#normie memes are cancer
jaybuilds · 2 years
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Prove me wrong.
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twinkpriest · 1 year
Omg.... Please share your headcanons about the goth kids
>:3c mwahahaha i hope youre ready anon (cracks knuckles)
also i need share credit bc all of these were jointly created in my bf @lilachawk and i's dms <3
their group chat is called "the cavern of darkness", they named it that in middle school and never changed it. any time they refer to it in verbal speech they just call is "the cavern"
they do secret santa every year. they draw names from michael's plastic viking helmet
they all definitely have their non-goth-music guilty pleasures but the main one they all have in common is lady gaga. her 2009 vma performance won their respect
they're still decent friends with stan and get invited to his birthday party every year. sometimes they go sometimes they don't
november scorpio
i'm gonna ignore how all of the houses in town are laid out because i firmly believe he has an attic bedroom. every wall/ceiling surface is covered in posters and stuff. full bookshelves, lots of tchotchkes, old concert ticket stubs, that kinda stuff. maximalism baby!!
gay gay homosexual gay
has a long haired black cat named bella (short for belladonna). rescued her from a snowstorm
him saying his parents were separated in raisins was just him being #edgy & his parents shown in gk3 are his actual parents. they never got divorced. he was raised interfaith jewish and buddhist. 
he has ehlers-danlos. i always give him ring splints in my drawings. the cane is actually needed sometimes
drives his dad's old camaro. the engine is really loud and it holds up like shit in the wintertime but he’s secretly really fond of the car
got a part time job at the only respectable record store in town junior year
water sign. pisces or cancer
only child of a single father who does construction work. his dad doesn't quite understand the goth thing but he's supportive
bi king. had a normie girlfriend in highschool. not for long, but it was still a very weird experience for everyone involved
super into comics, esp indie stuff. dream job is definitely to be a comic book artist
if the shirt+bolo tie wasn't a giveaway, he's lowkey into western vibes/influences. he probably has one of those old dramatically fringed suede jackets that he found in a local goodwill
really puts the Y in diy, probably the best & most creative out of the 4 of them when it comes to altering clothes and making accessories and shit
bites his nails/picks his skin
has a pet rat named boris
a little transmasc pilled if u ask me....
probably a virgo
mean lesbian <3
she stays designated driver for most of high school but later on, her and michael kinda divvy up friend group driving responsibilities. she is still the default though, because when michael drives she’s an intense backseat driver
she drives her mom's horrible subaru most of the time but she 100% would be the person to save up and buy a hearse as her daily car
is always the first to hear about local shows. she just knows people
i looooove the recurring thing in fics where she is the one to dye pete's hair. she does the sally’s run & dyes/trims his hair and in exchange he fixes rips in her clothes or superglues the soles back onto her shoes or something like that 
loves those new age crystal incense dragon hippie stores you see in malls. secretly likes the cool fairy statues they sell in them
april aries
SUPER into vulture culture. has too many bones and not enough space for them
likes harsh noise music. calms him down
sends the strangest, most esoteric memes in the group chat and the rest of them have no idea where he finds them or what they mean
sorry i have like nothing else for firkle he kinda eludes me
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neptunianashes · 8 months
types of people on tumblr: the poetry people, the depressed, the girls, the lonely, the horny people, fanfics people, the deranged, the romantic people, anime people, the lesbians, the beloved bots, the mentally ill, the good writers, the left wing, scorpios, aquarius, virgo, cancer. on twitter: the political correctness war, politics, the even way more horny people than tumblr people, people who love to complain, the ones who never shut up, the best astrologers, the bad writers, the meme lords, the right wing and the left wing going on each other, sagittarius, gemini, aries. on instagram: the artists, handcrafter workers, rich people, photographers, musicians, the normies, fashion people, millennials, people who love to travel, chefs, libra, capricorn, leo. on tiktok: zoomers, ???, attention whores, funnymen (is actually boring), more ??? people, ADHD people, infodump people, the chinese government, more ??? people idk i just don't use tiktok.
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Long story short, my friend who survived cancer wanted me to make a meme. Here's what I made him.
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tonyzaret · 6 years
The Urban Dictionary defines ’normie’ as ‘A person who is just like everyone else and who follows normal people trends (For E.X cash me outside and Damn Daniel). These people kill memes thus making the person and the meme normie. These type of people are extremely common and considered cancerous. An example of a normie is Jake Paul.’ So imagine how bad it would be if one of these ‘normies’ was in your own family, subjecting you to these dreaded ‘normal people trends’ - in this case in the world of #gaming - it is just such a scenario I enact in this #InstagramSkit, ‘When Your Mom Is A Normie’!
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n0tafurry-blog · 6 years
A List of excuses
Go ahead, pick a random one and use it:
•No, I'd rather not
•I don't feel like it
•No, but let's go to the other place
•I already said no
•I have to be home in 15
•Sorry, I cannot make it
•No, I'm a Sith Lord
•Please stop
•I'm gonna eat at Wendy's instead
•I'm too sick
•I've gotta go poop
•Sorry that is wrong and I will not
•No. I have insurance
•No. I must dance
•No. I'm vegan
•No, you are my wife, son
•I don't think I should suicide
•No, I agree with the sewer clown
•Donald Trump had better ideas
•Don't do it
•I'm not supposed to take stuff from strangers
•No, and that language is vulgar
•I disagree
•No I'm not LGBT
•Go away
•Piracy is wrong
•It is against my religion
•probably not
•shut up, idiot. Go get a life
•I didn't hear you
•Teen Titans Go was smarter
•You are cancer
•I don't know
•I eat bacon
•I don't want to be on the naughty list
•I must protect my colon at all costs
•no speak de enligish
•you smell
•Once, I ate a stop sign
•yes it does
•blah blah blah
•It would break
•I already have
•I swear I'm gonna kill you
•but last time I cried
•Jedi can’t fall in love
•I’m a furry
•yes you can have a treat. Good boi
•I play Fortnite
•no, you normie
•only if I can eat your memes
•No, I said steamed hams
•I’m the map
•no plz
•I would like to convey the phrase explaining why something can’t or shouldn’t do known as no
•Soy no hablo engles
•no, I have to vacuum my grandma
•sorry, I don’t do stuff with idiots
•No. I could get food poisoning
•I’m allergic to that
•No, I have an appointment with Chuck E. Cheese
•Sorry, but I’m homeless
•I have to go to your funeral
•But I don’t want cancer
•I need my floaties first
•I need to go to Laser Tag practice
•no it is eggs you uneducated despacito
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stemcellee · 6 years
Hi! I'm not sure if you know the answer to this, but I'm currently torn between Cal and UCLA. I'm a bio major at both, and I'm going to follow the premed track as well. From what you've heard, what are the pros/cons of being a premed at either school? Thank you so much.
im biased because i go to ucla lol
but anyways we technically have been ranked as the #1 school now!! hehe
Anyways I think being pre med at UCLA is super good because we have a lot of pre-health resources (like hella clubs, we have Ronald Reagan medical center 10 min walk from the dorms, and like evryone is pre med lol)
The cons are that literally everyone is pre med LOL so competition is rough, but honestly at berkeley the competition is high too. I don’t know that much about their curriculum though, but ucla has a very good biology department that has very fair and strict rules about grading (which is good so a professor cant curve stupidly)
Other reasons to come to ucla: 
we are in the process of building more residence halls so FOUR YEAR HOUSING GUARANTEE IS UPON US (my friend at cal said some freshmen had to live in the lounges because they don’t have enough housing for even the incoming class :C )
#1 dining hall food in the nation
quarter system sucks but is also good bc you just blast through stuff
good neighborhood, close to the beach, close to downtown LA, close to literally everything
constantly under renovation to make everything new and shiny
people are pretty nice
Cons about ucla:
405 fwy is literally a cancer to mankind. it keeps getting worse
our facebook meme page is so normie. berkeley’s meme page is lit
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system-architect · 6 years
anyways u will still be getting my obnoxious web based posts since i have a crusty old chromebook that sometimes blacks out for brief periods of times but is overall questionably operational, so 2 pass the time heres a fun ‘about me’ style meme i stole from @garbagesura
Age: 21! turnin 22 this summer...
Birthplace: mmmichigan, not too far from here...
Current time: 11:07 PM.. watch me take 20 minutes to answer this somehow
Drink you last had: water bc im healthy ((im not))
Easiest person to talk to: sasha.... im gay
Favorite song: i have a lotta faves and it shifts around a lot but i think my current fave is fall out boy - where did the party go (im a normie i kno..)
Grossest memory: thats an awfully personal question my guy
Hogwarts House: hufflepuff/huffleclaw,,,
In love: Hell Fucking Yeah
Jealous of people: i get insecure sometimes but i think its a bit different from like. envy. and i think jealousy is more like an insecurity thing whereas envy is like, the thing ppl think of where you think ur better and deserve smth more. so i mean i guess sometimes but i try to rlly not let it get to me and i balance it out with logic but its like, its a human thing to feel sometimes u kno?? anyways theres my #realtalk of the night thanks
Love at first sight or should I walk by you again: uhh i dont think you really can fall in love based on first appearances or impressions but i think as you get closer and closer to the right person they draw you in and you draw them in and it feels very good and organic and you will be able to Tell in a natural true way that they’re the one
Middle name: valentine!! like the saint. and the holiday...
Number of siblings: i have one younger bro whos a blood relative and one younger (slightly less younger) adopted/chosen bro and one chosen older sister!
One wish: i wanna live happily and comfortably with sasha and be able to provide for ourselves but also be able to help out and get to see my friends and family often
Person you called last: i had to call sasha at like 11 pm my time for some reason and i cant remember why. it lasted 8 seconds and we didnt talk bc it just prompted him to discord msg me jkhgdfkljdkfghkjd. aside from that does the local pharmacy for emergency refills count
Question you are always asked: i think i have a spiritual sign over my head that says “pls come to me if u have troubles” bc people pull me aside to chat about life advice and ask me stuff like “hey can i talk to u about smth real quick”/”are u free to talk” etc a whole lot... its rlly heartening, i like bein able to give people advice to the best of my abilities,,,,
Reasons to smile: i have some very cute dogs and i get to talk w a cute boy every day and im gonna start gardening this summer and grow some fun vegetables, also im really happy with my art and characters lately, and my guild is full of such nice wonderful ppl who always leave rlly lovely messages in the discord every day and are super lovely to be around n chat with
Song you sang last: mouthed the lyrics of NIN’s ‘head like a hole’ except i was singing them to the version where its mashed up with carly rae jepsen’s ‘call me maybe’. its an absolute fucking banger just ftr
Time you woke up: 8:30 am??????
Underwear color: meme please no one wants to know this. but i will say every item in my wardrobe is goth or goth adjacent. im gay and have mental illnesses so its just like that
Worst habit: bad at self care esp physically but im tryin rlly hard to get better at it!
X-rays: ive had EASILY over a dozen xrays in my life, probably like. way way way more. i was born w hip dysplasia and went thru a lot of surgeries, casts, braces etc, and had yearly xrays until age 9 i think plus all the others they did in the surgery processes n whatnot, and then stuff later on at checkups and looking into shit like ‘guess what u have minor scoliosis’ and so forth. this is going to be a wild way to end this paragraph but theyre kind of fun
Your favorite food: this is tough.... my favorite food shifts a lot, rn i really like egg on toast or cucumber on toast/cucumber sandwiches!
Zodiac sign: cancer sun, taurus moon, sagittarius rising!! also gemini mars + gemini venus and cancer mercury
I’ll tag: im so bad at tagging aaaaaa pls do this if you want to!!!!
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jaybuilds · 2 years
People who use/laugh at that bass boosted fart sound, are the same cavemen who think the whip crack from Johnny Test is funny.
Fight me.
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Cancerous Fanbases
I just want to preface this post by saying in no way am I judging the content that is mentioned. I'm judging the fanbase surrounding it.
So, I, an intellectual, used to watch Rick & Morty. I found it to be one of the best shows on Adult Swim. However, after the second season, I noticed a rise in Rick & Morty merchandise being worn by...
Now, you all should know what a normie is. If you don't, it's essentially just someone who enjoys normal things. But they pretty much destroy anything that they get their hands on. Remember the doge meme? Remember impact font memes? Yeah, normies got a hold of them, and, frankly, they can have them. But Rick & Morty was a great show, and I could understand why normies would enjoy it.
But then they absolutely destroyed my interest in it because of their absolute doucheyness.
"I have a superior intellect because I watch Rick and Morty."
No, you just think that you are because it's "niche comedy", and you enjoy that comedy.
"Man, have you ever tried Szechuan Sauce?"
No I haven't, nor do I plan on it, because it's just a stupid sauce that's become the ass end of every joke.
And then there's Cucumber Soaked In Vinegar Richard.
Yes, I refuse to say the actual name of that monstrosity. It was a shitty joke in one episode that all of the "intellectuals" thought was "ironic".
But it wasn't. It was shit.
And this isn't the first thing to get ruined for me by the fanbase. Undertale is the most notable example. Undertale is a good game, but, oh my God, did the fanbase ruin any interest that I had in it.
In summary, cancerous fanbases exist and absolutely ruin people's interest in something. So, please, if you're this kind of person, stop. The less cancer you are, the more people will enjoy you.
The Idealist Realist
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eribub · 6 years
the signs as people i know irl
aries: are you sure you exist? like are you sure??
taurus: methodical and ambitious. works hard for the things they care about, extremely driven but also lazy, kind of a bitch but a great friend, has high standards, is mildly obsessed with their own intelligence
gemini: possibly actually the devil. is constantly in the midst of a crisis, manufactures drama and then overshares to people who could care less, gives all their friends a headache, uses their charisma for evil
cancer: problematic meme child. loud, sometimes annoying, loves to talk about the things theyre into to anyone who will listen, ruins relationships by being a dumbass, will not stop offering drinks to people
leo: sunshine in human form. tries hard to be a positive force despite going through some shit. hates conflict, bad at taking care of themselves, is loved by almost everyone, has unfortunate taste in tv shows and music
virgo: a mystery wrapped in an enigma. quiet, sometimes shy, knows a lot about the things theyre interested in, needs to be in control, rarely displays serious emotions, seems normal on the outside but is actually a fucking weirdo. could easily lead a cult
libra: the best friend you will ever have. talks nonstop & is embarrassed about it but keeps talking anyway, probably a theater person, is obsessive about their interests, a dreamer yet down to earth, is an incredibly hard worker when they know what they want, constantly underestimates themselves
scorpio: more complicated than they seem. probably has low self esteem, is constantly helping others (and is really nosy about it), disorganized & scatterbrained, never opens up about their problems, blames themselves for others mistakes, too good at playing the victim. often emotional, but skilled at holding it together in a crisis
sagittarius: actually the best sign. likes to go hiking and eat organic shit, drinks too much tea, laughs like a hyena, probably likes cats and musical theater, is always fun to hang out with, is an artist or art enthusiast. full of themselves but somehow it’s endearing
capricorn: replace a cap w a pillar of salt and there would be no difference. extremely competitive, will turn off the game if theyre not winning, sets high standards for themselves- when they do something they do it right. acts cool & aloof but is a huge dork, was probably bullied in middle school
aquarius: the normie friend and yet somehow still the weirdest. killer fashion sense, puts a lot of work into maintaining their image, voted most likely to succeed in high school, makes friends wherever they go, extremely giving, is definitely going places
pisces: you’re probably not real. like im just saying
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cultleader01001010 · 6 years
the signs as ppl i know
aries sweet occationally, manipulative, stoner, creates chaos, does things only when it benefits him (good or bad). taurus super nice n down to earth, hates himself, very stubborn, cares a lot about everyone, over reacts A LOT, loves drama n says he doesnt gemini memes, really sweet, been through a lot, very caring and protective, talks A LOT, loves w his whole heart, doesn’t know when to take things seriously, stoner, YOU CANT TELL IF HES JOKING OR NOT cancer can be a real asshole, awkward when it comes to affection, everything is a joke, cares a lot but doesnt know how to show it, stop being weird, bullies u out of love leo manipulative, three things leos r: ur best friend, ur worst enemy, sleeping, friendships are rare w them bc they protect themselves, usually just talks to u bc they have no one else to talk to or u can do something for them, rlly funny n adorable virgo major OCD, never satisfied, pushes too hard, pity party 24/7, cares abt ppl close to them 101%, always talking abt themselves n their experiences, cant admit theyre wrong EVER libra can be a bitch, really bipolar, loves shopping, popular af, 4k friends, “links??”, forgets to send streaks on snapchat, really flirty, nympho scorpio asshole, thinks with his dick, manipulative, abusive, really funny, uses racial slurs as memes, OLD MEMES, “normie”, makes fun of everyone, void of all emotion sagittarius i actually don’t know any sagittarius’… oops. i heard theyre really sweet n down to earth?? capricorn attention needs to be on them 24/7 or they DIE, really sweet, adorable, always plays the victim, says sorry when really not, feels bad for everyone, TOO MANY EMOTIONS AT ONCE aquarius really nice, easy to talk to, down to earth, sweet to EVERYTHING, if u hurt them tho they will kill u in cold blood, can stand up for themselves, LOVES JESUS(aka,, really religious and super all abt it) pisces GAY, really nice, u just wanna hold em, wholesome memes, loves children, really awkward with emotion tho??, SO WHOLE N PURE
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nosodigmedial-blog · 4 years
The alt-right transgression: “MANOSPHERE” &  the “purging” of  LGBTQ.
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Source: https://thehill.com
The alt-right is defined as people of the extreme right who reject mainstream conservatism in favor of embracing explicit racism, white supremacy, pure heterosexuality and transphobia (Hawley, 2017). They use “provocative memes”,” trolling” or “dog whistles” as part of their transgressive strategies, cyber harassment and “Pepe the frog” stands as a mascot of this “alternative movement” without leaders. The novel by Angela Nagle “Kill all Normies” (2017) takes a closer look into the far-right group of internet-based politics through 4chan, Gamergate, Kekistan, campus culture wars and the figure of Donald Trump:
“The rise of Milo, Trump and the alt-right are not evidence of the return of the conservatism, but instead of the absolute hegemony of the culture of non-conformism, self-expression, transgression and irreverence – an aesthetic that suits those who believe in the liberation of the individual.” 
(Nagle, 2017)
The politics of “transgression” have become popular with the alt-right and its anonymous online troops meaning that no taboo is too holy to be violated or debated on social media through trolling transgender or shaming overweight people for their looks or even linking feminism to cancer (Jenks, 2003). Another conceptualization of the transgression that applies to the alt-right culture is the idea of the carnivalesque. A carnival is a moment when everything is permitted: Micheal Bakhtin portrays carnival as freedom of expression on things that are otherwise sacred, it opens chaos and reminds us of the necessity of order. Carnivals are also the only time when powerless members of society through their eccentric behavior interact as equals with the power. The most visible example is the alt-right platforms: 4chan, 8chan, reddit where anonymous transgressive ideologies take place (Jenks, 2003).
Red pill : “a person that has woken up to the fact that society discriminates against men, not women”
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 Source: https://www.theguardian.com
Hawley (2017) argues that the alt-right is an antifeminist movement which promotes discrimination against women with Twitter being the leading network for “slutshaming” women where “the sex realism” is in favor of the patriarchal society and the distribution of lower social roles to females in comparison to males. The stereotypic alt-right men express freely themselves online under the organization of movements within ”Manosphere” which represents a network of blogs and websites where men’s rights activists believe their gender is an oppressed minority and feminism is both destroying male civilization and the main reason why they cannot find a partner (Lilly, 2016). The political movement “Men's rights activists” (MRA) which overlaps with alt-right group “Man going their own way” (MGTOW) advocates male separatism by telling men to avoid romantic relationships and reject pornography and masturbation as white, straight men believe that they now exist at the bottom of the social and sexual hierarchy whereas women, people of color, and sexual minorities rule. One of the most prominent alt-right leaders is Roosh V. with his proposal to make rape legal when done on private property through his misogynist website “Return of the Kings”: “a blog for heterosexual, masculine men”.
Meet Roosh V.
Source: Mic
Another key transgressive figure is Milo Yiannopoulos (a former Breitbart News tech editor and self-proclaimed “political provocateur”) with his story of being a gay Jewish man among the alt-right leaders and their views on homosexuality as a contagious risk to society which brings the question:
What is the place of a LGBTQ member within a white supremacist movement?
According to Statham (2019), the far-right politics still accept the gay people as long as they distance themselves from their homosexuality: Milo openly detests his gayness and prefers to “keep it in the closet” when having in mind that his sexuality is biologically predetermined:
“Gay rights have made us DUMBER; It’s time to get back in the closet!” (Yiannopoulos, 2015)
The alt-right stands against the feminization of the gay culture and all LGBTQ members who cannot reproduce and do not understand the importance of the nuclear family to ensure the continuity of the white race being also one of the reasons to desire their purging.
QUESTION: Have you ever come across a Twitter post with transgressive content that you may consider an expression of the “manosphere”?
Hawley, G. (2017). Making sense of the alt-right. Columbia University Press.
Jenks, C. (2003). Transgression. Psychology Press.
Lilly, M. (2016). ‘The World Is Not a Safe Place for Men’: The Representational Politics of the Manosphere. Political Science, Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa.
Statham, S. (2019). " Keep it in the Closet and Welcome to the Movement": Storying Gay Men Among the Alt-Right.
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This sex toy company uses niche meme accounts to spread the joys of masturbation
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May is National Masturbation Month, and we're celebrating with Feeling Yourself, a series exploring the finer points of self-pleasure.
It's 2019, and people are finally starting to understand that it isn't just dudes who are allowed to be horny. 
While social media platforms lag behind on allowing sponsored posts for vibrators and other sextech, one sex toy company is getting around these barriers by advertising through something more organic: meme accounts. 
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Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
A post shared by Unbound (@unboundbabes) on Apr 20, 2019 at 6:09pm PDT
Male sexual enhancement has long been advertised openly. Older men toss footballs and describe how Viagra rejuvenated their love lives. Condom ads run in the same traditionally masculine tone as whiskey and beer spots. Sure, we've seen ads for menstrual products, where overly cheery women spike volleyballs on the beach and sprint across stretches of wildflowers as if their uteri weren't betraying them at that very moment. But products focused on female sexual health — and on pleasure, specifically — remain shrouded in shame. Companies in the sextech space face difficulty securing funding for new products and often can't advertise using traditional channels. 
As a result sex tech companies have increasingly relied on social media to promote their products. Aesthetically pleasing sex toys found a home on Instagram a while back. (Vox dove into the many companies whose minimalist earth-toned Instagram grids echo those of beauty and skincare brands.) But Unbound, a sexual wellness company founded in 2014, takes a different approach. 
Leaning in to chaotic horniness
The company's Instagram grid is curated chaos. Unbound also posts ethereal portraits of female and non-binary fans with their toys, but the soul of its Instagram presence is in the memes about eating ass and canceling plans to play with yourself instead.  
"When it comes to subjects that make us feel vulnerable," Unbound CEO Polly Rodriguez told Mashable during a phone call. "The best thing to make people more comfortable is to laugh at the truths we all know are real but maybe don't talk about."
Buying toys for the first time can be an intimidating experience, especially if you don't know what you're looking for. Traditionally, sex shops were crowded with overwhelmingly flesh-colored silicone molded into equally overwhelming phallic shapes. For decades, Rodriguez says, toys for women were designed by men, based on cis male genitals. When she was diagnosed with cancer and treatment forced her into menopause at the age of 21, a friend who was a nurse recommended buying a vibrator to get a hold of her sex drive again. Rodriguez says she, "questioned why they all had to look like penises." 
SEE ALSO: How mutual masturbation can help close the orgasm gap
She added that the packaging on the toys depicted women "in lingerie with big boobs and the hair," and said she didn't see herself in them. Unbound products are more whimsical and otherworldly than conventionally sexy — one of its vibrators is literally shaped like an alien spaceship. Rodriguez says when it came to designing these toys, she wanted people to feel comfortable leaving it out on their nightstand. 
The fact that Unbound's toys are rarely shaped like any sort of genital almost makes their Instagram page more approachable for first-time buyers who may be more timid about their desires. It also naturally paves the way for a more chaotically horny, relatable social media landscape. 
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MEET SAUCY: a body-safe silicone vibrator with magnetic USB charging capabilities. Haptic response technology means the harder you squeeze, the harder it vibrates. Waterproof so u can rub one out while u rub-a-dub-dub 💦 LINK IN BIO 2 SHOP. 🛸💫💙
A post shared by Unbound (@unboundbabes) on Feb 18, 2019 at 3:44pm PST
"That mentality of not giving a fuck relates to a lot of the audience," Rodriguez said, explaining the company's shitpost-y Instagram presence. "We want to follow meme accounts because they make us laugh."
A shift in the spon con landscape
Although Unbound really started taking off in 2016, at the height of color-coordinated, well-planned grids, Instagram users are moving away from avocado toast and selfies against saturated mural walls. As the Atlantic noted in an article about the decline of the perfect Instagram grid, "Fast-rising young influencers such as Emma Chamberlain, Jazzy Anne, and Joanna Ceddia all reject the notion of a curated feed in favor of a messier and more unfiltered vibe."
Unbound was ahead of the times. When Glossier's millennial pink-themed grid was the gold standard for Instagram accounts, Rodriguez said she let her former intern and now social media manager Emily Malinowski take the wheel. 
"Emily was like we're just gonna post some weird shit and see what happens," Rodriguez explained. "That's where Instagram's trending — people want lowbrow in experience but highbrow in intellect." 
But while Unbound's messaging and aesthetic resonated with its audience, Instagram itself still has a long way to go when it comes to sex positivity. The platform doesn't allow Unbound to use typical advertising methods like promoted posts, Rodriguez says, and frequently removes posts it claims are inappropriate. She calls it a "double edged sword."
"On one hand Instagram rewards brands and accounts that really care about visual aesthetic," Rodriguez explained. "At the same time, Instagram is constantly taking down accounts, banning accounts ... And yet male sexual wellness brands are allowed to promote."
Which is why Unbound uses the more unconventional advertising tactic of partnering with meme accounts. Many brands, of course, reach out to influencers to promote their products. But doing spon con through memes, like Unbound is doing, is brilliant. 
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i have two loves in my life and their names are gem and ollie💎💗 @unboundbabes just launched #UNArea69 and it’s amazingggg!! use the code barbie69 to get $10 off of $50+ from them and use the link in my bio
A post shared by ♏️ 🦂 scorpihoé 🦇♏️ (@prozac.barbie) on Jan 31, 2019 at 7:24pm PST
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Use my promo code 'clara' for 10% off orders of $35 or more at @unboundbabes ! Especially luv the bender bc it’s USB chargeable, and cute but powerful (and bendy, ofc). This is my ideal weekend honestly I wasted so much time on bad rebound sex before my vibe #ad
A post shared by clara (@meme_love_you_long_time) on Apr 30, 2019 at 7:27am PDT
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it’s a mEtApHySiCaL paradoxical law of science and physics and chemistry that u cannot escape, boys (vibrator wand featured is the Ollie by @unboundbabes, I have a code “ghosted69” for $10 off)
A post shared by haley (@ghosted1996) on Jan 31, 2019 at 4:21pm PST
Linda Lin found Unbound through the meme account @ghosted1996, and was drawn in by the fact that she didn't have to visit a "sleazy website" to buy sex toys.
"It made it seem like masturbation was normal to talk about," she said through Instagram DMs. "Seeing memes and small influencers promote this material makes you feel good about being open about your sexuality." 
Hyacinth Rios was surprised that when they first bought an Unbound toy and posted about it, a friend reached out to ask how they liked it. 
"I remember being surprised that someone who I considered to be like a normie or local (not that either is bad) would be open about sex toys," they said through Instagram DMs. "Which made me feel like it was probably super widely accepted now." 
Normalizing masturbation through memes
The fact that Unbound advertises through meme accounts is so smart because it not only normalizes sex toys in a humorous, approachable way, but because it presents them on the ground level. Sure, masturbation can be a sexy experience for personal awakening and empowerment, but it can also be something you do when you're bored. 
The memes depict masturbation as any other kind of self care, like popping on a face mask or blasting your favorite album. They aren't necessarily presented as wholesome — but the fact that so many of the memes are about spending a night smoking weed and flicking the bean out of boredom or distress is what makes masturbating seem so normal. 
By establishing a presence through Instagram memes, Unbound gets around Instagram's draconian rules for images surrounding female pleasure and also finds its way right into the lap of young people who are over cis men getting to have all the fun. 
"Meme accounts earn the respect of their audience because to be funny is difficult," Rodriguez concluded. 
She notes that not everyone can nail down the art of meme making — if you get it, you get it, and if you don't, you don't. We've seen brands attempt to get in touch with the youth and fail miserably. But by going straight to the meme makers, Unbound lessens the risk of making an embarrassing gaff. 
Masturbating isn't a big deal. Just ask the meme accounts of Instagram.
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pirill · 7 years
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Hey! I usually don't post OC stuff since I don't care much about them but I might be having a few exceptions coming up. 
The story behind this one is that I think fidget spinners are so cancerous and autistic that I decided to ironically make an OC based on them…and I ended up putting more work into her than I do in my normal OC. Welp. I await tributes, mortals. She likes whatever overused meme or fad is popular now but make no mistake, she's not a normie and will kick your ass for reposting normie memes. ߷߷߷߷߷
>dA link
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skeletoonswashere · 7 years
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Normal/ Normal This Pokemon is the first normal/ normal type. Probably because it's known as called a normie. This Pokemon doesn’t know of any memes. Zenzi. Normal/ Electric It's the most useless of any Pokemon. It's claim to have a legendary, but the plot point is gone and turn into a variation of a voltorb. Normal/ Water This Pokemon hates water. It gives scores other Pokemon but give water types 7.5. This Pokemon even give a low score to Kyogre. Normal/ Fire It's always ready. It loves Eminem and have meatballs as feet. Mom's spaghetti is very high quality. Normal/ Psychic This Pokemon is known for being Grand. The Pokemon has a hat that is also alive and when thrown, control other Pokemon. Fire/ Steel This is the mixtape Pokemon. This Pokemon give sick beats and turn up the volume everywhere it goes. Sorry for the neighbors thou. Ground/ Fire Palossand gets really pissed off because it's too close to alola’s volcano area. Also it gets sunburn. Ground/ Fairy It's pink and Is the princess of a kingdom. It's made out of gold too and is the most lazy. It featured in Mario kart. Also, hey Nathaniel Bandy. Fairy/ Fighting This Pokemon is very strong and loves my Little pony. It have an imagination of it's own. It also fights for equality for feminism and can follow it on Tumblr. Fire/ Fighting Famously known for its Magikarp punch and is still not getting a games in E3. Are you kidding me. Ground/ Rock It's have a great show and even a cigarette commercial. Its strong and is great friends with the Grand Pokemon.                 Grass/ Dark Let's get right into this Pokemon Pokedex entire. This Pokemon goes to other pokemons businesses and bother them. It plays a strategy called gnoming, where it plays as a victim and watches as hell breaks lose. Dark/ Ground It's a rare Pokemon. So rare, that it's not even in any pokedex… it's in creepypasta. Grass/ Poison This Pokemon is hilarious and does play video games. It gets the poison type because it gets cancer from it's fans and games. Say something funny? Electric/ Water This Pokemon have a short circuit and data is gone. It's very buggy and the grass/ poison mess with the Pokemon. Grass/ Rock It's a boss and is known for its cry. It mix the music of the Pokemon game with it's cry. Love Silva Gunner. Poison /Ice It's sings a song and in a wonderful Melody. It sadly got sick and is laughed at. Also love Silva Gunner too. Rock/ Ground It's a brown brick. Ghost/ Dark It died and haunt the owner of the Pokemon. It's does this by the cry it yelled before it died. Ice/ Fairy This was actually cool. I want to make another one like this. If you want another one, suggest me a Pokemon you want and share this. Electric/ Ghost It's called the Nontendo Shift 64. It has 200 games inside and is made in china. It also plays glorious 3d graphics. And plays 2d games.
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