#nolan brain rot
mmoosen · 5 months
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
i am sending a mass text to @thiamsxbitch @maplesyrizzup and @stitchkiss to hide in somebody's backyard or basement
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
My parents nickname for me when I was younger / to this day is Moose so I took the correct name for a group of Moose and I became Mmoosen
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
as a Nolan stan, I love this gif so much and @alphaboyd did more for his character than J*ff D*vis could hope to
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J-jesus sama.. 😳
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aslanvlad · 2 years
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Leo/Aslan songs - one / two / three / four / five
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nicohischier · 1 year
thoughts on nolan patrick induced brainrot
Oh so many thoughts. All the thoughts. Too many thoughts.
Here’s the thing with Nolan, okay? His story so far has always been fairly synonymous with tragedy. You can argue with that statement if you want, but so much of his career so far just points in the direction of a tragedy, at least in my eyes.
Let me first start this off by telling you that Nolan Patrick can be and has been described by three characteristics: injury prone, second overall, and draft bust. They’re not his only characteristics, but they are the ones used most frequently to talk about him since 2017.
(by the way. this is 2000 words long. so. open with caution?)
Injury Prone  – Juniors Version
In his first season after being drafted by the Wheat Kings in the 2013 WHL Draft, he was called up because the Wheat Kings had a lot of their own injuries but he wasn’t able to play during that call up because he had a shoulder injury. In his rookie year the following season, he missed a dozen games with an upper body injury. At the end of his 2015-16 season he revealed that he was suffering a sports hernia he had been playing through. In 2016-17, his draft season, Nolan only played a few games before the Wheat Kings announced that he wasn’t fully healed from the sports hernia and he was out for most of the season (he ended up playing 33 games that season) and missed playing in World Juniors. 
Then, after he was drafted, he missed his first development camp with the Flyers because he was recovering from a surgery he had gotten done before the draft. 
Despite all the injuries haunting him, he still was a top rated prospect and, fun fact, was actually rated higher than Nico. 
Unfortunately, however, the injuries didn’t stop following him just because he switched from the WHL to the NHL. 
Injury Prone – NHL Version
He was actually fairly healthy for his first two seasons in Philly. He missed some games in his rookie season after a rough hit, but those were the only games he missed. Again, in his sophomore season he missed a few games but there was nothing super drastic. And then the 2019 offseason came around. 
Some time before the 2019-20 season Nolan was officially diagnosed with chronic migraines and he ended up missing the entire season. He might have made a return late in the season, but COVID ended the season early, so we’ll never know. He did play when the 2020-21 season started up but he didn’t perform very well (which isn’t entirely shocking considering he was coming back after a year and a half (?) of not playing NHL hockey and he himself admitted to taking his return a bit more tentatively because he was worried about his migraines).
Then, before the 2021-22 season started Nolan hired a new agent and got himself traded to Vegas (with a pit stop in Nashville for all of five minutes or whatever). He got injured a few games into that season, played a total of 25 games, and hasn’t played a game since the end of that season. Presumably that fact has something to do with injury or recovery but don’t quote me on that.
The point is that while Nolan didn’t deal with the constant yoyoing of injured-healthy-injured-healthy that he was dealing with while in juniors, what he was dealing with after coming into the NHL is ultimately a lot more serious and will have a much larger impact on the future of his career. 
Second Overall – The 2017 Entry Draft
I know we were just talking about the NHL but we actually have to drop back to the 2017 Draft and the time just before the draft because this is obviously the keypoint for the ‘second overall’ characteristic. 
So, I mentioned that prior to the draft, Nolan was technically rated higher than Nico, which is true. Granted, Nico was rated the second top prospect, so not that much higher, but still. What the important takeaway from this is that the 2017 Draft was genuinely a toss-up between Nico and Nolan. Nico going first generally came down to what the Devils were looking for from their selection (and maybe Nolan’s injury history played a part in the Devils picking Nico instead but I can’t be certain). 
Some drafts are more-or-less a guarantee for which prospect is going first (see: 2015, 2016, the upcoming 2023) but 2017 was very much a ??? until the lottery when people could start making speculations about who would most benefit the Devils’ needs.
Anyway, the point is that Nolan was the highest rated prospect going into the draft. 
For a solid while before the draft Nolan was considered THE top pick. But then Halifax brought this kid over from Switzerland and he tore up the QMJHL and all of a sudden there was another prospect breathing down Nolan’s neck when it came to FOA consideration. 
Ultimately, as we all know now, Nico ended up going FOA and Nolan went SOA to the Flyers.
Obviously going SOA isn’t a tragedy in and of itself but you do have to consider the “what could have been?” if Nolan had gone FOA or if Nico had never come over from Switzerland. 
But, to be honest, I’m a huge fan of the general tragedy that haunts SOAs so maybe I’m just focusing way too hard on the SOA part of his story. The reality is that him going second is only a minor blip in the tragedy that is the Nolan Patrick narrative. Him going SOA is just a stepping stone toward the ‘draft bust’ part of his tragedy. 
Draft Bust 
The facts: Nolan went SOA. He has played 222 games. He has scored 32 goals. He has 77 points. He is prone to injury. He has missed two seasons and is not a guarantee to ever come back.
The other facts: there are some incredible players who are having incredible careers who were selected after Nolan. Just some of those players are Miro Heiskanen, 3rd, Cale Makar, 4th, Elias Pettersson, 5th, Nick Suzuki, 13th, Jake Oettinger, 26th, Jason Robertson, 39th, Stuart Skinner, 78th. And that’s just some of the superstar names. I could’ve also mentioned guys who aren’t superstars for their teams but are almost definitely going to make a career out of being Good and Useful.
(and can we take a minute to appreciate how well the dallas stars drafted in 2017? holy shit.)
Disclaimer: I am not saying that Nolan is never going to come back and turn into a superstar or become Good and Useful. I can only work with what I have in front of me, which is what I’ve presented you with.
The tragedy of this, beyond the fact that he is, at least currently, a draft bust, is that the sheer amount of talent behind him will always be tied to his name. He is never going to be Nolan Patrick anymore and the guys behind him (especially Heiskanen, Makar, and Pettersson) are never going to be themselves. They’re all always going to have their draft order tied to their name. The only difference is that when they speak about Heiskanen or Makar or Pettersson people are going to say they should have gone higher. When they speak about Nolan, they’re going to say he should have gone lower.
I could say more probably (definitely) but I’m already at 1200 words and I did actually still want to talk about the poem even though I don’t expect ANYONE to have read this far LMAO. But on the off chance someone is here because they ALSO have super intense nolpat brain rot… hello. It’s just you and me baby. 
The Poem – Frame by Frame (except for the ones I skip)
Frame Two: “it’s the same when love comes to an end” with Nolan facing the camera and the rest of the Flyers facing away, in the background. 
Fairly self-explanatory I think, but sometimes OP places the text in specific locations that make my brain explode and I needed to emphasize the importance of specifically putting “when love comes to an end”  over the Flyers. 
Once upon a time, the Flyers were Nolan’s team and Nolan was supposed to be the Flyers’ future. Their highest draft pick since 2007. Things fell apart and the organization fell out of love with him (did they ever have enough time to fall in love with him?) and he fell out of love with the organization. 
Frame Three: “or the marriage fails and people say they knew it was a mistake” over an aerial shot of Nolan over the Flyers logo.
I mean. All you have to do is change some words, right? The draft fails, people say they knew it was a mistake. 
Draft bust.
Need I say more?
And the solo aerial shot… because who bears the emotional pain of being a failed top prospect? That former top prospect and no one else. He is alone in his knowledge that he wasn’t good enough and he alone must face the words people say about him in the aftermath. 
Frame Six: “like being there by that summer ocean on the other side of the island while love was fading out of him” over a shot of Nolan and some other Flyers on the bench, waiting to give high fives to their teammates.
If I want to overanalyze this I could talk about how ‘the island’ is the Flyers as a team, ‘on the other side’ refers to how he felt distanced from the team or like he was never truly a part of them (because he felt like he was a disappointment?), and ‘while love was fading out of him’ could refer to the fact that Nolan very probably requested his trade out of Philly.
On the other hand, if I wanted to break my own heart, I could talk about how the person whose love was fading out of them is actually the Flyers organization and fans as a vague entity who, once full of love and hope for their first SOA in a decade, were now turning sour on the failed top prospect whose future will probably never stop being shaped like a giant question mark. 
But I don’t want to do either, so let’s pretend I said nothing, okay?
Frame Eight: “the stars burning so extravagantly those nights that anyone could tell you they would never last” over a shot Nolan in a celly with the team.
I actually included the lines on Frame Seven to provide context because I, once again, just want to talk about OP’s placement of the words. Specifically the “they would never last” that sort of outlines Nolan’s figure. 
If I think too hard about it I will get sad so just take a second to think about how bright a SOA must shine for a fanbase and a team and how much everyone always expects from a high draft pick and then just take a moment to appreciate the beauty and pain in OP outlining Nolan with the words “they would never last” and let’s just all agree to move on so I don’t get even more sad.
Frame Nine & Ten: “I believe Icarus was not falling as he fell, but just coming to the end of his triumph” over a shot of Nolan leaving the bench with TK still on it (9) & Nolan in a celly with the team. 
I lumped these two frames because they’re important to go together, right? Not just to keep the full quote intact, but also because it shows that Nolan’s time in Philly wasn’t just a tragedy.
He had guys like TK, who became like a brother to him (at least from the way they portrayed their friendship to the fans) and he had his team who loved him, regardless of the expectations the organization had laid out that he was failing to meet. 
I call his story a tragedy, and I genuinely think it is one, but it is probably wrong to reduce it to solely a tragedy. Maybe his time in Philly contributes to the overall tragedy of his story, but on its own? How can I reduce the love he found in Philly to only a footnote in the overarching tragedy?
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avrablake · 2 years
Happy Monday!
How’s writing going for you recently? Any new blorbos invading your brain and refusing to leave?
Hi! Thanks for sending an ask from the shack. Hope it treated you well.
I don't have any new blorbos currently (at least not from my brain), but I can tell you about the blorbos taking most of my brain space at the moment.
I've been working on a side story about Iris and Nolan, in preparation for February. I am having a lot of fun with it.
The thing that is surprising me is just how much of an awkward dork young Nolan actually is. Like I already knew that he had some anxiety about socializing and public speaking, but he is exceeding my expectations. I am loving him more and more and can't wait to update his character a bit in my other wips.
Here's some things about his personality and life that have come out so far:
he feels uncomfortable socializing with his peers
he'd much rather stay with the older adults talking about politics and military strategy
he gets a little too excited about these topics sometimes. when he's supposed to be stoic and sophisticated
he wants to follow in his father's footsteps
basically his military career is more than just a job to him. It's actually his passion
which is super interesting considering where he ends up (spoilers I'm not telling)
he's not so eager to be a central figure in social circles
That's it so far. He's just about to meet Iris for the first time and she is going to rock his world.
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frownyalfred · 1 month
I came across a post where someone mentioned that Martha Wayne’s pearls were actually her teeth, but Bruce misremembered or blocked it out…
This has to be one of the most heartbreaking and gut-wrenching headcanons I’ve ever encountered about Martha and Bruce. Just imagine the scene—her teeth falling out instead of the pearls, either from the impact of the bullet or from the way she fell and hit her mouth.
The imagery is so disturbing and visceral. It adds a whole new layer of trauma to Bruce’s memory, making his recollection of that night even more tragic.
Also— I feel like we don’t talk enough about what the Waynes’ deaths must have really been like…
The thought that Bruce might have been splattered with his parents’ blood, or even brain matter, from the impact. .. I feel like the writers never really specified where exactly they were shot or what kind of gun was used, which could have made the injuries even more horrifying depending on the weapon. The unease in his father’s voice—something foreign that Bruce had probably never heard before—from a man who was usually so optimistic and confident, might have been the first time Bruce saw his father truly scared. And then there’s his mother’s screams. In Christopher Nolan’s movies, Martha’s screams still haunt me to this day. The actress did an incredible job capturing that raw terror.
But what really gets me is the time. How long did Bruce stand there, in the pool of his parents’ blood, waiting for someone to come and help him? Did he try to pick up his mother’s pearls, or maybe try to stop the blood from pouring out of their wounds? That time must have felt like an eternity for him—standing there, powerless, with his parents’ blood on his hands, the smell of rot from the nearby trash, the powder of the gunshot lingering in the air, the city’s humidity, and the iron tang of blood.
And another chilling thought: what if his parents died with their eyes open? The idea of Thomas Wayne’s lifeless eyes staring up at his now-traumatized, orphaned son is just devastating.
Anyways, sorry for the ramble… I would love to hear your thoughts !!!
oh my god. yeah…..I mean, yeah. I’m getting smacked speechless by some of these anons today.
I actually saw someone knock all their teeth out once like you’re describing and it is gruesome. seeing teeth where they aren’t supposed to be is horrifying.
I think comics and movie adaptations letting the Waynes get shot somewhere in center mass, away from their faces, by low caliber bullets so they bleed out with last words is a mercy, in some ways.
modern guns could make that scene could look very, very different. I won’t go into them here but…yeah. there’s a reason they die with their faces intact in the comics and most movies, in my opinion. and with a few words or screams, maybe, before they fully die.
but yeah. there’s a world where they both get hit point blank in the head, brain and blood go everywhere, and Bruce has to sit there caked in for a while. until the cops show up, and even then, he probably doesn’t get clean for a while, since he’s covered in the decade’s most haunting crime scene.
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scrunkly-week · 1 month
Hello Tumblr!
You have SCRUNKLIES, right? We do. We have characters we rotate and spin in awful N64 3D models in our minds and explode in our minds and torture in our minds and–
There's a week for them now!
We MADE a week for those guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And we are here to PROVIDE INFORMATION on it to spread the word!!!
We've planned for this week to take place from the 22nd - 28th of August—dubbed thee the Scrunkly Week! A week to show love and appreciation for your favourite fandom characters and ocs. Yours, your friend's, anyone's little guys!
Writing, art, headcanons, info dumping, making memes; any way you can think of showing your love, we allow it, we encourage it. Bottom line is: if your brain is rotting, you're doing it right.
There'll be themed prompt lists for each day of the week, posted here during the lead-up to the event! We encourage all forms of interaction until then as we're working on getting the word out about this cozy little week of ours. Which in itself is becoming our blorbo now, too... it's crazy out here.
We hope to see you then, celebrating your specialist guys alongside us and ours. Follow us to be updated on everything!
Stay awesome,
☆ Clink (she/they, 20 y/o, main blog: @logicaldelta)
⊗ Nolan (he/him+, 17 y/o, main blog: @derpoprime)
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daniegraceg · 1 year
The Drive in
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A Joel miller smut drabble
Warnings: smut, fingering, 69, cum eating, face riding, exhibitionism, grinding, squirting, public sex, car sex, uummm I think that's it? Lemme know if I missed anything!!
This has been rotting in my brain. You go to the drive in to see Barbie and Oppenheimer. Just who do you meet there? The Miller Brothers, of course. Sexy hijinks ensue.
“SHIT!! We didn’t get first!” Andy yells with a slam of her wrist.
“HA! I told you we wouldn’t. Pay up bitch!” You giggle. “Knew we left too late for first.” She reluctantly hands you a $5 bill.
Nevermind The fact that you were SECOND in line. The best was whether you’d be first in line, do you won.
“Sorry ladies!” A tall, muscular man said, stepping out of the passenger side of the truck in front of you, smirk plastered on his face. “Names Tommy, this here’s Joel. Maybe next time we can all ride together, get there at the same time.” He gives you a wink, earning him an eyeroll in return.
“That’s presumptuous.” You laugh “ you thought that’d work on me?” Tommy shrugs with a chuckle.
“Worked on mmeee” your friend Andy laughs, twirling her hair, giving heart eyes to Tommy.
“Oh christ.” You roll your eyes and sigh. Turning ti Joel, you introduce uourself. “That’s Andy. I take it yall are more here for the 2nd movie, huh?” taking in his distinct lack of PINK in his attire.
“Hmph, yeah. Tommy claimed its “more economical to go ahead seeing it here stead of just seeing Oppenheimer. Think he secretly does wanna see Barbie.” He smiles and winks at you and you’re weak in the fucking knees. You won’t let him onto that though.
“Hmm. I can totally see that. Ain’t nothing wrong with that.” You smile “pretty sure it’s sacrilegious to see this movie without any pink on. The barbie gods may smite you.”
“Who says I ain’t got any on” his eyes trail up and down your body “under my clothes.”
You can feel the heat rushing to your cheeks, hoping he doesn’t see.
He does, egging you on with a smirk.
So, you smirk back.
“Well, I’d love to see proof, but alas, I’m pretty sure it has to be somewhere a PG-13 Barbie can see. So here,” you take out your pink scrunchie, grab his hand, lift it to boob level, and slip it on his wrist, “take this. Should keep you sage from barbies wrath” you give him a wink and see his lip visibly quiver.
“Why thank ya ma’am. I owe you my life.” He says as he repeats the same motion as you did, only this time lifting your hand to his mouth, planting a soft kiss on your hand. Grinning as he drops your hand from his mouth.
Ohh, this will be fun.
You give him a small half grin and raise your eyebrow, head cocked to the side.
He smirks back and god its glorious.
“Guess I don’t need to ask ya which one you’re here for.” Joel says, eliciting a faux shocked gasp in return.
“How dare you sir! I’m into both! I’m a huge history nerd, especially anything revolving WW2 & Christopher nolan fan, And of course I love Barbie – its BARBIE. Plluuss Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling, I mean come on.”
Joel lets out a laugh and throws his hands up “Fair enough, ya got me there. My apologies.”
“you’re forgiven just this once” you wink at him with a smile.
“so, what do ya do when you’re not at the drive in?” Joel asks you, looking a bit nervous all of a sudden.
“Oh ya know, causing mayhem” you joke. “I don’t get a whole lot of free time honestly, I’m a single mom to two kids so they’re a fucking handful. “ you sheepishly rub your hands in your neck, thinking you may have just fucked your chances for a hookup.
“She’s also a fucking DOCTOR. Why don’t you ever lead with that?!” Andy yells, pulling her mouth from Tommy’s long enough to speak.
“OOHHH a doctor? Damn Joel, she may be outta your league, brother.” Tommy retorts with a smirk before their mouths are on each other again.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “I’m not like a surgeon or some shit. I have my doctorate in psychology, I’m a therapist.”
Joel lets out a low whistle with a smile, “still hell of impressive darlin. How long ya been doing that?”
“about 3 years or so, got a late start with schooling. But I specialize in children’s therapy. How about you? What do you do?”
“Oowee! That takes a hell of a person to do that . Me? I’m a contractor, uh, both Tommy and I are, nothing glamorous.”
“HM, a man that’s good with his hands..” you smirk at him again and see his Adam’s apple Bob in his throat as you snake a hand up his arm. “you must be good with wood too huh?” you chuckle as you feel goosebumps form under your touch.
Youre too focused on this little game you’re playing with Joel that you don’t hear a few more cars pull in behind you. Apparently, neither does Andy, jumping in the air out of surprise as some women get out of the car behind you and yell “Hi Barbie!” to you both.
“HI Barbie!” You holler back with a big smile on your face. “LOVE your outfit! Did you make that belt?!”
Now Andy is joining you and all the women are talking excitedly about each other’s Barbie themed outfits.
“Are they your kens?” one of the women ask, eyeing Joel up and down with a grin. You feel your cheeks get hot inexplicably.
“Oh, uh, n-“ you start before Joel is interrupting you.
“yup, evenin Barbies.” Joel says while wrapping an arm around your waist, sending heat pooling to your core and utterly soaking your panties.
“Damn, lucky Barbie” she smiles at you with a wink.
“Hope that was OK darlin’” Joel whispers in your ear. “just not interested in any other Barbie tonight..” he says as his eyes roam up and down your body causing your whole body to shiver.
“Fine by me” you smile as you lean your body into him more. “could have fun with it, make up a whole backstop of our love” you laugh.
Joel cocks his head with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. “hm, sounds intriguing. Whatcha got in mind?”
You spend the next half hour making up elaborate story lines, laughing together at the different absurd situations. Finally, the gates open and you each get into your respective vehicles to park.
Joel and tommy park with their truckbed towards the screen, situating right in the middle of thr back row for the best view. You and Andy follow suit right behind them, the back of your VW Hippie bus parked with a full view of the screen as well, right next to their truck.
You all bring out some lawn chairs and set them near your tailgates. It’s still over 2 hours until sundown when the movie starts, giving you plenty of time to talk more before the movie starts.
“ooohh we should get some food before it gets really busy!” Andy exclaims to you.
“yyeesss. Popcorn sounds divine, let’s go” you say back.
“You ladies sit tight, well get it for ya.” Joel says with a smile, eyes crinkling even more under the Texas sun.
The men get your food orders and head off to the concession stands.
“you and Joel should take the van, me and tommy will take the truck.” Abby excitedly says as soon as she’s sure they’re out of ear shot.
“We barely know them! And there’s people around!” you’re not all that shocked at your friends brazen statement, she’s always been more sexually free than you.
“don’t need to know em to let them make us feel good” she replies with a devilish grin on her face. “and the van is enclosed, if you shut the door, their truck has a topper which is more than fine for me. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want, but I wanna fuck Tommy in that truck. I gotta do it soon so once the movie starts I can focus and watch it.”
You gave her a side eye as you said, “thought this was supposed to be a girls night?”
“It still is! Just, wish some extra people! Come oonn, im not gunna he able to focus on the movies if im so fucking horny!” she whined.
You rolled your eyes at her attempt at puppy dog eyes. You let out a long laugh before finally conceding.
“Alright, alright. Enough of that” you laugh.
She let’s out an excites squeal right when Joel and tommy are making their way back to you, prompting confused looks from both of the men.
You awkwardly cough before saying “She’s just really excited for barbie.”
Joel smirks at you as Tommy smirks at Andy, both letting out an disbelieving “mmhhmm”
“Hey joel!” Andy says, face beaming, “you should have her show you how she’s decked out the inside of the van, it’s very cool”
Joel’s cheeks tint pink as he says “uh, sure, if that’s alright with you, darlin’”
“Oh! Uh yeah, absolutely, come on!” you say with a smile to Joel, leading him into your “hippie van”
Before you close the doors you hear Andy say to Tommy, “You. Me. Your truck. Now.”
Tommy replies “yes ma’am.” Before they’re locked away in the truck.
Joel lets out a laugh. “she aint one for subtly, is she?”
“Never once in all the years ive known her have I seen her be subtle” you laugh too.
“nice digs ya got here” Joel says, eyes roaming around the van. “very hippie vibes” he laughs.
“Thanks! That’s exactly what I was going for!” you respond with a smile.
The seats have been replaced with pillows scattered on the floor, blankets, a giant bohemian style pillow underneath the stacks.
“this looks like something you’d see at Woodstock, and it’s fucking amazing. You do all this yourself darlin'?” Joel asks, still taking in the everything.
“sure did! And that’s also the vibes I was going for!” you laugh again, plopping down on the pillows. You pat the spot next to you to get Joel to lay by your side. He comes and lays next to you, so close your bodies are touching and it shoots electricity through your body.
“We uh, still have some more time to kill before the movie starts…” you say as you turn your body to face his.
He smirks and follows suit, turning on his side so he’s facing you as well. His hand comes up a brushes a stray hair out of your face. “Hm. That’s true. Whatever will we do with our time?” he inches hid body just a little closer to yours.
“I bet we could think of a few things” you smile, moving your body even closer to his. You’re close enough to feel his heart beating through his shirt, can feel his jeans tightening at his waist.
“Can I kiss you, sweetheart?” he asks with a look in his eyes like he’s worried you’ll say no.
How could you ever say no to those eyes.
“of course, Joel” you smile.
The next thing you know he’s cupping your face. Enveloped in his large hand, running a thumb a long your jaw before he’s pulling you in for a kiss. Gentle at first, cautious, until you start deepening the kiss, desperate for tastes of him.
You glide your tongue a long his lip, asking for entrance and he accepts, moaning softly into your mouth. His hands move to the back of your head , burying itself in your hair.
You hitch your leg over his and roll your self so you’re straddling his lap. You both let out a moan when your aching cunt runs over his bulging cock just begging to be free from its denim prison.
His hands land on your thighs, squeezing lightly before sliding back to cup your ass.
He swiftly pulls you forward, bringing you impossibly closer, eliciting a squeal of delight from you.
“hush now darlin, you don’t want everybody hearing us do you?” he smiles before placing his soft lips on your collar bone.
He sucks a tender spot on your neck, making you let out a needy moan. “I probably sshouldn’t, bbbuuutttt, it’s kind of hot”
Joel stops what he’s doing and looks up at you, eyes dark with lust. For a moment you worry you’ve said the wrong thing.
Joel’s eyes darken even more and a smirk spreads across his face. “Dirty, dirty girl” he licks his lips as his hand traces further up your thigh, eyes not leaving yours. “You want them to hear you moan? Hear you cum? Hear how well you take my cock?”
his right hand dips below your waistband until its on your pussy, gathering the slick there as Joel lets out a guttural groan. His left hand rounds the back of your head, pulling your head closer to his so his lips are right by your ear.
“Fuck, baby. Answer me. Do you like other people listening to you?” he starts to push a finger inside you, making you gasp. “Hm?”
“yes, fuck. Yes, Joel. I fucking love it” you pant out as your hips grind, seeking the relief of friction.
“mm, s’what I thought” Joel sinks another finger into your pussy causing you to cry out in pleasure. He keeps his hand there, pressed between your bodies, fingers inside you and the heel of his palm rutting against your clit. His other hand slides down you back, expertly unhooking your bra strap before he chucks it to the side.
The thin straps of your tank top are barely enough to offer much coverage, especially now without your bra. Joel makes quick work of pulling your shirt down so your breasts spill over the top.
“God, you are so fucking gorgeous” he says as he licks his lips. With his hand still down your pants he uses his other hand to push your chest closer to his face. “look at these fucking perfect tits” he adds before taking a breast into his mouth, his tongue dancing around your nipple.
You let out a loud moan at the different sensations, relishing in the way his body feels against yours. You can feel how hard he is through his jeans and your mouth waters at the thought of his cock inside you.
“F-FUCK Joel. I’m so close. That feels so fucking good. Don’t stop.”
Suddenly his hand pauses and he releases your nipple from his mouth with a loud pop.
“What the fuck?” you breathe out, trying to catch your breath. You quickly look around to see what reason he would have for stopping.
He meets your eyes with a smirk. “I know you can ask nicer than that sweetheart”
You briefly glare at him before rolling your eyes. “Really? That’s rude” you say as you stick your tongue out at him.
Joel lets out a laugh and smiles at you with a twinkle in his eyes. “Come on baby, ask nicely and I’ll give you what you want.”
You cock your eyebrow at him before finally giving in and asking “please?”
“Now, I know you can do better than that sweetheart.” He puts the smallest amount of pressure back on your clit and starts moving his fingers inside you achingly slow. The movement makes you gasp.
“Oh, fuck.” You moan. “Please, baby, please let me cum” you finally get the words out of your mouth.
Joel resumes the quicker pace with a smile on his face. “course baby, all ya had to was ask”
He skillfully fingers your pussy while still using his palm against your clit. His hands rotate from your hair, to your ass and your tits. Touching each part of you in a way that makes you squirm with delight. He’s surrounding you, you’re drowning in him and its glorious.
“Come on baby, I know it’s right there. Wanna feel that tight little pussy squeeze my fingers like it’s going to squeeze my cock later.” He grabs a fistful of your hair and tugs while he licks, nips and sucks at your neck.
That’s all that you need to tip you right over the edge, loud moan escaping from your lips. He helps you ride through your orgasm, not pulling his fingers out until your panting stops, head falling down onto his chest.
You both let out a laugh “God DAMN darlin, you utterly soaked my hand” he laughs again while kissing your neck. “now I’m going to need you to do that to my face”
“what?” you laugh, but before you can say anymore he’s situating his face under your pussy, taking your shorts and panties with him as he goes. He drags his tongue down your slit, grabbing your thighs and pulling down so you’re sitting on his face.
“Oh my God!” you yell out as you start to grind on his face. You hear him moan from beneath you. You look behind you to see him straining against those jeans. You decide that needs urgent fixing.
You lift your ass off of him enough that you can rotate your body. You situate yourself so you’re now facing his cock. You reach your hands down and undo his jeans. Your mouth waters as his cock springs free.
Joel’s hips rut into the air, searching for friction as his hands keep a firm grip on your thighs. His mouth still eagerly lapping up everything you’re giving him.
You lean down and pepper his soft stomach with kisses. You lips touch him in every place except where he wants you the most. You smirk every time his cock twitches in anticipation for your mouth.
You let a string of saliva hang down from your mouth and drip onto his rock hard cock, spreading it around with your hand a bit before finally taking him into your mouth.
He let’s out a loud moan, muffled by your pussy still rocking against his lips. Your tongue wraps around his head first, tasting his salty pre cum as you groan before taking him further in your mouth. He’s big, nearly too big but you’re not about to stop now.
You Bob your head up and down as his tongue works your clit. After he’s already coaxed one orgasm out of you, it doesn’t take long before you feel that familiar sensation start to bubble up again. You suck on him harder, hallowing your cheeks to take him as much as you can.
His hands snake around you and grab hold of your tits, fingers twisting around your nipples causing you to scream out in pleasure. Your second orgasm rips through you and you feel yourself squirt all over Joel’s face.
The both of you are breathing heavy and you roll off of Joel onto your side.
“fuck, that was so hot baby. You have the most perfect pussy I’ve ever seen, and the best tasting” he says, face in a wide grin as he swipes some of your juices off of his face and sucks the taste off his fingers.
“Now, can I fuck that pretty pussy with my cock darlin?” he asks, dark eyes raking over your body, licking his lips.
“Oh, fucking please put your cock in me, Joel.” You reach behind you to a small container and grab a condom from it. You carefully rip it open with your teeth, gaining a playful smile from Joel. “Come here” he’s on top of you, cock dancing above where you need him the most. You take the condom and unroll it down his long shaft. He let’s out a needy groan as you do.
He kneels down and lines himself up with your entrance. You both let out a long groan as he fills you to the brim.
“Fuck baby you feel absolutely perfect.” He moans out as his cock goes in and out of you, slowly so you feel every inch of him.
“God, Joel you feel absolutely amazing.” His body is totally pushed down on yours , he finally strips his shirt off so his bare skin is pressed against his chest, you tits heaving against him.
He starts pounding into you harder, causing both of you to yell out in pleasure. The van fills with the lewd sounds from both of you and the sound of skin slapping against skin.
You lean yourself up take his face in your hands so you can taste his lips again. He eagerly sucks and nips at your lips, sending a wave of arousal straight through you.
“Joel, Joel I- I need-“ you stammer out in between kisses.
“What is it? What do you do need sweetheart?” Joel asks while still pounding into you.
“I- I need to ride you.”
Joel’s eyes get even darker as he pulls his head back to look at you before smiling “Yes ma’am”
He sits down with his back steady against the wall of the van. His eyes are darting everywhere on you. Drinking up the sight of you while he can.
You sink to your knees in front of him, just above his throbbing cock. You gently guide yourself down onto him, moaning at the feeling of him stretching you just fucking right.
You slide your arms around his neck and take his mouth to yours again. Slowly starting to rut your hips as you do, feeling him hit spots no man ever has before.
“God damn. Look at you pretty girl, taking this cock so well.” Joel mutters in a half delirious state, utterly drunk on you. “I need you to give me another, can you do that for me sweetheart?”
You let out a shaky nod as you move your hips more. Allowing the feeling of his to completely overwhelm your senses.
“Ttthhaatttss it. Atta girl. Make yourself cum on my cock.” Joel’s praise is close to tipping you over the edge again, you can feel it building up but you’re too fucked out to form words. All you can do is moan and whine for him, he plants more kisses on your mouth, swallowing the precious noises you’re making.
Joel reaches down between your bodies to rub at your clit while you ride him. It doesn’t take long before that rubber band finally snaps and he sends you hurtling into your next orgasm, completely soaking his cock and his lap.
“Fuck yes, that’s my good girl!” Joel moans out as he starts pushing his cock into you from below, chasing his own high right behind yours.
When your orgasm is finished you let your head drop to his chest, both heaving. You both stay like that, you sitting on his lap, for a while. Both just holding each other and drinking up that post sex bliss.
You’re interrupted when you hear a knock on van and Tommy’s voice cuts through “hey lovebirds, movies starting in a few minutes”
Your eyes go wide as you suddenly realize just how public you are. And how loud you were. Joel seems to have this same realization, the same look in his eyes mirrors your own. You both let out a laugh at the same time, too.
“Welp, should we, uh, head out to go watch the movies?” Joel asks.
“gotta find our clothes first” you let out a laugh again.
The two of you find your clothes and you try to fix your hair so it doesn’t scream “we just fucked in there” but without much luck. Tommy and Andy already have the blankets and such laid out on the ground between the two vehicles.
“You two sounded like you had fun” Andy says, smiling in that annoyingly knowing way.
You try to hide your embarrassment but it’s no use. “do you think many people heard?”
“Nah, not outside of a 100 mile radius” Tommy laughed, earning him the middle finger in return. Tommy not-so-subtly winks at Joel and mouths “good job” at him.
“Ahhhh!! It’s starting!” Andy cuts him off with a shriek.
Joel’s leaning back against the van so you settle in between his legs, your back to his chest as the trailers start playing. He fidgety with your hand in his, gliding his fingers over your skin.
“So, I was thinkin..” he says.
You turn to face him, smiling wide nd taking his hand in yours.
“Careful, don’t overheat yourself” you joke as you nudge his chest playfully, he gifts you a warm smile in return.
“Ha, ha” he chuckles. “I was actually thinking, maybe one of these days I could take you out. Like, on a proper date. If – if you’d want, that is”
You smile even wider at him now, unable to hide your excitement.
“Yeah, yeah I’d love that.”
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crismakesstuff · 11 months
We both call Nolan and Debbie middle aged whores, so either we've talked on AO3 before or I made an extra right call following you on here lol (s/o to you being one of two invincible blogs I follow so I don't have to go into the tags and deal with The Public)
nolan and debbie occupy so much of my brain space, spinning around like a microwave
(My live reaction to getting this ask omg)
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and I feel u w that, I will say that thankfully invincible fandom on here (so far) is rly chill. it’s rly like 11 people and a bag of chips it’s just a bunch of silly lil gay ppl making art and brain rotting ab these little cartoons
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Ok, please tell me I’m not the only one who’s a simping hoe for Rocket Raccoon. His personality is just so awesome! He’s funny, his sweet deep down, he’s a good dad, he’s super smart, he’s amazing with his hands, he’s snarky, he’s loyal, he’s a gun man, ALL of these things I love in a man. Also HIS VOICE. Bradley Cooper and Nolan North have the best voices for Rocket, they’re so hot. I’m gonna admit it, whenever I watch Vol 1 and Rocket goes “oh… yeah…” I still get a little flustered.
I’m telling you, if I met a guy who had Rockets personality… all I’m saying is “swiggity swooty I’m commin for that booty.”
I’m suffering through Rocket brain rot right now, and I’ve honestly been thinking about making an 18+ server called Rockets Harem where we all can come together and simp for this amazing character. Please feel free to DM me if you wanna simp over Rocket with me, and if this post gets enough likes, I’ll make the server. Thank you all for reading through my brain rot
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appatary8523 · 7 months
BTW if you want to come with me in this Fortnite brain rot sick trip thing, follow me at my sideblog @nolan-chance where I post things about no-ones favorite self proclaimed mastermind Nolan Chance (picture below), DiamondChance (no one's favorite Fortnite crackship), Fortnite art (two things) and fics (one FINALLY COMPLETED, GIVE ME A CHANCE IS COMPLETE, GIVE IT A CHANCE AND READ IT), and Fortnite reblogs and nothing else
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This is him, look at his ugly face, he obviously thinks he's better than the rest but clearly isn't
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eurydicees · 1 year
perhaps a take that should stay in the drafts but the way the oppenheimer movie is being like. tumblr-ified makes me just a little uncomfortable. and i haven’t seen the movie and don’t plan to so maybe christopher nolan does it well and respectfully and tactfully but even if he does , the way y’all are talking about it is. not that. it’s literally a biopic but are we. yk. forgetting what happened.
and i get that it’s more complex than ~one man is insatiably evil~ or whatever but like. y’all r rly writing fanfiction about that man? did the atomic bomb justification debates in usamerican middle school history classes rot your brain or something? are u really that hooked on a christopher nolan movie that you’re forgetting like. literal history of less than a century ago?
like some of y’all are joking but. idk. some of u appear to be dead serious about being horny for the atomic bomb man and that scares me a bit ngl. and like even some of the jokes about barbenheimer r a little. ok. i fucking guess you can say that and face no repurcussions. idk. maybe i’m being dramatic. but i just looked in the tag out of morbid curiosity and saw a teacher x student oppenheimer x reader fic and i’m getting concerned about the places this is going. idk. maybe i’m just being. sensitive.
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nicohischier · 1 year
my favorite thing is that the paragraphs had their own titles like you were serious about your brainrot but like anyways you asked How can I reduce the love he found in Philly to only a footnote in the overarching tragedy? and its simple the love is part of the tragedy it didnt change anything. it didnt save anyone. but it was there
oh? are you saying that there is something about me writing 2000 words and breaking it into sections and actually using proper capitalization for once that implies i was serious about my brain rot? blasphemy.
but... yeah. yeah that's it, isn't it? the love was there. he wasn't jack, who went to a fanbase and an organization that resented him for not being connor and had rumours that he was a bad presence in the locker room. he was nolan, who went to a team that loved him and wanted him and cared for him. but it wasn't enough. it didn't make him healthy, it didn't stop his migraines, it didn't stop him and the organization from giving up on each other. it didn't stop the tragedy from being a tragedy.
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whomerlockwood · 1 year
"All these Barbie posts will give you brain rot. Go to watch Oppenheimer. Christopher Nolan stood up against the executives in order to be able to make it. That's a film worth watching. The only thing I don't like is the anti-war propaganda."
Hmm, have you considered watching Barbie, Danzou-dono? I believe you and Ken share some similarities, what with standing in someone else's shadow all your life and all.
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avrablake · 1 year
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. 🎶🎧💜
Iris and Nolan are rotting my brain lately. These songs make me feel things
Dancing without music by BRDGS
Cannonball by The Sweeplings
Walk through the fire by Zayde Wolf
Dancing in a daydream by Roses and Revolutions
The Scientist by Coldplay
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bcofl0ve · 11 days
someone tell that idiot you’re arguing with that Nolan was hired for the Batman series he did. Also many great directors do work that they didn’t develop initially. The brain rot on film twitter is ridiculous at this point.
some people just have rocks rolling around inside their head
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