#no the brainrot hasn't died down
bluberimufim · 11 months
Obsessed with how Triology of Thorns is saturated with pairs of siblings, and how most of the time one of them ends up dying.
Olidan and Renar. Robert and Rowan. Price and Rike. Jane and Gorgoth. Gog and Magog. Sareth and Katherine.
William is literally inescapable. His ghost hangs over the whole story.
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The Arcana HCs: What the M6 need to hear
~ because sometimes, we want to help them feel safe and happy too. hope you all enjoy these! - brainrot ~
It happened a few weeks after he opened his clinic next door, before you you two went on your month's voyage with Mazelinka
Setting up a business is never easy. While you had been settled into the rhythm of running your shop for years now, Julian was constantly finding himself in needs of things he had yet to stock
Not to mention the influx of new patients, the files he'd had to open for them, the work of developing an organizational system to keep track of them, and the scheduling - ugh, the scheduling
You were sitting across from him at your rickety kitchen table, ankles locked with his, going over your shop ledgers while he puzzled his way through sheets of notes and prescriptions
You put down your pencil just in time to hear him groan. When you look up, he's got his head in his hands, long fingers tangling through his fiery curls in frustration
"Julian? What's wrong?"
"Ah, nothing to worry about my dear. You should go on ahead to bed - I can take this downstairs to finish. It's going to be a while."
He's giving you a tired smile, leaning back as you stand from your seat. To his surprise, you pull your chair around next to his and sit back down beside him. "MC? I can do this on my own -"
You shoot him a quick smile, "I know," and then you turn to his papers and start trying to sort through them. "But this way I'm with you."
"You're -" you don't expect the way his voice dies in his throat, and when you look over to meet his gaze, his grey eyes are shining in wonder. "You're with me."
"Of course," you say, and now your voice is faltering as he brushes his fingertips down your cheek
He's looking at you like you're a miracle, and when he places a hesitant peck on your lips, his breath catches like he's surprised that you're still there. "You're with me," he breathes again
"Where else would I be?" you ask him, and it pulls a chuckle that sounds so finally at peace out of him that you wonder how long he's been waiting to hear that
"I don't know," he says, the lines of exhaustion shifting on his face until he looks sleepy instead of frazzled. "Will you stay?"
"Yes?" you're still not completely sure how to respond to his overdue realization. "I didn't plan on going to bed alone."
"Right," he laughs, sounding way too joyful for the late hour, "of course not."
He doesn't say much else, too motivated to finish his task. But you still notice the way he keeps glancing at your hands working next to his like he's watching history unfold
It's a quiet morning
You wake up even earlier than normal, and being wide awake, you decide to go ahead and get your day started before you open the shop. The steam from your tea swirls beautifully in the morning light
It's too quiet
Asra's an expressive sleeper. As peaceful and relaxed as they get, it's the soundtrack of your night to hear them sigh and stir and mumble and occasionally let out a tiny snore in their sleep
But you've been up for nearly an hour now, and he hasn't made a sound. When you glance over at your bed, he's lying faced away from you just as he was
And on closer inspection, all the lines of their back are pulled taut. Their breath is forcefully even and the muscle in their neck flinches when you whisper their name. "Asra?"
He doesn't move beyond that. You're worried that he might be having a nightmare, but when you climb onto the bed next to him his eyes are wide open and the sheets are clenched in his fist
"Asra?" you ask them again, hand hovering over their shoulder. "Are you alright?"
He lets out the breath he's been holding slowly, uncurling his fingers from the sheets and turning to look at you with a smile that doesn't reach his eyes. "There's nothing to worry about," he says
You settle down into the pillows next to them, trying to let them know you care without forcing them to talk. "Except you."
His dusky eyes flicker back and forth across your face, brows furrowing as he measures his words. "I don't want to fail you, MC."
"That's alright," you tell them, "I've got you."
You don't expect the way his eyes grow wide, the way he pulls your arms to hold him so hesitantly, like he's being given his first chance to fall and let someone else catch him
"Are you sure?" they ask you, staring at you like a deer in the headlights as they begin to lower their head to your chest. "It's a lot to handle."
You don't know how to interpret that last statement, so you just nod and link your arms around his shoulders. "I'm sure."
They gingerly bury their face in your chest, curling around you slowly while every muscle in their body stays tense
You're not sure how else to tell them that they can let go, so you pull him as close and tight as you can. "I've got you, Asra."
They go limp all at once, like a puppet cut from its strings, and now they're clinging to you while their body shudders with emotion
It'll take hours for him to talk, but he will. He knows he can lean on you, and now he knows it's okay to ask for that
It was one of the first times Nadia was attending a family reunion in years, which she had only agreed to do if you came along
It's been an enjoyable few days so far. Her sisters and parents are all lovely people who seem to know exactly how to make you feel at home. Though you aren't always suited to their activities
Like this afternoon, for instance. The twins, Navra and Nahara, had suggested a friendly archery competition out on the manicured lawn to see who had stayed in practice the most
You had seen all of Nadia's guards go up as soon as the word "competition" was uttered, but to her credit, she had chosen her bow calmly and was now standing lined up with the rest of her sisters
They didn't take turns, instead cheerfully trash-talking each other and yelling when they made a good shot
And Nadia did not want to have to call for attention
It was easier for her to line up arrow after arrow, making the same calculated choice each time, steadily improving as her muscle memory returned
You could see hesitance begin to appear in her movements. She was slowly surpassing her sister's best shots, but somehow she kept getting lost in the chaos around her
You watched her finally turn around, slowly, subtly, glancing at her parents' eyes bouncing from one sister to the next and never to her
There was too much noise and excitement for anyone to pick out just one archer as they all aimed at and missed the ultimate target zig-zagging across the field
Her eyes flickered past you, and then she did a double take in surprise to see you focused on her. You held her gaze and beamed at her, somehow able to be heard despite not shouting over the din
"I see you, Nadia."
Her transformation was breathtaking
You watched as the guarded walls fell away, not to reveal an insecure child or an angry teenager, but to reveal the tall, strong, capable Countess you fell in love with
Her eyes lidded and her lips quirked up in a quiet smile. You could see the gears clicking in her brain from her seat as she analyzed the target in front of her, blocking out the ruckus
She moved so calmly that nobody else watched the strength in her shoulders when she drew the bow back, the surety in her fingers, or the steely glint in her piercing eyes
But everyone saw when the target they'd been arguing over came to an abrupt halt, a purple streamer waving from the arrow in it
The proud smile she gave you was unbridled, not a single hint of smugness in it as she accepted her family's praise
You're never completely sure how Muriel will react when he receives an invitation
Scratch that, you do know how he'll react, you're just not sure what he's going to decide. He'll react like it's an annoying, insincere, trivial formality, and then he'll decide how he feels about it later
But you were so sure he'd be happy to see this one
It was a letter from Nadia inviting the two of you to tea by name. Not a large gathering, she wrote, just you and Muriel and her and Asra, for old time's sake. Safe. Tailored to his comfort
But he's almost reacting like he's hurt
"Muriel?" you ask him, holding the letter he refuses to look at, "do you not want to go? Don't you enjoy stuff like this?"
"I don't enjoy it," he mumbles over his shoulder, "I tolerate it."
"But you don't want to tolerate it this time?"
He sighs, fidgeting with the hems of his sleeves where his chains used to sit. "... It's better if I don't go."
He's not a ball of sunshine by any means, but you haven't seen him this downcast in a while. Certainly not by a gesture of friendship. "Why would it better if you didn't go?"
"They don't want me there."
You briefly cast about in your mind for any moment in the past few weeks that would have suggested such a thing to him, and find nothing. You know you can't speak for Nadia, so you speak for yourself instead
"I want you there."
"No they don - what?" He's halfway through contradicting the point you didn't make before what you said registers with him. It's been a while since you've seen him look this shocked. Does he not know?
"I said I want you." You see the flush rise on his cheeks at the implications and set the letter down to better explain yourself
"I want you with me, here. Or at the Palace. Or anywhere. I want you in my life. I want you."
It's been a while since you've seen him look so unsteady. A few seconds ago he was ready to bolt out the door, but now he's looking at you like you've set the world right-side-up. "... Me?"
"Yes, you." You'd roll your eyes if he seemed less serious. When he stays frozen in place you make your way across the room and take his big hands in yours
"You don't have to. But I want you to come to tea with me. Will you?"
He seems like he's still slightly in shock, but he nods without hesitating. There's a moment of silence, and then: "Do you want my hugs, too?"
"Yes," you laugh, leaning into his arms, "I always want your hugs."
To say Portia's been busy is an understatement. The last week was a drawn-out trip back to Vesuvia, stopping in different towns every day for discussions and plans and networking
And of course, as soon as you two got back, Portia was summoned to the Palace to brief Nadia on the state of Vesuvia's international standing while you check on the shop
And then when the two of you finally had the next morning to yourselves in the cottage, you discovered a bug infestation
She's been insistent that you continue with your own work. She knows how to handle this, she knows you have commitments to keep, she's got this. You do your thing
But by your third morning home, you can see how the exhaustion's caught up to her
You're not feeling so spry yourself, but she's got eye bags that rival her brother's and you can tell that she needs to rest. So you help
"What's on your schedule today, Portia?"
"Hm?" She's still groggy from sleep, hair sticking every which way and night shirt slipping from her shoulders as she waits at the table for you to finish brewing her tea. "Whassat?"
"Your schedule." You lift Pepi into her lap and start the toast. "Is it busy?"
"Mh," she grumbles, smacking her lips. "I have the morning off, so I'm going to take care of the garden. I should have done that sooner, I -" there's overwhelmed tears pooling at the corners of her eyes now. "I've just been so busy."
"Let me take care of the garden. I've helped you before, I know what needs to be done and how to take care of your babies."
"But what about - don't you have to - are you sure?" Her eyes are wide open, dumbstruck at the possibility of resting
"Of course. You need to rest, and my stuff can wait." You take a sip of your tea. "I'm here for you."
"You're here for - oh." Her chin trembles a little, and then she's ducking her head and hiding a relieved smile in Pepi's soft belly. "You're here for me."
"Partners in crime, right?" You hold off on pouring her a cup of tea, instead running your hand across her shoulders and pulling her into a hug. "I'll take care of it. You need to rest."
"Right." She nods, smiling as she wipes away her happy tears. "Right, partners." She pulls you into a fierce hug, relaxing halfway through into leaning her weight into you. "Thanks."
You don't know how deeply she slept after, but when she saw you again at lunch the spark in her eyes was somehow even brighter
This is definitely one of the harder jobs you two have taken
The beast you two are tracking, while not particularly strong, has a habit of hiding out in caves. It's also rather gifted at intimidation
To be scared in this situation would be perfectly understandable. It's pitch-black, neither of you can use light without alerting it to your presence, and it keeps letting out inhuman wails
You have to split up and approach it from different sides. You're tasked with magically trapping it long enough for Lucio to lop off its claws and spines so it can't keep doing accidental damage to the nearby town
It goes as smoothly as you could expect for the most part, barring how terrifying the situation is
The spell works exactly how you need it to, Lucio's swordsmanship serves him well, and you hear his signal to release the beast in moments
Until said release allows it to move enough for Lucio to spot a spine that he missed
Which causes him to chase after it in a panic, cutting off the spike right before a stray tail slams him into the wall of the cave
The beast takes off, leaving you to check him over while he blinks the leftover stun from the hit out of his eyes. "MC? You there?"
"Yes," you tell him, "now hold still." You think he's okay, a quick wash of magic tells you he'll only have a few nasty bruises, but you don't think he should be trying to stand up yet
"I can't see you. Am I dead? Am I - did it get me?" He's panicking a bit now, and it's not helping.
"You're not dead. It was pretty scary though."
"Scared?" he huffs, "I'm not scared. Where are you? I can't see you!"
"Because it's dark." You fumble around the collar of his shirt, slipping your hand beneath it and pressing your palm to his fluttering heartbeat. "And you are scared. I can feel you."
"You -" You can feel him swallow under your fingertips, and you know his tone of voice enough to know that he's wearing that shocked, taken-aback face he does so well. "No I'm not."
"I can feel you, Lucio."
There's the swallow again, and then he's talking to you in a considerably smaller, more vulnerable voice. "I guess I can't be dead if you can feel me." There's another moment of charged silence while he rests his hand on your wrist. "Can I feel you too?"
You use your other hand to guide his palm to your heartbeat, feeling his own pulse begin to slow once his fingers are on your skin. He chuckles. "You're scared too."
The two of you make it out of the cave eventually, but he still loves to hear you say "I can feel you."
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figgrrr0 · 1 year
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Teasing Tighnari's knot
Character: Sub!Tighnari // Reader: Dom!Gn
Genre: Smut // CW: Handjob, implied edging, ruined orgasm, hand knotting(?)
Plot: No // Word count: 648
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With each and every squeeze and slide of your hand over his twitching length, Tighnari gets closer to his climax.
Of course, he still tries to be sarcastic, telling you off for delaying his orgasm as he tries to rile you into speeding up the pace. The breathlessness of his voice and the short, cut off whimpers when he presses the back of his hand to his lips in an attempt to hide them only make you more adamant on keeping him from getting what he wants.
If he wants to be a brat, pretending that he can order you around, acting as though he doesn't enjoy what you're doing to him, well... why not let him think he's in control?
Acquiescing to his heated demands, you speed up the pace of your hand, the sudden shift in tempo shocking him into letting out a stuttered moan. Unable to get used to the pace fast enough, his feverish skin feeling too sensitive to be comfortable, his hips subconsciously thrust up into your hand, trying to buck you off of him. While this does unsettle your movements and your grip on his dick, (especially with how slick he had gotten from the amounts of precum dripping down his length and aiding in the slide of your hand) it is easily countered by a few intermittent clenches of your hand near the base of his cock.
All too suddenly, his entire body tightens, his back arching and a choked groan being forced from his throat at the intensity of his body's reaction.
The pressure you place on the base of his aching dick spurs on the swelling of his knot, and with your unrelenting hold, the fit soon becomes too much for Tighnari to handle. With his thick knot pulsing and growing rapidly beneath your fingers, you quickly have to add your second hand into the mix, your fingers being prised apart by the sheer girth of his knot.
When it grows it its full potential, locking into the space you've created with your hands, Tighnari's hips resume their rocking. He shifts in his place, shudders wracking through his body as cum shoots from the tip of his cock, multiple surges laying claim to the surface of his own spread thighs, shaking from sensitivity.
He's giving so much of his cum, it just doesn't seem to stop. He must've been so full after all of your teasing... it's a shame he hasn't earned his orgasm.
With that in mind, you pull your hands away from his needy cock, watching as it twitches and pulses as his hips buck wildly, searching for the tight heat of your hands. He lets out loud whines as his hand comes forward, his tight grip around your wrist silently begging you to continue, but when you show no signs of complying, he moves to take hold of himself.
You slap his desperate hand away from his knot, red, aching and neglected. To prolong his suffering, (and to act as part of the punishment) you lightly run a finger along the side of his knot, applying minimal pressure. You can't tell if it hurts or feels good, but either way, his body scrambles to follow your touch. Begging through his panted breaths, he cries out, convulsing and sobbing as his orgasm fizzles out with a final spurt of cum, though he gains no pleasure from the act. Just the underlying need for more.
When it all dies down and his heart rate settles, he'll be raring to go again, pushing past the overstimulation beginning to settle low in his stomach as if he didn't even feel it. And while he will certainly be more open to following your orders, he'll still be grumbling out little complaints as he goes.
At that point, it's your choice:
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Does he deserve to cum? Or should you ruin it again?
Want to send a request/brainrot with me? Check my rules!
Thank you for reading! 🩷
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Random Merlin Rewatch: Where a random number generator gives me a season and an episode from BBC Merlin; and then I comment on it as I go.
Today's episode: Season 1 Episode 6 - A Remedy to Cure all Ills
Before I start, let me just say, I'm really happy I'm getting to rewatch the earlier seasons. Of course the next random episode might be literally season 5 or something, but it's great that it hasn't happened yet.
Let's fucking start bitches
Not the wiggly evil fingers just a few seconds in.
Damn boy you got some dirty ass nails, wash your hands.
MORGWEN MY BELOVEDS!!!! Also the way Gwen looked at Morgana after she asked who'd she want the flowers to be from. Girl looked ready to risk it ALL, let me put a screenshot actually.
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OUGHHHH the brainrot is real with these two
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LIKE??????? GWEN'S THIRSTY (me too)
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Alright girls, enough yearning please
Ugh, I hate the little sound the bug made when it dropped from the flower. Butthole clenched in digust.
Oh thank god they DON'T show it literally entering her ear. That would've been so gross.
Oh Gwen looks BEAUTIFUL in that yellow color. It does everything for her!!
"She's all but dead, Merlin." JESUS FUCKING CHRIST GAIUS
Most suspicious ruse of all time. "Oh, i have a cure for all ills. And also I know the king's ward is very sick. But anyways, I'll be at the inn :)." Bitch.
"But I'm not worried." me when I lie. Merlin is so bad at lying, jesus fuck
Merlin sits down to stop pacing. Arthur gets up and starts pacing. Two sides of the same coin or whatever.
Underrated Arthur shirt is the purplish one he wears in the scene where he begs Uther n Gaius to hear the strange man out. That color looks good on him. It might be his red shirt but in a weird lighting?? I can't be sure.
I really like when Gaius gets to talk all medical considering how limited the medicine world was at the time. It's really really cool, I love seeing this insight into what was possibly like to be a physician at the time. I don't of this happens much in the show.
Arthur really is so trusting when it comes to his loved ones. Of course he's not at fault, like he said what do they have to lose at this point, honestly I've done the same. It's just. Heartbreaking to notice that trait knowing what comes next.
"Science is knowledge." Merlin is such a nerd, I love him.
Oh, not Gaius and Edwin having a lying competition over here. There's a better term for it, but whatever.
Gwen is SO FUCKING GORGEOUS but girl please that's a fucking sorcerer, go AWAY be SAFE. She's so smart though. Immediately knew something was off. He tries to be all "She may die :(." to get her to be worried and not suspicious, but it literally doesn't work. She leaves the room but not because she thinks he's got Morgana's best interests at heart. She knows something is wrong. She also knows she holds no power. And on the chance that he is right and Morgana dies, she'd never forgive herself.
The fucking lying back and forth between Gaius and Edwin. Like. From the outside, it sounds like a perfectly normal convo. But they both know it isn't. And WE know it isn't 'cause we know Edwin's full of shit.
Interesting how Arthur isn't seated but Uther and Morgana are.
Who the fuck knocks on someone's door, doesn't hear an answer, and then just let's themselves in?? I'm sorry, if you're a stranger, I'm not doing that. The fuck's wrong with you Merlin, you nosy boy??
It is so sickening that these villains of the week have views that we can agree with. Yes, magic is a gift and can be a force for good, you're right! But it's because of Uther and his oppression that they turn bitter and ruthless and vindictive. And yes, you do have to eliminate those who are like Uther because they will only propagate the same corrupted and repressive beliefs. The problem, the layers, is that some of those people are actually very much capable of understanding the very fundamental logic that "Sorcerers deserve too live in freedom" but they're so filled with fear and propaganda of the contrary that it's so hard to get out of it. And that's why, if they killed Uther with magic, Arthur would hate magic even more (just like it happens in canon), which would then just repeat the cycle, etc etc. You need to uproot the system, but killing everybody is not the answer; but also having to teach such a fundamental thing, that certain humans deserve basic rights, is such a painful thing to teach, and the oppressed does not have the obligation to do so. But then the cycle just repeats and repeats and it's SHIT. Anyways.
It's so funny that in season 1 they hadn't figured out the cgi for the golden eyes so they just. simply don't show it.
The things Edwin say are like. Well-meaning. But there's just this off vibe that the most intelligent characters (Gaius, Gwen, Merlin) can just. pick up. And even though Merlin really likes what Edwin is saying, there's just something telling him... it's wrong.
Uther, of course, would never even believe anyone would just lie so blatantly and manipulate him like this because he thinks himself very intelligent; which is why he's falling for everythinggg that Edwin says. But, credit where credit's due, Edwin is an excellent liar.
Gaius wears the most cunty ring on his pinky finger, hello?
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I want that ring bro.
Oop, not Gaius having his cowardice and betrayal shoved right in his face. I get it, you wanted safety. But there's consequences to your actions. And I know Gaius feels so guilty about all his friends that died at the stake while he remained safe and sound.
If Gaius would've left in this episode, replaced by Edwin, I bet Morgana would've felt so guilty. In her mind, her illness is what caused him to leave. Gaius truly was there for Morgana and Arthur in ways Uther simply could not.
OOP Gaius and Kilgarrah meeting!!!!!!!! I forgot this happened lmao
Gaius got a little taste of how infuriating the dragon is.
Wait, Gaius was employed for Arthur's birth? That's so interesting. He probably already lived in Camelot but he's been a court physician for 20 years. He was already quite old by then.
It's the way that Gaius is just. Ready to throw his whole life away to make sure Merlin is safe and sound. That's his fucking son, bro!!!
What the actual fuck, they're gonna make me cry :(((( Gaius called Merlin a blessing and his son, I can't.
Gwen is so iconic, speak the fucking truth girl.
Not Gaius with his lil blanket and lil fire. He looks so smol, it's so funny.
Edwin could've waited a lil bit before going all murder on Uther. That just looks suspicious as fuck ngl.
I wonder how Arthur knew that his father was ill. It means he went into his room, but why? Did he have some feeling about Edwin? About Gaius leaving? Was it some courtly concern? I'm assuming no one else would have the privilege of seeing Uther at night except for his son and ward so.
Yes, Merlin, just stare at the floating axe that's being controlled by the evil sorcerer right in front of you, you're so smart. Also the slow-mo is so goofy.
It's interesting that they shot both Merlin and Edwin's eyes up-close when they did magic, Merlin to do the golden eye effect, but for Edwin it seems that his pupils just change size. I wonder if not all sorcerers have their eyes glow, if it depends on the magic. Edwin is using dark magic, could it be that? That's interesting, imo. Dark magic equals no golden eyes. Kinda fun.
Violent ass death for Edwin, damn. Axe to head, bitchass
Oh it must be so weird for Merlin to be touching Uther like that. Like that's intimate as shit.
So cuteeee Gaius calling Merlin a genius, they're adorable. He's so proud. That was a feat, though, just pure improv and luck. Merlin is still a noob at controlled magic so this was really damn good.
Love that it's so canon that Gaius potions taste like fucking ASS. Uther's face, lmao.
Interesting that Uther asked if Gaius remembered his friends that burned at the pyre, and Gaius answers "All of them." and Uther doesn't even comment. As bonkers as it sounds, they truly are friends in some capacities. I wonder if Gaius could make Uther change his mind. Not Morgana or Arthur, but Gaius. But he made the choice to abandon magic, Uther presumed because Gaius understood its dangers, but if he were to find out that actually Gaius doesn't agree, I wonder what Uther would think about that. Like a genuine and open convo about it. I think he'd just arrest Gaius for it, but I don't know. I think there's at least some reality where he gives it some more thought. But I don't know if he'd ever repel the ban, more because he'd have to admit that he was wrong, and admitting you're wrong is also accepting and processing all the shit you did for that wrong thing, and I just think Uther is too cowardly to do so. He knows it would break his mind to truly process all the pain and horror he's caused; so no matter his inner philosophies, he'll never repel the ban, because the damage has been done, and he'd rather live like that than start anew in the new reality where he's wrong.
"In the fight against magic, you are the one person I can trust." yet again. Gaius going against this? Uther can't fathom it. He's so confident that Gaius is 100% on his side.
Arthur smiling at Gaius, awww.
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Two pretty bestfriends. No wonder half the kingdom wants to fuck them both. Also what the fuck is a "freeman"??? Genuinely, what is it??
And that is it. Loved it, of course.
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totaleclipse573 · 26 days
One last thought
in this au, I think Eclipse hasn't really had a good sleep since Shadow died. He was viciously hunted down and then locked up by GUN. He's only gotten snatches of sleep here and there.
Team Dark, looking at him crying and muttering nonsense decide they need to take him somewhere safe and get some answers for this strange behavior... and I think Eclipse just passes the fuck out. His body just gives out and he sleeps for 14 straight hours.
The whole time, Shadow just next to him (in the beginning, in case it was an act) but the longer he sleeps, the longer Shadow starts to think there is something actually going on here...
👀👀👀👀👀 Really like where this is going.
Makes me curious to think like. What would happen if Shadow was able to somehow put the pieces together and discover all THAT. If that were to happen ik it probably wouldn’t for a LONG time, and it isn’t on his own, but still interesting to think about. Or does he reach a different conclusion entirely? My brainrot thinking process is all over the place rn I’m sorry, I’m excited XD
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foggysilverfeathers · 4 months
Since you guys seemed to like the last one so much and the brainrot hasn't died down, I made a little Princess Gem of Dawn :D
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elixrr · 1 year
Simpy Xiao One-Shot
Semi-ooc Xiao x GN!Reader
Synopsis... Xiao confesses his love to you. A brainrot that's been rotting my brain, but it's just Xiao trying his best with you to confess, but fails and succeeds in the same time.
Author's note... Xiao has been occupying my brain since 2021. This is not okay, but I'm not complaining bc I love Xiao from the bottom of my idiot heart <3
Warnings... None, really. Just tooth-rotting fluff from stupidly cute brainrots I've had of him (mwahahahahhaa) oh, but also angst if you squint just hard enough that your eyes are quite literally closed. Oh, and a mini argument :')
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“Xiao,” he heard you. He heard you— your voice, it rings within his head, from side to side to kiss on both his ears. Your voice was always meaningful to him. He could almost get lost in it, the way the syllables would be spelled out so greatly from you like a—
“Xiao?” You spoke once more, louder and clearer than before. Ah. He got lost in the thought of you again. Swiftly, with a flashy smoke of teal and black, he arrived right by your side, where he wanted to stay.
“You called?” Despite his words, he already knew why you called. It's always for the same reasons. To spend time with him. To do things with him. To be with him.
“Of course I did. What days do I not?”
Xiao tried to recount the days in which you've never even uttered his name. How many years ago was that? It's almost astounding how many years you've been friends with him at this point.
But it's almost as astonishing that he hasn't even confessed his love for you yet.
But never mind that, Xiao cleared his hazy mind full of fond memories with you, who replaces every other memory of his karmic debt, the agonizing presence of death that continues to pry at his sanity each passing day.
But you replenish all of that. His lost dreams, his lost hopes, and his lost world. You returned all of that to him, replenished and renewed. You, it's always you. You, who—
“Xiao, is something the matter?” You tangled his hair around your finger. The closeness had his face flushed with the pink of a peony. “You've been quite out of it lately.”
“I– I'm..?” Fine. Fine is what he wanted to say. But the words died down in his throat. All he could focus on was your features up close. You've been his friend for so long, but it's rare for you to get close to him, let alone come into contact with him. He's nervous, not just because physical contact with him is outright dangerous, but because you're just– just to close to him, and you don't even pay an ounce of attention to that. You're toying with his hair so naturally, as if it's nothing special, like it's nothing out of the ordinary— like you two were dating.
Oh, what a fantasy that would be. Xiao's hand intertwined with yours, laying in a field of grass and blooming flowers, you blabbering on about anything and everything, just like you always do. But this time, maybe you'd hug him. Run a finger or a few through his hair. Maybe you'd even kiss him. Or even do that thing that humans would do on the occasion out in the open, that thing called “cuddling”. Xiao blushes at the thought. You're already so close to him, but if you were even closer, arms wrapped around him, snuggled oh-so close? He could hardly take the thought without feeling weak to the knees.
“You're...? Okay, so, you're clearly not fine, if you were going to say that. So, here. Sit down with me, you can tell me what's happening in that restless life you've got there.” You, with a soft and low voice, whispered into his ear.
“O– Okay.” Xiao sat himself down right next to you, albeit a little closer than he intended, but still close nonetheless. Damnit, he hopes deep down and past his adeptal bones that you don't suspect a thing about him liking you.
“Alright, so something is up. If you're comfortable, you can tell me. I'm all ears.”
“Your invitation is tempting,” Xiao weens with an internal scoff, all while slipping his gaze elsewhere. “But I can't tell you anything.”
“You shouldn't need to know that I...” Ah. He let that part slip out. Albeit in a blushful whisper, but he could only pray to Rex Lapis that you didn't actually hear that.
Oh, but of course you did.
“Well, we've been friends for, like, forever! Or, uh, my forever, but you get the gist of it. Xiao, if something's wrong, you know you could tell me, I—”
Xiao bellowed at you, having you flinch at the sudden response. That was unintentional, as told by the way he covered his mouth with his hand and the way his golden wide eyes would stare at you, heavy with guilt.
“Oh. Well, if you can't tell me, then I shouldn't pry on it. Sorry about that.”
“I– no, I should apologize. I didn't... mean to..”
Woah, wait. What's going on?
Xiao got quiet. The words, once more, were killed down his throat. He needed to get out of there quickly. But he couldn't teleport— he couldn't think of where to go at that moment, he envisioned a scornful look on your face when you stared at him. Do you hate him now? Will you suddenly give up on him? He just can't accept that, not after he found out that he was in love. He can't go back now, he realizes. He can't be used to the cold loneliness anymore, you've become a part of his life, a major part, he can't let go now! Why, oh why?! Why did he–
“Hey. Shh. Xiao, hey. I'm not mad, I'm not upset.”
Xiao opened his eyes. Everything was glassy and blurred. He rubbed his eyes— tears stained his gloves. Was he crying? In front of you? He tried to turn away, but then he felt your arms wrap around him delicately, like he was as fragile as glass. How could he escape now? You enveloped him in your arms, and he knows it's obvious that he's calmed down after that.
“Please... Don't go. Don't leave yet, I— I love you too much to let you go.”
He didn't mean for that last part to slip out, but even so, he nearly fell unconscious under your arms, feeling them squeeze around him as he confessed. Still. Of all times, why now? Why, when he's most vulnerable in your arms?
“It's okay, it's okay. You know, I love you too. I always have, but I never guessed those feelings were returned.” You took his hand in yours and smiled, looking into his soft, loving, yet teary eyes.
“Of course they were returned. I loved you for so long, I... didn't even know it.” Xiao's eyes stared back into yours, your tender eyes full of honesty. His hand squeezing yours slightly, a gesture to show that all his words were true. He watched your other hand wipe his remaining tears away, and he smiled.
Xiao smiled for you.
“Then... May I?” Xiao's face flushed a bright rosey red, seeing you inch closer and closer to him, filling in the gap of air that lay between you two.
Xiao stuttered, his heart screamed yes, but his head was going into overdrive and he didn't know what to say. Even if he did, there's no way he could form a sentence now.
But you waited. Your lips, slightly parted, were only centimeters from his own, awaiting his consent.
“P– please. Do so.”
And you crashed your lips into his, and as if roses bloomed beneath you both in place of the Inn's roof, he was dropped into eternal bliss.
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strangeharpy · 1 year
So earlier this morning, my friend MK sent me this fic, which hurt me deeply in all the best ways. However, since I have Renchanting/Treebark brainrot, I ended up being inspired to write something similar to answer the question "but what if Ren were there?"
So here it is, 1150 words of Martyn angst involving Ren and the end of Limited Life. Written in a mild fugue state, no betas, no nothing. Not STRICTLY Treebark but can easily be read that way. Too short for me to feel comfortable putting on AO3, but maybe I'll expand it into something fuller. Who knows?
"You did it, my dude!"
Martyn's head whips around to find the source of the voice. The last two other people on this void-forsaken server had just died by his hand—hell, Impulse's blood is still fresh on his blade. The only thing that should be left to congratulate him is the whistling of the wind through the blasted remains of the forest around him.
And yet there he is.
A few steps behind and to the right of Martyn is someone Martyn knows well. He hasn't seen him since the Double Life game; didn't get to see him enough, even then. Though Martyn knows he owns more than one set of clothes, he's dressed in what Martyn first met him in: a red shirt, blue jeans, black suspenders, dark shades. His brown ears are pricked forward in keen interest, and his tail swishes lazily behind him. He's grinning from ear to ear, and though Martyn can't see his blue eyes, he knows the smile reaches them.
"What?" Martyn manages to choke out. His throat has gone impossibly dry.
Ren spreads his arms in an expansive gesture, still grinning. "You did it! You won!"
A trickle of sweat winds its way down Martyn's neck and under his collar. In the distance, a bird chirps. His stomach churns. "That's not… you're not…"
"Not what?" Ren asks, tail pausing in its back-and-forth path.
"That's not how this works," Martyn says. "I get that, now. You don't win this. You're just—you're just the last to lose."
"That's not what you thought back in Third Life," Ren points out, gently.
"Yeah," Martyn scoffs. "And look where that got us. And even if we'd won, it would've just been us at each other's throats."
"It could've been honorable."
Martyn's eyes burn, and he blinks twice to try to get them to stop. They don't. "Didn't you see what just happened? I killed Scott before he even had a chance! There's no honor in any of this, don't you get it?"
Ren's expression turns melancholy: his grin fades and his ears and tail droop. "You don't believe that."
"The best of us always dies with you," Martyn spits. "And you weren't even here this time."
"I'm sorry, dude." Ren's apology barely rises above a whisper. "I wish I could've been there for you."
"I would've killed you." The words tumble out of Martyn's mouth before he can stop them. "I killed Scott like it was nothing. I would've killed you, too."
"I know," Ren says after a moment. "I knew from the beginning. If it came down to the two of us, I knew you wouldn't just let it be at that." He pauses, tilts his head a little as he appraises Martyn. "I think we both know I would've let you win."
Martyn scoffs again and he scrubs at his eyes with the heel of his palm. He's so tired. "Fat lot of good that would've done either of us."
"I'm sorry," Ren repeats. He reaches out, and Martyn recoils.
"You're not real. You can't be."
This statement, one that Martyn is sure will break the spell, barely seems to register. Ren merely shrugs. "I'm as real as you need me to be, dude."
"You should've been here!" Martyn finally shouts. He casts his bloodied sword aside as he takes a shaking step towards the image of Ren. "You should've been here, we should've made jokes about wet dog smell, you could've made a stupid coral crown, we could've all gone to war under the same banner!"
"I'm here now," Ren says, his words very tender. "Can't declare war on anyone, but you've still got some time left. We could watch the sunset together. Just like old times." He extends a hand.
Martyn stares at Ren's fingers; they look just as callosed as he remembers them. He can easily imagine what it would feel like to take that hand and use it to pull Ren closer. But giving into that desire would be just that little bit too far. Instead, he just lets out a breath. "Okay. Alright. I've got an hour and a half left. Might as well do something with it, and watching the sunset with a figment of my imagination is as good as anything else I can think of."
Ren's tail starts swishing again. Not as excitedly as it had been before, but it's no longer still. "Great! Where's the best place to watch on this server?"
"Most everywhere's been blown to bits," Martyn says, "but maybe we can still see something nice from the Clockers' tower."
When Ren doesn't object or supply an alternative, Martyn leads him in that direction. They make it to the top with no incident—if Scar had trapped it, the trap had worked in typical Scar fashion. The view is… not the best. The landscape is pock-marked by explosions and toppled structures, and the sky is criss-crossed by bridges and platforms used to enact the destruction.
If Ren minds, he doesn't say as such. Instead, he stares off into the distance. "Guess I missed a lot, huh?"
"You could say that." Martyn keeps his face forward, but he studies Ren's profile out of the corner of his eye. "Why are you here, anyway?"
Ren's focus on the distant landscape doesn't waver as he says, "Because you won."
"So… what, the game just pulls up a hallucination of the person I've been wanting to see this whole time just because I'm the last to lose?"
"I'm as real as you need me to be," Ren states again, this time turning to face Martyn. "Maybe I'm a figment of your imagination, or maybe I'm here because there wasn't any other way for us to see each other. What's it matter? I'm here now, and the sun's about to go down."
He's right, of course. The sun is slipping close to the horizon, casting long shadows over everything. The day is almost done, and so is Martyn's tenure as the game's 'winner.'
"You're right," Martyn sighs. "Let's just… enjoy what time we've got."
The minutes tick by. The sun creeps ever lower. Martyn's timer grows closer to the end. Finally, when the moon has risen, Ren turns to look at him.
"I'll see you again. You know that, right?"
Martyn breathes in a trembling breath. "That's what you said last time, and look where it got us."
"I'm here now, aren't I?"
"I guess so," Martyn says. "So, now what?"
"Now we wait. It won't be long now."
Martyn checks his timer. It won't be. There's only a few handfuls of seconds to spare. He could spend that time looking out at the carnage that the game had wrought on the world around them, or he could spend that time looking at Ren.
He makes his choice and he does not regret it.
His timer runs out.
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solar-eclippse · 3 months
Dumping some BES fanfic ideas that have been bouncing around in my head because I need to write them down somewhere (lots of Fowzu, because I have the brainrot).
Hunger Games AU, because that's something I've been wanting to write for years. Long-form. Mizu is reaped and Taigen volunteers in a last ditch effort to save his status after his father died, but confesses that he was debating on it until he realized it would give him a shot at killing Mizu. Unfortunately for them, they're roped into acting out a fake romance to endear themselves to the audience. Fake dating enemies to lovers Taimizu for a start, debating on possible side ships.
Fowzu smut, two chapters. Madame Kaji gets her hands on Mizu before they try to storm the castle and convinces them to take a slightly more subtle approach, disguised as one of her workers come to entertain Abijah and his guests. It does not go according to plan.
Modern AU Fowzu, long-form. Mizu hasn't dated in two years, since he had a bad breakup with Mikio, who couldn't deal with Mizu coming out as transmasc. He recently started working as a bouncer at a nightclub where Abijah is a regular, and he keeps hitting on Mizu. Mizu can barely stand him, but he enjoys the attention far too much and despite knowing what a bad idea it is, he decides to give Abijah a shot. Plot with some porn, enemies with benefits to lovers, surprising soft.
Mizu x Akemi x Taigen x Ringo, post-canon shameless fluff, oneshot. At the end of Mizu's revenge quest, she and her loved ones move into a mountain village to recuperate. She and Ringo cause quite a stir, a pair of second class citizens who keep spending the night with that rich married couple.
Gen fic exploring Abijah's backstory after the Nine Years War. Probably a oneshot, but my character studies and backstory fics tend to get long. Headcanons all the way down. I have a lot of thoughts about his past that might be interesting context for how I write him in the present.
Akemizu roleswap, unknown length. Wanted to figure out how to swap their roles while maintaining their social statuses and gender presentation, and I haven't 100% figured it out, but I'm thinking about Akemi being an assassin who works with knives and poison, and Mizu being a sex worker with a chip on their shoulder who presents as a boy rather than a woman.
Gen, pre-canon/canon divergence, oneshot. Mizu takes a job for Heiji. I know nothing about the plot itself for this one, I just want to write Mizu unwittingly working for Abijah and the horror and rage of finally connecting the dots.
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etherealzx · 1 year
i have been having major akira brainrot for the last few days. could i request some relationship hcs with him? thank you!
YES YES YES OH MY FUCKING GOD YES!! Thank you so much for requesting akira! 😭 I have been dying to write for him!
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Akira Otoishi Relationship Headcanons! <3
alright first thing's first, this mf is cocky
most people find it arrogant and annoying, but you've always thought it was kind of attractive how confident he was in himself
however when you came along, you were the first person to ever make him nervous
he saw you in the crowd of one of his shows, and thought you were just so pretty/handsome, he couldn't get over you. he was thinking about you nonstop, just waiting until he got to see you again
he asked you out by asking you if you wanted to come back stage with him, where he ends up confessing his feelings to you
he's not the best with relationship stuff because he hasn't really been in many. he's had plenty of one-night stands and flings with fans, but you were different to him.
however, you can tell how hard he tries to make you happy. always cracking jokes, trying to make you laugh
he also loves to compliment you. he'll tell you at least 30 times a day how hot and sexy he thinks you are
if you compliment him, it'll go to his head quick. he loves it, it's like crack to him. having his lover tell him how handsome he is and how much of a rockstar he is just makes him feel like he's died and gone to heaven
he's very possessive, and jealoussss as hell! just the thought of other guys looking at you is enough to drive him insane. which is why he's always holding your hand, wrapping his arm around you, or kissing you in public. he wants to make sure everyone knows you're off limits.
always makes sure that you get the best seat in the house for his shows.
he blows kisses to you and winks at you while he's on stage :')
he steals things for you a lot. he just likes to spoil you! (he tells you that he bought them but we all know he's broke AF)
he loves when you play with his hair. whether you're running your fingers through his long purple locks, brushing it, or pulling it back into a ponytail, it makes him melt instantly
surprisingly he's very cuddly. whenever he gets done with a show, the first thing he wants to do is climb into bed with you under the warm blankets and fall asleep
he snores like a fucking lawnmower and has a death grip around your waist when you sleep next to him, so good luck trying to go pee in the middle of the night
he plays the guitar for you all the time. he'll find out your favorite songs and play them for you!
he's a little bit of a turd but he's really sweet deep down, and you can tell how much he cares for you
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faebriel · 7 months
hgs brainrot has returned due to tbosas .. speaking of hgs here’s an ask abt the hgs au: if things were totally different, and Wilbur were to be a 12 victor, what do you think a possible mentor-tribute dynamic would look like between him & Niki? I feel like it would be similar to Snow & Lucy in the way that he’s just going out of his way to cheat n help her
anon u have in fact struck jackpot because this is a concept i was spinning some thoughts abt before bee mentioned avoxes and we went OOOOH at that!!! so yes i have considered rainduo as a mentor-tribute dynamic and would love to talk about that concept too :]
so for this concept i think wilbur and niki would be close friends throughout childhood from 12, and then in their teens wilbur is reaped and, well, no one has particularly high hopes (he's a writer and a musician at heart, not a fighter) but through sheer trickery and dumb luck, he makes it to the end of the games. wilbur pulled some pretty fucked up tricks to win - when you can't use brute force, you have to use your brain - and partly due to the trauma of the games, partly due to his shame and survivor's guilt, he sinks into the capitol and relishes a new life there as a socialite. to him, the old wilbur died in the games and the new one has taken his place - to niki, and to his other friends in 12, whatever the games did to him made him into every vapid heartless capitol victor there is.
or. niki has her doubts. they all saw how horrible the games were, but surely there is some part of him left, some part that's hurting, even if it's buried deep?
like og spin of the au, niki is reaped and this sucks - this time she does expect wilbur as her mentor on the train, and she expects some kind of warm welcome (maybe even an apology for leaving them so suddenly and silently? an explanation?) but she gets jack shit. wilbur is jaded and cruel and unrecognisable and niki entirely hates it. this is the part where i REALLY WISH we got some time of those two beefing with each other directly in canon (or at least interactions while niki was So Mad at him) but it's okay we fly blind. niki feels abandoned, lonely, thrown off of her kilter - she expected an ally in this place, but she doesn't recognise the person wilbur has become. she doesn't recognise his shallowness (...much), his ruthless advice for the arena, the way he doesn't seem to care for anything. she's scared and now she's lonely and it pisses her off - their mentorship is fraught. here are some thoughts from discord on that:
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i tend to think of niki as a bit naïve before l'manberg or even doomsday - i think this is an au where this streak would come out real strong, and niki is stubborn that she can get through the games without losing herself. stubborn that she can stop things, that she can protect people. i don't think wilbur is cold enough (or, really, can bear to say aloud) to say that her odds in the arena are slim enough as it is, but he definitely tells her that she's making enemies and that her odds of survival dwindle with the more trouble she causes.
beyond that... hm. niki's trust in wilbur is almost unshakeable until nov 16, even when she outright says she doesn't recognise him anymore. i think she'd reluctantly listen re: don't burn down any buildings, but she would grow bolder each day she had to stay in the capitol. she gets more honest in front of the cameras. she makes more friends in training, and not the ones wilbur recommends. she throws barbs at him every time he makes one of those callous, cold-hearted comments about other tributes and rankings and odds. and besides, she's going in the arena this time, not him. she needs to practice her bravery.
it's like... she hasn't given up on him. she thinks the old wilbur is in there somewhere. (she is wrong. that is not how trauma works.) but she won't hold her tongue just because she
for extra angst points could definitely play up the whole 'feeling abandoned' angle between them as niki goes into the arena - probably due to how fraught their friendship gets leading up to the games. niki wants to focus on them and their friendship, wilbur has stringently cut off (almost) everything from 12 and refuses to let her in; he tells her to behave for the cameras, she tells him she never will. i think the last point in that screenshot would also make for a super tasty argument where niki feels wilbur has gone astray, that he's abandoned 12, and that he'll probably do nothing but sit on his ass and watch her die and he can't even bring himself to care about her anymore, can he? just more fodder for the arena. and honestly, i think wilbur would passively agree with most of that - he values niki's opinion, after all, even now, and if she says he's rapidly descending into a lost cause then she must be right. and it's niki, so she will be fine, and he goes to his bedroom that night and tries to pretend he is sleeping perfectly fine instead of feeling paralysed with fear.
okay now onto the games - YES HE SO WOULD. or at least i think he would go out of his way to help. as for cheating - he's a recent victor for 12 and i think he would value tommy (no doubt a link to him... i think they'd be in touch in this au also) too much to risk the punishment falling onto him as well. i get the vibes this is a games closer to 74th than 10th, so there are far fewer opportunities to cheat and the consequences of getting caught are higher. but schmoozing up sponsors? making stupid ass radio interviews or whatever to talk up niki's odds? sharing anecdotes from their childhood - some real, some entirely fabricated - across capitol airwaves to stoke their sympathy? 100%. with less to lose in this au, i think niki would be far less inclined to play nice for the cameras - i hope you starve, she spits at one of them, and wilbur appears on a talkshow two days later as she scrambles for survival in the arena to talk up how she always saved loaves from the bakery for the poorest mothers and children in 12. he borrows and begs and swindles to the point where it feels like cheating. but hey, this new wilbur is capitol-branded. he knows how to play the game.
if anything he probably sinks into the game a little too much. self-preservation is not his forte. probably wracks up a few heavy debts and favours to owe, but those are not priority until niki is out of the arena, alive. as long as she wins, and as long as the family he has isn't in danger, he will manage. wow it would suck if at some point those two goals became impossible to co-achieve. anyway
i kind of see niki's victory in the arena being similar to the one in the main au - if only because planning out an entire games is hard for meee >-< . she walks in bolder and braver for sure, and with a less strategic pick of allies, but they all get picked off and she spends a few weeks so terrified she can barely sleep and then she ruptures some fuel line and sets the arena alight with a fire that burns brighter and more ravenously than it should. but she wins, and she's airlifted out of a filthy, muddy creek she had resigned herself to die in, and wilbur barges his way through as many peacekeepers so that he can actually see her with her burnt skin and hair and unfocused eyes and trust that what was on the screens wasn't a fluke, and that they made it. and then it's just a matter of surviving the after.
i'm sure there are some other random quirks or tidbits i can think of re: this take on a c!rainduo hunger games au but these are my base thoughts!!
#can i just say whatever the hell lucy grey n snow had going on in part 1 made me so berko btw. like congrats ur my means to an end youre my#symbol youre my buddy? should we kiss? i'll get you out of here / don't make me leave these people behind#BRIDGING OFF OF THE TBOSAS DISCUSSION. i think the thing with crainduo (or at least how i like to depict them) is that they care about each#other extremely deeply and value each other... without being each others number one priority at all times.#i don't think niki plays priority with people she cares for like that; see her relationships with like wilbur and eret in lmanberg#even her friendship with and offering ponk a place to stay in her city after manberg even tho manberg hurt her#as for wilbur: his priority is tommy. like always. if it was just him on the line he'd do anything to get niki thru but it's not#asks#hunger games au#they would truly be such a nightmare in this au like. wilbur's self loathing is SO HIGH due to survivors guilt and trauma and mental illnes#he thinks that niki is So Good and Has It Together meanwhile he is So Bad#and is a mess that she cannot possibly rely on him. she can't possibly need him. she can't possibly want him around#<- and this shit is INGRAINED like. it's not even an active thought pattern anymore it is carved into his brain like a groove#and so shes like. do you even care whether i live or die??#of course he does. but this is the capitol. he cant be vulnerable in a way that matters#and that alienates niki further and this rage and heartbreak is building in her with nowhere to go. and in the arena she thinks it erupts#nah uh. i think its AFTER the area when she has to face wilbur again that she would go full screaming meltdown#ANYWAY !! i really like aus where they have this friction esp because i think like.. idk i think sometimes our views of rainduo are too ros#wilbur kind of forgets about niki sometimes because his self hatred is that bad. niki doesnt get wilburs mental illness and takes it both a#a burden/blame AND a direct rejection of her and her friendship#and they hover just outside of each others spaces anxious and angry and almost self flagellating. GOOD FOR THEM !#anyway Yes this did unlock something within me. thanks anon feel free to add on if u had more thoughts esp re: tbosas and such bc i had suc#a good time watching that movie
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monocotyledons · 1 year
i thought about it last night and so far my decision hasn't changed: i'm not going to migrate to jp server. i don't have the highest level out there, but i still made a good amount of progress, and a lot of that progress was made when i was in peak brainrot mode and obsessed with the swords. i can safely say that i'm no longer in that mode, not just because of the way the game is shutting down, but also because i just haven't been as involved with tkrb fan stuff these past few months. if i start a jp citadel i know that it won't receive the same amount of dedication and attention that my en citadel did, and i don't want a half-assed jp citadel to be a follow-up to my very loved en one.
i'll probably still make fanworks for tkrb now and then -- it'll be rare, but i still have ideas for my saniwa ocs and their citadels, and maybe some of those ideas will be complete enough to be turned into fics. but i don't think i'll engage with the fandom as much as i used to, especially since the peak obsession phase died out even before all this.
i am upset at how the shutdown was handled and how this happens to so many jp games that get an en server, but i don't have any bitter feelings towards the world and the characters of touken ranbu itself. when i was really into the game it brought me a lot of joy and creativity and i'm grateful for that. but for now i will just make the most of my remaining time on the en server.
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jaskwritesthings · 2 years
cause the brainrot is real and i'm a sucker for a kid fic here's some more 'i'll never write it but bOY does it live rent free in my mind 24/7'
slutting it up all around hawkins, looking for the one has its consequences and steve harrington gets the call one day that the condom failed and he's about to be a father. it's not ideal, it's not a fairytale by any stretch, there's really no chemistry between them and it wasn't a memorable night for either of them, its awkward and stilted but they agree to work something out and be civil and kind cause neither of them have the best parents and they don't want the cycle to continue. so a slightly rocky friendship it is. and it's good, it's weird but it's good and there's plans and shit that would make nancy proud of him
and then the luck of hawkins strikes and she's gone, complications during childbirth, not common but just uncommon enough to be unlucky and isn't that just the fate of anybody who dares to hope for something good in this town.
so now there's a baby, a sweet innocent baby boy and no mother and steve is floundering like he just got tossed in the deep end for the first time and worse, her parents want nothing to do with it. it they call their grandson like he's a terrible piece of furniture they inherited and not the child of their daughter. a bad memory they say, not their problem they say and they wash their hands of it. and his parents are the same, it's all about reputation they say, appearances they say. they leave unsubtle adoption pamphlets lying around. but steve says fuck that, his life hasn't been about reputation and appearence for years now, not since barb died alone in his pool and nancy took him down a peg and monsters crawled out of the byers walls and he started giving a shit about the local nerdy pre-teen population.
so steve chooses his kid and winds up with a duffel full of clothes and a car that's thankfully in his name and a slammed door in his face and no son of mine ringing in his ears.
he's alone, except he's really not. he's steve harrington, babysitter supreme and there's a whole line of mother's who offer up their couches and spare rooms to him without hesitation. mrs henderson doesn't think twice about bringing steve into her home and her arms for one of her signature back breaking hugs. joyce helps him pick up what he needs from the store and gives him the employee discount with a wink. mrs wheeler teaches him what to do cause holly's not yet old enough that the old instincts have faded and she still has some baby books tucked away. lucas' mum is an estate agent and helps him find something in his tiny budget, he's pretty sure he shouldn't be able to afford anything in hawkins let alone one of the trailers but she makes it work and steve figures out where lucas and erica get the steel in their spines from.
his savings go with the snap of a finger but he's the proud owner of the cheapest trailer in the park, the one with enough holes in it to make him worry about the winter months before it hits, and the cheapest necessities possible but it's still comes up short but steve can survive in a sleeping bag on a arm chair that doesn't so much recline as it does break every time your pull the lever. everything he owns is an offering from someone's garage and the wonky wallpaper and lumpy paint is thanks to the kids helping decorate and plug as many of the rusted holes as they can find. It's not much but it's the first real home he can say he's ever had and it was made by those he loves and who love him.
family video doesn't pay enough, doesn't have enough hours to cover a newborn and a new home with all the necessities so he winds up at the plant. and it's shit, everybody knows he's 'harrington's boy' and everybody hates his father so they hate him. every two person job is suddenly a one man show and it's his show and the audience is heckling and booing him and steve doesn't fight back. because he gets it, he was exactly what they think he is once upon a time and he really hasn't paid for those crimes so he takes the licks and keeps his head down and does the work. and one lunch its dry crackers and cold coffee because diapers and a babysitter really cut into the tiny budget and steve won't let his kid starve or suffer with some subpar babysitter and someone starts poking fun at how his mother didn't pack him his lunch and steve tries to ignore them, keep his head down and just power through but then they're talking about his dad and the shit he's pulled around town and how much they hate him and hate steve by proxy and steve tells them to get in line behind him because fuck he hates his dad more than some no name plant worker with a grudge and then its all on the table, the newborn and the disownment and now there's pity in their eyes and
and then there's an apple dropped at his elbow and eddie's uncle in sliding onto the bench next to him asking if his kid is sleeping through the night yet and suddenly the table is full of guys commiserating over sleepless nights and how much everything costs and there's half a sandwich and a cookie and some carrot sticks appearing in front of steve and he keeps his head down to ignore the blur in his vision and nobody comments on the shake of his shoulders and wayne munson has an arm around his shoulder and a firm but comforting steadying grip on his arm.
when steve gets home that night it's not long before there's a knock at the door and its eddie, discount babysitting services just for you big boy and there's a bag of diapers and formula and its not much but its what eddie and his uncle could spare and its sweet and he's tired and suddenly he's hugging eddie who just lets him, holds him tight through it.
and so eddie quickly becomes a permanent fixture in his drafty trailer, caring for steve's kid while steve busts his ass at the plant to make ends meet. soon enough it's basically steve and eddie's home because eddie's clothes are over the third hand armchair that has no stuffing and his tapes are half opened next to the stereo and his toothbrush is next to steve's and steve can hear him making baby talk while he showers and steve keeps stepping on d4's from when eddie host's the party's d&d campaign and his chicken scratch handwriting says they need more bread and when steve says 'i'm home' eddie greets him with 'welcome home honey' and its stupid jokes about being a kept woman that force a breathy laugh from steve because there's an ache forming in his chest that throbs when eddie leaves and his fingers twitch to reach out and beg him to stay, stay forever.
but steve isn't going to do anything about it cause eddie's his friend, eddie watches his kid for him and tucks the bills he hides in eddie's jacket back into his wallet cause steve needs them more than eddie does and eddie sits with him at night watching movies that neither of them are really paying attention too and listens as he talks about all the fucked up shit they've been through. eddie who holds out the beer bottle or the joint and gets it. truly gets all of it cause he's been there too and steve can't help the guilt he feels about how glad he is that eddie went through it too, he shouldn't have had to but boy is steve glad he did and isn't that a terrible thought that keeps him up at night sometimes but it doesn't stop the relief of having eddie there beside him. they talk and they laugh and when shit gets bad and the shakes set in, its eddie's hand in his or his fingers massaging the back of steve's neck or their foreheads pushed together almost painfully as they remind each other they're here, they're alive and god damn does steve need eddie. he needs his friend and he just can't risk it all on wanting more when what they have is so damned important already.
but of course, hawkins luck strikes again. and one night they're watching alien again and eddie saunters in from the makeshift nursery that's slowly but surely evolving into a decent kids room and throws himself down next to steve, practically falling on top of him his back curled into steve's chest like he was made to fit right there and with his usual tired but happy smile and tells him the little one is finally down and he looks up at steve with blue-black bags under his eyes and a ridiculously pastel pink cloth over the shoulder of his band shirt and his hair's tied up in one of nancy's scrunchies because his hair ties disappear into the void which they make jokes about vecna and the upside down stealing everybody's left sock from the laundromat and all the hair ties and-
and steve kisses him. its light, its chaste, it's an awkward angle the burns the muscle in his neck to hold and eddie's mouth is slack in shock and oh shit oh shit oh shit
steve practically catapults eddie off of him and launches himself across the room already apologising and panicking. his breath coming too quick and sharp and oh god how the fuck could he ruined one of the few good things in his life? just like that. he's half expecting the door for the trailer to slam shut behind eddie… but it doesn't. cause eddie is there, in his space, hand on his chest, instructing him on how to breathe and he does. steve follows eddie's orders so easily now whether it's child care or breathing, he does what eddie tells him to do.
when he's breathing is steady once again, when the tears are cold on his skin, drying in the humidity of the trailer, eddie kisses him back. sweet and soft and a little hesitant as though he's worried it won't be welcome but steve wraps his arms around eddie and tilts his head just so and there, much better, perfect even.
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xenonsdoodles · 8 months
bestie idfk ur ships gimme some dnd children u got brainrot for cause same
I technically have 3 active campaigns going (variably on hiatus) and all my guys are Going Through It rn
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Kharis: party healer who recently escaped from the twisted science dungeons where he was forced to be an accomplice to horrors untold. sat out on a mission (read: I couldn't make the session) and took a much-needed break, and meanwhile the session ended with a TPK so. fucking rip
Athrel: has been trying to break an ancestral curse for the past three years. it ruined his life and all his relationships and the suffering is eternal, but at least if he fails, the curse ends with him. the only way it wouldn't would be if he somehow had a child he didn't know about, like maybe with an estranged ex who he thoroughly burned bridges with three years ago and hasn't seen since-
Morcant: local depressed alcoholic joins a crusade under false pretenses hoping to take down as many demons as possible before he dies; has still not died and is now one of the party's loudest (and only) proponents of Not Doing War Crimes. which the party Needs. because they keep Trying To Do War Crimes.
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dendrosys · 2 years
the Columbina brainrot was rlly getting to me so i decided to mix up something quick.. @eujean @just-haunter-thoughts @maehemthemisfit
They say the people in my homeland do not believe in tears, a stereotype carried to legacy by outsiders and traveling Snezhnayans alike. They joke and say our tears will freeze before they leave our eyes, that the part of our brains that let us cry was frosted over. They don't know about the warmth that keeps us able to weep for our many lost ones, the joyous flames in the campfires we hold to stay alive. Blaming them is hard though, even I have only seen her a few times. 
For years I’ve traveled as a Fatui footsoldier, never ranking up, just moving posts. I wasn’t useless, they just spent so much time moving me around and adding me to new teams that no one ever thought to put me higher. I’ve seen my teammates come and go. Some die on the field, some get too injured to keep working. Some run away and never come back. Somehow I ended up getting invited to funerals for all of them. Often I didn't attend, here and there a teammate that I really cared for would succumb to one of the three fates and I’d consider it, but it always ended up being ‘It's better that I don't go’.
Inbetween moving periods I had a week to rest, and it was during the rare occurrence where I actually considered attending a funeral. I counted the Mora I had stashed in my pocket, just enough to buy something acceptable to wear at a funeral. Guess it couldn’t hurt to go once. 
The funeral was held in the home of the deceased, it was an open casket ceremony. I don’t think I ever saw one of my teammates' faces before that moment. Uncovered, without bandages or masks, the two of us didn’t look all that different. White faces, thick eyebrows, high-bridged noses. It almost scared me how close to a dead person I looked myself. I backed away from the casket after being told the ceremony was about to begin. A woman on the shorter side with her eyes covered in silk and body covered in a puffy black overcoat, many sizes too big for her, stood beside the late soldier. Everyone seemed to be familiar with her, faces brightened and conversations came to a halt. A warm, serene aura flooded the room as she opened her mouth and began to sing. The other guests around me mouthed her words in unison, hands clasped together and eyes closed. I closed mine too. 
‘O’ spirit of the dead
Hear the Damselette sing 
Let her chorus ring 
Through your hollow head
O’ spirit of the dead
May you find your way
May your loved ones pray
That you may be gracefully lead
Into the heavens 
Into the Tsaritsa’s arms
Into the heavens
Far from here’
As the song ended and I opened my eyes again, I realized I had been mouthing the words as well after all. The lady, the “Damselette” in the song, gracefully made her way down to me, gifting me with a soft hug. I had another realization then, I had met The Damselette once before. Years and years ago, at the only other funeral I’d been to. She sang that same song at my brother's funeral, who died to probably much of the same fate as the person this funeral was for. Nothing much about her changed from then to now, at least as I could remember it. 
“So many deaths around you… and yet you only now come to see them go?”
I gulped, feeling a feeling I hadn’t felt since I lived with my family. Guilt. Shame. I prayed a silent prayer that no one else heard what she had said. 
“I’m sorry. I–” “Nono. It is okay Yulia. You’ve been out battling. I am proud that you fight for our nation.”
It’d been so long since I heard someone call me by my name, I nearly didn't recognize it. The Damselette reached her hand up to my face, caressing it like an aunt caresses her niece that she hasn't seen in so long. 
“Just be sure to attend when you have the chance, okay? Avoiding funerals will not spare you from one of your own.”
I was in awe, she saw through me so easily. I nodded silently and watched her go around and visit the other guests. I left the house, the warm aura of The Damselette slowly freezing back into cold air. As I walked to my sargeant’s office, I wondered when my turn would come. How many of my own teammates would become part of my silent parting choir? Would any live to see the day? To even hold a funeral for me? Regardless, I knew the Damselette would be singing from afar. And the memory of her voice is what keeps my tears of faith running down my cheeks, warm and sincere.
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dustofthedailylife · 2 years
I saw some <a href=https://twitter.com/UniversoGenshi2/status/1547383143463882755?t=6PSndH7OBj5qRAUc3dwxxA&s=19">links with more tan npcs</a> but between Tighnari being named after a Spanish/Muslim Agronomist & Poet, and these coming out after the general outrage died down I'm starting to think they're just fucking with us, OR the visual design team has full plates & they don't have anyone dedicated to checking ethnic sensitivity
I was actually talking to an artist about the different platforms this morning and described Twitter like a busy New York street corner 😅 whereas tumblr is pretty cozy and while you can't market anything for shit over here it's great for design testing and germinating a community 🌱
But yeah you REALLY have to curate your experience on Twitter 😶
I actually have some conspiracies about the harbingers 👀 but idk who'd encourage my batshit ideas
~ 🧄
[Link] (LEAKS!)
I usually try and avoid talking about leaks but since they've kinda been everywhere I think most people have seen the Sumeru leaks already, I'll make an exception, haha! In case anyone hasn't don't click the link.
We shall see what they will do regarding the playable characters but the NPCs look more diverse for sure. Hope they'll do that for the playable characters as well. After all, all we can really do is wait for official annoucements because after all we technically aren't even supposed to know what the future characters look like already, so they can't really offcially react to it yet. At least Collei, Dori and Tighnari didn't get any changes, though, but that might be because their design was pretty much final already at the time of the leaks.
And that about sums it up with Twitter! That's why tumblr is for me personally is my favorite social media platform. I haven't used it in years before creating this blog earlier this year but I am so glad I came back.
And if you want, feel free to send in your conspiracies, I'm curios to hear them. Especially since I've been brainrotting heavily since the trailer dropped.
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