#no; I don't care for that franchise; I'm watching someone I like watching play something from it
medicinemane · 6 months
Ok, can I just complain about what has just clicked to me that it's actually a full on trend with youtube thumbnails?
Fucking sick of the pointing arrow with "winner?" every fucking time there's anything that involves any kind of competition these days
Saw it a little, thought it was dumb, but it's becoming more and more and more common and... and I'm not even that mad at the people who do it cause I get it, but fuck I'm sick of it and fuck I'm kinda sick of... of if it's working the people who have shiny brain and click cause oh! must find out, or if it's not working the youtube algorithm for I guess making it seem like it work
Actually I suppose I just am fucking tired of the whole culture that leads to it in the first place of fucking gotta have jingling keys at all time, gotta fucking consume, always need something to consume
Fuck man, I'm almost glad that some days like the past couple I've just kind of sat around in malaise, bored out of my mind while not being able get myself to do anything I wanted or find anything that was entertaining... but like, fuck, I think I'd rather get like that sometimes but know how to just sit through it than have to have new content every second of every day or else
(And this isn't a straw man and this isn't railing against the youth or something, I know a dude that's like that who is a bit older than I am)
"Winner?", man, just fucking pitch me what's happening and I'll watch it or not
#also youtube has a totally fucked view of what I like these days#no; I don't care for that franchise; I'm watching someone I like watching play something from it#no; I don't just want to watch random people in this genre; I've go specific people I really like#no; I kinda fucking hate that game; I just like watching some specific people do weird shit in it#and that's all my fucking dash is and it sucks; sometimes they even mix two of these buckets and it's like... that's just no but twice#unrelated but I really do need to blow my brains out already#that's just more of the same depression from the past two days; but it also would mean I didn't have to deal with this#there's just so many places society has gotten so fucking stupid; and honestly I blame older people at least as much as the youth#everyone's such a fucking consumer whore; specifically around shit like 'content'#also my chronic cough has been acting up#don't ask me what causes it; I can't even get an infection cured in a concrete verifiable place#you think I'll ever be able to get the to help me figure out why I have this cough that just kinda happens sometimes#or something like why I still smell sinus kinds of smells a lot of the time despite having had antibiotics (for the lingering infection)#but the cough is annoying cause it's been compulsive#if it wasn't a think I'm just used to I'd be worried I'd caught covid or something but it feels like the chronic cough#like... the way I cough with it; it doesn't feel like coughs from when I'm sick#...I don't know; I think this is the first time I've ever actually mentioned it anywhere outside my own head
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sophie-frm-mars · 2 months
Into the projected corn field
I dunno I just feel like before I can even form an opinion on the Fallout TV series I have to do something to try and get through the haze of disgust, emptiness, anger, nausea and desperation that I feel sitting at home alone watching a TV show based on the insipid corporatised franchise that was based on the highly original and artful world in which one of the (and then two of the, and then New Vegas of the) best games ever made were set in. I'm not feeling any of those feelings at the show, I just have to feel all those feelings before I can feel any feelings about the show, because everything being made is Intellectual Property instead of art, and we've spent all this time discussing AI art when everything being made is already being made by the algorithmic logics of capital. All the same things we find troubling in the idea of inhuman heuristics deciding what art is produced and how and by who are already true - we aren't watching a show about the hubris of our society and nuclear annihilation because someone (anyone) thought there would be something poignant to say in it, something to explore in our moment, we're watching it because Amazon executives knew that if they made it we'd watch and go "look, ghouls! like in the thing! and mutants! like the thing from the thing!"
The original Fallout games were made in and around and after the neoliberal end of history, the ultimate period of peace and prosperity in western capitalist society and imagined an absurd world based on the penultimate period of american imperialist peace and prosperity playing out into an almost inevitable post-apocalyptic nightmare world where the same rubrick of control and domination that led to the destruction of society in the first place constantly tries to reassert itself over a hobbesian wasteland full of strange, silly, kind, funny, odd people whose human tendency towards care and altruism makes an endless mockery of the kill-or-be-killed nature of the wasteland that mocks it right back.
In the first episode the vault dwellers gather in a simulated corn field. It's an actual corn field, they're growing actual corn in it, but the horizon and sky are projected onto the vault walls to create the only wider world the subterranean human beings will ever see, and I just... hope that someone gets what I hope anyone ever gets out of art no matter how it's produced. I hope it makes you realise that love and the revolution are the only meanings in being alive, and I hope you get that from Rothko and I hope you get that from EpicLlama's Midjourney feature film sponsored by Dogecoin, and I hope you get that from Akira and I hope you get that from Spy Kids 3D. I just think about being in a moment right between the pandemic and the collapse of the conglomerate capitalist empire watching people on a screen seeing a better world projected on a screen and I feel gut wrenchingly alienated from other human beings, but I acknowledge that could just be me.
How am I supposed to feel about Walton Goggins' performance as a half rotted rubber cowboy man? I don't fucking know man. My opinion is this show is making me derealise.
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reyggtv · 20 days
There's only so much I can say on Twitter to truly express my feelings about the show Hilda, and how much of an impact it has left on me to make me the kind of person I am today, so I'm taking to Tumblr to write all about it.
If you don't know who I am already, hi, I am ReyGGTV, though you can just call me Rey. I like to make YouTube videos, memes, talk with other Hilda fans, and make occasionally make art. You may already know me from the Hilda Crack videos I made since several years ago, as well as some more recent big videos of mine like my comparison video between Aster and Hilda. I am 20 years old, and have been a diehard fan of the franchise ever since I was just 14.
Firstly, let's discuss how I actually managed to discover Hilda in the first place. It was 2018, freshman year of high school had just started, during this time, I was still big fan of another animated TV show at the time called Star vs. The Forces of Evil. I was a fan of that show ever since its premiere in January of 2015 when I was only 11 years old. Honestly even if I don't look at it nearly as fondly as I do now, to its credit, the show did most certainly help me get interested into animation as a whole more than any other show I saw at the time.
Not even like 2 months after I got in though, I was kicked out. Not because I did anything wrong, but because for a while, my parents had me enrolled in a school district that I didn't even live anywhere near in at the time, so once they found out that I actually lived much farther from them, that's when they decided to let me go. This was devastating to me, all the friends I made in middle school, were suddenly going to go away, and it was only at the very last minute, at the principal's office that I received this news. I was upset, literally everything was going great and they just wanted to throw everything away for me, in favor for me going to a school that was so bad, it caused my family to move to an entirely new city with a better school by the time Sophomore year came around.
But anyways, about 2 weeks before all this happened, I was in a cartoon Discord server, where someone recommended me to watch this show called... you guessed it, Hilda. I took a lot at the promotional material for a while, and put it at the back of my head, not knowing that I would soon revisit it not long later. Fast forward to when I was out of school, I had like 2 weeks in the beginning of October to just cope with everything. It wasn't long that I just became bored, and wanted to do something better, so I pulled up Netflix wanting to find something new to watch. The suggestion from someone about Hilda just so happened to come up on my mind, so I was like "Eh, sure, why not?". I put it on, and the rest was history. I knew from the very moment I finished watching the intro for the very first time, that this was about to be the show of a lifetime for me.
Despite that however, I did not anticipate just how much impact Hilda would leave on the work that I am now doing nearly 6 years after that very faithful day.
I guess the biggest reason why the show left such a massive impact on me right from the beginning is because of its main title character, Hilda. Look, I may be no blue-haired adventurer from the wilderness that likes to munch on cucumber sandwiches all the time, but Hilda at the time for me, was the most relatable character and the character I found the most comfort in when watching it for the first time. Just like me, Hilda too, was also forced to move away from the place and friends she was always happy to be with, despite all her efforts, all it took was one giant, to come and crush it all, leaving her forced to live a new life in a new environment she was not familiar with at all. But, she moved on. She knew that while this was not the ideal way for things go out, life always comes with surprises. But maybe, just maybe, this could be something that could work out in her favor. This whole becoming friends with other humans and living in the big dirty ol' city, could be the best decision she has ever made. And I think it goes without saying that as the series continued, it was.
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This was a message that I desperately needed to hear as I was going through overwhelming times at such a young age, and one that I was so happy to hear and watch once I finally finished the first two episodes of this amazing damn show. It showed me that if an 11-year-old girl from the wilderness can be brave enough to move into the big city, be okay and make the best out of it, maybe I too, will be okay with belonging to a new school, finding new friends, and creating new passions for me to follow for years to come. Hilda inspired me to look towards a bigger and brighter future, rather than doubt the bad that comes with the present. For that, I am forever grateful for the creative and writing team of this show, for helping me go through such a difficult time in my life, and convincing me that even despite all that has happened, there will always be something better to look forward to.
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I would be lying if I said that this was the only reason as to why I ended up becoming such a huge fan of the show for the next 5 years. Asides from the writing being so good it literally cured my depression. The animation, worldbuilding, and characters were just unlike anything I have ever seen with my own two eyes. It was simple, yet jaw dropping at the same time. Just a silly kid either helping a Raven jog back his memory, try and fight nightmare spirits or ghosts, or help Jellybean out of a scary situation in which everyone wrongfully accuses him of being a big scary black hound. Even if certain episodes of season 1 didn't always turn out perfect, I would always rewatch every single one of them all day for several hours and for several weeks. I had even skipped multiple days of school especially when it was raining, just so I can head to the living room, cuddle up in some warm blankets, with the heater on during the winter season, and just binge the crap out of it for multiple hours a day. This was just the show that I can always count on to bring back the happiness inside of me. Even when I wasn't necessarily having a bad day, I would still continue to watch it for hours because it just kept on getting better and better with every watch I could get possible, it was almost like an addiction almost, haha.
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Hilda was the show for me, and I had no intention of trying to watch anything else.
It was also around this time that I started to also get myself more involved with the show's fandom as well, back when it was a lot more populated and not as niche as it is now. While I'm not gonna say that my reputation in it has always been 100% perfect, at the end of the day, I'm just forever grateful I was able to meet some of the most wonderful people and hundreds of fans like myself because of it like @hkthatgffan, @helgafolk618, and many more I can't list here 'cause most of them are not on Tumblr. So much so that I now have the pleasure of creating hundreds, if not thousands of people who are fans/supporters of ME all across all my social media pages. All because I like to talk about Hilda, literally all the time. And to those reading this who has ever left a nice comment on one of my posts, said hi to me on my Discord server, worked with me on a commission, even went as far as to make fan-art of me or just tuned into any of my content whatsoever, thank you. Your support has left a massive impact on me and what I'm continuing to do now. Because at the end of the day, it's not about any popularity points you get from just talking about a TV show consistently for 6 years, for me at least, it has always been about making thousands, sometimes, even millions, happy with my love for it that is the reason that I'm doing any of this in the first place. I love Hilda, always have, and I want to make people happy the same way Hilda did for me, all those years ago.
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Surprisingly enough, even though I was already as big of a fan as I could possibly be by the time November of 2018 rolled around, I still wasn't really a guy interested in getting my hands on Hilda merchandise. I knew that the graphic novels by Luke existed, but the only thing I even managed to get for myself at the time was this old T-shirt I bought from the now defunct official Zazzle store they had up for like a few months lol
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I guess that all changed when I got my first ever Hilda plush though when I was 15. While it has now certainly showed its age after nearly 5 years, I loved this thing so much lol. It wasn't official because official Hilda plushies didn't exist at the time. I bought it off an Etsy store from AngelinaLily, and I would literally take this thing out with me everyday to everywhere I went to and take photos of it, especially in the wilderness. It was my favorite pastime. My little Hilda, in the palm of my hand 😆. Hey, when you have to wait more than 2 whole years for a brand-new season, what else are you gonna do to entertain yourself during the hiatus?
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I had gotten this in the mail right when I had just exited out the mental hospital because I was actively wanting to h*rt myself and potentially putting myself in danger of committing s*icide. Because while Hilda did definitely help me cope with a lot that I was going through at the time, there was still a lot of overwhelming issues I was experiencing, and my mental health was the lowest that it had ever been. This plush effectively, was a way to help me cope with those thoughts I had, which turned out to be a great thing because I literally couldn't be happier with it.
After that, I just decided that "You know what? What if I just got... ALL of the Hilda merchandise?" Thus... that now leading to my massive hoard of Hilda stuff, that I now have everywhere in my room lol
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These photos aren't even all the ones I have!
At 16, I decided to write Luke Pearson an e-mail, thanking him for his work and how much it has inspired me to become the person I am now, explaining everything that I just mentioned in this Tumblr post, and at the end of the day, just wanting him to know, that his creations mean a grave big deal to me, and that I will always appreciate just how much of a positive impact it has left me. I didn't really expect anything to come out of it, but about several weeks later, he said this to me lol
"I just wanted to say thank you for writing and relaying your experience to me. I'm sorry to hear that you've been through such difficult times, but I'm glad that you're able to look back on those times and find yourself in a better place. And if Hilda has played any small part in that, which it seems like it has, then I'm extremely pleased about that and it warms me to hear it. It can be hard to know exactly what good a cartoon can actually do for the world (beyond being a few hours of amusement) which is strange when so many people devote so much of their time and creative energy into making it happen. But hearing something like this goes a long way to making it feel like something genuinely worthwhile. I hope things continue to look up for you and hope you're taking care in these trying times." - All the best, Luke
When I tell you I cried like a baby when I first received this e-mail from him, I really did, lol. Hearing this, from the man who made it all possible, was truly the most inspirational thing I could have ever heard. And I was happy, that he was happy, that I was truly able to tell him for the first time, just how much his creation has meant to not just me, but to soooo many fans just like myself. It was truly something to never forget.
Now I'm 20 years old, still talking about the same ol' dang kids show I fell in love with all those years ago. What's happening now? Well now, I am an aspiring film director and video editor who has been taking film classes in community college for the past like 2 years now, I should've graduated already by now but turns out, college is pretty fricking expensive, and I don't even know if I have the funds to try and even graduate by next year. Asides from that though, I am actually in the works of creating my first ever feature-length Hilda fan-film called The Ultimate Hilda Iceberg. It will basically be one of those iceberg explanation videos you see on YouTube, but with the original source of the iceberg being about Hilda, specifically a version someone made on the r/HildaTheSeries subreddit. I've had the idea for this Iceberg video/fan-film as far back as January 2021, with the current script having started work as far back as nearly 9 months ago. And it's still not even finished! Me, as well as tens of dozens of other Hilda fans like myself, are actively working on it to have it be ready by the time fall of this year comes around, right now as we speak! If you want to support and/or follow this massive project as more updates come around you can either follow the official accounts on Twitter/X (@/HildaIceberg) or on Instagram (@/theultimatehildaiceberg).
Asides from that, the biggest passion project I have for my career moving forward, is directing my own big-budget Hilda movie. Specifically, a live-action Hilda movie. Now now, BEFORE you try and cancel me and tell me that this is the stupidest idea of all time and could taint Hilda's image forever. Let me cook. I am a huge movie bluff, I know which live action remakes are genuinely amazing, and which ones just really suck. My vision for a live-action Hilda movie is to make it sorta like how Who Framed Roger Rabbit was. All of the human characters and outside settings are done with real people and practical assets, whilst creatures like Trolls, Elves, or stuff that would normally be done with CGI, be actually turned into 2D-animation, ideally in the same style as that of the Netflix show. Ideally, I also want it to remain as faithful to at least how the show was as possible in terms of story. Look, if there's gonna be anyone else who knows their Hilda best asides from people like Luke or Andy Coyle, it's gonna be me, just sayin.
In conclusion, I just want to wrap this up by giving a huge shout out to people like @littledigits and literally ANYONE who has ever done any time making this fantastic and wonderful show (I couldn't think of anyone else to tag so I only tagged you Meg so sorry if that bothers you 😅). As this post has indicated several times, this show, has really made the best kind of impact in my life and I'm forever grateful to the creator Luke, the directors Andy Coyle, Megan, etc, the voice actors, artists, editors, composers, everyone who has ever had a part in making this amazing show just, please let me hug you. While I may not have been as enthusiastic with the show's third season overall as I wanted to in my opinion, Hilda will always have a soft spot in my heart, for years and years to come, for just how much it truly inspired me, to not just not only being able to have the luxury to do the things I love to do now, but do so in a way that has made, and hopefully will continue to make thousands, hundreds of thousands if not millions of people happy, because of the love that I will continue to have for this very show. Just because a show is small, doesn't mean it can't leave big enough impacts on people for the better ❤️
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vioartemis · 1 year
We all go a little mad sometimes
(Amber Freeman x fem! Carpenter! Loomis! reader)
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Summary: Being Billy Loomis' daughter and having the opportunity to continue your father's legacy with your girlfriend is enough to make you happy, until you realize that means your sister will probably hate you a/n: There's no logic at some point don't question it please TvT and don't get me wrong, I really like Sam, but I had to be mean to her in this ;-; Request is here :)) Warnings: blood, injuries, death, slight angst (?) (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
•°¯`•• 3 years before Ghostface appears again (2019) ••´¯°•
Tonight was a date night at your girlfriend's house. She wanted to watch Stab again. Not that you didn't like the movie, but you wouldn't mind watching something else for once.
There was something that upset you for a week or so, and this movie only made things worse. You knew Amber was a huge fan of the Stab movies, and you couldn't help but think it had an influence on your relationship.
"Baby? Everything's okay?"
You looked up at your girlfriend.
"Yeah I was just... thinking"
You gave her a reassuring smile. You weren't sure she was all convinced, but she didn't investigate more and went back to watching the movie, playing with your hair softly.
You didn't say anything for an hour, before let it out without any warning.
"You're not dating me just because I'm Billy's daughter right?"
She seemed surprised by your question. You sat up, now facing her.
"What? Of course not! Why would you think that?"
"I don't know... it's just... you're so pretty and fun and smart and amazing and everyone likes you and you could pull every fucking person on earth but you're dating me... I don't understand how someone like you can be interested in someone like me"
She seemed even more shocked than before.
"Baby..." she took your hands "I don't care who your father is, I didn't even know when we started dating. I fell in love with a beautiful girl, the most beautiful girl I've ever met. You're so kind, generous, talented, and you don't even see it. But I do. I love you for who you are, and you're an amazing person"
With that, she placed a gentle kiss on your lips. You were relieved.
•°¯`•• 2022 ••´¯°•
This part of the plan was the one you hated the most, even though you didn't have to do much. Amber and Richie were taking care of everything, you just had to pretend you were with Amber all night long while she was attacking Tara. Your sister.
You loved Tara almost as much as you loved Amber. But you had to make Sam come back to Woodsboro in some way, and one of her sisters getting hurt was the best thing you came up with.
When Amber came back that night, the first thing you asked was if Tara was okay. Stupid question knowing your girlfriend stabbed her 6 times.
"She's alive, don't worry"
Killing her wasn't part of the plan, you made it very clear. You sighed in relief.
"And you? Are hurt?" you asked
"I'm fine, just got kicked in the head, nothing bad"
She smiled at you and wrapped her arms around your waist, pulling you closer to her.
"Everything's going to be okay baby, soon we'll leave Woodsboro and start a new life together..."
She kissed you lazily, her eyes fluttering shut as she fell asleep.
"Welcome to act 3"
This sentence marked the begging of the last part of your plan. After Amber shot Liv, you faked running away like the others, only to lock yourself in a broom closet and put on a Ghostface costume.
You had to bring Gale inside of the house while Amber and Richie took care of Sam and Sidney.
"Oh so there's two of you. Again."
You turn on your voice changer.
"Three actually. We had to bring something new to the franchise. This time you're not surviving the massacre Gale, the fans don't like heroes that always make it."
You grabbed her arm and pulled her up.
"Let's go. You wouldn't want to miss the big finale would you?"
"You know, that's usually when they take off their mask and show who they are while explaining their plan"
"Guess I'm different then"
You pushed her toward the house. Everyone should be in the kitchen by now.
As you entered the hall, you made eye contact with your girlfriend, giving her the signal.
"Speaking of surprises... We have one for you" she smirked at Sidney and Sam
You pushed Gale inside the room for Richie to grab her arm, before stepping in too, turning your voice changer off.
"There's three of you...? But Y/n and Tara are going to call the police and send you all to jail you sick fucks! If you think they're going let you get away with that you've gone mad! " Sam spat
"We all go a little mad sometimes" you said, taking the mask off, revealing yourself
The expression on your sister's face almost made you pity her. Almost.
"How did I do?" you asked your girlfriend, a smile on your face
"Nailed it baby"
She walked up to you and kissed you tenderly.
You turned around to face your older sister.
"You didn't think you could disappear for 5 whole years and come back as if nothing happened, did you?"
"I already told you I left because-"
"Because you're Billy Loomis' daughter and you wanted to protect us. I remember that. But guess what? I'm his daughter too! You didn't go that far in mom's diaries huh?"
"You've become exactly what I wanted to protect you from..."
"Sam Sam Sam... This has nothing to do with our dad. All of this is because of you. Because you left us alone with mom. She spent her time drinking to the point she passed out on the couch - when she was at home, which didn't happen that often. You left us alone. Do you have any idea how broken Tara was after you left? How broken I was? You were our model!"
You started to tear up. You had that on your heart for so many years, it felt good to let go.
Your girlfriend rubbed your arm, a worried expression on her face.
"You okay baby...?"
"Yeah, I'm... fine"
Richie and Amber explained their motive to the girls, before he sent her find Tara.
"She's not here!"
"What do you mean she's not here? She's can't have gone far!"
"I can't find her!"
Suddenly, you heard her scream. You got up immediately.
"You handle handle them?"
He gave you a "who do you think I am?" look. You didn't waste more time and ran to where you thought Amber was.
You found her on the floor, Tara on top of her, hitting her with her crutch. You grabbed her by the waist and pinned her to the floor, gently.
"Y/n...? You-"
Her eyes widen at the sight of the black robe you were wearing. She started to struggle against you.
"Tara- stop- please-"
You tried to keep her still. But to do so, you had you push on her abdomen. She hissed in pain. You didn't like hurting her. You felt really bad, and she should've see it in your eyes, because she stopped moving.
Amber went back into the kitchen, and you could hear her scream again. You gave a hesitant look to your sister, not sure she wouldn't move if you let go of her.
"Please don't do anything stupid... I don't want you to get hurt..."
You got up quickly and ran to the kitchen, where Gale and Sidney were fighting Amber. You stabbed Gale before she could see you and pushed her away from Amber. Her head hit the counter, and she fell on the floor.
You didn't have time to check if she was dead or not, due to your head being hit by a pan, hard. You fell on the floor and passed out almost immediately.
When you woke up, you found yourself in the back sit of Amber's car. You were alive, with a big headache, and next to you...
Her eyes were red. She cried.
"Baby? How do you feel?"
You turned to Amber, driving.
"Yeah... and you?"
"Couldn't be better! We made it baby!"
She had a wild smile on her face.
"And you...?" you asked your sister
"I lost a sister... and my friends..." she had tears in her eyes
You took her hand in yours.
"I'm... sorry... you think you can forgive me...?"
"... You're all I have left... and I love you... but... that might be hard..."
You were praying she would forgive you one day, and were decided do to all you could to make sure she would be happy in your new life.
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unpopularwriter25 · 16 days
I saw you had demon Slayer ship requests open and thought I'd ask for one. I hope it's not to much information and don't feel to rushed about finishing it.
Pronouns: They/Them or He/him
Sexuality: Demisexual/ Demiromantic (I need there to be a  deep connection before things like attraction can happen, think slow burn friends to lovers. I do have a preference of masculine people but it’s not exclusive. There are some feminine people I have been attracted to.)
Age:  22
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius/Pisces (I was born during the changing of signs and have traits of both)
MBTI: Infp
Personality: I’m a bit socially awkward at first mainly because I need to feel out how people respond to me as a Trans person. After I get to know people I’m very talkative, I will go on and on about things I have an interest in and it’s amplified if the people I’m talking to also like the topic. I do have ADHD so my interests change a lot, and very quickly. It’s honestly difficult for people to shut me up sometimes. That being said, I do have times when I feel like I'm being too much and will shut down. I go through periods of time where I stop talking as much and don’t really do anything because I think I’m being annoying and it’s difficult to get out of those slumps.
Likes/Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Watching anime, Playing video games, Drawing, listening to music. Specifics would be Reading: Fanfiction and the Maze Runner Series, Animes: JJK, MHA, Haikyuu, Blue Exorcist, and Tokyo Revengers, Video Games: World of Warcraft and The Legend of Zelda franchise, Music: classic country, early 2000’s emo, early 2000’s disney, classic rock
Dislikes: bugs, anything sticky, I'm not a fan of outdoor activities like hiking or sports, people who tell me how to do something that is supposed to be fun
Appearance: I’m 5’11, and I’d say most people would say I’m curvy. I’m trans masculine and try to dress as much like a guy as possible, this means jeans and button ups, basketball shorts and hoodies. Basically if I can wear my binder I’m dressed very professionally and if I can’t I’m dressed like a teenage boy who doesn't care what he looks like. I also have super short dyed hair, think 2010’s gaming youtuber, right now it's a faded bluish green with some purple but it’s normally blue or gray.
Thank you for the request!! I hope you enjoy!!
I ship you with Tanjiro Kamado!!
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Tanjiro is known for his deep empathy and ability to understand and connect with others on an emotional level. His caring nature and desire to understand those around him align well with your need for a deep connection before attraction can develop.
Tanjiro is incredibly patient and understanding, which is essential for someone who is demisexual/demiromantic. He would respect your need for a slow-burn relationship and be supportive as you build a deep, meaningful bond.
As someone who is socially awkward at first and needs to gauge people’s responses, Tanjiro’s non-judgmental and accepting personality would make you feel comfortable and safe. He would never pressure you and would always be there to support you during your slumps.
Tanjiro’s resilience and positive attitude could help lift you up during times when you feel like you’re being too much or are in a slump. His unwavering support and encouragement would help you navigate through those periods.
Your relationship with Tanjiro would likely start as a friendship. You’d bond over shared experiences and interests, with Tanjiro being genuinely interested in your passions and hobbies. His curiosity and willingness to listen would make you feel valued and heard.
Given your INFP personality and Tanjiro’s empathetic nature, you would have deep, meaningful conversations. These discussions would help build a strong emotional foundation, crucial for a demiromantic connection.
Tanjiro would always respect your gender identity and presentation. Whether you’re dressed professionally or in a more casual, relaxed manner, he would see and appreciate you for who you are. His unwavering acceptance would provide a comforting presence in your life.
While you may not be a fan of outdoor activities like hiking, Tanjiro would respect your boundaries and find ways to be adventurous in environments where you feel comfortable. Whether it’s exploring a new book series, discovering new interests together, or finding cozy indoor activities, he’d ensure that you both have fun in ways that make you feel at ease.
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rorygilmoreooc · 3 months
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A small snippet to advertise my Ethan Landry fanfic on Wattpad
AS YOUR blade kissed my skin, I realized love could be a beautiful sin.
The euphoric look painted across the face of someone you gave your heart to was a enough to make your stomach tie in a knot. Their silver sword tangled within your intestines as they watch the life fade from your face. Your crimson insides decorating their pale skin like an installation piece at a museum, the light and the dark mixing perfectly.
Plump lips speckled in blood, falling a gape ready to spiel their killer monologue.
The twins got up in unison, sometimes it truly was creepy how in sync the two of them were despite their complete differences, Ying and Yang if you will.
"You need to start taking situations seriously, stupid" Mindy landed a flick right onto the boys forehead.
"Hey! I'm not stupid, you're stupid, stupid" he snapped back, going to mess the tight curls on his sister's head.
"You're just mad I've managed to pull more women than you on res!" Finally stooping to the childish level of Chads teasing.
Ethan rolled his eyes, a light laugh rolling off his lips at the two. He had only known them for a few months but god was he already sick of them.
A much less impressed Indiana remained on the couch, eyes glossed over glued to the ground. Ethan's gaze shifted from the twins bickering towards Indie, getting up the second he noticed her.
"Hey.." he mumbled, plopping down next to her on the couch. "how are you feeling?" his voice was soft, careful not to poke at the wound.
"Let's just say, this is probably my lowest day of the year" a week laugh rolling off her lips, he knew she didn't mean it. Even worse, he knew this was nothing compared to what his family had in store for the group.
Tears would shed again soon.
"I um, I learned that baby pandas can cry." He chimed.
"What?" Teary eyes glancing up to meet his much darker ones, confusion falling over her.
"Well, they don't shed tears, actually only humans can. Not even monkeys. But, they can vocalize out cries like humans can." He shrugged.
A small smile crept onto Indianas face as she shook her head. "Oh my god.." she gasped, eyes widened in concern from Ethan.
"What?" He asked with worry. "What?!" He raised once more when she only laughed, a palm placing over her lips.
"You're a dork! Ethan Landry is a dork!" The girl jested, earning an eyeroll.
"Oh and you're not? Remind me who's in theatre again?" He teased back within the same manner, soft laughter falling over them.
"You know you'd watch my plays in a heart beat" the girl jabbed back once more.
this was playful banter, something soft and airy, unlike the twins.
"Maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't" he shrugged, "you know, my schedule is pretty busy". False ego leaking Ethan's words.
"Whatever, Landry" she shook her head, looking away. In one swift movement something came over Ethan, utter confidence or maybe it was the stakes of death on the line, but he grabbed the girls chin, bringing her into a quick kiss.
With shock, the girls eyes open before melting into the moment, eyes fluttering shut as her heart pattered a few beats quicker within her chest. Lips parting just a sliver, soft and inviting.
Together, the two of them danced, perfectly in sync. Except it wasn't with their bodies, no, it was simply with their lips. But to Indiana? It felt as though they were swaying to the waltz in the most beautiful ballroom, chandelier and all.
In that very moment, everything horrible washed away between the two. The pressures of killing, the stress of the crime scene yesterday.
Ethan Landry and Indiana Dorsey were unstoppably beautiful together.
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tufzy-baybey · 1 year
could i have some caregiver hanzo, lifeweaver and/or ramattra headcanons with/for an adult regressor please? (*^‿^*) your hcs so far have been so cool and give me so much comfort ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
I'm so sorry I didn't post this as quickly as possible i currently have a bunch of finals lol ٩(๑꒦ິȏ꒦ິ๑)۶
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You do have to explain to him how your coping mechanisms work, he asks a few questions then and there, and listening very well, even if he stays quiet for a bit.
After a few questions he seems to understand really well, like once you explain it to him once he's already got it!
As someone with a lot a trauma he understands your struggle (╥﹏╥)
He really wants to help you, like he doesnt want your mental health no where near his, so when he found out you don't really have a caregiver he practically just assigned himself to the job lol
What I mean by this is that he happened to be around when you were age regressing, and literally just went with it as a caregiver.
As time went on you both accepted you roles, with the occasional question just to make sure no ones uncomfortable :3
First time he wasn't perfect, obvi!
He just made sure he was in the room with you, making sure you were happy while in little space.
You definitely tried to interact with him a few times, but since he didn't really know what to do he would give you quick responses and a pat on the head, while he read himself a book, he was scared of doing something wrong, but he simply made sure he was near you <3
After a while he gets a lot more comfortable with being your caregiver, so don't worry!
Definitely gives you two blue dragon plushies?!?! You take them everywhere in case you need comfort and it just melts his heart like???
He loves babying you so much.
Baby voice baby voice BABY VOICE
In a way, this has also become a coping mechanism for him, caring for someone when before he did the opposite </3
Both of you need each other at the end of the day, romantic, platonically, or whatever! You both heal a little by each day. ♡
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Life Weaver ain't no wife leaverrrrr
I don't really know much about life Weaver other than he's gay and pretty chill lol
When you tell him your coping mechanism, you don't have to explain to him, he already knows, doesn't say how he knew though.
When you told him you currently had not caregiver, he asked if you'd like for him to take on the role.
You two talked about it a little more, a lot more communication! :3
Be prepared for a bunch of lotus/flower themed gifts! (Mostly baby stuff though)
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All for cuddling with you if you ask!
You both communicate a lot to make sure none of you guys are uncomfortable or want anything specific :3
Definitely puts on winx club depending on how far down you agere (you cannot tell me he didn't watch that show! He so pretended to be a fairy!)
Tinkerbell franchise too!
Lots of baby snacks for you!
Mostly fruit cut out by a flower or heart shaped cookie cutter (≡^∇^≡)
He loves spoiling you and playing games with you so much it makes him so happy to see you be so comfortable around him <3
Some tickle monster attacks! But does not tickle you for more than like 20 seconds, doesn't want you overstimming, or possibly because some people don't like too much tickling :3
Forehead kisses!
Doesn't matter what your relationship is outside of your coping mechanism, you two are real close, he'll just pop out into your house and just hang out, same goes with the other way around!
Totally plays dolls (BARBIE AND WINX DOLLS, some are monster high too!)
(Sorry there isn't a lot of content for lifeweaver :'3)
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I swear I could do a better job at decorating Ram's banner but j couldn't find anything good on picsart ಥ_ಥ
I decided to cut this in two parts, since Ram has a lot of past trauma with humans, so one part is specifically for an omnic reader. (But some human reader headcanons do apply to the omnic ones!)
Omnic specific
You two have known each other since the omnic crisis, but you two were never that close.
The whole crisis did bring everyone together though, there were times where groups of Omnics would simply relax, cuddle (at least imitating the act if cuddling) and repair each other, it became a way of bonding, in a way.
After the omnic crisis however, you, Ramattra, Zenyatta, and a few other omnics became a lot more closer.
After one day of just hanging out with Zenyatta and Ramattra, you confess about your coping mechanism.
Zenyatta feels so enlightened now that you found a way to cope and to heal from your suffering.
Ramattra however, feels a little sad, he is happy to see you healing, but he can't help but feel you wouldn't have to heal if you weren't broken up into pieces during the omnic crisis o(ㄒoㄒ)
You were never really a child, but age regressing helps you feel safer, took you to an Imaginary place and time with no omnic crisis, no trauma, no baggage..
Ramattra didn't know you currently didn't have a caretaker, but didn't investigate on that part.
(Kinda like hanzo) he legit just started to take care of you during little space!
He's a lot more physically affectionate, hugging you and cradling you around.
Human version!
(Again some of these can apply to omnic readers, that's why I just wrote more of a backstory back there!)
You and Ram both met by Zenyatta, you were one of his students.
Ramattra obviously didn't like you at first, just like Genji he very much did not trust you at all!
He learned about your age regressing through Zenyatta (with permission ofc!)
He's still skeptical around you, but no longer sees you as a physical threat (never really saw you as one anyways) but he's a lot less rude and suspicious around you.
The more Ram learned about you the more pity he felt for your experiences.
He accidentally walked in on you in your little space (whether it was uncontrollably age regressing or planned) he was a little taken aback, because he didn't exactly plan on what he'd do if he was with you during your little space.
You were like a nervous child, hiding and peeking out of your hiding place when you saw him, you knew your relationship wasn't the best exactly. :;(∩´﹏`∩);:
He saw this as you being vulnerable, which you were to him; he didn't want to do anything that would change your perspective of him negatively or change your relationship negatively, he was just starting to like you too! Ó╭╮Ò
After a but of silence, you thought he was just gonna walk away. But he just sat down, cross legged.
Once he sat down you crawled out of your hiding space, still a little nervous.
Surprisingly he started the conversation, asking why you are alone, especially in little space, you sat cross legged too in front of him, and quietly explained you don't have anyone to really take care of you, but you still manage.
After a few seconds of processing, he finally speaks up, "Then...I shall..supervise you until then." He said, a little hesitation in his voice, he didn't want to sign up to something he wasn't experienced in, but he also didnt want you alone vulnerable, his mind would spiral into all the different (and some not-so-logical) ways you could get hurt during little space, if it weren't for you lighting up hearing his proposal. He found that kinda wholesome and cute in a way, not that he would voice it out loud though.
Even though he didn't exactly say he was your caretaker, in a way it was since you never really got a replacement for him, not that you needed to though <3
He's a bit more on the quiet side on the few first days, when ever you would accidentally touch him he couldn't help but flinch, he'd apologize under his own imitation of a breath, but he definitely wasn't at fault, he's a very traumatized omnic ಥ_ಥ
Slowly but surely he does get comfortable with you, he won't flinch with you touch him and he's more talkative towards to in a more natural way.
He'll never tell you this but he finds taking care of a someone smaller and vulnerable makes him feel at peace somehow, like it makes him feel better for all those omnics he couldnt help..
You'd have to ask him to carry you and cuddle first, otherwise he won't initiate anything, at this point he's no longer scared or suspicious of you, he's just scared to accidentally hurt you in a way where he won't be allowed to take care of you anymore :(
He's a little stiff and awkward when cuddling or cradling you, you would have to reassure him a few times you'd be okay!
He needs LOTS of communication or body language to understand what makes you most comfortable and safe.
On his free time he'd definitely carve and paint some wooden toys for you, but if someone walks in on him he'd simply say it's a carving of something else, if it's you however he won't bother hiding it (unless it's a surprise, but poor guy he's so obvious when hiding something you already know when he's doing it)
He loves to examine your face, either just cupping it and staring at you, or gently pinching your cheeks, tracing your eyebrows and booping your nose!
He's very attentive, if something is slightly off with your body language or your tone, he will definitely ask if there's something wrong or worse, if there's a human making you feel negatively.
Don't get me wrong he really likes you at this point, but that doesn't mean he likes other humans! (•ˋ _ ˊ•)
Not used to name calling, maybe just call him Ram, Rammy or any other nickname instead of parental nicknames :3
In a way, healing yourself also heals Ramattra in a way, so it's a win-win situation.
He is still very much traumatized, and he definitely feels uncomfortable when he's in a vulnerable situation with you, it's nothing against you, things like that just take a lottttt of time (〃∀〃)ゞ
Also lots of star gazing or meditating in the woods (he'd be meditating and you'd probably be in his lap playing with your wooden toys)
Sometimes small animals come to examine what you two are doing, they either get scared by your sudden movement or get scared, Ramattra doesn't mind either way, as long as you aren't getting into any trouble like getting into poison ivy lol. ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙
In the end of the day, you two are good friends, after a bit of time you will most likely get closer, into what you two become is up to you :3
This took a while to get out and I'm sorry for that lol! Anyways I love you and keep age regress safely <333
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The inevitable what if...?
Freddy vs Jason (2003)
Horror fans constantly seem divided on what constitutes "real" horror, or even "good" horror.
The issue with gatekeeping the genre is that you start to get bored with the offerings that fit the qualifications. Original IPs are best rewarded only if they're frightening enough to satisfy lovers of jump scares and dread alike. Franchises are begrudgingly watched for ever-lengthening amounts of time, and attempts at reboots are either met with rightful scorn (the moneygrabs) or badly received because fans are still clinging to the original too hard to make room for the new (think Candyman 2021). Between the two options, restricting what constitutes as worthy horror can leave you in a stale place.
All this to say- I watched Freddy v Jason tonight and it continues to be one of my Ol' Faithfuls. While not necessarily frightening, balls-to-the-wall movies like Freddy v Jason, Deathgasm, House on Haunted Hill (1999), or the Hong Kong fever dream that is Rigor Mortis offer something that truly frightening films sometimes can't- fun.
Sometimes intentionally and sometimes not, horror and comedy have always gone well together. You see it as far back as films like The Old Dark House (1932) and at Halloween haunts worldwide every year. A scare actor gets a scream out of you and you run off, laughing. The tension of a film builds and builds and is finally cut by comedic relief. Horror and comedy make the perfect group watches- the acting is usually mediocre, and someone's always going to have a questionable costume or hair and makeup choice (lookin' at you, knockoff Jason Mewes and frosted-tips cop). There's plenty to laugh at but also plenty to make you go
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The film is directed by Ronny Yu, a director who also breathed life back into the Child's Play franchise with Bride of Chucky, another one of my favorites. In Fangoria 221, Yu notes that for Bride he was asked if he'd seen the original films. When he answered in the negative, he was told "No worries-you can catch up later or just forget it and start fresh." Using a similar philosophy here (as he was not familiar with either franchise before pairing the two in a match made in hell), Yu managed to keep the lore as consistent as it's ever been (not very) and also give us a horror milestone that manages to be really, really fun.
Still not convinced? Here's a short list of reasons:
The 2000s-era over saturation!
This movie focuses on BLUE as their color of choice- movies like Cabin Fever or House on Haunted Hill were very focused on RED. If you want to forget what colors the real world is, movies from this decade are for you!
The stupid one-liners!
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(and casting easter eggs like Kelly Rowland here and Ginger Snaps icon in the lesser but still memorable role of "Gibb")
Joint-smokin' Freddy caterpillar (in super dated cgi, but who cares?)
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The entire cornfield rave!
Who throws raves in a cornfield? Is that a thing in the midwest? Who cares? It's a great place to hide Jason's bulk and watch some obnoxious jocks get gutted.
It's like watching a wrestling match between two legends. Both Freddy and Jason have built their respective (if questionable quality) franchises that both began with iconic films that shaped the slasher genre. The pair are polar opposites in every way- Freddy a quick-witted, small, overly talkative set of brains with some knife fingers, and Jason a hulking, silent mass with both his strength and his machete on hand at all times.
The kills are still fun and the blend of practical and cgi effects don't feel totally cheap just yet, but the real payoff is the finale that pits the two legends head to head in an over-the-top, totally rock-n-roll finale. While you can and do root for both of them, the surprisingly sympathetic lens put on Jason adds a layer of connection you usually don't get with the silent behemoth, making it an impossible to call fight. I can hear the theaters full of screaming fans now.
I'm just saying- Horror, if no other genre, is a place for experimentation, especially with its long-running penchant for low budgets. Where else are you going to see crossover fights outside of fanfiction?
When given the choice, definitely champion an original idea (don't want to encourage those big budget studios too much), but if you're having a Halloween rager, why not throw on a bloody good time like this one?
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antianakin · 1 year
Okay, I have seen 1x03 of The-Show-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named, here's some thoughts all in one post again.
So... my feelings on Crosshair are very negative and my feelings on Cody are very positive which made this episode a little bit of a rollercoaster ride to have to watch. I have literally zero interest in watching Crosshair keep being a fascist and being wow kinda not happy with the way his dumbass selfish bullshit choice is working out for him. I have zero sympathy, he had other choices, he's been given options by people who claim to care about him, he's continuing to be the asshole he's been since season 7 of TCW, I do not care, someone just shoot him and put him out of his misery please. I'm NOT happy that they used Cody for this, a character they knew fans were attached to and interested in, a character who got pulled OUT of the Kenobi show where he seemingly had a bigger role to play, just to be part of a catalyst for Crosshair's story. If we never get to see Cody again and continue to follow his story now that he's AWAY from Crosshair, it will be a complete waste of this character.
That being said, I DO like that Cody ultimately left the Empire and isn't dead. My assumptions for how Cody would be treated in this show was pretty low and quite honestly, they still are. They could still bring him back to kill him or just never show him again and we never find out where he went or what happened to him. I'm also realizing that Rampart could've lied and Cody MIGHT be dead or undergoing torturous experimentation and we only discover this later and that could end up being a final straw for Crosshair or something.
My expectations are in the GROUND here.
I liked the parallel of the moment where Cody is ordered to execute Governor Ames and Palpatine telling Cody to "execute Order 66" on Obi-Wan. This seems to allow Cody to CLEARLY put some things together as he stares at the body of this woman who trusted him, who recognized that she was probably going to be murdered either way whether she let the new governor go or not and chose to go out as the person who tried for peace one last time. She decided not to go out as a murderer. Cody just standing there with his weapon down, his helmet OFF, a direct contrast to how he puts his helmet back ON after Obi-Wan leaves and he gets the call from Palpatine, so he's a faceless drone when he makes the order to blast Obi-Wan off a cliff.
I don't know what this is supposed to imply about the chips at this point, quite honestly. Is Cody's chip still active, but there aren't any Jedi actually nearby so its effects are sort-of lessened? Is Cody's chip mostly INACTIVE now that it's been over a year and so its effects are lessened? Were the chip's effects ALWAYS sort-of laser directed at the Jedi but Cody kept his critical thinking skills which has now led him to sort-of think AROUND the chip? I have no clue. The chips were a really cool introduction to the franchise's lore because it allowed the clones to be individuals, but the more they do with the regular clones in this show, the more confusing they get and the stupider the chips have become. They should've left it as just "the chips overrode the clones' wills and personalities to force them into basically acting like the droids they prided themselves on being better than" rather than whatever this is.
The only other interesting part of the episode to me were Governor Ames' comments about Dooku and Mina Bonteri.
Before TOTJ came out, I PROBABLY would've assumed that we were intended to see Ames saying "Dooku was right" as an ironic untrue statement. That sure, the Republic was corrupt, but we know that Dooku was also a MAJOR part of being the reason it stayed corrupt, the reason it fell and became an Empire. That he probably didn't even truly intend for the Separatists to win the war because it just wasn't a part of the Sith Plan.
But after TOTJ and the way it chose to present Dooku, I'm a lot less trusting of Filoni's shows. I think we're maybe intended to see a certain level of truth to this, that yes, Dooku WAS right, the Republic WAS corrupt and look what it became because it was so corrupt! That the point is not that Dooku was ALSO corrupt as shit, but that the Republic maybe COULDN'T have been saved.
Ames also brings up Mina Bonteri and the events of "Heroes on Both Sides" and "Pursuit of Peace." Which... we can assume from in-context clues that the Separatist leadership (i.e. planetary leaders and senators who aren't involved in anything military) have exactly zero clue what's actually happening during the war. They have no idea what Dooku truly is, they don't have any idea that the Corporate Alliance is LEADING THEIR ARMIES, they don't have any idea what their armies are DOING OUT THERE to innocent civilians in their names. They're so entirely brainwashed that Lux can literally walk up to them and say "Dooku assassinated my mother, a Senator you all loved and trusted" and get declared a liar for daring to speak out against Dooku.
So when Ames says "Mina Bonteri and I tried to put forth a peace proposal and Palpatine just rejected it" it makes sense within universe for her to believe something so vastly untrue. For her not to KNOW that Mina was literally assassinated by Dooku before that proposal could really go anywhere, that Dooku and Grievous attacked Coruscant itself to scare the Republic Senate into believing that the peace proposal was a trap so they would reject it. It makes sense that she would've been lied to about all of that and kept so insulated that news of those events never would've reached her.
But again, I have lost all trust in Filoni's ability to portray things in a nuanced way, and so I can't tell if we're supposed to remember that or if we're just supposed to think the Separatists were right and totally good people and it's the REPUBLIC who was evil the whole time.
It would be an interesting moment if I thought we were supposed to understand that Governor Ames has been lied to just as much as Cody has, that her belief in Dooku and the Separatist government is as blind as Cody's was in the Empire. Cody promising peace only for Crosshair to shoot Ames from behind him, just like Mina promising peace only for Dooku to attack Coruscant, killing all chance of peace ever happening. It was never going to happen in either situation because neither Cody nor Mina nor Ames have enough power to be able to anticipate the betrayals from their own sides striving to keep peace from being an option.
But I don't know if I believe that. And so then it just becomes a flat, half-assed mess of a moment. Which feels a lot more in character for this show, let's be honest.
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meezer · 12 days
being extremely negative about the new dragon age trailer. if you want to spare yourself that kind of rhetoric, please skip this post, no hard feelings
holy shit. holy shit it is. SO BAD. I will try to condense my criticism here. I feel stunned and a little bit sick tbh. this is unreal, unbelievably bad. link provided, so you can watch it and come to your own conclusions:
that was really something, right? let's discuss.
The Marvelization of Every Franchise You Love, For Fun and Profit
I watched it and scrolled down to the comments (where everybody is ripping it a new one),
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and these comments made me realize, oh my god, this trailer is so... marvel. it's so marvel cinematic universe. just the silliness of it all, and the way the characters move, and the words they speak and how they speak them. the overall tone of everything. I would be very interested in going back and watching the other trailers in the series and comparing the seriousness and gravity with which they seemed to treat the upcoming game... versus this one. long gone are the days of the epic and gritty da2 trailer.
The Art Style
WHAT ARE THEY THINKING? OH MY GOD? I said before that it looks like a shitty league of legends animatic, and wow was I right. it is unreal how bad this looks. this is very subjective, but I think that this is all so violently UGLY. the lighting is garbage and makes everything look... dusty and grimy, the models look soulless. it looks like a cheap mobile game with shady microtransactions and lofty promises it doesn't even try to fulfill. I hope that won't apply to this game, but somehow I don't have much energy to hope anymore, because I'm aware that it's in vain.
seriously, look at this. these are TEN YEARS apart. ten whole years of development, only to go from this:
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to this:
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this feels like a fucking joke. I'm not saying realistic is the only worthwhile art style for video games. I'm just saying that whatever they're doing right now... is not it. and I'm clearly not the only one who thinks so!
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semi-related, two things. first, what did they do to varric? why does he look... like that? I'm aware his appearance is slightly different in the novels and comics and whatever the hell, but it feels so wrong to see him look like this, it's such a drastic change from inquisition and ESPECIALLY from 2.
second, a lot of this looks AI-generated. credit to my brother for this observation, but since he pointed it out I can't unsee it. of special interest: the blood splatter effect at 0:52, which looks exceptionally cheap. the way varric's hair moves at 1:06. maybe we're just seeing things. maybe someone with a more trained eye and more patience will comb through the trailer and catch more of these little bizarre visuals.
The Characters
I'm perhaps a little negatively biased here, because I never cared about scout harding. I just felt like she was a nothing character. her being a full-fledged companion in this game infuriates me a little for this reason, and it does not bode well for my enjoyment of it. if nothing else she will be one companion I never take with me on missions and never talk to. I realize the world doesn't revolve around me though, so let's talk about the other companions, where we should all be coming at this from a neutral standpoint.
everyone else looks boring to me as well! it feels like we're just getting Brave Quirky Sarcastic Adventurer #75491 over and over, except they look different and have different classes. this might be because not much of their personality is showcased in the trailer, and what little personality is shown is very... marvel, forspoken etc. the only somewhat interesting character to me is the necromancer, and I certainly hope, if nothing else, this game will let him be morally gray/evil/fucked up, and not do the starfield thing of "every companion is a holier-than-thou lawful good hero and chastises you if you go against that."
if I ever play this, I'm thinking it might be the first dragon age game ever where I don't romance anyone. historically the romances have been some of my favorite parts of these games. it's a shame, but also, everything about this is so sexless, I don't really feel like I'm missing out. speaking of romance...
Did They Straight Up Just Copy Gale's Design
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down to the forehead birthmark in almost the exact place, seriously. this feels like a real "we have gale at home" moment. and it might seem like an outlandish accusation to make, but it will only seem that way if you think these games are made in a vacuum. they are not. there are focus groups, research, and... devs aren't stupid, they will often look at the games around them to see what sells well. you can bet your ass the dragon age devs have looked at bg3 especially when it's been compared to their games so much, TO DRAGON AGE'S DETRIMENT. I mean bg3 literally filled a gap in the market that DA left open for... ten years. this isn't a secret to anyone. hey, larian had a companion who looks like this and uses magical abilities. maybe if we have something like that in our game, it'll be successful too!
I'm extremely disappointed. there was a very short time in my life where I was eagerly anticipating the sequel to DA:I. that time has come and gone, but I've still followed development from afar, so I could see what became of this franchise that meant so much to me growing up. I really wanted this to be good, obviously all DA fans did. it seems that, for now, we will have to resign ourselves to looking for the DA vibe in other places. I'm just sad that Anders, one of the most important fictional characters to me, ever, is confined to this franchise that has become less than a shell of its former self. it's become embarrassing. it's become AI-generated marvelized quippy slop, that we will one day look back on with regret and even more cringe than right now. I think Anders deserves much better. him and all the other friends I made in my time playing through this series.
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amskvaris · 9 months
oops. maint hit during a pse burst bc i forgot. oh well! one of these days i'll actually pay attention to what's going on.
reminds me... sometimes i worry. i know there's no wrong way to play the game but that doesn't mean i stop being self-conscious. personal rambling under the cut.
tbh i don't really play the game to play the game really. i play bc it's fun to mess around and i don't feel like it's a waste of time, like a singleplayer game would be for me.
i Can play the game properly if i want-- i play enough to have a head start whenever (if ever) i get serious about it. that's why it's not a waste of time to me, i think.
i've always been overleveled bc i'm not really interested in having to overcome challenges. i just want to have fun, and difficult content isn't fun for me. i'd rather do something else if i can't do something i feel like doing right away... if i don't want to work up to it then i don't really care to try again.
but if i don't want to get good at the game, being a part of a community will be way out of reach. and if i'm not in one, it feels like a waste of time, just like a singleplayer would.
that's also why it's a little overwhelming to talk to other players about it. too tired of being seen like an idiot that doesn't know anything, you know? and that's what always happens when i start talking to other people about a thing i'm new to.
sometimes i try to share something and i get "But this is already--" or "This is a thing tho--" and it's like. please let me have my fun and look away if you don't want to see my WIP ideas.
(this is part of the reason why i've been avoiding talking on discord lately.)
i'm just going to burn out and do something else if i try to absorb the franchise/game all at once like a college course... but until i do i'm just gonna look like an idiot. as usual. it's kinda lose-lose if i try to talk to people before i know what i'm talking about.
i just talk to myself on this tumblr instead. is it lonely? yes. do i have a choice? doesn't feel like it.
more detail on what i meant by "my fun" aka what do on this tumblr:
i really just want to liveblog ideas instead of just reactions. i have no issue making new ideas, developing old ones, changing them up or throwing them away when canon says otherwise. that's just how i enjoy doing things.
really... i just prefer to be creative with what i have in front of me. i don't think people would understand that.
honestly... i only want to do things in ngs. but it's like everything is tied to the massive story/lore of the base game... which everyone has so much nostalgia about and seems to know like the back of their hand...
... so i'm doomed unless i want to watch 24+ hours of someone on youtube play it (and i don't really want to, especially if their characters don't visually fit in the setting.)
the wiki and lore/summary videos have been great too, but. there's only so much those can do.
even then, i can't absorb things very well just by hearing them either. but these are video games. i doubt if people generally care to write transcripts either... so i'm just. doomed lmao.
hmmm that feels nice to get that off my chest actually, even if probably only to a few of you.
(irrelevant note... due to all this i'm considering finally doing some of my fully original things too, but right now i have pso2 ngs brainrot too bad so those are on hold.)
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epickiya722 · 10 months
they’re going to do china (and dara renee) dirty i fear :( disney used them for promotion, but it’s assumed they won’t have many scenes. china confirmed on live her scenes are minor.. i feel bad for her because she expressed promoting was uncomfortable for her in the first place (bc grief maybe)
Oh, how I feel the same, Anon.
I don't even blame China for feeling uncomfortable. I don't care what anyone says, she deserves a break, to be left alone and not bashed anymore by certain people.
I wouldn't even be surprised if Disney did do them dirty. Disappointed, but definitely not surprised.
Given the supposed plot of the film, Uma doesn't even have to be involved, but given that she is a very popular character (possibly the most popular) and Disney knows that, she was going to be written in to drawn in fans to watch the film. They're banking on that. At most, they're gonna have an Uma cameo. Which would suck because if they really want to please the fans, give my girl a whole musical sequence, give her half the time of the movie.
Let's be honest, without Uma, without China's amazing performance as Uma, the franchise would not be that big of a succession.
That's not to say everyone else didn't do that great of a job or their characters aren't as good as her. But let's just be real here.
Uma is a big hit. Almost everyone has her a favorite character. If that wasn't true, Disney wouldn't be using her for the next film. (If you somehow don't like Uma, I don't trust you, just saying. Don't care to hear the reasons why.)
And oh, I have thoughts for Dara, too!
Disney already done her dirty by giving her a role that practically doesn't make sense.
From my understanding, wasn't Dara first casted to be Chloe Charming? A princess?!
Even though the film is now called "Rise of Red", we know Chloe has a big part. But why isn't Dara playing her? Why isn't this black girl who is amazingly talented playing a princess who has a big role? Why did they cast Dara to play Ulyanna, Ursula's sister (who never has been mentioned before they just made her up for the movie when URSULA ALREADY HAS A SISTER, but I forgot! The series is supposedly ignoring sequels of the animated films) and a villain who most likely has a minor role in this film?
To me, it's just Disney's way "catering to representation but not wanting to cater too much". "You're in the movie. Be happy with that."
Note how when they cast black women and girls as characters in Descendants. They're all villainous, antagonistic in some way. Celia was someone who didn't have an "antagonistic" role really, granted because she is a child, but they advertised her as such and she did something bad, throwing the ember in water. (Which honestly, I chuckled at. I say let Celia have that because she was lied to. Have a great relationship with her dad and she was lied to. Shaking my head.)
Watch, they're gonna have Brandy's Cinderella be some neglectful mother or something. Or some bratty teen during their high school years. Hope I'm wrong about that.
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indigo-villin · 1 year
I love how everyone hates Chris Pratt exclusively based off randos on Twitter demanding he endorse This Week's Cause (TM), his response to which was him saying no-one wanted his political takes because all he was was an entertainer that wanted to stay in his lane. And he's right - no-one, except an infinitesimally small minority of fools who want everyone and everything to be 100% political, want that.
You don't like his voice, fine, but to despise someone, there's clearly more to it. You can dislike his acting, fine, but to despise someone for it means, again, there's more to it. Or maybe you're just a sociopath that exists in a world where the only possible states of liking something are Love and Despise.
But hey Seth Rogan is fine, despite him constantly being a stoner fucking idiot that constantly says dumb shit (like people shouldn't mind having their cars broken into). The man's entire career is zero effort 'lol weed bro,' and you're concerned Chris isn't putting in the effort. There's a reason why we've heard little to nothing of his dialogue. If it doesn't turn out to be 'lol bananas bro,' I'd be shocked.
First off yes from a political point I don't care for Pratt, but I also deeply despise his "acting" in this movie. He's barely changing his voice (at least in the first trailer). With the first trailer we aqlso got a small interview type thing from him and Jack Black, in which he couldn't even remember what GOOMAS were called for a few seconds when he was talking about playing the first Mario game. He plays Mario and couldn't remember the MOST COMMON ENEMY in the franchise. He plays Star Lord in Marvel, but openly hates the idea of playing a BISEXUAL CHARACTER, which is what Star Lord is in the comics. The majority of his roles are "basic ass white guy who is the straight man/most average dude in the room". Him playing a character with as much CHARACTER as Mario is crap and only insults Mario as a CHARACTER.
Honestly I completely forgot about Seth Rogan being in it cause we only really hear him in the last 2 trailers released (mostly in the final one). Honestly I really don't care for him as an actor either, he's fucking EVERYWHERE in kids films. Honestly I would've mentioned Seth if I'd actually remembered he existed in the cast. Seth is the kinda guy I no nothing about, but honestly if you're concerned about a guy smoking weed and still acting maybe look at the live action actors a little more, and maybe remember weed is legal in a lot of places.
Also to get down to your main "concern", yes I either love an actors performance, find them meh at best, or will refuse to see ANYTHING with them in it when possible. I really don't watch Seth Rogan, Chris Pratt, and MANY other actors and actresses because I find them meh or crap.
Also wasn't there some random pole made a while back based on who was the best actor with the first name Chris and he was the worst? I'm sure there are lots of reasons for that...
Now random person who wants to chuck their love for the random dumb shit in a kids movie, you want to talk with me again we can talk over dm where I can actually articulate myself to whatever you are wanting to discuss directly.
I will refuse to answer any more asks, especially anon ones, regarding Pratt or Rogan cause I don't care for them in the absolute slightest. :)
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thethermocline · 2 years
I've been in fandom for over a decade. Writing fanfic, reading fanfic, reading metas, so on and so forth. Tolkien has been my biggest obsession, but plenty others have come and gone. I was on fanfiction.net, even some live journal, and then of course ao3.
I don't believe in public critiques of individual fanfics, generally. We're all doing this for fun, and putting our work online for free. So I don't condone harassment or flaming a work in the comments or anything. "Don't like don't read." Okay.
But I do think that it's acceptable, and even necessary sometimes, to call out wider trends. And there's something that's really been bothering me. I don't like drama, and I didn't want to make this post for the longest time for fear of getting caught up in some. But there's a distinct possibility that I'll lose most access to the internet in the next month or two. So I've decided, y'know what, let's do this.
Fandom has a massive incest problem.
It is not any one fandom in particular, though some are certainly worse than others. But it's a general trend throughout, and it's growing.
Now - okay - let's be clear about a few things. I'm not pro censorship. I'm also, like... I'm writing a post on Tumblr that tbh I expect like three people to read. I have no power to censor anything anyone wants to post. But I think it's fair that, just as y'all have that right, I have the right to comment on what I'm noticing. Because it's not just that incest keeps popping up; it's how it's being portrayed.
I am a victim of incest. I can tell you, it is not a ~forbidden love.~ It is not sexy. It is horrific. Even the mildest cases. There's a difference between exploring mature topics and romanticizing abuse, and a lot of fandom is firmly in that second category. So then what that means is a space is being made where victims won't feel comfortable but perpetrators will. I've even seen victims mocked for raising concerns. And I just. I just want people to be aware of that. It does matter, it does have an impact. I've been in fandom for years, just watching more and more and more sibling ships come up...If there are siblings in a franchise there's gonna be hot! Sexy! Fic of them getting it on....... A lot of people just seem used to it now. If someone says they're not into that sort of thing, I've noticed they often go out of their way to stress that if anyone else present does like it then that's fine and they're not judging.
I'm a very laissez-faire, "curate your own online experience" type of person. But I do think that it's a bit weird to fall over yourself to assure people that if they ship parents with their children they're totally valid.
Offline, I have found that I need to be careful about mentioning any aspect of the incest I survived. The terrible thing is just, there's a non zero chance the person I'm talking to will be aroused by my trauma. It has happened before. I am not blaming fandom for this. But fandom is absolutely part of the societal romanticizing of ~forbidden love,~ even to the point of eroticizing abuse.
At one point the fandom I was in was so intolerable to me that I thought about writing an incest story myself - the way it actually is. Because I've never seen an incest fanfic that portrayed it honestly. They don't seem interested. It's curious to me, how disconnected fandom's idea of incest is from how it plays out irl. I do not know why this is.
I've said most everything I wanted to... Thank you for listening.
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cryptixani · 2 years
Heyo! I'd like a romantic Sonic matchup if you don't mind ^-^
 Name: Walela Rose!
Pronouns: She/they
Sexuality and preferences: Bisexual, and my big crushes are Shadow, Sonic and Knuckles (am major Shadow simp) but I’m cool with any match. If you’re focusing on my big 3, I mostly crush on modern and Boom Sonic, movie Knuckles and any freaking iteration of Shadow (except IDW, they did him so dirty ;--;) smaller crush on movie Sonic and Blaze, but again I’m good with any matchup so no pressure!
Personality: where do I freaking start. I am more or less a huge anxious shut in. I have pretty bad anxiety and am scared to be outside by myself. I am a little socially anxious and am awkward, whether I’m confident about it or not. Whenever I try to talk to someone new, I tend to open up with a joke or meme that they end up not understanding and the convo usually ends there. Otherwise, I tend to not talk around strangers. However, when I get close to someone, they can’t shut me up. I get clingy, really affectionate and maybe annoying idk. I tend to crack myself up with puns that everyone else facepalms over. Sometimes I overshare my thoughts. I can be loud when I get excited. My sleep schedule is fricked up lol and I am a bit chubby. I also have a lot of low iq moments lmao and I need a lot of reassurance to know somebody isn’t going to leave me or replace me with someone else. I like sharing the things I obsess about with the ones close to me. I’m an age regressor, but even when I’m not regressing I tend to act a bit like a kid. I’m also lazy af and I blush easily. (Sorry if this was super long) Likes and dislikes: I like singing and playing video games and drawing too! I don’t like pickles, or coffee, and I don’t like hard thunderstorms or people angry yelling at me bc those scare me a lot. I really like Kingdom Hearts and My Little Pony and, of course, the Sonic franchise! My favorite colors are pastels and black. Although I like fireworks, I have to plug my ears when watching them bc I’m a highly sensitive person and those big loud babies hurt my ears. I like childlike things, like those stupid pretend cash register toys.
Relationship type: Something intimate, someone who likes taking care of me but tries to help me grow as a person as well. A relationship where they'll just suddenly remind me that they love me (that makes me swoon) and say sweet things in my ear first thing in the morning (more swooning). Perhaps someone just a little bit possessive, like they get a little jealous or pull me close when they feel like there's competition nearby. Someone who likes to gently brush my hair and doesn't call me cringe if I write them a super cheesy love poem. Someone who will love my body regardless of its shape, but still encourage me to be healthy. And someone who will be understanding and caring when I regress.
NSFW: My top 3 kinks are yandere, DDLG (as in calling someone Daddy and they take on a dilf-like role) and praise kink. I'm a switch, but mostly submissive.
hello lovely, thank you for submitting! i hope you like your matchup!
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i match you with...
knuckles the echidna
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• this is honestly just a gut feeling but i think knuckles would be a really good match for you!!
• he would definitely help you come out of your shell a bit, at least if you're only around him, to help you overcome your social anxiety. even if it's just baby steps.
• definitely loves taking care of you, making sure you're okay in any given situation, keeping an eye on you when you're around others in case your social battery runs dry
• his love language is acts of service so i think he'd overall just enjoy having someone that lets him convey that
• i don't think he'd be too into pda or anything like that, i headcanon him as pretty reserved, but when it's just the two of you he loves to murmur his affections by your ear while he keeps you close
• won't get most of the memes you reference but will still appreciate it anyway <3 he will enjoy your silly jokes and puns though
• knuckles is very protective over what he loves and what he considers his so rest assured you are in very safe hands, not to mention he won't hesitate to assert himself as your s/o if anyone else tries anything funny
• enjoys your affectionate, clingy nature, would never find it annoying.
• honestly if you gave him a cheesey love poem, he'd be more flustered than anything. he's not used to receiving such affection so it takes him off guard!
hope you enjoyed your matchup!!
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thecosmicsnap · 2 years
There's a realization settling within me that the people talking loudest about Splatoon 3 not being necessary are potentially the people who like the series (or maybe don't) but not enough to justify continuing to play it. Maybe they don't like it for a vast number of reasons; the stronger multiplayer experience over singleplayer, they don't care about the fashion, don't care about the splatfests, don't like the game play, etc.
Splatoon 3; you don't have to buy it.
To a certain extent it may be correct that "maybe we don't need a new game and maybe just an expansion would be enough" but then I'd point to fans of other nintendo franchises and ask them why they purchase those games if they're "The Same"™. Yes I'm looking at you, Pokémon because despite the region change and the pokédex roster, and the gym trainer switch outs (etc etc), mainline Pokémon is keeps a lot of it's core gameplay conceits. It's to the point where I've barely touched moon and X and officially dropped off Pokémon at Black and White because I didn't think I was interested anymore. I got either X or Moon or both for free by the way. People drop off of series for any sort of reasons. I bring Pokémon up though because you can say what say what you want, but as someone who has played every mainline Pokémon game from yellow to white, fundamentally they only do enough to change what combat looks and plays like. They don't shake it up entirely; a thing they could do if they changed your profession from trainer to literally anything else. My solution rather than to say I'm not interested in making a purchase for a game, that I don't understand the hype™ and want the game series to change so that I would be interested, is simply to not buy the entries that I'm not interested in. I do think certain things are happening here that is exacerbating the amount of people who are frustrated:
People should have their hands on the game already: Splatoon may have "switched places" with Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (a great game btw) and they really really really want to play it. If they're in the camp that just wants the banaid ripped off, a Test Fire would likely alleviate that somewhat though we don't know if it'll happen.
They are waiting for "the commercial" that is going to sell them a game that they were already potentially lukewarm on, aka the hype™. Uuuh... I don't know what to tell these people. we all saw the trailers for the game that they'll deliver and it's not a spinoff, it's a sequel. (Maybe... on a bigger scale Nintendo directs are starting to become like "Operant Conditioning chambers" where people want to get one and then it's finally announced and they're excited until it's not what they want-- the point is that just superbowl commercials without the football to sandwich it being turned into the sport itself is bad on our brains lol.)
For the exception of the single player campaign being more expansive... (Maybe????), people don't seem to actually know what changes they'd want made to make the sequel less of "The Same"™. I've watched quite a few of these videos, and I feel pretty confident saying this... but that's what sequels are. More of the same with some aspects changed to keep a lot of the core mechanics fresh. This point is specifically why I don't force myself to get or play Pokémon games; it's okay that it's not for me. (I have seen one person suggest putting a battle royale in the game but I'm not convinced that that's actually going to make the game different enough for them to want the game).
"Maybe", someone will say "but this means you don't want the game to do well." I mean... I personally will get the game, I love the world concepts and I enjoyed 2 (all 1865 hours of it); but I wouldn't just encourage people to get a game they don't feel they want. You don't have to buy something you don't want just because other people are buying it. 2.17 million people bought Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and I wasn't one of them. 23.9 million people bought Pokemon Sword and Shield and I wasn't one of them. Splatoon 2 sold 13.30 million copies, and there are a lot of people waiting for the next game instead of purchasing the one that's currently out because of the nature of it being a multiplayer game with events that have stopped rolling out. What ever that lifetime sales number ends up being for 3, you don't have to be one of them.
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