#not all who Wanda are lost spoilers
feelingtheaster99 · 2 months
Absolutely fuck you, Porter. Like Gorgug wanting to expand his education and explore another facet to himself and his identity as a half-orc adopted by gnomes has absolute nothing to do with you. Boo fricking boo that he doesn’t see rage in the same toxic and consuming light that you do, and fuck you times two for trying to make Gorgug feel bad about using his rage to protect his friends
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ourstoatmeansdeath · 3 months
I am so appreciative of the way Dimension 20 explores all the ways people can have bad parents. They show a lot of them and they explicitly call out when the parents are shitty. This post is mostly about episode 3 of FHJY and the AP.
Like in "Not All Who Wanda Are Lost," Kristen sees her estranged parents for the first time in a long time, and everyone acknowledges how hard and difficult it is! It's also eerie how good Brennan is at playing the different flavors of abusive parents. Like the "I don't wanna know" from Kristen's mom as Kristen tries to tell her about how Kristen is doing well living in a haunted house now. (Right after Kristen's mom explicitly asked how Kristen is doing!) Or how the Intrepid Heroes all seem to know that eldest daughter pressure, and Ally and Brennan both talk about how Bucky is under more stress now that the oldest daughter shield isn't around anymore. (I think Siobhan mentioned "this is my emotional support eldest daughter" in a Burrow's End Adventuring Party.)
And Adaine's dad wasn't just shitty bc he was going to kill her and Aelywn. He was also shitty for all the ways he abused them both the whole time. Even before Sophomore Year, the Abernants were explicitly called bad parents. In the "I Wanda'd In" Adventuring Party the Intrepid Heroes even discuss how it's complicated when you have shitty abusive parents but they cover the bills. No one said that maybe Adaine should have thought about the money before killing her dad, or in any way implied that the abuse would have been worth the financial support. They acknowledged the nuance of the situation. And how it leaves Adaine especially unprepared because she truly has never talked about finances. That conversation strikes the very specific kind of wistfulness that you have when you leave a bad situation, but some parts of the bad situation were easy in a way your life isn't easy anymore.
I have a lot more feelings about this that I can't turn into words quite yet. I'm still thinking on it. But it means so much to me.
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delicatebarness · 3 months
bring him home | prologue
Summary: A revisit, back to where it all went wrong, when The Mad Titan finally did it himself.
Warning: MCU Spoilers, mainly Infinity War. Avengers: Infinity War contains extended, intense sequences of violence and peril. Swearing.
Word Count: 1791
Masterlist | Next Chapter
A/N: I thought this was longer to be honest, I have split it up into four named parts. However, it just mainly a recap of Avengers: Infinity War with some rewrites to fit the reader into the story.
Tags: @crazyforbarnes | @whiminiferous | @armystay89 | @bucky-just-needs-love
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The Children of Thanos.
It was a typical spring day, the farmers market in Greenwich Village was blooming. Flowers, fruits, vegetables, all the colours were so vibrant. Walking past a fruit stall, you can’t help but smile when you notice the plums. If only he could have been here with you, pick out some for your fruit bowl in the home you created together. But, no, it couldn’t be done. Not yet anyway.
You carried on your morning walk around the city, daydreaming of what may be. You smiled and waved at locals, and took photos with anyone who asked. “Miss Stark! Welcome!” You knew the city loved you. The child of a genius, a superhero. They adored your father for what he created, they adored you for who you are. The kind, empathetic daughter of Tony Stark.
You stopped just by the end of a stall and pulled out a flip phone, but still no messages. Suddenly, a non-forecasted breeze began to pick up. And, fast. Before you knew it, the plums from earlier began to roll past you in the street. Intuitively, you tapped your chest and allowed the nanotechnology to cover your entire body. Pink and gold wrapped around you perfectly as you rushed to help stop stalls flying, catching pushed-over citizens.
“Friday? Where’s my dad currently?” You called to the AI within your suit while pulling an elderly man back up onto his feet, guiding him to a nearby cafe where other pedestrians have taken safety. A blue digital map appears on the holographic display with the location of your dad. 177A Bleecker Street. Not far, you thought to yourself.
Finally, you reached the address Friday had given you. You burst through the front door of the place, releasing your head gear the moment you notice your dad.
“Dad! Bruce? You might want to get out here and see this!” You didn’t stay to see if they were following, you ran out as quickly as you ran in. Making your way towards the source of wind and destruction, you continued to help fallen citizens.
You fight your hardest to keep Bruce safe, you don’t understand what is happening with him and Hulk but that was their issue, all you could do was protect them both.
“Wong, you’re invited to my wedding.” Watching your dad fly up to reach Peter and the ship, you began to thrust your reactors to follow his lead. “No, I need you on Earth.” His voice echoed through your comms, you tried to argue back with him but he knew what your argument would be and he didn’t want to hear it. “Now, Y/N, please.”
Just like that, you were back on the ground standing with Bruce, watching him pick up your dad’s burner from the ground.
“Bruce?” He looked up at you, seeing how your eyes were fixed on the phone.
“Yeah, kid?”
“Call Steve.”
After Bruce had called Steve, you both headed back to the compound and explained the situation to Rhodey. You frantically start to move things around the holographic screens trying anything to locate Vision.
“Hey, Steve’s on his way, it’s okay.” Bruce came over trying to calm you down, he knew that look on your face. It was the same face Tony pulled when he was focused and lost in it.
“He’s the closest thing I have to a brother, I need to find him, Bruce.” Picking up your phone, you tried to call him, you tried Wanda too, but no answer,
“Tony said-“ Bruce pointed to an error on the holographic, referring back to when your dad explained Vision couldn’t be located.
“My dad doesn’t know shit, Bruce.” You continued to go over everything on the screen, hearing only mumbles from Rhodey in the other room. You’re too fixated on the screens to realise they weren’t just his. Until the movement of Bruce walking out catches your eye.
“This is awkward.” Sam! You close the screens down and rush out to where Bruce is now standing. Steve, Natasha, Sam, Wanda and Vision. They all are here standing in the compound once again.
“Vis?” You gasp as you notice he is limping, being held up by Sam and Wanda. “Come on, let’s get you fixed up.” You relieve Sam from his duty and help Wanda get Vision back into the office to rest. Passing, you make eye contact with Steve, and exchange a look that only has meaning between you two.
“We have to destroy it.” That one sentence made you stop thinking and trying to understand. A quick “What?!” escaped as you glared at your android brother. You knew that if that stone got destroyed, especially while still in Vision's head then he’d be destroyed too. Vision and Wanda began the conversation about her being the one to do it, you couldn’t help but feel for them both. On one side, your brother is asking your best friend to kill him. On the other, your best friend was being asked to do the impossible.
You listened, it was all you could do, to the discussion further. Bruce explains that it isn’t just the stone that makes Vision, Vision. It’s Jarvis and Ulton. Your dad, Bruce and the Stone. Even, you. The discussion led to carrying out a procedure to remove the stone while keeping Vision exactly how he is. All they needed was someone able and a place to do it.
Once again, you and Steve exchanged looks. He grabbed your hand and squeezed it with a nod.
“I know somewhere.”
You sensed a sort of thrill flying into Wakanda, you’ve admired the entire country and its technology since finding out about its existence. You also admired how welcoming, understanding and extremely helpful they have been in keeping your not-so-little secret. You sighed in relief as you edged closer to the kingdom, knowing soon you’d be the safest you have ever been in your life.
You look over at Vision sending him a hopeful smile. Knowing first-hand how incredibly smart Shuri is, you know your brother is in safe hands. That's what Wakanda meant to you. Safety. Protection. He reached out, squeezing your hand. He knew you were deep down terrified of something happening to him, you are his big sister after all.
“Whatever happens -“ he began, you stopped him giving him a ‘do not say another word’ look.
“It’s going to work. It HAS to work.” You emphasised you couldn’t think of any alternative. Not when it was his life on the line. You already couldn’t get a hold of your dad or Pete. Vision was not leaving as well.
When you landed in Wakanda, everyone made their way off the jet but you held back for a moment. You double-checked yourself in the mirror, noting your puffy eyes from the tiredness from fighting, flying and mind-blowing experience yet, you smiled. What waited for you outside of the jet would make it okay.
“A semi-stable, 100-year-old man.” You heard his voice as you started walking down from the jet. You watched as Steve went in for a hug with an old friend, Bucky’s eyes caught yours as he finished the embrace.
“James!” You exclaimed as you ran towards him, jumping to wrap your legs around his waist, his arms tightening around your back. He held you as close as he possibly could.
“Hey Doll.” He whispered as started to place a soft kiss on your cheek, taking in your scent. Neither of you noticed the glances from your fellow heroes.
As everyone begins to gather outside, you give Vision a reassuring look as you decide to wait outside with Bucky and Sam. You talk together about the journey, Buck’s new arm that you helped Shuri design on your private trips to Wakanda.
Suddenly, the defence shield around Wakanda destroys a vessel that tries to enter the atmosphere. You felt your boyfriend’s left arm wrap around your waist, it felt strange for a moment as you grew used to always having the right one around you.
“God, I love this place.” You watched his smile as the three of you looked up at the explosion the shield had protected you from.
No Goodbye.
You fought your way towards Thanos, dodging his attacks and shooting blasts. If it wasn’t for that one stone, the wizard's stupid green glowing stone freezing you in a stance, you could have prevented it all.
You watched frozen unable to move, scream, or cry as Wanda, your best friend, destroyed a part of your brother that was currently keeping him alive. You watched as his body turned grey, falling to the floor. Then, before you knew it, you watched him come back to life only for Thanos to kill him again only this time. He forced the stone out of Vision's head, leaving a hole the size of a fist in his head.
You saw everything. Your friends and family are lying on the ground, defeated. Your best friend is devastated holding onto your brother’s lifeless body. Your eyes searched everywhere for Bucky, your internal thoughts screaming his name in search of him. Then, you saw Thor coming down with force and an axe, but, he was too late and went for the heart.
The second Thanos left, you fell to the ground, rushing to Vision’s body.
“Vis?” You screamed at his body, shaking it to wake him up. “Come on, Vis! Get up!” Wanda grabbed you, shaking you until you looked at her. You both collapsed into each other arms over Vision's body.
“Steve?” His voice, he was okay. You dropped Wanda’s embrace for a second to look over at the man you fell in love with. Before you had fully stood to run to him, he just disappeared.
“James!” Screaming his name as you hastily ran towards the spot he disappeared from. Steve caught you in his arms before you could fall to the floor. “James!!” You kept screaming, looking around frantically thinking it was just the light playing mind games with you. Placing both of his hands against your cheeks, Steve forced you to look him in the eyes, reminding you to breathe. “Where’d he go, Steve?”
“I don’t -“ he began before you pushed him away, you had watched the rest of the world disappearing in the reflection of his eyes. “Y/N?” He called as you ran to where your best friend had once been sitting comforting you.
You turned back to face Steve, Bruce, Thor and Natasha. Your face soaked from the tears that would not stop flowing. It had been hours, who knows how many since you last heard from your dad or Pete, now, you’ve lost Wanda, Vision and Bucky.
“They’re all gone.” 
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anamoon63 · 1 month
"The future only belongs to the future itself, and the future is Electric Youth".
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Okay so, Time Traveler (The Crane Legacy) wasn’t a story in the beginning, it started as just gameplay about a young guy from the future, Robin Crane, a plumbot builder, who travels to the past and meets the woman of his dreams. Robin had a concern, though, in the Oasis Landing population files, no descendants of his were listed, so he became obsessed that he should start having kids right away, so much so, that he got into all the trouble that gave rise to the story.
Then, you know me, I started planning and writing a plot, taking posed photos for the characters, using special saves in both Aurora Skies and Oasis Landing to stage scenes, etc. And, since I had to follow a script, my characters’ lives were kind of on pause. But… in the original Aurora Skies save, where everything started, time and life continued to pass for the Cranes and the Shens (Juliette’s family), something that doesn’t happen in my story saves, where, due to technical reasons, life takes much longer to pass.
I've tried to keep secret what happens in the original Aurora Skies' save, so as not to spoil the story, but since Time Traveler is about, well, time traveling, lol, I thought we could do a little six-year time jump from 2017 to 2023 in order to introduce the next generation (3rd actually) of the Crane dynasty. So, without further ado, I present to you the third generation of Cranes.
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From left to right: Carrie, Wanda, Rowan, Jessica, and Collin. Rowan and Jessica are the oldest with 8 (real life) years; and Collin, Carrie and Wanda are 6 (real life) years old. (Yes, they're all the same height cause I don't use height sliders in order not to mess my game).
As we already know, these five kids are all Robin's children, from three different moms, which are Juliette Shen (Rowan's mom) Kaleigh Chandelace (Collin's mom) and Ann Conners (Jessi, Carrie and Wanda's mom). Despite this, they love each other as if they were full siblings, cause they all have something in common: they have the same father, and some of them, (I am not telling which ones), also share Robin's alien genes. They are currently living their lives at the fullest, learning about their alien powers and preparing to compete among themselves to be Robin's successor. Who of them will make it? I still don't know so I can't tell, and if I knew I wouldn't tell. 😉
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Sorry if this post was too long, or if it seemed like a spoiler, it's just I'm so happy with how this generation turned out that I couldn't resist, and I just can't wait for them to grow so I can tell their stories. 😋
I take this opportunity to say that Time Traveler (the actual story) is not over, it will be back, though maybe not too soon. I'm currently writing the episodes of Part Three: To the Moon and Back, where we will go to Robin's rescue after his abduction by an alien ship, and where, contrary to this post, we'll go back one generation to meet Robin's long-lost parents. It's a long way to go, but eventually we'll get there, then we'll let Robin take a rest as we move on to this brand new third generation. Of course, I want to give my endless thanks to Bee @poses-by-bee, @gabrielabenacci, @anasaquasims and Rayne's Factory and for the poses. As well as to @aroundthesims, @anzuchansims, @ifcasims, @plumdrops, lillka, blakegriplingph (MTS), and sketchbook pixels for the kids' hair and clothing. Proper credits and links here below: POSES
Child Friendship Poses, Child emotion Storytelling Poses, and Child Sit Poses by Bee. Child Posepack by Gaby's Creations. Cute Kid Poses by Rayne's Factory. Child Poses Shy by Anasaquasims.
Jessica: Loose top with Tulle Skirt, Cute Cardigan for Girls and Shine Leggings by Lillka; T-Bar Pointy School Shoes by Blakegriplingph (MTS). Jessica's hair: Nightcrawler Deep S3 Age Conversion by Plumbdrops. Carrie: Ruffle top with Cotton Jacket by Lillka; River (Shorts) by Sketchbook Pixels; Darte 77 Vans Old Skool by Anzuchansims. Carrie's hair is N03 Thyme, also by Anzuchansims. Wanda: Zipped Hoddie 4to3 conversion by ATS3 (Around the Sims 3), Winter Shorts by Lillka, Darte 77 Vans Old Skool by Anzuchansims. Wanda's hair is Anto - Milano by IfcaSims. Rowan: Sforzinda SP42 Hoodie, Studio-K Giruto Multi Pocket Pants and Darte 77/Pixicat Old Boots, all by Anzuchansims. Rowan's hair is Wingssims ER0914 also by Anzuchansims. Collin: Darte Coat and Hoodie, Darte 77 Jeans and Darte 77/Pixicat Old Boots, all by Anzuchansims. Collin's hair is Anto Male 75 by TTS -My Bluebook
Thank you very much to you all for making my game beautiful, interesting and fun. 🤗💗
The quote at the beginning of this post, is from Electric Youth, by Debbie Gibson, one of my all-time favorite songs. 😉✨
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verosvault · 3 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 3 "Not All Who Wanda Are Lost"
Timestamp: 1:21:47
Video Length: 1min. & 56sec.
Jawbone & Riz talk (‣Pt.1 | Pt.2)
Riz tries to grab the envelope that Kipperlilly handed in! :p
Riz uses "silent image"
Jawbone: "I wouldn't"
🥺 The way Jawbone said it to Riz seems like Jawbone was kinda disappointed in Riz with the fact that he even tried to do that. 🥺
The fact that Riz just immediately put it back when Jawbone caught him. 🥺
Mazey asks if Kristen wants to sign up and Kristen goes ahead to sign up for student government and Riz agrees to be Kristen's campaign manager! 🥺👌
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use-your-telescope · 4 months
Together by this Christmas Tree
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Summary: The Avengers have an annual tradition of a Secret Santa Gift Exchange, and Theo’s life becomes a real life Hallmark Movie when she draws Loki’s name and has to get him five days of gifts. Because shopping for a god and a prince, especially one that you have a massive crush on, is easy, right?!
Author's Notes: HELLO AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS! This is a one-shot set in the WEMTBB world with our favorite sorcerers, however you do not need to be caught up on (or even have started) WEMTBB in order to enjoy this story! For those of you who are reading WEMTBB, this takes place in the future, when these two are in their “mutual pining idiots” stage; you will absolutely spot some easter eggs, but there are no major spoilers here.
This is for @sarahscribbles Christmas Collection, because I’m strolling in five minutes late with Starbucks for Christmas by posting this the day after Christmas. If you're a regular reader of WEMTBB, I am still planning to update it on Sunday (12/31).
Content: Absolute tooth-rotting fluff, Secret Santa, LOADS of mutual pining, Wanda being a very supportive friend, some pranks along the way, Loki in multiple sweaters, and lots of Loki getting the love, kindness, and attention he deserves.
Word Count: 8,104
Read on AO3 | When Everything's Made to be Broken Masterlist
When Steve first made the announcement, at the end of a mission debrief, Theo swore he was joking.
The idea of the Avengers making a point to celebrate Christmas seemed a bit strange - beyond the fact that there were two Norse Gods on the team, it seemed presumptuous to assume everyone else was Christian. 
Theo’s feelings about the winter holidays were, at best, ambivalent. Sure, she liked the holiday lights, and she was a sucker for a good holiday song. She enjoyed showering her niece, Katie, with presents - after all, what kind of auntie would Theo be if she didn’t absolutely spoil her niece? And any time Theo could visit Mémère for longer than an hour or two was a blessing in its own right.
But the holidays also reminded her of the family she lost, and being the single friend at every holiday party got tiring (especially when her well-intended friends kept trying to set Theo up with people that Theo had absolutely no interest in). It had reached a point that Theo often volunteered to work the holiday shifts, as chaotic as they were, just so she had the excuse to avoid awkward gatherings.
However, when the other Avengers lit up like the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree at the announcement of the Secret Santa gift exchange, Theo kept her mouth shut. She was still relatively new to the team, and it wasn’t the first time she had been subjected to workplace celebrations for holidays she didn’t celebrate. 
But of course, this was a group of superheroes celebrating, so it wasn’t a basic Secret Santa; no, of course not, because nothing about them was basic. It was five days of secret Santa. 
At least the rules were simple: each person drew the name of another Avenger. Then, you had to give the person whose name you drew a series of gifts with clues about your identity leading up to the final day, when you would give them a gift and a final clue. Then, each person would try to guess who their Secret Santa was. Regardless of whether or not they figured it out, each person would receive one final gift, something a bit more special.
Steve closed the announcement by informing the group they would draw names the following Monday, and would have approximately a month to pick out gifts before they completed the exchange. A certain buzz filled the air as everyone left the conference room, with some reminiscing about funny moments from past exchanges, while others pondered over who they might end up with.
It wasn’t until after the meeting that Theo had the foresight to ask if the Secret Santa exchange was meant to replace getting everyone their own gifts, or if it was in addition to getting everyone their own gifts. Wanda, ever the MVP when it came to explaining unwritten Avengers’ rules to Theo, explained that it was in addition to getting everyone else gifts. 
Theo spent the next two days praying she would get someone easy to shop for - after all, she already had to get gifts for a dozen Avengers, plus her hospital colleagues, and her family. She wasn’t sure that she had enough mental capacity to figure out gifts for someone she wasn’t as familiar with.
Of course, some deity had it out for her, because she drew Loki’s name.
Loki, the prince and ‘most powerful sorcerer in the nine realms,’ who could buy or conjure pretty much anything he wanted in the snap of his fingers.
Loki, who, besides being Theo’s best friend among the Avengers, happened to be the person Theo had a massive fucking crush on.
It wasn’t like anything would ever come of the crush - Loki had a firm rule that he did not date. He had no interest in relationships whatsoever. It was a tidbit of information Theo learned early on in her tenure as an Avenger, amidst a conversation about the love lives of the Avengers as a whole. Loki would spend one night with someone, but never allow it to become an ongoing thing - in his words, “everyone has certain needs to satiate, but courting someone is no interest of mine.” 
So, despite Theo’s unbidden thoughts of channeling her inner hallmark movie to reveal her feelings to Loki, she needed to figure out how the hell to navigate getting him Secret Santa gifts, a normal gift… oh yeah, and his birthday gift, because that was a week before Christmas.
Inevitably, once they finished drawing names, Theo immediately dragged Wanda down the hall by the sleeve of her red hoodie and into Wanda’s suite, since it was closer than Theo’s.
“What’s going on?” Wanda half-laughed as she closed the door and glanced, worriedly, at Theo, who had started to pace the room. “Are you okay?”
“I need your help with Secret Santa — What the hell do you get someone who could have anything they want for Christmas?” Theo flopped on Wanda’s bed with a dramatic sigh, her mind reeling with how to handle her predicament.
“That depends –” Wanda answered slowly, eyes narrowed as she approached Theo. “Why do you think they have everything?” 
“Because he’s a prince and a God who can conjure anything he damn well pleases with the snap of his fingers!��� Theo tossed her arms up in the air, gesturing exasperatingly at nothing. 
Nothing - just like the ideas she had for Loki’s gifts. 
“So you have Loki for your Secret Santa?” Wanda sat down beside Theo, smirking at her.
“Yes!” Theo buried her face with her hands. “I had a hard enough time figuring out a birthday present, and I still haven’t figured out what to get him for a normal Christmas gift! But now I also have to give him a Secret Santa gift?!”
“Gifts, plural.” Wanda reminded her, smirk widening into a rather evil-looking grin. “Remember, it’s a week of lead-up to the final gift, because the goal is to try and have them guess who it is.”
“FUCK.” Theo let her arms drop to her sides. “This isn’t fair—“ she whined, earning a poorly stifled laugh from Wanda. 
“Oh come on, it’s not like he’s the only one who is hard to shop for,” Wanda attempted to sympathize, but the giggles that slipped out as she replied did little to help. “Can you imagine having to buy gifts for Tony?”
“Simple, get him booze.” Theo scoffed, propping herself up on her elbows. 
Wanda rolled her eyes and adjusted her ponytail, one auburn lock falling aside to frame her face.
“Look, half the fun is writing the little cards that go with each gift to give the person clues about who the gifts are from, and then trying to figure out the identity of your Secret Santa,” Wanda pointed out. “Besides, other than Thor, I’m willing to bet that no one knows Loki as well as you do!”
“That only makes it worse,” Theo complained and flopped back a second time, rolling over to bury her face in Wanda’s burgundy comforter. “Because I know he’s a picky bitch and nothing will be good enough for him.”
The snort that came out of Wanda did nothing to ease Theo’s concern, but it sounded ridiculous enough that even Theo laughed. 
“I think that he’d like any gift you give him, simply because it’s from you.” 
“That’s cliché as hell.” Theo pressed herself up enough to look over at Wanda, who, despite Theo’s whining and dramatics, still wore a small, knowing smile.
“And true.” Wanda shrugged. “You are, without a doubt, his favorite person on the team, and probably on this planet.”
“Yeah, for all the good that does me.” Theo grumbled to herself, but sat up all the way. “It’s not like I can tell him on day one that I’m his Secret Santa, so the gifts have to be good. No, they have to be perfect.”
“You’re overthinking this.” Wanda chuckled softly, then rose to her feet and held out a hand for Theo to grab onto. “How about we go shopping and see what is out there? Maybe you’ll get some inspiration that way.”
The petulant child within Theo wanted to complain for a bit longer about her predicament, but deep down, Wanda had a good point. If nothing else, it would give her a chance to get out and clear her head before the inevitable descent into holiday madness.
“Right. That’s probably a good idea.” Theo accepted Wanda’s hand and allowed her to pull Theo onto her feet. “I need to get gifts for my family anyways, so maybe i’ll knock it all out at once.” 
“Only if I can help you pick out gifts for Katie,” Wanda winked at Theo as she opened the door. 
“Deal.” Theo didn’t have to think twice before answering. “Do you have plans for this afternoon? I’m not working, so we could go today…”
Wanda held up her purse and grinned. “Let’s go!”
Shopping with Wanda, unsurprisingly, proved to be a fruitful venture. 
Sure, the pair went absolutely wild with gifts for Theo’s niece. Would Max kill Theo when he saw just how much stuff Theo got? Absolutely. Did she care? Not a bit; after all, she had to maintain her reputation as the coolest aunt.
More importantly, Theo managed to put together a list of ideas for gifts that referenced inside jokes from the time that Theo and Loki had known each other. Even better - the conversation between Theo and Wanda as they shopped, though wide-ranging and lively, gave Theo the inspiration for her final gift.
In the end, the gifts required some careful planning, calling in some favors, and a lot of sneaking to make it happen - not to mention a few sleepless nights as Theo put the finishing touches on certain details - but she managed to pull everything together, just in time for the first day of gift-giving.
Pepper had really outdone herself with the holiday decorations. On a normal day, the common areas within the tower could be described as minimalist: clean lines, lots of metal and glass, neutral tones everywhere, no knick knacks or soft touches to be found. Not even a throw pillow or blanket could be found in the common areas - whenever Theo wanted a pillow or a blanket, she had to bring it from her suite.
Yet, when everyone filtered into the living room after going out for dinner, they may as well have walked into a luxury ski chalet at Tahoe. In one corner sat a massive, lush evergreen tree trimmed with glistening tinsel, soft white lights, and a collection of beautifully coordinated ornaments in burgundy, cream, gold, navy, emerald, and eggplant. 
The fireplace had a beautiful garland of eucalyptus, cypress, and cedar draped across the mantle; tucked among the greenery sat pillar candles of varying heights in burgundy, navy, emerald, eggplant, and gold. Elegant, cream-colored stockings with each Avenger’s name embroidered at the top hung in front of the crackling fire (plus stockings for Pepper and Happy, since they were pretty much unofficial Avengers). 
Blankets and accent pillows, some in plaids that incorporated the colors of the ornaments and candles, others in solid colors, all made of luxuriously plush fabrics, found homes on the various seating throughout the living room. 
Even the coffee tables had coordinating centerpieces.
Theo quickly found her usual seat, but continued to gawk at the living room’s transformation. When the hell did Pepper (or, Theo supposed, whoever Pepper hired) have the time to decorate the living room? Just that morning, when Theo left for work, the living room had been its usual, minimalist styling. Maybe if she had stopped back in her suite before meeting the others at the restaurant she would have seen the living room decoration in progress.
Hardly a moment later, Loki sat down beside her. Dressed in a forest-green crewneck sweater that perfectly framed the planes of his chest and black dress pants that highlighted his long legs, Loki somehow managed to look holiday appropriate without even trying. His raven curls, just slightly disheveled from the wind and snow outside, framed his elegant features so perfectly; combined with the warm glow of the fire and the soft light of the christmas tree he appeared downright radiant, particularly as he grinned at something Thor said. 
“Quite magnificent, is it not?” Loki leaned over and nudged Theo with his elbow, interrupting her train of thought. Theo had to stop for a moment and consider whether he was referring to the himself, or the living room.
“Yeah,” Theo agreed, her cheeks growing hot as she realized Loki caught her staring. “Compared to when I left this morning, it is a night and day difference.“
“I suspect Miss Potts takes great pleasure in decorating for the winter holidays.” Loki offered Theo a soft smile. His soft eyes caught the flicker of the candles atop the coffee table as he studied Theo, and for the second time in less than a couple minutes, she found herself speechless.
Luckily, Dum-E saved the day when he dropped a present on Theo’s lap, and in doing so brought both sorcerers’ attention to the larger group. As it turned out, Dum-E distributed everyone’s gifts - all wrapped in the same paper, to make sure that the gift wrap didn’t give anything away - and as soon as he finished, it was time to open the first day’s gift.
They started with Bruce, then worked their way through a randomly generated list that Steve put together. The soft lights of the Christmas tree, glow of the fire crackling in the hearth, and joyous laughter as each person read their clue and opened their gifts filled the room with such warmth. It was the kind of holiday scene you’d see on a postcard, especially since snowflakes drifted past the tall windows and into the city below.
As they drew closer to Loki’s turn, Theo’s hands began to sweat. What if he didn’t like her gift? Sure, it was kind of corny, but it was a fun reference to how they spent much of their time. He didn’t seem overly thrilled by the idea of Secret Santa in the first place; what if her silly little gifts only made him hate the game?
Well, she didn’t have to wait any longer to find out, because it finally reached Loki’s turn.
Loki picked up the small box, turning it over and inspecting it. He tossed it into the air and caught it in one hand, lithe fingers curling perfectly around the container. 
“It is quite light, and rather small,” he observed. “Whatever is in this box does not jostle when moved, so it either fills the box or it is carefully packed in place. Let us see what is inside.”
Loki methodically removed the ribbons, then carefully tore away the gift wrap. He removed the lid in a graceful motion and set it aside, all the while peering into the box. He hummed.
Seeing the fabric folded and coiled inside, he reached in and tugged on the cloth, pulling it from the box. The fabric unfolded as he lifted the gift into the air, revealing the first gift: a pair of crew-length socks - black, with an emerald green heel and toe. On one side of each sock, placed so it would be visible while wearing shoes, was the design of an apple car driven by a worm, as well as text which read: “I’m on my way to the bookstore!”
“Aw, those are cute!” Wanda winked at Theo as she said the words, to which Theo casually agreed. 
Loki maintained a relatively neutral expression, though he let out a rather amused hum. He set the socks in his lap, then opened the card. As his eyes scanned over the text, one side of his lips curled up, then the other, until he wore a sheepish smile. He read aloud: 
“I know you love the bookstore,
We’ve been there a time or two,
But since I can’t buy the whole store,
I got you a pair of Crew… socks!
Sorry, I know you like poetry, but your Secret Santa isn’t a poet.” Loki chuckled, shaking his head, then continued: “These socks are from Out of Print, which has donated over 5 million books to communities in need and supports a variety of literacy initiatives.” 
He looked up from the card and glanced around at the group. “Well, thank you to my mysterious Secret Santa. I quite enjoy a whimsical piece of attire, and I am certain these will be put to good use.”
Next to Loki, Theo let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. 
First day was not a failure.
Only… four more to go.
The second day of gift-giving arrived, and with it came another day of second-guessing whether or not Loki would like his gift.  
This time, the idea came from a conversation early in their friendship. After falling asleep in Theo’s suite, Loki joined her for coffee on her balcony, at which point Theo explained a sudoku to Loki. At the time, he commented that there were “some puzzles he was still learning to solve.”
From that morning on, Theo couldn’t help but notice the way Loki approached briefings and missions as puzzles to solve. So when Theo found a pair of rather clever puzzle books (many of which provided a formidable challenge, even for her), she knew that it would be a perfect gift.
Yet, as the day crept on and the gift exchange grew near, Theo felt the seeds of doubt taking root once again. What if he thought the puzzles were stupid? He was a god, after all, and insanely intelligent. The puzzles might have been a challenge for Theo, but they were probably child’s play for Loki. 
Still, it was too late to turn back, so by the time Theo sat down with the others and the gifts were distributed, she simply hid her sweaty palms in her sweater sleeves and acted like it was any other night in the tower.
Loki, for what it was worth, seemed perfectly relaxed when he took his usual seat beside Theo; this time, he opted for a plain gray t-shirt and a black cardigan, paired with what were (secretly) Theo’s favorite pair of dark, slim-fit jeans. When Loki crossed one ankle over his knee, Theo noticed his emerald green and black socks and her heart skipped a beat - he wore the socks she gave him.
That was a good sign, right?
Once again, Dum-E distributed the gifts, then each person took their turn opening their gift and reading the card; this time they started with Yelena, but otherwise the order was the same. After what felt like ages, Steve finally gave Loki the go-ahead to open his gift.
Like the first day, Loki went through the same routine of examining the box, then peeled away the wrapping paper. 
For the sake of maintaining a bit of mystery (and making it slightly less obvious that the gift was a pair of books), Theo put the set into a clothing box and padded the sides. It wasn’t that sneaky, since the box was heavier than it would have been with apparel inside, but at least Loki wouldn’t know until he opened the box.
He opened the box and removed the first book. 
“The Master Theorem - Book of Puzzles, Intrigue, and Wit,” he read the title, then held it up for all to see, then held up the second book and read off the title. “The Master Theorem: Elite - Book of Puzzles, Intrigue, and Wit.”
He returned the books to his lap, pausing for a moment to flip through the pages and glance at the contents. 
“You gonna open the card?” Tony nodded towards the card that came with the box, which barely poked out from beneath the pair of books.
“Ah, yes, apologies.” Loki offered a half-smile, then retrieved the card and read aloud:
“While the identity of your Secret Santa is, well, a secret, it’s no secret that you, Loki, are pretty smart - like, ridiculously smart. And you’re a quick learner… Plus you’ve got a knack for problem solving. With that in mind, you seem to be a master when it comes to puzzles; even though you once told me there are still some puzzles you are learning to solve, the way you light up when you encounter a good logic puzzle or mystery makes me think there are few things you enjoy more than a good challenge.
“This series of puzzle books is notorious for its difficult logic puzzles - the New York Times called the first Master Theorem book “Mensa’s evil twin,” and the Elite edition is supposed to be exponentially harder. But with your sharp wit and attention to detail, I’m sure you’ll have it figured out in no time… And by the time you finish, maybe you’ll figure out the identity of your Secret Santa as well!”
Loki grinned as he folded the card and set it aside. “Thank you, my mysterious benefactor - I imagine I will be entertained for quite some time.”
For the rest of the evening, whenever Theo snuck a glance at Loki, she caught him flipping through his new books with a subtle smile and a twinkle in his eye, only half-paying attention to the others as they opened their gifts.
Day two: rousing success. Only three more days to go.
For the third day of gift-giving, Theo took a bigger risk.
At one point in Theo and Wanda’s shopping adventure, they stopped at a bakery to grab a snack and some coffee. While they waited for their drinks, they got on the topic of how, earlier that morning, Thor offered Loki a frosted pop-tart. In response, Loki nearly disintegrated the thing on sight, calling it an abomination to pastries everywhere.
And that was from Loki, the guy who was notorious for his sweet tooth. 
The conversation gave Theo an idea.
Ever since Loki roped Theo into his pranks, Theo had wanted to find a way to turn the tables and prank him. And what better way to prank him than to bait-and switch some sweet treats?
With a call to Theo’s favorite Bodega cashier, Carlos (who still hadn’t gotten up the courage to ask out that girl, but had at least he learned her name was Liza), Theo managed to get her hands on one of the big cardboard boxes that they shipped pop-tarts in. Importantly, it said pop-tarts all along the outside, so when Loki saw the box he would initially think it was a whole case of pop-tarts.
Instead of filling it with pop-tarts, Theo convinced Mémère to bake up all sorts of traditional Aneterran holiday treats to fill the box. Given Mémère already planned to make the treats, it was easy for the family matriarch to accommodate the request. However, when Theo explained her plan, a knowing, almost devilish grin spread across Mémère’s face; the next thing Theo knew, there were treats that Theo hadn’t seen since she was a child. 
Packing the treats into the box required quite a bit of attention to detail - it had to have the weight and heft of a case of pop-tarts, and it had to be packed tightly enough to not move around, but she also didn’t want to crush the treats. 
There may have been some enchantments involved to make it work, but hopefully Loki wouldn’t notice.  
Not wanting to make the prank too convincing, Theo made sure to leave clues that the box had been altered somehow; knowing Loki, realizing the box had been tampered with would make him curious enough to look inside.
When everyone gathered for the third night of gift-giving, the laughter and merriment from the first two nights returned almost immediately. But when it came to Loki’s turn to open his gift, Theo’s confidence from the day prior collided with her nerves, to the point that she clutched her mug of spiked hot chocolate so her hands wouldn’t shake. 
Just like the first two nights, Loki inspected the wrapped gift, lifting it up and giving it a gentle shake. “Much larger, and rather heavy,” he noted. “Yet, there’s a card that indicates I ought to open it before the gift. I suppose I ought to follow my Secret Santa’s request.”
He set the gift back in his lap, and quickly opened the card. 
“Heard you have a sweet tooth…” Loki read aloud, then glanced down at the gift and hummed. “Well, let us see what is inside.”
Loki started to tear away the wrapping paper, but paused part-way through; his face twisted into something unreadable when he saw the writing on the box. 
Theo bit her lip to not give herself away.
“Pop-tarts?” Thor exclaimed, cocking his head to the side with curiosity. “Brother, I did not think you to be a fan of the Midgardian pastry.”
“I…” Loki trailed off, face falling as he unwrapped the rest of the box. “Interesting.”
Theo’s heart stuttered in her chest - what if he didn’t think to open the box? Would she give herself away if she said something? Oh god, he looked like a kicked puppy — she should have realized that he might take it wrong because Thor likes pop-tarts and he’s the popular brother, shitshitshit—
“Loki, maybe you should open the box,” Bruce suggested, “There’s a weird wrinkle by the cardboard seam that makes me think it was opened, then closed again.”
If it wouldn’t have given her away, Theo would have leapt to her feet and hugged the man for his suggestion.
“Yeah, that box looks like it has been messed with,” Sam agreed, “and I think everyone knows you hate pop-tarts.”
The kicked-puppy expression softened as Loki took a second look at the box and noticed the obvious tampering that Bruce and Sam pointed out. A hint of pink rose on Loki’s cheeks - if Theo didn’t know better, Loki looked almost embarrassed at the realization - but he went ahead and opened the box. 
Theo held her breath, all of her attention trained on Loki as she waited for his reaction. 
Peering into the box, Loki’s shoulders suddenly dropped and relief flooded his features; he reached in and retrieved a treat similar to a chocolate scone, as well as a second card.
“Pleased to report that I was mistaken; it appears the box is filled with a variety of homemade treats, as well as a second card.” He let out a soft, almost hesitant chuckle as he opened the note and read aloud: 
“HA! Nearly got you, didn’t I?!” Loki laughed a second time, this time a little louder, and nodded his head. “You’ve pulled off some of the best pranks, but your Secret Santa is known for a good prank or two. 
“Jokes aside, did you really think your Secret Santa would do that to you? Of course not - I know you have a discerning taste when it comes to sweet treats (far more discerning than your brother, of course)! These are some of my favorite holiday snacks from growing up; I think you’d like them too. If nothing else, I promise they taste better than pop-tarts.”  
Loki returned the note to the box, then unwrapped the treat in his other hand. He took a bite, and his face almost immediately lit up. He chewed for a moment, then swallowed, and cleared his throat to speak. 
“Well, mysterious Secret Santa,” he said, “I will confirm that this treat is quite divine. However, you best watch yourself– “ Looking around at their teammates, a dark, sinister grin curled over Loki’s face. “– I am known as the Trickster god for a reason, and you may very well have started a war.”
When Loki briefly locked eyes with Theo, her heart skipped a few beats; in just a few moments he went from beautiful to downright devilishly handsome, and his threat should not have been nearly as hot as it was. 
Sweet baby Jesus, she needed to get her shit together. 
“Any guesses on who it is?” Bucky asked, tapping his vibranium fingers along the side of his still-wrapped present. 
“I’ve a few contenders,” Loki smoothly answered, the earlier signs of discomfort completely gone, “but I will wait to put forth any claims.”
“Who cares! The real question is are you gonna share!?” Shuri pointed at the pastry in Loki’s hand, then held out her own hand. “That looks amazing!”
“Maybe once the Secret Santa is revealed, they can bring us all some treats.” Wanda replied, though she gave Theo a pointed glance, to which Theo glared back - after all, she didn’t want Wanda to give her away. “But for now, I think Loki should get to enjoy all of his gifts.”
Loki, who was busy searching through the rest of the box, didn’t seem to notice Wanda staring at Theo. 
Shuri glanced at Wanda, then at Theo, then grinned as she made the connection. 
“Fine, but they better bring me some extras,” Shuri relented. “That thing looks amazing.” 
Theo smiled and rolled her eyes, just in time for Steve to inform Wanda that it was her turn to open her gift.
Day three, though nearly a bust, worked out. 
Only two more to go. 
After the scare of the third day, Theo went into the fourth day feeling more comfortable about her gift. Sure, Loki may shrug at it, and there was a chance he wouldn’t use it. But at least she wouldn’t run the risk of upsetting him by making him believe his preferences were the same as his brother’s.
In some ways, the gift seemed particularly timely: a winter storm raged outside the tower, with howling winter winds and heavy snow that made sitting in the living room feel like they were inside a snowglobe. Even with the heat on and the fire roaring in the hearth, everyone bundled up in sweaters and plush blankets, sipping on mugs of cocoa and tea in between opening gifts. 
On the fourth night, Loki’s turn to open his gift came even earlier. Similar to the first three nights, he inspected the box - small, slender, almost like a fancy box for a fountain pen. 
After making quick work of the wrapping paper, he glanced at the lid of the box:
“Museum of Modern Art Design Store,” he read, then shrugged and removed the lid of the box.
Nestled among chic black packing material sat a stainless steel tea infuser. Its design was what drew Theo to the gift - long, slender, with a hook on the top for easy removal, it looked downright elegant. And with the amount of tea Loki drank, an upgrade to his usual steeping methods seemed like the perfect sort of gift - thoughtful and useful.
Loki hummed, carefully slipping the tea infuser out of its packaging and inspecting it. The stainless steel glowed beneath the Christmas lights and reflected the smile curling over Loki’s face. He twisted the cap off, then closed it again, nodding to himself as he set it aside and opened the card. Like the first three days, he read the message to the group:
“A tea infuser that combines form and function?! It’s almost as stylish as you are (almost)! As the resident tea expert on the team, it seemed only appropriate to give you something for making your favorite (non-alcoholic) drink - after all, you’ve brought me, your Secret Santa, more than a few drinks over the course of knowing each other!”
The hint, in Theo’s opinion, was almost painfully obvious; Loki brought Theo drinks all the time. Coffee at the hospital when he knew she had a long day. Whiskey or wine when she needed to unwind. Tea when it was late and neither of them could fall asleep. Water when Theo just used her inhaler and needed to rinse out her mouth. Throughout the entire time she had been an Avenger, Theo never saw Loki bring anyone else drinks quite so often - not Thor, not Wanda, not anyone. However, the clue made so much sense, and there was only one more day, so it wasn’t like she had to keep the secret for much longer. 
What Theo didn’t account for, however, was almost every other person in the room making the connection between the clue and the identity of Loki’s Secret Santa. Over a dozen pairs of eyes all trained in on Theo as Loki glanced down to set the card and gift aside; the heat of their stares nearly made Theo lose her composure.
When Steve asked if Loki knew who his Secret Santa was, he simply smirked and replied “I’ve my suspicions, but I find I rather enjoy the suspense and anticipation of the grand reveal.”
Somehow, she held it together, but just barely. Sure, Theo was grateful that Loki seemed to enjoy the gifts up to that point, but “suspense and anticipation of the grand reveal?” If Theo was under pressure before, now she was on the verge of being crushed under the weight of expectation, and the whole damn team knew it.
Theo shot a terrified look at Wanda, who only sent back an impish grin.
One more day to go.
The final day of Secret Santa arrived, and with it, the grand reveal. Apprehension loomed over Theo’s head like a storm-cloud; after all, the pressure was on - not only to give the perfect gifts, but to set up the perfect reveal as Loki’s secret Santa.
Despite the overall success of the first four days, by the time the last exchange began, Theo was too nervous to sit down. Instead, she leaned against the kitchen island with her mug of hot chocolate and whiskey clutched in both hands, offering little more than one-word answers whenever someone tried to ask her something. The only time she even considered sitting down was when Loki asked if she would join him on the couch, but then all the potential ways she might make a fool of herself flooded her thoughts and she politely declined, claiming that she needed to stretch her legs a bit.
If Theo didn’t know better, Loki seemed disappointed that she didn’t want to sit by him, but it was probably her mind playing tricks on her; after all, Theo was the one with the crush, not Loki.
At least from across the room, Theo could easily admire Loki in his thick, fair isle sweater - seasonally appropriate, of course, but like all of his attire, it fit him perfectly and highlighted his long, lithe form in all the right ways. Between her nerves about the gift and how distractingly handsome Loki was, she barely noticed when the first two Avengers opened their gifts and found out who was assigned as their Secret Santa.
For the final night of the exchange, Loki was the third person to open his gifts.
While Loki focused on the large box in front of him, everyone else stared at Theo. If she could have, she would have melted into the floor; instead, she stood by the kitchen island with her mug of hot chocolate and whiskey in both hands, shooting dirty looks at the rest of the group so they wouldn’t give her away.
… Not like Loki hadn’t already figured out that Theo was his Secret Santa, because he likely knew. If he didn’t know, he was about to figure it out, but that was beside the point. 
Of all the gifts Theo chose, today’s were the most nerve-wracking because they were the most personal: the pre-reveal gift referenced something Loki gave her when she ended up in the hospital with an asthma exacerbation and pneumonia a few months prior. The post-reveal gift referenced the time all the Avengers visited New Asgard, and Loki took her on a late-night walking tour of the community.  
The note on the card was, well, maybe a bit too sentimental - in hindsight, maybe she should have saved the message for a later card that she could have given him in private. But by that point the card was taped to the box in Loki’s lap, and Theo couldn’t do a damn thing about it, other than brace herself for the inevitable fallout. 
At least she had the sense to write a disclaimer at the top of the note: “You might want to read this to yourself first, then decide if you want to read it out loud.”
After four days, Loki’s examination of the gift box had become a routine: turn it all around, lift it up in the air, give it a shake - and once he seemed satisfied, he peeled away the wrapping paper. 
“Well, I do not have any guesses as to what is inside this box, so I suppose I ought to open it.” Loki remarked, tugging away the last bit of wrapping paper. He conjured a dagger to cut the tape sealing the flaps at the top of the box, though he was careful not to cut deeply and risk damaging the contents inside (which was good, because that dagger would have sliced through the gift like hot butter). 
Unlike the previous days, where he immediately looked inside the container, this time he made a show of looking at the others as he reached inside. Theo watched Loki’s arm muscles tense through the wool of his sweater as he grabbed the gift, while his brows furrowed with confusion.
As he turned back toward the box, he slowly pulled out the present: a snake squishmallow, in green, of course - after all, green was his color.
“That’s cute!” Natasha commented, though Loki didn’t seem to notice. He held the plush toy in both hands, turning it side to side as he gave it a once-over. Theo swore she could spot the gears turning in Loki’s head as he tried to make the connection between the toy and his Secret Santa. 
“Yeah, but why? I don’t see the connection.” Yelena added, pointing at the card. “Open the card. I want to know what it says.”
Loki slowly set aside the snake, as if still thinking about the gift, and pulled out the note. 
Theo watched as Loki methodically scanned the note. At first, he read with heavy brows drawn tightly together; after a few moments, the light from the christmas tree reflected off his sea glass eyes, glittery and shining amidst the soft glow. A shaky, small smile grew as he made his way through the message until it practically took over his face.
“Well, what does it say?” Natasha asked, craning her neck to try and read what was written on the card.
Loki, however, ignored her. Without warning, he closed the card and rose to his feet. In a couple of long strides, he stood before Theo, who could no longer bite back her nervous smile as he drew near. 
Theo barely had a chance to set down her mug before Loki scooped her into his arms and crushed her in an embrace, the strength of which forced a small “oof!” out of Theo from the impact. She didn’t waste a moment before returning the embrace, selfishly nuzzling into his chest and drinking in the scent of cologne on his sweater - cedar, bergamot, and smoke - as they stood, arms wrapped around each other and swaying gently from side to side. 
Loki leaned down, his nose brushing gently along Theo’s hair, then drew a deep breath.
“Thank you,” he whispered in her ear. “Truly. Thank you.”
Theo’s heart damn near exploded. 
“Elsa, I really hope that Rapunzel’s your Secret Santa,” Tony, ever the troll, interrupted, “or this is going to get awkward.”
“Yeah, Tony, it’s me.” Theo laughed, her mind reeling as Loki shifted -  if Theo’s mind didn’t deceive her, his lips brushed against the crown of her hair. Still, he hadn’t let go, and as long as Loki held on, Theo had no plans of going anywhere.
“Now I wanna know what she wrote on that damn note,” Sam complained between shoving handfuls of caramel corn in his mouth. “Because damn, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Loki react like that.”
“Can we let him open the other gift first?” Theo asked, still hugging Loki as she looked over at Sam. “After all, there is a part of the message that won’t make sense without seeing the final gift.
“Fine, but afterwards I wanna read the damn note.” Sam grumbled and leaned back in his seat while Bucky leaned over and snatched some caramel corn from him. 
Theo begrudgingly pulled away from Loki, silently lamenting the lack of warmth that came with his touch. She rounded the Christmas tree and crouched down to where she hid the final box - a thin, rectangular box that was a bit larger than a poster - and brought it over to Loki, who had returned to his original seat. Theo sat down beside him, nervous but excited to see how he reacted to the last gift.
This time, Loki didn’t spend a moment examining the package - he went straight to tearing off the wrapping paper. With paper crumpled up and tossed aside, he carefully slid the lid off the box.
Centered on a bed of white tissue paper, was a painting - a canvas covered in thousands of small dashes of paint, the result of more than a few sleepless nights as Theo raced to finish the painting on a tight deadline. During the day, Theo hid it beneath a stack of other canvases so if Loki stopped by her suite, he wouldn’t notice; the moment night fell, Theo was elbows deep in oil paint as she added layer after layer of color.
“It’s New Asgard!” Thor exclaimed as he peered over Loki’s shoulder.
“Those are the gardens…” Loki breathed, one hand hovering over the canvas as if he wanted to touch it and prove to himself that it was real. 
“The gardens that you created, and that your people and countless tourists adore.” Theo added, her cheeks slightly pink. 
Loki’s focus went to the bottom corner, where Theo scrawled her name. It was tiny and borderline illegible because of the paint, but if someone had ever seen her handwriting, they would know instantly who it was. Loki traced his fingers over the letters almost meditatively.
“You made this?” When Loki looked up at Theo, she caught the slightest shine in the corners of his eyes, though his expression was nothing but pure awe. “Was this from memory?”
“God, my memory isn’t that good - I mean, yeah I painted it, but it wasn’t from memory,” Theo rubbed the back of her next, heat rising on her cheeks as Loki continued to gape at her. “I got Val to send me some pictures for reference, and then I worked on it every night after everyone was asleep. I wasn’t sure it would be done in time, if I’m honest, because oil paint takes forever to dry, but it dried just in time. The paint is still going to need some time to fully cure, so I’d be gentle with it.”
For the second time in minutes, Loki pulled Theo into another heartfelt embrace. 
“I am… I am speechless. I’ve no words, truly.” He laughed, a rumbling sound that Theo felt as much as she heard it. “Thank you.”
“Okay now we need to know what the hell was on that card.” This time it was Shuri, who looked like she was one step away from snatching the card and reading it out loud herself.
Loki unfurled his arms from around Theo so he could set the painting on the table in front of them, then retrieved the card.
“I think you ought to read it,” Loki held the card out to Theo, his cheeks now flushed with crimson. “I imagine it will sound better in your voice, since you wrote the message.”
Theo rolled her eyes, but accepted the card. She got the sense that Loki felt a bit sentimental himself, and was probably a bit out of his comfort zone; re-reading the message aloud might be more than he thought he could handle. So, despite her heart still fluttering like a goddamn school girl, Theo tried her best to steady her breathing, then cleared her throat and began:
One of Thor’s favorite stories to tell is when you were children and turned into a snake to trick him. One of my favorite things is watching the little smile you get every time he tells the story, like you know you shouldn’t think it’s funny and it makes the story even funnier. I bet you’re making that same smile right now as you think about the story!
This clue will probably give me away, but you once gave me a gift much like this - a plush toy of an unexpected creature, because you realized that the creature shared a connection to my sister. You didn’t make a big deal out of it - telling me you “happened to pass by a shop window and it just seemed like something I would like,” but it meant the world to me; to this day, it is easily the best gift I’ve ever received. 
In many ways, that gift is such a great example of why I am so lucky to have you as a friend - you are so incredibly thoughtful and kind, and when you sense that someone is having a tough time you go above and beyond to help, all without making a big deal about it… God knows you did that for me constantly when I first got here! There are, obviously, other reasons that you’re an amazing friend (your sense of humor, intelligence, and patience in putting up with me are also high on the list). 
I know none of my Secret Santa gifts have been big or flashy so far, and your final gift isn’t exactly big or flashy either. If I’m honest, I panicked when I drew your name because, well, what do you get someone who could have any gift they wanted? But the more I thought about it, the more I came back to just how lucky I was to have the gift of your friendship (yeah, corny as fuck, sorry - you’re the silvertongue, not me!). I can’t ever give you a gift that would compare, but I can at least make sure you know just how grateful I am for you and how much of a difference you make. Without a doubt, my life is better because you’re in it, as are the lives of many others. 
So, for your final gift, I made you something that I hope will remind you of not just the impact you’ve made on me, but the impact you’ve made on countless others, every time you see it. 
Merry Christmas Loki. 
Secret Santa. 
P.S. I hope you can forgive my sentiment. Not all of us can be as cool as you.”
By the time Theo finished reading the message aloud, her entire body felt like it was on fire from the combination of her nerves and the others’ burning stares. With trembling hands, Theo slowly closed the card and set it on her lap, eyes focused downward the entire time.
“I didn’t realize it was possible to win at Secret Santa… ” Peter finally broke the silence, beaming as he looked at the pair. “... But I think Theo just won Secret Santa.”  
“I think everyone’s going to want you as their Secret Santa next year,” Steve chuckled, nodding along. “Still, we aren’t done with this year’s Secret Santa - I believe Wanda, you’re up next?”
With that, the attention shifted away from the two sorcerers sitting side-by-side on the couch, and onto the rest of the festivities. While Wanda made a scene trying to deduce clues about her gift, Loki casually slipped his hand over to Theo, interlacing his fingers with hers. In turn, Theo leaned her head on Loki’s shoulder and settled into his side.
By that point, she was only-half watching as Wanda opened one last gift. Frankly, Theo hadn’t heard who Wanda’s Secret Santa was, but she wasn’t that interested. 
“Merry Christmas, Loki,” Theo whispered, giving Loki’s hand a squeeze.
“Merry Christmas, Theo,” he murmured, turning so his lips brushed Theo’s temple. “I think this might be the first year that I’ve understood why one might enjoy Midgardians’ holiday festivities.”
Cozily tucked into Loki’s side, amidst the golden glow of the holiday lights and the spirited laughter of friends, Theo had to agree: maybe the holidays weren’t so bad after all.
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halevren · 3 months
FHJY Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 3
Had a rough week so far, I am looking forward to this episode ♡
NAT 20
please bring ayda back this episode (begging) (I know it won't happen. but I'm desperate)
I am experiencing so much gender envy from literally everyone at the table.
The art team really pulled out all the stops for this season. The dome backdrop is so good
"Of course you and Adaine, of course, are... Nerds."
"Not ideal for the bad kids" oh no.
Lone Wolf Bloodrush player. That's oc material fr
"I like getting friends cast on me so I willingly fail" fig becomes more and more relatable every episode
LYDIA!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
It just says "Hey Adaine" on the inside 😭😭
how many binders do the Thistlesprings have
"Can I Run From You?"
Just Breathe
I love the casual conversation they have
"I'll walk you to Bard class" fig probably won't be staying 😭
I hope Fig's luck issue gets resolved soon 😭
omg mazey x fabian?!!?!?!????!?!?!!?!
Jawbone is so filled with dad lore
Kristen class president is something I need
21 passive investigation is insane
"What are you, like 4 different dogs?"
Passive Aggressive Kristen is so good.
Ghost steaks 🔥
"You're looking at a party boy" oh fabian....
I think Kristen working to be class president will convince her to. Go to school and work on getting better at it
Gilear 😢 I miss my pathetic wet cat of a man
fig writer's block so relatable
Stressed Riz
I miss Ayda
Porter is kinda.... ♡
Why is everyone so attractive why must I be attracted to all the adults. im supposed to have a type
"I'm going into a worry, yeah"
Fig taking Fabian to the wizard class instead of bard class is so real
TERPSICHORE SKULLCLEAVER!!!!!! she looks like she bakes incredible cookies. I can't dance but I want to be in her class
Dance bard class is so cool
From Jock to Arsty kid, I love Fabian's character development so much
"I'm going to do a lot less partying" a full lie from Fabian
I need more Riz and Jawbone one on ones
oh no the Applebees fam are here oh no...
Ripped Kristen approaching her parents.....
oh no. oh no. oh no.
Not good what is going on with Cassandra
why is sorcery so expensive
oh god Wanda Childa....
"what smell would be enticing to emo kids" 😭😭😭
"Did you just come from a room full of cigarettes and peach schnapps" "you mean breakfast?"
I wanda'd in
watching Kristen deal with school and stuff and deal with Cassandra makes me slightly uncomfortable. not in a bad way but in a way that I relate to it a bit too much and it's a bit too real. i too had extreme trouble with school and I also have issues with pushing important people away when trying to focus on myself and it ruins a lot of my relations. I relate to Kristen too much in the worst ways and that hits closer to home than I like. I love Kristen but man. Too close
"Things can be bad, and things can be good, but they all can be true."
I worry about Kristen going to Cassandra's realm. I am going into a worry. I have bad feeling.
the sound design is so good
"I can't rely on you." OUCH.
she already found somebody????
KALINA!?!?!?! !!??!?!?!!!???!??!!??!!???!!???!?? HUHHHHH?!!??!!
IT'S LEAVING IT OFF WITH THAT?????? WHAT THE FUCK???????? WHAT THE FUCK???????????????????????? WHAT?????
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randomshyperson · 2 years
Witchy Buddies - Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary: You have been Agatha Harkness' apprentice for some years, and suddenly, she does not come home. You free her from the Scarlet Witch's spell, but this is not the last you hear of Wanda Maximoff. || Takes places after MOM (minors spoilers) | Requested
Warnings: (+18), smut, service top!reader, dom wanda, oral (both), fingering (r giving), strap on use, heavy teasing, a bit of edging, overestimulation, praise, explicit consent, cursing, studie buddies to friends, attempt at humor || Words: 8.217k
General Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad |
Finding Agatha like that had to be the best scene of the year. You didn't release the spell all at once, making sure you had at least a dozen selfies and videos with Agnes before you freed your boss and got a slap on the head.
"Not a word about this!" Agatha warned angrily and grumpily but you only chuckled.
"You're losing your touch, Harkness." You teased, dodging her attempt to hit you again.
You both came back to Salem after Westview. Your only job, for the period that Agatha had been out investigating the high level of magic expelled in that place, had been to make sure that her business kept running, and that the house didn't collapse. You had done well, unlike Agatha, who lost the fight to the Scarlet Witch and the Book of the Damned along with it.
"As I said, I don't want to hear a word about it." She warns you as soon as she's finished updating you on everything, sitting down in the longest, most comfortable armchair in the room, and dipping her feet in rose waters in a bowl.
You sigh. " You should have taken better care of the book." You huff, but Agatha rubs her own forehead.
"She'll be fine, she is the Scarlet Witch after all."
"You should have been more careful." You repeat and Agatha sighs, opening her eyes at you. She knows you are saying this because of the influence of the book, and how valuable it is. And also, because of what happens to those who use darkhold with no control, and how much you had to sacrifice to steal the book for her.
"She'll be back." Agatha assures. " She didn't even know she was a natural witch. I guarantee that I will have the book again."
You force a smile at Agatha and leave her alone in her rest.
But after almost two years, it is not the Scarlet Witch who seeks you out. It is you who rescues her from a destroyed temple.
This is not the first time you have seen her face. She is familiar from television, even though your interest in the Avengers has been very little throughout your life, you recognize her from the news.
Still, it feels like it's the first time you've really seen her. Wanda is unconscious when you find her. Her red crown is cracked, but there are no bruises. Her magic has apparently done the job of protecting her.
You immediately bring her back to Agatha - who takes her eyes off a cauldron of potions, of which she was restocking - and hurry to prepare Wanda a bed.
Agatha had sent you to Wundagore to collect materials, after all, it was one of the places with the greatest magical resources in the world. And since the witch had lost the darkhold, consultations with the ancient teachings had to be made directly at the fortress. Only this time, when you opened a portal, you were not greeted by the typical dæmons, and found only destruction.
"I can't believe she destroyed my castle!" Agatha complained loudly in indignation as soon as you told her where you had come from.
"Technically, it's her castle." You muttered only to irritate the witch, who was on the verge of having a nervous breakdown. "Relax, Harkness, it's not like you don't know those transcripts off the top of your head."
It was true. After reading and rereading darkhold so many times, Agatha knew it like no one else. Still, it was non-transcribable enchantments and spells, and she had the impression that her work contracts missed some of the advantages Agatha got with the book of the damned in hand. Now that this one was gone, and with the temple too, Agatha had reason to be irritated.
"I will investigate what the Kamar Taj people were doing so far from their home, and you, deal with that girl." Agatha warns you, her hands enchanting a portal in the middle of the room. "I don't have the head to look at that stubborn witch's face right now!"
"But Agatha-"
To no avail, your master stepped through the portal and de-sparked. You sighed in frustration.
For the past years, you had been Agatha's only apprentice. There had been others before you, but in time, they all went their own way, especially when they began to learn more about magic.
Agatha recruited you from within the Kamar Taj, exploring your disappointment in discovering that the Ancient One did not live by her teachings, and when you stole the Darkhold, you also signed the sentence of banishment from both the temple and the sorcerers' society. But to the witches, and other creatures, you and your book of damned were of great value. And in exchange for the book, Agatha was more than willing to share her centuries-old knowledge with you.
Salem was her home, and you would help her in whatever was asked of you. And that included taking care of the most powerful witch in the universe, currently unconscious in the guest room.
You prepared Wanda a mixture of herbs to give her energy, but you had no idea whether she would wake up today or in a month. 
You carried the tray into the bedroom, and nearly knocked the whole thing over when you found her standing.
"Mighty Hecáte, you're up!" You exclaimed startling Wanda as well, who took her attention off her reflection to turn to you.
"Who are you?" she questioned quickly, fists and eyes glowing scarlet. You sighed, holding the tea tray more firmly.
"I'm sorry, Miss Maximoff, I didn't mean to startle you, although, it was you who almost scared me to death." You murmur gently, letting out a chuckle that makes her frown in hesitation, her eyes returning to their normal color. "I'm Y/N L/N, I'm the one who got you out of Wundagore."
"Who told you to do that?" Wanda immediately questions, and you frown in confusion, moving to place the tray on the little table in the center of the room. But Wanda sighs at her own aggressiveness, ducking her head and making her magic unstuck from her fingers. "I'm sorry. I just...I didn't think I was going to get out of there."
You chuckle awkwardly. "Please, a few bricks wouldn't kill the Scarlet Witch." You joke trying to flatter, but Wanda just swallows dryly, brushing a strand of hair out of the front of her face. "Anyway... Welcome to Salem, Miss Maximoff."
"Salem?" Wanda asked confused, and you give her a small smile.
"Yes, you are in the Harkness Residence." You say, and Wanda sighs.
"Agatha." She says in realization, and you shift the weight of your feet.
"Yep. She left, and said something about being mad at you for destroying a billion-year-old castle, but when she gets back, you can talk. And I made this tea for your head."
Wanda blinks a moment, absorbing your words. You clear your throat and turn to leave, but she calls out to you just as you reach for the doorknob.
"Thank you. For the tea." She says, and you nod before opening the door.
This had to be the most embarrassing dinner ever.
Agatha had arrived in the afternoon and had spent many hours exchanging insults and taunts with Wanda in the guest room, while you did your chores and tried to hold back your laughter every time you passed in the hallway. 
And now, the three of you were sitting in silence at the table, just the sound of silverware. You poured yourself some wine, and took a long sip before clearing your throat and asking:
"So, Wanda, when are you leaving?"
The redhead raised an eyebrow, and Agatha had to control herself not to laugh. 
"Sorry about that, Wanda, Y/N is a bit...territorial." The older witch commented, and you rolled your eyes, busying yourself with cutting the lamb. "She doesn't like to share her mentor-"
"Shut up, Harkness." You interrupted impatiently. "I'm just taking an honest doubt because judging by the history of you two, I assumed Miss Maximoff's hosting would be temporary."
"Well, dear, I'm sorry, but Wanda will be staying a lot longer." Agatha retorts surprising you. "It is our job as part of the witch community to help the Scarlet Witch in her studies."
You frown in disbelief, but before you can scoff at what Agatha is saying, Wanda is sighing softly.
"Miss L/N, if it's okay, Agatha and I have agreed to a partnership. I would stay in her home for the period of my studies."
You give another short laugh. "Y/N is fine, Maximoff. And if you want my advice, I would choose any other mage to be your master. Aren't you friends with that Stephen Strange guy?"
Your suggestion was only meant to irritate Agatha, but seeing Wanda tense up in her chair made you regret the jokes for a moment.
"We, um, are no longer friends." She retorted. "Agatha is my choice of tutor. And I hope there are no problems between us."
You are a little surprised by Wanda's reaction, but before you can assure her that you have nothing against her, Agatha is adding:
"Don't worry about Y/N, Wanda! I'm sure you two will get along just fine." 
Over the days, Agatha has proven herself right, up to a point. You had no problem with Wanda - She was quiet and polite, and spent almost all her time in her own room or study hall - and all your interactions were very superficial and limited to greetings. 
Until Agatha realized that Wanda could use a study partner.
"And why not you?" was your question, as you organized some spell books from the attic when Agatha came to share her idea. Wanda was out of sight, probably tucked into another book, and your master seemed to be on her way out, again. 
"Well, you know, I have hundreds of years of experience, putting someone close in age might be the best alternative..."
"She doesn't trust you." You interrupt and Agatha sighs, grimacing.
"We're working on it." She says but you laugh, shaking your head and tossing some spell books into the dark loft before descending the stairs and turning to Agatha.
"Deal, but you'll owe me one." You tell her, hands moving to remove your work jacket as you head toward your own room. "And I was thinking of spending a few days in Macau."
Agatha grunts in repression, hating this kind of cheap fun but eventually, she agrees. And the next day, you show up at Wanda's door after breakfast.
"Hey, do you need anything?" She asks in a mix of confusion and curiosity, the tray of eaten coffee floating out of the room toward the kitchen as she opens the door, and you just lean in the doorway, the greeting slipping out of your mind at the sight of Wanda in her nightgown.
"Agatha didn't tell you, little witch? We're going to be study partners now." You retort and can swear the gods are testing you when Wanda crosses one of her arms under her torso, the movement increasing the exposure of her collarbone to you, and the way she discreetly closes the door a little more, a clumsy laugh escaping her lips.
"No, she didn't tell me." She says, eyes noticing your failed attempt to disguise exactly where her attention was, and Wanda clears her throat discreetly, her cheeks turning pink. "And it won't be necessary. I'm fine. On my own."
"Oh, I'm sure you're especially talented, but I'm a woman of my word." You insist. "Put on something that won't distract me and meet me downstairs, we'll practice conjuring."
Wanda was too shocked by your brutal honesty to respond, and you offered her only a wink before turning away.
You were right about Wanda, she was indeed very talented, as well as having immeasurable power for being the Scarlet Witch. The trick was that she had never studied magic in her life, and unlike you and Agatha who had years of accumulated knowledge - the last centuries - Wanda didn't know the basics about most things.
It was not really something to be ashamed of. The privilege of magical education was for the few. 
Still, it didn't mean that you wouldn't torment her for it.
At this moment, Wanda was panting and sweating, wearing a training outfit you got for her yourself, in the open backyard of Harkness Manor, an annoyed scowl on her face from getting her ass kicked.
"Again, Wanda." You asked before advancing against her, and Wanda tried to keep pace, but within minutes, you had used two runes on her shoes, and she was on her knees again.
"God, that's so annoying!" She complained in frustration, and when you offered your hand for her to get up, she slapped you lightly because you were laughing at her. "Stop grinning."
"So grumpy." You tease, finding it adorable the way she grunts again as she stands, tapping her hands on her pants to get the excess dust off. "That was better than last time."
"You're just saying that." She grumbled moving away to grab a bottle of water, and you bit your lip, watching her pin her hair into a bun, the sweat dripping down her skin-
"Having fun, girls?" Agatha interrupts your reveries as she appears on the porch, a glass of iced tea in hand. 
"Always, Harkness." Wanda replies wryly before turning the water bottle over. Agatha smiles.
"Good, because I think Wanda should practice more Ritualist Magic instead of Combat Practice." Agatha declares, making you sigh.
"Come on, Agatha, you're only saying that because you want to take my satisfaction of kicking her ass." You comment making the witch laugh as Wanda tries to throw water on you.
"Sorry honey, but the Scarlet Witch should develop other skills besides the warrior curriculum that Kamar Taj offered you." Agatha reminds, and you sigh because you know she is right. " Wrap it up for today, let's have some fun. The festival starts at six." Says the witch before walking back in, and you grunt softly.
Wanda turns to you with a curious expression.
"Festival?" She asks.
"I didn't see anything about it when we went to the grocery store yesterday." She comments, but you give a short laugh.
"You are adorable, Wanda Maximoff." It's your response, and despite the soft pink appearing on her cheeks, Wanda raises an eyebrow at you. All you do is return to a fighting stance. "Come on. If you can knock me down, I'll tell you what the Festival is all about."
She didn't make it, and you ignored her puppy dog eyes the whole way inside, knowing you'd end up spoiling the surprise.
"Wear something witchy." You advised her as you left her at the bedroom door, ignoring the rolling of eyes, impatiently at not knowing where you two were going before making your way to your own room.
Soon after, the three of you were side by side in the crowded streets of Salem, and it only occurred to Wanda that those people were no ordinary civilians when she realized that every minute they seemed to sprout more people from the ground.
"It's first solstice before the Sabbat, Wanda." You whisper to her when you notice the curious looks of the woman around you. "You won't see posters in the market about this."
She smiles at your teasing, and you think you are staring because Agatha looks at you with curiosity, and you clear your throat and look away.
The festival is really quite beautiful. There are spells of extension and protection for only magical creatures to participate in, and a small fair has been set up with several stands and even a bonfire. Wanda is fascinated, and you are fascinated to watch her.
Agatha is too busy meeting up with colleagues and old friends and loses you in a short time. You don't mind, keeping Wanda around all night as you take her to all the tents and introduce her to some people as well.
"[...] Yeah I heard Harkness was with a new apprentice, but I had no idea she would be such a lovely witch." Compliments a former potions customer, a tall, burly man, who offers his hand for Wanda to shake. Before she does, you clear your throat and intervene in the movement, holding her hand in yours.
"Yes, Dr.Facilier, she is a charm indeed." You say with false kindness. Wanda looks confused, but the gentle squeeze on her hand is enough for her to follow your cue. "But we're in a hurry, lots of shelves to look at. However, if you'd like to schedule some tea, I'm sure Agatha would like to hear the invitation." You tell the man, who hesitates but extends a forced smile before sliding away, the pipe making a clatter on the floor as he walks away.
You let out a sigh of relief, turning to Wanda, and raising the hand you still held at chest height.
"Sweet Wanda, by all that is most sacred, keep those beautiful hands away from dark fortune tellers." You ask her and she widens her eyes in surprise.
"I didn't know..."
"It's all right." You interrupt her with a gentle smile, fingers tracing hers. "I almost lost my soul once by shaking a salesman's hand, luckily Harkness interfered. You just need to remember that you are at a fair with wizards and that the vast majority of them, would be very interested in a thousand ways to steal your magic." You tell her, and Wanda swallows dryly, getting a little tense. "But I have a solution."
"What would that be?"
You don't answer with words, just interlace your fingers together and smile at her, being enough for Wanda to smile in understanding, and for the rest of the evening, not to let go of your hand.
When you returned to the mansion, after the festival had ended and the witches began teleporting down the street confirming to Wanda that they had indeed emerged from the ground, Agatha gave you a gentle nudge on the forearm to talk.
You exchanged a look with Wanda, finally releasing her hand and she offered you a small, hesitant smile.
"Thank you, for tonight." She said softly, and kissed your cheek, making you forget about Agatha in the room for a second. 
As soon as Wanda walked up the stairs, you turned to your teacher.
"I don't want to hear it." You tell her, getting a wry chuckle from the woman who was taking off her heeled boots on the couch. 
"You don't even know what I'm going to say, honey." She retorts, but you are undoing the knot of your tie harder than necessary anyway.
"I have a slight idea." You grumble. "It's going to sound like, don't get attached and don't mix things up."
Agatha laughs again, weaker this time. "Actually, I might say that you don't really know her."
You roll your eyes. "I know her. It's Wanda. Grumpy and lovely Wanda, the world's greatest witch who doesn't know basic mystical etymology."
Agatha chuckles again, moving her hands to summon a goblet and a bottle of wine nearby. "You have no idea of who she is, honey." She retorts mysteriously and takes a long sip of her drink before speaking again. "I finished investigating what happened. Maybe Wanda didn't want to talk about it, but that's really not my problem. She made a mess before you found her in Wundagore. Do you think she stays hidden in her room because she wants to? No, Y/N. Wanda used a forbidden spell, dreamwalking, to go to another universe after her fake children. You know, the ones she did with magic in Westview. Destroying Wundagore and the darkholds in the multiverse was her way out but if she shows her face around the witch community, there are plenty of people wanting to settle the score with her."
You were silent for a long moment, while Agatha sipped her wine. And when you were without your jacket, and with your tie in hand, you turned to her.
"As I said, Agatha, I know Wanda." You say. "Her past doesn't matter to me. She is here now, and I am teaching her about witchcraft as you asked me to. I don't want you tormenting me about it."
Agatha gives you a wink, raising her cup and turning over a full sip. You sigh, knowing that her bad mood is just about having re-encountered coven witches who always make her feel bad about her past, so you just wish her good night and make your way to your room.
"You need a hobby." 
That's what you said to Wanda - almost five months since she had been in the Harkness Residence, and two weeks since the festival - when you went to her room with a new box of candles for the study sessions.
Wanda was wearing one of your sweaters, borrowed on some of the nights in the study room, and you almost forgot what you were going to say when you saw her wearing it, legs crossed on the bed as she looked ready to start meditating.
"I like Yoga." She retorts, but you shake your head, leaving the box in the corner of the room as you move to open the windows and curtains.
"It's too close to magical meditation." You retort. "You need something to disconnect you a little from magic, Wanda. Like photography or drawing."
She frowns slightly. "And what do you do?"
You laugh softly. "Oh, pretty bad stuff." You reply receiving a roll of eyes in amusement. "I used to fight in a gambling club in Macau." 
Wanda is surprised by your response. "Like, magical fighting?"
"Mm-hmm. It was good for anger, I guess." You mutter. "But I stopped showing up, and I need something new, which made me realize that you could use a hobby, too. So, take your pick."
You don't tell Wanda that you stopped going to Macau and spending nights in bloody fights because since you started helping her with her studies, you keep yourself distracted and busy enough. Nor that when you're with her, the anger is gone. 
Still, part of you thinks she knows.
"I tried to learn guitar once, but I don't think that's my thing..." She tells you casually, stretching out one of her legs, and you let out an exclamation.
"Except that's totally your vibe, Miss Taylor Swift." You tease receiving an embarrassing roll of the other's eyes. "And you don't have to pick just one permanent thing too. We can go ahead and try it, and you see what you like best."
" Okay, then I guess painting would be cool." She comments, making you smile.
That afternoon, you left Wanda alone to get the painting supplies and a guitar - no magic, you insisted, or the whole thing would be meaningless - and didn't return until late afternoon.
Agatha offered you a curious look at the number of things you were carrying, but you didn't offer her more than a 'go mind your own business old hag' to annoy her, and you almost got a bad curse before you reached Wanda's door.
You hesitated as you heard the soft sniffling from inside.
A noise of something falling made you hesitate, and then a soft grumble, and Wanda was stumbling to open the door.
You looked at her curiously, but she was wiping her face quickly. 
"Did you fall?"
She cleared her throat. "No."
"Wanda, what were you up to?"
She hesitated, swallowing dryly. And then she sighed and stuck her head out into the hallway, as if checking to make sure Agatha wasn't snooping, before grabbing your forearm and pulling you into the room, magically closing the door.
"If I tell you, promise not to make fun of me, and not to tell Agatha." She warns raising a finger at you, and you frown in confusion, leaving the objects you brought on the floor.
"Tell me what it is first, and I'll decide." It is your response that makes her sigh impatiently, and you laugh at the reaction. "Okay, I promise."
Wanda hesitates, playing with her fingers nervously. "I know that, well, I shouldn't do that again. But I...I just miss them."
You look at her with confusion. "Who?"
"My boys." She confesses guiltily, not meeting your gaze. "I know I have hurt those people, I know it was dangerous to do all that but... I just want to see them. I swear I'm not interacting, I'm just-"
"Watching." You complete with a sigh and see Wanda's eyes fill with tears when she confirms. " Sweetheart, I'm not going to argue with you. Come here, it's okay." You assure her, opening your arms to her, and Wanda wastes no time before hugging you tight, burying her face in your neck. 
"Are you using that forbidden spell to see them?" You ask in a whisper and Wanda nods against your skin. "Did you remember to hide your tracks?" She nods again, and you smile. "I'm proud of you."
Wanda laughs weakly against your collarbone, and you swallow dryly, squeezing before letting go. "I thought you would be...." She starts uncertainly.
"Angry? Please, we do illegal things all the time here and Agatha-" 
"Disappointed." Wanda interrupts meeting your gaze as if studying your reaction, and you give a confused laugh.
"That's even more unlikely." You tell her with a smile. "Wanda, I will never judge you. You've been through hell, and you miss your kids. You have the power to see them, damn it, you have the power to break the whole world, and you choose not to. I'm not the one to tell you what you can and can't do. If you want to use a forbidden spell as your way of dealing with grief, be my guest. Just remember the house rules, we don't put our discreetness in danger. So if you're doing something off the rails..."
"Cover your tracks." She completes, making you smile. 
"Well, I didn't mean to disturb you, I just came to bring the materials." You tell her gesturing to the items on the floor for a moment. "And a good night to you, little witch."
“Good night, Y/N.”
Something changed in your relationship after that night. But if you were to be completely honest, from the first second you laid eyes on Wanda - so many months ago when you found her in the ruined ruins of a castle - you always found her stunning.
In moments like sunny afternoons trying to make a decent painting that always ended in easy laughter and scribbling of brushes against each other's skin in play, or evenings of studying magical history and complicated spells that ended with the two of you dozing against the bookshelves, it was easy to see that there wasn't the slightest chance that you wouldn't fall head over heels in love with Wanda.
Luckily for you, apparently, she felt much the same way.
At first, you were uncertain about acting on your feelings. There seemed to be a million good reasons for you not to say anything. Wanda was your fellow apprentice, your friend, you didn't know if she felt the same way, you didn't even know if she saw women that way, or if she was ready for any kind of relationship. Still, as time went on, it became harder to keep those feelings bottled up, especially when Wanda was so effortlessly charming.
And keeping your hands to yourself was a difficult task when she rolled over on you in training or snuggled closer by instinct in rune practice, or when she laughed and leaned in, green eyes so bright and mouth so inviting and-
"We don't have practice today." Wanda declared in confusion as she entered the room and saw you waiting for her on the window ledge.
"Yes, Wanda it's very nice to see you too, good morning." You chuckle ironically at her lack of courtesy, causing her to laugh softly as the girl moves closer to kiss your cheek - because of course Wanda also has to be the most affectionate person you know - before she moves to sit on her own bed.
"Good morning, dekta. Will you hang out with me today?" She asks casually, but you hesitate, shifting the weight of your feet.
"Yes, I wanted to, uh, ask you for something."
Wanda raises her eyes at you with curiosity, and you forget all the rehearsed speech. Since when are her eyes so green? The room is smaller...
"Okay." Wanda laughed softly, watching you expectantly. But the words just slipped out.
You swallow dryly, the fear of rejection hot in your stomach. "I just, uh... I was thinking if you have nothing to do of course-"
"Maximoff I'm not hearing any runes!" Agatha's voice cuts through your babbling, the warning shout coming from downstairs, and you watch Wanda grunt impatiently before shutting the door hard.
"Sorry about that." Asks the redhead. "Agatha did an evaluation with me, and well, let's just say she wasn't pleased with my knowledge. We had a stupid argument, and she said that if I want to be a decent witch I need to learn what makes a decent witch first." Wanda recounts pulling at the threads of the comforter. "Anyway, it was dumb. Sorry, you're talking..."
"Never mind." You say quickly forcing a smile. "You're busy, I'll... find something else to do. See you later."
Wanda was confused by your quick exit, but you didn't give her much of a chance to ask anything. And she had so much to study that she assumed you were just trying to give her a little time.
It turned out that this was a lie.
You grew impatient and frustrated after your failed attempt to call Wanda for a date. It wasn't her fault, nor Agatha's, yet for the next few days, all you did was get in the way of Wanda's studies.
Be it loud and uncalled-for noises to even destroying a pipe in the kitchen that made Agatha yell at you, all the strangest events kept happening.
Wanda didn't want to be irritated, but she was. 
On the weekend she thought she would have some peace to practice her magical meditation because Agatha had a work appointment to which you had also been called, but Wanda had less than five minutes of silence before she heard you in the next door.
Maybe you were going to be silent. Wanda thought, only for the possibility to be snatched away when she heard a noise of something being dragged. And more, and more, until she gave up meditation, and made her way angrily to your room, entering without knocking.
"What the hell are you doing here, Y/N?" She exclaimed to the magical mess around you, and you looked at her in surprise.
"Have you forgotten how a door works?" You retort impatiently, but Wanda raises an eyebrow at you. "I'm cleaning. Get out."
"What-" She starts indignantly, and when you try to put her out, she resists your hands, pushing you gently by the waist. "Shouldn't you be at work? Why are you cleaning?"
"It's my house, I clean when I want to." You retort grumpily, looking away from Wanda as if you are angry and the woman looks at you with confusion.
"Y/N, I need to practice my runes, could you make less noise just-"
"You only have time for studies now!" You suddenly explode, surprising her. "When was the last time we watched a movie together or went to the market? Or painted? I bet you can't remember, because it's probably been forever."
Wanda looked at you in shock. "Dekta, what...?"
"But, it's okay you know, you're going to make a good witch and go away, and I'm going to stay here and it won't matter anymore."
You grumble in frustration, sitting up in bed with an annoyed buff. Wanda blinks in confusion.
"Y/N, talk to me." She asks after a moment, and you sigh loudly, throwing your back on the mattress.
"I'm sorry." You grumble, but Wanda moves closer at the end of the bed until you can see her face across the ceiling.
"Where did all this come from?" She asks, and you sigh again before answering.
"Agatha and I had a conversation about your academic future, Miss Maximoff." You reply with a gentle mimic that makes Wanda smile. "I think she wanted to bring me down to the reality that you are the Scarlet Witch, and that one day you will complete your studies and leave, and I should not stand in your way."
Wanda chokes softly. "Dekta..."
"It's okay, you know, I don't have a problem with you learning, in fact, I'm glad you become an incredible witch and beat the crap out of any of these." You continue to blurt out, "But, I don't know, Agatha picked up on a weak spot probably. I will really miss you when you are gone and she is trying not to let me forget this."
Wanda sighs, moving to sit beside you on the bed. "Y/N, I'm not going anywhere."
"Yet." You mutter grudgingly, receiving a soft chuckle from the other for your stubbornness.
Wanda hesitates then and takes a deep breath to gather courage before letting her fingers walk across the mattress to yours.
"And what's stopping you from going with me?"  She asks then, hand in yours, and you blink in surprise, absorbing her words. 
"Would you like that?"
Wanda smiles, tilting her head. "I would love that, dekta."
You let out a huge smile, moving to pull Wanda onto the mattress and getting a soft exclamation that turned into laughter as you kissed her cheek several times, legs on either side of her waist.
"I'm going to take you to see so many places." You assure her with each hand beside her head, and Wanda feels her breath hitch. "All the places you've never been, to meet magic from all over the world."
"Promise?" Wanda asks with a sharp accent, and you smile, nodding.
You move one of your hands away to chest height. "Witch's Oath."  You whisper to her as you gesture and receive an affectionate smile in return.
When Wanda looks at you like that, it's really hard not to kiss her.
You clear your throat, ready to pull away, but suddenly Wanda is holding the edge of your shirt.
"Dekta... come here." She asks softly, her eyes darkening as they meet yours, and another gentle tug on your blouse until you start to lean in. "Give me a kiss." It sounds like a request, but you are surely obeying. You rub your lips together as a confirmation first, until Wanda sticks her tongue out and teases your bottom lip, making you grunt and move forward to kiss her hard.
You both sighed in satisfaction at the sensation, tongues sliding against each other, as your hands steadied themselves on the mattress to keep you from bringing all your weight down on Wanda, hers went to your shoulders and hair, trying to gain some control of the kiss.
Gentle pressure quickly turned into intense exchanges of panting whispers, Wanda was so close and so warm, and she smelled so good. You were drowning in her, until without realizing it, one of your legs slipped between hers, and Wanda broke the kiss with a strangled moan.
You stared at her with dilated pupils and breathing equally out of rhythm, and Wanda bit her lips hard when you pressed your knee up again, studying her reaction and being pleased with the way she quivered.
"Can I keep going?" You asked affectedly, receiving her frantic nod immediately. You gave a husky chuckle, moving your face to her neck, and rubbing your lips over her skin, making Wanda sigh. "I need words."
"Y-yes, dekta. Keep going." Wanda confirms, fingers squeezing your shoulders as she feels you kiss and bite her collarbone, marking the sensitive spots until she is squirming impatiently beneath you, the static pressure against her center getting her wetter by the second. 
When you move your hands to her waist, arranging you on the bed and finally giving Wanda a little more friction against your thigh, she lets out a long satisfied moan.
"Oh, baby, you're soaked." You gasp against her neck, your fingers moving up her blouse as Wanda tries to rub against your thigh firmly against her, allowing you to feel her wetness beyond the fabric and into your skin. Wanda's face is burning, but she just keeps scratching the back of your neck with her fingertips, her eyes tightly closed as she feels your hands move up to her breasts.
You start with gentle teasing, slow patterns along the curves, then Wanda gives you a gentle tug on your hair, bringing your mouth back to hers and you close your palms around them, getting a throaty moan from her lips. Your fingers tug and tease the hardened nipples between your fingers, and Wanda whimpers when the combination of the friction of your thigh against her covered core and the stimulation in her breasts is enough for her to see stars.
"M-more, dekta." She almost begs against your lips, responding to the kiss with difficulty, and you sigh softly, pulling your mouth away from hers to make your way down.
"What do you need?" You ask in a whisper, hands on her thighs, going up the inside of her skirt and making Wanda squirm in anticipation. 
"Touch me." She replies by throwing her hips up for a moment, and you bite back a smile seeing her desperation. 
Your hands scratch her thigh, "I am touching you."
"Dekta." Wanda retorts in a warning tone, trying to press against your thigh, but you move away and she almost whimpers. "Please."
"Hmm, I like it when you beg." You praise, one hand finally finding her covered core and Wanda moans in satisfaction, dripping into her panties. "Fuck, Wanda you made a mess." You grunt affected, drawing circles against her covered clit, the fabric ruined in your fingers. She whimpers, trying to increase the friction by pushing her hips against your hand but you steady your free one on her thigh, holding her in place. "Easy there."
Wanda grunts in excitement, looking at you as if begging to be fucked. And you sigh, holding her gaze as you tease her. 
And as if she could guess exactly how much power she had in you, Wanda kept looking at you, lips parted as whimpers escaped, her hands moving, one to squeeze her right breast - visibly hardened against the fabric - and the other in her hair. She arched her back when you pressed a little more intently, a loud moan ripping through her throat and you gave up resisting. 
"Fuck it." You gasped, pushing the fabric aside and sinking two fingers into her at once without any resistance, Wanda was hot and soaked, and she almost screamed at the invasion, pulsing in your fingerprints, a satisfied moan escaping her lips as she threw her head back and you found a quick, brutal rhythm inside her.
"Y-yes, yes r-right there! Ah-dekta, so fucking good." Wanda moaned breathlessly, meeting the rhythm of your thrusts with her hips, one of her legs hooking into your knee to give you more access, and as you began to repeatedly hit that sweet spot inside her she whimpered. You leaned in to kiss her, sliding your tongue into hers with the same intent you were fucking her, and Wanda responded with difficulty, her walls beginning to clench tightly in your fingers. "Shit, I'm-coming...I'm-"
"You feel so fucking good, Wanda." You praise against her lips, and the witch can only whimper in return, the hot tightness in her abdomen exploding in waves of blinding pleasure throughout her body and causing her to moan against you, spilling into your fingers. You moan at the sensation of having her come too, her walls squeezing into your fingerprints sending a wave of strong warmth to you. "Fuck, I need to taste you."
Wanda didn't even have time to recover from the intense orgasm and you were already making your way down, getting on your knees on the floor and holding her thighs open for you. Your mouth found her pussy and Wanda moaned loudly, throwing her head against the pillows.
You only hummed in satisfaction at the taste, licking her with intent and ignoring the whimpers of protest at the overstimulation, until Wanda grew wet and aching again, and one hand found your hair to force you against her pussy.
You gave a breathless giggle, pulling away to her annoyance, and Wanda looked down, ready to protest, but you kissed her pussy before starting to work on your own clothes.
She watched you in anticipation, even a little impatiently, biting her lips as she felt her stomach fill with butterflies with each piece that came off.
When you were finally naked, you took your time to remove her remaining garments as well, and Wanda was about to combust. 
When you didn't get back on her right away, she grabbed your forearm, and you gave her a mischievous smile, gesturing magical wires in the air and Wanda looked at you curiously, only to sigh in surprise when she saw an object float from your closet to your hands.
She could feel a new wave of hot wetness as she watched you tighten the strap around your waist, imagining the feeling of being filled.
Wanda grunted softly as your hand found the dildo, and you began to stroke it from top to bottom.
"Wanna hold the headboard for me, pretty girl?" You guide and Wanda feels her face burn, moving quickly to get on her knees on the bed and her back to you, and she hears you give a breathless giggle. "I just said hold on, but I think this will too." You tease in her ear, one hand on her ass as you move the toy to her entrance, rubbing against Wanda's folds and making her whimper. "Take a deep breath." You whisper and the redhead obeys, hands steady on the headboard and then you slide in.
You grunt at the ease, and Wanda chokes on a moan, feeling the dildo filling her with tortured slowness until you bottom up. You slide out, and then in at the same speed, and Wanda nearly cums. 
"Rough or gentle, Wanda?" You ask in her ear, and despite the intense pink on her cheeks, she gasps back:
"Rough." You bite her neck and firm your hands on her hips, picking up an intense rhythm for the next minute. Wanda doesn't have time to get used to the change - moaning loudly as she feels the hard, fast thrusts inside her, the dildo not even sliding out as you guide your hips against her. Her hands are steady on the headboard, but the bed goes a loud rumble as you fuck Wanda like that, the wood roaring with the motion.
"Fuck, I bet you're so tight right now." You pant in her ear, and Wanda can only moan in return, her arousal dripping down her thighs as the dildo slides between her folds. She feels like she's going to burst any second, she's never been so full. And you keep reaching into such a sweet spot, again and again-
She comes in a high-pitched moan, her orgasm dripping in between you two, but you firm a hand in her hair, and continue fucking her through her high, making Wanda choke.
"Too much... baby..." She cries, her clit swollen and aching, but the way your cock keeps fucking her so well, she's getting wet again. 
"Just one more, my pretty girl." You coax her meekly in her ear, your hot, off-beat breathing sending shivers all over Wanda's body. "Just give me one more."
Oh, she does. Even more intense than the last one, the knot in her belly bursts, and she cries out in pleasure, releasing her headband and falling back against the pillows. But you follow her, using your hands to spin Wanda around on the bed and coming out of her only to be on top of her, and then sink your cock inside her again.
"Fuck!" Wanda cries out, the overstimulation making her flinch and try to pull her hips up and away from you, but you kiss her hard with one hand on her neck while the other holds her waist holding her in place. She whimpers. "Too much..."
"I know, baby, I know." You pant on her lips, not moving. But your fingers find her clit, and Wanda jerks but you draw patterns with your thumb until she whimpers with pleasure. "But you wanted it rough, didn't you?" You tease, and Wanda gasps as she feels ready for another again.
"Can you… be gentle now?" She asks almost embarrassed, and it's as if a switch has flipped. You hum in agreement, moving your hand from her neck to her cheek, kissing her softly until she grows impatient.
You adjust your position on her, making Wanda sigh. Your hand moves from your face to meet hers and intertwines on top of her head,
"Look at me, Wanda." You ask as you break the kiss, and wait for Wanda to do so to smile at her. Your hand, previously on her hip, moves to her thigh, adjusting it open for you, and you bite your lips as you see Wanda frown slightly trying to control her sounds by still being full. "Can I move baby?"
She nods quickly, blushing over the intensity of your gaze, and grunting softly with slow strokes. This position seems to be perfect for you because Wanda sees your expression falter and your breathing catch up softly.
The dildo presses against your clit each time you slide in, and Wanda helps you by moving one hand behind your back, guiding the intense strokes until your moans become mixed.
Without letting go of her hand, you see your climax approaching, and you sink your face against Wanda's collarbone, trying to hold your speed. 
Wanda comes before you, her orgasm in longer-lasting waves that makes her whole body throb and her fingers curl. You bite her neck as you spill, and Wanda sighs contentedly at the feel of your bodies together.
You hum contentedly against her skin, feeling Wanda caress your back as you both calm down from the feeling of complete satisfaction and enjoyment.
You just pull away to slide the dildo out - your magic doing the work of removing the item and throwing it somewhere in the room - and you waste no time in adjusting yourself on Wanda, holding her closer.
"Sorry for ruining your practice." You murmur sleepily to her a moment later, and Wanda bursts into a contented laugh that makes your heart warm.
"Totally worth it." She murmurs back, moving her face to kiss you, and when she does, you're both smiling.
When Agatha came home Sunday afternoon, she found you and Wanda. She expected to find you both studying. And well, in a way, you were. 
The only inconvenience - for Agatha - was Wanda's head between your legs.
"By Hecate! This is a living room!" Agatha shouted in shock, making you and Wanda jump in fright. Wanda, licked your wetness from her lips, her face as red as yours as she used her body to cover you, and you closed the spellbook you were trying to recite earlier against your chest.
"H-hey, you're home." You mumbled awkwardly, trying to push all the waves of arousal away and not think about the feeling of Wanda's tongue inside you a few moments before. 
Agatha grunted incredulously, her bags moving behind her toward the bedroom.
"The three of us are going to have a very serious talk about rules and boundaries, girls." Agatha warns gesturing. "And I better know that Wanda practiced the runes I told her to!" Warns the angry witch before turning and leaving the room, but you and Wanda only exchange glances before you start laughing.
"Did you learn any of the things she asked for?" you ask as Wanda starts to straighten up on the carpet to get up. 
"Not a word." She assures you before leaning in to kiss you, and you sigh as you taste yourself on her tongue. Wanda hums in satisfaction but breaks the kiss before it gets intense again. "Is it too soon for us to go away? I feel like she just found a reason to kick me out."
You laugh softly, shaking your head.
"We can always get away for a few hours." You suggest, catching Wanda's lip between your teeth, and causing the woman to sigh.
"I'm in." She whispers back, and you give her a mischievous smile before using your magic to teleport you both away.
When Agatha returns to the room and finds the place empty, she rolls her eyes impatiently.
"I'm too old for this." She complains to the surroundings.
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Things They Could've Done Differently in Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness
A list of ideas, in no particular order
1. Give Benedict Cumberbatch a Monologue to Act with (bonus points if it's about the million bad endings he had to sort through to find the Endgame option): Instead of a short convo in the benches, have the doctor who got dusted come up to Stephen at the afterparty of the wedding. In fact, have several people ask for his autograph or talk to him like he’s a celebrity beforehand, casually questioning him about the biggest call he made with the fate of the universe. When the past colleague questions the validity of his choice, maybe Stephen gets fed up, and the conversation goes something like this:
Doctor Colleague: What if you’d done [    ] before― Stephen: Nope, wouldn’t have worked, [    ] and [    ] goes off too soon, shit gets blown up, everyone dies, try again― Doctor Colleague: Then what if you’d [    ]― Stephen: Again, no, [    ] and [    ] means [           ], everyone dies! Doctor Colleague: But what if― Stephen: No, no, it doesn’t work! I looked through a million other choices we could’ve made, and we lost every single time. You think I made that call based on, what, personal preference? I saw the universe die more times than you can fathom, I saw galaxies crumble, why does everyone think― My opinion had no sway in the decision I made. I made the only choice I was supposed to. (etc.)
2. Show at least one way Stephen's disability impacts his daily life: Maybe his hands shake too much to steadily hold a glass. Maybe he can't get a key in the lock at the first try. It's either his hands or his magic, and Stephen chose magic. Show us the consequences.
3. I feel like the scariest villain should've been an Alternate Strange: We can keep the creepy chase scenes and all the emotional scenes with Wanda, Elizabeth Olsen’s performance was phenomenal and I love her. But everyone was talking about how Stephen has the potential for great evil. I feel like we should’ve gotten payoff on that.
4. At least One Alternate Christine should die in front of Stephen: I loved what they did in What If (tv series), we should’ve gotten to see Stephen’s grief on live-action too. Especially since it creates a direct parallel between him and Wanda. (They each only have the one love interest over countless timelines, yet they still can’t hold onto them, huh. Cruel fate.)
5. Elaborate on the Scarlet Witch Prophecy Thing: We needed a set-up of the prophecy in the movie before the actual reveal of the temple.
6. Wanda destroys the Big Bad Strange's universe (fulfilling the Prophecy―no one said anything about which universe) and seals the both of them in eternal combat: This feels like a better idea than what happened in the movie. Also it’s a cool parallel with an Alternate Stephen from the What If series.
7. More dreams about Alternate Stephens Fucking Up: Stephen should’ve just been constantly dreaming about instances where he makes the wrong choice and destroys the world. Drill it into his head that if he strays from the path, the world is done for.
8. Let Stephen complain about how apparently the only path for him is the straight and narrow one: If divergence from the Path guarantees certain destruction of the world by his own hand, how much freedom does he truly have? Show us what's so special about this superhero who sees everything that could go wrong with him every night he dreams, then wakes up to not do those things. He's tempted, he's afraid, and he Chooses not to do wrong.
9. Put more focus on Stephen giving Wanda a Second Chance: If he fucks up, it spells the end of universes, so he Can't fuck up; he has that pressure on him. But Wanda's fuck-ups don't automatically destroy universes. Wanda's fuck-ups can be recovered from. Let Stephen give Wanda what he will never be able to have across so many thousands of timelines: a second chance after a grief-stricken fuck-up. Trust her to help him fight the Big Bad Evil Strange.
10. Let Stephen snark and whine about his difficult life and still unfailingly do the Right Thing: We must remember that he is a smartass. Maybe he still gets jealous of practicing surgeons. Maybe he gives life-saving advice to doctors of alternate dimensions who are trying to save an Alternate Christine, whilst wishing he could do the operation himself. Let him complain about how everyone is hounding him about Turning Evil all the time. He rolls with the punches, accepts the madness that his life has become and the hard choices that are asked of him, but he can still complain about them all the way.
(I'm just choosing to focus on the two main characters here. I think a lot of the side characters deserved to be written better, but elaborating on that would make this post really long.)
TL;DR: Stephen and Wanda are characters with so much potential. They’ve got backstory, they’re morally complex, they’re uber-powerful and nigh impossible to keep in check. The only one that can stop them is themselves, apparently. Isn’t that interesting? Morality, power, corruption, accountability, grief, and sacrifice. When you’re faced with the physical manifestation of your choices, right or wrong, how do you grapple with the consequences?
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xxxdreamscapexxx · 2 years
I don’t want to hear thoughts... Unless they’re yours
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff / Reader Word count: 3k Summary: Wanda wanted to live the normal life she was never afforded, but something was always missing. Something she denied herself and buried deep inside. But watching you move next door, she quickly realizes that this may not be possible for much longer. Warning: Spoilers for MoM. This will be a multi-chapter fic and it’s only the beginning. Smut in future chapters. This is just fluffy, so i can set the story up. It will get far more heated as the story progresses.     Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Part 6, Part 7; Part 8; Part 9; Part 10 Series materlist                                     Masterlist of all my works
                                                 Chapter 1 Wanda Maximoff watched from a distance as you moved in to the house next door. It used to belong to a family, an ordinary one, with two kids and a yappy dog that she disliked, but the kids adored, including her own two boys. Closing the Darkhold was hard. Even harder to choose to survive it. She certainly didn’t plan on it. But the human spirit is a hard thing to kill, she knew that. She had been broken so many times, in so many ways, she had lost so much… Too much. Yet here she stood. The universe presenting yet another chance for her. A chance she had no intention of wasting. It took her a long time to build the life she had now. Years. After she closed the Darkhold, governments of multiple nations tried to get to that place, excavate what was left. They were looking for the Darkhold, for a way to still salvage it. They were looking for her too. So she made the only smart move she had. She found them first. She used all her leverage, all her power and all her will, but she made a deal. She would help… When the world was ending and when Earth needed its heroes, she will be there, and she will fight. But until that day comes, she will be left alone. To live a life of her choosing, a calm, normal life. The one she was never afforded. Hands were shaken, secret deals were made, records were deleted and a well-placed cyber-attack destroyed all images and videos of Wanda Maximoff. It was good to still have friends. Tony Stark never supported her publicly, never spoke on her behalf, but when her battle was won, he hired all the right people, took all the necessary measures and made sure that the world would forget who Wanda Maximoff was, or what she had done. He also gave her the keys to a nice new car, his final words to her a whisper. ‘’You deserve to be happy.’’ She didn’t think that was possible, but she knew exactly what she wanted to do with her new life, so as soon as she made sure that there was nothing but dust on that mountain, that there would be no Darkhold to open, she moved with nothing but the clothes on her back. She found a house for sale. A quaint, welcoming house in the city of Eastview. Yes, she knew… A little on the nose. But she liked the place, liked the calm life she saw a glimpse of, before it all went to hell. She also liked the reference to a life not quite real, a life meant to be hers, but forever stolen. But this time Wanda had learned her lesson. She used her magic subtly, never to solve her problems and never to hurt others. She also kept her mind closed to all the thoughts that constantly threatened to drown out her own. She was never quite used to it before, always feeling just a little schizophrenic for hearing voices in her head. And the voices only grew louder, the stronger she became. But she also became much better at blocking them out. Her mind a fortress and her resolve to stay away from all the old habits that ruined her life in the past, a constant reminder that her powers were better left buried. After she settled, money never being an issue, since being an Avenger landed her more money than she ever thought possible, Wanda decided to follow the dreams she never had a chance to indulge. She immersed herself in hobbies, painting and cooking always being her favorite. But something was missing. Something big! A family. And though she never thought anyone could replace Vision, the idea of children never stopped haunting her. She didn’t just want them. She knew she had them. She had met them… Refusing to use her magic again, realizing how easy it was to destroy something gained from magic, she did something far more permanent. Wanda Maximoff decided that she didn’t need a man to be a mother. She just needed their seed and artificial insemination soon presented itself as the best option. When the treatment was successful, Wanda was beside herself. She was pregnant. The right way this time. The slow way. And despite all her resistance to her powers, she did something. Something that perhaps broke the deal she made, while gaining her new life, but she didn’t care. She made sure that she will have twin boys. Boys that would look just like the ones she had in Westview. The boys she had always had in every other universe. When they were born, she named them Billy and Tommy. In her mind they were her boys. The same ones. And she was going to live the life she was owed. People in Eastview were as boring as they come. She had read all her neighbors minds, found all their dirty and not so dirty secrets, all in the name of keeping her family safe. Of keeping her boys safe. And when the next door neighbors proved to be an ordinary couple, she made sure that their children and hers were fast friends. She organized sleepovers, they hosted pool parties, the kids played together in the yard… Life was boring and absolutely as perfect as it could be. Her twins were 4, when the family next door moved out, deciding to move after Phil got a great new job offer in a new city. Their house had been empty ever since. Five months had passed and her boys missed their friends dearly and though she tried to organize other play dates for them, it never quite worked out the same way. So she reluctantly signed them up for day care. Not for her sake. Never. Wanda didn’t want the boys to leave her side even for a moment. But they needed friends their own age, needed to spend time with people, other than their mother. So Wanda did the only logical thing. Dove into days of research and scoped out all the daycares, read the mind of each teacher, until she was satisfied and signed them up. A month later, you showed up. You had been offered a nice promotion in your company and a hefty pay increase, if you would agree to move to middle of nowhere - Eastview and be part of the new office they intended to start there, heading a project for one of your big clients. You hesitated. Of course, you did! It was a great opportunity, but it was also … Well… Middle of nowhere - Eastview. But you saw a wonderful house, Greek revival style, with beautiful columns and a pool at the back and you thought… Why not! The rent cost just a little more than your shitty apartment in the big city and the town looked nice. You had little friends and your girlfriend had left you seven months ago, telling you that you’re clingy and too unsocial and that she needed someone who would match her energy… Meaning, someone, who partied and had an endless circle of friends, snorted happy pills and just so happens to be her new ‘’friend’’ Jess. You didn’t mind that she left. It wasn’t going to work out between you anyway. You were never real in front of her. You never showed her who you really are. And if you were honest with yourself, you didn’t like who she was either. So when the offer came you called your mom and talked about it for hours on end… In the morning, you marched into the office and said ‘’Yes’’. You signed all the paperwork and made sure that that house would be your new home. A new beginning. You filled up your car, watched the moving company load all your furniture in a huge truck and left. Now you were finally here. The house looked even more beautiful up-close. The second-floor bedroom had huge windows and access to the balcony, which stood proudly over the heavy columns and you already made plans of placing a nice table and a couple of chairs there, so you can have your morning coffee. The kitchen was big and bright, the second-floor bathroom had a huge tub. The iron fence was painted black and was ornately decorated with abstract flower motives that you thought suited it perfectly. And the second-floor room that overlooked the pool looked perfect for a library. You already saw yourself fill it with shelves from floor to ceiling and your desk would look just perfect near the window. You took a week off, so you could organize your house and move. You watched with delight as the house filled with all your things and became home. You woke up happy and relaxed in the new environment, wondering why you felt so anxious to move in the first place. It was perfect. The house was perfect, the people seemed nice and friendly. The whole place seemed so serene, you thought you could stay here forever. Wanda had watched you from afar ever since you arrived, gently probing your mind. She thought of it as research and she always kept in mind the excuse that she was doing it all for the safety of her children, as she got to know more and more about you. She told herself that every time she invaded your privacy. But the truth was that the longer she spent time surrounding herself with your voice, the more she found your mind captivating. You enjoyed architecture, so she watched through your minds eye the small details of the house next door that she never noticed before. The idea of your dreamhouse was often at the front of your mind when you were outside, admiring the structure, noticing the details that you would have changed, should you have owned the house and Wanda couldn’t help but fall in love with the idea of your dream home. She listened silently as you made plans and watched them come to life soon after. When you weren’t working on your home, you were cooking, or reading. Your mind always drifted to beautiful daydreams and quotes that you found inspirational or simply touching. She found so many books there that you held fondly in your mind and the connections you made with them. She discovered so many movies and TV shows, some of which her own favorites too. She found your favorite songs and that you couldn’t listen to them every day, because they made you feel too much, so you liked to turn to more generic music, that helped your mind drift. As the week passed, Wanda kept her mind open more often, perhaps for the first time in years. When she wasn’t with the boys, or devoted to her own chores or activities, she always let her psychic power drift to you. She took the ideas from your head and after putting the boys to sleep, she watched the movies you enjoyed, waiting at the edge of her seat for your favorite part to come, the quote already on her tongue. She went to the book store too and bought some of your favorite books, delighted to discover the words you had engraved on your memory and feeling them for herself. She felt like she was getting to know you, despite the fact that she hadn’t introduced herself and her boys yet. And the longer she immersed herself in your private little world, the more she wanted to meet you. After days of hearing your thoughts and slowly surrounding herself in everything that made your heart sing, Wanda could delay no longer. She needed to meet you. Needed to finally see the face of the woman, who had filled her with so much poetry. So she did the one thing she could. Baked an apple pie, knowing how much you loved it, from finding it in your thoughts and she marched over. It was a Saturday afternoon, the sky beautiful and cloudless and so wonderfully blue, as she made her way to your house, knowing that you were in the living room, organizing. You were playing some music, which she knew was either a distraction from the times your thoughts got too loud, or a way for you to fight boredom. She wasn’t sure what she expected from this interaction, wasn’t quite sure what she wanted… She just knew she liked you and that she wanted you to like her too. When she rang the doorbell, Wanda discovered with surprise that she was nervous, perhaps for the first time in years and she braced herself for the moment she would see your face up-close for the very first time. She had seen you from a distance, watching intently through her window, but she never got a chance to really study your features. She heard your steps approaching, your mind still singing along the lyrics of a song she didn’t know and keeping any thoughts from surfacing. The quietness of your mind only unnerved her more. But she had no time to think about that as your front door opened and your face reviled itself. A genuine, kind smile was the first thing Wanda saw. Followed by the features of your face, that immediately studied her, perhaps just as attentively as she studied yours. She found you beautiful to look at and she immediately decided that she’ll make an effort to see more of you. - Hi, I’m Wanda! – She introduced herself, her right hand extended as she was balancing the pie in her left. – Wanda Maximoff. I live next door with my sons. I just wanted to introduce myself and welcome you to the neighborhood. ‘’Beauty is not caused. It is.’’ – Wanda’s eyes sparkled, recognizing the words, as you took her hand in yours and shook it briefly. It was from Emily Dickinson and the words shone in your mind so clearly, she felt herself blush and she pulled herself away from your thoughts, in order to keep herself calm and collected. She had heard so much of the author’s poetry from your mind that she ended up reading it for herself, only to discover that it sounded so much sweeter when it came from you. - Oh, thank you! It’s so kind of you to come by! I would invite you in, but I’m only just settling and the house is such a mess, I wouldn’t want to embarrass myself… I’m Y/N, by the way. Y/N Y/L/N. It’s nice to meet you, Wanda. - Oh, don’t be silly, I wouldn’t want to intrude! Especially on such short notice. I just thought I should be neighborly and say ‘’Hi’’, bring you a pie and make sure you feel welcome. I’m sure I’m not the first. - You’re very much the first. – You say shyly, still studying her features. Her eyes were stunning and the intense gaze that accompanied them, made you feel like she could see into your soul. – But I’m happy to meet the neighbors. Have you lived here long with your family? – You asked, trying to distract yourself from her obvious beauty. - About five years. – She replies with a nod of hear head, as if confirming the number to herself. – I know it looks quaint, but trust me, it grows on you! I had my reservations too, but everyone is so nice and friendly, you’ll feel at home in no time. - Yeah? - Absolutely! – Wanda assures you as she reaches her hand and squeezes one of yours. – The family that lived here before you gave me the same welcome when I first got here and we became such good friends! My boys used to come over every Saturday to swim with their children. I sometimes think they like staying here more than they like staying at our house! – Wanda ranted with a smile, embracing her best personification of a suburban housewife and watched you smile at her excitedly. - Well, you guys can still come over. The pool is great and I really don’t mind. - Nonsense! We wouldn’t dream of bothering you! – Wanda deflects, secretly hoping you’ll extend the invitation again. - No bother at all. I’ll be working most of the week. It would be nice to know that at least someone is enjoying the place. – You say warmly. You weren’t sure why you were offering up so much of your space to this stranger, but the woman was just so charming, you couldn’t resist. - You’re too kind to offer, Y/N! – Wanda could barely contain herself. Despite being in Eastview for so long, she didn’t have many friends. The ability to read minds and hear thoughts was unsurprisingly repelling, especially when people couldn’t filter thoughts the way they did words. She often felt it was a burden and rarely enjoyed this side of her gifts. But she liked your thoughts and hoped she would be allowed to spend more time around you, so this offer came as a welcome relief. – What do you do? - The company I work for is opening a new branch here and I was offered to head a project for one of our customers. – You say, stepping out of the doorway and onto your porch. - That’s exciting! – Wanda gives you a smile, already knowing all this. Now that she was talking with you, she wanted to extend this interaction. Her train of thought is interrupted when Billy and Tommy step out of her house and call out to her. - That’s my cue. – She tells you. – Look at me… I came here to give you a pie and I almost left with it! Here, I hope you enjoy it, Y/N. You take it hesitantly, barely able to say thank you, before she leaves and you watch her hurriedly approach her house and herding her children inside. You’re still at your front door as she disappears inside, a little stunned, but generally uplifted by the woman and the positivity that seemed to ooze out of her. Eastview really was wonderful, as far as you were concerned and as you were walking inside your new home, pie in hand, the apple aroma filling your nostrils, you genuinely felt excited about what would your next day bring. ________________________________________________________ Ok, so... I rarely write milty-chapter stories and this is only chapter one, so please let me know if you want to know where this goes. Your general thoughts are always appreciated too!
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Ok, so take my opinion with a grain of salt, but to anyone who is unhappy about Wanda’s arc in MoM:
*Spoilers ahead*
ETA: I don’t think 616 Wanda is dead, but I still have to cover all of my bases
As a longtime fan of the comics, I am more than familiar with the song and dance of Wanda oscillating between being a hero, an antihero, and a villain. Changing sides has been the story of her character since her origins as a member of the Brotherhood alongside Pietro and Magneto and continued on through the decades with her going crazy, turning evil, and/or dying probably once a decade ever since.
From the beginning, Lizzie has said that she wanted to see some of Wanda’s most iconic moments, ie. the “no more mutants” line from House of M. She WANTS to see House of M. She wants to touch on those infamous moments of villainy that are so well-known and loved. She wants to portray Wanda in a comic-accurate way (sans the sexualization) because she sees how unique Wanda is and how fun she is to play. From the very beginning Lizzie has done her best to champion Wanda being treated correctly as a complex, troubled young woman who has lost everything and been wronged by the world over and over. She has helped tremendously in crafting MCU Wanda as a well-rounded character who went from forgettable in the minds of many to absolutely adored thanks to Wandavision. I remember seeing Infinity War and Endgame in theaters and being one of the only ones cheering when she beat Thanos’s ass, meanwhile at my MoM screening 80% (or more) of people were wearing Wanda/Wandavision shirts and cheering when she came on screen.
Wandavision gave us Wanda processing her grief in all of the expected stages and with special attention to denial. When we last saw her, she had flown off with the Darkhold and was hearing Billy & Tommy calling for her during what we now know was likely dreamwalking/at least her peeking in on the other universes. Anyone familiar with the Darkhold will know its immense power and how it corrupts those who use it and Wanda is no different. Especially as, when we saw her, she was heavily grieving the loss of her brother, husband, and children all over again after the collapse of Westview. She was vulnerable and desperate, and seeing what Agatha could do with the Darkhold paired with her lack of knowledge and its promise to help drew her in. She was, once again, taken advantage of in a vulnerable moment. The only difference here was that it was the Darkhold and Cthon’s writings rather than another human being.
At least as of right now, I do not see her characterization and arc in MoM as a step back. I believe she is what she said she is: a mother who is beyond desperate to have her children back because she has NO ONE ELSE. None of the other Avengers have shown their faces to try and help her. Even Stephen only showed up when he needed help. Wanda was alone with a book filled with dark magic and abilities she was only just beginning to understand; how could anyone expect that to end well?
Wanda is my favorite MCU character and my favorite comic character. She always has been and always will be. I am so thrilled to have gotten to see so much more of her in the MCU between Wandavision and MoM, and yes it did hurt to see her in so much agony and I didn’t want her to succeed in getting America or her powers, but I also understand and appreciate why (I think) they continued her story the way they did. I am going to tell myself over and over that she isn’t actually dead because I can’t imagine her being gone from the MCU, but I also think that Feige knows full-well how loved she is and how integral she can/will be to continuing to thread the multiverse storyline together. Especially with the introduction of mutants.
So, uh, if you’ve read this far… thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. I’ll probably have more to say later once I’m no longer sleep deprived, but I hope this all makes sense for now.
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feelingtheaster99 · 2 months
What I find so funny is that in receiving small glimpses of episodes I haven’t seen, I fully assumed that Kipperlilly Copperkettle was some type of dog-based humanoid? But no, that was Kristen just roasting her to FLITH upon meeting her
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chuuyrr · 1 year
to have loved and lost
bungo stray dogs x scarlet witch! reader
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): hurt/comfort. possible spoilers for bsd. reference to wanda maximoff in mcu's age of ultron.
╰➤ SYNOPSIS: in which you, the scarlet witch of the detective agency, are hurting, and dazai osamu shares your grief so you don't have to bear it all alone. full-request here.
╰➤ PAIRING(s): dazai osamu
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dazai osamu was no stranger to grief, having dealt with it since he was young.
in fact, he grieved every day, from whenever he saw a familiar curry restaurant to seeing children smiling and happily playing in the streets of yokohama, though it wasn't as obvious as it was because he's so used to it, dazai's able to mask it so well with a smile and his antics that one wouldn't even think he was going through such a thing.
everyone grieves at some point in their lives, dazai knows that, but he didn't expect you to be one of them.
[surname] [name], a distinguished member of the armed detective agency who joined the organization not long before nakajima atsushi.
dazai personally doesn't know much about you; in fact, he believes that none of them do, other than the fact that you joined in courtesy of president fukuzawa with a background that you're an ability user from a faraway city with a rather strange and exceptional gift known as chaos magic. 
his colleagues frequently praise you for being so kind and almost like a parental figure to the younger members, especially atsushi, kyouka, kenji, and the tanizaki siblings. those kids looked up to you a lot and sought your advice all the time, even though you were about the same age as dazai and kunikida and fukuzawa and ranpo were the oldest members.
you were always smiling, always putting others before you and very dedicated to your job which makes kunikida personally think you're the ideal member of the agency, even if you were quite terrifying when you had to fight using your chaos magic.
but today was different. 
your [color] eyes were cold, and you didn't have a genuine smile on your face. from the moment you walked into the office in the morning, it appeared forced, cracked, and almost broken. your fingers were twitching subconsciously as you sat down at your desk to go over your work for the day.
not only that, but you haven't been responding to dazai's flirtatious or silly remarks as you usually do.
everyone noticed the sudden change in your demeanor, but you dismissed it as insignificant, even though it was becoming increasingly obvious, at least to dazai and possibly ranpo.
everyone may also think it's insignificant, but if anyone in the agency is capable of seeing through such a mask, it's dazai.
he could tell by your eyes and expression alone. 
you excused yourself today in the middle of the day to go to cafe uzumaki, which was just downstairs, but dazai immediately perks up and insists on accompanying you, "i'll come with you, belladonna!~" he said happily.
"it's fine, dazai. you don't have to.. i want to go get some coffee alone," you said dismissively, waving your hand with your tone being kind and soft-spoken.
"don’t worry, i'll treat you with anything; think of it as a coffee date between you and me, my dearly beloved [nam—" his brown eyes widened when your tone of voice became harsher. 
"i said you don't have to, dazai!" 
at the resounding sound of your scream, red wisps dispelled from your body as you clenched your fists and brought them down across the air. immediately, your red psionics seized dazai and took hold of his collar and lifted him from the floor that he immediately halted from talking. your chaos magic had automatically protected you with it perceiving him as a threat.
everyone in the office was taken aback by your sudden outburst that everyone stood up, alerted by the immense presence of red psionic energy in the air.
"[n-name]?" dazai gasped for air, his eyes widening in surprise as your red psionics was beginning to asphyxiate his neck–your ability working against his no longer human ability. 
realizing what you did, you looked at your hands in horror. you immediately dispersed the red psionics holding dazai in the air by the collar in a frantic, the red glow in your eyes fading as well, and placed him down. "no! stop, i'm sorry!" 
everyone appeared to be conflicted about the situation. yes, it was unintentional, but you were so dangerous. emotional too. it was also something they had never seen before. you were always calm and collected, not until now. 
"[name], are you okay?" kunikida asked, slowly lifting a hand towards you. you can see the uncertainty in his eyes, the glint in his eyes. you hated that look you were getting from them.
atsushi and kunikida approached you cautiously as dazai stroked his neck and adjusted his collar, while the others looked at you with a conflicted expression. that hurt.
the way their eyes were filled with fear—in fear of you.
"don't take another step!" you cried out, raising both of your hands in the air, before your voice trailed off and hushed into a softer tone as you placed both of your hands to your chest, "i-i'm sorry. i just need some fresh air.. yes, that's right.. not coffee.."
"wait, [name]!" cried dazai, but it was already too late, you had already pushed the door open using your red psionics and fled.
you didn't dare to look back as you ran away, subconsciously activating your chaos magic, which increased your speed and allowed you to move in a fast forward like a video being put on sixteen times its speed. 
you had no idea where you were going, but you just needed to be alone, especially after that and what had happened today.
you found yourself running into yokohama's cemetery, which was filled with graves yet a sea of beautiful greenery. even though it appears to be overwhelming you, your subconscious seems to know where you should be as you have clearly not moved on.
dazai was quick to run after you despite kunikida’s protests of just letting you be. a part of him just couldn’t leave you alone, not after that little outburst of yours earlier.
he remembers it clearly, seeing the sadness and loneliness within those red glowing eyes of yours, as well as hearing how strained your voice was.
he was quick to find where you ran off given his natural ability to predict and deduce with such precision strategically. dazai’s eyes then widened to find you sitting against a familiar gravestone underneath a tree.
he knew that gravestone all too well.
how in the world did you find yourself over there? did you know who was buried there? or maybe, was it just a coincidence somehow? 
dazai shook his thoughts off and walked towards you slowly, not wanting to spook you out. he stared down at you for a brief moment as you hugged your legs to your knees with your face buried in your arms. 
"belladonna?" dazai’s voice was soft and hushed as he slowly knelt down to your height.
"leave me alone, dazai. i don’t want to hurt you like that again." you said, your voice somewhat muffled as you refused to lift your head from your arms to look at him.
dazai stared and blinked at you for a minute, before stifling a soft chuckle as he shifted into a comfortable position and sat down next to you instead of just kneeling.
he placed a hand on the back of your head and proceeded to pat your hair gently when you didn’t flinch or scoot away from his touch, "you can never hurt me, love. besides, i know you didn’t mean it."
you continued to stay silent, and eventually so did dazai. the two of you just sat there by the gravestone beneath the trees with the wind’s breeze running through you and him as the leaves of the trees rustled.
dazai just continued to pat your head until eventually his fingers began running through your hair. after some time, you finally lifted your head from your arms, but you simply stared at your shoes and avoided eye-contact with him.
"i had a twin." you began, which made dazai let out a rather surprised and baffled hum, taking note of the emphasis “had”. but even so, he simply remained quiet and nodded his head to signal you to continue talking.
you spoke as you gripped your arms, continuing to hug your legs to your knees, "a twin brother to be exact. he was an ability user too. his ability lets him run fast in the blink of an eye. fitting for his tenacious, playful, and loud behavior if you ask me," dazai smiles softly when your lips twitch into a small smile. 
but then, there goes that frown on your face again, quickly replacing the smile on your features, "but despite his superhuman speed, he still wasn’t able to run fast enough. he got caught in the crossfire while saving people back at our home together with me."
dazai took note of how your lips were trembling now and how your fingers were now twitching again in the same manner earlier back at the detective agency.
you closed your eyes shut, fighting back tears as you recalled the events of the past, of you and your twin brother exchanging banters, of being there for each other and fighting together until the very end, and finally the bittersweet ending wherein half of your soul got ripped from you.
"till this day, i can still remember it clearly. the feeling of my other half dying that all i could do that day was scream and cry my soul out as i saw nothing but red—just burning red," your voice strained once more as you shook your head, "or, i guess i should say today."
before tears filled the brim of your eyes and rolled down your face, your eyes widened as you felt a hand grab yours.
you turned to face dazai with a teary-eyed gaze as he intertwined his hand with yours with his other arm wrapping around you to pull you to him, putting the two of you in a much comfortable sitting position.
you bit your tongue, trying to hold back a cry, but he hushed you and pushed your head against his chest with him now enveloping you in his warm embrace and rubbing your arm. 
"shhh~ shh~" hushed dazai, "it’s okay. let it all out, my love. i'm right here."
you broke down into tears at the sincerity and comfort that dazai was providing and cried your heart out. he tucked your head under his chin as he reached for your face, gently wiping your tears away, hushing you once more as he rocked you back and forth.
it made his heart clench painfully to see you in such a state, but he knows you have to grieve and let those emotions out. 
"[name]?" dazai asked after a while, gently calling you and stroking your cheek as your tears trickled into soft and quiet sniffles. 
you lifted your head towards up, looking up at him with a teary-eyed gaze. dazai smiles ever so softly down at you, "there you are."
"i-i'm sorry.." you hiccuped, shaking your head as you looked down to avoid his gaze, "i didn't mean for you to see me like this."
"nonsense, it's okay. you don't have to hide from me, [name]," dazai said comfortingly, hushing you gently, now holding both sides of your face in his warm and much larger hands to make you look at him again while still caressing your cheek, "okay?"
you nodded your head, swallowing the lump that got caught in your throat when you cried.
dazai then brushed your hair behind your ear while his other hand continued to cup your face, "grief is such a complex thing, no?"
you batted your wet eyelids at him as you watched dazai's lips move and talk. 
"there are losses that rearrange the world and change the way you see everything, even when everyone else thinks nothing has changed," dazai continued as his eyes softened and he stared at the gravestone you two were at, "but, what is grief if not love persevering?"
dazai shook his head, softly chuckling before he pulled you in close to his embrace, gently placing your head on his shoulder, and you closed your eyes, saying nothing.
perhaps your arrival at this location wasn't purely coincidental. you initially thought it was just a peaceful location where you could separate yourself for a bit, having no idea who the lone gravestone was, but you already knew the answer thanks to your mind-reading ability and sensitivity to energies.
this could have been caused by your probability hex. perhaps it could have been a supernatural force too, such as your dead twin brother or whoever dazai was referring to earlier, but you like to believe it was fate.
you returned his embrace with one of yours, your free hand gliding across his back, a smile gracing your lips as you closed your eyes, breathing in the air softly, your heart and mind at ease in dazai's arms. 
"a gentle reminder that it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."
we grieve because we once loved, and that love is a reminder that will remain with us. 
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[ author's notes ! finally had the time and brain cell to write something after being busy because of our thesis defense and mock interview. sadly, i might continue to be inconsistent in terms of writing and posts as i still have one more defense at school, and final exams are coming up in like a week. hahahahaha so yeah, it is so not slay at all ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;) ..
ALSO, i hope ya'll enjoyed the reference to vision's words to wanda, as well as megan divine's quote on grief. i find it fitting for dazai osamu, and honestly speaking i didn't know what kind of flow of writing i was going for exactly because i haven't written in such a long while, so hopefully it's okay ! that's all, thank you for reading until the very end hahaha ]
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caroldantops · 2 years
nothing fucks with my baby || w.m.
this post contains multiverse of madness spoilers. 
ship: wanda maximoff x reader
warnings: dark themes (18+), yandere!wanda maximoff, gender neutral reader, forced ageplay, heavy mdlg dynamics, mommy!wanda, little!reader, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, codependence, lactation kink, implied violence/murder
(read part one here)
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After Westview was freed from Wanda’s grasp, you honestly felt…lost. 
You returned to your normal life as an agent, saw your friends again, had to answer a lot of question about what exactly happened in Westview that you didn’t have the answer to. 
Except you did. Wanda left you will all of the tender memories of her and you together. The way she held you, kissed you, fucked you. 
The others always commented about how horrible it was that she took you away like that, held all those people hostage as well. How they weren’t sure if they would ever be able to see her the same way again. You always stayed silent, and they took it as you not wanting to relive your time there so they backed off.
If only they knew.
Every night, you dream of what your life would have been like if Wanda hadn’t freed the town and you were allowed to stay with her. When you wake up, you’re always left with tears streaming down your face, nose stuffy from crying in your sleep. 
The only person who can comfort you is no where to be found. 
Until you get word that Stephen is looking for her. Something about her looking for a path into the multiverse. You know she’s after something, but you don’t know what. 
Stephen doesn’t let you go with him to find her, and you don’t know why. You can’t hear his reasoning behind the anger ringing in your ears. 
You remain in your little apartment, cold without the warmth of Wanda engulfing you. Your thumb slips into your mouth as it often does lately, craving your lips around anything else. 
You’re startled awake by someone grabbing you, and you try to scream on impulse, but you’re shushed by a familiar soft voice, and your tears are brushed away from your cheek by a corrupted looking fingertip.
“Mommy?” you choke out, easily slipping into the title even after not seeing her for months.
“Yes, baby,” Wanda kisses your forehead. “Mommy’s here.” 
She brings you to where she’s been staying, a mirage of a little cottage in the woods, the fields filled with apple blossoms that you already know you’ll enjoy helping her tend to. 
Wanda explains that she had to go into hiding after Westview, which you figured, but the question that keeps nagging at you finally erupts as she shows you around your new home. 
“Why didn’t you come back for me?” 
Wanda looks almost pained when you say that. 
“I wanted to. I wanted us to go back to the way we were. I’ve been trying to get into a universe where we were still together because...I didn’t think you’d come back to me in this one.” 
The Wanda in front of you isn’t the one you remember. She’s tired, paranoid, lost in herself. Her darkened fingertips show how desperately she’s been trying to return to you. Another you. It hurts, the idea of her being with you, but not really with you. But you understand. 
Wanda and you settle into a routine again. She managed to bring all of your belongings with her this time - even the little stuffed animal that she got you in Westview that you were shocked didn’t disappear along with the hex. 
Everything is going smoothly until Stephen returns again, saying he’s going to bring you back home. 
“They are home, Stephen,” Wanda snaps at him. “They want to be here. Isn’t that right, darling?” 
“I do,” you insist. 
They argue for a while longer, Stephen throwing around words like kidnapping and stockholm syndrome and you can only shrink into yourself as Wanda grows more and more angry with him. 
“Baby? Go inside the house for me, okay?” Wanda says over her shoulder. “Mommy’s got to talk to Stephen a little longer.” 
You obey, and try to cover your eyes as you see huge flashes of red and gold clashing outside the window. You clutch your stuffie to your chest, thumb slipping into your mouth as you try to drown out the yelling of more people from outside. 
Why couldn’t they just leave you alone? You were safe here with your Mommy. 
Sure, you missed your friends and family. It was harder when you remembered them - unlike you had in Westview. But Wanda promised once things calmed down you could see them again! 
Before you know it, the yelling and blasts have stopped. When Wanda walks in, the metallic smell of blood hits your senses and your body reacts viscerally, but Wanda is quick to eliminate the issue. She changes from her bloodied suit with a flash of magic and pulls you up to sit with her on the couch. 
“They’re not going to bother us anymore, baby,” she mumbles against your cheek. When she notices your thumb planted in your mouth, she shakes her head. “Nuh-uh. What have I told you?” 
“No thumbs,” you pout. Wanda laughs at your disappointment, relieved that you aren’t pushing her away after that little show. She tugs her shirt down and guides you to her nipple, sighing as you immediately latch on and start sucking. 
Wanda sighs as her full breasts get some relief, smiling down at you as you look up at her with sleepy eyes, her milk soothing you to sleep.
“My good baby.” 
After that, Wanda is even more paranoid than she already was. Although it seems like Stephen has given up on his rescue plan, she still refuses to let you contact anyone else to even let them know that you’re safe. 
“They won’t believe you. They’ll just come swooping in like Strange did. And what if they take you away this time? What will you do without your Mommy?” 
You agree, of course, your own autonomy having slipped away way back when Wanda originally took you in. 
Wanda keeps you safe. She keeps you loved. And she won’t let anyone get in her way. 
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starseneyes · 1 year
Chenford - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 5 - Ep 22
"Under Siege" AKA "Who in the Writer's Room Likes Horror?"
It's a bizarre day. If you love Chenford, then you need to know what's going on with the WGA - Writers Guild of America. They are striking for a fair wage and basic protections.
WGA members craft this ship and show we love so much, so please show solidarity for them as they fight for not only their future, but for future generations of writers.
SPOILER ALERT: If you want to remain spoiler free, I have no bloody clue why you're here. I can only assume a friend told you to check this out as a cruel joke. First off, dump that friend. Second, buckle up. It's about to get spoilery!
All good? Great! I can't wait to dive in.
Arrest Me... but make it SCARY
A bit of a different vibe for our opening tonight. No, this isn't Chenford-direct. But, it's important to know the vibe of this episode going in.
If any of you are Avengers: Infinity War fans, you might recall the Wanda / Vision relationship, and their whole sequence where they were ambushed. Originally, it was a lot longer, and had more of a horror movie vibe.
I loved that they went outside the box on that to play with genre throughout the movie.
I feel like The Rookie is playing with that a bit. It's been a while since my heart pounded during an episode.
In all honesty, it was probably Day of Death that last had me on the edge of my seat... and I watched that after I started Season 5 with near-canon Chenford.
Yes, I'm spoiled. Yes, I think OG Chenford fans deserve medals for their patience.
Speaking of which, your patience with me is likely wearing thin... let's get to the Chenford.
"Hey I heard it was Thornson."
Tim and Lucy show up together, and I'm having flashbacks to the two of them bailing out her UC buddy in the dead of night. These two know how to get moving when it matters.
Tim and Lucy immediately separate on their separate missions. That didn't work out too well for Celina and Aaron, but it looks like Chenford survive the night.
Look, I have a lot of ship trauma. "Leaf on the wind" anyone? Yeah, I've got ship trauma.
"A blood drive has been set up at the hospital. If you can do so, please volunteer at the end of shift."
I'm reminded of the fact that Tim Bradford regularly gives blood, so I'm heart-warmed that he's the one who gets to deliver the news to the team.
"Those are not store-bought Halloween masks."
It struck me immediately that Lucy is sitting front row like a Rookie.
Yes, I know that they are packed in there, so somebody has to sit up front... but it's Lucy, so it feels symbolic. As though she is sitting in the Rookie spot in Celina's honor.
"Hey. We heard the good news about Aaron. Unfortunately, none of our CIs have heard anything about a gang targeting the cops."
I know it's a little detail, but I love Tim and Lucy showing up together everywhere.
Of course, someone on Twitter called out the 4x01 parallel to them showing up at Wesley's together after I initially watched the episode. And they're so right. It's another parallel among many in this episode tonight!
"I hate to say it, but this is not gonna break tonight."
This one I spotted immediately the first time through—it's another night where he's sending everyone home because there's nothing more to be done... just like when they lost Jackson.
And I have to wonder if the intentionality of these parallels is to confirm or subvert expectation.
Like, are we supposed to see this similar sequence of events as an omen of doom? Or are we drawing these parallels with the intent of intensifying the torture before the cathartic release of Aaron's survival?
I guess we'll find out together in Season 6.
"I can't lose another."
Oh, Grey. Poor Grey. I guess I wasn't the only one having flashbacks.
Tim and Lucy Embrace
Tim knows Lucy is having that same flashback. There are too many similarities, too many things tying them all back to Jackson and the loss they all endured.
Angela about to give birth. Someone targeting them. An ambush and a shooting.
Yes, Aaron has a chance at making it. But the weight of this moment is not lost on this team who has suffered too much loss before.
Lucy and Tim step into the apartment, and they barely make it past the door before they're in one another's arms.
It's wordless. Tim motions to Lucy, and it reminds me of the hand motions when he offered to carry the War Bags after their last ride together.
Tim and Lucy no longer need a shorthand... they don't even need words.
He knows what she needs without her asking, and she knows what he's offering without a word spoken.
Back in Season 4 Episode 1, Tim asked what she needed. She asked for the hug. Now he knows what she needs in this moment as easily as he knows his own—some semblance of comfort in the horror of history repeating.
QUICK EDIT: Upon rewatch, I find I didn't imagine his "Come here" the first time (another call back), so technically he did use words... but they weren't needed.
Tim holds Lucy in his arms—so similar to their positioning in 4x01—but that's where the similarities end. Because Tim and Lucy of Season 4 no longer exist.
Everything has deepened between them since then. And while, yes, the hanky panky is fun... the trust is what they both need here.
They can't trust that everything will be okay. But they trust that with one another they are truly safe. And right now, they both need that comfort.
"It's okay," he whispers as he holds her, wishing it were true.
Tim kisses Lucy's forehead as he holds her, rubs her arms, and tries to offer some comfort as she leans against him, sobs overtaking her... like the first time he held her in Day of Death.
I know that we're going for the 4x01 parallels with how this is shot and staged, but I see the DOD ones, too. This is where they are safe when nowhere else feels safe.
Tim's hand cradles her head as he holds her. And much as this hurts like hell, this moment is important.
Tim and Lucy are one another's safe place. With each other, there are no pretenses or pretending, anymore. They no longer hide from one another or themselves.
They've embraced the beauty of who they are together, and while there will be many moments of joy... the sorrow is a part of the journey.
Tim and Lucy have had their share of it, true. But this is the first time they've traversed it as boyfriend and girlfriend. And the impact of enduring possibly losing another officer and friend to an ambush is too much.
Does being together make it easier? Hell, no. Is there a slight comfort in knowing you're not enduring it alone? Oh, yes.
"No we know. We ran your prints ... you don't get out of bed for less than 20K a day. Who hired you?"
Tim and Lucy are very good at what they do, and I love how they are supporting one another and building upon each other.
I miss them riding together, but we see what makes them great—they both think on their feet and they are sensational at the "yes, and".
I love getting to see the professional side still fires so beautifully between them. It's a feat I feared fumbled, but I'm freakin' psyched it fared fine.
Oh my goodness, that's way too much alliteration. But, I'm leaving it. It's ridiculous and it makes me smile!
The Trip Wire
Another commonality with Season 4 Episode 1. Gee wiz, we're going for lots of references with this one, and that leaves me curious about the intention... and whether there's a common thread that we're somehow missing that leads all the way back.
Or, I'm reading too much into it because I'm weird. I can roll with that, too.
Tim joins up with Lucy outside the house where she asks him for clarity that none of them have. What the hell is going on!?
"We should move on." "What? No."
Love that Lucy still stands up to Tim at work.
Look, even when he was her TO and then her supervisor, Lucy never shied away from speaking her mind. In this case, she sees something they're missing. And she's not going to let them miss out on an important piece of the puzzle.
"You think it's personal?" "I mean, look, if I was gonna go to the extreme of targeting police officers, why not take out some of my enemies along the way?"
And with that, Lucy BadAss Chen cracks the case. No, I don't know if that's her legal middle name. But it should be.
My brain immediately goes back to Tim accusing her of a social media obsession that happened to crack a case back during one of the Documentary episodes.
There's no skirting around this one—it was all Chen.
"I'll take Moran." "You're not going by yourself." "I'll go with her."
Alright, Fierce Protector. You do you.
"You should be out kicking doors with Metro." "I'm good." "I don't need you protecting me."
Well, damn, I thought it was just me! I thought I was gonna be the only one in this Meta calling out Tim in the Protector role, but I guess my on-screen bestie had to chime in, too.
Also, bringing back "Good" in this scene, which truly feels like their word, and I love it.
Tim will always have Lucy's back. He knows that she is capable and strong, but he's also her boyfriend and spent a lot of time as her TO and then Supervisor. Worrying about her was a part of his job, and now it's an ingrained part of his life.
He's not trying to undermine her independence or capability. He simply wants to be close because then he knows she is safe and doesn't have to hold his breath wondering.
"So, clearly what you're saying is you need me protecting you." "Clearly. You know me so well."
It was pinging my brain, and I couldn't figure out why until someone pulled out the DOD GIF on Twitter and I started slow-clapping like a sports movie.
Yes, of course! When Lucy woke up in the hospital to find Tim by her side... as he is, now.
I kept seeing DOD parallels in this episode, and I'm strangely comforted that others did, too.
Plus, a return of "Clearly", which has been another of Tim and Lucy's words. "Clearly, Ashley's gotta go." "Clearly this isn't working out."
"I'm happy it's you at my six." "Back at you."
Major "We protect each other" vibes, and I bloody approve. Look, we know that Tim is a Fierce Protector. But he also knows that his girlfriend is a kick-ass bad-ass.
Now, we enter into a fight scene that is a bloody masterpiece.
Yes, I wondered why they emptied their clips at the Riot Shields, but I'm not a cop, so I don't know if there's some logic behind it I don't possess. Other than that... this fucking rocked.
Like, literally. I couldn't have been the only Xennial rocking out when Janes Addiction started playing! Someone go hug the Music Supervisor, Music Coordinator, Screenwriter, Director, or whoever threw that track out there, because it's bloody brilliant.
Tim and Lucy are working together, talking it out as they go. And we see all that time they've put into building their communication is really on display, even in a bloody battle.
"We stand a chance, but only together."
Hell, yeah, Lucy! I've been saying that all season. No, not in terms of having the high ground (rest in pieces, Anikan Skywalker's limbs), but in terms of getting through this thing called life.
Tim and Lucy stand a chance of surviving as Chenford through end of show only if they work together.
And on-the-screen in this particular moment, the same holds true.
"Pull not push, copy that."
Love. Them. Look at Tim taking the word of his capable wife and putting it into practice.
Tim and Lucy are literally fighting for their lives, here, and they are fighting together. When one's on the brink of being overwhelmed, the other is there.
Lucy delivers a strike to free up Tim. He takes on several at once, and she goes for the shield. I was screaming, "Hell, yeah, baby girl!" like the big sister I am to my on-screen bestie because she was crushing.
Tim is the master of pepper spray, I swear. He's used it in many creative ways, but super smart to go straight for the eye-holes on the masks to try to penetrate.
Lucy's close to losing consciousness when Tim rips the guy off of her, repaying the earlier favor of her freeing him up. It's a literal give-and-take... in a fight for their lives. This is bloody brilliant.
Nolan finally makes it up there, and Tim helps Lucy through the door to the stairwell, literally shielding her with his body.
Once inside, Tim has his hand on one of his favorite places—Lucy's leg. But this isn't a sexy-time touch. This is the, "Thank God you're alive" touch. If they hadn't worked together, that could have ended very differently.
"I have Bradford and Chen secured upstairs."
Chen and Bradford, sir. It's Chenford. Not Braden.
"You should be on your way to the hospital." "We'll go after."
At least Tim is saying he'll go. Like, seriously, this guy is the king of avoiding medical attention. And too often when he's gone in, he did so knowing nobody was waiting for him on the other side.
Now, not only is he willingly going to go in with his girlfriend, he knows that they'll leave together. Look how far our boy has come.
A Glance
Our last moment of Tim and Lucy is just a glance... a subtle glance between the two of them where that wordless communication comes in.
They've always have this layer to their relationship—communicating without a word. But it's so much deeper, now.
And as we reflect on the end of a season, I have to say it's been incredible to witness their growth alongside y'all in real-time.
This season has been an absolute roller coaster, and my first with all y'all! I started with 5x01, had to catch up, and have loved this whole journey.
Thank you all for being so welcoming to a late-comer like me. And thank you for reading!
Remember, love one another. Give yourself grace. Don't worry about "perfect" because it doesn't bloody exist. Go after your dreams. Fuck Fear. And believe in yourself, always.
And if you're not ready to believe in yourself... know that I believe in you. And I'm always rooting for good things to come your way. You've got this.
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verosvault · 3 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 3 "Not All Who Wanda Are Lost"
Timestamp: 1:13:10
Video Length: 4min. & 5sec.
Fabian & Terpsichore Skullcleaver! (‣Pt.1 | Pt. 2)
Fabian meets the Bard Dance Teacher! 😆
Terpsichore: "Uh-oh, Uh-oh!, Uh-oh, Uh-oh! Uh-oh, Uh-oh! Oh no! A challenger approaches, hello! A challenger approaches! Give me your hands, give me your hands!"
Terpsichore: "Dance isn't in the future. It's always right now."
Terpsichore has mad positivity! 😆
I love it when Brennan explains the psychology of his NPCs. :3 I find it so interesting the way he describes them! :3 Just the way that Brennan speaks is amazing. 👌
Fabian changes tact! Instead of showing off FOR her! He's gonna show off WITH her! (I personally think that this is so much proof of Fabian's character growth! 😭)
Fabian: "I wanna Multiclass. I've been a fighter, but I know I'm a bard."
Terpsichore: "Baby Boy"
Fabian: "Yes"
Terpsichore: "Baby Boy. You already did. You already did."
Fabian starts crying! 😭😭 He's immediately found his place of belonging! 😭😭 His true calling! 😭😭
Fabian asks if everyone still thinks that he's cool! 🥺🥺
I LOVE how Terpsichore calls Fabian "Baby Boy"! 😭😭✋✋
Terpsichore: "The only way to get cool is to get hot, baby boy."
Fabian: "I love it here."
I love them already so much! Fabian really needs to be cared for and looked after! 😭✋ Especially since Cathilda isn't doing it and neither is his mom or Gilear! 😭✋
Terpsichore cares already so much about Fabian though! 🥺 It's so nice and heartwarming to watch! 🥺 He must be protected! 😭✋
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