#not entirely happy with it
doodlingbiscuit · 5 months
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You start to back away, suddenly very aware of how dangerous this situation could turn.
“Back. Off.” A voice growls behind you.
You would’ve thought you were screwed if you didn’t recognize that voice. Donnie’s shadow looms behind you as he stretches out to his full height.
hehe, I drew another scene from my fic. Wish I was good enough to draw the background, please accept my humble offering instead 😓
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Magical girl Alan Wake, with the power of light and gun
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feeisabee · 1 year
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He has made this mistake more than once.
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eyes-that-decieve · 4 months
((Alis statement time!))
((Massive TW for child neglect (you know, lonely stuff), narcissistic parenting (probably inaccurate representation of it but we ball), moths, blood, description of (severe amounts of) insect bites, trypophobia, missing eyes.))
She didn't really interact with me other than when she needed to. Dad did his best, but Mother tried to keep him as far away from me as she could. Claimed,'He would turn her little doll against her.' I could never keep any friends for longer than a week. They were so scared of Mother. She always chased away my friends.
[Tape recorder click, tape begins to whir]
Alis: Do you want my statement? I know you haven't had one for a bit, and I can see you're curious.
Styx: Only if you're comfortable with it. I don't want to force anything from you if you don't want to remember it.
Alis: It's a statement, you know I'm not. I'm going to give it to you anyway, say your words.
Styx: [Sigh] Fine. Statement of Alis, regarding their mother and events leading up to their Becoming. Statement taken direct from subject, the 21st of May, 2024. Statement begins.
Alis: I wasn't truly aware of how my family acted towards me for a long time. I was my mother's lovely little doll, to be dressed up in pretty frilly dresses and shown off in front of the relatives.
It was very lonely as a kid. Wake up, make myself breakfast, walk to school, then head home, make my own dinner, go to bed. Mother was always out, but I can't remember her explanations as to why. Looking back on the few I can recall, they don't sound quite right to me now. I know she wasn't drinking or anything like that. She was always sober and distant when she came home.
Whenever she was there, it was to dress me up for something. A party of some sort, usually. Wear the dress, chin up, elbows off the table, don't ruin the image. Our image, she said, but I never cared for that. Remembering now, it was always about her. Look pretty, show off her work to the relatives. She always seemed colder, more calculated when talking to me like that. She spoke in a very sweet voice and smiled at the relatives, though. They always fawned over her, cooing at me and saying what a pretty thing I was. Mother always beamed at the praise, as if it them saying I was pretty extended to her. Like a child showing off an art project and puffing up at the compliments over their work. She got enough compliments herself for her striking makeup and dresses that always seemed to almost float, moving like fog.
How can you be alone when you're surrounded by people? How can you be lonely if you are constantly talked to and told "you would look so much better if you lost a little weight" or "don't wear that, you'll embarrass us!"
Maybe two years ago, I started finding little dots on my clothes in the closet. Only on the dresses I never wanted to wear. I left whatever they were where they were, maybe out of spite, but I really didn't care. It's not like I wore them very often, and Mother would be able to buy new ones, though she would be livid about it. Mother knew best, but she would could DEAL WITH IT.
Maybe a few days later, the dots were gone, spiky green caterpillars in their place. I wasn't usually a big fan of bugs, but these ones never bit, only crawling on my hands if I sat next to them. They seemed to like me. Not long after, all the dresses were moth eaten, and after a week, they were completely ruined. They never touched my other clothes, only the ones that reminded me of what I hated.
After that, there were cocoons on my clothes. These were on the ones I wore, but I didn't even notice for a while. It just looked like white spots, like I must have accidentally spilled bleach on my sweater. But if I felt it, I could feel something under the white silk. I didn't want to disturb them, so I didn't put the clothes with the cocoons into the wash.
Two weeks, and the first of the moths emerged. They held on to my sweater as I was wearing it, letting orange and red wings dry in the air. I would take the remains of the cocoon off of the fabric after they were free, so Mother wouldn't see it. She had been home much more than usual those past few weeks, checking in on me more than she ever had.
I heard a loud crash from downstairs days later and came down there to see she had crushed one of the moths. Its wings were crumpled between her fist and the wall. She looked up at me, her eyes seeming to pin me to the wall, just like that moth. Somehow, I knew that was my first moth. Just like I knew she was blaming me for this. After that, I would always hide my moths whenever she checked on me. I started keeping their cocoons under my sweater vest when I wore it, so she wouldn't see. I was never scared of them, I was only scared she would kill them, and I would be alone again.
Last year, she wanted to have her birthday party at our house. She invited all her friends and family, it was to be a really fancy party. Not that all the other ones hadn't been, but she had her heart set on a bigger one.
When the time came for us to get ready, Mother would always get dressed and ready first, so she could help me and pretty me up to exactly what I should look like. This time, she came into my room in her usual clothes, holding an absolutely ruined dress. Apparently, some of my moths had gotten into her closet, too. She screamed at me that this was all my fault, and she was ruined. Her party was ruined. Her image, ruined.
She came in too fast for everyone to hide in time, a few still perched on my hair. She raised a hand as if to crush one of the moths near her, but I shouted at her to stop. I wasn't going to have any more friends chased away. I stood up to stop her, but I wasn't fast enough. She caught one of the moths between two hands, and pulled off one of its wings. That was the last straw. The entire swarm flew out from the closet, covering her until I couldn't even see her anymore under the flapping wings. She must have screamed, but I barely heard anything. I must've had more friends than I thought.
She fell at some point, all the moths on her back caught between her and the floor. After a few minutes, they all flocked back to me, leaving Mother crumpled on the floor.
Her skin was covered in small holes where pieces were bitten off, and parts of her cheeks were fully chewed through. Her clothes were fairly intact, just tattered at the edges. When she turned her head towards me, her eyes were GONE.
I ran from that house. I tried to run from my friends, but they found me. Something told me they wouldn't hurt me. Something told me they were my friends now. They are part of me.
Alis: Okay, that's it.
Styx: You seriously let me compel that out of you?!? [Sigh]
Alis: No, no, it's fine-
[Tape recorder clicks off]
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zakubabbles · 1 year
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A mutated pumpkin.
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greenskellyblob · 1 year
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liaragaming · 3 months
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Isn't it lovely, all alone? Heart made of glass, my mind of stone Tear me to pieces, skin to bone Hello, welcome home
Tried a mood board for lonely Solas lighthouse.
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redhotarsenic · 1 year
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For mossbey :)
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itsscaredycat · 14 days
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the truth is stranger than my own worst dreams
oh the darkness got a hold on me
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oddly-oc · 1 month
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More vamp Cain
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polturn · 3 months
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In the meantime... sketchdump
Izutsumi battling the flies just like me (this summer is super buggy but its okay I love the bugs)
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hinamie · 5 months
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I'll rip in hands and teeth and take a bite
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secretly-a-trekkie · 1 month
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they deserved a beach episode
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kendyroy · 15 days
I love how we can pretty much call this Logan “Wade’s Logan”
That’s HIS man. No one else’s. That’s his little honey badger. That’s his big boy. That’s his peanut. That’s his Wolverine.
He actually adopted this guy into his family and now he’s gonna be his for the rest of their never-ending lives.
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lotus-pear · 4 months
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insufferable boyfriends for pride month yw
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the-phantom-peach · 7 months
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skyward sword… yeah <3
Crimson Loftwing
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