#nope. its marios fault.
Why do I always forget how AWFUL the camera in mario 64 is
Doesnt matter which version. The ds version sucked. The original sucked. And the switch one is just a remaster of the original. which I mean...so is the ds version. The ds version just had better graphics AND yoshi, Luigi, and Wario were in it. The switch is almost identical to the original but it has a "modern" camera which isn't inverted which is the same as the ds version.
I never actually played the original n64 one myself so I dont know how finicky the controls were on it but holy shit. Like. Both the ds version and the switch version have advantages and disadvantages.
The ds version was super annoying for turns. In the final boss battles you have to grab bowser and spin him around and throw him into some bombs around the arena. I imagine the final one will still be difficult on the switch HOWEVER. I think I may be able to beat it. I never was able to beat it on ds because trying to spin using a fucking dpad is the most annoying goddamn thing. I COULD do it. But keeping up enough momentum AND trying to adjust the janky ass camera to figure out where I needed to throw the bastard was way too fucking hard for 12 year old me. Spinning with a joystick is far easier.
BUT in the ds version you had the use of the a, b, x, and y buttons and they actually all did different things. I dont remember exactly which button did what for the most part but B was the run button. There is no run button on the switch version. You have 2 buttons for jump and 2 for crouch. How fast you go depends on how far forward you press the joystick. Unfortunately the joystick is sensitive as fuck and if you push it just slightly too far forward mario shoots forward like 10 steps instead of the 3 you were trying to do.
I just spent like an hour trying to beat the last level of lethal lava land cuz I would manage to get all the way to the top of the volcano where the star is
And theres 3 small platforms leading to a bigger one that the star is on
In the ds version it was fine
Just keep finger off B button and jump VERY CAREFULLY
But in the switch version I would jump and try to gently nudge the joycon just a teeny tiny bit to jump on to the tiny ass platform
And mario would fucking FLY over it and fall directly into lava
I finally got to a point where I could get him to land on a ledge farther back from where he fell so I wouldn't have to lose a life
And FINALLY managed to get my jumps just right
But holy shit
This game is why I was getting headaches at age 10
Fucking Mario 64 is what started it.
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gachawolfiebloom · 7 months
Your Pursuit of Perfection
Story and Artwork By: @GachaWolfieBloom
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Chapter 6: It's All Your Fault
Summary: A few months after the events of WOTFI 2023, SMG4 starts having really bad dreams about the "Its gotta be perfect" incident. One night however, his fear allows the nightmares to break through and he gets taken to a horrific dimension. He finally meets the tv adware, who manipulates him into returning to his insane ways, intent on claiming much more than the perfect video. Now it's up to his friends to stop this madness and save SMG4. Can they do it in time or will they lose SMG4 forever? (In case you are unaware this is a sequel to the its gotta be perfect movie)
Tags: angst, its gotta be perfect, love confession, luigi, mario, meggy, melony, nightmares, scary, smg3, smg4, smg34, smg3 x smg4, tari, tv adware
The others were walking through the home of this mysterious TV Adware. It was nothing like they had ever seen with dripping walls, sticky floors, and of course most of it was made out of that weird goop. Tari was shaking so Mario tried to cheer her up. "Don't worry Tari! Mario and his friends will be okey dokey! Let's play a game!" Three rolled his eyes and kept walking. "Mario spies with is little eye...something that is...Black!" Tari looked around, but everything just felt creepy to her. It was a realm made of nightmares after all.
"Uh is it that thing that looks like a shadow?"
Boopkins tried to join in. "I KNOW! I KNOW! ITS-" Three was sick of this stupid game as he grumbled "Every single thing in this place is black idiots." This game seemed pretty stupid when almost everything here was the same color.
Boopkins ignored Three's comment and said "It's that extra dark patch over there in the corner!" Mario jumped up and down saying "You're right! Yippee!" Bob and Three looked dumbfounded on how Boopkins picked that. "BRUH! HOW DID YOU SEE THAT?" Tari tried complimenting Boopkins efforts. "Good job Boopkins! I was so close."
Meggy suddenly stopped and said "Uh hey guys... I think those creatures that Smg1 and Smg2 spoke of know we're here." Melony turned around and asked "How can you tell?" They instantly saw as tentacles and creatures made of goop and eyeballs surrounded them. They all froze and Three whispered to One and Two "Well you're the experts on these things. Now what?"
One and Two were more focused on something in the distance. "Something is coming..." The dark fog came back for round 2. Quickly One shouted "RUN! IT'S THE MIST OF NIGHTMARES! WE DO NOT HAVE ANY POWER OVER IT!" They all bolted off, sprinting as fast as their feet would take them. One and Two followed behind, using their powers to protect them from the creepy creatures.
Luigi then called out "Wait a minute...WHERE'S MY BROTHER!!!" They all looked back to find Mario teasing one of the goopy creatures. "Oh god...Why'd that idiot have to come with us?" Three groaned as he darted for Mario. "THREE NO!!!" yelled Meggy, but Three didn't listen. "IF MARIO DIES THEN WE ALL DIE!!!" Mario was spinning around in circles, making plane sounds. "Ooooo you are very scary. Not to Mario! Mario isn't scared of anything!"
Three rushed up to his avatar and yelled "OI MOVE IT RIGHT NOW!" Mario then noticed the nightmare mist coming straight at him. "NOW MARIO IS SCARED!!!" Three grabbed him as the mist dove on top of them. "THREE! MARIO!" Meggy yelled, but then another wave of mist swept over the others. 
Three woke up to be surrounded by a familiar setting. "I'm...back home?" He was right back where he started, at the Showgrounds. He then saw his friends standing over something. He raced over to them and said "Guys! There you are! Why are we back home!?"
They all turned to him and said "Oh look who decided to show up." Three took a step back, confused. "What?" Saiko stomped her foot hard on the ground and said "SMG3, YOU HAVE NO RESPECT FOR YOUR FRIENDS! YOU ARE CARELESS AND DANGEROUS!"
Three just stood there speechless as Meggy added on to Saiko's remarks. "You never cared about him, abandoned him when he needed you, and you didn't save him in time. YOU KILLED HIM!" Three finally croaked out words from his stunned mouth. "Killed who?" They all stepped out of the way, but not losing their glares.
When Three saw what they were looking at, his eyes widened and his cheeks went pale. It was a grave for Smg4. His signature hat was on top of it, covered in blood. "NO! FOUR!" He yelled as he ran up to the grave and sadly examined the remains of his dead partner. "No...why...he didn't deserve it..." Tears slowly slid down his face as he collapsed onto the ground. Mario shot back "WHY SMG3! WHY DID YOU KILL MARIO'S BEST FRIEND!!!" Three tried speaking through his sobbing. "I never meant too. I never wanted to lose him." All of his friends began circling him and telling him mean things. Not just any random remark, the thoughts of his guilt.
"You brushed off his nightmares!"
"Why didn't you stay with him!? He needed you!"
"You were so close to saving him and you lost him!"
"You gave him the idea of the perfect video!"
"You could have prevented this if you just admitted how much you needed him!"
Three just sat there crying every ounce of strength out of his body. "I'M A TERRIBLE FRIEND! IT'S ALL MY FAULT! I'M THE ONE WHO DESERVES THIS! NOT HIM!"
Two voices rang out "Smg3 wake up!" He gasped as those voices belonged to One and Two. "Three! Remember it's just a nightmare! We're here to save Smg4!" One added on "You must fight it Three! Use your bravery to tell these nightmares they aren't real!" He breathed heavily as he whispered "But Four is..."
Two tried to remind him of what they were trying to accomplish."Then why would we be here? It's not true Three!" One could see him trying to break through as he continued "It's all fake! The Adware is trying to trap you into your worst fear!"
Three breathes in deeply as he says "Four is not dead..." A shoot of meme energy wards off the mist and he yells "AND MY NIGHTMARES AREN'T REAL!!!" He finds himself back in the dark world, but it's better than being stuck in a world filled with eternal guilt. Two says happily "Glad your back Three! We have to rescue the others from their nightmares before they are trapped in them forever!"
Three pulls his cap tighter onto his head and says "Don't worry I got this." The three of them raced off to go save their friends. No dawdling now. The mist doesn't show any signs of stopping.
Everyone has something they're afraid of...
Chapter 7: You Can't Escape Your Fears
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fr-economics · 2 years
By and large I agree w/ you on a lot of things, nor do I think FR is that bad for casuals but. I don't think you know what a casual player is fksgsjhsb. I'm a college student, and when the school semester is going I just don't have the time to max out fairgrounds for 14/30(ish) days, I'll be lucky to do it 5-6 times a month (during breaks though I get to do it more). Coli grinding is an absolute nope, both because of no time and because it's boring.
Baldwin is how I make my money during the semester, and I make a lot! But I also know that the good Baldwin sells are either luck based (selling rare mats) or require you to be a higher level, which takes a lot of time (bc the lower level stuff is less valuable)
I do agree that FR really isn't as hostile to casuals as some ppl make it out to be, I just don't think that the advice you gave is particularly good for casual players. Because it's all still fairly grindy and time intensive, more so for casual players who are also busy. I think better advice would be stuff like how to make low-level Baldwin profitable regardless (even if its not as good), fodder breeding + flipping, and ways to make money from Arlo (even if, again, not nearly as much). Bc all of that is like maybe 5-10 min a day.
Same annon as the one who sent the long casual players ask - just noticed you didn't actually mention fodder grinding in the coli in that reblog. That's my bad, and I appologize for that. I do still stand by everything else tho
At what point is it the game's fault, and at what point is it just not a good fit for you?
Like, I'm garbage at Mario Kart because I rarely get to play it, but I don't argue that the game is unbalanced because I keep running into bananas. If I don't have time to train my Pokemon, I don't claim that endgame battles are too difficult.
FR is the kind of game (like most games, really) where you necessarily have to invest time in order to achieve goals—that's clearly how the game is intended to be played—so if you don't have time to play the game the way it's intended I'm not sure why it's a problem with the game.
In addition to that, if it was easier for casual players to make money, it'd be easier for everyone else, and inflation would raise prices for everyone (which I've talked about extensively). You would end up back at square one.
Those are the main reasons I take issue with why you said the game is unbalanced and that it's "punishing" casual players in your SMR post. I don't think it's fair to claim that there's an issue with the game when the problem is that you literally don't have time to play it much at all. In fact, there even is a solution for people like you: spend IRL money on gems.
I have discussed before also that there seem to be two themes in playstyles. Some people want FR to be more of a dress up game with few, if any limits on customization options, and they see the economic aspect as interfering with that. Others find the economics challenge fun. FR tries to strike a balance between the two but often ends up frustrating players who prefer the former playstyle, and you might fall in that category.
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otteroflore · 6 months
Watched the mario movie so heres my informal review (spoilers ig)
-animation was fine, hard to fuck up when you have thirty years of precedent for what the characters look like. I liked bowsers scales. Peaches head is so small in comparison to marios its weird tho
-i thought marios family was kind of sweet and i liked the bit with the commercial
-luigi had a good clean character arc even if he didnt get much screentime. Also i liked the bit that references his ghost themed games.
-the bit with the dog. If youre going to make it clear these characters are underdogs why not make it be their fault that they did a bad job instead of making it completely random? So weird.
-marios weird characterization/lack of it. His character seems to be painted as “guy who gets back up time after time” but like… thats not really a bad thing? They try to imply it is but its just like not a character flaw.
-He also seems to be worried his dad is disappointed in him and yet that doesnt impact anything he does. Like he doesnt avoid taking chances because hes worried about his dads opinion- at least DK has more interaction with his dad like that.
-who tf is toad why was he there why did he adopt mario and take him to the princess immediately. So many questions.
-not so much a deep criticism but the toads are ugly
-shows a map of the whole world in detail and then is only concerned with like half of it… if youre going to show the desert world then i want it onscreen!
-(and yet im glad they didnt because there were way too many disjointed elements)
-bizarre parkour course that gives away all of the baddies?
-peachs weird backstory about being adopted from the human realm and being crowned princess?? Like you cant just adopt children you find, toads. Also why did they crown her princess. Its not even like “the king/queen adopted her and later she took the mantle” nope they did it for no reason
-way too many things crammed in- DK, karts, rainbow road, and they didnt even use my favorite powerup, super huge mushroom
-DK just being wreck it ralph
-bowser had no character??? Honestly i dont care about peachs backstory i wanted a tender song about how bowser was kicked out of mushroom land for being a turtle but the turtles also didnt respect him because hes a monster and he just wants to be loved. He was so one dimensional honestly.
Things im neutral on
-removing marios accent, i dont care that much, i care more abojt the fact they should hire better *voice* actors instead of alisters.
-girlboss!peach. I dont mind her girlbossing ig
-the sort of clashy bright aesthetics combined with scifi moving platforms and elevators
Anyways probably dont watch this movie unless youre catsitting while doing laundry and dont have anything to do but watch netflix
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rek1s-headband · 4 years
Oh oh! Can we get some hedcanons about cherry adopting a girl who is around miya's age. Like how close would they be and how would others feel about her being his daughter now. Bonus points if uncel Joe and little missy mess with daddy blossom
Xoxo love your work so far, keep it up💙
➯ A/N: This was such an amazing request, I had so much fun writing it! Hope you enjoy :)
Also, i started watching Your Lie in April today, and its AMAZING! So much more than what I was expecting
➯ With a daughter
➯ Characters: Kaoru Sakurayashiki with a young daughter. Reki, Langa and co. are mentioned throughout!
➯ Warnings: none:)
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Having a child had never crossed Kaoru’s mind before, but when Joe had teased him about how “you treat Carla better than you would a child!”, the idea kind of stuck with him. And so, he’d spent countless nights awake, wondering to himself if it was something he truly wanted?
He’d pass parks, seeing parents with spewing babies and toddlers throwing tantrums, wondering if he could actually put up with that? But as he passed the shops, he came across a mother and her daughter, who looked around 12. He watched them pass, a grin on the child’s face as she looked into her shopping bag, examining her haul for that day. And so it was settled
He wanted a baby girl he could spoil absolutely rotten
And the search for a child carried on, and this time instead of baby shops and websites, he was browsing the shelves of Claires and other tween clothing stores. It had only occurred to him over a bottle of wine with Joe, as they were discussing if Kaoru was truly ready for something like this. Instead of a crying baby or a messy toddler, he could simply adopt someone a bit older!
It made sense too. For a single parent, an older child seemed much more doable. Of course, he wouldn’t be alone. Joe was always telling him how he’d help out, yknow, if he actually went through with the damn thing.
Not to mention, the older you get, the more difficult it is to get adopted. Babies and young children will get adopted left right and centre, whereas the child he will take home will have been there for a while. Finally, they will have a place to call a home
He spent months trying to get the approval for adoption, and one fateful day he finally got the letter that yes he could go ahead and take one home. He was ecstatic, spending the next few days finding out the location of every orphanage around his area of Japan. He messaged every single one, asking when their next visiting day was
And so it was set: Kaoru would not rest until he had found his perfect little girl
He went through orphanage after orphanage, searching for someone he could call his own. However, none of the children were lighting that paternal flame inside him. It wasn’t their fault of course, they just didn’t click with him, staring at him any time he tried to talk to them. Visit after visit, he’d go to Joe’s, ready to tell him about his recent fail.
It wasn’t until Joe came up to him with a phone number, asking if he’d been to this particular orphanage yet. Apparently they had a few children aged 12 and up, and were available for visit that Saturday. And so there he was, packing a bag and getting ready to travel to the house. This time felt different, somehow. He could feel his palms sweat, as if he could sense he would take one of them home
When he finally made it to the house, he was a nervous wreck. The lady of the house let him in with a smile, telling him the children were in the backyard playing while she bounced a baby on her hip. Cherry winced as the baby gurgled at him, glad he opted for an older child
She led him outside, gesturing at the children who were sprinting around in the vast field, hiding behind trees and bushes. It was clear they were playing a game of hide and seek. He smiled as he scanned over them, but it quickly disappeared when he noticed one little girl sitting on the step, head in her lap while her shoulders gently shook with tears
He walked over to her, bending down with a soft smile. He didn’t know where this sudden calmness came from, but that was his last priority right now. A little gash sat on the girls knee, caked with blood as it trickled down her shin. He frowned, pulling out a tissue to gently wipe it. She jumped, wincing with shock from the fresh wave of pain, and surprise. Kaoru gently wiped at her knee once more before looking up at her to attempt a conversation
“Hello, is your knee alright?” She shook her head frantically, wiping a tear away from her face. A small breathy laugh escaped him as he watched the child stand, gesturing to her leg
“Nope, not at all. I think its broken, if you ask me. All cause of that stupid thing!” She threw her arm out, gesturing to a pink board Kaoru hadn’t noticed before. A skateboard.
That’s when Kaoru realised it: I want this one
Suddenly he felt a new sense of importance, like he had to make a good impression. He walked over to the board, tutting as he looked down at it. “This is what hurt you?” He looked at it with disdain as the little girl nodded her head violently. Kaoru could see how she hurt herself, the thing was massive, especially for someone her age. It looked around the size of a board he would use.
Grinning, he picked up the board. “Well, want to see something cool?” She watched in wonder as kaoru stood on it, pushing off and turning quickly, popping an ollie over a stray toy. The little girl jumped, throwing her arms up as she cheered Kaoru on. He finished with a flourish, coming back to stand beside her. “What did you think?” She was speechless, simply moving her hands, saying scattered “wows” and making various sound effects. Kaoru smiled, certain that he could teach her more.
When he realized visiting time was coming to a close, he proposed the idea to the girl, who’s name he had come to know was Lily: he’d come back next week, and he’d bring his board. He even promised to find her a smaller boar perfect for her to learn on, saying he knew a friend who could make her one. From there he would teach her the basics of skateboarding, even a couple of tricks once she got that down. She was delighted, bouncing up and down and declaring she couldn’t wait, all the energy of someone much younger than her. Kaoru found he couldn’t stop smiling himself either
He made his way back through the house, Lily skipping alongside him. He explained the plan to the Lady, that he would come back next week for another visit. Just as he was about to leave, he turned to the lady to request one final thing from her
“Make sure no one snatches her up from me while I’m gone, yeah?”
Needless to say a bottle of wine was opened at Joe’s that night in celebration of Lily, the potential daughter
And so the weeks turned into months, and Kaoru returned each week with his board and some sweets for her and the other children, teaching her everything she needed to know about skateboarding. After a month or so she could confidently ollie without bailing, and next time he visited she displayed it with delight, watching Kaoru’s face light up with pride.
She had taken a real liking to Kaoru, according to the Lady. She refused to pay any other visitors any notice, declaring they “simply weren’t Kaoru.” This is what finally made him realise that maybe it was time to ask if she’d like to live with him from now on, where she could practice with him every day.
When he asked her, Kaoru could’ve sworn he actually saw stars in her eyes. She simply lit up, throwing herself at Kaoru, tears streaming down her face as she shouted yes, of course she would. she wasn’t the only one crying, Kaoru could barely see from the tears in his own eyes, the lady dabbing at hers with a tissue
Once the paperwork was complete and Lily was his, he felt a weight had been taken off his shoulders. He had packed her a new change of clothes the day he went to collect her, bringing Joe along with him for emotional support. Lily came flying at him the second he got out of his car, wrinkling her nose at Joe
“You never told me you had a boyfriend, Kaoru” she stuck her tongue out at him from over his shoulder while they both tried to convince her that no, they weren’t a couple, before she ran upstairs to get changed. Joe turned to Kaoru, an almost offended look on his face
“Why were you so adamant that we weren’t together??” “I dont need her worrying she’s going home to a Gorrila” “HEY”
Once they all got home, they threw a little party at Joe’s who had closed a little early specially for it. Kaoru didn’t let her out of his sight, making sure she wasn’t uncomfortable with all the new people. Of course, it was only Joe, Shadow, Reki, Langa and Miya, all of whom she would meet eventually, but he still worried in case she got overwhelmed.
She made quick friends with Reki, who was ecstatic from the moment he realised she could skate. The two bonded over it, talking about tricks they’d learned, Reki shouting over at Kaoru because why hadn’t he taught him anything??
Miya was a bit standoffish at first, but when she saw the switch in his hand, the two were instantly bonding over who had better villagers in Animal Crossing, and who had passed more levels in Mario with three stars
As the months went on, Lily really settled into her new life in Okinawa, starting at school in Miyas class. The two were joined at the hip, Miya often coming home to Kaoru’s so they could practice together, or simply study and watch some movies. Reki constantly teased the shit out of the two, talking about how he heard “wedding bells”. This comment earned him a swift whack into the skull from Kaoru, warning him not to tease his little girl
Soon enough Kaoru was making her own skateboard with built-in Carla, who helped her skating improve insanely. As Kaoru said, she was definitely a chip off the old block. Langa and Reki would take her to the skate park with them, helping her land new tricks and would take videos of her to send to Kaoru
Shadow was like a chill uncle to her, bringing her flowers for her room and taking her out to get some clothes and ice cream. Joe was like an uncle too, but a much more untrustworthy one. Would he take her to the park, or would he take her to parts of downtown she definitely shouldn’t have been? Who knows, certainly not Kaoru...
Poor Kaoru can never get a minutes peace. Every second of the day she’s plotting something, waiting for him to let his guard down so she can pounce, scaring the shit out of him. When the others are around its 10x worse, all of them ganging up on him to pull pranks
As well as skateboarding, Kaoru tried to teach her how to do calligraphy. She ended up being awful, blotting the ink and smearing it with her hand. But hey, it was a fun art project that made it onto the fridge
At S, she was watched like a hawk. When Kaoru was competing,the others would be like her bodyguard, making sure no one got within 5 feet of her. She’d watch her dad with wonder, the look of awe never leaving her face since the first day she saw him skate. She can’t wait for the day she can compete, maybe even beating her own dad
The first time Lily called Kaoru “dad” was when he won a race, showing off some amazing skills and winning the insanely close match by a hair. He picked up his board, looking around for Lily. He saw her in the crowd, throwing her arms up and cheering “THATS MY DAD!! LOOK, RIGHT THERE, THATS MY DAD!” When she spotted him, a large grin spread across her face. “Nice job out there dad! You did amazing!! D’you think I can do that one day?”
Everyone was staring at her, she hadn’t even realised she had said anything out of the ordinary. Soon enough Kaoru was lunging at her, picking her up in a hug so she didn’t see the tears quickly forming on his face. With a smile he pulled away, his voice dripping with pride
“Of course you could. You’re my daughter, aren’t you?”
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blisslilywrites · 5 years
Hi! Can I ask fluff about Kirisaki Daichi? Their girl doesn't sleep for several nights because of a school project. Please.
A/N: Hii, sorry this took so long 😅it was actually a little difficult to write too cuz we aren’t really familiar with the kirisaki daiichi boys BUT we tried so we hope you like it UwU
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You stretched in your seat, letting a yawn escape you. 24 hours until the due date. You groaned as you looked at your laptop. This research project was a disaster and you knew it. But you’ve spent the last few nights working on it, so you couldn’t exactly give up now.
Your boyfriend had offered you some help when you first told him about the project. 
“I just so happen to be an expert at [subject name]”
You refused though. You wanted to finish this project and prove to him you were good enough to do it on your own.
“Just let me help you y/n.” 
“No, it’s fine,” you protested with a yawn. “I’m almost done anyway.”
“Yeah almost done being alive.”
You stifled a yawn and blinked at your computer screen before yawning yet again.
Hanamiya sighed. It was honestly cute to see you try so hard. It stopped being cute when you looked like you were going to collapse from exhaustion. 
Deciding he wasn’t just gonna sit back anymore, he took a blanket from the bed and walked over to you. 
“Mako-chan? What--” before you could finish, he wrapped the blanket around your body.
You protested but could slowly feel your body lean into the warmth and comfort of the blanket. Your eyes snapped shut and you drifted off as Hanamiya picked you up off the chair you were in and carried you to the bed. He gently set you down and gave you a soft smile, one he'd never admit to giving. 
“Don't overwork yourself again, OK?” he mumbled, patting your hair. 
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As every second passed by, you felt somnolence slowly conquering you. You felt lifeless as you forced your eyes wide awake but your body tells otherwise. Beside you in your work station was Kazuya who had just finished the boss battle of a super mario video game, seeing your boyfriend in a carefree state made you feel envious, more stressed and insulted for an unknown reason. You wanted to cry, but your eyes were too tired to even comprehend your surroundings. 
"Okay, 10 down. 15 more." You let out an exhausted sigh. 
"Y/N," You heard Kazuya calling you, but you couldn't just get your attention off your work. You had been working for 8 hours straight, and Hara had called you many times but you just couldn't risk your time for a "meaningless" conversation. 
You heard a sound of applause, knowing that your boyfriend had already defeated another boss level. With him who was finished with his game, went to your side. 
"Y/N, you're already too tired. You should rest." He advised, yet you ignored. 
"Heyyy, let's sleep first. It's bad for your health." You maintained your silence. 
"Y/N, please." And for the last time you just wished he would shut up. You slammed your palm against the lumbers of your work station, turned to him with wobbly eyes and well, cracked. 
"It's easy for you to say! Well, I wish I could also defeat the final level of this project. You were just playing there being carefree while me?! I just want to pass, that's all. So please Kazuya.. just.. just.." Your face shimmered with tears rolling down your cheeks. Your voice desired one thing: to get your project over with. You wiped your tears away with shaky hands whilst your tears kept on flowing.
Hara didn't reply. In fact, he turned and walked away then you heard the sound of a door being shut.
You ate your tears and enervation and continued to do your work.
Hara didn't do anything wrong. In fact, he never did. 
Five minutes had passed and you barely progressed. But also within five minutes, Hara came back. He took a seat then placed it next to you with your work station. He brought your favorite food, his own laptop and a pillow neck. 
"Y/N.. so I'm sorry for earlier.. I know you are stressed and all but your assignment would lose its point if you die. So please, tell me anything you need to do and I'll help."
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You were sitting in bed next to your boyfriend. A pencil in hand, a notebook on your lap, and a pile of papers scattered around you. It wasn’t exactly your fault your teacher decided to make your week hell by giving you a nearly impossible assignment to complete by Friday. You were extremely annoyed and upset and angry and mad and tired and sleepy.
You shook your head in an attempt to drive the sleepiness away.
“Y/n. Why can’t you forget about your homework and go to sleep?”
“Koji, it’s not just some homework. It’s a quarterly project that’s not supposed to be this hard,” you groaned.
He gave you a small look. You knew what he was trying to say though. And you’re just gonna work yourself to the brink of death over some project?
“Look I need to pass this class ok? So just let me work on this for a few more hours.”
You weren’t sure if you could last a few more hours though. Your eyelids have been heavy all day, and you’ve been yawning non-stop.
Guess there’s no choice but to muscle through, you thought to yourself.
At that moment, you felt his arms wrap around your waist, softly pulling you towards him.
“I told you just let me work on this for a bit more,” you protested, trying to sound angry.
“We both know you’re not gonna last, so do yourself a favor and get some rest for now. You can continue it in the morning.”
He pulled you closer.
You tried to find an excuse to stay up but your brain was beyond exhausted.
“Ok,” you replied softly.
With that, he wrapped his arms fully around you and hugged you tight to his chest. You fell asleep within minutes. Once he made sure you were asleep, he quietly cleaned up and organized all your work before climbing back into bed with you.
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Seto Kentaro always liked your intelligence and the stubbornness that came with it. However, he wasn't liking it very much now when he came over to your house in the morning to find you buried in a pile of papers and notebooks. You had bags under your eyes and a huge thermos of coffee beside you. In all honesty, he could only sit and stare at you in disbelief.
‘No, you did not just spend the entire night working on that stupid project,’ he thought to himself.
“Huh? Ken-chan?” you said in a soft voice. You could barely keep your eyes open. “What time is it?”
He let out a deep sigh.
“It's time for you to go to sleep babe.”
“But...I’m not yet done,” you protested weakly. 
“Then I’ll finish it for you.”
He lifted you up from the chair and carried a protesting-you over to the bed.
“But what? You already wrote out everything in your notebook right? I just have to type it up for you that’s all.”
He plopped you down and you looked at him with tired eyes.
“I won’t even change that terrible grammar of yours,” he added with a wink.
“Excuse me?”
“Look here, you’re extremely tired and I know how much your studies mean to you. So here I am telling you to shut up and go sleep while I help you finish it. Don’t look at me like that, I’m actually a really nice and helpful guy.”
You snickered. “Yeah right. Go tell that to the guys you play basketball against.”
“Are you gonna accept my help or not?” he said with a serious face.
You sighed in defeat, fatigue and exhaustion slowly taking over your body.
“Thank you Ken-chan,” you muttered, pulling the blanket over your body.
He let out a small smile.
“Goodnight y/n”
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You slapped yourself awake for the millionth time. It was well past midnight but you still had a lot to do. That essay wasn’t going to write itself and you weren’t resting until it was finished.
But I guess it's fine if I just close my eyes for one second…
SLAP. Nope I gotta finish this. Just a few paragraphs left.
You stared at your notes thoughtlessly and took another sip of coffee before starting to type. The bedroom door creaked open and you heard the soft footsteps of your boyfriend walking in.
“Still not done?”
You shook your head and continued typing.
What felt like an eternity had passed and you had finished about three-quarters of the paper.
“Y/n,” Yamazaki said in a soft voice.
You hadn’t really been paying much attention to your surroundings and was a little startled by him. You turned around to look at him and saw him holding out a metal flask towards you.
“Some more coffee.”
When he saw the confusion on your face, he added, “This one’s pretty strong. It should keep you up until morning.”
You took it from him with a small smile and quickly went back to work.
After a few more hours, you finally finished it, submitted it, and crawled into bed to get whatever little sleep you could before school started.
When you woke up you realized two things. First, your boyfriend had already left. Second, you were extremely late for school.
You quickly got ready and rushed to school.
In between one of your classes, you ran into Yamazaki in the hallway.
“Hiro-chan, thanks for that coffee last night, but you know, you didn’t have to stay up.”
“Don’t worry about it. I took that class last year so you could say I’ve been through it too...” You could tell he was trying his best to play it off cool. But instead of saying anything, you just gave him a big smile and a quick peck on the cheek before running off to your next class.
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The sun had already set when you and Matsumoto left the library. It had been one long afternoon of tedious researching, but now you were confident that you could finish the assignment by tomorrow.
“Y/N, it's getting a little late. Wanna grab something to eat before we go home?” 
“Hmm sure,” you replied absentmindedly, too focused on the notes on your phone.
Once you two were finished eating and arrived home, you immediately went back to work putting your 100% into finishing this assignment. 
About a few hours later, you realized you had left your bag with a lot of important information in the library. You started panicking slightly. There was still so much to do. You couldn't afford to waste time by going all the way back to the library.
Some things can't be helped I guess…
You quickly grabbed a coat and rushed to the front door. Before you reached it though, you felt a strong hand grab your arm.
“Woah y/n, where are you going?”
“The library. I left my bag there and I really need it…”
“Oh, well it's not safe for you to go alone. I'll go with you.”
“OK…” you said hesitantly.
“What? Is there something wrong?” he asked with concerned eyes.
“No, it's just that I still have a lot left to finish and I'm not sure if I can make it through tonight that's all,” you answered softly.
Truth is this assignment has drained you both physically and mentally. At this point, you weren't sure how much longer you would last.
Matsumoto suddenly engulfed you in a tight hug.
“Y/N, if you're feeling too stressed you can just go to sleep. I'll go talk to your teacher tomorrow. Maybe ask if you could submit it later instead.”
You smiled at his words. He really was too sweet. Knowing how much he cared kind of re-lit that drive to finish this project.
“It's fine Tsuki-chan. You don't have to do that for me. I'll finish it.”
He looked at you skeptically. “Then I'll go get your bag and you stay here and continue whatever part of the project you can. Is that OK?”
Your tired eyes met his and you gave him a small smile and a nod.
“Thank you, Tsuki-chan.”
149 notes · View notes
Game Over
You can blame this fic's existence on the anon who requested the fic of Luigi becoming a boo via the boo powerup. That fic implanted the idea of Luigi turning into a boo via other means into my head and it stuck with me so I figured why not have it be a Halloween thing. Meaning content warning for major character death and graphic violence as well as an unhappy ending. This was supposed to go up alongside the final chapter of Haunted Castle but I couldn't finish the final chapter in time so we must settle for this.
Mario’s portrait was hung up on the wall on the opposite side of the room. There was no way it was that easy, right? Luigi had fought his way through a whole amusement park’s worth of ghosts to get here to this now actually haunted ‘haunted’ house so there was no possible way this would be that easy, it had to be a trap. What kind though?
The room had clearly been a break room for the haunted house’s staff back when they’d run the place as a job. A table and some chairs off to one side and some vending machines off to the other. The path to Mario’s portrait was clear though and there wasn’t anything visibly amiss other than it. Where was King Boo though?
Luigi turned his head to look at Gooigi standing beside him. Sending them into a trap felt wrong but if anything happened to them, they’d automatically teleport back into the Poltergust strapped on Luigi’s back. How unpleasant or painful any part of the process was or could be, Luigi still didn’t know and with how many times it had happened, he was too afraid to ask and would rather not know. But regardless, Gooigi couldn’t die from taking damage or melting, meaning it made sense for them to go in first so… “You want to go investigate?”
They nodded before striding in without hesitation; fearless or really good at hiding their fear. They strode right up to Mario’s portrait and… nothing happened. If it was a trap, Gooigi hadn’t triggered it yet. Next, they switched on their dark light, shining it on Mario’s portrait. … Still nothing happened though, nothing at all. Either King Boo had found a way to make the dark light useless for freeing those he’d trapped in portraits or as was more likely the case, the portrait was fake. How odd? Why would there be a fake portrait in here?
Gooigi made a sound of distress as they switched their dark light on and off again, even giving it a little shake. They then twisted their head to look back at Luigi as if asking him for help.
Luigi glanced around the room before sighing and creeping a bit closer. There was still clearly something wrong here but… he wanted a better look.
“It’s fake,” he said upon reaching Gooigi’s side. Up close and better lit by their flashlights, it was clearly a normal painting, a very good one for sure, it captured Mario’s likeness almost perfectly but it was nothing more than paint on a canvas.
“Why?” Gooigi asked as they finally turned off their dark light.
“I’m not sure. It’s certainly very odd though, huh?” And still nothing was happening so maybe… it wasn’t a trap? “I wonder who painted it.” And why?
Visible but not quite legible from even this close was a tiny signature in the top right corner. Luigi stepped closer to read it. He had to get almost right up in front of the painting in order to do so. … “Boocasso,” he read aloud. “Well I guess we know it was-”
With the sound of ripping canvas something burst through the painting and into Luigi’s chest, making him cut off with a yelp. It thrust through him with enough force to push him back. He would’ve fallen but it was suddenly the only thing keeping him upright. It was a searing sharp pain, pushing all the way through his chest, making him want to scream and taking his breath away at the same time. Instinctively he grabbed at it, needing to pull it out but it was sharp, cutting through his gloves and into his hands too. A sword blade? How was that even possible? And it might’ve been his imagination but he could’ve sworn he felt its tip pushing against the Poltergust on his back, making the straps strain against his shoulders. That couldn’t be right though, no way was a sword sticking all the way through him.
King Boo’s distinct laugh filled his ears as the sword angled to push him upwards, lifting his feet off the ground. He choked and whimpered pitifully as gravity made him slide further down on its blade. Not much though because it was indeed pushing against the Poltergust now without a doubt.
“You like it?” King Boo asked with a smirk as he phased through the wall, pushing the painting, sword and Luigi forward too. His crown glowed bright, beams of light snaking off it to wrap around the sword’s hilt, levitating it. “I painted it myself. It took ages in part because it’s been a long time since I last painted something so realistic. I had very good reference though.” He chuckled as if it were a joke.
Luigi could only make breathless sounds of pain as the sword lifted further to point straight up. He grasped uselessly at it with his hands, the pain as it cut into his fingers and palms nothing compared to the pain of it pushing through his chest, making every miniscule movement, even breathing, agony. His blood oozed down its blade onto the now torn painting of Mario. He could taste it in the back of his throat too, nauseating and horrible.
Gooigi made a sound from somewhere off to Luigi’s right. He looked over just time in time to see King Boo throw a bucket of water on them; he’d come prepared. They melted instantly of course, reforming in the Poltergust on Luigi’s back, making it heavier which normally wasn’t an issue but suddenly was.
With a whimper Luigi reached for the dangling flashlight/vacuum nozzle. If he could press the button to free them again maybe they could help… somehow. Reaching for it hurt but… it was his only chance. He managed to grab the hose but…
“Nope,” King Boo said as the sword jostled him, making him let go with a gasp of pain. “None of that. Your little goo friend wouldn’t be able to help you anyway, they’re too weak and fragile. It’s gonna be just you and me in your final living moments. I thought about bringing Mario out to enjoy the show but I’m not taking any risks this time.”
Panting desperately for breath that didn’t seem anywhere close to enough, Luigi forced himself to look up at King Boo floating before him, looking far too pleased. He’d never hated anyone more than he hated King Boo. Not even Bowser was this awful.
“Fuck you.” It was all Luigi had the strength to say before cutting off with a cough that judging based off the awful coppery taste in his mouth brought up more than a little blood. He pawed more that the sword, now slick with his blood, desperately trying to release some of the pressure on his chest so he could breathe properly again. … It was futile.
King Boo laughed heartily, his massive tongue lolling out of his mouth. “This is your fault, you know?” he eventually said with a smug grin. “I didn’t want to kill you yet but after three attempts to capture you, you left me no other choice. So really, you have no one but yourself to blame.”
“You could’ve just… left.” That would’ve been easier for everyone.
Another chuckle. “And let the wrongs you and E. Gadd did me and my followers stand unavenged? Never.”
Luigi could’ve argued that it was King Boo who had started it, that if King Boo had just left them alone after any of his escapes, Luigi would’ve gladly left him alone too. But he lacked the strength to form the words so he just whimpered in misery instead.
“You’d die faster if I pulled the blade out, right?” King Boo asked. “Do you want me to?”
Luigi shook his head. It hurt and he couldn’t breathe right but he didn’t want to die. Not yet and not by King Boo’s hand. He still had so many things he wanted to do with his life and… he couldn’t leave Mario at King Boo’s mercy. He had to save him. But… but… he couldn’t, he couldn’t even save himself, let alone anyone else.
“Ah yes, you living and your illogical need to cling to life no matter what. I really don’t get the appeal. I suppose I could put you in a painting now, it would keep you alive. I’ve already committed to watching you die though so let’s get this over with. I don’t want to sit around for hours while you bleed out, I got stuff to do.”
The sword flipped over fast enough to force Luigi off it, making him cry out in pain as he hit the floor. What was left of the painting of Mario landed next to him with a clatter.
Despite the pressure from the sword being gone from his chest, breathing suddenly seemed even more difficult and painful. … Without the sword to act as a plug, he was drowning in his own blood. Warmth spread across his chest and back as blackness ate at the edge of his vision. Fighting it, he flopped over onto his side to try to at least push himself up onto his hands and knees. Standing didn’t seem possible though, running away certainly wasn’t. … Maybe Gooigi could though.
It took some work and he coughed up more blood while doing so but he managed to find the Poltergust’s hose. Before he could work the flashlight up into his hand though, it was ripped out his hand again with a flash of magic from King Boo.
“Still no,” he said. “You’re dying alone with only me as witness. Don’t worry though, I’ll tell E. Gadd all the details before I lock him up in a painting. I might even free Mario long enough to tell him about it.”
Hopeless, it was all so hopeless. Luigi had fallen for King Boo’s trap and now he was dying. He’d failed to save Mario, something he’d feared would be the case every time. All he could really hope for now was that E. Gadd and the Toads would be able to get away before King Boo came for them. It wasn’t much to hope for though, was it?
King boo said something more. More gloating no doubt but as the darkness continued to eat at Luigi’s vision it sounded too distant to be worth listening to.
He came to as if waking from an overly long sleep. He opened his eyes to a dark room. Despite that, he could see quite well. He seemed to be floating somehow, a body lay face down on the on the floor beneath him… the Poltergust on their back. … It was him! That was his body! That wasn’t possible! He couldn’t be… No way it was real. It was just a cruel trick… right?
King Boo laugh came from behind him. He snapped around to face him. He seemed bigger somehow, his presence more palpable. “I won’t lie, you’re almost cute as a boo.”
“What? I’m not… I can’t be…” He looked down at himself… more like tried to anyway. He didn’t seem to have much of a body to look at anymore. He had stubby white arms though, he could see those. And his last clear memory, he’d been dying, stabbed through the chest by a sword. His corpse was now basically right beneath him, he could see it clearly even in the dark. Meaning… he was a ghost? … A boo. Why a boo? What made someone a boo when they died?
“I was actually hoping this would happen.” King Boo’s grin was perhaps the smuggest it had ever been. “A boo, even a cute one, doesn’t make for a good portrait but it’s better than nothing.” From somewhere behind him, he levitated out an empty portrait.
Luigi should run… or do whatever the ghost equivalent of running away was. But… he looked back down at his corpse. Surely he couldn’t abandon it. There had to be a way he could still… No, there wasn’t, was there? … He should save Gooigi though and then run.
But it was too late; the portrait was already pulling him in. Suddenly his body and the Poltergust was furtherer away, his view of the room as a whole different angle and… he couldn’t move.
King Boo turned Luigi around to face him. “I finally have you, it’s about fucking time.” He said before dissolving into hearty laughter. “Now all I need is E. Gadd and my art collection will be complete. Maybe I’ll grab a few Toads too, just because.”
Not only was Luigi dead, he’d also been turned into a portrait and… there was no escape. King Boo really had won and there was no one left to save him or Mario especially if E. Gadd got taken too. Hopefully he wouldn’t be but… what were the chances of that? Not good, right? … And it was all Luigi’s fault for falling for King Boo’s obvious trap.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Do you usually take blame or blame others? Depends on the context, I guess? When things go wrong on a very deep and personal level between me and people I deeply care for, I usually try to find reasons to blame myself. But if it’s something superficial, like if someone messes up at work through no fault of my own, then I’m able to point my finger to whoever fucked up.
Have you ever been to a McDonald’s in another state? I’ve been to McDonald’s in different provinces and also  in different countries. The McDonald’s we went to in Baguio was so surreal because we discovered that they were still using styrofoam containers that they had already phased out years ago everywhere else, and they also never changed the original spaghetti and chicken recipes I grew up with. It was such a blast from the past. As for other countries, I’ve tried out the McDonald’s in Malaysia, Indonesia, and China and made sure to order items that we didn’t have back home.
Have you ever seen 50 First Dates? Yeah, it’s one of my semi-guilty pleasures. It’s such a cheesy movie, but idk the concept is unique and the supporting characters made the whole movie enjoyable for me.
Do you like or hate the smell of fish? The fishy smell at the market can be pretty strong and bleck, but generally I don’t mind the smell of fish. I live in an archipelago, man. We live and breathe seafood. Idk anyone in real life who doesn’t like fish.
Have you ever been to Sea World? No.
Do you know someone who suffers from short term memory loss? I don’t think so, no.
Have you ever read any of John Green’s books? Yeah, but the only one I’ve gotten to read in full was The Fault In Our Stars. I also got to start on The Abundance of Katherines and Paper Towns, but because I only borrowed those copies from friends I never got to read either until the end. All were okay, but I don’t find John Green’s writing to be as great as it was once hyped up to be.
If so, which one is your favorite? I guess TFIOS, since that’s the only one I got to read through to the end.
Are you a protective person? With my loved ones and pets, yes.
Have you ever experienced an earthquake? Yeah I’ve felt a lot but fortunately it’s never been a severe one. Just super brief earthquakes where the most that happened to me was a little swaying.
Would you rather go to a beach or city for a vacation? I love beaches, but a change in scenery would also be nice because I already go to beaches for vacations fairly often. City.
Does your license plate number contain the number 8? I never actually memorized my plate number LOOOOOOL I think so? It’s either a 6 or 8.
Were you ever a ghost on Halloween? Nope.
Has someone ever held the door open for you? Yeah, security guards tend to do that for customers/guests. Sometimes, nice strangers that I enter a place with will do it for me too.
Are you a fan of penguins? I think fan is pushing it far lol. I like penguins, but I’m not obsessed.
Have you ever stayed up all night on a school night? Just a handful of times, and it was always as part of a groupwork. I’d never willingly go through an all-nighter for myself.
What’s your favorite brand of chips? Doritos or Pringles. We also have a local brand that makes these deeeeeelicious salted egg chips, but I’ve never actually taken note of what the brand is.
Has anyone ever sang to you? Not to me. But a lot of people have sung around me.
Are you a good painter? No. That’s why I opt for paint-by-number kits, because those come with a guide haha. I can’t actually craft images by myself – that skill belongs to my sister who has an insane talent for painting.
Before buying a car, do you usually test drive it? I’ve never bought a car by myself; my dad takes care of the car purchases. I know he test-drove the Vitara, but idk about the other cars we have.
Have you ever written a poem and then read it aloud? Hmm, I don’t write poems. I don’t find the vast majority of them appealing, and only once in a while will there be a poem that is able to speak to me.
Do you like pineapple? Nope.
Have you ever met your favorite author? I don’t have a favorite.
Do you look more like your mom or dad? Most comments point to my mom, but I’ll get the occasional remark that half of my face is my dad’s as well. I’m a good mix of both.
Have you and your best friend ever liked the same person? This hasn’t happened before.
When was the last time someone called you babe or baby? Maybe August? I’m not too sure. It’s been a few months.
Do you have an older brother? No. But I’m super close with my eldest cousin on my mom’s side and we grew up together and all that, and I pretty much consider him my older brother. He’s definitely more a brother than a cousin to me, and it has always felt and been that way.
Are you a fan of art? Yes, especially paintings and dioramas.
Did you get your mom or dad’s eyes? My mom’s, I think? I really don’t know, I’m bad at recognizing this kind of stuff. You’d have to ask people who actually see me on a daily basis.
Have you ever seen the movie My Girl? Is this the one with the really sad scene of a boy’s funeral and the girl’s like, “He can’t see without his glasses”? I haven’t seen the movie, but I’ve heard about that scene a million times.
Do you watch Teen Wolf on MTV? Ugh, MTV’s teen shows are such a cringefest to me. I never followed it, but I’ve had to watch a few eps back in high school when my friends would watch it while we were at someone’s place. Not my cup of tea.
When it was on, did you watch Cory In The House on Disney? I watched a few episodes, especially when it was still new. But we were also in the process of moving then and we didn’t have cable for a few years in our new house, so I had to miss out most of it.
Do you have any blackheads? I don’t.
Do you have any freckles? Nope.
Do you have a movie that you have to watch during the summer every year? No, but I have something similar. I like watching Love Actually at least once every year, during the Christmas season. I like watching Two for The Road once a year as well, regardless of the time of year.
Do you think that life isn’t fair sometimes? I mean yeah. It doesn’t revolve around me, so I know it won’t always be fair.
When was the last time someone bought you flowers? Valentine’s Day last year.
What was the last book you read? Midnight Sun. Haven’t touched it since September, though.
How many books do you plan to read this summer? It’s past summer, and I haven’t been doing a lot of reading in general.
Does your house have a dishwasher? No, not a common appliance here.
Do you know anyone who has a flower tattoo? I probably do. But I haven’t seen people outside of family for so long that I can barely remember who has which tattoos. I’m pretty sure I know someone who has flowers.
Do you like the name Carter? It just reminds me of the underwear brand honestly, so not a fan.
Have you ever had a secret admirer? No. Should there be one, they shouldn’t be having high hopes; I wouldn’t be interested in the least.
How many different languages can you say goodbye in? There’s English, Filipino, Korean, Spanish, German, French, Japanese – 7.
Agree or disagree: You like Adam Sandler movies. Disagree for the most part, but 50 First Dates is cute.
Did the last type of shoes you wore have laces? Yups. I wore sneakers when I went out to get Starbucks last Friday evening.
How much money did you spend yesterday? The charging cable that I ordered arrived yesterday, so I had to shell out ₱140 for that.
What genre is your favorite movie? It’s a romcom/drama. My other favorite is a drama.
Are you texting anybody right now? Nope. I’m all alone today, which is the way I want to be for this weekend.
Who was the last person you were in a car with? My parents.
Do you like the picture on your license/I.D. card? I really do, hahaha. I don’t know why the people at the LTO gave me a pass, but I had been allowed to smile with my teeth. That helped make my license photo turn out super well and I no longer feel embarrassed whenever I have to take it out and present it somewhere.
What’s your favorite thing to snack on while watching a movie? Potato Corner fries. Can’t be any other type of fries.
When was the last time somebody hit on you? July or August when this random guy slid into my PMs. I had never had so much fun blocking somebody so fast.
Was the last person you met a male or female? The last new person I met was male.
Which one of your friends do you feel most comfortable around? Angela or Andi.
Do you own a map of the world? I mean, I guess. I have a collection of the World Almanac for Kids books, and it had always included a world map in its Countries chapter every year.
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food? We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving.
Is the light on in the room you’re in? No, doesn’t have to be as it’s bright out and I can see the sun from my window.
Who did you last spoon with? Gabie.
Are you currently watching TV? No.
Have you ever had surgery or stitches? Never. Hope I’ll never be needing one.
Do you own any clothing that has animal print? I have a tank top with cheetah print that I sometimes wear at home.
Does your family eat dinner together? Yes, every evening. We don’t eat together when my dad is working abroad, but since he has stayed home for all of 2020 because of Covid, we’ve gotten to eat together as a family all year.
Where do you work? Somewhere in Metro Manila; I’m not giving the city away.
Are you in high school? I got out of there nearly five years ago.
Do you have a TV in your room? I used to, but not anymore.
Are any of your electronics charging right now? My phone and laptop both are.
What was the last video game you played? Mario Kart 8.
Are you hungry?: I can def go for a snack, or maybe even a full meal. It’s taking everything in me not to order Popeye’s or Army Navy from Grab rn.
What color is the chair you’re sitting on?: I’m sitting up in bed; my sheets are blue with gold/yellow prints.
What did you buy last time you went to the store?: I got bottled coffee when I went to 7-Eleven a week ago.
Do you like salsa that has fruit in it?: ...Don’t all types of salsa have fruit in them though? It would be brand-new knowledge to me if I was told not all salsas have fruit.
Have you ever opened up your computer to clean the fan on the inside?: No. I’d rather have professionals do that.
Can you count in binary?: No, and I never even understood how it works.
Do you think stained glass windows are pretty?: No. Mostly because it reminds me of cathedrals.
Are you a chocoholic?: Nah. I like chocolate, but I can live without it.
Are you scared of snakes?: I mean if they were venomous or obviously wanted to eat me whole, of course. But I’ve also already held a couple of snakes before.
Have you had your wisdom teeth removed?: No.
Do you like hard or soft pretzels better?: Soft all the way. I find the hard ones too salty.
What was the last magazine or catalog you looked through?: I don’t even remember. Maybe Tatler? My grandma has loads of those at her house.
When was the last time you wore a raincoat?: I don’t think I have ever worn a raincoat.
Have you ever been carded when buying something?: Idk what that is but nothing out of the ordinary has ever happened to me whenever I’ve made a purchase, so I’m gonna go ahead and say no.
Do you eat meat?: Yep.
Corn and mashed potatoes, or beans and rice?: Both pairings aren’t really a part of our cuisine, so neither sound appealing to be honest. As someone who thrives on rice, I hate the idea of eating beans with it; so I would go with corn and mashed potatoes even though I’m having a hard time imagining how it would work.
Can you sleep with the light on?: I probably can, but it would take me a lot longer to fall asleep.
What’s your operating system of choice?: Mac/iOS.
Have you ever broken a bone?: Never.
Do you have a favorite highlighter color?: I don’t have a favorite color to use, but I prefer pastel shades in general over neon.
Do you have a flashlight?: My phone has a built-in flashlight, but we also keep a couple of emergency flashlights at home in case of blackouts.
Do you like watermelon?: I like some watermelon-flavored stuff like candies, but I’m not fond of the fruit.
…Honeydew?: Hahahahahaha. BoJack Horseman, anyone? Anyway, I’ve never had honeydew and probably wouldn’t like it considering my established opinion on fruits.
Can you shoot a gun?: I’ve never tried, so I’ll say no. I’ve always been meaning to go to a shooting range though; I feel like it’ll be such a cool experience.
Do you like salad?: Not for the most part. The only kind I enjoy is spicy tuna salad, which only has lettuce in it alongside tuna sashimi and spicy mayonnaise.
When was the last time you smashed your finger?: I don’t know if I ever have? This doesn’t ring a bell to me.
What color is your computer?: Silver/gray.
Have you ever made ice cream in chemistry class?: No, my chemistry classes in high school and college were never that fun.
Has anyone ever walked in on you while you were on the toilet?: Sure.
What color hair do you have?: Black.
Do you use the microwave often?: I wouldn’t say so; just a couple of times a month.
Are you good at spelling?: Sure, I’d claim that. Thank the movie Akeelah and the Bee; that movie made me super passionate about spelling and dictionaries for a time. I can still feel its effects today because I’m still very much particular about spelling more so than any other kind of writing/language mechanic.
Have you ever petted a donkey?: I’ve never even seen one before :o but I’d love to have the chance to pet one, heh. It would make me so happy.
When was the last time you went to the doctor’s for a physical?: 2016.
Do you like a lot of ice in your drinks?: Sure.
Have you ever painted a room? Never have, but would like to give it a try.
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weirdmarioenemies · 5 years
We haven’t talked about the Topmen yet?!?
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Okay, I know my priorities have gotten seriously skewed, I could probably fill a whole week with posts on “enemies I’ve said we should cover in the future,” but as soon as I realized we did not have a post on the Topmen, I realized. I must right the wrong in this world. A Weird Mario Enemies post on ALL the Topmen is in order, and that is what you are going to enjoy today. All of this is below the cut, since this will probably be a long one!
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Name: Spiky Topman
Debut: Super Mario Galaxy
Starting off the bunch is the classic, Spiky Topman! There’s no regular “Topman,” I’m afraid, Spiky is as default as you get! So playing Super Mario Galaxy, as Mario “Jumpman” Mario, your first instinct might be to jump on enemies. But with Spiky Topman, that is a terrible idea, since I mean. Come on. I think we’ve established what happens when you jump on spikes in a Mario game! You lose health, which is very unepic!
Fortunately, Super Mario Galaxy also features an alternate way to defeat enemies, which is by spinning! Shake that Wiimote back and forth, and you will twirl around, knocking back any enemies in your way! But Topmen are also defensive, meaning that even just twirling into them will just knock them back for a second! My goodness, are Topmen truly just an invincible enemy?
Well, they would be! But apparently they also aren’t very smart! The entire Topman Tribe’s battle strategy is apparently building their bases around electric wiring or on flat platforms with holes in them, which can both be used to kill them easily. Knock a Spiky Topman in the right direction with a good ol’ spin, and BLAMMO! They’ll be either knocked into the void or just fried to death.
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Spiky Topmen also appeared in Mario Kart Wii’s online tournaments, where you’d defeat them by bumping them off the edge with Triple Mushrooms! Unfortunately, this mode ended long ago, so this unique appearance of the Topmen has been unfortunately lost to time... I hope they can do this again in the future! I think Topmen would be a fun enemy with the anti-gravity mechanic! Let Topman drive a go-kart! 
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Name: Spring Topman
Debut: Super Mario Galaxy
And then there’s the Spring Topman! This Topman has no spike, which means that you can jump on it! But between its head and body is a large spring, enough to propel Mario high up in the air! You think you know what a jump is? Well, you’ve never jumped on a Spring Topman, then!
Spring Topman actually hardly counts as an “enemy” at all, since on its own, it can’t really hurt you. If it bumps into you, it just knocks you back a little bit! Maybe if there’s other obstacles nearby, it can bump you into those, but that’s not really Spring Topman’s fault! That’s just you being a little too reckless!
The main purpose for Spring Topman is good ol’ platforming challenges! You need to lure them to the right place, and jump on them at the right moment to get the necessary verticality you need in a level! Ultimately, if you mess up, though, don’t worry, after a few seconds, the spring will reset, and they’ll be right back to their old strategies!
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Name: Topmini
Debut: Super Mario Galaxy
I actually don’t know why I’m listing the debut of these enemies, since they’re all from Super Mario Galaxy, but I’ve gone 3/4 now so it’s best I don’t give up at this point. Topmini is just a little baby, but be warned, because sometimes, the babier an enemy is, the more dangerous it can be...
Or at least the more irritating it can be! Topmini spawns in small groups, all of which will come charging after you. While probably the least dangerous Topmen on their own, due to their easy method of defeat and lack of ability to deal damage, they can easily mess with you if you aren’t careful! They can also push you right into an obstacle, and since that’s also just you being reckless, they won’t be liable for your death! You don’t want that!
But you can just spin and they will instantly die, so I guess that makes them a LITTLE less of a nuisance.
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Name: Topmaniac
Debut: Super Mario Galaxy
And here we have the head honcho at the top of the Topman Tribe, Topmaniac himself! So. You’re playing the Battlerock Galaxy, and you see every other Topman in the game. It’s boss time. The devs surely made a nice effort to have this guy just be a stronger version of the average Topman, right? Where you can only defeat it by spinning it, and jumping on top probably isn’t a great idea?
Nope! Topmaniac’s battle strategy is the exact OPPOSITE of the average Topman! He’s got spikes on the sides, so trying to attack him from there is probably a really bad idea. That being said, he has a big red button on his head. I wonder where you should jump! C’mon, Mario “Jumpman” Mario! You know what you gotta do! It’s time for that pounce!
After you jump on this guy’s head, then the spikes retract and you can defeat him like a regular Topman, but be careful, as if you aren’t fast enough, they’ll extend once again! That being said, Topmaniac isn’t very smart. I feel he should realize electric wiring shouldn’t be all around his arena, since that’s the only thing that kills him. He could just tear Mario to shreds with his spikes and call it a day, but he installs fences for what reason? Is it because it looks cool, Topmaniac?
I swear, these bosses sometimes could hire an architect to help out with their battle arenas...
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c0nn0rb0t · 6 years
Things Me and a Buddy said while playing “Mario the Music Box (ARC)” PART 1 -RP Sentence Starters
“Super Serious moment and Im over here dying“
“Do I kill _____ or naw?”
“Why do I have the feeling that I shoulda killed her/him?”
“Gonna look around a bit first an then try an figure it out”
“I feel like staying still works with the curiosity thing....but also a ghost is bout to stab me in the butt aren’t they“
“Just for that Im turning around...IF I die its your fault”
“Well I DIDNT get stabbed in the butt”
“Heck im dead again I think”
“____ needs to remember to save more often”
“clumsy ass jumpman with his ankle“
“Okay that death made me laugh“
“If Silent Hill 2 taught me anything....I should always jump down the large holes“
“His ass too THICC“
“7.8 out of 10 - too much water“
“move one room over, saves. gets to next room, saves again”
“my dumbass keeps dying“
“Like yea boi is bleeding out with a smile on his face, I don't trust this at all“
“looks like homeboi wanna kill me“
“DAMN hole in the floor”
“Yeh know I said something would stab me in the ass”
“you got stabbed in the ass twice“
“Makes up for the lack of ass stabbing earlier“
“Both these mofo's got stab wounds in they chest and still going“
“FINALLY he/she addresses the fuckin STAB WOUND in his/her chest“
“Damn bitch let a man heal”
“Well that Escalated quickly“
“There is blood everywhere....and a shiny thing....guess I'll pick this up I couldn't possibly Die from this or anything“
“Apparently DEATH can happen“
“okay but I want that headband tho“
“okay maybe I Dont want the headband”
“_____ peepin the undies~”
“Well shit I read a girls love letter an Imma die for it”
“nope'in the fuck out of the bathroom“
“yea lets get AWAY from the spider and vomit filled death“
“Dont mind me as I Bump into a wall a few times and end up dead”
“Bitch got a damn chainsaw“
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tessatechaitea · 5 years
The New Titans #60
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First time in my comic book reading history that I noticed how much Nightwing's symbol looks like the torso of a woman in a skimpy top.
It's difficult beginning a new New Titans comic book when I'd let myself believe I was finished reading them all. It's especially difficult to keep reading this comic book when the first page includes this warning:
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You don't have to tell me twice!
Apparently my brain disagreed with its first assessment that the comic book didn't need to tell me twice because it reread the warning and idiotically read it correctly this time.
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Dammit! Why did I already read Batman #440?! Now I'm practically locked into reading this!
Looking on the bright side for the second time in my life (the first time was when I realized that when I die, it'll most likely be in some horrible accident in which I won't have time to register that my life is ending and therefore I'll never actually know I've died, easing swiftly into the loving embrace of non-existence!), I thought, "Well, Batman #440 was written by Wolfman and it was a decent read. How terrible can this comic book be?!" But that pleasant thought was completely undone when the first panel reminded me of something I had yet to consider:
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Fuck. Cyborg was still alive at this time. I'm fucking bored already!
Well, looking on the bright side who loves seeing a character yell "Booyah!" constantly, this comic book should be a real treat! I do feel a little bit of white guilt creeping in around the corners when I voice my indifference of the most boring character in the DC Universe because he's black. Especially with Donald Trump's recent explicitly racist tweets and the GOP's rush to hide behind other members of the GOP in the hopes that they won't have to shrug apathetically on camera when asked about the tweets. But it's not my fault that DC Comics chose to make their most boring character an American black man! Would it help if I said some of my favorite DC characters were black? Nope. Just heard how that sounds. Not better! Paragraph breaks don't do as much heavy lifting as I need them to. Sometimes after I've written some commentary, I'll wander off to another part of the Internet to take in some sights. Then when I come back, I sometimes want to discuss what I've just experienced. But going from one paragraph to another, readers just think they're reading it in real time as I wrote it. What I need are paragraph breaks that represent the amount of time I was away (but not what I was doing while I was away or they'd all be variations on "Gone five minutes. Jerked off to Sailor Moon porn where Rei surprises Usagi in the shower and teaches her how to masturbate" or "Gone ten minutes. Watched an erotic massage video and spent most of the time fiddling with the sound so the downstairs neighbors couldn't hear it. Turns out 3 out of 100 is still to loud for some women's orgasms" or "Gone three days. Couldn't take reading another Wolfman New Titans comic book and wound up just playing thirty games of Apex"). Between the last paragraph and this one, I went on Twitter where Andy Richter posted Fats Domino's version of The Beatles' "Lady Madonna." My only response after hearing it was, "Holy fuck." Seriously, I never want to hear The Beatles' shit version ever again! I also just noticed in the above panel, Cyborg accidentally stuck his penis plug-in to the side of his face! Whoops! Back in 1989, Cyborg wasn't capable of contacting anybody in the DC Universe immediately. So he's having trouble finding Dick Grayson. He tried his pager and...well, that's about it! It was 1989! If somebody wasn't sitting by their phone, you didn't have many other options when trying to contact them! This is probably one of the moments where much later DC editors looked back at Cyborg and realized he needed to be more powerful. I'm not arguing that he definitely needed to be more than a white noise gun that said "Booyah!" but they could have realized he needed to be interesting as well. Hell, it's not long after this issue that Marv Wolfman completely gives up on him and smashes him into bits. Having no other options but to risk exposing Batman's secret identity by putting calls to Wayne Manor on the Titans phone records, Cyborg gives Bruce a call. I'd understand interrupting Batman's hectic life if the world were on fire but the big emergency right now is that some weird kid looking for Dick visited Kory while she was practically naked (no wait. She had a towel on after showering so her body was more covered than usual). Batman is busy dealing with Two-Face even though it's the middle of the day. I think maybe Alfred lied to Cyborg. I bet Batman's taking a shit. Dick has gone back to Haly's Circus to find himself.
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I bet these two clowns are actually old white land developers responsible for the circus failing! Their next trick will be to dress up like ghosts and zombies to scare everyone away!
A third clown named Harry comes out of a tent and passes out in Dick's arms. Can you imagine blacking out as a clown? You'd probably wake up in an unknown tent with no make-up covered in lion spit and shame. Dick meets with Haly and is all, "I read about the circus closing down and I couldn't figure out why. But now that I'm here, I totally get it!" And Haly is all, "Fuck you, Dick! You try running a circus in 2019! I mean 1989! Oh, yeah, I guess I should probably still have been able to trick idiots into thinking freak sideshows and abusing animals was still cool." Haly actually blames the failing of his circus on too much TV and too many video games. Obviously Super Mario, Tecmo Bowl, and Duck Hunt (hee hee! You thought, "Cunt!") were way more fun and interesting than sitting in a smelly tent being terrorized by people in greasy face paint but Haly really should take a little responsibility for his own business failings. Dick arrives and in ten minutes, he's already washed an elephant and kept a drunk clown from breaking his neck. Maybe get off your ass, Harry Haly, and fix up your shit. Haly also mentions that there's been a rash of accidents that have kept the selling price of the circus down. I bet it was those fucking clowns!
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He's talking about his penis so yes, Dick, he has to ask.
While at Haly's Circus, Dick Grayson witnesses the origin of Clown Batman!
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Later, after Bozo Wayne grew to an adult and was wondering what direction to take, a clown crashed through his window.
Tensions are running high at the Haly Circus as some performers want to circus to be sold so they can move on and others just want things to remain unchanged.
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Finally, a clown that makes me laugh!
During the show later, Wilhelm the lion tamer gets his throat ripped out before Dick can save him. Dick was disguised as a clown so Wilhelm probably bled out as Dick was struggling to take off the stupid shoes. Tim Drake is in the audience watching because he's smarter than the entire Titans team put together. Later, Tim and Dick team up to find out who's been sabotaging Haly's Circus. It turns out it was the little person and the strong man. So typical! It's totally who I thought it was and not those two clowns from earlier. That was just a red herring I was throwing out to confuse you. The team-up doesn't make me like Tim Drake any better. But then Tim makes an admission that warms my heart and I can't help but love the kid.
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Wolfman knew what he was doing.
At the end of the day, Dick Grayson buys half of Haly's Circus to help keep it afloat (with Bruce's money). Then Tim shows him the pictures of Batman battling Ravager that he took in Batman #440. He pleads with Dick to go back to help Batman cope with the death of Jason Todd. "Batman needs Robin!" he argues like a nerd doing his thesis on Batman's inexplicable need to endanger minors. Dick takes the kid seriously because who else has ever figured out that Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson are Batman and Robin?! Only the smartest man on Earth and he won't do that for another twenty five years! The New Titans #60 Rating: B+. Apparently it's the Titans that make the Titans comic book suck. Concentrating on Dick Grayson and his relationship with Batman and the circus (and even this new upstart kid that loves Dick) causes Marv Wolfman to be at his best! My guess is that it's the lack of Cyborg that really makes the book shine.
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amyoodream · 6 years
Falling for you (literally) -- NCT Johnny x gender neutral Reader
Hey guys, this fic is inspired by a dream I just had while taking a nap. I hope you enjoy. Love, Amy
Song recommendation: changes - XXXTENTACION (may you rest in peace 😔)
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When the Dreamies including Lucas asked Y/N to accompany them to the amusement park, Y/N was all in for that. So they all met up at the Dorm and prepared food and drinks to take it with them.
To Y/N´s surprise Johnny was invited. Their first initial thought was, that the Dreamies needed some kind of supervisor and of course Johnny seems very intimidating at first but in his heart he is just like a soft puppy. And thats what the Dreamies saw in him. A tall, sweet puppy. What Y/N did not know was, that the Dreamies Plan was to get them to get closer and eventually date. Because apparently everyone expect these two could see the heart eyes in their eyes, when they see each other.
So there they were, in the car, on the way to the park. Y/N took their usual seat besides their best friend Lucas, Mark was sitting next to Haechan, Jisung next Chenle and the trio Renjun, Jeno and Jaemin in the back. Yes, the car seemed less like a car and more like a children's school bus. Johnny was seated in front of Y/N and Lucas, so he was able to hear every piece of their conversation. Which also meant, no bickering from Lucas to Y/N about how he thought Johnny was so deeply in love with them. Occasionally Y/N would tap on Johnnys shoulder and then turn around, just to mess with him. This also gave the opportunity to Johnny to look at them and admire them. This is what Lucas saw and after Johnny turned around, Lucas had his infamous smirk on his face and looked at Y/N.
„What is it?“, they asked.
„Oh its nothing“, smirk.
„C´mon Lucas, why are you smiling?“
„Nothing, nothing. Now stop distracting Johnny and lets continue playing Mario Kart, please. I think, this time I´ll win for sure.“
„Ha. Keep dreaming, Wong.“
And so they continued playing, while Johnny looked out the window and kept smiling to himself. He loved the sound of their voice, and their laugh. Basically he loved everything about them, but he couldn´t tell that to them. So he kept his feelings to himself. And that sucked. A lot.
„Oh my god! We are here!“, the Dreamies screamed as they got out of the car.
„Oh no, I should´ve brought a jacket…“, Y/N thought to themselves as they also got out of the car and felt a breeze of wind against their shoulders.
„C´mon guys. Quit staring and lets go in. You do want to ride the rides, do you?“, Johnny asked the Dreamies.
„Yes, sir.“, Chenle answered with a salute.
When they got in, the first thing the Dreamies + Lucas did was ran off and leaving Y/N and Johnny behind. Y/N couldn´t hide their blush as they saw Johnny in his round black glasses and his long coat, which accentuated his height. His hair was now dyed a deep chestnut brown with a few highlights, making his hair seem more fluffy than usual.
„Should´ve known that they would eventually ran off.“, Johnny said all of the sudden.
„W-What?“, Y/N was too caught into checking him out, that they actually forgot what he said.
„I mean, it is an amusement park! Of course they wouldn´t listen to me or stay in one place. Oh these kids… Wait? Are you freezing right now?“
„What? Oh, Nope. Tooootally fine.“ Lie. They were freezing, but they couldn´t tell that to him. They had to keep their cool behaviour going.
He laughed and then proceeded to say with a smirk on his face: „Oh if that is so, then fine by me. I wouuuuld have offered you to get into my coat, buuut when you say you´re fine… more coat for me then“.
And with that, Y/N let go of their cool behaviour and scooped themselves right into his coat with one arm around his waist. This caused Johnny to blush and a loud „Hey“ erupted out of his mouth.
„I lied. I am cold. Thanks… Oh wow you´re hot.“, Y/N said suddenly, „Oh.. uh.. by hot I meant your body temperature… BUT not that you´re not hot… i mean…“
„Y/N. Chill! I know what you meant.“, Johnny laughed it off.
And then they walked around. Eventually they arrived at a place full of cherry blossoms, which made Y/N very excited. So they ran off, leaving Johnny behind. As they turned around to look at Johnny, they found him looking at them in awe.
What caused Johnny to be in awe, you may ask?
When Y/N ran away from him to look at the cherry blossoms, he felt like a part of him was missing. But then he saw them standing in the middle of this field full of pink and white cherry blossoms and in that moment he swore they were the most precious thing to him. His heart was full of love and his stomach full of butterflies. When they looked for him and turned around, their hair flew away from their face and if Johnny didn´t thought they were beautiful before, he certainly did now.
„Johnny, stop staring and come here!“
But he didnt move.
So Y/N decided to ran to him and take his hand, but this action was interrupted when they ran into another person, making both of them fall.
After several „Sorry“s, Y/N hurting their knee and a worried Johnny beside them, they decided to stand up only to fail and fall again.
Johnny immediately decided to carry them up bridal style and place them on a bench.
While he carried them, Y/N couldn´t stop staring at his face and take in all of his features. From his glasses to his plump lips.
„I´m sorry, Johnny.“, they said to him, while both of them were now sitting on a bench.
„Why are you apologizing? It wasn´t your fault.“
„Well. I just wanted you to look at these beautiful flowers, but my clumsy ass had to ruin everything by clashing into another person. Im sorry I ruined your trip and that you are stuck with me on this bench now…“
„Y/N. You did not need to apologize, okay? And… to be honest, the only reason I came along, was not to watch after the kids, but to… a-actually spend time with you.“
„Me?!“, Y/N was surprised to say the least.
After a few hesitations, Johnny took Y/N´s face into his hands and continued to add:
„You know… I meant to tell you this a long long time ago, but I guess i just chickened out. I really like you. Like a lot. You are way more beautiful than these flowers… And when the kids told me, that you were coming too to this trip, I immediately agreed. Because I thought that maybe this time I could confess my feelings to you… Which, I guess, I just did. I just hope you don´t hate me now… “
„Hate you? Bollocks, you idiot. Of course I like you too. I mean who wouldn´t…“
Not letting them speak, Johnny kissed them.
It was a sweet kiss, with a hint of passion.
Hearing the screams of the Dreamies, the both of them turned so quickly, that it might have caused a whiplash on both of them.
„It was about time you two kissed. Ugh… I have to tell Ten hyung about this!“, Jaemin announced.
„What did I tell you, Y/N!!! Why does nobody ever listen to me?!“, Lucas let out.
Mark then followed: „Because when you talk, most of it is usually bullshit… OW! Was that necessary Lucas?!“
Seeing those two bickering caused everyone to break out in a sequence of laughter, which also helped Johnny and Y/N sneak away from them.
Those two decided to make the most out of this day and considered it a spontaneous date, with everything included: cute pictures, a lot of food and, most importantly, a lot of love.
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cow5secondchance · 3 years
Episode 2 - Why Did People Flip - Xavier
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Format: Sequester
Eliminated: Wyatt (9-3-1-1-1) || Daisy (Battle Match)
so! week 2 and my plan honestly is to just really still focus on my social relationships. so far, i feel very confident in my ability to connect with people on a 1 to 1 level, and at least hopefully skate through these first few weeks. consistently my problem in the game is missing out on a key group or alliance that is running more than I know. without being too chaotic and paranoid, i would really really like to try to sit here and just scope out the relationships. as for my groups! i really want to work with jennet. she's like iconic? her art is so cute and i do feel like i made a genuine connection with her early on, and i think pointing out we're some of the only award winners in the cast could bring us closer together ! plus 4th place legends... beyond jennet, i have a group with isaac and nicole, and honestly, im feeling suprisingly good about both. i think these first 6 people i mention are the ones im going to focus on most, and focus on really forming game connection wheras the rest im just socially going to really force myself into their LIVES and hope they like me! Daisy and Jarod... loves them and swifties who ive played with in the past both in a way that i feel we were unfinished. jarod got taken out in the doubles round just as we kinda connected on a game level, and then daisy and i were working together in bb netflix before it got canceled. this is really the group i want to strategize with and im really putting myself on a limb being loyal to them because i know they have options, but its a risk im willing to take because if i can be the number 1, their connections can just offer more safety and information for myself. and the final people who i kinda want to work with is captain and wiliam xavier s up there, we just havent spoken tons dont really have much of an opinion on the others? if i had to nominate right now it might be mario just because we havent spoken yet.
It's annoying to be nominated, especially by Jennet. Literally two minutes before we were talking and I was explaining how this round is played. And then Jennet nominates me. I feel betrayed. Getting my G4ce together (Greenhouse 4) so we can vote as a team. And well, well, well, I just found out that the Sequester 4 are also voting together. It is weird that they are all nominated during the Sequester round. They are targeting either Wyatt or Kaleigh. Knowing they are a team, I want one of them out, if I can swing it quietly.
HI I’m back and already went through a ton! Last round a misunderstanding / Lanie throwing me under the bus just because I said I hadn’t spoken to Nyx and Captain really set me up in a weird spot so I had to get rid of Lanie and then she said we all suck (imagine being almost 30 and telling someone who is your students age that they suck! I get it really is terrible to be blindsided but it was her fault, she played too fast! Like yell at me for not communicating properly or whatever she believed I did at that point but don’t take it out on everyone especially like the youngest player in the game!) Anyway, this round is sequester so we are all back together! I finally get to play with Daisy! I love her so much so I’m super glad we got to play, I’m very glad I get to reunite with Lindsay, I’m glad William isn’t mad at me for the whole Lanie situation and now I’m safe for the first vote! It is a very good feeling but I also feel like I should be learning from Lanie’s mistake and playing not fast so I’m trying to take a step back from talking in the house chat. I’m just so excited to see everyone but I will try to contain myself so I don’t annoy anyone. Check back in later in the round!!!
I forget the questions omg but I had a call with Jarod where he kinda threw out wyatts name as an option to go, and honestly I’m completely fine with that because even though they seem super sweet, I feel like I’m juggling enough balls and I don’t need to add them into my mix, whereas I feel a lot better about every other nominee other than Kaleigh, who I don’t think anybody would do this early My strategy is to just campaign for myself to stay to everybody and avoid throwing out names. I’m hoping that comes from Jarod or one of the safe people because they literally have the safety to get away with it 
I like video confessionals. The only alliance of 4 should be Greenhouse
hello dr.. so i'm glad i got saved by jarod :pleading_face: he rlly said i'm gonna make captain safe no matter what happens. and thats exactly what he did :100: for ppl who are vulnerable, i want autumn, jarod and xavier to be safe the most like idc i just want 3 of them to be safe. xavier might be in a bit of trouble tho since the totem pole ppl are voting together for sure hmmm so i need to try to talk to them to sway them from voting xavier. for the plans to avoid battle match? idk i just want them to feel safe around me no matter what. so that if i end up voting them, they're not gonna be bitter at me that much. and i lowkey saved myself with wyatt since wyatt said they wanted to work with me so prays.
also, i secured an alliance with jarod, autumn and jennet. and a greenhouse alliance with mario, nyx and xavier. the latter hasn't been in the talk like with every greenhouse yet but xavier brought it up to me and i think that it should be great. so fingers crossed!
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO, going into Round 2 im having a really big struggle..... im seeing  THAT I DONT DISLIKE A SINGLE PERSON ON THIS CAST, USUALLY THERE IS AT LEAST ONE BUT NOPE    Also we are moving into a Sequester sorta semi safety chain with half vulnerable and half safe cast and lucky me I think Lanie either hated me the most or the least from our Survivor team and decided to give me the Karma twist which gave me safety for the round but made me have to pick the first unsafe out of the whole cast. I think my strategy was to pick someone who didn't talk to me yet (so i had a reason) as well as someone who was sorta loved by most if not all and wasn't a target for it, because I'm thinking if I just fade into the background this round no one would have a need or want to pick me for the Battlematch, i think its safe to assume whoever goes home will pick the person who made them unsafe plus like one other person, so i just have to avoid being that other 1/13 people. As for the vote i have no clue at all, I think maybe Isaac cause i haven't said much to him at all, or maybe Jarod cause i know he is hella busy and prob wont pick me to go into battle..... just not Wyatt or Blake or Kaleigh rn.  So like yeah, just gonna pray, not talk around too too much, let people come to me so it doesnt seem like im pushing anyones name and hopefully vote someone i dont love out. yeah so much fun xoxo William F
So, this round is pretty confusing and difficult to navigate cause not only do we have to vote someone out we have to vote someone out and hope they don't drag us into the battleback. I'm very happy to be safe for the vote since at least then i'll have a chance to battleback in a comp. So, for this vote I can't vote Autumn since she gave me safety, I can't vote Jarod since he took one for the team, I can't vote Xavier cause of the gh alliance, I can't vote Blake due to our bonding on tau ceti, so my only real options for this vote are Isaac, Wyatt, and Kaleigh. If I had my way i'd just pile the votes on wyatt and get them out now but it's not that easy because i haven't talked as much and they could see that as incentive to drag me in. Of course all the people I just mentioned I don't wanna vote for I wanna save because that means they'll be willing to work with me to some capacity. To avoid the battle match is the hardest part cause people can be very impulsive with their decisions and heat of the moment always catches people off guard. My best bet is just not to make too many promises and to just tell the truth and hopefully that'll be enough to gain their respect. 
besties.. i don't know what i'm doing. its between wyatt and kaleigh methinks but wyatt keeps dropping my name everywhere and i don't really like it. idk if they get eliminated, if they would put me in the battle or not. but like if they're this messy, i'm voting them for sure. also sobs kaleigh is so cute.
prays for me DR! sign: captain.
bro no one wants to throw out a name because of the battle drag twist so it's three hours to tribal and i dont know who the fuck to vote my gut is telling me jarod but i am absolutely not letting jarod drag that shit back to me definitely not autumn i dont know like. i'm working the tightest with william, daisy and wyatt weirdly enough and none of us have heard anything so i just. ?????
IT WONT LET ME PUT AUDIO FILES IN!!! But when Monty puts them all together later this season I hope yall enjoy haha
Ok this vote is messy. It started out with Jarod and the Sequester group wanting to vote Kaleigh. They got people on board, and it looked good. Until Wyatt made that alliance chat. And of course the vote shifted to Isaac. But the Sequester group won't vote Isaac. Mario voted Autumn. Captain voted Wyatt. I am voting Kaleigh because I haven't spoken to her much. But I want the vote to go Isaac's way - it breaks up Sequester, and he won't think it was me, so safe from the battle. So it may be 5 on Kaleigh, unless the other people in that Alliance chat are not being honest as well. Ha ha. As long as it's not me, right?!
wyatt made a voting block?? and didn't include me?? the person with no connection to isaac who they kept safe and would have probably voted with them???? wh ok i guess my vote is on wyatt tonight tf 
So, this round is a clusterfuck of scrambling cause no one wants to get pulled into the battleback and potentially lose there. I just don't wanna go home even earlier than last time because my game has just been so much better and to lose it this way would be fucking devastating. i just want to win so badly so im just hoping i can maneuver this right
WHAT JUST HAPPENED. I know Captain voted for Wyatt. Maybe Captain is more influential than I thought? Why did people flip? Because of the alliance chat? It was too much? And why wasn't I included in the flip vote? Agh. Time to make my own rules here.
I am still shookt 
0 notes
chlstarrbaby · 7 years
Finding You, a King Boo x Bowser x Princess Peach x Sheik fic
(Belated Day 6 ‘cause it was so long that the last day will be artwork)
Summary: Princess Peach goes missing one day, and though it is Bowser’s fault, he did NOT kidnap her this time, she fell into a portal that went to Hyrule, and so King Boo and Bowser team up to go find her.
Rating: T 
Warnings: Mild swearing from Bowser. Oh whoops I made this a foursome. and this is all actually LOOSELY based on Superblooper’s Chalkboard Moon
They had been lucky for quite some time now, for two months to be exact, and Bowser hadn’t broken through his Peach amnesia despite forgetting why he tended to pick a fight with Mario all the time in the first place. At the time of that particular rescue on King Boo’s part, Princess Peach didn’t dare reveal the true identity of her savior, and instead wove a tale of a small rebellion within Bowser’s ranks and in the end a very strong Paratroopa had dropped her off on her balcony.
However despite all of this, she still managed to go missing one day, and King Boo was desperate to find her before the Mario brothers did. The brothers and a search team of every castle guard on hand were constantly searching the woods just past the royal gardens. It was curious to the ghostly king as to why they all searched there since it wasn’t anywhere close to his territory, and he had already searched the woods that were his in case she decided to pay him a visit this time instead of the other way around.
Regardless, he did join the search from the shadows and managed to tread where everyone else simply avoided except for two people he didn’t expect.
He was drawn in by the cries of Bowser Jr. through a rather large section of brambles, and found the young prince trying in vain to move his father who looked rather pitiful as he was kneeling on his knees and completely in a daze, the kind that looked like he did something that he regretted.
“Hello there, Junior.” King Boo greeted first and foremost before finally having a chat with his old friend and fellow monarch.
“Uncle KB! Please help me snap Papa out of it! He’s been like this since he chased Mama Peach into that tree and it swallowed her up! I’m sure she’s fine but he’s not listening to me!” Junior pleaded sadly. King Boo couldn’t help but smile at the nickname the little prince gave him, but he had perked up right away at the information that she had been ‘swallowed up’ by the tree Bowser was gazing airily at.
“I’ll do my best, Junior, and I’ll even help get your Mama Peach out of that tree. Now, do me a small favor and go make sure no one finds this place, we wouldn’t want them rescuing her prematurely when we rescue her ourselves, alright?” King Boo requested gently. Junior was happy to help in any way and dashed off after a very cheerful ‘Ok!’
As soon as the little scamp was well out of ear shot, the kings could finally address each other properly.
“Boo.” Bowser growled but quite weakly in his exhausted sadness.
“I see you remember her finally.” The ghost king had to point out the obvious for the sake of getting that card out on the table.
“And whose fault is it for making me forget her of all things in the first place? Why’d you even do it?” Bowser retorted sounding genuinely hurt.
“I gave you an implicated hint before I took your memories and just nearly gave myself away from merely glancing at her, and you still haven’t figured it out?” King Boo countered, knowing Bowser, as bone headed as he was most of the time when his ego was in the way, could be smart when it came to reading between the lines when it counted.
“You love her too then, don’t you?” The Koopa King finally realized in a slow, calculated sigh.
“With every fiber of my undead heart.” King Boo quipped back without hesitance.
“You coulda told me you know.” Bowser said off handedly.
“And risk your notoriously jealous wrath? Not a chance in a Putrid Piranha infested jungle with Fuzzies of all kinds on the side!” King Boo countered.
“Alright, I know how I can be, but I woulda understood once I got over it. She’s pretty great, right?” Bowser scoffed in knowing how he could be in the eyes of others, and then asked knowingly.
“Wonderful.” King Boo sighed before remembering something that he had to ask. “What made you remember her?”
“In short, seeing her again. Now for the long explanation, it just didn’t make sense to me to fight Mario over and over for petty revenge alone, and for the life of me I couldn’t remember who was ruling the Mushroom Kingdom, so I came over to have a looksee and it all came back to me the second I saw her.” Bowser explained, sounding genuinely remorseful as if he had been enlightened to her side of the situations he put her through time and time again. “I….also realize I’ve put her through a lot, and I tried to apologize when everything came back to me but as soon as I could get my bearings she was already running ten feet ahead of me and somehow ended up falling into that tree, though Junior’s description was also pretty accurate of what it looked like.”
“You should be sorry, I’ve been protecting her from you in her dreams almost every night for the past four months or so, and very rarely is it any other villain that has held her hostage including a certain bat-like fellow you seemed to have teamed up with at one point!” King Boo berated his fellow monarch as if he were a foolish younger sibling.
“Antasma.” Bowser growled with a weird mix of anger and pride. “I managed to betray him before he ever had the chance to betray me.” He finished with a toothy grin. Then he remember his little situation with Peach and his ego deflated as he poked his two pointer fingers together in embarrassed shame. “Oh, and uh, do you think Peachy will ever forgive me?”
“Good for you for one-uping an amateur. And absolutely not, but its ok, because she won’t forgive me for capturing the red former plumber twice either, even though she likes me for who I am regardless of my wrong doings.” King Boo patted Bowser’s shell rim knowingly. “Now, let’s get her back, shall we? How much do you want to bet that she actually managed to use her magic to get away from you, hm?”
“I wouldn’t gamble with the likes of you in case you win anyway, but she most likely used her weird wishing magic to get away from me and tripped on that tree that happened to be magical enough to grant that wish.” Bowser groaned at first, slapping his palm to his face and dragged it down his face as he continued.
“Please tell me you’re joking…wishing magic?” The ghostly king couldn’t believe it honestly, it sounded extremely asinine.
“Nope, I’m dead serious. She definitely accidentally used it here since she tripped and fell into that tree, but otherwise she’s stronger with it so long as she has a Star Sprite like Chippy…I mean Starlow or something or other, right by her side! I think she even tossed me out the window and into the forest with it during the Blorbs epidemic Fawful caused, but I could’ve dreamed that…Felt real to me anyway.” Bowser explained and shrugged by the end of his explanation.
“Fascinating! And here I thought her magic had something to do with her pure heart alone.” King Boo couldn’t help but mention, as he had replaced Mario in that Shadow Queen nightmare of hers and witnessed her magic first hand then.
Getting back to the task at hand, King Boo neared the tree and started to feel around it with his magic.
“C’mon, where is she?” He asked desperately under his breath in an almost hiss. And miraculously enough, a separate portal opened right next to the tree. “Well… that was lucky.”
“Lucky, or preordained because of some random prophesy we don’t know about from Fate and Destiny?” Bowser asked suspiciously, as even he knew King Boo didn’t use that much magic.
“How about we cross that bridge when we get there and worry about it later? Now let’s go get our beloved princess, shall we?” King Boo countered and floated about an equivalent to a single footstep before Bowser interrupted him with another question.
“You’re letting me come with you?”
“Of course, especially if you really want to apologize, I’m the only one she’ll listen to in order for her to even let you get a word in.” The ghost king replied automatically. Then he sighed as he decided to be real with his old friend, floating back over to Bowser to even touch the side of his snout for emphasis on the things he had to say. “Look, I know how you are, and as of late I’ve come to know how she is. If you truly want her to love you in any way, shape, or form, then you’re going to have to work at it and be patient about it. There are no shortcuts to winning her heart, and especially from where you stand with her right now, thus, you have to work from the ground up. If she can stand the likes of me, she can certainly tolerate the likes of you so long as you work for the sake of her happiness, as you must put that above all else at times.” ‘At times’, because Bowser did have Junior to tend to and worry about.
“Thanks, I needed that.” Bowser said gratefully. “Now, I’m ready to go get Peachy back.”
“That’s the spirit!” King Boo crowed, then realized something that he had to slightly correct. “Pun not intended.”
“Didn’t even notice. You coming with, or what?” Bowser retorted lightly and asked as he got up and headed for the portal.
“Naturally.” King Boo quipped, and followed Bowser through the portal.
The portal itself had felt stranger than a warp pipe’s shift in gravity under certain circumstances. Not to mention they both felt physical changes, as if a power up had become active on them or something, and in fact they both felt like they were spit out of the other end of the portal as they were flung forward and landed on their stomachs…which was immensely surprising for King Boo.
When he opened his eyes again, he saw the changes immediately. He had actual hands, like Peach’s, and when he looked down he first realized he actually had a neck and he had more body to him than before! And he was somehow dressed! Like a human noble, well, more like a duke than a king as it wasn’t often that kings wore cravats. He was wearing white otherwise as that was his best color, and he had purple outlines throughout his suit, interestingly enough.
Out of curiosity, he turned to look at how Bowser had fared, and wasn’t surprised that he had turned human-like too but he wasn’t wearing much of anything other than what King Boo could only assume was his undergarments from what was under his shell. Human-like specifically because unlike Peach, Bowser had pointed ears, like how elves from fairy tales were supposed to have. Curious about himself again King Boo felt his new face and the side of his head, feeling that he had hair, and pointed ears as well. He wanted to see a mirror to see what he looked like but he already knew that would have to wait, as they were in a forest.
“WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME?!” Bowser shrilled as he finally came to, looking wildly at all his extremities. Yes, even there, and he calmed down at the sight of it, as its size boosted his ego. He felt lighter otherwise and realized he could twist his torso quite a bit as he checked to see if his shell was still there, which it wasn’t…not entirely anyway.
“Your shell seems to have turned into a very realistic looking tattoo on your back.” King Boo offered for him. At his words, Bowser finally got a good look at the ghost king.
“What the hell happened to you?” The Koopa King asked in a much calmer tone but was still obviously bewildered.
“Same thing that happened to you of course. Could you tell me what color my hair is? Yours is still a red head by the way.” King Boo replied.
“Well, your hair is white like you always were, and your eyes are still yellow with that darkness around them because of that topaz in your crown.” Bowser told him honestly.
“And your hair is unruly enough that we might have to braid it so you don’t look like a barbarian, even though you already do since you have no clothes besides those…undergarments.” King Boo felt the need to mention, as it was going to be cumbersome traveling and running into people in the way they were now.
“Braids aren’t manly! And there’s no way I’m letting you touch my hair, I don’t care how unruly it is!” Bowser exclaimed in defiance, instantly putting his hands on his head to shield his hair from any of King Boo’s tricks, as he was the master of illusions after all. Though already Bowser was having second thoughts as he felt the length of his hair was longer, and if it was as unruly as King Boo had said, then he was going to need to do something with it.
“Fine, I’ll leave your hair alone. But you still need clothes so I’m going to think of some and hope it works.” King Boo already had something in mind, and snapped his new fingers full of magic and aimed it at Bowser, leaving the humanized Koopa King in rather average looking clothes. A beige shirt and a dark green vest with some brown pants that were neither formal nor too baggy, and some average brown boots that Bowser tried not to think too hard about in them looking like they belong on some plumber feet that he knew all too well.
“Really? You’re dressed all regal and stuff and you have the gall to stick me in peasant clothes?” Bowser asked ungratefully as he looked down at himself, but upon not getting a response he looked up and saw that King Boo’s attention was towards something behind them but above where they came from. “Hey! Are you even listening to-! Me?” Bowser yelled but decided to look at whatever got his fellow monarch’s attention and strangely recognized it.
Though they were clearly in a forest judging by the trees and greenery ahead and around them respectively, and by how fresh the air smelled here, around them in this little area was a stone wall, and behind them directly was a structure of some sort of an ancient looking entryway to what was possibly a temple judging by the strange symbol above the archway, and there was a broken stair case that didn’t go down very far so if anyone wanted to go up there, they needed to find some other way.
Bowser, noting how familiar all this was starting to look, and that bothered him greatly, he finally looked around to soak in his surroundings. There was a… well it was way too big to be a pedestal, a pad maybe, it had that same symbol as the archway on it…as well as three golden triangles over that symbol. In the corner on Bowser’s right there was even a stone with what looked like an obscure crying eye, and behind King Boo was a stump and their portal home was right above it.
“This is starting to look a lot like a video game Junior has, and because of all the coincidences I’m seeing, I think I know where we are.” Bowser decided to mention, and as he remembered even more details about the game in Junior’s possession, he remembered that he probably looked a bit like the main villain since his hair was red. Bowser then looked at the color of his skin…and at least that’s where the similarities stopped. He was tan, about the same color as his own scales were, and there was no way he would look like he was from the desert. Just a farmer maybe, but no more than that.
“I babysat Junior a few times when he was just past his hatchling stage, remember? I believe I know exactly what videogame you’re talking about. We’re in Hyrule, aren’t we?” King Boo quipped as he came out of his stupor took in their surroundings as well.
“Yeah, and though I hate to admit it, I’m gonna take you up on your offer of braiding my hair. Just don’t put any stupid flowers in it, alright?” Bowser relented and requested harshly for the sake of manly emphasis.
“Are you sure? Yellow flowers are her favorite, and they will make you more approachable, and I do make a mean flower crown.” King Boo teased.
“Not until we find her.” Bowser huffed in impatience. King Boo nodded, floated over to him and got right to work in making what was formerly Bowser’s mane into one big braid, and he tied it up with another bit of magic and illusion.
Now that they were as settled as they could get with their appearances they set out in search of their beloved princess. They mostly had a hope and a prayer to go on that Peach was lucky enough to have gotten hospitality at Hyrule Castle, and from where they were they could only hope the short cuts in the forest actually worked.
Bowser was remarkably lucky to have remembered that the short cut through Zora River was their best bet of getting to Castle town in good time. After a bit of wandering and trial and error they managed to find it, the pool of water with its own little archway to indicate that it went somewhere far outside the forest.
King Boo merely drifted in and through, but Bowser had to get used to swimming in his new body but thankfully it didn’t take him long as he realized his new limbs made it much easier than he was used to. After popping up and out on the other side, they followed the river down and away from the waterfall. Bowser swam the rest of the way as soon as it was deep enough, while King Boo kept floating as he followed along the river and Bowser’s position, and rolling his eyes at the childish antics of his fellow monarch. Though he did entertain himself with being able to see his reflection a little in the water’s surface, and he had to admit, he was quite handsome, but he could only hope that Princess Peach thought so too, even if it was temporary.
Eventually after getting past what was really a narrow canyon with a river in it, the land opened up greatly as they could see Lon Lon Ranch in the distance, and they passed by the steps to Kakariko Village. As soon as they got to the castle walls, Bowser climbed out of the river, and started booking it as he vaguely remembered that they closed the castle town gates at night to keep the Stalchildren at bay. King Boo followed closely behind remembering the same because Junior took a very long time to figure out that it was safer to stay in the river at night when one is locked out of the town.
They managed to make it just at sunset relieved to be in the safety of the town but aggravated that they’d still have to wait because there was no way they would be able to reach her at this hour, even if they snuck in…well there was an idea.
“I can still get in because they can’t touch me, unless the princess of this kingdom uses her magic I assume.” King Boo mentioned excitedly, happy that he actually thought of it.
“Sounds like a good plan to me, but what do I do?” Bowser asked, equally excited that Peach was practically in their reach, but worried for a moment that he wouldn’t be able to see her until the next day already.
“You probably can’t breathe fire now, and you’ve definitely lost some of your strength with your missing bulk. So I suggest you wait here and find a place to sleep for the night. Even when I find her, she’s not going to just leave her place of hospitality unannounced at this hour.” King Boo explained.
“Right. That makes sense. Just let me know that she’s doing ok when you get back, alright?” Bowser requested slightly gruffly, but only because he really was worried about Peach.
“Of course.” King Boo replied and flew off towards Hyrule Castle. He flew high enough that he wouldn’t be too suspicious looking, hoping that he looked enough like a bird to fool anyone in these truly medieval times.
As soon as he was above the courtyard, he flew down towards it and decided to rest himself on the branch of a tree. He wasn’t about to phase into any rooms in case he accidentally walked in on her, and seeing little choice in the matter he decided to lure her out. He summoned his trusty violin and began to play Clair de Lune hoping with all his undead heart that she’d hear it from wherever she was.
Peach was lying on her stomach on her bed going over her hand made translation dictionary from Hylian to her language, and since she was doing some night studying, she wasn’t dressed for bed yet, when she heard a familiar song that she wasn’t sure was possibly also in this world. Out of curiosity she got up and went to her window to find the source, not expecting to find it right away on a tree across the way. For there playing the violin, was a man with white hair that looked silver in the moonlight, and was dressed in a white suit and purple accents, his shoes were black however, with a very polished shine. It was his crown that gave him away though, as she knew it anywhere, still flattered to this day that he had stuck with the first jewel that she had suggested to him.
“It’s still a lovely rendition, you silly balloon. Though I suppose I can’t call you that now, can I?” She managed to say just over his music, but quiet enough that anyone who had noticed his presence wouldn’t know she was somewhat in cahoots with him. When he looked up finally, his eyes, though still yellow, looked extremely gentle even with the usual darkness around them, not to mention he looked so relieved to see her.
“I’m so glad you’re alright, my dear. We’ve been worried sick about you, even if it has only been a few hours.” King Boo replied to her, having stopped playing as soon as he heard her voice, and floating over to her, taking one of her hands in his and linking their fingers together (because he finally could) and cupping her cheek affectionately with his other hand.
“We? Hours? But I’ve been here for months!” Peach exclaimed in confusion, but in a whisper exclamation so she wouldn’t disturb anyone.
“Huh, must be a time difference between dimensions.” King Boo concluded in thought aloud. Then he pulled away from her a little as he knew her initial reaction to his traveling companion thus far wouldn’t be agreeable with her. “As for the ‘we’, I traveled with someone I know you won’t like, even if he has come all this way to desperately apologize to you, and has promised to behave better for the sake of your happiness.” He told her bashfully, poking his index fingers together.
Peach sucked in a breath, knowing exactly who he was referring to. But before she could say anything on the matter, she noticed someone else she had come to care for in her time here in Hyrule, and she could tell even from this distance that he was readying a small weapon.
“Look out!” She cried as she grabbed King Boo by his suit’s lapels and dragged him in and just away from the window, just as a kunai pierced the air past them and lodged itself into the bedroom door.
King Boo glared daggers at the weapon and thanked the stars of their home world as well as the goddesses of this one that Peach just happened to forget that he was a ghost, as that implicated that she could have been hurt by the weapon because it would have gone right through him.
“Please, don’t. That was just a friend of mine who had promised to keep me safe during my time here, he didn’t know.” Peach pleaded as she saw the death glare in his eyes even as he kept his gaze away from her and at the kunai behind him. And as if to prove her point further from the way it looks, she tactfully shifted them so that she had pinned him against the wall, knowing that the owner of the kunai would come to check to see if she was alright.
Distracted from her movement and how she positioned them, King Boo decided to do everything she asked of him as he already wanted to see how this would play out. Especially since grabbing him she had moved her arms around his neck and one of her hands was along the back of his head, and most likely subconsciously stroking his hair. It felt nice, despite that she wasn’t saying anything and kept her gaze on the window, waiting for something…or someone since it was a friend of hers that was only trying to protect her, though he also couldn’t help but idly note that she was still human herself, coming into this world didn’t give her Hylian ears like he and Bowser had gotten, so that was a bit strange.
Finally, that friend of hers made for her open window since it was faster and more efficient and for the sake of whether or not she needed his assistance.
“Peach! Are you alrigh-!” The youth crouching on the edge of her window called in worry but instantly took in the positioning and stopped himself. Trying not to narrow his eyes at the extremely suspicious looking yellowed eyed man in Peach’s arms.
“I’m fine Sheik, but I’d greatly appreciate it if you didn’t try stabbing my friends in the back like that.” She told him gratefully but sternly. “This is-!”
“Beauregard, King Beauregard, but otherwise she may have referred to me as King Boo in any stories she told of our homeland.” King Boo held out his hand in a friendly gesture in an attempt for a handshake but Peach still hadn’t let up on him, which made the positioning extremely awkward.
Realizing it was probably best to look more appropriate and to subtly let Sheik down easy, she finally let go of the ghost king and patted out invisible dust for the sake of regaining her composure.
“Since he’s here,” Peach began, but Sheik finished her thought for her since it was already obvious.
“That means you’ll be able to go home…assuming he still knows where the portal is.” Sheik mentioned suspiciously, still narrowing his eyes at King Boo.
“Sacred Forest right above the lone stump in front of the Forest Temple. And even if it’s closed, I can still reopen it with my magic.” King Boo replied confidently, and decided to finally voice his irritation to the boy who unknowingly almost did something…extremely regrettable. “Just so you know, I really am a ghost. And you should consider yourself extremely lucky that our dear Princess Peach forgot that fact and inevitably saved herself rather than me.” To further emphasize the truth in his ghostliness, he made himself more transparent and half traversed through the wall, pleased to see the Sheikah flinch for a number of reasons, then he left Peach with one last thing to mention. “Might as well pack your things, dearest, and say your goodbye’s in the morning, my cohort that I mentioned to you earlier, and I will be waiting for you around the Temple of Time.” He backed up a bit to kiss the back of her hand as he always did when leaving her side, and then fully went on his way through the wall.
Which left the princess and the Sheikah youth alone, and Peach couldn’t quite look at him directly.
“So, I guess this is it then.” Sheik clicked his tongue not knowing what else to say, as it would be a bit ungentlemanly to say ‘at least you won’t be married off and kicked out of the castle by spring.’ But then he had a wonderful idea even it might be a bit late in the evening for it. “Any last requests on places to see before you go?”
“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to be a burden on such short notice.” Peach asked worriedly.
“Nonsense, your time here should go out with a bang. I could take you to Kakariko Village, my home town, if you so wished.” He offered nonchalantly.
“Really? I’d love to.” Her eyes lit up immediately, and she ran into his open arms knowing he’d either carry her there or teleport her there.
Meanwhile, King Boo had stayed hidden in the shadows for the rest of that conversation, out of curiosity rather than jealousy. His theory about Sheik being his own person seemed to be correct as far as he could tell. But he was still obviously trapped in a girl’s body and since Peach had been in his life for months…what better opportunity for King boo to strike a deal and make a wish come true, after all, he was already used to the idea of having to share her, what’s one more to add to her harem of men who adore her for who she is? For now, he’d leave them alone as he had to track down Bowser to make him wait at the Temple of Time.
Long after Peach said her goodbyes the next morning, Sheik finally appeared and insisted on escorting her to her escorts from home. They found them near the Temple of Time with no problem, but of course King Boo wanted to have a word with Sheik in private before they left, plus it would give Peach and Bowser time to talk.
“So what is this about exactly?” Sheik asked as soon as they were out of earshot of the others, though Zelda ‘sat upright’ in attention at the back of his mind since collectively they both did not trust this ghostly king for the life of either of them.
“It’s about you actually, how would you like to be free of that body that really isn’t yours and continue being with our dear Princess Peach?” King Boo asked out right, not shocked by the Sheikah’s gasp and instinctual jump back.
“How do you-?”
“In all honesty of getting to the point, it absolutely does not matter how I know besides the fact that I’m a ghost and even I can tell that you’re supposed to be dead, boy. Now make your choice. By leaving with us now, you’ll have to travel with your soul in a bottle until we get back home where our dimension’s natural magic will allow you to be yourself… a ghostly version of yourself, but you’ll still have control of what you can touch at least. And you will have to share her, as she does have a few admirers, myself and her champion included. So what say you?” King Boo interrupted, and explained, tactfully leaving out Bowser since he still had a lot to redeem for, and finishing off with the ultimate question that was all too easy to answer for Sheik.
Zelda needed to get married soon anyway, and he didn’t want to be around in the back of her mind for what came after the wedding, and he already knew he couldn’t live without Peach either, so of course his answer was yes.
Because the extraction process of Sheik’s soul was magically quick, and the cat was officially out of the bag, Zelda briefly explained herself and Sheik’s situation to the confused Mushroom princess, and also ended up teleporting them to the sacred meadow, but she didn’t stick around for any final goodbyes as she was still quite humiliated by even having to reveal one of her deepest secrets even if she was now forever free from it… or rather, him, it would take a while for her to adjust to the quietness of her mind again.
In any case Bowser groaned before they all entered the portal because they forgot to do one specific thing that would have really only been beneficial to him and his ego.
“Argh! We forgot to go to Lon Lon Ranch before we left!”
“Oh, and they didn’t let me sightsee all that much either so I haven’t been either, but what’s so special that you wanted to go to it, Bowser?” Peach admitted bashfully and asked curiously.
“Nothing except the fact the ranchers where his actual mug that we’re used to as their pendants.” King Boo answered for her.
“Please tell me you’re kidding.” Peach said in a flat, disbelieving tone.
“I honestly wish I was.” King Boo quipped while Bowser laughed proudly. Even Sheik rolled his eyes from within the bottle Peach had elected herself to carry.
Upon re-entering the Mushroom Kingdom, Bowser and King Boo instantly reverted to normal, and as Peach let Sheik out of the bottle, the ghost king coached him through it to stay on this plane of existence of not going into the light, and focusing on everything he wanted to do along Peach’s side. It took a number of minutes but eventually Sheik was successful enough that he maintained the shape of the boy he had always been (even when he was inside Zelda’s body).
Though Bowser had to continue making up for all of his wrong doings to her and her kingdom, he eventually won his way into her heart and relented in sharing her with King Boo and Sheik, and they all lived happily ever after.
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nebulasteps · 7 years
List of things I’ve said/happened while I was playing Mario Party 9′s “Solo” mode
- Ok, let’s do this shit, here we go
- I think im going to choose Luigi because why the fuck not
- Oh, im only against Shy Guy? alright then
- man this is easy 
- oh shit boi its Lakitu
- *wins first stage with 157 mini stars* haha fuck you Shy Guy
- this was a pretty chill stage, we’re doing good
- ok second stage is Bob-omb factory? alright let’s do this
- Oh heck it’s Kamek
- Oh lookie its Yoshi and Birdo!
- Frick Kamek is catching up to me…
- aaaaAA??
- Thwomp is a fucking luck based boss fight, goddamit why
- *my party team is of Yoshi, Birdo and Kamek* I trust all of you….. except Kamek because fuck him
- haha yea, Kamek loses half of his mini stars and that puts me in first
-  *beginning of the stage*                                                                                           Ok, so far so good                                                                                              *last stretch of the stage*                                                                                       Im going to fucking kill Kamek
- oh shit its Bow-wow, i mean Bowser…
- reverse minigame, im going to win this so easily just watch
- *loses that reverse minigame* I have failed you, I must hide in shame
-  *currently in first place* Ok I’m going to fucking kill all of you *loses half of my mini stars* FUCKING DAMMIT WHY
- listen i dont care if Yoshi or Birdo win, i just dont want Kamek to win
-  Bowser: want this totally good thing?                                                                 Me: its a lie                                                                                                           Yoshi: *says yes and 6 spaces turn into bowser spaces*                                  Me: WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?
- Yoshi i respect you in every way thank you for winning
- ok, let’s go with the third stage, Boo’s Haunted Mansion… what is this Luigi’s Mansion haha
- Toad, that’s a lie and you fucking know it
- ok at least we have Daisy and Koopa in our team
- we’re already killing each other
- *watches as Daisy gets half of her mini stars taken away by a Boo* Holy shit I feel bad for her, I’m sorry Daisy I’ll make it up for you
-  *me and the Koopa are tied in 1st place* Koopa I love you but I have to fucking kill you, there can be only one in first
- I want to be the captain in the boss fight, fuck you Kamek you’re not getting that mini star bonus
- welp its a dead Koopa
- haha, fuck yea i got the last strike
- ok, im in first, i just hope bad luck does not hit me
- KAMEK!!!!
- i lost half of my mini stars but i’m still in first, haha you cant kill me fools
- oh shit that mouse stole our mini stars
- ok at least Koopa caught the mouse
- ok here we go, last strech
- and Daisy just says yes to Bowser’s “gift”… just great…
- oh ok, we’re battling King Boo *gets more Luigi’s Mansion references*
- i killed a ghost??? ok then
- woo, i got first again, fuck you Kamek i dont want to see you again
- ok let’s go, Blooper Beach
- oh hey Mario’s here, and Wario? ok i guess
- and Shy Guy….. fuck…
- i want to be friends with that dolphin
-  *gets paired with Mario for a Bowser jr. Minigame* Hah, what this a Mario and Luigi game?
- this is it, Shy Guy is going to win
- can i just skip all of this?
- *knows that the com that wasn’t supposed to win won the game* i can’t believe I fucking lost to Shy Guy, Mario this is all ur fault
- *looks at Shy Guy after winning the game* FUCKING DAMMIT, DO I HAVE TO DO BLOOPER BEACH ALL OVER AGAIN?! I hate you Shy Guy…
- ok, second time’s the charm… right?
- Fuck all of you
- ok im 5 spaces away from that Bowser space *rolls a 5* fUCKING
- *Mario gets a Bowser space* wait Mario is in last place, wAIT *Mario gets the “lose half your mini stars” punishment* WAIT, HE’S GOING TO GET DOUBLE MINI STARS, THAT SAVES THE GAME, THANK YOU MARIO
- we made it
- Magma Mine… oh boi here we go
- *gets a party team of Kamek and Shy Guy* welp im fucked
- fuck oh fuck OH FUCK NOPE, IM FUCKED
i will add more as i finish the game… oh boi this is only ending in a disaster
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spicynbachili1 · 6 years
Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee
Catch ’em all again
I don’t remember exactly what compelled me to rush out and buy Pokémon Red before the craze began, but I vividly recall the day I went to Toys”R”Us after school and picked it up. I got to Mt. Moon in one sitting and promptly turned off the game, forgetting to save: what a first day!
From there I’d go on to collect all 151, hosting all sorts of local trainer parties as the resident link cable owner and Pokémon Master. It’s one of my most-played games of all time and it’s the main reason why I’m always willing to give new entries a shake.
Pokémon Let’s Go isn’t for everyone, but from the perspective of someone who only recently became a parent, this is going to be a perfect entry point for some.
Pokémon: Let’s Go Eevee & Pikachu (Switch) Developer: Game Freak Publisher: Nintendo Released: November 16, 2018 MSRP: $59.99 (game), $49.99 (Poké Ball Plus), $99.99 (Poké Ball Plus and game bundle)
Let’s Go serves a bridge between the more casual Pokémon Go and the mainline series. Remember how Pokémon Yellow sort of retrofitted the anime? Go (not to be confused with the mobile Go) is like a super-charged version of that. I’m talking Team Rocket with Jesse/James/Meowth shenanigans, the whole nine yards.
That’s awesome in theory, but this dynamic duo is going to really confuse some long-term fans. It is basically an alternate generation-one journey, complete with small geographic and narrative twists. Let’s Go is also a bit of an odd duck as far as its control schemes go. As I espoused in our Super Mario Party review, I’ve come to really admire Nintendo for increasing our options in the Wii U and Switch eras compared to the forced waggle of the Wii, but not every game adheres to that standard. Let’s Go completely removes Pro Controller support in favor of adding a new object into the mix: the Poké Ball Plus.
Now I sorely missed the Pro Controller (it’s one of the best remotes on the market right now), but I did have access to the one-handed device for this review and it grew on me (here’s a closeup). That tiny little bit where the Poké Ball button is? That’s an analog stick that presses in for menu confirmations and world exploration. The top button (which is kind of hidden on the red part of the ball) opens the menu. Given that Pokémon games are RPGs with a heavy emphasis on turn-based combat, it makes sense why it would work. I went on to play roughly half the game with it, finishing the rest in portable mode and with the Joy-Con.
So there are three aspects of the Poké Ball Plus: the aforementioned controller option, the chance to place creatures in the ball and walk around with them (Pokéwalker anyone?), and Pokémon Go connectivity. Although I wasn’t able to extensively test the latter out as it wasn’t readily available for some time, the walking aspect is a cute little extra and tapping the ball to cue a Poké voiceover is a nice touch. Just know that the little thing is a whopping $50 and is basically only applicable to Let’s Go, so maybe don’t get too excited. I sincerely felt the hit of not using the Pro Controller, and if you do opt for a Joy-Con, only one is supported — and only in the upright position. Now if this was Bayonetta I’m sure people would be angry to no end, but again, it’s Pokémon: I can make do. It also comes with a level-one Mew if that gets you going.
Digging a little deeper, I’ll get the “big nope” out of the way (I can hear the figurative right-clicks already!): open-world battles don’t exist as they’re just capture encounters, not unlike those you’d find in Pokémon Go. I get that it’s not going to appeal to people who wanted a full 3D generation-one remake, but there’s an upside. Taking the focus off of wild battles seems trivial but it cuts out the grinding, a mentality you slowly adapt to while playing Let’s Go. I lament that there are fewer chances to try out my Pokémon in the wild (and that the strategy of whittling down their health for a greater capture chance is now reduced to chucking berries), but it’s a give and take.
That streamlined approach gives way to universally positive improvements. Pokémon are kept in a convenient bag without the need to go to boxes to swap party members. Really good Pokémon like Beedrill (a straight-up Beedrill, fully evolved) can be caught very early on. That’s great! I know a ton of people are going to espouse the virtues of leveling up Pokémon from level one to 100 and how you should “earn” evolutions, but this is not that kind of game.
Mechanical talk aside I think everyone is going to fall in love with Let’s Go‘s aesthetics. Kanto is a delightful Arcadia and has never looked this good. Watching the camera pan over the quiet hamlet of Pallet Town gets the nostalgia endorphins going, yes, but Let’s Go‘s sleek visuals sell all of those familiar locations. Game Freak also nails the scale of each Pokémon to make it feel more like the anime: seeing a gigantic Onix tower over his foes is something else. The same thing goes for random environmental cuteness like napping Meowths. It all adds flavor to the world. Its sense of scale is its biggest strength. Gym battles more accurately mirror the anime with their grand halls, and random trainers (even throwaways) are more emotive.
As far as the big picture is concerned there is some wasted potential. No Pokémon Bank connectivity at launch, or possibly ever, is a bummer; especially when Game Freak and Nintendo are collectively asking you to catch the same Pokémon that have been around for ages (you can nab Alolan forms through Pokémon Go but that’s not a big enough incentive). The ability to play it solely in the Switch’s portable mode is fantastic (thus not betraying the original “pocket monster” mantra), but you can’t help but think that some basic features we’ve come to expect from the series were held back in favor of a more explosive entrance for the next mainline entry.
I can’t believe it took Game Freak over 20 years to give us an RPG-oriented console Pokémon game, but with the ever-changing mobile landscape and the success of the Switch, the opportunity finally presented itself. No, Let’s Go is not the mainline entry that EV/IV min-maxers hoped for, but that’s still on the way. If you happen to miss this return to Kanto, that’s perfectly fine, but I was mostly delighted to go back.
Pokemon: Let’s Go Eevee – 7.5/10
Pokemon: Let’s Go Pikachu – 7.5/10
[This review is based on a retail build of the game and the Poké Ball Plus, provided by the publisher.]
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      Pokemon: Let’s Go Eevee & Pikachu reviewed by Chris Carter
Solid and definitely has an audience. There could be some hard-to-ignore faults, but the experience is fun. How we score:  The destructoid reviews guide
        from SpicyNBAChili.com http://spicymoviechili.spicynbachili.com/pokemon-lets-go-pikachu-eevee/
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