#no specific oc for this i just had to get this written somewhere
wilbyowo · 5 months
Your body was crouched low to the ground, shaking like a frightened rabbit, eyes wide and wild. He could sense that you were scared, the acrid tang of fear reaching his senses, billowing off you in the night air like smoke off a flame. A palm, calloused and rough slowly approached from above the canopy of trees far above, fingers gently lifting you, scooping under you and pulling you into rough yet warm skin.
”Oh little one…”
the voice rumbled, sympathy dripping from his softened voice, as you were lifted higher and higher from the cold earth below. In moments you were nestled against him, he understood that little ones like you couldn’t keep heat well, and with how unforgiving the night wind was, he couldn’t just leave you to the freeze.
You felt his thunderous heart pounding, much slower than any other creature’s pulse you’d ever heard, like a drum beat within him, yet you found the rhythm soothing, it helped to ground you as he held you against his chest. You were safe
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 6 months
Hiya there!
I have two questions,
first, what if Katsuki was whipped over a popstar reader?
Also, who's the character in your profile? i wanna maybe draw her.
Much love
-Kovu :>
hello this is LOOOOONG overdue @kovu-bunnbunn im soooo sorry ! i didnt rlly know how to get to this at first cus i've never done hc's before, but either way i hope you like it ! also tumblr just randomly ate this so i had to restart...yay.
p.s.: the character on my profile is my oc ryoko ! she's my mha oc, i'd be so super flattered if you decided to draw her ! (also idk if you couldve guessed but shes my oc x canon katsuki ship I KNOOOOW shocker)
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katsuki has literally every single piece of merch he can get his hands on
vinyls, album records, posters, accesories and t-shirts but he never wears them he hides them somewhere in his room so you don't find out he has them.
(you do find out eventually.)
he gets so giddy on the inside when you give him limited edition stuff and that's always something he shows off
"woah man that's limited edition ive been LURKING for that !" "yeah well apparently you haven't been lurkin' hard enough cus I HAVE IT--"
he shows up to all your concerts and somehow he manages to be the loudest one there lmfaooo his ass is NOT on mute.
if you ever take him backstage he's so awkward cus he doesnt know anyone so he just sticks to you (not like he doesn't on the daily)
at most he'll nod at people in greeting (he's kinda scared he'll start stuttering)
but he's scary lookin so the staff n others think he's just protective over you
for sure your other bandmates / staff think he's your personal bodyguard LOLOLOLOL
but nope turns out he's just a loser lol
if you sell photocards as merch or something like that best believe has ALLL of them
collectin em like his phone isn't already filled with pictures of you
his storage about to burst and it's still not enough for 'im LOLOL
he for sure has a secret fan account that entirely revolves around you.
he defends you with his LIFE on there too he's one of them fans😭😭😭
he has a different playlist from specific albums depending on his mood, so whatever playlist he's on there's always at least one song of yours on there
he has a seperate 'bad boy playlist' that he has so you don't find out he's a hyperfan
one time you guys were sharing earbuds in the bus while his playlist was on shuffle and he'd accidently added one of your songs on his edgy dark n brooding cool guy playlist.
needless to say he was more than embarrassed, damn near MORTIFIED and didn't look at you for the whole bus ride 😭😭
gets so flustered when he finds out songs you've written were while you thought of him or were dedicated to him. he gets so blushy about it but he's such a show off
like whenever he hears a song meant for him, he smirks about it to himself and no one understands why but he really doesn't care cus they don't need to understand
cus it's something between you and him <3
all in all, he loves you and your music (and your merch) and he couldn't be prouder to call himself your boyfriend <3
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imagines--galore · 6 months
||Light 'em Up|| Chapter Two
Summary: She saved Hiro from bullies and then punched Tadashi when she thought he was one too. She calls herself Hiro’s caretaker, and became Tadashi’s best friend. Now she attends the same Institute as Tadashi as a robotics student. She’s Sakura dubbed Cherry Blossom by Fred. She’s Hiro’s partner in crime, when it comes to annoying his brother and Tadashi’s best friend. Pairing: Tadashi Hamada x Sakura Kamiya(OC) Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. Angst. Hurt/Comfort. Adventure Previously -  Prologue, Chapter One
While handing in her abstract for her final project Sakura had requested for a lab somewhere near the University's swimming pool, stating that it was vital for her project. Professor Callaghan, being the person he was, immediately gave her permission to move her stuff from the main Lab to a storage room next to the swimming pool. The storage room was connected to the swimming pool through a small door.
The make-shift lab wasn't really big but for Sakura it was enough. The walls were painted a light blue while the floor was tiled. There was only a single window, right next to the door, both of which were locked almost all the time, unless one of her experiments burst into flames and she had to keep the window open for awhile. The rest of the room could only be described as ordered chaos. A table with a huge board in front of it with a dozen blue prints and diagrams pinned on them, tool boxes littering the floor in one corner of the room.
Another corner dedicated to the more delicate utensils which included her Chemistry set, microscope and stuff. The lab was personalized as much as it could be while still maintaining the mad scientist vibe it gave off, as Hiro once put it when he was waiting for Sakura to finish for the day. The walls were decorated with several posters of silhouettes, both male and female, in different dance poses. There was a poster of the University with the name written across it in bold and others with famous people dealing in robotics.
In the centre of the room was a desk. This one desk was the only clean part of the room. The few notepads placed on it were neatly piled and the pencils inside their holder were sharped and ready for use. The only other objects on the whole desk were almost a dozen photo frames bearing the smiling faces of Sakura and the people she took the pictures with. This was the small cluttered area where Sakura had dragged both the Hamada boys to. (After giving Tadashi an earful about forgetting her)
"Seriously Tadashi! The one time I get to show off my project to Hiro and you conveniently forget."
(Which was still ongoing)
"Hey! It wasn't really my fault! I was excited about showing Hiro Baymax and I just...forgot!"
"Oh thats nice Hamada! Nice to see that a project made you forget the person who has been your best friend for God knows how many years."
"Come on Sakura! You love Baymax. Don't pin this on him!"
"Who said anything about Baymax? I specifically said project, not Baymax."
"And by project you did mean Baymax. My project is Baymax."
"You are making it easier for me to reconsider me friendship with you Hamada."
"Oh please! You would never take it back. You love me!"
"I bear with you! Big difference."
"Oh Sakura! You wound me with your harsh words."
"Shut it, Tadashi. Or I will kick you where the sun don't shine."
To anyone else the two adults would look like they were really fighting but the 14-year old sitting on a spare tool box knew better. He really wished he had some popcorn right now. His head rested on his palms, elbows on his thighs as he leaned forward slightly, watching the verbal banter go back and forth, his eyes following it like a Tennis match, an amused smile playing across his lips. Really these matches were way better and more entertaining than those shows Aunt Cass watched. Tadashi was leaning against a table, casually, his hands in his pockets as his eyes roamed around the makeshift lab. Meanwhile Sakura was barely visible behind a curtained off section, in the last corner of the room, as she prepared her project for a demonstration. She refused to look at the older Hamada just like he refused to look at her, both finding their surroundings, or in Sakura's case her project more interesting. But their verbal spar did not waver in the slightest. The lab was silent for a few seconds before Tadashi broke it, while fishing something out of his pocket.
"By the way I have this gift card from a store I gotta use before it expires. Something about fifty percent off on those shoes you were ogling at when you and Honey dragged me to be your servant for the day."
A grunt was his only reply followed by a thud as something landed on the floor. Tadashi, his face still expressionless continued, as he slapped the gift card against his hand.
"You can have it if you want!"
Hiro fell off his tool box with a yelp, startled. He shook his head, standing up, just as Sakura popped her head from behind the curtain, her face gleaming with sweat, hair almost falling out of the loose bun she had hastily piled on top of her head, a streak of oil running across her cheek, as she regarded the older Hamada boy with a neutral expression.
"Whats in it for me?" She said her voice testy. Tadashi shrugged.
"Nothing at all!"
He held out the card between his two forefingers, gesturing for her to take it. The girl hummed under her breath before disappearing again.
"Hold up! Just gotta get this suit zipped up!"
The sound of a zipper could be heard in the suddenly silent room. Hiro glanced at his brother who just shrugged in response. Both the boys had a brief idea of what her project was going to be but they still weren't sure of the details and the kinks in it. Since the day they had met, the three of them had gotten quite close. Sometimes it freaked other people out how close they were, namely Tadashi's and Sakura's friends at the University. All three of them were so in sync with each other that a person just had to take one look at them together and see that they were all on the exact same page. Aunt Cass called them The Three Stooges. When asked why she simply answered the three of them were equally crazy about robotics and supported the other no matter what the idea was. No one could really argue with that or with Aunt Cass for that matter so they had let it be. Although it was true. No matter how mad the project or idea seemed they would always stick together until they either almost burnt down their small lab at The Lucky Cat Cafe or the idea was a success or sometimes even both, with the former happening more than once. Hiro would always discuss his plans and inventions with either his brother or Sakura or both of them and the two adults would do the same as well. It was like an unspoken rule between them that whenever anyone of them thought of a new invention they would tell each other. But this time both Tadashi and Sakura had kept their projects a secret from everyone, even each other. Hiro had been bummed out at first but then brightened up, when Sakura had told him that it would be a nice surprise for him for a change. Although it had not stopped him from annoying them with questions in the beginning. Being the youngest of The Three Stooges he had taken on the mantle of annoying both the adults by making wild and crazy guesses on what their project was going to be. Sakura would sometimes join forces with Hiro to annoy Tadashi. Sunday afternoon would find all three of them in Hiro and tadashi's bedroom. Hiro would be slumped on his bean bag, usually throwing a ball in the air, with Sakura sprawled on the floor beside him, Mochi resting on her stomach most of the time, while Tadashi would be trying to read on some new research on Hiro's bed. From a water hose to a time machine, Tadashi was teased for an hour and sometimes two hours straight as the two other occupants would throw one guess after the other at him. Sometimes he would just say yes, usually to guesses like a hovercraft or a time machine (once he even said yes to a cat-translator) just to humor them, leading the two of them to make far-fetched assumptions about said guess, before he would rebuff them by saying he was doing nothing of the sort. That would usually result in a ball and a couple of pillows thrown at him, which would always meet their mark, before the three of them would settle into a more quite silence. Pulling back the curtains Sakura stepped forward.
"Er...are you making a new fashion statement or something Sakura?" Tadashi asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked at his friend. The girl was wearing a black rash guard with black tights. The outfit was covered in fine thin lines that went along her body, swelling into small circles at different points notably where her joints met like her wrists, ankle, shoulders and her hips.
"Or maybe we're going surfing?" Hiro tried, the rash guard acting as a big give-a-way for the 14 year old. The girl smiled at them briefly, pulling her hair in a ponytail and securing the loose strands back with a headband that had the same lines on it as her suit.
"You'll find out soon enough." She said, her eyes shining with excitement, walking towards the door that lead to the swimming pool.
Looking at each other once the brothers shrugged before following after her.
"And I'll be taking that Gift Card Tadashi!"
The old boy rolled his eyes, smiling as he did.
"Of course!"
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author-ssi · 8 months
Expectancy ~KTH
{Part II}
➜Pairing: Kim Taehyung x OC
➜Genre: Soulmate AU, Fluff, (Slight) Angst, (Slight) Smut, Series
Warnings: None for this part
➜Word Count: 2.7k
➜Summary: The first words soulmates ever speak to one another are written on each other's body - and those very first words immensely daunt famous CEO Kim Taehyung, to the point he's dreading to meet his own soulmate.
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Kim Taehyung
A variety of scenarios would, more often than not, cross Taehyung's mind regarding his first meeting with his soulmate and more specifically, what would follow after his soulmate's first words to him. Ranging from dealing with an outburst of frustration and sorrow to a response of a playful and harmless nature, he had pondered over all the possible courses those three dreadful words would lead to. Thus, he would be lying if he claimed that facing the teary-eyed girl now, wasn't one of the predicted outcomes. Even so, he still remains at a loss; cluelessly staring at her as she attempts to wipe her tears away with her sleeve-covered fists.
His heart broke at the sight.
Unhesitatingly taking a step closer, he soon embraces the weeping girl. Wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close to his body. In this moment, Taehyung feels as if he's just put the last piece missing in the puzzle of his life. Yet, one question still lingers in his mind, "Why exactly do you hate me?". It seems insensible and selfish of him to raise that kind of question right now but he's so desperate to know that it just slipped out. Alas, his response comes in the form of a small whimper soon progressing into another surge of more intense crying. Taehyung's eyes widen at the sight of the inconsolable girl in his arms and he hastily blurts out the first words of comfort that come to mind, "A-ah, it's fine. Hey, it's okay. Shh shh".
Several reassuring strokes on her back later, when her crying begins to cease, the girl in his arms lifts her head to face him. Breath getting caught in his throat, Taehyung instantly commits her beautiful features to memory. Vibrant brown eyes, bow-shaped coral lips, a mole under the corner of her left eye; on which he's almost tempted to lay a kiss, right then and there. He resists this sudden urge and instead focuses on the red hues that have appeared on her cheeks. Briefly wondering whether the reason behind them is the embarrassment from being close to him or the chill of the evening breeze, he eventually opts in favour of the second one, "You must be starting to get cold. We could go back inside to talk, if you want to". Removing his hands from around her slim figure, Taehyung offers her a small, slightly awkward smile. Brown eyes melting into their counterpart, he swears he can make out the contemplation in them as she gathers her thoughts trying to come up with what to do. "No. I don't want to go back inside, I'll just close early today". Her voice bears the same intensity her first words to him had. However, noting that she hasn't distanced herself from him yet nor shown any intention of rejecting him, he decides to take a chance...
"Alright then. Shall we go somewhere to talk, just the two of us?", he offers an earnest suggestion along with a charming smile. Either way, the worst she can do is decline in which case his alternative is to allow her some space for the time being. I could always drop by to see her tomorrow! "We could go to your place. But first, give me a moment to close the shop. Okay?", her firm tone underlines the words that leave her mouth, as if she's issuing a command rather than asking permission. He brushes it off though, this being the last thing he was expecting to hear, so he finds himself excited and optimistic by this unexpected turn of events. Be that as it may, he tries to play it cool while trying to convince himself not to get his hopes up. "Okay, I'll wait for you in the car", he answers having put on an aloof façade and offering her an easy-going smile before temporarily parting ways. Once inside the car, Taehyung takes off his mask and earbuds feeling like he's finally able to breathe. Not only is he shocked from having finally met his soulmate but also startled and at the same time impressed with her unexpected boldness; in other words, his mind is in disarray. He still can't believe he found her out of nowhere at a regular bakery, of all places! To think I might have walked out on her without ever knowing... Looking down at his soulmate tattoo, now visible from behind his watch, he smiles fondly. If it weren't for these words, he would have never met this empowered yet meek-looking young woman. Thinking back to their interaction, it seems like he was under pressure whenever she spoke or looked at him with her firm gaze. Even then, Taehyung was mesmerised by her vibrant eyes and melodic voice. It feels like he is familiarised with her, like she's seen right into his soul.
Hence the word 'soulmate', I guess...
The opening of the door from the passenger's side of the car brings Taehyung back to reality as he turns to look at his soulmate, who's quietly settling herself on the passenger's seat and proceeds to put on her seatbelt. He sheepishly rubs his chin in order to resist the temptation of reaching out and taking her hand in his own. He'll have to hold back; at least for now. Starting the car back on, he enters the highway about to head to the direction of his house when suddenly he is remined of his previous destination. "Would you mind if we made a small stop on the way?", he says indirectly asking for permission, to make sure she's okay with it. Thankfully, she is and Taehyung wastes no time to take the next exit, feeling glad he won't leave little Ae-cha disappointed. Plus, that way, he'll get to break out the news to them sooner rather than later. He smiles happily, feeling lucky that his soulmate is so understanding which also makes him less nervous to introduce her to them when the time comes. And that's when it hits him; he hasn't even asked her name! "We never got the chance to introduce ourselves, did we?", he sheepishly chuckles turning to face her after stopping at a red light. "You're right but you really don't need to introduce yourself to me, I already know who you are", she brushed him off briefly glancing his way before looking out the window. "Still, I think it's only right for me to introduce myself to my soulmate. So, I'm Kim Taehyung. Nice to meet you", he insists, not at all discouraged by her blunt words. He extends his hand to shake hers with his signature boxy smile, slightly thrilled to have an excuse to touch her once more. "I'm Kang Mi-rae", she proceeds to introduce herself as well, placing her hand in his and firmly shaking it.
She's guarded.
Be it the fact that she has barely met his gaze since getting in the car or how quickly she pulls her hand away from his after their handshake... Taehyung doesn't find it hard at all to draw that conclusion.
A few moments of silence later, he finally pulls up his car in front of a rather large yet lovely family house, "I'll be right back". After receiving a small nod of affirmation from Mi-Rae, he gets out of the car with the bag of hotteok in hand walking up to the door. After a couple of knocks, it flings open and the next thing he knows is an excited Ae-cha tightly hugging his legs, "You finally came!". Feeling his heart melt, he wastes no time to pick her up in his arms. "I did and guess what... I have a little surprise for you", he whispers playfully, delighting in the way her eyes sparkle at his words. "A surprise!? What is it!? Tell me!", she asks impatiently with an enthusiastic grin. Raising his hand that's holding the hotteok, in front of her line of vision, Taehyung lets out a laugh when he sees her bursting in a series of giddy squeals. He hands it over to her, softly pecking her cheek in the process. "Oh, Taehyung! Welcome!", a female voice interrupts their heartwarming moment as a woman approaches the two of them at the threshold. "Mum! Look, hotteok!", announces a thrilled Ae-cha to her mother who smiles warmly in return. "Wow, why don't you go eat them with the banana milk Dad bought for you yesterday?", she offers reaching out her hands to embrace her daughter. "Yeah", little Ae-cha agrees reaching for her too and soon finding herself in her darling mother's arms. "Aren't you going to come in?", the woman addressed Taehyung placing her hand cosily on his shoulder. With a slightly disappointed look taking over his face, he shakes his head negatively before responding, "Well, you see, something came up...", he mutters rubbing the nape of his neck sheepishly.
Kang Mi-rae
Waiting in the car for him to get back wasn't a problem for Mi-rae. She needed the time to take it all in, anyway. Long story short, she met her soulmate and instead of running into his arms blissfully, she uttered the worst thing she could possibly say to him. "I hate you". Who says that to a guy they've just met!? And on top of that, proceed to cry their eyes out instead of explaining themselves!? Not to mention bluntly demanding to head to his house and then being gruff while he's simply trying to engage her in conversation!? What is wrong with her!? The way she's acting, he must be thinking she's mentally unstable! Even if he does though, he is definitely not showing it. Far from it actually! Taehyung actually reacted to her absurd meltdown calmly and even brushed off her offish behaviour that followed after it. She's on the verge of blushing again, merely by the memory of how he was holding her so close to him not so long ago. She can recall the dismay in his tone when he asked her why she hated him. If only instead of crying, she told him how far from the truth that is... She doesn't hate him, not at all! She hates how long it took for him to find her. Not that it's his fault, it is just the way the universe works. She sees it now... It is meant for it to take so long; the longer it takes, the more healing it'll be. She can already sense it... Her past struggles and never-ending loneliness fade away the more time she spends with him.
Bitter thoughts aside, Mi-rae always knew that if she were to meet her soulmate, she would love him more than any other woman has ever loved a man. She would not pay mind to his background, financial or social. She would simply love the man she was destined by the universe to be with. For him to turn out to be Kim Taehyung of all people, is an entirely different issue. You'd have to be living under a rock in order not to be aware of the infamous CEO who goes by the name of Kim Taehyng. Even if she wanted to avoid knowledge of him, she couldn't, since he has been appearing on the cover of almost every magazine with a topic on celebrities. As far as she can remember, there has always been an article or sometimes even an entire section dedicated to him alone! Whether it be actual facts or mere rumours about him, the editors never missed the opportunity to publish every piece of information they had gotten their hands on. How does she know all this? Obviously, Mi-rae's not the type to read such magazines; but her friends are! They all had a major crush on Kim Taehyung and never missed a single opportunity to suck in all the information and rumours circling around him. Even if that was before they had found their soulmates, considering who ended up being her own, she now regrets not paying attention to her friends going on and on about him. Mi-rae sighs regrettably as she turns her gaze to check on what her soulmate is doing.
Is that a woman holding a child the one he's talking to!?
Eyes widening, she cranes her neck to get a better view, frowning at the sight. Don't tell me he has a family! No way, he's known to be a bachelor! But what if he's managed to keep this part of his private life a secret!? But why would he come here now? Probably to let his wife know about him finding his soulmate and assuring her that he's going to reject- Enough, enough! Ask him to clarify his intentions when he gets back. No sooner had she collected herself than Taehyung got in the car. "Sorry to have kept you waiting but I needed to deliver hotteok to my little girl, she was craving it!", he offers her an apologetic smile and puts on his seatbelt before starting the car. "Was that your daughter?", is the question that never becomes audible; the words caught in Mi-rae's throat dreading the affirmative answer that might follow it. Instead, a good-natured smile is shown in return, "Don't worry about it".
After a quiet 10-minute car ride, Taehyung finally pulls up in front of his house. House, more like a mansion! Stepping out of the car first, he opens the door for her and holds out his hand. Placing her small hand in his large one - hoping he won't notice it slightly trembling - she glances at him with a tense expression before stepping out of the car herself and letting him show her the way. Once inside his house slash mansion, Taehyung lets go of her hand to remove his coat and she's suddenly overtaken by an unprecedented feeling of emptiness. Not the emptiness she has felt before; that lonesome and unfulfilling sentiment, but rather a sense of yearning for skinship - one that seems only he can satisfy. The touch of his hands on her shoulders instantly diminishes the feeling and she whips her head towards him only to see him smiling at her affectionately. Slightly pulling on her coat gesturing his intention to help her take it off, he pulls it off her shoulders and then her arms. She notes that she's extremely aware of every part of her body that his hands brush upon. Pivoting herself to face him, she watches as he hangs the two coats. "Do you mind if I change into something more comfortable?", his request breaks her out of her staring. "Not at all".
Sat in a comfy armchair is how she decides to wait for him, her eyes scanning the space around her while her thoughts swirl in uneasiness. All she wants to do is lose herself in his arms, diving into the warmth of his embrace but- How can she do that if there's already a woman he's chosen to hold like this!? I have to ask him! What I'll do with the answer- Well, it depends on the answer! "I'm back, sorry to keep you waiting yet again", his apology falls on deaf ears when she raises her gaze towards him.
How can someone's appearance be so simple and so flawless at the same time...?
This man... He's utter perfection.
Clearing her throat to compose herself, she rises from her seat before he gets the chance to approach her. "It's fine. Actually, I have something I want to ask you", she manages to keep her tone steady and serious despite being overwhelmed by dread. Taking a step closer to her, he envelopes her hands in his, looking directly into her eyes; his gaze so intense it feels like it can pierce right through her. "You can ask me anything, sweetheart", he says in a voice so low it almost resembles a purr. In an attempt to ignore the goosebumps that immediately spread on her body and the fastened beating of her heart, she focuses on uttering her question. "I-I... I wanted to a-ask you... if you... Um", she stumbles through her words unable to tear her gaze off of him. Her fidgety state distracts her from noticing the way Taehyung starts leaning towards her. Wait, is he going to ki-! "Was that woman earlier your wife!?", she ends up almost shrieking at his face with her eyes shut fearfully. She didn't want to phrase it so bluntly but what's done is done. All that's left now is his next words and whether they're going to leave her relieved or broken...
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sroloc--elbisivni · 2 months
questions for ao3 writers
tagged by @secretlystephaniebrown and @radishhqueen! thanks!
i will tag @bobtheacorn @kithnkin @spectralsleuth @decepti-thots @desdemonafictional, and if you see this and want to please consider yourself tagged!
1. how many works do you have on ao3? 108!
2. what's your total ao3 word count? 895,129. (I started the year with vague hopes of hitting a million words--we'll see where I end up after finishing current major non-fic project.)
3. what fandoms do you write for? right now, I've got active WIP docs open for rottmnt, transformers, usagi yojimbo, and one piece.
4. top 5 fics by kudos? Deaged Batgirls, tried to raise you right, Universe Collision, words that it was forming, and Intelligence, or vision, or the truth.
5. do you respond to comments? I try to! Especially if I have something to say more than just 'thanks.' I love talking about my fics.
6. fic you wrote with the angstiest ending: Any way you go you lose, which was specifically written as a bad ending for a different fic.
7. fic you wrote with the happiest ending: Mmh. I write a lot of happy endings, but I think the most uncomplicated/least bittersweet one is probably Heart's still beating, guess I'm pretty lucky.
8. do you get hate on fics? almost never, fortunately!
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind? yes, trending towards kinky.
10. do you write crossovers? sometimes! arguably all the turtles/UY fic I've written is a crossover, though I don't think of them that way because it's usually about blending the canons rather than crashing them into each other.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? not to my knowledge
12. have you ever had a fic translated? I've had requests, but nothing completed!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes! A few different ways--written bouncing back and forth, trading off scenes, each person taking one half of a story, each person taking a scene that fits in a larger narrative. it can be really fun.
14. all-time favorite ship? ooooooooough um. hm. hard to say. i've got the most words written for leo/usagi, so i'll go with that even though drifting out of turtles fandom has kind of taken a hard turn into absolute disinterest for me.
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? hahaha uh. let's say The Days That Follow, which was part of what i consider my first 'real' major fic project, for Young Justice. maybe if i ever get around to watching the post s2 stuff i'll come back to it.
16. writing strengths: I'm good at worldbuilding and I'd like to think that extends to detail and description/immersion in general
17. writing weaknesses: i basically never edit on a macro level and i think i tend towards glibness in a way that leaves holes behind the main action.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i used to, and stick the translations in the end notes! and now i probably wouldn't--I'd either indicate the language via dialogue or have the narrator say they don't understand. my priority has become making sure the reader understands.
19. first fandom you wrote for: there's a very old percy jackson oc fic somewhere in the depths of my hard drive from when i was like. 12.
20. favorite fic of yours: i recently reread 'Fathomless' and I'm still so fucking happy with it.
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Writer Q&A Game
Thanks to @clairelsonao3 for tagging me!
1. What motivates you to write?
I'm not exactly sure tbh. It almost feels like a compulsion. There are days where I simply do not feel good in my body if I haven't written anything. Then there are others where I can't bring myself to write because I'm too tired or too distracted from life. Honestly the second I get a clear head and enough time to myself, I'll start writing.
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
This isn't from my WIP, but from a fanfic I wrote a while ago. I want to try to find a way to incorporate it into something. Not sure where though.
“I know this seems like it’s coming out of nowhere,” he said, “but promise it’s not. I’ve had a long time to think about it.  A few years, actually. I guess, I just didn’t realize how deep I was in it until about five minutes ago.”
She kept silent, but the simple fact she hadn’t told him to get out gave him the confidence to keep going. . 
“I meant it when I said I’m crazy about you. I like that you take your sugar with a drop of coffee.  I like how you sing to yourself when you’re happy.  I like that you never seem to get cold.  I like that you never lose your head under fire, but still need me to get rid of spiders. I like that you can laugh at yourself.  I like that you can laugh at me. Hell, I like that you’re perfectly willing to slap my face if the situation calls for it.
I like so many things about you Liz, and that’s just the stuff I found out on accident.  I can only imagine the stuff I’d learn if I started loving you on purpose."
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
I really do enjoy writing Finn. The boy just makes my smile.
Close second is another OC which I wrote for fanfic who I want to save and put someplace else, Lucy. She's my softest girl who has a lot of love to give. Might figure out a way to put her in this regency setting somewhere, but who knows.
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
The first draft spree. The moment when you get an idea and you have write it down as quickly as possible. It's rough and definitely will need some editing, but that rush cannot be topped. It just feels satisfying to exorcise even the smallest of scenes out of my body.
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Dialogue, hands down. It's at least the part I've gotten the most compliments on.
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
I've only just started to dip my toe in, but I really do love answering asks. I like seeing other writer's process and knowing I'm not alone. It's just fun!
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
I've been using Scrivener and it's really helped me keep everything organized. I have a very conspiracy board way of drafting, so having all my random snippets in one place really helps.
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
Not sure world building is my strong suit for this current WIP. I suppose I'm enjoying expanding the world of the theatre, but I admittedly need to do more research.
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
Write anyway. It doesn't have to be the scene that's giving you trouble. It doesn't even have to be for the piece you're trying to focus on, just don't get out of the habit of writing. Once you lose that momentum, it takes a long time to get it back.
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
Gotta give a shout out to @clairelsonao3 for being so welcoming in my introduction to the writeblr community. And @janec23, for being one of the few specifically romance writers to reach out.
But I really can't begin to thank all the people who have followed me from my fanfic blog over to this one. It really means so much to know people are interested in reading anything I put out there.
@flapjacques, @jo-harrington, @can-of-pringles, @handahbear, @auroramagpie, @justanothersadperson93, @sad-cat-hours, @ghostface001, @theowlwhocameback, @mattmurdocksscars, @roruna, @everything-intertwined, @sweetjedi, @arcanerazil, @vibratingbonesbis, @delirious0pandemonium, @llovelykenobi, @geek-girl7, @mixedupanddown
Know that I love and appreciate you all.
I'm also going to leave this an OPEN tag to anyone who wants to do this, and especially invite everyone who I have tagged above. (and
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tendertenebrosity · 1 year
I was kind of sitting on this one until I had written the preceding scene that explains how we got into this predicament, but that seems unlikely to get written any time soon and this is my out-of-context-drabble series, and I wanted to introduce my new OC, so. Required context, I suppose, is: the forest told its servant to do something he objected to, and bad and naughty quasi-immortal instruments get put in the lake until the forest isn’t angry anymore. Masterpost for these guys is here.
It left me in the lake, under the water, for... honestly, I tried to figure it out later and I never could. Maybe weeks?
When the vines finally loosened around me, I was still too lodged in the mud of the lake to really move much, and it didn’t occur to me to try. So whoever it was had to grab me under both shoulders and heave me upright, into air and light and sound.
My chest had stopped trying to reject the water ages ago; so I hung from the hands that held me and didn’t cough or wheeze. I think my eyes were open; I didn’t blink. Honestly, if it had been me I would have assumed I was a dead body.
I felt like one.
By the time the person had pulled me out onto the bank, I was starting to catch on, to move my limbs and try to hold my head up under my own power. I could hear the person talking, but I didn’t register anything they were saying; fingers, shockingly warm, touched my neck and the side of my face.
They pulled me over onto my front, and I guess my body figured I was going to be alive after all so I might as well try and get the water out. I coughed and spluttered, pushed myself up with my shaking forearms, and dragged in breath after breath of burning air. It probably would have been more efficient to just hang me upside down.
The stranger made encouraging sounds and held me upright. I think they might’ve asked me a couple of questions; I was too out of it to respond.
I couldn’t see. I could only barely feel my arms and legs. The person moved around me in a blur of colour, only easy to pick out because they were wearing a garment that was bright red.
After a little while, they picked me up bodily and carried me away from the mud of the bank, and I was pathetically, exhaustedly grateful.
Time slipped away from me again, until the person in red said something as they were propping me up somewhere, in a sitting position. It was warmer here; the sensation of air against my dry skin was disorienting and unfamiliar. I scraped together enough of my mind to register words. “… you hear me?”
“Yhs,” I managed to mumble.
“That’s really good.” Their voice was deep, with an unfamiliar accent. “Stay with me.”
Something heavy and soft was wrapped around my shoulders; the material was coarse against the bare skin of my forearms and my neck.
Red moved in my field of vision again. “Here you go. This will help.”
I took the thing they pushed into my hands without really understanding what it was; they wrapped my fingers around it with theirs before letting go.
It was a cup, earthenware glazed red and orange in patterns, and warm. The smell hit me in the next moment like something tangible; some sort of stock or broth, savoury and hot. I was suddenly much more awake.
“Go slow,” the person said.
I nodded, wordless, and sipped the broth. It was the best thing I had ever had. I didn’t recognise anything specific, herbs or whatever, but… oh. I could feel the warmth spread through my chest and belly. How long had it been since I’d had anything hot to drink or eat? How since I’d had anything at all, actually?
As I sipped, slowly, I started to come back to myself. Or out of myself, possibly.  The blanket I was wrapped in was woven in patterns, too; I spent a little while tracing them with my eyes as I struggled to focus.
I managed to look up from the cup and my own lap, in little pieces. There was a fire in front of me, leaping orange-red and radiating heat against my face and arms. A metal frame sat over it, with a round metal pot. The structure that was looming to the right was a low tent made of leather.
I curled my toes, cautiously rolled my shoulders and flexed my fingers. I was dully surprised that nothing hurt. Outside the circle of firelight, night was falling, the soft calls of animals ringing through the early darkness that fell underneath the roof of the canopy.
Underneath the wool blanket that was wrapped around my shoulders, I had another lying over my lap and legs; under that I suspected I was still barefoot and in the ragged shirt I’d gone into the water in. I could feel the layer of mud drying against my skin.
The person in red got up to tend the fire, pulling the pot towards them with a hook to check on it.
Of course. The fire. My mind was clearing enough for me to be alarmed.
“Hey,” I croaked. “Be… be careful with fires, here. You have to… the wood, it isn’t…”
The stranger looked up at me, and smiled, and I got my first good look. A man, maybe a little less than thirty, with amber skin and thick, straight black hair pulled away from his face. His eyes were black and the corners crinkled with the smile.
“It’s all right, we have permission for fires,” he said. “Thanks for the warning, though. How are you doing over there?”
“I - mm.” I looked down into the cup. My hands were shaking where they were wrapped around it. “Permission? You have - who from?”
“The forest,” he said.
I shuddered and nearly dropped the cup of broth. “What - How? You kn-know about the… Did it speak to you?”
“No, not to me,” he said. “Gods don’t really like to speak to humans that aren’t their devotees; I understand it’s a bit difficult for them.”
“I - okay - but -”
“It spoke to the Raven, though. They’re still talking now. I -” He sat back on his heels, and lifted a hand to his head, raking his fingers through the hair at his temple. The red coat was woollen, reached his knees and was crossed by a wide leather belt. He looked apologetic. “I’m sorry, that’s a lot of information. Isn’t it?”
“No - yes, no, how do… How do you…” I stabilised the cup against my knee, swallowed against the knot in my throat. How do you know about all of this? How did you find me? Did the forest give you permission to interfere with me, too?
“Well, let’s just step back a bit, then,” he said gently. “Can I ask for a name for you? Is that all right?”
“I...” I hunched my shoulders under the blanket, suddenly overwhelmed. “Ciaran,” I said, all at once, as if I thought somebody was going to stop me. Maybe the forest. I don’t know. “I’m Ciaran. My name’s Ciaran.”
He smiled, and those eyes crinkled again. “It’s good to meet you, Ciaran.” He laid a hand on his chest. “I’m Tamur. I’m the junior priest of a god called the Raven.”
Another god? That raised almost as many questions as it answered.
“Tamur,” I repeated, thickly. I took a deep breath, let it out. Water crackled somewhere inside; oh, ugh, did he know about that? About my lack of a heart? He had to. What was he going to think? “Okay.”
“We’re just passing through,” Tamur said. “The Raven and I, I mean. It didn’t know the forest god was still here, but since it is they got to talking, and we learned about you.”
Wait, when he said ‘devotee’, did he mean he was like me?
Or, well. Probably not that much like me. My hands were shaking again.
Tamur got to his feet and started to circle around the fire towards me.
“How are you feeling, Ciaran?” he asked. He looked worried. “Are you - ”
I managed to put the cup down in front of me without spilling any of it, before I lost it. I covered my face with my hands and absolutely hated the keening noise that came out of my mouth.
“Oh,” I heard, and Tamur sounded genuinely distressed. “I’m sorry, Ciaran, did I - is there anything I can…”
He was being so nice. That was what undid me. The hot broth, the blanket around my shoulders that was heavy and warm, having someone human in front of me to talk to and to call me by name - all of that, yes, but he spoke so gently.
The last - weeks? Months? I didn’t even know how long it was before I’d spent that time under the water - had been such a parade of horrors. My body didn’t feel like mine anymore. Things crawled and trickled inside of my ribs, and the joints of my limbs felt fresh and tender like healing scars, and the spaces inside my mind were huge and cold, reeling and echoing with disbelief and disgust.
And now I sat here, with what was probably somebody’s favourite blanket over my filthy mud-encrusted legs, and that somebody looked at me with worried eyes and talked to me like I was something precious and fragile.
I tried to smother the ugly noises, in a way I hadn’t when it was just me and the forest. Who cared what the forest thought, but the first person to touch my hands and face in fucking months was going to see what an absolute mangled wreckage I was, and I cared about that.
I felt a cautious touch on my shoulder, just an instant before it moved away. The red blur I could see between my cracked fingers seemed to indicate that Tamur was kneeling in front of me, his hand out over my shoulder like he wanted to touch it again.
“It’s all right,” he was saying. “Oh, Ciaran, I’m sorry. I should have expected. Just breathe. It’s all right.”
I couldn’t get enough breath to say that I wouldn’t have minded if he touched my shoulder - and anyway how do you say that?
It was easy, though, to let myself pitch forward, blanket and all, so that my head smacked awkwardly into his shoulder and I had to catch myself with one hand on his leg.
If Tamur was surprised, he recovered quickly; he wrapped his arms around my shoulders as easily as if he’d been raised beside me with my cousins and my brother. The red coat smelled like smoke and some sort of sharp herb and underneath that, human. I breathed it in as I cried.
Tamur’s hand smoothed the blanket over my back, a slow pressure from between my shoulderblades down over my ribs. Up and down in a soothing rhythm. “I know. I’m so sorry. It’s all right. Shhhh. You’re going to be all right. ”
I wasn’t. There had been no possibility of me being ‘all right’ for weeks. But he squeezed my shoulders like he believed it, and maybe I could too if I just sat here long enough.
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wh00pwh00p · 8 months
@glupiypryanik THIS IS FOR YOU (n also a great excuse to info dump about my babies)
so i have technically 5 OC worlds (minus dnd characters), i say technically 5 because i post like 4 of them here??? the other one is mainly written so i dont have a lot of art of them. but i also have ideas for how id love to present these worlds in the future..... like making some into shows or comics (i probably wont ever do that bc time but one can dream)
im ganna cover them one world at a time from least to most info??? i think?? its a long one.... much longer than i thought.... (i might just keep adding as characters get more info n stuff)
Nova & Circus (doesn't have an actual name yet) :
Nova and circus are roommates n live in a world which is like a near future with lots of built up places heavily based on cities like Tokyo, Seoul, New York and LA in there too. very entertainment industry heavy. Nova is an Idol (i specifically draw from the aesthetics of J-pop idols and a little from K-pop idols) she is very busy all the time which leads to her being very tired when shes not doing work. she also very much enjoys her work and is relatively popular. Circus is a streamer but does like live radio type streams, he used to be a DJ and producer before he started his own thing and now he also helps produce some of Novas music. hes much better at doing his own thing and he doesnt work well with like strict schedules and such. do they have to live together? no, they both make more than enough to live separately and be pretty well off. are they living together because they are dating? maybe but dating is taken very seriously within the Idol scene and it could cause problems for both of them if they were dating, which they are definitely not doing (/s)
Heavens Finest :
oh Delilah. Heaven in this universe isn't somewhere for the dead but more so a place for angels, these angels have a normal working society where everyone is delegated jobs. Delilah was delegated the job of a guardian angel, guardian angels in this universe are the beings that give you a sense of safety, they are the beings that give you the impulse to look before crossing the road or to watch your step. Delilah is horrifically bad at this (partially on purpose). everyone Delilah is sent to keep safe dies within 2-3 business days because she's either gotten to work late or was far too preoccupied doing literally anything else than her job. however shes also the queen of weaponised incompetence, every time her boss threatens to move her to another sector she happily reminds them that she will screw up anything, anywhere, anytime and out of pure fear theyve had to keep her on. as Delilahs story continues her boss gives her an ultimatum: If the next person she guards dies within a week they will let her go. Delilah happily accepts however what she doesnt realise is that shes been assigned the stupidest yet seemingly invincible guy who just. wont. die. her story evolves from her passively letting people die to her straight up trying to kill this guy within a week.
Bp&I :
this universe is a pretty normal modern world filled with halloween monsters. Skeletons, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, think of any classic scary monster n they are here. the main groups (the biggest groups) are: werewolves, vampires, skeletons, witches, zombies, demons, ghosts, sirens and ogres. sometimes (like a 1/1000 chance) a monster can have a seconds supernatural ability, these can be anything from turning invisible to being able to speak to cats. this universe exists alongside our own, for some this is their afterlife and for others our universe is a source of food (especially for vampires and sirens). another big part of this universe are the Fighting Tournaments. every month has a tournament on the last week of the month. these tournaments consist of one race (eg: an entire vampire tournament, an entire ghost tournament so on so on) this is primarily to do with the fact that some races are less or more effected by other races (eg: ghosts cant really be touched by non ghosts unless the ghost puts energy into being a physical thing and this also effects them using objects and such or vampires are more vulnerable to things like fire but demons are immune). these tornaments give non ranked fighters the ability to enter the ranked places. once a year their is a 'Ranked only' tournament which takes place over most of the month where the top 10 from each race compete to take each others rank. Rank 0s are the highest ranks and essentially run the world. Bloodpact is a vampire who also has the supernatural ability of a necromancer, shes able to bring back people she has drank from to act as undead slaves. Bp holds the 3rd spot within the vampire ranks, shes known for having an energetic and deeply chaotic personality and fighting style. her main weapon is a harley quin-esque hammer. Ink could not be further from Bp if they tried. Bp essentially picked Ink of the street to be their mentor. Ink is a ghost with the ability to shapeshift and has always wanted to be a high rank fighter after waking up here after dying. Ink is extremely chill n mildly worried about Bps caffeine addiction.
tbt the best way i can describe these two is 'Autism n ADHD solidarity' Bp may be Inks mentor but i think ink is objectively more responsible. Bp does also have a manager to keep her (and now Ink) on track in their activities.
The Bastards :
the name sounds mean but trust me they deserve it.
this story takes place on a planet which is made up of a single planet which is mainly desert but has some very large interconnected cities and towns within large bubble like structures which create almost fake environments. they can produce different types of weather and grow crops within them. however people do live outside of these bubbles, in the desert areas. this is a modern fantasy-esque space setting (a lot ik) think like Coruscant from star wars mixed with the envoriment in the Darling in the Franxx enviroment. large pockets of perfect land and infrastructure held within localised stationary domes the capability to mimic different enviroments and weather.
this is a rough idea of what its probably laid out like:
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the agriculture domes are the least populated, dominated by fields and farms. these farms are able to produce most types of vegetation and can produce enough food for the vast majority of the planet.
main cities and sub cities have very high population densities (like i said think coruscant) minor cities are like the usual cities we have (think new york and london) the towns are less dense more like large sub urbs.
the smallest domes are either villages or business quarters.
the small red cubes/rectangles are settlements outside of the domes, these houses may seem to be of lower quality than the ones in the dome but theyre just much older and built for the desert conditions.
there is one main intergalactic ship dock far from the main urban areas however some of the outer dome settlements have their own landing zones for their own ships or to get deliveries
talon lives outside of the domes, he and his dad run a ranch with a focus in raising and breeding the older more traditional native breeds.
Heartstopper lives in the main city in a relatively nice penthouse gifted to her by her parents before they disowned her
cat scratch lives in the main city in a dingy basement apartment in the....not so nice parts of the main city Cat Scratch, Talon and Heartstopper all despise each other.
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(arrows pointing to someone is why they hate the person its pointing to, it was just far easier to put into a diagram.)
all three of them have become bounty hunters due to life circumstances and had a pretty bad kill on sight mentality towards each other however one day they are essentially arrested and given the choice to either go to jail for the rest of their lives or become a unit to fight more dangerous crime groups. as much as they all hate each other they all hated the idea of prison more.
now these characters are supposed to be bad people however i wanted to build them in a way that gave them stories which are just bad life circumstances or events and essentially what would happen if people neglect the fact that they are deeply effected by these things and continue to bottle it up and ignore it instead of... yk.... going to therapy. just keep this in mind as i explain them.
Cat Scratch was orphaned at a very young age, never stayed in one place for long and was always bouncing homes or families. all this contributed to them harbouring a pretty strong hatred towards the world, they blamed other people their entire life, never trusted anyone and became just very violent as an outcome. as previously mentioned they were bullied during school pretty heavily by talon n his group of goons TM which onl;y made this worse as she then had to physically fight these people. as they grew up they met new people, they met heartstopper (though she wasnt heartstopper then) and a guy who they both fell for. cat scratch believed they should have him and they did get him eventually even if it did destroy their friendship with heartstopper and required a few extra steps. this didnt last long however and eventually Cat Scratch had to make it by themselves... again. they turned to bounty hunting as it was profitable enough to keep them off the streets and... a good way to get some anger out...even if it was pretty violent.
Heartstopper had a pretty good upbringing, her family was upper class and were relatively wealthy and yes maybe she had to fight for attention sometimes between her and her multiple siblings but it was never bad. she always had a knack for lying though, just little white lies here and there and pocketing a couple small things here and there (only a stick of gum or a lipstick here and there). she grew up got a good education, great grades and eventually a good job with even better money and met new people. she met cat scratch and a guy they both fell for. heartstopper knew they both had the same feeling but he obviously chose her and she hoped that cat scratch understood that. a little bit later and they were engaged and happy. only what was supposed to be the happiest day of her life became the beginning of the end. he never turned up. not only did he never turn up but no less than a week later sensitive private images, videos, messages were suddenly not so private. the emails to her work, the lies within these emails lined with sensitive content were the final straw. her family had turned their backs on her, her job had let her go and frankly she had nothing else. these things were her life. she had no money, no life and no aspirations so she said fuck it and became a bounty hunter... a much less violent one but a snake in long grass type. if lies were so easily spread about her, then why not everyone else.
Talon would tell you he had a normal upbringing, he didnt. hid mother left when he was very young and has only ever lived with his dad on their ranch. talons dad isnt exactly a good person, pretty horrible honestly, a notorious bigot but talon didnt see that at the end of the day he was his dad and that was all he had. par a few animals and his bird, rogue, obviously. talon knew he was different. not really because of his physical appearance, horns n tails were rather common at his school but inwardly he was conscious about something. it annoyed him when he saw people who were seemingly comfortable in their skin and cat scratch was one of them. it annoyed him that they would walk around as if they had nothing to lose, how theyd look at others with disgust as if they felt like they were above others. one day he and his friends, admittedly, got a little too rough. turned out this cat has much sharper claws than they thought. the next thing talon was aware of was lightning like pain stemming from his spine and the fact that it ceased as soon as he screamed in pain as if they realised he was awake and stopped. after the pain he realised he couldnt notice anything else, he couldnt see anything else. later hed be told his eyesight was unrecoverable and that his previously tan complexion and brunette hair were now stark white and his horns and spines a silver colour. as shit as it is to loose your eyes you get used to it, you find other means of navigating, for talon it was rogue. like a guide bird if you will. she even helped with using firearms, some things were off the table but if he could set up a place to camp out rogue helped with aiming and guiding him on where to shoot through sound or touch. as talon grew up he learned to ignore the feeling that he was different, as his dad grew old he took on more responsibilities around the ranch and just didnt have time to think about it anymore. money got tight a couple times and talon decided he needed to pick up a side hustle... a bounty hunter would probably make just enough.
as the story of the bastards develops they learn to trust and understand each other. they learn that at the end of the day theres not much they can do except to strive to be better.
key story moments include cat scratch almost dying due to their own reckless behaviour and having to trust the other members to not let them die and thank them for helping when they could have let them die on the mission, heartstopper fully breaking down on a mission and admits that she barely knows who she is anymore after the others confront her on her lying and manipulation of other people leading to her having to revaluate her life and open up to those around her and talon finally finds out why hes always felt different after meeting cyrus and falling pretty horrifically in love with him over the course of a short stay during a mission and having to recon with the fact that this could destroy everything hes ever known and being backed by the others in accepting himself and what he wants.
these guys are little shits but they get better n i love them, they are definitely the most in depth characters i have along with being the most depressing but i enjoy playing with the nature vs nurture aspect of terrible people yk and how some of them can get better if they only had good friends and/or therapy (dont worry i will send these idiots to therapy once theyve finished their main stories)
if you got this far heres a pic of one of my cats :3
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
I saw @clonethirstingisreal's version and (since tagging was open season) I thought this looked fun and wanted give it a go!
**Some questions have been modified slightly since I have an account but don't post on Ao3.**
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1.) How many works do you have on [Tumblr]?
Excluding an OC storyline, my breakdown looks something like this:
The Bad Batch: 23 published fics The Clone Wars: 11 published fics The Mandalorian: 2 published fics + four more Clone fics in a "mixed" category
Assuming I did my math right: 40 published fics
2.) What's your total [Tumblr] word count?
Excluding same storyline as before, drumroll please........
Upwards of 186,744 words! [Four fics did not have word counts] That's a lot of yappin'.
3.) What fandoms do you write for?
Within the Star Wars franchise, TBB, TCW, and Mando.
4.) What are your top five fics by [Notes]?
I didn't check specifics, but the earlier chapters of my Sorry, Wrong Comms! series have likely racked up the most likes and reblogs of anything I've published.
5.) Do you respond to comments?
I do! 🩷 I do my best to respond to everything; but things have inevitably slipped under the radar I'm sure...
6.) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I would say an installment out of the OC storyline has that achievement, currently. Non-OC, I'm less certain, if I'm honest.
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Maybe the Hunter x Reader request I'm currently working on?
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
It's happened a (small) handful of times. Unfortunate, but expected.
Once was racially charged in nature, think it was after I published Tide Pools? Deleted it. Don't remember what it said anymore.
The other was just today, accusing me of "disguised clonecest". Meh.
9.) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, I'm not quite comfortable with writing smut outside of a fantasy side project I've been working on. It's... not really all that spicy, anyhow. 😅
10.) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Haven't written a good ol' crossover in a long time, I'm afraid!
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
13.) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Also nope. But I would be willing, with the right person.
14.) What's your favorite ship?
Clones x Happy AUs.
15.) What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a Savage Opress fic buried somewhere that I think about time to time... but I don't know where it is saved, sadly.
16.) What are your writing strengths?
Coming up with a lot of creative ideas. Descriptive writing.
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
Sticking to an idea... Maybe too much descriptive writing...
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
Has good narrative uses! I like doing it myself for SW fics. Just have to balance a wobbly line of not overdoing it.
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
The Avengers, most likely?
20.) Favorite fic you've written?
Maybe the S,WC! series honestly. There are parts I've looked back on a year later and know I could write a whole lot better now, but given that the series was my first major fanfic project after years of writer's block, I appreciate it for what it is.
A standalone fic might be Fireside Friendship.
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No Pressure Tags: Open season! 🩷
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krastbannert · 1 month
11, 18, and 23!
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
I'll be honest, it's been a hot second since I read anyone else's fanfics, especially anything longer than about 4 chapters. But if I had to pick three, it would be Overcoming Adviercity by brightephemera, warping; weaving by eventide_rookery, and your finger on my hairpin triggers by weatheredlaw.
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
Completely random. Sometimes it's before, sometimes after, sometimes during - it changes with literally every single story. As for how...also random. A lot of the time I use quotes for inspiration (rarely as the actual title), sometimes they're song lyrics or titles, sometimes they're just random phrases that I dream up (usually I think I read them some place, but almost always that turns out to be false).
23. Best writing advice for other writers?
One of the things I get told more often than not is that my characters are generally pretty good - that canon characters in my fanfics feel like they're written by the actual writers, and that my OCs feel like real people. There are, I think, two things that really help.
First, when I write a character for the first time, something I try to do is try to distill their personality down into four to eight single words. This kinda follows an old principle I like: you really understand something if you can explain it to a fifth grader, no matter what it is.
The second, realizing what a character wants (and, spoiler, at heart, everyone really wants the same basic things - good food and water, something interesting to do, somewhere nice to live, someone to care about, and someone who cares about them), and how their past experiences influences the specific thing they want, how they express the specific thing they want, and what they will do to get it. (There can be exceptions, of course, but those are generally rare and influenced by a lack or excess of one of those basic things I mentioned.)
You can take my advice with a grain of salt if you want, but that's the best I got.
Asks came from this ask game!
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nutcasewithaknife · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
@bbcphile and @difeisheng thanks for the tag! :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
309,516. Which is actually insane, I'm not sure how or when I did all that
What fandoms do you write for?
Used to write for The Witcher, Supernatural and BBC Merlin, but not anymore. Currently writing for The Untamed and Mysterious Lotus Casebook (mostly the latter). There's one Love Between Fairy and Devil ficlet in there somewhere. I can't see myself making the space for anything else soon :')
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
One Ignorant Bard and His Witcher - The Witcher, geraskier (3.1k)
The Sins of the Father - BBC Merlin, canon divergent fix-it (11.5k)
You Can't Escape The Thoughts on a Rainy Day - The Untamed post-canon sangcheng (57.5k)
Foolish - modern au sangcheng (29.1k)
Are You Listening? - post-canon yunmeng shuangjie reconciliation (5.8k). It's part of the series that #3 on this list spawned!
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to respond to every single one, but nowadays it's just once in a while when I can. I read every single one multiple times like a lovesick fool tho <3
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have a terribly hard time writing fics that end angsty, the best I can do most times is bittersweet. That being said...
It will never be the same (1.5k) - Jiang Cheng returning to the Jiang Ancestral Hall after Guanyin Temple and speaking to his dead family. The night after Guanyin Temple, Jiang Cheng finds himself standing in the Jiang Ancestral Hall. Some things, long realised but unspoken, finally get said.
Found (34.5k) - Lan Wangji's angsty boy winter, set mid-canon during the 16 years wwx is dead and brimming with OCs. I really wanted to wallow in what made him the man he is during those years. Naturally I sent him off to a village beyond the Jianghu and gave him a boyfriend. It's incredibly angst filled and the ending is hopeful, but still sad by my standards.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm a hopeless sap! Too many of them are happy endings!! Given my current MLC brainrot, I'll have to say it's the three post-canon liansanjiao fics I've written with them being soft together and at peace <3
I have a special soft spot for Foolish though, because Jiang Cheng deserves a happy ending story ;-;
Do you get hate on fics?
I'm not popular enough for hate hehe
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
YES!! It took a lot of work but now I do! Sometimes very explicit, sometimes not. It's mostly chaotic and soft and at times emotional. Laughter and banter during sex is cocaine to me and it shows.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Sadly, no
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have gotten a couple of requests to translations into Russian and French, but none of them ever went through as far as I know
What's your all-time favorite ship?
You can't do this to me I refuse to pick ;-;
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Oh, there are too many, but the one I'm most invested in rn is a postcanon MLC fic where difang manage to save Li Lianhua's life and very many Feelings are had.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue is what I've been told. Specifically, I think I do a good job of finding each character's voice. This is something I've been consciously working on and I think it's been paying off, especially the last year or so!
What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot!! I cry every time I need to plot anything. That's why most of my fics are mostly just Vibes
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Ohhh I'd love to do that though I haven't yet. I think it would mean fewer people would read it, but that has never stopped me from writing a thing >:)
First fandom you wrote for?
The first I posted was a Witcher fic, but the one I started writing first was BBC Merlin. It still has a chokehold on my psyche
Favorite fic you've written?
AAAA once again i refuse to choose ;-;
Tagging @istgidek1234 @redemption-revenge @angryteapott @wuxia-vanlifer @omgpurplefattie (no pressure)
If you're a fic writer, feel free to give it a go even if you're not tagged!!
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bomberqueen17 · 2 years
hiya; small question/request/idea to run by you. are you okay with people publishing fics with your OCs/in the universe of Meet Death sitting? Its a little bit of a personal failing of mine, but I can't easily imagine non-romantic close love, and so the recent drabbles you did around Lu/Morvran/Ciri got me thinking abt how that triangle could end up fully linked up. And now the idea of trans!Morvran is fully lodged in my head, and I'm intrigued to explore it.
Oh this is funny, just today I was having a conversation about how I keep meaning to put one of those transformative works whatsit statements on my AO3 profile and I keep forgetting. A friend advised I just use the CC BY-NC license and while that’s basically the gist of what I want [you may share and adapt this material, you must provide credit and indicate where alterations were made, you may not use it for commercial purposes], I want to be a little more specific/ talk about why and what that means to me.
Because of course, this is transformative work, it would be ridiculous of me to tell people not to continue to transform it, to use it as they will-- I don’t think I could stop anyone from doing so, nor would I want to-- but what I worry about is that things I made up will wind up getting muddled with canon. It sounds arrogant to say that, but I’ve written a lot in this fandom and there’s a lot of stuff I just plain made up because canon didn’t go where I wanted. And what I worry about is some poor sap reading the books and writing a fic and posting it and they get a comment about “where’s X?!” where X is something I made up, that there’s no reason they should know about, nor should they be expected to. 
So of course you can use my OCs, you can use my headcanons, you can build on things I’ve built, that’s perfectly fine! All I ask is, please try to make a note somewhere of things that came from me, link back to that source, not entirely because they’re my babies etc. but more because it makes me uncomfortable to think of some poor newbie to the fandom not understanding what the heck you’re talking about. 
Also I would love it if you told me how you used my lil guys, but that’s just because I like hearing about their continuing adventures. 
More specifically to answer your specific ask, I admit I myself am preoccupied with wider definitions of love than the limited sort we usually get in fiction-- platonic love, familial love, companionship-love-- but I too tend to kind of, ha, default to sexual relationships, so I feel you there. Like IRL not so much but in fiction it’s just so juicy to use sex to explore all these things. Anyway, also, I have a lot of complicated gender feels about Morvran too that I think I am only going to explore to a fairly limited extent in this series but-- do know that I’ve had at least one other person writing me with trans!Morvran headcanons too, that’s definitely something that resonates. I don’t plan to trans his gender entirely (there’s a storyline where… well, we’ll see how far I get) but I absolutely see how someone would want to and I can entirely condone that-- but, to be perfectly clear, as outlined above, even if I didn’t see it, I wouldn’t feel it’s my place to tell you not to. However, irrelevant as my approval may be, I super approve, please do keep me posted. 
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pachu09 · 1 year
I'm not really a Fan of Horror. I can survive reading it but watching it specifically? Let's just say I'm the kind of person who literally gets sick when the scenes are jumps scares or you know several people died....
Anyways, sorry for getting derailed...
But I do know how to think up Horror plots, I think this is the first time I will post something like this. I have a bunch of Horror plots but they're uhhh...gathering dust somewhere in my phone storage. This plot was also posted on my Discord so the members there already knows what this story is about...
Don't be surprised if some of the things down below are familiar. They are literally inspired by the many horror films/stories I forced myself to watch/read ( I know I'm an idiot for doing it but whatever 😅 )
Modern, Horror AU
The story will start from the POV of an OC who rented a very nice apartment but was baffled when he found a survival guide written by the previous tenant named...
Senju Tobirama
The letter was written like this....
To the New Tenant ...
Firstly, if you are a brave one I guess welcome to your new home. But if you aren't, please do what I have listed down so that you can survive living in this apartment for even a month. And if you do survive, leave behind this accursed building and never ever look back.
I lived here before you and I only lasted a year. I cannot tell you where I am but I know I won't survive after I finished writing this letter. Creatures that had been lurking in this apartment complex had been waiting for me to join them ever since I step inside this building. Jokes on these creatures because I would kill myself first before they can get their disgusting hands on me.
Anyway, I am getting derailed...
I pass this knowledge to you so that you and any other future tenant won't be the victim of this accursed place.
You think at first this apartment would be a wonderful home and at first it may seem like it. But a day later you will know that its far from not. If you want to survive and get out of this apartment alive; then there are some steps you need to strictly follow.
1. You will never have a problem with the landlord. As long as you pay him on time he will never grace your doorstep with his accursed presence. I have only dealt with him once for my 6th month of tenancy and let’s just say I never missed a day of payment again. If you need any repairs never ever talk with the landlord; speak to the agent you have a deal with and you'll be fine.
2. NEVER EVER use the communal elevator between 12.12 and 4.44 am. Just please don’t do it. I cannot stress this enough. And I cannot write it down in fear that I don't have enough time to explain everything properly. But please, heed my words and you'll never regret it.
3. If you heard a knock on your window at the dead of the night; never open the curtains and peer out. You will lose your sanity if you saw what's out there.
4. Please never leave any of your food out. Even from your pets ( if you have any? ). Something will come visit you if you don't clean up properly and it will take what it deemed what is most valuable to you.
5. If you hear any strange animal noises coming from the apartment below you. Please don’t question it, Akabane–san lives there and he’s a nice man. Say hello to him when you see him so that he won't find you rude. If the noises started at the dead of the night. Never ever check up on him if you want to live.
6. The damp patch on the kitchen ceiling will never go away. Never complain it to the landlord. Remember rule number 1?. Yeah just don't do it. Don't even try to clean it or else the owner of it will make its presence known and again you will be in deep shit.
7. Never communicate with people who claim to be living in the sixth floor. Tenant, there is no sixth floor in this building. The number of the floor goes straight up to 7th. Not 6th. ( find the building history I had tape into one of the bedroom floor boards to know what happened to the 6th floor ). Shut and lock the door and use the three dead bolts I installed if someone came knocking to your door and try to talk to you. Those fuckers will be persistent....ready any weapons you have in case they try to enter your apartment. Oh and make sure you line every window and doors with salt. And put some on your weapons too I guess...
8. Weapons are within arms reach at all times. Sometimes things tend to slip through your notice even if you remain vigilant.
9. There is a committee for this building. You can join if you want, but most of them would never help you especially if you are the next victim.
10. Don't pet the fluffy cats ( or any other animal ) that will roam the hallways building. They are beyond evil and I will never ever forgive them. For they are the ones that had deliver me to the Devil itself.
11. The mailman who is name Hikaku is sort of an ally. How you treat him will increase your survival in this place. But for me, his help was a little too late. He tried his best but I guess because he's a Human he can never betray his own Masters..
12. Finally, if you managed to survived within the three weeks time frame. Congratulations, for surviving. But beware. Make sure all of your stuff is with you when you leave this place. Not a single thing you own should be left behind. Or else its game over, you'll be back to square one and you don't want that, ever.
If you're back to square one there are only three options that is waiting for you. Either you kill yourself first, you got eaten by the entities here or be one of the tenants who never leave.
The last tenant,
Senju Uchiha Tobirama
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bumblingbabooshka · 11 months
So, the Star Trek fandom is old, of course. And with Prodigy saved it's not unlikely we'll continue to exist for quite a while longer. And it's got me thinking. I've been viewing old fanworks from pretty much the moment I got into fandom culture at all over a decade ago and continued to do so for every fandom I've joined since that had existed long enough for this to be an option. Especially in my early days, most fics I read were at least 5 years old or more.
And trek is so long standing, it's really a great place to be in for this. I've read multiple Voy fics from the 90s and it's awesome that we have this option. Obviously pre internet fandom stuff isn't as well preserved since there's not many people transcribing their old zines and stuff like that. But nowadays, with fan run non-profit hosting sites like ao3 and also general increased efforts to preserve internet content, the stuff we publish now might just be here to stay.
Obviously, with bigger pairings (and also gen) old fics tend to get buried unless they're either outstandingly exceptional or culturally impactful (eg the fic featuring the oc Dr Mary Sue - in fact a trek fic btw, I don't recall the title nor have I read it but I just know it's archived somewhere) but rarepair fics are often sought after longer because there's just not as much to read for them.
Basically, what I'm saying is... I think it's very possible that sometime in the 2050s a young trekkie who hasn't even been born yet might be a big Voyager fan, they might love Tuvok/Suder and they might just read your fics about them and maybe those will even be their favourite. And isn't that so beautiful? And isn't that so human? Someone reading something written three decades prior about something from three decades before that. Stories that weave connections through generations. Makes you almost feel like time doesn't matter as much. It's nice.
Anyway, sorry for my 3am ramblings lol, my brain just wouldn't shut up about it
Yeah, I sometimes think about stuff like that too~!! I specifically remember when I first got into Star Trek it was because of Tuvok and I started creating art and fics of him because I could find barely any at the time. It always makes me so happy when people on here or ao3 take the time to engage with the stuff I make because I was really on here being like "If Tuvok has one fan it'll be me" and now here you all are saying "Let me on the bandwagon too!" and it's a really fun ride <3 Sometimes when I'm feeling a bit vain I like to think Hey! Maybe some day a new Tuvok fan will look up his name and find a lot more waiting for them than I did! And they'll scroll through pages and pages of art and speculation and screenshots and think.... "Wait, one guy did all this?? Was he like, ok???? Seriously, one dude???" and that's beautiful~
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lavenderkiyoko · 1 year
▸ Pairing: unspecified male oc x female oc, not a reader insert
▸ Genre: angst no comfort
▸ Warnings: major character death, mentions of blood
▸ A/n: A small work that I wrote because I couldn't write my actual chapters for my book. Couldn't make it gender neutral because it was written with two specific ocs in mind.
Likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated.
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"I feel tired," her voice sounded weak. She could feel a fishy taste rise up her throat as her eyelids started feeling heavy. 'This was it then', she thought.
Slowly, it was getting harder to hold herself upright as she danced the final dance with him. She knew that they'd end up in this way; either one of them being on the edge. They were doomed from the very beginning and shouldn't have crossed paths. Even with so many warnings and opportunities given to both to separate from each other, they insisted on continuing, knowing the end would be ugly for both. It's just, it wasn't decided that which of them would take the hit.
It was becoming apparent now as it was too late. This really was it; the end.
Still, she had a few couple minutes maybe and knowing there was no other way, she closed her eyes for a brief moment, accepting the reality. So, opening her eyes, she looked around the brightly lit ballroom where many others were dancing along with the music. How happy they looked, dancing without much worry or without feeling the heaviness of an impending sense of doom hanging on top of their heads.
Her lips gently curled up into a smile as she finally turned her head back to look at him for the final couple of moments left with him. Tears could be clearly seen clouding his eyes even when he refused to look at her, feeling a sharp pain in the back of his throat from guilt. It should have been him instead of her. He mentally cursed her for not letting him take her away to somewhere safe where they wouldn't have had this ending. However, her stubborn nature disagreed and now they were here, dancing in the midst of a ballroom, about to lose each other.
"Wouldn't you let me see your face for this one last time," she asked in a meek voice that wavered due to her own emotions. Not hearing any reply from him, she put her head against his chest, trying to find comfort in his heartbeat and calm herself.
"Why would you want to see the face of someone who caused you this?"
The fishy taste grew stronger as she could feel the blood rise up her throat faster. If it hadn't been for him holding her tightly, she would have fallen down as she felt her slowly losing her strength to even stand. Determined to not leave without looking at each other, she backed up a bit and with a great amount of effort lifted her hand to cup his face and make him face her.
Feeling her weak and soft hand against his cheek, he couldn't resist her. The moment he looked at her, the first drop of tear fell from his eyes. She looked so frail. He wanted to pick her up and run to a doctor to save her but deep down both of them knew that it was too late for that now.
This time when she spoke up, her voice was barely audible as she finally coughed up mouthfuls of blood caused by the poison; the ultimate sign.
"Thank you for loving me. I hope we can meet in another life where this wouldn't be our ending." Even when saying this, her beautiful smile never left her face.
With this, she felt her consciousness slipping away from her as she leaned forward in his arms for the final time. He held her tightly as he let the tears fall from his eyes freely now. Falling on his knees with her in his arms, he shook her head gently with his one hand once before cradling her figure close to him and letting all his emotions out. He screamed aloud in the middle of the ballroom gaining attention from everyone around him.
Not caring about anyone, he wailed out loud as he rocked back and forth while continuing to cradle her body and cursing the stars. Everyone else could just watch in silence as they knew the couple's ending too but none could have interfered as the ones to give the orders were not only his parents but also the rulers of the country.
Star crossed lovers
refers to any lovers whose affection for each other is doomed to end in tragedy.
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pumpkinleif · 2 years
I cannot even begin to fathom the pressure that a single indie artist would have, doing a kids' graphic novel reboot for a show that's had a fanbase sustaining itself for FIFTEEN YEARS off nothing but a trio of seasons and its own increasingly esoteric, elaborate Fanon Lore.
Like, it's physically impossible to address everything readers want in 200 pages of PG-rated comic panels. Even if it was the best written story in the history of media with staggering artwork, someone won't like how it defies fanon, or caters to fanon, or is too dark, or not dark enough, or whatever. All it really can be is a decent story in its own merit.
.......But I'm not writing the Danny Phantom comic, so here's a list of things I'm hoping to see, in order from most to least likely:
Dark Dan comes back and is sexy. (Already confirmed.)
Vlad getting some kind of character growth or edge towards redemption. (Decently likely, would be surprised if it didn't happen.)
Mention of how Maddie/Jack are taking the identity reveals, ideally with realizing how they tried to murder their son for months. (This'll almost certainly happen, but if it's done well, that's another controversy. :P)
Valerie getting some form of closure to her Vlad-tech hunter revenge arc. (She's confirmed to be in the comic, so probably...?)
Related, Valerie having a freakin moment to address her ex being Phantom and how weird that is. (Equal odds of this happening ooor it being pushed aside for the Greater Threat, imo.)
I think Danny should get to cry once. It's a lot of pressure and he's a kid and he didn't get to even once in the show.
Dani shows up! (Not confirmed, but maybe a cameo?)
Tucker gets fired from being the mayor. I like Tuck, but come on.
More content for the trans!Danny theory. (PLEASE, just like, one binder in a background shot or a pink and blue flag somewhere, please)
Danny/Vlad identity reveals getting retconned through time travel. (May be a bit of a cop-out, but has enough precedence in canon to be possible.)
Obsessions/cores/Ancients namedropped and therefore becoming Real Canon. (Possible.)
Wes becoming canon. (Less possible, but funnier.)
Clockwork nonbinary pronouns canonized.
My OC specifically becoming canon.
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