#north Carolina emo
doyoulikethisemoband · 9 months
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flashlight-smallknife · 7 months
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Blankstate. @ the milestone club // 1.5.24
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queenoffists · 3 months
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Take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty🌿💚
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colormekrazyband · 1 month
Long time no post! If you’re in town August 31st, come see our emo show at Kings Downtown Raleigh!
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sosshawty · 1 year
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farseekx · 2 years
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It’s almost time for tour!!
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sevenoceansdeep · 7 months
It’s a MF pity part 🥳
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swamp-king1827 · 1 year
I HATE my college I can’t wait to be out of that place
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fishfingersalad · 8 months
The foretold fic of Connie and South helping Wash bleach his hair for the first time! Includes Wash and Lina as siblings.
Fic under the cut
Lunch was a rather boring affair with York away on a mission and North on shore leave with his sister. If you asked Wash who was more likely to come back injured, he couldn’t tell you. The man was abruptly jolted out of his musings by something slamming down onto the table in front of him.
“‘Sup loser”
Wash sighed and turned to the voice, “Hi South. I thought you were supposed to be Austria or something”
South dramatically threw herself down on the bench next to him, “Firstly, it was Australia, second, I got sent home early for an attempted assault of an officer,” She flipped her hair out of her face. “Thirdly you now owe me thirty dollars.”
“THIRTY DOLLARS??? What- I- Why??” 
“Thirty dollars Australian, not American, and,” she gently threw a plastic shopping bag onto the table, “I heard you were thinking about going blond”
Wash shot up so fast he almost fell off the bench “How do you know about that? You weren’t even in the room?? I don’t even think you were on the ship?!?”
South waved her hand ambiguously “You told Ohio who told Connie who told me, and I needed to pick up some dye to redo my tips anyway. So, wanna do your hair?”
Wash considered it for a minute. Getting hair products outside of shampoo while in space was hard, plus the only other people he knew who dyed their hair were Vera and Carolina. He’d listened to Vera complaining about getting chemical burns on her scalp so he didn’t exactly trust her skills, and asking Carolina for help seemed like a good way to end up on the training room floor. It looked like South was, unfortunately, his best bet.
He sighed, “Yeah, sure. Why not.”
A slightly manic grin spread across South’s face before she spun around and yelled across the mess hall, “HEY CONNIE! HE SAID YES!”
Connie turned and yelled back “WAIT REALLY?!”
Someone, probably Georgia judging by the voice, shouted, “SHUT THE FUCK UP ASSHOLES, I’M TRYNA EAT”
As he stared at the women's twin smirks, Wash got the feeling he may have made the wrong decision. He sighed, resigned to his fate. “Can I atleast finish my lunch first?”
Half an hour later saw Wash sitting on a bench in the women's showers wearing an old torn shirt he’d stolen from Maine. South was shaking a bottle with something blue in it, while Connie was gently finger combing his hair. Wash turned his head towards South, “Remind me why both of you need to be here again?”
South smirked again, “‘Cause I’ve been dying my own hair since I was like thirteen, and Connie knows how to cut hair so if we fuck up she can atleast make you look decent.”
Connie reached over to smack South on the arm, “I’ll have you know I used to bleach and dye my hair all the time. I probably have more experience with bleach than you, Miss natural blonde.”
Wash almost dropped the box of pink hair dye he was looking over, “Wait, seriously? You with coloured hair?”
Connie laughed, “Yes, seriously. I was really into scene and emo culture, I’ll show you some pictures sometime.”
South slammed the bottle on the sink a couple of times before going back to shaking it, “What like, teased hair, raccoon tail dye, all that?”
“Yep! Bright pink and green too.”
“No way!” South tilted the bottle a bit before walking over to Wash and Connie,“Heads up Wash, this is gonna smell like cat piss and itch a bit. If it starts burning, wash it out.”
“Wha-” His words were cut off by the odd feeling of a thick liquid on his hair. True to South’s word he felt a tingling feeling on his scalp, it was uncomfortable but not painful. He did have to resist the urge to scratch it as the blond woman rubbed it into his hair.
“Y’know,” South started, “We’re probably gonna have some leftover bleach, Wash’s hair is pretty short… Connie, how ‘bout we bring back the old hairstyle?”
“Are you asking if I wanna bleach some of my hair again?”
South shrugged, “I mean, why not? We’ve got all the materials.”
Connie pondered it a second before nodding, “Yeah sure, probably no raccoon stripes this time though”
“Hell yeah! Wash is just about done now.”
Wash suddenly zoned back in, “I am?”
“Connie, flick his cheek for me and then sit your ass down next to him so I can bleach yours” Connie happily obliged, “Wash, grab that plastic bag and put it over your hair”
Wash tilted his head, thinking maybe he heard her wrong “What? Why?”
“D’you wanna question me, or do you want your hair to be bleached properly?” Wash silently complied. “So, Connie, where do you want me to bleach?”
Connie eventually settled on bleaching the shaved part of her hair for the effect of, as South put it, ‘a sickass hot pink undercut’. The packaging said they had to wait half an hour before washing out their hair, none of them particularly felt like wandering around with plastic on their hair so the three of them were sitting on the tiled bathroom floor and gossiping. They were halfway through Connie telling them about how she accidentally walked in on Florida and Wyoming in a storage closet when the alarm on South’s watch went off.
The two of them with bleach in their hair went to separate stalls to rinse it out. Together, Wash and Connie turned to look at themselves in the mirror. 
Connie turned a little to look at her now blonde undercut from a different angle, “Y’know I think it looks good! How about you, Wash?”
Wash stared at his reflection for a second before turning to the third person in the room, “South”
“South, why is my hair ORANGE?!?” Connie tried to muffle her giggles for a moment before giving up and beginning to laugh so hard she had to gasp for breath.
“Well, Wash. You have dark hair. Like really dark. It's- pfft- it’s not gonna go blond in one round of bleaching”
Wash looked at her, his face full of betrayal, “We have to do this AGAIN?”
South just shrugged “I mean, I thought we might. There’s a reason I bought two boxes of bleach.”
“We should- we should wait another- pffft- another day or two before bleaching it aga- again” Connie was just about rolling on the floor.
“Awww cheer up Wash,” South punched his shoulder, “You’ll be right”
Wash just pouted at her.
Two days later, the three of them were back in the bathroom, rinsing out their hair again. The girls hair with pink dye, Wash’s with a second round of bleach. Wash was hesitant about looking in the mirror, but both the girls' hair looked amazing, and Connies assured him that his did too. Taking a deep breath, he turned to his reflection. It looked… familiar. He felt a gentle smile come over his face. A hand reached out and ruffled his hair “Seems like you like it, if that dopey grin is anything to go off of”
Wash whacked the hand, “Oh piss off South.”
The woman shrugged and smiled her crooked smirk, “If it’s too yellow I can always message North to pick up some toner”
“No, no, it’s good! Yours is too.” As Wash was talking, Connie reached over to fluff his hair. “What is it with you guys and my hair!”
Connie stuck her tongue out at him, “You wear your helmet all the time! We hardly ever get to see it!”
All three of them snapped their heads towards the door as it was thrown open. Carolina walked in and paused for a second before noticing the three by the mirrors. 
“You three, what are you- Wash? Why are you in the women's bathroom? I-” You could practically see the moment her brain processed what she was seeing,“South, Ct, could you two… give us a minute?”
“Sure thing boss,” South saluted her sarcastically before clapping Wash on the shoulder, “Try not to die, Rookie.”
The door closed behind the women as they left, most likely to try and eavesdrop.
Carolina looked almost shocked, she briefly reached out her hand towards him before dropping it again, “Your- your hair, it’s-”
“D’you… like it?”
“You look… you look just like mom…”
Wash reached up a hand and ran it through his still drying hair, “Yeah that was kinda my intention. Dad’s gonna hate it.”
“Dad hates everything, I wouldn’t worry about that,” She sighed and looked away for a moment before walking over to lean against the sinks next to him, “It suits you y’know?”
Wash leant his head against Carolina's shoulder, “Thanks, that- that means a lot.”
She gently ruffled his hair, “Yeah, I know. I know.”
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darkimpala1897 · 6 months
So I posted this fic yesterday!
And someone in the comments asked for a guide of who is inside who Lmfao sounds dirty, so I decided to post it here, so when I do more parts to this AU. This can be used as a cheat sheet.
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The man that our boy John "Bucky" Egan is inside or inhabiting Lmfao
1. Full name Phoenix Callum Butler nee Roberts
2. Naturally blond
3. He was born in Fort Wayne Indiana nowhere near Phoenix Arizona.
4. He's a gymnast and classically trained ballerina
5. Married
6. Can actually sing which makes Bucky happy.
7. He can also play the guitar.
8. British-American, the accent is still slightly freaking out Bucky.
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The man that Gale "Buck" Clevens is inhabiting slash took over.
1. Full name Dallas Gareth Butler, which yes Buck finds absolutely ridiculous.
2. His dark hair is natural.
3. He was born in Raleigh North Carolina nowhere near Dallas Texas, and Buck is pretty sure the guy has never been to Dallas.
4. He's a journalist which Buck finds interesting.
5. He's married to the guy Bucky is inhabiting.
6. Collects Elvis stuff.
7. Has a pet tarantula which Buck has yet to figure the name out.
8. American, according to everyone he sounds like Elvis.
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The man that Harry Crosby is inhabiting.
1. Full name Anthony John Booth, which Croz doesn't mind except the middle and last name.
2. He looks pretty much the same which he's thankful for, he just looks slightly younger which nobody really notices.
3. He was born in Lincoln Illinois which the irony is hilarious.
4. Photographer for the same newspaper that Buck works for.
5. Dating the guy Bubbles is inhabiting for like seven years.
6. He is in fact realted to John Wilkes Booth in this timeline, as Crosby says he can't escape the lookalike contest. Manhunt reference.
7. Collects stamps, which Crosby doesn't understand either.
8. Irish-American, the accent throws him off sometimes.
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The man that Everett Ernest Blakely is inhabiting.
1. Full name David Jonas Sheilds, one of the most normal name in the group.
2. He looks pretty much the same except his hair is slightly shorter.
3. Born in Tampa Florida.
4. He's a therapist, and because of this Blakely has started nitpicking everyone.
5. Has a pet crab, which is friends with Bucks tarantula. Everyone makes fun of Blakely for the crab joking he has crabs.
6. American, no accent but he is the honorary Curt translator.
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The man that John Brady is inhabiting.
1. Full name Benjamin John Sutton.
2. He looks pretty much the same, maybe a little younger.
3. Born in San Francisco California
4. Fashion designer which was obvious to Brady almost immediately, because he got jump scared by one of the mans mannequins.
5. Steals mannequins from department stores.
6.The most fashionable one in the group, which he doesn't do on purpose.
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The man that Howard "Hambone" Hamilton is inhabiting.
1. Jordan Claire Washington, or Claire which Hambone hates but he's getting use to it.
2. He looks pretty much the same except the brown hair and lip ring he has going on.
3. Born in Washington state.
4. Tattoo artist which took Hambone awhile to figure out, he thought he was an artist at first.
5. Engaged to the man Douglass is inhabiting.
6. He uses the guy Ken is inhabiting as his human test subject for tattoos.
7. Dresses like the poster boy of every early 2000s emo band.
8. British-American, the accent is a little worse then Buckys.
9. Collects cat statutes and sea shells.
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The man that Bernard "Benny" DeMarco is inhabiting.
1. Full name Adam Campbell Long, the last name makes everyone giggle.
2. Looks exactly the same.
3. Born in Albany New York.
4. Bartender at a strip club, which DeMarco finds hilarious mostly because of his last name.
5. Can make a killer margarita.
6. Has OCD which drives DeMarco insane.
7. American, with a slight New York accent.
8. Owns a husky named Meatball, which makes DeMarco so happy that Meatball and him are together in every timeline.
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The man James Douglass is inhabiting.
1. Full name Elliott Edward Parker
2. Looks pretty much the same, the only thing that's missing is his hair which Douglass complains about on a daily basis.
3. Born in Saint Louis Missouri.
4. Stripper Cop at the same strip club that DeMarco works at as a bartender, Douglass finds it fucking hilarious he loves this timeline version of him.
5. Engaged to the man Hambone is inhabiting.
6. Douglass wouldn't stop taking off his clothes once he figured out his profession of choice, he also gave Blakely a lap dance which Hambone dared him to.
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The man John B. "Jack" Kidd is inhabiting.
1. Full name Ashley Edward Johnson, which Kidd hates with a passion.
2. Born in Salt Lake City Utah.
3. Fifth grade science teacher, which makes so much sense to Kidd because he already deals with children in the 40s, so why not modern day.
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The man Kenneth "Ken" Lemmons is inhabiting.
1. Full name Samuel Kai Lawson, which Ken finds kickass.
2. Born in Grand Rapids Michigan.
3. He owns his own mechanic shop.
4. His tattoos and ear piercing were all done by the man Hambone is inhabiting, who uses him as a test subject. Even after Hambone took over, Ken let him practice on him.
5. He's been dating the man Rosie is inhabiting for two years.
6. Owns a cat named Fleas, which Ken finds kinda of insulting to the cat.
I've hit the ten picture limit, but part two to this chaos will be posted shortly!
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jellybracelet · 12 days
tag game!!
tagged by @fathercain1999 and @saltbind :)
Do you make your bed? Hmmm, more or less. A weird thing about me is that I don't really move in my sleep, so there's not much to do because everything's still in place in the morning.
What's your favorite number? I genuinely don't have one.
What is your job? Non-techy side of a fitness tech startup (I know, ew lol)
If you could go back to school, would you? I don't think I'd do very well at this point in time, so no. It would probably be a waste of money. I applied to grad schools for accounting a few years ago, but I decided not to go.
Can you parallel park? I don't like to very much, but I have to downtown. It's not all that difficult because they line the spaces and my car is like half the size of every other car in North Carolina. Plus, I have a backup camera. I still will walk another couple of blocks if there's a spot where I don't have to parallel park. It's not that I have trouble with the actual maneuver, but I get nervous and self-conscious lol.
A job you had that would surprise people? Not sure if this is surprising, but I interned at a farm animal sanctuary when I was 19, after freshman year of college. I worked in the office (which was a barn lol) mostly doing spreadsheets and stuffing envelopes, but I got to play with cows and go hiking and run in the woods the rest of the time. My housemates (employees and fellow interns) were also awesome, and we lived in the sanctuary.
Do you think aliens are real? I'm not sure, and I'm not really interested in knowing.
Can you drive a manual car? No.
What's your guilty pleasure? Well, I'm a recovered binge eater, so... everything? Actually, I wouldn't call it pleasure. I have a lot of shame and I don't really see myself outgrowing that. I can't really indulge in guilty pleasures like that because I don't have the moderation thing worked out... Sorry, this was probably supposed to be a cute question.
Tattoos? No, I've never wanted one myself.
Favorite color? Hunter green.
Favorite type of music? Turn of the century emo (in a gate-keepy way) and pop punk.
Do you like puzzles? Sure! Why not.
Any phobias? I used to have a very severe phobia that thankfully is no longer a hindrance to my life.
Favorite childhood sport? Gymnastics + competitive cheerleading
Do you talk to yourself? Yep! All day. I need to give myself pep talks sometimes.
What movies do you adore? I have a hard time with this question.
Coffee or tea? Coffee.
First thing you wanted to be when you grew up? I think... a pop star? Then, I started saying mortician, because I liked to get a reaction from adults when I told them that. Can you tell I liked attention?
Tagging @samwhump @fandom-hoarder @lovetheirloves @jaredpadachesty @finalwoman
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Holidays 5.17
Bugloss Day (French Republic)
Children’s Day (Norway)
Constitution Day (Nauru)
Dia das Letras Galegas (Spain)
DIPG Awareness Day
Discovery Day (Cayman Islands)
Dogbert Day (Dilbert)
Dressed to the Nines Day
Falling Off a Log Night
Famine Memorial Day (Ireland)
Firefighters’ Day (Latvia)
Galacian Literature Day (Spain)
International Art of Giving Day
International Child Helpline Day
International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
International Internet Day
International Twm Sion Cati Day (UK)
King Arthur Day
Liberation Day (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Merry-Go-Round Day [also 7.25]
Minecraft Day
National Book Day (Indonesia)
National Curves Day (Illinois)
National Cyber Safety Awareness Day
National Day Against Homophobia (Canada)
National Donkey Welfare Day (Kenya)
National Emo Day for Women
National Famine Memorial Day (Ireland)
National Graduation Day
National Graduation Tassel Day
National Idaho Day
National Linda Day
National Numeracy Day (UK)
National Pinkfix Day
National Real Estate Day
National VA2K Walk & Roll Day
National Work From Home Day (UK)
Navy Day (Argentina)
Pack Rat Day
Peasant Day (a.k.a. Agrarian Reform; Cuba)
Pink Shirt Day (New Zealand)
Railroad Day
Raja Day (Perlis, Malaysia)
Royal Ploughing Ceremony (Thailand)
Rubber Band Day
Slottsplassen (Norway)
Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Day (UK)
Supermodel Day
Tell An Umpire "I Love Your Outfit" Day
Uff Da Day (North Dakota)
Walk Safely to School Day (Australia)
Watch A Baby Fall Asleep Day
Wear Your Life Jacket to Work Day
World Horticulture Day
World Hypertension Day
World Information Society Day (UN)
World Necrotizing Enterocolitis Awareness Day
World Neurofibromatosis Awareness Day
World Orienteering Day
World Recycling Day
World Stationary Day
World Telecommunication Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Cherry Cobbler Day
National Mushroom Hunting Day
National Walnut Day
Pinot Grigio Day
Independence & Related Days
Constitution Day (Nauru)
Constitution Day (a.k.a. Seventeenth of May or Syttende Mai; Norway; 1814)
Kappan Empire (a.k.a. Holy Empire of the Kappa; Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Syttende Mai (Constitution Day; Norway; from Denmark, 1814)
3rd Friday in May
Arbour Day (Prince Edward Island, Canada) [3rd Friday]
Asakusa Sanja Matsuri begins (Geisha parade) [3rd Friday]
Ascension Friday (Belgium) [Friday closest to Ascension]
Bike-to-Work Day (US) [3rd Friday]
Endangered Species Day [3rd Friday]
Flashback Friday [Every Friday]
Fountain Pen Friday [3rd Friday]
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
International Virtual Assistants’ Day [3rd Friday]
NASCAR Day [3rd Friday]
National Bike to Work Day [3rd Friday]
National Defense Transportation Day [3rd Friday]
National Pizza Party Day [3rd Friday]
National Wear Blue Day [3rd Friday]
Native Nonprofit Day [3rd Friday]
O. Henry Pun Off Day [3rd Friday]
Teacher’s Day (Florida) [3rd Friday]
Wear Red for VEDS Day [3rd Friday]
World Meditation Day (UK) [3rd Friday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 17 (2nd Full Week)
Mike, the Headless Chicken Weekend [3rd Friday & Saturday]
Festivals Beginning May 17, 2024
Aalborg Carnival (Aalborg, Denmark) [thru 5.25]
Anderson Valley Pinot Festival (Anderson Valley, California) [thru 5.19]
Arizona Restaurant Week: Spring (Statewide, Arizona) [thru 5.26]
Bath Festival (Bath, England) [thru 5.20]
Bayou Bon Vivant Cajun Music, Food & Art Celebration (Norfolk, Virginia) [thru 5.19]
Beaufort Music Festival (Beaufort, South Carolina) [thru 5.18]
Chocolate Fest (Long Grove, Illinois) [thru 5.19]
Crawfish Festival (Fountain Valley, California) [thru 5.19]
Fort Worth Zoo Annual Beastro (Fort Worth, Texas)
Georgia Mountain Fire & Smoke Cooking Festival (Hiawassee, Georgia) [thru 5.18]
Hangout Music Festival (Gulf Shores, Alabama) [thru 5.19]
Hermann Maifest (Hermann, Missouri) [thru 5.19]
Karneval der Kulturen (Berlin, Germany( [thru 5.20]
Magnolia Blossom Festival & World Championship Steak Cook-Off (Magnolia, Arkansas) [thru 5.18]
Manchester Jazz Festival (Manchester, United Kingdom) [thru 5.26]
Moers Festival (Moers, Germany) [thru 5.20]
Morel Mushroom Festival (Muscoda, Wisconsin) [thru 5.18]
Motor City Comic Con (Novi, Michigan) [thru 5.19]
New Jersey Seafood Festival (Belmar, New Jersey) [thru 5.19]
North Carolina Potato Festival (Elizabeth City, North Carolina) [thru 5.19]
OC Greek Food Festival (Anaheim, California) [thru 5.19]
Oregon Homebrew Festival (Corvallis, Oregon) [thru 5.18]
Palm Beach Ribs, Wings & Rock Festival (Palm Beach, Florida) [thru 5.19]
Picklefest (Atkins, Arkansas) [thru 5.18]
Preston Trout Days (Preston, Minnesota) [thru 5.19]
Rhubarb Festival (Intercourse, Pennsylvania) [thru 5.18]
Stockton Flavor Fest (Stockton, California) [thru 5.19]
Taste of Maplewood Street Festival (Maplewood, Missouri) [thru 5.18]
Temecula Valley Balloon & Wine Festival (Temecula, California) [thru 5.19]
Wave-Gotik-Treffen (Leipzig, Germany) [thru 5.20]
The WhiskyX (Brooklyn, New York)
World Expo of Beer (Frankenmuth, Michigan) [thru 5.18]
Feast Days
A.J. Casson (Artology)
Antonius (Positivist; Saint)
Bruno of Wurzburg (Christian; Saint)
Cathan (Christian; Saint)
Dave Sim (Artology)
Dea Dia (Goddess of the Cosmos; Ancient Rome)
Eugene (Muppetism)
Falling Off a Log Night (Shamanism)
Feast of ‘Azamat (Baha'i)
Gio Nicola Buhagiar (Artology)
Giulia Salzano (Christian; Saint)
Karl Burman (Artology)
Laval Homeboy Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Let Your Star Shine Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Maden of Brittany (Christian; Saint)
Madron (a.k.a. Madern (Christian; Saint)
Maxime Emile Louis Maufra (Artology)
Mifune Matsuri (Boat Festival; Japan)
Neo-Pagan Fertility Ritual (Philippines; Everyday Wicca)
Ogham (Celtic Book of Days)
Paschal Baylon (Christian; Saint)
Restituta (Christian; Saint)
Silave (Christian; Saint)
Single Malt Whisky Day (Pastafarian)
Sjofn’s Blot (Pagan)
William Hobart Hare (Episcopal Church (USA))
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 137 [33 of 72]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [23 of 37]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [25 of 57]
Un Giorno Nero (A Black Day; Italy) [Friday the 17th] (1 of 1 for 2024)
About a Boy (Film; 2002)
All Men Are Mortal, by Simone de Beauvoir (Novel; 1946)
At Dawn We Spley, by Gordon W. Prange (Historical Novel; 1982)
Babel-17, by Samuel R. Delany (Novel; 1966)
Bad Blood, by Taylor Swift (Album; 2015)
Blurryface, by Twenty One Pilots (Album; 2015)
Bon Voyage! (Film; 1962)
Catch-22 (TV Mini-Series; 2019)
Cinderella Goes to a Party (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1942)
Comic Cuts, by Alfred Harmsworth (UK Comic; 1890) [1st regular comic published]
Don’t Look Back (Documentary Film; 1967)
Five Puppets (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1935)
Gentle On My Mind, recorded by Glen Campbell (Song; 1967)
Godspell (Off-Broadway Musical; 1971)
Grin and Share It, featuring Droopy (MGM Cartoon; 1957)
Groove Me, recorded by King Floyd (Song; 1970)
The Guns of Avalon, by Roger Zelazny (Novel; 1972) [chronicles of Amber #2]
History of Modern Art, by H. Harvard Arnason (Art History; 1968)
Hobo Bobo (WB MM Cartoon; 1947)
If (Animated Film; 2024)
The Importance of Being Earnest (Film; 2002)
In a Lonely Place (Film; 1950)
Information Please (Radio Quiz Show; 1938)
The Inimitable Jeeves, by P.G. Wodehouse (Novel; 1923)
John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum (Film; 2019)
King Porter Stomp, recorded by Teddy Hill, featuring Dizzy Gillespie (Song; 1937)
La Planète des Singes (The Planet of the Apes), by Pierre Boulle (Novel; 1963)
Le Quiet Squad (The Inspector Cartoon; 1967)
The Love Boat (TV Series; 1976)
Mesmerize, by System of a Down (Album; 2005)
Mr. Big Stuff, recorded by Jean Knight (Song; 1970)
My Mortal Enemy, by Willa Cather (Novel; 1926)
The Omnivore’s Dilemma, by Michael Pollan (Book; 2006)
Pink of the Litter (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1967)
Puss in Boots (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1934)
Random Access Memories, by Daft Punk (Album; 2013)
A River Runs Through It, by Norman Maclean (Novella’ 1976)
The Rookie Bear (MGM Cartoon; 1941)
See You Yesterday (Film; 2019)
Shéhérazade, by Maurice Ravel (Song Cycle; 1904)
Shutter Bug (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1963)
Stay (I Missed You), by Lisa Loeb (Song; 1994)
The Sultan’s Cat, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1931)
Swiss Ski Yodelers (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1940)
Thank God It’s Friday (Film; 1978)
The Tree of Life (Film; 2011)
Tommy, by The Who (Album; 1969)
Uthal, by Étienne-Nicolas Méhul (Opera; 1806)
Wacky-Bye Baby (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1948)
What About Bob? (Film; 1991)
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum (Novel; 1900)
Today’s Name Days
Dietmar, Pascal, Walter (Austria)
Gizela, Heraklije, Paškal, Paško (Croatia)
Aneta (Czech Republic)
Bruno (Denmark)
Taido, Taidur, Taimar, Taimo, Taivo (Estonia)
Maila, Maili, Mailis, Maisa, Rebekka (Finland)
Pascal (France)
Antonella, Dietmar, Pascal (Germany)
Andronikos, Iounia, Junia, Solon (Greece)
Paszkál (Hungary)
Pasquale, Restituta (Italy)
Dailis, Herberts (Latvia)
Bazilė, Gailė, Paskalis, Virkantas (Lithuania)
Harald, Ragnhild (Norway)
Bruno, Herakliusz, Paschalis, Sławomir, Torpet, Weronika, Wiktor, Wiktoriusz (Poland)
Andronic (România)
Gizela (Slovakia)
Pascual (Spain)
Rebecka, Ruben (Sweden)
Pascal, Pascha, Pascual, Turner (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 138 of 2024; 228 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 20 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 6 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 10 (Xin-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 9 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 9 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 18 Magenta; Foursday [18 of 30]
Julian: 4 May 2024
Moon: 72%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 25 Caesar (5th Month) [Antonius]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 60 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 28 of 31)
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saltchurch · 5 months
my cousins husband is the frontman of a semi well known emo band and every time i see photos from their concerts with signs that are like ___ i love you i would die for you it’s like….did you know he’s an extremely normal father of three who lives in a planned north carolina suburb. they put up lawn inflatables for thanksgiving. he doesn’t even talk that much during family gatherings! is this how gerard ways extended family feels…
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lazywolfwiccan · 1 year
Wrestling's Next Top Model!!! Contestant list written by Violet Giliath and her boyfriend Finn Balor, the casting directors and head of makeovers. Just note they're exhausted from casting and are snarky as fuck
@atiny-angel @swifteforeverandalways @lynsrosegarden @sargentbarxes @axelwolf8109 @retro-rezz-the-est @moxxieswitchblade @the-iridescent-phoenix @katries
Seth Rollins: From Davenport Iowa, this "emo" wannabe model plans to take over the industry. Has long brown hair that leaves him looking like other model Aragorn.
Austin Theory: Youngest person here from Atlanta Georgia who looks like he belongs in a CW show with brown blond hair he has in a man bun.
Rhea Ripley: From Australia, this young woman looks like any other pretty blond girl.
Sammy: I don't know how to spell his last name and he's annoying. Kind of pretty, kind of an ass
TJ Perkins: From California and raised by a Filipino family, covered in tattoos that call way too much attention from his handsome features.
Saraya and Ruby Soho: Twins that look nothing alike except for their long black hair and brown eyes.
Sasha Banks: This woman from Boston has an attitude that will go nowhere in the industry but admittedly is beautiful
Charlotte Flair: This girl from ironically Charlotte North Carolina, is another plain blonde woman.
Bayley: I have nothing to say other than her side ponytail is a crime against humanity.
Elton Prince and Kit Wilson: Boyfriends who scarily remind me of the power couple Aragorn and Legolas Greenleaf, this two hail from Britain.
Jordan Devlin: Another with an attitude problem and a pretty face who happens to be my little brother, help me
Damian Priest: Tall and handsome, yet quite terrifying to look at!
Roman Reigns: Looks like Jason Mamoa with a horrible man bun as well! Is this actually in now or am I going crazy????
Becky Lynch: With mousey hair and a hell of a wardrobe, Steph and Chyna may need more help. Also my little sister CHRIST.
Zachary Wentz: Our last contestant who missed out of last year's competition, he happened to be the boyfriend of previous contestant's Wes Lee and Trey Miguel, his long hair also is basic!
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flashlight-smallknife · 10 months
The Kevin Bacon theory except it’s queer emos in the North Carolina area and we are all at max one and a half people away from Page Ragan
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sosshawty · 1 year
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