#nontheless i would not want anything else
grimae · 6 months
How many people are prepared for when I inevitably rename the Book of the Sun project to "somethingsomething - a Book of the Sun" as I launch that thing soon-ish (tm) The new name already exists, I just don't feel comfortable sharing that yet
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plmp0 · 7 months
The Nerd
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Summary: Jake moved to your school because of his parents work, and you couldn't help but think how a nerd like him would fuck so u made that ur challenge.
Warnings: Nerd!Jake, kinda mean Jake, kinda switch Jake, pervet!reader, kinda uncomfortable, reader is so pushy (whatever that means), public touching, manipulative!reader, hair pulling, spanking, rough!fucking, p in v, unprotected sex (please protect), squirting, fingering, i think that's it.
A/N: Again this was an old draft so sorry if the quality is not the best,i tried to edit some stuff but it's 3 am right now so idk what i was doing 💀, also there might be some typos sorry for that. And finally just note that english is not my first language but yeah enjoy ~~ (also i just realised how long this is)
Jake has been always the top of his class, most of his time is around his books, not having a single friend because for him that means wasting time. So it was quite surprising when his parents decided to move to a new house, and in the middle of the school semester, no less. He didn't like that at all.But when he arrived in his new home, Jake didn't feel so bad anymore. It was a really big house, almost as big as his old school, and with the biggest library he'd ever seen, even bigger than the town's. Not having to worry about leaving his friends was also one of the things that didn't let him have ones, they have to move a lot because of his dad's work so things weren't adding up anyways.
It was Jake's first day in this new school, spending the whole night studying to catch up to their pace and also to maintain his top student image, he went to the asigned classroom. As he expected, no one knew who he was, everyone looked at him weirdly and a boy with glasses even whispered to the person next to him that he "looked like a nerd".He sat down and waited for the class to start, the teacher arrived a few minutes later and greeted the students before calling the attention to the new student. "Everyone, please, give a warm welcome to our new student, Jake. Now, I don't want anyone disturbing his studies, if you do I will make sure the principal knows." the teacher said, giving a stern look at some boys in the back, one of them was the same one who had made fun of Jake's appearance.The boys in the back, as if sensing their teacher's glare, tried to look as innocent as possible. Some of the other kids were talking about the new student while the rest were too focused on their phones or books. Jake nontheless ignored and filtered any meaningless noise, focusing on the class instead. "Alright, now, open your books on page 249. Y/n, you can read until page 270, then we will move on to the next chapter." The teacher said, making Jake shift his attention to you.
You nodded, but Jake was sure you hadn't heard the teacher, as your eyes were glued to the phone, scrolling through something. You didn't even try to look like you were reading, and when the teacher noticed this she went over and took the phone away from you, Jake shaked his head unimpressed not liking that you made him waste a full 10 minutes. You tried to convince her to give it back, but the teacher, Mrs. Smith, didn't relent and kept it until the end of class. Jake tried to focus again on the class, but his mind was somewhere else, you not shutting up talking loud enough as if u were sitting next to him, he huffed turning around to face you and giving you a cold glare, making you stop and shiver, not saying anything else but finding interest on him, you've always liked nerds. He sighed, relieved, and continued to pay attention to the class, writing down everything he was supposed to and more. Once class ended, everyone left except you, Jake and Mrs. Smith, who wanted to speak to him about some important things, as well as talk to him about his grades and how he would fit into the class. You stood up and stretched, yawning before heading towards the teacher to get ur phone back, not caring much for what the two were discussing, "Oh, Mrs. Smith, do you happen to have my phone? You took it earlier and I just want to go to my next class." You said, trying to sound as polite as possible to avoid getting scolded, you didn't care that much but the principal had told you to behave.
"Oh, yes. Here you go. But next time please try not to use it during class, or else I'll have to take it away again, alright?" She handed you the phone, you quickly nodded and thanked her, turning on the phone and walking away rolling your eyes. "Oh, and before I forget, here are the things that are new to the semester. Jake, I'm sure you'll do great." She handed him a folder full of papers, which he took, thanked her and left. He went over the papers as he walked, not paying much attention to where he was going, but making sure to read every line, his eyes were so focused on the paper that he didn't even notice you. "Hey, watch out." But you didn't, instead, the two of you bumped into each other, dropping the papers and Jake huffed losing the spot he was reading. You fell, not being able to catch yourself because your hands were holding the phone, you scoffed annoyed. "What the fuck, watch where you're going." "Says the one who didn't watch their step, dumbass." Jake mumbled, picking the papers. "What was that?" You asked, not quite hearing him, and not happy about being called a dumbass.
Jake turned to face you, giving you a stern look while collecting his papers not wanting to drag this convo any longer. You were about to argue back when you noticed the papers he was collecting, and how much there was. You got curious, how could this nerd get so much extra credit on the first day? "Hey, let me see." You took the papers away from him, skimming through them. "Are you serious?" U exclaimed,"Hey, give it back. And watch your tone, it's very rude." Jake glared at you. "Why should I?" You smirked. "What are you gonna do about it? Tell on me? Go ahead." You said mockingly, Jake massaged his forehead annoyed and grabbed the papers, pulling them from you, making you stumble and drop the phone again, "Hey!" You yelled, looking at your phone. "Do you have any idea how expensive that was?!" "Then be more careful with it, maybe then it won't fall" Jake shrugged, fixing the papers and putting them in his backpack, you rolled your eyes and picked up your phone checking it and you huffed relieved seeing that it didn't break. U bit ur lips this new student is really getting into ur nerves, but you had a better way to deal with him. "Whatever, loser." You turned around and left, not wanting to get in trouble on the first day.
Jake chuckled a little bit as u left, "what a great first day" he mumbled with sarcasm in his tone, heading to his next class but he stopped mid-way, he was so focused on what had happened that he didn't realize how lost he was, not having any idea of where he had to go and now his late for class, great. He spent a long time looking for class that now he has arrived late, sighing relieved when he finds the door open and walks in. "Sorry for arriving late, sir. I'm the new student, Jake." "Don't worry about it. Go ahead and take a seat. You're in the back." the teacher said, and Jake nodded, walking towards the back and sitting down trying to ignore the fact that u were his seatmate as you were already sleeping or that's what he thought, the teacher didn't even stop to breath in the passing 30 minutes making everyone yawn well everyone appart from Jake, he was busy writing when he let a very loud gasp making everyone look at him questionably, he excused himself feeling embarrassed as he felt your hand  wondering in his thighs above his jeans, his mind was racing and he wasn't able to focus at all, he looked at you and noticed the smirk on your lips as u rested ur head on the table,
oh that was not good. The teacher didn't say anything and continued the lesson, but Jake couldn't focus anymore. He couldn't believe this, he never let anything shift his attention before neither was he touched this way by a girl in a fucking classroom. He shifted on his chair, trying to move away from you, but that only caused your hand to travel higher, making his face flush and you grin liking the reaction u got from him, ur grin got bigger when u felt his bulge on ur hand. Jake felt a chill go down his spine, he was not enjoying this at all, why would he? This was just distracting, and he wanted to stay focused that's what he tried to convince himself but the fact that he stopped getting away from you made you continue ur movements, you caressed his thigh through the fabric, and then moved on to his bulge, squeezing it gently and rubbing him.
He gasped and tensed up, closing his eyes and trying not to move. He bit his lips as the sensation was getting stronger, and soon his cock was rock hard, throbbing under your touch, Jake was so new to this feeling he was going crazy, you smirked as u felt his member twitch, you looked at him and could see the embarrassment in his face, u leaned on him and whispered quietly "You're enjoying this, aren't you? Naughty boy." you teased, licking his ear. Jake bit his lips and moved his head, trying to get away from you, he was so scared that someone is gonna see the both of u, and seconds later the entire class was staring at him wondering what's wrong when he hitted his knee on the table while trying to squirm. He didn't know what to do, this was kinda embarrassing but it feels so good, and he didn't want it to stop, he opened his mouth to ask what you were doing, but when he felt your hand squeeze him, he gasped and couldn't hold back a moan, causing him to cover his mouth. He was redder than a tomato, and he couldn't look at the teacher or the other students afraid to get caught, you continued, enjoying his reactions, and the fact that everyone was focused on their things. It was obvious that Jake wasn't getting away, and that was fine with you. He was hard and throbbing, and his precum had leaked, creating a small dark stain on his jeans. Jake bit his lip and tried to muffle his moans, but you didn't want him to almost punishing him for what he did previously, you squeezed him again, rubbing his length. "You're so hard, Jake. I didn't think you would like this. You're so naughty~" you whispered.
Jake whined and closed his eyes, shaking his head, not wanting to admit that neither to hear it now it was hard enough from his to muffle his sounds, but it was true, he did like this. And the fact that he was hard as a rock proved it if only he didn't have to be in a space full of people he'd acted differently. He was getting close you could feel it as he was breathing heavily  his eyes were tightly shut, his hips were moving with your hand and you thanked god that u were sitting at the end of the class or the teacher would have seen everything, you sped up your movements and that's when Jake lost it, his body tensed up and his hips buckled, he groaned as quietly as he could before releasing his load on his jeans, making a small wet spot. You grinned, stopping your movements and moving away from him. Jake opened his eyes and looked at his pants, noticing the stain, and realizing what just happened, he looked around, seeing everyone staring at him, the teacher was waiting for him to answer a question, and the rest were looking at his flushed form face confused. He gulped and cleared his throat, looking at the teacher, not knowing what the question was.
"Are you okay, Jake? Are you feeling sick?" The teacher asked. "N-no... Sorry, I'm okay..." Jake said. "I would like to believe you, but, I'll let it pass since it's your first day. U should focus or u wont catch up, understood?" , "Yes, sir..." Jake nodded. "Good. Now, can anyone tell me the answer to the question?" The teacher looked around, waiting for someone to answer. "Uh... Y/n." The teacher looked at you. "Yes, sir. 54." You said, knowing the answer and not caring enough about this class. "Correct. Thank you, Y/n. Now, let's move on." The teacher turned around and started writing on the board. Jake felt relieved that he got out of this situation without getting caught, but now he had to deal with the mess you made, his jeans were ruined and he turned to look at you, seeing the mischievous smile on your face. He knew you weren't gonna leave him alone. He sighed and looked away, trying not to think about it and focus on class. But he couldn't. For the rest of the class, Jake couldn't focus, and his thoughts kept going back to you, and what had happened. His cheeks were pink, and his dick was still hard, the cum stain on his jeans didn't go away, and every time he moved, he felt it rub against him.
Once the class ended, Jake gathered his things and left as fast as he could, not wanting to see anyone, or get more attention. He rushed out of the classroom and walked quickly, heading towards the bathroom. He needed to change and get out of this, it was too much for him, he got to the bathroom taking care of the mess and removing his jacket tacking it around his waist while getting his dresshirt out of his pants hoping that i'll hide something before getting out of the bathroom, he sighed trying to calm down as he felt a hand on his shoulder "Hey, nerd. Wait." It was you, smirking. Jake turned around, facing you, his face still a little flushed from earlier and his body tensed upon seeing you, "Y-yes?" Jake asked his words getting out more broken than he anticipated,
he cleared his throat waiting for you to speak, u scanned him the grin never leaving ur lips " looks like you took care of yourself already" u whined disapointed "too bad i wanted to help you" "Wdym?" he cleared his throat again fixing his hair as he felt some sweat forming at the end of his forehead "no need to do that" he mumbled looking at you giving him your puppy eyes, he shifted his eyes to look elsewhere just wanting to go home at this rate feeling tired already but there was no way u'd give up, you really wanted him to lose it so curious to see what he'd do. "But, Jake... You looked so cute when you were enjoying yourself..." You purred, putting a hand on his chest. "I wanted to make you feel good..." he furrowed his eyebrows not loving how you are adressing him "s-stop" his voice was breaking, he didn't know what was going on but he didn't like this. "Aww, come on, Jake... Just admit it... You liked it... And I'm sure you would love it if I continued..." You smiled, and moved your hand down, resting it on his lower stomach. "Stop, we are still in school!" He exclaimed, his voice slightly louder. "Oh, come on, Jake... There's no one here..." You grinned, pressing your palm against his crotch. Jake bit his lips, holding back a moan and his eyes widened when he felt your hand press against him.
His pants were too tight, and he was already half hard. You didn't know how or when but you felt ur back pressed on the wall Jake leaning to face you as his lips were inches away from your ear "I get that you want to be fucked soo badly but i have things to do" Jake whispered you moaned feeling him suck on your earlobe before he left leaving you hot and confused, a smirk formed at your lips licking them "ahhh m gonna have so much fun" u mumbled adjusting ur clothes and heading to meet one of your friends from the other class. After the incident with you, Jake avoided you as much as he could. But that didn't stop you from teasing him, and he always had an excuse not to interact with you, or anyone else, really. He focused on his studies more than the normal days trying to distract himself from you, he was starting to get really frasturated by all of your teasing. You on the other hand were getting annoyed, you had tried so many times to get close to him, or just talk to him, but he always had an excuse to brush you off, and he always seemed so busy. You knew he was trying to avoid you, and you were determined to make him give in taking it as a challenge at that point.
One day, during class, the teacher decided to choose randomly two people for next week's project and to ur luck Jake was paired up with you for the presentation and you couldn't be happier. He wasn't too happy about it that's what you noticed but he had no choice, and the teacher said the two of you would have to meet outside of class. That's when the fun began. Jake was sure that he was screwed. You had him trapped.You were gonna make him lose his control, and there was no way out of it. It was the day you r supposed to meet up for your project, Jake suggested going to a cafe nearby the school but you being your stubborn self insisted to meet up in ur house saying that it'd be better and calmer and blah blah blah, Jake couldn't help it but agree after his failed attempts. He was standing in front of your door inhaling deeply before knocking a few times, you were quick to open the door smiling at him and welcoming him in.
He was surprised when he saw ur outfit, your small shorts not leaving anything for imagination, ur blue crop top hugging ur breasts perfectly, he clicked his tongue rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly when you told him to sit in the living room and you went to get some water, coming back quickly and sitting next to him body stuck to his with the glass in ur hands. "So" Jake started wanting to start with the project and leave quickly "we should start, what's the theme?" He asked looking through his backpack and taking out a notebook and a pencil, u rolled ur eyes at his words "come on, Jakey, you know we don't have to do this right now." u said handing him the glass of water which he accepted "it's not healthy for you to be always studying, let's take a break." "We need to get this done, Y/n." He said sternly, sipping the water. "We can't waste time. So, what's the theme?" "The theme is... The importance of a good education." You smiled, remembering the topic that you picked out. "Seriously?" Jake said mockingly knowing very well how u r always sleeping during classes or just on your phone. "Yeah, seriously." You smiled, taking the glass from his hands and setting it on the table. "Don't worry. I'm not stupid." "I know." He said, and before you could say anything else, he pulled out his phone. "Let's start, shall we?"
"Sure, Jake." You smiled, and started explaining your ideas for the project, and the two of you started working. Jake didn't like that you kept distracting him flashing ur cleavage every now and then but he couldn't say anything cause you were being very professional. He didn't think it was possible, but you were doing a really good job. Maybe this wasn't so bad. You noticed his reaction and you couldn't help but smirk a little, you knew he was gonna lose it and soon. The two of you worked for a couple hours, and by the time it was over, Jake was exhausted. He was glad you were smart enough to not screw this up, but he was still suspicious. You had been nothing but nice the whole time, and it was a bit out of ordinary.You stretched and smiled. "That was a good session, huh?" "Yeah. I'm glad we were able to get some work done." Jake said, packing his stuff. "Yeah. Me too." You smiled, and stood up. "I'm gonna get some snacks, I'll be right back." Jake nodded and waited for you. You came back a few minutes later, carrying a tray of fruit, cookies, and drinks. You set the tray on the coffee table and sat next to him, Jake had some cookies eyes not leaving his phone for a couple of minutes before speaking "Alright, I think we should stop here." , "Oh, why?" You asked, tilting your head. "Because we're finished." Jake said, closing his notebook. "We're not done yet." You pouted. "I wanna hang out a bit." "Hang out? With me?" Jake asked raising one of his eyebrows, "Why not?" You shrugged. "Well, we have nothing in common." Jake said, standing up. "Besides, I have a lot of work to do. And so do you." "Aw, come on, Jakey." You pouted, wrapping your arms around his torso and pulling him down onto the couch. "We have plenty of time." "No, we don't." Jake said removing ur hands from his body, but you were faster as u landed one of them on his crotch making him gasp loudly.
"W-what are you doing?", "What's wrong, Jake? It's just a hand." You smiled, squeezing his crotch. Jake exhaled his eyes fierceful as he looked u down tongue clicking, one of his hands sliding his hair up "you are really a slut ha" "Only for you, Jakey~" You purred, stroking his growing erection. Jake groaned and bit his lip. "Stop i don't think you'll be able to handle what's coming!" Jake warned, his tone more stern. "I'll take my chances." You grinned, continuing rubbing him over his pants, Jake growled and grabbed your arm, pulling it away and pinning it to the couch. "You really don't get it, do you? This is the only chance you're gonna get." He growled, tightening his grip on your arm. You winced a little at the pain and bit your lip. "Sorry. I'll behave. Promise just give it to me" you said pouting a bit. "Woah" Jake chuckled lowly, "someone is being a needy slut today." He said having enough from restraining himself his frustration takkng over him, and you moaned loving his choice of words,"Please, Jake. Please. I'm sorry. I'll do whatever you want, anything please" You begged. "Anything? (He paused for a second) but again it's not a surprise after seeing how hard you tried to get to my dick" He hummed licking ur lips slowly. "Yes. Anything. Just fuck me." You begged, and Jake leaned down, kissing you roughly. You moaned, enjoying the kiss, and wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He continued kissing you hungrily, his hands exploring your body.
He broke the kiss, and pulled back, staring at you, his eyes moved to your boobs who were almost exposed because of this position, the blue complementing your skin and making him lick his lips constantly, he has never really went with a girl above kissing and touching here and there however he watched enough content to know what to do, his hand groped one of ur breast squeezing it roughly his nails digging on the fabric as u moaned loudly. "You're so beautiful, Y/n." Jake whispered, his soft tone contradicting his rough touches, "T-thank you." You said, blushing a little , he smiled seeing how calm you are now that you are getting what u want, he pulled the strap of ur crop top down exposing your breast the sight making him gulp as he massaged the other one he neglected earlier, his other hand moving down to cup your pussy through your shorts making you moan and squirm. He groaned as he felt your wetness through the fabric "Fuck, you're so wet, Y/n." Jake grinned, "Soaking." "J-Jake..." You moaned, arching your back, grinding against his hand. "Shh, isn't that what you wanted? So shut up and enjoy it"he smirked, leaning to deliver kisses on ur neck. He kept rubbing your pussy through ur shorts and you couldn't help but whine wanting to feel him against ur bare skin. He pulled his hand away and looked at you. "You want more, Y/n?" He asked, smirking. You nodded, your chest heaving and your eyes wide. "Then take them off." Jake said. "Your shorts." You gulped, and stood up, pushing your shorts down, and taking them off, tossing them aside.
Jake sat on the couch manspreading a bit and patting his lap, u followed his order and sat on his lap grinding your pussy against his hard member while he cupped ur ass, his hands running over the soft skin, he leaned down and placed his lips on your nipple sucking on it making u throw your head back moaning and grinding ur pussy harder against him. You grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head, tossing it aside and running your hands over his chest. Jake groaned and moved his hands down, hooking his thumbs on the waistband of your panties, pulling them down, you raised your hips, helping him as he pulled them down, tossing them away. His hand went back to cup your pussy, and he moaned feeling the wetness. "God, you're soaked." Jake groaned, running two of his fingers on ur slit, spreading the juices and making you moan loudly, Jake grinned as u were already a mess, and he has just started. "So fucking wet. Just for me." Jake hummed, his fingers playing with your clit, the pleasure making your body jerk. Jake felt his hands act on themselves, his index finger teasing ur entrance making u buckle ur hips, "I'm not gonna do anything if u don't behave, y/n" he growled,
his fingers going to rub your clit roughly, his eyes were focused on ur reaction and you didn't have to try to put up an act, your body was shaking eyes rolling back. You nodded and closed your eyes, biting your lip and trying to stay still, even though all you wanted was to grind your pussy on his fingers, he lifted his free hand spanking ur ass hard making u gasp, your body jerked a bit and Jake rubbed the spot he had spanked, "Good girl." He purred his finger went to tease ur hole once again. He slowly pushed his finger inside, his cock twitching at the feeling of your tight walls. He has only seen a pussy on videos and nothing could compare to the feeling of the real thing, he pushed his finger deeper and moved it in and out slowly, feeling you clench around him. He moved his finger a bit deeper, looking at ur expressions mouth gaped eyes long gone and he grinned. adding another digit and moving it at the same pace, he lifted u a little curling his finger inside you, hitting a sweet spot. "Feels good, huh?" Jake asked and you nodded, moaning loudly, and he spanked you again. "Words." He growled. You gasped, and let a small cry. "Y-yes! It feels so good, Jake!" Jake grinned, and kept moving his finger, hitting that same spot every time. Your body jerked and he noticed how close you were, "you were acting up just a few days ago and look at you now, where did that attitude go ha?" He chuckled when u didn't answer him his fingers reaching deeper making u spasm on his lap,
"Come on, cum for me. Let go." He groaned, his voice husky, and a few seconds later, your pussy clenched around his finger, and you let out a loud moan as you came, squirting all of your juices on his pants, Jake groaned feeling the warmness of ur juices land on his cock, ur body still shaking as he was still moving his fingers inside you, he pulled out groaning at ur attempt to keep him in by squeezing him tightly, his cock throbbing inside his pants as he licked his fingers clean tasting u making you squirm and he gave them to u, you licked them and moaned at the taste, his free hand moved down cupping ur ass before he spanked u again, you moaned loudly and looked at him, "You want me to fuck you, right?" He asked, and you nodded eagerly. "Please." You begged. "You've been such a good girl for me so far, so I'll give it to you." He kissed ur jaw talking over ur skin "but i'll have to punish you for what you did these passing days" he mumbled making u shiver a bit, his hand squeezed ur ass roughly. "Now get up, i'm gonna bend you over the table and fuck your slutty little pussy" he said patting ur core and you whined, but did as he told u, getting up and bending over the table, spreading your legs for him, he groaned at ur eagerness and quickly unbuttoned his pants pulling them down along with his underwear, his cock finally springing free, you looked behind you and bit your lip seeing his length, "wow, you're big." You mumbled. He smirked and leaned over, his body pressing against yours, his lips near your ear. "I'm gonna make sure to make you scream, and never think about going around whoring for nerds again" He whispered, making you whimper, his hands grabbed your ass, giving it a few squeezes, he rubbed his cock on your pussy, making you moan and squirm. "So impatient. Behave." He growled slapping ur inner thighs and steadying u in place
"Sorry" u mumbled trying to stop yourself, Jake smirked and rubbed the tip of his cock against ur clit, making you whine and bite your lip, you felt like you were gonna explode, the teasing was driving you crazy. His hips rolled and his tip poked ur entrance, you moaned and arched your back, trying to take his length inside, he spanked you again making you yelp and he held you down, "i'm the one in charge here, not you" he growled and you nodded, letting out a breathy moan, he pulled back and slapped his cock against your clit a couple times making u shake, the sensation driving u mad and before u could complain his length entered u, the tip slowly entering u and stretching your tight walls making you cry out, "fuck you're tight." Jake groaned, feeling the warmth and wetness of your pussy wrapped around him, the pleasure was almost unbearable, his hand went to massage your ass and squeeze it a few times, his other hand gripping your hip tightly, nails digging into the skin, his eyes were focused on where his cock met your pussy and how he disappeared inside of you. He pushed himself deeper and pulled out slowly, the drag of his length inside you was incredible, you moaned and gripped the edge of the table, your body trembling as he kept thrusting into you, his cock filling you completely. Jake's hand traveled up, his palm resting between your shoulder blades and applying pressure, making your cheek rest against the table. He pulled out and slammed back into you, his balls slapping against you and you let out a loud moan, the feeling was overwhelming.
You felt his fingers grab your hair, pulling you up and his lips were on yours in a matter of seconds, his tongue invading your mouth, the kiss was sloppy yet intense, his thrusts were getting faster, his tongue moving in and out of your mouth, tasting every inch of it. You broke the kiss and let a loud moan, feeling him brush at ur spot, his hand was gripping the hair at the back of your head, his nails digging into the skin and he was panting, his breath fanning your cheek, he closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of ur walls around him, Jake was scared that he'd become addicted to ur pussy the thought of getting out of you was already not clicking with him, his other hand grabbed your hip and he started slamming into you harder, his cock hitting that same spot again, making you scream in pleasure. He groaned, feeling his orgasm building up, his movements became sloppy and his hips stuttered "Fuck, look at u now, taking my cock so well" Jake said, his words coming out in a mix of moans and groans, he let out a low groan and threw his head back, his hips snapping into you a couple more times and he buried himself deep inside of you, cumming and filling your pussy, you moaned at the feeling of his cum filling you and painting your walls white, your legs trembled and you let out a loud moan as your body jerked, reaching your orgasm and squirting all over his cock, your walls tightening around him, milking him. "Fuck" Jake groaned, his hands leaving your hair and hips, his palms resting on the table as he leaned forward, panting heavily, his chest pressed against your back. He was sweating his skin hot. 
Jake's cock slipped out of you and he let a small groan. His eyes focused on your pussy and how your juices were mixed with his cum, and the sight alone made him hard again, he grabbed your legs and spread them, making you whine. His other hand stroked his cock and he guided his tip to your pussy, pushing his cock inside making you whine "J-Jake, what are you doing? I'm sensitive." You mumbled, your voice tired. "We're not done yet, baby. I need to teach you a lesson." Jake growled, his hands going to rest on your hips squeezing them, he started thrusting into you roughly, not giving you time to adjust and his hips snapped into you, his balls slapping against your clit, you were a mess, moaning and whimpering, begging for him to stop. Jake growled and bent down, his face next to yours. "I warned you before but u didn't listen. So shut up and take it." He growled, and his hand went to slap your ass, his fingers digging into the flesh. Your body was trembling and the feeling of his cock pounding into you was amazing, it felt so good!
tbh u didn't imagine him to go this hard on you and ohh god how you love it, no one has ever fucked you this good. The sound of his skin slapping against yours and the lewd sounds of his cock entering you filled the room you were a mess, ur hair sticking on ur face, juices mixed with his cum dripping from your pussy messing up the table. Jake groaned, his breathing uneven and his hips stuttered. He was close again, and so were you. "Cum for me, Y/n." Jake groaned, his thrusts were getting faster, he was losing his rhythm eyes closed biting his lower lip until he couldn't hold it anymore, his hand reached ur clit rubbing it fastly making u whimper "OmG" u rolled ur eyes ur release hitting u like a truck and with a couple of hard thrusts he followed u, cumming inside of you, his cum mixing with the previous one, his hips kept rolling, riding out his high, the feeling was intense, his cock twitched and he pulled out, collapsing on the couch, panting heavily. "Holy shit." You mumbled, trying to catch your breath. Jake nodded, running a hand through his hair.
The two of you were quiet for a few minutes, then Jake got up, helping u getting up too and bringing u to the bathroom. "I'll clean the table." Jake said, leaving and coming back with some wet wipes, he cleaned the table looking at u wearing a robe while scanning his body "u okay?" He asked suddenly feeling nervous not knowing what to do now, u smiled and nodded, "yeah, thanks" u mumbled, he nodded back and looked away, he was wearing his boxers now looking at his pants that are full of ur juices, he sighed and grabbed them cleaning them with the wet wipes and getting dressed, u stared at him confused, "what are u doing?" You asked. "Leaving." Jake said, buttoning his shirt.
"It's getting l-late" his voice stuttered when he felt your hand helping him with his shirt, he heard his phone ringing and went to get it seeing his mom's name on the screen, "hi" his voice was low as he answered, and u could hear his mother's voice asking where is he,  he told her that he was busy with his homework and forgot to call, he was glad that his parents are never home so he wouldn't have to explain anything, he bid goodbye to his mom and hang up. "Is everything ok?" You asked, and Jake nodded. "I gotta go." Jake said, gathering his stuff. "I'll see you tomorrow." You said, and Jake nodded, giving you a small smile and leaving, making you finally drop on the floor as u couldn't feel ur legs anymore but u smiled nonetheless u had so much fun, and this will not be the last time for sure.
Woah i couldn't edit this whole thing so m gonna comeback to it after having some sleep, also this was supposed to be a virgin Jake fanfic but yeah i got carried away and forgot about that sorry
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lightlycareless · 1 month
Hey hope you're doing great ❤ I wanted to ask, how do you think Naoya would react if his beloved wife is infertile? I think it would be pretty interesting considering he's a traditionalist and heir and all 🤔
I am doing fine thank you 🥰!! I hope you're doing well too.
And omg this ask.... it was just what I needed, angst. Or at least that's what I wanted to take it as hahahahahahaaaaaa thank you so much for sending in this hehe. The perfect excuse to write down some thoughts I've been having for a while.
warnings: mentions of infertility, adultery, self doubt. Naoya is somewhat ooc I guess but he's your loving husband nontheless.
Happy reading!!!
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Discovering you were infertile quickly becomes one of your worst nightmares—and not simply because of that, which is severe by itself, but rather all of the things that ensued; notions that your mind convinced you of … the insecurities it awakens.
The moment you and Naoya decide to finally try out for a baby, you completely dedicate all your efforts to it. It was only all you ever wanted, after all: to have a family with the man of your dreams.
Thus, believing your prayers to be answered in just a matter of time, you and Naoya began to make all preparations, from buying clothes to choosing which room to transform into a nursery… you were enthusiastic as enthusiastic could be! Your husband nothing but indulging to your desires.
But even with all your persistent attempts, those typical symptoms associated with pregnancy failed to present themselves. Weeks passed and you haven’t felt either nauseous or tired. No odd cravings, nor anything else…
A part of you didn’t want to admit it; feared that doing so out loud might make it true, but perhaps… perhaps you were one of the women that were fated to struggle when conceiving, regardless of how much you desired a baby; still hoping you’d be placed above such chances and have your dream conceded.
Yet… it didn’t. And with much fear in your heart, you’ve decided to go to the doctor for a checkup. A second opinion, the reassurance that everything was fine, you were just bound to struggle a bit before becoming a mother.
Maybe there was something else you were failing to consider, skipping over when together with Naoya…
Desperately hoping for literally anything else but the gut-wrenching revelation that soured your heart for the rest of your life.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N, but the reason why you haven’t been able to get pregnant is because you’re—”
You knew exactly what was coming and yet, you didn’t want to hear it. Didn’t think yourself capable of—it just… it just never occurred to you that it would happen. That it would be true.
But that awful word felt like it was being imprinted on your forehead, with bright red ink for the whole world to scrutinize, when she said it. When she sentenced your fate and marriage in more ways than you could possibly imagine.
So that’s why you weren’t able to have a child. That’s why no matter how much you tried, how much desired it, you weren’t seeing results.
Oh, what a simple solution.
“But that—that doesn’t mean there’s nothing we can do about it, right?” Naoya frets soon after, perhaps to give you hope, encourage you to seek solutions. Medicine has advanced so much in recent years, certainly there must be something to consider before closing this chapter!
Yet, to you… his words unwittingly igniting a new insecurity in you as you’re reminded that you weren’t the only one who wanted a family as well, with Naoya seemingly having much more to lose if unaccomplished.
There was nothing, ever, in his actions to lead you down this path, but you couldn’t help but worry about it, especially the circumstances you were surrounded by.
If you weren’t able to conceive, then… what was your purpose as his wife?
What kind of scrutiny awaited you once you returned to the Zen’in estate, once his family knew that you were unable to have children? They’d figure out in time, perhaps it wasn’t even necessary to tell them personally…
Not that it mattered, this would only highlight what they already thought of you:
A failure.
“A woman that can’t have children is no woman at all.”
“It’s the only thing we had hopes she’d be able to do well, and not even that was she capable of. What a disgrace”
“Oh, poor Naoya-sama… hopefully he’ll be able to deal with this issue before it’s too late.”
“Don’t listen to them, Y/N.” Your husband, all too aware of the inner workings of his family, was quick to defend you. Either by openly scolding them, punishing those he could, or removing you from those dire situations, away from the comments of people you really shouldn’t bother considering, and surround you with those that truly cared for you. “They don’t know what they’re saying.”
Clearly, for how could they even imply he was angry at you? Disappointed? Instead of worried given how dimmed you behaved nowadays, lacking the happiness that always accompanied you whenever doing your daily duties or talking with your staff and family!
Naoya worried, naturally. So much so that he decided to reassign all his missions and duties to someone else just so he could keep by your side, tend to you, let you know that you aren’t alone and that he understands what you’re going through—to the best of his ability.
Your husband hoped that his company would make you happy, it always did or so he supposed by the way you clung to him whenever around.
But not this time around. If anything, having him near proved worse than he anticipated, as if his presence was a constant reminder of whom you failed, and what you would have to sacrifice in order to fulfill your role.
“Y/N, my love… you have to eat.” Naoya murmurs, kneeling to your level as he gently holds onto your hands, hoping that this gesture would be enough for you to raise your eyes to him and, well… see him.
Acknowledge him. Like your husband, the man who swore to accompany you through thick and thin—instead of purposefully ignoring him, like he wasn’t even there.
Had he done something to bother you?
Or was there something else prickling at the back of your mind?
“I’m not hungry.”
“…I know.” He breathes, pressing his lips together and squeezing your hands. “But at least try to do it a bit. You can’t go on for hours without eating.”
You don’t respond, not even lifting your eyes to him.
“At least do it for me, please? I… I worry for you, my love.”
“…Why?” You eventually respond, giving him a look of unprecedented anger that takes him by surprise. Though he was still able to see that deep within, you weren’t mad, rather… sad.
“What do you mean why?” he repeats, hurt by the implications behind your reaction. “You’re—you’re my wife. Obviously, I care for you.”
“…perhaps it would be better if I wasn’t. Then someone else could do the job.”
“Y/N?” Naoya blinks, frightened by your words. “What are you—"
“I’m not hungry.”
Naoya leaves with the conclusion that perhaps it’s best to not touch the subject anymore. Perhaps you just… needed some time along to come to terms with this unwanted predicament, for his words seem to only make everything worse.
He won’t leave you unattended—never. Your husband would leave your care to your attentive staff, who had been nothing but amazing friends the moment they knew what happened at the doctor’s office.
“Please keep a close eye on her. And tell me if anything happens, please.” Naoya silently confides to Mariya before heading over to you, seconds away from his departure.
“I’ll be back before you know it.” Is what Naoya always says when deployed to those tedious, seemingly senseless missions he often questions why he even bothers. His family has enough money to support you and himself, so why does he have to keep on?
In moments like these you would’ve reassured him that it was all for his career; for the sake of proving himself to the clan and HQ that he’s a worthy sorcerer to guide the next generation—though you’d agree that him being away was just as dreadful as it sounded.
But not this time around. No, instead, you just keep quiet, demure as Naoya steps closer to press a kiss on your forehead, a good luck charm that was normally bestowed to him by you, yet given the circumstances, you needed it far more than him.
“Take care, I’ll bring your favorite, ok?”
Naoya presses his lips together before entering the car, disappearing into the horizon.
Your husband considered himself to be very focused when it came to his work, although he won’t deny that ever since he got married, he’s unable to keep you out of his mind—today was to be no exception, though not how he would’ve liked.
Ever since he left the estate, there has been a dreadful sensation gnawing at the back of his mind, the presumption that something bad was to happen, and yet, he was unsure whether it related to his missions, or worse, the estate—you.
Naoya anxiously checked his phone whenever he could, believing that whatever bad news he was to endure would come through there.
And he was right, for it rang during the times Naoya specifically asked to not be bothered unless it were an emergency, quickly taking it out of his pocket and reading the caller ID across the screen; heart sinking when realizing it was none other than the estate, or more like the line assigned for you.
“What is it? Is it Y/N? Is she ok?!” Naoya breathes against the speaker, not even muttering a hello.
“No, Naoya—she isn’t. I don’t even know how to begin to explain but she—she started packing her things.” It’s Mariya in the other side, with an unmistakable tone of fright that spirals Naoya even more.
“What?” Naoya breathes, heart thundering against his ears. “What do you mean she’s packing her things?!”
“I don’t know, but that’s what she’s doing! I tried to talk her out of it, or at least get her to tell me where she’s planning to go but she’s not saying anything!”
A million thoughts cross Naoya’s mind at that moment, but one perseveres above the rest:
Is she leaving me?
The mere notion of a separation is enough to make him mad.
“Stop her!” Naoya demands. “I don’t care how you do it but stop her!”
“I’ll try stalling her, but she’s—she’s very determined to leave, Naoya. You have to come back!”
And that’s exactly what Naoya does, careless with what happens on the mission, he drops everything on the spot and rushes his way back to you. He was lucky that his latest mission didn’t place him too far from the estate, so when he finally returned home you were still around.
Though it seemed that if he had taken just a few minutes later, you wouldn’t be there anymore, as you’d managed to escape your staff’s persistent attempts of stalling you, a small suitcase by your side, as you headed to the exit with them just right behind you.
“He—Hey, honey, what—what are you doing?” Naoya asks with a nervous chuckle, gesturing to the staff to leave the two alone, which they obliged soon after, elated that he was finally there—but worried he couldn’t be of much help.
“I’m leaving.”
“And where—where are you going, my love?” He goes on, his heart squeezing in pain as his worst fears seemed to materialize before him. Yet, Naoya still hopes to be wrong. “Did… did your family need help with something? If so, maybe I could drive—"
“…No.” you say, not even looking back to him. But he was still able to hear the pain in your voice. “I don’t—I don’t need anything, because I’m never coming back.”
“What?” Naoya freezes, hands trembling as his mind tries to understand what you just uttered. “Y/N— you can’t—”
“I… I no longer have a place here.” You say. “After this I… I realized I was never meant to be with you”
“That’s not true.” Naoya swiftly interjects. “None of the things you’re saying are true! I cannot envision anyone else to be my wife, less to share my life with! Where did you even get this idea?!”
“What do you mean where?” You frown, looking back at him. “Have you not been aware of what’s going on around?!”
“Y/N, I—I get that you’re upset because of what happened. I can only imagine, really, the pain you’re going through. You have no idea how much I wanted to have a family with you too but— but if it’s not meant to be then… then I guess we just have to live with that!”
“That’s easy for you to say, isn’t it?” you hiss. “It’s just so easy for you to simply move on, because all you have to do is look for someone else to do the job!”
“And who told you I wanted to do that?! I never implied, not even once, that I was interested in having another woman just for the sake of having a family! I don’t want to! If it’s not with you, then I don’t want anything!”
“Then I guess you didn’t want it as much as I did.” You murmur, Naoya freezes.
“What’s… that supposed to mean?”
“…Nothing. I’m leaving.” You say, attempting to walk away. But before you were able to do as much as take the first step, Naoya grabs your hand, keeping you in place. “Naoya—”
“No, I can’t let you go. I won’t let you.”
“Let—let me go!” You tug at his arm. “You wouldn’t understand anyways!”
“Then help me understand.” Naoya pleads. “Please—please tell me; I’ll do anything you want, whatever you want, it’s done—but please don’t… don’t leave me.”
This is why you wanted to leave before he came back, because you knew that at the sound of his trembling voice, and the teary-eyed look in his face, you’d succumb.
You’d crumble, wanting nothing more than to stay with him.
Because you wouldn’t take it. You couldn’t take the notion of hurting him even more than you already seemingly done.
… It is also why you took this abrupt decision. Why you needed to leave.
“… I just—I just want to go home.”
“But… you —you are home.” Naoya says, a sad chuckle at the overwhelming pain of you not recognizing his company as home. “He—here, with me.”
“I can’t be here anymore.” You whisper, looking back at him. “I don’t think I—I can take this anymore.”
“Why?” Naoya laments, gently cupping your face and wiping your tears away. “What happened? Did something happen while I was gone?”
Always. The Zen’in could never keep to themselves.
“…I have failed you.” You eventually sob, Naoya taking you into his arms and chest as you let out the sorrows you’ve been dragging along. “As your wife I— I was supposed to give you children, a heir, but I—I couldn’t and that is going to—it’s going to— ruin your life.”
“Ruin my life?” Naoya asks, perplexed. It all becomes clear now, who was responsible of this misunderstanding…
Just what kind of stupidities did his family plague you with?
“If I—I can’t have kids then you—you couldn’t be heir anymore.” You explain. “And I love you too much to do that to you.”
“I wouldn’t be heir—”
Were they truly that desperate that they resorted to doing this?
Intimidating you?
Naoya doesn’t even bother to ask who started this train of thought, knowing all too well where to look.
It probably began with his uncle, the man that never knew how to keep quiet, always commenting in other’s marriage because his was miserable. As if that gave him permission to do so. Always quick to bark first.
From there, the elders. His father too, probably. They probably thought the same as Ogi but kept quiet about it because they had other matters to tend too—or perhaps too drunk to care. But do not be fooled, they were the ones that once suggested him getting a lover, a concubine of sorts, to “secure” the bloodline long ago; way before this issue began. Naoya promptly dismissed them, calling their idea idiotic: but what gave him security that they wouldn’t insist again?
He could see how this happened too, scolded himself for not even considering it before!
Since Naoya was now out of the estate, it gave them the freedom to target the one they considered most vulnerable, and without holding back: you.
If done right, then you would essentially be intimidated into disappearing from their life, giving way for their plans to continue. Or so they hoped.
You were too good for this family, how could he claim to deserve you, when he’s allowed so much pain to befall you?
“If Naoya can’t bring himself to beget a child for his wife, then he might as well pass on the title to someone else.”
None of those words were true, not one bit. But how could he dismiss them if he’s never taken the time to say what he thought of this situation?
Of what he thought of you, and what it means to this marriage?
It was time that he did what he should’ve the moment you stepped out of the doctor’s office.
“I wanted a family with you, I won’t say that I didn’t; that I never found something enthralling about hearing the footsteps of our children running from one side of the estate to the other. To have kids that looked just like you, or maybe like me; though secretly hoped they looked more like you. Ever since I saw you interact with my cousins, that’s all I thought about. You being the mother of my children.” Naoya murmurs, holding you tightly against him. “But… I’ve also accepted that some things are simply not meant to be. And if we are not meant to have a family, as long as I have you by my side, I am fine with it.
As long as we remain together, I will know what happiness is.”
“I—I don’t—” your lips tremble, overwhelmed by Naoya’s, regretful for the way you’ve behaved these past few days. “Naoya, I’m—"
“Whatever they said, it’s a lie. Nothing but things to get under your skin—hurt me.” He insists. “You know how my family is, how stupid they can be—"
“But they—they said things that could be true.” You fret. “If I’m unable to give you a child, then you—you might not be heir anymore—”
“Y/N.” Naoya sternly interjects, cutting through your spiraling mind as he cups your face, forcing you to look at him. “To be an heir is my birthright. It was decided way before you stumbled into my life. So, what happens after shouldn’t worry you.”
“But the Zen’in—”
“Like to antagonize people. Make up things to worry your pretty little mind just for the laughs of it.”
“And what if it is true? What if I do make you lose your title? I know how much you wanted to be leader! If that happens, I—I couldn’t—I couldn’t live with myself!”
“It won’t happen. I promise. I swear.” Naoya insists, kissing your tears away. “But please, please don’t ever think of yourself as expendable or replaceable, because you are not. Not to me.”
“I’m—I’m sorry.” You sob again, pressing your face against his chest. “I’m sorry for disappointing you—I’m sorry for not being able to give you children…!”
“You’ve never disappointed me, never.” He murmurs, kissing the top of your head. “If anything, I’m sorry for disappointing you. I failed to be the husband you needed in these difficult moments. I… let my fear get the best of me, giving you the impression you were less than enough.”
“Are you… are you really ok with not having a family?” you dare to wonder, one last reassurance.
“It just means I’ll have more of you to myself.” He attempts to jest, successfully making you laugh, but not without a sniffle to follow. “…But we could always… adopt if you want.”
“I… I guess I have to think about it.”
“You don’t have to make a decision now.” Naoya says. “Or ever. Just know that whatever you decide, I’ll agree with.”
“…I think I still need some space from here.” You murmur. “And see my family too.”
“You haven’t told your father, have you?” you shake your head, Naoya sighs. “Do you want me to be with you?”
“You already made your most to be here, I don’t want to distract you any further”
“This is a family emergency; I have to be there. What’s the use of being your husband if I won’t act like one?” He insists. “But if you don’t want me there, I won’t insist.”
“I want you to be there.” You confess. “Please”
“Of course, always.” Naoya promises, leaning to softly kiss your lips. “…Does this mean we’re still… together?”
You nod, another tear sliding down your cheek as you hug him tighter. “I can’t imagine my life with anyone else but you either. …I’m sorry.”
“Don’t think about anything anymore; just focus on being with your family. It’s probably the best place for you to be right now.”
“Can you stay over there too? At least until I feel better?” you ask. “I mean, if it doesn’t affect your work.”
“I’ll make all the preparations, don’t worry your pretty little head about it. Do you also need me to send your staff?”
“I wouldn’t mind the company.” You say with a smile, making Naoya’s heart flutter.
“There’s my pretty girl.” He says, pinching your cheek. “I’ll see if I can make time for a holiday too; we could fly somewhere nice, cold to fight this horrible summer heat.”
“I want to take it easy for now.”
“Then that’s what we’ll do.” He nods, kissing your lips once more. “I’ll always be here when you need me. Don’t ever forget that.”
“… I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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Little details to note: Naoya has always struck me as the type of guy that never really wanted a family, he just had no interest! That changes a bit when you come along, but the bottom line is that he isn't actively seeking it. Sure, he likes to play with the idea of breeding you, but you know, he had other priorities. (He loves your kids tho when you eventually have them, do not get me wrong)
And once again, the Zen'in estate is not a good place for you lol. Thankfully, I like to think that changes when Naoya eventually becomes leader :) but most of the time you're living somewhere else—and honestly, he prefers it that way too. More... privacy ☺️
I just really wanted to write an argument between the two were both have their biggest insecurities exposed :) kind of extremist in Y/N's part but can't say I didn't enjoy the angst hehe I hope you enjoyed it too!!
Take care and hope to see you soon!!
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ghostly-wisp · 2 years
i finished this at like 2am after last night's episode so like?? ignore how rushed it might seem i was tired
warnings—mentions of alcohol (reader gets drunk)
[series masterlist ] [chapter 1] [chapter 3]
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A couple of months went by, a lot faster than how Pedro expected it to be. Before he knows it, it's nearly Thanksgiving break. and soon, it's going to be time for winter vacation. By then, the year will already be halfway over.
Thanksgiving break wasn't as big of a deal to students, because the break was shorter. It was just a long weekend, but still–a break is a break nontheless. The worst day was the Monday before, and the Monday after. 
Mondays never used to bother Pedro, frankly, he didn't mind waking up early and driving to work while the sun was still coming out, however, some moving into the apartment complex — the neighbors are less than considerate. They blast their crappy remixed music until ungodly hours of the night, which resulted in him getting a lot less sleep than before, and he couldn't quite enjoy the sun anymore. He wonders if he should've kept the house in the divorce–he paid for it after all. Though he wouldn't feel as happy in it anymore, it wouldn't be home. 
He can't think of the details of his divorce for too long, it'll either make him feel upset or angry. As he's going to work, he can't be either of those things. The students shouldn't see him like that, and some of them are already upset and angry enough for both of them. 
He drives into the staff parking lot at 7:02, which gives him just barely enough time to get into his classroom and prepare for the day ahead. He had a good week before vacation planned, all his students were going to the lab — he finally got the okay to perform the elephant toothpaste experiment — and he was sure that the kids would love an experiment like that. He gets his bag filled with yeast, water, and food coloring – and he's off into the building.
He can tell the staff doesn't want to be here either, their huge coffees and barely awake mumbling. He can only imagine how the students will be. Only four days, then it's a long weekend and Thanksgiving. He's only halfway to his classroom when he notices you're not too far in front of him in the hall, so he calls your name. 
When you turn–you smile at the sight of your friend, honestly, you thought it would've been Jen or someone else you just didn't have the energy to talk to at the moment. "Morning, Pedro." you hum, stopping in your tracks to allow him to catch up. "What's the plan for today?" 
"Elephant toothpaste!" He exclaims, turning the corner to the hallway of both your classrooms. He's already talked your ear off about this experiment – so you didn't need to ask about it again. If there was anything he was more passionate about than teaching, it was science. It's what made him such an effective teacher. "And you?"
"Nothing special. I had a test planned but honestly, I might just put on a movie." giving them a test would be pointless, and probably just piss your students off. He nods as if he heard your thoughts, "That would probably be better." 
You smile, stopping at your door and finding your room's key on the Keychain. "A couple of other teachers and I are going out after school on Thursday, to celebrate the vacation." You tell him, he's standing up against a locker watching you struggle with your keys before finally pushing your classroom door open. "Probably to some bar, you're welcome to join us. If you want." 
It feels nice to be included in work parties like this, to have the chance to interact with people you work with for hours on end five times a week, outside of an environment where you have to watch what you say and force this sort of politeness. However, the age thing made it harder for him.
The age gap doesn't stop him from being friends with the other teachers—the technology teacher just around the corner was fifteen or so years older than Pedro, though he can assure you he won't be at this gathering. He can already imagine the crowd it will likely be, you, Sam, and a bunch of other teachers in their late twenties to early thirties. He would be out of place, too old to be hanging out with the youth. God forbid you wanted to dance — the last time he danced was at his wedding, ten years ago. "I dunno," he says after a few moments of contemplating, playing with the lid of his coffee cup, following "Don't you think – I'll be a little out of place?" He decides to put it lightly, instead of, don't you think I won't fit in because I'm old?
"Don't be ridiculous," you dismiss, waving your hand as you put your coat and bag in the closet behind your desk. "You realize, half the staff loves you, right? Think you're the coolest guy they've met." and some other things you promised not to say. 
"And the other half?" 
"They don't know you." 
Thursday came quicker than Pedro expected, though he should've known given it was just a four-day week, and there wasn't any productive work happening in his classroom.
He didn't give it much thought until you popped your head into his room once all the children left the school for the weekend. "Did you make up your mind?" you ask, his attention shifts to you, he can't help but notice the new way you had styled your hair today, and he made a mental note to say something about it.  
"Are you sure I won't be too old for you youths?" He asks playfully, "I don't want to drag the rest of you down." To this response, you roll your eyes. "Pedro Pascal." You huff, stepping completely into his classroom. "Enough with this age nonsense, I bet you can still bust some moves. Have fun tonight." 
"Fine, I'll go." He can't seem to find a way to say no to you, part of him thinks he doesn't entirely want to, it's been so long since he went out with friends and relaxed like this, perhaps it was the night of his graduation night when he went to the bar last. That feels like centuries ago now. "You don't mind if I leave at seven? I have to be in bed by eight." 
"Oh, shut up! you're not that old!" 
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He's back in his apartment, looking frantically for any clothes to wear that weren't too business casual, this was a bar after all — he wasn't going to show up in one of his silly ties. It seemed though that everything he tried on wasn't right. As the clock got closer to the time you told him to meet everyone else, he grew impatient, throwing on black pants and a long black long-sleeved shirt, and he was on his way.
He pulls into the parking lot to see a good number of cars, but none of them look familiar to him–he was nervous that he was in the wrong place, and he's about to check his phone to reread your text before he sees you getting out of your car. He assumes you saw him when you start heading over to him. He turns the engine, slips out of his truck, and locks the door.
"Wow, wow, Mr. Pascal–don't you clean up nicely," you comment, making him re-check what he's wearing as if he forgot. "Thank you, Ms. L/N. You don't look too bad yourself." You only beam, before turning heel to head towards the bar. "Come on, old man. Times tickin' before your bedtime, and we're not spending it outside in the parking lot!"
Pedro's not fully sure what he was expecting, but it wasn't this.
He wasn't completely wrong in the sense of who came — it was more people around your age interested in the dance floor playing Lady Gaga – not that she's not amazing, that woman is a God – however, it just wasn't his groove tonight. He notices Sam is very into it, they're dancing to whatever song comes on and living in the moment. Pedro is envious for a moment, he watches everyone on the dance floor for a moment, thankfully, when you slide into the chair beside him, martini in hand, and distract him from his co-workers' choreography to Bad Romance. You've got a buzz going, not that he can blame you. If he had a designated driver, he would've been drinking a little more himself.
"Pedro," you start, there's a pause before you continue. "You gotta dance—have fun with us! you look awfully lonely sittin' here by yourself with a, what are you drinking?"
"Jack Daniels," He says, "Jack Daniels!" you exclaim.
"'m not lonely." He assures, sometimes he liked the solitude. While he did come here for a social outing, sometimes he liked to be left alone in places like this. "You should go back out there! Join your friends on the dance floor!" to his suggestion, you shake your head. Even with alcohol in your system, you're just as stubborn as when you're sober. "Not without you, no!"
"Can I ask you something?" If you were sober, he would've said something stupid like you already did. Though he figures that while you're in your current state, squinting your eyes at him, perhaps now wasn't the time to use such stale humor. "Shoot,"
"Why did you get a divorce?"
For some reason he wasn't expecting that, not from you at least—maybe Sam, or Jenny, or one of the other teachers whose first names he can never remember. He can tell you're curious, eyebrows raised and your drink is pulled closer to you, his face suddenly feels hot, and he's blushing. He can't quite figure out why, is he embarrassed?
Divorce isn't something to be embarrassed about, it happens to more people than you might think. Yeah, he's forty-seven years old and that's a little later than when most people get divorced, but it's not like it's completely unheard of. He's not Ross Geller from the show friends, it's not like this is his second or third divorce. Still, the word haunts him and follows him around as this sort of shame, this dirty word. He feels like he's judged by teachers and students. Mr. Pascal moved here because he got divorced. That his friends walk on eggshells around him, Pedro hasn't been the same since his divorce. "She cheated on me," he replies, deciding on telling the truth about it. It's the best way to face it, his life fell to shambles because his wife — the woman who he promised to love through sickness and health — decided to find comfort in the arms of another, he can't sleep as well as he used to because he moved out of his home where he had caught them, he couldn't stay there because of the reminders in each hallway what used to be.
He's caught off guard when you make a "tsk" sound, "I can't believe that," you say, "Who can cheat on you? I mean you're sweet, you're funny, and attractive, any woman would be lucky to have you!" While touched by your words that he assumes is meant to be a ego boost, he knows that he didn't give you the entire story.
"I was kind of being a shitty husband, I was drowning myself in work all the time, n' when I wasn't working, I wasn't giving her an equal amount of my time either. She found someone who would, I can't blame her for that." You wave your hand as if that part doesn't matter. "Whatever, I still can't believe someone would cheat on you. I mean, you're a heartthrob, who could let that go?" He knows you don't mean it — if you do, you're too drunk to be willingly saying it. Not to him at least, he underestimated your buzz.
"Who's your driver for tonight?" he asks, choosing not to comment on what you said to save you any embarrassment in case you wake up tomorrow and remember this. "Sam," you say, looking at the dance floor to point to them as if Pedro hadn't ever met them before. When you go to do that, you discover that they're gone. Apparently, they left. Leaving you abandoned, because well, Pedro sure as hell was not going to allow you to drive home. He pays for his drinks, and offers his arm out to you, which you not-so-gracefully stumble into. "Where we goin', Mr. Pascal?" you ask while he guides you to the doors of the bar. You're leaning into his chest, he's a lot leaner than you thought, and he smells vaguely of vanilla. "I'm taking you to my house," he sighs, patting his pockets until he finds his keys, unlocking the car to help you in.
He sighs once he's finally got you into the car, he's thankful that he went because god knows where you could've been by now, and he doesn't want anything happening to you—he's also thankful because he has material to tease you about once you're well enough to understand.
I'm a heartthrob. He thinks, smirking wide as he gets into the driver's seat.
@djarinsstuff @doodlebob-mp3 @wanniiieeee @zeyzeys-stuff @jay1bird23 @corpsebridenightamare @queerponcho
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aroseformyself · 1 year
MC meets Rook for the first time and the two just click, Rook even calls them his soulmate. As charged and romantic as their first meeting was MC requests that they take things slow and get to know one another rather than jumping into a relationship. Rook agrees to their terms and the two part for their respective dorms.
Unfortunately the two are left with a little problem: unbridled horniness. The cold shower isn't doing Rook any favors and he ends up moaning MC's name in the pillow, humping the mattress desperate to get himself off. Poor MC is in a similar predicament and is thankful that they were the sole human resident of Ramshackle. (AFAB reader please)
im a slave 4 you
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rook steps into his cold shower, his breath hitching as the cold water envelops his entire body.
his tense shoulders slowly relaxing unfer the pressure of the water hitting his back.
his closed eyes shutting tightly as he imagines. he only had the chance to meet you once. but something about you was addicting.
perhaps the way you would push your hair back to keep it from falling in front of your eyes as you look at something. or the way you feel compelled to nod along as someones talking, it’s so adorable. you really think you look interested?
rook can tell, it’s all one big phony attitude. he could watch you moaning into your pillow forever. but alas, you made a request.
you shift under his gaze, his almost-robotic smile throwing you off. your hands tighten around his mouth, keeping him from coming any closer. you can feel his grip falter for a second on your body. his tilted head signals he’s confused.
you clicked so perfectly at the start, he was way to confused as to why you would block his kiss. he promised it would be nothing else. 
even if it meant he would have to go home and jack off, just for you since it made you so uncomfortable.
you shake your head, your face heating up, “uhm i mean i want to take it slow.” ohhh~ how adorable of you. you want to take things slow with him? even though he wanted to go faster than you, relationships are all about compromises to fit both persons needs.
if you wish, things can be taken slow. rook is in no rush to get to fourth base in such a hurry. however…
it would help his new predicament.
rook hunt. the person not faltered by anything, has crumbled behind the walls of his room.
desperately rubbing himself upon his pillow while wearing an oversized shirt you barely wore.
he convinced himself you wouldnt miss it if he took it, you’ve never mentioned liking it or anything like that. and besides what kind of favorite shirt is thrown into a pile at the back of your closet?
he fastens his thrusts and chases his high, moving the shirt down and cumming all over it.
rook sighs as he pants, calming himself down, off to clean off his seed with a towel. the shower won’t do him any good anyways.
rook could have never imagined—
—that you were just as bad as him.
you lie on your bed, moving your fingers in and out as quick as you can while shoving your face into your pillow and imagining it’s rook.
you think of him, his arms that weren’t particulsrly muscular but strong nontheless. the same that hugged you  tightly, while his warm lips kissed your face all over and left kiss marks on your face. the same that you felt even after he stopped, a faint warmth in the areas he kissed. his lip gloss leaving sparkles on your face. you couldn’t help but smile dumbly as he did so.
you feel a band in your lower stomach form, and as the time passes it tighten, finally snapping as your eyes tears up.
“r-rook..” you mumble, your fluids coat your own fingers and you pant, face in your pillow as you attempt to sit up. 
your let out a breathy sigh, thinking about how rook would go about this.
you bring your covered fingers up to your face, “he’s a freak so he would probably lick it off?” you question to yourself.
you bring your finger to your mouth before coutning to three, taking your fingers into your mouth.
your face scrunches up, you’ve never thought to do this before, “sour.” you say, but drink all of it.
you lay your head back down.
you could have never imagined, you were just as bad as him.
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justatypicalwizard · 1 year
Have a brainrot goin' around my head.
Fluff to angst to fluff.
Warnings: mention of self hate
Sanemi with a reader who is from the present. You were sucked up to their era with the only thing in your hands- your phone.
The battery somehow isn't dying so you can use the device all you want. It doesn't have internet or GPS connection obviously. Nontheless, the rest is fine.
You have to ask the Hashira kindly not to slash through your phone when it iluminates or starts to speak/play music. You also have to tell them, explain very very carefuly that the thing is not alive.
Sanemi is unimpressed when he sees the small thing. He has no clue how it works but his mind is not capable of imagining just how many things it can do.
When you show them how you swipe on the screen with your finger they are amazed, silent and some of them trembling to see what it can do.
You on the other hand don’t know what to start with, how to explain.
When you decide to show them the camera they all squeeze together like you asked them. You want to get the Hashira to fit in one picture.
"That me?" Sanemi's voice is quiet when he sees his face and exposed chest on the photo. He's in the back with a focused expression.
"You want another one?" Your voice is slightly teasing which makes him anoyed, suddenly he feels small and stupid. He just doesn't know why.
"Mhm." The man mumbles not shifting an inch when you tiptoe a bit to the back.
"Your face is the same." You laugh showing him the new photo and the previous one.
"You keep them?" He asks. He thought they dissapeared as soon as you stop playing with them.
"Yeah, as long as this thing is working." You point to the phone. "Your photo will be here."
Sanemi suddenly feels a tad shy. You would have his image so close to you? Is it like keeping a painting, like the one you get when you're about to marry someone. But these paintings lie. This thing is 100% exact. He's there, in that box and he doesn't know how to feel about it.
"What else can it do?" He shouldn’t be interested. This is some child's play and he shouldn’t be bothered. But it does spark something in him when he sees you manage the thing, you’re so good at it, so precise and swift.
Sanemi doesn't like that feeling. He knows that the thing in your hand is useless, he has to be right. No matter how fancy it looks like and how many magical things it can do, in the end it's like a doll, it's a toy. Meaningless, he's sure.
"Um, you can write in it. If I'd have internet... eh, there is a way that you can write to other people that also have phones. I can't do it now but in my times i could and did. Look." You open your chat app, it doesn't work but you open a random conversation and start to type. The message never got delivered but the text is there.
Sanemi grips the fabric of his pants. He can't write. He doesn't even know what's written there because you use some weird signs that he has never seen before. Fuck it. He won't tell you, not like you realised.
Then you showed him the calculator. You figured you could show that your device is multitasking using things they will understand like reading, writing and calculating.
Suddenly, your braty face and sheepish eyes morphed in Sanemi's mind. When you looked at him the man felt scrutinised. Writing was getting more popular amongst people but calculating was a skill reserved for the great minds, especially these unearthly looking signs and long lines of symbols.
You could do it. You talked about it as if it was nothing, just an everyday thing.
Sanemi looked past you, he felt an invisible weight rest on his shoulders. Like someone big grabbed his body from behind, whispering to his ear that he'll never know anything, that he's limited and closed minded. Just look how stupid he is.
When the man traced his gaze back to you he felt... respect.
You did tell them that your world was vastly different but he underestimated you, laughed at you, minimised you. Now it's him who feels small and idiotic. You mentioned these were the most basic things your small decice could do. He didn't even want to hear about the advanced stuff, he's too embarassed of the thought he wouldn't understand them.
Sanemi's big arms and world-saving tights felt useless compared to your mind. You were intelligent. What could you do to him, bring out of him, threaten him with, see through him? Sanemi felt the hair on his neck stand, goosebumps flashing through his hands when he spiralled into these thoughts.
What would win? His strength or your mind? He wanted to try it, to hurt you just to het stabbed back at. Stabbed in a place where noone previously reached. He wanted to get torn down and forcefully broken up into parts. He wanted you to figure him out so that he would be safe in his conviction that he never opened up for anyone. You just simply let yourself in forcefuly.
Tell me everything is going to be alright without speaking. Know when I need you without me asking. Understand me not needing me to spill all my bitter life before you. Hold onto me because you know I'm capable. Trust me because you know I'm worthy. Take me as I am. Love me.
It will be a game of ups and downs with him. Surprisingly Sanemi is a man who knows respect. He doesn't have it for many people but you, you've earned it. He's madly in love with your sharp, compared to his, mind. One look and he knows you know. Nothing to hide from you, even if he wants. Sanemi is a person who lived through a lot, that's why he finds himself in tough love, seeking forcefulness, sometimes even saddness in order to fill up his heart with any type of strong emotion.
Instead of feeling suffocated like he anticipated he feels embraced by you. You don’t tear through his walls like he wanted. You maneuver around him, like a warm spring breeze, filling him up to the brim with love and understanding. You're slow and respectful, delicate and pure to the point of making him scream and punch the training dummies. He wants to throw you away, run from you, hurt you so that you hurt him. Instead he feels caressed and understanded, soothed and loved. He doesn't want this because he doesn't deserve this. He can't forget what he did and what he will do but you make him, when you hold him in your arms he feels as if he could nearly let go of his weights.
It will take a lot of sleepless nights, slow rocking, sweet kisses, caressing his messy head and long, exhausting conversations to make im accept the fact that he is, in fact, loved.
Ok, this escalated quickly but these where the type of emotions I thought he would develop.
See you some other time.
-I need to think about a short name from my username but the only thing that comes to my mind in trash. Please don't call me that, I'll think about something.
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yuwumeniji · 2 years
Hello there! My request has a bit of angst, but I was wondering what your take would be on when reader-Chan and their Luxiem guy are like after a fight? Like how would they make up? Thanks if you decide to write this!
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Luxiem & Fights
WARNING: Please remember that I am writing about Luxiem based on their characters online and not of the people behind their vtuber avatars, thank you!
EXTRA NOTES: thank you for the request!!!
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my comedic attempt at angst lmao
actually this genuinely might be more comedic than angsty because i can't write for my life lmao
proofreader? i hardly even know er
⊰᯽⊱┈───── ✧ ─────┈⊰᯽⊱
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either the pettiest bitch alive or someone who easily forgives and forgets
if he's being petty, it's probably over something mundane like eating his leftovers or a simple argument like is water wet?
outside of that, ike seems to be the kind of guy who easily forgives most because he thinks there may be good intentions behind an action even if it was expressed poorly
if an argument was HIS fault; ike is the kind to take his time in apologizing
he doesn't want to seem insincere when apologizing too quickly, but he also doesn't want to give off the impression that he didn't learn from his mistakes and recognize what he did wrong
he goes out of his way to write an actual apology and give it to you as a letter though
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mission impossible - it's difficult to get into any kind of argument with luca because of his easy-going nature
like i genuinely can't think of a scenario where luca would purposefully be petty and argue over something except for silly internet kind of arguments
if you seem upset over something he's said or done, he's the type to sincerely apologize as soon as possible
he'll prolly drag you out to someplace nice, do things for you, etc. to cheer you up - he'd rather see you smile more than anything else
oh but that's for personal relations, if we're talking about his whole mafia boss thing... well.... he's ruthless
no apologies, in fact, would anyone make it out alive from an argument from the boss?
i'll leave that up to your imagination
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ok no, he's THE pettiest in luxiem
he is out here fighting tooth and nail in any kind of argument unless there is solid evidence of said topic - with photos, sound recordings,etc.
if he's wrong, he'll take it like a champ and say he's wrong (but he'll be sulky about it.. just a little)
he's great with apologies too, a little slow with them, but great nontheless
the way he apologizes is just to sit you down and profusely apologize to you
that's it lmao
OR he's the type to move on quickly from an argument (i mean just like my asian parents /slapped)
he won't bring up the argument up again, but he will cry if it was brought up again
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the most difficult to get into a legitimate argument with because he's the most logical one here
this is going two ways - either he's actually correct or this is the most gaslight,gatekeep,girlboss of him ever
when it comes to arguments, shu often gets into mundane arguments that are absolute nonsensical because he tries to reason them out with logic, but other than that he refrains from getting involved with serious matters (unless need be)
when it comes to apologies, shu sends a funny meme and hopes that it brings a smile to your face - he's not that great with words, so to compensate, he'll try his best to make you smile
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I think he would be a big baby over most kinds of argument, especially afterwards
he's a little scary when it comes to arguments (i mean he is a demon after all) and he does raise his voice
but afterwards, no matter what, he'll crawl back to you and apologize profusely to you for raising his voice and for the things he's said
he's in tears man
if it is for serious matters, of course his sincerity can be most felt through just sitting down and chatting about where both parties are wrong, where he was wrong and how to fix these mistakes
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coarsely · 9 months
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(art; x x)
Anti-Chronicles; a WIP introduction
Set between the warring states of Bronze Eden and Nod, Anti-Chronicles is a non-linear, non-chronological anthology of stories taking place in these respective lands, aiming to explore the culture, history, politics and society and how they have changed over the years. Bronze Eden is a heavily controlled theocratic state filled with forced surveillance and religious fervour, led by the Potentate Dynasty who have been ruling Eden for millennia. Nod is the neighbouring anarchist state, post-apocalyptic and is completely free of any organised government or laws, dealing with the fallout of a nuclear weapon that distorted local time and space dropped on them by Bronze Eden.
STATUS; 1st draft, lore-building.
P.O.V.; 3rd person limited, with occasional chapter-specific exceptions.
Steampunk fiction
Post-apocalyptic science fiction
Religion as a tool of survellience and power
The politics of monarchies vs anarchism
War's impact on citizens
Nuclear post-apocalypse
Human connection in spite of hardship, violence, and colonialism
Swearing and derogatory language
Religion and religious trauma, specifically Catholic based
Disordered eating
Child abuse
Cultural homophobia, misogyny, racism, etc
Potentially more which will be outlined when relevant.
Love, Death + Robots
I, Robot by Issac Asimov
Æon Flux
Dishonored (video game series)
Bayonetta (video game series)
The Real and the Unreal by Ursula Le Guin
by nature of being non-chronological and non-linear, we have a lot of characters! some are kept to their own corner of the world, others move around. here is a short list of the more familiar faces, but there are many more you'll meet as we develop. To meet the entire cast, please refer to this post!
The Potentate Dynasty, the rulers of Bronze Eden who are said to be descended from the Empyrean Itself. Currently ruled by the aged Potentate Magnus, who has fathered six children during his reign. Living in the floating palace in the center of Bronze Eden, they keep to themselves, but their power is absolute.
The Imperators are the divine soldiers of Bronze Eden, also with a link to the Empyrean who are trained from a young age to be the protectors of the Temple and of the Potenates and priests who live within.
Sal Soloman and Ed Edwards are two scientists in Bronze Eden, who's meeting and relationship is both legendary and tragic.
Nod's warriors are disorganised and many, but by far the most prolific is Ucalegon, a native of Old Rhapsody. She works with her own agenda in mind, but nontheless has Nod's best interests in mind... for the most part.
Lady Jezebel is a radio presenter, activist and DJ who's voice has become synonymous with the Land of Nod. She is a pillar of Nod culture and beliefs, hugely influential though nobody knows her face or who she is outside of her radio work. If you want to know of the latest news or listen to the blossoming music scene, her radio is who you tune in to.
Vítor Cadogan is a resident of Golden Glimpse, one of the cities in Nod. Known for running a youth center, he was once a vigilante detective who sought to fight the crime that grew in the golden city's underbelly. He's had a change of heart and has dedicated the remainder of his life to supporting the youths of Golden Glimpse, but many hold his crimefighting past against him.
Other names you'll want to remember are Saccade, Helene, Ive, Cerebellum, Hendrix, the Praeceptor family, and Niles Clarke.
Please feel free to ask in the replies, my inbox or my dm's if you would like to be added to the tag list. This means being tagged in snippets, character profiles, lore dumps and graphics, and anything else related in a major way! I will not tag you in ask games, picrew chains and the like, as I wouldn't consider these notable to the actual tangible lore. You can ask to be removed at any time.
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fleshhhteeth · 1 year
Habit bites you say? 👀👀
Could I get
some headcanons going more into detail about that?
I don’t think it’s any hot tea to say that the community thinks Habit would be big into biting, leaving scratches, knifeplay, etc he be that kinda demon <3 and the kinda sub masochist that might be down to try that? I be that kinda person
Also you’re a really good writer! c:
Yes, yes you can :} (also thank u!!! got me kickin my feet in the air n shit heehee)
Suggestive / nsfw under the cut! Minors dni
HABIT biting / knifeplay headcanons (tw for mentions of slight gore)
He'll bite you for a whole slew of reasons, not just horny shit. Piss him off and he's getting in your face? Gnashing teeth. He wants to piss *you* off? Biting you while you're in the middle of something. Just minding your own damn business? You're never safe bitch.
It only gets worse if he's turned on tbh, but I DO have a bit of a hot take. Of course he loves digging his teeth in, leaving frighteningly severe marks all over you, and the rush he gets in licking up the pooling blood- But its not a one way street.
I think, under the (rather unlikely) circumstances that he's genuinely into you? He'd want you to reciprocate in the whole "literally ripping each other apart in every way imaginable" thing.
You're clearly weaker than him, and couldn't make a dent in him if you tried? He'd get off on just watching you try. Its cute, to him. Bonus points if you REALLY get into it. He appreciates the effort and gusto.
You actually stand a chance in getting him to hurt? Go fucking nuts, he'll let you. Yank his hair, step on his throat, choke him out, rip chunks out of him with your teeth, its all on the table. Being practically invincible, and having everyone else cower in fear around you gets really boring when you've lived that way for your entire existence. If you can physically manage to overpower him? He'll let you. (good fucking luck though asdfhksdfg)
On the same note, knives. Hoo boy.
I don't think he'd have the patience to like, trace up your body with the tip of his knife, or carve words into your skin or anything, but he would definitely get creative with it nontheless. Y'know how some people will do the whole "count while I spank you" thing? That, but with knife wounds. Sitting on his lap and everything.
And of course, he'd love holding that shit up to your neck as he pounds into you- genuinely coming close to cutting into the skin, pressing dangerously harder with every breath you take in. Who needs choking when he can have you desperately holding your breath all on your own?
On the flip side, he would definitely be into you teasing him with one of his own knives. Run it feather light up his abdomen, his chest, up to his throat, all he wants is for you to drive it down into him, and give him that weirdly euphoric release of agony. The anticipation is nice, but he'll never admit that out loud.
He wants that shit to hurt- like blinding pain. It sort of registers in his head like an orgasm would, since he doesn't exactly experience that level of pain very often.
HUGE bonus points if you actually have him vulnerable during it. (tied up, overpowered, ect.)
Tldr: this man is obsessed with pain. In any way, any method, any form, all of it. Doesn't even matter who's on what end.
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queen-of-scissors · 2 years
@bk-4-trash-fire gave me an idea, i was thinking about writing the cult of the lamb au but...
What about Undertale?
İf you dont know or didnt pay attention to it, the player is known as the "anomaly". So naturally they won't realise you as their creator (unless its a character who knows that their world is a game COUGHCOUGHgasterCOUGHCOUGH)
Now lets all take a second to realise that... Genocide route is a thing.
How would characters react if they saw the worse of you? And your powers?
Story under the cut!
Featuring: Venti (other characters coming soon)
A celebration was happening on all across tevat.
For you.
You created them. Gave them life, loved them and even made them stronger than they could ever imagine, and all it took was to pray to you.
You could just leave it at there, you could just see Tevat as a game and nothing more, they would be happy with just being your puppet, yet you gave them more than that.
You visited them, just to meet them and love them personally. You could do that to any other world but you choose to stay with them.
They could do any celebration to you everyday, but this wasnt the reason for their happiness today.
You chose some of your acolytes for them to visit some of the other worlds you created.
The others were jealous. What did THEY do to deserve it that they didn't do?
But they were happy nontheless, they get to be closer to you by knowing your worlds. No one in other worlds didnt get a chance like THAT before!!
Not knowing that they simply asked. And you were like "sure why not?"
He stared at you dreamily as you (attempted) to play an ensturment that you never played before.
Angel's share was loud as usual. That's spesificly because you were wearing a disguise, so no one would think they are disturbing their god and try to keep it down. Only Diluc, who is working today to keep an extra eye on you as the bard and you sat and drink the night away knew who you realy were.
The insturment was given to you by another bard, you seemed like a friendly face so they knew they could trust you with an insturment while they use the restroom. Even said "feel free to try playing it! Who knows maybe you will like it?"
Your brows were furrowed and your head was tilted to the side as you are trying to find the correct note for the song. Everytime you find one your eyes go wide, shining, then you try the next note.
His toughts were cut short as you raise your head, "i think i did it! İt took a while but i finaly did it!"
"Congratulations! İ knew you could! What is the song about?"
"There was this one... World... İ visited it as a relaxation. And the moment i heard of this soundtra- uhh song, i fell in love with it!"
"Ah, İ know the feeling of falling in love with a song! Didn't know you were romantic like that~" he teased.
"Haha, well there is alot that you don't know about me yet"
"İ want to know! Can you tell me more about it?'
"Hmm... How about... We go there together?"
"!!!" He almost fell from his chair, Diluc looked at you in disbelief "your highness, are you sure that you want to go with... Him?"
"H-hey now what does that supposed to mean!"
"İ simply think they might rather go with someone who is more respectful towards them and their world."
"Well jokes on you!" He got up from his chair and hold your hand "they choose me! That means im respectful enough!"
He turned back to Diluc, grinning "and maybe they preffer someone thats not emotionless all the time?"
And before Diluc or you can say anything, he drags you away from the Angel's share.
"Lets go now!"
"The world you were talking about silly! Where else?"
"Now? İ mean we could but, maybe we should let others know since-"
"But you are free today, and who knows when we will be able to spend time like this again?"
You tought about it for a second. He is right, you don't know when you will be free from your duties again, especially with him? This might be a fun opportunity to have fun!
But the world he was talking about was...
He slowly let go of your hand "uhh, but if you don't want to, thats fine! We can do something else!"
"İ was just thinking, its been a while since i visited that world, i never personally visited it either."
You crossed your arms "im not sure what i did in that world last time. So it might not be what you think."
"Thats fine! İ always wanted to travel anyway" he beamed. "Hehehe, imagine Morax's face when he asks where we were!" You also laugh. Maybe this will turn out fun!
Short, yellow flowers that grew on the bottom of the pit is the first think both of you saw as your visions slowly get used to the dark.
İt was quiet, the air was suprisingly clear for a cave under the ground. You saw Venti, who is trying to commit everything to his memory, he leans down to touch the flowers, they were soft, and smells like sweetflowers in Tevat.
"Shall we?" You said, pointing at the dark corridor.
He gets up and was on your side in an instant.
"Lets go!"
After both of you go through the gate you realise two things.
One, flowey was nowhere to be seen. And two,
"İts *cough* realy hard to breath in here!" Venti said "is it because we are underground?"
You stoped breathing for a moment as the realisation sinks in.
"Lets head back" you said, half panicking.
"What? Why? We just came here?"
You never tought about it. İf genshin was a real world, then so is undertale. And in this world you...
"İts empty, l-lets come back another time!
You imprisoned them in this hell and tortured them, over and over again. Just for your entertainment.
"Theres nothing to see here, would you like to go to anywhere else? Theres a world about music?"
"Woah, whats gotten into you? You seem upset, Are you ok?"
You started to panic, you killed those monsters. They didn't do anything but be nice to you and you killed them.
You learned that the games you downloaded were real when you got isekaid into genshin. You never tought about the other worlds and what you might caused to others.
What if he learned that? The god of freedom seeing what you had done to the monsters here, would he think of you as the monster?
Would he hate you?
"Hey, don't be upset! We can leave! We don't have to stay!"
"Y-yeah lets leave-"
Theres a sudden noise coming from across the Hall.
"Hey! What are you! Are you humans?!" You saw froggit with an armour, from asgore's castle.
"A talking frog?" He looked down.
"You are under arrest! As a member of the Royal guards, i won't let the underground go through another horrible dissaster!"
"Hey now, Don't you realise who are you talking with-"
But before he could say it, the fight menu is opened. Everything went black. And your souls have
You peaked at your LV, 90. Just as you feared it would be.
Venti brings his weapon out, waiting for your order. You mentioned him to put it away, and clicked on the MERCY menu. You intent to run away. You dont want to remember it, you don't want to kill anyone again.
Of course, being LV 90, you dont have the option to run away anymore. You desperatly pressed ACT instead, and chose the friendliest option that might get both of you out of here.
You told FROGGİT "We don't want to fight. We are just kids that need help"
FROGGİT didn't understand what you said but pitied you anyway.
"Are those white bugs-"
"Get down!!"
You try to drag him away from the attacks, having memorised all of them, but it was harder in Real life and with an unexperianced person with you.
When you failed to dodge on of the attacks and it hit Venti in the arm. His pained voice makes you panic even more.
İt was even harder to concentrate this time, what will happen if you get caught? Will they bring you to...
Suddenly your toughts were stoped byba sudden pain on your side.
Once the attacks came to an end, he checked you for injuries, ignoring his, only to realise you aren't phisicaly hurt.
You check back to the game window.
FROGGİT seems like it doesn't want to fight you anymore.
You never clicked MERCY that fast in your entire gaming life in undertale.
Froggit looked at you, "you are right, even though a human did that to us, not all humans could be as bad as them!" He turned back and walked towards the ruins. "Come, i will guide you to a safe area."
...not all humans could be as bad as them...
"What was that about?! Are you ok??"
"İm fine Venti. Here, eat this."
"What is this?"
"Just candy"
"Dear, as much as i love candies and want to experiance the world, are you sure its the time..?"
"We don't need Medical attention in this world. Eating is enough."
"Are you sure?"
"İm sorry who created this world here?"
"Oh, hehe, right!"
You both eat in silence. Slowly getting used to the dust in the air made your skin crawl, as if you accept everything you have done. You want to leave, and delete this game for good. But that would mean killing them once again.
"İm sorry" he broke the silence "you didn't want to be here but i forced you to."
"İt's not your fault."
He smiled sadly "You don't have to lie to make me feel better, your highness."
"No, realy, its not your fault. İ...."
The silence grew once again. What could you even say? You know he also killed people but yours was diffrent, more horrifying. Even if he didn't hate you, his wiews of you would change forever.
"Also why didn't you let me kill it?" He asked.
"What?! Why would you?'
"İt attacked us! İt attacked YOU!"
"İ know but its just a frog"
"İt was a monster, not a normal frog!"
You looked at him "so thats how you can easily harm a hilichurl, because they are monsters?'
"...This is not our topic."
"... You are right." Why are you saying this? This is exactly what you did in this world "im sorry.."
"Are you realy ok?"
Well, there was no point in denying. "...no im not"
"Do you want to talk about it?"
You hear froggit hop through again "whats taking you so long? Lets go it isn't safe!"
"We will stay here." Venti said, still on his guard.
"Look, i know you guys are humans and never saw monsters and all, but we will be the least of your worries if you meet them."
"Who is that human anyway?"
You shiver.
"There has been another human that fell down here, not so long ago. İ didnt get to meet them but i Heard that they have a scary aura around them. Some monsters say that they smell like... Dust..."
"Humans and monsters are diffrent, humans stay the same when they die but for monsters, we turn to dust."
"...is this why its... Hard to breath?"
"Yeah but thats not the scariest of them all! Wanna hear a story?"
"No we don't." You said harshly, but it didn't come out as intimidating as you hoped it would.
"Of course you do :D" froggit sais
"Everyone who fought them died exept for one person!"
Oh no you didn't beat sans yet...
"And they even said that human has SOOO much determination, that they get reborn when they die!"
"Gets reborn... After they die?"
İt was one of your powers.
İt won't take long untill he puts two and two together. You need to shut it up NOW.
your words didn't frighten froggit before, but your stare certainly has.
"Uhhhh anyway, you guys come with me when you are ready!" And with that froggit flees.
"...your Grace?"
"Was that human... Your vessel?"
".....They are."
"Oh. Thats why you..."
"Can we go now please?"
He can tell that you don't want to talk about it, especially now. So he just followed you, without a word.
You are greeted by the sound of busy Mondstadt streets. İt was a beautifull day today. Perfect weather for a nice walk, but after THAT encounter, you couldn't bring yourself to even move from where you arrived.
"..such a nice weather! Would you like to join me for a walk?" Venti asked hesitantly. "İf... You want to talk about it, ill listen."
"....you know you don't owe me anything, just because i created this..."
"..game?" He added, smiling. "İ know. İm not doing it because i owe you."
"But after what you heard, why would you.."
"Lets go! We can talk about it when no one hears us."
"Where are we going?"
"İ too have my regrets you know. İts impossible to live a life without having those. So of all people, i know that this doesn't make you a bad person.
İ am reminded of my past mistakes everytime i go to windrise, so.. why not talk about it there?"
yeah im deffinetly doing other characters. But ima start with my favorites
Also i have other stories that im working on and they're on the way!
Hope you like it
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lesboygamzee · 1 year
beta troll headcanons but i have headcanons on how alternian gender works ( its not that complex dw )
aradia - fully agender . seperate from everything . didnt really care until it godtiered and then was like ohhh i dont have to do anything anymore im free now ok ^_^ and was pretty chill with it forever tavros - Fairy Girl and transfem . i imagine that Fairy Genders are like completely caste nonconforming I HAVE LORE I HAVE LORE LISTEN TO ME NOW BOY anyway . has known for like .. Awhile but shes in proximity to vriska and vriska is like your average reddit transfem and tavros is like ok maybe i should just repress this and pretend its not something i think and dream about extensively . and it works for awhile and then she lives as a girl on her own on earth c but it still takes forever for her to actually Come Out but it happens .. eventually ... ok im getting sad my girl has problems SHES ALSO BUTCH sollux - gold bigender what the fuck else . very repressed transfem who fits all the gamer trasnfem stereotypes hes kind of real . again Very Repressed and like halfway an egg halfway Aware ( haha duality ) . starts being herself after prolongued proximity to godtier aradia she stole its fucking girl ness #thetransagenda . doesnt really like the association he has with her caste but accepts it as part of his identity nontheless karkat - agender cis guy no assigned caste but identifies with his assigned gender on the technical level . he has a weird relationship with it but like its chill overall nepeta - olive trans guy . nondysphoric and is fine being a girl but one day he was like hey somethings off and he ripped his tits clean off and started living as a he and went about his life as normal <- joke but probably not far off . i dont think he was unhappy as a girl hes just chill with whatever feels right in the moment i think and right now its Boy kanaya - jade trans girl but in a gnc way because female jadebloods are meant to be very cold i think people forget that but kanaya genuinely cares about motherhood and wants to nurture the matriorb because she cares about the next generation of her race and like thats a significant part of her character guys you know that right . i think her both being badass AND having a desire for motherhood is good writing actually guys .g . anyway . has known since she was very young and would be relatively normal about it if it wasnt for her Proximity To Vriska ( see Reddit Transfem ) terezi - teal trans guy whos also nonbinary whos also a dyke . ill be honest i dont have anything super in depth for this one sorry terezi fans vriska - cerulean trans girl . i think nows the time to clarify what i mean by reddit transfem umm . she will not shut the fuck up about how horrible and mannish she looks and acts forever and like its not her fault she feels like this but shes saying this in direct proximity of other transfems namely kanaya and tavros . i also think shes a transmed . umm has known from a young age but only becomes fully comfortable in her identity like .. a loooong time from canon equius - indigo transfem . i dont have a lot of thoughts on this but i think shes very repressed for a long time but Nepeta Proximity helps her a little . doesnt really transition shes just A Girl Now gamzee - Dyke . incredibly strange relationship with everything but like .. i think hes identifying as a trans guy at 13 if only because he thinks its the easiest to explain i dont think hed care . Until It Does . has a crisis about it for exactly a week before getting normal . hard to explain more for multiple reasons rips arm off eridan - violet cis guy but like theres gender fuckery going on . thought he was transfem for awhile and went on e and was like this is awesome but i think im a guy still . does drag as a fuschia woman feferi - fuschia multigender . another one that is hard to explain sigh but i think hes an egg at 13 but he doesnt have a whole thing about it hes like oh im more than just Girl cool ^_^
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
I would love some BTAS Riddler, anything you can think of, 18+ content welcome though not necessary if you can't fit it in, but if he could remain very sweet and gentle with reader as his SO? Thank you!!
A/N: asdfjhjkl okay so, I don't think you know what you've done and I'm so so sorry for the result. But also thank you so much for the freebie cause BTAS Riddler is my husband, literally the one that's started this whole Riddler rabbit hole I've hyperfixated on in comfort for 6 years at this point.
I'm not gonna lie it's a x reader fic, but reader is basically me rip. This is based on true experiences and insecurities I've faced in past relationships and I'm taking a chance to write this out in hopes to come to terms with it.
So this is way more hurt/comfort than anything else I've written thus far and it's very suggestive but the smut isn't explicit like my other fics (no worries more is in store I assure you)
I hope you, anon, and other enjoy it nontheless. Also just an overall note, yall are all extremely lovely and amazing people and don't ever let anyone undermine you or your worth. Period.
TW: Insecurities, Talks of anxiety, mention of toxic ex relationship, some suggestiveness, and some strong language.
Word Count: 2.3 k (yep, I went ham on this folks)
BTAS!Riddler x F!Reader - First Time
It was like a dream. He is an absolute dream. 
To think this handsome, charming, brilliant man sat across from you. 
It had been almost a year since you started this relationship with the one and only Edward Nygma. You met him back when he partnered with Baxter Toys, when he supposedly went clean. During the few corporate events he attended (before ultimately succumbing to his compulsion and obsession to beat Batman), everyone was drawn to him. 
He left everyone in awe of his intellect and one-of-a-kind creations. You were no different, you were a brand designer for the company and mostly showed up because it was required. Edward actually gave you something to look forward to for these events. Most of the time you stood in the background and just admired him from afar. You wanted to talk to him so badly, to know how he comes up with these toys. 
You managed to solve most of his puzzles, except for his latest one. You still can’t believe it looking back on it, but your curiosity truly did get the best of your nerves and you went up to him and asked if you were missing something. Unlike the other women in attendance literally draped over him for his looks and success, you were the only one that came up with an actual attempt at his puzzles. 
Little did you know how observant Ed is, all the times he presented a new toy, he always noticed you getting it right before most. It made him chuckle to see you beaming at your success, before you quickly dart out of the room to keep from being bombarded with how you solved it. 
Ed took an interest immediately, but for all his charm when it came to the opposite gender he was an absolute goofball and wasn’t always certain when, how or if he even, should, approach someone he was interested in, romantically. He knew enough though. He knew he loved your smile, he enjoys hearing you talk, he admires your creative eye, and you were obviously intelligent for solving his puzzles. 
He would be lying if he didn’t see you walking up to him with an inquisitive look on your face his one opening to make a move. The other women paled in comparison and faded away for all he cared. Ed didn’t come out forthright with the answer, but he was able to give subtle hints that he knew you would understand. You did understand and you understood him.
The rest was history. 
Even when he was sent back to Arkham, you kept in touch with him. You sent him letters asking how he was and if he ever needed anything to let you know. He was so touched at how much you genuinely seemed to care. 
It didn’t bother you that you were speaking to a patient in an asylum. Whenever he corresponded back to you, all you heard and saw was your Eddie, not the mad evil genius, The Riddler, who sought to prove his intellectual superiority over others. 
You saw Eddie, the sweetheart that made up riddles where the answer was you. The man that made you laugh until your jaw hurt and the man who made you feel on top of the world. Whenever he complimented or assured you, you couldn’t deny or argue it. 
Except for…maybe one thing. 
Eddie and you were having a quiet intimate dinner at home. He had escaped along with the other rogues only a few days ago, and Batman was surely on the hunt for him and the others tonight. 
Everything was going splendidly. 
You had your Eddie back at arm’s length. You were cooped up in his arms now as you watched his favorite late night game show. His head was nestled in the nook of your neck and shoulder. Every now and then peppering kisses alongside your cheek and neck. 
You knew what usually follows after nights like this, and it caused a growing knot in your chest. You knew because it has happened nights before and you turned him down. Albeit he was accepting and understood, you knew he had to be growing restless with you. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to, quite the opposite, you wanted him more than words could even describe. You were just mortified. The last serious relationship you were in, the moment sex was introduced things seemed to change. You were treated less as a partner and more of a fuck buddy, making love wasn’t fun, and it was just a chore every single time. 
You felt bad for even making that assumption about Edward, who has been nothing but loving, loyal, and honest with you. You want to believe and know that being intimate wouldn’t change anything but make your relationship stronger, but you’d be damned if the slightest possibility of being treated the way you had before, didn’t rack your brains. 
“My dear, is there something wrong?”
Damn it.
Lost in your inner turmoil, you completely ignored the outward signs your body was making. You shoulders tensed up and your breathing quickened. You were a fool for thinking Ed wouldn’t notice those things either. 
“I-I’m fine, sorry, just got distracted there.”
“Darling, I can tell when something is tormenting you..I won’t pressure you to tell me, but I hope you know you can tell me anything..”
The slight burning sensation of fresh tears started to rise. You bite your lip to try and keep the whimpers down. You shake your head as if to alleviate the oncoming tears. “I-I’m fine, Eddie…”
He didn’t say anything, instead he turned you around so you were facing him. Straddling his lap, he leaned you into him, in an embrace. He kissed the top of your head. 
Fresh tears fell and soaked into his black long sleeved shirt. You let yourself give into the tears that desperately wanted to be let out. Ed didn’t say a word, he just held you and rubbed your back up and down. 
“I-I’m sorry..” you sniffled. “I-I ruined the evening.”
“Impossible.” He said. “You could never ruin anything, darling. I love every moment I get to be with you, however I do hate to see you cry, but sometimes it can’t be helped. I’m just glad I’m here for you.” 
Urgh, why is he making this so damn hard. Ed is so sweet, considerate, and thoughtful…but I thought the same of my ex…no, no Eddie’s different. Edward is different. Edward Nygma is different.
“I-I’m glad you’re here too, Eddie. I missed you so much.”
“As I missed you, my love…but something tells me this is something deeper than my absence.” 
You nod. “I-it is. It’s something I’ve been at conflict with for awhile now…”
Ed’s eyes widened. “About me?”
“Sort of, nothing to do with your criminal history or anything like that…”
Ed took a sigh of relief, but if not that, then what? “I’m afraid I’m at a loss then, dear. If you’re up to it, I’d love to know, maybe I can help?”
You took a couple breaths to control your breathing and give you a minute to collect your thoughts. “I-I know we’ve been together for awhile…”
“10 months, 4 weeks, 3 days, 10 hours, 45 minutes, and 15 seconds…”
You quirk your eyebrow at him. 
“N-not that I’m counting…” 
You giggled. “You’re such a dork…”
“Only when I’m around you, and especially if it makes you laugh.” He smiles. 
You sniffled some more, you try to wipe your tears with your fingers. Ed was ready with some tissue and handed them to you. 
“A-Anyway, we’ve been together for almost a year, and it’s been the best time of my life. You’re the best thing that’s happened to me, and I love you so much it hurts.”
“As I love you…”
“I-I know, and I also know that most couples have…um…been..intimate by now.”
For a moment you lost Edward as his eyes furrowed down in confusion, but it didn’t take long for the lightbulb to turn on and a blush to rise to his cheeks. 
“I-I-I see…”
“I know we’ve come close to it, and I..I always turn it down.”
“If it makes you uncomfortable, I’d rather you turn it down, I don’t want to force anything on you, my love.” 
“I-I..I know and I appreciate it more than you can imagine. I don’t want you to think I don’t want to, because I do..w-want you…”
His face is almost as red as a fire hydrant, but he lets you continue. You’ve rendered him quite speechless at this point, but he also didn’t want to interrupt your train of thought. 
“It’s just, I’m hesitant because in my last relationship…it…instead of bringing us together. It caused a drift…i-it was constant, like all he wanted from me was relief…I-I felt like such a toy. I-I’d cry myself to sleep while I’m beside him and he never noticed…” You pressed the tissue to your eyes and started wiping the ones that managed to escape from your eye ducts. 
“I-I want to believe…no-I-I know you would never, you could never. You’ve proven that time and time again…but I can’t help but be apprehensive you know? Absolutely petrified…no matter how much I wanted it…I would clamp up. I-I’m so sorry, Eddie…”
Ed shook his head and pulled you into another hug. “Shh…you have nothing to feel sorry for, Y/N. My darling, it’s okay…” 
Ed struggled to gulp down the lump in his throat, the slight flame of hatred and anger that was lit by a tiny match. 
How dare he? Who does he think he is?
He had to shake those thoughts away, you were much more important, he’ll ask questions later. You needed him and he was going to be there. 
He kissed your head again. “I-I hope you know that I want nothing but the best for you, I would never pressure you into anything, and if I ever have, with anything, I owe you an apology, it was never my intent…”
You smiled as you leaned back to look at him. Still sniffling, “I do know, and I love you more for it. You never pressured me into anything, you’ve been perfect…you are perfect.”
“Careful…you’ll inflate my ego more than it already has…” He mutters, jokingly. 
It works as you start giggling. “Nope, wouldn’t want that.”
He smiles at you as he pushes some of your hair back from you face, unsticking some strands that glued to the wet spots on your cheek. 
“Riddle me this…a mile from end to end. A precious commodity, freely given. Seen on the dead and on the living. Found on the rich, poor, short, and tall…but shared among loved ones most of all...what is it?”
You blink away the remaining tears as you take in his words. You chuckle breathlessly, “I-I’m sorry, Eddie. I’m not exactly-”
“-A smile. Did I ever tell you that was the first thing that drew me to you? I absolutely adored your smile whenever you got my puzzles right. And I love it even more now. I’d do anything in this world to see it every day.” 
“You may have mentioned it a time or two…” 
He cups your face in his hands, making sure you truly hear him and see him. “It’s true. I cherish every smile, laugh, kiss, embrace, everything. I’m a cerebral man, thought I was too logical. Above and beyond romantic relationships, but you came along, and I’ve never been so grateful for being so wrong.”
You could no longer fight the bright smile that stretched across your face. As you let yourself hear his words, words you didn’t know you needed to hear, but appreciated them all the same. 
“I love you, Y/N. More than I ever thought I could. I will wait however long it takes until you’re comfortable. I do want you and to be…intimate with you, but never at your own expense. Never at the expense of your happiness.”
You couldn’t hold it back anymore. You smashed your lips into his, shocking Edward but he was quick to return the kiss tenfold. You wrapped your arms around his neck and his arms found home around your waist. 
If not for the need of air, you’d doubt you would ever let up on the kiss. When you eventually had to break apart, it was both of your turns to smile at each other. 
“I love you, too. So much.” You replied. There was a pause in the air until you decided. “And..I’m ready…to take this next step with you.”
Edward’s eyes widened for a minute, until he nodded. “Are you absolutely sure?”
You nod assuringly, “I’ve never been more sure.” 
“I promise you nothing will change, I will always cherish you.”
“I know, and I believe you, more than I have anyone else.” You smile. You got up from his lap and embrace. You reached your hand out towards him to lift him off the couch and lead him to your bedroom. 
When the two of you finally got undressed, you were so anxious that your nerves would come up and ruin everything, despite already making the fully committed decision to do this, but those nerves never came. 
The only thing you felt were butterflies of excitement and the growing knot of pleasure being tugged tighter and tighter everytime Edward thrusted into you. He was so patient, so gentle and thorough. He knew your body better than you did, finding new sensitive spots on your skin that turned you into an absolute moaning mess. 
You were kicking yourself for letting your anxieties keep you touches away from absolute euphoria for so long. When all was said and done, he offered to run a bath or get you something to drink, but all you really wanted was to cuddle in his arms. Which he was more than happy to oblige you. 
Your first time with Edward was a dream. He was a dream. A dream come true.
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razzlerdazzler · 2 years
Can we request for Nathan with gender neutral reader? Can we request for Yuri & Ryan from Tiger and Bunny? Thanks!
Sorry if Yuri and Ryan aren't that good, I haven't watched a lot of Tiger and Bunny yet, and I still haven't seen the movie. I hope you like it :)
Nathan, Yuri, and Ryan (separated) Relationship Headcanons
Warning: spoilers for Tiger and Bunny movie
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Nathan is huge on PDA, whenever they have the chance they will hold you, doesn't even matter if you two are in public or not
It also doesn't matter if you are a hero on patrol with them, they will show you some love
This involves snuggling up with you on the couch, holding your hand or having their arm around you while , kissing you on the head or on the lips, the list goes on
They love to spoil you and and they usually go with you on any shopping trips you take
They would also buy you things that remind them of you
If you ever want them to, Nathan would love to help you put makeup on, paint your nails, or do your hair
If you ever wanted to help them put on their makeup or do their nails then they would be ecstatic
Even if you're not very good at it, they will compliment it and tell you how amazing of a job you did
If you are a hero then you and Nathan Nathan will usually work together, even if you both have different sponsors
While you two are out on patrol, they will flirt with you (you might or might not flirt back as well)
The fans love your guys relationship and definitely ship you two
You both watch each others backs while you two are on patrol
If either of you two get hurt, the other will help bandage them up and will give a gentle kiss to their forehead
Whether you are a hero or not, Nathan would love to introduce you to their friends, especially Kotetsu since they feel like you two would get along great
If anybody picks on you, they would be pissed
They already had a rough childhood because of being picked on, but they are not gonna let that happen to you
They would walk up to the person bothering you and their voice would go low as they tell the person to fuck off
Speaking of Nathan's childhood they tell you all about it and you promise them that that will never happen again on your watch
You always tell them how amazing they look and how much you love the way they are
Nathan just loves you so much and you love them back just as much
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Yuri will give you PDA, when you two are in private, his love for you is only for your eyes and your eyes only
Whenever you two are in private however, he'll be all over you
If somebody does pick on you, he would walk up to you two and wrap his arms around you
He would cut the person off, if they were still talking to you and would tell you that it's time to go home
He did not want to make a scene because of his job, so he couldn't hurt the person that was disrespecting you
Afterwards however, when he had his vigilante outfit on, he would hunt the person down and make sure that they don't cause trouble for anybody else
He loves to spoil you and since he has a good job, he is able to do that
He would buy you anything you asked for
He's told you about his father and about how he treated him and his mother before he died
He told you about how his father left the scar on his face and how he killed his father, to protect his mother and him
After he tells you this, you'd kiss him and tell him how much you love him
Whenever you two are in private and his scar is not covered up, you'd gently trace it with your fingers, and then you'd start kissing all over the scar and tell him how handsome he looks
It doesn't matter whether you agree or disagree with his opinions and actions of justice, you'll both still love each other nontheless
He knows that you worry about him, and ever since he's started dating you, he's been working on being more careful while he's trying to enact his justice to the world
If he ever gets hurt, you would help bandage and heal his wounds
You would also tell him how happy you are that he's back home, and how much you missed him
Even if he can't completely fix the world he'll still have you and your love, and really that's all he could ever ask for
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Ryan like Nathan is also huge on PDA
He'd be comfortable with PDA, pretty much anywhere
He loves to show you off, like "Hey everybody look this is my amazing lover"
Even though he does like to show off, you being around does help him try to lower how much he does it and all the heros thank you for it
However this does not stop him from showing off to you "babe, did you see how cool I was out there?"
Whenever he gets hurt while he's out on patrol, you'll help bandage him up, and afterwards he'll ask if he can get a kiss for his hero work
If you ever call him your hero, his brain short circuits, and his face will turn all red for a few seconds
Until his brain decides to work again and he smirks at you "You got that right baby, I'll always be your hero"
If anybody bothers you, he'll quickly tell the person to fuck off and that if they don't leave he'll give them a reason to
He tells you about his insecurities and how he sometimes feel like you're out of his league, and how you'll leave him for someone else
You hold him close and kiss him as you tell him how much you love him, and how he is the only one for you
Whenever he has nightmares, he'll tell you about what they're about and how he lost control of his powers, and he never wants that to happen again
He's worried he might accidentally hurt you one day with his powers
You comfort him and tell him how that would never happen, and how you trust him with your life
Every time you two have these types of deep conversations there are usually tears and I love you's involved
These deep conversations help your relationship flourish and help you both understand each other better
You both love each other so much, and neither of you would change that for anything
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chevvy-yates · 2 years
Thank you for tagging me @itzsassha, @pinkydude and @spicyraeman. <3
♫ Game Rules: Choose one of your characters and list song(s) that fits them. (10 songs or less.. its up to you). Tagging: @nervouswizardcycle, @imaginarycyberpunk2023, @wraithsoutlaws, @miss--river, @wanderingaldecaldo, @dreamskug, @sammysilverdyne, @saevus-brutalis, @morganlefaye79, @gloryride, @nightcxty. Idk, if anyone of you received this already — it's not a must. I just lost track of all the various tag games going on here lately. Also no pressure!
—— I wanted to do it for all three of my boys at first but I realized while doing Ryder's, this is going to be a bit more special concerning songs. His entire story is somehow accompanied by various songs that I don't have for my other pixel boys (yet), so I'll just stick with him instead:
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Ryder von Scharfenberg
First, the playlist (extra created for this post). It is full of Dark Rave/Wave/Techno, Industrial etc. because it's what he is and defines through. FYI: There's also lots of German lyrics. If you're interested in a translation, you'd need to drop it into a translator – I thought about adding them but this srsly got out of hand here with the length of that post.
More behind the cut. If it really interests you why I've chosen these songs. Once again it got out of hand.
– Techno ist unsere Welt – The Boy The G – Nyntändo-Schock – Welle:Erdball -> represent mostly Ryder's teens. When he started to discover Techno for himself, still a boy wanting to have fun (therefore the Nyntändo-Schock song bc it sounds fun). 'Geht lieber mal arbeiten, da tut da was vernünftiges ja Arbeiten Warum Wir sind jung Wir ham noch dit ganze Leben zum Arbeiten Techno ist unsere Welt' – Techno is unsere Welt The lyrics basically say that he's too young to think about working, he's got the whole life to go to work and techno is his world for now. Sadly he could never live it out like other youngsters with his family being so strict.
– Corporate Supremacy – NN – Eiszeit – Eisbrecher – Gehorsam – Nachtmahr -> Ryder was doomed to be a Corpo ruled by his superior called father who of course wanted that his son should step into his shoes one day and lead a Corporate business. He had to be obedient all his life, Ry even tried to make it up to him but failed all the time. 'Corporate Supremacy' represents his father, who is a thread, abusive and cold hearted. Ryder fears him like no one else. Ryder was never allowed who he wanted to be as long as he was with his toxic family. Everything he liked was 'unworthy' or 'underclass' in their eyes. He thinks he doesn't belong into the Corpo world, has completely other interests but isn't allowed anything of it. As stubborn teen he does it nontheless but learns it the hard way when his father finally breaks him, taking almost every joy from him. 'Darf ich sein, sowie ich bin? Nein, das darfst du nicht Darf ich suchen nach dem Sinn? Nein, das darfst du nicht Die Kälte zieht in alle Knochen Und die Glieder werden schwer Sie haben mir mein Herz gebrochen Es schlägt, doch es lebt nicht mehr' — Eiszeit One day he understands his life can't go on like this and he needs to be his own master. Take control, break out of the machinery he was born into to be able to have his own life. He didn't want to be another automatic submissive human having constantly to work a 40h+ job he hated. He know it would end him if he didn't do somethign against it. 'Sie wollen dass man sein Mensch sein aufgibt Seine Autonomie für ein Gehaltscheck Ein goldenen Stern. Ein größeren Fernseher Der einzige Weg Mensch zu bleiben Der einzige Weg frei zu sein ist zu rebellieren Sie werden versuchen dich zu brechen Jede nur mögliche Taktik zu nutzen um dich fügsam zu machen Gehorsam Unterwürfig Du musst dein eigener Herr sein Koste es was es wolle Es ist besser als Mensch zu sterben Als Sinnloses Rädchen in Maschinarie zu leben' — Gehorsam
– Darkangel – VNV Nation – Kingdom – VNV Nation – Mann gegen Mann – Rammstein -> These songs represent the change in his life and the time he needs finding his true self after years of obedience from his superior and dealing onward with his depression. Ry got away from his old life, ready to live like he wants now but he's struggling not knowing what to do and where to start. He desperately needs to clear his mind first to find a purpose in his new given opportunity. 'I'm in this mood because of scorn, I'm in a mood for total war, to the darkened skies once more and ever onward, I'd only come here seeking peace, I'd only come here seeking me' — Darkangel Once he's content with changing into the person he wants to be, he also eventually knows what he wants to do: Make Night City a better place, free the people from the Corporate supremacy where it is possible. It is why he became a merc. He strongly believes that Night City is not fully lost. It just needs the right people to work on it. He knows it's wishful thinking hoping to see Night City back to what it should have originally been: Richard Night's original vision of it: Coronado City – you've got to hold onto hopes and dreams, so he does. 'And I believe that we'll conceive To make in hell for us a heaven. A brave new world. A promised land. […] I'll leave no walls, no stone unturned. Every tower must be razed To the dust from which it came.' — Kingdom And for Rammstein's 'Mann gegen Mann'? It simply represents his sexulity he is finally able to live out openly. 'Wenn sich an mir ein Weib verirrt, Dann ist die helle Welt verwirrt. Mann gegen Mann. Meine Haut gehört den Herren. Mann gegen Mann. Gleich und Gleich gesellt sich gern.'
– Let Me Out – LOCO13 – Berzerker – KARAH, Wanton – Don't You Know Who I Am – Wanton –> These three songs represent how Ryder feels inside. That beast, — his constant anger — that knocks at the door, ready to take over seeking for bloodlust. 'Let Me Out' is the daily knock-knock that says: "Hey, I'm here, don't you ignore me. Let me out. Let me kill. Let me kill them all." Ryder is dealing with this constant pounding almost 24/7. It never let's him alone, since it first showed up in 2070. There's times he is able to completely ignore it, especially with distractions, but these are rare. He got used to live with it though but lately it seems to get stronger than ever (2078). 'Berzerker' is similar to Let me Out but harder and faster, so it can be seen as when Ryder is already figting but still remains in control. It gets wilder in between when he's ging into a killstreak, slowly losing control with the beast now taking over. 'Don't You Know Who I Am' is Ryder turning into his total unstoppable berserk mode killing streak — you better stay away from him. The ragefull screams represent his anger going roar while the sound of blades can be seen as he's slicing his mantis blades through everything and everyone in a total blind rage.
– Because I'm Drunk Babe – Nico Moreno – Panzerfaust schießen – Phosgore – Berlin – Balazs Fedelin – Raving With The Devil – Jamie McLellan – Deutschland braucht Bewegung – Noisuf-X -> Just wanna dance with Ryder (or imagine him raving to it)? Try these sick beats. Ryder loves himself some extra hard beats with a certain uniquness in them. But that is not the main reason — Raving is his way of finding freedom for at least a while. Those hard beats overshadow the Beast's constant pounding, so he won't hear it for the time being. It's also his way of venting off the usual anger he can control.
– Rot V1.0 – [:SITD:] – Call The Ships To Port – Covenant – Vergessen – Klanglos -> These songs make Ryder always a bit melancholy and thoughtful. Some great lyrics along together with certain parts of powerful beats combined with beautiful moving melodies that just got set right for giving him goosbumps all over. 'A second of reflection Can take you to the moon The slightest hesitation Can bring you down in flames A single spark of passion Can change a man forever A moment in a lifetime Is all it takes to break him' — Call The Ships To Port 'Jeder Fortschritt, den wir Menschen machen Beruht im Grunde nur auf einer Sache Der Angst vor dem Tod Der Angst davor, wieder in der Leere zu verschwinden Aus der wir einst gekommen sind Du bist einzig und allein das Produkt einer Angst vergessen zu werden Auch du hast Angst allein gelassen und vergessen zu werden Vergessen Allein gelassen und vergessen' — Vergessen most moving parts for Ryder: Rot V1.0 (2:20–3:05 and 3:15–4:15) Call The Ships To Port (1:20–2:15) Vergessen (3:20–5.00)
– Just Can't Get Enough – Depeche Mode – World In My Eyes – Depeche Mode -> Songs when he feels good and is together with the one(s) he loves. Both songs apply to both; Vijay and Thyjs, since VIjay was once his love interest and Thyjs is now his current now. I'm sorry there isn't more 'lore' about his relation ships yet – it is stuff I'm still thinking about. But Ryder is a very romantic type of guy and with Thyjs he may have found the right man by his side who is capable to handle this hot headed fidgety black sheep of his, because Thyjs is the calm center of a storm. 'And when it rains You're shining down for me And I just can't get enough And I just can't get enough Just like a rainbow You know you set me free' — Just Can't Get Enough 'I'll take you to the highest mountain To the depths of the deepest sea And we won't need a map, believe me Now let my body do the moving And let my hands do the soothing Let me show you the world in my eyes' — World In My Eyes
Now, that got long again. These are just bits, details and pieces of his backstory. I've written more in separate special posts dealing with certain years of his life. You can find them via my tag system. Still on writing 2071-present, tho. If you made it until here, you must love either Ryder or me.
Thank you for taking your time! <3
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blanketempress · 1 year
Anton multiples of 5, Enzo multiple of 3, Arzel everything else.
I'm just going to ignore your attempt at making me do math and answer with whichever character I think is more interesting <3
What memory would your OC rather just forget?
Arzel : killing his boyfriend in a frenzy
What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
Lorenzo : He’s a pretty good physical fighter. Not the best, but he’s good. People expect him to give out orders and have goons and use magic but his first instinct is to run headfirst into the fray
What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
Arzel : bleeding heart. You look at him with sad eyes and he wants to help you out. It already brought him a lot of trouble, so he's aware of it, but there's nothing he can/wants to do about it
When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
Anton : freeze then flee (nobody is surprised)
How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
Lorenzo : as far as it takes. The list of what he's unwilling to do to himself and to others is shorter than the list of things he's willing to do to get what he wants
How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
Anton : almost impossible, he'd rather like you to kill him instead. Good thing his moral compass is pretty weak
What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
all my OCs pop fully formed into my head, I just have to get to know them but they don't change
Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
Lorenzo : he worked as a ghoul for 5 years and he has a spell to turn corpses into dust, he's VERY good at it
Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
not really but I have a voice claim for Arzel : A Hull full of Oil and Bone by Listing Ship
What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
Arzel : his fists. He's very good at hand to hand combat yeah
Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
Lorenzo : kind of but he’s not aware of it. He almost died a couple times pushing himself way over his limits due to being full of hubris
How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
Arzel : oh he's VERY concerned about the image he gives out. He wants to be seen as a Blue Blood, as someone reliable and non threatening but powerful nontheless, he wants to make everything he does look effortless, he's a bit vain like that. He has a some insecurities due to his origins and his lack of education, he does his best to hide them
Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who?
What is your OC's pain tolerance like?
Lorenzo : extremely high. He'll shrug off pain and fight until he can't get back up
What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
Anton : his entire life sucks so fucking bad I can't even pick I'm sorry Anton. Getting killed wasn't even the most traumatizing thing on the list.
Is your OC more cold and detached or up close and personal?
Lorenzo : both. He’s very cold and keeps everyone at arm’s length (or even further away if he can), but he takes everything very personally
How does your OC behave when enraged?
Arzel : it's pretty hard to enrage him, but he is a pretty proud man, and very Ventrue. He does give warnings that he's getting pissed, you do get a chance or two to back down, but if you don't take it, he might decide to tear off your limbs about it, depending on the setting.
Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
Lorenzo : he doesn’t know it himself because he’s Lorenzo but he actually feels inadequate in his relationships. He feels as if he can't offer anything to his friend/partner. So if he sees someone getting along better he gets jealous but it only translates in him clamming up and distancing himself.
Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?
Anton : he's malkavian so. it's a cocktail of things. He handled things by getting high when he was human, now he copes by getting himself into toxic situations/relationships. Therapy never really did anything for him
What character alignment would you consider your OC to be?
this is vtm, everyone is a flavor of chaotic or evil if not both
What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
Arzel : not exactly an emotion, but knowing he has failed is the hardest thing for him to process. Failing expectations in general. On the other hand, he's pretty alright at expressing himself and his emotions
What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
Lorenzo : he almost became a mage, he even had a few astral journey dreams, though he has absolutely no idea. His family prevented that from happening by ghouling then embracing him. Unsurprisingly he would've still been a necromancer
What is your favorite thing about your OC?
Anton : I think it's pretty fun to play a pathetic little man
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qlventingspace · 2 years
Getting to Know Your BL Mutuals - Tag
rules: answer the questions and @ some people. include the tag ‘g2ky BL mutuals 2022’ on your post so we can find everyone’s answer.
tagged by @dummerjan thank you very much lovely! <3
Considering I started watching BLs this year in spring, I haven't seen much yet, so this will be probably short (and I will probably also include older stuff because I have no idea what came out this year and what is older) xD
What have been BLs that took you by surprise this year? KinnPorsche of course, because I knew it was big and fucking good when I joined, but I didn't expect the quality and dedication and absolutely fricking stunning camera work and THE SHEER TALENT of all actors. It blew my mind.
Big dragon surprisingly. I expected silly sexy little show, not crying like a crocodile. I was hit by so many emotions and like, it is so painful to see the characters struggling, but ALSO so fricking good! I love pain, obviously.
Choco Milk Shake. Not what I expected. Like at all. But so heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. And looks extremely comfy somehow.
Shipper. I know I know, technically not a BL, but BL nontheless. What can I say? It has incredibly good acting and one of the weirdest fucking plots I ever saw, but it is so SO GOOD. Had me laughing, cringing, crying, in despair and elated. And sad again. Also anything with First in it, sign me in. What have been BLs that you felt a bit disappointed with this year? Hate to say it, but Cutie Pie, to a degree. Heh, it's probably because I hate the power dynamics there, not gonna lie for first few episodes I was debating if I should continue, because the constant supervision and so called 'protectiveness' from Yi and Lian was making me gag. I live for wild Kuea and cutie Diao, though, they are my loves <3 I agree with you @dummerjan, that last episode or two of Eclipse had some problems in terms of unsolved issues and ridiculous plot shortcuts, that could be handled much better. Still I love the Eclipse with all my heart and though I wasn't happy with how they solved it, it is still amazingly good acting wise, relationships wise and social commentary wise. Very impressed.
*sighs deeply*
And then there's Love in the Air. I wanted to like it. I didn't. Look, I don't doubt that there is some very good emotional stuff plot for Sky later on, I have seen bits of Peat's amazing portrayal, but the camera work, editing and rusty plot had a very very unsatisfying effect on me. When I saw the same fucking scene for the third time in three episodes I just couldn't. Acting was quite good, though, I loved the friendship between Rain and Sky and I very much applaud Peat for portraying Sky. What irks me, I guess, is that they seemed to rely on sex scenes to keep people watching (which worked of course). Not gonna lie, they were good and compared to rest of the scenes had some decent sound (you can hear everything, compared to dialog on the street). Also they had the most natural looking acting in them. But for me, it's painfully little to make me forget about everything else. What has been your favorite BL this year? I cannot pick one. Seriously. Favourites for vastly different reasons: KinnPorsche is leading, hands down. The Eclipse, just...ahh <3 love of my life Not me, cause holy shit this show is incredible (!!!) Old fashion cupcake, I just love seeing older adults finding their other halves and dragging themselves to work while being brokenhearted xD very relatable Favorite BL couples (not just of 2022) Do you really need to ask? VegasPete OF COURSE, my fucked up psychotic cupcakes! AkkAyan, the most healthy couple of all years, to be honest SeanWhite, never expected to love main couple more. Yok my beloved... I'm not putting him into a couple, cause daamn that man has chemistry with everyone and I'm happy with any pairing (still haven't watched the last eps of Not me, but sensing angst, so looking very disrespectfully at you Dan) If you had to suggest a BL for someone what would it be? For mushy comforting feelings and lovers of food, it would be Old fashion cupcake <3 Also good for young adults starting or working their first jobs and also older people stuck in their comfort zones who want to try new things. It's about the little things. It's about finding joy in life in all ages. But then also Not me, because I feel like it encompasses problems of today and I seriously have feeling like I could and should be more active and kind and fight for other peoples rights, while watching it. It is kinda sad and comforting at the same time. And I feel like we need it in these hard and frankly shitty times. We need to realize, that we should fight for what is right and not just sit and ignore the wrongs around us. What's your non-BL favorite this year? Hands down Koisenu futari. I cried guys. I cried. And also adopted cabbage as a mascot of aroaces. Tagging: @theflagscene @foolofafuckingtook @cynicalsinister @vegasandhishedgehog @la-fourmi and anyone who wants to join! :))
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