#noelle's journey
frosted-co0kies · 6 months
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they found a treasure map behind the convenience store
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starfacedstudio · 2 years
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finally on time for deltarune’s anniversary for once :D in celebration, i wanted to post my designs that i’ve finally finished for Folly of the Fountains - the deltarune comic that i’ve been working on for about 2ish years now!
I still have a lot to do for it, but progress has been pretty steady and I’m hoping to possibly get it out around the anniversary next year - these designs won’t be seen in the comic for a hot minute, but are technically defaults for them all
hoping to get to posting everything sooner rather than later!
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its-the-same-picture · 2 months
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manofthepipis · 10 months
I was rereading chapter 12 of system rebooting please standby and I found it just a little sweet that spamton was excited to see Kris (even tho it wasn’t them lol). tho he mostly was hoping for Kris to save his hide, I also think he was just happy to see his friend since he’s so lonely at that point
im rlly glad you liked that bit!! :D spamton will always have his more selfish motivations, and i've tried writing him so that if he ever does want/need something from someone else he goes into salesman mode, playing nice and innocent enough to get what he wants. But like they're his friend!! his buddy!! :D!! they're a puppet just like him and they helped to free him even if it was obvious he was up to no good in the first place! someone like that to return to him in his extreme loneliness and confusion would be a godsend, but he doesn't get those often. so whoops it had to be an addison lmao
I'd imagine if kris were to return, he'd be hanging around them and their friends to the point where it got annoying but only because he genuinely cares now and they've given him a new purpose in the world he's forever fated for. Though it would genuinely surprise me if he appeared again in canon (i think he's just gonna get the jevil treatment and be a quiet close-to-nonliving item in your inventory), but in this au hed be harder than hell to get rid of (akin to actual spam) hfjsksksk.
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lovelyrottingcrows · 5 months
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alright real shit though, I wanted to try doing an art challenge, and I wondered what.i should do. I'm currently very motivated by @waveglox's Aoi series, BUT IDK WHAT TO DRAW?!?!? MONTH IS ALMOST OVER,,,TIMES TICKING YALL
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The past of good memories and the future of horror.
Happy birthday to our greatest Fern! (@ask-north / @ask-knowledgekeepers / @book-of-legends / @tricks-n-illusions)
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jaythelay · 2 months
This isn't a serious theory but I got this idea in my head and it absolutely will not leave for whatever reason.
Randomly I had the thought: What if Noelle and Birdly were the actual main characters of Deltarune and Kris is this foreign entity completely disrupting that story from progressing, and apart of the weird route is that killing Birdly disrupts it further. Like on a sheet of IDs, those two got bumped down for Kris.
It goes no further than that in theorizing. I just think it's a neat thought.
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simmerstellar · 2 years
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Catching up with Noelle.
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noelle-holi-gay · 2 years
Dream Come True
Dream No More | Chapter 16
Life goes on.
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imsosocold · 1 year
I’m very sick of virtually every abused character being portrayed in fandom spaces as growing stronger from their abuse and becoming ready, able, and willing to beat their abusers to pulps.  Like I understand that the latter is a common feeling among abuse victims ( I’ve felt that way many times and still feel like that sometimes) and a way to vent ( I’ve done it and probably will do it more in the future) but when that’s presented as the only reaction or the only legitimate one it frustrates me. It’s more complex, most of the time there tends to be a lot of mixed feelings, including love.  People can still want to have relationships with their abusers and want them to get help. People may be amicable with their abusers or keep relying on them in some form.  People may keep a safe distance from their abusers or people may cut themselves off completely. All these reactions are equally valid.  Also, strength from pain is overall a myth.  At the very least my abuse made me weaker, tired, confused, and more on edge. Regardless,  many people would have trouble confronting their abusers directly ( especially by themselves) and not many people would want to do so. Idk I wish there was diversity in types of content.      
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hellspawnmotel · 2 months
i LOVE ur analyses (ur noelle + ralsei ones completely changed the way i view those characters) and if u ever started a yt channel for video essays i would BE THERE. ur art has a comforting quality that can be twisted into something disturbing/raw that i rlly like and admire. i wanna know more of ur thoughts on chara. i think they killed themselves bc of their dread of humanity + they thought what they were feeling (anger/vengence) was inherent to being a human and not a monster. thoughts?
thank you, that's very kind of you!! I don't think what I have to say would be very well suited for video essays though haha, it's just my personal readings of the text and I really don't want people to look at it and assume that I'm completely right, or even that I think I'm completely right. there are tropes and themes that I get particularly caught up in and I have my very obvious biases, plus when it comes to deltarune the story isn't even done yet..... I would hate for somebody to get totally invested in my interpretation and then get mad or disappointed if something that happens further in negates it. (that and my video making/editing skills begin and end with cutting together amvs)
as for chara..... (warning this is about to get heavy, maybe don't read if you're dealing with suicidal thoughts of your own)
.....always a complex question, especially when it comes to their death. I never really want to say anything definitive about them, because well, we don't actually know, do we? but this in particular...... with suicidal thoughts and ideation, you're always looking for a way to justify it. I don't think there was one specific reason chara went down that path, because there never really is. it starts with one thought, and then all the reasons you could possibly come up with start to clump together and form an unbearable weight. I think it's significant that chara came up with "the plan" after (accidentally or not) poisoning asgore. maybe it started with the guilt of hurting somebody they loved, which grew into the guilt of 'I'm such a burden to these wonderful people, they would be better off without me' which grew into the guilt of being human at all. but they still wanted to be useful to their family, leave them with a gift.... if their death can both free monsterkind AND destroy humanity, then really it would be worse of them to NOT die. that idea would stick in their brain and become a comfort to them- it's okay, because before too long, everyone I love with be safe and happy and I'll be dead, and I won't have to feel so awful every day. this is the only way to make up for all the time they wasted on caring for me. but then, of course, everything goes so extremely wrong..... I can't imagine the anguish chara would've felt in death, for not only failing but dooming asriel alongside them. they weren't thinking about the pain it would inflict on their family even if the plan had worked, or ever stop to consider that one day they might be able to feel better, and now they'll never get a chance to see it.
I think that also nicely leads in the main routes in undertale's storyline. in one, chara is a passenger on frisk and the player's journey, and they watch frisk inconvenience everyone they meet over and over but ultimately make their lives better just by being a friend and believing in love, which mirrors chara's own life and what they failed to see in it. in the other, chara is guided into dealing with their pain in a different way, by destroying it. the world is cruel, and unfair, and it hurts the good people while the bad flourish- better to do away with it entirely. if there's no life, then there's no suffering. if chara is all that exists, they become the nexus of pain. if they have to become a demon anyway, they can learn to love it. it's all humans are good for anyway. maybe this is easier than trying to fight it ever was.
but like, it's not, obviously. being a good person is hard sometimes, and it's even harder to be good to yourself. in the end though, if you give into hate and destruction, you'll be left with nothing but emptiness. whether through harming others or harming yourself..... either way you've closed yourself off from the world and your ability to experience the beauty of life, in all its faults.
okay I think I should stop there before I get too preachy or existential LMAO I hope that answered your question though! talking about chara is a dang rabbit hole. like, you're a creepypasta-ass character from a video game, why you making me think this deep. maybe if you werent so tragic and interesting I'd get less distracted, jerk.
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bakugou-jpg · 12 days
-Pregnant s/o Kaminari & Sero-
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REQUEST: Hello! Can i request a headcanon for Sero and Kaminari when they find out their S/o's pregnant? And maybe how'd they be through out the pregnancy? Thanks! by Anonymous - Genre: fluff, headcanons - Characters: Hanta Sero, Denki Kaminari - Tags: pregnancy, established relationship, - Word count: 3.1k words - Warnings: infertility [hinted], pregnancy, birth, needle [mention], mature [brief mention] - Author: noelle
Hanta Sero
-You and Sero were the most perfect example of that one high-school couple that had gotten together pretty early on in the first year of being there and lasted throughout the entire three years of being there. The couple that survived the 'doomed high-school sweethearts' stereotype.
-From the very first time he walked through the doors of 1A ready to start his journey of becoming a hero he was immediately smitten. When his eyes immediately snapped towards the person who's laugh blessed his ears to the moment when you made eye contact with him.
-It wasn't long after that, that the two of you became close friends. Especially after you moved into the dorms you were practically attached at the hip, constantly hanging out in Sero's rather cozy room it was only a small matter of time before you got together.
-You constantly talked about the future together. What sort of house you dreamed of and the interior of it. Of the large kitchen island you could share dinner with after coming back from a hard day of work, the dog you'd have and the hero agencies next to each other.
-Of course there was the talk of children. Sero wanted at least four, a comment he immediately got hit in the face by a pillow by before you protested with the fact he didn't need to get his private parts ripped apart four times. So you settled on two.
-Sero was absolutely smitten by you. The thought of coming home to you one day, seeing you in a wedding dress, cooking with you, doing laundry with you,, growing old with you. Life was short and he could not waste a single second of it.
-When your graduation had arrived, Sero got on his knee with a wobbly smile and a ring in his hand. It wasn't long after that before the two of you moved in together and married only two years later.
-Having reached the age and financial situation in which you both agreed was suitable to take the thought of having children a little more seriously was one you hadn't expected to be one that was so incredibly difficult.
-Tracking cycles, changing diets, changing daily routines, many many failed pregnancy tests and doctor's visits. Along with that came many doubts. Sero blamed himself for it all, blamed himself for being the reason it didn't work. It ate away at him.
-It was when he came back from work with his helmet in hand and zipper half way down, dirt smeared on his cheek and he was pretty sure he reeked of sweat at that point when saw you standing before him with a trembling smile with two hands tightly wrapped around a plastic stick.
-Sero couldn't remember the last time he cried so hard. His arms were so tightly wrapped around your shoulders you were sure if he held onto you like that for another 5 minutes you would've suffocated.
-The two of you stood there in that hallways for awhile just crying together while holding each other. He sniffled when he pulled back and slid onto his knees, arms wrapped around your waist before he hugged your stomach.
"T-thank you..i love you so much, god (y/n) you don't even know.."
-Throughout the pregnancy Sero is an absolute doll. The most perfect partner you could wish for in this time.
-He had already read all the pregnancy blogs and books way before you two actually conceived. Sero left for the grocery store that very same evening and came back with bags full of vitamins, fresh vegetables and massage oil.
-Sero is there when the morning sickness hits, rubbing your back and holding your hair. Telling you he's sorry and even though your hunched over a toilet bowl you still look incredibly beautiful to lighten the mood.
-Especially the first trimester he's incredibly nervous since its the most crucial one to your baby's health and he's worried about you. The minute he found out about your pregnancy he immediately demanded you don't go out patrolling anymore.
-Craving a specific kind of snack which is most definitely gonna make a normal person throw up at the thought of the combination alone at 3 am? Your husband is there in the kitchen, happily cooking it up while chatting with you as if he doesn't have to get up at 7 for work.
-Oh? That ice cream that you want so badly isn't in the fridge anymore? No worries, your husband is already holding his car keys ready to scan the evening market for it and bringing it home to you asap while wearing the mustard yellow crocs he's owned since he was 16 and his pajamas.
-Every week he brings home the fruit or vegetable that your baby's size is compared to. Starting small with blueberries and grapes but slowly and surely they turned into an apple, a tomato and a mango. It was a fun way to celebrate every single week.
-He's so fully prepared for when your stomach gets a little bigger and your back starts hurting. Sero has had to undergo a lot of physical therapy and professional massages throughout his life due to his elbows sometimes feeling sore if he overworked them. His hands are genuine magic.
-He'll make it into a whole thing too. First drawing you a warm bath with your favorite bath bomb and some candles, he'll bring you a bowl of your favorite cut up fruits and a cold glass of whatever juice it is you like. He'll sit behind you, washing your head for you and just enjoying his time with you before his hands make their way to your shoulders and back.
-You sleep like an absolutely baby that night.
-Pregnancy can cause a huge hit on your confidence, especially once you reach your third semester and really start showing. None of your clothes from before fit you anymore and you hate the way pregnancy clothes look on you.
-Whenever Sero catches you staring at yourself in the mirror just a little too long than you usually would he's immediately behind you with his arms wrapped around you from behind and his face nuzzled into your neck.
"You're so magnificent. Growing a human being by yourself and looking fantastic while doing so, i can't believe i get to call you mine."
-Sero would always be there. No matter what, you still felt as loved by him as you did when you were in high school together. Possibly even more. He always knew the right things to say and do.
-A fact proven yet again to be true when your water broke when you got up in the middle of the night to go pee. 
-Two weeks before your due date causing Sero to immediately stress out only for you to reassure him two weeks isn't that bad, not considered to be premature at least.
-For a man who throughout the entire pregnancy seemed to be quite calm and collected he's now shaking and cursing to himself softly as he goes to pack your bags and get the car keys. As much as he tries to hide it from you, you can still notice his hands shaking slightly and his knee bouncing up and down as the two of you sit in the delivery room.
-He's such a worry wart as you sit in the delivery room, constantly pacing up and down and looking over the nurse's shoulder whenever they come to check up on you while biting on his fingernails.
"Do you need water? Want me to get the nurse? I should probably call your mom right? Are yo-" "I'm fine, Sero"
-Sero needs to sit down for a bit after witnessing the size of the epidural needle. He knew it was a bit longer than usual vaccine needles but he hadn't expected it to be that long. For a pro hero who had witnessed all sorts of medical procedures this had been one of the few that made his head spin and face turn white.
-When the time had arrived he's there by your side holding your hand, willing to sacrifice it with the strength you were squeezing it. His complete attention is on you and only you. He's turned to you, head right besides yours as he whispers encouragement to you.
"C'mon you got this, just a little more yeah? God you're so strong its crazy! Almost there, you're doing so good i love you."
-The minute the cries of your son echo through the room he lets out a sigh of relief before laughing softly. Such a weight that was lifted off his shoulders, one he had been carrying for so long he was overwhelmed by two years of emotions.
-Sero sobs so loudly when they put your son on your chest, immediately grabbing you and littering your face with tear mixed kisses as the two of you coo over the little boy you had so anticipately waited for these last few months.
-Your son is an exact copy paste of his father aside from the color of his eyes. Its not hard to notice that his elbows are a little thicker than usual as well, you could make a pretty good assumption on what his quirk was going to be already.
-The rest of the night Sero is sitting next to bassinet admiring every little detail about the little boy while you take some hard earned rest. He's smiling to himself, once again wiping his eyes as he's overwhelmed by the love he feels for his little family.
-Great hero, fantastic husband and now an even better father. He really was the whole package.
Denki Kaminari
-You and Kaminari got together around two years after graduating. It was through a mutual friend and you couldn't lie about the fact he always caught your eye whenever there was a hero event and you saw him from the opposite side of the room.
-It was pretty casual at first, neither of you two wanting to fully commit and just have fun with it. Yet here you were with a shared two bedroom apartment in which one of those bedrooms was used as a half storage half workout room and a cat that adored you and tolerated Kaminari.
-You could say the two of you were quite committed to 'the bit' as Kaminari once called it before he spent the night sleeping on the couch.
-There were no grand plans you made for the future together such as a house or a family or anything along the lines of that. You liked living in the moment of it all. See what the future would bring you along the way.
-And sometimes three unexpected positive pregnancy tests come along your way. One to try and see why your period was late. A second to make sure and the third to see whether it was just those specific cheap brands or if you really were pregnant.
-You were very pregnant.
-The fact Kaminari thought you were joking at first and therefor moving along as if nothing happened didn't make the whole, already stressful, situation any better. To the point where you started angry crying thinking he didn't care only for him to then realize this in fact was not a joke.
"Damn i guess my pull out game is not stro- ACK" 
-Best believe he was sleeping on the couch once again that night.
-The two of you had a long conversation that night, sitting across the table from each other while thinking of all possible outcomes, possibilities and things that would have to be done in order to even consider committing to such a responsibility. 
-You couldn't lie when you said you hadn't thought of the idea of raising a kid together with Kaminari. And that that idea made you somewhat excited about the whole thing. You were both pretty well known heroes, you a little more than him, with fantastic income. There was a spare room that didn't really get used and your cat had always loved Kaminari's nieces and nephews.
-Kaminari wanted it so badly but couldn't help the doubt of him not being responsible enough for a kid. Would he even be a good father? What if he dropped the baby? What if he forgot to feed the-
-A good knock on the head followed by reassurance with the fact you two were doing this together and that he would be a good father were enough to get him in a giddy mood, immediately going on a rant about possible baby names and how cool their kid was gonna be.
-Best wish your morning fatigue isn't too bad because even though Kaminari's gonna be next to you holding your hair up and patting your back best believe he's puking along side with you. 'An empath' as he calls it.
-Kaminari and you hadn't exactly planned on this so you're making sure to read into a lot of the things that come with pregnancy. You have your books and Kaminari,, has different sources for his pregnancy knowledge.
 "Reddit says-"
-Once again he's sleeping on the couch. At least he decided to pick up on your pregnancy books and actually learn something real this time.
-He has such a hard time keeping it to himself its killing him. Especially whenever he's with his friends Kaminari really needs to bite his tongue to not just burst out that you are pregnant. The first trimester rule was gonna be the end of him.
-Makes it a whole when telling his friends, inviting them all to your home to show off his new 'men cave' only for them to walk into an unfinished baby room that only had a crib in the middle. Clearly unfinished but they got the idea and were very happy for you two.
-He's so proud of having put it together as well up until Bakugou inspects it and lightly touches it before it falls apart. Kaminari's getting a good scolding from the blonde before Bakugou rolls up his sleeves and starts putting it together himself.
-The two of you actually get a surprising amount of help from Bakugou with the baby room who is apparently an expert in a lot of handiwork.
-Once the media gets a whiff of what's going on in your private lives and he's finally able to speak on it Kaminari is BOASTING about it in interviews. He seriously can't shut up about how excited he is and how he has the most amazing partner in the world. All the fans love it.
-Kaminari is the type of person to join you in whatever abomination of a craving you have. Pickles wrapped in roll-ups? Instant ramen with chocolate sauce? Oh he's making two portions of both and happily munching away besides you on the couch at 2 am.
-Poor guy can't keep up with the mood swings to the point he starts getting them himself. One minute you're shouting at him for breathing wrong causing him to get irritated then you start crying and he's crying alongside you.
-God what a burden he must carry to satisfy his pregnant wife who's eagerness is through the roof. What a rough life it is for poor Kaminari Denki.
-When you near the end of your second trimester Kaminari takes a leave from work to do pretty much all house chores for you. There might've been a chemical gas in the bathroom from cleaning supplies that should not have been mixed and a white shirt turned pink in the wash but he got the hang of it eventually. At least the spirit was there.
-He loves talking to your stomach when you're asleep. He's a little embarrassed about it so he keeps his voice down but you've caught him doing it a few times. Didn't have the heart to interrupt him so you just try not to smile as he has his head resting on your thighs while keeping his hand on your stomach.
-Talking about all sorts of things. His day, funny stories from your high school life or just random things in general. He'd always get all smiley and happy whenever the baby reacts to his voice by softly kicking against his hand.
“I love you so much, which is funny because you’re not even born yet,, Only 2 months, which feels much longer than you’d think. But i guess if you’re looking forward to something times goes by slow”
-When the time is there, Kaminari is freaking out. He's running around this house, calling all friends and family to let them know, triple checked whether or not he fed the cat and looks for his car keys even though he's already holding them.
-You just stand by the door, bag in hand while you wait for him to calm down so he can drive you to the hospital already.
-Kaminari for sure passes out somewhere when it starts getting serious. A combination of nerves and seeing what was going on down there gets a little too much for the man and the light in his eyes goes out for a good two minutes.
-Do NOT show this man the epidural otherwise he's gone again.
-Constantly asking the nurses and doctors what they're doing, trying to sit still but you can feel the shaking in his hand when he holds yours in his.
-Its quite normal that during labor people end up screaming. A lot of people do especially during the pushing process,, and so did Kaminari. To be more specific, he was the one screaming the loudest as the grip of your hand on his got so strong that you managed to break it.
-He genuinely couldn't care about his fractured bones when the first cries of his daughter rang through the room, his heart immediately stopping when she was laid down onto your chest. 
-She was perfect. Absolutely perfect. Kaminari always thought new born babies were a little ugly, with the way their head was shaped and they always managed to look a little cranky but she was the embodiment of the word angel. Barely any hair yet but it was so clear she had your hair color.
-He was peppering your hand with kisses while trying his very hardest not to cry.
-After she got cleaned up Kaminari was allowed to cut the umbilical cord which made him panic because he was scared he'd hurt her. It was then that the nurses noticed how purple his hand had become before rushing him to the ER.
-When the nurses and doctor left and Kaminari had come back with his hand in a cast it was finally just the three of you. It was then that you noticed Kaminari nervously fidgeting with his shirt while you were holding your daughter.
"C-can i hold her..?" "She's your daughter, Denki."
-Something about Kaminari holding the car seat with your daughter in it while walking out of the hospital that really made you fall in love all over with him again.
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brianna-lei · 1 year
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Someone ordered min's nightmare from my shop (2 Noelle charms and 1 Min charm) and this is what I imagined their journey through the postal system to be like
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m1d-45 · 1 year
divine favor
summary: so, they’re your favorite vessel. how do they react? includes yae miko, itto, kazuha, kaeya, chongyun, and noelle, in that order
word count: ~800
-> warnings: like one swear word?
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yuus3n || @esthelily || @turningfrogsgay || @cupandtea24 || @genshin-impacts-me
< masterlist >
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yae miko — out and proud
uses her connection to the divine as leverage almost every chance she gets, showing off the extra gleam to her vision eagerly. occasionally teases ei over the fact that she’s the favorite, not the literal archon. she’s maybe a bit surprised herself at that fact at first, but she’s not about to let that show when using it for her wants is so much more interesting.
“Please, of course I know what I’m doing. I wasn’t chosen by the divine for nothing.”
itto — show off
literally the moment you log off after wishing him for the first time he meets up with the gang to celebrate. it doesn’t matter if you only brought him to level 20 or instantly fully leveled him, he goes on about it for hours. any changes to his weapon would be shown off, and if you get his signature then he’s incredibly proud of it. sometimes he pokes fun at kujou sara because of his glider, but shinobu usually keeps it quiet enough nothing bad really happens. it’s not like sara can do much since he’s a favored vessel, but the gang doesn’t have to know that.
“Guys, come here! No, it’s not an onikabuto this time, look! I got a new sword today, isn’t it cool?”
kazuha — doesn’t exactly hide it
kazuha never gloats or tells stories when they aren’t wanted, but… instead of climbing down the mast when returning from the crow’s nest, he’s more commonly seen jumping from the side, letting his glider catch him. despite being an inazuman native, his time with you has made him an expert at gliding, a fact typically seen in the delicate fold of his glider every time his feet touch the deck. he makes sure to take care of it, running his fingers through the soft, feather-like mechanisms on its surface partly to remove any salt built up, but also because he likes the feeling.
“It was the chance of fate that allowed me to become so close to my god. Nothing more, nothing less.”
kaeya — flashy in the front, “what the fuck” in the back
he hadn’t expected to become a vessel so soon in your journey, but adapted quickly. you were early in your journey throughout teyvat, so he honestly expected you to drop him once you got someone more powerful, someone you surely liked more. and then you didn’t. and then he’s suddenly fighting with impossible speed and strength, his vision a sharp, glittering blue, and with every day that passes where he’s still the subject of your favor, the shock sets in a bit more. he doesn’t even go to the angels share the night he’s triple crowned, too dazed to try and interact with people, instead laying in his bed and staring at the ceiling.
“Why would i be their favorite? …Don’t tell me you’ve gone and started questioning the divine now, have you?”
chongyun — disbelieving
literally in shock the entire day after he’s been wished. also doesn’t matter how much you prepared for him, he’s stunned. he can feel his power grow, his claymore something new and so much sharper, a glider he doesn’t quite know how to use yet now at his disposal. once the shock wears off he has to take a few hours to calm himself down and keep from overheating, most likely with the help of xingqiu, xiangling, and the cool breeze by the ocean.
“I-I don’t know what I did… I’ve never even properly exorcised a demon—am I really worthy of this?”
noelle — oh jeez oh god oh wait oh jeez-
similar to kaeya, she was surprised that she was chosen so quickly, but rationalized it just as fast. she was to be a stepping stone, someone to protect you early on, a transient phase while you got your standing in teyvat. yes you leveled her, yes you took her with you to liyue, but that’s just because you hadn’t gotten anybody better, right? you didn’t… she wasn’t really your favorite, right..? poor noelle, it takes you fully ascending her for her to finally acknowledge your favoritism. though she doesn’t know what she’s done to earn this spot, she’s more than proud of it, taking the badge of her vision more seriously than her duties to the knights.
“It doesn’t matter what I’ve done to earn this place, what matters is that I do my very best to keep it.”
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cher-rei · 7 days
love song ♬— pt 1 [ J.M ]
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pairings: jamal musiala x fem!oc
summary [please read]
genres: strangers to lovers, fluff, angst, sports romance
[w.c: 2k] masterlist
notes: it's finally here!!! I hope you guys like it, because I swear as the story progresses you're going to fall in love with them xxx (I hope)
next chapter
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noelle braun sat in the crowded lecture hall, here eyes fixed on the clock as the minutes ticked by at a glacial pace. the air was heavy with the scent of coffee and ink, the oddly calming sound of textbook pages turning filling her senses.
all of this was a potent reminder that today marked the beginning of the end— the final thesis topic, the last hurdle before graduation, and the moment of truth that would make or break her academic career.
she had been looking forward to this moment for weeks, yet now that it was finally here, she felt a sense of trepidation wash over her. their psychology professor and head of department, dr. braun stood at the front of the lecture hall with a stack of papers in her hand.
“today you will receive your thesis topics,” she announced and began handing out the reports to the respective students— a few groans and sighs of dread filling the air as she continued to pace the lecture hall.
"remember this is a milestone in your academic journey, and the first time that you haven't chosen your own topics for your research task.”
noelle's knee bounced eagerly as her professor neared her seat, passing a rubric to a learner down the row before finally playing the piece of paper gently on noelle's desk, her eyes widening in anticipation and expectation for a topic that would challenge her.
something that would get the gears in her head turning nonstop, something to feed her curious and knowledge hungry mind. noelle loved thinking. it was her favourite pastime, just simply taking a stroll through the streets of munich with her airpods in as her mind wandered.
but unfortunately that was not the case today. her eyes scanned over the thesis title written at the top of her page, a sinking feeling in her stomach swallowing her until she was drowning in a pool of disbelief.
her hands absentmindedly clutched the piece of paper, wrinkling the edges and her brows. the sound of the bell sounding signified the end of the lecture and day, the clock above reading 2:15 p.m. dr. braun continued to go on about their due dates and so on along with the turmoil of students that stampede their way out of the university to ffinally emerse themselves in the freedom of summer break.
it was only when the lecture hall was empty that noelle hurriedly grabbed her laptop and bag, her eyes narrowing as she approached her professor. the florescent lights overhead casted and unforgiving glare on the worn linoleum floor.
“romantic love?” she questioned dryly and held up the page in the air, the crumbled edges being enough of a telltale that she wanted to shred it.
from her position behind her desk dr. brauner let out a sigh and gave noelle a questioning look. “yes. explore the subjective experience of romantic love. it's a fascinating topic and I think that you'll find it quite rewarding.”
noelle had to bite her tongue in order to stop herself from being disrespectful. how was this supposed to be rewarding? she paused for a moment and watched as the older woman continued to pack her things away, her eagerness to get home evident.
she was just about to give up, a few steps forward but she couldn't settle for this. this was her entire grade on the line. “it's just that–” her shoulders squared, her eyes pleading as dr. brauner took a seat on the edge of her desk. “–I'm not comfortable with this topic, which means that I won't be able to do my best an–”
“–that's the point noelle.” dr. braun threw her hands into the air, a lighthearted smile on her face as she stared at the conflicted girl in front of her. “this is a learning experience. a reason for you to explore and get out of your comfort zone.”
noelle's jaw tightened. “I understand that but–”
“–then you don't understand if you have something more to say,” she shot noelle down and the girl was quiet, her lips slightly parted as she contemplated fighting.
the tension in the lecture hall was thick, noelle's throat constricting with every second she stood silent. she wasn't typically the type who liked arguing, she remained as much of a pacifist as she could. but now that her degree was on the line over a stupid theis topic, she was going to fight for it.
a heavy sigh came from dr. braun and she lifted herself from her desk to take a few steps closer to her daughter, her fingers brushing a few dark strands out of her face. a warm smile drew to her lips as she felt the girl ease under her touch. “I am not just saying this as your professor, but as your mother. I really think this could be good for you.”
“mama, how am I supposed to do a research paper on something that I've never experienced? i'm not interested,” noelle said barely above a whisper, embarrassment and slight irritation looming over her head.
she felt her mother gently squeeze her shoulder. “ella, this is not just about romantic love; it's about understanding human experience. and it's exactly because you're not interested that you need to do it.”
noelle’s face twisted, her mind racing with counterarguments, but her mother's expression remained unyielding. for a moment, they locked eyes, the tension palpable.
finally she looked away, her shoulders slumping in defeat. “fine,” she muttered, the words bitter on her lips.
as she turned to leave, her mother's voice called out, “remember, growth happens outside of your comfort zone.”
noelle's eyes flashed with anger, but she bit back her retort, the words burning in her throat. she knew her mother was right, but that didn't make it any easier to swallow.
instead she pushed open the large campus door and let the munich summer air hit her face— much cooler than you'd expect as the crisp air brought her back to reality with a deep inhale and exhale. she looked down at the page in her hand one last time, the title mocking her.
the phenomenology of being in love: exploring the subjective feeling of being in love.
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that thursday afternoon, noelle found herself in her usual post lecture spot— the local coffee shop not too far from campus. she felt down, unmotivated and… bleh. which meant that she needed one thing. coffee.
she pushed the door open, the bell over it ringing out as she stepped inside. the aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped her, immediately lifting her spirits. she made her way to the counter, where her friend, lauren, was working.
as usual her smiled beamed the second she caught sight of noelle, the familiar face giving her a reason to take her third break of the day. “I know that look,” lauren said with a sigh and started on noelle’s order without a word.
the glum university student managed a lopsided smile and sat down on one of the bar stools with her caramel macchiato in front of her within seconds. the two sat silently for a bit until noelle mustered up the energy to realise that the coffee shop was emptier than usual.
“where is everyone?” her gaze drifted to the booths in the far corner that were empty, the faint sound of music playing through the speakers. “is something happening today?”
from behind the counter lauren scoffed and continued to wipe down the table. “everyone is getting ready for tomorrow you idiot.”
when she didn't get a response lauren furrowed her brows in shock, initially waiting for noelle to catch on but she didn't. instead she took another silent sip of her coffee.
lauren let out a laugh of disbelief. “summer break means that it's international break.”
there was a beat of silence again which caused lauren to dramatically throw herself over the counter and slap her friend on the head. “the euros you dut!”
oh shit.
how could she forget?? it's been on her mind since the beginning of the year and she planned her entire summer around the football tournament. it was the whole reason she was banking on an “easy” thesis topic, so that it wouldn't consume all her time.
almost as if on cue noelle’s phone rang, making her jump up. “shit,” she cursed and gathered her things so that she could answer the call.
lauren watched in confusion as she scrambled her things together, barely being able to put her coat on properly as she answered the person on the other end of the line.
“I was just about to call you– yeah I just got out of my lecture.” the lie slipped past her lips easily, earning a judgmental look from lauren as she handed noelle the coffee and headed into the back to fetch something.
“I'm literally on my way to the airport right now– no I'm not lying. okay, bye I'll see you soon.”
noelle ended the call as quickly as she picked it up, and hastily grabbed her bag and coffee to make a beeline for the door she completely forget that she had to pick one of her friends up at the airport and somehow needed to be there in the next 20 minutes.
she was more than ready to get at least 3 speeding fines and–
she stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes shut as she felt the liquid seep into the fabric of her sweatshirt and even on her skirt. just great.
“oh no, I'm so sorry!” the man infront of her exclaimed, as noelle tried her best to dry her jumper with the napkins on the counter.
“no, no it's fine! I'm just… really late!” she discarded the napkins carelessly, hoping that lauren would understand when she came back.
“wait, let me help you with that,” he said apologetically, trying to get some napkins to help noelle with the spill but she insisted that she was fine.
“are you sure okay?” he asked again, but she just brushed him off with an awkward laugh and a thumbs up, not giving a proper answer since she was running to the door again, her bag hanging on for dear life.
the stranger watched as she checked her phone again, her figure disappearing through the door and around the corner and surprisingly she bumped into someone as they were coming into the coffee shop again. but there was no time for apologies.
the new customer looked to the dumbfounded boy in front of him. “jamal, that girl that just bumped into me,” he turned to the door again, “sounded a lot like one of aaliyah's friends.”
the stranger now known as jamal let out a heavy sigh and rolled his eyes. “I don't know any of your girlfriend's friends flo, but she bumped into me too.” he looked down at the ground where there was still some coffee. “I spilled coffee on her… kind of.”
florian took a few steps further into the empty coffee shop, his eyes squinting in confusions at the empty reception. he came here for coffee because aaliyah really liked this place for some reason, and so far he didn't see the hype or the employees.
he leant back on the counter to look at jamal who was still hung up on the coffee spill on the floor. “dude, she didn't even look me in the eye.” he let out a groan and put his hands on his head, “oh god she probably hates me!”
“she doesn't even know who you are stop stressing,” his friend replied but jamal was still stressing for whatever reason, letting his guilt get the best of him as usual. “it was aaliyah's friend that recommended this coffee shop too, the psych major–”
“–noelle, what the fuck?!”
the two customers jolted at the sound of the new voice, florian jumping up from the counter where the employee was stood with her eyes wide in anger and shock. and this just made jamal feel even worse.
“yeah that's her name, noelle,” the shorter of the two said and snapped his fingers, looking back at jamal with a smile but the boy looked as if he was ready to crawl into a hole and die.
note to self: apologise to noelle, the pysch major. (double check with sophia)
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