#none of my thoughts are in the bible i assure you
itsseohannbin · 4 months
I need you to get your man before I do something drastic
I am–
I am so sorry 😳😳
I left him on his own to go make us dinner and he seems to have escaped yet again. I'll be there to pick him up in 5 🤦🏼‍♀️
For the non-tiktok mooties:
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cath-lic · 1 month
Hallo! I was pleasantly surprised to open up your profile to find out you're both trans and catholic!! (This might be a long read)
I'm the same! But in recent years due to my transness/queerness + my criticisms of the church I've kind of distanced myself from the church. I still go to mass and receive communion and do what is expected of me (I'm in a very catholic family) but I do it with a hollow feeling in my heart.
Almost paradoxically though, I really like Jesus, I think he's a cool guy, I have unending respect for him + I take bible classes and I find it to be really fun and interesting, esp the gospels and I guess the new testament in general. Studying the characters, the setting and the meaning of the story is always so cool to me and I really really love it.
However, the environment i grew up in and the Catholics I grew up with gave me a really sour feeling and I feel a lot of spite because of the blatant hate they spew towards lgbtq people/ their hypocrisy at times (things like defending isr4el's actions vehemently even though they're contradicting themselves to their face when they preach about love and anti harm and stuff) umm I lost my sentence, basically I feel like lgbtq people would be the last thing Jesus would consider a problem and I'm just soo sick of hypocrisy among catholics and Christians that it's made me almost resentful but I'm not quite there yet
What I wanted to ask was, how are you keeping your faith despite all these things? Despite all the horrible actions people commit each day in the name of Jesus and Christianity (just look at, say, the treatment of trans people in the US, Project 2025, all that, book banning, just... Blatant misuse of the faith, I hope you know what I'm talking about). I feel like the more I hear about stuff like this, the less I want to associate myself with the church. I feel ashamed, I guess. I figure that I've lost myself in all this, but any advice? I'd love to hear your thoughts :)
this ended up being a long answer, so i'll put it under a cut!
hello my sibling, i know exactly how you feel. i was lucky enough to grow up in a non-hostile and fairly liberal environment, but for similar reasons, i am in the closet as well.
seeing the violence and vitriol that so many christians espouse on a daily basis is extremely upsetting to me. i absolutely despise the fact that christianity has become popularly associated with hatred. at the same time, i acknowledge that many christians have wielded our faith in such a way that they are absolutely deserving of that reputation.
what helps me is having catholic friends IRL and online that make me feel sane. building this type of community online honestly helped me in so many ways—i no longer feel like one of the few catholics in the usa that aren’t associated with the alt-right.
another thing that helped me was, ironically, finding a different church. though i am still catholic, i go to an episcopal church. it’s smaller and friendlier, and i felt much more welcomed there as well, and i feel comfortable knowing that these are people who share both my values and (most of) my religious beliefs.
i think i become more gung-ho about the faith when seeing the horrible things that people do in the name of christianity, actually. i tend to post more when i’m riled up about it, because i KNOW they’re wrong! so basically, when i’m feeling down, i turn to the source material. more often than not, they reaffirm my faith and reaffirm that god has sanctioned absolutely none of the shit that republicans are trying to pull.
i want people to know that being catholic does not mean being conservative, so i yell about it in my own space here. i don’t want to, you know, proselytize to people—so i make sure that this is a blog they can block. i would like to attend pride events and bring my own signs, and protect others from protestors at some point.
i’m sorry i don’t have a more succinct answer for you, my sibling. i can only assure you that you are not alone, and that so many of us trans catholics feel the exact same way. sending all my love to you ❤️❤️❤️
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freeuselandonorris · 10 months
18 & 19!
hi! thank you for asking 🫶
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
you know what, this is SO weird as i’ve written them very extensively in the past, but revisiting daniel and max after five years away was really difficult! i wrote you know how sticky it gets as a way of exploring daniel’s decision to return to the ‘red bull family’ (bleeagh i hate that phrase) and just generally poking at how he must feel as someone approaching his mid-thirties in a sport full of 20-year-olds snapping at his heels.
all that came to me pretty easily (mainly because i am the same age as dan so it was basically my own midlife crisis lightly repackaged) but i really struggled with my characterisation of max. when i’ve written him in the past, it was as a 19/20 year old hot-head, pre-championships, when he was still very much fighting for dominance. now he’s this strange mix of arrogant/self-assured and yet still quite childlike, especially around dan, and i found it very difficult to get the balance right of not making him seem like a complete arsehole and also not just being too sweet or docile.
i also don’t like making either him or daniel too self-reflective, because it frankly jars with how they act in real life, so it was tricky to get the sense of momentum in their characters because i didn’t want them to learn too much, if that makes sense?
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
galex!! but i feel SO intimidated by it because there are so many incredible writers in that tag already and i don’t know what i could bring to the table other than unhinged kink that hasn’t already been done by others, better.
having said that, i did just take a lunchtime shower (wfh life) and came up with the loose plot to a chaturbate sex worker AU borne of the realisation that alex is by far the most comfortable with talking about/alluding to filth on the grid (cf. the ted kravitz foot fetish inchident, giving lando a breast pump) (none of the previous sentence is in the bible, huh) and would do absolute numbers on PPV.
sample below i just hammered out in five minutes:
Can I message you 1-2-1? George types into the chat window.
On-screen, Alex’s eyes flick from side to side as he scans the incoming messages, bopping his head absently to the music playing quietly in the background.
“Nope, sorry,” Alex says, eyes darting up momentarily to the camera. “You’ll have to subscribe to my OF if you want to private message me. I’m available for sexting most evenings, if I don’t have anything better to do. Can I interest you in controlling my Lovense instead? Fiver for 30 seconds and you get to control the intensity. Bargain.”
George scowls, stares at his hands poised over the laptop keyboard. The sound of cash registers plays over and over, little hearts climbing up the side of the screen. Alex laughs. “Well, someone wants to, that’s for sure.”
He raises a black butt plug to the camera, apparently showing it off. Laughs at something in the chat. “Yeah,” he says. “Or someone better to do, exactly.”
In a rush, George types: You’re quite rude, aren’t you? Thought the deal was we pay you money and you do what we ask.
He hits send and instantly regrets it. Alex’s eyes scan the screen, a small crease appearing on his forehead, between his brows. “Ah,” he says, making direct eye contact with the camera. George shrinks back in his chair. “Nope! Common misconception, this. How it works is, you pay me money for the privilege of getting to see me come without touching my dick, and I don’t report your IP for harassment. Got it?”
The back of George’s neck is hot and clammy. He’s shaking slightly. What constitutes an appropriate tip? He clicks the screen, sends £30. Do you want to leave a message with your tip, the screen prompts. Sorry, he writes.
AO3 wrapped: writer’s edition
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in-fearandtrembling · 4 months
Who am I? Where am I going?
A lot of time has passed since I started writing here and a lot of time has passed since the last time i wrote here.
I suppose my life is different now. My thoughts have changed, my beliefs have been altered by the world around me, and i am no longer the girl i once was.
There are many things about life that i find confusing. God. Church. My life in the grand scheme of both God and His Church. Who am I? i ask myself everyday and where am i going?
If you had told me 2 years ago that my life would change so much that i would stop going to church and stop praying i would have called you a liar and a false prophet.
For 2 years i prided myself in my relationship with the Lord. Everything about who I was and what I did was rooted in the Bible. In my relationship with Christ. I spoke of knowing God, I acted like I had God Himself speak to me.
I yearned for others around me to see what i had seen and to experience what I was experiencing.
I had this assurance, this faith in God. I knew without a sliver of doubt that He was real. I had experienced Him, spent time with Him. I had heard Him speak. He was so tangible to me.
Then came change. Then came a life around me that He had warned me about but i never really anticipated. Then came thoughts and questions. Then came anger and frustration. About the world around me and the world I had led myself to believe pointed to His truth.
I had spent 2 years trying to be perfect. Pruning myself almost and trimming myself to fit in this little box of perfect religion. It had led me to anxiety to fear. Fear of eternal damnation and fear of doing just one little thing wrong.
I questioned the church. I left the church and now i am curious (though terrified and confused) about what The Church is.
But this is not about Church. It is not about wanting my ears pierced and resisting legalism or pentecostalism.
This is about sin. This is about my sin and the reality that I chose to be apart from the Lord. I chose to separate myself from Him so i could have a taste of the world because I had missed the freedom the world had once given me. And rightfully so.
I had never been so anxious and so torn and weary than when I was actively trying to impress God everyday. I got tired. I yearned for another life. I wanted to taste the things I had deprived myself of. Yes there was conviction but underneath my convictions was fear and false teaching of what was right and wrong.
And now here i am. I have indulged in myself and the pleasures the world has to bring and i have realised that i do not want a life apart from God.
But i have also realised that before, I was trying hard to do it out of my own strength. I relied on my prayers, my faith, my strength, my abilities.
It was always about how much I prayed, how many days i fasted, my thoughts. My relationship with God - or maybe I should say my experience of bearing that heavy cross - was one that was rooted in self.
Perhaps, had i just given it to Christ, it would have saved me the burn out.
So here I am. On the other end of Spiritual Burn Out. On the other side of realising that really it was never about me. There was nothing more I could do to win the love of Christ. There was never anything more I could do to impress Him.
But what does any of this mean?
None of it answers my questions. Who am I, really. and Where am I going?
I used to think that I could answer these two questions so easily.
Who am I - "well i am a person, working out my faith in fear and trembling". "I am a Christ follower", I would say. Or maybe "I am a Child of God, a Christian".
Where am I going? - "Wherever the Lord leads me" would probably have been my best answer.
And yet, i find myself here. I feel I don't know who I am anymore. Because even though I was a Child of God, I had a sense of purpose. A purpose I feel as though I have lost.
At least then my identity was rooted in Christ. It is all I knew.
I also do not know where I am going. And i don't know If i am confident enough to say I know that I will go wherever Christ leads me.
Anyway - this has been long but I needed to write because really, i dont know what else i could do.
I feel as though I cannot pray because could God really hear the prayers of someone like me? Someone who has chosen to walk away?
Well i dont know.
But what i do know is that I want to return. I want to return back into the safety of God. Though I was flawed in my theology and my thoughts and maybe my practices, I know that God is eternal. I know that He is good and I know that He speaks and that He answers prayers because I have experienced this.
I do not know why but I feel as though He has chosen me for something greater than myself. I do not know what it is, or where it will take me but I know that there is something here for me to do.
There is a life for me to live and there is a mission He has placed me on this earth for.
Though nothing makes sense to me right now, I rest in knowing that God makes sense. That He always makes sense. That though I may not see it or feel it, He is working and He is being the good and sovereign God He has always existed to be.
And so Lord, take me. Send me. Call me again. I will try my best to obey and to listen and to follow You wherever you ask me to go.
It is Your will before my life. Your will before mine and that is something I will honour.
I am starting fresh. A clean slate. I give everything unto you and whatever I need to leave behind, I will. Whatever I need to lay down, I will. Lead me please and forgive me.
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treadmilltreats · 5 months
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Thoughts become things
There are a lot of ways to say this, that thoughts become things. Recently, my youngest said she wanted to read the Secret. She said she was blown away by the concept of this book while I was blown away because she was reading at all! (Maybe with all I speak about, they are actually listening??)
She said this guy who wrote the book was a great writer. I told her that yes, but this wasn't his idea. He just wrapped it in a new package. This was a concept going back thousands of years. It started from the Bible. Yes, you heard me right, the bible.
"You reap what you sow,"
Same thing as "You get what you put out in the universe."
"If you believe, you shall have"
"Ask, and you shall receive"
Same thing that is different in packaging, but however you get there, it is the message that is important.
If you keep saying I'm broke, you're going to continue to be broke. If you say I'm never getting out of this situation, guess what? You're not!
If all you sow is negatively, doubt, fears, bad energy that is what you're getting back, in abundance!
I never once thought, when I changed my mindset, that I would be stuck in that horrible marriage forever. I knew there were bigger and better things in store for me.
I believed it as if it had already happened. I never gave up, even when year after year went by with no change.
I still held on to the dream. Until it came true, and it was way better than I could have dreamed of...way, way better!
But here is the key to making it happen… I changed my mindset.
You have to be willing to change your mindset, to throw your old ideas out. You need to change what you speak. You need to get rid of negative people and commit to believing even while you're going through the storm. You need to never give up!
Say what you want, write it, speak it to the universe, or to anyone who will listen. Make a vision board, dream it, act like it is already yours, and you're living it at this moment. Don't let others rain on your parade if they don't believe in your dreams. It's not your job to assure them or explain to them. Because they won't be coming with you when your train comes in.
I speak about my NY Times best-selling book, my international blog, and my tour. I keep telling people never to give up. I have now added Oprah Super Soul Sunday and Tyler Perry making my movie! Hell yeah, I dream big. If you're going to dream, why dream small. I believe in my soul all of this will come to pass, there is no doubt in my mind, none, zero, zip!!
So today my friends call it anything you want. Wrap it in whatever package makes you feel good, just know it's up to you to change, to believe, to put it out there...it's all yours, it's just waiting on you to be the change you want to see.
Check out my daily blogs @ https://treadmilltreats.blogspot.com/?m=1
**Now released my latest book**
The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
***Now available***
My 1st book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website:
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Twitter: treadmill treats
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ithisatanytime · 8 months
Silver Fins - Waiting So Long [Berserk Animation]
 i know im constantly repeating myself, even this post ive made some variation of numerous times, but review is important and necessary, no sooner do i get lax in telling people what i know than do they start undoing the hard work ive done brick by brick with lies, every day relentlessly. heres the three layers of understanding the world, starting from the most surface level and least harmful towards their aims, to the most obscured and the most harmful to their aims.
level one: jews might be up to no good
level two: the holocaust was a complete lie
level three final level: the so called jews are not the hebrews of the old testament, they are not of abraham or of adam, and this deception of theres was EXPLICITLY called out numorous times by christ himself in plain language, and repeated by his apostles in the new testament, this warning against these people, a warning that they were not who they say they are.
when i was on level one, and i was just starting to think maybe there is something to this whole JQ thing, the holocaust did not interest me much, its in the past, it didnt seem relevant to what needed to be done, but i had but to watch as they scurried and writhed and gnashed their teeth in defense of this holocaust whenever it was challenged, and then i began to understand the practicality of the holocaust myth what all it was useful for against us. and when i accepted the holocaust was a myth, then i started thinking about christian identity of passages id read in the bible etc, and again i saw how constantly they labored to maintain this lie, like sailors bailing water from a sinking ship and again slowly i realized the practicality of this ancient and abominable lie. all that to say, it might not seem like it matters to you right now but i assure you its what matters most.
lets see what else... nukes are unironically fake, theres no such thing as nuclear bombs im late as fuck to the party on that one but i just hadnt thought about nukes in like fifteen years, which is telling because i was terrified of nuclear war as an adolescent, but as i grew up i literally couldnt give a shit (because my mature mind subconsciously didnt believe it was an actual threat perhaps) but hiroshima and nagasaki were firebombed by napalm just like tokyo and dresden, the A bomb is a propaganda bomb, is a psychological weapon that does not exist. isnt it funny how nuclear war was sure to lead to nuclear winter and thousands of years of FALLOUT you know the world depicted in that multi billion dollar video game franchise? yeah now they are saying that wouldnt happen, and the same thing for nuclear winter, and do you know why they are saying that? because we dropped hundreds of fucking a bombs in the desert, which is like smoking in the smoking section of a restaurant in terms of how they had described the behavior of nuclear fallout not to mention nuclear winter. and also there is the disconcerting fact that literally within a week of getting nuked the japanese were already back in nagasaki and hiroshima at ground zero rebuilding and cleaning up and its still flourishing to this day with NO discernable differences in cancer levels depending on the study (literally no alterior motive for doing a study on cancer in hiroshima and nagasaki and finding none or negligable increase in cancer rate, but perhaps there would be for the contradictory findings) think about those shadows supposedly burned into the concrete, shadows of old japanese men carrying canes etched forever into the sides of buildings or steps just the shadow, forever marking where they stood as THE BOMB dropped. its a striking image (go ahead look the images up, please i beg you!) and nothing more, just think about it for a while i read the explanation that it was the material around the various victims silhouette burnt around him but its fucking cartoon bullshit, just like hitler, and the holocaust. there was a ten to twenty year period where they started telling BIG LIES in america, all around the same time, suddenly we have magic doomsday weapons, hitler has magic crematoriums, and we landed on the moon (ill get into that later, late to the party again) it reminds me of gaytheists when they remark that its convenient all these biblical miracles happened before their were phones and cameras to document it, i wont get into why thats wrong right now, but i feel much the same way about the 1940′s to sixties where all of these impossible things started happening and then seemingly never again. the whole world agreed to stop testing nuclear arms in the late sixties, WOW, cant believe the whole world agreed on anything, especially not testing a powerful weapon! and we at around the same time decided to stop going to the moon, i mean we still want the trillion dollar annual budget but americans are bored with the moon, they want nothing instead (this is the official stated reason for not going to the moon im not fucking with you) i have a more elegant explanation why the whole world stopped nuclear testing at least above ground filmed testing and why we stopped going to the moon at the same time, because in the late sixties with scifi really taking off, americans were becoming savvy! thats it, they were becoming media savvy, they were more accustomed to special effects and it took more to wow them. all the nuke test footage is out in the desert where there is conveniently little or NO frame of reference for the real size of the blast, could be HUGE and really far away or just BIG and not that far away theres no way to tell even if you are there observing it. and on the rare occasion there is something for scale like the boat in the castle bravo footage, it STRONGLY resembles the way hollywood would frame a shot for a forced perspective angle using a miniature. but most of all, watch all the test footage for yourself, but watch it with the audio off because the music will trick you, does it not look like not just special effects, but SPECIFICALLY sixties era special effects from b movies? and the moon landing too. you will NEVER see that shit in HD. isnt it bizarre that modern hollywood which is turning out nothing but super hero movies and reboots because they are the safe bet when only the lowest common denominator movies will make money, lets spend millions on a fucking historical BIOPIC about oppenheimer and promote it as a fucking summer blockbuster! the kids will love it were gonna be rich! lmfao what happened how did the american movie goer suddenly get so cultured? or the studios so brazen? they cant do the tests anymore because they wont be convincing to modern audiences, oppenheimer was made and promoted to keep the bomb fresh in your mind because thats the only power it has, the power to frighten, and thats why children were drilled to hide under their desks even though NO ONE had any idea what good it was meant to do in the event of a nuclear war, but it wasnt meant to do any good it was meant to scare the shit out of children. i know there are questions, yes atomic energy is real, i know but russia was in on it too? i know, look how long this shit is already, ill come back to it, but i had said so in a way that wasnt commital that nukes were fake, i did a lot of research hand i wanted to come back and say it emphatically when i was sure and i am.
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rainsmediaradio · 9 months
2 Things Makes Life Worth Living Love & Faith
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Two Things That Makes Life Worth Living - Love and Faith
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Two Things That Makes Life Worth Living
2 Things Makes Life Worth Living Love & Faith
In my opinion there are just 2 Things Makes Life Worth Living and i realised that today after experiencing what may appear as my worst loneliest time and speaking to someone i love so much. What are those two things? Love and Faith. Before going into how powerful and transforming love and faith can be here is my experience that inspire this write up. So, on Christmas day, while everybody were busy enjoying the moment i was alone in my office starring at my phone and laptop. No buzzing alert of direct message nor call. I have always live by myself and never worry about not having more than two close female friends, no lover, 1 none blood related friend turned brother, caring work colleagues and so many acquaintances. Yeah, That does not sound like someone that should be lonely but trust me there is nothing like having your own person who you both rock each other's world. Christmas is a festive of love and after sharing that love with the world and the world bead you thank you and return home, you still need someone to share that special love in heart with and that is what i do not have and for the first time in a very long time i felt that vacuum echoes so loud that my heart could not contain the blaring of the wave. So, i picked up my phone and call that one person i wished could fill that space and after a 15 minutes call all that loneliness disappears. I know you want to know why i am not with that person and why the person is not with me. Well, keep reading. By the way, follow RainOverTalks on on X (Twitter) @RainShegzy. Remember we are talking about 2 Things Makes Life Worth Living Love & Faith Let us talk about love. Love gives you a reason to want to survive what ever challenges you are facing because the thought of seeing, feeling, toughing and hearing the love of your life again is priceless. When you are truly in love with someone there is no mountain too high to climb as long as you have the support of your lover. When life throw stone are at you love will give you strength to pick it up and make a beauty out of it. Lover is borderless. True love does not see boundaries it sees connection and adventure. Love makes you do things beyond the ordinary sense. In fact, love sometimes makes you stupidly clever if that makes sense. Love! Just a four letter word, so tiny and simply but powerful enough to build a nation or destroy it. Faith on the other hand as the Bible says Hebrews 11:1 – “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Faith gives you a bigger picture of what is possible and can be achieved with time. Faith create in you something to keep you moving. It creates in you something to make you believe you are not alone. Faith is your spiritual immune booster that powers your imagination to work through the toughest of times and achieved what can be called a miracle. Love and Faith as a combo. As love give you a reason to want to survive faith help keeps your sense of imagination alive. When going looks impossible. Faith gives you the idea of ways to make it possible then love furnishes you with the support you need to be relentless. I opine that people swing into depression not because they failed in life but because they lost their love connection and stop believing in possibilities. Because when you achieve your goal in life and do not have cravings for more life becomes meaningless until you find love and faith again and begin to aspire. When you are depress, it feels like you are alone in an empty huge house floating with nothing in sight to pull or push towards. But when you regain your faith and find something or someone to love it make feels like you are a train with a big powerful engine running on a line with a body strong enough to pears through any obstacle. A combo of love and faith gives you a clear picture of where you are, what you have and where you are headed. These two things, Love and Faith, i believe can also be the lasting cure to depression. If you love someone or something you would want to care for it or them that will make you want to get busy and do something and while at it your faith will give you hope that you could achieve anything you envisioned with time. This hibernate your idleness state of mind and ignite your passion for life and that automatically quench the burning fire of depression in you. The cure! Oh! You are still anxious to hear why i am not with that beautiful, loving, caring, magnanimous soul. Well, i guess that is a story for another day. Read the full article
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jdgo51 · 1 year
Did the Devil Really Make Me Do It?
Today's inspiration comes from:
The Joshua Code
by O. S. Hawkins
"No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it". — 1 Corinthians 10:13
"'Early on in my Christian pilgrimage, I discovered the value of Scripture memorization. First Corinthians 10:13 was the first verse I ever deposited in the memory bank of my mind. Because I had hidden this verse in my heart, only God has recorded how many times across the years — when I found myself faced with some sort of temptation — it surfaced in my memory and kept me from many a potential mistake. Scripture memorization plays a vital role in overcoming temptation.
D. L. Moody’s worn Bible, from which he preached to millions in the nineteenth century, had these words written in his own hand in the flyleaf: “The Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible.”
It is not a sin to be tempted.
Temptation comes our way in all sorts of forms and sizes. Our minds are like a hotel. The manager cannot keep someone from entering the lobby. However, he can certainly keep that person from getting a room. Likewise, it is not a sin when a temptation passes through our mind. The sin comes when it does not do that, when it doesn’t pass through our mind. The sin comes when we give that thought a room in our mind and let it dwell there.
One should not confuse temptations with trials that come our way. Most often, trials are allowed, or even sent, by God to cause the Christian to stand. Temptations are sent from the devil to cause the Christian to stumble.
Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am tempted by God’; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. — James 1:13-14
The devil never made us do anything. He simply dangles the bait in front of us. Then we are tempted; we are “drawn away by [our] own desires and enticed” by that which is outside the boundaries laid out for us in God’s Word.
Make no mistake about it: we will be tempted. As long as we are encased in human flesh, it desires to rebel against what is good and godly. We never have to teach our children to disobey. They pick right up on it. We have to teach them to obey. So it is with us and the issue of temptation. It is a reality that is not going to go away. Consequently, it behooves us to know how to deal with temptation when it comes.
Some people live with the erroneous concept that the longer we walk the Christian path and the deeper we go with God, the less we will be tempted. None of us will ever arrive at the place when temptation will not be looming before us in some form or fashion.
Most of the great heroes of the Bible faced their greatest temptations near the end of their pilgrimage rather than in the beginning. This was certainly true of Moses, Elijah, and David.
There is a word of assurance here for those who may feel a sort of pseudo guilt over being tempted: it is a reality. “No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man.” It is inevitable. Temptation is “common to man.”
Life may have its shadows, but one thing is certain: they are never caused by God’s turning or by His changing. He is faithful. James reminded us that “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning” (James 1:17).
“The Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible.”
~ D. L. Moody
Years ago, while in the process of memorizing James 1:17, I found myself one night in a parking lot standing under a light. When I stood directly under it, no shadow was cast. However, as I stepped away from the light, I began to see my shadow in front of me. The farther I walked, the larger the shadow, until finally I walked far enough to be in the darkness. The shadow was caused by my turning, my changing, and not by the light. Difficulties in life are never caused by God’s turning or changing. We can rest in the reality that even though we may be tempted, we have a Lord who is faithful.
God provides a way of escape for us.
The word picture here is of a mountain pass. The idea is of an army that is apparently surrounded, and then suddenly they see an escape route to safety through a mountain pass.
None of us needs to succumb to the temptations that come our way. Jesus will make a way of escape. Many who have fallen into sin did so willfully because they refused to take the path of escape that the Lord put before them. You say, “I am tempted.” The Lord says, “What else is new? I, too, was tempted in all points as you, yet I was without sin” (Hebrews 4:15). Jesus taught us how to overcome our temptation. For forty days He was tempted by the devil in the wilderness of Judea. On each occurrence, Jesus overcame by quoting Scripture.
The Word, hidden in our hearts, will also keep us from sin when applied by faith to our lives.
We should not be surprised when temptation comes our way. It is, after all, “common to man.” But Christ Himself is our way of escape. And one thing can certainly be said of Him — “He is faithful.”
Meditate on the words of James:
Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. — James 1:12"'
Excerpted with permission from The Joshua Code by O.S. Hawkins, copyright O.S. Hawkins.
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bipolarbeer · 1 year
The Lost One
               What is faith? I always ask that when I was still a child, according to the Bible in Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” When I was a child, I always believed that God exist even though I did not see his face personally and I did not hear his voice. As a child I was exposed to religious practices that’s why I have a big faith in God. I remember back then, early in the morning I was always present in church every Sunday and make sure that I look presentable when I enter the church. 
I thought that my life was perfect for I have a happy family who always guide and love me, but that was change one early morning, around 4:28 am I was peacefully sleeping when my older sister woke me up. She was trembling, her eyes were full of tears and she was shouting something that shattered my heart “natay si papan! Natay si papan!” I feel like I was betrayed by God, I asked God, why us? Why did you kill my dad? What did I do wrong? There are so many bad people out there who deserved to die, but why my dad? These questions were running in my head and I wanted an answer, but none of them where answered. I was heartbroken, devastated and feel lost.
I tried to be strong as I watched my mother and my sisters cry, until my father was delivered in the cemetery, I did not even shed a single tear. As the days go by, I was changing little by little I learn how to disobey God, I did things that disappoint him and even refuse to go attend Sunday services. My path was dark and lonely, I do not know what to do.  I feel lost, one time my mother was sick and we do not know the reason why, I thought I will she will also leave us just like our father because she looks very tired and could not stop vomiting. She was so thin and her skin was so white like a ghost, that’s when I start to talk to God.
I plead and asked him to heal my mom I also ask forgiveness for all the things that I’ve done, one morning when I wake up, I saw my mother cooking our food she looks strong and healthy as if she was not sick. That day I thanks God for everything and I start to attend church again, every preaching that I hear in our pastors clear my mind, it makes me realize that there is always a reason for everything and God love us was unconditionally, He will not leave us and abandon us because we are his children. Everything that we gone through has a reason, as we read in Proverbs 16:4, the Lord has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble.
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pjsandapony · 2 years
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““Hear, O Israel: you are to cross over the Jordan today, to go in to dispossess nations greater and mightier than you, cities great and fortified up to heaven, a people great and tall, the sons of the Anakim, whom you know, and of whom you have heard it said, ‘Who can stand before the sons of Anak?’ Know therefore today that he who goes over before you as a consuming fire is the Lord your God. He will destroy them and subdue them before you. So you shall drive them out and make them perish quickly, as the Lord has promised you. “Do not say in your heart, after the Lord your God has thrust them out before you, ‘It is because of my righteousness that the Lord has brought me in to possess this land,’ whereas it is because of the wickedness of these nations that the Lord is driving them out before you. Not because of your righteousness or the uprightness of your heart are you going in to possess their land, but because of the wickedness of these nations the Lord your God is driving them out from before you, and that he may confirm the word that the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. “Know, therefore, that the Lord your God is not giving you this good land to possess because of your righteousness, for you are a stubborn people.”
‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭9‬:‭1‬-‭6‬ ‭ESV‬‬
“Moses represents the strength of the enemies they were now to encounter. This was to drive them to God, and engage their hope in him. He assures them of victory, by the presence of God with them. He cautions them not to have the least thought of their own righteousness, as if that procured this favour at God's hand. In Christ we have both righteousness and strength; in Him we must glory, not in ourselves, nor in any sufficiency of our own. It is for the wickedness of these nations that God drives them out. All whom God rejects, are rejected for their own wickedness; but none whom he accepts are accepted for their own righteousness. Thus boasting is for ever done away: see Eph 2:9,11,12.” - Matthew Henry’s Commentary on Deut 9V1-6
Easier said than done.. I am always thinking of the things I think I’m getting “right.” How much it takes for Him to clear us out of our own selves.
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tele-caster · 2 years
1:08 PM 12/13/2022
They think I'm weak, soft, and gullible. They love to share anecdotes and POV's, however, all words come down to the major question which is: " Where the results at? "
If no results can be noticed, no words should be announced or shared based on a character, knowledge or intelligence.-
You shall only listen, to the one with the positive, reliable and enduring results. I have learned this by reading my fathers last gift; the " Weston Signum Vitae " book. A book that can actually trace back my fathers blood line to the 1500. Where basically all kind of conducts, manners, knowledge and behaviour was settle to all of whom may have the Weston lastname, only of course, coming from my fathers family genes.
Not to much people are aware that they can trace their Family knowledge, or history. Old saying says " If you dont know the story, you're condenmed to repeat it ". The reason I share this, it is because I've noticed that in the particular country I live in; is actually not that apart from where I was raced and educated. However, my point is... Look how I stay shut, and these men keep bloody fucking talking. Money, nor a high-profile person talks to much; rather than the one who does, actually doesnt have shit neither knows shit.
They can only know about their family until, the decades of their grandparents. They can only know about the money, as a store of value. They can only see women, as objects, not souls or creatures. They can only express their rights, but their wrongs... Which its dishonest to themselves.-
Necessarily; for me to be a cold, distant, rigid, strong Oak Tree in the middle of the forest. Then, they might ask; " Why are you such a cunt, dick, or even a lousy arrogant asshole ? "
To me respond... I thought I was soft. Everytime, every moment, every stand-out, every night out... If I don't act a certain way, if I don't talk a certain way, if I don't walk a certain way, if I don't do things a certain way or better said *as they want* I am soft, weak, and perishable. I bloody choose *me* over everything and anything that might come, because a last-name such as mine, compared to yours... Ha, I'd guess you're battling with nothing.
Like mentioned before; I stay shut. Because I already know; were the conducts, behaviour, knowledge, tradition, culture and more from my blood, nation and family comes from. They keep talking, believing that what it has been said it is the correct and trustful source as for speaking up... When it is not. In other words; I am today announcing that my "other-self" has been released; fully this time.
Cold is the abscence of warmth. Distant is the abscence of proximity. Rigid is the abscence of softness. In the middle, there is no abscense at all, since, the middle seems to be the gradual point for anything and everything. (REFERENCE: The Kybalion). Such respect has not to be demanded but gained; which aparently none of these fellows have the education nor fucking north to understand that; because like we mentioned before, they only talk but not hear. Happiness, Love, Care to me are just illusions like sex.-
" A man who does not control their impulses of thought, mouth and touch is assured to be a failure ". I have ideed been in control of these 3 pillars; but somehow I'm back again where I started... Retraining myself. And, aparently this also, is molesting my most near fellows and acquaintances. Do they feel over-ruled? Attacked? Probably insulted because of whom I am? If it is the cause, withdrawal from the services will be required, friends or not... Salvation is indeed singular, shares the bible, book of The Lord, Almighty Powerful, God. Reviewing and also reading this book has taken me to the decision that the future woman whom I will love and marry; has to abide by these principles and also culture.
Neglection or indifference? No. There are women, that do have these qualities... Matter is; you do not have them around all the time like the flock of sheep we tend to see in bars, parties or even regular gatherings. Being honest, I will follow this family principles 'till death visits me; I am caring for myself, my soul, my future wife and kids and the legacy that will be left behind afterwards. I am definetly feeling as I am going out of my senses, the world, and much more but at the same time it feels that it is the right thing to do.
As I write... I feel clear, disassociated, disconnected or even non-related to the third-world minded people. Overall; I just feel tired of everything and decided to take each aspect to my own, proper, well handled hands.
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A Course In Miracles
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A Course in Miracles is so pure, so wonderful, so powerful, and so much more spiritually advanced than any other piece of the world's literature (past and present), that you have to actually experience it to believe it. But those whose minds are too attached to worldly thoughts, and lack the underlying thirst for true spiritual knowledge that is necessary for its understanding, will likely not comprehend a single whole page. That is not because A Course in Miracles is confusing - on the contrary its principles are remarkably simple - but rather because it is the nature of spiritual knowledge that those who are not ready to understand it, simply cannot understand it. As stated in the Bible, at the beginning of the book of John: "The light shineth in darkness, and darkness comprehended it not". More here acim
Ever since I first became aware of the majestic and awe-inspiring presence of God, I have enjoyed reading many wonderful spiritual works like the Bible (my favorite parts are the Sermon on the Mount and Psalms), the Bhagavad-Gita, the Upanishads, the Koran and the poetry of Kabir and Rumi. None of them come close to the greatness of a Course in Miracles. Reading it with an open mind and heart, your fears and troubles wash away. You become aware of a marvelous love deep within you - deeper than anything you knew before. The future begins to seem so bright for you and your loved ones. You feel love for everyone including those you previously have tried to leave excluded. These experiences are very powerful and at times throw you off balance a little, but it is worth it: A Course in Miracles introduces you to a love so peaceful, so strong and so universal - you will wonder how so many of the world's religions, whose aim is supposedly a similar experience, got so off track.
I would like to say here to any Christian who feels that his church's teachings do not truly satisfy his thirst to know a kind, merciful and loving God, but is somewhat afraid to read the Course because of others' claims that it is inconsistent with "true" Christianity: Don't worry! I have read the gospels many times and I assure you that a Course in Miracles is completely consistent with Jesus' teachings while he was on earth. Don't fear the fanatical defenders of exclusionist dogma - these poor people think themselves to be the only carriers of Jesus' message, and the only ones worthy of his blessings, while all other will go to hell. A Course in Miracles reflects Jesus' true message: unconditional love for all people. While he was on earth, Jesus said to judge a tree by its fruit. So give it a try and see how the fruits that ripen in your life taste. If they taste bad, you can abandon A Course in Miracles. But if they taste as sweet as mine do, and the millions of other true seekers who have found A Course in Miracles to be nothing less than a heavenly treasure, then congratulations - and may your heart always be abundantly filled with peaceful, loving joy.
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acourseinmiracles36 · 2 years
A Course In Miracles
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A Course in Miracles is so pure, so wonderful, so powerful, and so much more spiritually advanced than any other piece of the world's literature (past and present), that you have to actually experience it to believe it. But those whose minds are too attached to worldly thoughts, and lack the underlying thirst for true spiritual knowledge that is necessary for its understanding, will likely not comprehend a single whole page. That is not because A Course in Miracles is confusing - on the contrary its principles are remarkably simple - but rather because it is the nature of spiritual knowledge that those who are not ready to understand it, simply cannot understand it. As stated in the Bible, at the beginning of the book of John: "The light shineth in darkness, and darkness comprehended it not".
Ever since I first became aware of the majestic and awe-inspiring presence of God, I have enjoyed reading many wonderful spiritual works like the Bible (my favorite parts are the Sermon on the Mount and Psalms), the Bhagavad-Gita, the Upanishads, the Koran and the poetry of Kabir and Rumi. None of them come close to the greatness of a Course in Miracles. Reading it with an open mind and heart, your fears and troubles wash away. You become aware of a marvelous love deep within you - deeper than anything you knew before. The future begins to seem so bright for you and your loved ones. You feel love for everyone including those you previously have tried to leave excluded. These experiences are very powerful and at times throw you off balance a little, but it is worth it: A Course in Miracles introduces you to a love so peaceful, so strong and so universal - you will wonder how so many of the world's religions, whose aim is supposedly a similar experience, got so off track. Click now acim
I would like to say here to any Christian who feels that his church's teachings do not truly satisfy his thirst to know a kind, merciful and loving God, but is somewhat afraid to read the Course because of others' claims that it is inconsistent with "true" Christianity: Don't worry! I have read the gospels many times and I assure you that a Course in Miracles is completely consistent with Jesus' teachings while he was on earth. Don't fear the fanatical defenders of exclusionist dogma - these poor people think themselves to be the only carriers of Jesus' message, and the only ones worthy of his blessings, while all other will go to hell. A Course in Miracles reflects Jesus' true message: unconditional love for all people. While he was on earth, Jesus said to judge a tree by its fruit. So give it a try and see how the fruits that ripen in your life taste. If they taste bad, you can abandon A Course in Miracles. But if they taste as sweet as mine do, and the millions of other true seekers who have found A Course in Miracles to be nothing less than a heavenly treasure, then congratulations - and may your heart always be abundantly filled with peaceful, loving joy.
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seekfirst-community · 2 years
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"The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against Hell; it will destroy vice, decrease sin and defeat heresies." (The Blessed Virgin Mary: 3rd Promise to those who say the Holy Rosary).
"When Jesus had driven out a demon, some of the crowd said: “By the power of Beelzebul, the prince of demons, he drives out demons.”
"Others, to test him, asked him for a sign from heaven.
"But Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be laid waste and house will fall against house. And if Satan is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand?
"For you say that it is by Beelzebul that I drive out demons. If I, then, drive out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your own people drive them out?
"Therefore they will be your judges.
"But if it is by the finger of God that I drive out demons, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you.
"When a strong man fully armed guards his palace, his possessions are safe. But when one stronger than he attacks and overcomes him, he takes away the armor on which he relied and distributes the spoils. Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.
“When an unclean spirit goes out of someone, it roams through arid regions searching for rest but, finding none, it says, ‘I shall return to my home from which I came.’ But upon returning, it finds it swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and brings back seven other spirits more wicked than itself who move in and dwell there, and the last condition of that man is worse than the first.” (Luke 11: 5 - 26).
Friday 7th October 2022 of 27th Week of Ordinary Time is the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.
The Blessed Virgin Mary is known as Lady under many titles: Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, etc. Our Lady of the Rosary celebrates Mary as a powerful intercessor using the instrument of the Rosary Prayer.
In the Gospel of today from Luke 11: 15 - 26, we hear of UNCLEAN SPIRITS, DEMONS, BEELZEBUL and SATAN.
It is obvious that we are in the arena of Spiritual Warfare. "The Rosary is the means by which I attach souls to myself. The Rosary assures souls of my presence and of my protection." (IN SINU JESU). Yes. Protection in the spiritual warfare raging everywhere today in: families, work places, schools, offices, roads, etc.
We hear of demonic possessions and infestations. Do not take these happenings lightly. The Church does not ignore the many signs of the activities of evil spirits everywhere today. Neither should you. Jesus Christ speaking to one mystic says that the Holy Rosary is one of the most effective offensive and defensive tools against the Enemy of mankind.
Here is what the Church teaches about the Rosary:
"The Rosary is very pleasing to our Mother in heaven; she herself has recommended it. There are two elements of the Holy Rosary: meditation on its mysteries and vocal prayer. The Rosary surely reaches the motherly heart of Mary and moves her to obtain abundant graces for us." (Roman Missal).
Two recent popes, Pope St Paul VI and Pope St John Paul II have highly recommended the Rosary. Most saints since the 1500s have said the Rosary without fail.
"Your Rosary is like a ladder that you climb step by step, drawing you closer to our Lady, which means finding Christ. It is a devotion which leads us to Christ through Mary." (Pope St Paul VI, Marialis Cultus).
For the 15 Promises of Mary to those who say the Holy Rosary, click the link below:
Daily Bible Verse @ SeekFirstcommunity.com
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apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
Ok you amazing person. Demon Sapnap, but the reader is really sick or maybe is in an accident and ends up in hospital. Sapnap and Dream both visit and get jealous of eachother. Eventually Dream leaves and Sapnap is just there like 👁👄👁 And then after a day or two the reader is finally home and Sapnap is like really pent up because he has been jealous Horny and reader has been in hospital and he just rails them, but softly because reader is still weak. Basically jealous soft-dom Demon Sapnap.
This is just an idea- by no means do you have to write it :)
I'm begrudgingly writing Dre as Mr. Steal Your Girl for obvious reasons (/ j), but also I couldn't pass down this idea for incubus 3 ;) I'm also going to include a few other requests I had about Sap's backstory and some smut. enjoy!
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𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐒 & 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐒. ⛧ 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐮𝐛𝐮𝐬!𝐬𝐚𝐩𝐧𝐚𝐩 (𝟏𝟖+)
warnings: smut (18+), spanking, degradation, thigh riding, domination, literally quoting the b!ble
here's a playlist for those of you that were asking for it. i would love to see what the rest of you are listening to :)
previous part
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You opened your eyes slowly, the ache in your body fully coming to your attention as you noticed the metronome of beeps coming from the machines connected to the tubes in your arm. You turned your head, squinting as your eyes struggled to focus on the figure beside you. After a few minutes, your brain pieced together his features and your heart eased when you realized it was Sapnap. For some, obviously ungodly reason, his presence brought you a sense of calm.
His feet were kicked up on the edge of your bed, his eyes scanning over a magazine as he chewed on his bottom lip absent-mindedly. He was dressed more casually than he usually was, probably an attempt at blending into the general public. You reached out a hand, fingers brushing against the soft material of his dark crewneck to get his attention. His gaze moved to look at you, a smirk painting across his pink lips.
You cleared your throat, tongue feeling like sandpaper. “What happened?” You grumbled, reaching beside him for the remote to elevate your head.
He watched your movements carefully. “You got a fever and then passed out cold,” he reminded you softly, making you groan. “Dehydration.” You couldn’t remember what he was talking about, only feeling nauseous in the middle of the night.
“How long have I been here?” You asked, rolling your head on your shoulders as your neck cracked, your limbs popping as you moved slightly. The IV pinched your arm as you moved, making you hiss quietly, making his eyes focus on where it was attached.
He hummed in thought. “A few hours. They wanna keep you until tomorrow, just in case you die or something,” he shrugged, tossing the magazine on the couch in the corner of the room.
You rubbed one of your eyes, a yawn rippling through you. “And why are you here?”
He chuckled. “Obvious reasons,” he stated, nodding towards the bite on your shoulder. “Also, Saint Dream was the first on your emergency contact list, so…” You pulled your knees to your chest as you looked at him.
“Even if it’s just because you have a quota to meet, I’m glad you’re here,” you muttered and something flickered behind his eyes, a smug expression tugging at his lips.
He leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees, feet planted on the ground. “You’re not part of my quota, baby.” Your cheeks flushed at his words but before you could respond, he tensed up, eyes clouding with a darkened gold. They always shifted when something was intruding. You furrowed your brows at him. “Lupus in fabula venit enim ad me,” he mumbled darkly, the venom of sarcasm dripping from his voice as a knock came at your door.
Clay stuck his head through the threshold, eyes softening at you. Sapnap watched him silently as he stepped inside, rambling off how worried he was about you. Clay seemed to ignore Sapnap’s presence as he settled a batch of roses on your nightstand. Sapnap rolled his eyes and once Clay finally acknowledged him, he made a face like he was smelling something rotten. Sapnap looked like he was ready to snap Clay in half if he approached you closer, yet his dark demeanor didn’t dissuade Clay. In fact, it seemed like Clay was hell-bent on ruffling his feathers more, pulling up a chair on the other side of you.
“I didn’t think he would be here,” Clay commented, voice dipping slightly as his sights shifted toward Sapnap, irises flashing brighter. You perked an eyebrow at him.
Sapnap scoffed, leaning back in his seat. “I’m here because she wants me here,” he commented, nearly with a boasting tone. “So, it seems like I’m in the right role to ask what the fuck you think you’re doing.” You kept silent as the two played their game of wits and egos.
Clay smirked at him as if he was in possession of some esoteric knowledge. It dawned on you that you weren’t sure how old either of them actually was. You had dated Clay for god knows how many years, yet you learned more about his past from Sapnap than you had in any of the years you were together. “It’s still in her best interest that she be given options that don’t involve your kind,” he gritted.
Sapnap laughed shortly, a cockiness settling into his appearance. “Oh yeah? In her best interest or in yours, you selfish prick.”
Clay’s jaw tensed, a sigh flooding from his nose. “We can do this more maturely, you know? Like fucking professionals.”
Sapnap shook his head. “I’m not up for negotiating,” the stated bluntly. “Go near her again and I’ll report you,” he assured, his deadpanned stare making your heartbeat quicken.
Clay swallowed, eyes glued to Sapnap’s as the pair of them flexed their dominant personalities. Clay’s eyebrow twitched as if he had thought of something, almost mockingly. “Begone, Satan, inventor and master of all deceit,” he began, making Sapnap roll his eyes again before cutting into Clay’s quote.
“-enemy of man’s salvation. Give place to Christ in Whom you have found none of your works,” he mocked. “Try and exorcise me all you want, feather boy.”
Clay’s hand moved to curl around your wrist and Sapnap leaned against the bed, as if asking Clay to make his next move. “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour-“
“Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings,” Sapnap cantered without a thought. “It’s not even the right verse for this, stupid bitch,” he grumbled.
You cleared your throat, pulling your arm away from Clay and trying not to look as if you were slinking towards Sapnap. “You should leave,” you stated, Clay’s lips pursing at your words. “I need to rest.” Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Sapnap’s sly expression cutting into Clay.
After spending another night in the hospital, you were finally unlocking your apartment door and letting Sapnap help you out of your coat. You mumbled something about getting yourself a drink and he brushed you off, already doing it himself. Your mind was racing with questions after what you had witnessed between Clay and Sapnap. You hadn’t doubted the authenticity of Sapnap, but your mind still ran with what had happened to him. He handed you a water, sitting down on your couch as you paced slightly.
He broke into your thoughts. “Go on, tell me what you’re thinking,” he stated, unbuttoning his shirt slightly. You wanted to hex him about the fact that he probably already knew what was pounding against your temples to be asked.
You chewed on the inside of your cheek, rolling over your questions to censor some of them. “The bible’s been translated and reprinted so many times, how are you still…” you gestured with your hands, unable to explain where you were going with your statement.
He chuckled, brushing a hand against his chin. “It really doesn’t matter if it’s actually God’s word or not. It’s a guide, like an outline. Rules, I guess. Think about it like the Constitution.”
“I thought demons like… burned up when someone quoted the bible at them…”
His face fell a bit at this. “No, we just can’t read it,” his tone was almost regretful, sending guilt to pulse through your body because you had asked. “It’s like it’s in a completely different language, and each time I look at it, it shifts around the page. When you get dragged into hell, something happens with your eyes.” He huffed slightly, wetting his lips. “It's kind of like an isolation thing. He wants you to be completely aside from him.”
Your mind clicked, eyeing your heirloom display case. “Can I try something?” You asked, popping open one of the doors after he hummed in response. You fished out your grandmother’s rosary, the cross feeling almost heavy in your hands. You turned on your heel, bringing it closer to him before dangling it in front of him. His eyes drifted away from it, his gaze turning up to you. “Does this bug you?” You probed, making him snort. He took it in his hand, thumb caressing over the design.
He shook his head, chewing on his lip. “It’s a shameful thing really. I feel guilty whenever I look at this kind of stuff,” he muttered; you sat on the arm of his chair and looked over his shoulder. He turned, looping it around your neck. “Does it bug you?”
You held it away from your chest. “For different reasons, I guess.” You stood again, putting it back in its spot beside a photo of your grandfather. “Why’d you get kicked out?” You queried softly, peering over your shoulder.
He was watching you. “Maybe another time.”
“What about your childhood?” You asked. “Did you have one?”
“I know more about your childhood than I do my own. Why all the questions?” He countered with a soft laugh.
You shrugged. “I want to get to know you…” You mumbled, your hand drifting up to rest on your shoulder, feeling heat coming off of his scaring bite mark. “How do you know when to show up?”
He sighed, leaning his back against the chair and stretching his legs. “I can feel when you get anxious. Angels have some kind of block though, that’s why it took me so long to realize you needed me when that bastard was over here.” He shook his head almost like a new fire about Dream had been lit. His eyes flickered up to you. “Unless you weren’t scared.” You shook your head quickly at his joke. He chuckled. “How does it make you feel that I’m in your head sometimes?”
You approached him again. “Narcissistic,” you answered plainly, sinking to your knees before him. You ran your hands up his thighs, a smirk growing on his features as he sat up to be closer to you. “What happens after I die? Eternal damnation?” You questioned, as his hand went to brush against your arms.
He pressed his lips to your neck before digging his fingers into your hair as if he’d been waiting to touch you for days. You hummed as he kissed you, the slight scruff of his unshaven face feeling soft against your cheek. “You shouldn’t have to worry about that. I think I’ll make you immortal or something. Being with me should be enough damnation,” he jeered, making you laugh. “Most of my colleagues take the souls of their targets and leave, but I enjoy your company,” he teased.
“But you already have my soul, right?” The line felt strange coming from your mouth.
His lips brushed against yours. “There’s still an innocent piece of you that I haven’t tapped into. Everyone has it; I like it in you.”
Your eyebrows perked at this, fingers digging into his thighs to make him groan. “What do you mean?”
He kissed you briefly, actions getting needier the longer you were between his legs. “It’s completely pure. Untampered by sin or desire. When a demon gets it, they go feral,” he mumbled, nose pressing into the crook of your neck, teeth dragging across your skin.
You tilted your head to the side, fingers tracing over his zipper. “Take it from me,” you breathed, leaning into his touch.
“No,” he answered blatantly.
You moaned as his tongue slipped against your collarbones. “I want you to have it,” you continued, voice uneven. His fingers tugged at your hair.
His breath was warm against your shoulders. “I’ll take it after a few years. I don’t want it now.”
You pushed him away from you, his eyes already blown with lust as you looked into them. “You just said demons want it so badly. Take mine.”
He chuckled, hands dropping to your jaw. “No,” he repeated, voice light.
You sat back on your heels, looking up at him with a tilted expression. “Is mine not good enough for you?”
He wheezed. “No, it’s perfect. I just… After I take it, it’s like you’re dead. You’re not the same. Your humanity is gone.” He pulled you back up towards him. “I’ll take it when I’m ready to escort you to hell.”
You quipped an eyebrow. “Oh, so you just don’t want me to see your place?” You joked, making him roll his eyes. “Maybe Clay was right. What’s the verse about confession?”
His eyes darkened playfully. “For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.” It was mind boggling how he could probably quote the whole Bible and was as… sinful… as he was. “Bring up Dream again, and I’ll make sure you can’t walk for a week.”
Your eyelashes fluttered. “You bargain for a fun game," you quipped.
He chuckled darkly. "It was more a light-hearted threat, dove," he muttered.
You sat forward and pressed your lips against his hungrily, letting him pull you into his lap as his fingers curled into the loose ends of your hair. Your fingers ripped at the buttons of his shirt, exposing his chest to you as he tugged at your own clothing. Your teeth dragged against his lips as his hips ground up against you, needy for friction.
You pushed your tongue into his mouth, moaning as his hands moved to your thighs, his blunt nails raking against your jeans. You rolled your hips against his lap, feeling him harden beneath you. He spread his legs further, coaxing you to grind against him as his hands pushed you down to rut against his leg.
You were breathless as you pulled away from him, one of his hands fisting in your t-shirt to bring you close to him, lips and tongue pressing against your neck. "I didn't tell you to stop riding my thigh," he commented darkly, bouncing his knee to make you moan.
Your hand wrapped around the wrist of his hand holding you in place, tugging your bottom lip between your teeth as heat spread across your body. He pulled your shirt over your head, your bare chest at his mercy. Your mind blurred at the sensation and the feeling of him sucking his mark into your skin, making it clear who you belonged to.
You moaned, digging your face into his neck as he rolled his hips against your leg. "Please, Sapnap. I need you," you whimpered, voice a soft whisper in his ear. He chuckled darkly, ripping your pants down your legs as you fumbled to unzip his slacks.
He pulled you onto him without warning, a groan leaving your lips as he suddenly filled you up. "Bold of you to beg for me after associating with that bastard," he bit, thrusting up into you. "I should tie you up and let you suffer for that."
You moaned at his dark tone, grinding your hips against him. Your lips ghosted against his as your cheeks began to feel warm from the stimulation. "I might like that," you jested, your sentence breaking with your voice as he harshly grabbed your hips, driving himself into you harder.
"You're lucky you're still weak," he nipped, voice swirling with lust and power. "I'd throw you over my knee for that comment." His fingers dug into your hips, grinding against you as you bounced on top of him. You moaned at his words. His hand snaked up to wrap around your throat, threatening to apply pressure as he continued to direct your movements, thrusting into you at a deep and reserved pace. "Dirty girl. You want me to punish you, don't you?"
When all you could do was mutter a small beg, he pulled you closer to him, lips meeting yours in a mess of hair, teeth, and tongue. He moaned into your mouth, the taste of his breath was addictive and bliss-inducing.
He pulled you off of him and onto the couch beside him, slipping his shirt the rest of the way off. "I'll fuck the angel lover out of you," he joshed, a hand coming down sharply across your ass; the pain making you moan his name, hands gripping the couch as he pressed your shoulders into the cushion.
He dragged your hips into the air, pushing into you again, rocking his hips against yours with a small grunt. His teeth were sharp against your skin as he pounded into you and an animalistic pace, your mind numbing at the feeling. He pushed your knees further apart to pump himself deeper into you.
You moaned as his weight settled on the hand pinning you to the couch, your hair sticking to your sweaty face as he spanked you again, hand gripping your irritated skin. "Good girl. Take it," he nearly growled, making your skin crawl with an added layer of pleasure. While his pace and mannerisms were ruthless, he was definitely holding back, knowingly going easy on you because of your already weak body. That didn't mean he wasn't reminding you of your sour attitude as he pulled your arm behind your back, his hips snapping against your own to firmly instill his name in your mind.
You reached for the arm rest, a grounding element for you as his motions drove you over the edge in a teeth gritting orgasm, boy flushing with goosebumps under his command. You rocked your hips back against him as he pulled out, jerking himself off instead of giving you the satisfaction of finishing him off.
You groaned as you turned to look at him. "Feeling okay?" He asked, pressing his lips to your shoulder blade. You shook your head quickly and his eyebrow quipped ever so slightly. "Good," he stated, pulling you up and onto the ground in front of him again. He grabbed your cheeks. "I still don't think you've learned," he muttered, leaning back into his previous position. "Blow me," he directed, tucking an arm behind his head. "And with the mouth, one confesses and is saved, remember," he taunted.
Your eyes flashed up to his devious expression as he leered at you from his commanding spot.
It was going to be a long night.
And you were ready for it.
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jdgo51 · 2 years
Did the Devil Really Make Me Do It?
Today's inspiration comes from:
The Joshua Code
by O.S. Hawkins
"'No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. — 1 Corinthians 10:13
Early on in my Christian pilgrimage, I discovered the value of Scripture memorization. First Corinthians 10:13 was the first verse I ever deposited in the memory bank of my mind. Because I had hidden this verse in my heart, only God has recorded how many times across the years — when I found myself faced with some sort of temptation — it surfaced in my memory and kept me from many a potential mistake. Scripture memorization plays a vital role in overcoming temptation.
L. Moody’s worn Bible, from which he preached to millions in the nineteenth century, had these words written in his own hand in the flyleaf: “The Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible.”
It is not a sin to be tempted
Temptation comes our way in all sorts of forms and sizes. Our minds are like a hotel. The manager cannot keep someone from entering the lobby. However, he can certainly keep that person from getting a room. Likewise, it is not a sin when a temptation passes through our mind. The sin comes when it does not do that, when it doesn’t pass through our mind. The sin comes when we give that thought a room in our mind and let it dwell there.
One should not confuse temptations with trials that come our way. Most often, trials are allowed, or even sent, by God to cause the Christian to stand. Temptations are sent from the devil to cause the Christian to stumble.
Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am tempted by God’; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. — James 1:13-14
The devil never made us do anything. He simply dangles the bait in front of us.
Then we are tempted; we are “drawn away by [our] own desires and enticed” by that which is outside the boundaries laid out for us in God’s Word.
The devil never made us do anything Make no mistake about it: we will be tempted. As long as we are encased in human flesh, it desires to rebel against what is good and godly. We never have to teach our children to disobey. They pick right up on it. We have to teach them to obey. So it is with us and the issue of temptation. It is a reality that is not going to go away. Consequently, it behooves us to know how to deal with temptation when it comes.
Some people live with the erroneous concept that the longer we walk the Christian path and the deeper we go with God, the less we will be tempted. None of us will ever arrive at the place when temptation will not be looming before us in some form or fashion.
Most of the great heroes of the Bible faced their greatest temptations near the end of their pilgrimage rather than in the beginning.
This was certainly true of Moses, Elijah, and David.
There is a word of assurance here for those who may feel a sort of pseudo guilt over being tempted: it is a reality. “No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man.” It is inevitable. Temptation is “common to man.”
Life may have its shadows, but one thing is certain: they are never caused by God’s turning or by His changing. He is faithful.
James reminded us that “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning” (James 1:17).
Years ago, while in the process of memorizing James 1:17, I found myself one night in a parking lot standing under a light. When I stood directly under it, no shadow was cast. However, as I stepped away from the light, I began to see my shadow in front of me. The farther I walked, the larger the shadow, until finally I walked far enough to be in the darkness. The shadow was caused by my turning, my changing, and not by the light. Difficulties in life are never caused by God’s turning or changing. We can rest in the reality that even though we may be tempted, we have a Lord who is faithful.
God provides a way of escape for us
The word picture here is of a mountain pass. The idea is of an army that is apparently surrounded, and then suddenly they see an escape route to safety through a mountain pass.
None of us needs to succumb to the temptations that come our way. Jesus will make a way of escape. Many who have fallen into sin did so willfully because they refused to take the path of escape that the Lord put before them.
You say, “I am tempted.” The Lord says, “What else is new? I, too, was tempted in all points as you, yet I was without sin” (Hebrews 4:15). Jesus taught us how to overcome our temptation. For forty days He was tempted by the devil in the wilderness of Judea. On each occurrence, Jesus overcame by quoting Scripture.
The Word, hidden in our hearts, will also keep us from sin when applied by faith to our lives.
We should not be surprised when temptation comes our way. It is, after all, “common to man.” But Christ Himself is our way of escape. And one thing can certainly be said of Him — “He is faithful.”
Meditate on the words of James:
Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. — James 1:12"'
Excerpted with permission from The Joshua Code by O.S. Hawkins, copyright O.S. Hawkins.
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