pansnovydinnia · 9 months
Is tú mo ghrá!! Athbhliain faoi mhaise duit!! Is é Bernie ár bhfianán milis na Nollag, ár gcaitín 💞💞💞
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londubhgaeilge · 2 years
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Stór Focal below the cut !
Dinnéar na Nollag - Christmas Dinner
Turcaí - Turkey
Liamhás - Ham
Builín ilchnónna - Nut loaf / Nut roast
Maide milis - Candy Cane
Maróg - Pudding
Pióg mhionra - Mince Pie
Brioscaí - Biscuits
Scailtín fíona - Mulled wine
Arán sinséir - Gingerbread
Císte na Nollag - Christmas Cake
Maisiúcháin Nollag - Christmas decorations
Soilse Nollag - Christmas Lights
Crann Nollag - Christmas Tree
Fleasc Nollag - Christmas Wreath
Cuillean - Holly
Tinsil - Tinsel
Cloigíní - Bells
Drualus - Mistletoe
Fear Sneachta - Snowman
Pléascóg Nollag - Christmas Cracker
Focail Eile :
Cárta Nollag - Christmas Card
Bronntanais - Presents
Stoca Nollag - Christmas Stocking
Lá Nollag - Christmas Day
Nollaigiúil - Christmassy
Lá Fhéile Stiofáin - St Stephens Day
Daidí na Nollag - Santa Claus
Síofraí - Elves
Carr Sleamhnáin - Sleigh
Réinfhia - Reindeer
Aingil - Angels
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breitzbachbea · 10 months
Just remembered Daidí na Nollag and Babbo Natale and I wish I wouldn't.
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dan-the-adiposer · 10 months
Ryota: Christmas Wrestler! Rióta: Coraí na Nollag!
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I just had this IMMENSE URGE tbh
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riainceol · 10 months
Dia daoibh agus Nollag Sona!!! It’s Bandcamp Friday!
Today Bandcamp waive their fees and all your money goes to support independent artists. So it’s a perfect time to buy some music!
None of my records require more than £5 or you can pick up all of my music for 30% off the total price right now! For you or you can gift it to a friend! Even if you share it about it would be a huge help!
My catalogue has it all, songs about climate change, famine, transphobia, ableism, The Silmarillion, Berserk, seminal 1992 French horror game Alone In The Dark. You’ll get in the ground floor for when my new stuff releases next year too!
And, since I get it, it’s tough all over for everyone, there are no play limits for any of my release pages and that’s the sweetest serotonin of all.
Thank you for your support in 2024!
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kevin-ar-tuathal · 2 years
Nollaig na mBan - Womens' Christmas - Little Christmas
Dhá lá déag tar éis Lá na Nollag, ceiliúraimid in Éirinn Nollaig na mBan. Ar an lá seo, déanann fir obair an tí - obair a déanadh mná don chuid is mó san aimsir atá caite (agus leanann an nós sin fós, in ainneoin an sár-obair atá daoine áirithe ag déanamh leis an gcás sin a athrú!!)
Tá sé mar nós againn fós an Crann Nollag a choinneáil suas go dtí an lá seo, agus tá traidisiúin bheaga ag gach teaghlach in Éirinn don lá seo. Cén traidisiúin atá agaibhse?? ☺️😄
Twelve days after Christmas Day, we in Ireland celebrate "Womens' Christmas". On this day, men do the housework - work done mostly by women in times past (and typically still today, despite the great work particular people are doing to change that situation!!)
It's still a tradition to keep the Christmas Tree up until after this day, and every Irish household has their own little traditions for this day. What are your traditions for Womens' Christmas?? ☃️
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Cruthaigh (18/02/24)
Faoi thamall anois tá crónán ag bualadh in éadan mo cheann, ag tiontú thart ‘s thart arís i mo mheabhair. B’fhéidir gur an dáta bás de mo fíor-óige (atá ag éirigh níos clósailte agus clósailte, achan lá) a spreagann an mhothúcháin seo. An bhfuil focail faoi choinne é seo, i mBéarla nó as Gaeilge? An dóigh a gheobheann mo chuid anáil greamaithe i mo scadaman nuair a shílim faoi na rudaí uilig a bhí mé ag iarraidh fáil déanta roimh an Nollag?
Ba mhaith liom rudaí a dhéanamh - ceoil, ealaín, rud ar bith, rud ar bith chun giota beag difir a dhéanamh. Tá a fhios iomlán agam gur smaoineamh iontach naircisíoch é sin - caithfidh rud éigin speisialta a bheith fuit faoi choinne difir a dhéanamh. Níl rud ar bith speisialta fúimse. 
Fiú má dhéanaim iarracht an phian seo a suaimhnigh, níl scileanna ar bith agam é a bhaint amach. Níl mé in ann uirlis úsáideach a seinm - go maith, cibé. Thiocfadh liom ceol ach níl mé iontach maith ag sin, sílim. Is fada an lá ó lig mé do dhuine mé a chloisteáil. 
Níl mé maith ag ealaín ach oiread, cé go bhfuil mé ag iarraidh staidir a dhéanamh ar ábhair atá i ngrá leis an tarraingt. Níl mé ábalta dath a chuir ar mo chuid obair, níl mé ábalta rudaí galánta a chruthú. Tá mo chuid líoníochtaí gan lúth gan láthair, fuar, marbh
Níl mé rud ar bith cosúil leis na údáir a scríobh na leabhair a suíonn ar mo sheilf agus nach bhfuil ard ar bith agam orthu, níos mó. Níl mé in ann daoine a bogadh go dtí deora, nó aoibh greann a tarraingt go dtí a béil. Tá a fhios agam sin anois. 
Agus chan mian míchoitianta é seo. Tá miliúin páistí eile ar fud an domhain amuigh ansin, ag luí le súile gile agus brionglóidí móra acu. Agus is cinnte go bhfuil na tréithe agus an treallús ag cuid acu - sin na daoine a dhéanfaidh difir, a gheobhaidh an clú agus an cháil agus an meas. Is créatúr ainnis mise i gcompairid - ró-tanaí, súile marbh agus beola scoilte. Súim leis na smaointe uilig seo ag ualaigh orm, ach ní éirím ón tolg nó ón leaba nó ón urlár chun rud ar bith a toiseacht chun iad a chuir i bhfeidhm. 
Ach caidé atá diomailt míbhuíoch eile scaipfeadh ar an domhain?
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chillydownhere2 · 10 months
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just-another-star-47 · 10 months
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Holidays in Hogsmeade 🌾
It's the first winter that Luscinia experiences in Scotland - the first winter solstice that she's not celebrating with her little brother Alcedo.
But gladly Corvus, Sebastian and Poppy keep her company.
I tried to research about Irish and Scottish, but it's harder to find good sources, than I thought. So please don't hate me, if I made some mistakes in my writing - I tried my best.
(If you know some good sources, please let me know.)
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The warm glow of the lanterns lit their way through Hogsmeade. Sebastian had insisted that they take the path through the village to the farmhouse so that he could show Luscinia the festively decorated streets.
His expectations were exceeded when she looked up with shining eyes at the garlands of holly and fir, to which golden nuts and apples were attached.
Metal vessels harboured fires that dispelled the darkness until the deepest nights, the windows of the individual houses were decorated with candles. No longer able to contain her joy, Luscinia ran with bouncing steps to a colourfully decorated Christmas tree.
"Ein Weihnachtsbaum!"
She clapped her gloved hands and stretched her nose closer to the branches, admiring the little golden stars.
"Huh?" Sebastian exchanged an amused glance with Poppy before stepping closer and carefully lifting one of the stars to scrutinise it from all sides.
"Ein Weihnachtsbaum" repeated Luscinia with a wide smile.
"A craobh na Nollaig."
Luscinia watched Sebastian closely as he pronounced the name and tried it herself after, eliciting a broad smile from him. Shortly afterwards, they both turned to Poppy and she understood immediately.
"Crann Nollag."
Laughing, the three of them strolled on through the village, Luscinia buying two bags of biscuits, one of which they emptied together, before they reached the farmhouse.
Inside it smelled of cinnamon and roasted apples, and Luscinia quickly slipped off her shoes and jacket, hurried to the stove in the parlour and opened the small hatch above the fire.
"Oh, Corvus!"
At the sound of the door, the man addressed had stepped out of the kitchen with a towel, greeted Poppy and Sebastian with a wave and entered the parlour with a grin.
"I've done my best."
He pressed plates into Luscinia's hands and used the towel to pull the baked apples out of the oven. The wintry smell intensified and Poppy and Sebastian came closer.
"Oh, they look delicious."
Luscinia praised her brother and couldn't take her eyes off the apples, which were now placed on the plates. The cold cheeks and stiff fingers of the three students slowly thawed again in the warmth of the oven, and they listened excitedly to the latest gossip Corvus had to report as they spooned up the flesh of the apples together with the walnut and honey filling. Leaning back contentedly in his armchair, Corvus patted his stomach and then got up to fetch the surprise he had announced in his letter.
"I've asked Auntie and Uncle to send us something for the house. And I managed to find the rest in and around Hogsmeade. Unpack it."
Luscinia tilted her head, smoothed her skirt and sank to the floor in front of the box. She glanced at her brother again and held her breath as she lifted the lid.
What awaited her brought tears to her eyes - a fact that caused everyone present to join her on the floor. While Poppy cradled Luscinia in her arms and laid her head on her shoulder, Sebastian stood back and hastily stroked her hand with his fingertips before having a look at the contents of the box. A wooden pyramid stood in the centre of the box, wrapped in thick layers of fabric, with woven and braided stars made of straw and fabric ribbons on either side.
"If I'd known you were crying, I wouldn't have bothered," Corvus teased, freeing the Christmas pyramid from the layers of fabric and placing it in front of Luscinia's lap.
"Here. Auntie had it specially made. Look, you can even see the house on the bottom floor."
A closer look at the carved figures made Luscinia's tears overflow and, sniffling, she stroked the smooth wood and the gentle curves of the replica of her family's house until they got stuck on the little men who were up to all sorts of mischief on the second floor. A smile slipped between her tears, and she bit her lower lip to stifle the trembling in her voice.
"Thank you..."
Without another word, Corvus pulled his little sister close and held her tightly against his body.
"You know I love spending winter solstice here with you, Linni? There's nowhere else I'd rather be."
Before her sobs could get any louder, Corvus turned her round and pushed her down, back in front of the pyramid.
"Now, before your friends start crying too, you'd better show them what the lovely Muggles have come up with here."
Luscinia nodded weakly, put the four candles into the pots provided for them with shaky hands, and lit them with a flick of her wand.
"Oh how beautiful!" exclaimed Poppy as the wings began to turn and with them the figures on the different levels.
"And Muggles made this?" Sebastian bent down to the pyramid and stared at it so intently, as if the secret magic inside would reveal itself at any moment.
They fell silent for a moment, the wings of the pyramid rotated constantly, the figures whirled in circles, while the flames of the candles bathed the surrounding wood in a warm orange colour.
"Dear ones," Corvus slapped his thighs and straightened up again, "I had actually planned to decorate the house. So I can come back to a festively decorated home during the week."
He grinned and carefully lifted the pyramid to place it on the table in the centre of the living room. He then placed a wicker basket filled with fir branches in front of the three pupils and gestured through the air with a sweeping motion.
"Let your creativity run wild."
While they decorated the farmhouse with fir branches, golden nuts and apples, Poppy began to sing. With words emphasised differently, Sebastian then launched into the songs he knew, making first Poppy and then the Plonbraw siblings laugh. The melody of one of the songs also sounded familiar to Luscinia and Corvus, and soon the same song rang through the rooms in three different languages.
Finally, they fished the little stars made of straw and fabric out of the box, and Luscinia turned them thoughtfully in her hands.
"They could almost be from Alcedo."
"I'm sure they're from him," Corvus tousled her hair, "and the little crooked ones are from our sweet cousin."
With a grin, Luscinia tried to push down the sadness that wanted to sprout inside her again and with a shake of her head, she joined Poppy and helped her tie some of the stars to the fir branches. Humming and laughing, they both focussed on their tasks, meanwhile Sebastian joined Corvus as he lit the candles in the windows.
"I take it Alcedo isn't coming to visit you on the winter solstice?"
Crossing his arms in front of his chest, he watched Luscinia with his jaw clenched.
Corvus shook his head: "Our little one isn't so rebellious as to go against our parents' wishes and come here. And my hands are tied in this matter too."
He shrugged his shoulders before turning to the pupil.
"And yours even more so."
Sebastian stared at Luscinia's older brother with a furrowed brow, but he just grinned and patted him on the shoulder.
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givengoddess · 2 years
Aw nollag shona duit Anastasia
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lyrics365 · 9 days
몸만 큰 아이 (Merely Grown-up Child) (Feat. Eazy)
When I was young eoreun doel sigan neomu meon nal gatasseo Now I’m grown sigani ppallaseo jeongsin charil su eopseo ajikdo eomma pume anggigopeun aiinde sesangeun nal geopjumyeo nollage hae nae eokkaee jimeul sireo Not in a dusty way Not in a dreamy way I wish I were aware jogeumman deo stay Oh happy birthday to you sarangbatdeon ai Those days are gone eonjebuteongga simbareun deo…
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Michael Schumacher - manadh Jucelino Luz
Michael Schumacher – manadh Jucelino Luz Michael Schumacher – i mbliana 11 bliain ó tharla an timpiste I mí na Nollag beidh sé 11 bliain ó tharla an timpiste. Jucelino Luz – iriseoir 09/07/2024 Bhí gairm bheatha shuntasach ag an iar-thiománaí i Formula 1 i dhá thréimhse: 1991 go 2006 agus 2010 go 2012. D’imir na Gearmánaigh do Jordan (1991), Benetton (1991-1995), Ferrari (1996-2006) agus…
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brookstonalmanac · 9 months
Holidays 12.25
A'Phabet Day (a.k.a. No "L" Day)
Brumalia (Italy)
Carol Day
Children’s Day (Africa)
Constitution Day (Taiwan)
Day Beers Day (on Letterkenny,)
Delaware Crossing Day
Dia das Forças Armadas (Mozambique)
Dia de la Familia (Uruguay)
Dog Day (French Republic)
Family Day (Angola, Mozambique, Uruguay)
Feast of Winter Veil (In “World of Warcraft”)
Feria de Cali begins (Colombia)
GOAL Mile (Ireland)
Good Governance Day (India)
Grafelnik (Zephyrian Revenge Holiday)
I Purple You Day
National Colby Day
National Eva Day
National Joshua Day
Quaid-e-Azam’s Day (Pakistan)
Quarter Day (England, Ireland & Wales) [4 of 4]
Richard Starkey Day
Tulsi Pujan Diwas (India)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Christmas Pudding Day
National “Kiss the Cook” Day
National Pumpkin Pie Day [also 11.21]
4th & Last Monday in December
National Fireplace Day [Last Monday]
Independence Days
Federal Republic of St. Charlie (f.k.a. Kingdom of St. Charlie; 2008) [unrecognized]
Litvania (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Abraham Bloemaert (Artology)
Anastasia of Sirmium (Catholic Church)
Birthday of Mithra (Persian god of light & wisdom)
Birth of the Sun
Boërhaave (Positivist; Saint)
Cardboard Box Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Chrismukkah (a.k.a. Weihnukkah; Germany) [Hybrid Holiday]
Christmas Day (a.k.a. ... 
Beermas (Brewing Community)
Boże Narodzenie (Poland)
Božic (Croatia)
Catholic Christmas (Balarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina)
Christougenna (Greece)
Christtag (Austria)
Craciunul (Romania)
Craciunul pe stil nou (Moldova)
Decemberween (from Homestar Runner)
Día de Navidad (Cuba, Puerto Rico)
Foolstide (Early Puritans)
Grav-Mass Day
Hari Raya Natal (Indonesia)
Heathen’s Fasting Day (Puritan)
Heaven’s Day (in “The Big O”)
Joulu (Finland)
Jul (Denmark, Norway)
Juldagen (Sweden)
Kalikimaka (Hawaii)
Kerstmis (The Netherlands, Suriname)
Koleda (a.k.a. Koliada; Big Christmas; Bulgaria)
Krishtlindja (Albania)
Krishtlindjet Katolike (Kosovo)
Multitude’s Idle Day (Puritan)
na Nollag (Ireland)
Natal (Brazil, Cape Verde, Macau, Portugal)
Natale (Italy)
Natividad de Nuestro Señor (Spain)
Nativity of Santa Claus (Church of the SubGenius)
Newtonmas Day (a.k.a. Reason’s Greetings)
Noël (France)
Noël Coypel (Artology)
Paul Manship (Artology)
Pождество (Russia)
Raphael Soyer (Artology)
Refrigerator Day (in “Dinosaurs”)
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Day
Saturnalia (Elder Scrolls)
Superstitious Man’s Idol Day (Puritan)
Tananakuy (People settle grudges from the past year by fist fighting, then everybody drinks; Peru)
Vánoce (Czech Republic)
Xistmas (Church of the SubGenius)
Ziemassvetki (Latvia)
Dies Natalis Invicti Solis (Birthday of the Invincible Sun; Ancient Rome)
Ennead Feast (Ancient Egypt)
Eugenia (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Frau Halle (Germanic Goddess)
Feast of the Nativity (Orthodox Christian)
Festival of Fish-Fighting, Fisting and Felching (Church of the SubGenius)
Festival of the Invincible Sun God
1st Day of Noodlemas (Pastafarian)
Fred (Muppetism)
Hans von Bartels (Artology)
Holiday (Pastafarian)
Isaac Newton Day (Pastafarian)
Malkh Festival (Nakh People’s Sun God Festival)
Mithrastide (Pagan)
Robert “Bob” Leroy Ripley Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Sol Invictus (Satanism)
Twelvetide, Day #1 (a.k.a. the Twelve Days of Christmas or Christmastide) [until 1.5]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [53 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [71 of 71]
Prime Number Day: 359 [72 of 72]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Adam’s Rib (Film; 1949)
After the Thin Man (Film; 1936)
Akira (Anime Film; 1989)
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom (Film; 2023)
The Aviator (Film; 2004)
Babylon (Film; 2022)
Batman: Mask of the Phantom (WB Animated Film; 1993)
Bedtime Stories (Film; 2008)
Bell, Book and Candle (Film; 1958)
Big Eyes (Film; 2014)
Big Fish (Film; 2003)
Box Car Blues (WB LT Cartoon; 1930)
Bridgerton (TV Series; 2020)
Canvas Back Duck (Disney Cartoon; 1953)
Catch Me If You Can (Film; 2002)
Chaser on the Rocks (WB MM Cartoon; 1965)
Damage (Film; 1992)
Devil Dan Thinks it Over or Feud for Thought (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 190; 1962)
Django Unchained (Film; 2012)
Dreamgirls (Film; 2006)
Empire of the Sun (Film; 1987)
Evita (Film; 1996)
Flesh and the Devil (Film; 1926)
Galaxy Quest (Film; 1999)
The Godfather Part III (Film; 1990)
Good Morning, Vietnam (Film; 1987)
Grumpy Old Men (Film; 1993)
Hamlet (Film; 1996)
The Hateful Eight (Film; 2015)
Hidden Figures (Film; 2016)
How to Sleep (Disney Cartoon; 1953)
Into the Woods (Film; 2014)
I.Q. (Film; 1994)
Jackie Brown (Film; 1997)
Journey to Ixtlan: The Lessons of Don Juan, by Carlos Castaneda (Spiritual Book; 1972)
Kate & Leopold (Film; 2001)
Les Misérables (Film; 2012)
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (Film; 2004)
Little Women (Film; 2019)
Magnum Force (Film; 1973)
Mike Fink Keel Boats (Disneyland Ride; 1955)
Mud-Munching Moose or Bullwinkle Bites the Dust (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 189; 1962)
1917 (Film; 2019)
Old Yeller (Film; 1957)
One Hour in Wonderland (Disney Television Special; 1950)
On the Basis of Sex (Film; 2018)
Patch Adams (Film; 1998)
Pelle the Conquerer (Film; 1987)
Peter Pan (Film; 2003)
Peter’s Friends (Film; 1992)
Pippi Longstocking (Film; 1973)
The Postman (Film; 1997)
Samoa (Disney Cartoon; 1956)
Selma (Film; 2014)
Silver Linings Playbook (Film; 2012)
Soul (Animated Pixar Film; 2020)
Spies in Disguise (Animated Film; 2019)
Stars & Stripes Forever, by John Philip Sousa (March; 1896)
The Sting (Film; 1973)
The Sword in the Stone (US Disney Animated Film; 1963)
The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge, by Carlos Castaneda (Memoir; 1968)
To Kill a Mockingbird (Film; 1962)
Truckdrivers in the Sky or Follow the Fleet (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 84; 1960)
Turn the Terrible (Animated TV Show;Jonny Quest #15; 1964)
Verse An Worse or Crime Without Rhyme (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 83; 1960)
We're Going on a Bear Hunt, by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury (Children’s Books; 1989)
The Wolf of Wall Street (Film; 2013)
Wonder Woman 1984 (Film; 2020)
Today’s Name Days
Anastasia, Eugenia, Josefina, Natalis, Therese (Austria)
Hristina, Hristo (Bulgaria)
Anastazija, Božica, Božidar, Eugenija, Nikodem, Tea (Croatia)
Svátek, Vánocní (Czech Republic)
Natalie, Neida, Taale, Taali (Estonia)
Emmanuel, Manuel, Noël (France)
Anastasia, Christfest (Weihnachten; Germany)
Baltasar, Bethlehem, Christina, Christos, Chrysa, Chrystalla, Emmanouela, Emmanuel, Gaspar, Hrisavgi, Hrisoula, Hrysa, Melhior (Greece)
Eugénia (Hungary)
Christel, Natale (Italy)
Krists, Larisa, Stella (Latvia)
Eugenija, Genė, Gražvydas, Sanrimė (Lithuania)
Anastazja, Eugenia, Piotr, Spirydion (Poland)
Anastasia, Belén, Eugenia, Natividad (Spain)
Anastasia, Noel, Noelle, Hollie, Holly, Jesus, Stacey, Stacie, Stacy (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 359 of 2024; 6 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 52 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 28 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Jia-Zi), Day 13 (Ding-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 13 Teveth 5784
Islamic: 12 Jumada II 1445
J Cal: 29 Zima; Eightday [29 of 30]
Julian: 12 December 2023
Moon: 98%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 23 Bichat (13th Month) [Boërhaave]
Runic Half Month: Jara (Year) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 5 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 4 of 31)
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mnaasilveira · 9 months
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celtfather · 10 months
Christmas With The Gothard Sisters
The Gothard Sisters share their love of Christmas with a new album on Celtic Christmas Music #72.
Jil Chambless, Ed Miller, Scooter Muse, The Irish Rovers, Eileen Ivers, The Celtic Kitchen Party, The Gothard Sisters, Golden Bough, Steel Clover, The Langer's Ball, Laura MacKenzie
0:09 - Jil Chambless, Ed Miller and Scooter Muse "Emanuel" from Nollaig Chridheil / Songs of the Christmas Season
I am Marc Gunn. Celtic musician and podcaster. We are promoting Celtic culture through Christmas cheer. If you hear music you love, please support the artists. Visit the shownotes to find out more about the artists and follow the show at CelticChristmasPodcast.com.
This episode is thanks to the kindness and generosity of our patrons on Patreon. Do you love Celtic Music? Do you also love Christmas music? Then please support us on Patreon. We only release shows in 3 months out of the year and not many. So your kindness shares Celtic culture through Christmas cheer!
6:01 - The Irish Rovers "Christmas at The Ale House" from Merry Merry Time Of Year
9:04 - Eileen Ivers "Reels: Christmas Eve/Oiche Nollag/High Road to Linton" from An Nollaig: An Irish Christmas
12:45 - The Celtic Kitchen Party "Huge on the Luge" from One Celtic Christmas
The Gothard Sisters are a dynamic supergroup of three American sisters who play contemporary Celtic music. Through over 15 years of performing, touring, and writing music together, the optimistic style of their music and performances continue to resonate with their fans, building a loyal international following.
Their latest Celtic album, Dragonfly, and Christmas album, A Celtic Christmas, feature the sisters playing an assortment of acoustic instruments and vocals combined with modern production to create music exploring themes of resilience and adventure.
16:22 - STORY: Here We Come A Caroling
22:29 - The Gothard Sisters "Here We Come A Caroling" from A Celtic Christmas
25:44 - STORY: Winterberry Set
28:41 - The Gothard Sisters "Winterberry Set" from A Celtic Christmas
32:00 - STORY: O Come O Come Emmanuel
36:30 - The Gothard Sisters "O Come O Come Emmanuel" from A Celtic Christmas
If you’re looking for even more Celtic Christmas music, make sure you follow one of six Celtic Christmas playlists I have on Spotify. Add them to your own playlists while you’re at.
40:36 - Golden Bough "The O'Rourke's Feast (O'Carolan)" from Christmas in a Celtic Land
44:52 - Steel Clover "As Lately We Watched" from Season Of Love
47:48 - The Langer's Ball "Christmas in Carrick" from single
50:19 - CLOSING
50:54 - Laura MacKenzie "We Wish You a Merry Christmas/Ding Dong Merrily on High" from Yuletide Bagpipes
53:27 - CREDITS
Celtic Christmas Music was produced by Marc Gunn, Carol Baril, and our Christmas Patrons on Patreon. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with Graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs. Visit our website to subscribe to the podcast. You’ll find links to all of the artists played in this episode.
You can subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free plus, you’ll get 7 weekly news items about what’s happening with Celtic music and culture online. And best of all, you will connect with your Celtic heritage.
Please tell one friend about this podcast. Word of mouth is the absolute best way to support any creative endeavor.
Finally, remember. Reduce, reuse, recycle, and think about how you can make a positive impact on climate change.
Promote Celtic culture through Christmas music at CelticChristmasPodcast.com.
Nollaig Shona Daoibh!
#celticchristmas #celticchristmasmusic #gothardsisters
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fabricdragondesigns · 10 months
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Daidí na Nollag- for anyone wondering what it is in Gaelic. (From a friend, I don't speak Gaelic)
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