#none of the things they talk about are things the target audience will actually deal with
redheadedbrunette · 2 years
The political messaging in SSPX is so tone deaf in universe that's it's so hard to take at face value because it's like
CIA: *lies to everyone about the true nature of events and hides a whole lot of secrets*
Some people: hey, it seems like the CIA is lying to us about the true nature of events and is hiding a whole lot of secrets
Stuart Gibbs: those people are idiots, fyi
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hard-core-super-star · 11 months
During an interview with Hailee, someone asks reader to marry them, and Hailee isn't too happy about it.
it it cool that i said all that? [H.Steinfeld]
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pairing: hailee steinfeld x actress!reader
summary: doing interviews with your girlfriend is all fun and games until someone gets too comfortable with their questions.
warnings: none, just fluff; a speck of possessive hailee; two dashes of (not-so) secret relationship vibes; awkward interview moments that gave me second-hand embarrassment while writing
wordcount: 1.1k
a/n: does anyone else remember when comic-con was a big deal? yeah, me neither. so, instead of a convention-type vibe, i went the talk show route. [specifically stephen colbert because he's the only host i can honestly say i like] slowly but surely getting through all of my requests but the urge to write alpha!kate pt. 2 is starting to take over my life so...don't be surprised if i disappear for a few days and then post it out of the blue.
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There are only a few things more nerve-wracking than having to sit in front of a room full of people and answer questions you’re definitely not prepared for despite all the time you’ve spent overthinking. The only thing that could possibly make that situation more anxiety-inducing is having to do it next to someone you’re dating…in secret.
It’s not a well-kept secret by any means but the lack of confirmation from both parties is more than enough to have fans from both sides analyzing every single comment that gets exchanged. You don’t really mind it, even though sometimes you feel like there’s a target on your face. 
A target in the form of looks you can’t hide and smiles you don’t share with anyone but Hailee.
Okay, so maybe you’re incredibly obvious about your feelings for her but it still took her until after you finished filming Hawkeye to realize the truth hiding beneath all your stupid jokes. It would be easy to make fun of her for being so oblivious if you weren’t exactly the same way.
It took more than a few tries but the two of you eventually gathered enough courage to be honest with each other leading to the start of quite possibly the most chaotic but most rewarding relationship you’ve ever had. Just because most people in your life haven’t caught up yet doesn’t make it any less amazing.
The thing no one prepared you for, though, is having to do talk show interviews while avoiding the topic of said relationship. It’s not like either of you is genuinely trying to hide the truth, it’s just easier to explore your developing feelings when there aren’t a ridiculous amount of eyes trained on the pair of you.
Eyes that sometimes don’t quite know how to read the room.
Which brings you back to your current situation.  You and Hailee are sitting slightly too close together while doing another interview where you have to dance around spoilers while trying to get people excited for Hawkeye.
It turns out, you don’t actually have to do much since seeing the two of you together seems to be more than enough to get people talking about the show.
“So, y/n, I know this is your first time doing an interview like this and I don’t want to scare you away so how about we get some questions from the audience?”
The crowd erupts into cheers and you can’t help but let out a nervous laugh even though you already knew this was going to happen. Being notified ahead of time still isn’t enough to stop you from worrying about what this segment will bring.
“What’s the worst that could happen right?” You joke, sharing a look with Hailee who merely shakes her head at you.
Of course, the list of “worst things that could happen” is quite long when it comes to people asking you whatever they want.
And right now, the way the brunette hasn’t let go of your hand since you sat down is definitely at the top of everyone’s list of questions. You’re sure no one is surprised by how affectionate she can be sometimes but it’s unusual to see her happily holding onto someone in a room like this one.
You swallow down your nervousness in order to focus on the questions that get thrown your way. Most of them are, in all honesty, softballs. Things like,”What was your favorite part about shooting Hawkeye?” and “Who’s the strongest Avenger?” 
You’re thankful for the easy questions until the humor your responses carry inspires some…bolder comments. Stephen lets everyone know the next question will be the last and the lucky fan who’s chosen takes her chance.
“Marry me?”
The easy atmosphere of the room leaves you completely unprepared for the question and the only real response you can offer at first is a laugh. A laugh that earns you a grin from the bold fan and a glare from your unamused girlfriend.
“Yeah, sure,” you reply with a shrug. “My manager will email you my schedule.”
Your response is just as unexpected as the question which just makes the audience laugh harder.
There’s a slightly smug look on your face that disappears the second you turn to look at Hailee.
She’s an actress, and a fantastic one at that, so she hides her emotions well. Unfortunately, you’re an expert at reading her and the lack of a smile on her face tells you all you need to know.
“Too bad you have a very busy schedule,” she says through a chuckle that sounds more forced than anything you’ve ever heard out of her.
“True, true. I’m a very responsible dogsitter and I don’t think Martini would be fine with me leaving her for so long.”
“Does she get jealous easily?” Stephen clearly picks up on you trying to change the topic but Hailee’s not done voicing her displeasure.
“Her owner does.” The words are a mere mumble but the microphone picks her up loud and clear.
Your eyes widen and her comment renders you utterly speechless. It’s not that the words are a complete surprise, you just can’t believe she actually said that in the middle of an interview.
She realizes what she said a few seconds later and her soft eyes meet yours. There’s a layer of nervousness in them that she can’t quite hide and the sight makes your heart clench. You can’t do much to reassure her though so you merely squeeze her hand three times and let the interview continue.
The minutes feel like hours but you eventually wrap up and are allowed to go back into your shared dressing room. Hailee all but drags you inside and you close the door behind you once you're in the safety and privacy of those four walls.
“I shouldn't have said that,” she blurts out, her hands emphasizing her words and the anxiety they carry. “I just, I don't know what came over me. It was stupid and I’m-”
“Lee.” You quickly cross the small space between you and grab onto her slightly shaky hands. “You don't have to apologize, everything’s fine.”
She blinks a few times but the action doesn't get rid of the genuine surprise that's etched onto her features. “You…You're serious?”
“Incredibly. I thought it was cute that you got jealous like that.”
Her usual playful energy comes back the instant she realizes you're not upset. And it very quickly becomes clear she's not actually upset either.
“Excuse me, I wasn't jealous. I just thought it was a lame question.”
“Mhmm, right.” You let go of her hands in order to wrap your arms around her waist and pull her close. “I'll make sure to remind you of that if I ever propose.”
She leans in to kiss you until her brain catches up to your joke. There's a hint of a pout on her lips that makes you chuckle.
“What do you mean if?”
You don't bother with replying and instead kiss her again, knowing your actions will be more than enough to soothe her worries.
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lemotmo · 2 months
Interesting question and super interesting answer. Spot on regarding lots of people's feelings towards Lou.
Q. I want to first say thank you for taking the time to answer our questions, I know many of them have not been nice. I'm glad you've started answering more nice ones, it's good for everyone to see. You've said you liked Tommy a lot in the beginning, is it possible that your changing opinions about Tommy are actually a result of you not liking Lou? More than the show changing Tommy? Does that make sense? I am genuinely curious, please tell me this is not coming across as rude!
A. Good morning, anon. No, your question did not come across rude at all. In fact it's a good question and one I am happy to answer. Before I get into the answer about Tommy though, I will address the Lou part. I have made no secret about my dislike for LFJ. I personally find him gross. And I will fully own that, as a result, loving Tommy would be rather difficult for me. But in my real life it's my job to sell shit to people and make them think they love or need something they don't (PR) so I could make my brain get there if I really needed it to get there for the sake of the show. But fortunately for me I won't need to do that.
A couple of things happened with regards to Lou that prior to him the show had never had to deal with before. Forgive me, but my public relations nerd brain is about to take over. Lou is the first guest star the show ever had that publicly and rapidly promoted themselves as a characters' love interest. None of the others have ever done that before. But he didn't market himself to the audience at large. He targeted a very specific portion of fandom to promote himself to, engage with, and profit from. I'm going to take this opportunity to point out that the minute Tim/ABC told him he could no longer do the cameo videos, thus removing his profiting capabilities, he ended all forms of engagement completely. That tells you all you need to know. For this next part I'm going to use Megan West (Taylor Kelly) as my counterpoint. Taylor was popular with the general audience. The fandom hated Taylor (and Oliver wasn't a fan either, bless him), but the general audience liked her. It's why the show kept trying to make her work for multiple seasons. The GA liked her dynamic with Buck. The GA didn't 'turn' on Taylor until the show started her exit storyline and they weren't supposed to like her anymore. Same thing with Tommy. I think my opinion of Tommy changed exactly when the show wanted it to change. I followed the canon change. The general audience doesn't care about Tommy. Having a small, yet rabid, fan base is good for minimal short term traction, but the GA is what extends contracts. He didn't promote himself to the GA because he already knew the shelf life of his character. He knew the storyline that his character is a part of wasn't going to change. As a result he promoted himself to a particular sect of fandom to maximize his character's minimal self life. And it worked, for a little bit.
The show was not promoting him. He did a couple of interviews right after episode 4, but any actor playing that character would have been given those interviews. That had zero to do with Lou. And, unfortunately for him, and those of us who had to read them, the man's a terrible interview. He has no filter, no self editing capabilities, and zero PR training. It was a disaster. Even the people responsible for editing them into something resembling coherence struggled to make them work. They sent him on one joint interview with Oliver, an actual PR unicorn (he should teach a class), and the only thing Lou was allowed to say about the show was that Tommy and Buck were 'thriving' (interesting word choice given his one scene in the finale, btw). It also cannot be ignored that Oliver chose not to speak at all about the onscreen duo. The rest of Lou's time was spent talking about his dad, which is what the two people interviewing him clearly wanted to talk more about anyway. Oliver was who the show sent to talk about the show. They weren't promoting the ship. The interviewers would have been given very specific questions to ask if it had been about the duo. ABC didn't want Lou talking about the show. He had already proven he wasn't capable of doing so with any kind of tact. It also became apparent that he and Oliver are not comfortable with one another. Oliver tried very briefly to sell it a bit, but he didn't try very long or very hard. I know Lou's fandom thought it was perfect, but based on everything non Lou biased we saw, they were in the minority. And the show clearly didn't think it worked either because you never saw them again. The show has been doing PR since the finale. If they wanted to drum up Buck/Tommy they would have been using at least part of this time to do so, and they haven't. The release of the deleted clip was the opposite of bigging him up and the reaction from the general audience as well as his own fans proves that. The off-season PR has been entirely Ryan/Eddie centered. Which also was when Ryan's gender neutral musings also began, but I digress. The show had never encountered the game Lou played before and as a result they had no rules and regulations in place regarding guest star behavior. They have clearly established some rules now and Lou has been instructed to follow them. I'm also certain somewhere in there he was informed of his final episode count so he knows exactly when he's leaving. And while the cameo videos were great for him personally, in the short term, that rabid devotion was going to change quickly once it becomes apparent on screen that Tommy's arc is nearing its end. And I don't think he will be around longer than 3 or 4 episodes. I think his arc will conclude around the same time Gerard's arc concludes. I do not think the two will necessarily be connected but I do think they will come to a conclusion around the same time.
I'm so sorry anon but he drives my professional brain insane. And now as a result of his own hubris the show is now trying to clean up a mess he had no right to ever start.
I don't know what to write underneath these glorious posts anymore. Each and every single OP post just slay. This one isn't the exception.
Thank you OP for so eloquently putting into words what all of us have been trying to explain for weeks now.
Remember, no hate in comments or reblogs. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of the anonymous OP’s posts, you can find all of their posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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Izzy's Heavily Improvised Essay on Bambi 2
(to folks who follow me for other stuff, I apologize right ahead of time, just doing my "multifandom" name justice XD)
Okay y’all, bear with me, this was written in the heat of the moment and therefore I might go around in tangents. I’ve been dying to write this essay thingy for months actually, but I kept chickening out when I went to try and just do it. And it was also inspired by Wreckham’s own Bambi post that I saw a while ago, so uh... Yeah.
(also this mainly features my opinions, don't take them as facts >_<)
So, starting things off with this:
It shall be no secret that I’m an avid fan of the Bambi movies (more the second than the first, but we’ll get to that in a bit). 
It’s no surprise that visually speaking, Bambi is a spectacle from beginning to end, on top of having a beautiful soundtrack and a fascinating way of being the closest thing to an animated documentary with its environments.
However, it comes with the price of... Well, lacking a concrete plot. And by that I mean outside of just showcasing Bambi’s life from birth to adulthood. Not to say there’s no value in that, but I reckon it’s not the kind of movie lots of people nowadays would just want to watch multiple times in a row.
(plus considering how much of the novel’s plot they cut out when adapting it to the screens… That’s a can of worms for another day)
Yes, even I, the avid fan, will admit this flaw in the storytelling. And it’s a big reason why I maintain my statement on loving the second movie more than the first.
And oh where do I begin?
Namely how its plot is basically about the time that happened between Bambi’s Mother’s death and the scene with all those cheery singing birds — in other words, the period in which Bambi was raised by his father, the Great Prince of the Forest.
While animation’s changed significantly (given that, y’know, 64 years apart) and also different voice actors were hired for the characters (again, 64 years), I will come here and say that visually the movie did the original justice, and did it in spades!
Plot-wise? On one hand, there’s more dialogue and the humor is a bit more targeted for younger audiences, which in fairness will put off some who are more inclined towards the original.
On the other hand, the movie is also not afraid to explore some darker subjects, some indirectly (like the whole aspect of grief both for Bambi and his father and their respective ways of dealing with it), and some directly (such as the entire Deer Call scene).
And the fact that unlike the first movie, the characters here are more fleshed out, the main highlight of that is none other than the Great Prince himself; in the first movie he... Didn’t have nearly enough screentime or lines to justify his status as protector of the Forest, at best he was a minor character given too much importance, and at worst he was a living prop.
In the second? He’s the second main focus of the story, with a whole character development arc on how to be a father to Bambi despite his belief in tradition (aka the whole “the does care for the young” thing). In fact, I think I should dedicate this part of the essay on his character, shall we? Because years of rewatching the movie made me think a lot of things regarding him (which I don’t see many or even anyone talk enough about):
If we’re gonna think about it, we never really get to know the Great Prince too deeply prior to his mate’s death. Everything we do know about him personality-wise came afterwards, at a time when he had to look after Bambi while also looking after the Forest as a whole.
It’s incredibly easy to label him as a jerk and a deadbeat father when one fails to consider a few things:
1- His mate died, and given the timeframe, the Prince was unable to reach both her and Bambi in time before Man shot her; made worse when you remember that in the first movie he was able to save them both from Man. Literally, at the beginning of the second movie, one of the first expressions we see from him is sadness. Wouldn’t you think he was feeling not just grief, but guilt too?
2- He was left to raise his son alone, at one of the harshest points of wintertime, and only asked Friend Owl to find a doe because the owl offered some help in the first place; recalling the tradition thing, the Prince had no experience with children whatsoever, can you blame him for being baffled at the idea of him raising his son at first?
3- He’s the protector of a whole forest. That’s like, hundreds and hundreds of lives he’s dedicated to keep safe from Man at all times every single day, hundreds and hundreds of animals depending on him to not get shot. Even if he’s experienced at what he does, that’s still a huge pressure onto a single individual, and the fact that he can’t always save everyone every time Man is in the woods.
And a bonus: forget his status as the Great Prince of the Forest for a moment, and what do you have? A stag who lost his mate (whom he genuinely loved) and is left to raise their son entirely on his own.
If I were to guess, I’d say the Great Prince was far more serene prior to the tragedy; still a recluse, what with being the protector of the woods and then some, but less stern in general.
Everything we see of him before the completion of his character development, is him trying to make do with something that was out of his control and dealing with its consequences. (there’s a reason why ‘Parents as People’ is a trope, y’know)
Hell, it was all but stated that even before he became more open towards Bambi and embraced his role as a parent, he already cared about his son in his own way. I’m under the belief that he’s always been capable of raising him, all he needed was some time (and a bit of a nudge from Bambi himself at points).
Plus he was already regretting the whole “new mother to Bambi” plan and intending on calling it off by the time Friend Owl brought Mena, he only went through with it anyway because he thought he screwed things up with Bambi for good - btw I do not blame Bambi for being mad, poor guy’s spent most of the movie trying to impress his dad and taking every lesson to heart, only to find out about the arrangement at the worst time possible.
On another tangent, I feel like one aspect that’s often overlooked is how both Bambi and his father reacted to going through with the arrangement:
By the time Bambi was going to leave with Mena, he wasn’t even mad anymore, just downtrodden and upset that he wouldn’t get to see his friends as often, but otherwise resigned and accepting that it’s what he should be doing. Putting up a brave facade all the while, much like the Great Prince himself.
Same for the latter, he was trying to keep his regal facade up as well and insisting that “a Prince does sacrifices” - he was mostly talking about himself, having to give his son up so he’s raised by someone better than the Prince.
And let’s get one fact clear before heading to a main point in this essay: although Bambi did get mad at his father (down to even wishing his mother was there instead of him), he was far more upset at being separated from him and not getting to see him as often, and it’s made obvious he regretted yelling those words at his father.
Otherwise, Bambi wouldn’t have rushed back to nuzzle him goodbye, wouldn’t have thought of retaliating against Ronno when the latter taunted him about being “given away” due to his father “being ashamed of him”. And he certainly wouldn’t have run to another cliff to meet his dad after defeating the last of Man’s dogs.
In fact I more than believe that they would’ve reconciled on the spot as soon as they saw each other again, which was what likely gonna happen after Bambi saved Mena and got rid of all the dogs.
But then the cliff scene happened.
(aka one of my favorite scenes in the whole movie, and yes I will defend it right now)
Now, I can see why a good bunch of people hate that scene (namely the whole Disney Death thing), but allow me to say that it’s in the movie for a reason, and it’s not to trick the audience into thinking Bambi did die from the fall.
It’s to showcase the Great Prince’s character arc coming to fruition.
Remember when I said that the Prince did love Bambi in his own way despite not knowing anything about raising children? This is the scene where he finally realized just how much he did care all along, shedding away his “prince does/does not” mentality for good. Realizing that Bambi needed him as a father
There's so much that goes unsaid in the scene.
How the Prince’s voice nearly breaks when urging Bambi to get up, him saying “A Prince does not...” but never finishing it. What was he going to say? We don’t know, and that’s the point. Maybe even he didn’t know, maybe it was said out of reflex.
How he gets down and looks at his (seemingly) dead son before nuzzling him, keeping him as close as he could, and crying.
This all makes it more meaningful when Bambi does wake up and calls him Dad for the first time, showcasing how far their bond has gone and developed.
I believe, among other things, that the scene (and perhaps counting the dog chase as well) was also meant to be a mirror/parallel to the dream sequence from earlier in the movie. But that’s perhaps an essay for another day!
So, in conclusion… I swear I’m 100% normal about this movie, I totally did not spend days on end trying to make this improv essay as cohesive as possible-
[essay ends here, roll credits]
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in-deep · 2 years
If you could only pick one piece of Byler evidence to convince someone that Byler is endgame, what would you pick?
First off - I wrote this stream of consciousness style so please be kind aha.
I’ve been thinking a lot about this question and I think it’s simply the fact that if Mike is in fact straight, then what is his character arc?
Let me explain.
A lot of the GA view Mike as a glorified side character - sidelined after S2 to fulfil the role of El’s incompetent boyfriend whilst simultaneously leaving Will (his best friend) behind and treating him like a dick. The GA also view Mike as straight. For many GA viewers, the idea that Mike is gay/bi, let alone in love with Will, seems implausible and were it to happen, it would come out of nowhere.
Which leaves the question of: what is Mike’s character arc?
From this GA perspective, he doesn’t have one. He’s destined to make up with El in S5 and support her independence, and kindly turn Will down and go on with being besties like the supportive guy they remember him being in S1/S2. If anything, his character has regressed from the early seasons into a douchebag - a mouth breather. 
Not to mention that from this perspective, he has no real internal or external trauma to be unpacked. While this is obviously untrue as it has been made clear by the Duffer brothers and even within the show (Mike’s suicide attempt, Wheeler family discussion around his behaviour at school) that he is struggling with depression, that doesn’t seem to play into their predictions on his ending. If anything, many GA viewers don’t really view his character’s conclusion in S5 as something important because to them, (just to repeat my earlier point) he’s just a glorified side character.
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Of course, if you watch the show carefully and focus on Mike, you’ll quickly realise that his character is dealing with a lot of the direct pressures of heteronormativity and internalised homophobia:
His family is your classic nuclear family, Nancy talks about the Wheeler family dynamic extensively in a heart-to-heart with Jonathan 
S1 has a lot of homophobia - all of it is about Will, but a lot of it is targeted and directed toward Mike
There are multiple times he is visually shown to come to realisations about his feelings toward El and Will, respectively. Now I won’t analyse those in this post because technically, none of the contents of those realisations have been made clear to the audience, it’s just my own interpretations. I’m sure this will come back in S5, though.
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To show Mike’s queerness in S5 is not changing his sexuality, simply just revealing what has been shown to the audience the entire time. Stranger Things is brilliant at show vs. tell. They tell us something, and then show us something entirely different or even something that directly contradicts what we were told. Much of the GA don’t pick up on this (and tbf I don’t really expect them to, it’s intended to be subtle!).
To reveal concretely that Mike is queer and in love with Will would change everything. It would be shocking! The GA would lose their minds - and many people would, at first, struggle to believe it. But upon rewatching the show, it would all make sense. It would turn what many view as an unimportant character into one of the most well thought-out and planned queer stories in media history (definitely an exaggeration but bear with me aha, I’m not normal about these boys).
What people thought to be an incompetent boyfriend and an absolute dick to his best friend for two seasons in a row would turn out to actually be a deeply traumatised boy struggling to remain on the “normal” path (quote from Finn Wolfhard on Mike), within the bounds of heteronormativity. A boy who desperately wants to play DnD and Nintendo with his best friend, but realises that what he feels for him isn’t “normal”. It would reveal so much about Mike and all the things we never got to see from his perspective.
And in terms of my predictions, I’m absolutely a believer in Mike being Vecna’d, and we’ll finally see Mike’s point of view on all of this. Just imagine Vecna taunting him about how he failed to be normal. He failed to do the “right” thing. He’s been in love with Will since before he even realised it.
So yeah. Byler is real. Byler is endgame. And I’m 10000% certain that Mike is going to become an extremely popular character once we get his insight. He’ll also absolutely need a hug once all is said and done. I will be hysterical. 
But at least he’ll have his cleric <3.
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A really good video on Mike's internalised homophobia that essentially sparked me to write this post in the first place, and I highly recommend if you haven't seen it yet, was this one (@lesbianmindflayer) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6IOlmBEEgE&t=80s&ab_channel=LesbianMindflayer
But yeah! What would you pick as your one piece of evidence?
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thegingerwrites · 1 month
What’s up readers?! How about a little show and tell? Answer these 13 questions, tag 13 lucky readers and if you’re feeling extra bookish add a shelfie! Let’s Go!
I love talking about what I'm reading so thanks @betweensaintsandmonsters for the tag!
1) The Last book I read:
The Prospects by KT Hoffman, It's a cute baseball romance but god did it rock my world. I don't know if I'm just the exact target audience for this book or if I picked it up at a good time but it is so tender and joyful. The theme of allowing yourself to want things that seem impossible is just right up my alley. I just loved it.
2) A book I recommend:
This one was actually hard! I feel like whenever I give recommendations it's usually to a specific person who likes romance/mystery/sci-fi/etc. so a blanket, general, just-trust-me-you-need-to-read-this recommendation is tricky! I'm going to go with Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh (not a super original rec, I think it just one the Hugo). I read it last year and thought about it for ages after I put it down. Great sci fi, super timely, the structure of the book was unexpected but very cool.
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
The second to last book I read was The Shining. I was giving Steven King a second chance because of course I've heard great things but I really didn't like the first Dark Tower book. The suspense, the horror, plus the rainy weekend I just had meant I curled up and absolutely did not put it down.
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more):
I'm going to put two down for this: Frankissstein by Jeanette Winterson and We Ride Upon Sticks by Quan Barry. Vastly different books but ones I've reread once each and will probably reread again. Frankissstein plays with the story of Frankenstein obviously and ties it to questions of gender, sex, embodiment, technology and humanity. We Ride Upon Sticks is about a high school field hockey team that makes a deal with the devil in order to win States. It's hilarious, does cool things with POV, and hits some nostalgic team sports buttons for me. If you like Yellowjackets please read this book. I have a tendency to go through books quickly so I do like to reread every once and a while to refresh myself.
5) A book on my TBR:
I have four books on hold at the library and a stack at home to read and none of them are on the actual list that I keep on my phone so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'll go with The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune. I read Under the Whispering Door by Klune at the end of June and even though the other is better known and on my TBR (it was just what they had sitting on the shelf at the library). I enjoyed the other book though so I'm extra interested to see what the other is like.
6) A book I’ve put down:
I have a couple that I should have put down but didn't. Most recently for me, that would have been The Archive Undying by Emma Mieko Candon. I thought the discussion of how to love and move on through trauma was really interesting and the way that how they played with identity and consciousness in relation to artificial intelligence but I don't think mecha is my genre of sci fi. It was also the sort of sci fi that hits the ground running, diving you deep into a new world without taking too much time (hardly any) to get you accustomed to the places, social structure, and terms used. I felt like I never really caught up. Usually when I'm not enjoying a book one of two thoughts goes through my head either, I'll read it fast enough that it will be over before I know it whether I like it or not, or, I've gone this far I should just stick it out to the end 😅
7) A book on my wish list:
I don't really know what this question means by wish list but I'm excited for Swordcrossed by Freya Marske to come out in October. I really enjoyed the Last Binding Series and this new book seems like it's going to be a fun time.
8) A favorite book from childhood:
I had a really hard time trying to choose one, I feel like there are different answers depending on what age we're talking about so here's four: Peak by Roland Smith (became obsessed with Everest for a bit), Lily's Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes (I can hear my dad saying, "Today was a difficult day. Tomorrow will be better." , Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse (I remember being blown away by the fact that you could write books as poems, tied into a minor fascination with the Dust Bowl/Great Depression, reread it I think when I was in middle school), The Mysteries of Harris Burdick by Chris Van Allsburg (my first grade teacher showed us this book and had us write a story based on one of the pictures. I think it was the first time it really struck me that you could just write stories. You could just be an author).
9) A book you would give to a friend:
My best friend and I have been trading horror recs but she also recently asked me about like horror I would give to a pre-teen. Earlier this month I read Someone You Can Build a Nest In by John Wiswell which I think hits a really great note between fairy tale and body horror. The protagonist is a shape shifting monster that eats people to survive and the plot revolves around her learning to let herself be loved. It was very sweet and silly and gross.
10) A book of poetry or lyrics that you own:
Cotton Candy on a Rainy Day by Nikki Giovanni which was actually introduced to me through a Buffy fic
11) A nonfiction book you own:
I don't read a lot of nonfiction (something I'm always looking to do more of!) and I don't own a lot of books But! I went and took a look at my shelf and found A Night To Remember by Walter Lord which is another callback to a childhood interest of mine about the Titanic
12) What are you currently reading:
I just started Rakesfall by Vajra Chandrasekera (as in just started, I'm like 6 pages in) and I can't tell you anything about it, I have no idea where it is going to go yet!
13) What are you planning on reading next?
Listen... I just got a whole bunch of new stuff and may have bitten off more than I can immediately chew BUT! I currently have The Three Body Problem by Cixin Liu translated by Ken Liu, The Hollow Places by T. Kingfisher, and A Nobleman's Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel by K.J. Charles checked out from the library, along with Peter Darling by Austin Chant and The Pairing by Casey McQuiston on hold. After that, I'll probably read Doctor Sleep by Steven King to check in on little Danny and see if I want to watch the film adaptation with Ewan.
I love talking about what books and I'm constantly looking for recs. No pressure tags: @renlyslittlerose @usakostar @darthwillies @piecesofeden11 @underacalicosky @zimriya @genuflecting @chasingfictions
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littlestsnicket · 1 year
@kuwdora and @sassaffrassa
i did a thing! what sort of thing? a my creative process is a nightmare and i like to write bits of things to throw at a wall and see what sticks and if it doesn't work hopefully i'll be able to canibalize it for parts Witchyr app fic sort of thing.
for the moment, yen has a post transformation body--because the experience of being physically changed to be more palatable to others is an important part of her canon character for me, but who knows if that's what's going to work best for medical device hacker!yen in this fic--but deals with chronic pain. she has a migraine here because that's the only thing i have experience with to write without doing research, and i'm not at the doing research phase yet.
this is all pre-geraskefer vibes, because my current idea is that i can use their developing relationship to try and anchor this story to keep it from getting totally out of control, but i don't actually know if that will allow me to explore the political/economic cyberpunk nonsense i want to explore. we'll see. (another potentially useful piece of context is that--while this is a cyberpunk story in my head--it has none of the vibes that the genre usually has, as it's kind of supposed to be about how close we are right now to the dystopian elements of cyberpunk so i wanted it to feel more grounded in our present, but this fic snippet is not at all any of that yet.)
fic snippet under cut (1.1k, oops that's probably my median completed fic length)
Geralt felt completely useless. He was a witcher; that made him the target audience, not a useful participant in trying to get this startup off the ground. He had been silently, with increasing anxiety, watching Jaskier practically vibrate with tension for about half an hour before Jaskier finally snapped.
“As the closest thing we have to an HR department, I have to know, are you one of those asshat engineers who thinks anyone not directly contributing code is a waste of space or do you have a problem with me specifically?”
Yennefer looked sincerely offended for a moment, but she schooled her features into a bored scowl. “You specifically.”
“Oh, alright then, we can work with that,” Jaskier replied with deceptive calm as he tipped his chair back on its hind legs until it creaked in protest. Yennefer started forward, not even leaving her seat, but it was enough to make Jaskier flail. He was only saved from sprawling across the floor by Geralt’s witcher fast reflexes. 
Jaskier fixed his attention back on Yennefer as if the incident hadn’t even happened, standing up but not crowding into Yennefer’s space before Geralt had even fully stabilized the chair. “Do you think I’m a spoiled rich kid? Because by the gods, have I got news for you. I am! And you can get the fuck over it or find someone else to bankroll this operation and deal with lawyers and tear their hair out trying to put together a fucking business plan— ”
“Jaskier,” Geralt interrupted softly. 
Yennefer, surprisingly, levered herself out of her chair and left the room.
Jaskier sighed, deflated. 
“You’re not…” Geralt trailed off, thinking of the kid that had stubbornly subsisted off ramen noodles so he could pay his half of the rent even though it had been the heyday of the Witchyr app and Geralt could have—had offered to—cover it. Geralt had seen Jaskier act like an entitled prick, used to getting his way because of who his parents were, but he was also so stubborn, dedicated, and kind.
“I try so hard, Geralt,” Jaskier swallowed audibly, “but that’s the point. I have to try and it won’t do anyone any good for me to forget that.”
Jaskier shoved his chair over so it clattered against Geralt’s and plopped back into it to slouch to rest his head on Geralt’s shoulder.
“Should I try to talk to her?”
“Hmm,” Geralt responded, indecisively.
“I want her to like me. I want her to let me help. I want her to know she’s not alone. But she makes it so difficult… Fuck, I am so tired.”
“When’s the last time you are a vegetable?”
“What?” Jaskier straightened up to look at Geralt incredulously. Geralt raised his eyebrows.
“I’ve been drinking the stuff. You know, the green stuff? That you mix with water?”
“That’s code for you don’t remember.”
“No, it’s code for I’m almost 30, and despite my miraculously youthful looks my body is not as springy as it used to be,” Jaskier smiled slightly. “It may also be code for I don’t remember.”
“I’ll make you dinner, would be good for you to eat real food.”
“May I invite Yennefer?”
“You’re paying for groceries, you can do what you want.”
Jaskier hummed, taking a page out of Geralt’s book.
“We’re all tired,” Geralt said, letting some of his own instinctively concealed exhaustion show.
“Exactly, she’s tired too.” Jaskier stood and followed Yennefer through the door.
“Yen?” Yennefer’s back was turned as she stared out the window in the tiny reception space with the perpetually unmanned desk. She had been hugging herself, trying to force herself to breath, but had to steady her hand against the windowsill when she startled and the sharp movement made her vision spot. Her migraine was so bad at this point it didn’t even hurt.
Jaskier reached a hand out towards her. It hung uselessly between them for a long moment before he shoved it into the pocket of his jeans.
“What?” she snapped.
“Geralt decided I needed a break, and I’ve decided you need one as well. He’s going to cook dinner at my place.”
“You should join us.” Jaskier’s smile looked hopeful and Yennefer had no idea what she had done to deserve this, neither the kindness nor the irritation.
He studied her intently and then nodded. “Good, you can meet us there in…,” Jaskier raised his voice and Yennefer wanted to drive a fork through her temple. “Geralt, how long will it take us to get groceries?”
Geralt pushed the door open and looked at Jaskier with poorly concealed fondness; Yennefer didn’t understand why he bothered. “If you’re involved, at least 45 minutes.”
“Ok, well, you have my address. Geralt will text,” Jaskier gave Yennefer a stern look like he was daring her to object. He flexed his fingers and wandered back into the other room, presumably to gather his things.
“You don’t have to,” Geralt said in a tone that Yennefer thought might mean he didn’t want her to eat dinner with them, but he was so bloody hard to read sometimes.
“No, it’ll be nice.” It would not be nice, but somehow, even though it shouldn’t, going back to her apartment or staying in their tiny office space on her own seemed even less nice.
Geralt frowned at her with careful thoughtfulness. “Any dietary restrictions?”
“No,” Yennefer smiled ruefully, “that is the only way my body has been remotely cooperative.”
Geralt nodded, a frown still maring his expression. She wondered if he could smell how much pain she was in or something. She didn’t know much about how the mutagen enhanced witchers worked, but it was one of the cybernetic sensory enhancements available to higher level witchers now.
“You cook?” Yennefer asked, surprising herself with a sincere desire to know more about Geralt.
“Hmm. I can follow a recipe or execute on Jaskier’s vision. He’s a good cook but only—you’ve met him.”
Yennefer laughed at that; she could picture Jaskier walking out of a war zone with an oblivious smile and a perfectly golden crusted beef wellington. Laughing turned out to be a bad idea though and Yennefer had to fight through a wave of nausea.
Geralt had taken a few cautious steps toward her by the time she could focus on her surroundings again. 
“May I?” he asked. Yennefer made a vague affirmative noise even though she had no idea what he was talking about. His hand pressed against the base of her neck through her shirt. She had no idea what he thought he was doing, but his hand felt impossibly warm, and that warmth was energy she could channel into nudging all the muscles she was involuntarily tending to relax. Probably, Geralt had been around long enough to have a basic idea of how magic worked and knew exactly what he was doing.
Hollowed out weariness rushed in to replace the pain, but she knew it would be futile to try and sleep. Dinner would probably help.
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mdhwrites · 2 years
🦝 hey I'm back 👋
And wanted to ask about your thoughts on Luz's trauma that you mentioned in another post. Also I think the writers exaggerate the whole "accidentally helping Philip" thing. Didn't seem that big of a deal to me as the fandom and the show make it out to be
So while I get, since it's a teaching blog (that reading back I don't like how long I spent on the example), I've technically answered this before when talking about trauma in fantasy media in general because... it's tricky. To put it mildly. But I will reiterate at least some of it here to become more concise. I... Hate it. I don't think it's well done, I don't think it makes sense, it doesn't match the past, etc. It is something the writers clearly wanted in the show but didn't put the time into. Let me show partially why for Philip's trauma specifically (and I'll actually talk about Luz's bullying here but later). So we have an episode where Luz is finding frustrations with a personal goal of hers. She finds something that will allow her to achieve this goal and promptly sets out to take care of it. In the process, she meets obstacles and an ally that, despite red flags, she accepts immediately to continue on her quest. Once she gets to her goal though, she finds out that she had unwittingly helped someone who wished ill intent on her and those close to her. She escapes death and saves those she cares about before getting back to her normal life, her goal unfulfilled. And besides scale, there's actually very little embellishment I just did in describing Witches before Wizards... But you thought I was describing Elsewhere Elsewhen. Because the two are very similar in structure and the mistake Luz makes. Luz even effectively lives a fantasy in Elsewhere Elsewhen with the lie she makes and the fact that she is so implicitly trusting of Philip for no reason than he can help her and gives her compliments. Much like the wizard. HOWEVER... The wizard is funnily enough done BETTER. The only paradox, true paradox, in Elsewhere Elsewhen is that if Luz didn't show up, the journal would have been burned (and there are ways to explain that actually, like him remaking some early entries or only the introduction at all). This is because Philip was already actively working on this goal, gotten one person killed for it and was actively seeking for others to get him to the Collector. Luz was not necessary here. Luz WAS necessary in Wizards because of her connection to Eda so she is genuinely to blame for putting Eda and King at risk.
Now no, trauma is not rational... In the real world. This is a fucking narrative. Consistency and reason is what allows readers to understand what the fuck is going on. When you break those, you get into threatening suspension of disbelief where... There better be something your audience is getting back for their suspension. So what do we get for Luz? Well... We lose our cheerful protaganist for a while... Kind of. Her mood shift is entirely S3 and I'll actually get back to that. We lose it... And never get a proper resolution. It's apparently really short in Thanks to Them everyone going "We don't care, we still love you," which thank god the rest of the cast is sane and they didn't do that trope but... There's a real fun thing in episode 2 of Season 3. Camila's speech that leads to Stringbean being made doesn't address the problem in Luz's head. It addresses perhaps one of them but not the one that has been consuming our protaganist and stopping her from interacting with people. It doesn't properly stay targeted on the problem we've been having to watch Luz whine and be overdramatic about: Making mistakes. BUT IT STARTS THERE. But literally none of Camila's words reach Luz until she reveals that she's a secret nerd. It's part of what I consider to be really bad about that scene honestly. Actually addressing the plot? Actually talking about the specific event? No. None of that mattered. None of that is what is addressed and yet the speech still appears to have gotten Luz finally out of her funk. And that's frustrating. But let's actually talk for a moment also about what this sort of trauma normally does. So you make a choice. That choice leads to horrible consequences. As such, you may reasonably flashback to it and the like anytime you have to make a choice that feels mildly important. For Luz's especially: Anything that might affect another person. Luz after Hollow Mind still, you know, tries to convince King to not trust and leave the Titan Hunters, decides to swap places with Hunter and abandon everyone else there who could make a decision instead, tries to stay in the Isles, leaving her friends without a human guide in the human realm and nowhere to stay without her, etc. like that. She doesn't act based on the trauma. She just gets whiny and overdramatic. It's actually the same problem I have with the trauma in Reaching Out. The trauma is "Death of father mixed with potentially lost of her mother". Logically, these would be used to make a character more cautious. Scared of any little thing that could hurt those they care about. Or, they become more disconnected from others so that they cannot be hurt like this again.
In Reaching Out, Luz watches her girlfriend doing underground, unregulated combat and finds this BORING. Finds it entirely unengaging. When her girlfriend is hurt, rather than talking about the injury itself or harassing the healer to do a good job, she tries to chat about the past. These actions do not match what you're trying to have be the source of her problems. You're treating it as generalized anxiety (if even that) when trauma hits different, especially in a narrative where you cannot just go "It's trauma, I don't have to explain it." I appreciate that mocking phrase for fantasy being versatile. And I know I said I would get to Luz's bullying when talking about Luz's trauma but someone recently made me realize that a lot of the characters exhibit similar issues to Luz with their past trauma aspect and... And that's another blog. This has gotten long enough. To sum up though: I don't think the Owl House does trauma well in almost any regard and the fandom makes this worse by calling literally anything bad that happened in the last fourth of S2 trauma. Probably to try and make the show sound more serious than it honestly was interested in being up until that point.
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staringdownabarrel · 17 days
The Fault In Our Stars is good, actually. Yes, it's 2012 Tumblrcore, but it's part of the cream of the crop. We can talk about it for a little while, as a treat.
Do I think it goes as hard as I did ten years ago? No, but I've also aged out of the target audience and I've read other books since then. With only a couple of exceptions, basically none of the books I thought were amazing ten or fifteen years ago resonate with me as well as they did back then.
For the most part, the book did still land with me. The jokes aren't really as funny anymore, but they still more or less worked. The writing was still tight.
But also, has it aged badly? Honestly, not really. Pretty much everything about it still holds up, and the only thing I can really see being contentious today was already contentious back then anyway.
I mean, there aren't really any jokes in the book which wouldn't have been included today. That isn't always a given for YA novels that were popular around the time I was in high school. It's Kind of a Funny Story, which actually did hit me harder as an adult than it did when I first read it in high school, had a couple of extremely dated (read: transphobic) jokes in it for example, but pretty much every joke in The Fault In Our Stars could be told today with little to no change.
The only thing that'd probably draw more controversy today is the Anne Frank house kiss. That isn't aging poorly, though. That's a scene which drew controversy even back then. I don't think it'd necessarily be edited out completely because I think there are thematic defenses to be made for it, but I can see it being more contentious now in the current political climate than it was in 2012.
But even with the Anne Frank house kiss, there's still elements that'd probably go over better today than they did back then. Peter van Houten being a jackass would probably still resonate, especially in the current social media environment where there are people who become obsessive over TikTok/YouTube stars and then become disappointed when they're not like that in person.
Plus, it never struck me as trite. That's a pretty big boon, especially for a cancer book. My Sister's Keeper, which I adored in high school, came of as trite to me the last time I read it, for example. To have a book where everything still more or less lands, where the writing is tight enough that it doesn't have too much baggage, and where nothing is dated to the point that it just wouldn't be included anymore is actually a pretty big deal.
All of this makes it sound like my opinion of The Fault In Our Stars is mixed. It isn't. My opinion is still overwhelmingly positive; it's just that so much of the book's merits have been spoken about ad nauseam at this point--though, really, mostly ten years ago--that it's difficult to have a new take on it.
Still, you know, I do feel like that if any 2012 Tumblrcore book is gonna get back into the Tumblr mainstream--other than The Hunger Games, which already has--it should be The Fault In Our Stars. The themes are still there and can be reinterpreted to be discussed in a modern context, and it's aged a lot better than a lot of YA. Whether or not it's as good as a lot of people thought it was ten or twelve years ago is an open question, in my opinion it probably isn't despite still being very good, but I think it is worth rereading.
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mydogtypedthis · 2 years
i know this probably wont reach any sort of audience but i need to type it out anyway.
I have a situation with a friend that ive had for about 11 years now. we have loose contact and different friend groups, but hang out occasionally in group settings like parties or camps. im calling her boople for the purpose of this xoxo
the thing is her friendship group sucks balls and ass. they are a gaggle of cunts, completely wretched morons who act like 5-year-olds and do not truly care a shit for her. ive never made my thoughts on that clear to her because she's a big girl and can pick her own friends. i have no place to put those comments but my own thoughts and maybe venting to the internet ok 🤫. its just that shes such a lovely person and im worried a bit of a pushover for such assholes. shes a perfect target, especially because they see her as 'childish'.
she makes a big thing of her birthday every year, as, growing up, her mother was known for throwing these amazing parties that were so extra and megaslay (i remember an alice in wonderland one where they got their neighbours in as actors for characters in little storylines from the book. there was so much amazing food. croquet. i came home with the party playlist on a cd and an alice in wonderland necklace). boople loves her birthday and i think its wonderful, she does throw great parties. the last couple years, ive had the pleasure of hearing some of these friend's thoughts over her planning. theyve mostly been about how childish it is to have games at a party or a theme, and how she needs to grow up and do something fun for once. i have my own thoughts and plans about them for that 🤪🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨
this year, shes just taking some of her closest friends to have this really sweet fairy picnic in the local gardens. think raspberry lemonade in tea cups, sponge cake, big poofy dresses etc etc. shes been planning it and talking to her friends about it for months, who all agreed to go. let me tell you boople was ECSTATIC about this, she even got her mum to help her make these dresses (shes really clever with sewing and all). ive seen pictures of the dresses and they look amazing. pinterest board bullshit. off to the royal ball. boople was so happy with them, and she and her mother put so much into them. her birthday, and the party, are in a couple of weeks, everything is planned, coming together and looking gorgeous. except today, to-fucking-day, suddenly, her friends decide they are far too good for it. today.
after MONTHS of planning and discussion about it, they suddenly decide that they cant possibly fulfill this silly little dream for their 'best friend'. i understand if its not the sort of thing you would want to attend, but i dont understand cancelling after agreeing to it for months. i dont understand not doing this simple little thing to make your friend so happy and feel so special and loved. its so special to her? she was so excited about it? there was also no formal or kind declination, just a condescending "... so hey bestie... mm no" type of attitude. 🔪 🔪🔪🔪
so basically im sick and tired and i dont know what to do. ive watched these people berate and hurt her for years and today i watched them make her cry and come home early. shes been forced to cancel the party, as even if she could convince them to come, they would be fuckheads about it the whole time. seriously im really angry. she cared about it so much, put so much love into it, and she has to go through this. she has had to deal with being friends with them. i cant think of a time shes ever wronged anyone in the 11 years ive known her.
i guess if anyone actually reads this and has a better understanding or idea of what to do than me (i have none) please help. x
- why does she keep coming back to them and treat them so kindly. all they use her for is microwave runs. they hurt her over and over again and i hate watching her go back.
- do you think this could be the last straw for her? is she finally done?
- what can i do about it from a distance? is it immoral to punch one of those pricks in the face? or should i leave it to cold glares? i really want to punch them each in the face. is there a solution that allows her to have this party when she has no friends deserving of her or of attending?
- please let me punch one of them.
- and have a great day
- :)
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therobotmonster · 2 years
I am about halfway through season 1 of Steven Universe and...it's not bad, per se, it just seems to be designed to create reaction GIFs from, in the same way that 80s cartoons were designed to make toys out of. So I am somewhat confused on how this became, like, the show people were talking about, for years, and left behind a drama crater the size of the Minoan Eruption. So I would like your thoughts, opinions, forbidden knowledge on this subject, any of it (saying "ask again when you've finished the show" is also okay).
Things will get much more clear as time goes on, and its hard to say in detail what I think the problem is without spoiling things, but I think I can address a problem with media literacy around kidvid, and I can use She-Ra to talk about some similar issues without spoiling SU.
There's a spectrum of how genre fiction approaches its fantastical elements, largely in how much of the events reflect the realities of the world-building, and how much they're not actually about real world things. It's the simulated reality VS the allegorical playground, and nothing is really all of one and none of the other.
Kidvid, no matter what else it is about, or how well constructed its world-building, is almost always about the the emotional realities of the target audience. This pretty much has to happen as that’s what aiming a show at children means. This is even true for the Advert-Toons of the 80s and 90s. 
The core GI-Joe fantasy, according to the showrunners, was he comforting idea that if you’re in trouble, you’ll have a big squad of friends to back you up. Cobra is “a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world” but they’re actually just the jerky kids on the playground that fight about who is boss, bully other kids, and don’t share. You aren’t supposed to take the supervillainy seriously, it’s just there to be an exciting adventure... in short:
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“By the time reinforcements show up, your mom should be waiting for you in the bus turnaround”
But cartoons have gotten more sophisticated since then (on average, there’s always been gems) and so have their allegories. One need only compare old and new She-Ra for that. This is, overall good, and the kids are largely going to like it and be done well by it, as they’re interacting with it on its intended level.
It’s real easy to overlook the doomsday devices or the existential nightmare of a mind control scheme when the allegory is about good play vs bad play. Nobody is going to put together a sincere think-piece about OG Shadow Weaver being a war criminal, and thus unworthy of being offered redemption in the old series. 
There will, however, be stronger feelings about Shadow Weaver from the New She-Ra, as her allegory is “abusive gas-lighting mother figure.” The show recognizes this, and so her turnaround had to come with a self-sacrifice.
Entrapta, on the other hand, is an allegorical kid, like the rest of the princesses. She represents the audience in the same way the other girls do. Her misdeeds are often seen as unforgivable acts of near-genocide, and while that is factually true, in-universe, in the story, in the emotional reality of the tale as intended for the audience, the whole planet-quake thing is representative of a screw-up. A screw up that feels so big that it seems like you’ve destroyed the world. 
For an adult audience seeing the events only as in-story actions, that’s not the kind of mistake you can come back from. But if you’re a kid that’s ever done something that caused a lot of harm you didn’t intend, you know that feeling. If you’re a kid who made a small mistake and has rejection dysphoria (something kids who relate to Entrapta might deal with) you know what that feels like. And the idea that such a mistake is recoverable is essential.
The recent shows aren’t entirely blameless. They make mistakes in how they present their allegories from time to time, because they’re human shows written by human beings. But largely, its the friction between a genre cartoon trying to address a big emotional reality and a big constructed fantasy world together, and the cross-bleed causing problems with the communication of both, at least in the case of its adult audience.
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h2bakugou · 4 years
hi i really like your stories! can i request a bakugoxfemreader where bakugo gets hit by a love quirk and it kinda lingers for a bit and everyone teases him. then it goes away and he kinda humiliates y/n and she goes off on him and he feels bad? fluff ending please? <3!!
a/n: hiii!! thank you so much hun! of course, this idea is actually really cute omg skfkdjh yes lets do this
summary: after getting hit by a love quirk that makes bakugou a little more interested in you which only makes everyone tease him. when its effects begin to wear off, however, he insists on teasing you.
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff, some angst im so sorry what is it with me making like borderline love angst fics lately yall-
wordcount: 2.2k
;cut for length;
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»»————- ★ ————-««
“We’ll just have to wait for the effects to wear off, there’s nothing we can do.” Recovery Girl was telling the truth, whether Bakugou believed it or not. He was fed up with this.
“You’ll return to the dorms, be thankful we have tomorrow off.” Mr. Aizawa instructed, letting Bakugou leave to head back to the dorms. Grumbling something under his breath, Aizawa shook his head as he watched Bakugou leave past the doors.
“Look after him.” Mr. Aizawa stated to the few class members that had come to see if he was okay. Those few students consisted of Deku, Mina, Sero, Kirishima, Kaminari, and you.
You were worried about Bakugou. Not only that he’d be dealing with the effects of a quirk for however long it lasted, which Recovery Girl estimated up to 72 hours.
But because the blast that hit him was hard. He’d took a pretty good beating from the villain alone, but he sure showed them who was boss. But not before declaring his love for you.
It was an effect of the quirk.
Bakugou was now feeling the effects of being madly in love with you. You happened to be right beside him when he was hit, making you the first person he saw when you helped him up off the ground, making you the target for his feelings.
Of course, he was under influence of the quirk, so you knew not to get ahead of yourself.
It felt awful. You felt worse than you could’ve felt. Watching your crush parade around calling you ‘his’ and acting like you really were an item, all while the rest of your classmates teased him, finally calling him soft and vulnerable.
But for the sake of not letting anyone know how you truly felt, you kept a smile on your face. You kept your head up, and only let it fall when you were in the privacy of your room, all while Bakugou blew up your phone with texts.
The effects of this god forsaken love quirk were at it’s peak on the second day when Bakugou attached himself to you. Holding you, hugging you, holding your hand, he had to be touching you or he claimed he was in agonizing pain.
So you just let it slide. You didn’t mind it, or mind his warm breath on your neck when he laid on you in public. His breath against your neck only made your face hotter, but you knew it was just the quirk.
You had to remind yourself that it was just the quirk.
“Kacchan’s all soft for you! How cute.” Kaminari teased. You shook your head. Then you heard the snap of a phone camera. 
Kaminari now had a collection of pictures, all consisted of Bakugou clinging onto you somehow.
Sending it in the group chat shared between the Bakusquad, Mina was the first to respond, quoting that you should take him out on a date while you had the chance.
You didn’t feel right taking advantage of him. None of it felt right. But you couldn’t peel him off of you. You wanted this to actually be him, to actually be Katsuki Bakugou holding you close, whispering that he loved you in your ear just loud enough for you to hear.
“I’m gonna head up to my room.” You mentioned, finally pulling Bakugou’s arms off of you, but he quickly stood up.
“Where are you going, Babe?” Bakugou’s voice was the same, and it made chills run down your spine as you heard it.
“Awe!” Kaminari smiled, already shipping the two of you together.
“Shut up dunce face.” Bakugou turned to Kaminari to insult him. Kaminari just smiled and hugged him, Bakugou hugging him back for once.
You took the opportunity to run to your room. 
Looking through the group chat that included Bakugou, you saw nothing but photos of Bakugou being nice. Being kind, being not himself. Hugging you, and others, being nice to Deku, like without screaming at him.
Most of the photos included you and him somehow, whether it be like just now where you were cuddling together on the couch, or how he’d held your hand.
There was still a bit of Bakugou that hadn’t completely disappeared, that was beginning to show up more and more as the effects of the quirk began to wear off.
But the pounding on your door was more than enough to keep you out of your thoughts.
Kaminari and Sero were lurking around the corner, keeping an eye on Bakugou as he knocked on your dorm door.
You quickly opened the door thinking something was wrong.
His lips slammed onto yours, with just enough time for Kaminari to snap a picture.
Pushing him off of you, you could feel your heart racing. You shook your head and just stared at the blonde as he smiled at you.
“Go to bed, Katsuki.” You showed him your phone to indicate that it was way past his usual bedtime.
“Let me kiss you one more time idiot.” Bakugou’s voice was still so eerily familiar. It was the same one that called you a dumbass on the regular, the same one that you heard yelling as you sparred.
You didn’t know Kaminari and Sero had seen the kiss, let alone taken a picture of it. 
“This isn’t you. Just go to sleep.” You were hurting, more than you should’ve been. Why couldn’t you just tease him like the rest of your friends? Why did it have to be him? Why did it have to be Bakugou?
You stayed in your room the following day, asking Jiro to politely bring you some food during lunch and dinner. 
She didn’t ask questions, but she had a feeling she knew what was wrong. But she didn’t bother you, she just told you to feel better and went along with her day. 
Bakugou’s texts eased up and by the end of the night, they had completely stopped.
Finally, after about two and a half days, the effects had completely worn off and the usual grumpy, egotistical, and crass Bakugou was back.
Class had gone by fine, you sat in your seat beside Bakugou, knowing he knew. Knowing he’d seen the texts, the pictures, all of it. He was a bomb waiting to go off, quite literally.
As the time dwindled down, you were on edge. 
And finally it happened.
Heading to the stairs to go back up to your dorm for some alone time, to hopefully get your mind off of Bakugou entirely, he stopped you, slamming you into the wall near the stairs.
“We need to talk.” Bakugou’s eyebrows were knitted together, his red eyes were glaring into your own (e/c) ones.
“What’s there to talk about? I know you’ve seen it all already.” You looked away, taking interest in the floor.
“I know you know I know. Don’t think that it was actually me.” Bakugou didn’t want to say that. Despite being under the influence of some love quirk, those were his true feelings.
Sure keeping it all bottled up was his way of doing things, but that quirk freed up a lot of his emotions. How he felt toward you. 
He didn’t want to be saying all of this, but he was.
“Don’t you think that I already know that?” You looked back up at him, hurt written all over your face.
Kaminari and Kirishima peeked their heads around the corner watching as the two of you talked. More classmates came over, watching the exchange.
“You should. I don’t like you.” Bakugou was lying. He just couldn’t say the truth. It was easier to lie about it, it was easier to keep it all inside, but seeing you like this was destroying him.
“I have liked you since we met back at the entrance exams. Do you know how awful it was to sit and watch you act like you were actually caring for me? Like you had even just the tiniest bit of interest in me? I knew it wasn’t you. I knew it was just some stupid quirk. I knew it wasn’t fucking you. Do you know how bad I wanted to kiss you back when you kissed me? Do you know how bad it hurt t shove you away like I didn’t fucking love you?” You shoved Bakugou back, now painfully aware of the audience watching you.
“Save it. It’s time for you to go to bed right? Eight-thirty?” You turned and began to walk up the stairs, leaving him behind.
You picked up your pace once you were out of sight, tears beginning to flood from your eyes as you clenched your chest, your heart finally shattering into a million pieces.
“Woah dude.” Kaminari approached Bakugou.
“What?” Bakugou stared at the blonde, watching as Kaminari just sighed.
“You might want to go talk to her.” Kirishima stepped in.
“I know.” Bakugou mumbled, proceeding to head up the stairs after you.
Bakugou had his hands tucked in his pockets as he approached your dorm door. He didn’t know what to say, or how to say it.
In the middle of searching for the right thing to say, all he could think about was how he hugged you, how his hand fit perfectly in yours. How your lips felt for the few seconds they were on his.
Knocking quietly, Bakugou looked away as you pulled the door open. You didn’t say anything as you stared at him, your eyes red and puffy as tears still fell from them.
You went to close the door but Bakugou stopped it, pushing it back open as you took a few steps back into your room.
You were silent save for the muffled sounds of your crying which you cushioned with the sleeve of your sweater. You didn’t face him either. 
Bakugou stared at your back. He stood quietly as he searched harder to find the words to say, to fix this mess that he’d made. Or at least had a hand in making.
“I am an asshole.” Bakugou started. Whether it bruised his ego or not, it was the truth. He couldn’t believe he’d actually said that.
You didn’t reply, despite wanting to agree with him.
“But I am so fucking in love with you.” Bakugou raised his voice just enough so you could hear the strain behind his words. Your eyes widened as you froze in place.
“And I can’t explain how I feel. I’ve never been good at it. And I was heavily influenced by that stupid fucking quirk but I swear, behind it all, I wasn’t doing it absentmindedly. I love you.” Bakugou admitted.
“And I saw all of the shit that happened and I just wanted to erase it. Because I didn’t know how you felt. I felt like an asshole even more for acting like a dumbass.”
“And I know I am an asshole but just please look at me.” Bakugou pleaded. His voice was soft again. You slowly turned around and met his eyes.
“I don’t regret anything. And I certainly don’t regret this.” Bakugou took a few steps, almost like he was running at you, and cupped your wet cheeks, bring your lips to his.
It was perfect. The feeling of your lips on his. The way they fit against his. The familiar feeling that Bakugou recalled the first time he felt your lips. 
He savored it, even the vaguely salty taste from your tears. He didn’t stop, he couldn’t. He needed this. It was his antidote. You kissed him back, your hands slowly rising to meet his.
And when your palms cupped his hands, he pulled away, holding your face still as he butted his forehead to yours.
“I fucking love you, dumbass.” Bakugou smiled, the same smile he wore whenever he was being a jerk, the same smile he taunted all your classmates with, the smile that you knew belonged to Katsuki Bakugou.
“You are an asshole.” You cried, more tears falling from your eyes as you shook in his hands. Bakugou’s eyes widened, not knowing how to react.
“I love you too.” You smiled. It was all Bakugou needed to pull you into a hug, wrapping his arms around you, holding you like you were going to slip away.
After a few hours of explaining and talking, the two of you were on the same page, completely understanding of how one another felt, despite it being difficult to open up about it.
Waking up the next morning in each other’s arms was not how you expected the school day to start. You rubbed your eyes as you stared at a sleeping Katsuki hugging your side. 
“Hey, wake up.” You smiled, nudging his shoulder. Bakugou quickly opened his eyes at the sound of your voice.
“Oh shit.” Bakugou glanced at the clock that sat on your bedside table and darted up.
“I’ll see you in class, love you.” Bakugou gave you a quick kiss before running out of your room and over to his.
You smiled, feeling so much better. Talking about it helped. And Bakugou was now proud to call you his. And even more so, he wasn’t ashamed of the pictures taken of him, or the dozens of messages he’d sent to you.
He was going to fill his camera roll with dozens more of pictures of you and him. Ones that allowed both of you to be open and loving toward one another, without some second-hand quirk getting in the way.
And it started with one picture of Bakugou kissing you while you laid together.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
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where do i even begin
The focus in this episode is all over the place and also on none of the right things.
Let’s just start with the obvious: they didn’t even bother showing Alya's reaction to Marinette being Ladybug. We got nothing. Marinette revealing her identity to Alya is supposed to be a big deal, but the episode brushes it under the rug and even seems to lowkey blame Marinette for not telling Alya sooner, to the point where it outright lies and has Alya claim that Marinette’s secret was responsible for all of Alya’s Lady Wifi appearances.
It’s not like I’m surprised anymore when the show blames Marinette for like--anything, but the fact that this season seems to brag about its continuity by being on a firm timeline and then keeps going against continuity is really irritating.
And speaking of continuity, the Adrien pictures are back on the wall with absolutely no reason given. Narratively speaking, the show put them there so Alya would see them and think of bringing up Adrien to get Marinette to take a break, but the show can’t just do that if it wants to imply that it has continuity. Worse still is that this is the episode featuring “Charm Bug” (does her form have a name? I just call it Charm Bug and continue to do so), meaning that “Gang of Secrets” (where there were no Adrien pictures) has to take place before this and “Furious Fu” (where there are also no Adrien pictures) has to take place after.
At this point, they might as well just confirm that “destiny” is a real force and the ladybug miraculous is messing with Marinette’s room and twisting her emotions to make the love square endgame because--yeah, that’s all it is at this point.
The other thing is that Alya shoos Marinette away from her guardian duties so Marinette can go comfort Kagami (let’s be honest, the best part of the episode was Alya being like, “but what about Adrien?” and Marinette was basically like, “what about Adrien?”), which sounds great, but then it all goes back to Adrien, because of course it does.
Not only that, but the episode mocks Marinette for worrying about Kagami. Not only does Alya doubt Marinette’s concern, but Kagami isn’t at all affected by the break-up and isn’t even touched by Marinette’s worry.
The thing is, I get where Marinette’s coming from, because this is the Kagami who told Ladybug in “Heart Hunter” that she (Kagami) and Adrien were perfect for each other to the point where Kagami prioritized her potentially getting together with Adrien over her friendship with Marinette. Also keep in mind that Marinette is Kagami’s only friend, and it makes total sense that Marinette would expect Kagami to be devastated by the break-up.
But because it’s Miraculous, the show makes Marinette look like an idiot for being concerned for Kagami, as if saying, “Silly Marinette! Kagami’s not like you! Kagami is a strong independent woman!! You’re just so over-emotional and you were ridiculous for being sad about your own break-up! You should be more like her!”
I also don’t like it because it presents Kagami as this character who really does feel nothing due to the show not letting her. She was angry at Adrien, obviously, but she was also immensely upset and it made sense when she put so much effort in trying to get him to return her affections.
Buuuut no. Kagami is just annoyed by Marinette’s efforts to try and get her back together with Adrien (it’s not that her anger isn’t warranted, but that’s all they let her feel instead of any genuine sadness over the break-up).
And of course, there’s no mention about Marinette literally trying to help get Kagami back together with Adrien and how selfless that is on Marinette’s part. Obviously I don’t agree with Marinette disregarding Kagami’s feelings (I do hate though how the episode refused to have Kagami explain why Adrien upset her, which would help Marinette understand because she seems to think there’s a misunderstanding/Kagami doubting herself), but the episode refuses to acknowledge Marinette’s good intentions because it’s Marinette and because she’s supporting Adrimi and not the love square, so they’ll make her look as bad as possible. This led to the fandom talking about Marinette and her oBsEsSiOn with Adrien instead of saying UM HI YEAH MARINETTE IS DOING A “HEART HUNTER” 2.0??
(The show also does this consistently, by the way.)
Another thing the show won’t acknowledge is that what Marinette does with Kagami is extremely similar to what Alya does with Marinette. Alya has ignored Marinette’s agency, physically pushed her towards Adrien, and locked her in a room with Adrien no matter how many times Marinette has told her no and that she doesn’t want that.
But because it’s Marinette and because what she’s shipping is Adrimi (i.e: a ship that interferes with the love square), the episode absolutely tears her apart for it. If Alya’s meddling was treated the same way - where she’d be constantly put in the wrong and punished for it - I wouldn’t say a word about this, but we know that’s not the case from “Reflekdoll” (where Reflekta targeted Marinette and Rose of all people) and “The Puppeteer 2″ (hey, remember when Alya did all of that and then it was the museum staff who did nothing wrong who got the worst of Puppeteer’s wrath?).
And this isn’t even taking into consideration that, once again, Marinette has learned something from someone else because they were never called out or punished or learned (originally being Adrien/Bustier where she “learned” to trust Chloe and see where that got her???), and then she’s the one who gets the heat for it.
Might I also add how insulting it is that the episode before this had Marinette saying that she “didn’t want to focus on love,” and then immediately afterwards, Alya is pushing for Adrienette and the episode itself won’t let anyone shut up about Adrien?
Like, this is the episode where Marinette does guardian stuff, gets an upgrade in Charm Bug, and yet the episode hyperfocuses on Aaaaaadrien. He doesn’t even do anything; he’s just a black hole that inhales all available attention and magically pulls all the characters towards his general location.
Then the episode keeps breaking its own continuity as an excuse to make things more about Adrien and also more about the love square, like saying that Marinette carries her disguises everywhere when it’s really just an excuse for Marinette to conveniently have the umbrella so that they can recreate the umbrella scene (by the way, the line from Marinette about “recreating Kagami’s moment where she fell in love with Adrien” is both incredibly forced and incredibly obvious because we’ve never even seen how Kagami fell for Adrien).
And when you already know how the show goes, it all becomes so predictable, which is a huge problem. By the time you hear Marinette say that she “didn’t want to focus on love” last episode, you already know what’s going happen. This episode reaffirms Marinette’s crush on Adrien, which is weird because it’s not as if there was ever any doubt in the first place? The show didn’t even try to convince its audience that Marinette was actually trying to move on, which gives the scene no impact when it happens. We already know that Marinette isn’t really in denial (she’s not stupid) and is very likely saying that she’s not in love with Adrien because admitting it hasn’t gotten her anywhere and she’s repeating something to herself is an attempt to make it true (which is a common coping mechanism for people with self-esteem issues/anxiety), so the scene is just for shipping fuel.
We’ve seen future episodes that show that Marinette hasn’t made any actual progress, hence being another piece of evidence towards my theory that the show does it on purpose to get the Adrienette fans to freak out when anything happens even if it’s reversed in the end. It’s particularly frustrating because it denies Marinette of agency yet again, with her saying something and the show then going lol okay but what if--
It’s gross, and made more so by Kagami watching Marinette and Adrien from a distance and saying that they’re “made for each other.” I’ve talked many times before about how the show is too lazy to have actual chemistry between the love square so they’ll just have characters say that they’re meant to beeeeee, so I won’t go into that, but really, actually think about what Kagami’s saying here.
This is the guy that, in her eyes, abandoned her repeatedly on dates and lied in order to get away from her. She stated outright that Adrien had disappointed her to the point where all of her feelings for Adrien seemed to have completely disappeared and she didn’t even want to be friends with him anymore (at least for now).
Yet, the show had Kagami not only say that line, but told Marinette directly that Adrien was perfect for her. This means either one of two things, neither being good:
- the show intentionally had Marinette do all this so that Kagami would feel embarrassed for Adrien and thus fix all of Adrimi’s relationship problems without Adrien having to do any work to earn her trust back (notice how Adrien in this episode is an “extra good boy” this time around, probably even more than they usually try - keyword: try - to portray him)
- Kagami’s opinion on Adrien hasn’t changed at all and she’s essentially saying that Marinette belongs with this guy who has hurt Kagami, betrayed her trust, and will probably do the same to Marinette
And obviously the show doesn’t think about any of that. It just wants to push for the love square. The only reason there was any focus on Kagami at all was to have a reason to get Marinette to go to Kagami, for Kagami to get angry at Marinette because - as we all know - Marinette “has to mess up and learn in every episode,” so there’d be a reason to go to where Adrien was, and so Kagami could become the next local shipper for the love square.
Marinette didn’t even get to figure out the magical charms by herself; Rena Rouge gave her the answer. It was like the show saw her doing guardian work and shoved her out the door because the only thing she’s good for is being part of the love square. Alya gets seconds of time shown with her looking over the grimoire to figure out the trick, which makes the whole thing underwhelming and rushed when Rena comes up and tells Ladybug that it’s essentially “just been about her” the whole time, meaning it’s just the show yet again being like “see, Marinette? If you’d just figured this out bEfORe...” (note that the episode never tells Marinette that she’s unnecessarily guilting/blaming herself)
But yeah, despite the episode not giving Adrien anything to do, characters talk about him constantly, Marinette somehow doesn’t get the spotlight she needs despite getting a power-up form, and the episode feels the need to constantly railroad Marinette exactly where it wanted to go, not for her, but for the love square, which has always been about not her. It’s already bad when the episode itself is bad, but when it has so much to throw in and delivers on absolutely none of it, it just makes it all the more painful.
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Champagne Morale
Arthur x Forger Fem Reader
Summary: Going undercover at a charity ball hosted by one of the richest men in the country was hard enough as it was, but Arthur was certain flying solo would draw more attention than he’d like. If only he knew someone who could act well under pressure and improvise at a moment’s notice... like a top-notch forger. He just hopes she’ll say yes last minute.
A/N: Found this absolutely gorgeous picture (I’m still trying to find credit for it 🥺) and thought the guy looked like Arthur and this came from it. Hope you enjoy!
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Champagne Morale
Arthur x Forger Fem Reader
Warnings: None besides brief mentions of some drinking.
WC: 2309
This wasn’t exactly how she’d planned to spend her Saturday night.
(Y/N) was dressed to the nines in a gown worth more than all the rest of her wardrobe combined, surrounded by the city’s wealth feigning charity. The older couples stalked the ballroom floor in their finest, eyes catching on anything less than spectacular, staring her down, trying to determine which family she belonged to in order to deserve a place on the guest list. They were like vultures on the hunt, scanning for any sign of imperfection. The only comfort she found was her hand tucked into the crevice of Arthur’s arm, leading her from the prying eyes— her “date” for the evening.
He’d been frantic when he asked her to accompany him earlier in the week, barely letting her get her door open before he’d launched into his rehearsed speech; he’d only just found a way to squeeze his name onto the private guest list of their next target’s charity ball that he’d forgotten to account for the plus one attached to it.
“It would look more suspicious if I arrived alone, plus you’re an excellent forger, so we could better cover each other if we started drawing anyone’s attention.”
She leaned on the doorframe, a bemused smile spreading her lips as he continued to list why it would be mutually beneficial for her to accompany him. He could go on for hours and not list the same reason twice, she thought. Ever the vigilant point man. (Y/N) held up a hand, Arthur falling silent at the gesture, holding her gaze.
“If you wanted a date, all you had to do was ask, Arthur,” she said, throwing a wink his way before closing the door. The last thing she caught was his mouth gaping as he stammered, the tips of his ears hinting pink.
She bit her lip to keep the self-satisfied smile off her face from the memory, reveling at how she of all people could get Arthur to crack. Glancing around, she accepted a flute of champagne from a passing waiter, sipping on it a moment before looking towards her companion. He looked dashing, really; his suit was trimmed to perfection, expertly accentuating his slim but fit figure. A black bowtie sat snugly at the base of his throat, albeit a bit off kilter. She stopped him a moment to straighten it, letting her fingers linger a beat on his lapels before smiling up at him. He grinned, a familiar half tilt of his lips before offering his arm to her again. The only thing he hadn’t changed was his hair: slicked back, his signature.
As they paced around the edge of the room, (Y/N)’s eyes darted from face to face. “Which one is he exactly?” She whispered from behind her champagne glass.
Arthur minutely jutted his chin towards a man standing near the temporary stage, surrounded by laughing millionaires. Whether what he had said had actually been funny was only consequence; anything the surrounding gnats could do to earn his favour, they wouldn’t question.
(Y/N)’s eyes fixed on the man over the rim of her glass, studying his mannerisms. He was at least mid fifties, wearing a mild suit that, while designer, didn’t quite suit his loud voice. He slapped the man next to him on the back with a laugh, the poor recipient buckling under his heavy hand. She tilted her head, watching the target hand his plate off to the staggering lackey. Though he grinned at his boss, she could see the pressure building on him as the night went on. There’s the right hand man.
She turned to Arthur, handing him her nearly drained champagne glass, “Darling, would you mind holding this for me a moment? I’ll be right back.” Before he could protest, she was halfway across the room, bee lining for their target.
He pressed his lips together, watching as she slipped into the inner circle of groupies with ease, throwing her head back with laughter at whatever their target had just said. His jaw clenched at the sight of the man turning his attention her way, bringing her hand to his lips in greeting. He gestured around the room, and Arthur swore he felt a blood vessel pop as the man put a hand to the small of (Y/N)’s back, showing her around the stations he’d had arranged for the ball.
He tried distracting himself, finishing what was left in (Y/N)’s champagne glass as he made a mental note to grab her another before she returned. A passing waiter took the empty flute from his hands, leaving Arthur to shove his hands in his pockets, gripping his loaded die with white knuckles as he turned away from the pair now meandering by the reflection pool, a posse of millionaires trailing slowly after them.
As long as she’s having fun. If he clasped his die any tighter it would surely shatter.
Arthur wasn’t left to his sulking for long; (Y/N)’s laughter drifted by his ear a few minutes later, and he turned his head to see his target walking her to where he leant against the wall. The man eyed Arthur up and down, standing straighter before pressing a final kiss to (Y/N)’s knuckles. She looked up at the host through her lashes, a coy smile gracing her features that made Arthur’s heart pang.
I’m not… no, I couldn’t be jealous.
(Y/N) was his friend, had been for years. Are we really only friends though? All his memories with her flashed through his mind in an instant, flushed cheeks and tentative touches. As he watched her bid their host a far too fond farewell, his pulse raced. Is that all we are?
She grinned until the target finally turned away from the pair, letting the disgust fall over her features when she knew his gaze was elsewhere. “I swear to God if he touched me one more time I was going to vomit.”
Arthur could barely restrain his laughter, the target shooting him a glare that he didn’t care to cower from. He wrapped one arm around (Y/N)’s midsection, rubbing soothing circles into the exposed skin as she brooded.
“Am I allowed to spend time with my date now?”
“Come on, you know I did that for the intel. Plus I can learn so many new characters from those snobby wannabes.”
“I’m sure you did.”
He grinned as she threw a weak punch into his chest, minding how she just as quickly drew back into his hold. The little green monster was sated for now. In fact, it certainly didn’t mind when she asked him for a dance, to get the feeling of his hands on me out of my mind, dragging him to the middle of the room where they blended in with the swarm of couples roused by the band.
He took her hand, his other falling to her waist, swaying quickly to the jazzy tune, watching laughter, genuine laughter bubble up her throat. Arthur dipped (Y/N) low, breathless by the way her hair fell from its intricate styling. He grinned at her, pulling her back into his chest, their breaths mingling as the tempo picked up again. For a song, they weren’t two con artists studying a target, two friends pretending to be dates— they were a complementary pair, dancing the night away oblivious to the pompous splendor surrounding them. Anyone who looked at them could tell the chemistry they shared— even the jealous host watching from the sidelines, his arms crossed over his chest.
When the song ended, their chests heaving from exertion, all the room applauded the quintet situated on the temporary stage, bowing to their audience before starting up their next melody. (Y/N) and Arthur drifted away from the dance floor, locking arms as they sought the cool air blowing over the reflection pool.
They strolled around as they talked, glancing over the small tables of finger foods scattered on their way, careful to keep a good deal of distance from the man of the hour who hadn’t stopped shooting Arthur venomous looks since their dance ended. (Y/N) was pointing out a tray full of exotic caviar worth as much food that could feed an entire household for months when Arthur noticed the security on the edge of the room, eyeing the pair with wary expressions.
He watched from his peripheral as one stepped up behind the host on the stage, preparing himself for his speech to thank all the wealthy donors in the room as the band was packing away their instruments. He stalled as the guard whispered in his ear, his gaze latching onto the pair once more with a newfound suspicion.
Arthur cleared his throat, turning (Y/N) away from the stage with a hand on her arm, looking out over the calm waters. “We may have to leave soon.”
Her eyes snapped up to his, masking her surprise with a pleasant expression. He could tell she was listening into the conversations around them, trying to key in to how long they had.
The security detail became more mobile across the room, moving towards the exits of the venue. Arthur swore under his breath, slowing their pace to be equally spaced from the nearest guards. “We’re going to need a diversion.”
“Already on it.”
Arthur didn’t need to question her plan, feeling her weight drop onto his side as she giggled airily— playing drunk, he realized. An older woman nearby scoffed under her breath, something about minding how much one should drink in public, and Arthur shot her an apologetic smile, draping one of (Y/N)’s arms around his shoulders to better support her. One of her heels caught around the hem of her dress, (Y/N) kicking it away in a mock drunken huff, pressing further against Arthur’s body. Were he not so hyper aware of the extra guards appearing from the exits, he would have taken just a second to appreciate the sensation of her warmth bleeding into him, filling his chest until he felt he could float without a dream.
He tilted his head down next to her ear, “Alright, we’re going to need a better distraction to get out of here— maybe a prior engagement we forgot about that we need to get to right away—“
Arthur didn’t need to finish the rest of his plan as (Y/N) deftly swiped a leg from under him, teetering over to the side—
Where the reflection pool lay waiting to catch them.
Gasps shot through the crowd to see the tipsy couple splash into the water, rushing to the pool’s edge to watch the chaos. While the host hastened to the microphone to call for attention and order, the feedback making all the guests cringe under the volume, under the surface Arthur shook his head incredulously at (Y/N), who only shot him a cheeky wink.
The two emerged, beautiful clothes ruined, gasping for air. A handful of guards reached for their hands, pulling them from the water as some waiters went off to fetch some towels. (Y/N) shivered, clinging to Arthur’s arm as she sobbed, apologizing for ruining such a lovely evening meant for charity.
Arthur had to keep from rolling his eyes at the theatrics. Expert forger indeed, there wasn’t a single face without a pitiful turn of the lip, (Y/N)’s performance tugging at her audience’s hearts. If he didn’t know her, he was sure she’d even get a reaction out of him.
She shivered in his arms, stumbling to her feet as her gown clung to her legs. She sniffled, her mascara dripping down her face— whether from the water still dripping from her hair or her expertly crafted tears no one could tell. As a waitress passed along some warm towels, Arthur thanked her and began to move towards the exit, catching the glimmer of mischief in (Y/N)’s eye as they finally passed through the crowd.
As the wealthy elites finally drew back towards the host on the stage, Arthur risked a whisper to his date, “Certainly not what I had in mind, but you definitely got the job done. You know, if you wanted our date to be over, you could have just asked, (Y/N).”
Arthur could only glimpse (Y/N)’s bemused face as she realized what he said before she pushed him towards the pool again, but not before he caught her wrist and dragged her back in with him.
The host sighed on stage to see the happy couple go under once more, smothering the jealousy at having lost quite a catch.
Before (Y/N) could begin to swim for the surface, Arthur pulled her face towards his, grinning as her lips met his eagerly, bubbles dancing around their bodies as they floated a moment, too caught up in one another to care for air or what waited for them when they’d resurface once more.
They finally broke apart, pulling one another to the surface to greedily drink in lungfuls of oxygen. The only crowd to greet them this time was the waitstaff informing them they would have to leave. The two ducked their heads in apology, rushing out the door before anyone else would think to stop them.
When they burst onto the street in front of the lavish venue, wrapped in one another in a desperate attempt to keep warm, (Y/N) turned to Arthur, teeth chattering, “You know, I think I’d prefer we stayed dry on our next date.”
No, she certainly didn’t expect to spend her Saturday night drenched to the bone with a man who’s kisses tasted like champagne and confessions, but she definitely didn’t regret it either.
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression, radio version. Ep 15, Jan 2016.
Kaoru introduces the show's concept first, and then welcomes Joe. Joe comments on how Dir's Budokan shows are due to happen in less than a week. Kaoru also says that he will have done a talk event in Shinjuku the previous day ('will have', as the show is pre-recorded).
Kaoru then reads out the show's contact info and gets straight on with the first topic. He begins by saying that over the new year period, and during time off many people will have been watching movies. Joe asks Kaoru how often he goes to see movies. Kaoru says he goes to the movie theater maybe 2-3 times a year, and otherwise buys or rents DVSs. He also says he watches a lot on satellite tv services like Sky Perfect etc. Joe asks him which movies from the previous year have left an impression on him. He says there is always something that did, but he can never think of it off the top of his head when he is asked. One example he can remember is the movie, 'Zero Gravity'. He can actually say more about movies he wants to see. For example, 'The Act of Killing', a documentary movie looking into the minds of those responsibile for a mass killing in Indonesia (Joe thinks the movie is set in Thailand, but its actually Indonesia).
Kaoru also mentions the John Malkovich film, '100 Years', which is due to be premiered on the 18th of November in the year 2115 in Cognac, France. Until then, it is being kept in a safe which is set to open automatically in 100 years time. Kaoru is kinda interested in this safe. Invitations to the premier made out of metal have been sent to various people for them to pass on to their descendants. The inspiration behind the idea came from the amount of time it takes to make Lois XIII Congac, 100 years. Joe thinks this is an interesting idea when compared to the culture of instant consumption of new material that we have now, but wonders whether the film will resonate with audiences 100 years from now. He then considers that we do have movies from 100 years ago that are watchable, Chaplin etc, so maybe this has a chance. Kaoru says that we don't know how far technology will develop in the next 100 years. Joe asks Kaoru whether Dir would ever make a song to be released in 100 years if they were requested to? Kaoru answers that they would if they were ordered to. It would probably be something quite simple if they did. Something timeless, with a simple message that wasn't influenced by the trends of the age. He also says that he tries to do this anyway as it can lead to new discoveries. Joe thinks its weird that none of the people involved in the movie will be around when it is eventually released. This leaves a slightly bitter taste with Kaoru, as they won't ever have to take the criticism or responsibility for it.
Next they welcome Dobashi for the Tokyo Sports corner. His first topic is that the media compay 'Shin R25' had announced a list of 'Athletes you don't want to be friends with', after carrying out a survey on men in the 20s-30s age range in 2015. The results were as follows:
1) Soccer player Honda Keisuke.
2) Baseball star Ichiro
3) Baseball player Yu Darvish
4) Sumo wrestler Hakuko Sho
5) Skater Yuzuru Hanyu/Golfer Ishikawa Ryo.
etc etc.
Dobashi agrees with this list, stating these kind of people are harsh, and difficult to interview. In particular he mentions that Honda Keisuke is not a fan of Tokyo Sports. Why?  asks Joe...Well, says Dobashi, its because they've written a lot of pieces badmouthing him. (lols from the others at this). Dobashi had also heard that Ichiro would often fire tough questions back at journalists.
Joe asks Kaoru what he does when he's not in the mood to be interviewed, or he doesn't like the questions. Kaoru says its not so much of a big deal, because they only ever appear in quite limited sections of the media (music mags etc). So, as they are not usually all over the tv or newspapers etc, they feel quite free to answer in any way they please, or not. Kaoru is not sure if this is a good thing, as he wonders if the magazines will still put it out what he says in the way that he actually intends it.
Joe then asks Dobashi if Tokyo Sports confirms the content of articles with their subjects before publishing. Dobashi says they do sometimes, and he then goes into a long explantion about the inner workings of Tokyo Sports compared to other newspapers. Joe asks Kaoru how strict he is when it comes to checking his interviews before a magazine publishes. He says he does look out for instances where the interviewer has got his nuance wrong, and he will also cut sections that he thinks the members have gotten carried away with durng interviews. Dobashi says checking material with artists etc can be very tricky for newspapers, because they want to try to avoid any kind of censorship if they can, and maximise their freedom of press. Also, people are generally wary of the newspapers getting any kind of scoop on them.
Dobashi's next story relates to the news that journalist Tatsuya Kato, former Seoul Bureau cheif at Sankei shinbun newspaper, had been aquitted after being charged with defamation of the South Korean president for questioning her wherabouts in the hours after the ferry sinking disaster in 2015. This makes Dobashi think about how much the freedom of reporting is tolerated. Another point of interest is that in the 50th year since the normalisation of Japan/South Korea relations, the judge in the case indicated a desire not to inflame current Japanese-Korean ties. Dobashi wonders how much of the aquittal came from the potential dimplomatic consequences, and how much came from a desire to uphold press freedom. Joe comments that to him it feels wrong to only target the journalist who wrote the article, and not the newspaper that published it. Kaoru concludes that the eventual outcome of the case seems natural, considering the damage that would have otherwise been done to the slowly improving Japanese-South Korean relations.
Kaoru finishes by plugging his imminent Budokan shows, which were to be the final of the Arche tour cycle, but also a means of looking forward to whatever comes next. He says he gets in live mode about a week before a big show like this, due to all the prep that needs to happen in advance. Finally he invites listeners to carry on contacting the show as always via email.
Songs - Dir en grey/ Ruten no tou (acoustic ver.), Orange 9mm/Glistening.
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dragonturtle2 · 3 years
Charting Penny's course, on the eve of the V8 finale.
I just realized that one of the lengthiest essays I ever posted online was never copied or cross posted over here to Tumblr.  A huge mistake on my part.  For one, as a big fan of transhumanism, I got a kind of enjoyment mapping out the distinctions Penny Poledina’s series-wide arc, even with the flaws.  Two, I’m actually kind of proud of the predictions I made at the end.  Not because I was correct about one of them; I remarked how I’d LIKE Rooster Teeth to do something, not that they’d actually take the shot.  But some of the stuff I thought of was fun, and I do feel a bit of validation for having my thoughts line up with the actual writers; especially in lieu of how heated other people’s reactions were to something sorrowful and unexpected.  
Tonight I had been responding to a critique I'd found earlier on Tumblr. They had remarked that Penny's conflict in Volumes 2, 7 and 8 were just recycling the question of whether Penny was a real girl. That doing so was just boring as heck, when the question has been answered firmly with Penny becoming the Winter Maiden. I thought the question of “what makes a person a person, and not just a simulated pattern of behaviors with the instinct to survive?” was broad enough to get a few arcs’ worth of visitation.  But I thought just responding with that one lengthy sentence could come off as belittling sarcasm. So tried to offer up an my actual interpretation and clear opinion. I got this monstrosity.
Volume 1 has Penny reaching out to make friends, V2 is finally admitting her robot nature to someone and vocalizing her fears about being a real girl.  Volume 3 dangles the upcoming conflict of her wanting to exercise independent action, step away from the national military organization that bankrolled and housed her, and go to Beacon with her friends.  But that got cut short.
Volume 7 picks up the thread of Penny’s independent actions.  Not just with the ability to disagree with or full-on disobey orders, but her own value system and initiative.  Not only is she asking Winter about how to make decisions in life, she is also silently (and not-so-silently) judging whether Winter is morally right, or even truly happy with her own choices.  When she takes Freya’s hand, she asks something that no one has probably said to Freya in awhile: “Are you OK?”
Volume 8 is focused on the things being taken from her.  Her previous family-unit-facsimile of James, Winter and the Ace Ops have labeled her a traitor and are now hunting her.  Being targeted as the Maiden makes her distance herself from her friends, so they aren’t further harmed .  In doing that, she also leaves behind her previous dedication, protecting Mantle, to launch Amity Tower and assist in the bigger picture of warning the entire planet.  Then in the pursuit of that goal she damages herself, pushes her body to it’s limit, and says goodbye to her father.  
Volume 8 might seem to backpedal, and spend much of the season emphasizing how inhuman Penny is. That’s the point.  After Freya essentially canonizes Penny as human, with her ‘blessing,’ Penny’s new identity (to herself and the audience) is arrested in the most traumatic ways possible.  Her body is peeled back and cut open.  Her schematics are passed around and assessed by characters and factions more than ever.  The hacking is the Atlas military complex literally claiming ownership over her, exploiting the body and code they created alongside Pietro.  (In contrast with the earlier consensual control and teamwork with Pietro, which even then she hardly enjoyed).  How much pain can you inflict on a person until they devolve, or abandon rational thought?  Little wonder Penny ends up begging the team to end her own life.  She’s now taken Winter’s role from Volume 7, her self-esteem having sunken even lower.  “My life doesn’t matter!“
When that ghastly moment was (temporarily) resolved with a quick revelation and Jaune’s Semblance, it was a moment of mixed feelings for me in an episode I otherwise loved.  But I really came around to it afterword.  They have to head to Vault for a permanent fix pretty much immediately, so it doesn’t feel like the writers used Jaune to kick the can down the road until they felt like tackling it.  A very direct benefit is that by pausing Penny’s affliction, Penny gains the ability to actually have a conversation with people, to have scenes beyond just desperately wrestling her.   It also spared us the repeated dialogue of “I must go to the Vault.  I don’t want to!  I must - I don’t! - I MUST- I DON’T!”  Seriously, that routine was wearing thin.  
Whether any fans predicted Jaune’s Semblance being able to help or not, I’m pleased when characters are able to quickly conceive applications of in-universe fictional powers.  This is such a refreshing improvement over how CRWBY previously couldn’t bring Ruby to even ASK about the Silver Eyes that put her in a coma.  
There were missteps along the way.  Ruby really should have reacted more to her friend coming back to life; RT leaning on the Fourth Wall doesn’t fully remove the sting. ("It seems we will have to wait!”)  We also never see any of our protagonists outside of Ruby even react to the revelation of a robotic life form.  When they meet Penny again at V7′s start, apparently ALL of them, even Oscar, were so acquainted with Penny’s story that none of them had any questions for her the entire Volume.  There was no sense of betrayed trust, or trauma from watching one friend be ripped apart by another.  These are disappointments, but not deal breakers.  Now, I want to talk about how post-Ambrosius Penny may fit in with the rest of the story.  Maybe it’s stupid of me to try to get this out by 4 in the morning the day the finale drops, but I’m on a role, and I want to get my ideas out in the open before they’re tainted by hindsight.  Otherwise I won’t feel like even finishing this.  
I’m not going to launch into a tangent with the metaphysical mechanics on whether Penny’s new body would have ‘logically’ been conjured or not.  (For the record I think it works).  I just want to talk about the message the show is conveying, and what they could do with it.  My base assumption is that Cinder is going to get the Winter Maiden power.  It would be great way to coincide with her (GASP) actual character development this volume.  But more importantly, if she doesn’t succeed in her goal, and get an upgrade to compete with our leveled-up protagonists, I can’t see how she can be an interesting or threatening villain going forward.  A few ways this can end for Penny:
Pietro could give up the last bit of his life to bring her back.  He’d probably need to get assistance from Abrosius, since he’s lacking in equipment; he’s a brilliant scientist, so explaining it certainly wouldn’t be an obstacle.  Maybe Penny would be back to being a synthetic, maybe she remains organic.  Either way, it’s a compromise with having a functional villain, while keeping around a fandom darling.  Personally, I think RT needs to evoke the spirit of Volume 3, and make people cry.
Actually killing Penny would be bold and stand-out.  By taking away Penny’s function of a core that can be salvaged (as explained at the start of Volume 7), and having her body get incinerated just like Pyrrha, RT can fully signal “This character is dead, and can’t be resurrected.”  The heart break would be brilliant, with Penny getting to know the joys of an organic body just to be immediately ripped away from life.  This would beautifully parallel with General Ironwood.  James clamped down on human emotion because he thought it would give him the strength to stand against the darkness.  Penny’s friends made her MORE human in a loving act of rescue, but now have to watch as she dies like any other human.  Both characters would be cautionary tales regarding the Atlas Arc’s question of Trust.  To leave yourself open.
Alrighty, now that I’ve gotten to feel like an intellectual by making some proclamations of doom, I want to throw out a tinfoil hat theory that actually combines the two previous versions.  What’s fascinated me for years, and the show hasn’t re-visited, is the nature of Cinder’s parasite.  Can Cinder talk to it?  Will it begin gaining sentience?  What’s relevant to Penny is what exactly this thing DOES.  When it comes to it’s soul-power-absorbing function, we’ve never actually seen it’s full extent.  The process with Amber was interrupted, with half the power just zipping over to Cinder after Amber expired.  With Raven and Penny’s power, Cinder’s arm only got a little taste of them both, since both of their captures were unsuccessful.  What if Cinder’s parasite can absorb more than raw power?  Pinnochio is eventually swallowed by a monstrous beast.  We were all sure it would be The Whale.  But what if it’s Cinder?
I’ll be watching the finale in about 5 hours.  The idea that I could be correct about something that takes everyone else off guard (Penny’s death) has an electric feeling, and I totally understand why people can get hung up on the stories they compose in their head.  But I don’t want to start thinking any of MY ideas HAVE to come true for me to get joy from whatever happens to Penny or Volume 8.  Regardless, reviewing character arcs that preceded wherever we are in the present is always worthwhile.  
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