#and I swear if someone asks or says the word ‘abuse’ I will block your ass
sapphiretanto · 1 year
Okay, as much as I love the positive Rise x 2012 crossover comics/drawings and fanfics where Rise helps 2012 with their problems, there is no way the boys would start crying or talking about their physical and mental scars upon the first meeting. They wouldn’t be open for hugs (maybe Mikey, but that’s the only one I can see). 2012 went through the ringer and no amount of Dr. Feelings/Dr. Delicate Touch is gonna help that. Here’s what Rise would have to help 2012 work through both individually and altogether:
**Please look at the “Altogether” section before notifying me if I forgot one; Otherwise, I may have genuinely forgot… this was all from what I can remember
**This is NOT bashing the fics, art, Rottmnt.
Possessed/Controlled (Parasitica, Buried Secrets, China Town Ghost Story)
Burdened with being the leader/eldest/Sensei
Right knee is fucked
Dislocated shoulder and arms (both causes of his arms being Super Shredder)
Weakened heart from when he died in space and was resuscitated
Has fallen off multiple high points (elevator shafts, rooftops, fire escapes)
Hands are most likely damaged from holding onto the chains that were wrapped around Kraang prime
Was in a 3-month coma
Throat was ruined
Was bitten by Armaggon
Hit by a blast meant to take out Hiidrala (The Cosmic Ocean)
Deal with having slain Shredder
Was thrown through a second story window
Cracked shell
Training/Battle injuries: hits on the head, kicks to the plastron or carapace, thrown into buildings or debris, pressure pointed
Under way too much pressure
Almost cut up by swords (Fourfold Trap)
Struggles with perfectionism; he’ll often feel at fault or like he failed for things out of his control (i.e. when Karai fell into the mutagen)
Frustrated as he doesn’t always get a lot of respect (particularly in the earlier seasons)
Took some bad advice from Splinter to heart— most of the time it added to the burden he carried as the leader
Betrayed by Karai
Possessed/Controlled (Parasitica, brain worm, vampire, Chinatown Ghost Story)
Has watched those he cared about fallen from high places (Spike/Slash, Splinter, Zog, Leo)
Had to deal with his phobia (Cockroach Terminator, Insecta Trifecta)
Switched bodies
Lightning bolt plastron crack
Captured (and tortured - Clash of the Mutanimals, Within the Woods)
Betrayed by his girlfriend
Nearly cooked to death (Fourfold Trap)
Swallowed squirrelanoids
Lost Spike to mutation
Nearly had to give away Chompy
Fell from various high heights (ravines)
Anger issues
Felt unfavored compared to Leo
Training/Battle injuries: hits on the head, kicks to the plastron or carapace, thrown into buildings or debris, pressure pointed
Watched Splinter be thrown into a sewer drain and nearly drown
Watched Spike/Slash, Zog, and Splinter fall off/be thrown off the rooftops
Possessed/controlled (Parasitica, Buried Secrets, a car)
Nearly cut up by Vizioso’s goons
Watched Splinter be thrown into a sewer drain and nearly drown
Lost metalhead
Under too much pressure
Burdened by being the only tech/science guy
Struggles sometimes with the fact that he’s a mutant
Struggles with his weapon— not handling, but that it is very simplistic compared to some of the more high tech things they deal with
Has his experiments ruined or messed with
Became mindless
Training/Battle injuries: hits on the head, kicks to the plastron or carapace, thrown into buildings or debris, pressure pointed
Has to change his jargon so his family can understand what he’s saying
Tortured by Triceratons
Frustrated as he’s not always taken seriously
Mind invaded by neutrinos
Possessed/Contolled (Chinatown Ghost Story, Buried Secrets)
Struggles sometimes with accepting that he’s a mutant (earlier seasons— wanted various human friends besides April and Casey)
Swallowed by Mega Shredder
Burned his ass on a geyser (Eyes of the Chimera)
Betrayed by Bradford
Watched Splinter be thrown into a sewer drain and nearly drown
Training/Battle injuries: hits on the head (is hit a lot more than the others on the head in combat), kicks to the plastron or carapace, thrown into buildings or debris, pressure pointed
Was alone in Dimension X for an unknown amount of time
Nearly drowned (Invasion of the Squirrelanoids)
Knowingly/unknowingly and sometimes unwillingly made the bait or drew the short straw
Separated from Leatherhead
Saw Master Splinter die (twice)
Watched their dad fall into the abyss (The Super Shredder/Darkest Plight)
Saw their world be destroyed
Survived multiple invasions (Kraang, Triceratons, Kavaxas, Dregg)
Saw their sister fall into mutagen
Fought various horrifying/disgusting mutants (Mom Thing, Squirrelanoids, The Creep, Parasitica, Dregg’s bugs, mutated cockroach, Snakeweed, Muckman, Rat King, mutated fungi, Don Vizioso, April clones/April Derp etc)
Witnessed each other’s deaths: Raph drained of mutagen in Within the Woods; Donnie - reduced to molecules in The Power Inside Her; Leo - died in space in Earth’s Last Stand; Mikey - vaporized by K’Vathrak/The Newtralizer in When Worlds Collide
Witnessed various other deaths: Bradford/Rahzar/Dog Pound, Tang Shen, Hattori Tatsu
Have had their minds taken over
Poisoned by Karai
Nearly froze to death (Moons of Thalos 3)
Inhaled hallucinogenic toxins
Survived various explosions
Survivor’s guilt
Have been fighting in multiple rigged or burning buildings
Almost burned up entering the atmosphere (Battle for New York)
Had a “nightmare”— courtesy of Jei—where they were the last ones standing after their brothers had been killed
Witnessed the undead (Shredder, Rahzar, various spirits)
Possessed/controlled by Jei; dream beavers
Dimensional and Time travel
Had to fight each other or their friends unwillingly
Went no contact with April after having a hand in accidentally mutating her dad
Severe injuries from various opponents (Slash, Tiger Claw, Newtralizer, Super Shredder, footbots/chrome domes)
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xxkissesforchanniexx · 5 months
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Pairing: Felix x fem!reader (non-idol au) Genre: Fluff + Smut Word Count: 4.7k Warnings: mentions of domestic abuse (not by felix), manipulation(also not by felix), comfort, Chan is a fricking bodyguard (not literally), soft!dom lixie, gentle sex
A/N: I put the requests down for a moment, I'll get to them soon but I wanted to write something about Felix since i haven't yet TAGLIST APPS >.>
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You sat up in bed hugging yourself, covered in a cold sweat, traumatized. He's gone. You mutter to yourself, yet you still find yourself locking your bedroom door, you still find yourself calling Chan.
He sat with you until you calmed down, until Changbin came with food for you and gave you a bearhug.
Chan returned to the apartment he shared at 11am, Changbin trailed behind him tiredly.
"Is she ok?" Hyunjin asked, standing up from where he sat with Jeongin and Felix.
Chan nodded slowly, "Y/N was sleeping when we left."
"When that dick gets out of prison, I swear I'll kill him." Jeongin huffed.
Felix looked at his friends, "What?"
"It doesn't matter to you." Hyunjin said simply.
"You don't know her." Chan said, walking to his room.
Changbin sat on the couch. "She's not good with new people recently."
Felix nodded to himself, looking at his hands. Changbin stood and went to his room.
"Jeongin." Felix nudged his friend.
"Huh?" Jeongin looked up from his phone.
"What are they talking about?" Felix asked quietly.
Jeongin opened his mouth then closed it. He said softly, "It's not my place to say anything."
Felix hummed softly. "Who's Y/N?"
"Friend of Chan and Changbin."
You hummed softly to yourself as you dragged yourself out of your bed and into the hall, you went to the kitchen and opened a cabinet staring at the empty shelf.
"Great. No (fav snack).." You sighed, turning back to your bedroom and entering the connected bathroom. You tried to make yourself look semi-decent before pulling on your hoodie and sweatpants. You grabbed your wallet and left for the convenience store up the street. You entered and grabbed a small basket, heading to the snack isle and practically clearing the shelf of all of your favorite snack. You noticed a very interesting looking drink and settled on buying a 12 pack.
You set the stuff on the register and pulled out your card, scanning it on the machine. It buzzed loudly, your brows furrowed. "Wha-"
"Ma'am your card declined." The cashier said, taking the bag of your snacks to the other side of the counter and putting them under to return later.
You sucked in a sharp breath.
"I've got it." Someone said behind you.
You looked at a man with a gentle face and blonde hair, his eyes were big and brown and they sparkled when he smiled at you. He slid his card across the counter along with his stuff. He pushed his bleach blonde hair out of his eyes and hummed.
The cashier nodded adding the man's charge to your own before scanning the card and handing it back to the man, "Have a good day."
You took your snacks and headed for the door. You moved for the door about to leave, and the man held it open for you, walking with you as you exited the store.
"Thank you." You said plainly.
"No problem," He said, still walking with you.
You tensed. "Thank you really. You don't have to follow me around."
Felix sucked in a breath, "I-"
You huffed and walked past your apartment, deciding to just be safe before you circled around the block and came back to your apartment building. When you came back to your apartment you threw the snacks on the counter in the kitchen and grabbed one with a drink before returning to your bedroom sanctuary. You picked up your phone and scrolled through your contacts, you clicked Jisung's contact and put it on speaker.
it rang only twice before he answered.
"Y/nnie are you ok?" He asked the moment he answered, "I can come over-"
"Don't. I wanted to spill some tea about my day." You laughed.
He was quiet for a moment and then you could hear the smile on his face as he spoke, "What happened, girly?"
After a month, you mustered up enough energy to get in a cab and go to Chan's apartment alone. You saw the look of shock on Changbin's sleepy face when he opened the door to see you holding take out.
"Y/N?" Chan came out from his room, confused.
"Hey Binnie, Channie." You held up the food, "Hungry?"
A small smile came to Chan's face.
You were eating your food when Chan's phone started ringing.
He looked at it and answered after a moment, "Yongbokkie.... Come over? I have a guest right now... Ah... I mean... Okay. See ya."
Chan looked at you, "Friend of mine is coming over."
Changbin looked up from his food, "Chan-"
"It's fine." You hummed.
What you hadn't expected or been exactly happy about was that the friend Chan had allowed over was that Felix guy you'd met at the store.
He wore a black hoodie and sweatpants, his long blonde hair still falling in his face, except now you noticed, he had freckles.
"Oh-" he smiled at you. "We meet again."
You pursed your lips. "Hi."
"You know each other?" Chan looked confused.
"I helped her out a while ago." Felix said dismissively.
Chan nodded slightly. "Uh- What do you want to do now-"
You stood, "I should really go."
Chan sucked in a breath, "Y/N. You just got here-"
Felix looked at you, finally able to put a name to your face, he noticed the dark clouds behind your gaze and looked down.
"I'll come by another day Chan." You grabbed your jacket and left before he could stop you.
What were the odds that guy knew Chan.. That Felix guy who made you feel weird... who followed you so closely when you'd met him. Weirdo. You thought.
You were minding your business and your phone rang.
"Baby.. I need to talk to you sweet girl. I miss you.. "
You hung up and threw your phone. You stared around frantically. Suddenly your apartment felt so unsafe.
You locked your bedroom door and grabbed your phone from the floor, blocking the number. How did he get your number?
You called Changbin but it went straight to voicemail.
You looked out your window and called Chan.
It only rang once before someone answered. The voice wasn't Chan's.
"Hello?" Felix's voice came through and you burst into tears.
"He forgot his phone, he went out an hour ago- Are you crying- What's wrong?"
You hung up abruptly and called Changbin again.
An unknown number called your phone and you stared at it for a long moment.
You hesitantly answered and that voice again.
"Y/N. Come on. Y'know I wouldn't hurt you on purpose, it won't happen again. Tell me where you are, let's talk about it."
You bit your lip as you listened to Suhmin talk.
Chan's number called you again.
"Baby. Answer me, where are you right now?"
You stared at Chan's contact at the top of your screen... It wasn't Chan...
"Y/N! Don't make me ask again!"
You don't know why you did, but you hung up and answered Chan's number.
The deep voice that came from the other end comforted you..
"Y/N. Are you okay? Why were you crying?" Felix asked.
"4th floor, apartment 7, Dreamscape Flats, Straight Lane." You blurted, before muttering. "Please.."
Felix was quiet for a moment before saying, "I'm on the way."
When Felix got to your apartment and found the door unlocked, he was in full right to think something had happened. "Y/N!" He entered and looked around, your apartment was small and tidy.
Felix ran around looking for you before he heard your voice.
"I'm here."
He ran to the sound and tried to open the door, finding it locked. "Are you okay?"
You were standing in front of your door, "Yeah."
"What happened?"
"I-" You closed your mouth.
"You?" Felix leaned against the door.
"I'm scared." You said softly.
Felix didn't ask why. He just sat outside your door on the floor of your apartment. You didn't say anything either, and just sat there on the other side.
"It's okay." Felix said quietly, leaning his head against the door.
"What?" You asked.
"It's okay to be scared." Felix said, "I get scared too."
"It's not like that."
"Big fear? Haunting fear?" Felix sighed, "I fear hurting people, losing people. It keeps me up at night. I get it."
"Did Chan ever tell you the time he showed me how to play Uno?" he said after twenty minutes as if nothing was wrong.
"I didn't know how to play then, so when I had a draw two obviously i had to back it up with a draw four card."
You turned to listen better.
"So I was all like 'Pick two more.' and Channie said, 'Pick up four." and AHH.. I used my draw four. And Chan had a draw 4 as well. He was like 'Pick up... 12!' OHH I hated Uno for a good minute and a half." He laughed lightly.
You giggled.
Felix smiled as he heard your laugh.
The door to your apartment opened and Chan and Changbin stood in the doorway.
"Yongbokkie?" Chan looked confusedly at Felix.
The blonde man stood and knocked your bedroom door. "Chan and Changbin are here. I'm leaving."
You unlocked your door and smiled, "Thank you for coming.."
Felix smiled at you, "Anytime."
Chan and Changbin looked at each other with even more confused looks.
You looked at your friends. "Where were you guys?"
When you came around Chan's apartment, more often then not Felix was there. You learned several things about him then, Felix made amazing brownies, he was a living ray of sunshine, and he could imitate a mosquito, much to your annoyance.
Felix was in your apartment, buzzing to annoy you... just because...
"If you don't stop buzzing I'll swat you like a mosquito." You said, eyes narrowing.
Felix laughed and smiled. "I think that would hurt a lot, and I would not like it."
You rolled your eyes and slapped his hand gently.
He fell over faking death.
Your doorbell rang and Felix looked at you.
"I'm not expecting anyone else." You stood and went to open the door but something deep down told you no...
Your hand froze at the knob.
"Y/N." Suhmin's voice came through the door. "Who is that with you?"
You sucked in a breathe and stumbled back, "No-"
Felix moved to your side, "Who's there?"
You looked at his face, it held an expression you hadn't seen on him before, and one you hoped to never cause.
"I should ask you that." Suhmin's voice came again, "Why are you in my girlfriend's apartment?"
You shook your head, opened your mouth but no words came out.
Felix hesitantly touched your shoulder, You flinched in fear, eyes wide.
Felix smiled at you gently, "Get back."
And before you could stop him he opened the door. Kang Suhmin stood there glaring at Felix.
"Talk to me." Felix smiled.
Suhmin pushed past Felix and bull charged for you, shouting, "I get arrested and you start dragging other men into your place?!"
You flinched as he screamed at you.
"Huh? Answer m-" Suhmin was cut off as Felix grabbed the back of his collar and pulled him away from you, shoving him.
"Y'know I hate to be some to accuse others. But I think you're an abuser."
"You pretty faced punk." Suhmin raised his hand to hit Felix who just stood there, waiting.
Suhmin jumped in fear.
Chan stood at the end of the hall of your apartment floor. "What do you think you're doing?!"
You collapsed to your knees and started hyperventilating.
Felix ran to you and shook you a bit. "Breathe."
Suhmin ran off as Chan ran down the hall.
"I shouldn't have- He's going t-"
"Nothing." Felix said. "He won't touch you..."
You looked at Felix for a long time.
He smiled gently, "Not while I'm here."
"I don't like going out.." You muttered.
Felix mad a face. "You have to try, plus the place I want to take you isn't crowded."
You reluctantly agreed to go. Felix hadn't lied, the park he'd taken you was almost empty, he led you to a big tree on a hill from there you could see everything in the park.
"I wanted to bring you because the sunset is beautiful here." Felix smiled, eyes scanning the park, "And because the ice cream here is good."
You laughed as Felix led you down the hill to the ice cream vendor.
Felix got strawberry and you got (flavor), you wondered around the park a bit, looking at the little ducks in the pond. Felix led you back up the hill as the sun set, you marveled at the pretty oranges and purples.
Felix smiled at you, taking in the beautiful astonished look on your face. "The stars look amazing from here too."
You looked at Felix, "How did you find out about this?"
"Chan and I used to explore a lot.." His eyes met yours, "Thought you'd like it."
"I do.." You looked up at the sky as the stars became visible. "Someone told me a while ago, the stars that shine the brightest are people who let go of fear. I wish I could be a star like them, fear nothing."
Felix watched tHe way you gripped the grass. He hesitantly put his hand on yours. "What exactly are you afraid of.."
You looked at him, "Hurting."
It was half past midnight, Felix was half asleep when you called him. He fumbled to answer and sat up, "What's wrong.."
"Can you come over.."
Felix looked at the time, "gimme 20 minutes."
Felix knocked on your door before his phone buzzed. He looked at the text you'd sent, "The key is under the mat."
He smiled slightly and unlocked the door, slipping the key back under the mat before entering and closing the door behind him. He walked around and came to your bedroom door, "Y/N..?"
"Come in."
Felix opened the door and saw you sitting there, in sweat pants and a big t-shirt. "Are you okay?" He asked softly.
You didn't answer for a long second before, you patted the bed beside you.
He sat beside you, looking at you.
"I... I had a nightmare." You whispered.
"About?" He tilted his head.
You hugged your pillow. "I- He-"
Felix smiled gently and wrapped his arms around you. "The guy who came here a while ago?"
You nodded, head resting against his chest, listening to the deep vibration of his voice.
Felix squeezed your shoulder gently. "He can't do anything to you. I won't let him." He rubbed your shoulder gently and after a moment you said quietly.
"It was 3 years ago, Suhmin and I were dating and he used to hurt me."
Felix didn't say anything.
"He never hit me, just... even if I didn't want to do it, he'd make me. And it would hurt."
Felix squeezed you and whispered, "And you stayed..?"
"Where was I supposed to go? He cut me off from everyone... he made me think it was normal." You went quiet.
Felix looked at you. "You don't have to say..."
"I told Chan. I hadn't seen him or any of the guys in months... And my friend Jisung confronted him. Suhmin attacked him."
Felix exhaled slowly.
"And Chan beat the crap out of him for it, and got him arrested. When he came the other day, I was so confused..."
"If he comes again, he's not getting far, I might beat the idea of a restraining order into him." Felix said quietly.
You looked up at him. "Stay."
Felix sucked in a breath.
Jisung bounced with Chan to your apartment, Chan unlocked the door and his brows furrowed, it was very, very quiet.
Chan opened the door to your bedroom and blinked in shock for a moment before smiling slightly.
JIsung was about to gasp loudly, but Chan covered his mouth and shook his head.
You were dead asleep, snuggled close to Felix who held you against him.
Slowly Chan closed the door and smiled at Jisung. "I guess we should go."
It was late into the morning when you finally woke up. Your brows furrowed as you felt someone hugging you. Then the memory slapped you in the face. You carefully pulled away from Felix and looked at his sleeping face, so calm and pretty.
You started moving to get out of bed when a deep voice (deeper than usual said, "You're awake.."
"I just woke up." You looked at Felix, his eyes were still closed.
"I woke up a while ago but I didn't want to disturb you. You looked like you needed the rest." He said, opening one eye and smiling sleepily.
You smiled, "Thank you."
Felix sat up, "I have to go see Chan later, you okay on your own?"
You looked at Felix and made a face.
He laughed slightly and got up to leave, you walked with him to the door and your eyes met.
He smiled gently, leaning in and kissing your cheek gently. "Call me if you need."
You felt your stomach jump and you heart fluttered. You nodded and ushered him out.
You sat on your couch and called Jisung, biting you nail.
"You're awake?"
"Your angel faced lover boy with you?" He asked teasingly.
"And Chan- we were going to take you out for breakfast but considering the situation, we decided against it."
You face went red and you said quietly, "I trust him Ji.. I trust him a lot."
You heard Chan's voice on the other end, "I would too!"
Jisung cackled and you hung up, rolling your eyes.
You looked at the ceiling and smiled.
Felix sipped his juice and avoided Chan's eyes, fearing he might end up laughing.
Changbin stared him down slowly. "How did you do it?"
Felix finally looked up, "Do what?"
Hyunjin leaned back in his chair, "You guy didn't- did you?"
"NO!" Felix looked back at his juice as the rest of the men laughed.
Minho nudged him gently. "Y/N hasn't interacted with guys outside of us very well at all since what happened."
"She didn't interact well with me in the beginning but I couldn't judge her without understanding." Felix said spinning his straw.
Chan smiled, "I trust you Yongbokkie."
Felix smiled at his friend.
Jeongin smiled at Felix, "and if Suhmin appears beat the crap out of him."
"Since when did you condone violence??!" Hyunjin shrieked.
"Since he hurt her." Jeongin said matter-of-factly.
Jisung shook his head, "Yongbok... as long as she's happy."
Felix thought about what you'd told him, normal.. to be in pain like that.. He exhaled slowly.
Felix was sitting on your couch, your head rested on his lap as you slept. He smiled and stroked your hair, his eyes flicked to your phone as he heard your ring tone and he carefully grabbed it from beside you.
Unknown Number.
He answered.
"Sweetie. Can we talk? I'm sorry. That guy in your house, who was he that day? I won't get mad... Hello? Y/N?"
"Ah." Felix said.
The man on the other end of the line went quiet.
"She's sleeping. Don't call her again, it doesn't take that much to put someone back in jail for abuse."
"Are you threatening me?"
"Depends on how you take it." Felix said, he looked down at you and smiled.
"So what? You're her new boyfriend?"
"Is that a problem..?" Felix asked, eyes narrowing.
Suhmin laughed on the other end of the line. "Me and Y/N never broke up. You should leave before I get there."
"I found a vacant place in her heart, I wanted it, I took it. Come get me if you want. I'm waiting."
Felix hung up and smiled gently at you.
"Who were you talking to...?" You asked sleepily.
"No one important."
You were about to leave your house to go to Jisung's, Felix was coming to get you.. You opened the door and flinched, Suhmin stood there looking at you, "Sweetie." He reached for you but you stepped back.
"Don't touch me."
His eyes narrowed. "Y'know someone told me that you told them I was manipulating you. You ran around telling people that?"
"Suhmin no-" You took another step back.
"Are you scared of me? What? You think I'm going to hurt you? I told you it wasn't on purpose-"
"Get out." He walked into your apartment and you shook your head. "Leave!"
He reached for you and you cowered out of his reach. His brows knit together in anger. "Really? Is that the idea you have in your head? That I'm hurting you?!" He grabbed your arm roughly. "Huh?! Where's that boyfriend of yours?! All talk on the phone! WHERE IS HE!?"
You flinched.
"If you touch her," There was so much venom lacing the voice you looked up in fear. "I'm going to kill you."
Suhmin let go of you and turned to face Felix.
You stumbled back and started hyperventilating.
Felix's eyes narrowed at Suhmin. "Try me."
Suhmin stiffened.
"Get the fuck out."
Suhmin turned to you, then looked at Felix before huffing and running out.
Felix ran to you and grabbed your hands. "hey... hey.." He took your face gently in his hands. "It's me. Breathe."
You nodded and started taking deep breaths.
"Good.." Felix smiled gently, "Did he hurt you?"
You shook your head and swallowed.
Felix released you and looked at his lap. "I'm so sorry.."
"You didn-"
"I provoked him, I'm so, so, so sorry.." Felix didn't look at you.
You grabbed his face and made him look at you, "You didn't do anything wrong..."
"You could've gotten hurt."
"Am I though?"
He shook his head slowly.
"Then why are you sulking..." You gave him a small smile, "You saved me."
Felix stared into your eyes.
You felt the heat rushing to your cheeks.
He leaned close, his hand gently caressing your cheek as he moved closer, breath mingling with yours as he breathed. "Can I kiss you?"
You nodded and he pressed his lips against yours. You blushed deeply as he pulled away.
"I don't know who taught him anything, but love isn't supposed to hurt... Let me show you?"
You stomach did a flip and you stuttered. "I- Y- No- But- I c-can't."
Felix tilted his head and smiled, "A smart woman told me not too long ago 'the stars that shine the brightest are people who let go of fear', I wonder when she'll join them.."
You looked into his eyes, "I.."
"We can stop if it's too much or if it hurts..." he said quietly, "If you'll let me."
When he kissed you this time, you gasped softly as his hand slipped around your waist, drawing you closer. He took the opportunity to push his tongue into you mouth, your tongues clashed fr a brief moment before he squeezed you, smirking against your lips as you whimpered. He pulled away and whispered, "This all for me, sunshine?"
You looked away face flushed.
"Oh, don't hide baby," He turned your head to face him and kissed you again, "I'm going to go slow."
He'd placed you gently on the bed and gotten on top of you, just admiring you for the longest time.
You avoided his gaze.
"Are you nervous?" He laughed lightly.
You nodded. "It's been a bit."
"I'm nervous too.. But I've got you, sunshine." He leaned down and kissed you, his mouth moving to your jaw before going lower to your neck. Hands moving beneath your shirt.
You gasped softly as his tongue drifted across your collar and his dark eyes met yours, "Can I take it off?"
You nodded and he pulled your shirt off, carefully removing your bra and whispering, "So pretty."
You blushed and he kissed your chest, he moved and sucked your right nipple between his lips, pinching the left gently. He groaned softly at the soft moans that left your lips before he pulled back, "So sensitive... It's cute."
You looked away and he chuckled kissing down your belly and pausing at the waistband of your pants. He looked up at you for permission and you nodded slowly.
He pulled you pants off slowly and exhaled slowly as he removed your pantie. "This is mine, for me.." he breathed a laugh and grabbed your hips, dragging you towards him.
You squealed, "Oh god-"
He looked up at you, his pupils blown, angelic face looking at you with an expression that read desire and affection... you hid your face.
He laughed and rested his head on your thigh, soft blonde hair, draping over your skin. "Look at me."
You looked down at the blonde haired man and swallowed.
He kissed your thigh gently and pulled his shirt off, before moving before moving between your thighs and kissing your clit gently.
"Felix ple-" You moaned as he licked your clit, the stimulation zipping down your spine before he sucked it into his mouth.
You jerked and grabbed his hair, he groaned into you as you pulled. "Greedy." He muttered, gripping your thighs and drawing you into his mouth, you moaned and whined.
You squirmed and jerked, letting out an embarrassingly loud moan as he slipped a finger into you.
He laughed lightly and continued his ministrations, his thumb making a figure 8 on your clit as he applied just enough pressure. You squealed as he pushed in another finger, covering your face in embarrassment as he moved back over you, middle and ring finger pumping slowly as he took to grinding his palm on you.
"Who said you could hide? Look at me honey.." His voice was deeper and huskier with lust.
You looked up at him and your heart fluttered.
"Is it too much?" he whispered.
He smirked and raised a brow. "So it's not enough?"
You tried to protest but his fingers moved faster, pushing in deeper, you let out a guttural moan as he found your g-spot and assaulted it with his fingers.
"Are you close?" He asked, looking down into your eyes.
You nodded and moaned.
"Use your words..."
"Yes, Felix, please!"
He groaned, and started rubbing your clit. "Good girl."
You felt the knot in your abdomen snap and your vision went white for a moment, body stiffening and mouth falling open in a silent scream.
You whimpered as you came down from your high. Felix cooed softly, "Did so well, so pretty when you cum..."
You watched as Felix took off his pants and boxers, his length slapped against his abdomen and you stared at him for a moment.
He looked at you, "We don't have to-"
"I want to." You whispered.
Felix's eyes darkened and he got onto the bed and caged you in. His eyes raked over your body before they met yours and he kissed you gently, positioning himself at your entrance and pushing in slowly.
You moan softly and hold onto him tightly, his blonde hair fell around his face, he groaned deeply as he began moving slowly. It was a burning sensation you were familiar with, but the burn felt good... the slow, gentle drag of his hips as he kissed your neck and shoulder.
You moaned softly as he continued thrusting into you slowly. His mouth moved to find yours, swallowing your quiet cries.
He pulled away panting, pressing his forehead against yours. "I'm going to cum.."
You moaned and whispered, "Not inside..."
Felix groaned and threw his head back, forcing himself to pull out before he came inside. He jerked himself a few times and let out a strangled whine as he came on your stomach.
He kissed you gently and went to your bathroom, getting a cloth to clean you with. You relaxed as he pulled you close.
"I didn't hurt you right?"
"No.." you said quietly.
"Good." He breathed. "I love you.."
You gave him a soft smile and pressed closer. "i love you too.."
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heybank · 5 months
oh my god ok here is part three to my little deny series. i also have a moodboard i've been making for this series so lmk if you wanna see it.
divider by @saradika and i've reblogged their post of it if you want to seem more of their dividers as they're so cute!!!
this part contains smut and is 18+ so MDNI please and thank you.
cw: p in v, unprotected sex (always imagine a contraceptive is used bc this will never be a pregnancy fic), dirty talk, clit slapping (just once)
click to read part one and part two. :)
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dreams (nsfw 18+)
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"look at you baby, creamin' around popes cock." jj moans at the sight in front of him.
"mmh feels good" you whine. hardly able to form words other than little uh uhs from how good pope is fucking you. his dick so deep you can feel it in your throat.
pope is a panting sweaty mess as he shoves his thick cock back into your sopping wet pussy. jj sitting behind you while pope takes you in missionary.
the feeling of jjs hands all over your sensitive body has your nerve endings on fire. you can feel his hard dick poking your back but he doesn't care about his pleasure right now, he only wants to see you and pope go over the edge of orgasmic pleasure.
"i'm close, pope please" you whine pathetically, jj pinching your nipples harder, sucking spots onto your neck.
"yeah? you gonna cum on my dick pretty girl?" pope asks with a grin. you like this side of him, his cockiness. he's been spending too much time with jj.
"please pope. wanna cum."
"should we let her cum handsome?" jj inquires and you let out another pathetic whine because you want it now! you don't wanna wait.
"yeah she's been such a good girl, haven't you?" pope responds
"yes! yes i'm a good girl i swear. i'm good right j?" you feel yourself squeezing popes dick harder in your tight little pussy. jj moans into the nape of your neck.
"yeah baby you can cum" the boys agree.
pope picks up his pace, dick hitting that squishy spongey spot inside you that makes you see stars.
"cum with me, pretty." pope demands
you don't need to be asked twice because next thing you know jj is squeezing you tighter, his fingers playing with your puffy abused clit, popes cock hitting your cervix with every thrust. you feel it building and building until jj smacks your clit with his fingers and you release.
you're screaming and shaking, clenching so tight that pope follows you seconds after. shooting his cum deep inside you, filling you with his warmth. you feel warm wetness on your back and part of you recognizes that jj also came, untouched, but you're too fucked out to really comprehend.
"grace" you hear your name but blood is rushing in your ears from the best orgasm you've ever had.
"grace!" you hear again but louder. it sounds distorted.
"jeeze, grace wake up!" you feel something soft thump on your face and next thing you know you're waking up with an annoyed groan. a pillow someone had thrown at you laying on your face, blocking your view of whatever rat bastard woke you from the best wet dream you've ever had.
"were you having a good dream princess?" you hear jjs cocky voice ask before you remove the pillow that's blocking your view.
"ya'we're makin lil noises too, wanna tell us about 'em?" the blonde boy teases.
you roll your eyes, used to jjs horny teasing when you comprehend his words. us. he said tell us.
you quickly sit up, pulling the blanket higher up your body as you take in the surroundings of your room. you see jj smirking with red cheeks and behind him is pope, fidgeting with his hands and tapping his feet.
"for your information i was having a good dream. why the fuck did you wake me!" you ask, exasperated. you're desperately trying not to feel the wetness between your thighs that has very clearly soaked through your cotton sleep shorts.
"you uh-" pope starts "you were saying our names."
"more like moaning them," jj snickers. you feel your face grow warm. "it was hot princess."
jjs words make you take in the two boys, inspecting every inch of them. jj has a very prominent bulge that he's not even trying to hide whereas pope is a little more reserved with his obvious boner but it's there nonetheless.
"umm what's going on?" the look jj gives you makes your tummy flutter and your nipples pebble. you want to blame the cool air but your room is stifling hot and you know the reaction is because of the maybank boy.
"what's happening is we came here to talk to you and walked in on you moanin our names princess. what do you have to say for yourself?" your cunt clenches at his words.
"jj- we were going to be subtle about this!" pope hisses, not wanting to scare you with their potential proposal.
"many people have wet dreams, jj. doesn't mean anything!" you respond with false confidence. completely ignoring whatever pope had just said.
"wanna make it a reality?" jj says, tone sultry as he leans in closer to your face. he looks at your lips like he wants to devour you.
you gasp and pull away, looking at pope with guilt.
this causes pope to walk over to the other side of the bed and join the two of you on it. he softly grabs your hand and your mind is spinning. you don't know what's happening because just a few days ago you saw the two kissing like their life depended on it and now jj is making a pass at you and pope looks like he wants you too? what. the. fuck.
"this isn't how it was supposed to go. we wanted to make it romantic but... i really like you grace," pope utters "we both really like you. more than a friend and we're hoping maybe you like us too?" pope gushes all in one breath is a very pope-like fashion.
the confession makes your brain short circuit because this is all you have ever wanted. you peek a look over to jj and he's nodding with a surprisingly soft smile he's always typically reserved for you.
"you both like me?" you think you're still dreaming
"yeah princess. i've only like been in love with you for forever" jj smiles softly. your heart soars.
"and you both like each other too, right?" you ask wanting to hear it being admitted out loud so there's no room for miscommunication.
"yeah pretty girl," pope responds and the nickname makes you flush, thinking back to your dream. "it's called polyamory."
"and not like those cult religions where a dude has like 50 wives" jj cuts in. "pope gave me a thorough lecture in the difference between polyamory and polygamy"
"i know what polyamory is jj" you giggle with a roll of your eyes. you still don't think this is real.
"so we would all be dating? like together? you'll be my boyfriends and eachothers boyfriends and i'll be your girlfriend?"
"correct, if you want us" pope confirms.
"of course i fucking want you!" you shout a little louder than you intended. "i've been half in love with you since we kissed and i think i've always loved you jj. seeing the two of you together made me so jealous and then sad and then jealous again! so yes of course i want you!"
the boys give you blinding smiles, the worry of potentially ruining your friendship disappears.
you lean forward and grab both boys in front of you. pulling them in. you need to feel their touch and their heat just to prove to yourself this is real and not some fantasy you've created to process your emotions.
"please kiss me" you breathily ask, which prompts both boys to lean in to kiss you at the same time, effectively making them bonk heads. it makes you giggle at their clumsy eagerness. your giggles prompt them to share the laugh as they tenderly touch their heads.
jj kisses you first and you feel the cliche sparks and fireworks. like everything you've ever wanted want given to you with just one kiss.
"don't hog her!" pope whines and he gently pulls you away from jj so he can have a turn.
popes kiss is different but not less perfect. he takes your breath away and you've never felt more loved sitting here in between the two boys you care so much about.
"now whose hogging her!" jj grumbles and leans in to peck pope on the cheek.
this is going to be so much fun.
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AHHH WHAT DID YOU THINK??? i'm having so much fun with this.
tag list: (lmk if you wanna be added) 💜
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minjix · 2 years
valorant → Vinnie Hacker x female!reader
summary: in which Vinnie defends you
warnings: men being boys, slurs, hate towards women. speed like behavior - hate that man, boy. swear words , mentions suicide + pissed of Vinnie – overprotective!Vinnie, mad!Vinnie, angsty!Vinnie & soft!Vinnie
a/n: women can’t do anything without some men being butthurt about it :) I also don’t know ANYTHING about valorant, men scares me so I will never touch that game so I apologize in advance for all the incorrect information in this imagine <3
word count: 1.0k
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You two had been playing for hours on end, Vinnie’s comforting voice in your ears as your eyes were stuck to your screen. It was your first time playing the game and when you had told him this; the boy immediately begged you to play with him, so here you were– tongue out in concentration whilst Vinnie carefully guided you through everything.
He made it less stressful, his whispers of ‘that’s my girl’, every time you managed to kill someone. His voice burning a hole in your chest, your wound on display. Your nervous laughter only grew the smirk on his lips. He wished to be sat besides you instead of listening to your laughter and frustrated grunts over discord. But he gladly stayed, constantly asking how you felt about the game, quietly asking you for this to be yours and his thing; playing Valorant together.
Everyone had been respectful, since they respected Vinnie, but it all went to shit when one of your teammates decided to blame you for losing that round. Swear words were thrown your way, so loudly that his mic went static.
‘go back to the kitchen, you whore’
‘ugly fucking bitch’
You sat frozen in your seat, dumbfounded with a slack jaw. Your heart was beating so fast you were sure it’d fall into your stomach. Your mouth turned dry and your eyes wet with tears as the abuse continued on. You were embarrassed for some unknown reason.
Vinnie still couldn’t understand what was happening, one moment jokes were thrown around and then the abuse towards you came out of nowhere.
“The fuck did you just say?” His voice was low as he spoke into the mic, his eyes dark and the muscles in his arms flexing as he gripped his controller.
“This fucking bitch is ruining everythi–“
Vinnie interrupted him. “Shut the fuck up.” His face was red as he could only imagine how you felt.
The coward on the other end laughed, a mocking one that made Vinnie’s controller crack under his grip. Other players tried their hardest to get him to shut up but to no avail.
“What are you gonna do about it, bitch?” And before Vinnie could say something; the coward disappeared from the party.
You were still quiet and then you left too. Vinnie quickly exited the game and grabbed his phone, sending you a simple text.
‘on my way.’
He blamed himself for putting you in that situation, knowing how bad the abuse gets. The dark pit in his stomach growing as he floored it to your apartment downtown, his eyes constantly glancing to see if you texted him back, but nothing.
The rapid knocks quieted the sobs from your lips. “Y/n, please open the door.” You quickly got up and opened the door despite the confusion you felt about him taking his time to check up on you.
Your face was wet from tears and your breaths came out in gasps as the pain in your chest wouldn’t lessen. “Shit,” he swore to himself before inviting himself in and embracing your shaking body. Over your cries he could hear several plings, one after another. Your computer was placed in your living room, right where you both stood.
His eyes squinted, recognizing it. Someone was chatting with you on valorant. He carefully let go of you and walked over to your computer despite his name leaving your lips in a warning.
His eyes widened at the words that burned a hole into his irises. Threat after threat came in, all from the very same player who couldn’t handle losing a match.
“What the actual fuck?” He whispered as he quickly muted the guy before blocking him. His arms rested on the table, his head hanging in embarrassment. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered.
Your brows furrowed in confusion, his back to you as you spoke, your voice hoarse and cracking with each word. “Why are you apologizing?”
He slammed his hands down on the desk, needing to let go of the weight on his chest. “I knew that this shit happens all the fucking time,” he gestured to your computer, “and I still convinced you to play, all because I’m a selfish fucking asshole,” you quickly crossed the room to him to stop him from saying more.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” You sniffed as you stared at his shoulder which were rapidly moving up and down in beat of his rapid breaths. “Vin, calm down…” you trailed of as he faced you, his eyes red and the veins in neck standing out from withholding his cries.
“I wanted to have something with you, and it ended with some fucking asshole telling you to off yourself?!” He was near hysterics now, hands in his hair as he looked everywhere but you.
He continued to speak over you trying to calm him down, “I can’t lose you because of this!” Your hands grabbed his arms and pulled him towards you. You held him tightly while he tried to catch his breath.
“Hey-it’s okay, you won’t lose me over this; I promise.”
His voice cracked, “that’s not what I meant.” He spoke quietly, begging you to understand so he didn’t have to say it himself.
“I know,” you whispered into his chest. “I’m with you til’ the end, remember?” A teary chuckle left him from the memory of you and him, drunk, sitting in a bathtub together, promising to never leave each other.
He took a shaky deep breath to gather his courage. “I really like you, Y/n. Really, really like you.”
You hugged him tighter, a smile growing on your lips from his confession. You’ve always dreamt of this moment except for the tears and the situation that brought you two here, embraced by each other.
“I really, really like you too, Vinnie.” His grip on you loosened, his lips met your hairline to softly whisper, “can I kiss you?”
You whispered a ‘yes you can’ before his lips carefully placed themselves on yours. The knot in your stomach snapped and exploded into millions of butterflies as his lips moved together with yours.
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redrose10 · 4 months
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It took me longer than I wanted, but it’s finally here and I can’t keep editing it and putting this off. This is something I’ve been working on for a few weeks. It’s not exactly how I had planned it in my head, but I guess that’s how it goes. I was going to try something a little different so I do have a spicy bonus chapter that I was going to include as an extra, but I just don’t think I’m good at writing smut so I’m not sure if that will ever get posted. Let me know if you want it though.
Messages and comments appreciated! This is the first time I’ve ever attempted something like this so be kind please.
Yoongi black cat hybrid X Female reader
Summary: When your good friend shows up in the middle of the night begging for your help, how can you say no. But what if their request makes you start questioning everything you’ve ever believed in?
Warnings: Physical abuse, sexual abuse, swearing, light smut (nothing too graphic), mention of no consent, mention of death/dying and murder, violence, weapons
Word Count: about 14,800 😯
Shuffling to your front entrance you felt a range of emotions like anger at whomever was pounding on your door at 3am in the rain and also fear because someone was pounding on your door at 3am in the rain. Taking a peak through the front window the fear disappeared when you saw one of your best friends, Namjoon. However, that fear was now replaced with worry. Namjoon was not the type to be out at this hour unless he had a good reason and what concerned you most was what he wanted with you right now.
Swinging open the door he greeted you first, clearly in a hurry. He looked nervous.
“Hi Y/N. I’m so sorry to bother you at this hour, but there is nowhere else I can go. Can we please come in?”
“We?”, you asked brows furrowed.
Namjoon stepped aside and you saw the smaller frame that was hidden behind him, the hood of a sweatshirt blocking their face. Trusting that Namjoon wouldn’t bring anyone around that would hurt you, you motioned for them both to come inside and take a seat. You offered some towels to dry off and started the kettle on the stove to get them something warm to drink.
As you finally took a seat across from the two Namjoon cleared his throat, “Y/N I’m sorry again for just barging in like this. I just really need your help. It’s been kind of a rough night.”
You nodded, but remained silent as you waited for more information. The person sitting next to your friend had yet to make a sound or even look at you giving you an uneasy feeling.
Thankfully Namjoon took the hint and continued, “We completed a raid today. Something we’d been working on for a long time now.”
“Ahh there it is.”, you thought to yourself. Namjoon worked for the the Hybrid Protection Agency or HPA. They were like the FBI, but specialized in hybrid affairs. You had heard numerous stories of them raiding businesses and buildings that were being used as fronts for different illegal operations involving hybrids. You turned your attention back to your friend to hopefully find out what he wanted with you.
“Have you ever heard of Lee Yan?”, he asked.
“No I don’t think I have”, you shook your head not failing to notice the other person flinch at the mention of the name.
Namjoon continued, “He also goes by Viper.”
“Ooohhh.”, your heart skipped a beat. Viper was known as one of the most ruthless hybrid traffickers in the game. He didn’t care who he had to hurt or even kill to achieve his goals. He owned 90% of all hybrid operations and was consistently listed as the most wanted criminal in the HPA’s database. You’d heard Namjoon ramble on and on about how much of a scumbag he was.
“Well we’ve been watching him for a while now. We got wind that he was going to be in town tonight to check on one of his hybrid houses.”
Just hearing that name made you cringe. Hybrid Houses were technically legal because they operated under the guise that they were there for hybrids to use when their natural instincts kicked in. Thanks to the increasing costs of using Hybrid Houses more and more owners started opting to pay for suppressants while some of the harsher owners chose to force their hybrids to just push through it without any help at all by locking them away until it passed. So now the houses are still advertised as such, but really they’re mostly being used as coverups
You realized you’d been completely ignoring everything he was saying so you sat up a little straighter trying your best to focus.
“Anyways, we showed up and raided the place. We managed to rescue about sixteen hybrids. We arrested two of Vipers guys, but unfortunately he was able to get away. Most of the hybrids are being taken to local shelters, a few had to be taken to the hospital. But one of them needs some special care which is what brings me to you.”
“I’m sorry what?”, you asked choking on air. Namjoon knew better than anyone that you didn’t exactly agree with owning a hybrid or anything hybrid related. In your views they were people more than animals and should be treated as such, Therefore they shouldn’t need an owner and you hated the way the government basically deemed them property. Hybrids had fewer rights and protections than any other species and you hated it. Namjoon had attended a few Hybrid Rights rally’s with you so he knew your views on this and you were honestly a little angry he was even trying to bring you into this.
Namjoon chuckled, “I guess I should’ve introduced you from the start. This is Yoongi.”, Namjoon spoke gesturing to the person next to him.
Your eyes widened in surprise as the mysterious person slowly pulled down the hood of their sweatshirt. Barely poking out of the top of a mop of black hair were two black fuzzy cat ears. A long fluffy black tail curled out from behind him. With so much going on you hadn’t noticed that your friend’s new friend was a hybrid. The hybrid, or Yoongi as he was called, quickly made eye contact with you before returning his gaze back to the floor. He reached for his tail slowly combing his fingers through the fur. You figure it was probably a way of self soothing.
“Nam-, Namjoon I’m sorry but how am I supposed to help?”
“Right, so Yoongi is or uh was Vipers personal pet.”
The sound of that word made your stomach twist. He was a grown man and shouldn’t be considered anyones “pet” and it infuriated you that people even had thoughts like that.
“When Viper took off he left Yoongi behind probably thinking one of his men would protect him, but one of our guys took him in thinking he was just one of the hybrids from the house instead. We can’t take Yoongi to a shelter. Viper will have his guys scouting every shelter with 100 miles from here. It’s not safe for him to stay with me either since I could possibly have a target on my back. I need him to stay here with you.”
You felt bad for the chuckle that you let out knowing that this probably wasn’t Yoongi’s first choice either, but you just couldn’t stop it.
“Namjoon, I can’t just take in another person. I can barely afford to feed myself let alone someone else. Plus you know how I feel about owning hybrids. It’s wrong. They’re people and shouldn’t be owned like an animal.”
Yoongi felt an odd fluttering in his stomach. No one had ever referred to him as a person before.
“Look Y/N, I’m desperate. I’ll send some money your way to cover the extra food and stuff. And you don’t have to officially adopt him. We just need to keep him safe until we get Viper in custody and then I’ll figure something else out.”
Namjoon reached over and placed a hand on your knee. You knew when he resorted to physical touch that he was serious.
“Please Y/N, he’s been through hell and back and has nowhere else to go. I need someone that he can trust. That I can trust. I can’t let him get back into the hands of someone like Viper.”
You peaked over Namjoon’s shoulders to see Yoongi with his hands folded in his lap. His bangs plastered to his forehead and still damp from the rain. He looked at you for barely a second before looking away, but even in that quick glance you could see the desperation in his eyes. You could only imagine what he had been through. Someone like Viper couldn’t possibly treat his own hybrid well when to him all they were there were play things and money makers.
“Okay.”, you spoke barely above a whisper, but Namjoon still heard you. He smiled before looking back at Yoongi trying to give him a reassuring squeeze that everything was going to work out for the better.
Thankfully the kettle sounded giving you an out of the awkward situation. While in the kitchen preparing the drinks you could hear Namjoon and Yoongi whispering back and forth.
“She doesn’t want me here. I can just go back to my owner. I don’t want to be any more of a burden than I already am.”
“Trust me, she’ll come around. It’s just a lot to take in. I wouldn’t have brought you here if I didn’t think she’d take good care of you.”
He was right. You would try your hardest to take care of him even if this situation isn’t exactly ideal for you.
After a drink and some pointless small talk you walked Namjoon to the door as he continued to give you instructions, “So don’t take Yoongi out of the house for any reason unless it’s an absolute emergency and call me immediately if you do. I’ll stop by with some clothes and stuff for him in a day or two plus some extra money.”
You nodded in agreement unsure of what else to say at that point. After he left you made sure to use all the locks on your door suddenly feeling a little less safe than normal. Yoongi was still sitting in the same spot on the couch not having touched his tea.
“I can make you something else to drink if you don’t like it. Or maybe something to eat? Are you hungry?”, you asked awkwardly.
“No thank you. I’m okay.”
“Okay… well… I’m gonna go take care of a few things. I’ll be right back.”
He nodded as you scampered up the stairs to your bedroom. After taking a few minutes to calm down and catch your breath you started grabbing whatever you could think he might need.
Digging through your drawers you found a t-shirt and a pair of old sweats that you thought should fit him after making a hole for his tail. Then in your closet you found an extra pillow and some blankets. Your spare bedroom was pretty much being used as storage so Yoongi was going to have to sleep on the couch which you felt terrible about so you decided to start looking online for a bed getting yourself distracted. You weren’t sure exactly how long he was going to be staying, but you figured it would be a couple weeks at least and you didn’t want him sleeping on the couch that whole time. You’d been meaning to finally set up the spare room so this was the kick you needed. You had to use pretty much every cent you had to afford everything, but it was needed.
After getting everything ordered you realized you had been locked away quite a while longer than you’d expected and got very worried about Yoongi. Rushing down the stairs with blankets and pillows in hand you found an empty couch.
“Fuck did he run away already?”, you panicked. Namjoon was going to kill you. Walking into the kitchen to find your phone you spotted a lump of black curled up in the corner. Getting closer you recognized the tail and ears. A wash of relief flooded over you as you bent down and tried to softly wake up the sleeping hybrid.
You tried to be as gentle as possible, but he still startled awake quickly backing into the corner before letting out a small hiss and curling in on himself.
“Hey it’s just me. It’s Y/N. I’m sorry for scaring you. I didn’t mean to.”
He looked back at you with wide eyes, still unsure of you and the situation.
After he finally calmed down and realized it was only you he relaxed a little before standing up.
“Why are you sleeping on the floor to begin with?”, you asked concerned.
He shrugged, “You were gone a long time so I thought you just went to bed for the night. I didn’t know where you wanted me to sleep and I didn’t want to wake you. I usually get put on the floor or in the garage, sometimes outside so I just chose right here.”
Your heart hurt at that while your face flushed with anger.
Stretching out your hand you motioned for him to follow you into the living room. After finishing setting up the couch you turned to Yoongi who was still shyly standing in the doorway.
“I’m sorry you have to sleep on the couch tonight. I don’t have a spare bed at the moment. I did order one though which is why I was gone so long. It should be here in a day or two. But the couch is really comfy and I can get more blankets or pillows if you need them.”
While you felt like a terrible host for having him sleep on the couch, Yoongi looked at you like you’d just given him the world.”
“I-I can sleep on the couch?”, he asked still unsure.
“Yeah of course. Like I said I’m sorry I don’t have a bed for you but it’ll just be for a couple days.”
You saw the first glimpse of a smile before he went to sit down.
“Oh wait!”, you exclaimed and then made a mental note to try and not be as loud when you noticed how he flinched at your quick movements.
“Come with me.”, you motioned for him to follow you to the bathroom. When you got upstairs you showed him the clothes you’d laid out plus a towel, “I figured you’d like to take a hot shower and have a change of clothes. These should fit you for the night. If you bring your clothes downstairs I can put them in the wash so you’ll have them for tomorrow.”
An awkward silence filled the room as he looked around in disbelief so you just nodded before closing the door behind you and heading downstairs.
Thankfully the rest of the night went by smoothly and you’d almost forgotten all about the hybrid sleeping on your couch downstairs until you heard his soft snores filling the air. Peeking over the railing you spotted Yoongi still curled up in a little ball on the couch. You could see his ears swivel with the noise of a few birds chirping outside. How long had it been since he was able to sleep deeply like that?, you wondered.
As quietly as possible you tiptoed past him and made your way to the kitchen to get some coffee ready. About twenty minutes later Yoongi came walking into the kitchen looking incredibly grumpy. He was definitely not a morning person you thought to yourself.
“Good morning.”, you chuckled.
“Good morning.”, he scowled.
“Would you like some coffee or orange juice? I have some milk.”, you asked unsure of what his diet normally looked like.
“Water is okay.”
You nodded and handed him a glass.
“You can sit down you know.”, you said pointing to the chair across from you.
“Sorry. I’m not usually allowed on the furniture.”
“Yoongi you live here now too. At least for a while. You can sit on the furniture, watch tv, help yourself to anything in the kitchen. You don’t have to be afraid. I promise nothing bad will happen to you here and I’m not going to hurt you.”
He nodded in understanding, but you could tell that there was still a lot of apprehension there.
“Speaking of which, what would you like for breakfast? I’m not the greatest cook, but I can get by.”
“I’m okay. I don’t need to eat anything.”, he shrugged, but his stomach said otherwise following with a loud grumble.
“How about some scrambled eggs and toast?”, you asked which he gratefully accepted.
He offered to clean up the kitchen for you after breakfast and then you both headed to watch a little tv and wait for Namjoon who said he’d be over in the afternoon. There was quite a bit of awkwardness in the air as you both sat on opposite sides of the couch neither of you really knowing what to say or do. After three episodes of some random baking competition show you had put on there was a knock at the door. Yoongi’s ears laid back into his hair as he scrambled to try and find a hiding spot before you could answer it.
“It’s just Namjoon.”, you said after peaking out the window.
Your friend walked in carrying several bags of clothes and supplies.
He and Yoongi carried everything up stairs before returning back to the couch. You offered Namjoon some water as you took a seat across from them.
“So how did last night go?”, he sighed.
“Alright, I think. I have a bed coming for Yoongi. Should be here soon.” You peaked over at Yoongi hoping he’d agree. He nodded his head.
Namjoon took a sip before continuing, “So I have an update about this whole situation. I got a call this morning that Viper has been located.”
Yoongi visible tensed up and you had to stop yourself from reaching out to him not feeling like you had that right yet.
“Okay so they caught him?”, you asked.
Apprehensively Namjoon continued, “Not exactly. The last tracking we have of him is at the airport. It appears he fled the country. We don’t know exactly to where, but our best guess is he probably went somewhere with super lax laws surrounding hybrids where he can hide out and be less likely to get caught.”
“Okkaaayy so what does that mean for Yoongi?”, you asked.
“Umm well he’s still not out of the woods yet. Viper will have his guys looking all over for him. We heard they were already at the shelters on 38th and another on Rose Ave asking about him so he’s going to have to stay here a little longer.”
“Oh okay that’s fine.”, you responded almost a little too quickly for your liking.
Suddenly Namjoon turned his attention to Yoongi,” Why don’t you go upstairs and start unpacking all the stuff I brought?”
Yoongi wasn’t dumb and he knew that was code for I need to talk to Y/N in private so with an eye roll he agreed and headed upstairs.
Once you heard the door close you turned your attention back to Namjoon, “Joon I guess I’m just not understanding why this guy would go through all the trouble to find Yoongi. Couldn’t he just find another hybrid to abuse? Like why is he so set on finding Yoongi that he has guys searching all over for him?”
He took a long deep breath before continuing. His voice barely above a whisper trying to stop Yoongi’s enhanced hearing from listening in.
“Well he’s more than just a pet.”
“Ugh please don’t use that word.”, you spat in disgust.
Namjoon chuckled., “Alright well I’m sure you’ve noticed that Yoongi is particularly attractive. Like more attractive than your average hybrid or person.”
You nodded your head because of course you had. Yoongi was very handsome with his chiseled jaw and cute button nose that sat perfectly under his beautiful cat eyes. His sweet gentle nature combined with his politeness made him all that more attractive on top of it. Unfortunately you were starting to have an idea of where Namjoon was going to be taking this conversation.
He snapped his finger at you, “Reel it back in Y/N. Daydream about Yoongi another time.”
You rolled your eyes before motioning for him to continue which he did, “Well because of that there are people in this world that will pay a pretty penny to spend a night with him, for whatever reason. Some want to fulfill their sexual fantasies as I’m sure you expected, others just want to have a companion, and some want to fulfill other desires that may not be so legal being done to other humans or animals. Either way Viper just lost his biggest moneymaker who brings in a lot of repeat and new customers so he’s not going to stop until he finds him.”
You felt sick thinking about how Yoongi and all these other hybrids have been treated.
“I just need him to stay here for a while. Maybe you can help him come out of his shell a little. You know show him that not all people are bad.”
You licked your lips, “Yeah sure. Of course he can stay here.”
Namjoon smiled, “Thank you Y/N. I owe you big time.”
“Yeah you definitely do.”, you chuckled.
Namjoon went up to say bye to Yoongi before coming back down and giving you a hug, “Alright I’ll keep you updated. Let me know if you need anything.”
The following morning Yoongi’s bed was delivered and thankfully he was quite handy building the bed by himself in just a little over an hour. You tried to help, but mostly just stood off to the side handing him whatever he needed and offering words of encouragement.
After the bed was made you stood back taking a look at the room that was slowly coming together.
“Maybe we can get you a tv or something. Or a computer? Do you have any hobbies?”, you said sneaking a look at him.
He shook his head, “Y/N, you’ve already done more for me than anyone else ever has. I don’t need anything else.”
His words hit you. The thought that having a small bed and a couple hot meals was more than this poor soul had ever received combined with what Namjoon had told you earlier, it broke you.
“Enjoy your room for a while. I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.”, you said before slipping out the door so he couldn’t see your watery eyes.
You may have gone a little overboard on ordering and definitely won’t be able to afford takeout for a while, but seeing the look on Yoongi’s face as he was devouring the pizza made it worth it. Over the last few months he had started opening up to you little by little. First it was little things like his favorite color or how he has always wanted to try pizza but was never allowed. He was still pretty skittish and didn’t seem to like being touched or even really be any closer than just sharing a couch. You didn’t blame him at all. But he had become a very important part of your life in a short time.
Then last night during a particularly severe thunderstorm you heard a soft knock at your bedroom door. Cracking it open you saw him standing there squeezing one of your favorite hoodies close to his chest. You wanted to question him about how and why he had it because you’d been looking for it for weeks, but the terror in his eyes diverted your attention. A loud clap of thunder rang through the air causing him to get low to the ground in fear using his hands and your hoodie to cover his ears. Without even thinking you grabbed his wrist pulling him into your room and tucking him in your bed. You thought he would protest, but he just burrowed deeper into the covers. Once back on your side the realization hit you that you were now sharing a bed with Yoongi, which other than a few accidental brushes against each other, was the closest the two of you had ever been.
You couldn’t deny that there had been some feelings brewing over the last couple weeks. You tried really hard to pushed them as far down as possible, but they kept coming to the surface. Yoongi had been through so much and there was no way you’d ever spring that on him, not right now. Especially when you had no idea at all if he even felt somewhat similar about you.
Another clap of thunder hit and you felt him jolt next to you with fear.
“Hey it’s okay. It’s just a storm. It should be over soon.”, you’d said trying to soothe him.
“I know, I’m sorry. It just loud noises sometimes scare me. It’s dumb.”
“Its not dumb. Is there anything I can do to help?”
He stayed silent for a few moments.
“Can you just hold me?”
His request stunned you into silence.
“N-never mind. It was a dumb idea.”
Before he could scoot away any further you grabbed his hand to stop him and pulled him closer so your arms could fit over him. He buried his face in your neck and instantly you could feel some of the tension leave his body. You prayed he wouldn’t feel your heart about to beat out of your chest. You thought it would be awkward, but it actually felt quite nice and comforting. After giving him a few minutes to settle down you decided to bring up something you had been wondering about.
“Hey Yoongi?”
“Why do you have my hoodie?”
The tension retuned.
“Umm well I found it one day when I was cold so I wore it but then I realized that it made me feel better. I just started hugging it when I feel overwhelmed or anxious and you’re not here or if I didn’t want to bother you. It smells like you and it helps me relax. You can have it back though. I’m sorry I took it without asking. Please don’t be mad.”
He panicked and tried to unwrap the fabric from his body, but you stopped him, “No no it’s okay. I was just wondering. You can keep it. I have a closet full of them. And you never bother me. Ever.”
After some reassurance he happily settled back down and not long after you heard the faintest rumble come from his chest. “Yoongi are you purring?”, you asked trying to hide how happy it made you that he felt so comfortable with you.
“Shut up. Sometimes I can’t help it.”, he said embarrassed that his body had betrayed him like that. He was trying to act mad, but even in the dark you could see the faint hint of a blush on his cheeks. You just chuckled before allowing him to snuggle in a little closer.
After a while you’d thought he had fallen asleep as the purrs died down, but then he spoke, “Thank you for letting me in here. I’m sorry I woke you up for this.”
“Don’t be sorry. I am always here for you. I promise.”
He chuckled, “I really hate thunderstorms. I feel like such a little kid sometimes.”
“Is it the loud noise?”
“Kind of, but it’s more than that.”
He then went on to tell you about one of Viper’s regulars, Mrs. Cho and how she’d always book time with him during thunderstorms because her husband was a meteorologist and was usually busy during those times. Apparently she was in to pain and he tried his best to describe the things she had forced him to do before his voice started cracking and you told him he didn’t have to go any further. Talking about those moments seemed to bring back a lot of painful memories for Yoongi as he spent the rest of the night clinging to you while whimpering himself awake every so often until you could soothe him back to sleep.
That night seemed to change something between the two of you. Over the following weeks Yoongi became a lot cuddlier, often choosing to sit next to you while watching tv and getting into bed with you at night even if there wasn’t a storm outside. You both cooked meals together, his arms around you more than he actually helped cook. He’d help you in your garden since it was only in your backyard blocked off by a fence and he liked getting some fresh air. Your feelings grew deeper and deeper too, but you couldn’t ever bring yourself to say anything. It wasn’t worth the risk of ruining everything you had with him.
So that’s why you decided to splurge and surprise him today with a pizza party thanks to the bonus you got at work. You knew it wouldn’t just magically make everything better, but it also couldn’t make it worse.
He told you over and over how the pizza was the best thing he’d ever tasted and you had to keep reminding him not to overdue it so he didn’t get a tummy ache.
You were just finishing up the dishes when a knock at the door pulled your attention that way. Like usual whenever someone came over Yoongi bolted for his room to hide until he knew it was safe to come out. You were a little nervous to open the door yourself. They still hadn’t caught Viper and you hadn’t heard from Namjoon in several days which was weird and there was an incident at the grocery store last week where you swore a man was following you, but nothing ever came of it so you chalked that up to just some creep following you around.
After peaking out the window you excitedly swung the door open before jumping into the man’s arms.
Yoongi sensing that you weren’t in danger peeked around the corner and saw you hugging it out with some guy. It made his chest constrict, a feeling he didn’t like. He knew he was starting to have feelings for you, he thought he had pushed those all the way down, but apparently not. He made his way down the stairs to the two of you standing right beside you so you’d notice him which of course you did right away.
“Yoongi! I’m glad you’re here. I want to introduce you to my good friend. This is Jungkook.”
The two men nodded a greeting at each other. You missed the way Jungkook eyed Yoongi up and down. Suddenly Yoongi got a really uneasy feeling about this person. He tried pulling you into the other room, but you brushed him off. You invited them both to take a seat with you but you were a little surprised that Yoongi decided to sit right next to you almost on your lap, but still between you and Jungkook. His tail was puffed up and swinging shortly showing his agitation as he glared at you friend.
“So Kookie how have you been?”, you asked offering him a drink.
“Kookie? Why don’t I have a nickname?”, Yoongi scoffed to himself.
“Pretty good. Traveling a lot. How have you been?”, Jungkook asked.
“Good, working a lot.”
The two of you went back and forth making light conversation. Yoongi was getting more and more angry as time went on. He just did not like this Jungkook, but he couldn’t quite place why. He knew a part of it was jealousy because it was clear you and Jungkook
had some history from the stories you told and he knew you’d never be interested in him in that way as much as he was starting to want that.
After what felt like hours you finally walked Jungkook to the door with Yoongi following close behind.
“It was so nice to see you Y/N.”, he smiled.
“Yeah of course. You, me, and Namjoon will have to get together some time. Just like our old college days.”
You both chucked followed by Jungkook extending his hand out towards Yoongi. That’s when Yoongi saw it. On Jungkook’s wrist was a tattoo of a snake. Or more specifically a viper. It was a marking that all of the close associates of Viper had and THAT is why Yoongi didn’t like this guy. He was bad news.
Without thinking he lunged forward attacking Jungkook. His need to protect you overtaking his fear for a moment. You looked on in shock before realizing what happened. By that time Jungkook had already thrown a punch causing Yoongi to fall to the ground.
“Bye Y/N. See you around.”, he said before smirking at Yoongi who was still laying on the floor.
“What the hell Yoongi? Why did you do that?”, you said dropping to your knees next to him.
Softly you moved his hand seeing the welt already forming on this cheek.
“Come on. Let’s get some ice.”
Back in the kitchen and with a bag of frozen peas on his face you went back to scolding him, “You can’t just go around attacking people Yoongi. You could get in a lot of trouble. Especially as a hybrid they’ll look for any reason to deem you as a delinquent.”
Yoongi continued to stare at the floor.
“Do you have anything to say for yourself?”, you asked letting more of your annoyance show through than you had planned.
“Jungkook works for Viper.”
“No he doesn’t. He works with Namjoon for the HPA.”, you chuckled.
“Y/N, I’m serious. He has the viper tattoo. I saw it.”
You were starting to feel the frustration bubbling.
“Yoongi lots of people have Viper tattoos. It’s like a pretty common thing.”
He shook his head, “No it’s a specific tattoo that all his closest guys get. It’s like some initiation bullshit or something.” He took a breath before continuing, “They only get it after they’ve proven their loyalty by murdering a hybrid.”
“There’s no way. Jungkook would never do that. He’s always been for trying to improve hybrid rights.”, you shook your head.
Yoongi removed the bag of peas revealing the red welt, “Y/N I’ve seen that tattoo hundreds and hundreds of times. I know what I saw.”
You still didn’t want to believe him. Jungkook was one of your closest friends. You never would’ve let someone like that into your life. Unable to stop the words from spilling out of your mouth you’d told up backing away from him.
“You’re just jealous Yoongi.”
He scoffed, “Of what?”
“Because for the last couple months I’ve been devoting all my attention and energy to you until now when I showed the slightest bit of attention towards another guy so now you’re making up lies to make me hate him. You only want me for yourself.”
Now it was his turn to laugh, “For what? You’re just my temporary owner. Fuck every guy in the city. I don’t care. I’m just trying to protect myself and that means not having that guy around.”
His words stung you a little. You were starting to catch feelings, but to him you were just another human that had ownership of him as a pet, nothing more.
“You’re lying.”, you whispered.
“Y/N I’m not lying. You need to call Namjoon. Now! We’re both in danger.”
You shook your head, “I can’t believe you Yoongi. I never thought you’d become such a problem hybrid.”
You heard him audibly gasp and you instantly regretted saying it. While referring to a hybrid as a problem hybrid might not seem like much of an issue to a human, to a hybrid it was considered derogatory since they have had to fight for a long long time to prove that they too could be a productive part of society with no issues just as any human could. So calling one a problem hybrid deemed them a lost cause and basically meant they should just be locked away and remain nothing more than a pet on a leash.
“I’m sorry Yoo-.”, you tried to say reaching forward for him, but before you could finish he threw the bag down on the table and ran up to his room slamming the door behind him.
It had been a week since you last saw Yoongi. He refused to eat meals with you. He no longer sat behind you while you worked or cuddled next to you while watching tv. Your bed felt colder and lonelier too after you’d gotten used to him quietly crawling in with you in the middle of the night.
At the end of the week you decided to reach out to Namjoon to ask for advice, luckily for you he contacted you on his own through text. You figured he was probably somewhere that he couldn’t really talk out loud.
Joon: Hey how are things going? Sorry I’ve been MIA. Just a lot going on.
You: Honestly, been better.
Joon: Yeah I wanted to talk to you about that. Yoongi contacted me the other day. He said something about wanting to go to a shelter.
You felt like you were going to be sick. You had tried to apologize several times for the problem hybrid situation, but he never wanted to hear it. You had no idea that he hated you so much he’d rather risk it living in a shelter, but you also couldn’t really blame him.
You: Yeah I let my emotions get the best of me and said something that I shouldn’t have. I really don’t want him to leave, but I won’t force him to stay.
Joon: Technically since you’re not his owner you can’t force him to stay anyways. It’s just still not safe out there and if he goes to a shelter it’s only a matter of time until they find him. What set this all off? Maybe I can talk to him.
You: I don’t even know any more. Jungkook showed up and Yoongi just attacked him. Said he was working with Viper. And then we got in an argument.
You: Have you seen Jungkook recently?
Joon: No I haven’t. He suddenly quit the agency about 9 months ago and I haven’t heard from him since.
Joon: Listen Y/N, I know you and Jungkook have or had a thing, but maybe it’s best to listen to Yoongi. He’s been in Vipers world most of his life. He knows a lot and if he’s saying Jungkooks bad news then he means it.
You: I just don’t see how that is possible. He’s a good guy.
Joon: Sometimes the worst people are the best at hiding their true colors. Just stay away from him until I do some more digging. Please. For yours and Yoongi’s safety. I’m going to talk to Yoongi and try to convince him to stay with you for now. I think it’s best.
You: Alright. Keep me updated. Stay safe yourself.
Taking a deep breath to calm your nerves you knocked on Yoongi’s door with a shaky hand. Surprisingly he opened the door which you were not expecting so admittedly you were not prepared.
“Umm I just got off the phone with Namjoon. He said you wanted to go to a shelter instead. I’m not going to force you to stay.”
You handed him a couple old duffel bags you had, “So here are some bags. You’re welcome to take anything in the room. It’s all yours. Namjoon is going to look around and decide where he thinks it’ll be the safest for you to go.”
Gently he grabbed the bags from you. Just before he closed the door again you stopped him, “Oh and Yoongi, I’m really sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I didn’t mean to break my promise.”
Namjoon tried for several days to convince Yoongi to stay, but ultimately he was stubborn and had already made his decision. Namjoon had his sister pick him up early in morning a few days ago to take him to a shelter about three hours away. Namjoon wouldn’t tell you the exact location for your safety so that’s as much as you got. Now as you laid in bed trying to fall asleep while there was a raging thunderstorm going on outside you couldn’t help but worry about him. Was the storm hitting his area? How was he coping? He’d surely have a nightmare and you felt awful not being there to comfort him, but this is what he wanted even though it was all because of you.
You were just finally starting to fall asleep when a loud knock at your door woke you up. Tempted to ignore it, especially at this hour, you turned over trying to fall back asleep when you heard another knock. Then the possibilities flooded you. What if something happened to Yoongi? What if it was Yoongi?!
Jumping out of bed you sprinted down the stairs forgoing even checking who it was and swinging open the door praying to find Yoongi only to be met with the person who brought this all on.
“Hi Y/N, sorry to drop in like this again.”, Jungkook smiled.
You invited him in even though Yoongi and Namjoon’s words replayed in your head. You watched as he looked around your home before taking a seat.
“What do I owe the pleasure?”, you asked suddenly feeling uncomfortable with him here alone with you.
“Just thought I’d stop by. I was in the area again. Maybe we could go to that diner on Main. Like old times.”, he laughed.
You don’t know if it was the warnings or what, but this definitely didn’t feel like all the old times when Jungkook would show up at your door in the middle of the night wanting to go get chocolate chip pancakes while you both told corny jokes and laughed until the waitress finally had to kick you guys out. This felt darker, sinister even. Only made worse when you noticed the piece of black metal clinging to his hip that he tried to hide with his leather jacket. Jungkook had always been against violence especially anything that included weapons. You remembered when he first started training for the agency and had to learn how to assemble and use a gun. He despised it, almost quitting because of it, but he knew it was for the better of the hybrid community. If he really had quit the agency like Namjoon said then he would’ve had to turn in all of his weapons so the fact that he had one on him made your uneasiness all that more prominent.
“Yeah let me go grab my purse!”, you exclaimed trying to get away from him now realizing something was up. He grabbed your hand stopping you from going any further, “No need Y/N. I’ll pay.”
“Oh well at least let me go get dressed. I don’t want to go out looking like such a slob.”, you chuckled quickly bolting up the stairs before he could stop you again.
In your room with the door closed you frantically searched for your phone wanting to call Namjoon or the police or anyone for help.
Finding it lying on the floor you grabbed it quickly searching your contacts. In your frazzled state you failed to hear anyone creep up behind you until it was too late and you felt the cold metal against the warmth of your forehead.
A strong arm pulling you close against a body much bigger than yours.
“Y/N, put the phone down. You don’t want to do that.”, Jungkook growled in your ear.
“Why are you doing this?”, you asked slowly tossing your phone on the bed. “You were against abuse towards hybrids just like me and Namjoon. Now you work with the worst in the business?”, you questioned him.
“Look, I really don’t want to have to hurt you. I still care about you Y/N. That’s the only reason I didn’t just kill you the other night and take Yoongi then. Tell me where he is and I’ll let you go.”
You shook your head, “I don’t know. They took him this morning.”
You could hear him scoff as he pushed the tip of the gun against your forehead a little harder making you flinch in fear.
“Y/N, I won’t ask again. Where did they take Yoongi?”, he shouted.
“A shelter in North Provence. That’s all they told me.”, you spit out.
You cried tears of relief when you felt him pull the gun away before throwing you down on the ground.
“Thanks Love.”, was all he said before sprinting out of your home.
Quickly grabbing your phone you dialed Namjoon’s number.
North Provence was at least six hours away from you so double the time Namjoon had told you, hopefully buying you some time.
You called him twelve times before giving up.
You knew you had to get to Yoongi and make sure he was safe and apologize for everything. He had been right about Jungkook, but you had no idea where he was. Three hours away could be in any direction.
While getting dressed as quickly as possible you suddenly remembered that Namjoon had a cousin who ran a non-profit hybrid organization that would take in hybrids, rehab them, and then adopt them out. If you remembered correctly it was located about two hours and fifty minutes from you. You didn’t know if you were correct, but it was the only lead you had.
Making the drive there in record time you reached the shelter just as they were opening. You still hadn’t been able to contact Namjoon so you were doing this solo.
Namjoon’s cousin, Jin, greeted you at the front desk.
“Oh hey Y/N! It’s been ages. I really need to get on Joonie to start coming around more.”
You tried to smile, “I know , I know, I completely agree.”
“So what can I do for you?”
Trying to hide the shake in your voice unsure of how much Jin knows you took a deep breath, “Well I’d really like to adopt a hybrid and I knew this was the perfect place to come.”
He chuckled, “Well you certainly did come to the right place. Do you know what you’re looking for? We just got in this Labrador hybrid. His name is Hoseok or Hobi for short. He is the sweetest ray of sunshine and I think you’d love him.”
“He does sound very nice, but I was looking for more of a cat hybrid. Maybe a black cat?l
Jin looked up at the ceiling, “Hmm you know we do have a few cats. Come on back with me and see if there’s any that CATch your eye.”
He laughed hysterically at his own joke so you giggled along trying to hide the fact that you were two seconds away from vomitting.
“So right now we have four cat hybrids up for adoption. I think you’d really get along with Jimin the most. He’s not a black cat, but he’s very cuddly and playful. He’ll seriously be your best friend.”
You nodded taking a look though the glass rooms. You knew the owners of the shelters were just doing their best to find homes for the hybrids, but it felt so wrong walking through a long hallway staring into these rooms holding people for you to buy.
As mentioned Jin introduced to Jimin who immediately came walking up to the glass. Jin told you that Jimin was a Russian blue cat hybrid. He had beautiful fluffy gray hair and the prettiest greenish blue eyes. He shyly waved to you. Jin explained that Jimin had been rescued from a hybrid hording situation. He was very sweet and you had almost considered adopting him, but you had a different mission at the moment.
As much as it pained you to walk away you asked Jin to see the rest of the cat hybrids, but much to your dismay none of them were Yoongi.
“So see any that you like?”, Jin asked excitedly.
“They’re all very nice and I want them to all have good homes, but I was really looking for a black cat.”
Jin look apprehensive, “Weeeelllll we do have one black cat hybrid, but I don’t think he’s ready for adoption yet. Maybe if you’re willing to wait a couple months then you could adopt him. He’s only been here like a few days and he’s just really depressed and anxious. The thunderstorm last night really set him off.”
The more he described the hybrid the more it sounded like Yoongi.
You grabbed onto Jins arm, “Oh please let me see him! Please Jin!”
He looked at you confused by your excitement.
“I don’t know Y/N. I think a visitor would only stress him out more and I don’t want to do that.”
“Jin please. I promise I won’t even say anything to him. I just want to see him. Maybe it’ll help me decide if I’m really set on a black cat.”
“You’re lucky I love you like a sister.”, he sighed before leading you through a set of double doors.
Your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest.
“Just please try not to startle him. It seems like he’s been through a lot.”, he said leading you to a small room at the end of the hall.
Softly you tiptoed in front of the window. He was laying on a cot facing the wall. All you could see was black hair with two black ears poking out. That could be any cat hybrid and not necessarily Yoongi. You wanted to shout his name or beg for him to turn around. Anything to see his face.
You went to ask a question when suddenly an alarm sounded through the building.
“Sorry Y/N, I have to go check on that. I’ll be right back.”, Jin said before sprinting towards the back of the building.
You turned around prepared to gently knock on the glass now that Jin wasn’t around when you saw a familiar pair of eyes already looking back at you.
You’d found him. Quickly you began banging on the glass, “Yoongi are you okay? Yoongi please talk to me.”
Unfortunately he was uninterested in talking and turned back around to face the wall. His tail swaying lazily back and forth.
“Yoongi please! You were right about every thing. About Jungkook. He works for Viper.”
Still no reaction from him other than his tail coming to a halt .
“He showed up at my house. He held a gun to my head demanding to know where you were.”
That seemed to get his attention even more. You saw his ears swivel in your direction.
“I lied and sent him somewhere far away, but it’s only a matter of time until he figures it out. I need to get you out of here. Please Yoongi.”
You don’t know when you started crying, but you could feel the tears soaking the top of your shirt. Between the exhaustion and the stress and the fear you were reaching a breaking point.
Falling to your knees your face fell into your hands while you just sobbed. It wasn’t until you heard a tapping on the glass did you look up to see Yoongi kneeling in front of you on the other side. His palm pressed to the glass as he nodded.
Finally the alarm turned off which meant Jin could be back at any moment. You tried your best to wipe away the tears as you heard quick footsteps coming in your direction.
Thinking back to your high school drama days you you knew you were going to have to put on an act.
“I am so sorry about that Y/N. One of the staff members forgot to turn off the security alarm before going out the back door to receive a shipment. Have you given it anymore tho-, why are you crying?”, Jin said coming to an abrupt stop next to you.
You chuckled, “Sorry. You know me and how I get so emotional sometimes. Yoongi was just telling me about his past and I just feel so terrible about what he went through.”
Jin looked at you skeptically. Yoongi hadn’t spoken a word to anyone but he just told you his entire life story?
“Jin, I want to adopt him. Please.”
He looked between you and Yoongi. “No I don’t think that’s a good idea”., he shook his head.
“Jin, what’s the motto of this organization?”
“Everyone deserves a chance.”, he sighed.
“Sooo give me and Yoongi a chance.”
He looked over at Yoongi who gave him a nod.
Jin ran his fingers through his hair, “Alright, but don’t make me regret this. Either of you!”
Jin pulled you into a back room to fill out some paperwork. Thankfully he gave you the family and friends discount so you were able to afford the adoption fee.
As you were standing near the exit waiting for Jin to return with Yoongi you couldn’t help but feel the fear building now that you had found him. You tried calling Namjoon a couple more times, but without luck.
When Jin finally appeared with Yoongi following behind he handed you some more paperwork along with the bags that Yoongi had taken from your place.
You both ran off to your car and you didn’t waste any time to begin driving wanting to get away from the shelter just in case.
Yoongi had been silent this whole time until you heard his stomach grumble. You made sure to drive out a little further before stopping at a restaurant to grab something to eat.
After taking a sip of his milk he looked you up and down, “So what do we do now Y/N?”
“Well” you said finishing up the bite of your omelette. “To be honest I don’t know. I didn’t think I’d actually find you and if I did I didn’t think you’d leave with me. I’ve been calling Namjoon repeatedly, but he’s not answering. I don’t know who else we can trust.”
The table fell silent again as you both ate.
While Yoongi was staring out the window you took the opportunity to really look at him. He was noticeably thinner than you remembered. Dark circles surrounded his eyes. His lips extra chapped from licking them, a nervous habit of his you learned. His head hung lower than ever. You wanted to engulf him in a hug and tell him everything was going to be okay, but you knew you’d lost that right so you decided on an apology instead.
“Hey Yoongi.”, you’d said pulling his attention back to you.
“I, I just wanted to say I’m sorry for that night that Jungkook came over. I should’ve listened to you. I just didn’t want to believe that someone I had been so close to would have become such a terrible person. And I’m especially sorry for what I said. You’re not a problem hybrid. You’re the opposite actually.”
Unable to take his glare anymore you turned your attention back to your coffee.
He cleared his throat, “Im sorry for what I said too. I guess I just got a little jealous seeing how close you were with him. And then when I realized who he was I wanted to protect you and I was getting stressed out that you weren’t letting me.”
A silence fell over the table again except for you thanking your waiter for refilling your coffee.
“And uh thank you for coming for me. To be honest, I regretted leaving as soon as I got in the car.”, Yoongi whispered while staring into his pancakes. You gave him a smile before finishing up your meal.
“Well I have no idea what to do now. We can’t go to my place. Namjoon isn’t answering. I can’t really afford a hotel for more than a couple night.”
Yoongi took a final sip of his drink, “I might know someone we can trust. Can I borrow your phone?”
You were unsure, but you learned your lesson for not trusting him the first time so you handed it over and watched as he walked over to the entrance. After paying the bill you gathered your things and met him by the car.
“I have somehwere we can go. Just get on the highway and I’ll give you the directions.”
You did as he said ending up driving about two hours south before pulling up to a large farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. A perfect spot for a murder to go unsolved you thought. A man sitting on the porch swing sipping away on an iced tea got up ready to greet you.
Yoongi sensing your anxiousness reached over placing his hand on your knee, “We can trust him. I promise.”
You nodded still unsure but got out of the car following after him.
The man walked over and embraced Yoongi in a hug.
“Hello Taehyung. Thank you for taking us in.”, he said pulling away.
“Of course. You know you’re always welcome here.”, the man spoke in a very deep tone.
The two of them spoke in whispers giving you the chance to really look this Taehyung over. He had beautifully fluffy golden blond hair with deep amber eyes. Then you noticed two tiny little ears poking out of the locks and a long thin tail slowly swaying behind him. It appeared that he was a lion hybrid, which was extremely rare. Exotic hybrids were hard to come by, especially living out on their own in the countryside.
You were woken out of your thought when you felt a pair of arms wrap around you., “Ahh and this must be your friend you were telling me about. You’re right hyung, she is very beautiful.” You stifled a chuckle, but heard a very embarrassed Yoongi mumble something about needing to learn to keep his mouth shut before turning a bright shade of red.
Taehyung opened the door motioned for you two to follow him, “Come on in. I’ll show you to your rooms.”
You both followed him up the stairs and down a very long hallway. Taehyung was very friendly, but definitely a talker you learned. You felt like you were on museum tour the way he described each piece of artwork or architecture.
“I didn’t know if you two were going to be sleeping separately or together but just in case I have both options ready for you.”, he said opening two different bedroom doors.
You and Yoongi looked at each other awkwardly causing the lion hybrid to chuckled, “Well you two can figure it out together. I’ll let you get some rest and come get you when dinner is ready.”
You both agreed that it would be best to sleep in the same room, for safety reasons of course and not because there was definitely something still brewing between the two of you.
“So how do you know Taehyung?”, you asked trying to break the silence.
Yoongi sat down on the bed, “Well uh he actually used to also be owned by Viper and we were pretty close back then. Since he’s younger I always tried to protect him as much as I could. He managed to escape a few years ago though. We kept in touch the best we could. He always tried to get me to escape too, but I was just too afraid.”
“So what do we do now?”, you asked.
“I don’t really know. The easy answer is hideout and hope they’re able to arrest Viper before they find us. But I have a feeling it won’t be that simple.”
You chuckled, “Yeah me too.”
Taehyung called you both down for dinner. He greeted you in the kitchen with two glasses of wine.
At the stove stirring a pot was a beautiful woman. She didn’t appear to be any part hybrid, but fully a human like yourself. She greeted you with a smile, “Oh hi! You must be Y/N, Yoongi’s girlfriend.” The sip of wine went down wrong causing you to choke at her words. Yoongi threw Taehyung a glare causing him to put his hands up in defense.
The woman chuckled, “Sorry about that. My name is Lilly. I’m Taehyung’s wife.”
“Oh nice to meet you.”, you smiled.
She turned back to the stove playfully swatting Taehyung’s hand away from the bacon wrapped asparagus that were set out on a platter before he apologized with a kiss.
They looked really in love and after everything had happened it made your heart bubble with happiness to see it. It was not illegal for a human and a hybrid to get married, but it was extremely frowned upon by both the government and citizens alike forcing most hybrids and humans to never cross that line. You had never seen an issue with it and seeing a couple so happy made you really glad they had that option.
“Alright, let’s sit for dinner.”, Taehyung exclaimed clapping his hands together. Throughout the dinner Yoongi and Taehyung caught up and told stories. You and Lilly got to know each other. You had just finished up the last of the dishes when Taehyung invited everyone out to the back patio for a couple drinks.
“Soooo what are your next steps?”, he asked.
You had such a nice evening that you had honestly forgotten all about the whole reason you were there to begin with.
He continued, “You know Viper is going to have guys looking all over for you. Hell he’s probably still got them looking for me too.”
You hadn’t realized just how much Taehyung was also risking by having you guys there. He could be caught and imprisoned again.
Yoongi cleared his throat, “We’re not sure. Hopefully we can hide out here for a few days and then figure something out. Maybe finally get in contact with Namjoon.”
You nodded along in agreement.
“Well you’re both welcome to stay here as long as you need. We’ll help in any way we can.”, Lilly spoke up.
The next few days you and Yoongi spent a lot of time together trying to help out around the farm as much as possible.
Lilly and Taehyung had made a trip into town to get some supplies leaving just the two of you alone.
You were sitting on the couch cuddled liked you used to. Your back leaning against his chest. His arm lazily around your shoulder while his tail tickled your sides.
You were so engrossed in the movie that you hadn’t noticed Yoongi’s fingers lightly running up and down the exposed skin of your thigh until you noticed the goosebumps he was leaving behind. Slowly he seemed to be testing his limits by going higher and higher.
After a couple minutes of this you looked back at him catching his attention.
“What?”, he chuckled.
“Nothing.” Just as you’d figured he didn’t even realize he was doing it and there was no meaning behind his actions.
Then at some point his light touches turned into desperation. You don’t know how one thing lead to another, but somehow you ended up back in your room. Clothes discarded all over until you were left in nothing but your underwear. Yoongi fell back onto the bed pulling you on top of him. You happily obliged moving to straddle him making it more comfortable for you both. Hungrily you searched for his mouth wanting more. You ground down on him eliciting a moan that only encouraged you more. He helped push you down onto him again this time guiding you to hit just the right spots. You felt his soft tail wrap around your waist giving just a little extra bit of force. Between kisses and filthy words the cloth between the two of you became too much of a barrier to take any more. Without thinking you hooked your finger under the waistband of his boxers ready to release him when suddenly something snapped in Yoongi.
He wasn’t in bed about to make love to you, a woman that he cared deeply for, some might even say love. Instead he was back in one of Vipers “play” rooms. Loud music blaring, some person he didn’t know who had paid a handsome amount of money to have their way with him was grabbing him without his consent.
“Stop! Don’t touch me.”, he shouted making you recoil back like he had burned you. Maybe you had misread the situation after all.
“Yoongi what happened?”, you asked concerned. Instead of responding he fled back. Burying himself under the covers. You could hear the sobs come from beneath.
Quickly you threw on a shirt, yours or his it didn’t matter and gently made your way next to him careful not to touch him.
“Yoongi, it’s Y/N. No one is going to hurt you. I promise. You are just here with me. We’re at Taehyung’s. Remember?”
After a few minutes and a couple more affirmations his breathing started to slow and he peaked out from underneath the covers.
You smiled, “Hey are you okay? Can I get you anything? Maybe some water?”
He shook his head but you felt his fingers come rest against your hand before he intertwined them with your own trying to ground himself and bring him back to reality.
You gave him time to calm down. You didn’t dare move or speak for fear of setting him off.
“I’m sorry.”, he whispered after several minutes.
Lightly you giggled, “What are you sorry about silly? You have nothing to apologize for.”
“I ruined the moment. You probably think I’m some kind weirdo.”
You shook your head, “That couldn’t be farther from the truth. I’m sorry that I didn’t check with you more. I should’ve been more careful.”
He pulled your hand closer to him so he could snuggle in your lap and you ran your fingers through his hair.
“I, I would like to try again one day. If that’s okay with you.”, he mumbled into your skin. The vibrations making you chuckle.
“Of course. Whenever you’re ready we can try again.”
You woke up the next morning to loud pounding on the door. Forgetting where you were more a minute you ignored it until you heard Taehyung’s voice. Jumping out of bed you were thankful you had both managed to get some clothes on after last night when you swung open the door. A very disheveled looking Taehyung greeted you.
“We need to get out of here.”, he exclaimed.
You looked back at him in confusion thankful that Yoongi had finally joined you.
He continued, “I just got a call from one of my friends in town. They saw Viper and a couple of his crew walking around. He’s onto us and it’s only a matter of time until they’re here. Grab what you can and meet me in the garage. We’ll take my truck.” Lilly came running up m to him ready to go but he shook his head, “It’s way too dangerous. Go up in the attic and lock the door. Use all of the locks. Stay quiet and don’t answer the door for anyone other than me. Just like we practiced. Okay?” She nodded and gave him a kiss before running up to the attic as instructed.
Meanwhile you and Yoongi grabbed your belongings which thankfully wasn’t much and made your way out to the garage where Taehyung was already waiting. You were barely in the truck before he sped off leaving the farmhouse behind.
“Fuck, where are we gonna go?”, Yoongi asked running a hand through his hair.
“How did they even find us so fast?”, you asked.
Taehyung shrugged his shoulders, “I have no idea. Viper runs a very large operation. He probably has guys stationed in every city.”
Taehyung drove for hours only stopping for a bathroom break and to get some gas.
“What are we going to do? We can’t just drive around forever?”, you asked once back in the truck.
“A buddy of mine lives a little west of here. He’s an ex HPA officer. Maybe he can help us out.”, Taehyung said turning to Yoongi for assurance.
You were half way to your destination when your phone rang. The screen illuminated with Namjoon’s picture. You’ve never accepted a call so fast.
“Hi Y/N, I’m so sorry I haven’t be reachable. Some crazy shit has gone down.”
“Yeah you’re telling me.”
“Where are you?”, he asked.
“I have no idea. We’re with one of Yoongi’s friends. He was right about Jungkook. He works for Viper now.”
“I know. It’s unfortunate. Y/N, I’m going to send you my location. You guys can meet me here. I can get you somewhere safe.”
“Okay Joon. We’ll see you soon.”
As promised you received his location not long after. Taehyung punched it into his gps and made a uturn.
“Are you sure we can trust this guy?”, he asked feeling a little uneasy. You didn’t blame him after everything he’s been through.
“Yeah. I’ve known him since we were kids. He works for the HPA. He’s the one that initially brought Yoongi to me.” Yoongi nodded in agreement.
After an hour drive the truck pulled up to an abandoned looking warehouse close to the main river.
“Are you sure this is the location?”, Yoongi asked looking around and you quickly showed him your phone to verify.
You dialed Namjoon’s number surprised that he quickly answered.
“Hey are you sure that locatjon was correct? It’s like a creepy looking factory or something?”, you asked.
He chuckled, “Yeah yeah I know it looks rough but I’m inside. We’ve got a little operation running.”
Hanging up the three of you exited the truck and started walking towards the open door. Taehyung lead the way with Yoongi following close behind. He pulled you against him needing to know that you were safe there with him.
Inside the warehouse you didn’t see a whole HPA operation set up like you had imagined. Instead you found Namjoon tied to a chair with several men surrounding him all pointing their guns at the three of you.
You noticed that each man had the same viper tattoo that Jungkook had. Namjoon looked at you apologetically. His eye was bruised and his lip had clearly been spilt open.
“I’m so sorry Y/N. I’m sorry I brought you into this mess.”, he cried.
Instinctively you went to run to him but Yoongi stopped you. Pulling you close against him again. You wanted to protest, but were cut off by a high pitched laugh.
A strange man came walking in directly towards Yoongi positioning himself at eyelevel. “Well well well, you didn’t really think you could hide from me did you Kitty?”, he spoke running his finger delicately along Yoongi’s cheek.
You noticed the large Viper tattoo front and center on his chest. It didn’t take much to figure out that you were looking directly Viper himself.
Then as if you called him by thinking of him he set his sights on you hiding behind Yoongi.
“Ohhhh I see you’ve got yourself a little girlfriend. How adorable.”, he laughed.
“Don’t touch her.”, Yoongi spat.
“Please, I don’t want anything to do with your whore. The hybrid fucker can get lost for all I care.”
Viper walked closer to Yoongi until he was a mere inch from his face, “You know you’ve cost me a lot of money and time over the last few months. You’re going to have to make this all up to me.”
“Fine, just let Y/N go free.”, Yoongi said.
“No Yoongi, you can’t do that.”, you cried reaching for him, but Viper snapped his fingers and two of his men came over dragging you away. You tried your best to fight free, but they overpowered you.
As you were being pulled away you saw Viper kick his foot into Yoongi’s stomach dropping him to his knees in pain.
Something off to the side took his attention away from Yoongi though and you saw his face light up into a disgusting grin, “Tae is that you? I thought I lost you forever. This day just keeps getting better.”
Taehyung let out what could only be described as low roar making you jump in surprise forgetting for a moment that he was half lion.
“Stand down you overgrown house cat.”, Viper scoffed.
“Leave him alone. You have me now. Just like you wanted.”, Yoongi shouted.
You watched as Viper strolled over back Yoongi before backhanding him so hard causing Yoongi to fall over.
You screamed out his name, tears streaming down your face at the abuse he was receiving.
Viper rolled his eyes annoyed at the scene you were causing. He pointed to one of his men that currently had a death grip on your arm, “Finish her.”
Once again you felt the familiar cold metal against your skin.
“Noooo, don’t fucking touch her.”, Yoongi cried using what little strength he had left to try and break free.
Viper sadistically smiled seeing this all unfold., “Do it. Make sure Yoongi see it happen. It’ll be the first step in his punishment.”
You looked at Yoongi. His eyes were bloodshot and he was out of breath. A bruise on his cheek already forming. You mustered whatever you could manage to give him a small smile before closing your eyes. You could hear Yoongi’s pleas and cries. You wondered if you’d feel pain. You wondered if it would be instant.
Everything went silent. Then you heard the familiar sound of a gunshot so you braced. But you never felt pain. You never felt the impact. You thought maybe it really had been instant.
Then you heard doors slamming open and lots of shouting.
“HPA! Put your hands in the air before someone else gets shot.”
You opened your eyes to find dozens and dozens of HPA officers swarming the warehouse. The man who had held a gun to you earlier was facedown on the ground next to you, blood pooling around him.
Three HPA officers slowly walked towards Viper with guns drawn while a forth placed him in cuffs. The rest of Vipers men were quickly placed in cuffs too.
As soon as an officer grabbed the other guy who was holding on to you, you immediately ran to Yoongi engulfing him in a hug and sobbing into his chest.
“This isn’t over. You will pay for all of this. All of you.”, Viper spat at you as he was being dragged away.
“Are you okay? We need to get you to a hospital.”, you turned to Yoongi checking him over.
“No no I’m okay. I’m more worried about you.”, he said squeezing you a little tighter.
“We have a medic outside. They can check you both over.”, a familiar voice stated next to you.”
“Oh my god Namjoon! Are you okay?”, you exclaimed running into his arms.
“Yeah yeah. I’m fine.”, he smiled. “Just some good special fx makeup and terrible acting. Let’s go outside.”
Once in the fresh air you saw a face you never wanted to see again standing next to the ambulance. He gave you a nervous smile.
“What the fuck Jeon Jungkook?”, you shouted as he walked closer.
“Y/N, let me expla-“
He couldn’t finish the statement before your hand connected with his cheek.
“No Fuck you Jungkook. You held a gun to my head. You threatened me. You work for Viper and now you just want to stand here like nothing happened. Why aren’t you in handcuffs?”
Namjoon came in between you two, “Everyone just calm down. We have a command center set up next door. Let go over there, get some water, and cool down a little.”
You were in disbelief that Namjoon was taking his side. You looked at Yoongi for guidance and he nodded his head before reaching for your hand to follow after the two men.
Once in the command center and with a cold bottle of water in your hands you glared and Jungkook still not trusting him.
“How are you feeling Y/N? Can I get you something to eat?”, he spoke.
“Cut the bullshit Jungkook. What’s going on?”, you spat back at him.
“Firstly I want to apologize. That night at your place was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.”
You scoffed, “I didn’t ask for an apology. I want an explanation about why it happened to begin with.”
He took a deep breath before beginning, “The agency has really been putting a lot of effort into catching Viper. One of the ideas was to have someone infiltrate his group. Since I did mostly office work and was unknown amongst his men it was decided that it would be me. So about a year ago I started working on that. I pretended to quit the agency. The only people that knew about the whole plan at the time were Namjoon and the head of the HPA.”
“Wait, but you have the snake tattoo. Didn’t you have to kill a hybrid to get that?”
Namjoon stepped in, “It was all a setup. A retired officer who happened to be a hybrid somehow found out about everything. He was also in the final stages of cancer and volunteered his body. He wanted to make sure Viper was taken down for the safety of all hybrids.”
You shook your head in disbelief.
Jungkook cleared his throat and continued, “Viper got word that Namjoon had taken Yoongi to one of his friends. For some reason I had a feeling it was you. So I came over that first night to see if Yoongi was there and of course I verified he was. Two of Vipers guys were with me or I would’ve warned you that night.”
You could feel Yoongi’s tail swinging agitatedly next to you. A low growl rumbled in his chest, “So you purposely brought Vipers men to her house? They could’ve killed her!”
Jungkook scoffed, “I would’ve never let them hurt her. I had to keep the act up or they would’ve got suspicious about why I was there.”
The growl from Yoongi got a little louder so you rested your hand on his thigh to try and sooth him not wanting a repeat of that first meeting. Slowly you could feel him settle down even though his tail said otherwise.
Jungkook continued, “When I came back the second time I was planning on getting you both to a hideout for a while, but then Yoongi wasn’t there. I thought I was alone when I arrived, but once I got inside I realized that I had been followed so I had to act like I was there to get Yoongi.”
“Soooo you threatened to kill me to save your own ass?”, you questioned.
“No no no I was never going to hurt you. The gun wasn’t even loaded. I swear. I just needed to make it believable so that none of us would get hurt.”
“So then how did we end up here? How did you know where Yoongi and I would be?”
Jungkook continued, “Well that first time I was at your house and I punched Yoongi, sorry about that by the way.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes not wanting to accept the apology.
Jungkook continued, “I might have stuck a small tracker in your purse while you were distracted by taking care of Yoongi.”
After noticing your anger rising Namjoon took over, “When we saw that you went to Jin’s shelter we knew that you had found Yoongi. Jin confirmed you had adopted him. Then we tracked you to Taehyung’s address. We got his contact info and then told him everything that was going on. He agreed to play along and help us out by getting you guys to come here. Then we had Jungkook call Viper and tell him we had a tracker with Yoongi so that he’d come here too.”
“Wow unbelievable. Everyone in my life is a lier apparently.”, you shook your head.
“Y/N, I’m sorry we lied. We had to do what we needed to do so we could catch Viper. But I promise you were never in any real danger. We constantly had surveillance on you and if anything had ever happened we would’ve had officers there immediately.”, Namjoon said.
“I hope you can forgive me. I’m really sorry this had to happen this way.”, Jungkook spoke standing up ready to leave.
“I-I don’t know. Thank you for catching him, but I thing I need some time.”
He nodded in understanding and followed another officer out of the room.
Speechless you sat back taking in his words.
“So what happens now?”, Yoongi asked next to you.
“Well we have enough evidence to hopefully put Viper away for the rest of his life and we’ll continue to take down any of his operations that are still standing.”, Namjoon responded.
“Okay and what about me?”, Yoongi asked.
“Oh well you have a few options. We can take you directly to a shelter now that it’ll be safer. Or since you are technically considered a rescued hybrid you do qualify for fostering for a while to help you reacclamate back into society.”
Yoongi was silent but you could see him nod his head out of the corner of your eye. His ears twitched in your direction searching for any kind of sound from you.
The realization hit you. Unfortunately the way the laws were setup a hybrid could only live longterm with their legal owner and since you were not his owner that it meant he could no longer stay with you. Your whole life you had been vehemently against hybrid ownership, but the thought of never seeing Yoongi again made your chest ache.
“Ooorrrr if there’s someone who happened to already want to adopt you then we can work that out immediately.”, Namjoon spoke providing you the option to step in.
Biting your lip you nervously looked around. If you were to adopt Yoongi that would go against everything you ever believed and you’d only be helping the need to continuously adopt out hybrids. But then again you did care about Yoongi like you never thought possible.
“You promised.”, Yoongi whispered next to you, he voice slightly cracking.
Staring at the ground because you didn’t have the courage to look him in the eyes you could sense his steps walking closer to Namjoon.
“I can go to a shelter. That’s fine.”, Yoongi suddenly spoke.
Surprised, Namjoon put on his best fake smile, “Sure thing. Let’s get you over there so you can get settled in then.”
Yoongi glanced at you before following quickly after Namjoon. You felt the familiar burning sensation of tears beginning to form.
“Hey, would you like to come stay back at my place. You can go back home in the morning.”,
Taehyung asked next to you.
Nodding your head you stood up and followed him out to his truck. Once back at his place Lilly ran out greeting you both with hugs. Taehyung went to take a shower while you followed Lilly into the kitchen. She offered you some tea as you sat down across from her.
“You love him don’t you?”, she asked smiling behind her teacup.
“Yoongi. I saw the way you were looking at him.”, she chuckled.
“I-I don’t know. I do care about him a lot.”
“So go get him. Bring him home with you tomorrow. That’s where you both want him to be.”
You shook your head, “No I don’t believe in hybrid ownership. It’s immoral and wrong.”
“Look Y/N, If you don’t adopt him then someone else surely will. You’re not doing him any favors. But I know how you feel. I used to have that same way of thinking. Then I met Tae. I didnt want to adopt him. I mean he was my boyfriend, but then we talked about it. What would happen if someone asked to see papers? Or godforbid he ended up in the hospital and I couldn’t prove anything. They’d take him away and I’d never see him again. At the end of the day it’s just a piece of paper. Nothing has to change between you and Yoongi.”
“I just…I don’t know. Of course I want Yoongi to live with me. I don’t want him to think of me as his owner though. I’m pretty sure I’ve got some feelings for him but what if he doesn’t feel the same?”
“Have you sat down and talked to him about it?”
You shook your head.
“Well that’s where you start. Then you make a decision from there. He seems like a smart guy. I bet he already knows what he wants.”
You took another sip of your tea before looking over at Lilly who was softly twisting her wedding raging.
“Did you ever worry about starting a relationship with Taehyung? Like how people would react?”
She laughed, “Oh yes of course! We both had our doubts when we first started dating. And I can still hear the whispers and see the fingers pointing whenever we go into town but we don’t care any more. We love each other and that’s all that matters. The only way to combat the discrimination is to prove to others that their hate can’t ruin you.”
Her words replayed in your head as you tossed and turned in bed trying to get some sleep. You wondered what Yoongi was up to. Was he sleeping well? Did they give him a nice meal? Had he thought about you at all?
After very little sleep you heard Taehyung and Lilly working in the kitchen. Quickly you packed what few belongings you had and headed downstairs. They greeted you with smiles and offered some breakfast. After you ate you thanked them for everything they had done for you and promised to keep in touch.
Taehyung helped you load your stuff into your car before walking back over to the drivers side where you were waiting.
“Alright you’re all packed up. Let me know when you get home safely.”
For some reason you couldn’t bring yourself to get in the car.
“Did you need anything else Y/N? I can get you some gas if you needed it.”
You shook your head before taking a deep breath., “So, umm… do you know where they took Yoongi last night?”
He flashed you the biggest boxy smiled you’d ever seen, “I was starting to get worried you’d never ask.”
After he punched in the address into your gps you began the drive there, quickly realizing you were on your way to Jins. Of course.
You sat in the parking lot for quite some time trying to work up the courage to go inside. You weighed the pros and cons of every possible scenario. As you sat there you saw Jimin, the Russian blue hybrid, happily running along with the young family who you were assuming had just adopted him. He smiled with pride as the families little girl clung onto him as they all loaded into their vehicle. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad after all. That was the final push you needed to walk inside the shelter greeted by Jin immediately.
“Y/N I was wondering when you’d show up. I bet Namjoon $20 you’d be here before noon so looks like he’ll have to pay up next time I see him.”
You rolled your eyes, “So I’m guessing you know why I’m here then?”
“Yep, already have the paperwork filled out. Just need a few signatures.”, he said placing the forms in front of you.
“Can I see him first? I want to make sure he’s okay with all of this.”
Jin sighed but of course he brought you back down the hall to the same room he was in last time.
“Yoongi you have a visitor.”, Jin said punching in the lock code.
“I told you I don’t want to see anyone.”, he responded. The hoarseness in his voice broke your heart. He had clearly been crying for quite a while.
“Come on now. You can’t sit in the corner and sulk all day.”
“Jin please just leave me alone. I told you I don’t want to be adopted by anyone but Y/N.”
That little confirmation gave you the confidence you needed to step forward, “Well then let’s go sign some paperwork so we can go home.”
Yoongi spun around so fast he got disoriented tripping over his own feet. You giggled as you tried to help him back up.
“Y/N you really came back for me?”
“Of course I did. I promised didn’t I?”
“I thought you were against adoptions so I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”, he whispered.
You noticed he was wearing your hoodie. A small detail that made you smile.
“I think I can make an exception. As long as that’s what you want of course. And we agree to be equals.”
He didn’t even have to answer. When he walked over and wrapped his arms around you placing a soft kiss to your cheek, that was all the confirmation you needed.
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gojosnympho · 11 months
nsfw, mdni
mingi x black!fem!reader
authors note: i know i’ve been gone for like ever and im sorry but here’s a peace offering for you guys!! i hope u love it 🥰
“you be talking to other girls?” you asked your boyfriend one night whilst you sat in your living room.
“what?” mingi asked in confusion.
“do you be talking to other girls?” you asked again.
“why the fuck would i do that?”
you would’ve never asked mingi this question if it wasn’t for his little ex girlfriend getting into your head. usually you trusted him but ever since a few days ago when she direct messaged you on instagram saying he’d been talking to her again, it was the only thought that plagued your mind. mingi noticed you’d been acting funny too, he just didn’t realize that it was something this serious. he just thought you were pissed at him for not doing the dishes like you asked.
“because you’re a man,” you replied, arms folded across your chest.
“i’m not talking to other girls, baby. i swear,” the dark haired man tried to reassure you. he went in for a kiss but you blocked it by putting your hand up.
“you not fucking your ex?”
“what the fuck are you talking about, _____?”
you pulled your phone out to open the message thread and all but threw the phone in your boyfriend’s lap. he picked it up to go through the messages and it was silent as he did so. you sat there, watching him. mingi sucked his teeth and threw the phone to his side.
“that bitch is lying. i haven’t seen her in months!”
“watch those b words.”
“sorry,” he began. “but she’s lying i swear. why would i cheat on you? i love you.”
“yeah? you love me?” you asked him. he nodded in response, “let me see your phone.”
without hesitation the man pulled his phone from the pocket of his sweatpants, unlocked it, and went to hand it to you. that was enough for you to realize he was actually telling the truth. you pushed the phone away to mingi’s confusion.
“i thought you wanted to see,” mingi said, offering the phone to you one more time. you pushed it away again.
“if you’re willing to give me your phone without a fight then there’s nothing for you to hide. i’m sorry. i know i got a little crazy.”
“it’s okay, sweetheart. there’s a way you can make it up to me.”
mingi was pounding into you from behind, one of his hands pushing your face down into the pillows while the other placed stinging smacks on your ass. you were moaning and screaming into the pillow, nails clawing at the sheets of your bed.
“why would i cheat on you when you have such a good pussy? huh?” mingi asked you but it was rhetorical because he proceeded to pound you again.
“‘m sorry, mingi,” you sobbed into the pillow.
“i know you are. i’m not a fucking cheater, alright?” he punctuated each word with a thrust that had your toes curling and your eyes rolling into the back of your head. “now flip over let me see that pretty face.”
he pulled out of your abused pussy and didn’t even give you a chance to flip yourself over before he was doing it himself. without a warning he plunged his dick right back inside you to continue his brutal pace.
“fuck you’re so tight, hm? you think i want someone else when you have everything i need?”
“i’m s-sorry. i’m so sorry, mingi,” you babbled, because that’s all your fucked out brain could gather.
as his final “fuck-you” to his ex, he picked up your phone opened the message thread once more and pressed the voice recorder button. he made sure to place the phone right by your mouth so she could hear everything.
“say it again for me, tell me how sorry you are for believing her,” mingi said, his dick hitting the very bottom of your pussy.
“i’m so fucking sorry, baby.”
“yeah? you love me?”
“yes! fuck yes!”
“you gonna cum all over my dick? come on baby i know you want to. it’s yours.”
that’s all it took for your pussy to squeeze around him and soak him in all of your juices, chanting his name as you did so. mingi deposited his own cum deep into your pretty pussy not too long after with a high pitched moan. he grabbed your phone to stop the voice recording and send it.
“you’re such a good girl. you okay? did i hurt you?” mingi asked, soft as can be.
“i’m more than okay,” you assured him. “and i really am sorry, mingi. i hope you know that.”
“i know you are, baby girl. now go to the bathroom and wait i’ll run you a bath.” mingi kissed you so softly a stark difference between the way he just fucked you into the mattress.
your phone dinged while you were in the bathroom with a message from mingi’s ex once again. it read:
“i know he put you up to this”
mingi replied: “stop texting my girlfriend”
“you coming, mingi?” he heard your sweet voice call from the bathroom.
“yeah, i’ll be right there!”
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arieswritez · 7 months
glad you and this account exist, I feel like there’s a lack of Mark lovers lmao! but omg I can’t stop thinking about him, I feel feral but for the purpose of discussion I have to ask: what do you think his d!ck would look like?
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cw; scummy bf!mark x gn!reader, abusive relationships (physical & emotional), angst, stalking, spying, harassment, manipulation, gaslighting.
a/n; i am super late but mark would have tHEE prettiest dick ever !! & i'll prove it!!!! in fact, his dick is SO pretty you'd let him do heinous things if it meant having it in your mouth teehee 🫶🏾🫶🏾 (& because i am not normal: i went on a tangent .. ik ik you didn't ask for this.. lemme alone!!! )
bf! mark who you always wanted to give the benefit of the doubt to. who'd always hide his snide comments under a playful half smile and the guise of it being "just a joke".
bf!mark who'd tell you not to worry about his relationships with other people. who'd say you were just being insecure and that he didn't know how to be with someone that like you. bf!mark who'd always make you cry whenever you voiced your opinions because he always made you feel so stupid, didn't he?
bf! mark who soon turns into exbf!mark because one day he just .. loses it. or at least, that was his excuse.
you've lost your temper many times before. with others. with him. but his anger is much more different than your own.
your anger simmers: the first symptoms of a poison muddying your mind with annoyance. the type that renders you silent with a lump in your throat. your tongue swollen with words unsaid because. . you know better. and your parent(s) had warned you time and time again about being cautious of what you say to those you love.
mark's anger is a roaring boil. explosive with scalding steam.
mark's anger is a burning fire caused by popping oil and you're the water who was naively thrown onto it in order to extinguish it. his anger is just as unpredictable as it is brief. and although you were used to the smallest of inconveniences turning into shouting matches, you thought you had mark all figured out.
plead your case. stand your ground.
admit you were wrong.
even if you were sure you weren't.
it was the only way you could end your arguments. and you were good at playing that game. until you weren't. until the eggshells you were walking on cut the soles of your feet. up until that point, you'd never seen mark's ego so hurt.
and the backhand he gives you sends you to the ground with your right ear ringing.
as soon as you hit the floor, he's on his knees before you, cradling your face, so inconsolable anyone would've thought you hit him.
the soft press of his kisses, peppering across your face contrast with the burning sting of your cheek as he murmurs, "i don't know what got into me! i just get so angry - i swear i didn't mean to hit you that hard!"
and as you stared at him with a blank expression, your mind raced, trying to find an excuse as to what could've warranted that reaction. but for the first time, your mind went blank. and although you nodded along with his apologies and allowed him to wipe the tears from your eyes, you knew there was nothing mark could do to fix it.
you let him think everything was ok. you smile at his jokes and let him cuddle you in his sleep. . even if his hands always found themselves wrapped around your throat.
then, one day, you just. . disappear. block him from everything and register to online classes instead of in person. you stuff his 'borrowed' hoodies and expensive gifts in a garbage bag and leave it in front of his dorm.
you even go as far as to donate all the stuffed animals he gave you.
well. .
almost all.
there is one you specifically like. mostly because debbie was the one who picked it out for you. you always had a soft spot for her.
you still do. so much so that, despite the fact that you want nothing to do with mark - and the fact that you're terrified of him - you find yourself missing her.
so you keep it.
and, sure, you know there's a psychology book somewhere stating it hinders your ability to truly move on. and maybe it's right.
maybe looking at it makes your brain revert back to bittersweet memories of mark and debbie. the way she'd made her home a safe space. you're sure she'd be ashamed to find out of everything mark put you through. but you decide to keep your distance. keep the peace, and all. you couldn't bare telling her why the two of you broke up.
but you still have the text message she sent you.
i'm sorry things didn't work out. you were good for mark. we miss you.
little do you know: the stuffed animal was mark's favorite, too.
but not for the same sappy reason.
& yes, it's because he placed a tiny camera into the cute bear :)
it was a risky move but you were far too predictable. his mother was practically a saint to you. he couldn't imagine you throwing her gift away. after all, what had she ever done to you? thank god for debbie.
now, he doesn't have to be with you to watch you cuddle the stuffed toy. he doesn't have to stand underneath your window to hear you sob into its soft fur. and it's addicting, really, watching you just be in the comfort of your room because you've completely exiled him from your life. and really, who do you think you are? you make him angry enough to hit you and you're the victim?
you didn't know how and when to keep your mouth shut. that's something you should learn. and seeing as how your parent(s) hadn't sat you down and talked to you about it. . mark figured he'd be the one to teach you that lesson.
but you're spoiled.
you're sensitive.
and you obviously don't take kindly to discipline.
and as much as he loves to keep his little secret of watching you on his phone screen. . it kills him to know you won't let him anywhere near you.
but don't forget it: you still belong to him <3 and in any moment that he wants you, he could very easily have you.
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one night, with the plushie at the foot of your bed, he watches you squirm. his brows furrow, rolling onto his stomach, getting comfortable as he stares at his phone screen, wondering if you're having a nightmare. the night vision camera captures the way your body moves, every toss and turn. . and then. . every miniscule roll of your hips.
he watches you kick off the blankets and he feels his cock throb in his sweatpants when he sees you aren't wearing any bottoms. . . or underwear. his hands are shaking as he watches you begin to touch yourself. and the sounds you make have him so enraptured that he barely registers when he starts to grind against the bed.
you must feel vulnerable. . watched? . . because you grab the plushie. but you don't just chuck it away. you don't look directly into its eyes and call mark an asshole like he feels you will. no. instead, you hug the stuffed toy to your chest. and even though mark can't see a damn thing anymore - you're covering the camera, fuck - he can hear you perfectly now.
the way your breath hitches and hiccups. your whines, the gasps, the faint whispers he has to strain to listen to. . incoherent whimpers of please and yes, and as he humps his bed. . it's the whisper of his name that throws him over the edge.
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a few days later, you receive a message from a strange number with a video attached to it.
in hindsight, you should know better. you've been on the internet long enough to know not everything is meant to be clicked on. but for some reason, you don't think twice to open it.
on the screen, you only see a white light, before you realize it's a flashlight from a phone.
and then a cock comes into view.
you're far too surprised to turn your phone off.
it's so hard it looks painful.
it's thick, thick enough that the fist that comes into view doesn't completely wrap around it. the head an angry red, a drop of pre beading from the tip.
the fist gives a few experimental strokes, then up to the head, where it squeezes, milking, and the drop of precum smudges and dribbles across knuckles. the hand slides down again, and cups the tan, plump, balls at the base.
you hear a groan. and something about it makes you throb. you can't quite put your finger on why. . but you find yourself too transfixed to look away.
you watch as the stranger strokes their cock with growing fervor and the way their hand moves gives you a familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach. there's a small voice in the back of your mind, whispering could it be. your face scrunches up in disgust but you still can't tear your eyes away from your phone screen. nor can you deny the way as your heart picks up speed.
it's only when you hear his voice that your suspicions are confirmed,
"miss you so bad, baby." mark's voice drawls, the breathy words cut off by a groan. "need you here with me again."
you should block him.
you should change your number. your fucking government name and area code if necessary.
you should delete the message, turn off your phone, and be over the whole situation but you don't. his whines and moans arouse you like some sort of fucked up pavlovian response and before you know it, your hands are working along with his.
you'll regret this. the little voice tells you matter-of-factly when you pick up speed the same time he does.
you'll regret this. it hisses when your breath catches in your throat. when your face burns as you close your eyes and work yourself in a frenzy, hips rolling, imagining . . wishing . . mark was there with you, too.
you'll regret this. when you muffle a cry of his name with the palm of your hand when you hear the soft, expletive filled whispers of his orgasm. he sounds so good. so pitiful it reminds you of the first few times the two of you were intimate. times in which mark pretended he was gentle and sweet. when he pretended the hickies he sucked into your neck were purely accidental.
he sounds like your mark.
you'll regret this. this time, the voice sounds tired. like a disappointed friend at their wits end, trying to talk you down from relapsing from an addiction.
the voice goes silent.
obviously tired of you once you save the unknown number into your contacts.
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southsideserendipity · 8 months
drunk & disorderly (alternate ending) (Kelly Severide x Reader)
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Synopsis: Your alcoholic father shows up at the firehouse, persistent on making amends.
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol abuse, violence, swearing, Kelly being protective AF <3.
Word Count: 2.7k
*This is an alternate ending for one of my imagines: drunk & disorderly. They can be read separately and in interchangeable order. Link to my master list."
“Shay, we are never drinking that much the night before a shift again. I���m so hungover” you groaned, throwing your head back in exasperation in the passenger seat of the ambulance. You were returning to the station after the first call of the day, and the pounding of your temples was exacerbated with every bump in the road. 
“Oh c’mon, Y/N, we can handle a lil hangover” she said jokingly. “Besides, wasn’t that drinking game fun?” She asked in a suggestive tone while wiggling her eyebrows. 
“I’m not sure, I can’t exactly remember last night’s events” you giggled, trying to rack your brain for a hint as to how the evening played out.
“Well, what I remember extremely vividly is you and Severide not being able to stop flirting with each other,” Shay said this without taking her eyes off of the road, but you knew she wasn’t as annoyed as she was making herself out to be. She loved the idea of the 2 people she loved the most being together. 
“I can’t confirm or deny my actions or the events that occurred last night” you led in a serious note, trying to cover up your schoolgirl crush on Severide in a playful manner.
“Oh, just fuck him already! Blame it on the alcohol!” Shay encouraged, using her hands to help communicate the message. “I know you like him, and who’s to say he doesn’t want you?” she questioned.
“I’m not sure Shay, you would know the most given the fact that you live with him, wouldn’t you? Has he said anything to you??” Turning your entire torso towards her, you suddenly become very invested in the conversation. You had made comments to Shay about how hot Severide is, but you’ve never fully expressed your interest in him.
“My lawyer says no further comment” Shay responds, zipping the imaginary zipper on her lips and throwing away the key. 
“Oh come on, Shay!! Help a girl out” you moaned in defeat, crossing your arms in front of your chest despite knowing that what the 2 roommates were discussing was private.
Shay was the person who got you and Kelly close to begin with. Being that you and she were ambulance partners, you went over to their place often, seeing him just as much as you see her. 
“He may or may not have said some things about you, but that’s all I can say!” Shay spat out the sentence, picking up the speed as it went on as if the faster she said it, the less of a chance Kelly was to somehow find out. 
“Oh, this conversation is NOT over" you responded. You weren’t ready to drop the topic anytime soon, but you had arrived back at the firehouse.
Before you could pester her with further interrogations, you saw a figure as she was pulling into the ambulance bay.
“Who is that?” Shay exclaimed, confused that someone was blocking her. 
You squinted your eyes, confident that they were playing tricks on you based on who you were perceiving to be there. Once Shay had driven as close as she could without running them over, you knew your eyes were not deceiving you. 
“My dad” you spat angrily, upset that this was your current reality; that a member of your toxic family had followed you to the one good thing in your life. 
You were both frozen in the ambulance; you, unsure how to avoid this interaction, and Shay, confused as to how she could help you. 
You got out of the ambulance and began making your way inside, pretending that your dad was an invisible man and that his presence had no effect on you. Shay followed suit. 
When you walked past him you heard him scoff, and he threw his hands up in the air, resembling confusion.
“You’re just gonna walk past me. No ‘Hi dad, how are you? Long time no see.’” You couldn’t believe what you just heard, but once you partially processed it, you decided that this was indeed your battle to pick today.
You had moved to Chicago from Toronto after applying to the academy, deciding that between your narcissistic and emotionally abusive mother, and your alcoholic dad, it was time to leave; not to run away, but to survive. 
Your older brother is a firefighter in Toronto, and you easily could’ve gotten a job at his firehouse, but you had always loved Chicago and decided to bite the bullet. 
“You have some nerve.” Slowly turning around to face him, you tried to keep yourself from seeing red. He didn’t deserve to know he got a reaction from you. “Showing up at my place of work unexpectedly and expecting me to give you the time of day.” 
“I just want to talk, Y/N.” You started hysterically laughing once you heard what he had said, the anger presenting itself through laughter. Your father was confused as to why you were reacting this way, and quite frankly, so was Shay. She had never seen you so upset.
“Get out of my firehouse. You don’t deserve to be here.”You pointed towards the street, urging him to get out of your sight. 
“Y/N just hear me out. I know I don’t deserve it but it’s been so long and I just want to be a part of your life again. Things are different now.” The pounding in your head was starting to become excruciatingly unbearable the further this conversation continued.
You could hear the sounds of squad and truck rumbling down the street and you knew that you needed him to leave before the entire house got back. 
“Yeah, things sure as hell are different, I left before I suffocated and you couldn’t give a rat’s ass where I ended up. Until today, a random Saturday morning 2 YEARS after I spoke to you last. I want you to leave, NOW. Don’t make me escalate this situation.” You were sick of people walking all over you- blood-related or not, and you weren’t going to have any of this. Especially not in front of your 51 family.
By the time you finished your spiel, truck and squad were both parked and beginning to filter out, undressing from their turnover gear.
Severide hopped out, pulling his turnover gear down to his waist. He was wearing his lieutenant shirt with suspenders, and his squad 3 baseball cap. He would make subtle glances over, not wanting to make the fact that he was eavesdropping obvious.
“I’m not going anywhere until you decide to give me another chance. Until you let me make things up to you” he pleaded, reeking of desperation. 
At this point, heads were turning to observe the interaction.
“I gave you one too many chances, and I’m done. I’m not sure how you didn’t get the hint that I wanted nothing to do with you when I moved countries, but I’m now verbally letting you know that this relationship is over.” You had thought about simply walking into the firehouse but you didn’t want to risk finding out whether he had the gall to follow you. 
At this point, a few members of 51 had filtered into the lounge, knowing that they probably weren’t meant to be listening to the conversation. Others took their sweet time getting undressed to keep an eye on the situation.
Severide was especially lingering, always having an urge to protect you against harm’s way. He didn’t know much about the situation given that you kept your past secretive, but knowing how abusive fathers can be, he stood near.
“C’mon, Y/N, you’ve always been so damn stubborn. Do you need to act like this when I’m trying to prove to you that I can be better?” Your dad was genuinely curious as to how you could be so cutthroat towards him as if his drinking didn’t ruin the first 2 decades of your life.
“I don’t think you need to prove anything to her. It’s pretty clear you’re not a part of her life and that she wants it to stay that way.” You didn’t expect to hear Kelly’s voice from behind you all of a sudden.
“Kel, it’s okay. I got this.” You felt torn between wanting him to stand up for you and telling him you can fight your own battles. He stepped closer toward you, and Shay took a couple of steps back, knowing you now had extra protection. 
“And who are you?” your father asked, not breaking eye contact with you. His hands were placed on his hips, and by his body language, it was evident that he was not leaving without a fight. 
“Lieutenant Severide of 51, and respectfully, I’m asking you to leave my firehouse” Severide stated in a calm but straightforward manner. He crossed his arms and waited intently. 
Your dad chuckled in what seemed to be astonishment while shifting his eye contact repeatedly from you to Severide. “Sleeping your way to the top; very typical of you Y/N. I thought you would’ve changed your ways by now” your dad scoffed. 
You were beyond pissed off that he was even here right now, but that comment officially made your blood boil. Thinking about what you could say in response, your dad decided to speak up once again.
“Let me ask you, how long have you been fucking my daughter, lieutenant?” He said the last word as if it was dirty. 
Kelly stepped right up to him as if he had no fears, something you wish you could’ve warned him about before doing. You were grateful your dad appeared to be sober because if he hadn’t, a brawl would’ve already broken out between them.
“Y/N has been nothing but a talented and competent paramedic with a great amount of expertise in her field. She‘s proven time and time again that she’s a necessary addition to this team, and deserves to be a part of this family- she did that all by herself, no thanks to you. Now get out of my firehouse before the chief gets back and escalates this even further.”
You were blown away by Severide’s words, unaware of his thoughts regarding your presence at 51. He managed to respond in a professional yet serious manner, and he did it with ease, seeming completely unbothered by confrontation. The two men were still face to face, and Kelly was not ready to back down for nothing and no one. 
“Whatever.” Your dad hadn’t let Kelly escape his gaze for even a millisecond. “You know, maybe I’d have a bone to pick if I came here out of my own free will. This was just part of my 12 steps. Step 9: Make amends” your dad said with a smirk.
Despite not wanting to hear your father out for anything he had to say, the fact that he was here for his benefit and not out of sincerity was your final straw.
It took you a second to even fathom the possibility that he came here for selfish reasons, but once you did, you couldn’t stop yourself. 
You lunged at him and began unleashing. “FUCK YOU, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!” Now you solely saw red. While you were attempting to physically release all of your pain onto him, you felt Severide grab onto your waist and rip you off.
Your arms and legs were still thrashing about, despite him being far from your grasp. “Come here, get off of him. It’s okay.” Severide attempted to console you, but you were furious. 
“Y/N! Enough, he’s not worth it!!!” You heard Shay shouting from behind you. 
Once Severide planted you back on the floor, and you adjusted the stray hairs that had fallen all over your face, you began to catch your breath. 
“What the hell’s going on?” Casey shouted from across the apparatus, walking over with his arms out in question. “Is everything okay?” He glanced between Severide - who looked like he was about to punch a wall, his jaw clenched - and you. 
“Nothing, he’s just leaving,” you said while trying to slow your breathing and resist the urge to fight once again. 
Your father must’ve thought Casey was the chief because he put his arms up in surrender and turned on his heels. 
You abruptly turned around and raced your way into quarters as fast as you could, not comprehending what just happened.
Kelly put his hands on his hips, hanging his head low and then glanced back up toward Shay and Casey while squinting. He knew what it was like when family troubles came into the firehouse, so he felt for you. He didn’t like to see you upset, even though his feelings for you hadn’t been confessed. 
“Who was that?” Casey asked, looking between Shay and Severide as if the answer lay between them.
Meanwhile, you rushed through the doors between the apparatus bay and the inside of the firehouse heading straight for the bathroom. 
Everyone sitting in the lounge immediately shot a glance toward you but didn’t interrupt- you were evidently on a mission, the anger you felt putting a fire under your ass.
You entered the closest stall and closed the lid, taking a seat. The second you did so, the tears automatically began to flow, anger quickly evolving into sadness. 
You heard light taps on the stall, not even realizing someone had walked in. “Y/N?” None other than Severide. 
“I’m good Kel, I promise. I’ll be out soon” you said, trying to keep your voice from quivering. You didn’t want the man you had a crush on to think you’re a damsel in distress who needs saving. 
“Let me in, Y/N. Please.” You think he meant this literally and figuratively. He knew you were lying through your teeth when you said you were okay. “If you don’t want me to come in that’s fine, I’ll stand outside the door, but I’m not leaving you by yourself.” The door jolted and you could tell he was leaning against it, making himself comfortable.
You knew he wasn’t going to leave, given his stubborn character, so you dried up your tears as best as you could with 1-ply toilet paper and unlocked the door. 
He stood up and turned around to face you noticing that your eyes were puffy and your face was red. 
Kneeling between your legs, he looked up at you grabbing a hold of your chin. 
“Are you okay?” He asked intently, scanning your face for any hints of distress.
“I just wasn’t expecting it, Kel. 51 is my only family and I don’t want him to jeopardize that…” Severide urgently nodded in agreement, a sympathetic look on his face. “He won’t” he stated matter o’factly. “I’ll make sure of it.” He was determined to keep you away from your father.
“I’m worried he’s gonna turn back up here, or worse, get you in trouble. It’s not worth you going to the review board because my idiot father reported what happened.” You looked down at him through wet eyelashes, upset that you indirectly put him in this situation.
“He was the unwanted visitor at the firehouse, and everyone can vouch for that. It’s his word against multiple others.” You nodded in hesitant agreement, not fully convinced by his statement. 
“Stay at Shay and I’s for a couple of days, maybe reach out to your brother and see if he knew about him coming here. Or if you wanna stay home, I could get Jay to assign a covert car to your street.” Severide offering you options and comforting you is what you didn’t know you needed.
He looked up at you, glancing between each of your eyes while you attempted to make a decision. 
“Yeah, I’ll stay with you both. If that’s okay” you responded, sniffling the leftover snot in your nose after finally calming down. Just being in his presence lowered your blood pressure.
He nodded his head. “You good to go back out?” He slowly got up and held out his hand for you to take. 
“Thank you, Kel, seriously.” As soon as you stood up, you engulfed him in a hug, the combination of his natural scent and cologne flooding your nostrils. 
He rubbed your back up and down, his chin resting on the top of your head. He kissed your head then said, “Don’t sweat it, sweetheart.” 
Hey everyone! I no... long time no chat :( I've had this in my notes for a while and thought I'd post it while I write up some other stuff. I haven't watched the new season's episodes yet, so maybe that'll help the creative flow! I hope everyone has had a wonderful start to the new year :) Again, here is a link to my master list!
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bucca2 · 1 year
Shrike pt. 2 - always a well dressed fraud who wouldn’t spare the rod
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König x high school sweetheart reader
3rd person, König's perspective, she/her pronouns for reader, reader is Austrian/has lived in Austria and speaks German for most of the story, romance, pining, friends to lovers, reader's nickname is Thorn, König's first name is Alexander
4.2k words
tw: child abuse, spousal abuse, graphic descriptions of violence (mostly König’s imagination and violence in the field as a soldier, König’s dad dies pretty gruesomely), car crash
spätzchen = cute/little sparrow. Google Translate will say that means “spit”, but I trust a German reddit user a lot more than I trust Google.
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The first time König ever imagined killing someone, he was seven.
He remembers it clearly, one of the earliest memories he has. His father had asked him to hold the hammer as he was installing a shelf, and in a rare moment of childhood whimsy, he was pretending the ball-peen hammer was a little airplane. He was absorbed, making little puttering and vroom noises, absentmindedly waving the hammer around before—
“Fuck!” König drops the hammer at the sharp noise of swearing. He’d accidentally swung it right into his father’s leg.
“You stupid little pest—can’t you hold a goddamn hammer without hitting me with it?” He withers underneath the older man’s glare.
His father picks up the hammer and crouches down, pointing the hammer threateningly in his son’s face. “I should take a swing at you right now to teach you a lesson.”
His mother runs into the room, alerted by the shouting. “Is everything alright?”
“Would I be yelling if nothing were the matter?” His father sneers. “Our son’s a dimwit. Can’t hold a hammer without smashing me in the shin with it.”
“He’s still just a boy,” König’s mother says, placing a soothing hand on her son’s head and swiftly moving to block him from his father. “I’m sure he didn’t mean it.”
“We’ve been too soft on him, that’s what it is.” His mother swallows hard, and an instinctual, almost primal panic rises in him.
“It was an accident, I’m sure,” she says, trying to calm the temper of the monster in front of her. “Alexander, you’ll say you’re sorry, won’t you?”
“Don’t speak for him! He’ll never become a man like that. Why are you always getting in my fucking way?” He wants to leave. He wants to grab his mother’s hand and run, because the increasing venom in his father’s voice surely cannot mean anything good.
“I didn’t mean—” It happens so quickly that König barely understands what’s just happened, but suddenly his mother is on the floor, and his father is looming over him like an evil spectre.
“Next time, you’ll be the one I’m knocking flat,” he threatens. He stalks out of the room, throwing the hammer onto the floor with a loud thump that echoes the pounding of König’s heart.
“Mama?” He quickly shuffles over to his mother.
“I’m alright, spätzchen,” she says, wincing as she sits up. “We’ll just have to be more careful when we play around with heavy tools, yes?” Her hand is gentle as it smooths over his hair.
“Yes, mama,” he whispers.
That night, he lays awake in bed, staring at the water spot on his ceiling. But instead of imagining sheep, he imagines splatterings of blood. Covering the walls and floor, reaching even the ceiling, as he smashes his father in the face with the hammer over and over again. Until König can no longer see his venomous expression. Until his father can never hurt Mama again.
He falls asleep with a smile on his face.
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“So…should I call you ‘your majesty’ now?” she asks, nudging him playfully. (The way she used to, but if he thinks about the tingles it sent through him back then his brain will fill with static.)
He lets out a huff that’s sort of a laugh. “Don’t be silly. Most of the people I work with don’t speak German, so König is like a name to them. I don’t tell people my name.”
“Hmm…I like the sound of my king,” she muses.
He’s so glad she can’t see him blushing. He feels like a high schooler all over again.
“Is that why you wear the hood?”
“Because you don’t want people to know your identity?”
“In the field, yes. It would be dangerous otherwise. I do a lot of work with terrorist cells.”
“Isn’t it frightening to do that kind of work? Having to come face-to-face with people like that?”
“I have met some frightening people.” He watches as she turns and meets his gaze, reveling in the heat that spreads across her cheeks. “But they also met me.”
She stares at him with an admiration that steals his breath away. It’s a bit new for him. He’s spent a long time nurturing a persona that makes people look at him in either fear or disgust. Or not look at him at all.
“You’re different,” she muses. “You’re so…confident.”
“Arrogant, you mean?” He chuckles as she visibly panics. “I’m good at what I do, rosethorn.”
“There’s a lot of things you’ve gotten good at,” she says.
“What do you mean?”
“Talking. Looking at me when you speak.”
“I think everybody gets better at that as they grow up.”
“I got worse at it. It’s just a lot. I look at people and start thinking about everything that could go wrong, or all the ways I could upset them.”
She describes a sensation as familiar to him as the flutter of his hood around his face. It’s never really gone away, no matter how competent and cocky he gets. What is new to him is her feeling that way.
He hates seeing her like this. She startles. She flinches. She feels smaller: not physically, but her presence has shrunk. He wants to wring the neck of whoever has made her into this timid creature.
“The mask scared me when I first saw it at the checkpoint. But I don’t mind it now if that makes sense? It makes me feel more at ease.”
“You may be the only person who feels that way. I don’t exactly look very cuddly.”
That draws a laugh out of her, albeit a small one. He’d forgotten how much he liked the sound.
“That’s because when someone doesn’t know what your face looks like, it frightens them. It doesn’t bother me.”
“You know what I look like, though.”
“As a teenager. I don’t know what you look like as a man.”
“Not much different. Maybe a more chiselled jaw.”
She snorts. “Are you going to show me?”
“You might not like what you see.”
“You said you didn’t look much different.”
“As a younger man, no. I…have a lot of scars now. It’s not nice to look at.”
He thinks about their last meeting a lot. For a few years he just couldn’t stop tormenting himself with the memory. He had spent all that time scared of his own feelings, petrified of saying or doing anything about it. And when he had finally worked up the nerve to stop being a fucking coward, all he did was hold her hand. Their last day together, and that was as much as he could muster.
He's thinking about it now as she slides her hand over his, just the way he did all those years ago. She’s thinking about it too, by the look in her eye as she squeezes his hand.
“I wouldn’t mind. But I won’t force you to take it off. Not until you’re ready.”
She waited for him to become comfortable enough then, and she would still wait for him now, he realizes. All his worries about not being able to pick back up where they last ended vanish—that she would be afraid of him. That she would be closed off, or that it would feel irreparably different between them. But being with her feels as natural as the press of his knife’s hilt in his palm.
He hasn’t lost his chance. And this time, he will not lose her again.
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Blood. Viscera. The clean slice of a blade as it splits open a throat. The light dying in a felled enemy’s eyes. For most soldiers, these are repulsive aspects of the job. The worst, but most inescapable part. The dirty work.
For König, they’re the highlight of the job.
As a child, he could never punch back, never return an insult, never fight. If he got in any trouble, there would be a greater hell to pay back home. After a while, he became numb to whatever punishment his father sought for his crimes. It was his mother’s reaction he could never stand—her sadness. Her disappointment. Her worry.
So he sat and stewed. The bullies who called him names and mocked his silence were powerless before him in his mind. He imagined crushing the bones in their hands under his foot, caving their heads in with a rock, stabbing them over and over again with a serrated knife that tore their guts out and severed their tendons.
König had special plans for his father that grew more elaborate with every fresh abuse the man inflicted on him. First, he would break the man’s legs. Then, he’d shatter each of the fingers with a hammer. He’d begin the main event by kicking him in the stomach, kneeing him in the junk and hearing him howl in pain. Then he would bring out a knife—it changed over the years from a kitchen knife, to various switchblades, to the trusty field knife he keeps on him at all times now. He’d start by outlining the lips his father used to shout and swear and degrade, then moving along his cheek to his temple, dancing the blade all along the edges of his face before peeling the skin away—
He had a brief flash of fear on his first true deployment. Imagining intense violence is much different than experiencing it firsthand. Stories of recruits vomiting, fainting, losing their minds and needing to be restrained in the middle of a firefight haunted him as he stood in front of a door, moments before kicking it down.
His first kill was like a revelation. Watching the man fall to the ground, a gaping hole in his forehead, his gun still smoking from the shot. It was as satisfying as it had always felt in his imagination. His first takedown with a knife was even better—the brief struggle, the spray of blood, the slow jerking before limpness made his enemy into a corpse. König knows his way around guns, for sure, but knives were different. Graceful, soundless, elegant.
He’s not some mindless serial killer, of course. The kill is only half the fun. The vicious satisfaction of justice is what really does it for him. He flourishes taking down human trafficking cells, ending the lives of vile animals who take and use and destroy. In every woman he rescues, he sees his mother, bound to a terrible life. In every child, he sees himself, helpless in the face of unimaginable cruelty.
In every kill, he sees his rosethorn, felling a bully in one blow. That one image, like a painting framed in the museum of his mind, fuels his every move, provides his purpose. She becomes his guiding star, haloed in light and bathed in the blood of unworthy men. Every trafficker, every terrorist, every drug kingpin taken down is his tribute to her, impaled upon the hedgerow thorns as evidence of his devotion.
That’s why it’s so devastating to return home and find her gone. He had wanted to come back as someone he was proud of being around her. Someone tall and strong, someone actually worthy of holding her hand. But she’s not here, and her parents are nervous, hesitant to tell him anything about her. Of course, he thinks with bitterness as he wishes them well and turns to leave. What was he to their daughter, anyway? Just some snivelling boy she went to school with.
That bitterness grows like a seed in him as he makes his way home. His mother’s out, which means his father is in a nasty mood. Like he always is when there’s nobody around to wait on him hand and foot. He’s standing in the kitchen waiting for König when he returns home from visiting Thorn’s parents.
“Where the fuck have you been? Just got back and already running out on us.” Being an asshole comes as naturally as breathing to this man. König doesn’t dignify him with a response to his inquiry.
Not that his father cared to know, anyway. “I need to get to Ben’s house. You’re driving me.”
König resists the urge to roll his eyes. Ben is his father’s gambling buddy. He’s probably keen to know how his latest bet panned out. Just another entry on the long list of his dirtbag sperm donor’s unhealthy coping mechanisms.
“Drive yourself.”
“I didn’t teach you to drive for you to disrespect me like this. You’re going to drive me.”
He went through a phase when he was a fresh recruit of constantly defying his father. Now that he was too big, too skilled to be hit, he didn’t have to listen to the old bastard, he thought.
He should have known better. His mother never said a word, but he realized how reckless and inconsiderate he had been when she flinched as he hugged her one day. The bruises were all up and down her ribs.
That evil old arschloch always did know how to get his way in the end.
Ten minutes later, he’s behind the wheel, absorbed in thoughts about Thorn. Where had she gone? Why did she leave? She was so smart, he knows she could have gone to university. Did she go abroad? Is that truck about to crash into them?
He jolts to attention. That truck is about to crash into them.
The moments right before an accident are often described as moving in slow motion, but it doesn’t go that way for König. He’s just barely got enough time to jerk the steering wheel hard before impact. The collision sends the car off the side of the road, rolling over and over again until it comes to a halt against a tree.
Maybe it’s because he’s been in more dangerous situations than this, but he finds his mind unusually calm as he assesses himself for injuries, his head throbbing. He got lucky—he’s banged-up and covered in scratches from broken glass, but his limbs all seem functional, and his spine appears to be intact. He may have a concussion, but that’s not the most pressing concern right now.
The metal groans as he pulls himself free, coughing from the fumes. Fuck. It’s on fire. He needs to put distance between himself and the wreck before it explodes. He’s just managed to haul himself to his feet when he hears the angry bellow.
Goddammit. He’d forgotten about the Krampus sitting next to him.
He manages to pick his way to the other side of the car, where his father is fully pinned underneath the wreckage. It’s bad—his legs are twisted in a way König has only seen once in his line of work (that time, it had been an entire building falling on someone), and the frame of the car has come just shy of cutting him clean in half.
“Get me the fuck out of here!” His father growls. König instinctively moves towards him to help when a thought occurs to him.
He’s dreamed about murdering his father countless times, but he’s always known it was a bad idea. There was no guarantee he’d get away with it, and if he got locked up for murder, he might never get to see Thorn again. Not to mention the heartbreak it would have caused his mother. So day after day, year after year, he had stewed with no end in sight, waiting on Father Time to get his shit sorted.
But now here is an opportunity. His opportunity to get rid of his father once and for all, with no blood on his hands. Well, none that anybody else will know about.
He watches, like a passive observer in his own body, as he steps away from his father, arms retreating to his sides. His father spits and curses and finally resorts to begging, but König just stands, all sound distorted as if his head is underwater. Staring into the face of the man who has tormented him all his life.
It all floods his mind, every violent thought he’s ever cultivated against him, every gory fantasy that carried him to sleep. It savors of anticlimax, watching him burn to death through no direct action of König’s. And yet, he feels peaceful.
He sees him now for the pathetic old man he is. In an instant, he is no longer the monster down the hall, the boogeyman in his home. He only sees a pitiful animal, fruitlessly fighting its demise.
He would never have changed. König knows this—he realized it a long time ago. The only way to free himself and his mother from this evil is to purge it completely from this earth. This is the truth he knows now, after years of ending the lives of countless abusers in the field.
His father is slowing down now, the smoke choking him and silencing him. König pulls out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. They’re smashed, but he finds one perfect stick and pulls it out.
He holds the end of it to the flames ripping through the interior of the car to light it and walks away to wait.
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It’s hard to not intervene. He won’t be stationed here for much longer, and the idea of leaving his guardian angel to return to her own personal hell every day twists his stomach into knots. But as she respects his privacy, he respects hers.
It’s a bright and sunny day when she admits her husband is abusive.
“I swear, I’ll never forget the look on his face. He didn’t bother me after that, and I was never partnered with him again until he was transferred to some other division.” König’s regaling her with a tale of a fellow recruit who fucked around and found out.
“His loss.”
“Don’t I know it,” he says with a lazy chuckle.
She leans her hand on her chin, looking up at him through her lashes. “You are so charming, you know that? Makes me jealous of all the other girls you’ve practiced that charm on.”
There weren’t a lot. None of them were you, he thinks before responding.
“Don’t let your husband hear you say that.” He meant that lightheartedly, but the word husband comes out with a hard edge to it.
“Maybe then he’d know what it feels like,” she mutters. He watches her visibly stiffen as she realizes she’s just said that out loud.
It’s like an entire conversation is had without either of them making a sound. He knows what she meant. She knows he knows. An awful truth that sits between them like a noxious gas.
“…won’t you tell me about it?” That’s another thing that hurts him and pisses him off. She doesn’t talk the same way as when they were young: it’s difficult to draw conversation out of her now. He’s not used to talking more than she does.
“I don’t want to worry you.”
He scoffs. “Too late for that.”
“I just don’t like to talk about it.” She’s fidgeting with her hands. She never did that before.
“I want to help you.”
Shit. Should he not have said that? She looks off into the distance when he does, like she wishes she were somewhere else. Is she mad at him? Is he imposing? Is she going to close herself off?
“I don’t know that you could,” she says, and he relaxes. Well, as much as he can when the woman he’s lived his entire adult life for tells him that he can’t help her.
“I can listen to you, at least.”
They’ve spent so many years apart, so many developmental stages of their lives traversed without the other. First kiss. First car. Graduations. Promotions. There should be a certain kind of distance between them, ice that needs to thaw. They’ve changed, that’s undeniable, and there’s plenty of time for them to explore those changes later (he hopes).
But all of that melts away the moment she leans her head on his shoulder. He’s so nervous that he’s conscious of his breathing.
“It hasn’t been…a good marriage,” she says, forcing the words out. “He wasn’t faithful. But…I loved him. So I stayed. I thought I could salvage things.”
Something ugly rears its head inside him when she says I loved him. It bothers him that she’s not talking about him when she says that. But what right does he have to feel that way? When he spent so long fucking around and not being there to protect her?
“When he said we were moving here, I thought it would give me an opportunity to leave him but…that hasn’t happened.”
“Why not?” She could do anything she wanted to, he thinks.
“I…I don’t have anything other than him,” she whispers, almost shamefully. “My parents are retired, I’m stuck in a foreign country, and I have no career prospects. I’m stuck.”
He opens his mouth to say something, then thinks better of it.
“I’m also just…tired. I’m so tired.” Her voice is soft, defeated. “Some days I alternate between wanting to think for myself and needing someone else to do it for me.”
“You can’t stay here, rosethorn.”
“I don’t know what else I can do. I don’t have anything or anyone.”
“You have me.”
She looks at him, sweet and hopeful and with a vulnerability he craves. This is it. His whole life, his entire career, has led to this moment. Finally, he can do something for the person who gave him everything.
“Come back home with me. I have a house in Vienna. You could visit your parents whenever you wanted.”
She looks hesitant. “I don’t want to be a bother.”
“Never,” he says, too forcefully. He adjusts his tone to be gentler. “Let me do this for you.”
Her expression looks conflicted. “I know I can trust you. But I just can’t bring myself to rely on another person so fully like that so soon. I need to do my own thing…figure some things out for myself.”
Shit. He didn’t consider this, but she’s right. He watched his mother depend on an abusive monster all his life, not just for her own sake, but to keep a roof over her son’s head and food in his stomach. She would have left his father, if only she had been able to. She was like a new woman after the accident—free to do as she liked, when she liked, without having to care for or appease someone else.
“I’ll pay you,” he blurts out, surprising even himself. She looks at him in confusion.
“For what?”
“I’m deployed for weeks or months at a time. I need someone to live in the house, take care of it. Make sure it’s not slowly developing black mold or a roach infestation, because I sure as hell wouldn’t know.” He’s a fucking genius.
She seems to mull it over for a moment. “I think…I’d like that. I haven’t been to Vienna since I was a child.”
He loves watching her think, a look of concentration on her face that makes her look so cute, but also so intelligent. The gears are turning in her head.
“I would just have to divorce him. But he’s not going to like that.”
“I’ll help you get back home and stay with your parents before you serve the papers,” he quickly offers. “That way it’ll be harder for him to try anything. When I’m done here, I’ll join you.” She doesn’t know that her husband will never get the chance to try anything. König will make sure of it. He just needs her out of the house her husband lives in.
She looks at him and really, truly smiles. Oh, her smile. Her smile, like the sun coming out from behind the clouds. Her eyes crinkle, her cheeks flush, her whole face radiates warmth. Yes, he thinks. Any length he goes to is worth it if he can draw this out of her every day for the rest of his life.
“It might happen quickly…within the next day or two,” she says. “I don’t have a lot to pack, and I don’t want him to get suspicious.”
“Good idea. I’ll book travel immediately.” It’s all falling into place now. He’s so close to having what he’s been dreaming about for so long, he can taste it.
“Thank you, Alexander.” He looks at her and sees a renewed resolve in her. This is the rosethorn he remembers. This is the woman he loves.
Love is more than a piece of paper, König knows. His parents had the paper, but if there had been any love, it was long gone by the time König was a child. No, love is devotion and protection. König knows how to love her. And he knows that another piece of paper will not set her free. Only he can do that.
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"Bucca, why is there German in italics if they're speaking German the whole time?" because I felt like it, okay? I use asshole too much to describe his dad, so I need to spice it up. also, spätzchen is a cute (and thematically appropriate) nickname.
sorry this took so long! like I mentioned in a separate post, I had the entire rest of the story plotted out pretty early after finishing the first chapter, but I was busy all week and ended up changing the structure of this chapter and removing some things. I hope this meets expectations <3 as always, leave me your feedback and corrections! and if you'd like to be on the taglist, please drop a reply! (this also applies if I somehow missed your request to be tagged.)
ps. I saw Hozier tonight. I feel like a different person now. if you want to get a head start on the vibes for the next chapter, listen to Francesca and Who We Are off his new album, Unreal Unearth. I heard both of them live tonight!
taglist: @crowbird @poohkie90 @cumikering @iytatsworld @papaver-decervicatus @anxietyrain @riotakire @ax0lotly @kneelingshadowsalome @cookiepie111 @kacchasu @no1runawaymilkdad @chthonian-spectre @backwards-readings @yxllowtxpe @garbau @hexqueensupreme @queenthorin1 @violetstyless @her-majesty-theking @vegan-peppermint @peonytarian
306 notes · View notes
doggone-devil · 7 months
How (Not) to Summon a Demon: Chapter 8
...and so it begins, my dear Readers. So it begins. Pairing: Alastor x fem!Reader Warnings: mentions of abusive, r/p/e, exes being absolute assholes, Alastor ready to kill, threats, stalking
Word Count: 2, 525
The day had gone surprisingly well, despite the horrible way it started. You had spent it with Alastor and Veronica, but mostly Alastor since your roommate decided she wanted to go do other things. Alastor had been a wonderful gentleman, holding doors open for you, letting you hold his arm as you walked. He even had you on his right side, away from the road. He was so old fashion it made you swoon, but you fought off the butterflies and kept a cool head.
Now you sat on the hood of your car, waiting for Veronica who said twenty minutes ago that she was just finishing up at a store and would be on her way. The sun was setting, turning the sky orange and red, little stars starting to shine through overhead. You glance at Alastor who stood by the car, his eyes watchful around the parking lot.
"Sorry she's taking so long," you apologize again, holding your head in your hands as you prop your elbows on you knees.
"It's alright. I'm sure she's just having fun," he says. "I hope you did, as well." You can't fight the large smile as it comes.
"Yeah, I did. Did you?" You watch his face carefully, trying to see if you can read him. It's hard, what with his constant smile. Why was that?
"Indeedy! Might be the most fun I've had since 1933!" You giggle, watching him spread his arms out and swirl his cane. He stops and faces you, dipping low. "Was a pleasure, my dear, thank you."
"Don't thank me," you say, crossing your arms. "Veronica was the one who mentioned it." You initially were going to stay in your room today and worry if your ex was coming to kidnap you. Oh no. Now you were thinking about him. Great. Way to ruin your own mood.
Alastor must notice how your shoulders drop as he steps forward. His body is blocking your view of Bourbon Street and you have to crane your neck to see him properly. Damn, you forgot how tall he is. "Everything alright, darling?" he asks. You note the way his smile is lowered, still there but now with pressed lips, like a frown.
"I'm ok," you lie. You don't want to burden him with your troubles. He's a demon, you're sure he won't care. No matter how much fun you had today, no matter what he says or does, he's only here cause you summoned him. Once you make your wish, he's gone. There's no point in letting your heart melt like it's doing now, no point in gasping when he leans close to you. Why is he so close?
"Darling," he says softly, tilting your chin to make you look up at him again. There's no point falling for him, so why is he making it so hard not to? "If there's anything bothering you, you can tell me. Let me help you." Fuck. Yep. You're screwed. Demon or not, your heart drops like an anchor out in the ocean, falling fast and hard to the sea floor.
"I -"
"There you guys are!" Veronica's voice pulls you back and you lean away from Alastor. You swear you see his brows dip in anger, but it's gone as he straightens up.
"About time you show up," you joke but the smile fades when you see Veronica. Her face is pale, like she's seen a ghost, panting as she catches her breath. Had she been running? "What's wrong?" Veronica looks up at you, clearly worried.
"What does your ex look like again?"
No, no, no.
It can't be.
You feel your body growing cold, your hands shaking. "W-What?"
"It could've been someone else," she backtracks, shaking her head and reaching for your phone. You let her take it, fingers too numb to move. She goes through your photos until she stops on the only recent one you had of your ex. "Oh my god."
Your heart drops again, for a different reason this time. Fear crawls up your spine, wrapping itself around your throat.
Please, it can't be.
"Girlie, we need to leave," Veronica says, trying to hand you your phone back. You don't grab it, you can't move. You're stuck, tears forming.
He's here. He's found you. It's all over.
You hear Veronica shout your name, but it's lost to the rush of wind in your ears. You can't hear anything.
"What's wrong?" Alastor asks. Veronica shows him the photo.
"This douchebag is her ex and he's here. He's like, stalked her or some shit!" Veronica explains. "I know it's not my place to say, sorry girlie -" she sends you an apologetic look "- but this asshole abused her. It's why she left him."
Now you hear your name. It's Alastor this time. He has your head in his hands, forcing you to look at him. His eyes are glowing red as he peers into yours. You gasp, the damn breaking as you begin to cry. "H-He can't…H-He's going to hurt me!"
"Not while I'm here, he's not," Alastor states, voice hard as he scoops you into his arms. You let him, too scared to move on your own. Veronica's eyes widen, pointing between the two of you.
"Ok, we're going to revisit this later, but right. Let's leave." She takes your keys and gets in the driver's seat, Alastor placing you in the back with him. He buckles you up as Veronica begins to skid off from the parking lot and back to your apartment.
"Does he know where she lives?" you hear Alastor ask, clearly talking to Veronica.
"Not that I know of?" she answers. "I mean, if he showed up there, chances are it's a yes." She hits the steering wheel with the palm of her hand. "God! Why are men such pigs? No offense."
"None taken," Alastor says, looking back down at you. You're shaking like a leaf, eyes unfocused, no doubt lost in your thoughts. He tugs at your chin again but you can't see him. Not clearly. Everything around  you is buzzing, memories of your past clouding your mind. The arguments, the fights, the bruises. You absently rub at your thighs, the scars throbbing. You feel sick.
"Stop," you whisper but it's unheard. You say it again, louder. "Stop!" Veronica slams on the breaks, a car blaring its horn behind you. You claw your way out of the car just as the bile rises. You puke violently, your stomach lurching in disgust as your mind plagues you with the memories of that night. His hands on your body, on your throat, ignoring your cries and pleas for  him to stop. You had begged him, even praying for death when he wouldn't stop. You puke again, couching. A hand rubs your back, but you can't tell who.
"We need to get her back to the apartment," you hear someone say. "It's not safe out here."
Your name is called, faded and faint but you hear it. Then it's in your head, beckoning you. You feel yourself calming down, the sickness in your stomach ebbing away. You stand on weak legs, wobbling and swaying. The hand on your back comes to rest at your hip, steadying you. It's Alastor.
You whimper and lean into him. He picks you back up in his arms, carrying you back to the car. This time, he doesn't bother to buckle you, keeping you in his arms, tight against his chest. You hold on to him, needing him like a lifeline. Veronica gets back in and continues the drive.
It doesn't take long before you're being carried into the apartment, Veronica deadbolting the door behind you. Alastor takes you to your room, setting you on the bed. He goes to move away but you clasp tightly to his shirt. A silent hint for him to stay. He sits down by your side, his hand grasping yours to hold. You don't want to be alone. You can't.
Veronica joins you two, your phone in her hand. She looks pissed, angrier than earlier as she holds the screen up to you. It's opened to your messages and you see the new number, the letters making you feel sick all over again.
'Thought you could get away?'
You grab the phone, deleting the message instantly, but another appears.
'I'm coming for you, little rabbit.'
You throw the phone against your wall, the screen cracking. It goes off again with another notification, then another. You cover your ears, begging it to stop.
"Geez, this guy can't take a hint!" Veronica says. "Should I call the police?" You shake your head violently.
"No!" you shout. "No cops. Please. It'll only make it worse." You remember the last time you got the cops involved. He had charmed his way out of the dispute so easily and the consequences afterwards had nearly killed you. "No cops."
"Ok, ok. No cops." Veronica shifts by your side, kneeling down. "But, girlie, we gotta do something. I've seen the aftermath of this asshole. It took me a year just to get you out of the house. I'm not letting him ruin you again."
"You don't understand," you whisper, rocking back and forth now. "He won't stop. He won't stop coming for me. Not until I'm dead."
"I doubt he'll kill you. Stalk you? Sure. Threaten you? What abusive ex doesn't?"
"Veronica," you interrupt her. It's time to come clean. To tell her everything. "He almost has." Veronica's eyes widen.
"What are you talking about?"
"John almost killed me," you confess, hating the way his name bites at your tongue. "The last time I tried to escape, he nearly killed me, telling me if I ever left him again, he would finish the job. He even…" you trail off, not able to say out loud the horrendous things he did to you. Instead, you sit upright, turning your torso as you lift your shirt. On your lower back at marks, scars from his doing. You don't show her the others, already feeling like you're going to puke again.
"I didn't know." She lifts her hand, as if to touch them, but stops. You lower your shirt back down.
"I didn't tell you," you say. "I didn't want you to know. It's something I've been trying so hard to forget." You glance now, to Alastor. He's been silent the whole time and when you look at him, you know why. His body is vibrating with anger, his eyes cold and dark. The smile he always has, the one that's come to comfort you, is stretched so thin you're worried his skin will crack.
"Alastor?" you call out. His head snaps to you, the anger dissolving only a little. He forces his smile to relax some, for your sake. "Veronica, could I have some time with Alastor? Alone?" You know she's going to question you about it later, but thankfully, she does as you ask. Once she's out of your room, the door shut, you grab Alastor's hands. His finger lengthen, the skin darkening as claws appear. His human form fades away as the demon he is shines through. You gasp.
His horns are large, doubled in size and nearly reaching your ceiling. His eyes are pitch black save for two tiny, red dots. Blood drips down his chin as his sharp teeth bite into his lip, strained from how tight he clenches his jaw.
You should be horrified, terrified, absolutely appalled by his appearance, but you aren't.
Your hand reaches tenderly up to him, turning him to look at you. "Al," you softly speak his name. He leans into your touch but doesn't speak, not at first. A low, guttural growl resonates from within his chest.
"I won't let him touch you." His voice is deep, static dripping on every word. Your startled when he quickly leans over you, his upper body caging you in as he places his hands on either side of your head, forcing you to lay back. "He can't have you."
"He won't." You keep your voice gentle, letting Alastor know that you trust him.
Trust him?
You can't trust him. He's a demon.
No, you disagree with the voice in your head. He may be a demon but you can trust him.
"You said you'll protect me, right?" you ask, watching as Alastor's body slowly begins to relax. You place a hand on his neck, fingers rubbing at the underside of his hair. His antlers shrink back down, the black of his eyes gone with a blink, those warm, red orbs back to normal. You smile up at him, "There he is."
"Sorry," Alastor breathes out.
"It's ok." You don't feel any fear like you did earlier, only warmth and security. You knew that, no matter what, Alastor was here. He was with you and he wouldn't let anything happen to you. Demon or not, you knew the moment he vowed to protect you, you were in love with him.
"I should," Alastor says, moving away from you. He sits at the end of your bed, putting space between you. It makes your heart ache, but you understand. He doesn't want to scare you.
"Girlie, I'm coming in!" Veronica opens your door. "I brought you some water." You panic for a second, looking to Alastor, but he's back to his human form. How quickly he could do that never ceased to amaze you.
She hands you a glass and you thank you, gulping it down. You hadn't realized your throat was so dry, the cold liquid soothing. You set the glass down and stand up, feeling a renewed strength. You walk over to where your phone laid, bending over to pick it up. The screen lit up, thirty new messages unread. You opened them, anger building as you read each one.
"That does it." You turn on your heel, looking at Veronica and Alastor. "If he wants me, I'm not going down without a fight."
"Hell yeah! That's what I'm talking about!"
"You're not confronting him," Alastor states and you shake your head.
"No, but I am going to lure him into a trap. This bastard thinks he can get away with this, he's got another thing coming." You walk back over to your bed. "Here's the plan. Veronica, you'll be my 911 operator. I'm going to get him to think I'm meeting up with him -"
"- and then once he shows up, I'm gonna have my phone recording everything. Once he starts acting up, you'll call the police -"
"- and when they get there, I'll have everything on video. Evidence to prove my case against him."
"That's not happening," Alastor repeats, louder this time.
"Don't worry," you say, "you're going to be my backup. If he gets out of hand, you'll jump in and save me. I'll be fine." Alastor doesn't look like he believes you.
"Ok, so when are we doing this?" Veronica asks. You look at your phone, reading the last message John sent you.
"Tomorrow." You swipe your thumbs over the keyboard, typing out the text and hit send. It doesn't even take a second before he's responding, putting  your plan into action.
"Tomorrow, I'm making this bastard pay."
AN: Whew... this is. Yeah. Till tomorrow, my dear readers.
taglist: @i-like-potatoes12533, @girl-nahh-two, @mcntsee, @projectdreamwalker, @sassmasterxx, @alsemain, @yunimimii, @noraunor, @justneo11, @dragonlover123a, @falsemain, @ephemeralxv, @theshello, @wonderlandangelsposts, @weirdflower2024, @yourworstgf
Masterlist , Ao3
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AITA for arguing with someone over ships?
🧀⛵ so i can find this later
Yes, this is ship discourse AITA #294729472 you can scroll away, english isn't my first language, my apologies.
So I (16M (But 13-14 at the time)) am in a very niche fandom. As in, we didn't have any new content for the past 5 years and media is old af (2013), very few fans, most of us know each other already.
I used to have these mutuals Cheese (Not their real name) (around my age i think?? I can't remember) and Breadstick (Not his real name) (18M).
We all had our little ships, ok? I like the little (dumbass golden retriever boy) x (badass traumatized man) ship, Cheese liked the little (badass traumatized man) x (literally the same thing but evil and abusive) and Breadstick liked both ships.
I met Breadstick before meeting Cheese so we were already friends before i met Cheese. I thought "Cool, another person likes this little niche thing i'm hyperfixated on!" So we became mutuals.
I didn't anticipate that we would argue about ships, but oh well. So, i'm a very chill person regarding ships, literally any, although i do have NOTPs, i'm not really toxic about my hatred, i just go "Ah, not my thing" and scroll away not without blocking the person, but really nothing personal and no hard feelings, i can perfectly be friends with someone who loves my notp.
In fact, that was the case with Cheese. They shipped my NOTP, like A LOT. But I was okay with it, i mean these are just characters and all we're doing is being silly. I didn't take this THAT seriously. However, when I seemed to talk about my ship, Cheese seemed uncomfortable in some way.
When I was talking about my fankid (call me cringe idc) of my OTP, Cheese got very confused and asked who was i talking about. Breadstick came in and introduced my fankid to them, since he knew about it before. Cheese just started being rude, literally saying swear words (Not against them but, the context didn't really call for it? No one was being mean or mad), saying, and i quote as best as i can, "I don't know what the fuck made you think i knew who the hell [Fankid] was".
I got very mad about it, so i privately dm'ed Breadstick about Cheese's attitude. We began trash talking about them, which, i admit was a very trashy thing to do and definitely asshole material™.
Reason why may i be the asshole: over time, Breadstick just started complaining a lot about Cheese, and I could honestly agree, it came to the point of us disliking them to some degree but not telling them and not breaking the mutual, that could be considered two faced behavior.
This was partly influenced because of another incident. So Cheese and Breadstick where rambling about an OT3 (3 person ship) they had in common, basically sharing ideas and stuff. I thought it would be fun and went "Hey, I have an OT3 too, maybe i should post about it too". So I went and posted about it, but Cheese felt very uncomfortable with that, since basically my OT3 was exactly like Cheese's OT3 but one character is different, "basically".
They said "You have your thing, let US have ours". Felt bad and honestly, maybe i shouldn't have intruded their ot3 rambling. I didn't expect such negative reaction out of them.
In other occasions they complained about me posting a little too much about my ship, even though they did the same thing with theirs. And they also had a mutual that said "If you ship [this character] you suck and i fucking hate you. [character] is too abusive to be shipped with anyone and you can't just make an AU, that would just change him as a character completely" which, dear god, that language wasn't needed, right?. And despite that crazy person saying that, Cheese agreed with their take, despite literally shipping the character in question with another one. And abusively too, which like you do you, lord knows i do that too, but agreeing with a take like that while doing exactly what it is complaining about is weird. On the other side, that person wasn't my mutual, so it's unrealistic of me to expect Cheese to control their mutuals over me, Cheese can mutual whoever they want, but i can still be weirded out right?
That is without including them telling other people to kill themselves over shipping, so it was clear that Cheese took this shipping thing seriously while me and Breadstick to some degree didn't. Honestly another reason why i might be an asshole, clearly they felt their otp was personal and me not liking it + ignoring it caused a bad environment, mala mía, but what else could i have done?
So, clearly Cheese is kind of an asshole to some degree. But i think what makes ME an asshole too is when I trash talked behind their back and cut them off way later than i should've. And also, i guess i shoved my ship down their throat taking by how mad they were about it? I didn't do it intentionally though and i could definitely say they did the same thing too when 80% of the fandom and character tags was them posting about their ship. Again, small niche fandom for old unpopular media, we are keeping it alive ourselves.
What are these acronyms?
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azsazz · 1 year
Bloody Knuckles and the Songs of Death (Part 3)
Azriel x Reader
Summary: Reader is everything that Azriel is not. Opposite feelings but equal death in the end.
AKA: Half a rewrite of chapters 43-47 of ACOWAR where reader is now there as part of the Autumn Court, excited to meet Azriel. The other half are my own ideas.
Warnings: Major themes of death, ACOWAR spoilers, blood, gore, mentions of abuse, smut.
Word Count: 4,818
(Part One) (Part Two)
Only Rhysand’s friends don’t seem surprised.
Tamlin’s eyes are a green flame, golden light flickering around him as his magic seeks to wrestle free from Rhysand’s control. As he tries and tries again to speak.
“If you want proof that we are not scheming with Hybern,” Rhysand says blandly, “Consider the fact that it would be far less time-consuming to slice into your minds and make you do my bidding.”
A flare of interest carves a hole in your mind.
Only Beron is stupid enough to scoff. Eris angles his body in his chair, not towards you, but to block the path of his mother.
“Yet here I am,” Rhysand continues, and you can’t take your eyes off of him, hanging on to every single one of his words. If you play nice with the Night Court would he be able to break into Beron’s mind and force your deal off?
The High Lord of Night doesn’t deign to give Beron a glance of acknowledgement. “Here we all are.”
Absolute stunning silence. 
The Tarquin, silent and watchful, clears his throat.
Everyone waits for his words as he turns to Feyre, to Rhysand, “Despite Varian’s unsanctioned warning…” A glance at his cousin, who doesn’t so much as look sorry about it, “You were the only ones who came to help. The only ones. And yet you asked for nothing in return. Why?”
Rhy’s voice is a bit hoarse as he asks, testing the salty waters between Summer and Night, “Isn’t that what friends do?”
It’s a subtle, quiet offer.
Tarquin takes him in. Then Feyre. And the others. “I rescind the blood rubies. Let there be no debts between us.”
“Don’t expect Amren to return hers,” Cassian mutters. “She’s grown attached to it.”
You could swear that a smile tugs on Varian’s mouth.
But Rhys faces Tamlin, whose own mouth remains shut. His eyes are still livid. And Feyre’s mate says to him, “I believe you. That you will fight for Prythian.”
Kallias doesn’t appear so convinced. Neither does Helion.
Rhys loosens his grasp on Tamlin’s voice, the only give is the low hiss that slips from the High Lord of Spring. But Tamlin makes no move to attack, to even speak.
“War is upon us,” Rhysand declares. “I have no interest in wasting energy arguing amongst ourselves.”
The better man–male. His restraint, his choice of words…All of it a careful portrayal of reason and power. But Rhysand…you know he means what he says, you can sense it in a way you can sense all threats, not just the ones that result in death, although with war upon you all, it does hang heavy in the air.
But Beron says, “You may be inclined to believe him, Rhysand, but as someone who shares a border with his court, I am not so easily swayed.” He gives him a wry look. “Perhaps my errant son can clarify. Pray, where is he?”
Even Tamlin looks towards the Night Court, towards Feyre.
Your heart clenches at the thought and you dare not look at the son next to you. You know you won’t see a flash of emotion in Eris’ auburn eyes, he’s carefully mastered the art of schooling his features neutral, learning just how dangerous wearing his emotions on his face can be. Beron made sure of that.
“Helping to guard our city,” she answers simply. It’s not a lie, not entirely.
Eris instead snorts and surveys Nesta, who stares back at him with steel in her face. Oh how you know that he likes that. “Pity you didn’t bring the other sister. I hear our little brother’s mate is quite the beauty.”
It’s your turn to clamp your hand over his under the table and give him a squeeze of warning. Not even you would bait the Night Court during such an already tense meeting. Your friend is going to get himself into more trouble than he can handle, and even if you’re itching for a fight, you don’t want it to be against the only court that might have a chance of helping you get free.
Mor replies smoothly, “You still certainly like to hear yourself talk, Eris. Good to know some things don’t change over the centuries.”
Eris’ mouth curls into a smile at her words and your hand slips away from his. There is no going back now, not as his fiery gaze locks onto her chocolatey brown eyes, preparing to melt her.
The pair are good at pretending they haven’t seen each other in years, and Eris responds, “Good to know that after five hundred years, you still dress like a slut.”
One moment, Azriel is seated across from you.
The next, he’s blasted through Eris’ shield with a flare of blue light, tackling him backwards, the wood of Eris’ chair shattering beneath them.
“Shit,” Cassian spits, and is instantly there–
Meeting a wall of blue.
Your heart aches in your chest, eager to move closer, to join in perhaps, to feel the blood pouring from Eris’ nose on your fingers, to lick away the remnants of crimson from Azriel’s split knuckles. You’re nearly vibrating in your seat with need, hands clamped around the arms of your chair so tightly your skin is stretched white over your bones, teeth grinding in your mouth.
You allow yourself a deep inhale of the heady scent of blood.
Azriel has sealed them in, and as his scarred hands wrap around Eris’ throat, Rhys says, “Enough.”
But Azriel’s hands only tighten, and you can feel the pinch of Eris’ breath being cut off underneath those marred hands, born from Death. Even though it’s your friend thrashing beneath the shadowsinger, you know that Death is nowhere near, but you can’t help but to want to crawl closer, watch how the Taker finishes the job, watch his shadows consume Eris; eyes as his body goes slack and his soul fades to black. 
“Enough, Azriel,” Rhys orders. Perhaps the shadows that slide and eddy around him hide him from the wrath of the binding magic. No one else makes a move to interfere, as if wondering the same.
Azriel digs his knee–and all his weight–into Eris’ gut. He’s silent, utterly silent as he rips the air from Eris’ body. Beron’s flames strike the blue shield, over and over, but the fire skitters off and fizzles out on the water. Any that escape are torn to shreds by shadows.
“Call off your overgrown bat,” Beron orders Rhys.
The High Lord of Night is enjoying it, as you’re sure many of the people in this room are. But despite the bargain they’d made with Eris, he could have ended it seconds ago. Beron swings around in his seat, a warning in his eyes, a command for you to stop it, pure unadulterated fury in that molten amber gaze.
You swallow harshly at the sight. You know exactly what that look is, the underlying threat if you don’t stop this immediately.
Holding Beron’s gaze, at the same time Feyre stands, placing a hand on the hard, near-invisible curve of Azriel’s shield and says, “Come, Azriel,” You let your powers out.
Azriel stops.
You flood his mind with your presence, slipping past those well built barriers made from darkness and shadow. They part easily under your gentle caress, as if you are one of them and they can’t tell the difference, letting you pass like a wisp of wind. 
He knows you’re in his mind, curling up against his walls and it sets his teeth on edge. But there’s something different about it, about how easy it is for you to overtake him, command his fingers to loosen from where they’re locked around Eris’ throat. The princling gasps for air as his scarred hands loosen and he feels like a prisoner in his body. He’s angry about it but you don’t seem to give off any threatening feelings, only calm ones.
Azriel’s gaze slips over yours as you relinquish control just long enough to let him look up at his High Lady, demanding his attention. In that single glance he really sees you for the first time. You can feel the cogs turning in his head as you slip away, releasing your powers on him completely. 
Feyre offers him a hand. “Come sit beside me.”
You notice that her sister has already moved her seat, and an extra chair has appeared beside Feyre’s.
Azriel’s eyes slide back to Eris, the High Lord’s son panting beneath him. And the shadowsinger leans down to whisper something in his ear that makes Eris blanch further.
But the shield drops. The shadows lighten into sunshine.
Beron strikes–only for his fire to bounce off of a hard barrier of Feyre’s making. She lifts her gaze to the High Lord of Autumn and it’s all you can do not to roll your eyes at the hot-headed male’s antics. “That’s twice now we’ve handed you your asses. I’d think you’d be sick of the humiliation.”
Oh, you like her.
Helion laughs and you smother your smile, eyes flicking back to the shadowsinger. He’s already looking at you, gaze narrowed as he assesses you from where you sit next to Eris’ empty seat.
He takes Feyre’s still-offered hand and rises.
Mor opens her mouth to say something to Azriel, but Cassian puts a hand on her bare knee and shakes his head. Feyre leads the shadowsinger to the empty chair beside hers–then walks to the table to pour him a glass of wine.
No one speaks until she offers it to him and sits down.
His motions are too smooth, too calculated for the pure rage you’d felt in his mind. You watch closely as his rough hands hold the wineglass gently, waiting for the stem to snap in half.
“They are my family,” Feyre says at the raised brows she receives while waiting on him. Tamlin shakes his head in disgust and finally slides that claw back into his hand. Feyre meets Eris’ fuming gaze, her voice as cold as Azriel’s face as she says, “I don’t care if we are allies in this war. If you insult my friend again, I won’t stop him the next time.”
The look Azriel’s backs her up with makes your heart stumble and your powers urge to reach out again.
Only Eris knows how far their alliance goes. The one that he doesn’t think you know about, but it’s your job to know these things, even if this particular secret is one you’ve withheld from the current High Lord of Autumn.
Mor stares and stares at Azriel, who refuses to look at her, who refuses to do anything but give Eris his death-gaze.
Eris, wisely, averts his eyes. And says, “Apologies, Morrigan.”
Beron gawks at the words. But something like approval shines on the Lady of Autumn’s face as her eldest son settles himself once more.
When Azriel’s sure that the son of Autumn sitting next to you won’t look Mor’s way again, he turns those golden beams on you. 
Thesean rubs his temples. “This does not bode well.”
Helion smirks at his retinue, crossing an ankle over a knee and flashing those powerful, sleek thighs. “Looks like you owe me ten gold marks.”
Helion waves a hand, and the stacks of papers Tamlin had compiled drift over to him on a phantom wind. With a snap of his fingers–scar-flecked from swordplay–other stacks appear before every chair in the room. Including your own. “Replicas,” he says without looking up as he leaves through the documents.
A handy trick–for a male whose trove is not in gold, but in knowledge.
Perhaps if the High Lord of Night wouldn’t hear you out, the High Lord of Day would. Maybe he’d be able to break the curse holding you to Beron’s side, though if he had possibly refused Tamlin’s request to free Feyre from her bargain so long ago, why would he help you?
You can feel Azriel’s eyes on you, so you turn to meet his flickering gaze. The wine glass has been set down, not a single drop missing from when Feyre had filled it up, as he thumbs the corner of the papers before him, like learning about you is suddenly more important than the impending war with Hybern.
A shadow so light it’s nearly invisible to the keen Fae eyes in the room curls around your ear as he scrapes against your walls with icy, death-dipped claws. You shudder. It feels good.
You raise your brow at him, daring him to continue, but he finally ducks his head and tucks into the paperwork before him.
“If all of this is true,” Helion clicks his tongue, and Tamlin snarls at the haughty tone, “Then I’d suggest two things: first, destroying Hybern’s cashes of faebane. We won’t last long if they’ve made them into so many versatile weapons. It’s worth the risk to destroy them.”
Kallias arches a brow. “How would you suggest we do that?”
“We’ll handle it,” Tarquin offers. Varian nods. “We own them for Adriata.”
Thesean says, “There is no need.”
Everyone blinks at him. Even Tamlin. The High Lord of Dawn just folds his hands in his lap. “A master tinkerer of mine has been waiting for the past several hours. I would like for her to now join us.”
Before anyone can reply, a High Fae female appears at the edge of the circle. She bows so quickly that you barely glimpse more than her light brown skin and long, silken black hair. She wears clothes similar to Thesean’s and yet–her sleeves have been rolled up to the forearms, the tunic unbuttoned to her chest. And her hand–
Her right hand is solid gold–mechanical. The way the youngest son of Autumn’s is. It clicks and whirrs quietly, drawing the eye of every immortal in the room as she faces her High Lord. Thesean smiles in warm welcome.
“My Lord,” she greets Thesean.
The High Lord of Dawn gestures to the female standing tall before the assembled group. “Nuan is one of my most skilled craftspeople.”
Rhys leans back in his seat, brows rising with recognition at the name, and jerks his head to Beron, to Eris. “You might know her as the person responsible for granting your…errant son, as you called him, the ability to use his left eye after Amarantha removed it.”
Nuan nods once in confirmation, her lips pressing into a thin line as she takes in Lucien’s family. She doesn’t so much as glance your way, her gaze skipping over yours, and she doesn’t even so much as turn in Tamlin’s direction. He certainly doesn’t bother to acknowledge her, regardless of the past binding them, their mutual friend.
“And what has this to do with the faebane?” Helion demands. Thesean’s lover seethes at the High Lord of Day’s tone, but one glance from Thesean has the male relaxing.
Nuan turns, her dark hair slipping over a shoulder as she studies Helion. She does not seem impressed and you bite back a snort. “Because I found a solution for it.”
Thesean waves a hand. “We heard rumors of faebane being used in this war–used in the attack on your city, Rhysand. We thought to look into the issue before it became a deadly weakness for all of us.” He nods to Nuan. “Beyond her unparalleled tinkering, she is a skilled alchemist.”
Nuan crosses her arms over her chest, the sun glinting off of her metal hand. “Thanks to the samples after the attack in Velaris, I was able to create an…antidote of sorts.”
“How did you get those samples?” Cassian demands.
A flush creeps over Nuan’s cheeks. “I–heard the rumors and assumed Lucien Vanserra would be residing there after…what happened.” She still doesn’t look at Tamlin, who remains silent and brooding. “I managed to contact him a few days ago–asked him to send samples. He did–and did not tell you,” she adds quickly to Rhysand, “because he did not want to raise your hopes. Not until I found a solution.”
You watch Feyre and Rhys exchange a glance, obviously unaware of the fox they’d let into their lands.
Nuan continues, “The Mother has provided us with everything we need on this earth. So it has been a matter of finding what, exactly, she gave us in Prythian to combat a material from Hybern capable of wiping out our powers.”
Helion shifts with impatience, that glistening, white fabric slipping over his muscled chest.
Thesean reads that impatience, too, and says, “Nuan has been able to quickly create a powder for us to ingest in drink, food, however you please. It grants immunity from the faebane. I already have workers in three of my cities manufacturing as much of it as possible to hand out to our unified armies.”
Even Rhys seems impressed at the stealth, the unveiling. 
Tarquin asks, “But what of physical objects made from faebane? They possessed gauntlets at the battle to smash through shields.” He jerks his chin to Rhys. “And when they attacked your own city.”
“Against that,” Nuan says, “You only have your wits to protect you.” She doesn’t break Tarquin’s stare, and he straightens, as if surprised that she does so. “The compound I’ve made will only protect you–your powers–from being rendered void by the faebane. Perhaps if you are pierced with a weapon tipped in faebane, having the compound in your system will negate its impact.”
Quiet falls.
Beron says, “And we are supposed to trust you,”– a look at Thesean, then at Nuan–“with this…substance we’re to blindly ingest.”
“Would you rather face Hybern without any power?” Thesean demands. “My master alchemists and tinkerers are no fools.”
“No,” Beron says, frowning, “But where did she come from? Who are you?” The last bit is directed at Nuan.
“I am the daughter of two High Fae from Xian, who moved here to give their children a better life, if that is what you are demanding to know,” Nuan answers tightly.
Helion demands of Beron, “What does this have to do with anything?”
You couldn’t help but to agree with the Day King.
Beron shrugs. “If her family is from Xian–which I’ll have you remember fought for the Loyalists–then whose interests does she serve?”
Helion’s amber eyes flash.
Thesean cuts in sharply, “I will have you remember, Beron, that my own mother hailed from Xian. And a large majority of my court did as well. Be careful what you day.”
Before Beron can miss a retort, Nuan says to the Lord of Autumn, her chin high, “I am a child of Prythian. I was born here, on this land, as your sons were.”
Beron’s face darkens and you tense in your seat. “Watch your tone, girl.”
“She doesn’t have to watch anything,” Feyre cuts in, coming to her defense. “Not when you fling that sort of horseshit at her.” She turns to the alchemist. “I will take your antidote.”
Beron rolls his eyes.
But Eris says, “Father.”
Beron lifts a brow. “You have something to add?”
Eris doesn’t flinch, but he seems to choose his words very, very carefully. “I have seen the effects of faebane.” He nods towards the High Lady of Night. “It truly renders us unable to tap our power. If it’s wielded against us in war or beyond it–”
“If it is, we shall face it. I will not risk my people or family in testing out a theory.”
“It is no theory,” Nuan says, that mechanical hand clicking and whirring as it curls into a fist. “I would not stand here unless it had been proved without a doubt.”
A female of pride and hard work. Something you didn’t consider yourself to be.
Eris says, startling you, “I will take it.”
Even Mor blinks at his words.
Beron studies his son with a scrutiny that makes you itch. You’d often catch this look between them, a father examining his son as if trying to decide if he’s proud or that his son is worth less to him than the lower-tiered fae of his court.
Beron only says, “No, you will not. Though I’m sure your brothers will be sorry to hear it.”
Indeed, the others seem rather put-out that their first barrier to the throne isn’t about to risk his life in testing Nuan’s solution.
Rhys says simply, “Then don’t take it. I will. My entire court will, as will my armies.” He gives a thankful nod to Nuan.
Thesean does the same–in thanks and dismissal–and the master tinkerer bows once more before leaving.
“At least you have some armies to give it to,” Tamlin says mildly, breaking his roiling silence. A smile at Feyre. “Though perhaps that was part of the plan. Disable my force while your own swept in. Or was it just to see my people suffer?”
Those claws poke through his knuckles again. “Surely you knew that when you turned my forces on me, it would leave my people defenseless against Hybern.”
Feyre says nothing in return.
“You primed my court to fall,” Tamlin says with venomous quiet. “And it did. Those villages you wanted so badly to help rebuild? They’re nothing more than cinders now. And while you’ve been making antidotes and casting yourselves as saviors, I’ve been piecing together my forces–regaining their trust, their numbers. Trying to gather my people in the East–where Hybern has not yet marched.”
Nesta says drily, “So you won’t be taking the antidote, then.”
Tamlin ignores her, even as his claws sink into the arm of his chair. 
Thesean clears his throat and says to Helion, “You said you had two suggestions based on the information you analyzed.”
Helion shrugs, the sun catching in the embroidered gold thread of his tunic. “Indeed, though it seems Tamlin is already ahead of me. The Spring Court must be evacuated.” His amber eyes dart between Tarquin and Beron. “Surely your northern neighbors will welcome them.”
Beron’s lip curls. “We do not have the resources for such a thing.”
“Right,” Viviane says, “Because everyone’s too busy polishing every jewel in that trove of yours.”
Beron throws her a glare that has Kallias tensing. “Wives were invited as a courtesy, not as consultants.”
Viviane’s sapphire eyes flare as if struck by lightning. “If this war goes poorly, we’ll be bleeding out right alongside you, so I think we damn well get a say in things.” 
Damn straight.
“Hybern will do far worse things than kill you,” Beron counters coolly. “A young, pretty thing like you especially.”
Kallias’ snarl ripples the water in the reflection pool, echoed by Mor’s own growl.
Beron smiles a bit, the same smile he gives you when he pulls such a reaction from talking down to you. “Only three of us were present for the last war.” A nod to Rhys and Helion, whose faces darken. Your gaze slips to Azriel, but his level-minded gaze is focused on Beron. “One does not easily forget what Hybern and the Loyalists did to captured females in their war-camps. What they reserved for High Fae females who either fought for the humans or had families who did.” He puts a heavy hand on Amaretto's too-thin arm. “Her two sisters bought her time to run when Hybern’s forces ambushed their lands. The two ladies did not walk out of that war-camp again.”
Helion watches Beron closely, his stare simmering with reproach.
The Lady of the Autumn Court keeps her focus on the reflection pool. Any trace of color drains from her face. 
“We will take your people,” Tarquin cuts in quietly to Tamlin. “Regardless of your involvement with Hybern…your people are innocent. There is plenty of room in my territory. We will take all of them, if need be.”
A curt nod is Tamlin’s only acknowledgement and gratitude.
Beron says, “So the Seasonal Courts are to become the charnel houses and hostels, while the Solar Courts remain pristine here in the North?”
“Hybern has focused its efforts on the southern half,” Rhys says. “To be close to the wall–and human lands.”
Feyre and Nesta exchange looks.
Rhys continues, “Why bother to go through the northern climes–through faerie territories on the continent, when you could claim the South and use it to go directly to the human lands of the continent?” 
Thesean asks, “And you believe the human armies there will bow to Hybern?”
“Its queens sold us out,” Nesta says. She lifts her chin, poised as any emissary. “For the gift of immortality, the human queens will allow Hybern in to sweep away any resistance. They might very well hand over control of their armies to him.” Nesta looks at her sister, at Rhys. “Where do the humans on our island go? We cannot evacuate them to the continent, and with the wall intact…Many might rather risk waiting than cross over the wall anyway.”
“The fate of the humans below that wall,” Beron cuts in, and you know what will next fall from his mouth will not be good, tensing up in your seat alongside Eris. “Is none of our concern. Especially in a spit of land with no queen, no army.”
“It is my concern,” Feyre says. The voice that comes out of her is different, more sure, like how a High Lady’s should be. “Humans are nearly defenseless against our kind.”
“So go waste your own soldiers defending them,” Beron says dismissively. “I will not send my own forces to protect chattel.”
You watch closely as Feyre takes a breath, your own ire rising at his insolent words. 
“You’re a coward,” she breathes to the High Lord of Autumn. Even Rhys tenses.
Beron only says, “The same could be claimed of you.”
“I don’t need to explain myself to you.”
“No, but perhaps to that girl’s family–but they’re dead, too, aren’t they? Butchered and burned to death in their own beds. Funny, that you should now seek to defend humans when you were all too happy to offer them up to save yourself.”
“As my lady said,” Rhys drawls, “She does not need to explain herself to you.”
Beron leans back in his chair. “Then I suppose I don’t need to explain my motivations, either.”
Rhys lifts a brow. “Your staggering generosity aside, will you be joining our forces?”
Your stomach plummets at Beron’s answer.
“I have not yet decided.”
Eris goes so far as to give his father a look bordering on reproach. From genuine alarm or for what that refusal might mean for his alliance with the Night Court, you can’t tell.
“Armies take time to raise,” Cassian says. “You don’t have the luxury of sitting on your ass. You need to rally your soldiers now.”
Beron only sneers. “I don’t take orders from the bastards of lesser fae whores.”
Feyre looks positively wild at his insult. Not only her, but the wrath on Casisan’s face and the icy rage on Azriel’s and Rhys’ is enough to get your blood stirring, excitement rushing through your veins at the prospect of a blood bath right before your very eyes.
If Beron is occupied trying to fight off the three stacked males of the Night Court, maybe you will be able to slip in with a few punches or kicks of your own. 
And if they kill him, surely your bargain will break.
You already know that hateful bastards blood will taste like the finest of wines, and his death between the shadowsinger’s and your own will give you peaceful dreams for the next few centuries.
“That bastard,” Nesata says with utter coolness, though her eyes begin to burn, “May wind up being the only person standing in the way of Hybern’s forces and your people.”
She doesn’t so much as look at Cassian as she says it. But he stares at her–as if he’s never seen her before.
This argument is pointless. 
Feyre says to Beron, “Get out if you’re not going to be helpful.” 
At his side, Eris has the wits to actually look worried. But Beron continues to ignore his son’s pointed stare and hisses back, “Did you know that while your mate was warming Amarantha’s bed, most of our people were locked beneath that mountain?”
She doesn’t offer him a response.
“Did you know that while he had his head between her legs, most of us were fighting to keep our families from becoming the nightly entertainment?”
Cassian’s trembling two seats down from Feyre, who is looking sickly pale.
Rhys says nothing.
It’s Tarquin who murmurs, “That’s enough, Beron.”
Tarquin, who had guessed at Rhysand’s sacrifice, his motives.
Beron ignores him. “And now Rhysand wants to play hero. Amarantha’s Whore becomes Hybern’s Destroyer. But if it goes badly…” A cruel, cold smile. “Will he get on his knees for Hybern? Or just spread his–”
Fire explodes out of Feyre.
Raging, white-hot flame that blasts into Beron like a lance.
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
Log Anon here
Now, usually when I talk about other anons I act like some sort of god. Case and point that unending search threat. But now, I’ve been inspired to use my shitty writing skills to make lyrics about how much that anon’s song sucked.
ANON! Let’s start with the fact that this Rapper thought he was a genius.
Sitting there on a chair hoping that Viv would touch their penis.
Man, the whole thing is unreadable, agreeably irredeemable.
I’m filled with laughter that they didn’t think that grammar matter, making it damn unappeasable.
Here’s a lesson, never randomise where capitalise letters, it doesn’t make it better, make sure you fix this error.
Anon coming in here thinking their Chai’s terror, but you’re a joke so just give up the endeavour.
The damn block you wrote makes you a damn dope
As well next time you write keep the swears out or do you need some bloody soap?
Here’s things you should’ve realised before you started to theorise.
Chai speaks about Viv because Anon’s bring it up most of the time.
“to Survive or to live”, yo, Mr Potatohead, that line should’ve been cut in half since they don’t rhyme so I’m charging ya for this lyrical crime.
The irony of bringing up witch when you fail to spell.
The hell Chai getting caught for? Revealing pedophiles and workplace abuse?
I hope you know what you’re doing because hating that has no excuse.
You’re the damn fool, you drooling tool, for getting all blue because someone can live both on and off the wifi.
Honestly your likability is so low that when you visit, all of South Africa cry.
I’m seeing lines so unrefined, so horribly designed, that would make Shakespeare want to die.
I think the real freak is the one posted a mediocre rap to defend a bad show.
Every argument you bring up blows and annoyingly disrupts the flow.
Poor attitude? At least be brave and show your true account if you gonna diss.
You tried your shot at internet fame but too bad that by next month no one will know this exists.
The reason no one leaves the hate is because there’s still people who still need to learn.
Now where’s your next burns, oh wait, you playing favourites this turn?
Aw man, this is weak, you think you’re making them meek, you’re one weird freak.
Rhyming must be tough for a kindengartener, butthey know how to rhyme different words.
The logic you bring for Scienceservant name is worse than the smell of a pile of turds.
I ask the same question, is it worth it to do this when you’re nothing but absurd?
Damn, only a cuck can bother someone while trying to suck off another.
ANON! Why the fuck can’t you write?
You say Chai’s hiding but you are too, coward.
You act like you’re the best when your personality, scent and everything else are soured.
Boy, you’re the ending of Danny Phantom, bad, confusing, and an insult to creation itself.
Now go put on your diaper before you go pee yourself.
At least this won’t the worst rap on this blog
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From the ballpit we come and to the ballpit we will all return.
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nonbinaryeggrolls · 2 years
Sweet Holy Honey pt. 4
Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4
Nanami Kento x POC!Reader
Synopsis: To keep up with bills you take up a part time job as a stripper/waitress at a gentlemans club in downtown Kyoto under the stage name "Honey". Most days you have to deal with your perverted boss, slobby and drunk old dudes, bachelors, ceos, and college assholes, but every now and then the special customer comes in. He wears a neat beige suit, blue button up shirt, and an unforgettable cougar print tie.
Warnings: SMUT, angst, emotional and physical abuse, cussing, drug use, slight yandere behavior but Nanami isn’t dangerous or violent towards Y/N just obsessed
A/N: This is a normal AU where Nanami and the rest of the JJK characters just have regular jobs/lives
A/N: Just a little note, when you see Y/N and other girls names being italicised it means it's not their real name, it's their stripper name
A/N: just a reminder, yandere and obsessive type situations should not be idealized in real life. in the next few chapters we will learn how Nanami knows Y/N so well, it involves events of stalking before meeting her at the bunny room. this story is purely for the sake of entertainment but you should NEVER tolerate something like this in the real world. protect yourself and recognize when a person is becoming too much or possibly dangerous.
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What did he say?
You swear your hearing was damaged in some way, perhaps from the prolonged exposure to obnoxious club music, but your hearing was perfectly fine. The man you’d only gotten to know in passing glances, who’s name you haven’t even learned…asked you to leave with him.
Nanami: “I make money…a lot of it. I swear can give you everything you want in life, I promise I won’t— SWAT!
And just like that as quickly as they fell down, your walls built themselves back up and closed you off. You smacked Nanamis hand away as he was reaching to wipe the tear stains from your puffy cheeks, the lines in your forehead scrunched as you tried to fight back another mental breakdown.
Honey: “I said I have to go!” You whimpered, “I’ll never— I don’t want— just— uggh!” You’re palms smacked against the sides of your head, maybe doing so would rearrange the jumble of words into an order that made sense…but nothing made sense to you or Nanami. He watched in confusion, what was so hard about this? The life you currently lived was less than satisfactory if you went with him he could give everything you always wanted. What was holding you back?
Honey: “D-Don’t ever come back here, p-please. I won’t dance for you and I’ll make sure the other girls don’t either! No matter how much you pay, so stop wasting your e-efforts! Just leave me alone you fucking weirdo!” You wailed with both anger and confusion before taking off in a direction that didn’t even lead towards your apartment, only doing so to leave Nanamis sight as soon as possible. And once again he was alone. It seemed to be a reoccurring situation for him
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The month went by as usual
Lowlifes and annoying frat boys popping in and out, the occasional suburban husbands spending they’re money they shouldn’t be spending it at, last Friday Bubblegum swore up and down that Chris Evans was one of her late night clients but no one can trust a damn thing that girl says. Overall it was the typical customers you’d usually see lurking around at 1 am. Everything was the same
Except there was no sign of Nanami
Of course you didn’t miss him though. Having him gone was just one less stress on your endless checklist, you were glad he finally took the hint and stopped giving you attention. Stopped making you feel a strange since if excitement every Wednesday night and a small feeling of anticipation every other weekday. A feeling like you mattered to someone in this world even if it was just a little bit…
No. You hated that man. At least that’s what you repeated to yourself in the club mirror every other hour whenever he popped into your head. Unfortunately you’ve never been the best at lying
Kota: “HONEY! Hurry up in here you have a special request!” He said barging through the bathroom door
Y/N: “FUCKING KNOCK KOTA WHAT IF I WAS FUCKING NAKED?!” you screamed at the scrawny man
Kota: “Yeah as if people like you care about being seen naked. ROOM 6 NOW!” He dragged you by your upper arm through the open lobby without even giving you a chance to adjust the top part of your bodysuit. Kota pushed you through the velvet curtain as you cradled your bare chest in your arms. Immediately you turned around and assured the customer you’d be ready in just a second, you cursed and fumbled to get your back zipper up before he spoke
Nanami: “Do you need some help?” A familiar silky voice filled your senses and made you still, “Your zipper is stuck in your hair, here let me—
Y/N: “I can fix it myself dude!” You ripped out the strands of hair that were logged in the zipper and tried to close up the rest of your latex ensemble only for it to get stuck again. You frantically tugged and pulled in the zipper until a pair of soft hands replaced yours on suit
Nanami: “Forcing it won’t help, just let me do it before you rip more hair out of your head”, He fiddled with the suit in a far more patient and gentle manner than you were.
Y/N: “You suck at listening, I told you I wasn’t gonna dance for you anymore. Why are you even here?”
Nanami: “Like you said I’m a bad listener and because…I meant what I said to you, I think you should leave this place. It’s filthy and vulgar, it’s no place for any woman to make a living at. Especially you” he managed to zip up your suit but you still remained turned away from him as he spoke, “…Im obsessed with you Honey we can both see that, but by that I don’t mean I want you to belong to me, I want you to belong with me.”
He ached to touch you, to hold you but he held himself back. The last thing he wanted to do was frighten you anymore than you already were
Nanami turned you around, blush painted on both cheeks of your face when he looked at you.
Nanami: “My offer still stands”, he reached in his jacket pocket and pulled out a small piece of folded paper, “This is my address, Come by tonight if you can. If you don’t, I’ll understand and I promise you won’t hear from me ever again.” He whispered, still keeping a safe distance to assure you weren’t pressured or intimidated
He folded the piece of paper into your hand, put back on his beige jacket, and left without another word
You let out a large exhale you didn’t know you were holding back
Y/N: “………..the fuck was that—
Midnight: “Knock Knock! Sorry to interrupt but do you have a lighter by any ch— you good girl? You look like you just shit yourself, what happened?”
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Midnight: “Please tell me you’re not really going in there,” you both sat in the parking lot of the Hosu Loft Apartment Complex, “You picked a terrible place to get killed, a man with this much money is gonna have some A+ lawyers. He’ll probably get off with just community service”.
Y/N: “Would you shut up! I’m already nervous Yui!”
You got out after saying your goodbyes to Yui, but not before turning on your location and placing an AirTag inside your purse for extra safety. You headed towards the the front entrance, if the outside wasn’t already an indication of how upscale this place was then the lobby sure was. The eccentric water feature and diamond chandelier had to be worth more than everything you’ve purchased in your entire lifetime. You wondered to yourself how on earth anyone can make such money to live in a place like this, what kind of job does this man have?
Yakuza weapons dealer?!!
Your intrusive thoughts panicked you and almost made you want to retreat but unknowingly you were already at his apartment door, you would have knocked but it appeared that the door was already unlocked so you let yourself in. It was dark inside, the moonlight peeping in through the window gave you enough vision for you to make you’re way through to the bathroom. You had been holding it in since work, you absolutely hate peeeing at their bathrooms, so you took advantage of the opportunity.
You scoffed in shock, even the bathroom was tastefully decorated. Linen hand towels and an Osaka landscape painting above the toilet. You were done admiring though,
If he isn’t awake then I might as well call Yui and go back home
You thought to yourself. You quickly finished up and wiped down the water spots you left on the sink from when you washed your hands but halted when you heard the hallway light turn on and a figure step in front of the doorway. It did cross your mind that you might be in the wrong apartment and that made your heart race with fear
Nanami: “I don’t see shoes at the doorway, manners are appreciated here”. He stated
You opened the door and stood face to face with a Nanami that looked like he had just woken up. He was shirtless with a pair of black sweatpants and hair like a birds nest. Just like always you gave an attitude to cover up how flustered you were, but it didn’t hide your beet red cheeks
Y/N: “Bite me dude. I’m still getting used to Japanese customs”, you countered, trying to remove your tightly laced converse.
Nanami: “It got so late I didn’t think you’d come by, c’mon I’ll warm you up the food I made”.
Within the next hour Nanami warmed you up a large helping of bulgogi and fried rice and a glass of lychee juice to wash it down. You spoke no words as he sat across from you, not that there weren’t any to say but because it been so long since you’ve had a meal that good, you barely took your head up away from the plate
He loved watching you indulge yourself, the way you swayed back in forth doing a little happy dance with each bite, how you let out small moans after swallowing, and how the lychee juice dribbled a little bit down your chin.
It made his cock twitch in his sweatpants
Nanami: “Full?”, you shook your head yes allowing him to take the plate to the kitchen sink
Y/N: “Thank you…” you said wiping the embarrassing amount of food off the side of your face
Nanami: “Kento…Nanami. I figure you being here means we’re on better terms now, we might as well start learning each other’s names.”
Y/N: “……..Y/N L/N, I don’t like to be called Honey outside work. It makes me feel gross” You mumbled
Nanami: “I hated saying it anyways…Y/N is a beautiful name” he replied
He made you blush of course but you were so tired of the middles school icebreaker type small talk
Y/N: “What do you want from me Nanami?”
He returned this time to a seat right beside yours
Nanami: “I’m a salaryman Y/N��, god he loved the way those letters rolled off his tongue, “I spend my days making money for those who already have it, and taking it from those who can’t afford to lose it. It’s a constant cycle of taking and quite honestly if I were to die or go missing no one would bat an eye, my company would just find another body to fill the gap. Perhaps that’s why it pays so well…”
Y/N: “Are-are you bragging right now?”
Nanami: “Not at all, you see because of what I do, because of how I live my life I have become someone with a of broken ‘a reason for living’. But there are times in my life where I feel like I gain that idea back, whether it’s through simple moments like finding the perfect bread shop, or daydreaming of Malaysia, or finding a good person. An actual good person… someone that’s always smiling even when they have no reason to.” he vented as if something like this had been weighing in his chest, waiting for the right person to release it to. Somewhere in the mist of his emotional venture you noticed a tear begin to prick from the inner corner of his eyes, unbeknownst to you it wasn’t because of sadness but because of his inability to say what he felt.
You moved in front of him on your knees, just as you did that one night at the bunny room but this time the intention behind it wasn’t lustful or sex driven, it was sentimental and moving. It felt right to grab his hand, you caressed his palm and moved it to your cheek. He swear he felt him self melt against your touch
Nanami: “Can you teach me to be a good person Y/N?” He begged
Y/N: “I’m far from good Nanami, I couldn’t teach you how to be one if I wanted to.”
Nanami: “Then we’ll learn together…”
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He guided you back to his bedroom where you sunk into the softest mattress you’ve ever felt in your life, falling asleep felt effortless but you craved his warmth, more than you ever thought you would. Nanami hesitated when you motioned him over to lay beside you, scared that he might intimidate you in some way or scare you off. He couldn’t watch you run away from him, not again
Nanami: “I…I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I think it would be best if I slept on the couch”.
Y/N: “Nanami I know what I’m doing, please just hold me”, you insisted, the dreariness in your voice made your tone soft and irresistible, Nanami practically jumped to your side but still managed to maintain most of his composure
For the first time in a long time you were allowing goodness into your life. You deserved to feel content, to feel safe in someone else’s grasp, and when Nanami cradled your body into his chest you felt just that. It wasn’t like some cliché movie where they blab on about how his heartbeat matched to the rhythm of your own, no, Nanamis had its own unique tune. And slowly felt yourself drifting to sleep to his natural lullaby
Your body intertwined so well with his. He watched as you drifted to sleep, it was so cute how your eyelids fluttered as you dreamt. Nanami felt like he could admire you all night
But Nanami was hot.
White hot
Your shea butter smell. You’re soft skin. You thick thigh that wrapped across his waist. Your groin that pushed up against his hip as you jolted in your sleep. It was pushing him to the edge. He could feel his cock harden to an unbearable amount, he’d pushed the feeling down all night but he couldn’t fight it anymore. Making sure not to wake you he slowly released himself from your grasp, only growing more restless as he looked over your beautiful figure.
He felt like he was going to keel over when he finally made it to the bathroom and freed his aching cock from his sweatpants, it already was drenched in precum. He closed his eyes and leaned back against the tile wall and began to stroke.
There you were kneeled before him again, only this time your eyes were just as rabid as his as you took every inch of him in that pretty little month. You’d be eager to please him wouldn’t you? You’d beg for his cum like a good little slut?
Nanami: “Nggh fuck Y/N…AaaaAggh”, he whispered, he stroked faster and faster. He wanted you. He wanted to ruin that cute little pussy and make you cry on his cock, screaming his name over how good it hurt when his tip kissed your cervix, until he filled you to the brim with his hot seed. You’d take it all wouldn’t you?
Fuck Kento, please more…please put it deeper! He imagined your delicate voice cracking and scratching as you begged for more of him
Nanami: “Fuck yes baby say my fucking name, fuck, fuck Y/N… I’m gonna cum.” He put in his final few pumps, this time basically fucking into his hand pretending it was your tight cunt. He groaned louder than he meant to and released all over his hand, some of it shooting onto the sink in front of him
He opened his eyes and sighed, falling back down to a reality you weren’t in. He was tired of cumming in his fist like a lonely college boy, he wanted your walls to paint his seed with. But he’d never push any idea of it on you until he thought you were ready. Nanami is not an easy person to be with; he has his faults and at times they’re too great to ignore. Would you even want him if you saw the person he could be? The aloof, pessimistic, money obsessed scumbag that he has to be everyday?
He grabbed a wash clothed and dampened it to clean up his mess before joining you back in bed. It felt like pure heaven when he felt you cling back onto his body and Nanami was able to fall asleep with you, something he’d desired for so long and was now finally coming into fruition. It was pure bliss…
Nanami: “I’m gonna fuck this up aren’t I?”, he whispered
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skyfallslayer · 1 year
The Daughter of The (Dare)Devil - Story 9 (Part 3)
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Series Masterlist
Series Summary: A Series of stories revolving around the MCU timeline of Matt Murdock and his Daughter, Kaila. Being the child of a vigilante can be hard and scary at times, but it doesn’t mean she ain’t going to enjoy the most of it.
(Can be read as Y/N if you’d like)
Story Summary: Part 3 - Matt, Karen and Foggy scramble to find out who their “official” first client was in an attempt to find their missing teenager; Meanwhile, Kaila finally sees what her father sees in her darkest time in Hell’s Kitchen, making her question everything she believed in (Set shortly after 2x03). 
Date: 4/5/23
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 13,243 (Super Long, Y'all)
Warning: Possible OOC (?); Karedevil; The Murdocks Are Stubborn People; Talks of Child Neglect; Attempted Murder; Allusion To Murder; Brief Allusion To Rape; Major Blood; Self Blaming; Heavy Guilt; Non Consensual Touching; Heavy Angst; Heavy Language; Crying; Mental Break (Down (?); Karen and Foggy Are The MVPs Here Again (Frank & Brett Are Added To That List); Possible Identity Reveal (?); Kidnapping; Allusions To Mental Illness; Bullet Wound; Child Abuse; The Murdocks Could Use All The Hugs In The World; I'm Going To Hell By Putting The Adults/Kaila Through The Wringer; Fluffy Ending (?). READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!
- Let me know if I missed anything, please.
A/N: Yeah... still going to hell for this. But I swear their lives will get better maybe. Anyway, sorry for the wait, I had writer's block halfway. Hopefully this is to y'all's expectations. As always, enjoy!
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“Kaila.” He said, smiling. “Kaila… Jackie Murdock.”
“What a lovely name.”
“Kaila Murdock.” Fisk tests it out. “You’ve got a lot… history in a name like that.”
She said with a little smile. “I’m assuming you’re Matt’s daughter?”
“And when you have no tears left to shed, then…” He sends another glare that sends a shiver down her spine. “Then we’ll come for you, Miss Murdock.”
She opened her tired eyes slowly, her spinning world coming to an abrupt stop. 
The teenager finds herself standing in a dark abyss, making her drugged induced self suddenly more aware of her surroundings. She finds herself looking around in a worried state of confusion. She saw and heard nothing in the void. It was just her in this room that didn’t seem like reality.
She tries to recall what happened last but is met with a splitting headache. She winces at the pain with her eyes growing shut, craning her neck down and gritting through her teeth.
Jesus. What… what happened? She fights herself to pry open those chocolate orbs with the blown out pupils, finding herself staring at her attire. She had on what looked like a blouse and a pencil skirt, something she didn’t even possibly remember owning. 
She frowns as that sets in before she starts to notice something else different. The hair on her head felt lighter than ever, a sensation she doesn’t remember ever feeling. She wanted to touch her locks, but couldn’t. When she looked at the source that had bound her wrists together she couldn’t believe it. It was stringy and white, and sticky like glue. It was–
Spider webs? She brings her hands closer to examine, ignoring how the hairs over her body stood straight up.
“They’re all gone.”
She jolts in her stance, jerking her body around to behind. She swears she could see some kind of dust lingering in the open air, some even brushing by her like a taunt or a warning. Or…
Maybe it was both.
What in the hell…? 
“What are you doing?” A familiar voice asked, sending her spinning on her heels again.
She shouldn’t be surprised but she is; Especially when her friend looks older than before. Jayden was taller, more defined in her arms, his hair a bit longer in the face. She blinks again, and tries to say his name only that she couldn’t. It felt like someone had jammed something into her throat.
He looked just as panicked as she was feeling, and took a step closer with his hands up defensively. “You know I can’t help you right now. That’s why I told you to wait until I felt better.”
She tilts her head, scanning him over again. None of this made any sense whatsoever, especially when she saw tiny little sparks of fire resting on his fingertips. All she could do was stare as he seemed unbothered by it.
He sighs. “I should know better by now. You Murdocks sure are stubborn.” He said that with a small smile. “But you need to get out of here. You’re needed out there tonight.”
What? What is he talking about? She tries to speak his name again. Nothing.
“Here, Kai.” 
She felt him shove something into her suddenly freed hands, something that felt oddly like… 
She gasps.
My dad’s helmet? 
“Can’t forget that. You’ve been holding off for a while.” He said, a look of pride on his face as she shakes her head.
Jayden… what are you… what is he talking about? She felt him step closer, his face practically hovering above her.
“The devil of Hell’s Kitchen’s been gone long enough. These people need you. You got this.” 
She looks at him before looking down at the helmet, looking polished and brand new. It didn’t look like it was shot through with a bullet. Her brows pushed together, perplexed.
This is my dad’s helmet, but… it… it doesn’t feel like it. She clenches the sides, a shiver running up her spine again.
What is going on–
“Ah, you’re awake. Good.” A slimy hand roughly grabs her chin, forcing her to open her eyes. “We can have a chat about how your father and his partner ruined my life.”
Her breath hitched itself in her throat as she stared at her capturer. His creepy stare seemed more intense than before.
“Come on, little devil, show me what you got.” 
She awoke with a muffled scream. Out of instinct she tugged on her restraints, wiggling in her chair. The thick ropes dug into her skin, irritating it in a way she never felt before.
Fuck. Fuck. What the fuck is–
“So you’re finally awake.” 
She froze again.
The man was sitting in a foldout chair, he had a pocket knife out that he was using to cut a bright red apple. Kaila watches him smile towards her before moving his seat in front of her, retaking his spot.
“Sorry if you feel cold. I had to use your shirt to clean up your head.”
Kaila pinches her brows together, looking down at herself. Her band shirt was gone, laying somewhere in this warehouse covered in blood, which left her just in a bra. Her cheeks flushed as she started to grow self conscious, but the man didn’t seem to either not mind or care about the state she was in (emotionally and physically).
“You bleed a lot. Which is good. Means you’re healthy, and I need you to stay healthy.” He continues, and cuts up a huge slice, letting it fall onto the plate in his lap.
“Hungry?” He asked, reaching over and pulling the gag off, watching her stare in discomfort. He stabs one of the slices of apple and holds it close to her mouth. She continues to stare, making him tilt his head. “I know it’s a little weird, but I can’t let you starve, you know? Come on.”
She felt her heart about to burst out of her chest. The sickening feeling was brewing in her gut. But there was something heedfully telling her to just play along. She opens her mouth, allowing him to slide the apple slice in. She carefully crushes it between her teeth, slowly chewing it.
“Good, right? Gala’s were always my favorite.” He boasted with a chuckle. “You got a favorite?”
She shakes her head leisurely at… what should she call him? Baldy? Yeah, Baldy would work. She shakes her head at Baldy.
“No? That’s surprising. I won’t take it personally if that’s what you’re worried about.”
No, not exactly. She thought, watching him eat a slice himself, and gaze around the room full of metal shipping containers (she was assuming they were at the port). Strange.
He’s acting paranoid, but he certainly doesn't look it.
Baldy seemed to catch her wary gaze in the dim lighting, and locked in. “This too weird?” He said, with a dry chuckle. “Don’t be shy. You can speak freely.” That spine chilling grin returns. “I don’t bite.”
You sure look like you do. She holds her tongue at the spicy words. She starts spinning the wheels in her head, trying to figure out what she can and cannot (or should not) say.
I’ve got to do this carefully.
“W-Who are you?” Kaila manages to say, which makes him straighten up in seat, expression fading away.
“Me?” He asked, voice low and cold. “I’m the brother of one of Nelson and Murdock’s clients they failed.”
She tilts her head, puzzled. “Failed?”
Baldy hums. “You got that right, sweetheart.”
She swallows, and starts feeling a sense of déjà vu from this. “You’re… you’re going to have to be more specific. My Father and Uncle can’t exactly… help everyone.”
“That’s true, but–” He sighs. “They could have helped him.”
She furrows her brows. “And… who’s your brother?”
“He was their first official client.”
First official client? Now she was even more confused.
He said he had a brother, right? And Karen was their first client who had a brother. She starts remembering the story the blonde told her after the whole Wesley thing.
Yeah… Kevin. Yeah, that’s right. But he’s dead. This doesn't make–
“Not clicking with you, sweetheart?” Baldy asked, interrupting her thoughts. “It’s probably hard keeping track of all your Father’s clients. And that’s okay, I didn’t expect you to know who I’m talking about.”
She gives him an odd look again. “Then…” She pauses. “Why am I here?”
He shrugs. “Ransom. Bait. My… personal punching bag.” He laughs at how pale she got. “Don’t worry, I won’t do anything… too reckless. Unless, you give me any reason to do the opposite.” Another laugh. “It’s just the Boss’ orders.”
Boss? So this isn’t independent. He’s tied to someone. But who? All she could do was wonder as continues to lose color in her face.
“Awe, don’t be so scared. Besides, you’ll be fine. You’ll be fine as long as you behave. Mmm, okay?” He brushes some of her hair from her face. “But if you don't… I’ll have to listen to my Boss anyway. Trust me. You don’t want me to follow his instructions.”
She bites the inside of her cheek hard to keep herself from trembling at his words.
Oh, god… please let this be another dream.
Foggy dumped another box of files onto the table, tossing it aside before sitting down again.
“Okay.” He breathes, mentally preparing for another round. “There’s gotta be something in this one.”
He didn’t even acknowledge his two partners nodding before they all dug into it, their minds were all in overdrive trying to find something useful. Their bloodshots orbs scanned the pages, their small, worried panting brushed against the ink, turning the inky fragrance into coffee. And they were all dealing with the excess jittery energy in different ways. Like Foggy was lightly bouncing his left leg under the table, and Karen was gnawing at the fingernail on her thumb, while Matt was almost still like a statue, except for the occasional twitch in his lip or hands.
Silence carried on again and again, but just like with every box they shifted through, one of them would break the focus eventually. This time it was–
“This is going nowhere.” Matt said, dropping his half of the file that was transferred in braille. He didn’t care if the pages were slipping out of the yellowish folder, and scattered across the table. Organization was not on his mind.
Foggy frowns, concernedly. “Matt–”
“No, he’s right, Foggy.” Karen said, also dropping her half. “This is hopeless.”
Foggy looks between the two. “Guys–”
The blonde shakes her head, stopping him. “No. It’s going nowhere. We’ve been through ten boxes already. Nothing is matching up with the ransom note.”
This got him to sigh, and rub his face into his hands. “Okay…” He rests his palms in the back of his head. “Okay. What have we got so far?”
Matt clenches his jaw. “All we got is some guy claiming we… failed helping his brother. Who so happens to be our first client.” He explains, hearing him nod, taking it in. “However, from our knowledge, Karen was our first client.”
“Right.” Foggy said, and focused his gaze on the woman across from. “But you told us you don’t have a brother who could have done this.”
Karen nods. “Yeah. I-I had one, but he’s… passed.” She replies, getting teary eyed.
“And… you’re not aware of having any others? No half siblings or…?”
“No. My father’s… life, after my mother passed, he practically just lived in the diner we owned. Never really doing anything outside work.” She shrugs. “I mean, if he had other children somehow I would’ve known since I was with him all the time. And then I’ve lived here for about… three years now, so if he had a kid after I left he would be about that old.”
Foggy hums. “And I doubt a toddler could commit a kidnapping.” He scratches his chin. “But it has to be you. You were Matt and I’s first client.”
She shrugs again. “Then I don’t know what else to tell you…”
Matt lets out a sigh, standing up in a way that makes his chair scrap across the floor. “I need more coffee.” Was his reply, and grabbed his empty cup. He leaves the office for their kitchenette, ignoring the two pairs of eyes on him.
Once he left, Karen made a move. “Go talk to him.” She said, quietly.
“Me?” Foggy said, surprised. “I don’t know, maybe you should–”
“If I really am somehow connected to this, maybe I shouldn’t be talking to him.”
That made his heart break a little. “Karen–”
“Please.” She begs, her blue orbs glassing over.
Foggy stayed quiet, only replying with a small shake of his head. He stands up and leaves the room, faintly hearing her sobbing. He finds his partner bracing himself against the counter, the coffee pot and lights weren’t even on. Foggy didn’t even correct that, instead he just came and silently stood next to him.
It wasn’t until the clock on the microwave turned from 11:38 to 11:50 when he decided to crack the ice wall his friend was putting up.
“What’s going through your head?” Foggy asked, voice strained with all sorts of emotions he tried to hide. 
Matt inhales slowly, blind gaze still on the countertop. “Guilt.”
“It’s not your fault, man.”
“You don’t get it.”
“Then explain it to me.”
“I did.”
“Explain it to me more clearly then.” Foggy rephrases, watching him closely. “What happened?”
Matt finally looks in his direction, thinking. “After the… you know…” He lowers his voice. “You guys found me on the rooftop. After you left, That's when things got… tense between me and Kai. I-I just wasn’t thinking about hers, or yours, or Karen’s feelings. I was just… pissed that I got hurt. Pissed that I didn’t stop the Punisher.” He swallows. “I… the gunshot made me… lose my hearing.”
Foggy’s eyes widened immediately. “What? You went deaf?!” He said just as Matt shushed him quietly. He quickly winces and takes a look to make sure Karen didn’t hear that. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay. Just… keep it down.”
“I will, but… you lost your hearing? What the fuck, man?”
“Only… only temporarily. I promise.” Matt reassures, truthfully. “Anyway, She, Kai, helped me but um… I was being stubborn as usual.”
“I know. Afterwards, I went to this guy who owed me a favor, said he’d fixed up the helmet and that’s when I got a text from her. It said it was an emergency, told me to get home quickly, so I did.” Matt sighs again and continues, “She… she lied to get me to come home. Begged me not to go out there to look for the Punisher. I told her it was my job to stop him, then that’s when everything went downhill.” He frowns. “She brought up an agreement we made after Fisk was put in jail.”
Foggy cocks his head, intrigued. “What agreement?”
“That she’ll help me balance my two lives. Which I… I didn't want to listen to it. And instead, I flipped it around on her.”
“How so?”
Matt's gaze flickered to their office, the one that Karen was in, pausing to hear if she was eavesdropping (She wasn’t from what he could tell). “Remember our argument after you found out my secret?” He asked, turning his attention back to him.
“How could I forget?” Foggy said, gloomily.
“Well, Kaila said she needed a break, so she decided to go stay at Karen’s for the night.” Matt replies, shifting his stance. “Remember when you went to find Kaila at her favorite coffee shop, did you notice anything… ‘off’ about her?”
Foggy ponders on that for a moment. “Actually… yeah. I did. She seemed down and in her head.”
Matt nods. “I noticed that, quickly for obvious reasons. When I asked what happened at Karen’s, she told me she’ll tell me when she’s ready. And… I respected her decision, and it became part of our agreement.”
“So… instead of listening, you try to turn it on her?”
“Yeah. I thought it should be a two way street. We went back and forth for a few minutes, eventually she accused me of the suit having a possession over me. I told her that the devil was a part of me, then she asked me if I was worried about not coming back to her. Then I…” He trails off.
“What?” Foggy asked, heart already aching before the answer. “What did you say?”
There was a small pause, and then– “I said, ‘Well maybe I wouldn’t have to worry if you weren’t here’.”
Foggy closes his eyes with a inhale. “Jesus, Matt…”
Matt swallows, throat closing up. “She told me she fucking hated me, Foggy.” He said, sounding so small and fragile.
Foggy sighs. “Matt, she didn’t mean that. Nor did you mean what you said.” 
“It doesn’t matter if I meant it or not, Foggy.” Matt says, looking down. “I thought she wanted space, so I gave her space. And the time she called for me was the first time I didn’t answer.”
“First off, she tried to call you, so it’s not like you ignored her call.”
“And you were just respecting her wishes. What happened to her was not your fault.”
“But she’s my daughter, Foggy.”
“And we’re going to get her back.” Foggy touches both his shoulders. “I know it’s hard, but let's put this guilt aside and figure this out.” He lets a tiny smile on his lips. “And when this is officially over, we're temporarily closing up shop and going to Hawaii.”
That got Matt to chuckle a little. “Hawaii, huh?”
“Never been, and would love to go. We'll probably have to start a go-fund me to get the money, but we’ll make it work.”
“Yeah.” Matt’s face fell again. “Wait… you said ‘officially’?”
Foggy raises an eyebrow. “Yeah, I did. Why?”
Matt’s confidence started to come back at a realization. “Because I just remembered what the ransom note said. It says that we failed our ‘official’ first client.”
“Yeah… and…?” Foggy trails off, not following his partner’s lead.
“If it’s saying ‘official’ in the way I think it’s referring as, then…”
“Then that means Karen isn’t our first client.”
Kaila silently watched him eat another apple by himself before leaning back in the chair, eyes glued to his phone. The volume was low, but she swears she can hear some kind of sports game playing. This causes her to pinch her brows together and get the gears in her brain to start turning once more.
None of this… this… 
Could she even call this a kidnapping? Could she tell herself over and over again that’s she being held for ransom? 
It sure didn’t feel like it. Sure, this guy was clearly unhinged to a certain degree, but he didn’t exactly (at least her in mind) scream kidnapper. I mean, her last one didn’t exactly fit the description either. James Welsey was just a right hand man with the best poker face on this side of the hudson. 
Maybe I’m just watching too many cop shows. 
But that’s besides the point. She was just waiting and waiting for something to happen. Like maybe he’ll start recording her for the news media to share, or maybe he’ll talk on the phone to negotiate with the cops. She didn’t expect him to feed her an apple and watch sports. 
This is really, really odd. But she can’t just sit here and keep guessing. Besides, he said that she was allowed to speak freely, and she might as well use this privilege to get some answers.
She swallows the heavy bile in her throat first. “So… a-are we just waiting for money to be brought?” She asked, carefully shredding the unclear water.
Baldy sighs. “No. No money. Boss didn’t want any.” He replies, still looking at his phone.
What? She blinks as her interests peak. He left a ransom note about her. How could he not want money?
“Then… w-why did you grab me if you’re not using me for money?” Kaila asked, confused.
Another sigh, but this time he looks up. “Look, sweetheart. I’m just following my instructions.”
“But you’re holding me hostage. What’s the point in you doing this if you aren’t going to get anything in return? Am I just some… some trophy at this point or–”
He suddenly kicks the chair he was sitting in over, the metal rattling against the concrete flooring, startling her. His nonchalant mood changes drastically as he strolls over. “Are you questioning my mission, sweetheart?”
She clenches her jaw. “You told me I could speak freely–”
“Are you–” He roughly grabs her chin, throwing her head forward. “Questioning my mission, sweetheart?”
She gulps down the urge to wince in pain as she keeps her confident gaze. “W-Who’s your Boss?”
He scoffs in disbelief. “Excuse me?”
“I said… who’s you’re fucking Boss? And what does he want with me?”
His lip twitched, and he found himself closing his eyes to take a deep breath. “I really wish…” He opens them. “I really wish you didn’t ask me that. I thought we had an understanding.”
Before she could say anything his whole palm covers her mouth, and he pushes her head back until it's against a crate, her chair tipping back along with her. 
What the fuck is he– Her thought died on her lips as she felt something cold against her thigh, followed by a small click and a loud bang. Pain ripped through her body as she let out an animalistic scream. Of course that sounded like she was underwater by his hand, which became even more when he squeezed down.
He shushes her soothingly. “I warned you, sweetheart. Now I gotta play into my Boss’ rules.” He said, holding up the gun to her watery view. “Don’t ask me questions like that. Okay?” He pauses to see if her scream had subsided, which it did (Now it was just really heavy panting). “Got anything to say for yourself?”
He removes his hand, letting the chair level back to the floor as she takes in a shaky gasp of air.
“Y-You’re…” Kaila chokes, and tries to give him a cold look. “YOU’RE FUCKING INSANE!!!”
Baldy shakes his head. “Me? ME?! I’M INSANE, HUH?! I’M THE CRAZY ONE?!” He starts laughing with hysteria. “Oh… I guess I am. Huh?” He scoffs and cups her face, ignoring how she tries to jerk out of his touch. “Oh, Miss Murdock, what am I going to do with you? Hmm?”
He uses his thumbs to wipe her stained cheeks cleaned, and earns another flinch. He then stands up to fetch his chair to plop down in front of her again.
He sighs. “Alright. Let’s have a look at this.” He starts touching the wound he caused on her thigh, and she whimpers loudly at the touch. “Alright. You know what? Let’s…” He reaches for the gag around her neck, placing it over her mouth and tying it roughly. “Let’s put that back on.”
He starts touching it again. “Well, the bullet’s still in there. But–” He gives her a smile. “You wouldn’t want me to go digging for it, would you? Don’t want to cause you any more pain, right?”
Kaila closes her eyes, more tears falling as he pats her cheek in his attempt to ‘soothe’ her. She wishes she had the power to burn that disgusting hand from his arm.
Suddenly, off in the distance of this gigantic building, you could hear a door closing loudly.
The two of them perked up for different reasons. One annoyed and one (slightly) hopeful. Could you guess who was who?
Baldy hums. “I don’t remember expecting anyone yet.” He quickly pulls out his phone, turning on the screen. He frowns. “Hmm… nothing.” He stands up once more. “I’ll be right back. ‘Cause last time I checked, Boss was supposed to call me before picking you up.”
Picking me up? She wonders as she watches him walk away while whistling some tune. She could only hope whoever came in was on her side, but she was scared for them. She now knew that Baldy was a lot more crazy than she thought, and didn’t know what he was fully capable of.
She closes her eyes and starts quietly crying.
I really hope that’s my dad…
She promised herself she wasn’t going to cry again, not unless they were happy tears; But here she is, doing the opposite. Karen had her face buried into her hands, feeling like the weight of the world was crushing her form. Unlike Matt and Foggy, Karen knew really what this kidnapping was (probably) doing to Kaila.
Although, the more she thought about it, the more she didn’t like the outcome. When the teenager stumbled to her door after killing Wesley, it sure felt different than now. Karen knew what killing another human being feels like. She knew how to handle the situation, knew how to comfort like nobody else would.
But this was different. They didn’t know who this kidnapper was. And even with the note they left there was no clear MO. Was it just revenge? Did they want money from Nelson and Murdock? What was it? And why was this person’s brother their first client? She was their first client. She remembers that day as crystal clear as it could get. And it couldn’t be her beloved brother Kevin because she killed him he died. Or…
Do I really have more siblings than I thought? That thought made her skin crawl, and Karen couldn’t help but choke down another sob.
Oh, god… what if I got that poor child killed?
“What exactly are you saying? Matt?!”
The sudden voice makes her look up, finding her colleagues coming back in.
“Matt?” Foggy tries again, but the blind man isn't listening as he sets another box on the table, opening up and digging inside.
“What’s going on?” Karen asked, wiping her eyes clean as she stood up.
Foggy jerks his finger towards their friend. “He just said something weird and won’t elaborate on what he meant.”
She looks his way. “Matt?”
Matt didn’t answer until he found the file he’s looking for. He holds it close like it’s his last life source. “In the ransom note, It states that we, Nelson and Murdock, failed to help the kidnapper’s brother. Which is…” He trails off for them to finish.
Foggy and Karen share a look of confusion.
“Which… is your guys’ first client.” She replies, stating the obvious.
“Which is Karen.” He adds.
“Correction. It says our ‘Official First Client’. That’s not Karen.” Matt said, getting even stranger looks thrown his way.
Foggy shakes his head, holding his hands up. “Hang on a second.” He said, processing. “What?”
“It’s not Karen.” 
“Okay…” Matt nods with a small sigh. “Do you remember the beginning for us? We met Karen on the first day we opened after Brett gave us that tip that we desperately needed. Without any questions, we went down there with hope. However…” He cast his gaze at the blonde. “Karen. What did you say to us that almost made Foggy walk out the door?”
Foggy cocks his head in confusion again, as the gears in Karen’s head start to turn.
She pursues her lips. “That…” Her eyes widened. “I didn’t have any money.”
Matt points at her. “Exactly. Now, of course since you were our client, regardless if you paid or not, we still would have a file on you. However, since you never gave us any money, besides that one file, there’s nowhere else to tell anyone that Karen was a client of ours. Which means…” 
Now it was Foggy’s turn to understand. “It wouldn’t be something we write on our taxes. Or better yet, there’s no check from Karen in our bank account. There’s no statement backing her up as our first client other than word to mouth.”
Matt points to him now. “Now you’re both getting it.”
“Okay, okay.” Karen begins, holding up her hands, thinking. “So… your first client was a paying client. Something that you can prove. Who?”
“Yeah.” Foggy says, nodding. “Who? We did a lot of charity work before we started making bank, Matt.”
“Agreed. We did.” Matt admits, nodding as well. “So I really had to think about this one. But then it hit me. Our first client was someone who gave us a lot of money that day. And that was–” He flips the file over, showing off the name. “John Healy.”
Foggy cocks his head again. “John–” He gasps. “The bowling ball dude! Prohaszka’s killer.”
Another nod. “Exactly.” Matt said, setting the folder down. “He was our first paying client, which–
“W-Which we, quote-on-quote, failed… when he committed suicide.” Karen said, piecing it all together.
“Also correct.”
“B-But…” Foggy stutters into a sigh. “That doesn’t make any sense. Didn’t we learn later on that he killed himself because of Fisk?”
“Yeah.” Karen replies, pointing at her colleague, agreeing. “H-He killed himself. W-We didn’t have anything to do with that.”
“Obviously Mr. Healy’s brother didn’t see it that way.” Matt said, somberly.
“But I don’t remember seeing in the reports that Healy had a brother.” Foggy said, thinking again.
“Doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have one. Also, who knows…” The blind man shrugs. “John Healy could have been a pseudonym for all we know.”
“Wait.” Karen said, holding her hand up. “M-Maybe it’s true. Maybe he really does have a brother. However, we can’t forget that John Healy was hired by Fisk to assassinate Prohaszka so that the Russians could take over his territory. What if… Fisk is behind this?”
Foggy looks at her with bewilderment. “Karen, Fisk is in jail, we put him there.”
“I know, but…” She bites her lip. “Once a mob boss, always a mob boss. Even if he’s in jail, it doesn't mean he doesn’t still have eyes and ears everywhere. Right?”
The question made the room fall into darkness. The silence was almost hard to bear as they all mentally trembled at the mere thought of Fisk coming back into the field.
Matt clears his throat. “So… we have two options, I guess. One, is that John Healy had a brother who blames us for his death. Or…” The next sentence felt ill on his tongue. “Wilson Fisk… is coming back with revenge for putting him behind bars. Both unfortunately seem likely.”
“So what do we do?” Karen asked, hugging herself.
“We call Brett.” Foggy replies, sounding more confident than before. “Tell him what we found. Maybe he could use it to find her, and hopefully he has leads already.”
She nods at this. “Hopefully. D-Do you want to call him or–”
“No, No. I’ll call him. I got him on speed dial anyway.”
“Really, Foggy. I can do it.”
“No. I got it. Don’t worry.” 
She tries to convince him again, damn well knowing what he was doing, but already left the room with his phone in his hand. She bites her lip.
Damn you, Foggy. She cusses and hugs herself a little tighter. Maybe if she stays quiet, he wouldn’t ask–
“Hey, Karen?” Matt said, which makes her close her eyes out of frustration.
“Y-Yeah, Matt?” She stutters, quietly.
“Are you okay?”
She opens her eyes to look at him, and even with his shades on she could see the genuine concern on his face towards her. For being a blind man he sure knew how to read people.
Karen finds herself shaking her head, getting teary eyed again. He seemed to figure that out as well.
“Karen?” He begins, but she finally replies.
“No… I’m not.”
And that was the absolute truth.
The door creaked open louder than he wanted, and cussed under his breath when it closed the same. The Officer had his gun trained on something imaginary infront of him, eyes carefully looking around the warehouse. A simple task of checking the port for anything out of the ordinary took a turn when heard a single gunshot. Just a single sound of one could mean a lifetime of choices. 
The man in blue started taking a slow and steady stroll, peeking around corners on the metal crates, listening intensely for anything out of place. Well…
He certainly found something out of place.
He lowers his gun slightly, eyes full of surprise. “Oh my god.” He mutters, his presence making the girl meet his gaze. “You’re that kidnapped girl.”
Kaila’s heart sank, and she swears she probably became even paler than she already is. The Officer obviously didn’t see that her expression wasn’t out of surprise but rather out of fear for him.
He uses his free hand to touch his radio, the device making a tiny crackling sound. “This is Officer Carmichael. I was at my post when I heard a gunshot, seeked it out. I’m at a warehouse, one closest by the water, I have a hostage situation. The hostage is the abducted girl we’ve been looking for.”
He lets go of the button, face softening on his strong features. “You okay, Ma’am?” He asked, taking a small step forward. She starts shaking her head, muffling saying something. “Don’t be scared. I’m here to help.”
She repeats the same motion again, praying he’ll get the message.
{Copy that. Is the hostage injured?}
The radio crackled again, and the Officer paused his steps to answer. “Hostage is…” He trails off to do a head to toe scan. “Hostage appears to be–”
She never knew metal hitting bone would sound so terrifying.
She had so desperately tried to say something before she watched the man get struck in the side of the head by a chair. Baldy had come out of nowhere, a rageful look in his eye as he knocked the officer down. She screamed as he hit him again, and again, and again until the man in blue stopped moving.
Baldy let out a sigh, dropping the chair painted red with a loud rattle, making her sob loudly. 
{-Carmichael? Officer Carmichael? Do you copy? Sir?}
Another sigh. “Stupid cop. Almost ruined all the fun.” He grumbled, and stepped on the radio a few times until it stopped spewing feedback. 
Frank’s been called a lot of things his entire life. Some of it was true, some of it was just a meaningless taunt, and some of it was just to get under his skin. But there’s one name that he’ll have to take to heart, one that he just has to accept.
He was a monster. He knows what he’s done. From here to the war. A monster. But even this monster knows when to take a minute and show some kind of mercy.
He heard stories about a man in a mask long before coming to Hell’s Kitchen.
The Man in Black. The Man without Fear. The Devil. 
He heard stories about people fearing him. People fearing that they’ll end up getting thrown off a rooftop, or having both their legs broken by just robbing an old lady for her purse. He was the vigilante protecting this city, and it wasn’t until he stopped Wilson Fisk from escaping that’s when he started to earn some respect. They called him Daredevil. A hero. But one that people still needed to fear despite the good stuff seeping through the cracks.
But Frank didn’t care when he came to do his job. He didn’t care if he would get a visit from someone who plays dress up. And, to be honest, Frank wasn’t at all impressed. This so called… Devil of Hell’s Kitchen was a prissy.
Sure, I guess he’ll give it to him that he knows how to put up a fight, but that’s it. Just the man talking wanted Frank to melt his own ears off. That shit about hope made him want to strangle Red until he stopped moving. 
These vile people needing redemption is a bunch of bullshit. He scoffed.
His plan was just to let Red hear his voicemails before shooting up the gang’s hideout, letting Red listen to the scum crying for help as he couldn’t do anything but just sit there tied in chains. But plans change. He’s a soldier, he expects the unexpected. Yet…
None of that training could prepare him for what happened next.
Red had a friend. A friend who sounded hysterical, one who was begging him to answer the phone. And slowly those pleading voicemails turned into every parent's worst nightmare. 
Red’s child was missing -no- taken. Taken by some… low life prick in this city. It wasn’t just Frank’s exterior that changed, but Red’s did. His whole hero front fell as he started to beg, beg him to let him go and find his child.
Now Frank may be a monster, but he loved nothing more in this world than his children. 
And from the sound of it, so did Red. And what kind of father would Frank be if he didn’t let him go?
The police radio he had started crackling, a new signal coming through. Frank paused his task of cleaning his rifle to listen, silently hoping that this is the lead he needs.
{S-Shots were fired. Officer Carmichael is not responding after sending in his call. Calling all available units to the port. The Officer states the kidnapped teenager is at one of the warehouses closest to the water.}
{Copy that. Did the Officer state what’s going on with the teenager?}
{Nothing to be reported. The teenager, Kaila Murdock, is five-four, one hundred and ten pounds, with brown hair and brown eyes. The suspect charged with her abduction may be armed. Proceed with caution.}
{Copy that. Heading over there now.}
Frank takes the information in, thinking his plan over extremely carefully.
The port, huh? He stands up from the ledge he is sitting on, turning off the radio.
Time for me to pay Red a visit.
Matt could hear the hurt in her voice. The guilt. The pain she was feeling from all of this. He finds himself standing in front of her, smelling the new and old salt on her delicate cheeks.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, gently. He heard her lip quiver as she said,
“I really thought it was my fault, Matt.”
“I really, really thought this was because of me.”
“Karen, Karen.” He tries to soothe. “Even if it was your brother, I could never blame you for this.”
She shakes her head. “But Matt, It’s your kid, I can’t–”
“I really love her, Matt.”
Of course she does. Matt knew this. He senses this. However, her confession felt… different then when Foggy says it. Why would it be–
“She’s an amazing kid.” Karen continues, oblivious to his overthinking. “She’s been nothing but nice to me. Polite. I always have good conversations with her and… I love her. I love her enough that I don’t want anything happening to her. So… If this really is my fault then… I don’t know what I’ll do to myself.”
All of a sudden, her confession reminded him of a case he took early in his career. It was a custody case, one that Matt knew right away that the father wasn’t going to win; But his client, the mother who he knew would win without any worries, broke down in the most painful way. The love she had for her son was off the charts, she would do anything to keep him in her arms, even if it was only for one more night. And that woman… reminded him of the blonde standing before him. Matt came into a sudden realization that Karen–
Loves my daughter. And that was like a one and million chance for him. His past few dates or people who were almost his girlfriend never stuck around when he told them he had a kid. Now it’s not like he expected them to be a mother to his daughter, but all he asked was a little respect that none of them could provide.
Until now.
“Karen, That’s–” Matt begins, a little smile growing on his lips. “The nicest thing that anyone has said to me about my daughter.” He felt her look of surprise, and slight confusion.
“Wha– really?” She asked, getting a nod.
“Yeah.” He couldn’t keep the happiness off his face. “Thank you.”
“Relax.” He takes her by the hand. “Everything’s going to be fine. We’ll get her back.”
She squeezes his hand as the words sink, her red lips curling into a smile. 
Foggy suddenly comes back in, cell phone in hand. “Alright, I called him.” He said, expression somber.
“What did he say?” Matt said, hopeful. 
“Well, Brett didn’t take the call, someone else did.” He frowns. “I told them what we found but they didn’t have any updates yet.”
Matt’s face falls and Karen squeezes his hand.  “Of course…”
“I’m sorry, Man.”
“No. It’s fine.” It’s not but, “I can just–” He was cut off when his phone started to ring. He digs it out with his free hand, listening to the automated voice.
[Unknown Number]
[Unknown Number]
[Unknown Number]
“Excuse me.” Matt said, swiping the screen and bringing it to his ear. “Hello?”
‘Didn’t think I’d ever get your attention, Red.’
He felt the wind get knocked out of him. “Frank?” He said, and immediately felt eyes on him.
‘Don’t sound surprised. Listen, Red. Take a left out of your building, and I’m on the roof of the coffee shop.’
‘Don’t waste any more time.’
The call cut off and Matt was just left standing there with disbelief. 
What the fuck is he–
“Who’s Frank?” Foggy asked, already sensing something is off.
Matt starts conjuring up a lie on the fly as he puts his phone away. “Uh, that was a police officer. They found something at my apartment that they wanted me to look at.” He replies, letting go of Karen’s hand.
“An officer?” 
“But you called him by his first name?” Karen said, suspicious. 
“I-I did.” Matt said, shifting his weight. “I became acquainted with him a while ago. So, um, I… gotta go.” He starts shifting past them.
“Go? Do you want me to drive you?” 
“No, No. I’ll be good.” Matt touches Foggy’s shoulder he passed, a silent message that he’s got Daredevil business to deal with. “I’ll give you guys a call afterwards.”
Foggy nods, playing along. “Okay, man. That sounds good.” He said, watching his friend gather his things by the door. “Keep us in the loop.”
Or that was loosely translated to, ‘Be careful or I’ll kick your ass black and blue.’
Matt gives them a nod before heading out the door. Foggy inhales the breath he was holding, and starts rubbing his face with disbelief.
“Foggy?” Karen said, staring at the now closed door.
“Wasn’t that strange?”
He stares at her. “Wh-What do you mean?”
She gives him a look like he has two heads. “Did you not see what I see? He’s hiding something.”
“I-I didn’t see anything.”
Karen crosses her arms, looking stern. “Foggy.”
“What?” He raises his hands. “I didn’t see anything.”
She frowns and starts looking around for her belongings. “Well, I’m going after him.”
Foggy felt his stomach drop. “What?” He said, confused.
“He shouldn’t be walking alone.” She explains, grabbing her purse. “I’m going to find him and drop him off at his apartment.”
“What?” He starts following her as she heads for the door. “Y-You can’t.”
Karen sighs as she opens the door. “Why not?” She asked, looking his way.
Now he was like a deer in a headlight, and for some reason he couldn’t come up with a good lie. “Uh…”
She cocks her head, realizing something. “Wait. Do you know what’s going on with him?”
“Uh, well I, um–”
“Oh my god.” She mumbles before hustling out the door, enough to shock Foggy out of his state.
“Wait! Karen!” He yells, quick to snag his keys and runs after her. “Karen! Hold on! Karen!”
But he knows he’s not going to catch up with her in time.
All her hope was squashed like a bug.
Crushed like a can.
Stepped on like trash.
Every little bit of hope she had of getting out of here was discarded out the window now.
Kaila trembles under his gaze after Baldy uses the front of his shoe to touch the officer’s back. The little movement didn’t even seem to faze the cop who was either unconscious or–
Oh, god. Is he…? 
He seemed to have read her mind as he grins and says, “Don’t worry sweetheart, he’s fine. He’s breathing.” He shrugs. “Barely. But it’s there.”
And you’re okay with that, you sick fuck.
Baldy starts walking over to her, and with little movement she had with her hands, she ends up gripping the chair. She casts her eyes to the floor, too scared to even look at him. Of course he didn’t seem to like it as he tilted her chin up at him.
“Did you say anything to him?” He asked, curiosity and cold make a terrible mix. She shakes her head eagerly. “Good.” He ruffled her already tangled locks. “Good job, sweetheart.”
And she started to cry.
Matt finally climbed up the fire escape once he knew the coast was clear. Throwing his walking stick aside, but kept the bag he was carrying on his shoulder as he speed walks towards the figure staying in the shadows.
“You got a lot of guts calling me on my phone.” Was his reply, watching the Punisher look at him calmly, despite the large sniper rifle in his calloused hands.
“Well, you didn't look like you were going to be leaving that office of yours any time soon. I had to get your attention somehow, Red.” Frank said, serenely. “I’m surprised you’re not out here with your costume looking for your daughter.”
Matt frowns, hurt. “The devil is the reason my daughter’s in this mess.”
Frank scoffed. “Really? ‘Cause in the police reports I’ve read, it sounded like it was your job that got your daughter in this mess–”
“What do you want, Frank?” The blind man asked, quickly. He just wanted some straight answers at this point. No run arounds.
Frank straightens his stance off the wall. “Followed a police call. An Officer found your kid down by the ports.”
Matt’s heart skipped a beat from the news, his tough exterior cracking immensely. “What?”
“Yeah. The report says the Officer became unresponsive, so they don’t know what’s going on. But your daughter’s there, Red.”
““Your daughter’s there, Red.””
Someone found his kid.
Someone found his kid while he was–
“And…” He almost laughed with disbelief . “And you went through all this trouble to tell me that?” He asked, still not fully processing this yet.
Frank nods slowly. “I expect you to do the same.” He admits, with a sadness in his undertone. “Father to Father.”
Matt cracks just a little smile on his downcast. “Father to Father.” He said, and gestures to the open air without any hesitation. “Lead the way.”
I’m going to save my daughter.
Frank chuckles under his breath, fingers tightening on his weapon, a sign showing he's open for business. “Let’s go get your kid.” He replies, pushing off the wall and heading in the direction with Red right on his–
The two grown men stop in their tracks, a cold sweat on their necks.
Shit. Matt felt his stomach drop.
He swears he didn’t even hear her following. He was so caught up in his own thoughts he didn’t even get the chance to slow down and really listen. He turns around, hiding his surprise as senses Karen standing at the top of the fire escape; He could almost picture the look on her face. The look of shock, confusion… betrayal(?). All of it. And all of it made his throat tighten up.
She seemed to realize she was just staring, and started moving to stand on solid ground. “W-What are… what is this?” She asked, looking between him and the gunman she quickly recognized. “W-What’s going on?”
Matt wants to bow his head in shame, he wants to start running away but he couldn’t. His feet felt glued to this rooftop. 
This is not how I want her to find out. He must have stayed quiet for too long because she started shouting his name.
“Matt!” Karen said, arms moving in frustration, enough to make the heels in her hand start thumping loudly together. “What is this? What’s going on? How’d you even get up here?”
Matt takes a deep breath, coming up close, careful not to step on her bare feet. “Karen. Don’t get mad, I–”
“Mad?” She said, almost scoffing. “I-I f-find you with the criminal that is after our client a-and you’re telling me not to get mad, and–”
“Karen.” He said, calmly enough to cut off her rambling.
“What?” She said, a hiss in her tongue.
“He…” He swallows. “He found Kaila.”
She stares, stunned. “What?”
“He found Kaila. He’s asked me to come with him.”
Another long stare. “What?” She shakes her head. “C-Come… come with you? Matt, are you crazy?! You can’t go with him! You’re not–”
Her words die quickly when he opens up his gym bag. 
Shock was probably not the strong enough word to describe what she was feeling all of a sudden.
Inside she saw a very familiar looking helmet. Painted a nice shade of red and black with a stitching mark near one of the eyeholes. The mask that’s…
Oh my god, He’s–
“I know this is a lot to take in right now, and I’m really sorry.” Matt says, getting her attention. “I-I promise… I'll explain everything later, But right now… I need to go get my kid.”
Karen tilts her head, trying to make sense of this. “Matt–” She croaked.
“I know.” He whispers softly. “I know. But I need to go. The officer who found her non responsive, so I don't know what's going on. But my daughter's in danger, and I need to go get her.” He swallows. “Okay?”
Matt was ready for her to counter back, expecting her to. But she didn’t. He heard her nod very subtly as she sealed her lips, hiding what she had to say. Yet, that was enough for him to take it as a sign to leave.
He closes his bag, and with every promising bone in his body he replies, “I’ll be back.”
Then he left, following the Punisher in the direction of the ports.
Karen was left just standing there, standing there wondering what she should feel. Anger? Sadness? Shock? She wasn’t sure. She wasn’t pulled from her thoughts when she heard someone calling her name very faintly. Somehow she found herself back on the ground floor, briskly strolling out of the alley and onto the sidewalk, not even bothering to put her heels back on as she stared blankly in the open space.
“K-Karen!” Foggy shouts, with a heavy underline of breathing. “K-Karen…” He starts slowing his pace upon seeing her. “Jesus, you walk fast.” 
She stayed quiet as he stopped to put his hands on his kneecaps, taking a moment to breathe some air. Once he started to cool down, that’s when he realized how silent she was being.
He looks up at her with a slight tilt in his head. “Karen?” He asked, straightening up. He then takes this chance to look at her, quickly noticing the shoes were in her hand and the torn gaze in her eyes. It took all his strength not to let his heart drop to his ankles.
Oh… His hazel eyes widened slightly, pursing his lips.
“Oh.” He mumbles verbally. “So… you know.” He watches her meet his gaze and nods. He inhales loudly. “Okay. Um–” He runs his hand through his hair, thinking. “Y-You–”
“Matt was with that…” She bites her lip. “That Punisher guy. I asked him what and why, and…” Karen throws her open hand in the air. “H-He showed me his costume so… yeah.”
“Oh.” He blinks. “So that’s how– wait… The Punisher?”
“From what I gather I think he’s that… Frank fellow on the phone so… um–” She sighs, throwing her head back. “He told Matt he knows where Kaila is.”
Foggy felt his eyes widen again. “What?” He perks up at the news. “He does?” He waits for her to nod once more. “T-That’s great! Oh my god, that’s…” He felt his joy burn away instantly. “Karen–”
“How long have you known?” Karen asked, locking her blue orbs with his. She was starting to look torn between two worlds again. “How long have you known that Matt was… that.”
He frowns, a bitter memory coming to haunt him. He takes a deep breath, and takes a small step forward. “Do you remember around the time before we took down Fisk, and Matt and I were… resenting one another?”
She copies his expression. “I do.”
“Well… it was around that. Uh, Matt had uh… tried to go after Fisk when he killed Ms. Cardenas. Uh–” Foggy starts waving his hand around, like he was trying to conjure his thoughts. “I-I got… drunk at Josie’s if you remember. After that, I went to his apartment. I wanted to talk to him about getting justice for her. Before you know it, I find him in his black outfit, bleeding to death. That’s when I realized why Matt looked so… used all the time. He had another life.”
Karen lets out a sigh, closing her eyes to take a moment. Once she opened them again she started shaking her head. “And… y-you argued with him, after that?” She asked, trying to make sense of this all.
Foggy nods eagerly, hiding no shame. “I was angry at him. I mean, we’ve been best friends since College, to find out that’s what he’s been doing every night just… baffled me. I couldn’t believe it.” He replies, sounding hurt just by talking about it. “I said things that should be said, and I said things that I probably shouldn’t have said to him. It was just… hard seeing him like that. Hard to see what he was becoming and what it was doing to his life and his family.”
“Wow…” She whispers, before paleing. “Wait. D-Did… Did Kaila figure that out that night? Or…”
“Oh! No, no, no.” Foggy chuckles dryly. “She found out… about a year before me.” He almost shakes his head again upon picturing Matt’s face. “In fact, he told me once he tried to hide that from her.”
That actually got Karen to snicker a little. “Oh my god, that sounds like something he would do. I mean, I guess I could understand keeping it from his friends, but his daughter? How would he be able to do that?”
He gestures at her. “Right! God, he’s so… stubborn, it’s ridiculous.” He listens to her laugh, showing off her pearly whites which lifted his spirits. It was only for a minute or so before he had to break this emotion. “So how do you feel about this?” 
She shrugs. “Honestly… I don’t know. I really don’t.” She looks at him again, her mixed expression resting on her features again. “What do we do now?”
Foggy frowns, hurtfully. “All we can do right now is wait. We did our job. Now it’s Matt’s turn to finish.”
Silence came again, but it was one that was going to stay until they got that important phone call.
“Great news.”
Kaila looks up at him with bloodshot eyes. Baldy seemed so bubbly now, like he had just won the lottery or something big like that. She knew whatever he was going to say wasn’t going to be good despite his appearance. 
Unfazed by her disheveled appearance he continues, “Boss is sending someone to come get us.” His reply makes her body grow cold, shaky fingers gripping the armrest. “Awe, don’t look so down. It’ll be fun.”
The dim lights above them suddenly went out, and with them, so did Baldy’s happy-go-lucky attitude. 
He points at her furiously, rage filling his already dark orbs. “You.” He snarled, preying closer. “You told me you didn’t say anything to the cop.” She tried shaking her head but was met with his fierce back hand, causing a small whimper. “Fucking bitch.”
The same door from earlier slams shut, echoing off the wall and scaring him straight.
“Fuck.” He grumbles, pulling out his knife. He starts cutting her free of the ropes, looking around worriedly. When the last limb was free, he pulled the disoriented girl to her feet by her hair. “Come on.”
Kaila would have toppled over from her injured leg if it wasn’t for his arm wrapping around her waist, keeping her upright as they moved. The whole moving process became a blur from the pain. She knew she was wincing every time they abruptly stopped to hide behind a crate, or to make a jerky turn somewhere; Every time they did he would curse something under his breath, occasionally looking around again, knowing someone was in this warehouse hunting them down. Who though? That’s the sketchy question.
Somehow, she knows the direction he wanted to go was inevitable, judging by the way he reacted. This hunter of theirs was trying to cage them in, keep them in one place for who knows what reason. So he chose their detour to be some stairs leading to the roof. What was going through this crazed man’s head was beyond her, as she stared at the dark river and city skylines that had started to become really fuzzy.
They got close to the edge, stopping right before their toes went over. Dread crept up their spines, and Baldy spun them both around, pressing the gun into her temple making her whimper. She shuts her eyes out of instinct, afraid to see who was following them.
“Looks like this is the end of the line for you.” 
Kaila shot open her eyes at the familiar voice, and never has she been so relieved to see him in that suit. He really looked like the devil was out hunting by the way he was illuminated in the moonlight, which was showing off just the right amount of rage he didn’t dare to hide this time. She called out his name, but of course it was muffled.
“Quiet.” Baldy hissed, pressing the barrel in more, making her sob (and her father clench his fists). “What the fuck do you want, freak?”
The fact that Matt could smell his daughter’s blood and taste the salt on her skin was enough to make him boil. “I want you to give me the girl you're holding.” He said, low and cold, enough to rattle anyone in their boots.
“Not a fucking chance, Devil Boy.” Baldy snaps, squeezing her around the waist tighter. “I’ve got orders.”
“Orders which you’re going to disobey. Give me the girl.”
“Not a chance.”
Matt grits his teeth. “Listen to me. I’m giving you one chance to do this on your free will. I suggest you take it.”
“Bite me.”
“Listen–” Matt begins to take a step but that seemed to be the wrong move at the moment.
“Don’t you fucking come any closer!!” He yells, taking a step backwards so that his heels are off the ledge… and that Kaila was being held over.
Her scream was enough to make Matt’s skin crawl. He holds up his hands defensively. “Whoa! What about your orders?!” He asked, urgently (alarmed).
“These are my orders! If anything gets in my way I can get rid of her.” Baldy explains, disgusted. “I-I mean... I get paid more if I deliver her alive though…”
“Then keep her alive!” Matt shouts, hearing the way this man was loosening his grip on his kid. “Just give her to me.”
Baldy shakes his head. “No.”
“Last chance.” Matt replies, hearing a certain someone starting to press their finger on the trigger. “Give me the girl.”
He shakes his head again. “I told you. I’m not–”
The vigilante remained as still as he could to let the bullet rip by and lodge itself in the man’s skull.
Kaila finds herself screaming again as the floor gave out and her captor started dropping too. She closed her eyes out of fear again just as she felt a familiar grasp. She felt his hands around her forearms as her body scraped against the side of the building, slowly rocking back and forth from the sudden momentum. 
Matt dug his feet into the roof, grounding himself enough to pull his kid up with all his might. The impact of his daughter to his chest made them both stumble to their knees. He could finally let out a gasp of relief feeling her in his arms. He never thought he would be happy to feel his daughter shaking uncontrollably in his embrace. It almost felt too good to be true.
“Kai. Kai.” Her name felt like heaven on his lips as he used one hand to hold her upright, while the other was used to discard his helmet. He could feel her shocked expression on him as he removed her gag. “Kaila?”
“D-Dad…?” She said, throat all scruffy from the hours of yelling.
He lets a smile play on his lips from hearing her speak. “Kai.”
“D-Dad.” She sobs, eyes trailing to his mask. “Y-You’re helmet, you–”
“Hey. Hey.” Matt cups her face gently, making sure she was looking at him. “It doesn’t matter.”
Kaila starts looking puzzled. “But… you’re identity–”
“I don’t care.” He shakes his head. “I don’t care about that right now.”
“Listen to me, Kai. I am so, so sorry.” Matt almost broke right here. “I am so sorry. I should have never said what I said. I never meant it. I swear. I am so sorry.”
Kaila's lower lip quivered. “Dad.” She sobs. “I’m s-sorry too.”
He shakes his head once more. “You have nothing to be sorry about.” And he meant that. “You hear me? Nothing at all.”
She makes a sound between a laugh and a cry. “D-Daddy…”
Matt’s heart broke all over again before pulling his daughter closer, showering her face with kisses. He only starts silently crying when she does, which makes him pull her back into his arms, carefully cradling her head into his chest. She starts wailing, tightening her grip on him like she was afraid he would disappear.
Matt shushes softly, rubbing soothing circles on her bare back. “It’s okay. I got you. You’re safe. You’re okay.” He said, which was supposed to be for her but to put some comfort in himself too. “You’re okay…”
She’s okay. She’s fine. She’s in my arms. He closes his eyes, pulling her closer.
She holds back a sob a few moments later, feeling like someone was watching them heedfully. Kaila nestles her head, looking over her father’s shoulder to someone off in the distance. She didn’t recognize the man with the large rifle, and although he looked pretty threatening with it, his face was holding onto the emotion of relief; He looked satisfied with his mission. She opens her mouth to question who he was but ends up whimpering in pain when her father moved her the slightest.
Matt pulls back, worriedly cupping her face again. “What’s wrong?” He asked, scared. He wasn’t mentally prepared for what’s next.
She lets out a shaky breath. “L-Leg…”
He pauses to figure out what she meant, using his senses to figure it out. It didn’t take him that long to figure out why he smelled so much blood on her. He could even hear the tiniest sound the bullet made when she moves.
“I-I…” Kaila begins, trembling again. “I-I said something I shouldn’t have and… h-he s-shot me and–”
“Oh, Kai.” Matt said, quietly. He should have prepared for something like this. He shouldn’t have suspected she was going to be in some kind of painful state. “Oh, Baby girl.” She freezes under his touch, and Matt fears he did something wrong. “What?”
“You… haven’t called me that since I was kid.”
Matt chuckles at how surprised she sounded. “Ah, well… maybe I didn’t call you that enough.” He admits, sensing her smile. Now it was his turn to pause, tuning in on something loud nearby. “The police are here. In the distance.”
“I honestly didn’t think they were coming.” Kaila said, sounding small.
“Well there’s ten of these warehouses by the water so…” He trails off, the guilt returning again. “Listen, I can’t… I can’t take you home with me. I have to hand you over to them.”
She nods slowly. “I know. I suspected.”
“Good. But I’ll be there when they call me. Okay?”
“You better.” She teases, getting him to laugh again.
Matt plants another kiss in her hairline. “Alright, I’m going to pick you up, okay? It’s probably going to hurt. You ready?”
Another nod. “I am.” But before he did, she carefully reached over for his mask, holding it towards him. “Helmet, Dad.”
He takes and slips it on, then carefully takes her in his arms bridal style. She cries out weakly, shutting her eyes when he tries to adjust the injured leg somewhere comfortably. 
He apologizes which she tells him off politely. Matt begins carrying his daughter towards the roof’s entrance, listening to the law enforcement get closer to their location.
“I want a vacation after this.” She says into his neck, dead serious.
Matt finds himself smirking at a fresh memory. “You know, funny thing, Foggy mentioned something like that earlier.”
“Well he’s not wrong.” She smirks too. “I mean it, I want to go to the beach, do absolutely nothing while drinking something fruity.” She tilts her head enough to look up at him. “Does Florida do fruity drinks too?”
“Your Uncle was thinking more like Hawaii.” He explains, shifting his weight to open the door without jostling her.
Her eyes widened. “Hawaii? Can we even afford that?” She scoffs playfully. “Well, this can be one hell of a Go Fund Me story.”
Matt shakes his head. “Okay, you two are scary.”
Officer Brett Mahoney rolled his vehicle to a stop, quick to get out. Flashlight in hand he strolls over to what he thinks is a person on the ground. He sees a small pool of red around the man’s head, eyes closed and limbs spread around. He had a feeling he knew who this man was, but it was still his job to check for a pulse. He puts two fingers to his neck, feeling a very, very faint flutter underneath them.
Brett shakes his head. “You lucky, lucky bastard.” He mumbles, bitterly as he comes to a stand. Then he hears someone walking towards him, and out of instinct his hand goes to his holster. He honestly shouldn’t be surprised that he was there, but still was. 
“Mr. Daredevil.” He said, eyeing him as he came into view, the flashlight shining upon him to give him a better look. He perks up what’s in the vigilante’s arms. “You found her.”
“She’s injured, and the officer who found her is inside. He’s unconscious, but breathing.” Matt explains quickly, feeling his daughter shift her head to see their acquaintance. 
“I’ll send some men over.” His eyes land on the teenager, softening slightly. “You alright, Miss Murdock?”
Kaila nods. “I’m better now.”
“Good.” Brett gestures to the man behind him. “I’m assuming this ain’t your doing.”
“You know me well then.” Matt said, grateful that he wasn’t going to be pinned to that (despite him being okay that that vile man got a bullet to his head).
Brett hums, thinking. “Then who then?”
He shrugs. “Your guess is as good as mine.” He replies, playing dumb.
Brett says nothing more on that, instead taking care of what he was here for. “I’ll take Miss Murdock now. Get her some help.” He says, putting away his flashlight.
Matt nods and starts slowly setting her down onto her feet, just as she grabs him by the wrist.
“Thank you.” Kaila says, which was underlining the real sentence: ‘I’ll see you soon’.
Matt’s serious exterior melted visibly. “You’re welcome.” He helps her grab onto Brett before backing away. He stays for a few seconds just until he knows she’s settled in, then he turns on his heels to disappear into the night.
Brett stared with knowing eyes in the direction he left in. “He seems different.” He says, as Kaila looked at him funny.
“How?” She asked, confused.
But he shakes his head, getting a good hold on her. “Nevermind. Let’s sit you in the car. Ambulance’s on their way.”
Three sets of footsteps came bursting into the room, the heavy door practically came off the hinges from their impact. They shouted the girl’s name who immediately looked up from her gaze at the nurse who was changing her IV.
Kaila smiles, only twitching a little from the bruise on her cheek. “S’up?” She asked, the woman in scrubs slipping away.
“K-Pop!” Foggy said, coming over to give her a bear hug. “Holy fuck, that was scary.”
Her happiness sounded more like a groan when he gave her a tight squeeze. “Uh, Foggy, my leg, please.”
He pulls back from confusion. “What?” He watches her lift the sheet up showing up the bandage job. His eyes widened. “What the fuck happen?!”
“Eh, kind of my fault. I said something I probably shouldn’t have.”
Karen came up next, giving her a more mild version of his hug. “Hi, sweet girl.” She said, earning a hum.
“Hi, Karen.” Kaila's facial expression grows upon seeing her dad (again). “Hi, Dad.”
“Kai.” He said, cupping her cheeks carefully and kissing her forehead. “How are you feeling?”
“Honestly… nothing. This pain meds doing its job.”
“Good. I would hate seeing you in pain.” Foggy said, truthfully.
Her face falls into something bittersweetly. “It is what it is.” Kaila sighs. “The police come by yet?”
“Not yet. Brett mentioned something about giving you some time.” Matt explains, a slight anger in his undertone, not directed at her.
“That’s… honestly surprising. I’d thought they would want answers on a looney like that.”
“Well, that looney of yours is in a coma right now. So I doubt he’s going to try to run anywhere any time soon.” Foggy replies, frowning bitterly.
“Exactly.” Karen said, nodding. “Just don’t worry about him and just focus on recovering.”
“Agreed.” He smiles. “We’re just happy you're okay. I’m glad that the Punisher guy gave Matt a tip to save you.”
Kaila felt herself lose air from that sentence, stiffening immediately. “Wh-What? W-What are you talking about? M-My… My d-dad didn’t save me, i-it was Daredevil and…” She trails off when the three of them looked away from her, making her realize–
“Wait.” She points at the blonde. “You know?” She watches Karen nod before she points between her and her Uncle. “You both know?” Another nod, and Kaila let her tense body relax. “Oh, thank god.” She breathes, throwing her hands up. “Do you know how hard it was to not say anything to you about it?”
Karen laughs. “Oh, I can imagine.” 
“Wow.” Kaila said, taking it in. She looks at her father, curious. “Did you tell her, Dad?”
“Uh…” Matt shifted his stance before giving a half shrug. “Well–”
“She walked in on him talking to the Punisher, then to clear it up, your dear old dad showed her his suit.” Foggy clears it, Matt nodding along.
Kaila raises both eyebrows in shock. “Accidental? Again? Dad, you got to work on that.”
Matt chuckles dryly. “I’ll… I’ll try.”
“Well, I guess that’s a better way to find out.” She said, now gazing over towards Karen. “At least you didn’t find him bleeding half to death.”
Her blue eyes widened at the news. “What?!” Karen snaps her neck towards the blind man. “She found you bleeding too?”
Matt holds on hand up in defense. “I have no comment.”
She sighs. “Oh my god…”
Suddenly there was a light knock on the open door, a nurse poked her head inside, holding a clipboard. “Mr. Murdock?” 
“That’s me.” Matt said, turning his attention towards her.
“I just need to go over a few things with you.”
“Okay. Um–” He cocks his head towards his friends. “Hey, can one of you help me to…” He makes a writing motion with his hand.
“Yeah, I’ll come with you.” Foggy said, and placed a hand on the man’s shoulder to guide him away.
Now it was just the two girls looking in their direction they left in, both having different thoughts running through their heads. Their brewing minds were put to the stop soon enough when one of them finally broke.
“Now you see why I didn’t want to tell him.” Kaila suddenly says after she watches them step into the hallway, quietly talking.
The older woman turns her attention to her, confused. “About what?”
The teenager frowns. “About the incident. What my father does, that’s the main reason why I have trouble telling him.”
Now it all makes sense to her. Karen now realizes why it was so hard for the kid to come clean about Wesley. She was afraid of…
“That’s why you were afraid.” Karen begins, piecing it together. “You aren’t afraid for your father, you're afraid of what your father’s going to do.”
Kaila nods. “Yeah. You’ve seen him in action. You know what my dad can do.” 
“But, Kai, your dad wouldn’t go that far. Would he?”
The teenager’s frown deepens. “You haven’t seen what I’ve seen. My dad he’s… he’s got this… darkness inside. He tries to hide it from me but I still see it sometimes.” She explains, sadly. “Like, I-I think if… the situation with me earlier was different, like if he found me tied to that chair and not dangling over the edge of a building, I think I would have seen that side of him tonight.”
Karen copies her expression, coming closer to sit on the side of the bed. “Listen, your father really loves you and what I think you’re describing is just a normal feeling for a parent. No parent wants to see their child get hurt by anyone else.” 
“Yeah, I understand that. However if my dad–” Kaila lowers her voice. “Kills someone because of me, not only will I feel guilty, but I might lose him.” She starts to get a little teary eyed from this. “Don’t get me wrong, I love you and Foggy, and I wouldn’t mind living with you guys, but I still want to be able to live with my dad until I’m that age. You know?”
“Kai–” Karen takes her hand. “Don’t worry about this too much. We’ll figure something out, I promise. But for now, just focus on getting better, okay?” She waits until the girl shakes her head, satisfied by it. “Okay. Are you hungry at all?”
“I could eat.” 
“Alright. I’ll go get you something.” Karen stands up and makes her way to the door just as the boys were coming back.
“Where you heading?” Foggy asked, curious.
“Cafeteria. I’m going to get her something to eat. You hungry?”
“Famished, actually. Matt?”
“Yeah, that sounds good.” Matt replies. “You know what I like.”
“Yes! Hospital food! Here we come.”
Karen snorts. “Come on, Cowboy.” She starts tugging him along. “We’ll be back.”
When they left Matt made his way over, taking the same spot Karen was sitting moments before. “How you feeling?”
“Fine.” Kaila said, truthfully. “I wish I was in my bed though.”
“We’ll get you there soon. You just need to rest.” He said, grabbing her hand gently. 
She inhales through her nose quietly, almost afraid to say what she was thinking. “Dad?”
“I think I finally understand why you do what you do.”
He tilts his head, confused. “You mean with Daredevil?”
“Yeah.” She swallows. “That man was crazy. Unhinged. I don’t think I ever… felt evil like that, despite that one time I met Fisk. I understand why you… want to protect this city now. I can see the… the void that’s suffocating this place.”
His heart broke hearing how scared she sounded, and started to become mad at himself over it. He sighs. “I didn’t want you to see that side.” He replies, coming up to wipe a stray tear off her cheek. “I wanted to keep that from you as much as I could.”
“B-But why?”
“Well, you’re daughter. You’re the only good thing that’s come out of my mistakes over the years. Even though I never had a good thing going with your mother, she still gave me something I’ll cherish until I die.”
“But, my m-mother–”
“Enough about Mary. I’ve long forgotten about her.” He said, squeezing her hand delicately. “My only priority in life right now is keeping you safe as long as I can. And…” He smiles. “I’m going to be better about listening to what you have to say. So promise me you'll help me out with that.”
She raises an eyebrow. “You’re actually willing to put your pride away?”
He chuckles. “What can I say? I’m stubborn.”
Kaila couldn’t hold back a fond grin. “Well, you know what my great-grandma says…”
“‘You gotta watch out for those Murdock boys’.” He replies, remembering her saying that like it was yesterday. “Lucky for you, you seemed to escape that.”
She hums in disagreement. “I don’t know. Just because I’m not a boy doesn’t mean I escaped the ‘Murdock Curse’. I’m still stubborn as hell and looking for trouble.”
“Don’t do that.” He lightly pinches her in the arm.
“Ow. Okay, I won’t do that.”
“Good.” His smile faltered slightly. “Are we good now?”
“Dad, I couldn’t stay mad at you if I could.” Her expression grows. “I love you too much.”
He squeezes her hand again. “And I love you more.”
They sat in a comforting silence for a few minutes before the others arrived, plates and drinks in hand.
“We got food!” Foggy announced boisterously. “Frankly it looks like prison food, but it’s edible.”
Kaila laughs loudly at his childish antics. “I’ll eat a sauce packet at this point I’m so hungry.” 
“What do you got?” Matt asked, shifting his weight on the bed to sit straighter.
“Well, let’s see…” The man begins, drifting off into one of his colorful rants.
Kaila’s got a lot of questions about tonight. Some thoughts she needs to share. Some things that need to be done. The first thing she promises herself is she’s going to find out what that dream meant, and who really was that guy who took her away. But her family’s right, she needs to take it easy, relax, heal. She’ll worry about that later.
Right now she’s just going to enjoy the nice moment the universe has granted for her.
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A/N: Jesus that was a long one! Hopefully ya'll enjoyed it... and paid a little attention to some details. Trust me, they'll come handy later. If you think you happened to catch one, let me know, I would love to hear it! :D
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firstdegreefangirl · 2 years
Run, Run Rudolph
Theme: Day Five - Reindeer @12daysofchristmas
Fandom/Character(s): Tim Bradford/Lucy Chen (The Rookie)
Word Count: 1676
Ao3 link here!
“7-Adam-100, please respond to south side of Westfield Century City Mall. Security requesting assistance with an escaped reindeer.”
“Control, 7-Adam-100 respondi – Control, could you repeat the nature of the call?” Tim has one hand on the steering wheel, the other on his radio, and his jaw halfway to the floor of the shop as he processes what he thinks he heard the dispatcher say.
“An escaped reindeer, south side of Westfield Century City. Outside the Nordstrom at the time of call.”
He knows that voice. There’s only one dispatcher he can think of who would try to pull a fast one on him like this.
“Control, can you 10-3 to another channel for more information?”
“7-Adam-100, going to eight.”
Tim flips the dial on his radio until it chirps the new number.
“Nell, I swear to god, if you’re making this up …"
“Sergeant Bradford!” she gasps. “I would never abuse city channels for fun and games. Even reindeer games!”
“So you’re telling me that there’s a reindeer in the mall? What, is it some dude in a costume?”
“Mall security asked for animal control too, so presumably not.”
“How did the reindeer get into the mall?”
“I’m sorry, which one of us is the investigator?” She laughs, and Tim rolls his eyes, even though she can’t see. “So how about we both get back to doing our jobs, and you can fill me in on everything later.”
Tim glances over to Lucy, sitting in the passenger seat.
“What do you say? Up for drinks after work?”
“With Nell and Elroy? Always.”
Tim promises her a follow-up at the end of their shift, then switches back to the main channel, just a few blocks before they arrive at the mall.
“Control, 7-Adam-100 on location for the … fugitive reindeer. Entering Nordstrom now.”
He pulls the door open for Lucy to walk in ahead of him, one hand already resting on his taser. He’s not sure if it’ll do much against a reindeer, should the situation come to that, but it’s the best move he can come up with. As soon as they’re inside, it’s easy to figure out which direction they need to go, based on where the crowd is gathered and shouting loudly.
“LAPD!” They both shout, working their way through the throng of shoppers. Mall security is right outside the exit of the store, a middle-aged, balding rent-a-cop who’s trying to do crowd control without getting off of his Segway. He’s red in the face, clearly overwhelmed just from trying to keep shoppers in line. Tim looks around.
There’s no reindeer in sight.
“What’s the situation?” He stops in front of the security guard and folds his arms across his chest. “Dispatch said there’s a reindeer on the loose?”
“Thataway.” The guard points over his shoulder. “Last I saw, it was running toward the food court.”
“How did a reindeer get into the mall, anyway?” Lucy asks.
“Part of Santa’s Village,” he explains. “For an extra 15 bucks, your kid can touch a real reindeer after they meet Santa.”
“And how did it escape?”
“The guard onsite said some tyke screamed and spooked it. Broke through the plastic fence and took off.”
“Does anyone need medical attention?”
“Don’t think so. Not yet, anyway. My guys are trying to keep the crowd in check, but 911 said they’d send animal control for the dirty work.”
“They’re on the way,” Tim says, actively trying not to grimace at the suggestion of animal control being “dirty work.” “While we wait, Officer Chen and I will go see if we can locate the reindeer.”
“Snowy,” someone else chimes in from behind him.
“It’s her name. I’m Meredith, with Santa’s Season’s Greetings.”
“You’re the … handler?”
“I’m the reindeer control specialist, yes.”
“Great work,” he deadpans.
“She’s never done this before!”
“I’m sure she hasn’t. Ma’am, do you have any treats or anything for …"
“Snowy,” Lucy whispers behind him.
“Snowy,” he repeats.
“I had a full bag this morning, but we ran out. The pet-a-reindeer add on has been a huge seller this year.”
Before Tim can say anything else, there’s a scream from a few storefronts down. He and Lucy run toward the noise, and the small crowd of people pouring out of a handbag store.
“Get over there!” Tim shouts, waving them behind him with one arm. “Behind the security guard!”
At the back of the group is a reindeer – or at least, he assumes it’s a reindeer. Whatever it is, it’s a huge creature with giant antlers. She turns the opposite way out of the store, ambling away from the crowd.
At least there's that going for them today. The last thing Tim needs to figure out this afternoon is how to write up a reindeer stampede.
He and Lucy give chase, jogging behind the animal as she makes her way further into the mall. He’s not sure where she started out, but nothing they’ve passed so far looks like a Santa’s Village, so he hopes that maybe she’s going back where she needs to be.
But no, by the time they reach the winter wonderland, Snowy has picked up speed. The faster he and Lucy move, the faster she goes ahead of them, until everyone is running breakneck through the rotunda.
Tim knows they’ve got to get her slowed down – they're coming up on the food court and the outside automatic doors. The best thing they can do is keep Snowy – and the mall patrons – safe and contained until Animal Control arrives. He tells Lucy as much, and she slows down immediately.
“Lucy?” Tim drops his pace to match hers, suddenly worries. She doesn’t usually tire out this quickly, has run further foot persuits and hardly been out of breath.
“We’re scaring her. Or she thinks it’s a game or something. The faster we go, the faster she goes. I’ll double back and get the escalators, come down on the other side and head her off. Keep her moving, but look – she's already slowing down.”
Lucy is right: in the time they’ve been stopped, Snowy has returned to her leisurely stroll. Which is still faster than Tim and Lucy walk, but much better than the way she was running a moment ago.
He’s worried about letting her face off against a giant animal on her own, but doesn’t see a better solution. So he squeezes her shoulder, reminds her to be careful, and lets her hurry back toward the escalator they’d passed earlier.
From the rotunda, Tim is able to watch her go up to the second level, and run along the railing that gives way to the open center of the mall. She gets to the other side and comes back down, holding her hands out in front of her slowly.
By the time she’s back on the ground level, Tim and Snowy have almost caught up to where she’s at, taking slow and careful steps toward the reindeer.
“Hey there, Snowy,” she coos, in a voice Tim recognizes from the way she’ll play with Kojo after work. “Aren’t you a pretty girl? I’ll bet it was scary when you got screamed at, huh?”
“Lucy, stop trying to rationalize with the wild animals!” Tim calls toward her.
“Yeah, Sergeant Bradford is silly sometimes, isn’t he? You don’t want to hurt anyone, do you? You just got a little freaked out and wanted some time to yourself, right?”
Obviously, Snowy isn’t answering any of Lucy’s questions, but she is slowing down again, eventually coming to a stop a few feet away from Lucy. Snowy snuffles, and Lucy closes the space between them, resting one palm on her snout.
“That’s a good girl, that’s it, there you go.” Tim reaches for the taser again, ready to react if Snowy tries to get aggressive. But he has to admit, Lucy seems to have the situation under control. “You’re such a pretty girl, LA must be so new to you. You’re so far away from the North Pole, aren’t you?”
They’re really not equipped to move Snowy anywhere, and Meredith is nowhere to be found. Tim isn’t willing to leave Lucy alone with the massive reindeer to go find her, so they wait together for Animal Control. The whole time, Lucy keeps talking to her, in that same high-pitched voice. After a few minutes, she runs out of compliments to give, and starts telling Snowy stories from her time in the academy, riding as Tim’s rookie, anything else she can come up with.
She’s halfway through the secret to her homemade chocolate chip cookies – a splash of almond extract in the dough – when Tim sees the Animal Control officers coming up from the other side of the mall. He motions for them to be quiet and points at Lucy, who’s stroking Snowy’s face with both hands.
Lucy nods when she sees the Animal Control officers, and steps back slowly when they wave her back. She keeps talking to Snowy as they toss a lasso around her neck and start steering her back toward the other end of the mall.
Their work done, Tim and Lucy turn for the nearest exit, in silent agreement that they’d rather walk outside than deal with any more reindeer fallout.
“Control, 7-Adam-100,” Tim says into his radio, as he slides an arm around Lucy’s waist. “Animal Control is on scene. Um, suspect in custody? Show us Code Four.”
“7-Adam-100, Code Four.” Nell’s voice echoes between them. “I can’t wait to hear all about it.”
“That was fun!” Lucy says to Tim as he opens the door for her. “I’ve never even seen a real, live reindeer before today, and I got to pet her too? She was so sweet! Y’know, once she wasn’t so scared and freaking out anymore.”
Tim looks over at her, and when he sees the wistful look on her face, he cuts her off.
“Oh no. No, no, no.”
“What?” Lucy turns to him, blinking her eyes.
“I know what you’re thinking. Absolutely not, we are not getting a pet reindeer!”
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