#like come on they never covered that he was apparently in the library when the beast attacked
mmoosen · 2 months
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
i am sending a mass text to @thiamsxbitch @maplesyrizzup and @stitchkiss to hide in somebody's backyard or basement
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
My parents nickname for me when I was younger / to this day is Moose so I took the correct name for a group of Moose and I became Mmoosen
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
as a Nolan stan, I love this gif so much and @alphaboyd did more for his character than J*ff D*vis could hope to
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he opens the mail
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Captain Price opens a package, thinking it’s intel, but it’s a sex pollen. The only cure? Your pussy, apparently.
Warning: sex pollen tropes, extremely dubious consent, attempt at satire?, angry john price
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“We’re never going to make this deadline. Laswell’s gonna kill me,” you complained, burying your head in the pile of envelopes and packages strewn over your desk. 
“Did this to yourself, lass. Shoulda been keepin’ up with intel duty. Wee bit at a time, ‘s what I say,” Soap patted you on the shoulder, feigning pity. 
You spent hours combing through the documents, and by the time everyone had gone to bed, your fingers were covered in paper cuts, and your vision was blurry from squinting at the poorly scrawled Cyrillic words. 
You thought you were alone, and as you stood up to stretch and refill your coffee mug, Captain Price opened up the office door, scaring you half to death. 
“Oh, hey Corporal,” he smiled and then furrowed his brow, “What are you still doing here?”
You sighed, pointing to the piles of documents,
“Laswell’s intel backlog. I’m the only one with a Level 3 linguistics cert for Russian, so here I am. Gonna be an all-nighter.”
He closed the door and sat down across from your seat, digging into the pile, 
“I’m Level 3. Let’s finish it.”
“Captain, you don’t have to do that. I’m sure you’ve got more important things…”
Price shook his head, taking off his hat and hanging it on the chair back,
“Nah, tha’s alright, love. I’ll help ya. Get us a tea, yeah?”
You knew how he took his tea, and you hated that you did. Secretly, you were obsessed with him. He was always around, smelling like balsam wood and tobacco, looking like a gladiator, huge and capable in the most masculine way. It was hard to concentrate when he was nearby. Now that he had offered to help, you had to grin and bear it. 
You worked together for a while, chatting, even laughing. It was nice. You had so much in common, the conversation flowed easily, and you found yourself much more at ease. Finally, three packages remained. You opened the first one and found little more than phone records for a local library. Unhelpful to say the least. Price opened a water bill, and he recognized the address of a recent Konni base location. Any intel at this point felt like a celebration. Then, the final box. 
“Go on then. Show us the ending,” he smiled, handing it to you. 
“Couldn’t take the joy of ripping up the last letter, Captain. Be my guest,” you smiled. 
He chuckled, tearing into the envelope. In a flash, bright pink powder sprayed him directly in the eyes, and he writhed in pain, pinching them shut, his whole body going stiff. 
“Fuck me!” He shouted. 
“Hang on,” you ran over to the sink in the kitchenette, “Here’s some water. Get that shit out of your eyes.”
“Don’t,” he moved away from you like you were on fire, “Don’t touch me. Might be contagious.”
Your chest was rising and falling with your labored breathing, and you were immediately worried. You reached for your phone and called Laswell.
“Laswell, Price got anthraxed by one of the intel letters. What do you want us to do?”
She gasped, 
“What? Shit. I’m on my way.”
She hung up on you. You watched Price slowly try to open his eyes. They were stained hot pink from the powder. 
“You alright?” You asked him. 
“Yeah, love,” he sighed, “Doesn’t hurt anymore. Feeling strange though. Laswell said she’s coming?”
You nodded,
“Yeah, just in case.”
He nodded, running his hand along the inside of his collar. The captain was sweaty and a little pale. 
“Captain, are you okay?”
“Mmm, no,” he shook his head, “Something’s not right, love.”
He stood and went to the sink, washing as much of the powder off as he could. You moved away from him and stationed yourself across the room, praying for Laswell to hurry. 
Price was in a bad way. He took off his shirt, and he was still dripping with beads of sweat. You tried not to stare, but his temperature wasn’t the only thing heating up. His huge cock was making a prominent tent in his pants, but he was in too much pain to bother hiding it. You felt yourself blushing, and you willed yourself to pull it together. 
“…fuckin’ hell,” his hand went to his crotch to squeeze his length, trying to find some relief, “Sorry, love.”
“It’s okay,” you said politely, trying to breathe normally, but feeling the slick rush melt between your legs. 
“It’s makin’ me…feel…bloody hell. I can’t hold it off. Can…can you…? No! No, what the fuck am I sayin’? No,” he shook his head, rubbing his hands down his face, hot and very bothered. 
You inched closer to him,
“If I haven’t been affected yet, I’m sure it’s okay. How should I help you?”
“No! No, stay back. I’m not…I can’t think straight. My mind’s got one thing on it,” he shoved his hands beyond his zipper and began to jerk himself off, his dick making lurid noises with his hand. 
You hated seeing him so helpless. You moved to his side,
“Cap, it’s okay. Let me help you.”
His hand was around your throat in milliseconds. Price shoved you against the wall and began to kiss your mouth, furiously laving his tongue against yours. 
“No, no, no,” he whispered through his kisses, not bothering to pull away as he spoke his lamentations. 
You made the mistake of putting your hands on his chest to steady yourself. He moaned, trembling beneath your touch,
“Ahh, careful.”
“Sorry,” you pulled your hands away, still trapped in his firm grip around your neck, “did I hurt you?”
“No, doesn’t hurt.”
He said it in a way that darkly implied your touch was igniting a different kind of fire. You put your hands back where they were, and his eyes shot open, piercing through yours with a lustful rage. Unexpectedly, he ripped off your shirt and lay you down on the black leather couch in the corner of the office. He crushed you with his weight, kissing you deeply. 
Then, your phone rang. He didn’t allow you to pause, so it went to voicemail. It rang again. You were getting just as hot as he was, and you weren’t that interested in who was looking for you in the middle of the night. Until, however, the door to the office burst wide open and Laswell and Gaz burst through it. 
Price snarled. You’d never heard a man make that noise before. Laswell put her hands on her hips while Gaz tried to shield his face in shock. Laswell rubbed her forehead, frustrated,
“Are his eyes pink, Corporal?”
You escaped his jaws for a moment, 
“Yeah, why?”
“It’s a sex drug. Forces the user to fornicate as it is only passed through the body in seminal fluid, dissolving in the heat of another person’s body. Are you volunteering here? What happened?”
Her tone was so matter of fact, it was a little humorous, if Price’s length wasn’t rutting against you in earnest, you might've laughed. You tried to explain as much as he would allow,
“Got too close… just… happened. How…” you moaned as Price pulled down the strap of your bra and helped himself to your nipple, “How did you know?”
She sighed, typing something into her datapad,
“Checked the incident log from this afternoon. Four more cases of this have popped up in intel collections. Gonna have to screen for it next time.”
She turned to walk out of the office with Gaz, and you called after her,
“Hey, wait! How long does it - oh, fuck… how long does it last?”
Laswell had the audacity to smirk at you, raising her eyebrows and cutting her eyes at Price’s swollen cock, lolling out of his pants, scraping itself against you. 
“Eight hours. Looks like you’re in for a rough night, Corporal. Maybe next time you’ll be more careful.”
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Part 2
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clockwayswrites · 11 months
Both Ways at Once Part 4
WC: 668, Masterpost
Jason inched forward and pressed his ear to the door Tim had just gone through.
“What’s wrong?” Tim asked.
There was silence, then “Where’s Jason?”
That was Dick. He’d been staying at the manor since it all happened. It was a little weird to have him a round like that.
“Asleep. He’s still getting exhausted too easily.”
Dick would buy it, of course he would. For one, it was true; Jason was exhausted. For another, Jason had been good. He rested when he was told. He ate when he was fed. He spent most of his time awake in the library just reading. He was passive.
He may have set them up, but it was their own damn fault if they bought it.
Dick let out a sigh. “Yeah, I know, I’m worried about that. So’s Bruce. They had Constantine bring in another specialist…”
“No good?”
“Don’t know. He sorta…” Dick laughed but it was strung out sounding. “He phased into the cell and then refused to let go of Hood. Or Hood refused to let go of him, we’re not sure. They’re in a meeting room now. According to him, they were basically torturing Hood by keeping him locked up in the Watchtower—”
Jason didn’t hear anything else. Blood was rushing in his ears. They were hurting him.
When he had come to in that basement, Jason had been confused. He hadn’t known how he had gotten there or what was happening. But also he had. Part of him had known, instinctively, that the huge man next to him was important and that they needed to stay close together.
His head had felt like it was splitting in two as what he knew and what was overlapped. His skin had felt too tight, like he had been stuffed into it. Everything had hurt. And so when his family had arrived and whisked him one way and the other man another, Jason had let them.
He had regretted it ever since.
Bruce and Constantine had sat him down the next morning, explaining that he had been hit with a magical spell that affected him mentally and physically. He had been split into two. He wanted to see the other part of him, but they said no. They had to find out more about the situation first, he was told. There could be a magical backlash. It was dangerous. They were keeping him in the dark, that’s what.
Fuck that. Jason had started using his exhaustion and pain as a cover as he worked to find out information. He learned: - The man was called Red Hood (no, not that Red Hood). - Apparently he used to look a lot closer to how Red Hood did. - The memories he knew of the last few years never happened. - They were keeping Red Hood in the Watchtower. - He needed to see him.
Jason was still putting together a plan, and now this consultant had solved one of the biggest problems about how to make it happen, Red Hood was out of his cell. Half baked plan or not, there was no time like the present.
Careful to keep his steps soundless, which was easy enough in the thick socks he wore to desperately try and stay way, Jason crept away from the door and took off to the Bruce’s study. He was grateful that while things about the present overlapped weirdly with his memories, like half dreams and stories, anything before he had… anything before Ethiopia still made sense. Anything after was a crap shoot if it was real.
The hands on the clock turned easily, his thumb print still scanned, and the door still opened. The way to barricade the door from the inside was the same too. It wouldn’t hold any of the Bats for long, but it was enough for Jason to scramble down the steps and over the the Zeta tube.
He just needed Red Hood to hold on.
He would be there soon.
He needed to see him.
AN: So maybe I'm spoiling you all with another update today, but it is dark and stormy and I'm burrowed into a blanket with cats and a headache, and people have been asking about smol!Jason so I felt you all should get to meet him!
Stay delightful and dry, darlings!
I no longer tag people, but you can subscribe to the masterpost to be notified!
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ffsg0jo · 13 days
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𝖆𝖋𝖋𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓[𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘] - 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1
no way. there's absolutely no way you're tutoring sukuna. never in a million years, not if there was a gun to your head, not if.... gojo's willing pay?? maybe you can make arrangements, after all you're always happy to help >_<
college au - various x fem! reader
warnings: swearing, sukuna, ooc characters, mentions of pregnancy (NOT the reader)
w/c: 2500 words+ (somewhat proofread)
a/n: this chapter took so so long and i apologise for that :(( thank you to @storiesoflilies for beta reading and for the encouragement!! and thank you to everyone who left a lovely comment too. they honestly give me so much motivation and energy to write more <33
series masterlist :: general masterlist
join the taglist here to be tagged in future chapters <33
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it was a beautiful and blessed day. somehow, the stars aligned, and you and shoko managed to wrap up your lectures early and go for lunch together. heaven knows you needed a break, and its light truly was shining down on you.
shoko, being a med student, had a packed timetable, and you rarely saw each other. you missed your best friend and spending your free time tutoring was taking a toll on you.
with your lunches comfortably settled into your stomachs, you both turned to your favourite pastime. gossiping.
“you know that one third year?”
“which one shoko? there’s literally hundreds?”
“the rude one, shit i’ve forgotten her name,” shoko rubs her forehead with one hand, a cigarette in the other. she puffs out smoke, manoeuvring her lips so it avoids hitting your face. “with the long brown hair? spilt her drink on you on purpose?”
“ohh you mean yorozu?” you say, finally realising who she was talking about.
you remembered that day like it was yesterday. you were sitting in the library tutoring geto when all of a sudden gojo comes waltzing in looking for him, his entourage hot on his tail.
apparently, yorozu didn’t like geto’s attention being on you (even though you were there for strictly business purposes), and ‘accidentally’ dropped her drink in your lap.
that might’ve been the only time gojo had been somewhat nice to you, grabbing a bunch of tissues from his pocket and offering you his jacket to cover up the stain.
still, it didn’t make up for the other 99 times he was a prick. and it only made yorozu hate you more.
you pause, taking a sip from your mug. “i don’t want to be mean, but she’s such a bitch.”
“she literally made fun of professors toji’s daughter who’s terminally ill, there’s a special place in hell for her,” shoko paused and took a long drag of her cigarette before continuing. “anyways apparently she’s pregnant with that one third year with the facial tattoos.”
your mouth falls open in shock, and the mug nearly falls out of your grasp.
“choso?!? choso got her pregnant?!!? there’s no way, choso would never, he’s so sweet! and if he did he’d tell me!”
“not choso you dumbass. sukuna.”
“oh,” you deadpan. “him.”
sukuna, whilst you’ve had the pleasure of never really interacting, was one of gojo’s little friends. you really didn’t want to judge people on appearances, but sukuna lived up to his expectations.
for the most part, he’d ignore you when gojo relentlessly bothered you. but sometimes you’d catch him giving you the dirtiest and most scathing looks. as if you personally replaced the feathers in his pillow with dog shit. how he and yuuji, the absolute sweetheart of a first year you tutored, were brothers was beyond you.
snorting at the look on your face, shoko brings her cigarette up to her mouth once more.
“wait sukuna?” you said somewhat confused. “i thought she was with geto?”
“they weren’t together. she was fucking both and was trying to sleep with gojo too.”
“how on earth do you know all of this?”
“gojo has a big mouth, and we have lab together.”
you hum in acknowledgement, remembering shoko complaining at the beginning of last semester, about how much of an annoyance he was.
“what about nanami?” you asked, trying to act nonchalant and disinterested. he was part of their friend group, and he could be considered attractive by a lot of people (definitely not your own words), so it was only natural to ask, you rationalise. shoko gives you a pointed look, slightly raising her eyebrow.
“she hasn’t slept with him if that’s what you’re worried about, she thinks he’s ‘too boring’.”
‘too boring my ass’ you mutter to yourself. nanami was one of the best listeners and conversationalists, you know, if not the best. and he was funny! sure, maybe his humour wasn’t for everyone, but his dry and witty remarks had you snorting ten out of ten times.
a part of you almost sighed in relief that nanami hadn’t fallen into her trap. she was beautiful and looked like a model. and whilst you were confident in your looks, you were certain you didn’t stand a chance next to her.
a sudden ping pulls you out of your thoughts. sheepishly apologising to shoko, you turn to put your phone on silent. she waves her hand at your apology and takes one last drag of her cigarette before stamping it out on the ashtray.
you quickly check the notification, eyebrows furring at the unknown number. shoko sees the look on your face and asks if everything’s okay. instead of responding, you show her the message.
‘hey it’s sukuna. need a tutor u free?’
speaking of the devil, you wonder how he got your number and why he thought to message you of all people. probably through yuuji, but he would’ve asked if you were okay with it first. you just got rid of a student, and you wanted some time to yourself. also, sukuna of all people wanted a tutor?!? he barely shows up to lectures and seminars there’s no way he’s serious about studying.
“just ignore him,” shoko said, seeing the turmoil on your face. for once, you decided to agree with her and took her advice. she’s right, you’re not obliged to tutor anyone, especially not someone like sukuna. you were trying to distance yourself from that group to avoid trouble anyway.
sighing you lock your phone, ignoring his message and turning back to shoko.
before long you’ve completely forgotten about his message, caught up in shoko’s wild escapades.
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it had almost been a week since sukuna first messaged you, and you still hadn’t responded. truthfully, sukuna had forgotten about it after a day or two. but then his academic advisor scheduled a meeting for him to discuss his future at the university, and he panicked, suddenly remembering his message.
‘too nice and too scared’ to refuse him his ass. nothing but pure waffle comes out of gojo’s mouth, he doesn’t know why they’re still friends if he’s being honest.
“why the sour face?”
sukuna turns to the girl lying beside him and resists rolling his eyes. he was hoping she’d have left by now, but here she was, on his bed. her hand on his chest was slowly moving further down.
“none ya business, don’t ya have anywhere to be?” he bites back.
the girl’s eyes narrow as she stares at sukuna coldly. retracting her hand, she moves off the bed and picks her clothes up off the floor, taking her time in putting her tights on.
“scan’s next week, baby should be the size of a plum, you coming?”
“’s not mine, go ask the twelve other guys you’ve slept with.”
yorozu falters, her dress still bunched up around her midsection. she turns away from him, rushing to roll her dress down and moves to the door. a part of sukuna feels bad, he really shouldn’t be nasty, but he was adamant the child wasn’t his. even at her insistence on her being on birth control, he never once went without a condom.
once she hurried out of his room, he let out a massive sigh. god, where did it all go wrong? here he was, about to flunk out of uni, potentially be stuck paying child support for the rest of his life, and loveless.
at least his brat brother was doing well. yuuji and sukuna were like night and day, but he thanked every god out there for the way yuuji turned out. sure, he was a little stupid at times, but his brother always gave it his all and had the purest heart. the effort he put into raising yuuji really paid off.
“morning kuna,” yuuji chirped as sukuna walked into the kitchen of their shared apartment. of course, he was already up and making breakfast for the two. “i’d ask if you slept well, but i saw that girl running out of your room.”
sukuna only grunted, scratching his bare stomach in response. yuuji continues scrambling the eggs as sukuna grabs two plates from the cupboards and places them next to the stove.
“dunno why you’re still with her kuna. i support all women, don’t get me wrong, but she’s horrible! the things she’s said about gumi’s sister, i’m embarrassed to know her by association!”
“s’nothing to do with me, quit yappin.”
yuuji side eyes his older brother with a look of disgust on his face. why sukuna insists on sleeping with her is beyond him. he knows for a fact sukuna has zero feelings for the girl and is just using her.
yuuji tuts and shakes his head, plating up the eggs and moving to the dining table where they both tuck in.
“thanks for breakfast brat,” sukuna says, mouth full of food,
“no problem big bro,” yuuji beams.
the youngest itadori glances at his watch and jumps up suddenly, realising the time and leaving his breakfast half uneaten. he runs into his room and comes back out 3 seconds later with a bunch of textbooks and papers.
“(name)’s coming over for our study session, she should be here now.”
you tutored yuuji? since when? just as sukuna’s about to ask his little brother someone knocks on the door of their apartment.
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you were feeling good today. with a lecture in the afternoon, you thought you’d fit in one of your students for an early study session, and who better than yuuji. he worked better in the mornings, and he was a pleasure to teach, so you were actually quite looking forward to it.
you knock on yuuji’s door and anxiously wait for him to open the door. you hear the lock turn, and the door creaks open; your face falls upon seeing who’s on the other side. the universe must hate you.
you’ve never once ran into sukuna whilst tutoring yuuji, thanking your lucky stars every day. but the one time you wanted to avoid him at all costs he’s there in all his glory.
there sukuna’s stood, topless and in his boxers, his bulky torso managing to take up the whole doorframe.
eyes naturally falling to his chest, you notice the tattoos across his body. the rings around his biceps and wrists, the delicious markings across the expanse of his torso, they complement the ones on his face so well, and you can appreciate good art when you see it.
wait, delicious? you snap out of your thoughts and meet sukuna’s gaze, who’s smirking down at you, having noticed your oogling. your face instantly morphs into a scowl.
“take a picture it’ll last longer”
“is yuuji home?” you say, choosing to ignore his words for your own sanity.
“aww you embarrassed about being caught staring?”
“it’s too early for this, if yuuji’s not home i can come back another day.” stepping back, you turn to walk away, but yuuji’s out-of-breath shriek stops you.
“kuna stop bothering her! ‘m here (name), was in a rush getting everything ready, just come in.”
you brush past sukuna, your elbow grazing his warm, bare skin. willing yourself to not think about it, you follow yuuji into the living room, where everything’s set up.
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surprisingly, sukuna leaves you both alone whilst you’re tutoring yuuji, choosing to take his breakfast into his room after forcing yuuji to finish his first. sukuna was many things, but a bad brother was not one of them you realised.
a part of your heart softened seeing him take care of yuuji, glad he had that support system in his life. but the other part of you got the heebie jeebies.
still, the last thing you wanted was sukuna to confront you about his message, knowing you had ignored it. as yuuji’s session was drawing to a close, you started forming an escape plan. if you ran fast enough, you could avoid ever bumping into sukuna on the off chance he decided to confront you. and if you just grabbed your shoes and put them on outside the apartment complex you’d be even quicker!
with your plan ready and all thought out, as soon as yuuji finished his last question, you packed up, said your goodbyes, and bolted towards the door. it was like you had developed tunnel vision, blurring everything out except the door. you were so close, and so far, there was no sign of sukuna. you could do this! you could pull this off!
“leavin without saying goodbye?”
you stopped in your tracks, recognising the irritating voice coming from behind you. maybe if you just ignored him he’d go away?
you couldn’t though, you raised yourself with good enough manners, so begrudgingly, you turn around to face sukuna.
sukuna had a massive smirk on his face. he saw the way you almost ran towards the door, evidently trying to avoid bumping into him. it was actually quite comical, to be honest.
he did feel a little bad for you. you didn’t have the best experiences with him and his friends, so it was somewhat understandable. but gojo would not stop talking about how you were smart and a great tutor, and he really needed someone’s help.
sukuna would never admit it, but the textbook and the hundreds of research papers were completely inaccessible to him. he couldn’t understand the results sections to even decipher whether the results were shown to be significant or not. and why do people accept the null hypothesis? what even is the null hypothesis? and what is that funky little r he sees everywhere?
anyway, the bottom line is he really needed the help. sukuna sighed and realised he needed to come at this from a different angle.
“listen ‘m sorry about ambushing you, but i really need a tutor.”
the apology and defeat in his voice struck you off guard. maybe you were wrong about sukuna. maybe he just had a really angry resting face all those times he stared at you like you murdered his family.
“can’t you ask anyone else,” you replied
“not many people can get through yuuji’s thick skull, so you must be one helluva tutor. and gojo'll pay for your time.”
you raised your eyebrows at that, not believing satoru gojo would be willing to pay you for tutoring someone else. regardless if he truly was, you weren't going to say no to money. especially since he was known throughout the university for his trust fund.
your shoulders dropped, and you looked up at the ceiling, trying to think of what to do. he was being uncharacteristically nice about it, and you can never say no to people when they’re polite. plus the money would be good.
“fine,” you acquiesced. “i’ll do it.”
“wait seriously?”
“yes, but i can only do wednesday afternoons.”
“but not this wednesday, we’ll start next week.”
“got it, next wednesday.”
sukuna was half expecting you to say no, but he’d take it. he gruffly thanked you, saying he’d message you about further details later and left you to put your shoes on in peace.
slipping them on, you mourned your no longer free wednesdays. you’d worry about lesson plans and everything later, but for now, you needed some strong coffee to get you through the rest of the day.
what had you gotten yourself into?
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© ffsg0jo 2024 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work, in any way shape or form; i will piss in your cereal if you do. all work belongs to me and me only.
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kiiwiigii · 10 months
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Alec x Fem! Reader
Summary: Reader is under the impression that her mate, Alec, wants nothing to do with her. He decides to prove her wrong.
Smutty, smut, smut, smut
Blood kink
Dom/Sub vibes
Alec speaking in Italian
I suck at summaries.
Word Count: 3,499
A/N: Requested by the ever lovely @rosedpetal Alec isn't as dark as I wanted him to be, but there's always next time. *wink, wink*
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I remember the moment our eyes met. That luscious pull, full of want and desire. A red string of fate, pulling and pulling until finally, we were right there before each other. I had heard of him, of course. The witch twins had quite the reputation in the vampire world, just how they liked to keep it. 
He simply stared, slightly taken aback and just as surprised as I was. To top it off, we were on opposite sides of what could have easily become a battlefield. I had been called in as a witness for the Cullens. I was somewhat of an anomaly. Only one of three known human and vampire hybrids, including Bella and Edward's child.  
When Aro had extended his hand, it was all over. I was kindly invited to stay in Voltera, with Alec. Everyone was well aware of the fact that the invitation was more of an order, and I accepted. I had wanted to be near him anyways. Who wouldn't want to be near their mate? 
Well, apparently mine. 
I had been here for nearly three months, and he avoided me like the plague. 
When we did speak, our conversations were short and stilted, and he usually wore a pained expression.  
And then I heard the conversation. 
I had been looking through the books on the upper floor of the library, hoping that considering all the books here, there was a section with modern day thrillers. I needed something to keep me sane. 
I heard his voice from below. 
"Master Marcus?" 
"Alec." Marcus answered, voice soft. 
"Is there any way to change it?" 
I backed away from the railing slowly, pressing my back into the shelves. I could still see them both from my position, their silhouettes highlighted by the large fire in the center of the library. 
"This is the second time you have asked me this, Alec." There was a warning in Marcus' tone that I had never heard before. "My answer has not changed." 
"But she's part human!" Alec growled. 
They were talking about me. I clasped my hands over my mouth in an effort to keep quiet, but I couldn't stop the tears. My mate didn't want me. 
Marcus stood suddenly. "Be happy that you have a mate at all, boy." 
Alec suddenly stiffened and looked right at me. Perhaps he smelled my tears, or maybe he finally heard the slow beat of my heart. A flurry of emotions flitted across his face, but I didn't bother to see what he landed on. Instead, I fled, for once using my vampiric speed to seek refuge in my room. 
I've been hiding here for a week now. I think it's been a week; I was already losing track of time. 
"Y/N?" There was a knock at the door, following the sound of Demetri's voice filtering through. 
"You're not naked, are you?" 
The door opened slowly, and Demetri peeked his head in with a cheeky grin, before frowning as he took in the sight of me. I was sure I looked a hot mess, bundled up in a nest of comforters on the floor next to my bookshelves. 
"Hey 'Metri." I sat up, giving him a small smile. 
"Hey, love." He walked over before sitting on his haunches net to me. "Everyone is worried about you. No one's seen you in a week." 
"'M fine." 
He gave me a dubious look and I rolled my eyes and wrapped myself back up in my covers, picking up the book I'd discarded. "I'm fine, Demetri." 
"When was the last time you ate?" 
I paused, thinking and then shrugged. I couldn't remember. I just ate when I felt hungry.  
"Well, we can't very well have you starve. Come on." He stood up and held out a hand. 
"I'm fine, Demetri." 
"And you're a liar, now come on." 
I plopped down in my little nest out of frustration, purposely burrowing myself deeper into the covers. 
"You can't make me." 
"Wow, for someone who's- what? Sixty years old? You're such a child." 
I glared up at him. 
"I'm an adult and can take care of myself." 
"Demetri, what are you doing with my mate?" 
Demetri's back went ramrod straight and I immediately hid under the covers. Okay, maybe I was acting a little bit like a child. I hadn't spoken with Alec since the library incident, and I wasn't very keen to talk to him now. I peeked out from under the covers a little. 
"I'm making sure that Y/N is taken care of." Demetri's voice was neutral, but I could hear the anger lying just underneath. "Something you have been failing to do since she arrived." 
I gasped, wide-eyed. Demetri was treading on very thin ice. I couldn't imagine Alec taking too kindly to being challenged. Alec was quiet for a long moment, tense as he looked at Demetri. 
"I can admit when I am in the wrong."  
The words came haltingly, and the look on Alec's face was caught somewhere between a chastised schoolboy and sucking on a lemon. 
"Thank you for taking care of her in my absence. Please leave, I can take over from here." 
Demetri nodded his head, and casting one last concerned look in my direction, he left. 
Alec looked at me, and I was surprised to see a look of concern on his own face. His next comment took me by surprise. 
"Why are you on the floor, when you have a bed?" 
"I'm aware I have a perfectly good bed. I just prefer the floor." 
"What about the couch?" 
"Not the same." 
"That cannot be comfortable for you." 
"Since when did you care about my comfort?" I snapped. "I'm just a mutt remember?"  
Alec's eyes darkened.  
"Watch your tone girl. You may be my mate, but I will not tolerate disrespect, even from you." 
My shoulders deflated, hiding my face in my hands. "I think it'd be best for me to just leave." 
"No." He followed Demetri's earlier move, and sat down on his haunches, arms resting on his knees. 
"No?" I glared at him. 
"You belong to me. You are my mate, and it is safer for you to be here." 
"Excuse me?? You've made it clear that you don't want anything to do with me." 
"It is simply because you are part human." 
"Simply? Simply? News flash, Alec. You were once a human too!" 
I found myself suddenly on my back, him hovering above me, with his arms caging me in. His eyes turned pitch black.  
"I am all too aware of what I once was." He hissed. 
"I- I can't change what I am." I could feel the tears starting to form and spill over. "If I could, if it would get you to accept me, then I would. But I shouldn't have to." 
Alec jerked back slightly, wide-eyed. 
"You are right." He pressed his forehead to mine. "And if I was a better man, I would not have wished for it." 
He began licking away at my tears and I froze, barely daring to breathe. 
"What- what are you doing?" 
"Taking care of my mate. And you are mine. I will not let you go, and I will make sure that you are taken care of just as the status the mate of an elite guard deserves." I shivered when he finished, giving a small, chaste kiss to my forehead. "It seems that I have much to make up for."  
Alec kissed me then. Slow and soft, pulling me out from the cocoon and sweeping me up to sit on the little couch in my sitting area. I felt oddly exposed as he pulled me in to straddle him, his back leaning into the soft cushions. 
"And you- you accept me? Just like that?" I couldn't disguise the anger in my voice, a little thrown off by our new position but still pissed off. 
There was a long silence as he searched for the proper words. 
"That day, in the library… I had a long talk with Master Marcus. Are you aware of his story?" 
I nodded. If there was something I had learned during my first few short months here, it was that Demetri and Felix were like a group of gossiping teenage girls. 
"Then you can understand his demeanor. He misses her every day, and I know that I have neglected you and treated you rather…" 
"Horribly?" I finished for him, and he smiled. 
"I think horrible is an understatement." 
"I think I must agree." I grumbled. 
He let out a chuckle before letting his eyes roam over me again. "While I hold Master Marcus in high respect, I do not wish to be like him. I do not want to make the mistake of taking you for granted. You were made for me, and I you. The Fates do not make mistakes." 
"Despite my being what I am?"  
I found that hard to believe. 
"Yes." He said quietly, but this time he didn't look me in the eyes. 
I tensed around him, and I felt his grip tighten on my waist. 
He was lying, but perhaps not for the reason I thought. My eyes widened in realization, and I relaxed against him. 
"You know what I think?" I hummed quietly. 
He looked at me from under his lashes, raising his brow ever so slightly, eyes dark with challenge. I should probably tread carefully but fuck it. I let a shaky hand run through his hair and he tilted his head back to look at me, exposing his throat. I let my other hand cup his neck, running my thumb along his jawline.  
"I think that maybe… you're scared. And you have no idea how to handle it. That's what you ended up talking with Master Marcus about, isn't it? Because I'm weaker than a full-fledged vampire. Am I right? You think I can't protect myself." 
Boom. Judging from the look in his eyes and the surprise on his face I had hit the nail on the head. 
"You are oddly perceptive." 
He paused again. 
"I do not wish to lose you. I am sure word has already gotten out that one of the witch twins has a mate. I have basically painted a target on your back." 
"One that I am more than willing to wear, so long as you never treat me like this again." 
He relaxed and began to let his hands wander in light caresses, leaning in to give me another kiss, this one just as soft as the last. 
"Never again." 
I could feel my heart swell. 
"I have missed your presence." He whispered, his lips barely grazing mine. "I have missed seeing you in the castle." Kiss. "Seeing your beautiful face looking around in wonder." Kiss. "Seeing you laugh." Kiss. "And I have missed you. You have no idea how often I have imagined you here." Kiss. "In my arms." Kiss. "And even in my bed." Kiss.  
Woah, woah, woah. What? 
He grinned darkly at the look on my face. "Oh yes, darling. I have imagined you in my bed from the very beginning. In more positions than you could possibly imagine." 
Had I not been pretty much immortal I think I would have died.  
"I have imagined all of the different ways to claim you, and make sure that everyone knows you are mine." He whispered in my ear, nipping at my earlobe before sucking on it softly. 
This is not where I pictured today going. I wriggled a little bit, feeling my nipples harden almost painfully. This was not fair. 
"Careful, love." His voice was strained, and I felt him grow hard beneath me. 
"You started it." I nearly squeaked. 
"And I would like to finish it." 
His hands were cold against my midsection, and I was suddenly very, very aware of the fact that I was dressed only in an oversized t-shirt and panties. He kept his eyes trained on my face, watching for every little reaction. 
"If you don't want this, I can stop." He breathed, rubbing slow circles on my waist with his thumbs. 
"Trying to come up with excuses, Alec?" 
For whatever God forsaken reason I felt like needling him and pushing his buttons. A part of the back of my brain told me that was really fucking dumb, but I wanted to see what he would do. 
He growled and squeezed my waist in warning. 
"I think I recall telling you to watch yourself earlier." 
Oh my.  
"You said to watch my tone." I raised a challenging brow. 
His hands dug into my waist now, and I was certain I would have bruises there in the morning. 
"Amore." Another growl of warning. 
I simply leaned in to kiss him, happy to finally have my mate here with me. Knowing that he didn’t really hate me but wanted to keep me safe. He was just being a dumbass about it. 
He let out a little groan as our lips met. I let my kisses roam downwards, over his cheek and to his neck, nipping and licking. His hands drifted up, thumbing over my nipples before giving them a rather hard pinch. I sucked in a harsh breath, leaning on his shoulder and grinding my hips downward. He let out a pleasured hiss, giving my nipples another pinch and smoothing his thumbs over them. 
"Arms up." He demanded. 
I did as he asked, and he pulled off my shirt. I immediately crossed my arms over my ample bosom, suddenly self-conscious.  
"Hands behind your back, darling." 
I looked at him startled. "What?" 
"I will not have you hiding from me, nor will I repeat myself." 
My heart leapt at his words, gripping my arms tighter. 
"Sorry, it's just…" 
He frowned and slowly took my hands, lowering them down until I was completely exposed from the waist up. 
"You are not to be ashamed, and I will not stand for it. You are my mate. You are stunning." He said softly. 
He ran his hands over my skin again, his lips following right behind with a lightness that I almost couldn't detect. And not in a sexual way, although I could still feel his hardness underneath me, but in a reverent way. Worshipping. He cupped the back of my neck and brought me in for another kiss, deeper this time. 
"Now love, hands behind your back. I will not tell you again." He rasped, one hand sliding around the front of my neck and the other brushing against one of my nipples. 
He gave my neck a light squeeze in warning, his thumb brushing over my jugular. This time I did as I was told, and his lips twisted into a grin that could rival the devil's. 
"Good girl." 
I sucked in a breath. Oh fuck.  
He kept watching me. "Are you okay?" 
I nodded, a little dazed. 
"You have to say it aloud, Y/N." 
"Yes." I breathed. 
"If we need to stop at any point, tell me." 
"You are a fast learner, aren't you?" He leaned in, close to my ear. "I like that." 
His hand left my throat, and he went back to cupping my breasts, kneading them softly before he bent his head and gave one a long lick, right over the nipple. Then he proceeded to suck one into his mouth, teeth edging along the sides. 
"Alec." I moaned, throwing my head back. 
I couldn't help it when my hips started grinding, but Alec immediately put a stop to that. 
"The only pleasure you will get, is what I allow you to have." 
A thrill went through me, and I opened my mouth to protest but it came out as a whine instead when he kissed me, tongue running along my lip and slipping past into my warm mouth. I then let out a shocked moan when his hands traveled further south, slipping his fingers into my panties and coming to rest on my soaked mound.  
He rubbed teasingly, fingers finding my clit. Round and round and round. I squirmed against him, obscenely wet noises coming from below as he slipped two fingers inside me. His fingers began pumping in and out of me, combined with rubbing my clit, I could barely stand it. 
Flushed, I pulled back a little, panting against his lips. 
"Please." I whined. 
"Please what?" 
"I want to hear you say it, Y/N." 
"Alec. Please. Fuck. Me." 
His eyes dilated at the sound of his name.  
Before I could fully comprehend what was happening, I could hear the sound of something ripping, and realized that my panties were torn to shreds and dangling precariously from my hips. My warm, wet heat was exposed to the cool air, and his pants were undone, his cock out, with precum already leaking out of the tip. I panted like a whore in heat at the sight of him, eyes glazed and desperate. 
He brushed his cock through my slick folds, completely in control. Then he slowly lowered me, my tight folds giving way and I let out a long moan of pleasure when he bottomed out. He was huge. I wasn't sure how he even managed to fit, or how he was going to be able to move. His arms circled around me, grasping my backside firmly. 
"You managed to take my cock like a good girl. Now let's see how well you handle it." 
"Wait, wait!" 
He paused, looking up at me with concern. 
"Can- can I move my hands now?" I pleaded. 
He smirked. "No." 
He thrusted his hips up without warning and I gave a shriek of pleasure. His pace was fairly brutal, and I loved every second of it. He kept sucking and licking at my neck, leaving a trail of dark, bruising love bites, and my nipples scrapped against his shirt. The pleasure was almost too overwhelming, it made the walls of my pussy clench around him. 
"That's a good girl. So tight for me." He groaned into my neck. "How does it feel, taking my cock? To have me stretching you out?" 
Oh fuuuuuck. 
Alec was a dirty talker and I fucking loved it. 
He pounded into me without mercy, and I could start to feel that delicious heat building down low. 
"Yes. Yes. Yes." 
I didn't realize that I had been chanting aloud until Alec let out a dark chuckle. 
"Please." I begged. 
He seemed to break. 
"Hang on to me." 
My hands immediately went to grab his shoulders, clutching at his shirt. I was pretty sure I heard a rip, but I was too lost in the sensation of being, you know, fucked out of my mind. One of his hands slipped down low again, his deft fingers circling my clit. 
"Vieni per me, tesoro." He then proceeded to bite into my neck, right in the dip where it met my shoulder, and the sharp pain sent a wave of pleasure through me. 
Mixing with the pleasure of his cock and the stimulation of my clit it was enough to send me crashing over the edge. I came hard, Alec's mouth muffling my own, swallowing my cries. His hands tangled in my hair, giving it a light pull. I could taste my blood in his mouth, and I found that I liked it. I swiped my tongue over his lips to get more. 
Alec let out a surprised gasp, pulling back, his hips slowing down to shallow thrusts. His face was smeared with a little of my blood, and I leaned back in, giving him a lick before delving back into his mouth with a kiss, enjoying the taste of him and my blood mixed. 
"Fuck." He groaned against my lips. 
I dared to take a bit of control and ground down hard, making sure to squeeze the walls of my pussy to the point where he almost couldn't move. 
Alec went rigid and then spasmed as he came. 
We stayed like that, breathing hard for a moment, before he finally pulled out of me with an obscenely wet popping noise. I blushed and he simply gave me a grin. An actual grin instead of the devilish one I had come to know. 
"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded quickly, practically glowing with happiness. 
"Words, amore." 
I giggled. "Yes, love. More than okay." 
"Good, because I'm ready to have you moaning my name again." He whispered, licking away the blood I had smeared on my own face. "Preferably in my bed." 
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Translations (Provided via Google): Vieni per me, tesoro.: Come for me, darling. Amore: Love
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abibliophobiaa · 11 months
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Chapter Two: Miscommunication
summary: times goes on, and so do you. but what happens when you bump into the one person you thought you would never see again? (6k words)
eddie munson x pregnant!reader || strangers to friends to lovers, unplanned pregnancy, and then they were roommates, forced proximity.
warnings: sickness (r morning sickness); mention of drugs; mention of child abuse.
mini series masterlist
previous chapter || next chapter
Life didn’t magically stop merely because Eddie had ended up being completely different than who you thought he was. Still, nothing quite eased the ache of knowing you’d foolishly trusted another person who’d only gone and let you down. And even so, you quarreled daily with the fact Eddie didn’t really owe you or this baby anything. He’d done as you’d asked; he’d provided an outlet that afternoon, had loved you in the dark — for a little while. You often fought the urge to blame yourself for believing the front he’d put on. The whole ‘I don’t do this often.’
Because apparently he had, based on the fact he’d needed you to remind him more than once who you were. It wasn’t like it was often one found a woman dressed in a Princess Buttercup costume, and then proceeded to go back to a hotel with said woman.
You could do this on your own. Had convinced yourself of as much when you’d started looking for places to move. The only thing was…the city proved to be expensive. It had been one thing having joint salaries when you’d lived with Paul to help cover the cost of rent. Now you had another eventual mouth to feed, a baby to clothe in a few months time, and other expenses to think about like diapers and car seats and furniture.
Two weeks after you’d told Eddie about the baby and he’d essentially shot you down, you’d gotten a phone call from Robin Buckley. You had spent years together in acting classes at your college in the city a few years ago. Became fast friends back in the day and still kept up with one another. It just so happened, when you’d caught her up on life, that she had a basement apartment at her friend Steve’s place that he and his wife, Chrissy, rented out to her. Side entrance, privacy, and apparently a pull out couch in the living area that you could crash on until you found an apartment of your own.
You hated the idea of putting her out like that, but she insisted. And soon enough you shared teary goodbyes in Micah’s living room, her arms around your form, as Jeremiah clapped you on the back. They both wished you well and promised to call, and you hopped in the car and watched as the city faded into nothingness behind you.
Cityscapes and towering buildings turned into endless trees and charming Mom and Pop shops. Busy intersections became citizens walking their dogs and running on side streets. It even smelled different, the air cleaner and crisper somehow, not bogged down by car fumes and smoke.
The Harrington home was beautiful. Large, imposing walls. Gorgeous interior filled to the brim with countless photos of Chrissy and Steve throughout the years. Married for the past two of them, and sickly in love judging by the way they answered the door together, Steve’s arm around his wife, with Chrissy bouncing a baby girl with sandy blonde hair on her hip as you’d entered.
The immediate thought of Eddie’s dark hair knocked the wind out of you — the realization your own child might have his hair. Dark ringlets, and chocolate brown eyes. You hated that you even cared. It had been one night, and even if it had changed nearly everything for you, it meant nothing to him. He’d made that part very clear.
That first evening spent in Hawkins was done so around their dinner table. Steve had put together some pasta and meatballs, and you all chatted about your lives. You, and your old job, of which Steve snapped his fingers together immediately and suggested you come work at the high school where they’d needed some help in the library.
Robin seemed so hopeful for you, eyes shining as he told you, “See — it’s all gonna work out, babe. I told you.”
The apartment itself wasn’t large or anything. An open space for the most part, with a connected living room and kitchen. Robin had the closed off bedroom, and there was a makeshift bathroom with a small shower stall inside, and not nearly spacious enough. But it would do for now, and was way more than you could have ever hoped for or expected.
Your first purchases had been some clear tote boxes to keep stored away under your pullout bed. One for your clothes, one for the clothes you thrifted for the baby, and one for the miscellaneous items here and there like toiletries, diapers, your shampoos and conditioners and make up. It wasn’t much, and you’d likely run out of room soon, but it worked for now.
Those first two weeks passed in a blur. As promised, Steve was able to get you in for an interview at the high school library. It paid well enough, came with health insurance, and time off for maternity leave — though you didn’t know how they knew you’d need it, but you’d like to thank them if you ever found out. As you exited, you happened upon Steve and Chrissy’s awaiting stares, her excited giggling bursting to life when you’d said you were hired and would start that following Monday.
Later, as you all shared yet another celebratory dinner — this time for your new job position — and your baby decided it definitely didn’t like meatloaf, you stumbled into Chrissy on your way out of the bathroom, the back of your hand pressed to your mouth. Her eyes were soft as she led you back over to sit on the edge of the shower and fumbled around in her cabinet for something wrapped in a tiny package.
“Apparently ginger helps with the nausea,” she explained as your eyes widened at the wrapped candy settled in your palm. Confusion lined your furrowed brows and she continued, “For the morning sickness.”
“Oh — I-I’m…”
“It’s okay, you know. I kind of figured it out right away. Steve says I have a sense for these things.” She settled down on the toilet beside you, her knee knocking against the outside of your jean-clad thigh. “Is the father not…”
“No.” It came out as a shaky exhale, heart thumping loudly in your ears. “He’s not around, no. It’s just us.”
“Then you’ll stay,” she urged, reaching across your lap to clasp her hand around yours. “For as long as you need, okay?”
Life settled into a new normalcy. You went to work every morning, waved to your new coworkers as you passed, and began learning the names of the dozens of kids that would filter in and out of the library. And during your lunch breaks, you’d often walk around the track with Steve, talking to him about your day, his day, the weather. Trivial things, but it brought you comfort. A sense of familiarity in the unfamiliar you found yourself in.
The holidays, though different this year, were spent with people who wanted the best for you. Chrissy and Steve had been kind enough to buy you a basket of things for the baby, and Robin had as well, trying to lighten the burden however they could.
It was right around that time you’d learned Steve not only had Melody as a daughter, but a gaggle of twenty-something’s that Robin joked he’d been something of a mother hen to. They welcomed you into the fold without question, excited to have a new friend in their close-knit group.
It was also during those initial weeks you’d spent hours talking to Micah and Jere about how you really thought this was the best decision for your life right now. That you needed this change. And they promised to come visit often when you had your own place, especially since Micah insisted she planned on ‘spoiling the hell out of her niece or nephew.’
Soon enough, unfamiliar streets became solidified in your memory. You learned the best coffee shops and the shortest routes to get places you needed to go. You realized the next door neighbor, Tabitha, always walked her dogs at two in the afternoon and waved as she passed every time. That Pete down the street had the freshest veggie garden every spring and summer, and he promised he’d give you his extras when the seasons got warmer. You even enjoyed your coworkers. Appreciated their presence and help as you acquainted yourself with the school setting, and looked out for you like you'd been there for years.
Hawkins became a home. You didn’t know how or when, but it had. And it was then you finally allowed yourself to pause in front of your bathroom mirror one evening. To stop and stare at the reflection there, turning to the side, curiously tracing the space presently unchanged. Tried to imagine your empty arms being full in a few months, tried to imagine their little face. Tiny hands and little toes, the only person who knew what your heart sounded like from the inside.
They’d be yours and they’d be happy, growing up in a place where they’d only know love, and that’s all you ever wanted.
As the weeks progressed and 1994 bled into 1995, you progressed. Eyes drifted in supermarkets, trailed over the girl with no husband in tow. A bunch of close-minded town folk. Mother’s seemed to eye you wearily as you walked, children tugged closer to their side. Whispered when your back was turned to friends, asking quietly if you were simply gaining weight only in your middle of if you had some sort of scandalous secret, reaching up to grab canned soup or Robin’s favorite snacks.
It happened to be the only thing you didn’t like about Hawkins. The fact your business quickly became everyone else’s business. It was bad enough that you worked with teenagers these days. Many of whom preferred coming into the library lately to merely talk to someone they saw as closer in age, and therefore their personal information dump. You gave little more than properly timed nods and gentle reassurances, before you wished them on their way back to whatever classes they seemed intent on skipping.
Luckily, as the holidays came and went, you had the fortune of your increasingly close knitted friend group that consisted of Steve, Chrissy, and Robin — as well as the youngest Harrington, Melody.
Melody with her bright laughter and wispy curls, who reminded you constantly of who you were doing this all for. Uprooting your life, making changes, doing what you wanted to for once. That same little presence that had made itself more prominently known those weeks, current jeans swapped for ones you thrifted at the local store that accommodated the small bump that had decided would no longer be confined to your old clothes. That same little presence your thumb brushed over as you stood in the cereal aisle with Robin and held aloft a box, asking if you needed anymore back at the apartment.
“I mean, we already have two boxes, babe,” she said, shrugging, “but if you’re craving it, buy it. I don’t wanna mess with those angry hormones or whatever you got going on right now.”
“I don’t get angry.” The petulant pout on your lips spoke otherwise.
“You cried when I drank the last of the coffee the other morning —”
“That’s different,” you grumbled, tossing the box into the shopping cart. “I think we got everything. Is there anything else that you can th —”
“Robin Buckley in the flesh. Get your ass over here right now, I missed you so fucking much.”
You stiffened on the spot, heart clenching tight within your chest. You couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t think, couldn’t move, couldn’t utter a word. The voice had come from behind you, but the realization dawned instant. The timbre of it, the inflection of his words, the jovial nature and affection lacing the sentiment toward your friend.
And Robin understood. You watched as clarity drained her features, a sickly pale color overtaking her cheeks. As her mouth dropped open and she glanced over your shoulder to offer him a smile. You’d never told your friends much about the father. Hadn't even so much as uttered his name once since he’d hung up the call. Had only said he’d been someone you knew briefly and never saw again. Someone who’d known about the baby, and yet wanted nothing to do with it, sparing you from further heartbreak in some ways by rejecting you both outright. Now he was here, standing behind you in the cereal aisle in Hawkins, no longer in California.
With the tip of your head, you muttered, “I’m fine. Go say hi.”
Head bowing over the railing of your shopping cart, you listened as Robin and Eddie’s laughter filled the aisle. As he likely picked her up and spun her around, based on the sudden thump of feet you heard a short while after.
“And who is your friend here?” he asked, stepping closer to you. And when you turned, he stiffened, voice a little high and tight as he choked, “Buttercup?”
“It’s me,” you offered weakly, feeling very much like you’d stepped into an episode of The Twilight Zone. “Guess you’re back from California.”
The words came out harsher than you intended. Barbed in a way that felt unfamiliar to you. Especially with Robin standing uncomfortably in the distance, shifting on the balls of her feet, eyes dancing between the two of you like she didn’t know who she should focus her attention on solely.
“And you’re…here. In Hawkins,” he murmured, sounding a little breathless, hand reaching out to touch like he thought you might float away into the wind before his eyes. You didn’t even think he noticed what he was doing, but you stepped back all the same, an arm coming to cross over your chest, head angling away from him. “I, uhm. Sorry, sorry — can we talk?”
Hurt seared anew in your chest, eyes meeting Robin’s briefly. The other woman shrugged, and you faced Eddie once more. “I don’t know what we could possibly —”
“Five minutes,” he offered, biting at his bottom lip. “Just…five minutes.”
“I’ll go up front to check out. Give me the car keys,” Robin said, just as your resolve crumbled a bit and you dipped your head curtly. You did as told and she flashed you a weak smile, pushing the cart along. Her head whirled around. “Don’t forget you have an appointment soon. I’ll come get you if you’re still talking after five minutes.”
“Thanks, Rob. We won’t be long, don't worry.”
You waved, following Eddie out the sliding front doors to the supermarket, stomach lodged high in your throat.
Of all the things you imagined he might say if you saw him again, “You know, I really hoped you’d call,” was definitely not one of them. And it was exactly what he’d said as you stepped out into the street, tugging your winter coat tighter to your body to block out the chill in the air.
Hot anger pooled in your veins. Fists balled up at your sides. Those angry hormones Robin spoke of? You felt them building at his statement, forming a cyclone of whirling emotion, anger like acid on your tongue as you snapped back, “Are you kidding me? I did call you, Eddie. I fucking called you to tell you I was pregnant and you hung up on me. I can’t believe you just said that. You know, I already thought you were an asshole, but that took the —”
You’d started walking away from him, wanting to run back inside the store and pretend this whole ordeal had never happened. Five minutes had been a joke, you’d only made it thirty seconds before he’d gone and opened his mouth and infuriated you further than you already had been toward the man.
But then you heard it. The choked whoosh of breath, the wobbly, “What did you just say?”
There was another sharp inhale of breath. Staggered, like he’d suffered through it, his palm coming to rest over his sternum. Fear propelled you toward him, a hand coming to rest over his back as he hunched forward a bit, trying to catch his breath.
“Eddie…what’s happening right now?” Your voice was so quiet you worried he might not have heard you over the harsh gasps he tried to draw into ragged lungs.
Something like a moaned curse ripped from his lips and he dropped down into a crouch, back against a lamppost, seemingly the only thing holding him upright. You got down on your knees in front of him, rubbing along the taut muscles of his shoulders, tensed in his panic.
“Hey…” you whispered, completely confused as to what the hell was going on. And yet, he looked so broken, forehead on his knees, arms around his shins, trying to get a hold of himself. “Deep breaths, okay? Follow me.”
He listened to your words as you coached him through a few deeper breaths. Watched as his shoulders loosened up, as his lungs started to expand further, and the wheezing died down into a quiet whisper. Finally, he looked upward — at you, at your face, and your own breath faltered. Watery, his eyes were watery and you could see the confusion there. The unfathomable and unimaginable hurt.
“Why…why does it seem like this is the first time you’re…hearing this…”
“Because it is, god damn it,” he groaned. “Did you really think — you thought — I wouldn’t have —”
“I don’t really even know you,” you retaliated, following after him as he shot up and began walking the opposite direction of the store you’d come from. “Will you slow down?!”
“Should I be concerned that there’s a woman chasing you across the parking lot, Munson?” Robin barked out a laugh, pushing your shared cart along the parking lot, stopping when she reached where you presently stood, watching Eddie walk back and forth, still trying to gather himself. To you, she whispered, “Is he okay?”
“I’m…I’m not sure,” you said, frowning when he turned back around and brushed the back of his hand along his eyes, then glanced down at your midsection, hidden behind the layers of your now zipped jacket. “Hey, Eddie? I think we need to go somewhere and talk.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, nodding, those curls around his shoulder bobbing with the movement, “yeah, I think we can start there.”
“I have an hour before my doctor’s appointment,” you told him, then glanced at Robin. “If Eddie drives me to the diner, can you drive my car? And I can always walk to my doctor’s office.”
“I’m not making you walk in the cold.” Eddie shook his head. “I’ll — I can drop you off or something.”
Robin took your keys hesitantly, eying you both once more. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Robin asked you quietly. At your nod, she added, “This doesn’t sound like Eddie if he’s who I’m thinking he is. He’s a good guy, babe. Just…maybe hear him out, okay? No angry hormones.”
“No angry hormones,” you promised, and watched as Eddie and Robin loaded up your trunk with the groceries you bought.
Once your friend pulled out of the parking lot, it was time for you to climb into Eddie’s van. He rushed around to open the door for you, and held a hand out as you clambered up on in, heart thudding at the fleeting contact with the man after two months without. Hated that even now you felt that immediate rush, the jolt in your system that you’d felt that night.
He hopped in on the other side and watched your face as you angled your head over your shoulder at the back of the vehicle. Your yet unvoiced immediate thoughts as you took in your surroundings were quieted by his rapidly uttered, “I…can make it safer. For —” He glanced down again, “well, you know.”
Uncomfortable silence settled over the vehicle, the gentle hum of whatever music Eddie had put on immediately lowered when you jolted to life at the first blaring notes that spilled out. Scenery fluttered on by as your forehead pressed against the glass window, fingers curled into a fist on your lap, tension roiling in your form.
The diner appeared out of the corner of your eye, its neon glowing sign declaring they were open twenty four hours catching your eye as you dropped down from the passenger side door and joined Eddie on the sidewalk. He opened the door for you as you both approached and helped pull out a chair, that boyish smile on his face you so vividly remembered playing on his lips as he dropped down across from you and asked the nearest waitress for some water and a set of menus.
“I just want a giant plate of fries,” you groaned, practically tasting them in all their potatoey goodness.
“And a plate of fries for the lady, please!” Eddie called out just before the waitress slipped out of earshot. “I…it’s good to see you. You look great.”
“You too.” Your fingers balled up your straw wrapper, rolled it along the table mindlessly. “So, I guess we should rip the bandaid off and start at the beginning?”
“Beginning is good.”
“About a month after we’d been together I started feeling sick. So naturally I went to the doctor and, well, surprise.” You gestured vaguely to your form. “That’s when I called you. Or I thought I did? But the look on your face back there….Eddie, I’m so sorry.”
“You’re sorry?” He laughed, a dark sounding laugh that made your fingers twitch around your glass, refraining from reaching over to comfort the man. “You tried to tell me. Fuck — I’m going to find out who it was. But you have to know I’d never just…abandon my kid. Please know that. I might be scared as shit, but I wouldn’t abandon them like that. Wouldn’t abandon their mother like that either.”
“So you’re okay with it?” Fear gripped your chest, head lifting to look at him over the top of your glass of water. “Because you’re oddly calm about this at the moment and I just want to remind you this isn’t some kind of thing someone can half commit to. I — we have at least eighteen years ahead of us.”
“I understand that,” he said earnestly, an edge of harshness to his tone. His eyes narrowed a bit. “My dad was a piece of shit. I’m not about to follow in his footsteps.”
“I’m sorry,” you blurted, swallowing thickly, “I didn’t mean to insinuate anything by it. I’m just —”
“You’re a mother, I get it.”
It was the first time someone acknowledged it. The first time maybe you’d even acknowledged it. A mother; you were a mother. Not going to be — a present state.
“Yeah, I guess I am.”
“I…I want to be there. In any way that I can. I know you’re doing most of the work right now, but I want you to know I’m here.” He exhaled deeply, hand coming to swipe over his jaw, rubbing gently. “I want to be here. For you,” he glanced down, “and them.”
“Okay. I guess we’re doing this.”
“We’re doing this,” he agreed.
Silence settled over the two of you as a waitress appeared with your drinks and the plate of fries you decided you might as well share with Eddie. You wanted it to be awkward. Wanted it to be stilted, but he was just as charming as the night you’d first met him. Boisterous laughter, jokes that made your sides hurt, wide grins that made something swoop low in your belly.
“How was California?”
“Good — warmer than here at least. We recorded the album and we’re really happy with the result. It’s very true to our roots, which is what we wanted,” he said, tossing another fry into his mouth. “We might do a tour, but we have a year. Which…works out, given our current circumstances. Just how pregnant are you right now anyway?”
“Four months,” you told him, sipping at your water.
“How are you feeling?”
“Uhm, in the beginning I was really sick. But luckily the past couple of weeks have been better,” you explained, offering him a smile when he grimaced. “I have pictures. I’ve kept copies in my bag…it’s silly, I know. Do you want to see them?”
“Can I?” He pressed his fist to his mouth as you slipped your hand into your pocketbook and fished out the small black and white images of varying stages throughout the past couple of months. You laid the first one in front of him, laughing as he squinted to try and figure out what exactly he was looking at. “It looks like a bean.”
“It kind of was. That was the first appointment,” you told him, handing him the most recent one after. “And this is my most recent appointment.”
His fingers glided over the curve of the spine. The shape of the head. Marveled at it with glassy eyes, your fingers curling over the leather of his jacket, right around his wrist to offer him some modicum of comfort. Allowed him to have a moment to let it all sink in. It had to be overwhelming. It had been, and still often was, for you to sit down and really accept that all of this was real.
He’d only had minutes to accept the news that his life as he knew it had changed, you had months.
“We should leave for my appointment soon,” you said, tucking away your napkin on the table.
“Would it be weird if I asked to come?” he asked, sounding so hopeful, younger than you knew him to be.
“It’s not weird. I mean, they’re half you, right?” you told him, watching him sign his signature on the receipt handed over by the waitress in passing before tucking it away. “But, uh, sure. Yeah.”
He lifted the picture of his unborn baby once more, grinned to himself, thumb brushing over the curve of their head. “Thank you.”
Eddie Munson hadn’t really ever had a good example of what that word stood for. For him, ‘father’ was the man who only came around every so often to ask his mother for money when she’d been alive. For drugs, to get himself out of a horrible situation, to try and pay a bill. For Eddie, father was the guy who taught him how to hotwire a car, the man who gave him his first black eye, someone who blamed his son for his every lot in life.
But as he grew, father became morning coffees with Wayne outside as the sun rose high over Hawkins. It meant putting up a Christmas tree around the holidays that looked more like a bush with lights than anything else. It meant learning how to fix cars with his hands, encouraging words to get him through high school, a call late at night when he was out of town working on his dreams of making music.
Right now, father was the word the technician had used when she asked you to confirm who he was to the baby when he sat down in that little office with you. It was the word she used when she asked him to fill out paperwork on his history, the word his soul screamed at him when he finally heard that tiny heartbeat working overtime.
His little ‘Party Favor’ he’d teased as you both walked back out toward the van after scheduling your next ultrasound. Twenty weeks, the big one, they’d told you both.
“Please don’t call our baby a party favor ever again,” you’d grumbled as you hoisted yourself up into the passenger seat, but he knew from the smile tugging at your lips when he settled down on the driver’s side that you hadn’t meant it.
“Where are you staying these days?” he asked, thumb curling around the steering wheel. “So I can drive you home.”
He hadn’t expected you to rattle off Steve’s address, but when you did, his eyes widened and you immediately asked, “Do you know where that is?”
“Kind of,” he said, turning his head to take in your pretty features. While he knew it probably wasn’t the best time to be admiring you as such, you looked so damn breathtaking his stomach twisted with it, “seeing as he’s my best friend.”
“Why am I not surprised? This day just keeps getting weirder.” You laughed, staring out into the streets as a gentle snow began to fall. “I happen to move to your hometown, where I also happen to then move into your best friend’s house.”
“I didn’t know you knew Robin.”
“It’s a small world.”
“And apparently getting smaller,” he said, eyes ahead on the road as he pulled out of the parking lot. “Thank you. For letting me come.”
The answer was silence. You’d curled up against the car door, forehead against the glass, mouth parted gently, lashes flush against the tops of your cheeks. His eyes drifted downward, to where your pocketbook rested next to your hip and your arm curled over your middle. Peaceful, you looked so peaceful — just like that night you’d spent together, where he’d watched as your eyes had started to flutter closed halfway through the movie and he’d held his breath as you rolled over and sought out the heat of his body.
He hadn’t lied. He didn’t have nights like those often. Had never even intended to go to that party that night. He’d only gone because the rest of the guys wanted to get out of the hotel for a bit and ended up rushing to put together a costume with less than a day’s notice. You’d sat at that bar, hunched over and bored and he’d been curious. He just never expected you to turn around, nor had he expected spending hours laughing with you over your drinks, or finding yourselves twisted in bedsheets.
And so much changed in a short four months. A stranger — you were mostly a stranger and now you were having his kid. Today, you’d been an acquaintance? A friend? He wasn’t sure what to think about it all. He still hadn’t fully processed the fact he would be a father in a few months to an innocent human being. Something so impressionable and his to raise.
He supposed that was also a conversation for another day. Something else to ponder after he dropped you off for the night and laid down for bed. Sighing, he shifted the car into park and glanced up at the front porch lamp hanging on the front of Steve Harrington’s doorway. He waved as Chrissy poked her head through the front curtains and noticed your sleeping form in the front seat.
Steve appeared in the doorway next, baby Melody on his hip as Eddie dropped down out of the van and rushed around the vehicle. “Say hi to Uncle Eddie,” Steve called out, holding up the baby’s hand in a little wave.
He waved back at the girl with a beaming gummy smile and tugged the door open, catching your shoulder as you rolled against the seatbelt a bit, eyes jolting open. “Hey, hey. You fell asleep, it’s just me.”
Your eyes searched his face in the night, and his heart lurched at the way they softened in recognition. “I’m sorry. You were talking and that was so rude of me I —”
“All good. I’m glad you got some sleep,” he chuckled, holding out a hand as you dropped down from the front seat and wobbled a bit before steadying yourself. “We’re here.”
The two of you made your way into the household, varying degrees of curious stares gliding over your forms as you stepped through the threshold. The first of which being Chrissy, who seemed unsure whether she wanted to keep her eyes on him or you.
“So you two have met it seems,” Steve said, “guess we don't have to get introductions out of the way.”
“We’ve met,” you muttered quietly, dipping your head as you yawned. A hand splayed over your midsection and Eddie watched the trail of your gaze stop on him. “Thanks for driving me today. I’m really tired and I should probably get to bed early.”
“Uh — y-yeah. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight everyone.” And you were gone, back trailing down the hallway toward the downstairs basement, the door shutting behind you with a resounding click.
There was a beat of silence, then, “Why didn’t you tell me she was living here?”
“What do you mean, you asshole? First time I see you in months and that’s the first thing you say?”
“That’s her.”
“The girl from the party?” Steve asked, mouth agape as Chrissy stepped forward to take the baby from him. She bounced their daughter around the kitchen island, pretending she wasn’t listening with her back to them, but Eddie knew better. Couldn’t fault her for wanting to protect a friend. “That’s the girl you couldn’t shut up about? Buttercup?”
“I need a drink. A strong one,” Eddie rasped, pulling out one of the island barstools. Propped his elbows on the counter and pressed the heels of his hands to his eyes. “First I’m thinking when I see her at the store, ‘wow, maybe I get a second chance at this.’ Has to be, since she ends up here of all places. And then I find out she’s pregnant with my baby and I —”
“You hung up on her,” Chrissy interjected. Steve raised a brow in her direction. “Sorry. I just…you didn’t see her when she came to town.”
“But that’s the thing.” He paused to thank Steve as he dropped a glass in front of him on the table. “I didn’t know. I would have been on a plane if I knew. I hate thinking she’s been alone in all of this. And I know the day she was referring to. We’d had some stupid party after we’d finished the album and played some of the new songs for fun and we had some people over. She talked to someone, but I swear it wasn’t me.”
“We believe you,” Steve promised, settling down beside his friend. A hand curled around Eddie’s forearm and gave a tight squeeze. “How are you feeling?”
He groaned a hoarse cry of ‘fuck’ into his fist, head shaking back and forth. “I’m scared, man. I tried to be brave for her today, but I don’t even know the first thing about kids. In what universe did someone think I’d be fit to be a dad?”
“In all of them, Ed,” Chrissy sighed, coming up to rest a hand on her husband’s shoulder. Steve reached over and slid his palm over her smaller one, oozing that sweet fondness that most people only ever dreamed of. “You’re a good man. Don’t sell yourself short. You have a few months to figure out all the rest.”
“You told her you’re going to be there for her, right? I mean, if that’s what you want?” Steve asked, eyes intently searching his best friend’s face.
“Yeah.” Eddie sighed, taking a large gulp of his drink. “I mean, not much I can do right now, but I’m going to be in whatever way she wants me to be.” His hand swiped down the front of his face.
“I’m going to put her down for bed and head up. Love you two.” Chrissy moved to exit the room, dropping a kiss to the top of Eddie’s head and shoving the back of it teasingly into the kitchen island. Once he’d bursted into a laugh, she bounced the baby higher on her hip and said, “And Eddie. It’s going to be okay. You have all of us too. You’re not alone; neither of you are. Don’t forget that.”
He sure hoped so.
Long after Chrissy had gone up for bed, and Eddie grabbed his jacket from the front coat hanger rack, Steve stopped him in the doorway. Pulled him in for a hug Eddie would normally end up throwing a fist into Steve’s stomach jokingly for. This time he clapped him on the back and let his lungs fully deflate. A sigh he’d been holding onto all afternoon released, the tension in his body along with it.
“To me, it looks like you got a second chance with her. Might look different than you thought it would, but you got a second chance. Whether that’s as co-parents, friends, or more — you still have something,” Steve told him, stepping back to open the door for his friend. “I’d take advantage of that opportunity. Not everyone gets one.”
And damn it, he decided he would.
let me know what you think! 💌 see you again next week for chapter three, titled ‘roommates.’ 😉
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520cafe · 11 months
sour grapes. lost in your eyes
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whilst waiting anxiously outside of the library, your eyes have been reading the same lines of text messages that has been exchanged between you and blade over and over again, like a never-ending loop and spiral of words flowing in and out of your head.
after a short while, as in defeat, you let out a sigh which apparently carried an overwhelming sense of dread for the events to come. finally mustering up some form of courage and calling upon a fake spirit, you turned a corner out of your hiding spot where you immediately caught glimpse of that all too familiar figure.
his head was down and leaning against the palm of his hand, with his navy hair covering his ruby-like eyes. yet, this did not hide his undeniable attractiveness and charm. he has not seemed to notice you slowly descend towards the table, his eyes were instead concentrated and fixed on his computer screen. it was when you pulled the chair in front of him where he eventually looked up and saw you, your eyes meeting his.
“you’re late,” blade’s deep voice was monotonous yet clear, just as you remembered. you almost felt weirdly relieved that there were no changes to this.
“i’m not late, you’re just early.” you sent him a small smile before getting your computer out of your bag, like a poorly executed attempt of trying to avoid his direct gaze. “i literally was on time.”
however, you were only responded with silence. when you moved your eyes after logging into your computer, you were met with his red eyes lazing into yours. a slight heat made its way to tint your ears a lighter shade of the falling cherry blossoms outside but he did not seemed phased at all as he continued to study your features instead of the powerpoint on his screen.
he leaned back and you managed to sneak glance at the way the corners of his lips curved upwards, feeling satisfied by your reaction to his actions. as if nothing happened, blade turned his computer towards you which displayed the details for the project. “we have a month for the project, that’s enough time. we can just focus each week on a certain task.” blade calmly explained. “for this week, i can focus on topic 1 while you can do topic 2.”
you nodded in agreement but, that does not simply erase the last few minutes that just took place, nor does it halt breaks to the millions of unpredictable and boundless thoughts that are rushing around your head like a marathon.
“don’t worry, we’ll help each other too.” a chilling voice faintly drifts to your ears as it’s soft landing sends shivers to the rest of your body. this time, the smile on blade’s face was much more prominent and evident, sending you a quiet yet reassuring message.
all you were able to do was to nod and smile back him, any awkward tensions that surrounded the air was beginning to wear off. at last, you let out one final sigh that managed to put your mind and speeding heartbeat at ease.
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🍇 SOUR GRAPES 〈 06 lost in your eyes
╰► SYNOPSIS. after being in the same tight-knit friend group for over a few months now, suspicions begin to rise when march, seele and bronya start to notice the awkward tensions between you and dan heng. little did they know, you and dan heng were once high-school sweethearts who shared a romantic and fairytale-like past where the pages only lasted for a year. this heartbreak led you to meet another unfortunate victim of cupid but that chapter flew away as quick as stardust. yet, it appears that you two were also destined to cross paths once more.
╰► [ a/n ] : went to my first anime con yesterday! my feet are killing me but it’s lowkey my fault lmao 😭 i managed to bring home many genshin, hsr and even some vtuber pins, badges and prints! anyway, i hope you all enjoyed this chapter and i hope my writing is okay?? i’m pleasantly surprised by the amount of attention the previous chapter received so tysm <3
━━ TAGLIST. @lauvwar-r @sunsethw4 @shizu-c @amyena @zephestia @loudeggbananaranch @lunavixia @twistedrxses @shinjuuz @danhenglovebot @flos-veritatis @sammy-hammy @kiwidoves @aeongiies @heartswonder @lilactaro @lunnaeclipse @m1lley0ns @hansel-the-pierrot @astro-pioneer @aquatikk @obervation-subject-753 @vellichxrr6782 @rubberduckieyourtheone @viovya @stayriki @ceylestia @starryeyedkoko @theflameofyoursoul @kalims @liminalimmortal
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lucysgraybird · 4 months
part 2 of modern!uni!coriolanus x fem!reader. part 1 here, part 3 here. as promised, reader's a lil cuckoo which i hope yall are into because it's here to stay. on this, if anyone feels like offering thoughts -- would longer updates be preferable, or does it make no difference? the only tradeoff would be that they'd come out less frequently (once a week vs every 2-3 days). warnings: blood mention, minor suggestive material. this is not a healthy relationship but BOY is it fun
Coriolanus Snow, as it turns out, is wonderful to date, at least for you. You've been back from the winter holiday for a month, and though you've yet to make anything official with him, things are going very well. He doesn't text constantly, but there will always be a good morning text when you get back from the gym, and a good night text when you check your phone after hours at the library. He makes it clear that you're together when you're out with an arm around your waist or a hand over yours on the table, or with the faint bruises that trail across your collarbone and down your shirt. That's your favourite mark of your relationship: it's illicit, obvious. You know it makes other people a little uncomfortable, and you like that they can't seem to look away. 
He's also fascinating. Orphaned when he was quite young and raised by his grandmother and cousin, you've learned that while he obviously has money now, he didn't always. He had a stint in the military to pay for school, and got a job for his best friend’s father as a thank-you for saving the boy’s life in battle. Apparently the friend had been court-martialed for something – Coriolanus wouldn't go into detail – and now they weren't as close. He now makes more money than most people would dream of twenty years out of school, and though it means he's almost always busy, you like that he's so dedicated. 
Right now, you're bent over a sheet of stats equations at a table on the quad when Coriolanus sneaks up behind you. He drops a kiss on your head and settles in an open seat at your table.
“Hello,” you say, setting down your pen. 
“Don't let me distract you,” he replies, pulling a book out of his bag. “I'll wait until you're done to talk.”
This is another thing you appreciate about Coriolanus. Besides that first date, he understands how much you value school and your grades – he actually seems to like it – and never expects to come first. You blow through the last few problems, check your work, and clip the paper neatly into your binder.
Coriolanus looks up from his book. “Finished?”
“Good,” he says. “How's that class going, by the way?”
You keep apprised of each other’s academic performances – you're both shooting to graduate valedictorian next year, so you've got a little bit of competition going. As far as you can tell, it only serves to push both of you further, as winning seems more of a reward if there's been a real challenge for it. This being said, he knows that your statistics class is giving you a little bit of trouble, just like you know that his Victorian literature class is driving him up the wall. You're going to win, but you'll let him hope.
“Not as badly as you might hope,” you tease. “I'm on track for a decent A. How goes the adventures in Victorian lit?”
He lifts his book miserably, revealing the cover of Middlemarch. You wince.
“Rough. Don't make winning too easy on me, though.”
“Wouldn't dream of it, sweetheart.”
You smile at the pet name, however targeted it is. “So did you come to make fun of my homework, or did you have something you wanted to talk about?”
“Right, yes. We've been going out for a little over a month now.”
“This is true.”
“And I think it's time we make some decisions. I'm not looking for something casual. Between school and studying for the LSAT and work, I don't really have the time to devote to something that's definitely not going anywhere.”
“I hope you're not proposing, Coriolanus.”
“Not at all. But I am asking if you would like to be my girlfriend, officially.”
“Oh! Yes.”
“Yes?” He seems surprised. 
“I'm not particularly interested in anything casual either,” you say. “I’ve tried it and it doesn't work. I just get jealous.”
“I wouldn't have pegged you for the jealous type.”
“You haven't given me any reason to be. Believe me, if I'm jealous, I'll make sure you know.”
You regret saying that the minute you do – not because it's not true, but because it could be a little off-putting. But it seems to have the opposite effect for Coriolanus, who bares his teeth in a smile. The wider his smile gets, the more he looks like a wolf, the more you feel like he is waiting for the perfect moment to sink his teeth into your neck. Perhaps it should scare you, but it doesn't. It thrills you. It makes you want to tilt your head back and let him take hold, because you want to see your blood on his teeth and trickling down his chin, staining the starched white of his collar. You want to ruin this boy, which you would feel worse about thinking if you didn't get the sense that he wants to destroy you, too.  
“I hope you would,” he says, lifting you from your reverie. “As long as it's okay that it goes both ways.”
“Of course.” Perfect.
“Are you free tonight?” 
“I have a class that ends at 6, but after that, yes.”
“Would you like to meet my family? You'll love my cousin, and my grandmother…well. She doesn't like anyone, but she's interesting.”
“That sounds lovely,” you say, a thrill flooding you at going from occasional dates and make-out sessions to meeting his family in the course of an afternoon.
“Fine, then. I'll pick you up at 7.”
The Snow apartment is incredible. There's a sterility to its modernity that should be disquieting but isn't: you can't imagine Coriolanus growing up anywhere else. You're sitting with his cousin, Tigris, while he disappears to make drinks. The fabled grandmother was apparently refusing to make an appearance. Tigris seems anxious, fiddling with her floral skirt.
“So you're dating Coriolanus?” She asks finally. Your brows knit together – is she daft? Coriolanus introduced you as his girlfriend. 
“Mhm. We've been going out for a little over a month.”
When she doesn't say anything else, you shift uncomfortably in your seat.
“Coriolanus tells me you basically raised him,” you say, wanting to fill the silence.
Tigris nods. “He was such a kind little boy. I worry I didn't do enough sometimes, you know?”
What a weird thing to say. “I'm sure you did your best. I can't imagine it's easy bringing someone else up when you're a kid yourself. And he's turned out well, from what I can tell.”
“He can just be…intense. I'm sorry, I know this is strange, I just want you to know what you're getting into.”
You laugh lightly. “Maybe I need to find someone to give him this speech about me. I'll be okay, Tigris. I can be a lot too; I think we'll be good for each other.”
Coriolanus returns just at that moment.
“I think we'll be good for each other too,” he says, handing you and Tigris each a glass of red wine. “I hope my cousin hasn't been telling you too many embarrassing baby stories.” 
Something passes over Tigris’ face – grief, maybe, or fear – before she settles into a demure smile. 
“Not at all, Coriolanus. Your girlfriend is so sweet.”
He sits next to you and puts his free hand on your knee. “She's perfect, isn't she? I knew you guys would get along.”
Tigris gives him a tight smile, then lets her eyes go unfocused into space. 
The rest of the night passes with much of the same uncomfortable conversation, until Coriolanus finally decides that it'd be best if he drove you home before it got too late. It's the first time you've seen him drive, and you just enjoy the way the streetlights cast shadows on the angles of his face and the way his hand sits hot and heavy on your thigh.
“I'm sorry if Tigris said anything strange to you,” he says finally. “She's been odd ever since I got back from being deployed.”
“She was fine. I think she was worried you'd be too much for me.”
A muscle jumps in his jaw. “She doesn't approve of my job. Or my ‘work-life balance’, as she calls it.”
“Sounds like she cares about you.” It's hard to say more, because you don't really know what he does for work. Something with national security or defense tech, but beyond that, you're in the dark. It also seems like there was more to the way Tigris was acting than just complaints about Coriolanus working too hard, but it's not your place to pry. Nor do you really care.
“No, you're right. She does. I just wish she'd keep her opinions to herself.”
“That’s fair. I'm still glad I got to meet her.”
“I am too. And I'm always glad to spend time with you.”
To say that, he takes his eyes off the road for a moment and gives you a sweet, close-lipped smile. You return it and place your hand over his on your thigh. His fingers dig in a little too hard, and you curl your nails like claws into his skin in reply. He pulls the car into a parking space in front of your apartment.
“Here you are.”
You turn to him and take in the way he's looking at you, the way his eyes have gone murky in the dark of the night and trail across the scooping neckline of your top. The skin on your neck is pristine again, and you need him to fix that.
“Would you like to come upstairs?”
“I was hoping you'd say that.”
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gabessquishytum · 3 months
Dream and Hob are friends with benefits. This wasn't planned - certainly not by Dream - but one thing led to another, and after one of their dinners, which became frequent after their reunion, they ended up upstairs, with Dream on his back and his legs on Hob's shoulders. Dream has never been in an FWB arrangement before, but he's a huge fan now (and why did Hob waste so much time talking to him about chimneys when humanity has invented this utter masterpiece??). Hob treats him like a pillow princess, takes him with equal vigor and enthusiasm in all his forms, and they fuck all around the Dreaming and in the most exotic locations of the Waking world. They also hang out as friends, learn more about each other's lives, and all that sans mindfucking that comes with relationships. Oh yes, Dream is a huge fan. He is, in fact, in love with Hob, but he'd never lay such a burden on Hob's shoulders. Love of an Endless is a heavy thing, and Dream doesn't want to see his dearest friend crumble under it. Hob is also in love with Dream, but if 1889 taught him something, it is not to ask Dream for more than he's ready to give. And Dream already gives much more than Hob has ever hoped. The teeny-tiny problem arises when they have an especially cathartic sex: Hob is so relentless and passionate, and they go rounds and rounds, switching between the Waking and the Dreaming. As Hob whispers filthy, unbearable things into his ear about how much he'd like to breed Dream and keep him, Dream gets lost in a fantasy of them having a home…and a child. It wouldn't be enough to get preggers if Hob didn't actually mean it and dream of it, too, but Hob very much meant it and dreamt of it. Dreamt of it for centuries. And that's how mere days later - because Dream is inhuman and his awareness of what's going on inside him is unmatched - Dream feels a new life stirring somewhere deep inside. He is ecstatic and confused and scared and everything in between. But besides being afraid of failing as a father (again!), he's afraid of Hob's reaction. Apparently, their arrangement didn't involve babies. Dream briefly considers keeping his pregnancy a secret but eventually decides to come clean to Hob: his friend deserves to know he'll be a father soon, even if this child is unwanted. Another thing is, Dream can already feel that the baby isn't human: they're taking more after his nightmarish side...If only the Dreaming's library had a book How to Tell Your FWB He Got You Pregnant with a Creature 101! Perhaps it'd appear there after tonight...
Awww this is so good!! Poor Dream. He's feeling like such a stereotype - an unplanned pregnancy, potentially losing his best friend. Why is his life like something out of a bad human soap opera?! He arranges to meet up with Hob and nervously sits with his hands covering his stomach. If nothing else, he's going to love his baby a whole lot. He's actually a little bit excited by the prospect of having a little creature to love and care for. He created a dozen little baby sleepsuits with multiple limb holes already.
Hob is rather shocked, of course, because he never expected to be a father again. But after the shock wears off, he's ecstatic! He's been so desperate to forge something permanent with Dream - fwbs has been great, and Hob will always want to be Dream’s friend, but he's greedy enough to want more. He's not scared of Dream’s love, he's excited to drown in it and reciprocate everything that Dream wants to give him.
Hob is like "I did say I wanted to breed you and keep you, sweetheart. Well, let me prove to you exactly how much I meant it." He wants Dream to live with him, at least some of the time. So he can take care of him and the baby. Of course he doesn't want Dream to abandon his work and function, but wouldn't it be nice to have a domestic life together? Can't they be best friends who are also deeply romantically in love and having extremely hot sex? Well, it's not something that Dream has tried to before. He's never actually been friends with any of his romantic partners. Could that have been the problem all along?
He senses that he'll need all the help he can get with the baby (who is living up to their function and being a proper little nightmare already). And if he moves in with Hob, at least he can get footrubs on demand. Maybe he'll finally get to be happy with Hob and the creature they've created through their love?
At least he's going to try. And Hob is so proud and grateful for that. He'll give footrubs 24/7 <333
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
Can I request Angst 40 with Eddie? But instead of God that's playing house it's Dustin and the Hellfire club. Maybe reader and Eddie have been fighting or they're ignoring their mutual feelings and it's coming through in Eddie's campaigns?
You're angst is amazing and I'm hoping for a happy ending, but do whatever you think fits best! :)
Absolutely! I think I should be able to give it a happy ending.
Thank you so much!
“Seven billion people in the world and I got put in a room with you. Either I’m cursed or God likes playing house with us.”
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Ever since a new girl joined hellfire, her and Eddie have been down each other's throats.
Y/N was the only girl in hellfire for the longest time. Using this time to flirt her way into Eddie's life, and trying into his heart. She had a crush on Eddie ever since she met him during her freshmen year.
Eddie was hard to read. At times he flirted back and other times he acted like he didn't know who she was. She was on this endless rollercoaster and Eddie seemed to never turn it off. She made her feelings obvious, or so she thought. She's pretty sure all of hellfire knows she's into their leader but he seems clueless or not interested.
She'd compliment him every day, sneaking dirty jokes in between.
"wow Eddie that shirt fits your arms so nice. Can I feel them?"
"Those jeans fit your thighs really nice."
How is that not obvious? But it was confirmed he didn't like her in that way when he introduced Lilly to the group.
She was a tall blonde with green eyes. A smile that caught everyone's attention, and it definitely caught Eddie's.
"you can sit next to me." He smiled as she followed him to his seat.
Y/N looked at him confused, there wasn't an open seat next to him.
"move over Y/N." He said as he waved his hands to shoo her.
Y/N felt like she wanted to smack him so hard his hair would fly off. He had the nerve to tell her to move so a new girl could sit?
"Excuse me? This is my spot, it always has been." She stood up for herself.
The group watches them closely, feeling the tension get tighter and hotter.
"Yeah but Lilly is new and needs to be close to the master so I can show her." He smirked as he explained, winking in Lilly's direction. Y/N rolled her eyes as she giggled, covering her mouth.
Y/N decided not to fight and bit her tongue. Getting out of her chair, scraping it loudly across the floor.
The group watched silently, not believing the way Eddie was behaving.
Lilly sat next to Eddie and scooter the chair as close as she could.
Y/N tried to focus on the game, not on the fact Eddie was flirting his way through his whole campaign.
Towards the end she could feel the tears landing in her eyes. Hearing Eddie call this new girl beautiful every five seconds. Touching her hands as she rolled the dice. Cheering her on when she landed a good roll.
It reminded her of when she first learned. She remembered sitting in that chair trying so hard to impress Eddie. She stayed up night after night reading every book the library had. Even paying Dustin to teach her how to play. She remembered when Eddie called her beautiful every time. When his hand would hold hers as she rolled the dice.
Everything they did, he was doing with Lilly. Everything she thought that was special for them, was apparently just a thing he did with the new girls.
It didn't get much easier for her.
Lilly came back session after session. She was getting better, Y/N would admit that. But that just meant she'd be staying.
She even has her own hellfire shirt now. Lilly's new spot was next to Eddie. Y/N's new spot was on the other side next to Dustin. Dustin tried to cheer her up at every campaign but it was hard when her eyes watched Eddie the whole time. Dustin knew all about her crush on Eddie's for years.
He encouraged her many times to make a move, and in some ways she did. She just never said exactly what she was feeling. Dustin knew his leader as well. And he knew he has feelings for Y/N. He just hasn't admitted it to himself yet. And as each day passed he could see Eddie ruining his chances more and more.
Lilly has been part of hellfire for a month now and Y/N hadn't spoken to Eddie alone since.
Her flirting stopped, now embarrassed as he has no issue flirting with Lilly all the time
He never flirted this much with her. Another sign he wasn't interested.
Y/N gave up on getting his attention. Accepting that Eddie was into Lilly and she was definitely into him.
It wasn't a shock when he announced he wanted to ask Lilly out. The group nodded but not much of a response. Not that Eddie would notice, his eyes stayed on Y/N the whole time.
Watching as she refused to look up from her text book sitting as far from Eddie as possible. Eddie doesn't even know what hellfire said, just hearing the silence coming out of Y/N's mouth.
Dustin watched the two closely. Noticing Eddie only cared to see her reaction, or lack of reaction.
He watched as Eddie's shoulders slumped after Y/N never looked up.
Dustin smiled to himself - he has a plan.
Y/N decided she wanted to quit hellfire a few days ago. She couldn't sit there and watch Eddie ignore her. She only joined the damn club for him and now he doesn't care if she's there or not.
She held the shirt in her hand as she sat in his throne chair, patiently waiting for him to show up early as he always does.
"shit, I didn't expect you to be in so early." Eddie chuckled as he closed the door behind him. Throwing his backpack on the floor.
"Eddie I want to talk." She said as she sighed. Eddie looked up at her, noticing the shirt in her hand.
"What's going on?" He asked nervously, praying this wasn't what he thought it was.
"I'm quitting hellfire." She said as she threw the shirt in the middle of the table.
Eddie watched as the shirt landed then snapped back to her. She looked emotionless.
"what? Why?" He asked
"are you serious Eddie?"
He was confused
"yes? I don't understand why you want to quit. We are so close to the end of the campaign, you can't just leave now." He explained.
She felt like she was going to cry. Of course he only cared about finishing the campaign.
"wow Eddie. I don't know why I'm even surprised that the only thing you care about is that fucking campaign. That's the only reason you want me here right? You don't even care about me actually leaving, do you? Just needing my character to finish off your campaign?"
"that's not true. I of course want you to be here because I want you to be here. You mean more to me than just a character in my campaign." He tried to reason
"it sure doesn't fucking feel like it Eddie." She snapped. Trying to keep her tears in her eyes. She did not want to cry in front of him
"I don't understand where all of this is coming from. Is this because of Lilly? Are you jealous you aren't the only girl around now? Because that's pretty pathetic." He crossed his arms, eyebrows scrunched slightly.
Dustin felt himself smacking his head against the door. "not the right thing to say idiot." He whispered as he locked the door. He was going to make these two talk about their feelings before they leave that room.
"you are such an asshole for that." She snapped back, walking towards the door. Smacking it when she realized it wouldn't open.
"for what? Saying the truth? At least one of us is."
She turned her head back to him, so much anger filling her veins.
"you know what Edward, yes I am jealous. But I am not jealous because I'm not the only girl in this club anymore!"
"then what are you jealous of?"
"BECAUSE IM NOT THE ONLY GIRL IN YOUR LIFE ANYMORE!". She covered her mouth quickly, turning towards the door again. Refusing to look at him. That was not what she wanted to say. She did not want him to know about her feelings as he made it so very clear he would never feel the same
"wait what?" He asked softly, his anger slowly leaving his body.
"Y/N look at me " he said as he grabbed her elbow. She quickly snatched it away and shook her head
"no, let's just ignore I said that." She said as she tried to open the door again, still not moving.
“Seven billion people in the world and I got put in a room with you. Either I’m cursed or God likes playing house with us.” she tried to joke through her tears
Eddie grabbed her elbow again, turning her slowly towards him.
He felt his lips move in a frown when he saw the tears falling down her cheeks.
"hey don't cry." He soothed as he cradled her cheeks
"please stop Eddie, this is making it harder for me." She said as she pulled herself away, using the sleeves of her sweater to wipe her tears.
"make what harder?" He spoke softly. Not wanting to upset her further.
"losing you." She said, finally looking at him. Shocked to see his own tears falling softly down his face.
"you aren't losing me." He said
"I basically already did Eddie. Ever since she came along, you just pushed me aside." She sighed as she took a deep breath. Wanting to stop the tears from falling already.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel pushed aside. I'm an idiot and I should have just been honest with you about how I feel." He admitted.
"what do you mean?" She asked, now she was confused. How did Eddie feel?
"I took some bad advice from freshmen. Apparently if you like a girl, you are supposed to see if she'll get jealous. But I guess I missed the warning that it will greatly upset the girl you are in love with and ruin the chance you have with her." He said as he looked down at his shoes.
Embarrassed to admit that out loud.
"you're in love with me?" She asked quietly, heart beating so hard she could actually hear it.
"Um yes. For a very long time and I was too scared to tell you so I decided why not fuck it up instead?" He tried to laugh it off, but the pain in his chest was suffocating.
"I am really sorry. I really didn't mean to upset you or make you want to quit hellfire." He apologized.
"Eddie Munson, you are an idiot but I love you too." She said as she walked closer to him. His head snapped up, big eyes open in shock.
"wait really?" He asked
"yeah. You didn't ruin your chance completely, but let's not push it again." She warned.
He nodded at her words and cupped her cheek.
"can I kiss you now?" He asked, his words washing over her lips.
She nodded softly.
Watching as he leaned in and slowly moving forward herself.
When their lips finally touched it felt like finally connecting the two puzzle pieces that wouldn't fit anywhere.
"it's quiet now, do you think they are kissing?" They heard Mike whisper outside the door.
Eddie pulled away with a smirk.
"shh." He said as he placed a finger to her lips. She watched him in confusion.
Then he threw his head back with a load moan
"YES BABY." she tried to hide her laugh as she heard the boys scram away from the door. Gagging as they ran down the hallway.
"I guess it wasn't God playing with us." She joked as she kissed him again.
"nope. Just our little group of sheep."
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked
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dotmander · 1 year
How To Get Your Character Models Out Of A Game: Tips And Tricks For Bitches That Have Never Used Blender
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(it's me, i'm bitches)
(also ignore how messy that lighting is it's 1am and i should have been asleep hours ago. he's there for proof of concept 💕)
a couple people (specifically @forsaken-constellation and @ratasum) asked for a tutorial on how to rip models out of the game. this is not that, but it is a compilation of resources i used to learn about ripping, blender, and 3d modeling in general. i desperately wanted a post like this to exist when i was trying to figure this out, so here we go! all the resources below are completely free, with the exception of a link to the patreon of the person that created ninjaripper.
there are probably more efficient ways to do the things i am doing. i watched a tutorial to learn shortcuts and then skipped to character models. if you have tips to add, corrections to make, or other thoughts, please feel free to share! i'll link to your post here. ^^
i do not know if any of this will get your account banned. i've ripped several models, so i'm going to assume it's fine as long as you don't try to make money off of it. use your best judgment, be an adult, etc etc etc
last updated: april 2, 2023
ninjaripper 1.7.1 - there's a newer version on the creator's patreon, presumably with support for newer versions of blender and fewer bugs, but i haven't tried that
blender 2.79 - the import addon that comes with ninjaripper 1.7.1 is outdated for the current version of blender (3.5 as of this post), so 2.79 is needed to combine the .RIP files into a .BLEND (blender) file
noesis - ninjaripper saves your textures as .DDS files, noesis lets you view them and export them as .PNGs
blender 3.5 (optional?) - i just like it better than 2.79. if you're completely new it might not matter to you. all of the tutorials linked later are for later versions, though.
mixamo (optional) - rigs your character for you and lets you put them in Situations (like my guy above.) there's a whole library of free animations and poses you can try!
how to use ninjaripper - most of what you need to know about actually ripping the files and using ninjaripper is covered here. do not skip this one.
how to use blender 3.5 - full disclosure i haven't finished this series because it's uhhhh many hours long. but if you are a complete newbie to blender, i do recommend at least the first few videos; you'll learn about shortcuts that will make your life easier, how to unfuck your model when it fucks itself for no reason, and different terms that will help you google things you don't know later on. possibly he even covers some of the things i'm about to link! anyway.
what's a uv map?
how to apply textures
how to apply bump maps (note: for our purposes, you wouldn't add a color ramp node, you would add an image node with your bump map, and attach it to the bump node as the person does in the video)
there should be stuff here about weight painting, cloth physics, emission maps (makes your sylvari glow), and other stuff, but um. i haven't figured those out <3  
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TURN UP YOUR GRAPHICS BEFORE YOU RIP - if you don't, you might end up missing certain textures/glows/etc. HOWEVER, you should turn animations down, because apparently high animation can make your meshes misplace themselves
rip from the character select screen, rather than an instance, because you will have 100 meshes to sort through instead of 1400. i am not exaggerating either of those numbers. if you are new to blender, please love yourself and start with character select.
your textures will be fucked up the first time you try to apply them. this is because the UV maps (the things that tell your textures where to go) of your models are flipped upside down in relation to the texture image. you can flip them back over manually, ooooor you can just flip the entire texture file in something like CSP or photoshop.
for some reason all eyes are red in the texture files. i have not figured out why. i recommend editing the .PNG to have the correct eye color before applying the texture.
mixamo only works for humanoid characters with tight clothing (or without clothing at all). if you try to use it to rig a charr or asura, or someone with a skirt or big sleeves, you will most likely be disappointed.
that's all i can think of for now - if you have other questions, feel free to shoot them my way, although i can't promise i'll have a straight answer ^^;;
information from bookahlogy about character proportions, fixing normals, and other fun tips
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nininikki · 1 year
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𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓: e. jaeger x black fem!reader
ꨄ summary! — you absolutely despise biochemistry. good thing you’ve got the perfect tutor.
ꨄ warnings! — nsfw, smut! porn with plot, male masturbation, eren’s a nerd & an absolute loser in this (it’s so hot), reader’s a lil mean, dom-ish reader, sub-ish eren, dry humping, tiny bit of nipple play, finger sucking (idk what else to call it?), oral sex (m!receiving), reader’s a bit of a tease, face fucking, little bit of clit play, unprotected, penetrative sex (piv, wrap it up guys!), riding.
ꨄ author’s note! — am i ashamed of this? slightly. was i leaking like a faucet while i wrote it? … anyway… lmk if i missed anything in the warnings!
ꨄ word count! — 4.4k
it had all started when your professor held you back at the end of class. his usual sandpaper drawl of a voice livened with a stern tone as he informed you—no, warned you—that you were in dire jeopardy of failing his class, and he’d be assigning you a tutor.
some loser who (apparently) sat two rows in front of you in class. some loser your professor had chastised you for not knowing, as if it were something important enough for you to pay attention to. “well, i guess it could be hard for you to pay attention to… anything, really. what, with all the sleeping you do in my class.”
you simply scoffed and muttered, pig fucker under your breath. you had only fallen asleep once or twice in there, and you highly doubted you were the only one.
“whatever.” you sighed, running your hands over your skirt, sprouting up from your seat, and heading for the door. “i’ve got a class.”
“well, then, i’ll just send you his contact information, and let you be on your way.” to any unsuspecting person, that might’ve sounded polite. but you caught the sardonic—possibly even sadistic—tone of his voice. he’d managed to annoy you even further when he shouted, “your sessions start thursday!”
thursday had arrived, and eren had gotten the feeling his professor was grossly underestimating when he’d said, “she can be a bit of a hard time, but if anyone can get through to her, it’s you.” because you had proven to be a hard time, and then some.
it didn’t help in the slightest that you were so pretty, either. when he first entered the library and saw you sitting in the spot you two had agreed on, the blood under his skin ran hot and the air around him became as warm as though lightning had struck the very spot where he stood.
there you sat, not in a chair like a normal person would, but on the table. the first thing he’d taken notice of was your smile; dazzling, wide, framed by a pair of full, glossy lips, and totally not directed at him. eren felt a blush bloom across his cheeks nonetheless.
a skimpy outfit adorned your body, hugging you in places he’d have to stop himself from imagining later. a white miniskirt covered the very top of your thick thighs, and a soft pink tank top contrasted perfectly with the brown tone of your skin.
you were twirling the ends of your dark, curly braids with your manicured fingers while you looked into your phone camera and snapped various selfies. legs crossed and swinging idly back and forth.
when he’d finally trudged his way over, it had taken a rather loud, “ahem.” to pry your eyes off your phone.
“oh,” you said, your eyes snapping to him and going alight with some unknown emotion before dampening down to indifference. “you must be eren.”
he smiled at the sound of his name coming from your mouth. “nice to meet you.”
“y’know, i really wish i could say the same.” you replied, sliding gracefully off the table to find a seat behind it and taking the faint scent of cherry blossoms with you.
eren never had the greatest poker face, so he wasn’t surprised when you’d noticed the slight hurt wrinkling his features. “no offense to you. i just don’t really wanna be here.”
“i’m sorry about that.” eren said, pushing his glasses up over his nose. usually, witty remarks fell off his tongue as easily as saliva, but he’d caught sight of you batting your thick eyelashes in his direction, and found his mouth was dry as dust. “but professor ackerman told me you were failing.”
“so? professor ackerman’s an asswipe.” you giggled, frustratingly aloof and unserious, pulling a tube of lipgloss out of your purse and applying a shiny new coat to your lips, something eren never thought he’d be attracted to in all nineteen years of his life. “whatever.” you continued. “let’s just get this over with, please.”
and for the next few weeks, that was how all your sessions would start. every thursday, you’d meet eren in that stuffy, yawn-inducing library, prefacing the next hour of hell with some form of a complaint. and eren, the saint he was, would only giggle and blush like some schoolgirl.
sure, you guessed you could admit that he was an okay tutor.
so what if in only three weeks of working with him, you were absorbing the knowledge way faster and more effectively than you did with professor ackerman.
so what if eren made biochemistry, dare you say, fun? so what if he took perfect notes? and never gave you shit for dotting your i’s with hearts? and was maybe— only maybe—a little funny? and had the prettiest eyes you’d ever had the pleasure of looking into? and the coolest hair? and his lips, full and pretty and bubblegum-pink. you’d sometimes catch him chewing on the end of a pen, not knowing you could be envious of a writing instrument.
“stop that,” you murmured to yourself as you headed to your designated spot.
eren was already there, twirling his pen between his fingers and skimming through a textbook. “god, i’m so ready to get home.” you chimed, mentally noting how you’d began to mean it a little less everyday.
his eyes flitted up to where you stood, undressing you in a way that he probably thought was subtle. “yeah, why’s that?” rabid butterflies attacked your stomach when he pushed his glasses up his nose.
you sat down next to him and pulled your notebook out. “new episode of rupaul’s, obviously.”
eren only chortled, gesturing to your outfit, more specifically, the thong peeking out of your jeans. “y’know, that’s gotta be against some kind of dress code.”
“oh. i could… i could change right quick if you want.”
you released your passive facade with a short laugh. “fuck no. i’d wear this shit to church if i wanted.”
“whatever.” he rolled his eyes, and refocused his attention to the textbook on the table. “are you ready to study for this test?”
“okay, i think i’m all set.” after memorizing thirty-five different flash cards and definitions and diagrams, your brain was mince meat in your skull. your limbs felt wracked with fatigue despite hardly moving them at all throughout the hour. “i really think i could make a c.”
nothing could’ve prepared you for the pure, unparalleled joy dawning over eren’s face. “that’s—that’s amazing. really, i’m…i’m proud of you.”
“i’m exhausted, ‘ren.” your eyes nearly fluttered shut. “god, how are you so happy right now?”
“i’m happy i was able to help you, that’s all.” he flipped his textbook shut and relaxed a little in his chair. “knowing i’m able to help y—help others with my own knowledge is, like, i don’t know, the best feeling in the world.”
wryly, you murmured. “you must not know what sex feels like.”
eren gasped—or was it a cough?—as his mouth opened and closed like a dying fish. those rabid butterflies from before returned with a vengeance when his voice cracked on a giggle and his entire face blushed a cheery shade of crimson.
“but no, seriously. thanks for all the help & stuff, ‘ren. i’ll let you know how it goes?” you pretended not to notice the mental breakdown he was having and instead packed up all your things.
“y—yeah, uh, you do that.”
god, she’s fucking insufferable, eren mused as his dick twitched in his pants.
as soon as the session was over, he’d rushed to his dorm with only one thing on his mind: getting you off of it. seriously, how could you expect him to act normal around you? looking and acting and sounding like that. like everything he didn’t know he needed until it was hanging inches from his grasp.
he had done everything in his power to stay soft for more than five minutes. took two ice cold showers, went over every page in his anatomy notebook, did the same for his french notebook, and then doused himself under another cold shower.
but no matter what eren did, he was on a one-track mind. had been ever since you strutted into the library with your thong clinging to the fat of your hips, lips as glossy as ever, and that intoxicating, saccharine scent of cherry blossoms so thick in the air between you two.
now, there he lay, dick straining uncomfortably against his tented sweatpants and thoughts of you running rampant through his head.
“fuck it.” eren muttered, freeing his dick from his pants and hissing as it made contact with the harsh, cold air. he closed his eyes and wrapped his hand around the sensitive head, the back of his eyelids burning with the immediate sight of you.
what your manicured hand would look like in his stead, working his dick in long, slow strokes. a weak moan left his throat when he thought about you smearing his precum over the tip with your thumb, just the same way he was doing, but only better because it was you.
how pretty you’d look with him in your hand, but how much prettier you’d be with him in your mouth. how your tongue would swirl tantalizingly slow over the tip before you took it between your thick, shimmering lips. in that moment, there wasn’t a feeling he craved more than your tongue sliding over the thick, tender vein that coursed from his base to his tip.
and your tits, god your tits, and what he wouldn’t give to put his hands on them. to start slow; light, shallow squeezes that’d gradually become rougher over time. to run his fingers over your nipples and watch them harden before his own eyes. “so fucking pretty.” he’d say before he took one into his mouth and listened to your breathy little whimpers as he gently sucked on it.
your voice slid into his head like some sort of horny, impulsive thought. “i’m exhausted, ‘ren.” the nickname you had given him falling gracefully off your tongue. your lidded eyes staring up at him as though he were the only thing in the fucking world.
“please.” eren whispered to no one in particular, stroking his cock faster and feeling electricity invade the air around him. “please, i…”
“you must not know what sex feels like.” and eren could’ve melted into a puddle where he lay. because he didn’t know what sex felt like, but what he wouldn’t have given for you to rip his pants off and show him in the middle of that library.
he didn’t know what sex felt like, but he’d be damned if the thought of fucking you stupid hadn’t been running on a loop in his head since the first week he met you.
eren could feel his orgasm approaching nearer with each and every desperate pass along his dick. an invisible coil tightening in his gut, the erratic beating of his heart, and the moans building behind his lips becoming harder to contain.
“yes, yes, yes.” voice nearly dying at the thought of what your pussy would feel like wrapped around him. “you feel so fucking good.”
with a few eager jerks of his cock, eren felt the coil in his gut snap and he was letting a yearning cry of your name slip past his lips. “don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t fucking stop.” eren begged, sloppily fucking himself through his orgasm and not stopping until his dick was too sensitive to take much more.
after his head had screwed itself back on properly and the room had stopped spinning, eren mustered enough energy to find a tissue and wipe his spend off his fingers and lower abdomen.
all while muffled, fuzzy feelings of guilt—guilt he was too tired to process—gnawed at the back of his head.
“is now a bad time?” you asked, trying to keep your eyes focused on anything but the sight in front of you. eren, bare chested, messy-haired, and sleepy-eyed. or maybe he just always looked like this without his glasses. “‘cause i can come back, like, way later.”
you were maybe expecting a, “yeah, later.” or “no, right now’s fine.” you definitely weren’t anticipating the door slamming shut in your face without so much as a word from him.
for a few moments, you’re torn between hurt and confusion, not knowing which emotion swirled more prominently in your stomach.
just as the thought of leaving crossed your mind, the door swung open and your eyes were graced with a new sight. eren, an old t-shirt thrown haphazardly over his body, glasses sitting clumsily over his eyes, and faint remnants of water splashes on his face.
“i’m so sorry about that.” he explained, ushering you through the threshold of the door. “i just needed to be presentable, i guess.”
you scoffed with a roll of your eyes. “nobody’s presentable at nine in the morning, ‘ren.”
“nobody but you, apparently.” eren laughed, gesturing to the outfit you wore.
you clutched the test papers in your hands and your head bobbed on a faux-modest nod. “yeah, i figured i’d go out for drinks later whether i passed or failed.”
“so…” eren asked, trying to sneak a look at the papers behind your back. “c’mon, i don’t think i can wait any longer.”
you couldn’t contain the smile threatening to break out over your face any longer. “well, since you asked so nicely.” you unfolded the papers in your hand, revealing the front, which was marked with a bright red c.
the thick gasp eren sucked in as relief swam through his eyes was your finishing point. that newborn excitement and joy you felt when you first saw your score came coursing back through your veins in full force. thoughtlessly, you wrapped your arms around eren’s neck and let out an ecstatic scream as he lifted you off your feet and spun you around.
“i did it! i did it! i did it! i did it! i fucking did it!” you squealed, the unbridled happiness in eren’s eyes only fueling yours.
then, without sparing a cautionary thought, you kissed him. you kissed him because there was no way this moment could’ve gone without it. you kissed him because the exhilaration dancing over your skin wouldn’t have allowed you to do anything else.
fervently, hungrily, passionately, you kissed him like it was the last thing you’d ever do. “i’m…i’m sorry.” you breathed into his mouth when you broke away. “i’m really sorry. i don’t know why i did—” and then he was kissing you.
softer, slower, more intense in some foreign way. like you were something tender and fragile and meant to be handled with care. but really, that couldn’t have been further from the opposite. for days—no, weeks—on end, him fucking you open on his dick had been in the background of all your usual thoughts.
slowly, eren’s hand grazed over the soft skin of your thigh before it found purchase on the underside of your knee, pulling it up and around his waist, the other one quickly following. “is that okay?” he rasped, the sound going straight to your already throbbing clit.
you ran your thumb over his bottom lip and watched his eyes darken with lust in real time. “mhm, it’s perfect.” one of your hands unfastened from around his neck and trailed down the expanse of his toned stomach, not stopping until you reached the hem of his sweatpants. “can you get on the bed for me?”
“fuck, yes,” eren backed up until he was seated at the edge of the bed, kissing you desperately along the way. his hands stumbled gingerly over the front of your shirt, fingers toying with the fabric. “can i…” he trailed off, eyes moving frantically from your face to your pert nipples that lay beneath the thin material.
quickly, you make work of untying the front of your shirt and exposing your tits to the brisk air. “you wanna play with ‘em?” you questioned, desire oozing off your skin like sweat.
“yes, please,” and carefully, his velvety palms slid up your waist, stopping just before he got there. eren’s pupils, blown to their very max, grew wider as he dragged his gaze over you.
he took them both in his hands, fondling them as though they were gold. the pads of his thumbs skimmed over your sensitive nipples, and you couldn’t help the whines slipping past your open mouth. “fuck, just like i imagined.” eren cooed.
just like i imagined. the words were like music to your ears, sending another aching throb to your clit. “you thought about me like this, baby?” you ground your hips down against his lap, body flaring with want when your clit dragged over the hardness of his cock.
eren shook his head, mouth opening around a needy mewl. “n—no. i didn’t mean it like—”
you interrupted him with another roll of your hips, grabbing him by the chin and muffling the moans coming from his mouth with a frenetic kiss. the sounds he sang into your mouth had your hips moving faster against him, and you weren’t a virgin, but you swore you could cum from just hearing him alone. “tell me the truth, ‘ren.” you breathed over his mouth. “you thought about touching me like this?”
“yeah,” he admitted, pinching your nipples between his fingers. “i really try not to, but you’re so fucking pretty.” at that, you could feel your pussy grow impossibly needier, arousal soaking the thin fabric of your panties.
deciding that you couldn’t take it any longer, you crawled off his lap until you were kneeling before him, the tent of his erection more prominent than ever in his pants. you purred, “did you think about this, too?” as you pulled his pants down his legs and took his thick cock in your hand.
six inches at least, the head flushed a pretty shade of pink, a thick vein running under it, a shiny bead of precum leaking from his tip, and the erection casting a shadow across your face. the sight of it had your mouth watering and your hips moving against nothing, desperate and aching to have it inside of you. “answer me, ‘ren.”
eren made a noise that was a mix between a moan and a cry. “shit—yeah. i can’t help it, your mouth’s so fuckin’ pretty.” he looked down at you, cradling your cheek with a shaky palm.
as you began to slowly stroke his dick, you adjusted the placement of his hand just slightly, so that his thumb was sitting against your lips. you pressed a light kiss to it before taking it into your mouth. “you’re so—fuck.” you felt him harshly buck his hips up into your hands when you began to suck on it.
watching the sanity drain from his eyes as he looked down on you had you a mess, pussy unattended and drooling with want. “i’ll cum if you keep doing this.”
“but i want you to.” you pouted, dropping his thumb from your mouth.
eren nodded, swallowing thickly. “i do too, but…” you searched for an answer in his eyes, but came up blank. “not like—”
“oh.” goosebumps rose along your skin at the realization. “do you wanna cum in my mouth, eren?”
“i—” you stamped wet kisses along that vein under his dick, and reveled in the sight of him bucking up against your ministrations.
“you what?”
he nodded, fingers digging into his mattress comforter. “i do, i—i really fucking—”
you let a bead of saliva fall onto his tip before taking it your mouth, sucking on it nice and slow, gauging his reactions before you went any further. “‘s that feel good, baby?”
“mhm,” sniffle. “yeah.”
“want me to take it deeper?”
“do whatever you w—”
before he could finish, you were taking him between your lips, not stopping until you could feel him at the back of your throat, his dark thatch of pubes brushing against the tip of your nose.
“oh, shit—fuck. you’re so good…” eren whimpered, trying his best to keep his hips planted where they were.
you pulled off, a string saliva connecting the two of you. “fuck my face, eren.” you rasped. the lust etched into his features quickly morphed into confusion. “i want you to use me, okay?”
he nodded unsteadily, and when you sucked him back into your mouth, you were surprised he actually listened. cautiously, his fingers carded through your hair, and he held your head in place while fucked up into your mouth.
there you go, baby. just like that. your fingers found themselves teasing your clit through the drenched material of your panties, so worked up at the feeling of him using your mouth just the way you both needed.
not long after, you could hear him cry, “oh, fuck. i’m cumming, i’m cumming, i—” followed by warm, thick streams of cum painting the back of your throat. you pulled away, wiping rogue trails of drool from the corners of your mouth.
eren’s chest heaved as if he’d just run a marathon and his eyes were focusing and unfocusing about five times a second. satisfaction burned in your chest. after catching your breath, you wondered aloud, “was that just like you imagined too?”
eren pulled you off the ground by your arms so that you were straddling him again, rasping into your mouth, “i wanna feel you.”
genuinely caught off guard and still a little dizzy from what you just did, “huh?”
“i want you to fuck me.” he said—no, begged—as his grip on your waist grew tighter. “please, baby.”
you stared down into the oasis of his eyes and were met back with nothing but need. pure, unadulterated need. “alright.”
after shimmying your skirt and heels off your body, you pushed him backwards on the bed until he was at the headboard. “i’m gonna ride you. is that okay?”
“yeah, that’s—” he interrupted himself with a grunt when you guided his hands to the hem of your panties, gesturing for him to pull them down.
“if you get these off of me, i’ll let you keep ‘em.” you grinned wantonly, fingers drawing patterns over his happy trail.
not a second later, eren’s hand was on the nape of your neck, pulling you into a sloppy, passion-drunk kiss; your back contorted into a deep arch as his soft tongue moved dizzily around your mouth, all while he pulled your underwear down your shaky legs.
“feel how wet i am, ‘ren.” you implored between kisses. you brought his all-too-careful hand to the very center of your frustration, shivering slightly as his fingertips grazed your clit. “and it’s all for you.”
“for me?” he exhaled, rubbing you in soft, torturous circles. you could tell they were only experimental, and that he didn’t really know what he was doing. still, you couldn’t deny it felt fucking incredible.
your hips fell victim to his tantalizing ministrations, grinding desperately against his timid fingers. “yes, baby. it’s all yours.”
you positioned yourself above his dick, letting it catch on to your clit a couple times before aligning it with your dripping hole. “you want this?”
“more than anyth—” you sank down slowly on the tip, letting out a few whimpers of your own at the stretch of just that alone. eren whimpered helplessly before you, any prior thoughts completely forgotten as his hands find purchase on your hips. “more, more, please. i needa feel your pussy so bad.”
“you’re so fucking big, ‘ren.” you whined as you brought yourself lower and lower with every sniffle and whimper from him, the remaining bits of your resolve crumbling as his thick cock stretched you out. when you sank down completely, eren’s face had scrunched up so tight you thought it might cramp. “do you like the way my pussy feels, baby?”
just as he was about to answer, you rose to the tips of your toes to bounce yourself up and down on it. loud, provocative squelching noises followed each pass of your sopping cunt against his dick. “i love it, i love it, i fuckin’ love it, baby.”
eren’s eyes screwed shut and you halted slightly, moving up to bounce only on his tip. you grab him gently by the chin, and his pretty eyes flutter open. “keep your eyes on me while i fuck you, okay, ‘ren?” he just nodded pathetically, keeping his eyes fixed to you even as tears streamed down his face. “yeah, just like that. you’re doing so good for me.”
you dropped your fingers down to let them pass against your clit, ordering, “open for me.” before you dropped them into eren’s waiting mouth. when you took those fingers from his mouth so you could cradle his face, it wasn’t long before the tip of his dick found that deep, sensitive spot inside you that had you close to cumming in only a matter of seconds.
“i’m gonna cum, ‘ren.” you mewled. desperately, you leaned forward to take his lips in a messy, lustful kiss. “gonna cum all over your dick, baby. you want that?”
the fat of your ass dimpled under the pressure of his fingers. “god, yes! please, please just keep fucking me like that.”
it only took a few more hits on that spot before you felt your body erupt with the built up pressure of your orgasm, gushing streams of white all over eren’s cock with a cry of, “fuckfuckfuckfuck!” skin nearly bursting in flames at the sheer intensity of your release.
“i’m so close,” eren cried, looking up at you with pleading eyes. “can i…” his voice died, then came back. “cum inside you?”
you smiled into his mouth. “yeah, baby fill me up.” and just as you were about to muster the little strength remaining in your knees, eren held you where you sat.
“no, i wanna do it this time.” he whispered. “just sit there and let me use you, okay?”
shocked (and a little turned on) by his foreign demeanor, your mouth fell agape. eren took the opportunity to kiss you as he pounded up into your pussy, filling the room with the repeated sounds of skin slapping and fucked out moans.
soon after, you could feel eren cumming inside you, singing a slight whine of your name as he caked your walls in thick layers of white.
when the two of you came down from your post-orgasm high, eren wrapped a blanket around your bodies and pressed light kisses over your cheeks before sitting his fogged glasses on his nightstand. falling asleep next to you without a care in the world.
so, yeah, you’d say tutoring was going a little better than you had imagined.
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© NININIKKI. do not translate, copy, or modify my works in any way shape or form.
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afreakingdork · 3 months
Weak Spot - Chapter 61
RotTMNT Donatello x Reader
Warnings: Aged-up Turtles, Romance, Meet Cute, Villain Donatello, Cussing, Crushes, Xenophobia, Fear, Intimidation, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hurt/Comfort, Love, AFAB Reader, Vaginal Sex, Sex Rough, Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Creampie, Teasing, Scent Kink, Sexual Tension, Breeding Kink, Multiple Orgasms, Cunnilingus, Fellatio, Marathon Sex, Somnophilia, Bondage, Feral Behavior, Feral Donatello, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Public Sex, Dom Donnie, Human/Turtle Relationships, Turtle Noises, Roleplay, Sexual Roleplay
Synopsis:  A love story of villainous proportions! Though it hadn’t come easily, as these things rarely do, you found yourself in a whirlwind romance with a handsome and mysterious mutant. His idiosyncrasies had been easy to ignore as attraction grew into something more. However, will love endure when the unknowns about him end up being far darker than you ever considered?
Fem!Reader References/Warnings Below Cut
Also available on Ao3
First 💜 Previous
Fem!Reader References/Warnings: hospital stay, vomiting, healing, mental breakdown
You were exhausted by every definition of the word. As long as you were awake there was something there vying for your attention and it left you drained. From healing to tests to visitors, occurrences were all around you. Sleep came in inevitable spurts and felt like your only respite. Consciousness was a thing to be dealt with as much as you wanted otherwise.
Your friends came in pairs.
Your ex-roommate, Coral, had apparently shown up more than once while you were unconscious, but upon seeing you, eyes open for the first time, she burst into her first actual tears. It left the two turtles always in your presence a noticeable speechless as she rushed over, but kept from collapsing onto you. In time though, she was in your bed and regaling you in how she attacked Leo assuming he was the cause. Leo corroborated the story citing how alike the two of you were which then led to Coral finding out about the S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. suit debacle.
She reigned hell down on the blue turtle for even thinking to touch the automaton.
As amused as Donnie was about Leo’s beat down, his own bitterness dictated he bring up how Coral still had beef with his son.
Coral said that was all in the past and Leo was left sputtering on what appeal S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. had to have charmed so many.
All the while, your nervous friend Nelson, who now lived with Coral, was fluffing a bouquet they had brought.
You heard Donnie throw him a comment about foliage and the two talked a quiet distraction as Leo sulked in a corner.
“So… Magic underground city.” Coral said, pushing your cuticles back even though you’d told her multiple times how much you hated it.
“It’s maybe another dimension?” You wanted to yank your hand free, but it would be too much effort.
She slowed, studying your nails. “You’re not going back, right?”
“No, I was already over it, but now…?” You sighed.
“Never.” Donnie cut through both conversations with bitterness.
“Good call.” Coral pointed to him without looking. “Sucks about your library though.”
“Library…?” Leo didn’t glance over as his phone was now in hand.
Donnie’s gaze pointedly narrowed where Nelson could see it.
Your nervous friend tilted his head with concern.
Leo heard the silence and it pulled his gaze. “The mystic library?”
“Leo…” You warned.
“If there’s a detail left out that can help the investigation…” Leo pressed back, sitting upright.
“It’s not related.” You decided.
“How would you know?” Leo bristled.
“Can you not bitch about Y/N’s memory loss? I’d suppress the thing too, damn!” Coral hissed.
“Sorry, I’m trying to cover my bases and make sure there isn’t a larger plot to kill them.” Leo mimicked her tone.
She glowered.
Donnie exhaled quietly.
Nelson gave him a sad smile.
Donnie took it with a slight nod.
You knew Nelson knew as much as Leo, but even he could sense the line.
“Them.” Coral spoke around her tongue. “Going soft, blueberry? Don’t you and grapes over here have mega beef?”
Leo was on his feet with furious eyes, but he stayed rooted in place.
Coral only cocked a waiting brow at him.
Leo’s gaze narrowed.
Her smile grew.
“Why don’t you talk motive then, detective sea rocks?” Leo walked over, gearing up for a challenge on the way.
“Omigosh, I’ve never heard that one before.” Coral feigned a gasp behind a hand before tucking an arm around you to appear more casual. “I’ll bite.”
“Please.” Leo pulled up a stool and took the position of the Thinker.
“We got vacation gone wrong and a jealous ex.” Coral shrugged as if that were obvious.
Donnie reared.
Nelson held up anxious hands.
Leo bit down on a bark of laughter. “Ex, huh?”
“Oh yeah, this has crime of passion written all over it.” Coral pointed at your bandages. “Don’t you think?” She lolled her head toward you.
You weighed your response before looking at your boyfriend. “Donnie’s never mentioned one.”
Donnie shot Coral specifically, an embittered look. “At best, the yokai in question was marked in my database simply because they were part of the police department. I have no greater notes and no further ties.”
“Knew you read turbo virgin.” Coral lowered her lids as if Donnie had walked right into her trap.
He only stared back.
Leo lasted one entire second before he began to cackle so hard it spun his chair.
It stung, but you knocked your head against Coral’s.
“Hey!” She squawked, more for your sake. 
“Leave him alone.” You switched your grip as fast as you could and dug your nail into her nail bed.
“Ouch!! What the fuck!?”
“Yeah, it hurts!” You sent her your disdain.
She sent her own.
“Y/N’s injured…” Nelson felt the need to remind the room.
Coral ignored him and left her hand in yours. “It has to be something like that though. To drug ‘em both, but only hurt Y/N. From what you described, it sounds like they wanted Donnie to watch.”
“Not my name.” Donnie grumbled.
“I got you multiple birthday presents, I’ll call you whatever I want.” Coral smoothed out her fingertips to yours.
You could feel Leo picking up the tidbits of closeness and how it rendered him further confused.
“Evidence schmevidence.” Coral continued. “They had a hard on for purple.”
Leo tapped his stool. “Nothing we don’t already know.”
“How long was he on the force?” Coral was far more careful in examining the hand on your injured arm.
“Twenty three years.” Donnie replied.
“Yeah, that doesn’t mean anything to me.” She skimmed your digits. “How’s that fall into your timeline?”
“Coral, Leo’s here.” You sighed.
“So? Hey, blue balls, do you not know Plankton's backstory or what?” She didn’t look up.
Leo made a confused face at the nickname.
“You don’t know the back story.” You reminded her with a dull stare.
“I know some!” She huffed, proud. “Apparently more than pepper face.”
“I have two brothers. You aren’t coming up with an insult I haven’t already heard.” Leo seemed both amused and not.
Coral shined him an all too wide grin.
Donnie was caught in thought. “Records indicate he became a beat cop around the time I became official.”
You leaned your head on Coral’s shoulder.
She laid hers on top. “Official how? He must have met you then.”
Donnie either felt lonely or sensitive because he crept up to your side. “I have no such memory.”
You held out a hand for him and he took it.
“How old are you?” Leo looked at Donnie, tepidly.
“Vivisection placed me at approximately 35.” Donnie responded, keeping his gaze to your hold.
Leo made a disgruntled noise.
“Vivi…” Coral mouthed before the word sank in. “Who cut you open?!”
Donnie didn’t budge.
Coral checked with you, but you tucked your head away.
“He cut himself open.” Leo spoke with knowing disdain.
“How would you know!?” Coral glanced at him.
“I don’t, but I do. Look at how they just reacted.” Leo threw a hand up to gesture to you. “Besides, he used to always do fucked up shit to his body. I’m surprised he isn’t the one bed ridden.”
“Shame you’re so imprecise with that blade you supposedly trained your life with.” Donnie turned up hatred.
Leo’s body rose with a current of surprise and rage.
Nelson wandered into the line of fire. “U-uh w-we were talking about the common enemy!”
“You’re gonna get yourself killed. You have no sense of self perseveration, I swear. Nels, come here, stupid.” Coral removed herself from you and held out a hand.
Nelson resisted and stayed firmly in place between Donnie and Leo.
“Nels!” Coral growled.
The man in question shook his head.
Donnie stepped in closer behind him. “As good a time as ever for you to finally admit why you spared me that day.”
Leo didn’t break eye contact, but there was something unstable about him.
You didn’t know what Donnie was talking about.
“Y/N…” Coral pleaded with you.
You could barely hear her. “Donnie?”
Donnie laid a hand on Nelson’s shoulder.
You took it as an indication that he’d be safe.
Coral went to move.
Leo blocked her with a raised hand.
Her shoulders hunched, ready to strike if need be.
“You were eleven or twelve when you became an official villain.” Leo finally spoke and the entire moment disengaged.
No collective sigh had, the humans in the room wilted.
“Same as me.” Leo mumbled out the side of his mouth.
“Approximately.” Donnie steered Nelson back towards the bouquet.
“The yokai was six times your age.” Leo spoke his thoughts.
“Gross.” Coral chanced, still shaken.
You nudged her lightly and she spared you a downtrodden look.
Leo nodded. “Surprised a newbie cop survived… Especially one that failed to get on the force three times.”
You felt a pinch in your head and looked toward your water cup.
Nelson was closer and got it before Donnie could.
You thanked him quietly and drank.
“Why’s that?” Coral ventured.
“Someone almost single handedly wiped out the force.” Leo bobbed his head toward Donnie without looking.
“At twelve…?” Coral looked at Donnie then you.
You had no defense.
You kept your eyes down.
“Not so fun galavanting with a murderer.” Leo barely kept a sneer in line. “Who doesn’t know enough now?”
“Leo, shut the fuck up.” You spat bile.
Leo only snorted and folded his arms.
He closed himself off.
For a long moment there was quiet.
Then Coral picked at your blanket. “Antelope lived…”
You were the only one to look.
“The bastard.” Her eye was on your covered body. “Obsessed with becoming a cop means he’s prone to going all in. Who’s to say he didn’t get high off living through an encounter with the demon child?”
Donnie’s eye darted as he connected the dots.
Your head hurt.
This was hitting the limits of your interactions.
You also had physical therapy scheduled soon.
You were about to mention it when Leo piped up. “His family all worked city jobs. If you fold in the mystic library, however it fits, then he’s obsessed with some duty to the city.”
In a sudden slam of your skull you had a vague thought about sacred spaces before your stomach churned.
 As if socked, you hunched forward on a gag. “Gonna vomit…!”
Coral was out of the bed and Donnie was around you with a pan. “I’ve got you. Let it out.”
You gagged and spit as he rubbed your back.
“That’s enough.” Leo spoke softly. “Visiting hours are over.”
“Y/N…” Coral mumbled.
“It’s…” You choked.
“Y/N is alright. You’ll come back?” Donnie asked for you.
“Of course… Don’t worry.” Coral headed towards the door. “Nels, seriously this time.”
“Yeah…” Nelson maneuvered around Donnie and shot Leo a vicious warning look as he passed that only you and the receiver seemed to see.
Leo was scorned as the two parted with apologies and goodbyes.
With nothing coming up from the nausea wave, you eventually laid back and cursed to the dead air of the room.
Heading home after a month in the hospital was tainted by what you now thought of as your chaperone. It didn’t matter that you had been in a coma for three of those weeks, but in the hospital it had felt like one thing; Leo was there as an added pair of hands when you were at your worst. He gave Donnie a break when caring for you which you were endlessly thankful for. His mischievous side paired with his convenient powers meant you had all the contraband you could ask for from anywhere in any world. He also had a command over nearly the entire staff and, just as Donnie alluded to, you couldn’t help but notice that your hospital stay had been a positive one because of it.
In your own home though, he felt like a freeloader.
Leo was no longer as useful with no one to manipulate and he had a clear fear of touching anything in your place. His entire being was now closed up and often placed in parts of the apartment that he deemed safe. While he never said it aloud, the dart of his eye and paranoia you had learned of him spoke to how painfully aware he was of the cameras monitoring his every move. This was compounded by S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N., a walking manifestation of a bug in Leo’s eyes, who stopped by routinely to drop off supplies. Your son was an antagonist whether he realized it or not and he pressed Leo whenever he had the chance because he deemed it fun. You loved the automaton dearly, but his rambunctious nature meant his visits were shortened. Donnie couldn’t mediate and you were left missing his smaller form to sleep with as the best sentient heating pad on the market. 
S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.’s human sized form had already been enough of a shock to Leo, so you assumed it had been decided that any more information about your son was to be kept under lock and key. 
It was something you had to surmise as several decisions had been made without you. You might have found a way to ask, but guilt was eating away at Donnie for his failings already. He had to bury enough in front of his foe, because of his ninpo, and on top of being your caregiver, which meant he looked ready to keel over. You wanted to support him, but you yourself were still casted for at least another month. The spica had been your nightmare and even though you could technically walk with crutches, the threat of the plaster breaking at your hips, as you had been warned, hovered over you like a blight.
You had been assigned an in-home physical therapy.
Another invader in your home, she was kind, but she was yet another thing to think about and another barrier for Donnie to mentally navigate.
There were also the other turtles. Leo had been forced to essentially move in, which meant Mikey and Raph made excuses to drop by. It was clear their nerves were frayed over their brother’s new housing situation as it was, to them, in a lion’s den. Though each man was independent, there was a clear separation anxiety if only because of trauma. It just so happened that the source of all that was themselves and your boyfriend. It showed on all four turtles faces that this situation was progressing for too long and you were the cause.
You didn’t feel at fault.
You wished your body would heal faster and Mikey had offered to hit you with more mysticism, but having talked to the youngest had revealed the many side effects that could have taken place which put Donnie’s waiting room arsenal into perspective.
You’d told him no, that you would do this the old fashioned way, and in classic Mikey fashion, he had already moved onto the next thing.
You wished you could too.
While your assailant was no longer alive, it had been upsetting to find that the investigation had been one closed for lack of evidence. They Hidden City considered it open and shut without further motive. You weren’t sure if you were afraid of another attack stemming or in general, but anxiety took up the very little left of your sanity. You were back to near chase level concerns and it was the only way you were glad the apartment was never empty. You avoided windows and doors, but being in your own bed helped to an extent.
You just needed to heal.
Then process.
There was a mountain of feelings to process.
If it wasn’t you, it was Donnie.
If it wasn’t Donnie, it was Leo.
If it wasn’t Leo, it was the other turtles.
Then your friends.
Then your job.
Then, everything.
One total week of your new homebound hell and you’d hobbled over to the kitchen by request of your therapist. You tried not to cry as you looked up at the cabinet that held cups. There were so many things you needed to do in order to free up a hand to reach them. It had already been an aggravating stepwise process just to get over here and having to wrangle your crutches away and back once again zapped the rest of your energy. A psychic collapsing, you were on the verge of tears for nothing and you wilted right there against your own counter.
The barest sound, not even a snivel, summoned the two men.
“Hey, you good?”
There was no escape.
No where you could even cry in peace. 
Not here.
Not in the bathroom.
You could yell.
You had yelled.
You’d snapped at Donnie more than once.
The ugly side of healing, your frustrations with yourself leaked out and leeched up at those around you.
For Donnie, he took everything in a careful stride. He knew you didn’t mean it and gave you space while he was still just within reach. It still affected him, however. He’d paper mached himself into a pasted shell, but the cracks were evident. No matter how many layers he put on to hide it, pieces like that weren’t meant to be jostled. If you could have kept it in, then he wouldn’t be cracked. 
You also couldn’t discuss this as there were prying tympanum.
For those reasons, Leo became your target.
You hated that.
He accepted it all too easily.It felt wrong in how calmly he’d take the barrage.He wasn’t like Donnie where he understood why you were lashing out. With Leo, it almost felt like he’d been waiting his whole life for the punishment. It spoke of many things, all too haunting and not yours to deal with. As much as he’d stomped into your life, you couldn’t help, but grow a certain fond of him. He’d helped you, he helped your mate, and he did it all after he and the ones he loved most had been terrorized for almost two decades.
Tears ran currents down your cheeks and you huffed feeling the pain of crying.
The scar tissue around your liver sat like a rock in your abdomen.
Your shoulder muscles ached near constantly.
The healed line along your ribs was taunt skin that tugged if you bent at any angle.
The damn cast sat unrelenting around your hips and deadened everything.
You choked a sob and you sensed both men flanking you.
“What’s wrong?”
“Does something hurt?”
You only shook your head.
Was that the right word?
No, you had justification.
It still sucked.
“Leo!” You quacked out against the barrage.
You could tell the men apart without looking and turned to your right where he was standing with a certain amount of surprise. “Yeah?”
“I need… I need time with Donnie. Can you… go do something, I don’t know… Just for a while?” You hadn’t meant for the water works to sway him, but you felt how messed up your face was when you sent your plea.
It snapped Leo’s expression shut, but there was a haunted quality to his eyes. 
You knew that. 
You knew your messy emotions were a threat to Donnie’s ninpo. 
You just wanted some damn time to grieve with your partner. 
You hadn’t had a single real moment alone with him. 
All of this thankfully seemed to translate because Leo eventually gave a curt nod. “Sure. I’ll go… out, I guess. Just for a bit, but you message me if anything, anything, happens.”
You agreed and watched him go.
You waited until the door clicked shut before turning on Donnie.
He wrapped you up in his arms the best he could and brought you close.
Was this the first real hug you’d gotten from him since leaving the hospital?
You despised that. 
“It’s too much!” You were forced to give the emotions voice.
Donnie nodded into your head.
“I miss you! I hate this. I can’t…!” You rooted into his sweater.
He continued to rhythmically concur.
“And you…!” You pulled back and he loosened to give you space to.
Your hands sat useless against his plastron. 
Having to keep your crutches to your body meant you could reach even less of him. 
You were too addled to press him and he wouldn’t allow his emotional veneer to fall.
It was a new one that you loathed.
It was different from the one he used in public for safety. 
This one clung to him sickly and all the time. 
It was the one that kept his powers at bay.
Shut and locked away, your watery eyes morphed his expression.
It was selfish to think he’d cry along with you, but you wanted him to so badly.
You wanted him to be able to express his own anguish. 
You knew it was there. 
Trapped along with everything else. 
“You…” You wilted against him.
He held your pieces together.
“I miss you…”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t-!” You banged his plastron.
He did nothing.
“Don’t… do that.”
He was at a loss.
“You had to. I wouldn’t be here otherwise…” You pressed your forehead just above his pectoral scutes. “You saved me. Full stop, no cost.”
“Leo nothing!” You came up glaring. “You saved me! I’m talking about you!”
His face sat neutral.
Throwing your weight against him to steady yourself, you released both your crutches to grab at his head, unencumbered. He caught your waist for balance and you used his distraction to pinch and pull his cheeks as far apart as you could. His teeth appeared stretched and he made the faintest noise of discomfort.
“You can’t even churr…” You let go and did nothing to soothe what you knew stung.
You watched his lip move as he tried to conjure something, but nothing came so he sent a metered sad gaze down at you.
“You can’t…” A few more tears loosed. “You can’t anything…”
“I can’t help you. I can’t do anything. This all-!” You nearly bit your lip and huffed to let it quiver.
Donnie nodded, the strain showing in lines on his face. “My research is coming up bare.”
“Yeah?” You leaned in close, having figured he was up to something like that, but you hadn’t had a chance to really talk.
“It seems the rat destroyed the surviving Hamato documents in a fit of letting his sons free the shackles of their destiny.” You could tell saying the sentence alone almost made Donnie vomit.
You couldn’t lean up, but you tilted your head and he came down enough to accept a peck to the cheek.
“The rest are cagey about details.”
You ran your hands along his arms. “I guess that makes sense; if they don’t teach you then you can’t use it against them.”
“But we’re inexplicably tied because of it.” Donnie’s brow furrowed.
“You’re too dangerous to leave alone.” You sighed at the conundrum.
“Contained for so long…” He had a haunted edge to his eye. “It’s as though it aggravated the ninpo’s release. It doesn’t feel as though I can be put back within the tomb of my body. It flows violent and endless… Illustrative of me… I suppose.”
You squeezed him.
“S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. and I are scrounging for records. Ninpo differs heavily from mysticism. It’s far more powerful, but it’s…” Donnie sneered. “Nonsensical. You get it by trusting family? Why? The blue bastard mentioned saving the red rube, but he’d done that dozens of times prior to whenever they unlocked it.”
“Right…” The memory dawned on you. “You saw them before like they were and then they suddenly had powers.”
“They even changed outfits.” Donnie stuck his tongue out the slightest bit.
You felt your spirits raise with how cute the action was.
He noticed and sucked the pink bit back in.
You accentuated the purse of your lip.
He mentally chewed for a moment before darting down and licking your cheek.
You squeaked and giggled into him.
He relented for a few kisses before pulling away.
You hadn’t dared test it and the mood was terrible with Leo around, but you knew Donnie was worried what even the most innocent of romantic thoughts would do to his ninpo. The most touch you’d dared was when you’d have to me moved or stabilized. He relegated the work to his hands so it came as a shock a few days ago, when you’d given up after being unable to change your own shirt due to a muscle spasm. Donnie’s body had pressed yours while he helped you and the heat there felt like something new. 
Your mind was pained by the deficit, but your body had forgotten so quickly. 
You cuddled close to him and, for a moment, felt those thoughts were unwarranted; he was always here. “Not everyone can nail their suit on the first try.”
“I made a few upgrades over the years, but style wise…?” He let the sentence hang.
“Spooky.” You peeked up at him.
“You think I’m spooky?” He leaned down with a faint leer.
You nodded and kissed the tip of his beak.
“The stalemate stands, but it seems there’s been improvement?” He murmured, hovering close.
“With you, me, or them?” Again, you felt the weight of the many thoughts crushing you, but this time you felt them held mutually with your boyfriend. 
“Me…” He had a starting edge. “This…” He tried again. “We haven’t gotten a moment like this.” 
“It seems alright…?” You tested him by swiping an all too light finger along the side of his neck. 
His eyes shut and he gave the faintest shiver. 
Your finger danced at his collar. 
His lids lifted and showed his clear gaze. “I would say so.” 
You smiled into him. 
He took a longing press from your lips before he came away with a chuff. “Your improvement isn’t linear, but is obviously occurring. That’s as to be expected and as for… them, we continue regardless of their existence.” 
You felt a similar lightness in him and chased it with a nipping kiss. 
He allowed himself to languish in it. 
Hadn’t you both agreed long, long ago that those were necessary? 
“How long do we have before I need to finish my homework and walk back across the apartment?” You glanced at your fallen crutches and back to him.
He had the faintest little smirk and curled around you under the guise of gathering your sticks for you.
“Ten more…”
Pulling at the resistance band, you rattled with a whine as you didn’t think you’d make it.
Across from you, your physical therapist was standing close and you despised the thin layer of sweat coating your body. It was so little effort to have taxed you this much. She also could undoubtedly smell the BO. The worst of which had to be the cast which was building odor from the lengthy use. Having been in it for almost two months, it made sense, but it was yet another reason to despise the damn thing. Donnie and Leo had yet to say anything, but you could tell by the way they turned their beaks that the pungent odor was worse for them.
Humiliation on top of misery caused you to rush the last six reps.
“Woah, woah. We gotta go slow to build that muscle…” The physical therapist caught you immediately.
“Just a… second…” You wheezed.
She traded you a bottle of water and held the band as you drank it down greedily.
Nearby Donnie stood with an arm crossed against his torso and a hand covering the bottom half of his face.
As you came away panting from labor and oxygen deprivation from drinking too much water, you knew that to be his PT position. He assumed it in every session you’d had so far as he wasn’t allowed to be present for the ones in the hospital. You wanted to ask why he always appeared the same, but you hadn’t been able to. A literal workout, you only wanted to wash up and then bury the exhaustion afterward. By the time you were back to the barest energy levels, you tabled it because another session was the last thing you wanted to ruminate on. During, however, you’d see him and wonder.
Was he holding himself back?
Was it hard to watch you struggle?
Did he want to help?
He never once interfered or made a noise. He kept his distance unless coaxed, which would sometimes happen if the physical therapist needed to demonstrate how to do your homework-type exercises. She was only scheduled to come by three times a week so you were expected to continue even when she wasn’t around. He took that job with a severity and was a menace about you having exactly the right posture to maximize healing. You knew beside his search to control his ninpo, he’d been studying everything there was to know about your particular injuries, but neither field seemed to be progressing.
Leo, on the other hand, almost always used your sessions to nap. You were sure he was worried in the beginning. He probably thought Donnie would fly off the handle at seeing you taxed, but instead Donnie stood as an intent observer. Seeing that to be the case, Leo took these moments as time off. Never a guest, Leo had fallen into a fixture-like role in your home over the course of two and a half weeks. It never felt like he truly moved in, though he rarely ever left, which made him almost an odd lamp you wished you could toss out. The couch was where he frequented and you assumed he was hidden there where you couldn’t see. His break while you busted your butt stung worse than Donnie’s hovering. It’s not like you wanted him around while you worked out, but him acting like these moments were vacations made you want to snap the resistance band in his face.
Even if it sometimes felt like it, neither man looked down at you.
You could do this and it was the only other thing you thought Donnie might be thinking. As much faith as you had in him, he had equal droves for you. If he was watching to see each sweat droplet marking your progress, it filled your chest with pride. Even when you failed to complete a full set, your physical therapist still congratulated you and marked each time you were able to go even the tiniest bit farther. Donnie knowing and being there to see each time you improved helped your resolve. You’d push past this because you wanted to. He was there to see it and you’d show him exactly what kind of resolve his mate had in the face of adversity.
You really needed to confirm how he felt.
For now, unfortunately, you shared a readied look with your trainer and they nodded, setting you back up to continue. “You’ve got this.”
“Yeah…” You stretched out the phrase and put tension on the band.
A purple light lit up somewhere behind you.
Three occupants of the apartment shot to look with rigid fear as the fourth casually turned.
Donnie’s computer was glowing at maximum strength and S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.’s little icon was jumping up and down on screen.
“That’s cute…” The physical therapist chuckled. “Did you download that?”
“Ah-ha… yeah…” That wasn’t exactly a lie, but you were still sweating over thinking Donnie had manifested a legion of artillery.
Donnie was in furious motion.
A small smile slipped on your lips as he was sure to scold S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. for scaring everyone even though he’d be careful in his wording to not admit that was the case.
What was curious was Leo scurrying around the corner and into the bedroom.
He had a nervous twitch to his brow and it took you an exhausted second too long to realize it was because he was running from S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. It prompted a new kind of grin that Leo pointedly ignored.
“Hey, Lucinda, what’s shaking?” Leo played it cool and offered a fist bump.
Your physical therapist met it casually. “Oh, you know me now? Finally done ignoring me?”
“Not ignoring…” Leo leaned to one side and snapped a playful gaze right back. “It’s business. I’m on the job. Gotta act all tough and serious, you know!” He tucked his hands into his pockets and bobbed his broad shoulders.
“Uh huh.” She didn’t seem to believe it for a second and gestured for you to keep going.
You did exactly one rep before you had to stop. “Okay… no… You two know each other?”
“Oh yeah.” Lucinda said it like it was some kind of big thing.
“We go way back.” Leo joked the same way.
You stared on, unamused by the show.
Lucinda broke into a smile. “Fine, Leo here once forced his way into my old office to train.”
“Forced is a strong word…” Leo’s eyes rolled in a way that said he was avoiding guilt.
“He pretended to be an injured patient and then pelted us with a thousand questions until my boss got wind and yelled at him.” She clarified.
Leo made a sheepish high pitched noise that whittled down to a nervous chuckle. “I did get hired on though.”
“How’s Mikey?” Lucinda tapped your band.
You took a deep breath and went through your last reps.
“Good. He regained nearly all motor function, but he hasn’t quit the health nut bit.” Leo watched you with a trainer’s eye.
“I haven’t talked to him in a few years, but it was no joke. He was always onto some cutting edge stuff.” She seemed amused. 
“You don’t live with him.” Leo huffed.
“You’re too hard on your family.”
“You know us Hamatos.” Leo banged his chest once to accentuate his tough plastron.
She sent him an arched brow that said she didn’t appreciate the joke.
Leo shined her a bright grin.
You drank a bit more from your bottle and let the pieces fall into place. “Mikey’s hands…”
The other two perked up.
“I thought this was a job?” Lucinda sent a suspicious glare towards Leo.
Leo pointedly looked away. “You know Mikey!”
“Cause Mikey gets around, right?” Her sarcasm cut thick and felt like a stark contrast to the concise person she was at work.
Leo laughed nervously before turning a wild gaze to you. “You know Luci here went into PT because she was a bully!?”
“Now, hold on!” She shot to her feet.
That spelt the truth for you and while you still wanted other answers, you were amused by their display.
“Yeah! She has a thing for making people hurt and figured this was the field to go in!” Leo cackled.
She had to jump, but she pinched his cheek and dragged him right down to her eye level. “In front of my patient!? Nu-uh!”
Leo couldn’t help, but laugh and you joined.
“If you know him, then you know he lies through his teeth.” Lucinda released him and dusted her hands.
“He’s always working an angle.” You remarked.
“Yes!” She pointed at you with a grin. “If he wasn’t a hero, he’d be a total grifter!”
“What’s that old bit? Selling stolen VCRs?” You mused.
“Yes!” She reached out and patted your good arm in appreciation.
“How old do you think I am?!” Leo looked between you two.
“Considering I just found out a little more than a month ago…?” You pretended to wonder.
“Month?!” Lucinda rounded on Leo again. “What is the deal here?”
“Yeah, Leo? What’s the deal?” You spread a grin on thick.
Leo held up his hands and his brow came down in irritation. “Come on… You don’t need to gang up on me!”
“Then explain! I’m not trying to assume anything, but it’s hard not to notice my patient’s partner is also green.” Lucinda folded her arms to wait.
You blinked once as the connection hit you.
The news knew Donnie as a masked villain from the turtle’s rogue’s gallery.
The truth was far more complicated.
You wondered if Leo had ever dealt with this before.
“You know what they say about assuming?” Leo had a stark edge.
You knew the joke, but his serious attitude just barely threw Lucinda off as she said, “No…?”
“They make an ass out of you and me.” Leo didn’t let up his serious nature as he clapped a hand to her shoulder.
It took exactly one second for the joke to hit her and she shoved him. “Ugh, I hate you!”
“She’s mad she couldn’t hurt me because I don’t have a poppable spine.” Leo held up a hand as if telling you a secret.
“Would you-!?” She swatted at him and he easily dodged while he continued to laugh.
“You know…” You did your own solemn positing.
Lucinda stiffened.
“You haven’t denied anything he’s said about you…” You marked the end of your sentence with a jeering grin.
Her lips flattened out into a caught line and it was her turn to assuage guilt. “That’s-! I mean-!
You pretended to wait.
“Fine!” She wilted. “I’m not a bad guy though! It’s my dad! He always had me walking on his back or pulling his arms and stuff as a kid! I loved the sound! So I might have bugged my friends and got a reputation for being the resident finger popper! Look how it turned out! All’s good at the end of the day!”
You gave her an affectionate smile. “That’s cute actually.”
“No, it’s not!” Leo bellowed and then openly shivered. “You two can’t hear just how loud those sounds are! There’s a fizz almost like soda between the joints! Eugh!!”
“And my boss wonders why you didn’t stay on…” Lucinda shook her head.
“That’s not why-!” Leo bit with a lighthearted edge.
“Why did you…?” The question leaked out from you even though it meant you interrupted.
The pair looked at you before Lucinda turned with a look that said she knew her story had been shared and thought she deserved to reveal something of her own. “I don’t know how close you are, so he might try to argue, but he hopped on to help his baby bro out at like 18ish. You still had a baby face then.” She turned to coo at Leo.
He sneered.
“He was real cagey about it, I just mentioned his whole fake spiel, but the boss took pity on him and hired him to clean up so he could unofficially work on the job.” Lucinda continued and bumped Leo to show she was doing it in good will.
He took it with a sigh.
“Those cracks on Mikey’s arms?” You asked before another thought hit you. “The tear in space time…”
“The what?” That was news to Lucinda.
“Hup-hup-hup!” Leo’s hands waved viciously between you and during the flurry he sent you a look that said you were right, but you needed to drop it.
“You know!” You quacked. “Because they look like the time rifts in movies!”
Lucinda evaluated both of you evenly before she gave a slow nod. “Yeah, they kinda do… Anyway, Mikey was a rough case. Terrible loss in coordination, muscle tearing, spasms… I really felt for him. The whole office did once Leo finally brought him around.”
Leo turned his head, oddly not liking this spotlight.
You studied him as he usually seemed more like one to preen.
“His recovery was… amazing.” Lucinda moved on. “Mikey was so motivated. He ended up always lifting spirits at the office.”
“He does group therapy now.” You offered.
“Of course he does.” Lucinda gave a smile that said she didn’t know it, but wholeheartedly believed. “Great kid. Both of you.” She slugged Leo affectionately.
“Yeah, yeah…” Leo brushed her off with a sly smile.
“Your turn.” Lucinda pointed at you.
“Next set?” You pulled the band up, ready.
“No, why this is all hush hush?” She gestured around.
Leo shifted, trying to cover how uncomfortable he was.
You kept your eye on him.
You guessed you didn’t blame him for still thinking the worst of you.
You weren’t his biggest fan, but he’d come through for you and Donnie in a major way.
In this instance, you couldn’t imagine throwing him under the bus. “Hero business.” You gestured down your half wrapped body. “He got sucked into dealing with my attack.”
“You were…!” Lucinda trailed off as she caught herself. “I’m sorry. That wasn’t my place…”
“It’s okay. You’ve been amazing. You’re really good at your job.” You meant every word.
She smiled with a tinge or relief.
Leo was looking at you in a similar way.
Donnie made a small noise.
You all turned towards him.
He coolly glanced between the group before landing on Lucinda. “Something urgent has come up. I need to step out for a moment.”
“Sure. We got this. Right, Y/N?” She turned to you.
You were about to respond affirmatively when Leo cut in.
“What.” Leo’s flat tone held accusation instead of question.
Donnie only flicked him a glance.
“Donatello…” Leo spoke weighty, painfully aware of the company.
“I’ll be nearby.” Donnie relented that much before looking at you.
With no indication on his facial features, you saw in his eyes that this was something wholly necessary and had to do with his ninpo research.
You turned to Leo and hoped you betrayed as little as Donnie. “You still remember how to do this, Leo?”
He resisted looking away from Donnie before his eyes fell to you and the resistance band in your hand.
“Sure.” There was a tart quality to his voice before he reached for the rubber. “Sure, yeah. I use these to warm up at the gym.”
Donnie gave you one last look that had a tinge of longing before he departed.
Leo demonstrated stretching the band behind his back and Lucinda pushed you to try the as of yet attempted advanced maneuver. It pinched your shoulder, but she held your arm, ready and testing, to make sure you could execute safely. You manage three tugs before you wilted in pain and she passed you a cloth to dab your sweat.
“Amazing. Seriously. You’re really working hard and I can tell you aren’t skimping when I’m not around.” She soothed you.
You hummed a sort of laugh into the towel. “The walks around the apartment suck the most.”
“Oof when we get you out of the cast and onto the bars?” She sympathized.
You groaned lightly until a chirpy ringtone went off.
You pulled your towel down to find Lucinda making a tight face and looking at a phone in her hand. “I apologize. I don’t normally take calls while working, but…”
Her eyes were glued to her screen and you sensed a problem. “Go ahead.”
“Thanks.” She answered. “Hello?”
You watched her walk into the living room and sank where you were propped at the edge of the bed.
Leo was looking to the side as if he could see through the walls to where Donnie had gone.
“He’ll be right back.” You tried to calm him.
Leo said nothing and slipped his hands into his pockets as he waited.
Lucinda’s voice grew worried and both of you were soon trying your best not to pry as she came over with a fit waging on her features. “Y/N, I’m so sorry. I’m going to have to cut today’s treatment short. Something… I need to-”
“Everything okay?” Leo turned, his eyes examining.
“My mom fell. She’s already at the hospital and they say she’s stable, but I need to go.”
“Go, go.” You urged. “I’ll work through what we’ve done before.”
“Thank you. Hold onto the equipment. We’ll pick up with your session in two days.” She went for her bag nearby. “Actually, Leo can lead. Leo try some passive internal rotations and elbow extensions if possible. Otherwise, cool down.”
“You got it, boss.” Leo snapped his finger into pointing at her. “I’m sure your mom’s tough, she raised a bully after all.”
Lucinda snorted and waved him off with additional goodbyes as she left.
For a moment you both sat in silence.
“So... Passive… what now...?” You tried the air.
Now having his worries double, Leo looked at you with a waning expression before he wadded up the band. “Okay, we’re seriously doing this. Uh… Let’s see…”
“Why’d you say it like that?” You held a confused look and reached for the band.
“Maybe because I haven’t done PT in years?” He mirrored you and slapped your hand away.
“So passive internal rotations work your supraspinatus…” He circled as if looking for something. “We need something long. Hey, do you have his stupid stick?”
“Are you joking right now?” You gave him a dull stare.
“No. It’ll work really well for this.” Leo approached you with an even temper.
“He keeps his bo on him.” You shook your head lightly.
“Damn.” Leo folded his hands on his hips. “The band is too stretchy. How about a big ruler?”
“What’s it called? A yard stick?” Leo again did a little turn. “What else would be straight…?”
“We could skip it for elbow extensions, but those are tougher…” He gave a weighty sigh, his eyes still moving.
“Maybe we could sneak a curtain rod? There’s enough of them…” He looked past you to glare at the layers behind you on the windows.
He didn’t seem to hear you.
“Or this… thing?” He gestured to the canopy where the drapes were temporarily pinned out of the way.
He apparently also couldn’t remember he could portal to get anything he needed.
“It’s too clean!” Leo took a step that you clocked as nervous. “There’s stuff, but this place is…”
You tilted your head, studying him more carefully.
Like a slow cropping of data, you saw him piece by piece.
The barely there worried crease of his brow.
The way his lips kept parting the slightest amount.
The constant rove of his pupil.
His entire body was one twitch away from spasming.
You watched the jolt happen in real time before he looked at you.
His gaze betrayed him.
It wasn’t that you called to him, it was how.
That was how Donnie said his name.
It made sense and you felt your expression sadden.
There it was again.
Everything was too much and you’d missed something so obvious.
It was like Leo though, you thought, to be the best at bearing the burden. Similar to how he accepted when you lashed out, it was his curse brought upon himself as you’d always seen it. He took his duty as his life and the current of which was basically cohabiting with the person who he considered had ruined it. His paranoia hadn’t evaporated just because he’d seen a new side of Donnie, he’d simply saddled up with his biggest fear so long that he’d grown a certain amount of numb to it.
He was also clearly entrenched in a never ending panic attack and his little naps during your physical therapy took a new light.
Donnie hadn’t been sleeping at night, but he had the dual excuse of fearing for his ninpo slipping in his sleep.
Leo had to keep one eye open from the couch.
“Why’d you…” He had almost a laugh to him though it was soaked in a certain level of misery he couldn’t keep out of his voice. “… say it like that?”
“I’ve been trying to get your attention for a while.” You couldn’t move so you reached for him.
He only looked at your hand and twisted the resistance band up between his own.
It acted as a shield.
He had to keep his barrier.
“Leo… Do you need a sec-?”
“Elbow extensions!” He cut in, his eyes wild and unfocused. “Okay so let’s see how high you can reach!”
At this rate he was going to break.
Something was making this worse.
What was it?
Had he been at his limit?
What had pushed him?
You tried to trace back, but found little.
You reached up lightly in hopes he’d feel compelled by how you hadn’t dropped your gesture.
“How high!” He repeated as if he were the unseen coach on a television set.
You moved to raise your arms and felt the pull in your shoulders. “Leo, I’m not so sure-”
“Push it!”
“Leo!” Your hands just barely surpassed your head, but the muscles in your healing shoulder locked.
“Shit.” In a quake, his gaze honed and he came closer. “Hold still. Try not to drop it.”
“That’s easier said than done…!” Your expression pinched.
He fought against himself before slinging the resistance band over his shoulder and cupping his hands around your rotator cuff. “Slow, we’ll work it down. What was I saying…?”
“What’s going on?” You had unintentionally caught him.
“This isn’t fair.” He pressed lightly into the muscle.
You jumped, but made it did little more than strain your insides.
He gave a soothing shush and rubbed with a lighter touch. “It’s a cramp. Give it a second.”
“In that second, you could tell me-”
“I’m not doing whatever you think I will. Not here. Not ever.” He glared at your arm instead of you.
Not here.
That was an odd specification. 
Leo had been holding back.
He had his own emotional mask.
He paraded as a habit.
There was more than he let on.
You wished you had a better read on him.
You felt out of sorts.
Your usual prowess was diminished by the many stressors.
How could you pay attention when there was too much to watch?
You felt like sludge.
A dozen mental monitors were on and all of them vied for your attention.
In a single blink, you were sending a wide gaze to Leo.
His lips flattened out as if caught.
You watched a bead of sweat pock his forehead.
It wasn’t enough to trickle, but it was there.
He still had your arm.
It had yet to loosen.
“Darling Protocol.”
It was enough that Leo stopped.
“Cut all feeds until Donnie returns.”
For you, nothing had changed.
For Leo, he seemed struck as if the command was for him.
Then his gaze rose.
He moved, still holding you and looked around the corners of the room.
“Leo…?” You tested in a tiny voice.
“They’re… off…” He rolled wariness to you.
“It’s just us.”
“That’s worse!” He shouted.
He was too close and you winced. “I thought that’s what you want-!”
“Well you're wrong!” He pressed too hard into rubbing your shoulder.
You squeaked in pain for a moment before your arm suddenly drooped.
Leo shot several feet away and looked at you like he might explode.
“That’s…” You were extremely careful in testing your shoulder in a roll. “… way better. Wow.”
“Turn them back on! What was with that name? What is wrong with you!? It’s always something! Always you!”
“What are you talking about?” You exhaled irritation. “I thought you might want a break from the cameras. I’m trying to help! You’re the one acting like you’re caged up!”
“Yeah, because I’m locked in here with you!”
You stared at him openly.
His eyes sat enormous and trapped.
“With… me?”
He shook and wrapped a hand around his throat. “Fuck. Forget it! Just forget I said anything!”
“Leo.” You looked for your crutches.
“You’re stuck!” He pointed and saw an opening where nothing had changed. “I can go over here and you can’t do a thing about it!” He headed toward the partition.
“You sound like you’re five! You’re really going to run!?” You shouted after him and your helplessness drowned you in droves. “What do you mean me!? Shouldn’t it be Donnie?!”
“Donnie!?” He mocked your voice and came far enough around the wall to send an incensed gaze. “I’m not scared of him! I’m scared of you-!!!”
The slap of his hand against his mouth was so loud it echoed.
You had no idea what was happening.
Each consecutive action he made seemed newer than the last.
Your powers of perception were a joke.
You didn’t know a single thing.
Your lips parted, but he moved first.
“Fuck!!!” He socked the wall so hard that cracks split and crawled around the edges. “Oh, fuck that’s worse…” He stared at his damage and wobbled further out into the open where you could see him. “No, no, no… What am I-?! Fuck! I haven’t been to the gym in months! I’m-!!!”
 You could only watch as he fell apart.
Shreds of him unraveled with a spool and he made it a few more steps on a wobbly form. “Keep it together. I can keep it together.”
“You don’t have to…” You whispered as quietly as you could.
“I don’t have…” He mimed it back. “No…” He stabilized in a slouch. “Yeah, I don't. No. I’m fine. I’ve been fine. I’ll be fine.”
The whole of him lost mass like a dropped ball of yarn. 
“Cool down. You need to finish your exercises.” He marched over, a snag still caught and he lost more of himself on the way.
You couldn’t believe he was trying to drop this.
“Close your eyes.”
“I’m not going to look at that pathetic face. I’m not going to explain.”
“Are you telling me or you?”
“It’s a trick. You're trying to trick me and I’m not playing.”
“Stop answering then.” You sharpened your glare.
“I-!” He breathed hard as if the thought hadn’t occurred to him.
“Are you scared of Mikey too?”
Leo reared. “Why would I be?”
“He’s always trying to get you to go to therapy.”
Leo barked a single acidic laugh. “What? You think you’re helping me?! You have no idea!”
“Then tell me!”
“Then stop acting out!”
“I’m not!”
“You cracked a wall because you’re scared of some human!”
“I’m not scared of you!”
“That’s not what you said!”
Leo rose as high as he could without going on the tips of his toes.
Instead of menace, you saw the last strings of his will holding him up.
The slightest press would cause what was left of him to unfurl and he’d be nothing more than a long line of everything he’d ever done.
You had a choice.
You could be his undoing or you could leave it be.
You spoke.
He listened, his mouth a thin line.
You reached up with your good hand to gesture to your bad shoulder.
On his mirrored body, that’s where the resistance band still hung.
He loosely puppetted as you directed and, as he brushed it, it startled him.
You watched his gaze narrow more and more as he pulled the thing down to cradle in his palm.
A loose and floppy bit of rubber, he looked as though he’d sob over its lifeless body.
Instead he shifted his grip and wound the edges around his fists.
Then he pulled the band across his body and for a blissful moment, he wasn’t here.
He was at his beloved gym and his thoughts were clear.
He spoke.
“I don’t hate you. I’m not… scared scared of you, but damnit, Y/N.” He pulled the band as far apart as it would go and you thought it might snap. “I can’t… keep pretending like being around you is fine and dandy. I knew what to expect from Donatello. I knew…” The edge came again and he yanked so hard you saw a tear form in the middle of the band. “I knew…” Coiling his hands another loop, this time he pulled as if he had the intention to break it. “I knew-!” In a rapid bungee bounce, it split and both sides whipped him. “I knew I would never reach him! I banked on it! I pushed the others back after their attempts! I wouldn’t let them get closer! That left me! Did I think I could do it? Fuck no! I didn’t think I could do a single thing, but that’s what you do when you care! You stick your neck out again and again! You do everything you can! You put your life on the line! You show them-! You show them-!”
His own twine snapped, his entire being drooped.
“You know what I am?”
Your heart beat heavy in your chest.
“I’m…” He had to look away, loose straps of rubber dangling in his hands. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this.”
You fisted the loose sweats that fit over your cast.
“I’m jealous.” He told you, his eyes glazed.
You felt your own well.
“I’m jealous of you.” He doubled the effort and with it came pressure on his lips. “I’d buried it so goddamn deep. That’s where it was supposed to stay, but no! You couldn’t leave it alone! You kept digging! Every time! Every single time! Until you dug it out of me! I’m scared of that! I’m scared of what you keep doing to me! To us! You could have dropped it! I treated you like shit! You were supposed to drop it! You were supposed to leave. You weren’t supposed to make it! You were going to be my excuse! You would have been the final straw! Enough! So that I could finally… make it make sense! We made sense! We’d given up! That’s how we were! It wasn’t happy, but it was what we…!” He dropped the pieces he clung to.
Your throat swallowed your heart.
“I was a hero.” He hunched into himself. “I was the best. I was the leader. I saved everyone. I couldn’t save-!” He choked and sent prayers toward you. “You did it over a fucking sandwich!!!”
 Tears loosed and dotted your hands.
“My family is all I have and I couldn’t save him…!” Leo’s knees hit the ground so hard it covered up the raw shout slicing his throat right before he went ghostly quiet. “I’m so tired.”
You pressed your hands to your chest to keep yourself in check.
He didn’t need your tears.
He didn’t need anything more from you.
No matter how, this was your doing.
“I only ever needed my family…” Leo wept.
You couldn’t move.
You couldn’t do anything.
You could only watch.
Leo shook out a few more tears before he held a hand up as if grabbing a pole.
A sword appeared in an etching of blue and from it he sliced into the floor and opened a portal.
He then drew his other limb, heavy as lead, up from his side where his phone was picked from his pocket.
He punched a few numbers in and stared over the abyss he’d created.
You couldn’t hear the other line.
“Code green. Portals in the strategy room.” Leo pulled his phone away and you watched as his thumb slammed the end call button.
He then moved methodically, as if to sip elixir from the blue pool, and dipped his hand into the portal.
His arm jostled from some movement on the other side and then his muscles went taunt under his sweater as he pulled.
He fell.
Straight down and out of the apartment and, like a swapped mirror, Mikey was thrust up and out.
The younger brother spun around, clearly confused as he floated above the portal until it disappeared.
He then searched around until his eyes landed on you and he soared over.
“Are you okay? What was that? What happened…?” Mikey hovered close and gingerly took your shoulders.
It was the right amount of pressure and sobs broke free from you.
Mikey held you close and asked no more.
You didn’t hear the front door click, but you did hear Donnie’s voice. “I apologize. That call was… of… the…!” 
He ran. 
“Don-na-tello…” Mikey croaked through snivels.
As soon as you sensed Donnie close enough you shot your bad arm out, caught a fistful of his top, and yanked him in.
Mikey moved to one side and you clutched both of them to keep them together. It took Donnie several long minutes until he brought an arm around you.
Through sickness and health, my darling betas have my undying love @tmntxthings and @thepinkpanther83
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f10werfae · 1 year
With lumberjack Henry what would happen if he did catch her playing with herself since it was mentioned in the one where she gets waxed that she's not allowed to?
Lumberjack!Henry catches his shy!short!Wife fooling around without him
A/N: Just a fun drabble for you guys:)
Disclaimer: 18+ / Lumberjack!Henry Masterlist
“Bunbun, what are you doing?” Henry rasped walking into the living room of their spacious cabin, his shy wife caught like a deer in headlights, her hips still slowly rolling against the plush couch pillow she was using to relieve herself. Her lower half was totally bare, her upper body covered by a thick velvet winter sleep jumper; one that she had begged Henry to buy for her once she saw the design of it and of course her grumpy lumberjack Henry caved in.
“S-so tingly, I-I’m sorry, help, please?” She rasped out, one of her hands reaching out for him, her newly painted nails glimmering in the fierce light coming from the fire. “Don’t know sugar, thought we had an agreement, whose pussy is this?” He questioned mockingly walking over, his middle finger coming down to softly rub on her little nub, a wet spot clearly visible onto the blue pillow. “S’yours, b-but you were busy, So I took care of it! Y-you said I needed to be more i-independent” She whimpered holding onto his wrist, her clit slowly grinding against his singular finger, chills running down her body.
“When I said be more independent, I mean when choosing what fuckin’ movie to watch, or choosing what you want to eat. Ya know I love lookin’ after you baby, you wouldn’t take that away from me wouldja?”
His mouth pulled into a frown, his brows furrowing, his eyes watching intently as his babygirl gasped thinking she had hurt her husband’s feelings; God forbid she ever did, she’d spend days crying and apologising on his lap. “No, Never! Y-you can help me now Hen” She stuttered out getting rid of the pillow, tugging on his arm gently as a giddy smile formed on her lips watching him adjust her body to the way he wanted to take it.
“W-wait I wanna see you” She whined realising her ass was facing towards him, her face looking at the arm of the chair, his hands splayed onto the small of her back; his hardened cock brushing against her from behind. “Bad girls don’t get to choose baby, now when I take your pretty ass from behind, wan’ you to bite that pillow you apparently love so much”
“B-but my thingy has been on that!” Y/n gasped still seeing the wet spot on the soft pillow in front of her, “Shoulda thought about that before you used it then bunbun, isn’t that right?” He growled right behind her ear, his belt buckle hitting her thighs as he roughly pulled down his work trousers and heavy duty belt.
“Mmm sorry h-hen, p-please let me see you” She whimpered wiggling her ass onto his boxer covered cock, hoping it was helping to persuade him; of course it didn’t the only time it mattered. Instead of replying back to her, he rewarded her with one hell of a spanking, and a glittery purple plug up her backdoor.
He would make sure she’d spend her time lookin for him, rather than wasting it on some stupid fucking pillow
taglist tags (not accepting new @, library blog for new users @f10werfaes-cosy-collection ):
@pandaxnienke @thereisa8ella @kimhtoo17 @beck07990 @dumb-fawkin-bitch @madebylilly @kebabgirl67 @marvelgurl @uwiuwi @stormcloudss @girl-of-multi-fandoms @thoughtsofreid @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @alexxavicry @bookfrog242 @alina02 @nikkitc0703 @mischiefsemimanaged @oliviah-25 @aerangi @lastwandastan @hp-hogwartsexpress @angelmather1 @keiva1000 @acornacre @ggmimitf @thebaileybugle @p4st3lst4rs @kzhlvlysstuff @cilliansangel @theekyliepage @cookielovesbook-akie @luvabellee @elenavampire21 @hoya122 @rosiesluv7 @yaminax @esposadomd @meyocoko @disaster-rose @severewobblerlightdragon @kemillyfreitas @adoreyouusugar @queensgirl718 @sweetybuzz25
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copias-girl · 1 year
The Papas vs Technology Headcanons
Ask and you shall receive! @ivyanddaisies
Prompt here
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Ok Peepaw has no use for social media or technology. He’s still marvelling at his vintage tube tv, because he’s old and he was around before the tv <3 And he’d literally rather send a raven with a message rather than text. You pushed him to give it a shot, and being the sweet elder goth that he is, he gave it the good old college try just for you. Alas, he grew frustrated easily. He kept having to whip out the reading glasses to read what was on the screen, and he couldn’t tell if that vibrating in his pocket was the iPhone or if he was having a seizure. Not to mention, he accidentally activated Siri on several occasions and he thought the spirit of a demon was speaking to him and apparently telling him the weather forecast. The only thing he really found a use for was the gardening stuff on Pinterest, but he has plenty of books in the library for that anyway. And as for nudes? He has a Polaroid camera for that. Our sweet old man much prefers the feeling of answering calls on his candlestick phone, and he’ll gladly leave the selfie-taking to you ♥︎
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Alright, Mr. Worldwide tries to be hip and cool, so he definitely owns the latest iPhone. However, he’s had to replace it several times because when he gets frustrated, that thing goes flying across the room. He tried to use the voice dictation one time and his entire text came out hilariously wrong so he threw his phone out of one of the ministry windows. He texts with one finger like an old man, never uses emojis (he calls them hieroglyphics), and he keeps telling you that he wants to “duck your brains out”. He genuinely tries to take selfies, and that can be hit or miss. Sometimes it’s a typical old man selfie where you can see all the way up his nose, but he did execute this fantastic shirtless selfie one time,,, Bone Daddy starts an Instagram where he makes a few adorably lame posts trying to be edgy and dark. But he mainly uses that to post selfies (ones you’ve taken of the both of you) to show you off. He loves when you send him dirty pictures and he’s also found that FaceTime is perfect for some,,, fun activities 👀
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Oh my god, the biggest social media whore. He’s only two months younger than Secondo, but he’s somehow overcome his oldness and mastered the art of the iPhone. He has an Instagram, where he posts pictures of the two of you on dates or in bed together covered in rose petals and lip prints. Dude even has Snapchat, where he updates his story with some chaotic videos every now and then. He can text with his thumbs, but he does make some really hilarious typos which are exceptionally frustrating when he’s trying to sext with you (this man demands nudes from you constantly). He actually knows what most emojis mean- he will literally text you the eggplant emoji next to everything 🍆- and only has to ask for your help to decipher some of them. He rubs it in his brothers’ faces as much as he can, calling them old men because they don’t know how to use tech as well as he does. And Secondo finds his use of emojis really irritating because he has no idea what the fuck ‘🤪😝🙃🫠🥴🙄🥸💀’ means
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Oh, Copia. Sweet pitiful Copia. He tries, he really does, but this man has no idea how to use emojis. He types with one finger, makes plenty of typos, and always uses the rat emoji for no apparent reason. Also, he disperses emojis into sentences so his texts always read like this:
Ciao 👋🏻🐀 bella 😚 I am going 🔜 to feed 🧀 my rats 🐀 want to come 😀 with me?🤝🏻
He’s such a dork and you never ever correct him because it’s just too charming. His selfies are often painfully awkward, because he thinks that just staring dead-eyed into the camera and snapping the picture constitutes as a selfie. And he’ll post those on Insta too, sometimes with captions that he got off Pinterest. Or sometimes the captions will be about rats for literally no reason. However, he does make awfully sweet posts about you that have your heart melting when you read them. This sweet man LOVES when you send him naughty pictures and rile him up via text. It gives him a thrill and makes him feel so special. Copia also surprisingly uses Pinterest occasionally, because he finds it relaxing. He’s such a gentle soul, and he enjoys saving things about pet rats, aesthetic things that he’d like to show you later, or even some recipes that the two of you could cook together. However, he doesn’t use Pinterest correctly. He doesn’t pin things, he just screenshots them (because you taught him how to take a screenshot). So even though he isn’t the most religious social media user or the best at working technology, he tries and has a good time ♥︎
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lunarubra · 4 months
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Hi :) this is the first chapter of the Shadow of the Sea, let me know what you think about it in the comments. A big thank you to @cillmequick for beta-reading and being the sweetest person ever. I wouldn't have published it without her assurance that it doesn't completely suck.
Pairing: Cillian x OC (Jiyan)
Summary: In this AU set in 2010, Cillian has just finished filming 'Inception'. He has never been married, and after a few disappointing relationships, he finds himself feeling blocked in his personal life, even as his career continues to rise.This is a completely fictional story, not based on real life. I wrote this with the utmost respect for the man and his family.
Warning: Homesickness, Family Distance, Mention of Sexual Assault (not between OC and Cillian), Sexual Harassment, Date Rape Drug/Roofies
Words: 2700
Next | Masterlist
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Part 1: Eire's Depths
Closing the laptop with too much force, Jiyan started massaging her temples, hoping to alleviate the tension and praying she wouldn't have to deal with a migraine anytime soon.
The library was silent; the only sound was the rain against the windows, soothing the last students. Even if the new semester just started, there were only a few people left in the study area on a Saturday afternoon. Most students had already headed to the pub for a pint or were getting ready for the clubs later.
Jiyan checked her phone, noticing too many messages she had been ignoring since the morning. Sighing, she opened her brother's chat and found three unread messages.
14h11: Ready for a call later?
16h22: Mom is pacing, almost started ironing. You need to call tonight.
18h42: Seriously sis... if you don't call tonight, I will sedate her and take the first plane to yours.
Jiyan chuckled and quickly answered Mikael.
19h13: Ironing, huh? Almost need an intervention.
19h13: Will call soon, little bro. Don't despair.
Clearing the table of books and notes, she put her laptop and the last few things away in her backpack.
Outside, it was raining. Again. 
And it was dark. Already.
Coming from a country where the sun kissed Jiyan's skin almost every day, the continuous rain on this island pierced her heart each time. She was tired and hoped to get home, have a cup of tea, and finally make the call she had been postponing for the last two weeks, perhaps even forgetting what she was doing on this verdant yet depressingly weathered island.
The ride to her place was fast, and the bus was on time, something she was gradually getting used to. Entering the small studio made her feel restless and anxious, intensifying the pressure on her temples. Looking around the space she had started calling home in the last few months did ease her discomfort a little. 
Having spent her childhood moving to different countries, Jiyan was acutely aware of the housing crises almost everywhere. Still, she was taken aback by the difficulty of finding a flat in Dublin.
After a month spent in a hostel dorm and countless useless house visits, her desperation reached a point where she considered a dubious Craigslist post seeking help in renovating an old studio. 
When she first checked it out, she realized the studio was actually above a car repair shop, and apparently, no one had lived there for about 30 years. Sean, the guy who owned the shop, almost cracked up when she asked about costs and materials. It took her a good 5 minutes to persuade him that she was capable of almost any woodworking task and that she could undertake the restorations in her spare time and during weekends if she could live there. They struck a deal: Sean would foot the bill for materials, and until the renovation was done, she'd cover her living expenses by doing all the work herself.
After two months of solid effort, she'd managed to put in new wood floors, set up a functional bathroom with a brand-new shower, and even start building herself a kitchen. Sure, the place was small, didn't have central heating, and still looked like a bit of a mess, but the one thing that sealed the deal for her was the wood stove. It reminded her of her mom’s cabin up in the mountains, where she'd spend lazy afternoons by the fire, lost in a good book with a cup of tea in hand. So, if she could bring a bit of that cozy feeling into her new place, she figured she'd be all set, even with juggling her university work and research study.
It took a couple of minutes to get the fire going and put the kettle on for some fresh mint green tea. Once she finished her first cup, she dialed her little brother's number.
"Finally, are you becoming such a loser that you're spending your Saturday at the library now?"
"It's called work, Mika. Something you'll learn soon enough."
"Yeah, of course, like I'm not living with a psychopath right now. She almost started ironing the bed sheets, Aji. We need an intervention here, immediately. Mom never cleans; she moved from Turkey because she couldn't stand spending her time cleaning. You need to convince her that you're fine."
"I am fine," Jiyan repeated for the thousandth time. "And Mom moved from Turkey because we're Kurds, and she wanted to avoid spending her time in jail for teaching her language in school."
"You're fine?" Mikael said incredulously. "You're living in the land of Mordor. It's been a week since you've seen any sun; I checked the weather!"
"It's not that bad. I'm starting to like the rain," Jiyan said, convincing no one. "And I like the job."
"Is that Aji?" she heard her mom in the background, stealing the phone from her brother.
"Aji, how are you?" her mother's worried voice asked.
"Hey Mom, I'm good. Mika told me you need an intervention."
"Your brother should be studying for his finals, focusing on his Latin test," Jiyan's mother said after a pause. "It's been weeks since we've heard from you, Jiyan."
Jiyan stared out of the window, feeling guilt and pressure rising in her chest.
"I'm sorry, Mom. It's just... I'm super busy with work and renovation here. I started building the kitchen from scratch, and most of the time, I forget to check my phone. I'm fine, really," she tried to reassure her.
"You're avoiding, little star, and today is a difficult day for you. You should be here, not alone on an island without sun," her mother insisted.
Jiyan really didn't want to have this conversation; she moved to this island to avoid this topic.
"It's all good, Mom. It's not a big deal," she said. "Also, I'm meeting new people; it's a good change," she added, feeling the lie stinging her tongue.
She heard her mom sigh. "I miss you, little star."
"I miss you too, Mom. Also, Mika, I need to go now. I'll call you next week."
"You do that, or I'm sending your brother there to check on you."
Jiyan chuckled and smiled. "We'll lose him at the first change of trains."
"Every battle has its losses."
Now really laughing, she closed the call. "Love you, Mom."
"Love you too, little star."
Jiyan put down her phone, staring again at the window. She knew she needed a distraction and couldn't spend the rest of the day inside alone. Not even building furniture could distract her today. 
She put on her jacket and boots, grabbed the keys, almost sprinting outside in the rain. 
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5 points.
5 points.
15 points.
Sighing disappointedly, Jiyan walked over to the dartboard to retrieve the darts. It had been two weeks since she discovered this pub near her place. The music was usually pretty good, and it could be a cozy spot during weeknights. It wasn't usually too crowded, which suited her just fine. She'd come in to have a soda and play darts, avoiding the regulars and the occasional group of tourists who tried to strike up a conversation.
She knew she stood out as a woman in a pub on a Saturday night, playing darts alone. That night, she had already dodged two American tourists who tried to flirt and offer to "teach her" how to play. 
On the other hand, the regulars, after giving her strange looks for the first couple of nights, now hardly noticed or bothered her, accepting the odd loner who didn't drink beer and spent hours throwing darts. Tonight, unfortunately, the pub was busier than usual, with some tourist groups disturbing her vibe.
Feeling a presence behind her, she tensed up immediately.
"Hey, baby, what are you drinking? Can I buy you the next round?"
Jiyan turned around to face a stranger who looked like the typical Chad character from any American high school drama.
"No thanks, I'm good," she replied shortly, turning back to focus on her game.
"Come on, I saw you looking at me. You were checking me out, I saw you."
"Excuse me?" she said, annoyed, not having a clue what he was talking about.
"Yeah, when you went to order your drink, you smiled. The guys and I are having a blast; you could come join us. I promise you a great night."
Jiyan took a deep breath, trying not to get too annoyed. "Listen, Chad, if that's even your name—I don't care. I'm not here to make friends or have a good time with your guys. I was having fun until 30 seconds ago when I didn't even know of your existence. Can we go back to that, please? Thanks, bro."
"My name's not Chad," he replied, irritated.
"Yeah, sure, whatever," Jiyan said dismissively, hoping the conversation would end there, and she could get back to her new form of therapy: throwing darts.
Chad returned to his table muttering something about a "stupid bitch," but Jiyan didn't have the energy tonight to educate a stranger about basic respect and boundaries.
She took the last sip of her lemonade and headed to the bathroom, ordering another one from the bartender. When she returned, finding the new bottle of lemonade near the dartboard, she resumed her evening.
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Cillian was onto his second pint when his attention wandered again to the peculiar woman in the far corner of the pub, throwing darts.
She seemed to be in her late 20s, sporting a hand-knit beanie that partially obscured her long dark hair. Her frame was small, drowned in a pair of jeans and an oversized dark hoodie. Each time she retrieved her darts from the board and turned around, Cillian found himself momentarily distracted from the conversation, captivated by her large green-leaf eyes.
Despite her efforts to blend in with her dull, oversized attire, every straight man in the pub couldn't help but notice her attractiveness.
Dermot, noticing Cillian's repeated glances, remarked, "She's new around here, lives in the area, spends her nights alone playing darts. Connor was annoyed the first night because she doesn't drink or eat, but apparently, she tips well, so we see her almost every night now."
Cillian raised an eyebrow at his friend. "Do you stalk all the newbies at the pub? Should I be worried? Should I give Connie a call?"
Dermot chuckled. "Like you didn't glance in her direction every five seconds. Just doing you a favor, pal."
Snorting, Cillian covered his blush with a sip from his pint. "I was just curious, and I wasn't staring at her the whole time."
"Sure, sure. Maybe we don't need to worry about you after all. You've been holed up in your basement for a month, and now look at you! You should go talk to her."
Cillian shook his head. "I'm gearing up for the new role, and it's been busy..."
Dermot glanced at his friend. "It's okay, you know, to try again? You're not a bad guy, and not all stories work out, mate."
Cillian looked down at his pint, taking another sip. He hadn't wanted to go out tonight and dwell on his last relationship. After a couple of weeks of seclusion, he was finally finding his balance. It wasn't that he missed her; they both knew the interest had faded months ago. They had reached a point where they were uncomfortable around each other and only ended up hurting one another.
He was just tired.
At 34, he was already questioning if this was it, his life—filled only with jobs he loved and relationships that would fill his life for a few months before inevitably ending.
Glancing up, he noticed a tourist from a nearby table approaching the young woman. Dermot and he said nothing for a moment, watching with interest. She appeared mostly annoyed and seemed to handle the situation well. After a brief exchange, she returned to her darts, and the guy slunk back to his table looking disgruntled.
Dermot chuckled after a sip from his pint, jesting, "Or maybe not the best idea, it looks like not even your piercing blue eyes would work this time."
Cillian snorted. "I think Enda would kill me if I showed up tomorrow with anything less than perfect condition. He owns me until the end of this play."
"Best not risk it, then."
They spent the next half-hour joking, with Dermot updating Cillian on Corinna and their new pregnancy. Cillian tried not to glance at the dartboard anymore, but he couldn't help but notice the American guy hurrying back to her corner after she ordered something from the bar, only to return to his table before she came back. Hopefully, he had finally realized she wasn't interested.
Around 11, they both decided to settle the bill and end their Saturday night.
Connor asked if everything was okay, and they both tipped him generously. It had taken some time for Cillian to find a place where no one cared about him or his career, and he didn't want to ruin it.
While Dermot quickly went to the restroom, Cillian cast one last glance at the dartboard, only to find the corner of the pub empty, with only her half-drunk bottle remaining.
Connor followed his gaze and grunted. "She forgot to pay, these damn tourists."
Surprised, Cillian looked at him. "I can cover her tab..."
"Why should you?" interrupted Connor, waving his hand dismissively. "She's here most nights; it will be covered, don't worry."
While waiting for Dermot, Cillian's eyes wandered to the American group's table, where they were laughing and shaking their heads conspiratorially. He noticed almost immediately that the persistent guy was missing and a bad feeling washed over him.
"Ready? Conie's going to kill me if I get home too late again, and maybe this time I can avoid sleeping on the couch," Dermot said, noticing Cillian's worried expression.
"What?" he asked Cillian.
Shaking his head, Cillian replied, "Nothing, let's go. Goodnight, Connor."
"Goodnight, lads."
Stepping outside, the cold, fresh air jolted Cillian awake. The street was quiet, unusually empty for a Saturday night. Glancing around before bidding farewell to Dermot, something caught his eye. In the corner of the street near the alley that led to the back of the pub, he noticed a jacket he recognized from inside. Dermot was saying something to him, but he wasn't paying attention, drawn closer to the alley where he found the guy from inside with his arms around an intoxicated young woman. She seemed unaware of what was happening and unable to stand on her own.
"Hey! What are you doing to her?" Cillian exclaimed, getting the guy's attention.
The guy jumped, almost letting the girl fall to the ground.
"Just helping her, man," he replied quickly. "Mind your business and go back inside."
Dermot, who had reached Cillian by then, also saw the scene unfolding before them. "What the fuck is happening here?"
The guy appeared more concerned now and, realizing Cillian wasn't alone, released the woman he was carrying, pushing past Cillian to leave the alley.
Cillian quickly moved closer, trying to catch her before she hit the ground. She now looked unconscious, and he gently laid her down, checking her vitals.
"What the fuck, man, this is so fucked up," Dermot said.
"Dermot, call 999. I'm not sure if she's breathing properly," Cillian said, alarmed. "Who knows what the fuck he gave her."
He wasn't paying attention to his friend but was focused on trying to make her a bit more comfortable. After a few moments of cradling her head, he noticed her scrunching her nose and grimacing. She opened her eyes, and Cillian found himself momentarily lost in them.
"Hey," he said softly as she stared at him. "It's going to be okay, alright? Just breathe; the ambulance is coming."
She didn't respond, just continued gazing at him with those beautiful green eyes, looking a little confused.
"It's going to be okay," he repeated, even softer this time. "I'm here. You're not alone. Just rest."
And she smiled, causing his heart to skip a beat, before closing those bright jade eyes once more.
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