#non emergent symptom treatment
hoclinical · 8 months
H & O Clinical PLLC
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Help! I think my timelord has a fever? I can't tell 100% but they don't look good. Do I need a special thermometer to check? (Where do I buy/find one?) What do I do??
Gallifreyan Pyrexia
Disclaimer: This guide is not suitable for humans. Always consult your human medical people.
🌡️ Checking Temperature
First things first, you don’t need a special thermometer to check your Time Lord’s temperature—a human one will do just fine. Here are some key points to remember:
Every Gallifreyan will have their own normal temperature baseline, somewhere between 15-19°C (59-66.2°F).
This shouldn't deviate by more than 2-3 degrees.
If their temperature rises above 19°C (66.2°F), they could be suffering from hyperthermia.
📋 Recognising Hyperthermia
Hyperthermia occurs when their body temperature exceeds 19°C (66.2°F), potentially leading to heatstroke and other serious complications. Signs and symptoms include:
Flushed Skin: The skin may appear red and feel hot to the touch.
Sweating: While not as common as in humans, excessive sweating may occur.
Weakness: A general feeling of fatigue or weakness.
Dizziness and Confusion: Disorientation and dizziness can be significant signs.
Rapid Heart Rate: Increased heart rate can accompany the rise in temperature.
Nausea and Vomiting: Digestive upset can be a symptom of severe hyperthermia.
🏡 Home Treatment for Hyperthermia
If your Time Lord shows signs of hyperthermia, here’s what you can do at home:
Move to a Cooler Environment: Get them out of the heat and into a cooler, shaded area immediately.
Hydration: Encourage them to drink cool, non-alcoholic fluids. Water is best. Avoid caffeine.
Cool Compresses: Apply cool, damp cloths to their forehead, neck, armpits, and groin.
Fan Air: Use a fan to circulate air around them or gently fan them to increase evaporative cooling.
Remove Excess Clothing: Help them remove any excess clothing to allow their body to cool down more effectively.
🚑 When to Seek Immediate Help
Temperature above 19°C (66.2°F)
Unresponsiveness or severe confusion
Severe vomiting or inability to keep fluids down
Signs of shock (rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure, clammy skin)
You suspect Sepsis (Refer to the Guide Sepsis Emergency Response (SER))
🏥 Advanced Treatment Guide
If home treatments are not effective or the patient's temperature is rising rapidly, seek medical attention immediately. If you're in a TARDIS, the medbay has an automated interface that can guide you through these next steps.
📋 Assessment
Initial Assessment: Check vital signs, including heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation. For a detailed scoring system, refer to the Guide Gallifreyan Assessment Scoring System (GASS).
Continuous Assessment: Continuously monitor body temperature and vital signs. Use an accurate thermometer capable of reading low temperatures.
🧊 Cooling Methods
IV Fluids: Start intravenous (IV) fluids immediately to rehydrate and cool the body from the inside.
Cooling Blankets: Use cooling blankets or pads to lower body temperature. Ensure these are set to a safe temperature to avoid overcooling.
Ice Packs: Place ice packs in the axillae (armpits), groin, and neck to rapidly reduce core body temperature.
Evaporative Cooling: Use misting fans and cool water sprays to enhance evaporative cooling.
💊 Medications
If deemed appropriate by a medical professional/the TARDIS medbay computer:
Antipyretics: Administer antipyretics to help lower fever.
Anticonvulsants: Administer anticonvulsants to help reduce risk of seizures.
Sedation: In severe cases, sedation might be necessary to control agitation and allow for more effective cooling.
🖥️ Monitoring and Support
Electrolyte Monitoring: Regularly check electrolyte levels, as hyperthermia can cause imbalances.
Cardiac Monitoring: Continuous cardiac monitoring is crucial due to the risk of arrhythmias. Refer to the Guide Gallifreyan CPR for reviving a Gallifreyan in case of cardiac arrest.
Neurological Checks: Regular neurological assessments to monitor for signs of brain damage or seizures.
Mechanical Ventilation: If respiratory distress or failure occurs, mechanical ventilation may be necessary. Follow the ABCDE Assessment Guide to quickly assess and treat a sick Gallifreyan.
🚑 Post-Emergency Care
Once the immediate threat is over, following up with a specialised Gallifreyan medic is vital. Your Gallifreyan might need specific treatments to fully recover and prevent future incidents.
Remember, while these steps provide a general guide, each situation is unique. Always prioritise professional medical advice when available.
Medical Guides These are all practical guides to assessing and treating a Gallifreyan in an emergency.
📓|⚕️Gallifreyan CPR: Guide for reviving a Gallifreyan in cardiac arrest.
📓|⚕️Gallifreyan Assessment Scoring System (GASS): Guide for assessing vital signs.
📓|⚕️ABCDE Assessment: Guide for quickly assessing and treating a sick Gallifreyan.
📓|⚕️Sepsis Emergency Response (SER): Guide for identifying and treating sepsis.
📓|⚕️Gallifreyan Pyrexia: Guide for assessment and treatment of fevers in Gallifreyans.
Hope that helped! 😃
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired😴
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mindblowingscience · 1 year
Black children may have more severe asthma episodes than white children but are less likely to be transported to the hospital by emergency medical services (EMS), according to a new study. A baseline understanding of how prehospital treatments and transport for children with asthma varies by patient race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status will aid in future research and efforts to improve equitable pediatric asthma treatments, the researchers say. Asthma, a lifelong disease with symptoms that include wheezing, shortness of breath, and tightness of the chest, affects about 25 million people in the United States and is a leading cause of death among children. Non-Hispanic Black children are about three times more likely to die from asthma-related causes than their white counterparts, according to 2020 data.
Continue Reading.
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thewhumpcaretaker · 2 months
Whump idea, Vincent gets cavities from eating so much sugar all the time and has to go to the dentist. He’s scared of it hurting so Chidi holds his hand the whole time. Maybe he squeezes so hard he actually breaks a bone in Chidi’s hand, but of course Chidi is too tough to let on…then later Vincent sees a splint on it and says he’ll kill whoever hurt him. And Chidi is just like, well…
I took so long to answer this because I went on hiatus right afterwards, I'm sorry 😭
But I love this ask, it's so adorable and so funny!! I was thinking about it all week. Please do send more if the inspiration strikes you, anon. I can't get enough of HoplesslyDevoted!
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-⚜- Sweet Tooth -⚜-
TW: Nothing except dentists for once! This is just fluffy hurt/comfort.
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The most painful things seemed to happen when it came to Vincent - or rather, Vincent seemed to do these things to himself, and perhaps to bystanders. The toothache was one of many such cases.
He wouldn’t admit it at first, but he was irritable for two days in a row, awoke looking like he hadn’t slept, and when he didn’t even want to eat sweets, Chidi knew something had to be wrong.
“Vous n'avez pas faim, monsieur? [Aren’t you hungry, sir?]” he asked, over a banquet table filled with a positively wasteful spread of breakfast foods, from syrup-drenched crepes to fresh croissants to heaps of jam and berries.
“Non.” But his stomach let out a noise that betrayed him, and Chidi raised an eyebrow. He watched Vincent look away and breathe a little too deeply for a moment, as he did when he was about to admit something. At last, barely above a whisper, he muttered, “J'ai mal aux dents. [I have a toothache.]”
Oh. Honestly, he was relieved it was nothing more serious. “Je parlerai à votre assistant d’un rendez-vous dentaire d’urgence. [I’ll speak to your assistant about an emergency dental appointment.]”
“Non, s'il vous plaît, ne le faites pas. Euh, c'est… [No, please don’t. Er, that is…]”
“…Monsieur, sans traitement, la situation ne fera qu'empirer. […Sir, without treatment, it will only get worse.]”
“Je SAIS que [I KNOW that],” he snapped. But he still did not give permission.
Vincent was toying with his fork, pushing a blueberry around an untouched plate. Chidi watched him fidget for a moment in silence, considering how to approach this. Finally, “Puis-je demander pourquoi pas, alors? [May I ask why not, then?]”
“Juste – tu viens avec moi ? [Just – will you come with me?]”
He was scared, then. Another person might have smiled at such endearing childishness, but that would have been a wrong move. Chidi just nodded, face flat. “Bien sûr. [Of course.]”
He soon realized how much pain the Marquis had been hiding. Once he could complain openly, he admitted that not one, but two molars were aching constantly, sending pain right through the back of his head. Chidi spoke to the assistant, cancelled all the day’s meetings, and spent the morning with Vincent’s head in his lap, massaging his scalp and his jaw while they waited for the appointment.
That afternoon, they found themselves in an office in Paris, with an elderly woman whose kindly demeanor and open face should have put anyone at ease. But she did not look happy to see Vincent. Apparently, she had served the Marquis since he was a child, and Chidi would guess she had quite a few stories she was sworn not to tell.
Vincent didn’t look happy to see her either. He was really pale and stood too close to Chidi in the lobby, keeping their shoulders in contact (though of course he was not made to wait more than a minute).
Chidi didn’t have to be told to take the seat next to the dental chair, though he was a little surprised to find Vincent’s hand catching his in a death grip almost immediately.  He described his symptoms in terse, one or two word responses, clearly fighting back panic. That was probably the only reason he allowed the dentist to lecture him about the amount of sugar he’d obviously been eating. All she got out of him was a glare. Chidi answered on his behalf about his diet, and promised to “work with the Marquis to establish a more rigorous tooth care schedule,” which was the most dignified way he could think to describe forcing Vincent to brush his teeth the next time he ate three chocolate éclairs at 9 AM.
He had multiple cavities, apparently. And despite very liberal use of anesthetic, when the dentist pulled out a drill, Vincent’s already crushing grip became really unbearable. Nonetheless, Chidi bore it. He just squeezed back and ran his thumb over Vincent’s fingers again and again to sooth him. He never spoke a word of protest. Nor did he say anything about it on the car ride back to the palace, nor when seeing Vincent off to a nap to make up for that night of tossing and turning in pain. Nothing except, “Vous avez été très courageux, monsieur. [You were very brave, sir.]”
The next time they saw each other, Vincent had emerged from his room for dinner, which would have to be mostly liquid. Despite grimacing at the creative smoothie blends the chef had concocted, he seemed in better spirits. His eyes fixed on Chidi affectionately across the table. “Tu sais, je pensais à quel point tu étais gentil avec moi aujourd'hui. Quand j’allais chez le dentiste quand j’étais enfant, la gouvernante s’impatientait au bout d’une minute et ne me tenait plus la main. Mais tu l’as fait, même si je ne devrais vraiment pas en avoir besoin. [You know, I was thinking about how kind you were to me today. When I went to the dentist as a child, the governess would get impatient after a minute and wouldn’t hold my hand anymore. But you did, even though I really shouldn’t need it.]”
Chidi smiled back, preening. “C'est ma joie d'être là pour toi. Ce dont vous avez besoin est exactement ce dont vous avez besoin, et je vous l’accorderai. [It’s my joy to be there for you. What you need is just exactly what you need, and I will give you that.]”
His eyes finally lighted on Chidi’s left hand, where a splint wrapped around his pointer finger. “Attends… qui t'a fait ça ? Y a-t-il eu une bagarre pendant que je dormais !? Celui qui a fait ça, je lui arracherai… [Wait…who did that to you? Was there a fight while I was sleeping!? Whoever did that, I’ll tear out their – ]”
“Ah non, je ne pense pas que ce soit necessaire, [Ah, no, I don’t think that’s necessary,]” Chidi said sheepishly.
“Que veux-tu dire... [What do you mean…]” Realization dawned over his face. “Non, je ne l’ai pas fait. Ai-je? [No. I didn’t. Did I?]”
“Bien… [Well…]”
“Oh, Chidi…” He stared at his hand, rueful. “Venez ici. [Come here.]”
Chidi came to stand beside his chair and the Marquis took up his hand, very delicately this time, to plant a small kiss on the splint. “Je suis désolé. [I’m sorry.]”
“C'est bon, monsieur. Tu es juste très fort. Je ai été impressionné. [It’s okay, sir. You’re just very strong. I was impressed.]” Chidi’s eyes flickered meaningfully to the butler on the other side of the dining room. The man took the hint and slipped out. Free to be a little more tender, he leaned down to return Vincent’s kiss - on the lips this time, but equally gentle.
Vincent lingered with their faces together, cupping his cheek. “Je ferais mieux de me brosser les dents après. Tu es la chose la plus douce que j'ai jamais goûtée. [I’d better brush my teeth afterwards. You are the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted.]”
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bts-0t-7 · 10 months
So What? | MYG | Chapter 3
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Pair: Hybrid Cat Yoongi x F Reader 
Summary: Running from a past that foreshadows him, Yoongi is adamant about ever turning back to his human counterpart form, in hopes that nobody would recognise him and take him away. You worked at a cafe with your best friend. As a more-than-normal day seemed to go by, you discovered something amidst your housing block. Perhaps - just perhaps, the nighttime is where the angels arrive. 
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hybrid, non-idol au
Warnings: Contains explicit language, abuse
WC: 1.4K
Taglist: @bearr02 @svnbangtansworld @vintageoldfashion @prwprwprwpr @bontensbabygirl @codeinebelle
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Your jaw dropped. Hybrid? It can’t be… Right?
“When hybrids stay in their animal counterpart’s form for too long, their body would start to fight and that’s when they would experience what your ‘cat’ is currently experiencing. It is called, hybrid withdrawal symptoms.” 
You honestly couldn’t believe what you were hearing. 
“I have called for emergency transportation to a hybrid hospital called, JM Hybrid Hospital. I’ve referred you to one of the doctors over there and I promise that he will be in good hands.”
Numbly, you nodded to what she said until, “Wait, what? I’m not going with him?”
Dr Park looked up from your kitty, “Would you like to go with him?”
You nodded vigorously. “Please, if I am allowed. Please.”
“It is most definitely allowed, Ms L/N. But forgive my concern, there have not been many owners whose pets were hybrid and when they found out, they wanted nothing to do with them.” 
“No, no. I would never! Hybrid or pet, they’re still beings.”
She nodded. Paramedics barged into the room and took your kitty into their arms, bringing him away from you. 
“Wait.” One of the paramedics stopped. “She’ll go with you. I’ll send Dr. Park the stats in a while.”
He nodded. “Come on, let’s go.”
You followed them down to the ER section and into an ambulance. 
The whole ride there was sated in awkward silence, the paramedics doing their best to keep your kitty stable and conscious while you just sat there, staring at his limp body. You felt so useless and so, so bad.
If only I found it earlier. If only…
“He will be fine, the hospital is only about ten minutes away from here. He’s symptoms are not that bad yet, he should be treatable.” 
All you could do then was nod. 
When you finally pulled up to the ER of JM Hybrid Hospital, it felt like an hour’s drive. The paramedics quickly rushed out and you followed closely, nurses navigating them to empty rooms. 
“How serious is it?” One nurse asked, checking your kitty’s blood pressure and body temperature. 
A doctor came out, tag reading - 
��Please, I didn’t know. Can he be cured? Can you do something?” You latched on to his coat. 
The doctor looked at you sympathetically. “Of course.” He nodded. “From the notes that the clinic has sent me, he is not yet in an extremely critical condition. Curable, but it will be a tough road.” 
The doctors scanned you from head to toe. “I take it you are his owner?” You numbly nodded, wanting the question to stop and the treatments to start. 
“Right, I will need you to help me fill in these forms.” He handed you a whole set of documents and a pen while simultaneously pushing you out of the room. 
“Wait -”
“You can’t be in there when the doctors are doing their work, Ma’am.” A nurse held you back. “Dr. Park needs these documents in. Could you finish and pass them over?”
You looked at the nurse and then back a set of work in your arms. You found an empty seat and sat down, starting to complete the information inside. You never really knew his real name so you put ‘Kitty’ in the box. You never knew paperwork was suddenly so hard to complete.
“Erm,” You called out to the receptionist. “I don’t really know anything so most of it is empty.” You scratched the back of your neck, embarrassed. 
The reception lady - Nurse Ling Hui, it read - nodded her head. “All’s good. Though I have some information for you. From the blood test that went through over at the previous clinic, your hybrid is a black-market registered hybrid. He is one of the hybrids that came up on the recent news.”
“What do you mean?”
Ling Hui slowed down, “It means that he will be under the close watch of police officers to ensure his safety as he is a wanted hybrid in the black market and it is not a good thing. People selling hybrids there are known to be ruthless in what they do.”
You slumped down. Ling Hui walked around the desk and placed a hand on your shoulder. “By the way, his name is Yoongi. Min Yoongi. He is a 29-year-old hybrid, mixed breed.” She held out a folder. “Here are some reports in the system that we can collate. Would you like to take a look?” 
Just as you were about to take it from her hands, your head whipped at the heart-wrenching scream that came from your kitty - Yoongi’s - room. You made a move to run over when Ling Hui held you back, shaking her head. “Let the doctors do what they need to. With you in there will only make things more difficult.”
You took a deep breath and took the folder from her hands, sitting on a chair that faces the room. The screams went on for a minute or two and then stopped, a minute or two and stopped. Just when it hit the 15-minute mark, you couldn’t take it anymore and dashed right in. 
A guard held you back as you fought to be let through. Yoongi’s screams hit every one of your bones as you fought harder and harder. “Let me through! Please!” You yelled, tears streaming down your face. “Stop, stop. Don’t hurt him!”
The doctors came out, seeing your distressed state saying, “Let her in, we’re taking a break for now anyways. Continue going and he might actually pass out for real.”
The guards let go of you and you immediately rushed into a sight you never want to see again. 
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Yoongi was exhausted - so, so exhausted. He didn’t want to shift. If he shifted, he would definitely be sold off again. Subconsciously, he could feel the spasming of his muscles and shift of bones, fighting against the doses that the doctors had induced him with.
God, he was so tired. 
He closed his eyes, hoping for the pain to subside when he felt the gentlest kisses between his ears. He knew exactly who those kisses belonged to and he let out a pained meow - from the pain but also because he felt his fur getting wet. 
Why were you crying?
It hurts his heart more than holding back shifts to know that you were crying. Yoongi lifted his head as much as he could, being strapped to the table. 
“I’m so sorry.” You sniffled, head in between his ears and tears flowing down his fur, “I’m so sorry I didn’t know.”
Why were you sorry?
Yoongi tilted his head up, licking off the tears that were cascading down your cheeks, hoping that the action would bring a smile to your face like it did the first time he did so. And he was right. But it was not the bright eyes and teasing smile. This time, it was pained. You moved away from him as his tongue chased your cheeks, still trying to wipe off the tears. 
Where were you going? Hey, please come back… Please - Oh - 
You had unbuckled the straps that had confined him onto the table and his limbs twitched slightly, hissing at the pain they gave him. You had made your way back to where his head lay, stroking his matted fur with gentle hands. If you keep going, he was really going to fall asleep. He was already this close- this close - to purring. 
“Come on, kitty.” He was sure you already knew his name though - “Come on. I know you don’t want to shift but please? I don't know why and I don't ever want to understand why because that is your experience. I could never phantom even 30% of it. But you’re getting really, really sick and,” You sobbed. “And I still need you. How am I going to go home to an empty house now?”
Yoongi was really sleepy and really tempted but - 
“Please, please, please. Kitty - Yoongi - please?”
Hearing his name on your lips, god he had wished for this day but not in this way - 
Oh, perhaps he could make an exception.
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covid-safer-hotties · 25 days
Pain emerges as dominant symptom in long Covid, UCL study reveals - Published Aug 28, 2024
Pain may be the most prevalent and severe symptom reported by individuals with long Covid, according to a new study led by UCL (University College London) researchers.
The study, published in JRSM Open, analysed data from over 1,000 people in England and Wales who logged their symptoms on an app between November 2020 and March 2022.
Pain, including headache, joint pain and stomach pain, was the most common symptom, reported by 26.5% of participants.
The other most common symptoms were neuropsychological issues such as anxiety and depression (18.4%), fatigue (14.3%), and dyspnoea (shortness of breath) (7.4%). The analysis found that the intensity of symptoms, particularly pain, increased by 3.3% on average each month since initial registration.
The study also examined the impact of demographic factors on the severity of symptoms, revealing significant disparities among different groups. Older individuals were found to experience much higher symptom intensity, with those aged 68-77 reporting 32.8% more severe symptoms, and those aged 78-87 experiencing an 86% increase in symptom intensity compared to the 18-27 age group.
Gender differences were also pronounced, with women reporting 9.2% more intense symptoms, including pain, than men. Ethnicity further influenced symptom severity, as non-white individuals with long Covid reported 23.5% more intense symptoms, including pain, compared to white individuals.
The study also explored the relationship between education levels and symptom severity. Individuals with higher education qualifications (NVQ level 3, 4, and 5 – equivalent to A-levels or higher education) experienced significantly less severe symptoms, including pain, with reductions of 27.7%, 62.8%, and 44.7% for NVQ levels 3, 4 and 5 respectively, compared to those with lower education levels (NVQ level 1-2 – equivalent to GCSEs).
Socioeconomic status, as measured by the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD), also influenced symptom intensity. Participants from less deprived areas reported less intense symptoms than those from the most deprived areas. However, the number of symptoms did not significantly vary with socioeconomic status, suggesting that while deprivation may exacerbate symptom intensity, it does not necessarily lead to a broader range of symptoms.
Our study highlights pain as a predominant self-reported symptom in long Covid, but it also shows how demographic factors appear to play a significant role in symptom severity.
With ongoing occurrences of Covid-19 (e.g., LB.1, or D-FLiRT variants), the potential for more long Covid cases remains a pressing concern. Our findings can help shape targeted interventions and support strategies for those most at risk."
-Dr. David Sunkersing, Lead Author, UCL Institute of Health Informatics
In the paper, the researchers called for sustained support for long Covid clinics and the development of treatment strategies that prioritize pain management, alongside other prevalent symptoms like neuropsychological issues and fatigue.
Given the significant impact of demographic factors on symptom severity, the study underscored the need for healthcare policies that addressed these disparities, ensuring equitable care for all individuals affected by long Covid, the researchers said.
Study limitations included a lack of information on other health conditions participants may have had and a lack of information about health history. The researchers cautioned that the study may have excluded individuals with very severe Covid and those facing technological or socioeconomic barriers in accessing a smartphone app.
The study was led by the UCL Institute of Health Informatics and the Department of Primary Care and Population Health at UCL in collaboration with the software developer, Living With Ltd.
Source: University College London
Journal reference: Sunkersing, D., et al. (2024) Long COVID symptoms and demographic associations: A retrospective case series study using healthcare application data. Materials Today. doi.org/10.1177/20542704241274292. journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/20542704241274292
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macgyvermedical · 4 months
hello!! here’s a q for ya: I had what I highly suspected to be an acute pancreatitis attack during lockdown. Because covid was so bad where I was I really didn’t want to go to the ER (dumb, I know) so I self medicated with large doses of Advil until it resolved a week later. I did this because I researched treatment and saw if I had gone to the ER they would have put me on an Advil drip until my symptoms resolved, so I guess my question is- Is there any massive difference between advil on a drip vs tablets, besides maybe more effective delivery?
Advil is a brand name for ibuprofen, which is in the drug category of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Ibuprofen comes in oral and IV forms, though the IV form is much less often used and does not come in drip form (only IV push).
It was once thought that giving NSAIDs early in pancreatitis prevented complications. Unfortunately, newer research says this is probably not the case. Instead, NSAIDs are used primarily for pain control during acute pancreatitis.
NSAIDs may be given IV if the person cannot tolerate oral medication (many patients are not able or not allowed to eat within the first 48 hours of acute pancreatitis). Other than that there is no real reason IV is better over oral, including how long it takes to work (30mins for IV vs 45mins for oral). The doses are similar.
Now, here's the real thing: There are a lot of things that have similar symptoms to pancreatitis that need ruled out, and anything beyond the mildest forms of pancreatitis can be extremely dangerous. Like, even with access to ICU-level care 1-2% of people with mild acute pancreatitis will die within 30 days. Expand that to moderate or severe pancreatitis and those numbers go up to 10-40%.
So bottom line, if it happens again, go to the emergency department.
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cashandprizes · 5 months
Thwip Thursday
Oh yeah baby. It's happening. Enjoy an excerpt of my final paper for CBT where I treat our fun CBT dear professor Lasko. This is the funniest thing I've ever posted on my blog because yes, I am writing about redacted for a graduate school final paper for a grade. I will put it in the tag because I think it's funny.
(No read more necessary! Can you believe it! Just a warning though I did fill out his backstory and he did get hit with the transgenderification beam. sorry not sorry)
This case conceptualization addresses the hypothetical course of treatment for Lasko Moore, a character in a modern-fantasy audio narrative. Lasko Moore presented to treatment as a 30-year-old pansexual and transgender Indo-Caribbean man working as an administrator and adjunct professor at Dahlia Academy for Magical Novices for persistent anxiety symptoms. Upon intake, Lasko reported experiencing near constant racing thoughts that he was unable to “turn off”, panic attacks, and increased anxiety about social interactions at his work. He described spending a significant amount of mental energy preparing for and reviewing social interactions with colleagues such that he often avoids his colleagues in an effort to minimize his anxiety. Lasko reported that the anticipation around coworker interactions (meetings, socials, etc.) becomes quickly overwhelming as he becomes preoccupied with what he will say and do in an effort to try and minimize his tendency to become hyperverbal and overshare information as well as stuttering. He described this process as starting with embarrassment over previous interactions which leads to critical thoughts like “I shouldn’t be so anxious” which leads to rehearsal of potential outcomes of interactions. However, in the moment of social interactions he becomes so anxious as there “aren’t any objectives [or] any specific roles” to the conversations that he “word vomits” and becomes tangential and overshares until he runs out of breath and stops himself from talking due to his own critical thoughts and begins to isolate himself. Lasko was initially diagnosed with Panic Disorder (F41.0) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (F41.1) to capture his persistent anxious state with occasional intense bouts of extreme anxiety and panic. An initial long-term goal was collaboratively set as improving his coping strategies and tolerance of anxious affect to better network and create relationships. As this was Lasko’s first time utilizing mental health services, treatment began with inhibitory learning in combination with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in order to facilitate willingness to experience interoceptive cues and extinguish avoidance due to fear of negative consequences. This was able to reduce his panic attacks as he felt more able to tolerate overwhelming anxious affect. Despite his clear engagement with treatment through attendance, homework, and skills practice, Lasko continued to struggle with critical thoughts and avoidance of coworkers which he identified as a major barrier to his continued professional development and potential non-academic relationships. Through collaborative exploration, a persistent early maladaptive schema relating to his critical thoughts emerged and treatment shifted to a goal of starting dialogue between schema modes to facilitate the use of coping strategies to build interpersonal effectiveness.
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Eleanor Klibanoff at Texas Tribune:
Two women have filed federal complaints against Texas hospitals they say refused to treat their ectopic pregnancies, leading both women to lose their fallopian tubes and endanger their future fertility. Texas law allows doctors to terminate ectopic pregnancies, a condition in which the fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tubes, instead of the uterus. Ectopic pregnancies are always non-viable and can quickly become life-threatening if left untreated. Despite these protections, these women say they were turned away from two separate hospitals that refused to treat them. The complaint alleges that the doctors and hospitals are so fearful of the state’s abortion laws, which carry penalties of up to life in prison when violated, that they are hesitating to perform even protected abortions.
The complaints were filed with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, or EMTALA, a federal statute that requires hospitals to provide stabilizing medical care to anyone who shows up. That rule has long been interpreted to include medically necessary abortions, which has run up against state bans, including in Texas. Typically, federal EMTALA complaints are investigated by state health agencies, but the Center for Reproductive Rights, which filed the complaint, is asking for it to instead be handled by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, or CMS. “CMS should not rely solely on a state agency’s assessment of the facts in reaching its determination because of Texas state officials’ hostility toward interpreting EMTALA as requiring hospitals to provide pregnancy termination to pregnant patients experiencing emergency medical conditions,” they wrote in the complaints. The U.S. Supreme Court earlier this year declined to say that Idaho’s abortion ban trumps the EMTALA requirement, but a federal appeals court in New Orleans has found that Texas hospitals cannot be required under EMTALA to provide life-saving abortions.
Similar diagnoses, similar results
Kyleigh Thurman says in the complaint that she went to Ascension Seton Williamson Hospital in Round Rock, north of Austin, with a tubal ectopic pregnancy. She says the hospital initially discharged her without treating the ectopic pregnancy, but she returned three days later with vaginal bleeding and worsening symptoms. Despite her doctor’s orders, the hospital refused to give her methotrexate, a common treatment that stops an ectopic pregnancy from continuing to develop. “Infuriated, Ms. Thurman’s OB-GYN met Ms. Thurman at Ascension Williamson to plead with the medical staff to give her methotrexate,” the complaint says. They eventually agreed. But it was too late; the ectopic pregnancy had grown too large, and ruptured. Thurman nearly bled to death and had to have her right fallopian tube removed. A spokesperson for Ascension declined to discuss the specifics of the case, but said in a statement that they are “committed to providing high-quality care to all who seek our services.”
Kelsie Norris-De La Cruz had a similar experience at Texas Health Arlington Memorial Hospital, outside Dallas. An emergency room physician diagnosed her with a tubal ectopic pregnancy and said she should get an injection of methotrexate or have surgery to remove the pregnancy. She chose surgery, but once the on-call OB/GYNs arrived, the complaint alleges, the hospital refused to treat her and told her to come back in 48 hours. “Ms. Norris-De La Cruz’s mother asked if the hospital’s refusal to provide care had anything to do with Texas’s abortion bans but received no response,” the complaint says. “As the conversation became more heated, the OB/GYN confirmed it was possible that Ms. Norris-De La Cruz could rupture over the next 48 hours and subsequently stormed out of the room.” Texas Health did not immediately respond to request for comment.
Norris-De La Cruz eventually found an OB/GYN through a friend who agreed to perform an emergency surgery to remove the ectopic pregnancy. By then, the mass had grown so large that it required also removing her right fallopian tube and 75% of her right ovary. “I ended up losing half of my fertility and if I was made to wait any longer, it’s very likely I would have died,” Norris-De La Cruz said in a statement. “These bans are making it nearly impossible to get basic emergency healthcare. So, I’m filing this complaint because women like me deserve justice and accountability from those that hurt us. Texas state officials can’t keep ignoring us. We can’t let them.”
Two Texas women, Kyleigh Thurman and Kelsie Norris-De La Cruz, filed federal EMTALA complaints against 2 Texas hospitals over refusal to treat ectopic pregnancies as a result of Texas’s strict anti-abortion laws.
See Also:
The 19th News: Two women say Texas hospitals wouldn’t treat their ectopic pregnancies. Each lost a fallopian tube as a result.
Jezebel: Texas Women Denied Care for Ectopic Pregnancies Due to State’s Abortion Ban Take Legal Action
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“Gel manicures are now the most popular beauty treatment in the UK, according to the online booking system Treatwell. Salon chains say that between 70 per cent and 90 per cent of their manicures now involve gels rather than traditional kinds of nail lacquer or false acrylic nails.
Yet dermatologists say they are seeing an “epidemic” of bad reactions to gel. Women have reported nail lifting, brittleness and splitting as well as swollen fingers and infections.
Some people have also suffered eczema, rashes and swelling to the face and body related to using nail gels.”
Full text under cut
As a nail technician, Kirsty Connor had a gel manicure every fortnight — and provided the beauty treatment for about 20 others on any given week.
After years of using gel-based polish, however, she noticed that her nails were lifting away and her fingers were itching.
Later, mini blisters appeared on her hands. Her arms and eyes began to swell. When she struggled to breathe, she called an ambulance.
In A&E, Connor, 31, was told that — like many other women seen by emergency staff — she had developed an allergic reaction to the substances commonly found in gel polishes, which help the colour to harden under an ultraviolet lamp.
Gel manicures are now the most popular beauty treatment in the UK, according to the online booking system Treatwell. Salon chains say that between 70 per cent and 90 per cent of their manicures now involve gels rather than traditional kinds of nail lacquer or false acrylic nails.
Yet dermatologists say they are seeing an “epidemic” of bad reactions to gel. Women have reported nail lifting, brittleness and splitting as well as swollen fingers and infections.
Some people have also suffered eczema, rashes and swelling to the face and body related to using nail gels.
After her severe allergic reaction several years ago, Connor, from Beckenham, southeast London, threw away the collection of 300 gel polishes which she had built up over ten years. She now works with natural, non-toxic polishes.
“The doctors at the hospital said it was quite a common problem. I had been using the big high street brands for years and I had never heard of it so I want to raise awareness,” she said.
Gel polishes typically contain methacrylate chemicals, which can be an irritant and cause allergies. The more often people have gel manicures, the higher the chance they will have a bad reaction or even develop a lifelong allergy.
The chemicals enter the skin when the ultraviolet lamps used to harden each layer of gel are not used for long enough or the equipment is poorly maintained. If the gel is not sufficiently “cured” a reaction to the chemicals can occur on the skin around the nails. Simply brushing your nails against your arms or touching your face can produce symptoms in those areas.
Dr Justine Hextall, a consultant dermatologist and fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, said: “The problem is artificial nails and gel manicures have become the norm. People think of these as a basic requirement for grooming, like brushing your hair, when actually nails aren’t built to sustain this much trauma.
“One of the first questions I ask when I see a patient with facial eczema, especially around the eyes, is whether they get their nails done, if they have gel polish and when they last had them done. We’re always touching our faces, so reaction often shows up here.”
The British Association of Dermatologists said allergies and irritation to the nails is “very likely when people apply a product themselves, or if insufficient training has been given to the nail technician”.
Customers are often unaware that their polish has not been applied correctly while those who buy home kits can fail to follow instructions.
Dr Deirdre Buckley, a consultant dermatologist in Bath, said she believes thousands of women around the country could be suffering with nail polish-related allergies.
She recently saw three women in one day with skin problems, all of which could be linked back to their manicures.
Buckley co-authored a 2018 report by the British Association of Dermatologists which warned that gel polish was causing a “contact allergy epidemic” in the UK.
Since then, she said, the condition has become even more prevalent.
In the past five years, 3.5 per cent of her dermatology patients have tested positive for an allergy to methacrylates. The allergy is almost always due to gel polishes, she said.
“It is so common now that we can usually tell what the problem is when a patient walks into the clinic”, Buckley said.
“I see people with a sort of stripy rash on their cheeks and neck or eyelid swelling because of their fingernails touching their face. They will often have thought very very hard about what could be causing it — their cosmetics, their workplace — but not their nails.”
Traumatic onychoschisis, when the nail starts to detach from the nail bed, is one of the more serious related conditions.
Julia Diogo, a London-based manicurist who specialises in natural nail health and gel nails, and whose clients have included the model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, said she had suffered from the condition herself. She has also worked with women who had previous allergic reactions.
Explaining the right way to carry out a manicure, she said: “Each gel polish brand has an exact curing time which should be adhered to; these are often 30 seconds, 60 seconds or 90 seconds. If you are curing a 90-second gel at 30 seconds this is going to cause either an allergic reaction and/or infection. The top layer may seem dry; however, the middle of that gel will still be wet or tacky, meaning it hasn’t been cured correctly.”
Anyone going for a gel manicure should check that their hands are not removed from the salon lamp before the timer has finished its countdown, she said.
Lamps should be tested regularly, and should be the same brand as the polish because they are designed to cure a specific gel.
There is no single qualification required to be a nail technician but professionals often have either a diploma in manicures, which can take as little as three days, or a beauty apprenticeship.
Some will have a BTec or NVQ in beauty. Nail technicians should ideally have also studied for a certificate with the brand of gel they are using, such as OPI or Shellac, which would tell them how to apply that particular formula.
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opencommunion · 1 month
“Under the proposed model of medical management associated with DSD, surgery is not completely eradicated as an option for treatment of intersex, although it is generally recommended that it be avoided in most cases. Based on the debates around surgery among various players within the medical field, it is apparent also that the boundary between what is cosmetic and what is medically necessary surgical intervention is still in dire need of clarification. It is also apparent that even in current practice, this boundary is strategically blurred both by medical practitioners and by intersex activists/allies, so that what is actually culturally desired is posited as medically necessary.
When an intersex individual is surgically ascribed a discrete male/female sex, this individual often requires lifelong ‘management’ in order to continue to pass as that sex. ... In the late twentieth century, a lucrative market emerged from lifelong treatment of the post-surgical intersex body via hormonal and behavioral therapy/training, continuous aesthetic surgeries and medical surveillance. The never-ending drive to fit within a normative sex category is what Cheryl Chase has described as the ‘intersex treadmill’. Thus, the shift to DSD protocol begs the questions: How will the body that is afflicted with a disorder of sex development and which is posited as continuously in need of maintenance actually be maintained in a non-surgical treatment landscape? What new types of post-disciplinary (self-)management techniques—be they psychological/psychiatric, behavioral, hormonal, steroidal, or even neurological or genetic—will become the new modus vivendi for intersex care? What will come to fall under the rubric of ‘at-risk’ psychological symptoms, social behaviors, or types of embodiment when it comes to holding intersex in abeyance or keeping it in remission, and how will ever-expanding teams of medical specialists preemptively deal with these ‘at-risk’ individuals and their symptoms?
... According to ['DSD' medical researcher Robert] Blizzard, ‘In most instances of an intersex problem, a medical emergency is not present but a mental and/or social emergency very likely is’ (italics in original). … Thus, the new medical protocol associated with DSD takes the specter of intersex very seriously, as a threat to be guarded against. It positions the pre-/post-/intersex body as a haunted body that must be constantly surveilled and preemptively managed, so that the individual’s at-risk status is never realized, the ambiguity is kept in (profitable) remission, and the (hetero)normative identity remains secure. Who stands to profit from this production of intersex as a problem necessitating perpetual medical management, surveillance and securitization must be considered with the proposed transition to DSD. How are decisions to be made, and what is at stake in these decision-making processes—for Western technoscientific medicine, for a culture founded upon institutionalized (hetero)sexism, and for pre-/post-/intersex individuals who invariably become patients, and perhaps more importantly, become consumers in a late capitalist climate?"
Alyson K. Spurgas, "(Un)Queering Identity: The Biosocial Production of Intersex/DSD", in Critical Intersex ed. Morgan Holmes, 2009
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Hello! Could a Time Lord heal a human with their own regeneration energy?
Could a Time Lord heal a human with their own regeneration energy?
Yep, a Time Lord can heal a human using their regeneration energy, but this has some very significant consequences.
🔬 How It Works
The lindos hormone is the biological key to regeneration. It can be transferred to non-Gallifreyans, causing instant repair. It can rapidly heal anything from minor injuries to life-threatening wounds pretty much instantly.
🚨 Limitations and Risks
Finite Resource: The amount of lindos energy a Time Lord has is limited. Every regeneration consumes some of this energy, and using it excessively on others will deplete their reserves.
Lifespan Reduction: Using regeneration energy to heal others directly impacts the Time Lord’s own lifespan.
Proportional Sacrifice: The amount of energy needed to heal another is very disproportionate. Minor injuries might only slightly affect a Time Lord's lifespan, but healing fatal wounds would require a huge amount of energy, potentially sacrificing many of their own lives.
Future Regeneration Issues: Depleting lindos energy to heal others can cause future complications with the Time Lord’s own regenerations. They might experience more severe regeneration sickness, incomplete regenerations, or even failed regenerations in the future.
🏫 So ...
If you ever find yourself in a situation where a Time Lord offers to use their regeneration energy to heal you, just remember the heavy toll it takes on them. It comes with serious consequences for the Time Lord involved, so you should probably just use a bandage instead.
Can regenerative energy be transferred?: Notes on the transfer of regenerations, both mechanical and natural.
How to track and manage artron levels?: How artron levels can be tracked and managed, plus symptoms of hypo/hyperartronosis and first-line treatment.
Factoid: What happens when a human spends a lot of time with a Time Lord?
Hope that helped! 😃
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired😴
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polyhexian · 10 months
Also I feel it should be noted that the "fact" going around saying opossums CAN'T get rabies is false. Yes, it's RARE compared to other mammals for them to contract rabies, but that's still very much a non-zero chance for a 99.99% death sentence disease.
Don't play with the wildlife, folks, you don't know where its been.
I'm pretty confident there's no such thing as a mammal that CAN'T have rabies. Opossums have a low body temperature that actually makes it difficult for the virus to survive, so it's extremely extremely uncommon for one to actually make it to symptoms. I don't know if there's any recorded incidents of someone contracting rabies from a opossum. I found an article about someone getting bitten but a opossum that tested positive for rabies, but they didn't say anything about him dying so I assume he got treated in time...
The most common animals people get rabies from are dogs, foxes, bats, raccoons and skunks. Rabies deaths are highest in southeast Asia, Africa, and India. Rabies is extinct in Australia. Dogs are super risky for rabies in countries with low vax rates and high numbers of strays. Wild monkeys can have rabies too. Well, probably not more than other animals but monkeys bite, kind of a lot. Bats are especially risky because bats have incredibly powerful immune systems, but most importantly, bats can have super duper tiny teeth, so you might not even know you were bit! If you were asleep near a bat and it bit you, you might not even wake up, and it's totally possible to have no visible signs of a bite at all.
It's better safe than sorry with rabies. If you get bitten by a wild animal go to the emergency room immediately!! There IS a post exposure prophylaxis!!!once you have symptoms it is too late, but if you seek treatment immediately you will most likely be fine- but you can't wait!!
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Revolutionary RTMS Treatment: A Beacon of Hope for Mental Health in Hyderabad and Bengaluru
In the evolving landscape of mental health care, Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (RTMS) has emerged as a groundbreaking treatment, offering new hope to patients. With its growing popularity, RTMS treatment in Hyderabad and neuromodulation therapy in Bengaluru are now accessible to those seeking effective solutions for their mental health concerns.
Understanding RTMS Treatment
RTMS, or Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, is a non-invasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain. This innovative treatment has shown significant promise in addressing a variety of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
RTMS Treatment in Hyderabad
Hyderabad, known for its advanced medical facilities, is at the forefront of adopting RTMS treatment. Leading psychiatrists in Hyderabad are now offering this state-of-the-art therapy to patients who have not responded well to traditional treatments. The effectiveness of RTMS in treating depression and OCD has been particularly noteworthy.
Depression Treatment in Hyderabad: For many patients, conventional antidepressants and therapies do not provide the desired relief. RTMS offers a viable alternative, with many experiencing significant improvements in their symptoms.
OCD Treatment in Hyderabad: Obsessive-compulsive disorder can severely impact an individual's quality of life. RTMS treatment has been shown to reduce the intensity of OCD symptoms, providing patients with much-needed relief.
Neuromodulation Therapy in Bengaluru
Bengaluru, a city renowned for its technological advancements, is also a hub for innovative medical treatments. Neuromodulation therapy, including RTMS, is gaining traction among mental health professionals in the city.
Anxiety Treatment in Bengaluru: Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health issues. Neuromodulation therapy offers a new avenue for treatment, especially for those who have not found success with traditional methods. Psychiatrists in Bengaluru are increasingly recommending this therapy for its effectiveness and minimal side effects.
The Role of Psychiatrists
The success of RTMS and neuromodulation therapy heavily relies on the expertise of the administering psychiatrist. In Hyderabad and Bengaluru, some of the best psychiatrists are now incorporating these treatments into their practice. Their knowledge and experience ensure that patients receive the most effective care tailored to their specific needs.
Benefits of RTMS and Neuromodulation Therapy
Non-Invasive: Both RTMS and other forms of neuromodulation are non-invasive, meaning they do not require surgery or anesthesia.
Few Side Effects: Compared to medications, these treatments have minimal side effects, making them a preferred option for many.
Effectiveness: Clinical studies have shown that RTMS can significantly reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and OCD, even in patients who have not responded to other treatments.
The advent of RTMS treatment in Hyderabad and neuromodulation therapy in Bengaluru marks a significant step forward in mental health care. With leading psychiatrists in these cities offering cutting-edge treatments, patients now have access to more effective and less invasive options for managing their mental health conditions. Whether it's anxiety treatment in Bengaluru or depression treatment in Hyderabad, RTMS and neuromodulation therapies are paving the way for better mental health outcomes.
If you or a loved one is struggling with depression, anxiety, or OCD, consider exploring these innovative treatments with a qualified psychiatrist. The future of mental health care is here, and it holds promise for a brighter, healthier tomorrow.
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New study: Risk factor for developing Alzheimer’s disease increases by 50-80% in older adults who caught COVID-19 - Published Sept 13, 2024
Older people who were infected with COVID-19 show a substantially higher risk—as much as 50% to 80% higher than a control group—of developing Alzheimer’s disease within a year, according to a study of more than 6 million patients 65 and older.
In a study published today in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, researchers report that people 65 and older who contracted COVID-19 were more prone to developing Alzheimer’s disease in the year following their COVID diagnosis. And the highest risk was observed in women at least 85 years old.
The findings showed that the risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease in older people nearly doubled (0.35% to 0.68%) over a one-year period following infection with COVID. The researchers say it is unclear whether COVID-19 triggers new development of Alzheimer’s disease or accelerates its emergence.
“The factors that play into the development of Alzheimer’s disease have been poorly understood, but two pieces considered important are prior infections, especially viral infections, and inflammation,” said Pamela Davis, Distinguished University Professor and The Arline H. and Curtis F. Garvin Research Professor at the Case Western Reserve School of Medicine, the study’s coauthor.
“Since infection with SARS-CoV2 has been associated with central nervous system abnormalities including inflammation, we wanted to test whether, even in the short term, COVID could lead to increased diagnoses,” she said.
The research team analyzed the anonymous electronic health records of 6.2 million adults 65 and older in the United States who received medical treatment between February 2020 and May 2021 and had no prior diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.
They then divided this population into two groups: one composed of people who contracted COVID-19 during that period, and another with people who had no documented cases of COVID-19. More than 400,000 people were enrolled in the COVID study group, while 5.8 million were in the non-infected group.
“If this increase in new diagnoses of Alzheimer’s disease is sustained, the wave of patients with a disease currently without a cure will be substantial, and could further strain our long-term care resources,” Davis said. “Alzheimer’s disease is a serious and challenging disease, and we thought we had turned some of the tide on it by reducing general risk factors such as hypertension, heart disease, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. Now, so many people in the U.S. have had COVID and the long-term consequences of COVID are still emerging. It is important to continue to monitor the impact of this disease on future disability.”
Rong Xu, the study’s corresponding author, professor of Biomedical Informatics at the School of Medicine and director of the Center for AI in Drug Discovery, said the team plans to continue studying the effects of COVID-19 on Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders—especially which subpopulations may be more vulnerable—and the potential to repurpose FDA-approved drugs to treat COVID’s long-term effects.
Previous COVID-related research led by CWRU have found that people with dementia are twice as likely to contract COVID; those with substance abuse disorder orders are more likely to contract COVID; and that 5% of people who took Paxlovid for treatment of COVID symptoms experienced rebound infections within a month.
Study Link: content.iospress.com/articles/journal-of-alzheimers-disease/jad220717
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lifealteringstemcells · 7 months
Stem Cell Therapy: Recent Advancement For Spinal Cord Injuries
A spinal cord injury (SCI) is damage caused to the nerves in the spinal cords that are responsible for sending and receiving signals from the brain. The traumatic lesion in the spinal cord can cause permanent or irreversible sensory and motor deficits. Stem cell therapy has shown massive potential in repairing damaged tissues and promoting recovery of neurological function. Medical research shows the effectiveness of stem cell therapy in treating various neurodegenerative disorders like ischemic stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage, and spinal cord injury.
Causes Of Spinal Cord Injury
The increasing number of cases of spinal cord injuries worldwide has made SCI a global health priority. Sports injuries and road accidents have been recognized as the two common causes of SCI. Although traumatic conditions comprise major triggering factors to induce spinal cord damage, non-traumatic events such as inflammation, spinal disc degeneration, cancer, substantial tissue loss, and infections can also be the reason for injury to the spinal cord and peripheral nervous system,
Symptoms of Spinal Cord Injury
The emergency symptoms of SCI may include loss of control in body movements due to partial or complete loss of sensory function. It is characterized by loss of motor control of the back, arms, legs, and other body parts, leading to weakness and incoordination. Patients experience extreme pain and pressure in the back, neck, and head.
Other prominent symptoms that doctors have identified as effects of spinal cord damage are -
Difficulty in walking and sitting
Difficulty in breathing
Sudden reflexes or spasms
Loss of control over bladder and bowel movements
Lowered sexual sensitivity and infertility
Trouble in balancing
Numbness or tingling sensation in the hands, fingers, and feet
The Science of Stem Cell Therapy For Spinal Cord Injury Treatment
Spinal cord injury is a severe condition that damages the nerve cells and tissues in the spinal cord, resulting in paralysis or nervous function impairment. Current treatment approaches include medication, rehabilitation therapy, physical therapy, or surgery. However, most of them provide temporary relief and poor outcomes in the long run. Stem cell interventions have emerged as a promising treatment for SCI with its exemplary potential to repair and regenerate injured neurons and tissues.
The distinct ability of stem cells to proliferate and form any functional cell type makes them ideal for treating SCI. The cells self-renew into nerve cells to replace and repair the diseased cells. After they are introduced into a patient’s body, they reach the injured site and interact with the surrounding cells to produce neurotrophic growth factors and alter the microenvironment of the affected region in the spinal cord.
A preclinical study has shown that mesenchymal stem cells release growth-promoting factors that accelerate the growth of axons at the injured area and improve myelination (formation of specialized membranes around axons). Most importantly, the therapeutic potential of stem cells prevents further neuronal degeneration in the spinal cord, lowering inflammation and improving motor and sensory function.
Start Your Stem Cell Therapy Journey In Mexico
There is no better place than Mexico for stem cell therapy because this North American country is home to highly qualified and experienced medical professionals with a proven track record of successful cell therapies. Besides, the healthcare system in Mexico is also advanced, and its treatment solutions are most accessible and affordable to people all over the world.
Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute is a trusted name if you are ready to receive stem cell therapy in Mexico. Their state-of-the-art technologies, innovative treatments, and comfortable clinic setup have earned them the tag of stem cell therapy best hospital in Mexico. Their health advocates are just a call away! Connect with them to learn more about stem cell therapy for treating spinal cord injuries and other chronic conditions.
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