#not bashing just an observation
sapphiretanto · 1 year
Okay, as much as I love the positive Rise x 2012 crossover comics/drawings and fanfics where Rise helps 2012 with their problems, there is no way the boys would start crying or talking about their physical and mental scars upon the first meeting. They wouldn’t be open for hugs (maybe Mikey, but that’s the only one I can see). 2012 went through the ringer and no amount of Dr. Feelings/Dr. Delicate Touch is gonna help that. Here’s what Rise would have to help 2012 work through both individually and altogether:
**Please look at the “Altogether” section before notifying me if I forgot one; Otherwise, I may have genuinely forgot… this was all from what I can remember
**This is NOT bashing the fics, art, Rottmnt.
Possessed/Controlled (Parasitica, Buried Secrets, China Town Ghost Story)
Burdened with being the leader/eldest/Sensei
Right knee is fucked
Dislocated shoulder and arms (both causes of his arms being Super Shredder)
Weakened heart from when he died in space and was resuscitated
Has fallen off multiple high points (elevator shafts, rooftops, fire escapes)
Hands are most likely damaged from holding onto the chains that were wrapped around Kraang prime
Was in a 3-month coma
Throat was ruined
Was bitten by Armaggon
Hit by a blast meant to take out Hiidrala (The Cosmic Ocean)
Deal with having slain Shredder
Was thrown through a second story window
Cracked shell
Training/Battle injuries: hits on the head, kicks to the plastron or carapace, thrown into buildings or debris, pressure pointed
Under way too much pressure
Almost cut up by swords (Fourfold Trap)
Struggles with perfectionism; he’ll often feel at fault or like he failed for things out of his control (i.e. when Karai fell into the mutagen)
Frustrated as he doesn’t always get a lot of respect (particularly in the earlier seasons)
Took some bad advice from Splinter to heart— most of the time it added to the burden he carried as the leader
Betrayed by Karai
Possessed/Controlled (Parasitica, brain worm, vampire, Chinatown Ghost Story)
Has watched those he cared about fallen from high places (Spike/Slash, Splinter, Zog, Leo)
Had to deal with his phobia (Cockroach Terminator, Insecta Trifecta)
Switched bodies
Lightning bolt plastron crack
Captured (and tortured - Clash of the Mutanimals, Within the Woods)
Betrayed by his girlfriend
Nearly cooked to death (Fourfold Trap)
Swallowed squirrelanoids
Lost Spike to mutation
Nearly had to give away Chompy
Fell from various high heights (ravines)
Anger issues
Felt unfavored compared to Leo
Training/Battle injuries: hits on the head, kicks to the plastron or carapace, thrown into buildings or debris, pressure pointed
Watched Splinter be thrown into a sewer drain and nearly drown
Watched Spike/Slash, Zog, and Splinter fall off/be thrown off the rooftops
Possessed/controlled (Parasitica, Buried Secrets, a car)
Nearly cut up by Vizioso’s goons
Watched Splinter be thrown into a sewer drain and nearly drown
Lost metalhead
Under too much pressure
Burdened by being the only tech/science guy
Struggles sometimes with the fact that he’s a mutant
Struggles with his weapon— not handling, but that it is very simplistic compared to some of the more high tech things they deal with
Has his experiments ruined or messed with
Became mindless
Training/Battle injuries: hits on the head, kicks to the plastron or carapace, thrown into buildings or debris, pressure pointed
Has to change his jargon so his family can understand what he’s saying
Tortured by Triceratons
Frustrated as he’s not always taken seriously
Mind invaded by neutrinos
Possessed/Contolled (Chinatown Ghost Story, Buried Secrets)
Struggles sometimes with accepting that he’s a mutant (earlier seasons— wanted various human friends besides April and Casey)
Swallowed by Mega Shredder
Burned his ass on a geyser (Eyes of the Chimera)
Betrayed by Bradford
Watched Splinter be thrown into a sewer drain and nearly drown
Training/Battle injuries: hits on the head (is hit a lot more than the others on the head in combat), kicks to the plastron or carapace, thrown into buildings or debris, pressure pointed
Was alone in Dimension X for an unknown amount of time
Nearly drowned (Invasion of the Squirrelanoids)
Knowingly/unknowingly and sometimes unwillingly made the bait or drew the short straw
Separated from Leatherhead
Saw Master Splinter die (twice)
Watched their dad fall into the abyss (The Super Shredder/Darkest Plight)
Saw their world be destroyed
Survived multiple invasions (Kraang, Triceratons, Kavaxas, Dregg)
Saw their sister fall into mutagen
Fought various horrifying/disgusting mutants (Mom Thing, Squirrelanoids, The Creep, Parasitica, Dregg’s bugs, mutated cockroach, Snakeweed, Muckman, Rat King, mutated fungi, Don Vizioso, April clones/April Derp etc)
Witnessed each other’s deaths: Raph drained of mutagen in Within the Woods; Donnie - reduced to molecules in The Power Inside Her; Leo - died in space in Earth’s Last Stand; Mikey - vaporized by K’Vathrak/The Newtralizer in When Worlds Collide
Witnessed various other deaths: Bradford/Rahzar/Dog Pound, Tang Shen, Hattori Tatsu
Have had their minds taken over
Poisoned by Karai
Nearly froze to death (Moons of Thalos 3)
Inhaled hallucinogenic toxins
Survived various explosions
Survivor’s guilt
Have been fighting in multiple rigged or burning buildings
Almost burned up entering the atmosphere (Battle for New York)
Had a “nightmare”— courtesy of Jei—where they were the last ones standing after their brothers had been killed
Witnessed the undead (Shredder, Rahzar, various spirits)
Possessed/controlled by Jei; dream beavers
Dimensional and Time travel
Had to fight each other or their friends unwillingly
Went no contact with April after having a hand in accidentally mutating her dad
Severe injuries from various opponents (Slash, Tiger Claw, Newtralizer, Super Shredder, footbots/chrome domes)
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firehose118 · 1 month
outsider perspective for @bucktommypositivityweek
Even with everything else going on, Bobby notices that Buck is particularly restless in the weeks after the cruise disaster. He figures it’s nerves about Chimney and Maddie’s wedding or the bachelor party. He doesn’t pay much attention to it. 
Buck’s restlessness hits an all-time high around the time Eddie is out with a sprained ankle. Bobby attributes it to the absence of his partner and doesn’t think much of it. 
And then, only two weeks before the wedding—just when Buck should be getting even more stressed out—Buck gets very calm. Maybe more calm than Bobby has ever seen him. And he stays that way.
Something changes for him between one shift and the next, but he doesn’t talk about it; just walks around the firehouse with a small smile on his lips and a spring in his step. For the first time, Bobby thinks Buck looks at ease with himself.
Bobby waits patiently to find out why. 
He officiates the hospital wedding with tears in his eyes. He’s proud of Chimney, happy for Maddie, and he’s still sensitive from the fresh wave of appreciation for Athena and their life together he’s felt since they almost died on their honeymoon. 
When he sees Buck lead Tommy into the hospital room by the hand—his face covered in soot that’s clearly transferred from Tommy’s, smiling wide and goofy, bouncing his way towards his sister and the cake with a lightness Bobby hasn’t seen from him in a long time—Bobby instantly understands this is it. This is what finally allowed Buck to feel at ease. The tears are back in his eyes. 
“Did you know about this?” Athena asks Bobby quietly. 
They’re watching Tommy try to figure out how to greet Maddie without getting any soot on her beautiful dress. He ends up awkwardly kissing her hand, which makes her laugh in delight. Buck can barely contain his excitement at the two of them getting along. He looks like he should be wagging a tail. 
“No, I didn’t have a clue,” Bobby answers honestly. “But it explains a lot.” 
Bobby can’t say that he didn’t see this coming for Buck. They’ve been out on too many calls where Buck has tripped over himself in front of hot men for this to be a surprise. True, Bobby didn’t foresee Tommy being Buck’s first relationship with a man, but he’s glad he is. Tommy is a good guy. Bobby might not know him well, but he knows that much. For Buck to finally settle into this part of himself with Tommy by his side fills Bobby with joy for both of them. Tommy will treat Buck well, and will be treated well in return. 
Bobby watches as Tommy wets a paper napkin with condensation from his drink and tries to clean what is obviously the soot of his kisses off of Buck’s mouth. Bobby sees the soft, smitten way Tommy smiles at Buck—like it’s a privilege to do this; like Buck is something to be treasured. Bobby sees the way Buck smiles so hard at the simple intimacy that Tommy has trouble reaching inside his dimples. Bobby has never seen Buck smile quite like this. There’s nothing inappropriate about it, but Bobby almost feels like he shouldn’t be seeing it. It’s so nakedly tender that it feels like it should be private. 
Tommy finishes cleaning the soot off as best he can and gives Buck a gentle kiss. Buck laughs gleefully when Tommy grimaces and wipes where his lips just were again. They’re too far away for Bobby to hear, but he sees Buck say, I don’t care, and lean in for another quick kiss. The corners of Tommy’s lips turn up. He doesn’t try to wipe the soot off this time. 
It’s so early, but Bobby can already tell that this is the kind of love that Buck has been waiting for; the kind he deserves. There’s a maturity under the flirtation—a steadiness—that Bobby can feel from across the room. It’s early, but it isn’t casual. Buck doesn’t love by halves, and Tommy is already all in. He wouldn’t have shown up to a hospital wedding in ash-covered turnouts if Buck wasn’t special to him. 
The last Bobby knew, Tommy didn’t do relationships. That was a long time ago. When they worked together at the 118, Bobby could always tell that Tommy was holding parts of himself back. He’d talked about being intentionally single almost convincingly, but sometimes Bobby had seen a bit of panic under it. Sometimes a wistfulness; a longing he’d shove down with a careful dismissiveness. Bobby had taken notice, but he hadn’t locked into where it came from at the time. Maybe if Bobby had spent more time with Tommy before he transferred—if Bobby hadn’t been drowning in his own demons at the time—he would have understood this thing inside of Tommy a little better. But he understands it now: under the jaded matter-of-factness and from inside the closet, Tommy had been bursting at the seams to love and be loved. He just didn’t know how to let himself have it. 
Buck had the same need inside of him: he’d worn that love me love me love me desperation on his sleeve for years. Tommy is the first of Buck’s partners to meet him on this level, as far as Bobby has been able to tell. 
As Buck and Tommy make their way excitedly between groups holding hands, Bobby can see how that gnawing need has dissipated in both of them. They both look relaxed and happy, even after everything they’ve both been through in the last 24 hours. They have each other now. 
Bobby is proud of them both. 
Buck and Tommy are two of the first to leave. Tommy started with high energy—still running on the adrenaline of firefighting and the anxiety of trying to make it to the wedding on time—but he fades fast. After an hour, he’s half asleep on his feet, leaning hard into Buck’s side while they talk to Eddie and Chris, his hand tight on Buck’s hip to keep himself upright. Buck whispers something into his ear and he nods. Buck drops a soft kiss to his cheek. It’s almost shy, the way he does it; almost disbelieving, like he’s still coming to terms with the idea that he can do this now. Bobby can see the joy that bubbles up in Buck when Tommy nuzzles into it. He gets more soot on Buck’s face. 
Buck leads Tommy over to a chair in the corner and parks him there while he does his rounds of goodbyes. Smart, Bobby thinks. Goodbyes at their group gatherings take upwards of half an hour. Tommy is asleep within seconds of sitting down. 
Bobby watches as Buck gets lots of gentle teasing, lots of hugs, and even a firm handshake from his father. Buck blinks hard like he wasn’t expecting such a clear show of approval, small as it may seem. The Buckley parents aren’t ones for affection, even when they’re trying to be supportive. Buck takes his father’s hand like the olive branch Bobby knows it is. 
Bobby has no such reservations. Buck starts walking towards him and Athena looking more nervous than he did when he walked up to his parents, and Bobby pulls him into a solid hug before he can even say anything. Bobby doesn’t let him go for a long moment. 
“I’m so proud of you, kid,” he says, trying not to cry again. 
Buck has come such a long way from the lost, desperate person he was seven years ago. He’s not casting about in the dark looking for something, anything to tether himself to. He’s grown and matured on his own, and finally he found a partner who wants to meet him where he is. A partner who shows up for him. 
“Thank you, Bobby.” Buck clings a little and sounds on the verge of tears himself. 
Athena makes Buck promise to bring Tommy to the next cookout. Buck blushes and ducks his head as he agrees. Bobby remembers how happy Tommy was to have family dinners, back when Bobby first instituted them. He gets the sense that Tommy didn’t have too many of those growing up. He can’t wait to see Tommy’s face at a family cookout. Bobby might even let him have a turn on the grill. 
Buck wakes Tommy up with a gentle hand on his cheek. Tommy stirs, pressing into Buck’s hand before he’s even fully awake. Bobby watches as Tommy remembers where he is, as he looks up at Buck and gives him an eye-crinkling smile; somewhat refreshed from his nap and happy to have Buck near him again. He nods at whatever Buck says to him and lets Buck pull him to his feet. 
They throw a last goodbye to the general group as they leave the room hand-in-hand. Buck has never looked more settled in his own skin; more like himself. Neither has Tommy. They both look like they’ve found what they’ve been looking for their whole lives. 
Bobby’s not sure he believes in soulmates, but they make a pretty compelling argument. 
“I give it six months,” Athena says. 
“You don’t think they’ll last?” Bobby asks, surprised. “Haven’t you seen them tonight?” 
“Six months until they’re engaged,” Athena clarifies with a teasing smile. 
“Ah,” Bobby smiles. “I don’t know. Buck might not rush this one.” 
“It’s not a rush if you know it’s right,” Athena says. She gives Bobby a significant look. 
“I can’t argue with that.” Bobby leans down to kiss Athena. Every kiss still thrills him like it’s the first time. “Let’s just hope their honeymoon goes a little better than ours.” 
Athena hums. “We’ll keep them far away from any boats.” 
They watch Buck wrap his arm around Tommy’s waist while they walk down the hospital hallway. Tommy leans into him and presses a kiss to his temple. 
It’s so early. This could just be the honeymoon phase. It could just be the two of them finding something that feels good after so many relationships that felt wrong, for one reason or another. It could be explained away a million different ways. But Bobby has a feeling in his gut that this is it for both of them.
Bobby may not have foreseen Tommy being Buck's first relationship with a man, but he does foresee Tommy being Buck's last relationship. If Maddie had thrown her bouquet, Buck would have caught it without even trying. They’re next, Bobby knows. And it’s going to work out. 
They’re good for each other.
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deuteragonist1 · 4 months
Coriolanus: *walks by*
Billy Taupe: What an ass.
Sejanus, staring at Coriolanus' ass: I know right.
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cantstopcreation · 2 years
i have. Thoughts. about the whole tumblr sexyman poll rn
especially cecil vs reigen
see, during the twitter polls, the whole deal with reigen was that he had previously won a bunch of other polls he wasn't qualified for. that's kinda his whole thing, canonically. doing something he's not qualified for. that's why it was Funny, and people wanted to commit to the bit, even in a category he would be decently qualified for (i.e. twitters Tumblr Sexyman poll)
that's why the reigen vs sans showdown was so intense, for lack of a better word
we don't have that buildup for tumblrs sexyman poll
we have people who remember the twitter polls and want to continue the bit, and we have people who actually find reigen to be a better sexyman than cecil im sure
but. cecil is one of THE original tumblr sexymen, one of the og "lets draw this character as a blond twink" sexyman the same way wheatley and bill cipher was. he's loved by this hellsite, and wtnv had had a bigger impact on us than mp100 could reasonably have at this point
the twitter polls could never get an accurate tumblr sexyman result, cause that one was voted on by twitter users, an audience who will never have the same view on tumblr sexymen as we do here. they can only get an approximation of the concept, but it will never be truly genuine. it's like looking at the concept of a tumblr sexyman through a frost covered window and thinking you know exactly how the other side looks
idk. it's like 1 am rn. i just think reigen got as far as he did in the twitter poll because of the buildup he had, but doesnt gain the same benefit here on tumblr, especially not one of THE tumblr sexymen
whatever. cecilsweep ig
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azurecanary · 5 months
Sam Nightingale 🤝 Saccharina Frostwhip
Haters putting all their posts in the character tags
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radioactivepeasant · 7 months
Snippets: Free Day Thursday- Viper
Following the prompt from the poll: Haven finds out Jak isn't there for them. We pick up right after the boys fight Veger's robot in the mines and come up at the edge of New Haven.
"This place looks as bad as my old bedroom back home," Daxter scoffed. His keen eyes darted this way and that, looking for any sign of their fugitive.
"Jak! Over here!"
Jak tensed at Samos’s voice. He didn't sound surprised to see them. Onin might have warned him he was coming. Onin...she would be a problem if not dealt with. He'd have to consult with Damas about her.
When Samos called him again, sounding less sure of himself, Jak realized he hadn't reacted at all. Samos doubtless expected him to leap to attend him, as he had been thoroughly trained to do.
Did he want to blow his cover?
Hm. No. Not yet.
Jak turned on his heel and for a moment his heart leaped.
Samos was forgotten as he rushed towards a shimmering wall that divided the waterfront from New Haven. A force field? Since when did Haven have force fields?! Jak made a note of it. Damas wanted reports; he was a captain now. He had power. That meant he needed to do things right.
"Jak!" Keira's entire face lit up. "I told you, Daddy. I told you I could feel his energy!"
She slapped her hand against the force field, ignoring the sting.
"You're alive-! Jak, I'm so sorry! I- I tried to get into the trial, they wouldn't let me in the building-! Or, or Tess, or Sig! They arrested us when we tried, didn't let us go until they'd taken you away!"
A warm glow spread through Jak's chest. Someone had fought for him. Keira had fought for him! And Tess, and Sig! In a city of vipers, he still had true friends.
Jak placed his own hand on the energy field, feeling the dull burn of its eco as he spread out his fingers over Keira's.
"Thank you," he whispered. "I don't blame you three. Not for any of it. Not for anything. I...I missed you."
Keira sniffled. "I missed you, too," she croaked, "What's it like out there? They say it's...it's nothing! That there's no way to survive! But you look-"
She cut herself off and blushed.
"What's really out there?"
Jak looked up at Daxter and smiled. Daxter nodded back. He didn't know what Jak was going to say, exactly. He'd never been a talker -- he'd really really never been a talker -- but Daxter had seen how proud of their new home Jak got. He couldn't help wanting to know what the big lug would say. Would he talk about the beach he loved so much? About Damas?
To his surprise, Jak only stared earnestly at Keira and whispered back, "Freedom."
Keira closed her eyes. "Freedom," she sighed. "I...thought I had that. Not so sure, now."
"That's why I came back."
Jak took a more guarded posture, casting his eyes about.
"I can help you. But I need your help, too."
Daxter opened the little communicator they'd stolen from the dead metalheads and retrofitted into a small holoprojector. The face of Thrax rotated above the plate, tattooed and scowling.
"You seen this guy?" he asked, waving the holo, "Name's Thrax. Real disreputable character."
Samos blinked at them in shock. "Jak, please, there isn't time! The passages under the palace, they must be terribly important!"
Jak spoke over him, raising his voice slightly. "He's a fugitive from justice. Wanted for treason. I'm under orders to bring him back, dead or alive."
"Under orders?"
Keira's face twisted with concern.
"Whose orders? Ashelin's?"
Daxter scoffed and slid down to sit more comfortably on Jak’s shoulder.
"As if! We have new friends. And they respect us! Heck, they actually like us!"
"And we respect them," Jak added, "So people trying to murder the man who saved my life don't get to walk away. Not from me."
Keira's jaw was tight. They both knew how she felt about him killing hu'men. One day, maybe she would let herself understand that it was no different from the enthralled Lurkers her father had sent Jak to kill when he was far, far too young to have blood on his hands. One day she would have to turn around and face that truth head-on. But Jak was beginning to understand at last that as long as Samos kept her within reach, it would be hard for her to slip the blinders off. It had taken exile for him to be free of his.
"I'll...I'll keep an eye out, and let you know if I see anyone like that." Keira swallowed hard. "It's been...I've been trying to get Veger's shield walls down. He cut Torn off from the city council hall, trapped him down on the waterfront. I think it's-"
Her voice trailed off, then, almost too quietly to hear,
"It's like...divide and conquer."
Anger hissed between Jak's teeth. "Of course it was Veger. He's had his hand in everything, hasn't he?"
He slammed his fist into the force field.
"He's the one who blew up the palace! Five hundred people dead, and for what?! So he could get to some catacombs underneath?!"
"And," Daxter said grimly, "so he could get the guy descended from the last ruler out of here. That guy is high on delusions of grandeur. Real heroes throw him off his groove."
"Catacombs?" Samos broke in, finally seeing a gap in the conversation that he could wedge himself into, "There must be something important down there for him to go to such lengths! Well, you're just going to have to find whatever it is before he does!"
"Oh I am, am I?" Jak asked.
Somehow Samos failed to hear the edge of danger in the boy's voice. He prattled on, patronizing as ever.
"Now, first you'll need to find another way into this section of the city. Take the sewers into the Port, then find a way north to reach us."
When the boys stayed still, looking at him through half-lidded eyes, it finally seemed to occur to the old man that he couldn't just give orders and expect them to be followed blindly anymore. With a touch of chagrin, he added, "And Jak...we're...sorry, for what happened. We should have stopped Veger."
"Yes." Jak turned his back. "You should have. Maybe you wouldn't have war on your doorstep if you'd acted."
"War?" Samos questioned, "With the metalheads?"
Daxter rolled his eyes. "Stumpy-boy, metalheads are about to be the least of your worries."
Jak took a few steps back, eyeing the buildings around him. Then he nodded to himself, got a running start, and launched up the side of the nearest row house.
Winds bless the guy in the youth barracks who'd taken the time to teach him free-running.
In no time at all he was on the roof with only a slight straining in his muscles to show for it. The shield wall only extended about a storey above them. Fair enough, they'd just have to follow the roofs to a higher building and cross from there.
Daxter flipped his goggles down over his eyes and clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he scanned New Haven.
Pah. "New Haven". More like New Main Town. All he saw were the rich elite who had survived Veger dropping the palace on their high class district. Where were all the former inhabitants of the North Slum and Water Slum? Shoved into the ruined Main Town or crowded into the waterfront, he had no doubt.
"By the forges, I really hate this place," Jak whispered beside him.
"I don't blame ya, pal," said Daxter grimly. "Not even a little bit. C'mon, let's find Tess. If anyone knows how to find our guy, it's her."
Thrax could run. But there were only so many places he could hide.
Part Two planned for tomorrow
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Obviously DA:V being described as being about regret means we're going to be exploring Solas' regret, but given that standoff between them, I suspect Varric's regrets are going to be a similar driving force.
We're all joking that Anders is haunting the narrative, and that's partly correct. This isn't me declaring his actions either wrong or right, only that Varric feels some regret for how he handled that situation. He's also shouldering regrets for his brother, for Hawke, for their sibling either way, for the rest of Kirkwall.
For all of Thedas.
Not necessarily that he's directly responsible or even related to these events, but he was there, and he feels he didn't do enough to help those people. So for him, Solas must feel like a last-ditch effort, his attempt to get it right for once, to save someone important to him.
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valiantvillain · 1 year
Not gonna lie, I do kinda wish BG3 had allowed for fat bodies as an option during character creation. I get it, it's a big game, and maybe we as fans hyped it up so much that I heightened my expectations a little much, but idk I just wish games allowed for that kind of diversity of bodies for people that want to see themselves in their character. Especially since a good chunk of the classes hardly require you to be chiseled muscle to ruin some goblin's day.
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finexbright · 2 years
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I read that same fic earlier and I just straight up muted the person so their works don't show up for me anymore lmao
there was also another one like that posted yesterday because the person was mad at something qBad did a couple of days ago while not at all in his right mind and amnesiac, it was odd (not shitting on the person just confused and slightly concerned)
yeah there’s. a lot of misconceptions around qbad rn lmao. It’s one of the reasons Im so obnoxious about him, tbh, so that it’s not JUST the negativity that gets spread. He’s a really good target for the hate rn, because he has a smaller fanbase and his pvp playstyle + lore lead him to all that antagonizing during purgatory, and that gets vented out into fics.
It’s genuinely really interesting, the dichotomy that seems to exist between tumblr and twitter regarding him. Ive heard nothing but slander about bbh from twitter (again, he is not faking his illness, that is a lie), but he’s got a solid enough foothold on tumblr that ive seen more hate towards the fans that the cc, here. which makes sense, given how we take over the tag almost ever day when he logs on. genuine o7 to people who find that obnoxious but thats one of the reasons i overtag so much, for blocking purposes.
anyway i think all the bbh mischaracterization means that we just need to write about him more >:D please this is a call for more bbh centric fics from people who do not hate him/know a little bit about his lore. blease he’s such a fun pov to write i promise
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winter-tospring · 7 months
Give him every award
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barefootbaltimore · 6 months
Friendly neighborhood atheist here to say that I don't understand ex-religious people. I never had one of those so really most religions are functionally the same to me. They don't need to be different. They are different collections of beliefs held by other people. People then act on those beliefs in just a myriad of ways. That is how the concept of religion works from my perspective.
So what I don't get is when I see people who left a religion treating people who are still in that religion as if they are stupid. Maybe I have the benefit of being an outsider, I don't have religious trauma and I don't have first hand experience with any religion (maybe Christianity because I do live in the US and have been inside of a church for a wedding). I just don't understand how someone can look at the concept of religion, which is older than any religion anyone today is practicing for sure, and see all of the time and all of the people involved and go "My experience was bad so everyone's experience is bad, and if they say it's not they're brainwashed"
Idk maybe the entirety of the history of the world isn't just suffering. Maybe people keep making religions because there is something inherently pleasant about it and maybe being secular doesn't mean we are living more authentic lives than anybody else.
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greenerteacups · 1 year
I absolutely adore the way you write Harry and Ron as clever and snarky in their own ways (Harry's conversation with Snape was hilarious and clever in Norberta). All too often in Dramione fanfics they are shown as lesser than because writers want to make Draco and Hermione exceptional, but your D and H are incredibly interesting and smart on a level that still allows them to shine next to remarkably wonderful Harry, Ron and all the other fascinating characters you write
Thank you so much! This is a really touching compliment, because I share the same pet peeve. Something I was careful of when writing the fic was not to pitch Harry and Ron too OOC (as with all canon divergences, you increasingly can't help it, and I think it shows in Harry the most — I just have to steer him a bit harder than JKR does in order to develop him when I can't rely on his internal monologue). I think there are three major reasons that Harry and Ron get washed out in Dramione fics — the first being a simple plot mechanic to get Hermione alone and in a mental state where she would be open to a connection with Draco, which, admittedly, is pretty unlikely if Harry and Ron remain in the picture. By the time OOTP wraps, she and Draco are just so ensconced in their separate social circles that she seems to regard him as irrelevant in HBP, so obviously, if they're going to get together sometime in that timeframe or afterward, their social situations need to change. On the other hand, though, if a fanfiction is taken in some respects as a theoretical argument for how a ship could happen, I always thought Harry/Ron bashing was implicitly a sort of weak argument for D/H, because it requires Hermione to be totally iced out of her own friend group before she considers Draco as a friend or partner. Not to mention that you lose the opportunity to develop these rich auxiliary relationships (Hermione and Harry as unofficial siblings, Draco and Harry as foils, Draco and Ron as foils, Harry and Ron as platonic soulmates) that provide shape and contrast to Draco and Hermione's relationship. The books are a story about love and family! Different kinds of love! And deep platonic love, honestly, more than anything else!
The other side of the coin is that bashing sometimes happens as a natural consequence of having to Do Something About Ron. The need to retcon Hermione's crush and/or relationship and/or marriage with Ron to clear the stage for Draco means that a fanfic author has to just fiat some stuff from the books out of existence. And so you get Death Eater Ron, or Ron as a terrible boyfriend, or cheating, or just being cruel. Or dead! I've read a few where Ron just gets unceremoniously fridged, which is maybe a little better than character assassination, but also pretty sad for all rare us Dramione Ron Enjoyers. Like, I don't think that Ron and Hermione would work out, but I think that's because they share zero interests and tend to aggravate each other's insecurities, not because they don't care about each other, or God forbid, that Ron was secretly a shit person and a bad friend for seven years.
Then you have the final group, which is people who actually do dislike Ron for his behavior in the text. Everyone has that right, so I don't hate, and I can especially understand it if you read his arcs in Goblet of Fire and Deathly Hallows a certain way (I hate the first half of Deathly Hallows, actually, almost exclusively because of the dumb ass Ron's Vacation subplot). JKR doesn't do him any favors here, because she doesn't give him a real reconciliation with Harry or Hermione before he comes back in Deathly Hallows — all their fights sort of end with a shrug and a joke and a comment like, "wow, that sucked, let's not do that again," which is not unrealistic, if you're talking about teenagers, but also does not solve the problem that caused the fight, and we know that because it keeps happening in other books: someone steps on Ron's feelings, he lashes out, they get hurt, and instead of asking for sympathy or trusting his friends to mend his feelings if he explains them, he storms off to sulk. (This is a pattern that I imagine starting at the Burrow, when poor Arthur and Molly just wouldn't have had time to have proper sit-downs and debriefs whenever their kids fought, and so Ron's self-soothing method was to isolate — we see hints of this in Chapter 32-33, and again near the end of Chapter 38 — until he can pretend to get over it.) But going from just canon, it's not impossible to come up with a reading of Ron as this selfish jerk who gets jealous of his friends and screws them over when he gets mad at them. A lot of those people come to Dramione for the catharsis of watching Hermione find a bond with someone who just... doesn't do that, and I don't blame them at all. All the same, I hope Lionheart!Ron can offer an opportunity to experience the joys of Ron Enjoyment for a wider demographic.
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gregorovitch-adler · 7 months
Something I want to share (this work contains ships other than johnlock too, just a disclosure.) :
Title: The Theory of Multiple Ships in BBC Sherlock.
Rating: G
Words: 2294.
No Warnings.
A different way to look at the character of Sherlock Holmes in BBC Sherlock and various ships in this show.
(This is a meta, not a story.)
Check it out if you're interested! Thanks. :)
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cauldronofmorning · 1 year
I really feel like at this point, 12 and 13 are a lot more under appreciated than 9 is.
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applejongho · 2 years
this is the first semester in a while where both of my friends have significant others and I do not. and I guess it’s because ive never had a relationship like that before but it is interesting to watch the dynamics of a romantic relationship from an outside perspective. like my friends and I hang out decently often, and yet my friends could go hours upon hours spending time w their significant others, ie staying overnight at their house or following them to a class that they dont even have. I guess what im trying to say is, as someone that doesnt have a relationship like that nor do I want one, it is rly interesting and a bit strange to see it happen in real time
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