#nonbinary goth icon
jarognieva · 6 months
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I feel so related to him (her?)
He's Death and everyone are scared of her but in fact he's very warm-hearted and everything she really needs is people to accept him and treat as part of family
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pridewishes · 8 months
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250x250 || goth nonbinary lesbian || bordered circle
like / rb + credit + read dni if using
requested by @ultimate-idol !!
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r0llingurl · 4 months
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dollarstore-kins · 11 months
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Self indulgent nonbinary Raven icons!!
-Mod ET
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recovering-vamp · 2 years
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The late Madison matriarch~
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holy-sappho · 2 years
i love being trans i love being gay i love being butch i love being nonbinary i love being emo i love being goth i love being a freak i love sticking it to the man with my mere existence <3
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holograph-skullz · 2 years
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Happy 2023, here’s my new icon/sona to celebrate!
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spicysquirt · 2 years
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Self portraits
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horrorvillaintourney · 2 months
HORROR'S NEXT TOP GENDER, ROUND FOUR MATCH SEVEN: Cesare (The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari) vs. The Xenomorph (Alien)
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"Cesare has what every nonbinary goth thinks they have going for them."
"Is this a "character"? It's a whole species technically but I think it should count. Anyway I know people like to think about them as female and therefore Girlbosses or whatever and I think that's fine, have fun. However, they are obviously an alien species that doesn't adhere to human ideas of gender- or fit into ideas of binary sex if we wanted to think that way, since they reproduce very differently. I am also thinking about how their (very iconic) design incorporates a lot of sexual elements/imagery, and in that way too they mix-and-match and play around with gender. And again they are just so iconic."
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lupinus-bicolor · 1 year
Nightshade is a certified nonbinary icon for three reasons:
1. Goth
2. Named after a plant
3. Passion for digging holes (digging a bunker was like the first thing they did. It's in our nature)
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witchyfashion · 7 months
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​​A celebration of magical women and nonbinary people in American history, from Salem to WitchTok. Meet the mystical women and nonbinary people from US history who found strength through the supernatural—and those who are still forging the way today. From the celebrity spirit mediums of the nineteenth century to contemporary activist witches hexing the patriarchy, these icons have long used magic and mysticism to seize the power they’re so often denied. Organized around different approaches women in particular have taken to the occult over the decades—using the supernatural for political gain, seeking fame and fortune as spiritual practitioners, embracing their witchy identities, and more—this book shines a light on underappreciated magical pioneers, including: ✦ Dion Fortune, who tried to marshal a magical army against Adolf Hitler ✦ Bri Luna, the Hoodwitch, social media star and serious magical practitioner ✦ Joan Quigley, personal psychic to Nancy Reagan ✦ Marie Laveau, voodoo queen of New Orleans ✦ Elvira, queer goth sex symbol who defied the Satanic Panic ✦ And many more!
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dollarstore-kins · 1 year
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Self indulgent Goth Nonbinary Carmine icons!!
-Mod ET
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wickdcreatures · 5 months
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@ohfiendangelical sent me THIS post: Character development questions for trans and gender diverse muses, specifically to answer questions for Salem. I originally thought about reblogging and having yall ask me the questions but i decided i would just answer them all in one go because i think these questions would be really fun to understand about him SO!!! HERE GOES NOTHING
TW: gender dysphoria and transphobia
How does your muse describe their own identity? Do they use a different label or describe themselves differently depending on who's asking?
He doesn’t much like the labels — trans man feels too limiting, nonbinary masc presenting is probably the closest but still doesn’t quite hit the mark. He isn’t super well versed into other form of gender on the spectrum so he hasn’t looked into anything else — so for the most part he defaults to trans male, which he doesn’t proclaim from the mountaintops nor does he keep a secret. He will tell those who ask him with no shame, but he’s also not about to start a conversation with it (unless in an appropriate situation ie a queer centric meetup or something like that)
How does your muse most enjoy dressing, when they feel at ease to present however they like? Is this different to how they present most of the time?
He just likes dressing alternative. Probably best described as goth punk. And punks wear whatever the fuck they want, so for the most part he feels comfortable in almost everything these days — the most comfortable thing for him to wear is a larged oversized hoody and maybe a nice pair of nineties straight leg jeans — bagger clothes always feel safer.
How does your muse handle feeling dysphoric or insecure in their appearance?
When that dysphoria be hitting he will have a good, long cry about it. He isnt so insecure that he will try to cover the mirrors in his house but he certainly wont be looking in them. How he tries to get OUT of that dysphoric slump is to emulate those he thinks are “peak masculinity” in his eyes. His favorite actors and musicians, or friends he knows that fit the bill of his perfect, idealized version of masculinity.
Did your muse's orientation or way of feeling attracted to others shift with their gender identity?
Absolutely not. Hes very comfortable with the fact he is so into just about everyone LMAO 
What was the moment your muse first realized (or began to realize) their gender roles didn't match up with who they were or wanted to be?
It was slow and gradual for him. He lived a very sheltered childhood, only allowed to spend time with very specific people that his dad deemed “worthy” and he wasnt allowed much in the way of internet access so he wasnt able to stumble upon the labels of it until he was in high school and thoroughly embroiled in his “tomboy” era. 
Is there someone your muse considers a "gender icon" or aspires to be like?
@skullfck and @ohfiendangelical both actually. Salem thinks that if you mix those two together (NOT PERSONALITY ABSOLUTELY NOT PERSONALITY THIS IS ALL LOOKS AND VIBES) that would make the perfect man. Absolute gender god. He wishes to achieve that some day LMAO
What does your muse's ideal example of their gender look like? Eg. "the ideal man" and so on.
Strong, brave, willing to embrace femininity (as that is a very important part of the human experience to him since he was so embroiled in it and also for religious reasons), if we are also talking PHYSICAL then like. Prominent adams apple. BOY HANDS????? This is a long and very complicated question and i might get back to this on another post sometime but for the most part he thinks he has reached his ideal in many ways, but of course there is always room for improvement
Have the people in your muse's life been more of a support or a hindrance in them exploring or coming out and/or learning about themselves?
Save for his brother, his family wasnt understanding, they were anti-med in general so he wasnt able to begin his medical transition until after he left home and moved up to san francisco. NOW, however, he is very lucky to be around people who love and encourage him <3 
Talk about a key moment in your muse's journey towards becoming their more ideal self.
Changing his name was really hard for him because his mom was the one that gave it to him, and he had just freshly lost her around the time he decided to go through with it. Not only did changing his name really feel like a turning point where he was fully embracing the fact that he is trans and that this is who he is, but it was also a way to distance himself from his family. 
Is your muse confident in their identity? Still questioning? Is there anything that ever makes them feel doubtful about themselves?
His confident that he is masculine, but he thinks his very personal definition of “man” might very strongly differ from those who identify as a man themselves. But at the end of the day, he thinks thats just the nature of gender. Hes comfortable in that.
Does your muse consider themselves out and proud, or would they rather live their life quietly and unnoticed?
OUT AND PROUD BABY he wears his scars visibly a lot, like you can see them through mesh shirts or popping out of the bottom of a crop top or something, and like i said before he has no problem telling people. 
What very personalized piece of advice would your muse give, either to their younger self or to someone else just beginning to explore who they are?
if youre questioning your gender identity in any way, chances are you arent as cis as you think. and thats okay! down with cis!(jokingly) lmao
Is there a seemingly gender-unrelated thing that gives your muse a feeling of gender euphoria? (Eg. an activity outside of the usual societally gender-coded ones that they associate with their gender for some certain reason, an article of clothing that isn't specifically gendered but feels flattering or validating in some way, etcetera.)
Shirts like these, and having a SHIT ton of tattoos. Thats so gender to him
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Did your muse experience a grieving process at the beginning of realizing their identity, or was the revelation wholly positive and affirming for them?
GOD YEAH. his dad very much made it seem like transness was inherently unnatural or just very rare — for the majority of his high school days he was told that it was just a phase, and for a while he really hoped that it was because he had a very hard time dealing with the disrespect and blatant misgendering from his family members. “If i were a girl like they tell me i’m supposed to be, this would all be easier and they wouldn’t be so disappointed” sorta thinking. Sometimes he still catches himself grieving, but for entirely different reasons now. Mostly because he feels robbed of a childhood as a boy, but then he remembers that as a child he was his most authentic self, really. Gender didnt matter then. He was him and thats what matters.
Did your muse feel like they had to "learn" how to perform their gender, or did they slip into the role naturally? Did they change much about their mannerisms or how they interact with the world, at all?
He tried for a bit to play the hyper masculine role when he first discovered his transness, most specifically to appeal to his families very dated and limited views on masculinity — but once he left and starts spending more time with flamboyant gay men and queer masc leaning individuals, he quickly fell back into what he was before. A healthy dose of masculine and feminine both, but the way he sees it — he’s just him.
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why flower's image should be changed to her v4 design: a comprehensive explanation and argument
i'm wayyyy too dedicated to this vocal synth for my own good. please be open minded and take my points seriously because i spent like 2 hours typing this up
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flower's v4 design is easily her most iconic and recognisable design, and is well liked for several reasons:
her hairstyle, figure and outfit reflect her voicebank's androgynous tone - this is rare in vocal synths and makes her popular with nonbinary vocal synth fans like myself
her outfit has a distinct punk/goth style that was carried over from the v3 design and is suitable to her genre of music - vflower was created as a poweful vocal specialising in rock
it keeps several design elements introduced in v3: flat chest, messy white hair with a singular dark purple streak, vivid purple eyes, dark purple leather vest, choker and boots, as well as a bandage wrapped around one of the arms
flower's v4 voicebank is quite popular in the vocal synth scene as of now and has been used in a variety of well known songs, including goodbye sengen, venom, villain, lower one's eyes, bocca della verita, the list goes on. it would make sense to use the v4 design to represent flower, whose most popular voicebank is her v4.
in contrast, when ci flower was released, many original vflower fans felt upset and betrayed because of several major differences:
physical appearance
her hair is smooth and straight, and ends in a pink gradient. it has two purple streaks instead of one
her eyes are a different shape and an entirely different shade of cool blue
she has a visible chest
features a lot less purple and is visibly desaturated. has a decent amount of grey and orange, both colours that do not appear anywhere on the v3 and v4 designs
instead of being goth/punk inspired it is a very basic outfit that has a closer resemblance to casual/sportswear
lacks several vital design elements that make v3 and v4 recognisable as the same character
people have complained that it sounds a great deal more feminine
most importantly, it lacks the power of v3 and v4, instead having more of a delicate, brittle quality that is easily drowned out by loud rock music
these factors combine to create a character who is completely unrecognisable to both the original v3 and v4 designs, both in terms of design and vocals. most people who know of flower consider them as different vocal synths and i've even seen one or two people saying that while they disliked the original vocaloid and thought it was too abrasive, they enjoy the ci variant for its softness and femininity. instead of adopting ci as the new representative design, the majority of original vflower fans have continued to use the v4 design + voicebank, and seem to go out of their way not to interact with content involving the cevio version.
several testimonials i have gathered:
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in conclusion:
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*(also this is negligible but i think more people use the tag "vflower" than "flower vocaloid" and that way you might get a tiny bit more engagement)
i rest my case.
That's quite a passionate argument. However, I will not be changing the image used, otherwise I'd probably have to change the design for other vocals as well. If I went off of the design I liked best for a vocal, 1. it would not be V4flower and 2. vocals such as Miku and Tianyi would have different designs as well.
I'd also like to comment that the sound difference is not exclusive to flower. IA's CeVio AI voicebank sounds quite different to her Vocaloid bank as well. The difference in technology does alter quite a bit.
Most importantly though, this blog is for fun. Please don't take this too seriously. If you dislike the CeVio design so much, vote against her. You don't actually have to vote based on quality of voicebank(s).
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stigmvtas-archived · 1 year
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welcome to marina, VIKTOR SAMUELS ( nonbinary, they/them ) ! they are a THIRTY year old who has lived over on TOWER HILL for THEIR ENTIRE LIFE and works as a VISUAL ARTIST. everyone says they look a lot like MAXENCE DANET FAUVEL. what do you think? — JAMES, 24, THEY/THEM, EST.
full name: viktor phillip samuels.
birthday: january 2nd, 1993.
astrology: capricorn sun, gemini moon, libra rising.
sexuality: bisexual.
currently listening to: lilian by depeche mode.
last known location: [[[cannot be found]]]
brief history.
religion; second eldest to a devout preacher and his wife, only minutes behind their twin sister, but years ahead of their youngest sister. the samuels are a cold, god-fearing household.
unfortunately viktor's never been fond of the lord. after a peaceful childhood, viktor became a terror. a nuisance. finds a love for all kinds of horror early on, and is pretty much a full fledged goth by the time they hit double digits.
heresy; has faked possession, has defiled the church pews, has committed so much heresy they've been banned from all church services. is better off not going, anyways.
their twin sister is the definition of perfection. more moonlight than sunlight, because she's always been unsettlingly cold, even when smiling. got along great with the richer kids, while viktor was known as her freak brother.
kind of like an art prodigy, so they naturally went to art school after high school.
missing persons / disappearance; during their last year of college, their twin sister went missing. search parties search every inch of the island, but there's no sign of her anywhere. after a year of dwindling efforts, they stop the search completely.
drugs / addiction / hospitalization / rehabilitation; viktor went completely off the rails. they already struggled with their drug use, but it got worse during this time. wound up in and out of hospitals and rehab for a good few years. was sober for a few months after their latest stint, but it never lasts for that long. is at least trusted enough to have their own apartment again.
has their own art studio beneath their apartment, the rent inexpensive because of mysterious fire damage that leaves the building not completely up to code. hell yeah.
facts & temperaments.
blacklisted from almost every therapist on the island except for this ancient fucker who will not succumb to viktor's efforts to woo and subdue. is secretly grateful for this.
loves pretty much anything horror. can settle for a thriller. as long as it's scary or disturbing in some way, viktor's into it. fan of goth music and the overall subculture, icon of wearing smudged under-eye eyeliner that only further accents the fact that they look like they've never even heard of sleep before. there is no color in their wardrobe.
moody but the moods range from horny (is a local whore) to just a fucking asshole. doesn't care about other people except for their sister rosa, and a select few others. everyone else is like they're just playing a game of cat and mouse.
doesn't know how to just be. nice. disregards other's feelings relatively easy but is way too into their own emotions. feels everything so incredibly deeply, or not at all.
dramatic and loves the attention, even if they're apathetic. will start shit just because. loves getting into fights that'll result in their ass being fully beat because that's just a tuesday afternoon for them.
uses humor to cope sometimes, and is pretty sardonic - but doesn't ever talk about what really bothers them, or their traumatic past.
masterful at sculpting but fucks around with ceramics a lot and oil paints. got into metalworking for funsies, and sometimes will branch into other art forms, but they know what they're really good at. will destroy their own artwork for funsies sometimes, call that performance art&lt;3
like chaotic neutral i'd say. drives a customized vintage hearse and it's one of the few things that viktor actually loves.
painfully honest unless it comes to their own emotions.
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leechrrr · 7 months
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🐾 your purr-fect match!
(pt: your purr-fect match!)
🐈 erimi mushibami pastel goth aromantic, asexual, bi, gay, genderfluid, lesbian, nonbinary, pan, & trans (link) icons!
🧶 all art used is official; free to use with or without credit!
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(id: a line divider of paws colored as a rainbow gradient)
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