actions even further, trying with everything he had to send her over the edge. “Cum for me baby.”
The words uttered into her ear sent her into ecstasy, and she let go screaming Theo’s name. He watched with his mouth hung open as her body pulsed and jolted as her orgasm washed over her in waves, her cries slowing into whimpers and her contorted face relaxing into one of sheer bliss.
A few moments later when Y/N had caught her breath, she reached down and palmed Theo’s bulge through his joggers, eyes widening when she realised how hard he already was. He groaned, dropping his head to her shoulder and tensing at her touch. “N- no, baby,” He stuttered out, voice rough from the feeling. Y/N was confused as he slowly moved her hand away, tilting her head to the side in a silent question. “Tonight is about you.”
Usually she would protest and say that they both need to be pleasured equally, but she wanted him so badly that she didn’t have it in her to argue. Frantically, she yanked his head down and smashed her lips against his, tongue and teeth clashing in desperation. All she wanted was him, and she didn’t want to wait any longer.
She pulled his shirt up his body, almost ripping the fabric with her speed, and he pulled away so she could pull it over his head. She loved to admire Theo’s toned chest and stomach, so she reached her hand down to feel up his abs. She tried to look, but Theo was adamant on her being the one who was worshipped, so he dipped his head and began sucking on her neck once again, causing her head to fall back and a moan to fall from her lips.
As he painted her neck with purple bruises, Y/N reached down and played with the waistband of his joggers, fiddling with the drawstrings. Theo felt her fingers brush him and growled against her neck, hurriedly standing up to yank them and his boxers to the ground, completely exposed before her.
Y/N whimpered at the sight of him, naked and ready for her, and he crawled back over her just as quickly as he’d stood up. Theo looked at her with dark eyes, wordlessly asking for permission to treat her to just what she deserved. “Please, Theo,” She whispered, and of course, Theo didn’t want to deny her anything she wanted, especially when she asked so nicely.
The two of them moaned in harmony, jaws dropped open, as Theo pushed himself inside her, easily sliding in due to her wetness. He moved all the way in until he felt like he was inside Y/N’s stomach, pausing there as they both breathed heavily from the sensation. “Feeling better?” Theo spoke thinly, smiling at his girlfriend’s expression of pure pleasure.
“Miles better,” She replied, thrusting her hips up at Theo, making it known that she wanted more. The chimera began to move, pushing in and out of her at an ever-increasing pace, making sure she felt every single inch of him to give her the best sex possible. Y/N hands roamed his back, nails scratching at it and breaking the skin as she moaned and cursed into his ear.
“Always so tight and wet for me,” Theo groaned, his hair falling messily over his forehead as he moved. “So perfect. Every inch of you is perfect.” He sped up his movements, making sure to hit the spot that gets her screaming, and grabbed at her breast with one hand and delicately stroking her cheek with the other. “I love you.”
Theo was going so deep and fast now, Y/N was so close. Her nails dug into his back as her release approached, unable to tear her eyes away from his as they glowed yellow from the adrenaline. “I love you too,” She spoke shakily, so nearly there, when Theo kissed her hard, knowing she was reaching her orgasm from her clenching walls.
“Now,” He spoke against her lips, and as soon as the word had left his lips, Y/N screamed out Theo’s name at the most euphoric feeling she had ever experienced, shaking and quivering around him. Moments later, as she was still feeling the high, she felt Theo slow his movements as he spilled into her, his own release washing through him like a tidal wave.
After coming down from their high, Theo flopped down next to her in bed, immediately pulling her close to rest her head on his chest, which was still rising and falling. He kissed her head lightly, stroking her hair affectionately, and then pulled the covers over their bodies. He knew Y/N was exhausted, not just from their activities but from her whole week. Her breathing had slowed and he realised she had already fallen into a relaxed slumber.
Theo smiled to himself - seeing his girl finally calm with no stress lines pulling at her face made his heart soar. He hated seeing her so upset, in fact it was his least favourite thing to see in the world, so he vowed to always be the one to lift her back up again.
Theo would always be there for her: rain or shine, any day, any time. And one day it’ll be ‘til death do them part. His smile lingered on his lips as he let his own eyelids closed and he joined her in her slumber, meeting her in her dream.
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